VOL XVII DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15,1867. NO 7 TMBIM0NBMA mum mwwBT unvn n nuDnirPiiitucGHiur OlM u lUckml Itml ant dmtoOt TKBMS <>• BUDSCBII'TIOW INVAKIA BLI IN A DVAK DI, ..41.00 1.00 60 AaVsWTMsBS Ulll. era™. jl 3 " 4 " r,' " I '•• I " 1 » nrws. jl » » 1 C " 1 OOLOMM. 1 " lws. * 75 1 111 1 75 9 115 I If .1 a 4 a /I £1 1(1 (K 2 HUB. s;i so c <>; ft i»i B Ml 1U (HI 11 50 la no IBM 3100 M U u a n m a E ADDED Vel 9 W.H. a 1 '-»G '2 « 27fl an . 25 6 25 «s» 8 W] 17 0(1 1 m MHO G CO 0 (Ml ii in is mi 1(1 35 00 ar» DO taoo uwaa. *i m ;i u i u 5 « 7 « I « 111 SB 11 «l 0»oe. COO 10 OU 11 00 1(00 31 U> Hi SO lil 50 37 60 1 no 11 n :i a 4 a s « ea 8 61 10 Ot 19U MOO In 110 00 17 00 22 00 97 IH 35 00 moo (lu OO|I8O 00 1 XXTBSB. fcOOAl. KO- nuM 15 DKH1W FKI1 LIRE. Q.EO. O. CUMMINS, V. D.. OBKEIUl. riAOTITIOlin, •.TO SrHOIALUT IH TBl TBBATMEIIT ».. • or uuiuiiL DieuBia. OFHOE AT TSB FAHI HOTCL, DOW, >. *, Extending their Business! THE DOVER LUMBER CO. ST. tT. kMeagoged in the coal basinet t, and will keep the beat grades of COAL of all kinds. Theywlll also keep Fire, Common and Front Brick, Lime, Planter, Shore Hart. Cement. Muoai' iaUrlalt. Fertilizers, Ao. Lin CANT BE PEAT! THE FAMOUS ROYAL ST. JOHN SEWING MACHINE. Tito July imic.iiiic iii li.fi woriil Hinl .'.m, •rmi'diJ.'vv.tM. or'l.Ij'tv.ml. '1'litn liiiti'ltiii' i* ulron« uml ilunilili-, ni.l It no hiioivlt Ij-i-cl In liu am) of Urn t,t>«, in the C. S. JENSEN. Agent, ('AItJ»Kr WKAVl.Vn, HYKIXd ANI1 I'l.K*ilM! Ill,,),-iMllMd,,.. Mill- llnr ;,i',l<-i' fill I'imvi,,,.,, ymi it,,,! my wink DON'T USE BIG WORDS. M Onrmir of Illaekwell ud (MamMe, DOVER, N. J. I. B.JOLLEV, Proprietor, •one. andOarrlefe. to Let. M-Aiuni PITCH, l)O0!IBEU)B-AT-UW, •Una ivounv Am HWAIV ffnun, moil B U Btnujmo, Doraii, ». i. r O. BIBRW1RTH, E. If. DOVER, N. J. AHAIiTOES Or OHES iSD UWIHAU, noBrare or mms. A list of charges filraiMBed anaplillit.tliio. Worh am* Nepal i. 0. KAHINS WARREN STREET, 1,11111 DO I: C. SJI1TII, (t.*rr. or xtwnmim itimnn,) COUMHBLLOK AT-IiAW, , llimAPWAY, NawVork. Iteflitlenot, Dover, N. J. BROEN&BUNNELL,||yU|)||M LOTS FOR SALE! I hi re throe large r sale on Ban- L W. THURBER, 9SPMMMTENDE1IT or PGBLIG nOMOOLsl or HOBBU COCHII. omoi AT •. •. w a n mini, DOTEB, N. J. IpaeUl oflo. haars oa SUardsn (haai 1I A. •Mill II M. •'•" JOHN DHCMMBRt) IHAVINB AND HAIR GUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, »IUXIK« DOVE*. N. «T. The, aHana.1. uurrinti CAS FITTING, ROOFING and JOBBING, all kiaiU (lownt •iliart uolira ami reuhon- «hle. Von cau uhMi^llml »full i t " * >>f JSTOV-ES of.llnul.i.nn.Ui.iI". HARDWARE, OUTLERY, TIN WARE, OIL CLOTHS, CARPET*, Lamps. Paints, Oils, tc. I. O. ROCKEFELLEB, Biimr Til etui Fin! DOVER, N.J. MM nvar J. A. I.yon'irtere,o»p. pasMtare. i lug. entity efLAF WOODferseU. wliioll "re tlio 1»e«t |iump« fn tlie warket. BRUEN & BUNNBLL, BOCKAHAY, S. i. R. F, JOLLEY & Co., SHIRT IAHDPACTuTO MEN'S FURNISHERS. 831 BROAD St. I,IMI»I AKDnet urooi u n. wvh ESTABLISHED 183a •tULSIH'. SU.1UU unW.BMCI- UITU' otnrnuonw. anna • PAINTS, OILS, te ABMCHLTUML WPIEKITG SAFES ANP SCALES. OLIVER S. FREEMAN, HopATCqUO, S. ilt p. SCHAFE» READY FOR FALL TRADE! MY PALI. STOCK Of HV BOOTS AND m\ MIHUI', Men's and llnyn' gen-ril !• oitawtal to em Ibe kOCKAWAY HTOV'K l>EAI.KUn do all adm of work wliii'U tlmlr l>,i»ini>><« vail* for, Mit'l, UH •JL.XJ NO, FAIRBANKS '* iirioM. Al.u» nfil>niHfor [ORBIS ACADEMY, MORKIITOWN, N. J. HECONU T K U BKOINH TUESDAY, Jan. 4tb. C«A«. l>. PI. ATT. FEHCIfAL lots f( dolph Hi for sal Avenue, ve three lots on Blackwell 1 h lots hv sale on Penn Avenue, 1st, 3d, 3d, 4th, 5 Iwi of the or all give a quired W. H D. S. (HUB: may a1wa;i -:-ST DRAKE A KINO, EC WILLIAM KING ruonoAL BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. atl sif es; ton nnmerati Block "f ^^ , pfiCTIO I|( Ei , T PABK HOTEL, PIANOS? J.B.llnoiutui, BUCHANAN BBOS. PAINTERS. MILLINERY 1 MILLINERY oltlieUta.tr.ll ««'•• c.»b« found « DYEII Tnr n.dci of (hH mil Au iiivitalloii to HIP lienple In H HK1.UNAHI»: I, DOVER, N. J. FURNITURE AND CARPETS ve lift)-eight | AT OO8T.|| SPECIAL SALE PREVIOUS TO TAXING AOCOc|r OF bTOCK. Amos H. Van Horn, 731MET STJEIiBy. J OVFEB& HIS IMHBSBE BTOOI AT THE FOUOWtNO MICM. h and 6th St«. sellanForall ibove cheap for half mortgage mortgage, and 1 the time re- Apply to GEO. RICHARDS, LAMBERT. Ami. Hoe. KU y«tdtor«1 pUoe. Bodj Bi 11.00net ymti ror2r>pleo.B Velrct. WALNuT BEDBOOM SUITS. •WtoeWalnut Brfroon Suit, nHbb lop, »orta »M. •lir, lorWitHul Vedraos Hull, nmbto Up, oncOl *7o. #7"l« WJ..IIMtoomHdbMtHatop, wort.»100. MORRISON'S. St., Dover, N. J, found m»ny thing! yonnornl, inclmiing TIONERY-:- IIND. Plunk Books S i h i hot-jmh mid A f f HOtnbraied Violin HtriQ Dtx Packet K'livei, all the le Wcuklv Fnpori, Full liaee riogar*, if'l Moer»cli»niu a ;ro»t vatiuty. RORICK, Books lerand Stationer, and BIIIKES 81*., DoT«r, N, / >n btvn<) R full linn of BOOKN Lntb cold and ntccl; Wrl 7 ileionption, Pipliiifl Frnt » Inll ilouk of FASCT Ann t tl I iJw ke«p »i»rce THOU. JOHNSON. fwtnrer MHl A««ler la Kniinii, SnUniii Mittil*. SIrtli* atxt Granite. All work JKWELll BT.. DOTSB M. AND CLEANING. A nnnrunueii to llie p rliw^l Hint tin lut id Ktllib TIFF nwi "Tbep ho P t hi peor,,- •?n(Hl n rik."nT,i"iiMWb™io5!J: id VVuoleu Uooda tlyetl on, rmen'a clotltiuft- ekaueil, ilyei lonk Ilk,) ttr.tv. Atrial IH TI, ftr'ULUUICil, Proprietor. NY & ALLEN, HUVKK, N, J, « still In tl - VotlUng bnninpiiB, and Intend ' " ' -• anothrr jear, at lout, .)( |i«opln in everjthini »KlNK»oltht<beitniBlie. All ill rrceire jirompt fttUction. rOOH A PHIL tat. fcuowp fuibe Bnperlnici Ormm, N.J,, with n cot barn at cheil. llie b, In promulgating esoteric oodtations or ar- tioulating superficial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your statements possess a "clarified concise- ness, compacted comprehenaibleness, ooales- cent consistency anda concentrated cogency. Eschew all conglomeration* 1 of flatulent garrulity, jejeune babblement and asinine affectations. In trying to imprets upon others the superiority of Heagan * Go's Boots and Shoes, and why you and so many others use them, it is not neoessary to use jawbreakers. Let your extemporaneous descanting* and unpremeditated expatiations have intelligi- bility and veracious vivacity, without rhodo- montade or thrasonioal bombast-' Sedulously void all polysyllabio profundity, psittaoeoua vacuity, ventriloq.ual verbosity and vandilo- quent vapidity; shun double entendre*, pru- rient jocosity andpestiferous prolanity. obscurent or apparent* In other words, talk plainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthfully ', that the old established and reliable store HEAO-A.N & CO. undoubtedly cany the largest and most varied assortment of Boots Shoes and Rubbers in Morris County. say, of GREAT Y REDUCTION IN PRICES! er« wao agneral eiodua from Mine Hill to aoiristown oa lionday last, Ike day ted for the trial of Daniel O'Oonaell for the murde, os Job. Smith, which occurred in Ibat place on tk. aoth of Beptembn hut. A largo Dumber went down on the Restrain from Dover, sad many m loud* frcnilb. Hill, When tbe oourt waa opened at It o'clock Ibe room waa llled wllh people. J.atjre * occipled Ihe Bench, with Judges I'hlld, bclliukcr sad llunauo. " •I wa> uUlid sud all Ike Jurors a m e n d 'l>t Geo. Bachaoan, of Dover, wbo wu confined lo bis home by illness, and Benja- min Hire, of Morriatowa. The wileeaaei tho cue om Ihe part of the Slat, were called and all an.w.rfd. ProaMulor I moved the OH. O( the Hlei. Daniel O'Coaaell, Bad he wa> placed at tbs bar. He greets! hi. eouawl, MeH». II, Pllner «nd IbUea PlUey, pkeautl, wdteokt .eat beeMo them. M70.000 WOH 1 O'Connell anal ker youngest aklll a Hub later caw, . i l b l . Ik. bar a»d occupied a . H i Mar her husoes*. Sbstlg onion planed the aamn ot Ik. iron In the bet Bad drew H tbe tret name of John I. Deny, wko was and .worn. Oaoesj. a Batskwu draw? Beit and aceeftsel, leka J. feloy waa ae- e>pud; Oha. I.FoiwaosballaBgedbylk. U» d.I.ow, Itopkai H. IUoa.ll, oUI- l.o,.d h, tbo B:aMj turnout BMI.T, llld l u w Hl Ming, eliallenged by tl. 8<B|S i FkiaMaH. TnlUe, chaUengei by oefaaae; Joan Colby, challenged by Ibo H i t . : loha Hsary Taa Kes., ehallengel ky aefeBae; Tkoa Holm, ohelUuwed by Ike HaU, Edward w.beler •aid hehaj reed aa aMoaat of tea OHB bat kid not npreiwl aa opinion, ayunaaa.:. bydsfss> ; ru t defenn; Urn. Bales, ehallengel byaef«ae.; Freak HIU, okallenged by dafMae, Alsuader Ceahraa, okallaatMl by the Mat.; toaiO. llorria, challenied by Iko Mala, tana H. k m, CARPETS. or2r PABLOB SUITS. F.Tlr »50p.r<ultto HnlU In Plu.b.. .«J IU» Wlk. (7S lor Parlor Hull., ndnedhaa •ion. ANTIQUE OAK BEDBOOM SUITS. «30 (or A»ll.,u. Od Ikdma 8.i(, •orlh »<& »40 forAitlqi. O.» Bedroom Bull, worth IM. *50 (or Ailtqn. Odt Bodnx« Hall, a-orlk »0.1. ASH BE0B00M 8BIT8. «j lor Aab H«Jroo» Ball. 0 ror Anil Bedroom Salt, WMtb. 4«\ •110 lor An bdrooai Nail, n r l a MO. •HO l«r Aa IWrooai Unit, worlk %l!i. CHERRY BEDROOM SUITS. tor Cherry Bedroom Boil, (115 for OWrr. Bedroo. M l , worth »W. ?r,l) fcr Cherry Bedroom Suit, worth 975, ENAMELED BEDROOM SUITS. »ir, per Bull for 2J> Enamekd BtdrooH Bait, to close Ikes, oat MATTRESS AND BEDDING DEPARTMENT. 10 will bur a Mod ilalr Top M.ttT—, worib »10. «:) will buy a RDIKI Mind Ibllnai, worlk in. Mr rtocl or lounge., Hirbla Top T » l « , H.II Stand', 01*, E1I..J00 Table., rilioK I>f»k", Boobouo., a«!nUrl>, .1° , n o i l . •••.' Hook la It. elly. STOVES AND RANGES. My Stove ana luoc« Depertwent h well .looked with all tbe Wast atyle. of Parlor , Window BkadM, etc., laavdleil nriatr I will BiU than good, at Ik. prices icirerlliol previous In taking Honnt of slock. Oaois Iclircrcd free of chugs to any part of th. Slate. Credit given. AMOS H. VAN HORN. 72 Market St. Newark. Stove, and JUnges. Oilolotb, .Uattiol, Mat., Hu»>, Bsd8priu| at I-XniEMELV LOW FBI0E9. CASTOR IA Hr Infinf and ChlldWW. i. J. VREELAND, Sti.T» r Wit. forubl,.a It,™ .^. th. M»Uqa.ntllTnr «tf !«*& •nd.W.t>arlwMd Wawa CARRIAGE PAINTING. CHA8. G. GRIFFF.N, oBen tlie beit indneeneDU !• fbii U Mfn th* eencrnl Ektiifkctiun ho tut tlw-j* gi?«pla etery grade ot Onrrikge IHlnUnx ikroDRh the l h U i i in t»BlwM. A Urge ^tbl THE CORK HOOK TRACED Trial tl NaMffXMMl. fir the Narfcr if M a Smith. Fount 0iilt* *t Uttin U tlu MM ID III nun m mm «a»ri I far lattaaH Sra.ll], cut. Oroueianjined: TeitlBedhe w u not a olril .ngineer. Tbe map wat not made with Ibe «eof Ibetnnail. but bj ert,«l U A i ^ UbliU. Ac y aatothepoaition. of theroad.. etc, pend- ing which Oourt adjourned for In. noon re occupied l OOOOUII'I *il. fuill)r<i<'okildt«»n pree.t id M l k p la Ik. room. Mn. l,T u. d Huloa B. ! IK A. by by aoo.ptrl;Jsa. P. DUBO, ehalleaaed kylke Mesa; Abeass a. •» •» aeaeptel! Jeaok Drake. aeeenMi OU.. P. Haadsrvme, ekallair' by aw- feasei Ed.ln Xonasa, I,., •kaU.agenl by HagmalawpHaMHil, Mm- ]—'—' "—*ii". —1 HlT'l. oe.lbolhwsr.abeBa.1 hterL.VBUtn.u- J.f, .bulemred bflka daf«aat: Wai.C, Ouiey. ohdleagalbir Ih. cWua., Juob wu Ibaltjt a> calkd, aad be- Ingacorpbdeoiaalataltkolair. Ooaaiakla. Torakua, Bhawaaraad High war. q«aut- «d U tak. ctarg. *t Ik. J.ry aad n m ProHeulor OalUe, la aaaalaf, atid Ika da. raaaaalatudaclaaaaiwHk aa.lagoa Ika Mthof HtptiaibirlM kUtodat iola Smith. Tbo Man MU law baton yn toathlid<y9at»k,who wuu aado troaad mgiaur X tk. Watii— Mill, aad wutipectedthmakoal do'elook, atari. U for hi. wo*, ud aaUawv alla««rf wunelbj O'Oaaaall, Inalal kaawaaa tk. Enrlot, pawlka adaot tkat O'Ooa- mil with aoon kalf. ttr»k U u l a Ik. icb tklm u to drii. la. half, tkro.sk Ira bat aad latolk. brala, coring bla dedb. B. Iboagkl Ik. WMa wauU be .ble lo Mow aalHOdty-lkat 0'Oona.U bal aaaalbMU » 40 tnllk Ib. Slate willr.Uiai . rudid ol gwllly tat murder In In. dm aafrwa. CoioniE0. B. Quu WH Ik. fnt witaua. .WH eaUnl tbat day and wait la Ulna Bill, white he fcuad Joba ruailk lyhujdud aa open lot. Ha Ikaaajal h. arrindIkm out - o'clock. Ta. <>U la aair what la knowo u the with ths head. E m aria.. Tbabody lay nuvwkat elevaM ea abeard, knvl-aculon lUUfl wUt. Tbokallald bjbl.aide.aiidadlaaw paUWH parliaUy •IdtrbiB. HeudbMptafauIyfroalu woaad. Thewilaaai by nqaut prodacti IklleatkenalnetakattWlthhadwornasd pail. knife. wbkhk.aUnldeMUad. Tktkalfa, Ihlak. wu baaMlo an byGcaaubU Tndenniok. OlBH svaw.loed.-I get Ik. eon knife t u t day between II Hal lo'etaek. I Ihebaaaege teksnol tksaesd. lea Bay whether the hair covered the wound, ead did not ootic whether the bsirwH cut eg by Ike knife. Da. I. W, Omnpr, of Dawar, awora Ws. called upon l o a u k . a poet •orletaon Ih. body o< John Kajrlh. IlwHlnlk.B.w onglas bmte ottke Dvckemi Bin. Dr. laylortnd Dr. ArlaorW. Ooadkt aa isted. Iko doctor usid Iks taiaatea wrlltaa from hUdlcUllonUlkstuae nyhi. sow, Dr. A. ot. Aa eatsraal naanlnatloa skewed a wound oa Ika M l aide of the bead, eurrouufcd with bloot tod Ik* hair mat. tad arouod Ih. woaad by dried blood. Other parle of tbe body were free froaa awrk. of vioUcce. Tk. wound waa two inch.. In knilb, 2j lacb.fioa theaagle of th. eye. The nalp wao back. We found lying around tke acdp and undernealli Ika woaad akoat k a l f u • ofcoagnlsledklood. Tbet found the wetud utindiog tknagk Ik. akall. Be. moved Ike akoll and found .Bother ooaawla of blood, W. fontd the dura mater wee e t o wounded cerrMBnaaiBg Ik. woundin Ik. aealp and skill. We foaadlho Itatru- BieBlhBdpen.lratedlhebcaU abo.and, found In Ih. I of Ike wound about i osnoe and a half of blood. Thedepthof the d A b i wound, point WH found p bra. iaowa, u d at that Shop on Clinton | am alood, aid a lh.,i»«fhl. - «--, This pice of boas lound la tht outer I of tbe brain o responded witU a sole- from the inner part of tb. akull. hating been driven in by the ingtrumnnt. lteuoviu tbe brain we found the base of the brain aurrouueul witb fluid and coagulated blocd. A careful eiamination of the lungH, heart, large blood .easels, and abdominal organs, revealed no other cauae of death. Ju bi opinion death was caused by inj. ry totb lirsln csuwd by tbewound, the inatru men! eabibitcd here would iuflict nuch a wound H he saw. 1'he wound or brcecVr In Ibe posterior .Npeot of it than it WH In tbe interior. With such a aelhi. corn book (which wi ebewiO it would rciiulru ablow of consider- able force to make sucb a wound. Cross ciamined : The upcoula of boneb. ihlo e from Ihe interior, or edgoof The narroweat part of tbe wound WH Ibe front part, indicating tbat if Ib. perwn waa Blooding on bia feet, it must kave been niado from io front. The pines where tbi« wound wa. furlictcd i* one of thinnest places of tile skull. The rtu tbia point wae ofnatu-al IbickueGif, which would b. about three.4uarlers of au iucb. J, kl. BUKI.ES sworn: Testified be ia chief engineer for tbe Mosconetcong In Co. He bad mads a diagram of the grouud wbiob wa* abown, and the witness poiutei out lotbe jury the various localities of lh< lot, when Ihe body wu found, tlio palb. tb, Ihe cabbage patch, etc., witb tbo dU taaces from point to point. The path is not fsneed, and i. well worn. It ruuH close It me old mine holes. The ground where I body wat found he .hould think bad not b^w workml In T Hia recollection . that not more than k»lf of tbo corn wai bii,»tiuiuiiy Wti^ uiioitnd tbrougb tbo sbocke of corn, where Ike con bad been cut up. MRH. W». TIIOUIH aworn: I live on It TliooMtowu road. On the M b of Sept. saw Jobu Suitb lyin^f, dying, with hix head cut. lie wiu lyiug en bi. right aide, wi the blood .parting out, and makingawf, uoiuea. He had hiH but on. Tbe body wi a little w.yxop: tbo path. John 'J'iurt 'u there. Grow eianiined: Urs. llranch came tue wbeu ahe called uic. JIEHitiNNEv, BWom: I dm foreman the Dickereon mine and know Jobu Kmith who wati under ground eD8iiie«r at that til Hia buaineu wag to be on duty at li o'clock. ~ waainthqomoe at the uiiueiu tbe after, oon. AboiitlO or l.'iiuinuteato nveO'Oo oellc u the office door. I had I HL, Ura. Brandi dor111 minuU. beloi w.« running toward tbe bl.ukaniilu I whsre her hud>aud wtrked. O'Oonne] Mkai me to phone to Dover for a doctor, askod wbat wa* tbe matter aud bu HH ' pboue " first Bud bo would tell me aft< ward. J did so. Then be >aid Jack Hmilh WH in ths habit of crossing bis potato patch. Tho potatoes were .11 out, but Iliat didn't matter. He bid him to go Lack, but he wouldn't; he poshed bim and then ,lack struck him ; he then raised up tbe corn book and Jack ruu on it. O'Oonnell said at first be way mul. Ho low. I told bim d be put noheft to tbo >ui whst be aaii UmiUt Crou-eismlnallon ef J. H. Dearie re- im«l: The testimony elicited consisted largely of .iplautioos respecting the local Hy of the killing Tho wltnen WH mre that •nor. lb.n haV th. com patch lo tbe north. t ef the bam wae uucot. The path DA. •vldeally been a wagon road, but witness did M think It WH sooaed now. There is aotliliig bnt a palb along the edge of Ibe potato paloh, between Ike potato rowa i fanos, H does lo the feaeoulhey can get. Wken I w u there there wasn't much anything w h o . lie body w.a found. Then WH probably more of gran Mm ssy- tklag.li.. Be-dirsot: The body of Smith waafcund «.1 feet from the road landing lo O'Oonnell. hou... From Ura. Branoh'. honae to where the body WM found WH about sm test. t>m. JOHN L. TarLou .worn : Am a prac. tl.bg pky^clao at Snccuunna. Haw thi body of John Bmitb, in ths neighborhood ol 6 o'clock, in an open Slid back of the Dlck- •rs»n sin.. II w u lying on Ihe right aide. The body wu deal; had probably been daadlfteeaaiinnlel, or half an hour. Ha Dr. Oeadlct intba making of lbs wet mortem namination, and corroborated I testimony. In hia opinion the wo.nd Ihe bsaln WH tbe cause of death, and an iBstrnmsnt like the corn knife would make wound, II would lake a blow of eonsUierabl. force to penetrate the hat and make such awound. toward tke eye, which was also Ihe Incised I of tke woaad. Hie brain subsunoe is very soft. Tb. character of tba blowlad! ottel that It WH l.llctod from ia front. Hat HBLI* Baaa-ca tworai IUnd oa Ika 30th of September I. Ever, hoaee, Hint •ill. Tke eoessie aloogaMe tke catobag. poll*. Thai eitemoooldld aoiaoe lean Saillh. BorO'OoueU UU after Igot home ut < o'clock. Sew OVoaa.ll about a rter of aa Bear afterward. He we. run- alag toward wbsr. Joba Saith Uy, bdweea bn ud my boun. I went out lo re I aw O'Ooaaall aad Join Tiiraiu tlagandaawthobody. OOoanMlcame aedloobd at Ika body aid ran toward hi. le. I then ran toward the Dioscrsoa s and Tleman remained with Ihe body. Smith was breathing very bard. must have run onIbe hook. O'Oouuoll s, .Ihitwuit. Smith did not die till frou minutes lo balf .& hour sfter I got there WitucaB dhcribed where and bow the boiV u found. Craet-eiamined : Mr. l'itiuy called wit asa'B attention to some of bis lentil It the Inquest. He Hid be didn't know if be bad uid anything different here from wbat be M'<1 at tbe coronet's ia,|nest. Wbi ke utid iuere wu . irue aaeuuiil. I did not teU Whitewhcnltelephonedbiniwhstdoel, to get. I think Smith wtlghed 17:> pounds in the offlco that loornitifi. I do not 11,,ik bB wu •!> feet high. I do not know if he w.s . mueeuUr or athletic man. He Bi Iron !< to 211 years old I think. Mlaa OI:*EVIMTUOKUN, .worn : I am the daughter of Mrs. Wm. ThomaH. On the .'loth of Bopl. I went lo Ibe body of Bmitb after he WBB hurt. Ur. Tieman wu there. He had on bin hat and Ibe dinner pail was at Ilia aide. JOHN ltur,AN, O'Connell ud knew John Bmith. I lived esr O'Connell oaoe. I had a eonvemlioo with O'Oonnell about Boiitl, Iheird O'Cou- L>11 nuu^. thr»U .aainst Smith .t different mea. He would uk me who left tbe tars >wn u d I told bim I didn't know. I hetrd O'Oonnell blame John Smllb for biaking Hveral different raads ou hie prop- erty. I beard him MV be "would kill that Bcotcn of . , i[ |, a went |h.t way again." I beard him make threat, different imes wben he would get uiuL It WH after Smith went to work In tbe mine in Juno or Inly that I beard thaw threats. CrosB-eiamined : The bars wbioh would be let down were on aline fence between the Ever property and the Delaney property. Ther. wu Hun. trouble between D.u ud Smith pervious lo Ib.t lime. O'Oonnell .nd ifton had a few word, but no quarrel. Itncss .dpitled tbat O'Oonnell once had n arrested ud compelled bim to give bail : bis appenrance to ths Grand Jury for Indecent eipotire IDbii (O'Oonnell'a) bouse. By Counsel-" Didn't you tell John Hani. n'tt Witness— " I don't recollect my Ing «o, I Bevsrasideov each tbiag." No cue WH ever by when I hard OCeu.ll auk. in*. Oouaul-"Wkeo OConneU complatod ^ntuubersbeiai Iowa, iiaa'l yaw. tell hl« 19-UJ Smith for krttlsn ths ban dew. and ion weaU be a wllaus qalnal bin F" Wllaua—" I aevsr told him any auch thing." CONSTABLE GSO. TasttaNWICB sworn : When I saw O Con- Ad Tlenaa raaaiag, Tieraaa waa I thlak they were tu the second row com Th. corn had besa out and waa In icke. law Tteraee before In tbe day. WH mttiDg !• tbfl otMBSt near my pateb. real nay aoussof O'Ooaaell. O'Ooinell Blsatad Ihe oon, osbhagea ud poUtoea then. Hs alto planted and worked tba opakh toward the Diokerstnmlse. I WM atnatiH 0'Coo.ell to bring me aome appUawkloka. WH going to give me. I gal Ike Bpnlsaaeil morning. My husband i them la a bag. I thought there wee aapetof blood oa the bag I eoald aot a u tke appta lev Ihe thoughts of Ih. Iklag. I HW O'Ooaadl com. keck briagiag blaa- keta. I did aot au Ikem put anything ua- aW hi. kcad or Uad hb bead up. B»dlred. There wusnolker corn palch which I tkiekWH In shock. The corn I HW tkeat raaalag ia WH oath. other Bide of Ib. osbbat. paloh. Mae. IIABI OTOOLI sworn: I lln rboBUMtowa road Bad wu oamyowastocp • daj. II WH about 3 o'clock, or a little •r. I H W OOono.ll. He was crossing ovar the tars elongside of Ihe corn leld. Ha bad a bag with Urn. When be got over tke ban as slipped Ihe bag of kis shoulder and win! toward Ike path leading lo Ike DickenoBBduc. I went la tke kitchen aad • right oat. I beard John Smith's voice. Ha mid, "Holdon, Dan. Hold on, Da. I eoald HOO'Oonaell Bad Smith. They wstetegslhar. Q'Coon.U had hold of John Smith's hft shoulder mid Smith bad hi. «• pail la ala right hand. Dan struck lohaais «id Johnnie (ell. I dil not hear O Connsll uy anything. He walked back to the ban, put the bag on bis jaoalders •ad want down through the comBeld. I looked oallooM if Johnnie got up. I sew 'OOBKU comi cut of the corn n.kt to ,h«re John Smith Uy. It might have been » o i l o minutes afterward. He stood a few BilBBte. looking at Jobnni. Smith .nd w toward hi. own house. 1 esw Tieman next- Smith Bsvev moved after the blow we. Tiernan came flnt lo I body and O'Connell oame afew minute alter. O'OonneU atnek Ihe blow when JobiBi. wu Hying Ihe laat word. I di, aot awe Smith till I HW hko and Dm lo- getber. He WM in plain. a"ht from me. oonld not tell where Jnhnnie oame from, could not Bay whieb way Johnnie we. going or whether they wer. inany path. I ilrsl told tkb) Btoiy le my daughter at Ibe Mm I did not tell II all at once, because w u BOt abl. tol I bav. been Baked often •boat it, kat ween I telling it, all Ihe same. My .yesighl lagood ; there i. no question lo my mind about it; I can see, I have had very little diScully with O'Connell. No. did aol gel angry at Dan. I f . . . Besa RaanaN Bworn t Am the dsugb- ter of Mrs. O'Toole and live at home. We. le the bouse on Ih. 30th of Stpl, in the kitchen. Mother wu on Ihe itoop. I ssw O'Connell going toward the barn across Ih. •sld. Be bal abag on hi. sboalder. I went lathe koue then. 1 saw t b . meB i l sworn : I knew Daniel W«. 0II,BUT, sworn: I went to tho body of John Bmith i Wu ailed there by lira. Thomas. The body was laying on ita right side, with its hat ou. I took off tbe hat and bud it OD the grura. CnMS-eiamined: No ooveriog WM put ever Smith while I wu there-ebout ten minutes. * Wuiirat.o II. llmiRiT .woni:i|I m Mr., tlranoh ou tut rftemoou of rkipt. :HHfa. Itwu about r, o'clock. Went up fn the} F.veri IU1L« lol, ami fotn il Hr. Tiemari and Gilbert with i!i> hail. Tie body wu lay- ing on ita right aide, the head and Iuce aoine- what covered with blood. Tho dinner pail wau iving fiomewiutt near him, with the eatables partly under tbe body. 0. B. GAIIE reBalled: Inolioedthegrouudl in the vicinity. Then, wu acorn Held ex- idiog from tho wire fence of this Held to Ihe ban. Ho thought Ihe corn w u all cut, from the wire feuce to the barn. JA*. BitiM:r, recslled: The ooro from tbe wire ICQCC, I think, wa« cut, imil wu in shock. CrcBB-euoiiued : When O'Gouuell oatna tohini first he Hid ho w u mad, but ho didn't u y be w umad at Jack Smith or any- body else. I did uot telephone for auw particular doctor, When White asked if ha should send any particular doctor, I aaked! O'Connell und ho u l d no, to Mud the Beer. at doctor that could be found. O'Connell ua rery niucb cicited. O'Counetl Hsid Hniilb struck him aud partly knookMl bin down; u bowu regainingbl. feet Hmilli me at biui agaiu with another blow, and raised the comfao&kand Smith oama sgainal it. Tbo wilnees was asked if O'Oott- )11 mule atatemenla of the affair at tbs place where lbs bod/toy.Objected lo. Tile Court Buatainod tbe objection and an electi- n wu taken. CIKO, TutnKKxicn recalled: The con iQ tlie iialoh between tbe wire ( e n u and t h . biro was out. Tbe knife wu Ukea from last ahocli cf Ihia Held, or Ib. tret of t h . noil, ft w,u in the flnt .hock adjoining, Ib. c.bb.ge palch. At tbia point tbe Slate rested its eaae. THE DErOHE OPEKEU. Iepening for Ihe dsrcnie Mr. Mahlou Pit- iy said they did not pretend to deay that Smith oune lo hia death by a wound from t corn hook in Ibe handi of Daalel 0 Omnell, but he thought they would show that the ircumstanoea were different from thews Ih. ry now had in their minds. O'ConaeH bad no malice against Smith, and B u g s * did not tell tbe truib, but oaly enewgh o( he truth to bang an caplanation on. O'Ooo. nell had considerable trouble In kupUg up bi. Huefenoes. ltea#ui ukedOOMUeUU ^ this trouble to Smith, saying if O'Oofl. •ell would prosecute his. he would Mmtah irtuenee agalut Bmith. O'Oonoell had talk with Bmith after Ihia, ia which he ild him he would believe him In preference Bwgan, and therefor, held no nalioa igtlnst Smith. The affair w u bnt u u n f o r . unate accident, which no one bu regretted lucre thsn OConneU bes. Bo then noted e location of th. property leased by O'Con- nell ; how people encroached upon It, oftsal Ing the ban down, which let cattle Into is crops. They would .bowthat fimitb had been crowing a lot oecnpwd by Henry Poppy, that he had bad some words with , who forbad, himgoing acraa. the Bmith tbeu came to O'OoaneU aad asked permission to cross his place, wale* O'Oonnell gave him, aUpilasIng by which path he should go. People la oraaiaig hw sndetopit. O'Connell a x i l aot IhlBkof who bad done this, aad could oaly oall ip w John Tleroen. I h»d oharg. cf Ih. ['.jury. Iuwtbecornhookonrri. day, Oct. l«. I aaw l i e r a u take it oal from nadn a Aaak of con. Tb.eorn.boel from wkiek It waa taken w u at Ibe coiner of Ika ban, at Ika far aad, aad beaded II to me. 1 give it l o t h , coroner. Da. Wit. E. Dinar, awotm: Wu oslkd Mine HiU on the night of this afair, aad got there about 90 minute, to II. Th. boJy lay in aa open lot. It tuwlb*end«adefl.er twomlantu. Th. bony >a* ou Ibe right aide, wllh the head aupportel by a beard and wrapped ia Uoady lienlogu. Th. dlu- rpalllaynear th. body, wllhtkeUdoff and the oenUnts apUledoul la a keep. Orota-aumJnedi There w u u old q.Ut over l a . body. I receivedtkamrmagi lioas Mr. WhiUaboutlio'nlock. IluraedoeTlh. aaln road U 0'Ooaa.U'. honaa. A boy stood M tlw aoou aeddirected m.. I ssw OCoao.ll riuding aaw Iks body. J o m TraaNiN, auorn i I worked for OOonneUoaU.SOthoffl.pl. I know thai thU ooro kalf. !• OOoaaeh". u lit s. I ou Jidge. I(oaadittksa.ttsaoraiagafterin the cabbage patch, about tea yards from the ir of tbe b a n I put It under a ehoek ofoom. Thereeeemed 10b.blood 00Ih. point of II. He g»v. Ihe knlr. loeonstablt Tredennlck, or Prosector Ouller. The oon knlf. waa shaipatd oa tbe ariidalone for cutting con, shorty before. Ctces-eumined: O0oon.il and I ground the knife. O'Goauvall and I cut oaepartof u eAeraoM, aad ks went to plowiog, and pulling la bia ry.. I wucutting elone Ibi. day. TbakabTswufound oalaesasldd. of Ike ban. We went there to took for It, beo.ua. Ibe bag ol applu wu(eand there. We found the bag of apples Ikere the mom ing aflw tbia bappsiwd. Mr. H.O. Wlney, at Ibis juncture, whta hi. line of otoaMiaaslBatloai waa objected to, made a strong oejectioo lo Ike way th. Froueator wu oonducting kk can. Ban w u a witaeeawko probably taw the whole ef «ir, ud ysl Ihe Proasoulow permits him lo UU only pert of hi. aMy. Th. fact U that O'ConiwU told hi. .lory to half a dosen » o v « Ibe body o! Smith, aad yet the rroseoutor provs. it by only one wttaeu, Mr. Binn.y. Th. oourt raled that II eoald nnl lay how Ih. ftusecutor ehoaU ooaduot bi. case. Mr. Pitney then saked wilaeu Ifbenwlkeaotaaloneonnler. The Prose- cutor objected ud WH sustained by the Court. Tbe defence look notptiona tobotfc rulings. Witness iHliled that then append to be no attempt to c o n e d It. Ha did not nolioe uytraokl wber. it wu found. Hs had worked for O'Oonndl about two meath.. Court ad Journed to Tuesday monlog. T1ICWAX M0.NIKO, I. H. St.iLE recaUed : Maid he lired at Stanhope, butapeut three-fonrtba of hia time at Mine Bill. Be wufurther questioned respecting potota indicated by hia map. Wltneu HWlhe body ol Smith 10 or 15 minute, .fter the .Bray. Tho faoe wu bloody. He bad vomited eon.lder.bl.. Tbe bat a (JHMa.etenun.iii lai O'0oirae!!itoiogl|n.v!d.i Smith groaned three or lour time, but didn't .peak. Tke wound was bleeding, and 1 got a little .tone, wrapped aome rags about it, aad placed it on the wound. He afterward bandaged the wound. Bmith died just u Dr. Deny wae coming through tho bars. We had moved the body twice before th. doctor got there, m l of pools of blood and vomit. We moved toward tbe house both tinea. ,, pail Si,*f^iu'''a.?.i?u Were offer*,!.. •sat rJmllh i tat H he aad girsa Baltk psrmisalealoecwbyaBOtkerpasb,h.did] aotlhiak he would do it aaUl tali day. tki. tell ealki. day, >psrfsetlypsu»falsaWaa,let>saba( of applu ha kad ntaaakwd Mea. •saaek and with score bee. Is Us kaal HaaaU Thr- beat eon. Ia dWag ufc>BMt aaaNk golagaorcHl»yta.f.lHlila Bath. >TkaB told Saaltk to go beet Ik. kakar rafaaal, bal sasu owl of kk way aiily teat to Meat mere ehea aasoa for "Taaalill Mil ka) earn.oat afkl. waylokoaikks. He BaM toO'CoaaeUIWlHkBdaeeae«IUgfersi MO.. Basllh atraok Wm Base er Iwiea .Bd OOoansll ky a oaanUwa H.VOHIO tbrewnphia beads lama, way I Bhaaatt, sad tea, th. aaridaal aaaew uatnubd Ikat O'Ooaaea'. Mioa. ahm. warf.inproCTria, edoets., iaeariafj few la. woaadei man, aaa la aarMa4oria«Tkaae- Hlf, ahowed O'OoaasIl wee aot ns.slll.l tt 'ComaeUakoaMMi te pwasahesl »jr wkat tdkappsaad. Uro. W. HowamoworBi BswHaelrU aiigineerwd»irvorerucltMUedUBaae> y lh.pr.miua akowa, k H d ban astsal p , nvenwitksawsHwdokaia. Hslaeslteel fatlkutotheaeearaoy 1 sll the paint, aa tbe map, aad all Ik. eiiHsHslaa aad croao- lla> nauro, iwsalMi Tulilrf teal dieUuwadsasliiurHewwUtk.patatwBen Smith fell. WneaHntuwO-Oaaasllu* • raaaiig ta.ywan oltaa tayeakir, bntTleraall WM Ikaad. Jem Biouaia, sworn i I aaaaad Iks •nceallhe Dfekama alas. Be walgkal JohaBHilh oalbeHorahsg at thalajrka wu killed. Ht vniatud lal pewada. toprodue.thel.au (ma Tbos. I r a n w Daniel o OonnsU. BWs objeotod. Jedga kUiiecoaleadad tkel. aaunakl aoloe- nnHiaaliin ky taUag Ufa. nceot It baklakouH, aad ustaiaed Iks ohjectioa. Ao eioepiioo waa takea by Iko ialMeo. DANIBI. O'CoRmx, tke ptiaonar, awen i am to veers old, aad wubora h. Ire- ud. I CUMto tkus oOBBtry ia 1806 j Ink edln Brooklyn aboil two saoalha and a tl. Kelt lived la kalat BilL Han been living ateady la M a o HIU for 18 j e a n . Am married aad a n a a wtt. aad al«M ohll- dren. The oUtat ia iaUa BMeaUk year. I have lived inmy present nous, i t o a l e l m a . ud own ths sou.. I oeeapy IsacVl inlherau of my howu—Ike lot wUk arf houu of about thru aerea, Ik. Buttvntosl iortcuru Utke Sostk, ud Ika Ever property of Maoree bees, ef Hy kwase. Th. kouu wkua Ju. Breeab lived la a part * the Ever property. Tbe arid la which Branch's MUM is located oootaiu about ba I have occupied it two jean, tad have a KM. "inc. last April. Hav. rsisad cabbage, potatoes, eto., cm the I nr ptaoa this year, and I male np tke fseoe kwt wia- ter. TheccrnwuonaU saduo(lhl.«eld. lien WH con and cabbage along Ihe path through tbe Ever lot leasnag to Rrueh'a I leased Ihe houu to Bnoek. A quesUoo a to wkelber he had enable in keeping up hi. torn, wu objected to. I have found any fence, down on the eitrem. eouth boundry of Ih. I n place, adjoining tb. Dilaaey pkee. kuaaaua Uld me tbe Bsllh famUy, ntaaiag all ot th.D, wen carrying awaj this futo. H* had seen them earrylogaway rail, ud throw- ing down the b.ni, and if h. would lae II lleagu would proiecato them. heard what John Btagaii nail on Ika witnsaa sUul about nbargiag the l u e u being dowa, i Smith ud snaking tkrwata. Baaaidha ver seed anv snob weed, aa Eeasatl In V

