1 Global design effort DOE meeting 8/10/06 Global design effort America s FY07 DOE ILC Budget recommendations G. Dugan ILC-GDE/Cornell University GDE Americas Regional Team Director

FY07 DOE ILC Budget recommendations

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FY07 DOE ILC Budget recommendations. G. Dugan ILC-GDE/Cornell University GDE Americas Regional Team Director. FY07 Budget process. April ‘06: Labs submit FY07 ILC program requests, in the form of work packages (leader and key personnel, scope of work, milestones and deliverables, FTE, M&S) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: FY07 DOE ILC Budget recommendations

1Global design effortDOE meeting8/10/06 Global design effort


FY07 DOE ILC Budget recommendations

G. DuganILC-GDE/Cornell University

GDE Americas Regional Team Director

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2Global design effortDOE meeting8/10/06 Global design effort

AmericasFY07 Budget process

• April ‘06: Labs submit FY07 ILC program requests, in the form of work packages (leader and key personnel, scope of work, milestones and deliverables, FTE, M&S)

• May 3-4, ‘06: Meeting at SLAC to review FY07 requests: ~200 WP’s >$100M.

• May-June ‘06: – Solicit guidance from GDE Global R&D Board on

priorities of the R&D-related work in the FY07 request– Solicit guidance from the GDE RDR Management Board

on priorities of the RDR- and TDR-related work in the FY07 request

– Identify FY07 WP’s which could be candidates for funding from lab infrastructure or generic R&D programs

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3Global design effortDOE meeting8/10/06 Global design effort

AmericasFY07 Budget process

• April-July ‘06: In a parallel process, Ozaki panel of the LCSGA evaluates and prioritizes the regional interest component of the FY07 request. This process concludes at the July GDE meeting in Vancouver.

• July ‘06: On the basis of input from the GDE and the LCSGA, the ART Director reviewed the FY07 request and, for each WP, chose a category:– Support fully in FY07– Defer 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% to FY08 or later– Support 1/2 on ILC FY07 funds, 1/2 on lab infrastructure or on

generic R&D (in FY07, if funding is available)– Support fully on lab infrastructure or on generic R&D (in FY07, if

funding is available)

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4Global design effortDOE meeting8/10/06 Global design effort

Americas$60M Budget


FY07 Direct M&S DOE FY07

Fraction of request Deferred Infra Generic FY07 total ILC FY06 Change

MACHINE AREA Total percent

Program direction and administration 10.51 $780 $3,373 77.0% $1,008 $0 $0 $3,373 $2,892 $481 17%Management 6.70 $218 $1,403 69.6% $614 $0 $0 $1,403 $1,039 $365 35%Global systems 19.21 $1,313 $4,967 42.9% $3,421 $3,168 $20 $8,156 $1,158 $3,809 329%Electron sources 4.11 $28 $793 19.3% $1,318 $0 $1,991 $2,785 $658 $136 21%Positron sources 8.53 $123 $2,067 63.6% $1,185 $0 $0 $2,067 $1,988 $79 4%Damping rings 8.18 $447 $2,337 55.1% $1,902 $0 $0 $2,337 $2,156 $181 8%Ring to Main Linac 1.20 $27 $253 75.0% $84 $0 $0 $253 $214 $39 18%Main Linacs: Optics, beam dynamics, instrumentation 5.80 $73 $1,108 70.6% $460 $0 $0 $1,108 $1,096 $12 1%Main Linacs: RF systems 16.62 $3,797 $7,482 54.9% $5,033 $1,122 $0 $8,604 $4,311 $3,171 74%Main Linacs: Cavities and Cryomodules 41.25 $7,085 $15,267 43.0% $5,929 $11,446 $2,904 $29,617 $7,344 $7,922 108%Beam delivery system 11.48 $488 $2,570 49.3% $1,719 $926 $0 $3,496 $2,883 -$313 -11%Conventional facilities 1.60 $485 $845 100.0% $0 $0 $0 $845 $1,042 -$197 -19%TDR Engineering Support 17.78 $823 $4,028 53.7% $3,475 $0 $0 $4,028 $1,665 $2,363 142%Reserve 0.00 $0 $12,200 $0 $0 $0 $12,200 $1,254 $10,946 873%Regional Interest 5.00 $415 $1,200 16.0% $0 $0 $0 $1,200

157.97 $16,100 $59,894 52.6% $26,146 $16,662 $4,915 $81,471 $29,700 $30,194 102%

Funding by program element

$12M Reserve: $5M for detectors, $6.2M for accelerator (incl. univ. prog.), $1M for detectors or accelerator

