THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH ji 1JfVIr Yo V i P r jjnrVP VJJIJI711vn r r- j HUrt i w I t = + She CBCBTZ CUT Editor omcBt roBTEB BLOCK YM Ebuur paMtahrrf cirry atoning to any rt l DM failed utc poUjtr- feaycMr avs ateetb uj arcs rj mlt fv tmk trietly in- o ten fai tecal so ccu UM- tatarttta sail j crate letMtch irtklitkiaal- o 4 CMtala 8 ef tfec least SJtate 4 gcacnl aad will kt frt to My rut Called 40 AftrtWne MH diet fnt- Vartie et to u THE DAILY KCV- Tfc rote Mil h HUH in taaatat a Mfehljr hatettaai item tke- Mtftriea ef the eaeamittioa are very ta gttt11- r Oae G TrA- teaa1 Carter U1or and w W ASHLEY Uwr PEWIT9b SUM Rooter J L see aver a- r dtUeted euritr 1M T 1 I ae n 1 II 7 wllk tort may tot tukerrrFae bow nit ODe r sttit Peso at j j tt N FcC ARY pbater- t Auoeate V t Cerorxe mow Win weft Ttttaestotrt- a a v h7 ta city sass ale 4 tadoaaar F 1 e cotta a- dRw gS111ledipta7 adrptWhjaade kow- uae Tsrtw ha V a ltiakt Pee 1 Deter DDiWed Itaday- A ftttaeMy the sews walk fate gtlpIr Caals taao a ye ta adnscs tl t due wpsras e dra h at nine I 6Itafell regeitl S Dy tor adtftl a to4a- ssn Nsses atMviiilr Tid I enMlathsl < < > + = = 3 BtvpMft Mergta to I Rose and ten ton meivei fcj tbe Pope Per taaaaaaaetalef has beta received wad redheaded W the Seaate thus tj State spokes wfce iaeka M be Tie Here IB IB Pbilippiaes the JUserfaaae Cbiaa aad Africans ta ffteftltU 0 keep things quite Mtclf far the gaardtias of the people TIM ladles tear IB mind tbu heir hai BBS shiae thin year if they VMM be to tke latest fMbioa It your fcftlr ta dill it irill eon sere to sake it Mat It matt tUaff that tJeat biker the peo- ffe at FlMiteIB March tae tall ea4 winter Mmlag aleag Bad dreafiagt- fc dews t abeat li er sjeajfaea abeve the MK A Bl Mr BtiMtoMry Btiauttt that It tlM fcawhM vevhi BM sore peal BJUfi- btarlwl BMttftr they world be- J f tally Mryriaei at the rttalt- Tfce JaftMte WBBIBB to very prosd of well SIte eeaiMera it gaits a- Jtoffim te be ill She aerftrtelto her e eeaeeato them a aaueh a- B ilble a retelt to uaoally hilt 8M IlK N mae II HI A well eta 1y lae any a Vttd trite kh Ike loin a atw tale i the y p t for its c Ole e sire wk- t s tad sad bath Ili sod a eke Tke q Mttea aa to wbetbortOO Morns ate werth 17 or IB Amerieaaa U now belrg 4feeaMe4 The Filipino if they an civilized ia a maaaer will Rarely be a wall but wJeet crowd if the ratio of eaaaaltiea eoatiaoea at tbat rate Laaar will take the tiaae te leek ap kto ewe attain while BaaeaBBaayiBc the Rivera mad Harbors CeaiatitMe to West Florida He hu ia his hone and they will be ef bias than ever to ia seek eeBipaay Tile reaaea you dont hear coach free Witte sow that he hu got to work and it trying to see if be eaat do eotaethiaR to help the Jews He opposed by a clans who to make the Emperor be- Have the country it not for self foveraBeat j The idea advanced by Senator For aker is hit amesdment to the joint Statehood bill providing for obmi akin of the question to a popular vote it all right It it no more than right this the people of Arizona and New Mexico should have the opportunity to accept or reject the joint Statehood proposition The paper trust been baring troubles of its own The Wi con in broach bat been denied the right of appeal under the Sherman antitrust law by the United Supreme Court The tra t controls a large portion of the business of mak- ing print paper the prices hue seat ikjwaid throogn its control f C INtClraa Rae