FURNITURE AND CARPETStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-01-15.pdf · obscurent or apparent* In other words, talk plainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthfully

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Page 1: FURNITURE AND CARPETStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-01-15.pdf · obscurent or apparent* In other words, talk plainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthfully


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».. • o r uuiuiiL DieuBia.


DOW, >. *,

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•rmi'diJ.'vv.tM. or'l.Ij'tv.ml. '1'litnliiiti'ltiii' i* ulron« uml ilunilili-, ni.l It n ohiioivlt Ij-i-cl In liu am) of Urn t,t>«, in the

C. S. JENSEN. Agent,

('AItJ»Kr WKAVl.Vn, HYKIXd ANI1I ' l . K * i l M ! Il l , , ) , - iMllMd,, . . Mill- l lnr;,i',l<-i' f i l l I'imvi,,,.,, ymi it,,,! my wink


MOnrmir of Illaekwell u d (Mam Me,


I. B.JOLLEV, Proprietor,• o n e . and Oarrlefe. to Let.

M-Aiuni PITCH,


• U n a iv o u n v Am HWAIV ffnun,

moil B U Btnujmo,Doraii, ». i.

r O. BIBRW1RTH, E. If.



noBrare or mms.A list of charges filraiMBed an aplillit.tliio.

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BROEN&BUNNELL,||yU|)||M LOTSFOR SALE!I hi re throe large

r sale on Ban-



omoi AT •. • . w a n mini,DOTEB, N. J.

IpaeUl oflo. haars oa SUardsn (haai 1I A.•Mill II M. • '•"




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wliioll "re tlio 1»e«t |iump« fn tlie warket.




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Ibe kOCKAWAY HTOV'K l>EAI.KUn do alladm of work wliii'U tlmlr l>,i»ini>><«

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FAIRBANKS'* iirioM. Al.u» nfil>niH for




TUESDAY, Jan. 4tb.C«A«. l>. PI. ATT.


lots f(dolph


for sal

Avenue,ve three lotson Blackwell

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of the

or allgive aquired

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may a1wa;i





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of (hH mil

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ve lift)-eight

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•W toe Walnut Brfroon Suit, nHbb lop, »orta »M.•lir, lor WitHul Vedraos Hull, nmbto Up, oncOl *7o.

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Lntb cold and ntccl; Wrl7 ileionption, Pipliiifl Frnt» Inll ilouk of FASCT Annt tl I iJw ke«p »i»rce

THOU. JOHNSON.fwtnrer MHl A««ler la

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AND CLEANING.A nnnrunueii to llie p

rliw^l Hint tin lutid K t l l i b



P thi

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rik."nT,i"iiMWb™io5!J:id VVuoleu Uooda tlyetl on,rmen'a clotltiuft- ekaueil, ilyeilonk Ilk,) ttr.tv. A trial IH TI,

ftr'ULUUICil, Proprietor.


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fcuowp fuibe BnperlniciOrmm, N . J , , with n cot

barn a t cheil. l l i e b,

In promulgating esoteric oodtations or ar-tioulating superficial sentimentalities andphilosophical or psychological observations,beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Letyour statements possess a "clarified concise-ness, compacted comprehenaibleness, ooales-cent consistency anda concentrated cogency.Eschew all conglomeration*1 of flatulentgarrulity, jejeune babblement and asinineaffectations. In trying to imprets upon othersthe superiority of Heagan * Go's Boots andShoes, and why you and so many others usethem, it is not neoessary to use jawbreakers.Let your extemporaneous descanting* andunpremeditated expatiations have intelligi-bility and veracious vivacity, without rhodo-montade or thrasonioal bombast-' Sedulouslyvoid all polysyllabio profundity, psittaoeoua

vacuity, ventriloq.ual verbosity and vandilo-quent vapidity; shun double entendre*, pru-rient jocosity and pestiferous prolanity.obscurent or apparent* In other words, talkplainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthfully

', that the old established and reliable storeHEAO-A.N & CO. undoubtedly cany the

largest and most varied assortment of BootsShoes and Rubbers in Morris County.




er« wao agneral eiodua from MineHill to aoiristown oa lionday last, Ike day

ted for the trial of Daniel O'Oonaell forthe murde, os Job. Smith, which occurredin Ibat place on tk. aoth of Beptembn hut.A largo Dumber went down on the Restrainfrom Dover, sad many mloud* frcnilb. Hill,

When tbe oourt waa opened at It o'clockIbe room waa llled wllh people. J.atjre* • occipled Ihe Bench, with Judges

I'hlld, bclliukcr sad llunauo. "•I wa> uUlid sud all Ike Jurors a m e n d'l>t Geo. Bachaoan, of Dover, wbo wu

confined lo bis home by illness, and Benja-min Hire, of Morriatowa. The wileeaaei

tho cue om Ihe part of the Slat,were called and all an.w.rfd. ProaMulor

I moved the O H . O( the Hlei.Daniel O'Coaaell, Bad he wa> placed at tbsbar. He greets! hi. eouawl, MeH». II,

Pllner «nd IbUea PlUey, pkeautl,wdteokt .eat beeMo them.

M70.000 WOH1

O'Connell anal ker youngest aklll a Hublater caw, . i lb l . Ik. bar a»d occupied a .HiMar her husoes*.

Sbstlg onion planed the aamn ot Ik.iron In the bet Bad drew H tbe tret

name of John I. Deny, wko wasand .worn. Oaoesj. a Batskwu draw?Beit and aceeftsel, leka J. feloy waa ae-e>pud; Oha. I.FoiwaosballaBgedbylk.

U» d.I.ow, Itopkai H. IUoa.ll, oUI-l.o,.d h, tbo B:aMj turnout BMI.T,l l l d l u w H l

Ming, eliallenged by t l . 8<B|S i FkiaMa H.TnlUe, chaUengei by oefaaae; Joan Colby,challenged by Ibo H i t . : loha Hsary TaaKes., ehallengel ky aefeBae; Tkoa Holm,ohelUuwed by Ike HaU, Edward w.beler•aid hehaj reed aa aMoaat of tea OHB batkid not npreiwl aa opinion,

ayunaaa.:.b y d s f s s > ; r ut defenn; Urn.

Bales, ehallengel byaef«ae.; Freak HIU,okallenged by dafMae, Alsuader Ceahraa,okallaatMl by the Mat.; toaiO. llorria,challenied by Iko Mala, tana H. k m ,





HnlU In Plu.b.. .«J IU» Wlk.(7S lor Parlor Hull., ndnedhaa • ion.


«30 (or A»ll.,u. O d I k d m a 8.i(, •orlh »<&»40 for Aitlqi. O.» Bedroom Bull, worth IM.

*50 (or Ailtqn. Odt Bodnx« Hall, a-orlk »0.1.


«j lor Aab H«Jroo» Ball.0 ror Anil Bedroom Salt, WMtb. 4 « \

•110 lor A n bdrooai Nail, n r l a MO.•HO l«r A a IWrooai Unit, worlk %l!i.


tor Cherry Bedroom Boil, (115 for OWrr. Bedroo. M l , worth »W.?r,l) fcr Cherry Bedroom Suit, worth 975,


»ir, per Bull for 2J> Enamekd BtdrooH Bait, to close Ikes, oat


10 will bur a Mod ilalr Top M.ttT—, worib »10.«:) will buy a RDIKI Mind Ibllnai, worlk in.

Mr rtocl or lounge., Hirbla Top T » l « , H.II Stand', 0 1 * , E1I..J00 Table.,rilioK I>f»k", Boobouo., a«!nUrl>, .1° , n o i l . •••.' Hook la I t . elly.


My Stove ana luoc« Depertwent h well .looked with all tbe Wast atyle. of Parlor

, Window BkadM, etc., la avdleil nriatr

I will BiU than good, at Ik. prices icirerlliol previous In taking Honnt of slock.Oaois Iclircrcd free of chugs to any part of th. Slate. Credit given.

AMOS H. VAN HORN. 72 Market St. Newark.

Stove, and JUnges.Oilolotb, .Uattiol, Mat., Hu»>, Bsd8priu|


CASTOR IAHr Infinf and ChlldWW.


Sti.T» rWit. forubl,.a It,™ . ^ .

th. M»Uqa.ntllT nr «tf !«*&•nd.W.t>arlwMd W a w a



oBen tlie beit indneeneDU !• fbii U M fn th*eencrnl Ektiifkctiun ho t u t t l w - j * gi?«p laetery grade ot Onrrikge IHlnUnx ikroDRh the

l h U i i in t»BlwM. A Urge^ t b l


Trial tl NaMffXMMl. fir the

Narfcr if M a Smith.

Fount 0iilt* *t Uttin U tlu


n u n m mm «a»ri

I far lattaaH Sra.ll],

cut.Oroueianjined: TeitlBedhe wu not a

olril .ngineer. Tbe map wat not made withIbe «eof Ibetnnail. but bj ert,«l

U A i ^UbliU. Ac yaatothepoaition. of theroad.. etc, pend-ing which Oourt adjourned for In. noon re


OOOOUII'I *il .fuill)r<i<'okildt«»n pree.ti d M l k

pla Ik. room. Mn.

l,T u .d

Huloa B.

! I K A.byby

aoo.ptrl;Jsa. P.DUBO, ehalleaaed kylke Mesa; Abeass a .


aeaeptel! Jeaok Drake. aeeenM iOU.. P. Haadsrvme, ekal lair ' by aw-feasei Ed.ln Xonasa, I,., •kaU.agenl by

HagmalawpHaMHil, Mm-] — ' — ' " — * i i " . —1 HlT'l.oe.lbolhwsr.abeBa.1 h t e r L . V B U t n . u -

J.f, .bulemred bflka daf«aat: Wai.C,Ouiey. ohdleagalbir Ih. cWua., Juob

wu Ibaltjt a > calkd, aad be-Ingacorpbdeoiaalataltkolair. Ooaaiakla.Torakua, Bhawaaraad High war. q«aut-«d U tak. ctarg. *t Ik. J.ry aad n m

ProHeulor OalUe, la aaaalaf, atid Ika da.raaaaalatudaclaaaaiwHk aa.lagoa IkaMthof HtptiaibirlM kUtodatio la Smith. Tbo Man MU law baton y n

toathlid<y9at»k,who w u u aadotroaad mgiaur X tk. Watii— Mill, aadwutipectedthmakoal do'elook, atari.U for hi. wo*, u d a a U a w v al la««rf

w u n e l b j O'Oaaaall, Inalal kaawaaatk. Enrlot, pawlka adaot tkat O'Ooa-mil with aoon kalf. ttr»k U u l a Ik.

icb t k l m u to drii. la .half, tkro.sk Ira bat aad latolk. brala,coring bla dedb. B . Iboagkl Ik. WMawauU be .ble lo Mow aalHOdty-lkat0'Oona.U bal aaaalbMU » 40 tnllk

Ib. Slate willr.Uiai . rudid ol gwllly tatmurder In In. dm aafrwa.

CoioniE 0. B. Quu WH Ik. f n t witaua..WH eaUnl tbat day and wait la Ulna

Bill, white he fcuad Joba ruailk lyhujdudaa open lot. Ha Ikaaajal h. arrind Ikmout - o'clock. Ta. <>U la aair what la

knowo u thewith ths head.

E m aria.. Tbabody laynuvwkat elevaM ea a beard,

knvl-aculon lUUfl wUt. Tbokallaldbjbl.aide.aiidadlaaw paUWH parliaUy•IdtrbiB. HeudbMptafauIyfroaluwoaad. Thewilaaai by nqaut prodactiIklleatkenalnetakattWlthhadwornasd

pail.knife. wbkhk.aUnldeMUad. Tktkalfa,

Ihlak. wu baaMlo an by GcaaubUTndenniok.

OlBH svaw.loed.-I get Ik. e o n knifet u t day between II Hal lo'etaek. IIhebaaaege teksnol tksaesd. l e aBay whether the hair covered the wound,ead did not ootic whether the bsirwH cuteg by Ike knife.

Da. I. W, Omnpr, of Dawar, aworaWs. called upon loauk . a poet •orletaonIh. body o< John Kajrlh. I l w H l n l k . B . wonglas bmte ottke Dvckemi B i n . Dr.laylortnd Dr. ArlaorW. Ooadkt aa isted.Iko doctor usid Iks taiaatea wrlltaa fromhUdlcUllonUlkstuae nyhi. sow, Dr. A.

ot. Aa eatsraal naanlnatloaskewed a wound oa Ika M l aide of the bead,eurrouufcd with bloot tod Ik* hair mat.tad arouod Ih. woaad by dried blood.Other parle of tbe body were free froaaawrk. of vioUcce. Tk. wound waa twoinch.. In knilb, 2j l a c b . f i o a the •aagle of th. eye. The nalp waoback. We found lying around tke acdpand undernealli Ika woaad akoat k a l f u

• ofcoagnlsledklood. Tbet found thewetud utindiog tknagk Ik. akall. Be.moved Ike akoll and found .Bother ooaawlaof blood, W. fontd the dura mater weeeto wounded cerrMBnaaiBg Ik. wound inIk. aealp and skill. We foaadlho Itatru-BieBlhBdpen.lratedlhebcaU abo.and,found In Ih. I of Ike wound about iosnoe and a half of blood. Thedepthof the

d A b iwound,point WH found

pbra. iaowa, u d at that

Shop on Clinton | am

alood, aid al h . , i » « f h l . - «--,

This pice of boas lound la tht outer I

of tbe brain o responded witU a sole- fromthe inner part of tb. akull. hating beendriven in by the ingtrumnnt. lteuoviutbe brain we found the base of the brainaurrouueul witb fluid and coagulated blocd.A careful eiamination of the lungH, heart,large blood .easels, and abdominal organs,revealed no other cauae of death. Ju biopinion death was caused by inj. ry to tblirsln csuwd by tbe wound, the inatrumen! eabibitcd here would iuflict nuch awound H he saw. 1'he woundor brcecVr In Ibe posterior .Npeot of it thanit WH In tbe interior. With such a

aelhi. corn book (which wiebewiO it would rciiulru a blow of consider-able force to make sucb a wound.

Cross ciamined : The upcoula of bone b.ihlo e from Ihe interior, or edgo of

The narroweat part of tbewound WH Ibe front part, indicating tbat ifIb. perwn waa Blooding on bia feet, it mustkave been niado from io front. The pineswhere tbi« wound wa. furlictcd i* one ofthinnest places of tile skull. The rtutbia point wae ofnatu-al IbickueGif, whichwould b. about three.4uarlers of au iucb.

J, kl. BUKI.ES sworn: Testified be iachief engineer for tbe Mosconetcong InCo. He bad mads a diagram of the grouudwbiob wa* abown, and the witness poiuteiout lo tbe jury the various localities of lh<lot, when Ihe body wu found, tlio palb. tb,

Ihe cabbage patch, etc., witb tbo dUtaaces from point to point. The path is notfsneed, and i. well worn. It ruuH close It

me old mine holes. The ground whereI body wat found he .hould think bad

not b^w workml In T Hia recollection. that not more than k»lf of tbo corn wai

bii,»tiuiuiiy Wti uiioitnd

tbrougb tbo sbocke of corn, where Ike conbad been cut up.

MRH. W». TIIOUIH aworn: I live on ItTliooMtowu road. On the M b of Sept.saw Jobu Suitb lyin f, dying, with hix headcut. lie wiu lyiug en bi. right aide, withe blood .parting out, and making awf,uoiuea. He had hiH but on. Tbe body wia little w.yxop: tbo path. John 'J'iurt' u there.

Grow eianiined: Urs. llranch cametue wbeu ahe called uic.

JIEH itiNNEv, BWom : I dm foremanthe Dickereon mine and know Jobu Kmithwho wati under ground eD8iiie«r at that tilHia buaineu wag to be on duty at li o'clock.~ waainthqomoe at the uiiueiu tbe after,oon. AboiitlO or l.'iiuinuteato nveO'Oo

oellc u the office door. I had IHL,Ura. Brandi d or 111 minuU. beloi

w.« running toward tbe bl.ukaniilu Iwhsre her hud>aud wtrked. O'Oonne]Mkai me to phone to Dover for a doctor,askod wbat wa* tbe matter aud bu HH' pboue " first Bud bo would tell me aft<

ward. J did so. Then be >aid Jack HmilhWH in ths habit of crossing bis potatopatch. Tho potatoes were .11 out, but Iliatdidn't matter. He bid him to go Lack, buthe wouldn't; he poshed bim and then ,lackstruck him ; he then raised up tbe corn bookand Jack ruu on it. O'Oonnell said at firstbe way mul. Holow. I told bim

d be put no heft to tbo>ui whst be aaii UmiUt

Crou-eismlnallon ef J. H. Dearie re-im«l: The testimony elicited consisted

largely of .iplautioos respecting the localHy of the killing Tho wltnen WH mre that•nor. lb.n haV th. com patch lo tbe north.

t ef the bam wae uucot. The path DA.•vldeally been a wagon road, but witnessdid M think It WH so oaed now. There isaotliliig bnt a palb along the edge of Ibepotato paloh, between Ike potato rowa i

fanos, H does lo the feaeoulhey canget. Wken I w u there there wasn't much

anything who. l ie body w.a found.Then WH probably more of gran Mm ssy-tklag.li..

Be-dirsot: The body of Smith waafcund«.1 feet from the road landing lo O'Oonnell.hou... From Ura. Branoh'. honae to wherethe body WM found WH about sm test.

t>m. JOHN L. TarLou .worn : Am a prac.t l .bg pky^clao at Snccuunna. Haw thibody of John Bmitb, in ths neighborhood ol6 o'clock, in an open Slid back of the Dlck-•rs»n s in. . II wu lying on Ihe right aide.The body wu deal; had probably beendaadlfteeaaiinnlel, or half an hour. Ha

Dr. Oeadlct in tba making of lbswet mortem namination, and corroborated

I testimony. In hia opinion the wo.ndIhe bsaln WH tbe cause of death, and an

iBstrnmsnt like the corn knife would makewound, II would lake a blow of

eonsUierabl. force to penetrate the hat andmake such a wound.

toward tke eye, which was also Ihe IncisedI of tke woaad. Hie brain subsunoe is

very soft. Tb. character of tba blow lad!ottel that It WH l.llctod from ia front.

Hat HBLI* Baaa-ca tworai I U n d oaIka 30th of September I. Ever, hoaee, Hint•ill . Tke eoessie aloogaMe tke catobag.poll*. Thai eitemoooldld aoiaoe leanSaillh. BorO'OoueU UU after Igot home

ut < o'clock. Sew OVoaa.ll about arter of aa Bear afterward. He we. run-

alag toward wbsr. Joba Saith Uy, bdweeab n u d my boun. I went out lore I aw O'Ooaaall aad Join Tiiraiutlagandaawthobody. OOoanMlcame

aedloobd at Ika body aid ran toward hi.le. I then ran toward the Dioscrsoas and Tleman remained with Ihe body.

Smith was breathing very bard.

must have run on Ibe hook. O'Oouuoll s,.Ihitwuit. Smith did not die till frouminutes lo balf .& hour sfter I got there

WitucaB dhcribed where and bow the boiVu found.Craet-eiamined : Mr. l'itiuy called witasa'B attention to some of bis lentil

It the Inquest. He Hid be didn't know ifbe bad uid anything different here fromwbat be M'<1 at tbe coronet's ia,|nest. Wbike utid iuere wu . irue aaeuuiil. I did not

teU Whitewhcnltelephonedbiniwhstdoel,to get. I think Smith wtlghed 17:>pounds in the offlco that loornitifi. I do not11,,ik bB wu •!> feet high. I do not knowif he w.s . mueeuUr or athletic man. He

Bi Iron !< to 211 years old I think.Mlaa OI:*EVIM TUOKUN, .worn : I am the

daughter of Mrs. Wm. ThomaH. On the.'loth of Bopl. I went lo Ibe body of Bmitbafter he WBB hurt. Ur. Tieman wu there.He had on bin hat and Ibe dinner pail wasat Ilia aide.