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FY07 Direct M&S ILC FY07

Fraction of request Deferred Infra-FY07Generic-FY07FY07 total ILC FY06 Change

Lab/Univ Recommendpercent

SLAC 63.52 $4,992 $17,484 62.6% $7,425 $2,283 $242 $20,010 $12,300 $5,184 42%FNAL 68.15 $9,583 $22,163 39.6% $11,769 $14,290 $2,004 $38,456 $12,487 $9,676 77%ANL 8.86 $541 $2,485 53.7% $2,053 $90 $0 $2,575 $300 $2,185 728%Jlab 1.58 $166 $440 30.6% $100 $0 $900 $1,340 $522 -$82 -16%LANL 0.88 $179 $371 24.6% $1,135 $0 $0 $371 $371LLNL 2.75 $195 $1,215 57.0% $915 $0 $0 $1,215 $1,000 $215 22%LBNL 4.11 $57 $1,238 38.8% $1,934 $0 $20 $1,258 $682 $556 82%BNL 6.88 $375 $1,450 37.7% $650 $0 $1,749 $3,199 $600 $850 142%DOE 0.00 $0 $8,500 $0 $0 $0 $8,500DOE/NSF 0.00 $0 $3,700 $0 $0 $0 $3,700 $1,012 $2,688 266%GDE 0.00 $0 $643 $0 $0 $0 $643 $617 $26 4%ART 1.25 $13 $205 $166 $0 $0 $205 $180 $25 14%

TOTAL 157.97 $16,100 $59,894 52.6% $26,146 $16,662 $4,915 $81,471 $29,700 $30,194 102%

$60M BudgetFunding by lab

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AmericasFNAL Program

•100% funded: •Cavity fabrication, Cryomodule assembly facility, Vertical test stand, BCP+EP+Vertical test at Jlab and Cornell, 3.9 GHz Cryomodule, Conventional facility design, MDB Cryogenics and Horizontal Test Stand, magnet, instrumentation and cryogenics TDR engineering

•75% funded:•Program management, Type IV cryomodule design and parts

•50% funded:•ILCTA RF power systems, ILCTA instrumentation and controls, MBD operations, linac acceleration simulations, EP R&D, BDS collimation system design, cryomodule TDR engineering, cavity fabrication cost reduction study, vibration study

•25% funded:•BCP facility at ANL, magnet prototyping, LLRF controls, control system TDR engineering

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AmericasFNAL Program

•Defer: •DR accelerator physics, Control system design, Instrumentation design, Cavity EM simulation, 3.9 GHz crab cavities, pre-production EP facility, second horizontal test stand

•50% funding from infrastructure:•Test facility control and instrumentation systems,

•Full funding from infrastructure:•Test facility LLRF, NML facility infrastructure, NML cryogenics, NML electron source upgrade, NML and IB1 operations

•50% funding from generic R&D:•EP R&D, cavity cost reduction,

•Full funding from generic R&D:•SCRF materials research

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AmericasSLAC Program

•100% funded: •HA power supply and diagnostic processor development, positron source design, ATF2 optics, magnets and movers, cavity BPMs, associated electronics, and operations, electron cloud studies, linac wakefield calculations, Marx modulator prototype, RF distribution system, conventional facility design, linac beamline design

•75% funded:•Program management, BDS design, SC linac quad and BPM development, DR design, HA kicker, RTML design, global system design, NC positron capture structure, ATF beam dynamics, instrumentation, and multibunch feedback, L-band klystron acquisition, Marx modulator DFM

•50% funded:•Sheet beam klystron, photocathode R&D, BDS vacuum, IR and collimation system TDR engineering, positron source TDR engineering, test facility co-ordination, installation studies, electron source design, ESA/LCLS bunch length monitor, control systems design, FNAL test facility instrumentation, controls and LLRF, DTI modulator

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AmericasSLAC Program

•25% funded: •Coupler improvement effort, laser/gun/injector R&D, HA control system modules, control system design

•50% funding from infrastructure:•Photocathode R&D, FNAL test facility instrumentation, controls and LLRF

•Full funding from infrastructure:•L-band facilities in ESB

•50% funding from generic R&D:•Sheet beam klystron, ESA/LCLS bunch length monitor

•Full funding from generic R&D:•Polarized RF gun

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AmericasANL Program

•100% funded: •EP processing, DR design and optimization, HA power systems

•75% funded:•Program management, positron source design, HA instrumentation

•50% funded:•Control system work, DR beam dynamics

•25% funded:•HA control system

• Defer:•RF phase distribution, time-resolved diagnostics, X-ray alignment, gamma-ray undulator, DR magnet design

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AmericasBNL Program

•75% funded:•FF quad full length coil, BDS conceptual design work,

•50% funded:•Vibration R&D, FF systems TDR engineering, direct wind quench threshold

•Full funding from generic R&D:•Polarized SRF photocathode development, emittance and flat beam simulations, laser development, gun tests

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AmericasJLab Program

•100% funded: •EP+Vertical test at Jlab (also listed as part of Fermilab program), Large/single grain cavity R&D

•50% funded (other half on infrastructure):•Cryomodule value engineering

•Full funding from generic R&D:•Dark current studies, multi-layer films,

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AmericasLBNL Program

•100% funded:•ATF injection/extraction kickers

•75% funded:•Program management, DR collective effects, inj/extraction transient effects,

•50% funded:•DR vacuum and mech. systems TDR design, DR studies at ALS, multi-bunch impedance and feedback systems, ATF beam dynamics studies