Inn I an trI hat Wile Dlln seek render see- Ms dew is ripe States and bee teal s ¬ + THE CHAUTAUQUA Teat th can it j I r Stroue hat born held in high ettrem by and hi work ha commended by nearly very anon in the city Throe who have had the means to do have con- tributed qaite IIbnly although there may be vote wto eonld done more But u a whose they hut done well aad BO one has anything bat praiae for the eons of Dr Stroute It it a lend matter how much benefit the Chautauqua has been to Gaiaeaviile but the truth is that many eeme here this to ahead Bible Coafereaee sad the Cha taoqua sad there has been an array of emiatat weaiea among tbe speaker aad aiagera who have taken an ia tbv eierciaea of both At the meetiac oa Wedaeaday night Dr Davidsea made a statement in re- gard te the disappoiatmeata the man agameat had met with ia securing of speakers fed it is doabtfal they eeald kale enjoyed any aaire anolerome leetares thaa they re aeired Toe zpet a of getting speak era trey the North wag great but the people know that any disarointmeota were sot the fault of the liberal man- agement I Whatever may be said by any in re- gard te the Chaataoqoa of ltd we bell it has been generally tatitfae key to all and The San is more rhea Misled at the success of the third Cbaatauqoa in this city trsne 1 ru- t j nyay by lIt sad oautsaj1a I j I toWn I r f triple i v C arenQe 1- qtr s he no nor ell hate today here winter the aea tad ease ate waetl > ¬ ¬ ¬ + + IMPORTANCE OF LABOR Oac in awhile the vital importance1 of labor to the world is brought to public attention in a striking manner rays The Wall Street Joaraal Ordi- narily there a surplus of labor in the market and it seems about the cheap- en aad mott inconsequential thing in tri world And yet anyone who top to think a moment most realise the truth that labor is the most important thing Just now there some events which bring out very clearly the value of labor When a strike in the coal fields ie talked about people begin to realize a they never did before th elote connection there is between la- bor ia the mines and their owe com- fort sad their own prosperity Thouiaads sites away in south Afriaa there are gold miaei and much ef the prosperity which this country is eajoyisg today is die to the output of gold front these mine That output depeads neon securing sufflcient labor at of wages aa will make mining profitable If the importation of Chi aete eooli labor is prohibited and the owners are obliged to engage na- tive labor at higher wages the quet tins arises whether gold could be mined ia many places at a prof Thus in no small measure the entire struc- ture of business activity the world over depends apon this question of la bor la the gold mines I I rat are I via ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ While the improvements about the city are being made it wouM teem to be a good ides to have tome of the fences put in their proper places and have the streets made the proper width In some streets the fences tour or tire feet farther Into the ttret than the lot adjoining and it would that this should be rem- edied A grade should also be estab- lished for sidewalks so they would pretest a better appearance Perma- nent improvements should be properly made The Congressional Rivers and Har- bors Committee on its recent visit to Pensacola was highly pled with the j Deep Water City and war alto charmed with the tchooners that pasted over the b r Jacksonville