JOHN ltur,AN,O'Connell ud knew John Bmith. I lived

esr O'Connell oaoe. I had a eonvemlioowith O'Oonnell about Boiitl, Iheird O'Cou-

L>11 nuu . thr»U .aainst Smith .t differentmea. He would uk me who left tbe tars>wn u d I told bim I didn't know. I

hetrd O'Oonnell blame John Smllb forbiaking Hveral different raads ou hie prop-erty. I beard him MV be "would kill thatBcotcn of . , i[ |,a went |h.t wayagain." I beard him make threat, differentimes wben he would get uiuL It WH afterSmith went to work In tbe mine in Juno orInly that I beard thaw threats.

CrosB-eiamined : The bars wbioh wouldbe let down were on aline fence betweenthe Ever property and the Delaney property.Ther. wu Hun. trouble between D.u u dSmith pervious lo Ib.t lime. O'Oonnell .nd

ifton had a few word, but no quarrel.Itncss .dpitled tbat O'Oonnell once hadn arrested u d compelled bim to give bail: bis appenrance to ths Grand Jury for

Indecent eipotire ID bii (O'Oonnell'a) bouse.By Counsel-" Didn't you tell John Hani.

n ' t t

Witness— "I don't recollect my Ing «o, IBevsrasideov each tbiag." No cue WHever by when I hard OCeu. l l auk.in*.Oouaul-"Wkeo OConneU complatod

^ntuubersbe ia i Iowa, iiaa'l yaw. tellhl« 19-UJ Smith for krttlsn ths ban dew.and ion weaU be a wllaus qalnal bin F"

Wllaua—" I aevsr told him any auchthing."

CONSTABLE G S O . TasttaNWICB sworn :

When I saw O Con-Ad Tlenaa raaaiag, Tieraaa waa

I thlak they were tu the second rowcom Th. corn had besa out and waa Inicke. l a w Tteraee before In tbe day.WH mttiDg !• tbfl otMBSt near my pateb.

real nay aoussof O'Ooaaell. O'OoinellBlsatad Ihe oon, osbhagea u d poUtoeathen. Hs alto planted and worked tba

opakh toward the Diokerstnmlse. IWM atnat iH 0'Coo.ell to bring me aomeappUawkloka. WH going to give me. Igal Ike Bpnlsaaeil morning. My husband

i them la a bag. I thought there weeaapetof blood oa the bag I eoald aota u tke appta lev Ihe thoughts of Ih. Iklag.I HW O'Ooaadl com. keck briagiag blaa-keta. I did aot au Ikem put anything ua-aW hi. kcad or Uad hb bead up.

B»dlred. There wusnolker corn palchwhich I tkiekWH In shock. The corn IHW tkeat raaalag ia WH oa th. other Bideof Ib. osbbat. paloh.

Mae. IIABI OTOOLI sworn: I llnrboBUMtowa road Bad wu oamyowastocp

• daj. II WH about 3 o'clock, or a little•r. I H W OOono.ll. He was crossing

ovar the tars elongside of Ihe corn leld.Ha bad a bag with Urn. When be got overtke ban as slipped Ihe bag o f kis shoulderand win! toward Ike path leading lo IkeDickenoBBduc. I went la tke kitchen aad

• right oat. I beard John Smith's voice.Ha mid, "Holdon, Dan. Hold on, Da.I eoald HO O'Oonaell Bad Smith. Theywstetegslhar. Q'Coon.U had hold of JohnSmith's hft shoulder mid Smith bad hi.

«• pail la ala right hand. Dan strucklohaais «id Johnnie (ell. I dil not hear

O Connsll u y anything. He walked backto the ban, put the bag on bis jaoalders•ad want down through the comBeld. Ilooked oallooM if Johnnie got up. I sew

'OOBKU comi cut of the corn n.kt to,h«re John Smith Uy. It might have been

» o i l o minutes afterward. He stood a fewBilBBte. looking at Jobnni. Smith .nd wtoward hi. own house. 1 esw Tieman next-Smith Bsvev moved after the blow we.

Tiernan came flnt loI body and O'Connell oame a few minute

alter. O'OonneU atnek Ihe blow whenJobiBi. w u Hying Ihe laat word. I di,aot awe Smith till I HW hko and Dm lo-getber. He WM in plain. a"ht from me.oonld not tell where Jnhnnie oame from,could not Bay whieb way Johnnie we. goingor whether they wer. in any path. I ilrsltold tkb) Btoiy le my daughter at Ibe Mm

I did not tell II all at once, becausew u BOt abl. tol I bav. been Baked often•boat it, kat ween I telling it, all Ihe same.My .yesighl la good ; there i . no questionlo my mind about it; I can see, I have had

very little diScully with O'Connell. No.did aol gel angry at Dan.

If.. . Besa RaanaN Bworn t Am the dsugb-ter of Mrs. O'Toole and live at home. We.le the bouse on Ih. 30th of Stpl, in thekitchen. Mother wu on Ihe itoop. I sswO'Connell going toward the barn across Ih.•sld. Be bal a bag on hi. sboalder. Iwent lathe koue then. 1 saw tb. meB

i l

sworn : I knew Daniel

W«. 0 I I ,BUT, sworn: I went to tho bodyof John Bmith i W u ailed there by lira.Thomas. The body was laying on ita rightside, with its hat ou. I took off tbe hat andbud it OD the grura.

CnMS-eiamined: No ooveriog WM putever Smith while I wu there-ebout tenminutes. *

Wuiirat.o II. l l m i R i T .woni: i |I mMr., tlranoh ou tut rftemoou of rkipt. :HHfa.I t w u about r, o'clock. Went up fn the}F.veri IU1L« lol, ami fotn il Hr. Tiemari andGilbert with i!i> hail. • Tie body w u lay-ing on ita right aide, the head and Iuce aoine-what covered with blood. Tho dinner pailwau iving fiomewiutt near him, with theeatables partly under tbe body.

0. B. GAIIE reBalled: Inolioedthegrouudlin the vicinity. Then, wu a corn Held ex-

idiog from tho wire fence of this Held t oIhe ban. Ho thought Ihe corn w u all cut,from the wire feuce to the barn.

JA*. BitiM:r, recslled: The ooro fromtbe wire ICQCC, I think, wa« cut, imil w u inshock.

CrcBB-euoiiued : When O'Gouuell oatnatohini first he Hid ho w u mad, but hodidn't u y be wu mad at Jack Smith or any-body else. I did uot telephone for auwparticular doctor, When White asked if hashould send any particular doctor, I aaked!O'Connell und ho uld no, to Mud the Beer.

at doctor that could be found. O'Connellua rery niucb cicited. O'Counetl Hsid

Hniilb struck him aud partly knookMl b indown; u bowu regainingbl. feet Hmilli

me at biui agaiu with another blow, andraised the com fao&k and Smith oama

sgainal it. Tbo wilnees was asked if O'Oott-)11 mule atatemenla of the affair at tbs

place where lbs bod/ toy. Objected lo. TileCourt Buatainod tbe objection and an electi-

n wu taken.CIKO, TutnKKxicn recalled: The con

iQ tlie iialoh between tbe wire (enu and th .biro was out. Tbe knife w u Ukea from

last ahocli cf Ihia Held, or Ib. tret of th .noil, ft w,u in the flnt .hock adjoining,Ib. c.bb.ge palch.

At tbia point tbe Slate rested its eaae.THE DErOHE OPEKEU.

Iepening for Ihe dsrcnie Mr. Mahlou Pit-iy said they did not pretend to deay that

Smith oune lo hia death by a wound from tcorn hook in Ibe handi of Daalel 0 Omnell,but he thought they would show that theircumstanoea were different from thews Ih.

ry now had in their minds. O'ConaeHbad no malice against Smith, and B u g s *did not tell tbe truib, but oaly enewgh o(he truth to bang an caplanation on. O'Ooo.

nell had considerable trouble In kupUg upbi. Huefenoes. ltea#ui ukedOOMUeU U^ this trouble to Smith, saying if O'Oofl.•ell would prosecute his. he would Mmtah

irtuenee agalut Bmith. O'Oonoell hadtalk with Bmith after Ihia, ia which he

ild him he would believe him In preferenceBwgan, and therefor, held no nalioa

igtlnst Smith. The affair wu bnt uunfor.unate accident, which no one b u regretted

lucre thsn OConneU bes. Bo then notede location of th. property leased by O'Con-

nell ; how people encroached upon It, oftsalIng the ban down, which let cattle Into

is crops. They would .bow that fimitbhad been crowing a lot oecnpwd by HenryPoppy, that he had bad some words with

, who forbad, him going acraa. theBmith tbeu came to O'OoaneU aad

asked permission to cross his place, wale*O'Oonnell gave him, aUpilasIng by whichpath he should go. People la oraaiaig hw

sndetopit. O'Connell a x i l aot IhlBkofwho bad done this, aad could oaly oall i p

w John Tleroen. I h»d oharg. cf Ih.['.jury. Iuwtbecornhookonrri.

day, Oct. l« . I aaw l i e rau take it oalfrom nadn a Aaak of con. Tb.eorn.boelfrom wkiek It waa taken w u at Ibe coinerof Ika ban, at Ika far aad, aad beaded II tome. 1 give it l o t h , coroner.

Da. Wit. E. Dinar, awotm: Wu oslkdMine HiU on the night of this afair, aad

got there about 90 minute, to II. Th. boJylay in aa open lot. It tuwlb*end«adefl.ertwomlantu. Th. bony >a* ou Ibe rightaide, wllh the head aupportel by a beardand wrapped ia Uoady lienlogu. Th. dlu-

rpalllaynear th. body, wllhtkeUdoffand the oenUnts apUledoul la a keep.

Orota-aumJnedi There w u u old q.Utover la . body. I receivedtkamrmagi lioasMr. WhiUaboutlio'nlock. IluraedoeTlh.aaln road U 0'Ooaa.U'. honaa. A boystood M tlw aoou aed directed m.. I sswOCoao.ll riuding aaw Iks body.

Jom TraaNiN, auorn i I worked forOOonneUoaU.SOthoffl.pl. I know thaithU ooro kalf. !• OOoaaeh". u lit s . I o uJidge. I(oaadittksa.ttsaoraiagafterinthe cabbage patch, about tea yards from the

ir of tbe ban I put It under a ehoekofoom. Thereeeemed 10b.blood 00Ih.point of II. He g»v. Ihe knlr. lo eonstabltTredennlck, or Prosector Ouller. The oonknlf. waa shaipatd oa tbe ariidalone forcutting con, shorty before.

Ctces-eumined: O0oon.il and I groundthe knife. O'Goauvall and I cut oaepartofu eAeraoM, aad ks went to plowiog, andpulling la bia ry.. I w u cutting elone Ibi.day. TbakabTswufound oalaesas ldd.of Ike ban. We went there to took for It,beo.ua. Ibe bag ol applu wu(eand there.We found the bag of apples Ikere the moming aflw tbia bappsiwd.

Mr. H.O. Wlney, at Ibis juncture, whtahi. line of otoaMiaaslBatloai waa objectedto, made a strong oejectioo lo Ike way th.Froueator w u oonducting kk can. Banw u a witaeeawko probably taw the wholeef «ir, u d ysl Ihe Proasoulow permits himlo UU only pert of hi. aMy. Th. fact Uthat O'ConiwU told hi. .lory to half a dosen

» ov« Ibe body o! Smith, aad yet therroseoutor provs. it by only one wttaeu,Mr. Binn.y. Th. oourt raled that II eoaldnnl lay how Ih. ftusecutor ehoaU ooaduotbi. case. Mr. Pitney then saked wilaeuIfbenwlkeaotaaloneonnler. The Prose-cutor objected u d WH sustained by theCourt. Tbe defence look notptiona tobotfcrulings.

Witness iHliled that then append to beno attempt to coned It. Ha did not nolioeuytraokl wber. it w u found. Hs hadworked for O'Oonndl about two meath..

Court ad Journed to Tuesday monlog.T1ICWAX M0.NIKO,

I. H. St.iLE recaUed : Maid he lired atStanhope, butapeut three-fonrtba of hia timeat Mine Bill. Be w u further questionedrespecting potota indicated by hia map.Wltneu HWlhe body ol Smith 10 or 15minute, .fter the .Bray. Tho faoe w ubloody. He bad vomited eon.lder.bl.. Tbebat a

(JHMa.etenun.iii l a i O'0oirae!!itoiogl|n.v!d.i

Smith groaned three or lourtime, but didn't .peak. Tke wound wasbleeding, and 1 got a little .tone, wrappedaome rags about it, aad placed it on thewound. He afterward bandaged the wound.Bmith died just u Dr. Deny wae comingthrough tho bars. We had moved the bodytwice before th. doctor got there, m l ofpools of blood and vomit. We movedtoward tbe house both tinea.

,, pail Si,*f^iu'''a.?.i?u Were offer*,!..

•sat rJmllh i tat H he aad girsa BaltkpsrmisalealoecwbyaBOtkerpasb,h.did]aotlhiak he would do it aaUl tali day.

tki. t e l l ea lki . day,>psrfsetlypsu»falsaWaa,let>saba(

of applu ha kad ntaaakwd Mea. •saaek andwith score b e e . Is Us kaal HaaaU Thr-

b e a t eon. Ia dWag u fc> BMt aaaNkgolagaorcHl»yta.f . lHli la Bath. >TkaB

told Saaltk to go beet Ik. kakar rafaaal,bal sasu owl of kk way aiily teat to Meat

mere ehea • aasoa for "Taaalill Mil ka)earn.oat afkl. waylokoaikks. He BaMtoO'CoaaeUIWlHkBdaeeae«IUgfersi

MO.. Basllh atraok Wm Base er Iwiea.Bd O Ooansll ky a oaanUwa H . V O H I Otbrewnphia beads l a m a , way IBhaaatt, sad tea, th. aaridaal aaaewuatnubd Ikat O'Ooaaea'. Mioa. ahm.warf.inproCTria, edoets., iaeariafj fewla. woaadei man, aaa la aarMa4oria«T kaae-Hlf, ahowed O'OoaasIl wee aot ns.slll.l tt

'ComaeUakoaMMi te pwasahesl »jr wkattdkappsaad.Uro. W. HowamoworBi BswHaelrU

aiigineerwd»irvorerucltMUedUBaae>ylh.pr.miua akowa,

k H d

b a n astsalp ,nvenwitksawsHwdokaia . Hslaeslteelfatlkutotheaeearaoy 1 sll the paint, aatbe map, aad all Ik. eiiHsHslaa aad croao-

lla> n a u r o , iwsalMi Tul i lr f tealdieUuwadsasliiurHewwUtk.patatwBenSmith fell. W n e a H n t u w O - O a a a s l l u *

• raaaiig ta.y wan oltaa tayeakir,bntTleraall WM Ikaad.

Jem Biouaia , sworn i I aaaaad Iks•nceallhe Dfekama alas . Be walgkal

JohaBHilh oalbeHorahsg at thalajrkawu killed. Ht vniatud la l pewada.

toprodue.thel .au ( m a Tbos. I r a n wDaniel o OonnsU. BWs objeotod. JedgakUiiecoaleadad t k e l . a a u n a k l aoloe-

nnHiaaliin ky taUag Ufa. nceot ItbaklakouH, aad ustaiaed Iks ohjectioa.Ao eioepiioo waa takea by Iko ialMeo.

DANIBI. O'CoRmx, tke ptiaonar, awen iam to veers old, aad wubora h. Ire-ud. I C U M to tkus oOBBtry ia 1806 j Inkedln Brooklyn aboil two saoalha and atl. Kelt lived la kalat BilL H a n

been living ateady la Mao HIU for 18 j ean .Am married aad a n a a wtt. aad al«M ohll-dren. The oUtat ia ia Ua BMeaUk year. Ihave lived in my present nous, i t o a l e l m a

. u d own ths s o u . . I oeeapy IsacVlinlherau of my howu—Ike lot wUk arfhouu of about thru aerea, Ik. Buttvntosl

i o r t c u r u Utke Sostk, u d IkaEver property of M aoree bees, ef Hy kwase.Th. kouu wkua Ju. Breeab lived la a part* the Ever property. Tbe arid la whichBranch's MUM is located oootaiu about b a

I have occupied it two jean, tadhave a KM. "inc. last April. Hav. rsisadcabbage, potatoes, eto., cm the I n r ptaoathis year, and I male np tke fseoe kwt wia-ter. TheccrnwuonaU saduo(lhl.«eld.l i e n WH con and cabbage along Ihe paththrough tbe Ever lot leasnag to Rrueh'a

I leased Ihe houu to Bnoek.A quesUoo a to wkelber he had enablein keeping up hi. torn, wu objectedto. I have found any fence, downon the eitrem. eouth boundry of Ih. I nplace, adjoining tb. Dilaaey pkee. kuaaauaUld me tbe Bsllh famUy, ntaaiag all otth.D, wen carrying awaj this futo. H*had seen them earrylogaway rail, u d throw-ing down the b.ni, and if h. would lae II

lleagu would proiecato them.heard what John Btagaii nail on Ika witnsaasUul about nbargiag the l u e u being dowa,

i Smith u d snaking tkrwata. Baaaidhaver seed anv snob weed, aa Eeasatl I n


Page 2: FURNITURE AND CARPETStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-01-15.pdf · obscurent or apparent* In other words, talk plainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthfully

THE IRON ERA.The ODver Printing Compnny

P I'

S . . u n l a y , ' J . I I I . \~t. i s



111.- • < i i i . > ! ( I f f i l l - ) . U | , , T rt-.--.Mlli


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«f iHit f l i i . ' ..f II..- L i imW' - i - ' M.:..t, « : . . | ,H|. l r i Srw.ul, l . i- lSmi


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"m.l \VI - .1 I I . , .1O iiuil Hi, -taii.,1,, .•:!

i n v . t i i i z . i t i i . 1 1 n t t i n ' I I I M I M n l . '

t u n . l>i u - l i r " i u U u - i r i i u m l l . - . V.y t l i -

I l l u - l l l l C 1 l . m i l i>! . I t i . u ^ i l t - l l u - n H l l m l . <

1,1,11.il l . > . \ i n ( . ; i u i . l ' ' i i r i n i u l y . - " : i - 1 . > l i t

. J i l l H l i - l l l l " l l ! l > l - l . - i ' ! . . . l l f . - | . l l l . ! l , - : i t l A - "

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ui l lmi i ty i'l tin- Miitf l.ii.l .I. . 'l.incl Hi.-1.1L t ic . tin* i'iun.i,,r:itut» il:auufct tlii'j- **•tin-.- iif i - ln l iun ii I ' IUIMI Ma t . - Sfr.11t.1r. m

il t f till. ' I.V.I Ilii-ir |i.irtv rnu.-li-,ln- niiiuf wn> tln\Y V.»Wi.ViTlin'ini-ii;> Stii

ili.iu bu l full. Ni-iiHy nil III'- l.i! ulli.

i.'nit " in I,- nml-..11 unU i : - « \ . i iII ,,l,,l llMl.l.-r.l.l. .•OlllltW H l l l l . l

t lw hi. iiiii.

illl* lU'l'.'lltr.l. IllliltlTrltll, M .jll.M.'iltl.l- -i'lil

Imiiii of tilts l :n^ri-- i i*a I'li-rfc-tit]'. I ' l i l i !iiu.ttl.-lil imj: IVmiil 11 niiiti [iiui.-Miil.-il l.i il.f

D r u U , i»rMorris, r u u u t j . ami i-oiif--.-r.--l tl

\V.invn. U-ft tUv vuwvm. tint ftiU tl«- i

h l l t , i , s w : h.-l.l l,iBl. IL. ir t. t . . . l- . t i . in l . i t^

lli.it Brtrr-.He u-11.1l rj-liiiiiiilK-i- I).-i...,.V.III1.0 jlJil.HI 1JUT ...I-.T- lit . 1,- ill t'll- TU.ii

111. I' 1.1- • I I . . ' i l l

<l.'i.t» In urjMiiw tlii' linn-.-, 1.>i

Hi.iis.i- w.-ut to 1 In- A-M-tiililj

Ei'rily' uf Ini.-™.* in

. 1 , 1 . , n I M . - ; , , , ! - I n u . i i i l .


r III•111

. , l i . . n i i l . I - h , i-iiVtUur, •• V . i i i n c tl..- uu.

In. k ih . i l ' I ' t lh. 'Si i i i l l i '" l.> v. liii-h li.-rcplii-t

Sinn «... i.r I'M l.ili .M.U '.' M i l . i - .juiit-nit

....m m a .iw.iy. Tl,.- ;-i,'l .„» , , ! i - i .- . ( .«ni/ . '

i . ( l i l« . . i l l l I l t i | . , l i l l r t . .Tl l ln lu . lVi-! l i . .I.II1I-.

a .Dim n•i.idiuM I" *!•" kt-tMi-uri. In itiillii

trl, ,

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II . I 1

ihilid ;i liiirk .11-»r. i i i l in- tilHl.

ii Ml till' I'iliinii-w.-li-ft H,.<-UtIf-•jirl'p. «Mr> In II

Illfll tu

In-M \I: il.-i.-.t ;it N i w . u k . Mjiln ovi- rn J . I . IK* i-tn-

i.ni li.i'i-i'. I u u - . . . I'r.'.-i'l.-lll H. ll-'!Vii!:ili .1-l i . ' i ln i r . I »..: ln i i MM. lUiiii^li I I ' ^ M i l r r> ;']] mill iliiill kl..i» vli.il v»;.« .1..1M- in tU '..i- Tl,,- M - . I . , . ! - r..r It.- >.'•" "'••'••VJ.TWJM .•v|, . , l . l ,H.r..- #;,.rtl H-, l.-:.vtiia ii

...l.lll..- 1.1 ru l , ..„ hlllll *r!7-0L'l. T.lfTi..lM'

i>« 1.I7J m. ml..-r- ,>\ ilii* n-m-i . i i i im, ,>i.«l

!ni , ' . l l .n '"r!»' MMiiii'" i i i i r " • l v : I'l.-.-i-

.-«!. llillfr. llMlilslltr. U V K C t ' l o t -Ul i t , 11.i. l i .nli-; LM \ ii-i- I ' r i - i ' l r i i t . l>. •< Mi'P>'>l>':fl \ i'.-. I ' l .Mil.-i i t .Jj^-M.Hiiii t i-r-: ('liJiriti.iu

• I Kinaii.-.-ruiiiiiiim-i ' .J. \V. li;:kiT. M. ( If.•:•: r t - r « . ' ' | i l v l.'.L.-lilH Will I..- I.Cl-l'.ll t.'f'•*••« . M l i u - pdi-wt-.-k tu»l..inl o l * i v . .S^tin-.1 il,.- l.€iv* tl Ill I!IM *tn-)j[n.« witt. nfflinai!iu...| 1..0 I,,!-.- ti:i,l uiiiilftl ti- l.iln- i»*'iiy

,v Ai.«ii. Vau-v. 1 .1 , \ »..,.-,• •|...-Ml.l<- r in / r i J U'l»l XOIlI.I I..[.'.IMUJI 1. r i. 1 if , h r i ;i.

1 mi^l.l li-iiil III .11, i»i|,i>rluii! .

\.: I,UV,> l,UVl't' . . . II IL.* INI il

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<l''.Kl>, i - ' t ' l i ' i i - "ii^- ii

llivu • l U .

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\\\-ilisc.il-,y. Hit' r.tli lui^t., ML- Il.-i..i

J"i."iti7ii"ii!lK'n.aili il." Him*'. WHIi 1

1 -!ul:il-.' iC-'hurir. "rile'


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,u, win imNrwu.-k leHi Mr. B. 1.k i l t Of Ii,.-ii.iii.

i.u-iiittui ni,i

-j.(.rtn«lty bI..,nl of l i l t

1;,.T!I l.i-r S l.i> 1.

ii 'mi [I(.l.i.l.. 11 v,:,- i...<!i.|>..[ i lul i i lC .1 i • 11 I"lll,.-ri;i lil.ilirril.lll M.itlIn.tii li;ii'k.-ri-liii> 11. 11 , ; , J . .U, , ' - l , | i r , - . l . . l , iU.

! l . - . i \ ' - i> v.iV

(, illlir IrjtlU'e*C.lllf.-\|IV. S

.til.'.- l.»l| 111* I..«ty itawMi «f UiTL-lllll- -.Md SII.IHI'

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I"*?, nf.•*;((!..III. Tltf-ris :iri-'tiii\v a'.'i 11• ii HDI.,1 Kt.iuillrij;. I Nail iultnil.-d

a IN! ill.- ']«;. t ^i-i"! il H iliiiu^, Ixil'-onr.iit iii>.-.,-tt Mill, •.nn-miiil.ilii^-

llirilfii't I) <i. M.. (.'. Ai^ilhtili . .Mnlr. "1

,1 ii-c iinn :i ilm]:i»-i i-f ! " ". ivwaMi ' i ' i i j ; toi.ilrsi.'v if l'»vor o r U IHI.M,,,^ , N:,,,.,!!,- Mill- I •-II. TU« 111!

,i, i in;-,, "liiHi w i e n r . - i M l i i .v.-nr •» ( . for

I Imi'!j.i.>iil'.


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nl llu' HllrT i» 11)0]

lichiilo iln- iri-ini- I l'ii EHI mow und pu

l-tl-t.H-\ Will 111- lllli'l. [Jti-i'i*'«l t'UHVtt'SUiiruiil ol' tin- Vm. liiiii.ni l lulb Alto

V..ik. « u . In 1

( ihU ; i l , i l I

( h i - j - i u i ' l J i o i i i t i n - ; - J . I - H I . . T , a i t . l l . i r : t l

i l . i i . -.V.. ..•:,.<,.•.'. 0 1 1 i l l - - v , t - t i . f a h i I v •

I L l l l T l i r U i - l l I I . - . M I - [ ' i ! l l ' I U . 1 t i l l - j ' l

iuMl , , n > . 1! l u r l i i r l . i v - t . | t n t I I . T i l i s . - n - i c

, , i , . l \->; t , n w i ' . ' l , - f ! i - ( J F . ' I : w . - j i k . - r u n l i t

..: (llivis UilKe. Xu, 11,1 U.U. I-', liift Mi..- 1 . ,

.l..V..Vi-..,.,"...»fu.J,.W.. X (.., Will. To.1.1: .'r..'li».i..(l..ur l.ml.li,.- '•» <l,f level «,V . ' i i . , I . T . S t i i h v i . | t i i v ; Sirrt-tiirv. A H I H I K. « n l . - >•< ..•• - I " " ' " • -1"- l ;- »• « « . ' < « «H u l l ; ] ' . K . J M I I I I M Kuuvun ; f m . ' u i n , Ii. i»*i»"l 1-* I' K- * C W. Mi.-kle, l o m. iI-:. ! . . . , .« ; {•„„.. J . W, Ciini II s W.. W.T. I IMI'IIIU- H I - A-LI.* II111i1.11 Huh- At tach i

Si-:.]s! 1.'. N . " t . , x ' ( ' j . . 'A i . , "» ' . I . ' . \ l i r i i ' ; K K. :" " • • • ! - - - • ' "to V. (i . Win. M. Dink . ' : L .S to V.li . S.nn.lilrtnii: 11. iS. S , W. K, Wili-nx ; J,. S. S,. I.S. .Viiiliiiin: ('li:i[i|;iiii, A. II. I'liiie.

l . i - ! Siininlitv ni- lu (fi-.ir«r Wilfi'vi-rli-fl

li»nr..v : i-iiiiiiii^ (.sick nii'siiii'liij :

l.".k.i«M,!..HI,,*! }„- .i;,.,t iittlut Ui.siiv |» Havli.

nil ;i ;.<..'ii

l<ll .1

I I I . \\> )l-l

Hurloy. il». IV»I.

IP-V" i , . | - ) , 11 -W. . l l , . . « « . . L i l r l W . i . l l . l . l

|]|,,,I, lln- S,i.a- j „ , , , ] , , ; , . , . , t l , | ,,.,. [„, . , ! . , , . , , . , ! dijl.t .lu rj;,,.M11 Wi.lii.--.liH I i,,., ,11,,;.^. Mr j , . , . ! Mr-. 1'I.irt, r ti.nl l.-.-hn.«,wvi,.,l 'm Uy ' m.«ii.-l UIHHU lliiw s t . i n -..if! . l i l i t IIIHHIII-

H.unl :ii"l Uinrit-y,

h i n

•1,1 Hi.- ..-ii.a

].nl.lloau>. l.m D,,,,,.li,.-. Hi- l.il...r ....„,. v.i. ; „ „ , „ „ .

tc.1 r-il-.l «U!i Ilit- ll.iii.ui.it-. ll.-.^ciiiim-.l

Imviili-, lioflt-v.-r. L.v in

\n twl r.il-ll tiuc:..!-..- !l;nl,

c.td-, iimt l , i^i iW.| i . . 'HI i'

wmilil lie trmcntnl iiy M

.•w.v H i - iH'li^vrU '("ill

AMvll linnliMl hwjjrii.

K-imtiir, l.uf J.iitiir*-.* «*

1 ... lit.-Ill,- !.!>

[ Id till L'l M -11 Til \

•it. I wiiiit t»«-liii<|i(>r!l tn.v.n

idi.Inn rnlli'if Ihtirlrnl iii'1lo linu.i>iiir.v mill .r»>ir nml

tlio ]..n.r hut liuiii>t" |.rr|>lt:


. l ou t

1 n'fiut\\-.' *'n 1 •'"'iMIi11 i i r ty "'-"I'-'l lu r iliU |ii

The iiifi-t

I h . - ' ^ l r ' : ! .'-'il'i-i- <if S i . U ' - ilrui*. t h i n„, ,• . ! . v.l . i tv«*l. .- ,-vi-i !(»• \iU«.« iHIVV.i'

K Itn-tli. l'.itl.-i

.,.] 1. vtrv ;.llgi;>ii!*-in .li-.!.i.Mtiuii. 11 l.-vint.

.1,"' W-HI! 1, umvi'i. * s"i-"«linl 111Vl.i' full iiH-u'r-W ! - Unit Iii |-S.,n.)iir ivii.-with lire to . i . i iv iy

'• vi-r.v iii,i-i-riii.ii I bj .n.pji i t 1., I IVI I I I I I . . ' v.-|t.-i-i-iii tin' I'i-iili'ii'i*• " ••' 'I- > I U I I - I I . Wii- w:..- luivii ' i i mi i s m m h . v in l i i i '

.! Ki-fllii-r. Snil..,!,,lu"i i»--.-n.-ii l,.i tin Iniri.^ml,

. , . k , , 1 E l<i t ..juii 11 in. w.'i hi'ii in nit' nn iui.r

I..-I. Ill- lltV.-!l.Pll WU.. J . M'.l,-«»«UltWUtlW.«ll4»HlS. TUf

«l<Uwl«b-rlK-uiiiiiiliiiii-«li|i-li i»Hr. . l j»ir*oii*~l.ii.M|rt i-n.liari:»'lie i'-iul<iuut wuik. TU«-liiCH-w

4lfe'l11 lln-

t.'«l,-<l Si.»U In CKIIII.-M .imi Mi-n'iT. I'lformer Ju«. i i i : l . t tlii<<v.<iy i* inliiiitl".!«vpry |.iiiiili.li><'iK..ii. Mill m il'C hillrr t li*Bi,*UU|«i!t'tliiit i l iv i l ' vti.mUu ti»in»l tl'.nIlii-t.f...|.l.-i«il'thiii .li-tri.-1-li...il.i luivi- ii 1t...l.'1-iilir i r im tl... tv.-iy |.r.ni.l<-.l l..v Hi.-

iitrtlii- St »:.H- » Ci'H.fl.11 t-aiiliol 1 1.

j\l nil events tli" HismniTatic ntli'ii!