•25% funded:•LLRF and RF signal distribution

•Defer:•DR injection/extraction line design, dynamic aperture, low emittance tuning, positron source undulator design, higher-order beam diagnostics and tune monitor, IR magnet design

•Full funding from generic R&D:•Universal accelerator parser

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AmericasLLNL Program

•100% funded:•Marx modulator, nanoBPM system

•75% funded:•Positron source target design

•25% funded:•Coupler development

•Defer:•Laser system development for laser wires, beam dump development

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AmericasLANL Program

•50% funded:•Cavity processing

•Defer:•Optimized converter-modulator

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• $1.2M “pure” regional interest:– Fermilab site civil engineering development (FNAL, SLAC),

site-specific linac and damping ring design (FNAL)• ~$15M “mixed” GDE and regional interest:

- ILC-Americas communications (ART), sheet beam and CPI klystron (SLAC), SCRF power couplers and cavities (FNAL), EP processing and cavity test infrastructure (FNAL, ANL, Jlab, LANL,Cornell), large grain/single crystal R&D (Jlab), Cryomodule fabrication and assembly (FNAL), FF magnet development (BNL)

Regional Interest items

Identified by LCSGA Ozaki panel:

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Americas Infrastructure

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AmericasGeneric R&D

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Americas$45M Budget


FY07 Direct M&S DOE FY07

Fraction of request Deferred Infra Generic FY07 total ILC FY06

MACHINE AREA Total percent

Program direction and administration 7.18 $564 $2,532 57.8% $1,850 $0 $0 $2,532 $2,892 -$361 -12%Management 4.80 $155 $1,009 50.0% $1,009 $0 $0 $1,009 $1,039 -$30 -3%Global systems 9.25 $795 $2,649 22.9% $4,211 $4,696 $20 $7,365 $1,158 $1,491 129%Electron sources 4.11 $28 $793 19.3% $1,318 $0 $1,991 $2,785 $658 $136 21%Positron sources 6.34 $101 $1,521 46.8% $1,731 $0 $0 $1,521 $1,988 -$468 -24%Damping rings 6.94 $420 $1,994 47.0% $2,245 $0 $0 $1,994 $2,156 -$161 -7%Ring to Main Linac 1.20 $27 $253 75.0% $84 $0 $0 $253 $214 $39 18%Main Linacs: Optics, beam dynamics, instrumentation 3.78 $36 $716 45.6% $852 $0 $0 $716 $1,096 -$380 -35%Main Linacs: RF systems 16.42 $3,777 $7,422 54.4% $5,093 $1,122 $0 $8,544 $4,311 $3,111 72%Main Linacs: Cavities and Cryomodules 35.05 $6,283 $13,252 37.3% $7,041 $11,936 $3,316 $28,504 $7,344 $5,908 80%Beam delivery system 10.23 $444 $2,336 44.8% $1,953 $926 $0 $3,261 $2,883 -$547 -19%Conventional facilities 1.60 $485 $845 100.0% $0 $0 $0 $845 $1,042 -$197 -19%TDR Engineering Support 11.03 $596 $2,588 34.5% $4,915 $0 $0 $2,588 $1,665 $923 55%Reserve 0.00 $0 $6,018 $0 $0 $0 $6,018 $1,254 $4,765 380%Regional Interest 4.18 $415 $1,032 13.8% $0 $0 $0 $1,032

122.10 $14,126 $44,959 41.7% $32,302 $18,679 $5,328 $68,966 $29,700 $15,259 51%

$6M Reserve: $5.2 M for accelerator (incl univ. prog), $0.8M for accelerator or detector

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Americas$45M Budget


FY07 Direct M&S ILC FY07

Fraction of request Deferred Infra-FY07Generic-FY07FY07 total ILC FY06 Change

Lab/Univ Recommendpercent

SLAC 55.94 $4,782 $15,842 56.7% $9,067 $2,283 $242 $18,368 $12,300 $3,542 29%FNAL 47.03 $8,174 $17,039 30.4% $14,385 $16,217 $2,416 $35,672 $12,487 $4,552 36%ANL 6.09 $383 $1,731 37.4% $2,717 $179 $0 $1,910 $300 $1,431 477%Jlab 1.39 $148 $390 27.1% $150 $0 $900 $1,290 $522 -$132 -25%LANL 0.88 $179 $371 24.6% $1,135 $0 $0 $371 $371LLNL 2.13 $180 $950 44.6% $1,180 $0 $0 $950 $1,000 -$50 -5%LBNL 2.65 $31 $795 24.9% $2,377 $0 $20 $815 $682 $113 17%BNL 4.75 $238 $975 25.3% $1,125 $0 $1,749 $2,724 $600 $375 63%DOE 0.00 $0 $5,318 $0 $0 $0 $5,318DOE/NSF 0.00 $0 $700 $0 $0 $0 $700 $1,012 -$312 -31%GDE 0.00 $0 $643 $0 $0 $0 $643 $617 $26 4%ART 1.25 $13 $205 $166 $0 $0 $205 $180 $25

TOTAL 122.10 $14,126 $44,959 41.7% $32,302 $18,679 $5,328 $68,966 $29,700 $15,259 51%

Funding by lab