hat roll her bonds for MOOOCO and th money in her vest pocket all ready to blow I Hows This Hjr lrrd Iollars for any of catarrh that can- not by iisllV Catarrh Curf I F J CHIK ToJedu 0 We the undersigned have kn wn F J Chmy for the 15 arid believe him perfectly honorable in ail bu in traninctions tlnaneiaily able to carry out any obligation made by hi firm i V Livo K NA MAKVX Whol ae DruKkitr Tolled O Mali Catarrh Cure taken nter actirg directly upon b Kxl and muc u surface rf the yitteni Testimonial ent free Prie 75 ent oitl ty a driecttt Take Ha Fatzu y Pi fur patina I hat I I offer i b cured last end u nail th ptr bon I I l j ext- end seem tite One Re- ward cash r i year ss f cubit ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > > + + + RAILROAD RATES merchants Mr vill wt fofttJrl 1- nir H r 1 w inter in orange growing t e- fr n He t t urougnly p ttl on Ktlro J Cooimuiion ao1 itt woe and jt he not loot jp n body at an Jnnece ary nil but that the comm tion m juttijetoerery part of the should their rate on long and short It would then be tnjo ibl for the toast cities to have the advantage that the basins point principle gives them For in stance why hould a merchant in Tal laha s e reciting a car of grain from Caicago be made to pay a rate to Jacksonville on said freight and then pay a local rate bank from Jacktoa ville to when the car can be brought via Montgomery and Bain- bridge saving A mileage- oa same In other words why not put freight rates on the tame basis at pat travel per mile Ocala Star March lath The Emperor of Germany told troops to put their trust IB Provi- dence jet he keeps on ordering heavy artillvry I H4 alt kladi ef r 4l sate b fall 4 B nrjf l bus I loud ht thin VM tall of ptmpl y all left I MB to nr frltDlt I f l aa I nt a tea ornla C M Urn at Now ra 2f i n Do Good X T r Slrkcn r r irtr 1 He S f- ml4 la bulk T 4 turn bll uisp l C CC 6 Ai ai l MI cut r j t u ty- UttiaC RcaMdy Co Chicago or NY j S TEN MUNI MXES HINTING RACTICALLY- REPAREO aad- RUPERLV ROBKES- RUSPERITV VIH REPARE ROUKE RESEAT IT T r I I l rrnf ctni I a urn II lilt II teat hail considerable Dler hi PIMPLES ban I and II U taking a ar III and Hop to baTe taance to PInt Tail Grand Wan ESE TE I II I WE NEL P a j Ml i aq n- eon V C flp r fit tr ant s reed the does Mate base Tallahassee bind lade the rag at lug lark ut of them tae ant a Temnts aria Out Fur The Oowli- Gtlrir taefatfle g ova Lam J NN CIr < > > ¬ < < + + + + THE SUN Gainisvillg Fli new laxative Doss not gripe or nau eat stomach and liver troubles and chronic core tipation by restoring natural action of the stom- ach liver and bowels Fer Sale by J W Xctttllam is MEN AND WOMEN P g U I r onn lnr J- CllC Uri9 tf in in o fbr n ft r I o t Mtrln- rnt r oat hf ftrr M jr r 1 foe tl r tt li T- JClrcuur ut wo i4u cf- ROCURCO AND SCrCNCCD ALL COON T 1 tl WASHINGTON 0 I DRIND i Laxative Foil take The I I the I fee I A- I t If I t t 1 d I ltlsssnt tN s t Rase 4 IwtuP r I 4 tvtU t It ul erntloot- N1 rUktr irawY l a tttfruttlilaeatto t Geld L wegest- HtLi Or Net In pieta Wflfrf moo e w w I i- n 4 Z3 r r t- y R + BALLARDS- rlOREHOUND SYR CURES DO NOT DELAY Vail the eVakt ea ia erocaeea permanent tXaabittj wonderful was ef tUfwAt trtnammaUen- WHOOv M 5 COUGH Prampt Actiea SNOW UNHKNT appliatl ta the throat w raCef waila EST POll CHILDREN writes BallardB SAn AKB sun Thret 25c Sic U- Bdhri SMW Ctv St U is M OLD AND RECOMMENDED BV JOHNSON C3a acLeerrr I lle- If You Are