8am Tooker'a Henntry,Awi.yn!. in (!•.. Jtlnc MmifiliiiiH Him vn-i

ulinut tvn mili-ri from li,.' lull.- Initnlil NIIOWI

JIS Tutlli-'-i 4'»rTioi<, tivi'4 Sminicl T..1.L1T. 1

t<-lH|;eti™ and 1,;ls 1.11I l,i< U>t.-lli ,-t'ii'i> iuli

It-en Ininilrr.l hi -iw, 11.1t .iirln.li 'y I lir o l l - i

fiinl^, Ftuuli an tinkfyi., tlmi iir.- winliMrel |I,I

sltHju-fi 11111I lumic of nil vnritl.v i-l imili-iiiil,

ttiuiirii. Tliti IV'iiri'H Hiiriininrtin^ Mir yunt i.rrun nine ]>lu*v". urc <-i«i"trticli>(l (,friii- Hitniu

ef n al u wild i iiitnin Imiil, wlnrli

liotiwo. Minn tuiH t u m i Mitcc^nUil fieiilicre for li'ii yi'iira, roiutiuiK-jiit; u i t lmbKnswIiii-li he |inrfl<a*i'i! from a nt-ij[Iil.<

until to-al.iv>- lir U r.'1-n^nl/ril IIR otic nf thenotcfBuful poiillry riiifirn 111 tit- Stiilc.I IM jmiii 1»i liW ji.Hi'O 1'rmn Ilic |irotil3 t>>)Uitrr. nml liin L-lieek in funil ia mm ul

it|'(iii im ii.irtii'iiliirlin'iil, .md he liinl upntin- lilac-11 -Pii( maii.v Wvun.l.ittiH, 1(rrinilii-ii l,.Tfi,ini-. I'tjuiontli Ito.lis nml a f?<

tnnjorit.v m tlicm nr« i tus i r i tn.tvxi'fowl* iii''ti(ktni'il, nml In- ni'V>'r -uenli.iflu olil Bpeckln! ltv>u.

TU Bom In \tm.i»ur ivpnitrt fr..tn nil tlic tjr-c Wi

tninleiiry, and a (•i-lliur t..tvani-c i:i 1may com D; yet HIP yrcnt'.v iiii-ri'ii'nil tun)fur wliluli we art: nrt>giariu^ in VMT\ | i i t ttlircoiiiiliT will linvi' tu liu liilitu 1 in- 1Tlir n-viv.il tn iiu!nM;-r ruiDi.l muMiiru-turijifftrtirsUy wiltioiit 11 uy htocUi or imy otiIru-ti, t.Tiuit lioui li.unl to ttiuiilli. .Mmrootltitied to di> lLi§ throueb urntly t

totbc hrliwl Itipt the Kr<-nt <htnitD.l 1'nr HeIirodiii'tn I* to I'Uiilintt.! lur unuc Time

turtit nfiruWtrY iriliiwiin! JiijjIiiT |iriws : 1they linvi', lur thf> ]m>t f.>itr iitnulli', lirr"covering tliclt B.iorl«."jinil •'<111tn1ct.n1: f<ithtJr future rc^uirritirnI». Tlii. hun IIIIMII*'d ulinul nil tlie Iron ilit lama<''-H nr,« williiloiflll. and lisa nmilu iron «r:in't> i,tlll 1,MI,1Kft. It U the drsfrr or WATly i n ry umn

rather t lan tin* iircnent rr^uirrmonlf. thatforcingIbe markH n|>, Tlir «lfj^]tf«( thtv]tCconnQiiiptloijor rructiun !• friurs n<ml*boir ibjtt tlifir ixniit Hie lfu«i o.'i;i>>ii.ii Itf^aHntt an "iron fumiur- ^tiilr- t7*t* ul-l fuiBMM lllOWidK lU tttll.1 UW UCW illl-llAV-CN tillv i l l conifl latu |iro.lm-lici[i ilntiu^ HIM 5enwill *I<1 }iro1»al>tTiiuitc:**),&*) too* i,,(>nr-„]ply, brinaSnj: t\it taiiko tl.U y n ^ up tn «*il,(M0,(im t«L..-r'.ii-ii,,pi-rin-; a,,.] MinlnJoarnal.


n i l I.V. I ' l l


Ki-v. Air.ml

f"l'l Ui-iiiii, Jiiii. l»i\,,

Why Qarjo if (earce iii 6mse».

H.m.l.in-li ai.,1 I-riuil.tin t)i,. rjn.it.

lii'.M.l i.\ any law, HTKI at N.-n-ti'li-•«

l ln l . i - l l i in : r wi-cW^ il ls .-;.!.'tn MI;.-llirji

L'Wimi li.V tin.' Iiii;-.ilt't<U, nml nl] .il IIII-II

trajipi'ii. Tivn vtcrkf a;u a 111:111 Tron

tswixiiMin.iii'lit in H tw,i.1itiHli<>l kihltci

«' tti.tlJHMl


ul, . , | I , , , ' 1*1 til

t!ii«!-•I. c I «.iiiic iii tlitH muo\v. We l>u1 1 i-i.vrr lor l.iritf. initl liihliiix in t

mill line- jiii-niy ii)1 Niiiiri f..r.v.-m^


1. in>:

•k .H !

lay tM-ivr.Out nl HiNtln' \vii!.,wlii.iini-f.H l u ] y y lit^i>|-i>l>illn<-i't'iu'iiitii |.rniii|.ih-, Kin] 11 lilflii>n tin- (IDH.JIV iiiuluu'lt-riuk.-i*-, l.ilN. i ln.it!!tT'luy-rtf went 1I..HI1 It. |>r. N.-ltlm v.:[l

i-i-t.1 I rum her mid in.-t< I1.-11.nl 11 rcni | . t i,CMU fivi' \!, , . ni,).m»1 nf ibi- .lmtDi'j' l.ili. Tinn-iti.nt iifH-rllir last liiU Minw Monn. mill tin

iJi..l.lir.UcM1.i.lfuiij-"-IIIT tn-*t tlLi.ee us elu- 1 > tfx

)~oi: nir.j- In- M,r<: uu ol.l Imiv Jik111 ilit' Utfun- Mti'. UDIIIIIunit ilium!!,' wiiiuol fur uu.Vtliiii^.I liii.. tn vim 11111I <Jinl'f BN .-IM OIII;

J(> lii'lp Hi

I'liiirtcj- Jlprriclt i* (.'"""K »ii mi U-c lionet

ijintnl get tl,,ii Iwk nt " ilwolilvn 1'J.III •'•r l^il,.- ItopntiNinB. iTiHiiKilit will fott morehail '•

IL,. HlM-rittor H P town In Sciillnud

mid i

ml ciaill'f, rulncil nt 41 jlf. .IIIHI iiiUKiiit' (ijioorf fottl'-, iind n jiun iloa VHlut'd n

l l d l r

Tin-lojcottUij i t l a m s U 1771.

I; iir il l>y tin

.I.i.ljr* ifcai. '-f tlie N-wCourt ba«iu*t l»iJ J.-wn -KTt'rt'rirc to lurUril win; leru-r, in thi* MM«r Karl 1'oluh, 11 Xi-w Vurk l>iiMa<-»K mnu

ooa nnd Iii* wiTe. The lliidmiDM owa a flfliWitti a bnrboil wire f«Dcr-nroiiDiUt, uud Mr1'ollA OWDfd tt lint' C9it Wlllch ll'' put ID )I|Mt n r e U a flHJ ailjoinJDR t ln tof i lm HnJ«on«.Tho rolt but aliftU*. with Ibe h a t e nni, it-«eivi><l hijurim vliicli Hindi; it DtTGMar; b)kill it. Mr. 1'ubK vfttit.:il ilic Hn,l - optpny fur 111* Mill, anil l^.w)-r Trai- .A. Marsh•naiHtrd dial tlsi-liurbrj wifr f-niT, in It«o« n dfftce of the iicrll and uit.tlrilno[hinj( butJiMtcml uei-rollon. .)u«tkc IIu-• l e coincide* Kith liim m fur «< to rule tbat• o (Wriw Iiail a riglit tn no.r ftfice wltlinutt«k»OK in c(ili*idw*Mvn t U imturat haliiii* ,,|tLeauimal-iliat were libclf l u •* *•'!'• !»tlie alJoiniiiK Rrid, "Uieir liablta in tJ)cirplflj-fulcej', tbflr (ii-jmnliun io airuy,tvrentheirdi'po«iti(>u to lirouk tbrouKV'and tlmt• B j f c i n o wLich wa* likely Hoin tbe t»Wt»• I tbe niintil, to JTIMJIIW injarj t o them,WMtii«f*l, and the P"*OD ene l ing i t fa Ifa-fcI«fa«U«dtuase It did. It I* ittppw*.!« J H 1 M U will be (oMcstvil by (be barbed

SMisMirx Count? (\uiinitttwufHuirti' in 1773,sliiitvx tliut tiuyi'ottfnp ivn? in-iictNt'il even HIli:d ilsty. M Hint time H,c comttyof SIIHHI-.-I

'UIUMVII wl^l an- tinw Ihn t.-rrimrVil Vitnlln>MV'nrn<ii Cimtilj-. mid tu !>»• IKIIIT countyiv<U tin ..llfii.liiij; itnlivi.luiil. Tlic (lovii-ncnl rt-uiU iw tullniFM:

IN I'iDiMitTKE, Ht>si:jc t'tirvTV. X .1. (O,t .".. 177.-,. i

l UVMimrii'. "V VWrthvirt. l idn-


Villl'llll .


tlii, iiitlt't

iif t l i f C u t t l l i i . in! nnii f ro-1. tvliicli lu-itif.' fully prov. il,tli.Ki,!,! (IVHW Si.-Hintrl,

llln;Hill, l,im until ln> hbl.Uo.l- m . i l I.i- f1(n!t tn IMI lmblMiHdie N.-w Vott nr I'liil.iili'liiliin ne<f-u iiiiln ui iii-liitf .l,.fu,,',! jiumk-al t<

A Card Ftoui Flanden.

ri..(.Ni>i:ii4. X, J., Jim. ltf, ltf.7.

11 in Tlti- FiumliT" M. iv Cliun-li. 'J'i.rrii.-ls iif llu- Hi*. »ri> tlii-M-: TIIP ("t-hool iii-'Ul(-il I'.itt U\ \\;\\y \\\i^ \\l\\^z\i\it,\\irut rnt tb^ir

o on ui.v uwn n>a|>nnailiilit.r I rntitnclciltitti th<- eiHtor of lliu tdib^r&tar LO tlo lUv*.

run 111 liiivc LI> I-UIIHI- liir reilinj; imli^niitil It: WflSiiliVtliiiij: nut of 11m i.orkH. ol tho^i.liuiiii' >-.> imllj-iunit I wimM liko In I11-.11-nui! ilii'Mi nml thuir nanipn nii(ni>il U\ it, mid"1 K« nt it in nn mule run mW-il wuy. I'li'itac

tflv.'!»H»|MPa.ii.vuiirnM.Uiw and ublljtu

|Xnw Him Hit*pjijiiirix rinilipji«d irf'wui~ke tn luirt« uniuflimly ntt>p Air ward and vIcitu tlin iltirtor, the purtchor, tlie *muorahd llie iittminlMiMtor ill certniuilrc-t-Klt.)

f n r i i t" Hiar luuil »' i'ukfn ant) lirl|ti<-r ^CntiJ'r^i•nmiiieti Kirktu Jubn (ftit.mti,"

Hill tell its Luw-iniiitii thfl Hhurilf not/or tin.ttiiliy utiil ffwiw m uiwiiou. l>. .1,


mill's jjoitijfuu ,,t 1a j . m a i r H u n l inoftUctnWiij-, ' tin- mil..

in Hnth ftll A

i of TO») rotntin 1MB iiliicr. Tlil r i l l U i l

mil in Mnutii Hlaulmp.'. Al iiit>'<Uuui (irivpt,fur l.»m tun |K)[.|.:« will il.-nl mill t!iu» gettllrliiMlvi'H I111IIH-*.

i'lic r.-rjvnlpir!iltnij»iiii-r,lill i>i.i(i|£uii wtllt»-oiJ>.iili>riil.1o(iiiiT('»ri ii, l.ii(]| llipprrril.vlcrijt,;iInlM. i:. tlmn-lif*.

Jli<- HllliiLnpe Itofiiiii) Clul. Htill nuivi!i,ii iMtN iH'i n in M.I" iivci* jiuiF v'4.a.n ii.ml. "111*11 Bliirii]UMiiTonliinl(jluBi!ii<iil. A JIUOIUIUIMT w!m Vfn> fllllii}; inn. liuliiljluj, Ir

bill,!. 1-. Hit- i>iiT, <•: im 1I:UIU(|I In i

in', 1 \i I- iiril il ' f..' : ••'• H l-otli ill

llnvr IIMII.ill-.If v. M,-. AMI . - I - . I 1 ) . I>I Hiii'ldiiiKiii'll.

i.n 'H'-Ii i'i ii"- j ' l . - l i ^ i t ' i . ' i i CNurcIi Sun da)I;CIHN 8.uit


,niiiiii.a r'l.-iilMi t'.v iln' .Miniin jwu.-le ofP1vr.l1vttri.111 i-liiiii-Ii "ii Xrw Veur'a ere .Irani tli.il llK- iiuimt-.n i- <i\t,v tlvfrfulliMulwut tifiv »- 1 vr.ii.1-,.^ wwV.

A v(.nn.:'t:.i)ii'.' lii.'iu'y circle hno IK

i.rnuni/-iL .a I .-.i-u^t t -ll\rliu tlie oHtcivill in-. 'I'll'11 Iml.l tlnit' lu,.,rtlll^H Oil TnilaViiMuil.MNul c;i,-h rtr.'J,.

I , A . ~ h , H , . • , , ] , - , , I rend in (!>,: N

ih-iilli i.l the lf-v. Miner M- -lolin, «bit'hI'lirntl In Hr'i>u!;h!ii>ii ^luii'luy, nt tlie mi l,-<<Uwut 7-J I , ' I I , , .Mr. SI.Juliu bad

l,,,-l 1L-IV t<.i,i'.^ii,it<.ii.l.MM.illiiiiiwlflu«UritUU^lHTill OUMU-I.,,!,,. 1( WJIH IHlly lft»tHUM tli.it ln> L.I iiinfl t ic nu'1'it nl th« I1.liyti>nrliicliiiiili liUlbctii.MilL.wbildUr.Ci

liir I'l'ti II I< iiii'l t]>.<t IJI- i-ituii wuuhl Iw v,a\Ui hi* ri'ivwril: I'uiliit!,' <liil we tli ink I

lir W.KI liu.l;i-.l S I . \ I II ami ln-urtj", wuulil

.,r mn int"»ftikli were Itt l i i ' ' l

; l.,-t. The sorvico

tt'l*i(tl*-s. j . Dunn;; tin's week aervlcrwin- ]H lit niiilnf.v 111 CIIL-II L-liurcli. mad

ifi-ittcil nt i-iii-b tiii-i>tiiitJ. Tlie Rer . H! l w y , wlioi.il . . .-niiiluut the me r i b ... I'l-i-ftUylt-viiin i-liwi-li, VfM t k k » ill

ntt«sd theyURII liPliin. Wnlai'iduv

lIkpnlng, w h n b j

1 itrt- timiitKU im InSiicnvc «bd I i a n . . . . .tbe Iti^licr lilt) ilimiitil, ^mnl t t -

• iiKpici-.- ..f tin- mill t l i i l .

• £Jlfu (U vUl lllOi fW'Uhlv Up OU tl

r.c, iimllior of J . J . t'miii-, i* vi

i <\f i,J) W

. ; tlii* \u-.-h wnkinir mimir <ni tin 1WL Hill ii|'(it(i«i!t ill) tl»« ivliifli-t dolt be Ufijrl

1 atitl Hie nlnilii nnirir lomkil tu 1

liriilu with TWO two-ltiirso leuiun!i inul u iltivtr ruriuv.i ti'.ilu. Tiny 1iniw Ily n-licu tl»'j nllt umlt'f lull wp.


11 rrnin ri-tuuvU-tinif!i> innin bUiiun-nla nnd frtctnU avi»l( tin

Will. l'll|M> WUX [Jfta.ntcU « l t l | u .UUUB M1Uour iia.vlnrt w»«k.

Tlii. 1'i.rl nraui fo inr l llaml ytvu Mr'liili). Hi.-kr,, Auit t.riit^ a nu.- i^l ir^.n i u

ikr. etc. All pjities vnncrriifil rvuntt liar

Tbe fullowing Xithfr* wtn- inalnltff! Inlo]..wcll l,oil|;p, So. fl7, K.nf I1., oil 8;itur-

• iJ i . Jao. l , Hlvhttnt H.llnrt, I*. L* {

vicnriTT VBWI.^ Fjilicr OTitrtpIl, cf O«forJ,

Curnirli A C'<i.ThPtiiiM.rx Xalioi.iil It.inkli.Ki,,. r,:

•uri-ltii fiitiilli, fJ(M),(MM)jiu'l Iia«s[itlc.vpr#H; •KMt(i) iiuillviilcd i-rotfln.

it Nrwiiiii, will Uerviiiler fnruUb llu. lin-mim

.SeTciiUcu car lJud* of ice lmve alrfaitv»-f 11 KUthere.! dully frntn I. th* llrlunc-ll, HII«-IPI uiijuly, iiud ilii|ipeil ta I'lliluiliijitiia.

Tbupsrlifr m » l l ; Milp|ieJ 11

lUH'll lit.-.Tin' DcCiiiiijiijiiuir.v m I'awerriUeUlai

IIIR out some vn;y tiii'« iiuiio, I Rot ice il mliiuil nt tin' Fiitiinr In iit^,., u-bere U t« Iw

AiririinKtHiriuliiiii. I li^lirvpil U BIn MoiT.r.L.wu ID 1IL. USHI in liUIUlBKft '«^iitic huiiHii tlmt ^iltmma l.i! elf«tM! Ihere.'

W«nl{ id j»hi(;rfa«nip sltpu lj- at the blwt luiIWIM?. I t will Ukit H.-vfri.I week.ye . befurIlic IIIUM4.II wui-k in |t1,.tc<i anil tbe fur aH'llllv to \if (ilit in bliiiit.

. .(if Muiitville. iaiMuafJiitoraontlie U'Cuniifll murder MA wli

ifcr."Allf.D Mt-fiim). mid mile, ot LJIHHllf, N. 1 .are H JJI-TI iln LJ the week a t Mr

l>iUi.mi.'«w«l,v huBH* a-.Mr... .!„!,„ Hill ;. , , . ; ( ]„ . ( r l t,UtJ | | „ , W |inuliin, l)<<|,,r.',nri-.•••rii.Tli.vi.r-.'- im n^ButMtt

iPit-n liuuvii IIHIIIIUV.', linn, rented a room

CI1.1H1 Mn. t. inl« liirli'iui,0]J th*?r u ^ l i u " .

Tin' oli-i^liiiiK iu nil dlrnitions aeenJi tiUtilrtVt'|-.vli,-11Iiuiil ! uolinullut tbliM• uu inn ftijovln^' j | wliili- it last!. J.UHU'licalofiiliy ],iiitir.^ y.-jug out Of tOffll f«K"uil riiln, Imt Bcvrr,,| i i lrj.,. ]aiujn have COT

rUtowu dn.vc in lo'.v'.i, «n,l unloaded at J.1. 1. Trowlnii!"!''!!, uinTt. thoy«pout a auHttu.lovtiUlp iwuiii^. i-rii.miug homu «t * Iihour. •

11 Tor tin. n:nrriaK« of HKlmcr Iliirrifiultui nml .Mi.-N He He Dot'riiijj

Mr. ,1;IIIU*BPM!VI-!I, win Sum tiirinany.vi

i-HV) in>n«r!>, tin- unr hi nimt of Vunuiur

M,. (;,.=. i.;, 1..I..11,,., I,,,.,, n^otUitlnst wl«iirtii- MI :;,-«• \,.rk- l.ir lltr nulo of \,\* tuu•y n-hidi'iirii nti,l l;ir-u ln-i<t<. I t in tLoit^ll;,H.-.!i;l)ni.,n ti

-liiivcliffi.c b ' i t i - hi ld la our Im

ID!T, iU'JllUI

; f«tkt.i>-t and 1

ualiiji, S

"mil E««i ('. V ; 'fliotuu. Will!; , ;, V C :L WiliimiiM. | ' . ; , t . \V . EnntVi- 'k'

U. nuil M.i Jol.11 I ' rsm.,11. of I* • J U B"k .M.o lK. i I 'aiiid Uftv. M.at A.; J.,1,,,Iliebanb., l .O.

riieweit.lr n-idHnif is pioralcnl tn -iMitc

W B a « iitiableto (;i*iraiij ilttnilnof (lie-rrdli>K* uf CLrintmns nml New Ymn onmm IIT Weius a>t-rnt rmui liomr ami hc«-

Tha and inu-llij;.-iti-« r»»o!ied tu. nlio.it uoonWednwilay cl l u i wi-.-k H t u t i | r i )),„:.

»rlej Ud i»kPti Lor ili-panun Imn .1,.*rid after tt-n IOIIJ; w r r U nl jiifiVriiij;, to £i

iU,.Wli<le Ihirii ia im rnitm* nor troiilile topJ"F i« t ThB«li.ee»-«l w.m u km.!, l«.TinK

Jtemju'111 In °s"" J?hni'll.1*^ </niin^ "mitlIT. Mr, Mfaa (.fflctmtiM:, taking fi>r II» t e n

4lbvar w n f ih<, H3dlWw. Tbe n mat pa.x.r ur " j i ™ ^ ^

Tlu> Jlarioi «hfrf> factory at Kowtou turnedit i.lKHI n,at* imira ol itbuca iu IMMlt.Mn tl.ev

diil iu IMC, nrjuu lliry umtle U,UU) amru imirsftinii ef r rVfore .

. Iwiiiil VaiuiulifN, nffcd 70 jnirn, andMM. AUDA H. IHnko. of Eamun, n s ^ <kl,were married a t JHf i Je re tlii> oilier Dipht.Hotb ute w*atth.V nOil Hie *e<lillojj baa c-im-

nt tlif latt ulrction, were j*mo§ Wilson, ugeil" I ; Wllt(»m btupv*, H)t«d Wi; t'»1tb Illrfcer

m, »gcU 87; Eli Lun.ly, UJitd 8P. Ttiir Ud

KrvWiii luvrihiRi. rtiinnl In tHe cliurcheaIIM place, thiH iT,(-k. Tin. tneelfnxa ureooueti-d h.v Or. Wu.l.lnr.I mid Ser. U. C- Ui«ud. ttici <u-t.t,icc« wri- ritiiltTftl >* «ttion ««iiui-H. Sluy i!ie£ni.il win If be pimlnot

d Ilir will t,B a til dimtiitiK In Vmiu-'H llall. on Mondaj oTeniu

bretbera-.u-latr. — H

Tbe l*>i*fll» of tenter « » have bocu tiemouitmteil in WuBltlnglnn, Wirr*n raunl.v,•bute au uld iiimrJBrll into a ciiUru. and re-main.il Tar HII bourn t>» tu liii terk ia water.After the aofmal rofOTPiril frntn tlmclilll, liedeveloped into a Irfttfr bone Ibuu ever be-

A fdriuer at llo]K-f Warren cuuiitj, wholi-a.U tliu pn]ii>r«, recDt>nix<Ml a bura.- nodwujiuo iu th»l plate wliicti bud been Htuli-Qfrom Newark, While be waa telfgriijiliiog' 'iiluriimtiua Mine on« Infortaul I fan | « n

;i'H in cliirge auil t b e j *»c«|ns.l, but (faa<•«> « I H recoreted.nalurMi-nriilf, of Ko»»e 1 County, 1

inttiMlwea .nil in t»e - ' '

. . . t lrviBlit TIOIB 8 t u w xVoumy t« Mew Vnrk. onlj n l«y ml In, 1

J. A. YanlUier, au|M\rlu(«ntleat n r t lTrotter mine «111 Frm.fc Iln linn rcfliutH-'J hi* po-


CO- - - - "


All ir«con).allf)uviUd

.1111: nil or.T,., Moinc liaic iliirlniFclirvainll.-nd Y. Ol.l Folk* U.moert, wbl.L - i l l•ivBU In tha M. K. Cimrrh. Tk* pi

^ DIW ullI .niiHiiit <>t i.ldco-liw* r*di* andkou vewiil.iiii, mid fiiinin. yn tadto* mat Rent.

.Ul WtitcMsei up In tin- u.ii.ruablaDcd way.Then* bap not hrun nuv hioffinit •kole for

tlio pint two works, un aiciiuit of the extra

It would b r a wiw |>ian to make tb* aaow_II.WP noiiiewlitii wiiUir, m that t h e j wouldni:ilctilirllcrt>iitUto

be nnd wilt- nnd Mumn- ircru to church tlTIIIMKIH RBthertil nt MIR p innaafn and beIbina* fully arriinced wben th«fwatortD(«KMubonifi. He ami family ffew fokei' «*••

e home when ibefiir

lkindni>*a an urguhil tJ

In iitat fiaqac u d abe

Sirheirlil.v urturnMi Iliaiiku for tl- _ ,boutttlfal i«mier wn« iir,ivid«4 by the aut-

:-r-u.i.l .11 imito^t; Miib relish. Mr. B*rdfamily » t e u d tbtir tlmnka h u r t i l j to til

o( tbo smiitt. l 'niir.WarAi ~~

Will "OM Spot" bt ExUHtoitArutuoH'<l Unit Hit- c 1.1.tutettof l U l a t e

Gen. Kilpatrirk'n rutatc liua bet* oflerrd »mm by tbe ]>n.)ji]rtor* ol * wrtain

New Vnrk mnvruni fur 1 (tmSiaio* to *(leu. Kiipalrkk'e old war h « n i '

•bicb i* now no the hi,rupitc«4 f a m n u rD»kcr iovu, "Root" '• . .borwllmt did rcr*icc iu tlin M » w * r tlia* la

iir UviDC- T*ie botaa lakwoieuraolit amliaa relic of tfea b«anUfulandiioli!cinbor»«lU-)!i. lie la » IMK* andintelliRnnt looking wDimnl, nad la color iaapolb>J with wliltr, cream aed bar apott.Bo#arT>rt tlic (Intliini; caTalrjmaa tbrnaitbiMManii»itiliiHrj|;eni'nuntera an* waa _

hap> tha finest litind in Ihe MT. B l W I ieat>iut«a \>s Kilpatrk-k fmai * nbel Mrioaelf ad ban a.u ad*-cntercii»

-. \.*

W*a*Ij itm Etpon.Tbe KnirinceriDi: uud Minium Jourual of

laatBatunlaraajn:A M H I U K I ' lu . -Tbo idi. iron ntaikel in

lill buoiHiif, nnd tbrn? mr u<> itidiriilimiit iuittaitnyiiieotlirr artirl.c lliul wt> uro n{.-

" " •• obMiaablf I Tim Tliouma.r_jy'air«l),fl0Otin)- of lia!la«[ muy

l»p Mfniljinj, tlii* tmlf . Umutfli it nan 11'itImiil prion ilon-u, anil wp lienr i.f KliiO rtml

i IK.UK obtttim,d faccauM- it ir iiUmwt im-iHsiltivtn jict CTCII iifew hiiinlr.'il tuns fm-•ouijit abi|imeul. HV i|imtc tor ftlnndinlfliiiiti briuds: *il ami fJ-J liir Nn. I X : Hllid *W for No, 2 X; utd fix mid IMTf.lor

OktbmiBf I M far lb.ipn.eat.Tin(Tiijlor lion Works, nt H'cti l t d

y ft* vi-ry i;uuil auil i i lourti'di influx thick.

liiVi*il to Long Httiiicli, t-i'i-aii llrovi1.«cy City and ntbi-r iH.intN I. i.l«-H JIlliiiK

limiM-, Wliii-Ii Bill |,,.lii t.HKI lOUH. Tlit>-;<• llfij- ccnt't JRT ton 011 .MM nt :

Tbla fpelio^ on otlen ei|icri^ueeij ia theresult oi iniliicettioB or ij(.ei-di]y resulta in Hcadnclie. Hour Stomach,

\w.t»s, l>y«|»euaia, Kcui\ilgia andikin diaurden. Ulspoliuv ciiriiliK tbe bloud,increa*e» tbe appetite and promote! il idea-tion. ltecouiieii<]*d bv Koh't Ullgore. *

TtctliiuK ltabi*>« never OIIIIT imr liave cmalalMua if tlie KUIW arc bittlied with Uiliiiid'a TcethiDK Lotion, I'ri<:e 2.1 ct«.f'areols will Ho it Dr. Hiitid'* t'oiigb and

Uroup MediclDf> a prompt n-ltcvtir uf ead '•l-onji in children. |Vk<- 1 cl«,

•'M.v pl.v.irlau iuW I could noi live. MjvL-rtuutil unlrr, frequently vi>uiltr,d grecii-b inucdDH, akin jellow, HIIIHII dry bumflici-, stitnincli would not rctniu-fuod. Hur*

iltickUlooillllttcracttHOnif." S!v». Atli-'UO'llrtin, mi Kirhunao St., Hultiilo, N. Y

An old iihyalttlui], rctlri'il from giniciicrhaving Lad |IIHCVI] iuTiis \mu,U bv mi EIIHI1 irtin missionary tlin formula <>fu -imi.ID V P K

rttilc reigeil)1 fur (be sticeilv mid pcriiiuut'nlcure or t'ouKiinitition, itrniitbUJM, Citarili,

ithumainl nil il,rnut nml LIIIIK AtUctinim,m..*ou UQflitivp dttd riwliv^l vure f»v Kt-rvtuiDul1ility11111l1.il .Vtsri-iniH Uouiiiliiiuf*. utte'—'-Tentwlitrtwoiider.il] ciiwtivn uowi'i

ntidHoi i-asea, HUM lc-!t il bin iltity tmult*- it ku»ivu (.. Ui» •iilVtiinu lollow*. A.vliii.t.-d by tlif* motive and 11 tiUim u> relieve•- - ""-inn 1 win ' ' - • -

itrt- It, '

'ptitini; am) tiling. ISi-ut I.;,- imiil l>j ml-....uwina with Htiiiiip, aamitii! til'" jmlicr. W.A. A O I K * , UUI'uwut'ftLUuck.UQCIK-M^, N.Y

W. S. OOUA&D.»rriafe Trimmer and Furnl

ture Upholit«r«r,ULACKWEIL STREET, DOVEIt, N. J,


DRY OOODS.In this department ne are Hhuwing an

extensive line of I)iu:ss FAHRICS for Falland Winter wear, in Serges, Diagonals.Homespuns, Cashmeres, Tricots, Silk andWool Hair Line Stripes, Pin Cheek Suit-ings and Ladies' Cloths, in all the latest

nd most fashionable colors.A floe line of ALL-WOOL 38 inch Tricots

50 cts. per yard.A full line of BLACK CASHMKHKS and


An extensive variety of Velvets, Velveteens and Satins for trimming, etc.

