Creativity Digital Technologies Research & Planning Used Codes & Conventions Post Production- AS Production - Opening 2mins of a Psychological Thriller. Youtube- Observed 6 trailers and 3 openings of psychological thrillers to see its codes and conventions. At the beginning of the films all movies use some type of music, which either puts audience in a relax mood or excited mood. 5/ 6= films Majority of films use adults as protagonists e.g. a beautiful mind, only 1/6 use young characters as protagonists,”the sixth sense”. Some of films show relationship between families. Used sinister music at the beginning of movie, to create sinister effect. Developed this convention, we used a young character as a protagonist but an adult is the antagonist. Used this convention, by using a weak relationship between the protagonist and her mum. Edited using Imovie, to add the non- diegetic sinister music. A2 Music Video Indie Music Genre. Youtube- Watched 4 different indie genre music videos, from which I learned the code and conventions our music video needed. Photoshop- We used photoshop to edit the backgrounds of our digipak photos and to Powerpoint Blogger- to display 2/4, of music videos contain a narrative relating to the relationship between a boy and a girl. 3/4Music videos hold a band scene or instruments. 3/4Costume's the band wears in nearly all videos are plain, casual, but in one video the costume's Used this convention, we portrait a relationship between a boy and a girl. Used this convention by using band scene during chorus, and using close up shots on instruments. We used this convention as all Added the song after filming, by using Final Cut Pro. Used effects on final cut pro on different parts of the song, such as during the close up on instruments.

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Creativity Digital Technologies Research & Planning Used Codes & Conventions

Post Production-

AS Production - Opening 2mins of a Psychological Thriller.

Youtube- Observed 6 trailers and 3 openings of psychological thrillers to see its codes and conventions.

At the beginning of the films all movies use some type of music, which either puts audience in a relax mood or excited mood.5/ 6= films Majority of films use adults as protagonists e.g. a beautiful mind, only 1/6 use young characters as protagonists,”the sixth sense”.Some of films show relationship between families.

Used sinister music at the beginning of movie, to create sinister effect.

Developed this convention, we used a young character as a protagonist but an adult is the antagonist.Used this convention, by using a weak relationshipbetween the protagonist and her mum.

Edited using Imovie, to add the non-diegetic sinister music.

A2 Music VideoIndie Music Genre.

Youtube- Watched 4 different indie genre music videos, from which I learned the code and conventions our music video needed.Photoshop- We used photoshop to edit the backgrounds of our digipak photos and to

PowerpointBlogger- to display all the information and research we collected through our production.

2/4, of music videos contain a narrative relating to the relationship between a boy and a girl.3/4Music videos hold a band scene or instruments.

3/4Costume's the band wears in nearly all videos are plain, casual, but in one video the costume's quirky, as they're wearing old fashioned clothes.

3/4The locations are majority of the time urban and the band scene location is often different from the narrative. A few have indoor band performance.

Used this convention, we portrait a relationship between a boy and a girl.

Used this convention by using band scene during chorus, and using close up shots on instruments.

We used this convention as all band members are wearing casual clothes. But also developed it as one band member's wearing a pink wig, which adds to indie bands having their own style, and makes it more quirky.

Added the song after filming, by using Final Cut Pro. Used effects on final cut pro on different parts of the song, such as during the close up on instruments.

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Creativity Digital Technologies Research & Planning Used Codes & Conventions

Post Production

A2 DigipakPhotoshop- used to edit the background of our digipak photographs. We changed the simple white background into more brighter, colourful ones. Adding to our genre style.

Used Photoshop to cut out backgrounds from individual photos of band members. And added colourful and brighter background.

Used Photoshop to make changes on Front Cover.

A2 Music AdvertPhotoshop used to edit the Poster, by adding a black box to put all the information on it. Also selected the font of Poster from Photoshop

¾ posters use large, prominent font.¾ posters have photo of singer or band members on the front.

Used BeFunky, to add background colour “Blue effect”. Used Photoshop font tool to add the font on our poster.

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• What was the ambitions of your production in regards to

• Using, developing or challenging used codes and conventions

• Reaching, engaging and appealing to a specific target audience in terms of age, gender, social class, musical taste , audience expectations etc

Attention to specific use of combined film techniques like sound, editing, camera, mise en scene and sfx (you can find a breakdown of these techniques on fronter )

• Narrative development and the representation(s) of your onscreen social group.

• Mimicking or developing techniques and approach adopted by known media producers i.e. directors etc.

• The mood and/or aesthetic feel of the production

• How you visualise your production looking.

• How it would be an effective marketing/ promotional tool.

Found Used and Conventions

Used film techniques Narrative development Marketing strategies Page design and lay out Mode of address

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Digital Technologies

See embedded powerpoint presentation on blog page

Research & Planning

• How specific you used DT to aid you in the organization of your productions research & planning

• How producing and sharing paper based AS preliminary findings, planning and finished productions, compare with A2 blogging.

• How you utilized DT to gain audience feedback and how did it compare to your paper based audience feedback obtained last year.

• How you may have used everyday DT to help you with your creative knowledge and understanding at A2 and AS.

• How access to DT helped me gain both quantitative and qualitative research findings.

Post Production

See embedded ppt on G325 blog