Insured lu a Company that K i nibi e Have a Policy Correctly Writtru With jf i hey Contract and the Cuai aay Ii Jtt Promptly You Are Assured f That no serious can overcome you without you have some Ik refuge Fire He kiiieot aoii Heai lo None but Reliable Companies Represented A M CUSHMAN Information cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA B1 DTJTTOIT OO I I PERMANENTLY 0 f- AnMrA He fttad an To hay eater A COLD la if it k bowa proper 1 b u fill the cbaractw au eoWu una- f wWda will rTnl k Require n wID ruWIY the c acne IT TNONLY COUGH THAT WILL NVnnLY CUD WHOOfIIIIQ GOUGH AND CROUP u lIEsi uctM tO U- 1M laM VT I Ii 4C I C- Ea 18d BA J EaS d ted aTiw- adlwew da d111iAU1 The basic keathis goal health k mu be kept la good considered ne t e yet ter w ht g aA Ae Iit1 setae 3 tad and K akaII REMEDY Ioriis d sad alt croup aa- 11Fd M7 akll4ZA to ar Is M glwati w cws sal t 4beC teveelal Bsns MMltaraMN1 Lii Next M 5 1 Iibt rat ty Pay e lots 1 0 I c C JJ oi ssw roeLrtab- Aissa iotl ± ± > <> < + + Do a id se DozeGC ne aeeoua of taU cortoraitota fetched oataorabie teraa r tau to lLa U euectova alt eceubc e tcU4 states GA INEsVITaLE FLOEII1A SOUTHERN RY Trala t Jerk cC die Eectae IJl6 cetera sees xt buataeu Duy Pose cc ant Lzetatae Daaken tarwen a etebacu act4 utaen Siecca on pu eta s ate Two Daily Warhiagl and few Notemberx ° No H T o Trau Je JP Ar fiu Lt at ntaS Ar V V Ynr Ar A- A H w- Ar Kit a C t V C X C Ky fat LtJae 1 It oa ItJ Lt fp I 1 1111 lor oIao Lv l I 1tJ it i LVII I 3ta 3 t rl I l t T t i II 3q t t Arrhli1 I 11 1 I r I I I 11 S Y I 1 p 0 H and f rfh t Urul Itntc I r T sal t 0 Zto1 Xr I and Fonda 10 Ua nlta ROtOIro ro to u tH o I w I v I Ir I IS lftn 1 I t to r U I a ti r r r r flIt f A dui ntl ot- l9fa 71 t TLe1r k k1 S tlsa I d ESL d i l tea i tits At t baaute ArUreecbrLv ti SStI la V Ar a ls I JIa- r Ar FCetcocd t t i INos Inv ArtsccnbuIt ir i e 1 t rlj I I p IG a4a V ArtVl totwlt b Sia Si a iI Irkfraltnore Lt tl IA I I 1 I h S1 Fr4 Lt alt 5 Sig- c and feu 1r rridn Irl U 1y feet D et Pori aca JslWa r j lea 5nf- p a i I 41a 1 eel l rylaliYLt l 7roeLaM tee I Jaek ugr f r ar e Lb staacD Ar bet Ar Ci Lr I lrei Lris k Ten a I Ar rvtarGa Lt tai I Ir L i Lt u o F- aad l1Dltf Pi Draw rr t rrtw r0C6Det 1 cep > > = + + + + + North t Ar jvr l a 4V LV nnoinnufliu Kr Ar i Ar ltf Your fcj Lv Unctnnati li I Ar i t fit Art hiMi t Linos Iv i 1 rr t Ai TOI A Mrwi M T r Ar- F r Lv i v- Sil Ar I Wr l M oi- Ar Hot Tan Ar- rs Arij Iv 00 0013 std II 0- 0fi Hft It I lilt lor fitll 11 I 3 t I t t loa oCr U t Ar Come Su Za Oaltor ta u ill I t Ctattabuoa SUI ti t tj l Iv Itl I to I It I 1 t 6 i IlInoQ Sr tJn I Ill 1 II I I H j I I tJa r t lo oII I II- I A C i lInlnotlII R 1 r It t 1 2 t II n fW and f laaII tt to 00 13 11 RefIlL Car 00 11 Tt IaN Oraw JtUlH1l to fltt ant ta Mt9fO rn unel v e I7 o i 7 4 t Lr Jaa tie tu r spa yea li tUoI 1tJe r lq u Ia ir MaconIia a IS Lt tear u c t 50 a if Atanta Lt I p a IltS 3I a HT Lt vaM i Sea Ar It 7 tt t I I V LSa 1r r 1 cal 1r s Spa 1 tie t 7 1141 I ISt Lt Ar a1 ir Panes It 11 i I In i CHsU I P1Ml L A1 tncltUltt I I lea Ir t teiat t ill 1t1 fl frttaaunlT h1 tl IL Su IiT ta 1f AnnHn f 1r Mrs Ir ja Lt I A4 Ir TatrJ Piam It Lt I 1 CG and t 1 rUr e ttuanh Dar Crrke Ja1l ocihe i1ianatL I Jos kwwarrt M aad Kidieat Ctt Ai arts iec tf5 Jw Ctc4ftaen tialaG e P per Atata stn > > > < = + = + ± + + + T VYLOE U A BIUOIC5 A U 1 p I Wt U 10 ii I v T i xT lea jt Jaciwar e I1a S a l tItGA t