A complete line of Ladies9. Misses' andChildren's, Men*' and Boys9



Doter, K. J . t .luii. I.iili, 11fr ' . I-ni.-i Aier*, Jpsnic H'aliir,ilnniv lln.liltn. It K. K IIJ-,laL-gii' U11rl.fi. J . l i i l^r ,w»«MDi-*tca (2) ^ ^ " ^ r ^ j

Tu obtain any of theabovelottere ttv "1vrti»f i]"«ua givt date of this Int.



.liiumirv Uth, IWE4 win Ken nun (2> Klijiili -M- Kt«wnrl,Mr*. Murv K Mo Near. l,»U I). IMiIrr,James M/irri.1. W'ui. Tnirnuer,


MAHHIKIi.l»KTKlCK r KAlX-Jui i . lltli, at tbe boi

I-IIB C.iVl'i'!Jb\"l*.'r.jr.1i!|a Friiiiirl of (run), Haniuol A. llKlrk-V, of Millui-1, 1*1C11, V*.. uml Mixn l.iuru A. Itiuil, <>l M

THOMPSON—COHBV-At thu Firat M.Paraonage. Dover. Imp. '2M\, bv Ucs;Jf.tum, Win. O. 'I'lln»i]non uml JiumlnCorliy, t,ntliol'l>{)v«r.

O1BU.JF.NM.VOS-ln Mnrn.town, Jan. fl-li, Hhfodn

H-iyre, wife of tlin lato nenry J«

'SltOKN-Smldonlv at Cheater, JuDtmrj€.iil«bUslmrn,|i) ilic 7l(li year of bl" -Fuoentl ftflrvicca nt hie Inte reoldi'

Motiila.r. Jaauiir ; 17ih. »t Imir-pait 1-...A, u. Relntlvot and friend* ant re,ptctlul!tuvitcrt to uttuod.

. iul


W JaADINB,9nccaflniinaa

LETTUCE! LETTUCE 11p-lk-loaa, cri«Pi . cn l emnd cat wlil l t .

.att. llfiw* iSc.Vi SI 50 pflT tin'. II m 11Cut Fl » a m nuit f luicral Oesism. A d»

ti frmii Uiim w\*hiug \argti oTdu.-a;na itlil becotolilncl • favor.

SFAN(ir<Ell, I m FI.IBIST,Oal.l HI., I»ji

Notice ot Election.Tbe animtl intetliir r f the Svckl nl,i(,r(,

ih« Mwri» Conn-j Malilac anil Iron C.Hi '"r tuu eliitiuii ofDmelorB, nil] i

TUKSDIV J i.V. 18!U, 184*7,

B,-L!S?/j.)l |'tllllN'li°lllIC"11

In- GRCI.'Ji: 1UCHAUD3, l-KbhUct,


Tl ESUAV, JAM A.IU S5i||«ISS7, *t 2 o'lloi-L- !'. JI . l u e ^....wmj

•rty: Tllfi BAY MAKE ' - „ „ . , .• ..-•I l».v Kne'n HamlilPtnniaB, «f Oranee Co

-Y V. •• rluUlu" i- i» v.-.raolil, m uanda hi,•nalioffnti.T Im.T, in sriille and kind fu all tiM M . and ii ttpU'ttdM road wart . «Sii.l

i!v.r wci^hioK inns. * n Ilia. Any ODD win!ill to linrubudc n cmut riMil mare nil'ml tin. i . l r . WiltaUoboaulclni tuinnnrl plai-r 1 Top Carriage, I |'i•ta aluBte Haruvfii, I ltk>uh. tuK«tlfbipn. lllimfcci

,, hHallm . . ,.,.,1 a. „„SlnKl^liiti. tlie ovnernr tlif* nfwrllier uw for il, awl i t wilt

. ' d ill l

!,ICT JI J U,,.,.,1 a.

nernr tlif*il, awl i t wilt b«diilun. will l»8

u ui> fwrllier uw fitb..ni r r w t H . .,'o

a ut the mlf. ).vUAUIU'N SMfTII. A


S P E C I A L T I E S !

RAZEE, COMET 4 Co.Ctatral Dry GtMlt litre.

657 t 659 |RMO Si.


AftSvery barer.

..oB th« murlnitnti w« mrattitn ;u.lio UraWfrn. vltb llrm and Taik ,

ffleaPdTuuk*. Kufflit «Dd GnbroldBtr, at. IHT pair aoil (!OAd '• i Sfei

d 'Bo ' lBr ' i t ra^" ' W " b T l" ' l t" ' lM*Rstra. Nijiht Praoiwi, or anperior Aniab a,ituminB", for U cacb • WOHVW JBL

illdrpH'n V«.w aod Drawer, at 23*.lldr.» • V « u atid Dracen. fall ng;. i t 19.id n - V « a uul Uia»tia at «0." . I " >«l" . full n-piilar, 7M.idlfa Dl«k ai.J ll»ib. |1»«., lfa.illdren a Hallii CoTar. fatt wf.. 15e.

KID OLOVE1.lloteopaira 7-bnolf Lacing and 6 Imttoa

laiaiiaalaln KM atom to'«17 par K

KID OI.OVB8.A new stock of Kid Gloves* just received

including the well known "Centemeri'brand.

Flannels! BlanketsA large stock of Flannel?, Blankets,

Quilts and Housekeeping Goods generally,at the lowest prices.

BOOTS and SHOES.Our stock of Boots and Shoes for this

season's trade is now complete, and wehave as extensive R line as was ever shownin Morris County.Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes. • • • #165

•' <• >< " (warranted) 2.00A complete line of Ladies'

Shoes in Luracoa Kid.Curacoa Kid Foxedand Goat Foxed, in Opera and Plain Toes,all sizes and four widths. These shoeshave no pegs, wax threads or tacks to hurttbe feet and wear out the stockings, a fea-ture that is greatly appreciated by allwho wear them.Hen's Solid Leather Seamless Shoes #1.90

« << << " " 2.00« II « « « 2 .S0

A full line of fine calf shoes for men,boys and youths, mode with narrow,medium and wide toes; also in the Wau-kenphast style, machine sewed, hand sewedwelt and hand sewed, at from $2.90 to

per pair.

RUBBERS.A new stock of the above goods now

ready. A full line of the Candee RubberCo.'s Boots and Overshoes made with theextra thick ball and tap heel.

Also a full line of the Goodyear, BostonRubber Co.'s, and other first-class goods.

Passage tickets on all the principal lines, and drafts, for sale at our office.




STRAIT BROS.,.w.A.ir. w. a1.

TO OUR PATRONS.W* k»> mate • i m n l reiactlM la price •! all WINTBB

ISAAC KATZHo> now open lor inspection tbe largeil .took ol




STATIONERY>f IVCTJ dt'icriplion, ttoli a t Dlattk Book*, rocket lleniornDdnniF, r*^j Vookt, Fie tare

Bi.i)kn, B£tit>vj<.Boul(B or alHtinda; Lorol.'* lil.rut-.y In full; r tnia i i 'HInlJcrs , Pitt-i^,all aa\oxt j Writinn Taper, Writing lokr, BSaler-, Pocket Bootii, Fen Kmtvn; in feet

everything itliicli In lo be found in a elsltutiery atoro. Tliu above goods can bobought m OKO|i au tin- clioa|icit. 01VK 31E A CALL,



S U S S E X S T R E E T , DOVER, N . J .

that has ever been displayed In Morris Conaty.matter what you wish In the line of flotillas we l - , »It, SnlU, Single Coata, Mingle Pants, Hlngle Teatii,Overcoat*, y.»terg....t matton not how large or small.If yon wish to know opr prices, We can sire y«a taeaiV saylm all astonishing bargains offered elsewhereyou can boy them at Kate's at a saving from ten t*Mfteen percent. We leep Common, Medium and FineClothing. Hunting Coats, all slim. 85c, $1.50, «8.W.




ISAAC KUZ hat opened alt Mock of

lino in . Hat St.r. »,u can find It 1,7.,


oATUBDAV, January 22d,

| | B | lamr> *atmicB atnve and uae v atli\f* not m»nii'nea. Tuo abate are |!

toBctti uf .tix V. M. 0 . A.Alto at tlic raue l i n e tir<l,trai!a, olant!blci, lot uf lawcK, *iDf>l» f a t *lti(jb, \,inii«f,ftc. Fale io commence t t 9 oVoi•••, Sale poaltit*. Tofn*c«Mi.



J. gfHAFEtl fc SOX, - - • Proprietor!.

WB1 be kept apea tnnw^o«k &*• winterir partlea and mmj mho wlih to anoint alay or eTBilajt ID fine amttMiuent. *Ton will te navd to m k c all who call

MOUBIS gT., lmVKH, » . j .


Graining Paper Hanging,



— - -« . . >*»i/vi, jjiucn ana fCollars, all stile*, and k l I t . , id et-

we them.which Ibr want of space


Page 3: FURNITURE AND CARPETStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-01-15.pdf · obscurent or apparent* In other words, talk plainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthfully

THEinOltEMASaturday. Jan. 16, 1887.

EnUrW »t the Post Office at Dover, M.M matter.


Don't lancet thoFamous Bock lltnd COBOPH.Halter Opera Haute, next ThursdayAnd Ella* in at nonu attain. F lu!Tbc pvBbeta mil u , Uut It wW be

fruit your.

Htm very line pickerel are being caafbtLake Hopttcavg;.

Morrbtown antertatoed 106 trampa tn herlockup UatOMatfa.

Tbe Honk Band Coaotrt will be a dellgbtfaltreat. I>on't nilaa i t

Revival tnMtilgt In Littleton are retultiigin many conveniMt.

T be altde of the Koi. Mows TobagO» Clubbit beei extended 400 feet.

Tbe pickerel utblog thrvujtk tbe Jo* la LakeHopateo**: ana bnen very toot.

HOD. 11. W. Uumt, ef Bchoolev'a Mt.bot>a viillfuK Waablaitua, D C.

don. Fit* Jakn Farter and famiij bailocated in Waab.a.^aa lor tbe wlalcr.

A fall MccHiBt of the trial of Daniel O ' C M»«I1 ia glren o*> out-tint and laat pagee.

Frol. Btrans, ot [Hew Hemtnujr, wba 1been 111, ia gradually improvise in htaltk.

Mr. FUQI Kevfre It building two hoMta ontlio Blebop W.g|er property, Mnrriitowi

Frier U. Smith, ef Waterloo, It apokfor next A»aenblvvan from fkwaex coui

Kktra moling* bave been held tlila we*kIu the Flrat N. K.andFretbjterian Cburobei.

Tho trial of Lottie Frudrn lor the killloa*ber child U rtt down for Tuetdaj, Jan. Sfttfc,

Tbe atilke of the coal baa-Hera in aittl kwE-InK many D., IJ. Jr. W. trainmen nut of vorl.

An entertainment at Fartlppany for tbelieui-Ut oi liiii Children'* none, netted ov

Uuv. Father Funoke gave St. Marj'e cbofrn iloit.li ride to tho Hadiaon Conventen aton-day.

W i i f n II. Uav, of Vott Horaa, an* ...»brother John have been linntiag itginin.

There Wan no Common Council neetlng oaMonday Nlgbt, ou nciionnt of tbe laekolquotum.

Tim HBW reflector wm ploueil ia l ie l i n tM. E. Church tfata week and la a great tin

ID the Dover aPreahyterlaii Clinrrb lutt Bun-day fiatr prrtonri were oddtd on profcation offaith m d fonr by letter,

SloighrnHag baa been the order of tbt week,and It would take culutom to tell o i the tt.-Jovm*nt ef many panto*.

Klea. Elliott, Jr.. formerly of Paver, hibeen appointed Judge of tbe Fatcrwa Dis-trict Court by tier. Abbott.

KIIM Chr.ttopker appeuta to wur-rattier tliln wueu he trita in extendliftyotid tliti coitflnea of CLetter.

Secure tkketa nfc KUIffare'* for tlie BeckH«ad Conoorl. Tho oontpuy ia one of theflneat, anil the prices a n renMnabie.

The Purcaa Society of the hUrrittown H.K. CliurvU made A aleiib-ride vtttt to tbtChildren1", Hume Tlmr»d»y ef l u t week.

Prof P . Cameron, tlie artlit vlio nalatedthe cnicliratrd piftaro oP'Niiffara falia inWinter," baa been atopvlngln HorrUtown.

lloiij. Flatter, it., of Port Onto, deilre* uato return hU (bank* Tot the Undue** of ae%bora and Irleuda in lilt recent bereavenwat,

H. W. Harrlton, of (tretn wood Lake, » jMtbof rievrphsea jeatt, haa neen left alfgaey of« , « « by tba latt) W. B. Fotler.ef XeW Yotk

Arthur V. Boope, a foiajer Btarrbtawnpoliceman, baa been iodieted in Delawarei-ounly, N, Y., or attenptfny to no 'wife.

A donation will be Made Ker. A. M. H.rrit,of the Bot'knvay at. E. ChurcH, at tbe pawn-#ge oii Thurwinr eveulog next. All art 11vttod.

The Youoa hUVt Catholic AWOCUUM otMorrlttown baa lately added a grind pianoto tbajptaM atuaetkne «f tke ebanaiag elnbrnoma.

Mr. Alfred Ball?, of Snhootey'i Mt, ft** Uattne mart valuable cow la bit burd, " Erlca'aPHiioew,!' whjrh took tjrat prh« at Waverly]• IW4. '

Then are % gpsrt wan; deneti, *«d fleppoa,and daypoa iu tbli country, bat after aj' | m -piearejuataawell MtlaM wa«n taey arriveR. the nation.

By tkn a on sal atateaMnt of Bnv. Father7nncke, n a d laat UnVbatb, it waaahova thaitbe rcoef ata mt Bt. Maryt parltb for tnat yearwen over (6,000.

00 tba eaMaate of i\Tlie espleaf on of a la tup la tbe ittoi

Feder «Mted nn i l i m ol Hie l»«t ulgbr. Ttlamet were n<Mk\j put out and tbt tucci•I the i n deputment were nut needed.A delegation from t>e MorrUtowo V. H.

A. will be BreaeDtanthiLire charge or tlie atjlotae Preityteriaa cbatcU nextl'i*

day e»niB{. Aa iaterettiog Mrviee la cecled.Tbe blachuaM) abon «f V. %. MiUa, at Wh

pa*/, tank tire in tutie unkiuwn way W«aeaduy altcrnoon and WM burned up. MiMill*lived over the attop and ererytblugwuedwaadeativjea'.Tke Frobibilioplttt «ru ocisnidag % itod

GOtnpany to publish a temperance paper iiuach of IScountici, includingHorrit. What'

Dr. Kentworlt, itiuea at Klatidora fNrddy Hogao palled on ut thU luorolpj

aty tbtt be haa nnt yet rood veil nn tppllc

that atitry In (be Ncwurh imjior wai a Iigot up nurjWMly to prevent Liw iron, u

A anorUlif pijwt t»j» u rtvti will be madeMxtaeatoatororoabaMl.tll.Mgue „_.,will iuclude tbeCubun QIanta, Dover*, Jermsybluca, Kyatkt and Buten Island Atblciica,each dull lo plajr «li «au,et witb each of tlie

Honorable Kllai Obrittopter Drake, tho!bf tter ttateaman, wm juat tbo tort ot • man

«et on » tUU) «lth tto Hodwnal), and jmt 1 lie mrt nl s nun tliut the bet",reloutulof tbb I>emaorati took pkature

ftcr. FittlHr Ktynu of Morrlttlowp. expeotatail for ICiinipe aUut tha 33th

1 nwntlt, Ho will goto Rotxoii, ID theTyrol, aid make Ite ninnt otbfattuy tliert,reatlag from work with u flew to liuprorlniihia health.

Detawtre, Laokawanna at Weiternt mnrt nctirn on tlie market tlnr->t year, 1I,WH,O1O tbarca l,«.lngDuring the year It wat unlit at

low at 111, and *i«li ns l«3j, and the pricthe Hoaeof tHW waa 19flJ, an advnaco ol

al tbe opening of tlic yenr.


tbe Warrw eonnty lioa ia bit in. All ta*they MMgniiNl of Elian a little later waa tbeCheater mad en ld< hoata.

The IlKhtini of Ibe Mendham Second Prea-b?teriaa Cb«reh haa been (teatly Inftrotedbv tfaelntrodnetlen «f two bandeone rcfee-

f » a fenliekiaa kaafeeen iaiportinRtone tansy beni, paji ig ai bfah at «tf lo *0each. Hoacoft iHMlayMaMyai aOOcigia year, aU of *hl«h **iib a noonl.

JraioH(<KiriR,whe waa teverely lajamlU the CmiedavUn sskev mill, Whtpntay, twomonlha age, leat tbe lade* nag#r ef hi* righthand In the aaro nunhine lanf week.

Tbe onniwl Meeting of the fUate ChulthwAM Aaaoolatien will be held In the CantnwaU.onrll Room, Lyef-aw Hatldbf. Varria-town, Wedneaday next, i t 10:30 A. M.

TUeHeceiveraof tbe New Jemj Centralr.'.lfo**, who took pnectahna »( the wad fi«ihn 1M intt., b'sye paid tbe Sttle (100,(100 oni^e*nntoft»Jitii,' whea only #CH*r(l0Q iraaw-|utred.' At tba reenlt of the revive) at 1'loan ant

flrove, whero pvangeifet ¥HU latelyfabuhtf.(tfaaald thai, with four exceptloaa, al) lbspeople In that uelidibarliooil arc now « • ?

tedIf a cblnraci l t tbo l l«U ol bulldlni Ii pUi,

tered on tbe intldn witb strong morlar'inixedwith a ttnvg •oiu"' ^a of u l t , tbo toot will•ot adtere to ft, ana the vblmapy will neverUluflrt.

It la eilit name ratoal tills week at«!e aaovercoat from Hro. Brown, of toe Chronicle.It U annnUed the fellow «xpecU to retlUfl OBit by wiling it to a roentgerie for an elephantblanket.

TImm.t Haley, of gptrta, wia Injnred laHfiW York on Satarday latt, and on Mondayfelesruptiea for Dr. Andreas, vi Sparta, who.JpffMorjdW even|nf;, -Wo bay« P*t l«*fMd«ny parllcnl*'*- r

The uncetaVoM to tVft Monlatowa «b.«rebeaalnee Mr. Villa htwm hit revival work there,have Veen I Hctaodlat. *«i *»"th atreetPRtbyler-m, TO. Wret V«-B\.yt«i»», tf)Baptlat,l»l total, SSL

la ibe Pretbyterian Babbath aehwi lwtBmtday wat m d a pieaaantacknowledinBentfn>« tbe Children'* Home, lor tbe Cbrittwab<n ecntrlbvtod U tkat inttUatUa by tbtBbltdrenoftbl*M>H««l.

e • « » fait avunitg.We lean that a«nw Monktowa nM*h a#

r t « l « « e aad M a w have de lennM toreader th* aaAttanato Lottie PtMm Matk•aaiataaee H well enaU* her to have aa ahta

k l t i l*eft»Mh.kHthe D., I- * • W. railroad tai gainad a Tie-

tar; over th»Bt«te of New Jerwy by the 4*olahtn ef the Court nl Avpeda lant Ike roadhat an irttpoaUule eoatract ind can only heta*ed «ne4alf ef own per Kent

Jr. D. A- Crjwell, ol HtibMley'a Meaataia,been eo'nRnea to bit bed lJr.

lefii, but retalna bii mental faealtlee. Tke|«portof bit death w u ineermt,

Alex. AUIolt. Jr., waaeonntal for tke ffborAtMBblrnMn offiuwakfn tkejr tvi^fnta, and^ilaMid, t«at Oov. Abbttt maoe Mm a Jadg*

fluTAlMk coaidat delirer tke gotda.Wfc*n toe town gnta n nally good thtag

• u ••* a* TT • ITT 1 ' IT Tfit)It. FromIbeir reooianteudationa w e , - .ijirn Ikat all who attend ibe Hook Bond Con:

lett ne«t Thnradar « * m l i | wiU W d»li«l' 'Th*m'a » f«»»t to fce aeon I * |«4—c

HP at 5 o'clock ia tlie -norning. U !• de:

l u * ice it aUot lS Inchet I^^ck.Cbarlea A. smith, aon of Mr. Barton Sn.it

liaa eutercd Ibe 8tate Model School ut Tre*OB.

We iotioe Maj. V. H. Farknr hut beedered to Hock Uland tu be exatuinml formotion.

Our Democmtir contpntporariea in tState are inruiahliig very interealitig madjuat now.

Kev.L. P. I'urbeck. of tbe Little VtMlamed Cburcb, ban reoi-lved a call t<Uefotmtd Cburcb at Peapark.

Di. littler, of W h i p p y , ie about to KIup bia realdenee tbere ontccouptof ill liot.Hind will move to M<,rr.at»irn ubuut April IM

Tke reoeipU of tbo Morriatnim Cati.nl:bureb lu»t yVHt wen tlHJWJS. Or«r *•),«•f tlie ubtucb debt waa aald, reduciug U *U00.

•kv. Mr. Halloway will 00 Sunday morimrf»eh the accoBd aerinou ou tu« relulioobii eouatry to ttie future of ilio Clrnrcb arorid.

Tbe penally of murder iu Ibe weond urgIve to twenty yean In Bluto Friaoi

m Htrnndftil high on Tn'Dton'x thoivt,M.v puhlli-couri.eUr.injtiircly Lud u K iuJ fat unap,Hut Inlten tpoiled the fun,

I"e who ituplore a f ro»t mtu't (all.Some pity on me take,

And Mod we tonic tollheatfiT ijuiEk.Youn, batted, ti. V. DRAKE,

I n k M t m B H M .At tbe nuiiuul niMting of the stfffklmidtintbe National Uuloo Bank of lluv.r, l.rlil

1 Tuotday, the old Dlrci-lnra were re-electedwas Fred. H, Uoarh. Jns. Ur. Urulli-

vrton, Itlcbsrd Oeornc, llwlsuo HoaBli.uit,John W. Juckion, laane II. Julley. Jt

T, Grorg* Kiohanla, Iiaac W. Seurlojr.'bo Directorn re-olMled (ho old ofttettra, vie;Icorge HiehnrdR, Frcaklcat; Hudsou HOBK-u d , VUe Frrtidenl; Ueorge IK Hwkcr,Mahler.At Ilie annual mecliuff <>f tbe ituckuuldui' tht XolJoanl Iron Bank, of Morriatowo,dd sa luewlay, the follnwlnit Direct.r«re elected : Henry C- Pitney. Kilm.iiul 1).

Byron K. Stickle, L-BDJOI V. Craig,1. C. Uotrin, im. 8. Colemu, 1 . O. Hnnb.ThaBoanl«f DireetoraoftbeFlrttN«tioHfl1

ik, of Marriatuwn, (ileotcd nt Ihe UDUUHImeeting ot Ibe tlockbuHere on Tueaday Ifwere Theodore (jUMe. ^dirnrd C. nrt, Wi

. ItaJJ. Obaa E. *>b!i>. Wm. H. skldmore.lobert ¥. qrain, Uuy Uioton, H. A- N' "lu, I , I . Ooadit.

ygentleman writing ut, MV«: "1 notiaavuBjoareBirenw in awhile with KtUt

Ihriatophcr. Had you been iu Titnton onday night aad ee*a the won twgote

BIU* -wlrnn he knrw bo va t )rft, pcrfaiiptr iynpatfalei would have gono out to hint,

f the effent had been the contrary, and youonld bare been pleated with hit dlawnfiire, then 1 ani eorry yon were not an ef

to hii aanTerliigt." lorcnlr we biviiiy today tfaal we lake no deilshtiu tlt«

rll»f;reati^ei>, «H4 ve fear that 'oita droo of the mighty ttotea

rrom Lbeittr would hive bad % bafrowing•ffeet upon oar MaaUlve orjanlnUlon. Wit h

4 ldrrowed a vlcroacppr to dleoover tho bole

BUM tell tbrougb, t|i*t wewlitlit be-sw U witb the ttata of a genuine torrow.

Ir. E. E. Potter la to ipeak ut * Laborsting In Newark to-night wlih Grand Mo#-Woraiogaiaa l>«waerly. A dty paper

tyi: There) ia niach enriutit/ aa tt what Mr;utter may bivetowy. Tbo naetied • » »

of hit naaie ak a candidate who Woald ree the vott* of tbe Itepiibliciua and Labor

y far (fulled i-iarr; Senatorbin Into particular nromin*nee owiaa;•naddltd cowl 11 Inn of *\Ur*. and it

roaid noj be ^ ^ - g j r he m»fa a »«ROnalUiseut, frufi TblDb some iufewnp* miRl>tgleaned ««to the i|nal t|t»Lot oi tic dip

l f be f^bor m«n at {he

Tbe YonoflMttt'a Uathqlle \wiiWm o(rlitown parokawd yesterday fraqi Hourf.

[attb h Craig, tbe lot in Exchange plaoe, L>f,DM front by )M t«ct deep, nest to tbp newinilding of 11.(1. Emmell, Tbeprloe paidrat 08,700, or #380 per foot front. The At-

;lou ooBtenplateo erecting on tbla lot airy brick boilditg, to coit tbout$U,~

The lower ttory will be mtde into a^boaeeoad Ivor wf 11 eaataln • p a r ^

meeting room and the (bird >|imr will bo

ileb Oabera. betlet known aa 'Bqnlre Ot-1, died an4denljr yeaterday morning at biaeatCheibat-Qcoia Hondi, near (inertcr.raa WB}1 eDO0(h tbe day before (o go out

letgkrMlug;, andbeart diteate It anppoMd>bnet i»nt tocM»o«t bit death. Mr. Oa-ira waa a pramlnentand highly eoteemed

eitiaenof Cheater towttt&ip Mdatone tinAtook as active tettareat la politick afatra. <UUdemiieia deeply ngrettedby many can

eaw.nmal«a>tiM inm Mlae Hill *aya 1Tbe yoang lady wbo wM nU tbt apeelalrmlDlac of tbt Will folk* !• »J»l'iK. <">•• (orke UhrktaaM tree entertainment of the Mini.IHIftanday wheel, an4 the apeeUl playing,at wbo w u not •KotleaeJ, waa Mtaa UaaleInney, daa«atarof foreman Jttmct Biniiey,•tbe plekefMB mlae- She worked hard and

vmg of anectal^tention"

Hemn. DaliTrnnln * Co., «rHloonaliury.i. J., vn eagat*A tn abeking «p Ihe l » b « rrardatOermaa Valley, which It to form aMrtartkeireKtenaiviibnainert. ThU branch

watiacat will to* nunnged by Mr. Jon-Bartley, wbota pnmltea bava beenfortto*«po»t, and «ader tneb eaftj

rleaveralght wo « • * • • to OM UieVuuiOH

- Ttw-M,1; ik* faflbful -rvanj of tbe Col:lit fa.fly, of PlMter, «(ed on | . # r •»tkn Swarkv flaanltal, to wolch Mr. CollUhad taken bin. lw> w*ek for treatment tar aC U M ? l l tbo n»Hlh. ' » » » k k b •»*** ™r

,. Tbe « « . . . were brotgbt to Ck iter

W . T U « 0 U t MUQXXD.

A niiemal meeting of lli^ MoCnuucjl « a t held luit t'riiluy iwhich were preMnt Mayor Kiibiinh, Ko.rordoCrittGHdco, AlJenu.iU H-IHII' und Vr.-.<l»<attd Comic|ln.BB Beach, Uam>.., EWlwrt ,.tUroR'. Tlio URUHI order of umiDcnn van m

ami tlio Cuiinril pruceoded to trutluu of tlin opcciiil lnwli.e«s tli

bad ciilh'd tlianno^ctlior.

Tho aitciiul roiimiitleo to wlmm wai rfurrej thv routlor of u w.itui' »ii|.{i1y for

ltwo I>OI>CIB. Tlio ilritt wito wo prrneucopy «l" tin

Hover Water Works Company, wtilruipitul BUM'II ul +4iO,(Nt<» mid iinmfiua iuirarpurwlora; ArcLcr H. Ill:

Wm. / . Cnrtii. Wm. 11. HUk and «eoriNichali*, of Summit, Charles C. PuiuiiroyCtidB. E. Kiutl'utl tu.it J-1>. UitvlivU. of K<York. Tbc .c.ioid paper wn» ou UI^IRBcoo I rout lietKcnn tbe Hover Wilier WotCninpauy utidttie aulVioritieti uf tut' town

r. It wuuld ttll Of4-r ttinie vuliimimly prluti'J matter uail in complete to I

luinntcrt particular, ba\iug Iwcn umlcr ccildernlion for montbi, lictwccn tlin author!

aU to

Council by Muliloit Pitntj , CorporatiuDCouDttl. We extract Hit priucipnl (fJHurt-

iir a grurity »uter aupply fruiI droinud l>y tbe ]>ond otMnjor

Kiulinrtln, lo fumlth pure HUII wliolraouiewater fnr the «KltnuuUbueut uf tires, foidnmeHtli! and tntniifaPtuiucfC purpofi'S am

ir otUor private I M I ,

Tbc Kftetvolr i* to bt It-calctl ou the »Hu ofMayor Kitbardx' poud, which it tu bo su-

rged IA a tUpadty of five trill inn cnllnnHrxoavation, 11E1I tbu bottom and H'HICH arche nails noil kept free fr'oiu nil nrgnuli

lulmtuucetj, vlietliur auimal or veKttnble,<l«t art, to >1ope inward with a dea« «ntfoot |icrpendluulnr to one nnd a hulltriKoutul. Tbe button ia to 1») of uni-

form level, HIIII tbe rrgciToir ahull Vc no ««u->truct«d a« to furnialt « deptb of water, fromI'otloni to liijil water mnrk, af uot ICBH tlmu

iiel. niexlilCHRliull bo lined with aif dry «ioro tnaion wurlf, o r " t i n -

IIV nbull \w u wiill of Miitlkiiut thkk-nnminj licij,lil, tiiuilurlr Until. Tlio rtser-'o.r *\i*\\ bn fnrainViut, witb n prosier droin

pc uml nto|i-)(a1ft or vulvttt, and with nipply niaii. of nut Itmi tlitu ton IDU.IIM in-rna. clampttt, wliltli obnll be fitted with

iitjimlflule appliance* to liiko tliu su|i|il> fromIho Suniiunr and Irani

icitr itin boltODi in tbe Wiutfir. Tho remir-rofr tbnll bo in two isonijifirtrafrits, the Ictwr

wbicb sbull buvn H flunjulty of uut l eutu i'.-.lVKid gnlhiui,, .".Ih ii, lu ctiiiliccli'.l[utber witb a »iilt»ttle pipe fiirni.tlieditup s*te, no connfi'U'd with ilio pAippl:

min flint "Itbor otoiiartmeiit tuny I

e to he u^il, [itt ID

clamiijfe beiweccut minli daiuby tin' wilful

the ta all liski

iiiliilili;, or in cuanciJcunuivanci! of tl

(hi d.'iunuil »f tlio water Inkttiu COMI[]IIIIV Hhiili rurninb n wat(T Hicter.tl«i»flt Ol titittnc wliiuh tin: tnknr eliull pay atUnptwit villitiifuompauyH »mn ci|Oiil toonfourth. tU> cust of thr uift-T in ueunninti'(f(Kuod C.Hh; nfl.ir which tin; tulur eliull h.•l.nrt;.>fl willi a <iiiaitt-ily sura ci|ui.lmr wiit. | « T mtimiu itj>uu tlie cost of tlw00..T by wuy of iinit fi.r |heMHI*; »ui*lirunt

to ho i-burgcd uK»io«t. tlm moao fdil DID IIOJIOMI in cxliiiiiftlcil.

tlmrity In uiven f«r (liII rf tlirpitrf iit

5 tin-iit, li vttii' fUIiiijt af tlrr f inte

ut (,i linn rind tor

of lire! tin- tiro liyilniul

uh liydmut or nit-teru

sbuil \,n loi'fitcd.AfOrtlu-wurkcarc.

of water lum liroti co

,v t.» the rompiiiiyr yriir, |.»ynulc 1drsiit uml i-islcrii

oreMlib.vilr;.t>t nml'ceJiitj: Dfly ; f«r

ill be 4:t5 per year.keep nil liydrnuts ami rinlcrns wnttr ti^lilmd tn Rood rojiiiir, anil they are to beuot t o ! liu iiin|iuvllon of tin" uiitlioiilie* nf ilioimp. Iu tun- iil'uny luiluro iu -tlie (upjily,

the reutnlH tbull abut-) Hamii uticL failure InlirujMtrtiDu to Ilio nutnbur ol' fire Iiydrnuti

; to lurniflk vnter. i*rofurllieexfciiriinii of mniui

and tbc erection of aililil'oiinl lire Isrtracfs.that, ea lone nn this <:flu

tract riuunins in fnro^, unit the coiupmt.ifiiithjull.v prrtoiinH i!a cuvoiiiiuti', tho towr

l?.ation (•!, imr i rnut any olbn1 water v.omiy tbe - • -

ft iutlie L- ipiiny fui'li p n .for tlio fuuHlrnrtiouproper rrntiiillottn. '1'

i'|. t'j-lnwi nullimlhltltMl [If tllO KUiP.I

fliilui« of tb«

i I? tl) |) ilrl

trpuire, while tlil


| E H vnicr to tl>»brook walfirn NIJSII he excluilctl from

aotvoit1 li.v a properly tnuntrin'.tcil ditch ormmiel whlc-h nhall intercept OIK-Iid brook water* and .li-i:hiirf,n U(in! bnlow tho rpimrvilr. T.IK »i.

u]it (ho Katt-r slitd t tbctutb and oust, of tlio

perl) fkuued out amutly nralrctcil Bjiaintt

'xcrvoir, HIIIIDoittiicil, uml mil

;ma*t Lwiiiuitjji cliokpiirfiifc water, t'thet liy

UK nurrouDtU'l with lirtek w«tk or bycr auftieieut uml mitMv HILUIIH. 1'liepo*B a in pin [irovii'ioij fur tbo ]irotpctionKatu- aupply ft>>iu all urn ice* of t'u

ilnuthiD, for tlio conv(\?iu^ of tin; tt|itiajtcr ta tbe rnservoir tbrouuli trrrn ootlu1% aad tlio removal nf coil contiilnimid mutter from cintitrt witb HIP jiini-i

Thn sui-Jily luniu Kliuli do nl' itust iron uif ten inclnii in.prn.il iliauiatiir. titeuili

im ilir ri'Bf'l'Voii' l>y tiiu I'niitv nurcril DJUtbu road IRWIIUK from Mint Mill ta H»v.

