Restoring American Competitiveness Gourville, John T.. Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106 Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers G20 경제아카데미 2기 2011년 3월3일

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Restoring American Competitiveness

Gourville, John T.. Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers

G20 경제아카데미 2기2011년 3월3일

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온전한 이해를 위해 원문을 읽어보시기를 권합니다.http://tinyurl.com/2fvszh2 또는 구글학술 검색

또한 최인철교수의“프레임”도 같이 병행하시면 좋습니다. 특히 제 6장: 변화프레임(경제적 선택을 좌우하는 힘)은 직접적으로 관련있는 내용입니다.

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現 ㈜휴넷 이사(2000년~)

- 사회행복실 실장겸직(사회공헌 담당)(2011년~)

- 교수위원 및 성공스쿨 마스터 코치(2010년~)

- 휴넷 기업교육사업총괄(2003년~2009년)

- 휴넷 마케팅팀장(2000년~2003년)

前 아시아나항공(1996년~2000년)

- 교육팀/김포국제공항 총괄팀

- 금호그룹 북한 Project 아시아나항공 대표

발레공연:이대 조기숙교수[백조의 호수] 발레 (2009)

문화예술평론가, 무용평론으로 2010년 등단


경영학 박사 과정 중 (as of 2010 )

헬싱키경제경영 대학원 (MBA, 디자인 경영 전공)

서울대 사범대학 독일어 교육학과

정 창 권


[email protected]

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

Updated, 2010/09

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John Gourville is the Albert J. Weatherhead, Jr. Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. He joined the HBS Marketing Unit in 1995 after receiving his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago in marketing and behavioral research•John's research focuses on consumer decision making, especially in the areas of pricing and the adoption of innovations.•Contact: (617) 495-6133 [email protected]

Source: Harvard Business School, http://bit.ly/agcdYd

He is the coauthor, with Dilip Soman, of “pricing and the Psychology of consumption” (HBR Sep. 2002)

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

The Curse of Innovation

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Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

혁신적인 신상품의 운명

- Online grocery business, more than $1 billion investment-9Jul 2001, $830 million lost,,,, bankruptcy -In June 2008, CNET hailed Webvan as one of the greatest dotcom disasters in history. http://bit.ly/2Gqzdp

-Segway, 1999년 발명,-출시 후 엄청난 호평에도 불구하고 18개월 동안 6,000대 판매(예상판매 대수는 50,000대~100,000대) -2010년 9월 29일 조선일보 기사 http://bit.ly/bIdSqn

-TiVo’s digital video recorder(DVR), 1999년 출시- 전문가들의 호평에도 불구하고 2005년 $600 million 영업손실- 위키피디아 http://bit.ly/3yO5FU

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신상품/사업에 대한 일반적 운명

미국 packaged goods

-신상품 매년 30,000개

-1년 안에 70~90% 사라짐

새로 부상한 혁신적 선발주자

-47%가 실패

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

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신상품/사업에 대한 일반적 운명

기업은 비이성적으로 그들의 혁신을 과대평가하고

소비자들은 비이성적으로 현재의 상품을 과대평가한다.

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

Executives, who irrationally overvalue their innovations, must predict the buying behavior of consumers, who irrationally overvalue existing alternatives.

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이익과 손실의 심리학

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

Relative Advantage- Everett Rogers, 1962

-Objectively superior to incumbent products

-Sufficient incentive to purchase them

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이익과 손실의 심리학

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

Amos Tversky Daniel Kahneman

Nobel Prize in economics, 2002

lGains & Losses

lStatus quo bias

lThe endowment effect

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Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

lGain & Losses

Loss Aversion-loss impact > gain impact

이익과 손실의 심리학

-카네만교수의 연구에 의하면

손실의 영향력 = 이득의 영향력 X 2.5

- [프레임] p167, 최인철(2007)

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이익과 손실의 심리학

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

lThe endowment effect (소유효과)

lStatus quo bias (현상유지에 대한 집착)

-일단 무엇이든 내 소유가 되고 나면 그 물건은 나에겐 현재 상태가 되기 때문에 그것의 심리적 가치는 상승한다.

-우리가 무언가를 유지하고자 할 때 그 결정은 객관적으로최선의 것이어서가 아니라 단순히 ‘현재 상태’였기 때문이다.

- [프레임] p174, 최인철(2007)

- [프레임] p177, 최인철(2007)

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이익과 손실의 심리학

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

Innovations Trade-offs

Innovation Gains Losses

Electrics cars Clean environment Easy refueling

Digital video recorders Easy recording Ability to play rented movies

DVD rentals by mail Broad selection Spontaneity

E-books Easy portability Durability

Online grocery shopping Home delivery Ability to select freshest product

Satellite radio Broad selection Free music

Segway scooter Mobility Health benefits of walking

Wind turbines Nonpollutingenergy

Unobstructed views

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Building a Behavioral Framework

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106






-skeptical about a new,

product’s performance

-unable to see the need for it,

-satisfied with the existing

product, and

-quick to see what they

already own as the status quo.

-Convinced the innovation


-Likely to see a need for the


-dissatisfied with the existing

product, and

-Set on viewing the

innovation as the benchmark.

3 X 3



Consumers overweight the

incumbent product’s benefits

by a factor of three

Companies overweight the

new product’s benefits by a

factor of three

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Balancing Product and Behavior Change

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106









Degree of product change involved

Degree ofbehavior changerequired

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실행전략1: Accepting Resistance

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

Be patient.

Strive for 10x improvement.

Eliminate the old.


80m. as of 2005 4m. as of 2005


angioplasties Bypass surgery



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실행전략2: Minimizing Resistance

Gourville, John T.. Eager Sellers & Stony Buyers Harvard Business Review, Jun2006, Vol. 84 Issue 6, p98-106

Make behaviorally compatible products.

Seek out the unendowed.

Internal –combustion of Prius

Find believers.

Reykjavik, Iceland