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-16 [p 4].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01425/00531.pdfgard te the Chaataoqoa of ltd we bell it has been generally tatitfae

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-16 [p 4].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01425/00531.pdfgard te the Chaataoqoa of ltd we bell it has been generally tatitfae


ji 1JfVIr Yo V i P r jjnrVP VJJIJI711vnr


j HUrt









YM Ebuur paMtahrrf cirry atoning

to any rt l DM failed utc poUjtr-feaycMr avs ateetb uj arcs

rj mlt fv tmk trietly in-

o ten fai tecal so ccu UM-

tatarttta sail j crate letMtch irtklitkiaal-

o 4 CMtala 8 ef tfecleast SJtate 4 gcacnl aad will kt

frt to My rut Called

40 AftrtWne MH diet fnt-

Vartie et to uTHE DAILY KCV-

Tfc rote Mil h HUH intaaatat a Mfehljr hatettaai item tke-Mtftriea ef the eaeamittioa are very


gttt11-r Oae G TrA-teaa1 Carter

U1or and



L see

aver a-r dtUeted euritr 1M

T 1 I aen




wllk tortmay



nit ODe


sttit Peso atjj tt N FcC ARY pbater-t


V t Cerorxe

mow Win weft Ttttaestotrt-a

a v h7 ta citysass



1 e cotta a-

dRwgS111ledipta7 adrptWhjaade kow-

uae Tsrtw ha V a ltiakt Pee1 Deter DDiWed Itaday-

A ftttaeMy the sewswalk

fategtlpIr Caals taao a ye ta adnscs

tl t duewpsras e dra hat nineI 6Itafell

regeitl S Dy tor adtftl a to4a-ssn Nsses

atMviiilr Tid








3 BtvpMft Mergta to I Rose andten ton meivei fcj tbe Pope Pertaaaaaaaetalef has beta received

wad redheadedW the Seaate thustj State spokeswfce iaeka M be

Tie Here IB IB Pbilippiaes theJUserfaaae Cbiaa aad Africansta ffteftltU 0 keep things quiteMtclf far the gaardtias of the people

TIM ladles tear IB mind tbuheir hai BBS shiae thin year if they

VMM be to tke latest fMbioa It yourfcftlr ta dill it irill eon sere to sake itMat It matt

tUaff that tJeat biker the peo-ffe at FlMiteIB March tae tall ea4

winter Mmlag aleag Bad dreafiagt-fc dews t abeat li ersjeajfaea abeve the MK

A Bl Mr BtiMtoMry Btiauttt thatIt tlM fcawhM vevhi BM sore

peal BJUfi-btarlwl BMttftr they world be-

J ftally Mryriaei at the rttalt-

Tfce JaftMte WBBIBB to very prosd ofwell SIte eeaiMera it gaits a-

Jtoffim te be ill She aerftrtelto here eeaeeato them a aaueh a-

B ilble a retelt to uaoally





maeII HI



lae any aVttd trite

kh Ike loin aatw talei




for itsc




s tadsad


Ili sod aeke

Tke q Mttea aa to wbetbortOO Mornsate werth 17 or IB Amerieaaa U nowbelrg 4feeaMe4 The Filipino if theyan civilized ia a maaaer willRarely be a wall but wJeet crowd ifthe ratio of eaaaaltiea eoatiaoea attbat rate