>nl tl>ru»O bv Mi.iJ ruiU to VVcxt iliurkw,ireor, H.CIH'O to Itlu.k.vfll street, nn.l nloi

elL n.tr Uifl ufI'lstoitfl rollntr renirPrtiijtf iln1 <|UdiifillMitpli^. It Hbnil be U' l i :

lull uf U(il )•'»>• 111ati tlirei? dot,ill nbull bavo ttoi> gulci or yaKes ut Mir

irrolr ami nt ttie btml of lltiickwi-ll htriscl(it iuterraU ol a bunt a.(MX) fent lieiwuon

icae polut* nod tbttil tmve nil urciuHarjD branches for tlie preie.nl ur future eontion at pipea tnd for liydrnnlx, us abonii

'revision is inude fur (|iii.llty of thi? structmaim, wbieli ure to be Inld n« folinwt: i

ucli ninin alonm Hlatt*oil street, n.usaitl, to tlio corner of 8IIB?CXI nn c^; litnuiln alnni; Blactcwetl, from 4i|t.te^ tn

rgi'Hto a jmjnt np,pi|«ito tbe rmideuccJ. U. IVlver; anivioclimain up llandulpb

Wt'«t Blmkwp). road to Fjlliottitreet, or Hpring itrtet, and tUroush one oflaid atrfcta lo ooniiect with the main on Proa-

H laur-tuvli uiilii up Ittutlutpbfenuo (torn aali lix-lncli lurttn to a point Ia

fllrtr.t tf mi elevution rot tnoro tliaanty fcrt below Iho l';vel of tlio )itj[li wntork of laid rracrvuir; » tix-lnuU uiulu upipret t-tri-t from tbo I>, U k V>\ II. U.point out more tbau twnnty foot I.elowlevel «r tlio liiRt wator murk of the

treet from tbn I'mHiiuct HtrtMit innin ti>ircbnt.l etrcet, nnd Ilirncn tlotiB Orohnrcjt. to Wi'keiqon Ijt, aw\ tiiotito nl^ntf l>lck-r on Bt., to ^orBtiH «*., to ibe Wick we 11 Ht,lain j a four-lucli main np Q0I4 fit. from the

(ttnutlitr tr«!p to apujut t!»t uioro thantwenty feet brltiw luu bigb-WHtvr murk of Iberewrvolr 1 • ilx-lnch mifn up Horrid Bt., .rnivl»luk«rton SI. to a tiki nlflfiitinn 1 a four,inet

•lung Warren Ht, frotn the JtlokerionL wMn ta tho MortUoattat | a ali-iuvb mainlong guatci Bt, from tbe Hkkenon It.

to HcFurlan 8 t , and from tbenre aDni-'tncntiii>.nnloii|.Bt»Mx St. to Va.Tvievr

t a four Inch main nlong MvFnrlun »V,•am PVqunnnoc Bt. to Bit. ROIM Art; and

• Pi><|uflunoc Nl. from tbo McVitrUn Btlii tr|i|ier Kuirvlen- Are.; HIODJ MOITI.

a»ix-inrli mnln from tbu liicknnwn Bt,Ilia ninrkwell St. IQLIIU. and tbeucti a

rinch main to Ibe Uf-kaway river; 0milii nluiiR r««ci St. from tlio

Indwell Nt.Dial'i to llie MurrtH cntial; H-It mnin fmm tlin niokur^nn St. nuinBftit'.-it St. %a tt>Q Hatrin canuU t'br>f Itie nialiiB in fcNse* nml liiT^cn Sw.(t trnusjiKscl ttt tl<u qptlon of' tlio coin-

.11 bow>nOeo[filf,!tl"*n>ain of Itko «!;e to'«imdtr the Il)or(if( oanil, to connect with.

HII-ILOII main on Siunei Ht at a point notIbcr »ootb than 01 in loo ty., or vjlh tl|c

IcIVlan t)t. m».u »t tlie vurtici- uf ttio.:reut uuj Mt, Kope Avo, ^louff Iliobnrdivo. a lour-iucb tunln, vonneetins with eltacr

< Mooi or Der«r« ftt. nttna «ud ostenaiot;

Mercer #t; a four luoti milu oa Wr«tickwdl HI,, from tllackwcll St. lo Ran-

Ibe Htrccfmtlut, for tjiclr bcjni; ' n i J i" \^c

i1u> ol (be direct «f Q (1*ptlj flf »ot IVMI,U five fct-t, i\<\. tbe proser ropoir bt cii^a-

1 tunic iu tuo tlreeU, for tuiubioITCI at tl>e connection's for proMut or

re esteiit-ioDB o. Ibe plnu tjritcm, nml forcut andfuturecnuiieiitionoflfreliyclninti

e vuinpiMty agrect id platm fjrc Iijdmniiah and *o many place* tn the ttreeta at

ill be deaignated by the town, aud to eon-:t tacb wltL tbo »treet main by * fuar-lncli

draoch pipe. Tbo AreiiydritntK are lu bo aon-[Metlnn, witb two-inck brajt nostlea u( 'Hlaeb rBpopUy, and to hrtvo fro i t ca i<n frotn

itrfa<« if tke boftcn) 0. (|fe pfqtj nipcnm»pu* »!(•&•' pt^vtiion* *\p nnite for the

iraper ope»Utin of tbo kydranlt, each ofrliict>ia to be fanltb«d with a ftalvanined

peltlooat. or tuck other attachment atbf devWd ta prevent obitruptjon nf tba

raeU, Protiatan » alto made for auppljing_ Ireo i i t en* • • now eaiat, or war ««"-

ler be contttacted, witb fonr-inoh aapplywith proper valvee and other ftcillilet,

Tb* water company ft to acquire and obtaiiiiwn expenae all met'lutnin, wate^

Ijhti, na»n*onui «nd vrivieeetan tb^lttcciurjf t ir the tionttnwtioti, wuintenanctid openlion or tlie lyatem, anil to do all

in ptovWe all material nrfC-Mitv;, un-Ifti Olherwiw «i«oiflea1ly provided. Allmaterial thall be of tbt bftt deicription andmade by tlaDdard « i k « n . Tne work ia to Vedone In tbe tyf*t manner aad tbe town but t^4(trivilege uf ioipecting It aa It progrPitci.

ie work* are to be cotaplrUd and Nady foriiittloa on of before November l i t , 1K67.

a jienally of forltitaw of eoatracl.

v i smHon of the anpely fur «1| puriwiea, andgood coniJitlon andontllty of the water.

lie Mayor, Coramon t'danoil and Hoard of[ealth, have tbo riuht at fay lime to niain

ih* water abed, "prinia u d wotka,to enf-rpt nil "initary endltiona


| ]p y in th

ol rorFt'ilure of rout!-, niu. Tlie ncrcit Is tonoHtiuuo lu force tor Hi.' [mrio<l ol

ycura iiflur tliv (uittiulcUiiu nf tho «yato.ruHi iipprovnl by Ilio tovii, but (boaunt-

t U to Im rfioktxl iiiiiliinoiiUcaprovtd-tlw v,«rV U not itmivl^tfil ai lieWawtdPd,or bit'imgcot A-fctt tu feeIOUHIHIC-

Inn ormaDudcuieiit, UT iinliir.' lo properlyitn Ibr Htmi'. Amiturr claiii<o iimvldtis

urtnccxfcuoioiiof tb.i M>un><'« of siijiiily, ifcli he meilfil nl nny luturu time, with idu

|>llPOVill lillll rOOHI'lIt I.UIl.'-tlJHIl,Prow Ilio loiiu ReiKiilnlit ol yrnrl

xlni l hi |iOrtanci tfl I diillyFor bukcry, cncli burrM of fl<

a v e r s e , *5; tiim IIUHIII in batik, f 10 | Itiirliiraboil, Ural i>tialr,4B,i>ni-1in(M[tlutiaU>linir,|4>Iiutli, nit Ii imt bciitinj; iiiipiii.itii.', private. W |with !irali!ifiii)iji[irflim,W; lintel or lionrdlnglumiw. lirftt tut', 4«; eiwl utldltiwuul tult, W;but!., ]><il>liu, nut Ifldfl tbuii m-, >>il1i«i'-l•uWu, inuh Ini.lo, * t ; W-lilms buu«r, cii.-ii

UD, )?:!; linnniiiij! limiM' no) Icsa llian t i t ) ;Ifhcr r>ho[i. K["iiin I'xtm. mil lo?« Himirpht-P. if.1 to •IB ; (i-iir CiiBlorj-. per'ill; c.^itr tni'lcir.v, no li<TU<-<: l--«a tlma 412lirDtv«l!rill;<l.vii[iiriilnc t lnntn. #13 In «I<1; Inline, iuchnliuu

m i l WBlaTSI.

It wm n iinlwart ami nmncillar ten ui tblie MctropoHtw. folu Cluti, of Ni^.irl.-,....i|) bf rr on Wednesday rvenins to UwMv ihi

Ijitlmrtn invincible LittliMliunUof tbtf>|nt % »jtct!ilv &|>i*iutov In Ki!


Ullllii'ir-uillf foot MIca with our local• A. HjaiJ. But oi:r Vitilc ja i lor .iuckiHiked away witb Ilicir Blout advenuu-

and Ujnu Juirly vou u liotlj contcntA'l ra<K<i aiMlicuueortKniiiewas in ntteuduui11 D courted to tlir (rant ut Hie start, and<«1 u lend, but It'iMilIj , nud tbe rtuc n 11 a run tin uliuuot t'i|iiulH tiiiiiil ttie (jruuli-l cxcilumi'iit. Hil i/ii'h tiuu icain a Tew li'fit un (hu

Blretilt. liut UutiaeU VKIIM CIDKC U|> on?rn »u<l limy woulil murt w narh Mrmost fi|iud tetino. AB Uwy «i'To t

till! ibe fust ..DIIIDT, Imwewr, With Bjn

loud, liu««cli trli.1 tn ortiw.l iuHidn nudiit«S BO i«isb«il Bjnn, vaunUvg b.m li>balnnw. WIMSU Kjnu Iwd rejtunicil

ilride Iiui»c]| bad nio^h" him and tbey <Milawn tlm Nirett-u on ulipost •.'iiun. t*i

ing tbe iuatde, pgiilott I In- ntk-n, and in doingan nipped Hyun, cimt-iug him to t tumUwilbin afuw feet of l i e murk, tbu» nonblin,

imiwOl l«croa« »Wut it f.iot liLcud. Hutnelijmiltnd hit foul lu • very gentlouunly wnyiti.l tbo race waa *wanlcd 10 Uvitu, the liuif

In IlieiinlogaineBri: nut Hio first rufliicut the ball stitlghL ,or Ilic Motropcilltutinitf>, but watt stopped. Tben It came to Urn)ovprouil, but Tayltw sont it lut'ktn V

lioilruvc, luil nilnaeil. Uoilinuii^Ut tt

I lioti-1, pc <i[irn:rl ratm

jto if2r,; pliiuloilni;. jie

it; {itlutin); "fU\w, isttxtm, *12; rnoli uddituitiint. #10 toiMll; -mlo.

lijf;, |»i viiti; iinriWii notuff, |<i>r stjiiarn janl, «iili J inuliio, 4 eenls i uptinkliiij,'.lx nituiIlio, ilr«t fifty yard

l M h udilUiunttl yunl.; butt street a

2all'. J liour per clny,l kH

111'err poHted it ,to Fnrr, nnd lilt .Irivonj-niti fitoi.pi'il, After u further lijilil iuMetropoHtan coniiir, it WUH lirouKlit nut

uid driven for tlio Duvrr tim*>, liut Condi,!HIIVH line Htnp. i'lijidr f u t It out tn IMI,ho wnilril it over lo FIIIT, win. tinitlr 11 n-lier ilrivi1 Hint (ho fjo"' "kroper HIIIII oat.ill then took it out otlln- ruck midlirouuht

Kor ImrkloViirr, whi.iim.li' a lonu crow uliot•r]i,'u- fmni iicitr cft.lir iiuil jilumjieil il into HIL-

Mclroiiiililuti Ki ,u | . Time, 7 uitiiuu-x.lu tho necouil rut.li ]]i-!l utinln i>bot ttiR ballH-ioiiHly lor (bo 51 :.ro|i(ilitau on|ifl, hut wn,a\t\Ktl, In u UBlit t'..nl fylloTn-J in fnml nfie Mctn.Hiiau quartTti 0110 ul tlieir menBile 11 mlHtuku and drove the bull lu buan nual. 'fimi', Jmloutu.Ucll kpiit liis KL'ote uli nn by goliijj oil" with

tkinl rimli, (tjd opened tlio Uglii in tttfnriUory ol the Mots. Hutu tlm fl«l,t w«s

furred to Dover, wliore Tnyliimloppi,!good drivoMiid aeut 11 buck ro IVnr, wbo |

'H.itiNly for I I D isinoj'-t v<i,,l, 1><<J :n« IViial.-utud by an elegant Htop. To On

ni(alii, but Cendia made a good "t«)iI it tjunk. Tbcu <t weut to tlm Hi

nl lurk uguin lo UDV.T w h a « '1'aylor>p nod u|{ait. neat It linok. Karr tin

irul»lit tor tbc goal, but tho gonl keeBrilt-J it oft', Then It irnino out nutl Wlifti

it wBck front center l but liank il cmii^niii, nml for a, few luouicutu llifi itover mwim iu dncgor, hut WUH saved Ibruugh ),<>slops ou t-ic ptrc or Tn.ylor and Condil lt ' l lanj Wliite tbcuwurki'd it back twothreo timea, witbTaylor'n uid, und the jell,jiuikrtt bcicitn to tbut tbt-lr biu opiHiiiciiti 1iu ilii'lr rorner, where Hell, with (lie help1'eL't-, did BOIUG flue work in iimnlpulatfoj thiLull. II,.11 l.rmigbt II to Vt-^T wbo drove withlorcn I wire but mm ntvpfivH. Tbcn be tr.iUtt*Terred it to Purr, «bo wns uUo ebui aulUueo tlio liatl *as worked ilowu to Doveoml but Taylor made an cli^aut stop aicw.ut itljatk. Wbite puwtl it to Van, bubo nnd (\>e,r wem ttopprd In quick meantHIOII. >'ioall>- Dell tunt it to Purr, wbn

t e d it in ttie fiout by uuother Imfmni nnir cenicr. Time, 14 uiinutm

whole tlniQ ofiiuuio, tin mluutna.

TlllB fjlvPH tbt! DuV0.t (IVUKRUIOdtbltHiu, iii which their tipiraueuit bare not gal

«oal, whilo ilell haa captan>d 14out uf the If,'tliiufic.

y innetioi[ of Hoard way, with nil tlio mitubura

- CoTiHuittce reported haviuj-

i ciirreot. Thu cutiditiuu of the trritH-vctl u halautitj of f«lT4IB.ffi, of whii.h

l N

f in fro ariou

Tlie Wllsor Squire Buck, H«ting Cumui-r inlie (•;!«• of tbo d.viiatnlte Giplusiou ut Mo-':iir]»(-ll!.>, wuro jlscmteil . Thtt iiK^rugate•ill WIIK Jur "riewing tbi- remaiOH nf tenI'll, • iiuil tlie i|Uemi(ill urnw h.nv tint Ki|uin;•iul.1 vi.'wlon bodiet blown to (tiui'cu. Ui-ortor KiuK and oilier* ibuuicbttiin bilii wurocHiii|)\ tichDlcally Uiful, tiitliny liuil beeni) it'pocit'U by fitninwl«t itie ttunrtl. *'» •»»'••i"i) tlir hills wen- ordered pulit.'Mi.- r a Huuw! 'icil Jnil ftmiitnttlne re-

n-'wiit iiiii,ejiiil.aiiiintiilfC,andtUefceucnilleuIlfiiimtmiiiJUry to ud it ion of tbu iuaLilU-

Tl,r 1-m.r HIHIM> fiDiiitiittcc reported t>nuwiMna lo $7W,HTi, xnd erudite aniouttl»f.M;iK«. At iirPMOt in t&n lumittitloti1 mut*.,>, nnd iieneral bo«llh good.

Tlie ui'iller ol iHiutiuainK the titpportfilm W. Liildell In Ibe Btntu Aajluni wirnutrlil uii. Mr. Leek reitorted tbat(.(•erty altugad to b«long lo the patient w<

• tiitiilletl ilmt K wat not aviiiUblo (or•ii|)|iuil. and therefore ninved the countyroS(nn^iltU' fai- ttw cult «f wuiutubing l,i<

Tlie. Liiimey Coinniitko furlhiivhij: inrttiniiUiicoUQMl tilin otlmr ensot of pnupurpiitieiitiitidi-d nt tbf H«yluiu by tbe county.Tun luixmiuvu Coaitnitteo rei.urled tillnointti]iK t o f m i O . Ordered iiaid.

lliirlKi' I'ilU amounting tn *l,tUn.OT> w<

1]<IIIUIUII rqmrtnl tbu Kiiignluud brld;'lil|iielf(J.('III'MIIT te|iorteil the Client

ItiiuavEr rt|mrt«tl itio UlliQ^ in nl \S\\i\my brirlcc cnnipleteit.N.mU r. ,.-,,,,.,1 > .T.'.lit of $2 forold pUiI'nABi.iu ri-jn,it«d ttif kitne MDttut for t


ttinl U( theCount, whi

pool. Coulru

1 of.Mur

UimliiV Ii

. fi™

nitiTlT roiRT.Kllis T.. FoMcr VH Win II (iuorcc.iet. K. C. Ifuhior: nubi,,B 1'ihiov.f«lin T- WiUlmi,,., rt ri*. T«. Edwinrain. C.mtra.-t. Jubn 11. Vrccl.iUil;

iiriiiH. Willurd W. Cutler ; Jiw II. Ncigli

l>lrvln.1- Tliiw. J. y,A'-Cutlir; ,

fhiviilHl<K>iikv...lolm V01lwt. T. WorUj Alfred MIIIH.J«liu A. ..oelin-, Hcieiver,

li-rllfy. Coiitrni>i. Williuniiu«. W. Cutler.The name -js. hulmnn HIHC. I

Jiilin I>. Culliii*. 11 iij*. v«. I

jiiiiiw. OnKik-o.T. Wf-rlu.Ulh. Tw«[ia-


font frimt yttirly, lr>uRnts| e i nll I li $ n l (li


ijli; ritnrcs uml chuiI'rivutu hoiidca, rjli t


lint)-.!«, f

; imulfc

litulv, (lil>i stable, llvcrv

it, fl() tn-f31| uriu iflJ; bntol, i|ieto IHMUP?, ^V; WUHII bj»in. pri iott l . f l ; ]irlil uuilcr, ,(!( encb a.l.li

arc providedroom, #lSn. ,._far tboMi ualng wuttr in el KM,

A map abutting tUo rcKorvo^r ^^ll tlip

<uritij{B in I1|R vknaitj from wtlicti tbo waterlo lie iQBtiiu't'Ml tu tlm eamo, au4 • no tinswinK tbe eoiir^cn of the Hu|>iily tuuiu, an) miiina tUrosiih ttw diaerflijt utreettwera

4eauli|lii>U0 we.1* tbcn oSti-eJ glrin« IlioMuyuraDd Town Clerk uutbority In tixrciilv

•e fliiwcwM mi tli« iwtt nt Vl» iovn , iftothieb tbo Council mljuuroeil.4Ju 8nturday the uKicomunt wua oWi-'liillynurd "bj tbe repreientativce ot tho town

aud tho Dover W»h>i- Worka Company. Thework of condtmcllou will tie eomiuenre.d next

IN noon aa tbu weatlicr will permit.

A HagBinoHi Caicft t f .Hi t ,ntipit Mullen, of tin,: , .%>. Vti.rncd

ri-iiiii (Jrenu itouil the tirnt ni'tliia irock with> tin cut vat nil ul' pii'kf'rtl rc .irt^rd (i\ l\i\,ttion jo jeare- UueWc* ft lot of twnllerknml, niitl a fjri.at many JPU«IW inH*,. Mmtunu. bruuglit b<-iuf ft ttrlnft ot 32kenillliid wet^btd 107 ponml* I The finlire tifeu by many Hdniirluit npj,]eri» andIt pttTTi t i* fight fully \e.ri^*J. 'l'hej

it iDnkea Umili fond pickerol beanilfol farbeyond alt other fan of tlielr kind, and t i e

iral run in wel^bt wm mmi tlir«s lo 1^0poundn. Of counts "llouV wan'a happy man,

be had a right fc lx>, md ban bei»u iiKanl.ed I tic Wit at eban.ii.iuu ice ttuher of Ibis wc-

Bob" wat aUa a uiomber uf tbe parlythat wailc tb<> fanjimu caUh nt' pitkercl ut

lunut twelve or Iliirtrvn JtafKign, when ••Hob" at Ltiat time naugltt ^ e

idkarel tbat l[iy f robitvly' eyer bwn1 Bloirls county. II will probablyeve fi\ivli ann^er cntrh will bo talton.Point jtietorcl iirc tlio eonluri^t C9

h« |.rittti<!rtt nf tltoif hlndt ^ncl lrheror atMinnnlinn^ is vwarttcd witb n1 nt Icnit t'.vouty uro, iliiinpnuititwl.o learn tint Dr, V1. V,f. (iiliinBe( ofiy, iau«i u city Jricnil w o e at tlieic Biin^ lime witb Jtr. Mpns.m utu}

;ot live pickcrul th^t wclytiod iivor tfftnty

lEUUd «a(lutjrKB Wiiiili-ver, 1. brokciuitn ou the !>.,it, W. Kailroiid, upmi n» mt\y freight traiunit wrut. won killed nu thu j,lilii]jr betsvecuok»wit.v and Ueuvtllo about (6 Vcluck on

Suuduy niontlni;TuHt. Wunluvrr ir.15 itc^r tlieudufttu tniUianU V4u "(.HIM a wrof fro^ftpursrulurj ta ciil il lu(>»o frixii u bor curlicml, I l i i lir.,tbi^riu.liw, who w w aliaruklDK tm Hie »>»•« train and »aw tbo be-

en r re oce. nay* Woolnvcr rilippcd, minted thebrake am! felt bendlong liutweon tbfl twq

irn. Tbe tbrc-e mar rar« qf tl,e train |>n«nHider l(iifl. 'Vho back unrt uf bla rlmil waa

critxhod in, the ltqni>i or bath »rm« weremid «p aud Ibo wtioelfl na.Bdd over both>, killluH blm inatvntly. Htrungo to «ay,faco and broaxt fuuapcd any injuries

l d

oiitlicrefroiii'wV^ il¥-ride, down aq'il no canal U

HioriuunietiU.,nUtn>tiuoiwiul«r. I wleh


it». »pt a bill t ilate an, but It in1 a tevora af tbnleiuhtu'olookAUR tokoeaitati[owTfriit. Vourt

, -*nT. riiatM.it,«wun. of ( V tlierrannielor whtcU va.«d aUowed th.it ttfi netotry Kgl«t«red

froai *1 to HO*1 faoluw aero tbe Arat four aooraigaortbeiuontb; fron.10 lo 3V above Mm

fur tlioiollowtQR Kven montagi; while forIholaiMH dnyt or tbe month It only wontstave iero for tbi«e Worologa mi narkedtain 0 to at° below for \h; other flrteen morn-

For nine rttya it registered bntweoaand 3a° below- ' '

. .. a Wrttte« fromBorer 0tUe Newark ^eiri.» cock and hallatoiy to the e«e(i» that Neddy Hoga» put ap

1 PtwtoMoeliM.BUI<.rdity nlKbt •« .4-FWent fur a wile, ttatlag bit borne was

ilieil with n certain lot or*tonananodirjbo KVA U«t Wfck, awl whfoh tttqb»Wy » M »

tho roundatlon to tb|i aprin.i). Tbe wrlUr thentbat miruburtof WOB6B were

along the road to KeA&fe. . lay worning, wko rctyrtieff

•hen they found that 11 '.•(itH. p'1(rlst| Ulrl"art rontented to a^nm IIM*' ^O(. Wk«rc the

r«i!ta'ai«kinowilthei»ar;ofa let of womennnikfltt* ta above Neddy'n hoapHalily Itamut-i n | lo tay (be leaat.

wtalcvrr. \Yuo\t\man, itbaut 'iand ono rliilrt. C»r

a old,younc l

nioi)f:t) and a|ttr im.uiry Into Hied ( l d I j t i | t

Warw ta Ut IH.leaf tbo Hew Jerney finp«r^ BIT pull,

.inning nrlH'lea p1«lMuff tl|it IM \f« In tomelo<iai|tic« it tbla year Infcttod with a mallworn, or wbat nirpew* to be snob. An ei-

inatloo.» c'veu by • circuntatance wblth1 ucenrred not fur from 1>ui-er, wltero »

ajeullcmin found tli at tbc ice bu WM cUttfn^rom a pond oU IiM pUcswai filled wfta tllP

•V» abont wtrich otbert liavo uom.vlpi«eil, An iuveilinatiuu dlxiloaed theeauRO. Tbe gentleman boil removed the fl*bfrom IIIN pond abont two yearn ago, and tince

.liepaiul Iiuil bewwii* filled wilU «"nlle n like tboie ton.ctlmes eeeo in rqlfl

water battvln. In the venter ihri.Fi ^Ipuleriinil au outc.- coat, or i^to, wblob TU(IBID tlie

utrfnoo and adhere* to the Itottoni nf the lee.the ice f m i e t (rotn the tiottom it l»econm

gradually Dticd witb tlienn pur tides reneni-wornm. Pomlt wbicb am stocked wiltire. not aiTnRtfd in tJitt way, at thn Iliihtbe watert clear of tlie wlRgiera.

cMr. fleo. A. ttaynur, of llav^r, wiirt hqi

Ma with thn hwun of toartli'nhrainw & Co.,T Naw V«t k, fit clglu yearn, kua now aitii-

d blmsell with tho bou'ao of Wfllfntr,a> Co., Krde«ri atid. ten (loqlBM, of

y street, New Ynrk. l(r. ftaj-nf the plcaaantoat ami noat auo-


A UHIo Bey ia a Cold Own try.UmMoi.it, V. T,, Jail. 1, IS

Vr.\a PIR ; -M.T iniinnia tukeg y«»r titid 1 urn ;iwtul fjlnd to tea It, for it tclln utill about fiiir old borne, anil friptiiln and

und tl

i-ni, aud nonictliuiie tin j,in|,cr iloo't a<fur two ortbrco davs nfler i t ' l th e nro mad uPtlm'pdstm d uPtlmpdst oMce.

like K out far™ RrstraH, feiit U' ta ditori- ' I l«tP from » U t it i } ^ « t bill

l inn)ir* U t t k S U M .Kev. t\ ft. ttoynoldi, who ia DOT

i»wnitinBtriii1 f.irl)lani>U*itiy In thli county,wrote tbr, otlioi- .biy to a gentle U I D of PortOratii. uskinjc bin, to introduce blni to the

I'lo of tliot pkiw, at ho wtntwd toie ItTture* tlifro, 11 request tbat 'ipllcil will!. Jbia it Reynold*1Eiimc, HoCOtR (11 KAilt M\llwl*»t UE

milt triiil-nt n-lii^h M»b Intierwll it lodefend l i io- to tuii^e Utopia anxiout to bear

»Dtl tlma remlor bin lacturet pntHtable.Tbn V'Tcwculor will da well to let him gowithout (bo notoriety be expwW la gel byneaniofn pulilio t i lt '

li**t Vriday crouiog * tawrol borw eatlaebiitK Ul>wu Blm'kwell • I reel at a high ratefapFod. Ho VIM nttMbed to a tleish, but

[be borne.* lad oeoainn brokei ana bo waa••inning outohlo of tbe eaafu, and la gtvat

danger of falury, He t u n w * U M eormet efSuaaex atreet in iaf«ty M d wben oppaaitotbe atiibh yur.l r>( Joltoj'a Hotel made nn,

er neM turn and raa iato tka jnti, •ftag-tho albigli to tbo oad of tfrtovwy ia a

perfect condition, {t « ,M ajuartaiatel thatUr. ««)«•«, of few.