Laaar will take thetiaae te leek ap kto ewe attain whileBaaeaBBaayiBc the Rivera mad HarborsCeaiatitMe to West Florida He hu

ia his hone and theywill be ef bias than ever to

ia seek eeBipaay

Tile reaaea you dont hear coachfree Witte sow that he hu got

to work and it trying to see ifbe eaat do eotaethiaR to help theJews He opposed by a clans who

to make the Emperor be-Have the country it not for selffoveraBeat j

The idea advanced by Senator Foraker is hit amesdment to the jointStatehood bill providing for obmiakin of the question to a popular voteit all right It it no more than rightthis the people of Arizona and NewMexico should have the opportunity toaccept or reject the joint Statehoodproposition

The paper trust been baringtroubles of its own The Wi con inbroach bat been denied the right ofappeal under the Sherman antitrustlaw by the United SupremeCourt The tra t controls alarge portion of the business of mak-ing print paper the prices hue

seat ikjwaid throogn its control


C INtClraa

Rae Inn


an trI


Wile Dlln


render see-Ms






teal s




Teat th

can it j I r Stroue hat bornheld in high ettrem by and hiwork ha commended by nearlyvery anon in the city Throe whohave had the means to do have con-

tributed qaite IIbnly although theremay be vote wto eonld donemore But u a whose they hutdone well aad BO one has anythingbat praiae for the eons of Dr Stroute

It it a lend matter how muchbenefit the Chautauqua has been toGaiaeaviile but the truth is that many

eeme here this to aheadBible Coafereaee sad the Cha

taoqua sad there has been an array ofemiatat weaiea among tbespeaker aad aiagera who have takenan ia tbv eierciaea of bothAt the meetiac oa Wedaeaday night

Dr Davidsea made a statement in re-gard te the disappoiatmeata the managameat had met with ia securing

of speakers fed it is doabtfalthey eeald kale enjoyed any

aaire anolerome leetares thaa they reaeired Toe zpet a of getting speakera trey the North wag great but thepeople know that any disarointmeotawere sot the fault of the liberal man-agement I

Whatever may be said by any in re-

gard te the Chaataoqoa of ltd webell it has been generally tatitfaekey to all and The San is more rheaMisled at the success of the thirdCbaatauqoa in this city

trsne 1 ru-t j nyay by lIt

sad oautsaj1aI






triple i v

C arenQe 1-

qtr s he no nor




here winterthe

aea tad

ease atewaetl








Oac in awhile the vital importance1of labor to the world is brought topublic attention in a striking mannerrays The Wall Street Joaraal Ordi-narily there a surplus of labor in themarket and it seems about the cheap-en aad mott inconsequential thing intri world And yet anyone who topto think a moment most realise thetruth that labor is the most importantthing

Just now there some eventswhich bring out very clearly the valueof labor When a strike in the coalfields ie talked about people begin torealize a they never did before thelote connection there is between la-

bor ia the mines and their owe com-fort sad their own prosperity

Thouiaads sites away in southAfriaa there are gold miaei and muchef the prosperity which this country iseajoyisg today is die to the output ofgold front these mine That outputdepeads neon securing sufflcient laborat of wages aa will make miningprofitable If the importation of Chiaete eooli labor is prohibited and the

owners are obliged to engage na-tive labor at higher wages the quettins arises whether gold could bemined ia many places at a prof Thusin no small measure the entire struc-ture of business activity the worldover depends apon this question of labor la the gold mines