The Ka«h Han.1 Coaesii la Baker OpenIlniUM lakoa pla.m n « t Tbaradej cvenlnflnd the owatlcn promlaoe) to be tbeirent of tha nea-oii. Tbt •Blsrtalain.eQt

by tbo "Uock Buad" conpaty 11 ofiueb a nuvol »nd pleating at\ ii -o thatluatbowltuetted t« bt anpreektud. Dpiig tbn concert DO leaa than twent dJ&

i l i

Tho tuetwicand faUl lo t

Arrangfnenta Lava bfen, befAi t ti for atmeafpaltibi t ^ tV>vor w)nk on ttUkf,euingo.'nr+t wwk between the Central!,

•I Koniervlllo, anil the Dovert. Thli te.mIbe only one re^rfieul Bg n qlu le h»V

Ilinl beat tbo Pt>\ot<, BM4° V>»t vjIftief • \alUe three mattes playcj betwaoa the twailubstlio Dorcra won two. but evtry jjttaionaiiitcit iu tntccWv ^oro of $t* 4, t-iAlatati

ibct,urcH.(^i«e»''t'"").i.gqto f lu favorif Mover. V\» frjenda of noM may therefote(pBOt to w tneia ntiotlier exciting eonteitptvcRD tbeto eIoM>Iy Biatctted teaua, tlkitt.ig bnfi.ro and after tbe 1»wo. AfUdO by tbe'otw Hnojl ^ ^ ^

Eiplotloi at Kt Sopa.One ot tne tiinnul tultcrr, at ttie Ut- Hoya

londhr inorninji. r Verui niot) wet* pfoi,traied lij ;ko fltniosiuD, hut none of tVoiivercly in.jurtd, tuH R Hrctuan aamed Jef-•pj», wbo wu about to fire the holler when. exploded btiil a rounrkably forlnnate ct-ipe. Ho wat knocked down aud 10 mo whatnt ulwut the bond lij fljing <l«livl«, Uu,t *eiirintirily injured. It U ItiDitgbt there waileiilyurvr4icrliitbeUallnr«t tan line u dic oftUW. af U16 tiplmtloa U ui.«iM.wn. Theioat terioua remit la tu* uti>ppaa« of work•r Mtnio duyt until tbe tUnufffl done can bo

y,II- L'. Jeuuin«B;Ut Jdin

, Chn«. H. Urocn ( Treainnard of Trnateex, CfaarieaD. fluoria, Iaaao Q. A

y ;Cfaaplalo, Hr.,i..

Piertanl XWtwOtt]

sold; Btaudiitu Couimittce, W, IT. U»y,* :i A. Clift, Atroa 1'ruikL,

T. A, T*wbcrt port, (1. A. S —Cgtu«a»d-Win. Seen ( B. V., Ur»el D. Daun; J.

I'., Joippkllorryi O. O., Thonaa Murray;0 , /ncii!. P. Meekei "

« . t .N .R , ,4 ; r W . f t ^,T.T. Allen; < H.. A.John A. Clift iH. H., Aaron DeQrool,

.- ><• ~g*oe Htm ana a w t l ight Btttw.

HlMcbman, of KoiTlttowii, bat.aglit auu Bj,mtni Ucnry a m , ot tbe tamect, in the tnm of«l.uOO Inr defanwtiop pi•racier. Mr- Him, if ho v/\ll uat be' outdonetbu sb.nwiinc>s t.f bin ftltow-oonntryman,1 alto biongbt tnlt agninitt flsort'e Hlrteb-

itlnii In tbe t u n of »tfi,(K» fnr defamation of•tcr. TU* will ccrtaiuljr be one of t ionlvrpttinu anlta evvr b^>ugbt before

tbe court* j,n hqufn* tiounty. Kx-8fintlor

I WHtard Cutler wilt look «lter Sire'e.

• n . X. 0. V,»y,whn for ninny ynara prnctically ^ani^d

i»bati« n tparrjing on Ida pliottgrapiric bus-pin In Morriitown'a N. J., tt alto at to onenU"K Bullery over MrCIntuit V * Yor^l l Mi

I by I U ptrton Ukiog water, ilio oofflpftny to j »a«t n o w . . &tm IIM mmB tbe iiualltynnil kind of nervloe|iitionintecDiiDglik.»er

will buy a pair of Mcnt' Dnekle AretioB atStrait Bro^, RitrltHwiiy, JT J.

tlieat JUaiutlta.in millkMry E«odi and clonki at Mitt Nolaa/n,

l'viiLiuntitHj raporlod MOO debt.ttiickiiwiij- reported nollilutf yet don

11 rd (hi; (oupur lirld^c—witt tu bavo>n)i>lcti'il i a Don. U t Ifwt. Tbo olbor ti!•,<» rrpui-ted ao ilebU, with tbe oiccptloMl. Oitvo. Mr. Mcl'eek rerH.rte.l tb* 01

'iii'Iiny iklil fur Ibe new Iroi bridge

l:it)rJfT-, < Lruuut uf wLlt'h tbe oontrui'triinleii fltlri). On ntalion tbo ttununt waaiidored [mil!, tliuti leaving m baUn.ce oflumm toe wiuirnet.

Mr. Milr.'k ,-r.kfd tor relief fora faiuilj

muBc. Nn licliim taken bcoaiixu Itwntituliilrthed tlmt ttie applioniiti were reftiil.ftlimiu.mity.

aUrrii Cawitr taptr Mllki.Tbn llmmt.111 imper mil la at Old BooutiDke netv«ii!i|ier, and tbc daily enpauitv

»MNM II.0. The -urn,, mills „!«, arnkc miuiii>r. The I'cqiiannoek aitlh at Btttlnr run

on tlnaue muni I la atdfauve aoaiiwittyof U,tMl!)«!« dully. Tho Wbippany lull It rtinuttkitiil »ri>H]ier and nuikr dally 3.WB

pnunds, iiiuttUftCnlwlonla miUn aatheplace nmke trunk boanlt of kartlwuro paper

' nan turn out H.tiOO ponadt penl»y. Huir'mills nvax Mitrritkown ran on binder*'

buarUi, and toother turn 0111 SfiOO poundtrbon run ta thilr full oapnclty. All tbeao>sper tnllla arc In Mori-It canuty.—Je

> *> w>

Tkt M. I . TejtmfaM.Tho li.il«iy Street L'hurob, Newark, tximta

have liev. Dr. John Atkluaou, now pastor"Trinity. St. liukc-VCIiuicli,Newark, wnutt

Kev. Albert Mann, 11 uw nt Hloomtiold, uudifos«tte Chureli, ,(«tiMsy City, \,m iwkeil for. Luku-B ginMor, Hov.J. W, JoliUKton. Kev.

1. A, Owen, of 811 u in it, cJcpeeUtoBO to W u l -Ul, uml tbe riuiumlt pcojilu tiuvo a»km\ for

None uf tbe tfiuit nf tlio l'mi<llnB EhlerB exre, liut Ibero U a rumor that Kev. H. V.luuboten, rraaUtngKblRrnf the Chi»b»ib

ill«tript, may gu tu Cent ml Cburuh, Nuwurk

prolialily go to (bo elognut new CulvHry

• r . MMtaatam aw to Pay kti LnwytnRev. L. I. Stoutcnhutg, forurtrly of Cbn»ir, reftntlycHiute-itcdiutbo Hiutioit Courtsw wilt nf bis Hccoud witv. wbo left lter prop-ty to l.tsr tlrticrg, und v a t defeated. Theaurt IIM now rcuilcred Us decision in tie

mutter of whether tlin con me! ti•uoirta be paid out of the ontnto, After aprotracted conauliatlon Dm Court dtoklc.

it tbe SnrrojmtH an<\ Btcmsri.iilier'B fem>uTd be aligweilj i>nt rofuwd feen ta ilio

eontettuut'n Infryeu, wlm H

Hug tun and Vila Uliiruom.for oljjhty diiyr.1 acrvk*«. Mr. Kny'it

^awtro tftifvr any, vbich will nowhayo to he paid 1*5 Mi. W0u.uu.mr2, it ].H1


Tk. laftal M M el tba C»UtUt ctnitk,ThP regulations ml ati 11 a to funerala oarrlodito effnflt al the Nawnfk Diocogau Synodr> Butijcot of Aiaouwion •monJ( Catliolktnrywfcere, Many ate 4it|>o*>d to m d faultIth Blibop Wiggor fur netrioting the num.

ber of carriage* at «fano»l to twelve, andprohihttinf aay dbplty cf flowert, hut Memnjurlty or Catholics a n ia heuty awardwitk tbe Biihop and give tUugreat credit f ubetag a nan of e«e%«t « . , ._ „ „ .Middlo olatMt kt a«aa« «t Q» kUK«r «Mlu ttwownagNanw f>wert alone fteanently c«tt

Ugk H VOi, and It la taU I lie aril «on1*•ik#t way except by a

ywalpartof tc t t t ' t

have beet unnwully prevalent]mrt or Mew


In llocknway tbr; m** very an*ind rctulled in q«»wl^ottka, lae.ndlngi

f. JM. V, Averlll. The d « m n Vallejtioen graattj tnmbltd wUb

icra and n lewtaily. Now Vi

wn county, ^ ^romlyito Mug futty vw p l U n n e

ftunUieti four or ilvfi meqbera *re tnlksrit.af thv w U l

liave already teao5t*4tae« ia Var-in tblewajr,

n o Vart O r w awaAA* tho annual eKvtiou for ofleera of theort Oram Cornet %in\ tkt roll*winn wereIOSCU ; E.A. a. llmoc, Pnwidcnt i Wm V.ort.«, Vlw 1'retHleuti Robert Cnrtii, Coa-

luetor; Ii. N. T..IIII.,1UP. fbj-cretary (J»mP Q

' iv, AssUtaut riootet^ry j ItivlitrdHittbell, TrcaHiircr. ^lip Q^nik«nbt>of thebundaflim,, tliiipnctlOB kUciti,, temlarly

rut Up«aui) t>iwo k » pram.t* «f «bt band

HoaitfltaH-N, N.J., Jan. 10th, 1HTT,M«- GDITOK ;—PtftMn put In yoi;i> pa'|Mr aw Ituca for the li<r>ef\t «X the Warren oounty

fannort. » r hiu.lm.il i*aa farmed in tboWttt and my» whit people hare colt hog

btarm it ooly hWnny »arwt, awl a table-ftil of (Kippernssivtu in their feed tlirec

Imea a vet* *sil\ bq a MIM COM, Chokta,»CB from new Uml. ^,

tliat BOW bouact n n goitgrniiulj ioMadtMU, Ibe nonpar la far be*

t i U Ue ttewmil, afiJ it ia feared there wlU,be tronbln in tko tnring when tb* novtoafeter aeta In. Ilunm™* U bat|er than a m iinHadltnn and Itm pnpuialloi UlncNaainj:it a »ot t «u*aaraitin« »pe««t A number o?nnaeyed wen aro illacutalnf a loheine tiUilJingHaUtosi!e3ommo(Ut«Ueiitli»WUni

B. H. Bowiten h n ^ W w » t vatktXUMamaauMge'tlKipnGr, which eaabkibitnto chop; aud UUIWH auuaaae fiir u y ant at tha»««*l\ jtrtce ot w s v«ut aftJ * half per nownd.Hit market orralni... th« beat ef ateata, fltb

egetable*, MUIIIU. holiiBuae, frnlta, ctnoedgoodn, oyatere, rtc, wlifoh ate alwaytfr«feand told reMonablv-

TV jtroof of the pudding la la the eating,therefore why aulfer with Headache, Heart-burn, Uv*p«i*Hia, Confttipatlon, iu froi any

tion of tbe ttnnmrh or bowelq, wbtayoaprooare a free m.tnrf* a f tke groat

vyerieiit, CynpalHift at B'lb'i Mlgnra'a. •

• • • f c i a i i bviUtiaa tU ttH Work.Witb tbo ntwfit icrii.t lypti JUH| r**erv«l

tbe B*A it prepared to 4n iwcfk\ work in theway of w«dtV«ii tod o ber invitation*, vi*i*

t lQr»itlan|ftl||,Feather TrioiW*n-I' al* <«*«•, worth O.B6

Ton Can lawpair of Men't Kiititter II note at Strait Brat.,

ikoway. for $3.50.

Kudulpl, JottUHhiulin C. tlow.leiittirdy.

vu. Tho lulinbitiHanUrdv.

B. liandolpli 'I'ow

1. John Untljkc, api,i't, and Win. WiApplcc. Jury.'I. <:orneliu» Vnndurveur, nppl't.andKdwin

SunfoM. <jt al*. applees. Court.a. «(.o. l»it*flou, uupl't, and «4ro!!no

Ovorton, apiilee. Cvurt4. Tlio BHUJC..'.. T,,r Hutne.«. Kilwurd C. Lyoii, appl't, iti.'l Wm. 1

. Kilwinwn, E i

. Aluiizy, p

». (Jco.

Hi. (iE'o.'Mw. C u t .I I . liiuiii'I h. THII I

C o . i l l

y ,. Cnnrt.

Huntgrd. ot aU, npnl'lH,tin-., appkti. Court.

Tuurp, upjd'l, nud U»vllre. ,JuiV.urinni,, nPi>I't, ami lllrum

kL-r, upjil-t uud Lewi* Culwdl,t

, appe. tJourt.Vi. Hutlrr Hard K.H.her Co.. uppl't, aud

Joliu J. (Ircou, ujiplmj. Court.1» W A U1». Wm. A. U i

Howeil, upplee. Omirt.11. U0.1J. Sire, uppl-i, and

pylw C t

ppt't, , ,na Ww. II,

. K. (llllai

mHobiTt J. CoKhle.il, aphl't, mta J<ihii F

Kitiheil, upjdpi'. Court.HI. i'oruiillttH JWnun*,

J. Conldi,,, n p ( 1 | o u . Jurv.17. HridfietC Uny, app'l't, and W

ippk-o. Caurl.18. .loin) A. Unobcr, Kwoiror, e

md l>aviil lttlly. applco. four!IU. Tlio siime, uuplt aud Mituoiux M. Ua-

ilaborry, upplou. Court.m Tbo iiuiiic, npplt, aud%Vni. Mnclt •)•-I tldurt

..III1,.1 tm.l fruul. -Slllwhln, applM fa

,mi>Vl, awl Natlra

n. Decke







For Chapped Hands, Salt Rheum, Ac.PRICE 25 CTS. k BOTTLE.






*intanw«| Uvyet h i l l ' l iAnother illu>'.r«lion of tonic of th* tolly

I termi nf Court it g i m i B tlie hiitory ofitt woek'H Warrea County Circuit. Theresore forty-two aniiM* on the civil Hat. Protibly two hundred ulientt nnd KituoaAM. woreit BolvidereonTuetrlay, bcaidpajuntraiOQB-itnbl«a and upectntors, ^ fow of the tttor-iej« who bad tkp WW» ut«k«l at tbe, he*A

o( the Ibit neve unprepared; tbo rett wereV t wajjiy 1W tint pnclte day, eiiteettng notte be u l M on; th* «B»nlt WM Chief JiBea«1«j dltmitted tbe term, and every

i tuf i i l laej l April, IblatlJitatkM withveugeaace.

A I ^ M M w a V n i iTb* (^»M qaarry of the QleoJoa Iron Cov<

Banjtfl Jfalpter townthfp, NoHbanvlan Co.,Pa., ii Ifi&.feet high, rm teet whlsand almoallerpcndienlar. A. nwut twwewAil biaattook

tUnt quarry ua Baturdtjr IMI, by'blcli a bwaa qvontlty of ttooe waa removed,

l ie lowett ettimate of wbieh boa been 300,000t«na. Flvo ehambeM W»M nado lathe hill,each 9QQ foet lung ao.d 60 feet to from ttie bfcae

toe quarry. Thete were chargea withrenty-ttro and a lialrtonti of powder. Tbeloi-gti WM expiodtid by electricity, flupeiin-

1 "•' BBtone touching tho key.

4M*la«ULt*f.Mn. 8«rahBtephtna, nwuW of S, E. and

K. P. StephenH, ot Ilavkettutowu. anil whoresidea will; «. aou jmt abova that tows,

lbs Utt nilleatoae af her lhVa journey' "aet week. Sbe U an e«ep-

old lady and takes greatdellgbt la keapiBg house for berwlf, wbich'

tba way, the anmellmeiItepkena houoateod near


. »t tbe

AkcplbUpoullrruBlll alter. _ 1 wine. It U uteltis for Eatt-

>M poallry grower* to aend their ito*k torkat when it eaten Into cowpctitiou witb.groal holiday ruth from tbe Went. By

keeping thrir tbipmeut until tlio market brelieved, out fwmera wl\l s*. bftttet pricesand they are bej iiutliix ta learn tliis impor-

Tbe new pottal card Is not admiral ns autiatlo production, ii^iJ,.* it h oi>u.luciw to

Tbo vij(»i;ttB rtirnip Isj.lnced Icentre of the card, and a now onncelliDc:hino will bo needed in tho large post offl-

DM while tbo country clerk, will nisn GratlnItabeut nlntttlatet out often. It isa

ivetuent in quality of curd utoU,ia;-

If tbcn It a uaukof clouJ, lu tbe Wi.t.ilhofthetu^i, ^Uen U aetn, look out forIWJ. If tlwre bit bauk Norlli uf Ibe nun,Itoiit fwraiu. Tnle i» a aertnln sign forrut in Winter. If the storm ctorn, extends

both North and South of tne ttn, the heaviestpert will indicate the bind of Htorn to futlow.

Wart T I M Van. Will I*.Tbo un|i.n>wuUat»d tale of Boeofaec'a Ocr-

j wittiiu a t«w }«»• , buaatm-iabeilthe world. It ii without iloaht thetafett and

remedy evnr ditoovrred for tl l

y jni%mdelectnalcure ofCoufihi-, C«->ij« and tinevereat Lung troi;nblea. It nets on nn

titrly dlSercnt princlpln from tho usual>!Meripttontglren|.y rhysieian., at it d « i•at dry up a Cough turf icHvethodtaonaoatttl

tbe ayatem, but on ibe con|toiry rruovcthe eanae of tbe tro^Uo, h#»tt tbo pariH af-

ted and leaw* themtn a purely healthyndiikui. A. bottle kept In tha baiiM taw u n

iben the diwwum nuke tbtir annearanef,II nave doctors bi la and a Ion* ap«ll oflout Illnou. A tinil will convince voa af

leso t«fc'. It ia lioftiiively nohl by alf drita-ats and general dealora in lee laid. rVice,eta., large battlei

Krbw tttrea at Bolneai Pruoa.bavo tbe aalo of Lehman** foot warmcro,tTcn trmpertture tn your ntclgb o; boflpyday. Hequirrana atiejt^ja.

ti. 8. Aittw.


AND AM. KINOtt o r

WINTER CLOTHING!Nmr Ii Ike I l n i> Meat* a id •AMUAINI.




Skates! Skates! Skates! Skates!






Shrewsbury, Saddle Bock and Morris Cove Oyster*,Uallnaitinanht, a m l l . "^^^f^ S


DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SfliPDobbins' EJootrio 3Ht)AP has for twenty years been MknowWfedCMTjTshoie to be tlut best tumily soap in tho world. In orier to bragits merits to the notice of a still larger constitnenc;, we knve rewDtlvretlacod our price, kooping the quality uncbangeel, and oSer tha iol-lowiug beautiful presents free of expense to all who use oar map andwho will preserve and uail to iu, with tlioir full address, the wrapper*taken Irom thia soap.

Fox 7 oompleto wrappers we will mail at set of seven cards, ia »iicolors and gold baokgroond, illustrating Shakespears's

"SEVEN AGES OF HAN."For 15 complete wrappers we will mail from the following list, roar

aelcotion ol first-lass sheet music lor iiiano (instrumental or Toeal)tha marked retail price of which, in any first-clans music store, ia onedollar, or a now and beautiful set oE seven cabinet portraits ol

tt'uyly Ctrti't Original English Mikado Catiptty, <

For 25 complete wnppera ire will mail a new and beautiful panollictnto, 14x26, from tbu original painting, owned br us, entitled

"THE TWO BISTERS."Thfa ia Ike Snoat pioco ol wmk nf the land BTCT iMMd; m d cannot

bo copied or duplicated by any other firm, and k n e e is worthy • placei any parlor.

For 00 complete wrappers we will mail eider sheet music fr» Ul*piano to the narked retuil price of *t.5O, or a copy of


aOAV will be given freo to every buyer at a stnglo bar of Dobbins!Electric Soap at tho store of

Brl.k D m , Store. A nllnlll. plnn U ••> wl

Page 4: FURNITURE AND CARPETStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-01-15.pdf · obscurent or apparent* In other words, talk plainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthfully


putetl to liim. Hn uke Iik.tlthreats

to UIP Afamily Il>I»tll Vli


iv a


ith too uIUKI Kill]

Her ill'.

ilimt «!"•it Jt>.a-.i

ouIJu'trail, t

ilb nnd

mill 1-11

nt tLi> f

11 IJ.-E

.lo i


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Ml 1,1

r. U c i


t h - H i

1 'li'l1 Ilii"





. m'Ik l U

talkiUK nhirol jf.ay.iti'r. l.it>l nithliHl -ill.John Smith 1 brought tliu IIKIIUT IU ILIIUNItbe fence, I kuew what Ueogiui bad midTaa uot true. I gave John Smith peruiiBtionto crow t i e I'.v^rJot by one line. by tliePrltney tmee. It was by a K*|> iu tlie fenceiueli as would |,,t • m m tlinouli, but wnnUtlie«)> r^wa from K0^"B tbi""Kb< H wvi>l (nilto tho Uicknrwu properly. Tin re is ii imlbwLiuh I^MIH fruiu lirducb'u liouxe tu lb«l K»P-4 qutiilion twto wtitther viliiut* ever yi ieSsoitb perati«lo« to crows any way was nbjeeted to liy tbe Wati*. O!>)ectlon mriiMmdand exception taken. I did not know lx-fun-lhe:Wtbd»y of Sept. Iliat Smith hod t.tei*iu tbe habit or croihiiie, wy potato patch. Idid kuow that souit>b*ly bad betn ptnsMnRmy potato fiattli, anil luo |«tt«iau» wnttramped ilo»n. Tiic people had walkedover tbo hill*, HO I could not tell tbe hfrom tbe furrow*. I found that tbe fetbetween my |ioUto paten and a pasture ti.ldof the l>lckec*aQ cam|imy bad hwdown, flattie hail got in between Itiat breikla tbe fence. Oa tbe :50th of Heft. I |>it;k<dapplei wilh my children aud Tiernau in Ibemorning. I went to Stanhope after tbat.started about too o'clock and not back awlate my dinner, when I noticetl it wan fto'clock by tbo clock. Tbe fintt thin*; I dcafter dinner 1 talked U> Bernard Coi nwtilleand bought eomeceln from tiim. Thenwent out lo ht>Ip Tiernau cut COTE, takingIm-Sf of fljipleH fttid a corn hook with miTiernau was cutting corn iu n Bold. 1 cinried Ihe &vp)tH on tuy right niioutilir autho corn book iu uiy rijjbt limnl. I went outa gate on tbe Houth side of Ibe house ami liya path to Braneli'd house. That broughtmo to thu bars y°'"8 t° the Kvt*r lot. I totkdown the lop bar. &ud a* I went lo put uptbe bar the bag slipped to the ground, andafter putting up the bar I jmt tbo bag back.I Tent on toward Hmiurliri bourn!. I n i lJobu Builtb after I bad got nix or tigbtjrud* from a few ulerrf tveen a few yfwdnfrom tbe l>arti, Smith van ooui'wg ttioug ucroBMDg which crossed hi« palli like a V.Smitli W<IK (,-(iinC iu Urn tlircctiou of Ihe I'afliaurosx the pnln'ocs, I wild "Jake-- (weuaed to call liim Juku) t dou't want ^uu tugo tfent « ^ . • ;ii- wu« B'>i«B uway from me.He turned and i>*tuo over toward mt-. I im.agined he didn't bear what 1 fiftiil and rantedto Hay Hcmetbiug to me. Ho I went towardhits. Ue tutned auA Itutntd a u d i o gotb*tween PIC and t ie path from wliieli 1came, llogrilted hh tetrth uud ctiid. " Whaiway will 1 go?' I (old him you can Rn thaiway—pointing to thu raid going out of (IIPgnp In the fence with uty lett baud, or tin-ban goinjf out by my bouse, for I bnd thebag and knife in my right hand. I woe going to explain to ttlni w l j , but he wouldn't

let uo . lit) struck me, Hsyiug • You .[ traa [OHR lookiig for you." Ho lookedbicker and madder than I orer fa» him br-fore. Ho xtrufk we on thu jaw on tbe pointnear my e«r. Tbe blow partly knocked medown. I kind of icctovered myself HU Ididn't go flat on iny back by putting toyhaudH behind uio. Tbn Lag of apples, Iauppoa*, had fallen dosrn, I wa§ prettymad and frightened, beoauao bn wan a *»ryliifl niau. I got up MB qnluk aa I could. Attbetinio Iwai gsiuing my fret Smith wancouiug ouwith another atroke. I put uptoy hand, not knowing I hat) Ibe knife in il.The Btroke sltuck ruy arm, and noiuetbfn^—1 ooaUu't Uli if it vm tbu dinner ]>nif—struck me iu Ibo faco and turned mopart around- I rau nway ur went awuj, Icouldut tell wliicli, toward tho barw. 1didu't kuow Bmilli w&9 burl. 1 couldn'tbardly IM1 why or bow I went away. Ilooked hack and raw him Ijiug Ilicrc, wblood on bis face, and tbo book irns nhut hpad. Tben I wont ha?k nod pickedtbe UookfimJ nppleB, 1'lieii 1 Uionght oiROipR for n doctor, and then I went towardIWnau and met him. 1 think I thitho bag tlowo near tbe cast corner of tb<ham. I hollerpj lo Tieinsn ihon and nnticI bad tbe KBife iu m j bauds. I tlio««.adown in the cabbtgo near me, aud made Iattempt at conccilaiciit. I saw Tier&tneonlog toward mt>, I (hink tbe first wordI said lo Tiuraai) \m< " Fur (lod Altuigbt;•aki go fur a Jovtor." Tbeu tblakiug hedid not moTs t u t eaough I Ibonght I woulga for k in snjt«lf and then told Tietnan i| 0 and took after tlie man. Then witneitola of hia sting fottbe doctor. H « «eat «uw, but thovK^i he went up sn<l look*it the body Int . He first wenl to bis owihrase beoauM bis l int thought wai to go IiDover. Then be tbougnt of tlie Meuat tbe Oiokeraon mine and went tber*.tb* way met u w . Unmet, and either JoinRanis or Sieve Holly. I found If r. 11inne<in U>« o«ce , And ttiink I rcnemher iwhat ] Mid. p t o u IBB office 1 went to*fa«r« Smitb was Ifiog with Jas. Wnney am«teT« HvHy. I iriaid tbere Uli 1 tbougUt thedoctor O3f>t la | « «MD 1 DR. Jaa. Jfaoj w u at tk . Ui* waiting for Lim. If.«net Or. Deny about half way to tbe howand told Lift ta harry np. There w e n« o v m over Smith's body at tbla time. I gothem from my home. I was not there wbei«milh died. Smith was alive wben I Irftgo to a e e t t b e footer and d U d b t f o n l golfcack. I stopped awund and auswared aaquestions as tnbow itbappontd. Xbci«ot u i i e d up; t eould not tell how I fell-felt aorrj. I vent to the house and Isj4be floor awhile, and Men I concluded ti4jifo myself up. Bo I got niy I05 ta hi lotup my horse and caniu to Dovtr aud fiaimyself up. I v m brought to juit Hut tii^l«nd bftve been in j*ilsini:c. 1 had no id:«t mtetiug Stuitb wbeu i wenl out. IIiionse is about three i]w*riors cf a tui«way, and c m only be *eeu in tlie wfntciHmt, when tbe leaves are o f Ibo tretn. Ili s up hill from 017 house to Branch'- house.

Oio«-euit i i i«d: MyUat LuaHuuialatui(•g. Bttofe that I wai a miner. 1 workedin the ailas off and on for about fifteenf san. I aold bwr at Mine Hill four or flt«

II- lllt-U p• hid UI.KV

.,1 .n-,,.L. I-1

ming I.•i l..t, c

nt 011 »tl,UwiiiV. Wtit'iwiw them ffni'li toward

Siw ti'Cmiiill ititt niilt.l Smith. Tiii-ii t-iiw SiTix i l lnwikril linn. l>ul c-r lie til him. Tbt-y iw

in,) whnIt'll Ut If > l l i i





Ullfll'x1 lll<! 1«lf t"H


to imwbik-




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<-k nft.rSmiib 1r it w.m

tllHIiul t-.lilrullll'l.

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O *

k n l• tor .

ill aim

SolUrk Hpub.Mlt llVL- ll.l-t.IV

uuiu-tl; WAS tiviti^vvitb W

linio, iiml u,m Iberi' till the

Tb.it dii.v nil lb«-- 11.1.1 nt

t- fnhlia^o juiIiU nuil (lit)

ur. I WIIH t-iiiliiig 1

nil It-wliiiR 14 Hu- m.1 v

WIIN K»>i>h' I'-iT.irJ tb« D k

Hi nuil Ol'ouuel l weru wi l l

Ir. of lilt! bur-n-lifO bt- ran-11

Diiiu-ll b.td (In- Uig u\er I

Tiiey wt'Bi tun fur uwny lor lim

•flhe C(>liv,.rsi»lin(i. Witlits.4

h lie

ll.lf-t uit Iliu linio f t in; bun


! ! , • ,

til l nt tin

e cotu Itiidk as Smith u«id« ttic sewiiiiinch »t liim, but lif <iidn'l we OTtmnf-1nk<< Hiuiili nrHiiiiiU Ml tin HAW O'COU.'11 niiil'-i1 u siiU-ivajH hlrnko willi llio curtiir,-, tml h« didn't MOO the Mow bkfiitoct.iMli'lii't go to help his friend bciwisoh

ili.In'l Wdii) to (,'ct into uti.v law suit ; be wit.t'r.ii.l to go 1J, fore the Curt al ull. 1 tnrucd

11l.1l btK-iU cutting corn. Tliu 11 book was the hut fbiug I

Tin1 cormr of Hie born ohstrncted my viewnf Smith. O'Couiit'Il told him to rim imd

bo nt for th.


or aiz y , *p to iMt May, I h*ve be*nindicted and convicted for keepio«adii-«ri«]f beoae. He went In SUnbope tb.day to take lout) Italian! there from theDfeiefBM nine. Only ataid thm whlls bema bab« paid for hli work. Uj corn knife«M i s UM Mllar that day. Fending tb<

U i n « a f the wftaeM u t o l h * eventaCanrt took the soon

Tbe froa-fl»aaiii»tion of DanUI O'Connell was reiamed. The frtwecutor prmwifaint clcwely 00 all tbe iucidenU counettedwltb tbe killing, bat iu no material Te*pec• T H able to nhake bis testimony. At ouipoint, bowerer, O'Cminell admilted be puthia baud on Smith anil told him lo go buck,but a moment lalci imiated that he conldn'tU « wbeth^ be put bit hmd on him. Tbi*«tw jaat before Hailtk called him the rp|-U e t mid Btnck him, nod just after Hiuitbhad aaid h« wonld follow the path in 1tfbis (CfConnell-v) teetb. Hu knew JobnHank, t a t aid sot recollect *httbe« h« hi•ay couvemliM wilb him about this a&ir,u l e » be waa with Mrs. Brunch wfaenawt her. He eould cot rsmember having• a y conremliou. it i l l falm in the lot, al-1

thongh he told two nr three abont Et.n i d tooictbing while oa bu wny lo the minelo a man aianding sear Mrfl. Branch, t.iiteowld not UU what U wan.