While the improvements about thecity are being made it wouM teem tobe a good ides to have tome of thefences put in their proper places andhave the streets made the properwidth In some streets the fences

tour or tire feet farther Into thettret than the lot adjoining and itwould that this should be rem-edied A grade should also be estab-lished for sidewalks so they wouldpretest a better appearance Perma-nent improvements should be properlymade

The Congressional Rivers and Har-bors Committee on its recent visit toPensacola was highly pled with the

j Deep Water City and war altocharmed with the tchooners thatpasted over the b r

Jacksonville hat roll her bonds forMOOOCO and th money in her vestpocket all ready to blow

I Hows ThisHjr lrrd Iollars

for any of catarrh that can-

not by iisllV Catarrh CurfI F J CHIK ToJedu 0

We the undersigned have kn wnF J Chmy for the 15 aridbelieve him perfectly honorable in ailbu in traninctions tlnaneiailyable to carry out any obligation madeby hi firm

i V Livo K NA MAKVXWhol ae DruKkitr Tolled O

Mali Catarrh Cure taken nteractirg directly upon b Kxl

and muc u surface rf the yitteniTestimonial ent free Prie 75 ent

oitl ty a driectttTake Ha Fatzu y Pi fur






b cured



unail th

ptr bon IIl




tite One Re-

ward cash

r i



f cubit









+ +



merchants Mr vill wt fofttJrl 1-

nir H r 1 w interin orange growing t e-

fr n He t t urougnly p ttl onKtlro J Cooimuiion ao1 itt woe

and jt he not loot jp nbody at an Jnnece ary nil but thatthe comm tion m juttijetoerery partof the should their rate onlong and short It would thenbe tnjo ibl for the toast cities tohave the advantage that the basinspoint principle gives them For instance why hould a merchant in Tallaha s e reciting a car of grain fromCaicago be made to pay a rate toJacksonville on said freight and thenpay a local rate bank from Jacktoaville to when the car canbe brought via Montgomery and Bain-bridge saving A mileage-oa same In other words why not putfreight rates on the tame basis at pat

travel per mile Ocala StarMarch lath

The Emperor of Germany toldtroops to put their trust IB Provi-dence jet he keeps on ordering heavyartillvry

I H4 alt kladi ef r 4l sate b fall 4B nrjf l bus I loud ht thinVM tall of ptmpl

y all left I MB

to nr frltDlt I f l aa I nt a teaornlaC M Urn at Now ra 2f i

n Do GoodX T r Slrkcn r r irtr 1 He S f-ml4 la bulk T 4 turn bll uisp l C CC6 Ai ai l MI cut r j t u ty-

UttiaC RcaMdy Co Chicago or NY j S











T r I I

l rrnf ctni I

a urn II

lilt II







II U taking a arIII and

Hop to baTe taance to

PInt Tail GrandWan






P aj

Ml i aq n-

eon V C flp r

fit trant s



Mate base


bindlade the ragat lug lark

ut of themtae anta Temnts


Out FurThe Oowli-

Gtlrir taefatfle















THE SUN Gainisvillg Fli

new laxative Dossnot gripe or nau eat

stomach and livertroubles and chronic coretipation by restoringnatural action ofthe stom-ach liver and bowels

Fer Sale by J W Xctttllam is

MEN AND WOMENP g U I r onn lnr J-

CllC Uri9

tf in in o fbr n

ft r I o t Mtrln-rnt r oat

hf ftrr M jr r 1 foetl r tt li T-JClrcuur ut wo i4u cf-



T 1 tl



Laxative Foiltake






I t IfI t t


ltlsssnt tN

s t

Rase4 IwtuP r

I4tvtU t It ul erntloot-

N1 rUktrirawY l

a tttfruttlilaeatto tGeld L wegest-

HtLi Or Net In pieta Wflfrfmoo

e w


I i-


Z3 rr t-

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DO NOT DELAYVail the eVakt ea

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