Br-direct; Knew that Hmith workedthe Dickerson nine, sod knew that by tbepath he wan going tbero he nutildthroagh the potato pntch. After Smith badknocked me doTQ mft 1 v.s.4 getting anfeet agfcin tbere WM 00 chance for me to get

.•way. If I WAN as swift aa a B'eam engine I4tmld not hare got nwi\y. 1 bnd hardly gotjm my feet mgnte. The general iuiprenioDof O'Camaelt'a testimony <m that he had

JM«D an «e«l laot wilneu for himself,WM. DoviUMox, a w n : Xetlifled to

16 photofraphic Tictrn (f ide field.

ilodot {nt he wiw i»ibeli.vL ' lbatltlid

I tlid ! ot kiuiu- h<Ihn I'nt, 11 him I didn't kmdiJii't wmit lu tkll jiwl then. I duu't i t -

m1ii<r ever telling'H'|iiiro fliigo nnytliitipmt it. i W.IB i-xdtt>d itud if I ilid telltbiutf I don't rciueuiber it. He lewlifiei]

i>re the <Wooer, but didu't loll the m,neUtory lie did m>*\ hecausu be dUlt'l Itave

:IL. hiiuiu .iiii'NtioiiH |>ut tu him. lie didn't'II thin &lur.v (bun, inmiiM.' bu didu't »anl1 lull iiT>ytViu<t M'ilhout l.oiin-iiakuil. Wil-(HH'H leslim..ti.v Itofom tbe Curoiicr-x jur.vMM mtd In Id in", in which he Hinted O'Cou-,11 c.inir ii-1,1 toward him »nd be didn't•o mrrtbitifi till I >C.-nutll ndk'tl him.

Uf-air-a: AH I saw of OT0.1m 11 smSmith wan ROCU Ihroogh tho gups in th<barn. I was not Dear euougb to hear a woithat transpired. When othera came ho wmdown to 0'Council's bo uie to wash bhands. Wbi-n I imina tbe bedj it wax ljir

its face and mouth, with tbo bead townUrn. Hrauch's, nnd I turned him orer ligiv« him air. Wliii-u said he wai not iiCourt Ibis uornhiR wheu O'Coundl told tbe

|ftory of mteltait Bmltfa.

Tbe ninp of Ibo ham ww offered ID cvldeuce and a view of tbe bam from the polnlwhere the hnwiuida wa* committed. In ad'

iltlng the picture Judge Magi* did •» withtde atiil'staUiulliw it nhouhl betahen forwbat it ia worth, bearing In taind tbat tbiview w u taken with tbe caaeia a little onetide from wbere lha bed* Uy.

MCH. BmiKJEi O'Conrau., wife of theotiaoner awotn -. Oath«tittraocmo<BsDitb'death O-Coaaell got back f m n Htwhopeabont » o'clock. He went cat ID the Held tohelp Mr. Tternav. taking a bag of spplea forMrs. Branch sod a corn knife. Bernard Coiwas at the house selling «*b, jittt b«r«c« be•farud.

DEINAAD COX, swora : Teaiined to SCCIDSOConnell about 1 o'clock-might haveafter or before—and nolil him a mcas of eels.Itpmenihercd OCoun«ll aavtngbe was inhurry—tbat tie wauttd to out corn.

?HN ITAnniK. sworn : Knew Jobn Reagan.Wat employed running eagineat Dickeraon mine Kept. m. Mr. Harris wasput aaid* till Mat noraiBg.

B. WHITE, sworn; On the aith of

jury of hUueiKUbotderoith.

Oroaa examined ; Hnve biurd lii^ 11born difacuMi bin cbaraeli-r for I mtb in 11era! way, but could not recall H aptrui

f l bin U

u<ll t- t i l l nul h, V . U I l l f l l - . l l E V t

tirORs uxuiuuind : Said becninn Viheitrti liis itbubinK hia fnmily did nothim Irulbfiil.

Uc direct: HIH rrpuUtiou in tintHttl<T uiitl liar.

I1. (». IIKMIM, itwoin : Kutw fif ltt»gaiand kut:w tbut bin repniatinu WAM bud Utruth aud veracity, but was not will cnouuact|Uiinttd witb lii 1 ntighliurri to knowtliey would believe him under oath.

Ora-M-exuaiined ; Could not BpfHify iihUiiw fl tut t-v^rvtiiiii' bit bud linir.i bin r.-j-ntiition dincu£riiil, it wan tbut of a itiau of InorJ priuoipleH. H«v. beurd faiHn.igb-bori Hay he in HU untruthful man,

Joiiv Hviikw, rflcaikd. W w t juijminnd wituens at tbe Coromi's iuqucut, 111awitueas Iwfora tbe Qrand •fury. HudCQtmrHalion «iib lteagao about liitjtt^tiuiouy. J("n^»n, at tho tiuio of thu Cmiti.tueHt ui\A to wittier " Ou up and Uy it iaKai0ht O Counrll and don't be afraid, «itell lue truth.' I cannot r»s positiva thatbe mid be WUH going n«»iust tint, but 1 lltiho did say toiutlbiuR to lUat iftcci. I baviheard pcoplo aay bo will liu ami Ihavt< 1.loubt be will lie.

CrnHH-eiaoiintd: Iteagan and I badcbariof tba saaio i»giut', different sWftH, and hihud to coins down tu relieve tut) wLwont up to act an juryman.

D*MKI. O"CONSH.T., reunited : J kuo'

birti in tbe lino between lue ani Unlauey.'L'lu-y luud into tbo l>n4uro liuiil oonth ofroru lid.l.

O n . W. HnwKM., recallcti: Idetililic<BtuaJI map, from wbiiU tbo birge uuelufltit.

At this jioiut the deftuca renkd and ihHtale proceeded with iln rcbutlnl.

R OAUP, replied. Had ft taliiJohn Ticrnau the uiglit bu was Lulled ttlio tody. Tieroftu said there in (be fiehtint hfl knew nothing about it. l i e KIMII hwas worklug beyond tlio barn aud didit.

liu*. IVM. THOMAS, recalled : Tbe vwns aHked If sbo bad nsked Ti imtu thaiui^btif hu Lad seen (hi* ufT<i<r. Tlw.lo-?;L-.L- olijccu-il ou thn gronnl tlmt Ticnmnwas tbe K'ntfi'M own wlluett) and they had

to contradict their own witnem. Tb<(JourI orerrulrd the objut-tioi), aud mception WRH taken. Witness said pho a

it ami he uaid bo didn't kiTicrnan said then tbo hotly of Smith Iniil

iih the bi'wl toward tbe (>it and the lad;towArd tbu cshhigo patob.

J.iK. I(INM;V, recalled; On (he <]ny follow-ig tbe uiurdcr I went to tbe place bebini

the barn where Tlernan wasI looked fioia that point toward thu iilaciwhere tbe murder waa committed. 1 conot w e tbe spot wbore Hoiitb'd body Ibut oould Me to the bock and the right of it.Tiio partly nnisbed ahoek stood in the way,

A hu was \m\\y hurt. 1 OouW »*• to M» fight as far ai the opeuinfjlo MrJ. Hmucli tlml of tbe barn would allow me, perhaps an or

Wi »<> feet. I could not ace to the left.itor 1 did Hwa (HsKvm THI'MAH. recalk-d : T

bow it otiiiirrcd. I body lay wilb the heml tnivird Hie pit uithu f*f t towtml (Uti civlitiftgo ji»1i'b.

Mm. O'TIH»I,F. reciillrd: WUH Httlicdnbe unw Juhu Hmith ulrike or j'litnhnConufll . I^leuce objeuted nnd iho cjecliim was Mtutniued. k (iiitntion unwbich wny Hiu kit WAX f.icing whttu tbv liltwiw BtriK-k U-UHHUO ulijtii'tcd ta OLjectiiuverniltnt uu<l eiue|ili»i> tiikeu, JobiiKmiihwait fjciug tuwurd uiy hoiiM1. U'Cowuri Blarntinf with bis buck to me, sc

Hept. last while a olerk In the atoM of Par.dee .V Clark, Dover, received a nicKagfrom U r llinney about 10 minutes to !i, li

it for a doctor. Went flrstu Dr. CummlcF, nbent *(><> feet away. H*n«not atbome. f i l led m \ t a t Dr. Critctni'-n'w about 100 feet tnr her away. Wentun to Dr. Oerrj'n about 1,000 feet further

I returned to tbo storo nnd Dr. Dciry cam.0 state of It. Kltlgorc, aud I wan tiword tlwrcfor him. I WCDI to Kill.

1 ElotB alli-Twaril wilb n mewage for tbedoctor, and found he bad already gout.

I'Dort adjourned for tbe day.

WIDXZaDAI »OK!tlKO,ffhcD Court opened the aged father

Join Bomb oMBpltdasntbeaidetherroicuter. Two of O'OonneU'H children also c

i{ile«l placea beside their mother within the•r.

(Jf.o. W. HOWBI-L, recalled 1 Ttstincd tomatkiun opsnlngt in tbe btiro in the larg<nap. The dlttanoe from the bars to OX'onnell- boiw, as be paced it waa •bout 1tcel, and Iron the bars to tha eoBpaay'a

0 feet, or not• from thm*v«r»m of a aile. Teaol

the m m . tocki 00 tt» aiap WMW looaltd by

Viu, DoXAiDtoii, Kcalled: Oav» fartheratimoDy re«pecUdg tbe pbotograph of the

ban tad plac« where the body was found.JOHW TITIUMN, feealhd : A qoMtlon a

- whether he waa a witoeai before tbeflrud Jory «M objtcted to and inatained,nt defenae wao |rlv*n tbe right to avow


takm. The lial of wilaMMea called be-fore Ibe Grand Jurj waa then rtqaceted,rfaicb t U Court h<M Inoompetent and as.

otbtr exception waa taken.Ju. HiNXIT, RcaUedt AUed wnethet

*hil« he waa at Saiilha body O'OoaawU«iu one or more •tatemunte w to the waylie occurred. Objected to. aad objMlion

auUiae4. Aaothor iteeptMo lafctn.msK Cox, •worn, Knew John Reaganhia reputation at I U M HUL Hi* repu-

tation der truth awd vtrarity io n r j bad. Ido nut think thtw who know him womld be.

Cmw-tiaBiiBed: Lived at Mine Uill tenor twelve yean and bive traveled over it fortwenty yeas*. Had often heard bis enstat dUewKd, Imt eonld wot ncaU Jnrt no*exactly by who. Tbe common talk is that be

a tun who has alwiyg abnHd ail family.Had BMrd people ditcou bis repntaties last

night,THOW4.I IL ErixoLDB, twotn : lAv* at

t Hill. Kaww John Iteagan a»4 hkrapettatioa iathtt neighborhood for tnta

1 wradly. It is bad. I dn not thiak a

ney lie^an tlie Riiuuulug upMe noted flrat Iho sc

ut close J.Mr. H. C. Vil

for tin- difetii-e.iiiilnre of tbe liiiHiuttifi eii|{ii^fhd iu itntt ibiduty ol wciisly tn tnku enro ol human liltltut it IH iut intlch diir duty lo prolcot thUfa of Daniel O'tloniitU m ihit of utiy oiherlienon. Uo illiistratoil the ucceRHiiycarefulness liy tbo recent hnuging nt a 11ia British (Jolumbiu, who bua uiuco leeuproved innocebt. Aa 11 |>rohcautor l « oncefailed iu ubtuiaing u couvictton bucuni! olthe iuHtitictHot two jiirors, and he wan MUCI•utkned they were >i)(bt, nud baa ever nlnc<tbongtit too much care could not bu cxereineil iu trying a man tor his life. Tindtntb i f Huiitb, anil that tt occurred liy 1com book in Ihe bands of 0'O.mnell wm

admitted, but he went o show by O'Cou-nell'H aclkouR—his nuxkiy to procure a -'ac-tor ami bii rare fur the dying IUUU'M comlort—did not indicate the killing wn» in Ui.natnreora innrder. Tbereinnodoulul thuU'Connell killed Hmilh, but Ihe killing wmaa accident and nol a murder. Ha yunldiimut Ifa>t IfaJK killing *a« a niiilare oHcir-defeniie utitl misadveutnre, and biwould iiHist lhat under tbe rales of law ilnouldu't bu anytbiiiK n x H *tttn tnau^aUr. He tUuu'wmt on to iltflue tbe ilifloreuldegrees of tuurder. At IbJ* pojul Mrs,O'Connelt loft tbe Court room, veeujog Uii:

terlv. M'but coiiuljlUteB ileliheMtinn wiuatKiit'i), and OOIIUMI contended lhat the

K o i a i c a a wnb « * agtlouimwl itsit in hia band, and then killing him

wai not deliberation. Leaving oat Ueagan1

evidence there is no proof of motive In this

, 1101 any jircueditalii The HUlewill uot tutiiHt that tbo mecllug of tbe men(hut day waa otherwise than nocideutal. Tlii.i)probability <>f Ite.igitu'a story an to threatswndi', and the impeachment ot lten^•hiirnctcr were made much of. Ituuff•hnracter was luereiltusly bamlkJ, nn<lluiiiiut nguioKt O'Cuuncll, who had pm*-.•unlod him fur icdeceut exposure, waibown, S e i t tho coou»(l contnuded wh;tbere wns no room ia thin cone (or ninrdcrin the second degree, after which bu tookup (he degree of tnanelftitghtef and urgnedthere wimuo room in the fuutntogo I'ojtbut <kgcee in tbu c<we. Tbo itefrmlttntcnnM not start to inn away n« he was rifrom tho gronud before he bad gut ahold. All tbe cironnifltaDcex connected withIbe ntfiir were Doled tn bring out Ihe time;pnsuniuil between wheu O'CoanuU left bi«boune till be urrived at tbu telephone at (beDiekcraou mine, Hbowing that iu 35 minute ttbe walked a wile im<J a quarter bei

illing a man. In lets Ibiin 20 miuutenafter the killing be Hbl Mr. Uiuney thestory of how It !w|>t*ne<1. With nil tbe

linb on hia *oul could ho have uutde npa lie in this Hue covering Ihe whole case ?

Court adjourned for Ibe noon recce*.

Mr. H. C, rituey resnnwd fain argument,tiling a n t the Htory lhat O'ttnimdi tol l

Mr. pinney. t b e Mibstance of wjinl heIhea told bas been tils story ever since, and

b j t U alury of Tieiimn, wb<sinue that time b u not seen (VConnell. Tbepoints of similarity between these ntorit*

broughl out to d*u)oiMlr«le therecinew or O'ConntU'ri i n t l n o D ; un tbe

Tieraut's alary i« alNngtbeft* \ byDlber evUeuoe which proves a nlnck nfcom in lh« tange of bis vision, thus e i -

»hy Tiernan ctmM no[ MS Ibewhole of Ibe occurrence. Tbrovgb the open-ings in Ihe barn be bad a vista of ab^ut 35Tect, which WM nil tbe space he could we,bat through tha cracks (< ibe baro he could

>nt>elL ^eUitig over tbe bars wilbthe bag on bis ohonldcr. The** pecnlinri-lies vonnsel thought proved tbe Irotlifnl-

1 of Tieroau's ttorr, By many otheriircQmitancca b« sought to bring ont tbe

tmthfaliwSB of the at«ri«aof O'CouwlUndTirrnan, as taken together. Tbe damagedone O'Connell by Ibe craning of bis Undbwa* shown, together with bis willingness tnatlow bis neighbor*) lo etoaa hU ivopeity by

that would not do him barm. Tienest paint uisjo wai tbat O'Goutell did notknow who wan Imuipling bix potatoes down.Whea he saw bim be askfd him to go back,and i- is important to note that Smith

e l and cume toward O'Cotmt-il, Ho. r

w u B"t dragged cut nf hi* path by O'C«c- | » d himaslf were" thi

s own volilion.u, weighing 181t i 11 fiwD of rlay,iXlonLdl on bl»tictml how Kiuithid ho* tbp story

• f,itit tlmit U' bo iu

, r r >!.••• II «•«« doing wbenr,ii;J I'l"iV- Tbat O'Coniu-11

no' 1:1 M" liuutla was uo faiillI, „-,•>lr..dlj-tw.H>OHiimheirI .1 nun is lu liu banned furL,. Im- Int, uunifl lo ft prettyH.r >k»» i* unly tbru.-.n*-,,.h iliirk ill tbo point where„,,,- [,..,,..fr.l(odKund counsel* iliii;>i-"iii|writively.fellRbl. „ sl.^i .iiMniimmt likclln'M.1 ii.ilU-i-n'-lui wnuud. Ci>nu-tli.it il il lie Iriic tbat thrift

! 1": true thut thin,iff attempt to v.ntll WM guilty nfr theory wns correct

,) l>reiik or «buke bi»1.-iit jialiit lu hU favwcin WIIH tbut the Jirit-ViMuli'a atory

k<: The point iDD'l'oaht didn't-K nt nil until

lu-r own nbowiog

rtmiih ^uil;o iVConucll. Aiis |.r- vi-ms laovcmeuiti herrrol^iri.N.l O'Contiolt's story.11 V:id i l Ibe story of Mrs.

tup rtMiH of her imagination.o kll mijthing about theri! Iiml lupjieued wai Dot clrui!.fiili-.a. Aud tH« little

?l story sui'K.ty* sti-.-told to her daughter

potoloosbnj beta dun. "ud bo bud i;ivihim permiwion to craw bio loud. Vtt 1aeea U « in an old mine fold and orn>m binot to go that way. Was thst tbe ouly r.>i

" Did be not think tbat ber& w.


iho man that bad ruined hi v ,wai be not detomiined to »'o\> bim withthat corn knife at any hazard '; O't-'oadmi's that ha pui up bis band toHuiith back buforo Huiith a'mok'J'( 'tiutll «uyB he littil tbo liqg nnii thn con

iu Mi hand, but that Li-, b.ud her .ui,aud he I d the bag him out >,r it. 11 m

•ah ji that he did uot l-.-t ih, knife slip ouof his band at the aimm time;- lie saj N ibi<aiujciilar man, weighing IKl ptiynd,-, himclh i u a blow that knocked hi b k d

O'< og ,

«iw a mack on Oin thatBce? Hei k h blow,


the i-nwtbnt (H'o

iiflcr, iu:d ihtit th«

ays; tiny wt-n

tlcrt »-ns iiiiu

Mrp. O'Toolo

: nt-n tiy 1b-Volo ['ItilllHtl

ISiimli hlrickf

'Ul, t .,i' while

1} t'omfort (if tlii

1 admitted fact innull did go loTiitliil return to Ibe body:inli, a witonas fur HIH(.Hii'L^nfl Urn. O'tnoh••••-. ton. A very strongiscrt'dittbotoatlniunyor.*iii(! mi apimrcnt dts-imnny in tfaifl partlou-

i-l Hint uhbunub Mrs

put 1

irll I

' I lie only ppr«nu whoowu ohe was so iodif-(•r uetphboM werti hud-ii!,'what thry could f-nniltd man, she never

Htrecs wax likewfsR'. Mrs. O'Toolawa* :il(i

If ,1»- vL«ild betvwbal Hmiih1 that, (ho diUctilty

p|f tl

thoaed, then wliyt Mrf. Hniu(;li, ur TUman, or •amnonebear i* '< Tim speaker uest conuued

tn flbowioK what be claimed »•** Ibei m rf Ti.-Tim,'. teitinifmf. Mis ax-

s^rllon that nlubt, Ihtt bo did not I M tbarflit imtunily hav* been taad«

(btoncii fft>r of iiniiU-fiHanleoastqueaevs. It' tuauor Smith1.

_.. t ,. oitlj have atooilthere witb OVnundl cranping him by thoshoulder BH'l not rrsist It. Tbo Milan*of O'Cnnnfll nftc-r the affair were ahowoto be thoH» of an innnannt unn, ritbfr thaniVio t a mState bad nnt

ll f

nuilty nf a orioi

d itprovetbe co

yd it

tanThat th*h

jury eo»c\ud^d \wUted nearly four In

oftbc M-.-1'n.I in H11 eouttw

Prosecutor f-'utlor, in eo uk'AHiirn lu

owe was th a tl, Aa appeal to tbe

t b?1 b d<, andwusonHidercd

any oua of Ibis kindof ilorria count* for

ing, said he badpr tbi ID this

lualttr tbti Jury it to to dotermlna whnt in tbiguide of tlii' crime Tlie court would instructin tliis reepi'dt nmi UP would not attempt tolny down the law. Tha counsel ia bin argu-ment bnd woven into a ntory much that hadnot been trstifU'd to. The jury are toweigh all tba evkl.mue I,D3 satisfy tbo in

to tbe truth of it. The defendant's oloryIH( bo (iuD)tnP(l more ctfefally and ntoro

oritleally tban tbut of 11 ilrintwerted wltnexs.How tbe Inot is nilmttttii tbat on tbe :i();li ofHqjl. last John Hmilh came tobfidt-atb atphe bawl* ofh J l

came to bf d h atO'OOQBDIL It it for

lthe Jury to dutpruiine apon the elreeiu.MaiiOHH of this death. Th# ohatatftcr of th«deceased wai of tUu btmt, a»d wit M « wordis said ignlnttt ' " 'errand—{{oiiig t( _ __pail In his bund-be is atrldlcn down and

1 woi* wftbLbh

ineetH hiinto Ihe


h b tdeath. Tlie ProwMmtow entered

d i h thooDOHtfd with thenf thn meit. Tbe Blat* did not

itmd that O'Oiuuellleft hia house witheot to kill. Whatever BeagM'a ebarae-

... way be, O'Connell himself adult* thatthere wai a i'onveriiitloa between him andIteaifftn, andwlen ltuigaa told hiss aboutbin fencebarinp IIHU let down OOonaeU' " mouBhcanflilencein Whathea»atoio

? tiuartera «f A mils to M* If It was ao.If O'Coonell didn't know that Ssnith wa*

swag tbioaab bia potato patob. wbj AMtell Ur. Binuey that / •hV tjaaith badan uasiinn through ha potato patch? Hanulled witb mget * '" *~~*

been RoiDR tLrongh bii r _. . . . .was beighuned whtu be saw lader bis «yasIbo nenwm ho sunnoxeii WM dotna It. Heinsisted tbat tho evidones M Mrs. O f t w l ewas truthful ami a*rainhUorwavi tod tbat«he bud no o>>i»ct In beinf anytblog tbe .Her refusal to talk arasw alatply tnm a

minljr d«*ir* to avoid pwhUolty. Theweeutor then followed U M oonras of

O'Conuell from tbe bara. Hfe i *a«Bat>K1 Ur. Jlfuich'H hoi with Ike appfca, why

did be leavA ihe bag of appUa war the barsatifl go c*. witb thD eorn hnit*f Whatbspprned wbile Mrs. OToMe went Into herhouse for her tali ve do »a* know. ft'Oon-mll'a ttury aji ta the paeilimiB vl the meowhen Ibe ount t * place is contra

ywhen Ibe encounter

paeilitoe* place is contra-

f Hra. T k d

thu ground, yet w h o«iw a mack O'<

n wbo1 tuiiile by*liou ho ro*c up heya be was mod nud

_iwl, but be was not,>. forhewas armed witb a deadly

weapon. If be had struck tbebl w at! be•aid it would have been sUutiug. but tbepbysiuiUM show that the blow was boi'tal. Tbcn be oou|pnd6d ibat Ibo l>lo«aingthrnugb the bat and th« xkull,pot liave beon an accldt nt .1 blow, hut

tbat required oil Ibe force Iuellcouldgivfiil. TiiofautlUatO

# alked tbree-qutu-lwH of a mile, „ _Lim ample time to c o u w t the story be toldUr. Itinney. HjB firs) worJw to Mr. IJiuu^were that ho w*BBi»ii D » » not Insmgpibow Iblt oeWMlt-.l by It to commit t uact ? He told Mr. Uiuuey that iii-t potato*,were out, but that mulu uo diStrtuco -, t U tJobn Hmilh WM coutinimliy crowtiuR hi'patuk This ] • m flat cantmdiution to biiutorj aa th-) staGd : it corroborates UiO TooUywd Nbowa t)10 reason why be droped b i i l a g and went to meet Hmilb. 1 . .Hboved 8mithand fad puabed him Uch ; hewas determined that ttmfth should yo b cl\\htn despite these prole-tn of Hmttb"Hold ou, Dani Hold cu, Dan ! "—1ittttiuk that Wow, and Joltu »tnilb fell at hlifeet, tbcn Daniel O i auuell It sea me nuiurd««r. There *sn but one verdcauldaeti ttutt the jury could randithat a verdict of murder in the llmt <Witb an aduooilimi to Ihe jnrv to.loVlieiisworu duty Ut. Cattot olOSnl wi aU<

cut,lusting Jn all nbont two bourn.Judge Mtgit'n charge to llt<' j '

g g i e s chevery point of th« coi f fci

y p th« caw with tttonoiscnetts for Wfcich all binnoted. Ftrrt cainu theUw gaverning such cadoubt in tiotsunli a domind may conjure uji fo


g jywith ttia' retnQ.rk.aW*ll bi

e\ear)y difitifd, If Mich a duubt eiitbe hiobevt gmdo of »

y r u uA rensonahlia n sen,iii-of njahinj,"

ibubt H w*x

, tlieis ti

11.9 Jar:— -. „. J auout wliiul

A douut does uutcxUt. He rtiowedtne admitted and provtu fautfl In Ibis cairosp:ctipg the killing, whinb In olli, r camare ofteu tttnwtly conUacJ. The kiltingtherefore a enruiniil un*, UUIPPS It i sliowuby the crideuce Ibdrt in uo crimitialll)' COLutcted witb it, Tbe vurluus pbr.Hes at kill

Ther« mutt be no Intent to do barut-niiitlio hnrn that may ree.ilt— but no intent t.da auy 'irntlu. Tho ligbt tn t»ke lif.t in HI 'defend- WIH sp-cifkullj d.flued, »Ddriuctd 10 a very narrow couipahK miJiir I

rurtU'iun of ibi> Inw, and ji•cry rcusi

meuCHof (-.1 tbu for

H|W. IUp-i ustd 11

t bu nnilJ u

yff tho

triijlt-d to t.


y Hud vardoff lha danger. Tiiimst bu n«urttd to rin a cUf

ol (IH u«cd a» tm <wu-» for anothoivo. The nret .^ifsliou i s thin own idpt tUe act ooiuwUttd ka& in it i»u titof urituinality, or whether it WRH IOU

An to now Ihe jury s h u litleuoiianphj iiiKttutlioti w

Three i>erwn«alono uilue^sed this occurreucci - O'Ounnell, liiHeni|ilok-e«Ti<.<rti!tusndtint O'l'oole. Thty nbould cnrsfully wel^bnil tb« droutnstanciia caimtctcd witb IbdrtiTiduDc, Iu O'Couueli'ri vane bio situationuurtt betttken into oomidtraHop. Bo if tbeho d )ubt of Tiernau aud Mr*. O" i'oolo, ns .„tbeir in«bi|ity to see or to bear, il may be

1 into uoajMcratloti. as well as to con.Hi «tat "mtnta. Tit man's position aa si

or O'Connell In aln to be oonsidTbe ailAalion n» to OOanaelVa prop-

erty WM show*. Beyond tbe perails^oi(iv,,i by OVoonell, tbe dw«Med bad mtight lo oraai U s property, but the dolniwt uld be a tnapaa* («» vbicb dvfeadantredrew iu anotbaff way. Th- defendant hida right to order him to dmuM, but ibe d*fendant bad no right tu u«e «, ttetdtj menya\lu tbe d^ftnae ol tbo right of |<owMiou 0.land. Ibe right to tesott to a defcuitc pro-ductive uf serfanu injury can nsver be too-ogoined by law M 1 ilatvma of powestfion ofluid, aud ontyeM be resorted to aaadereuie

ng BOt hodt h d

, yeato atiHanlt upon life.

t h b t

a d a e* obj etap.c y Ib

reepMt to IIat Tiernan t

h h


ptors to have been to go out and couuny tberest of tlindayio asdhtlug Tit roan to ci

UeniutUtoltboomiugslou([apahov<be bad given bim perniiaiiou ti> pan

but he was about to diverge upon a prib Irbiilden to paw. Tb.uetAinK were clearly

described, aud vtewed from Ibe testimony ofthe different wifee»ee. The defendant'story WM given iu detail. Itahrotd ba compared carefullj with hi-t afUr sUtcmeubi toIfr. Diuney anil other stateinantu, andtbe oireaautaooea taken intoand O'Oonn il'a pnition iucaw If the jury believe* thattuaiJy t i f what he claims to have seea, theyshould aoupare it uref ully wilh the stute-mentof (be derendant Every point ol tbeeaa» was btenght oat in a oonneetcd carrative, all dleorepaooies noted, andthrown upon them In a way to greatlytbe jury in reaching a conclusion under Ibepower* of law bearing on the case. Fromtheaw oirounsUuoea tie jury must determine

Hei this ocourrwoa waa by misadver.whether tbe oUim that tha blow wi

U in noMrdenoe w!1h the Urnnony of lira O'Toote and Tlernan. Is I.po-tbU that t u b am woctdetfal Uow woulapenetrate the bat, stall and three IMIW< oftbebnii? Thejur*aiaftdetoniiiMwlwthtrthe blow as described would inflict a uoti.100UI wound la the head of a msn of Hnitfa'i.height. Nut Is io be considered if tbe aotWM lanocMt from Ihe view of selMtfenw.upon which th" bearing, of the law and theindications of the c*» were very plain! 1shown. la there anjtbinR in Snilbs threi.to go through in spite ot O'Coanelli faeth,and ibe UB« or an tpilhet, to tudwUs m. in-tent to do fatal injury or Mrions bodilyfanm? U •nnnan Is to be believed tbedeceased was relrurtiag and the defendantww following him np wfcon the fatal blowWM i t n t i . If Titna* toU the tmlh thedeferdaot sought aoa *ofe«oap*. Mr.Bltuwy's cvideaoe WM to Ibe elect tbttQOoucU said be WM u * l at tb«time. W uthat Dsrration • atajwawit tbat this WM an

polunlary aot? Until llr. Binnst's mggm-n lhat dWaaed ran affaiDst tba hook, tbe

riowcuifrwk «[\ Uieie f flfcet Ih

l l

Cuirt op.,iipil both the old pa NotSmitb ixTiipW a front setit, urn

rtunrll but ti> her MUHun&d -with h«

ilnr Ciitlt-r, n KLitniOB Ms HrgumuDlvtvX of Jahtt Ttertinu t

._ i) bo first saw Jobn 8miiwild be did nut look further hcciuso h

...jugbl ibMvU-,,M 1.1,,..tronbt. A.Mmith wug<ilug on n ^fiicful.ln ernuad, why did be

Xpeut Imnble, unlihs he heard eometliinptfnrchiinil ? lim-H not tbi* corroborate tbealimony (if Join Ucigan? The FrosocU.

the Ufo oi!iV°b.

a d e d ran agant th hodefendant did not adopt that theory.th>. extent and nature of the Injury ji

wau tbere at that time anr ivi. m u nuv -.»elf-defenc« V If you do Ulievu it there w uno right of solfdufunue. Tbe VAriou-: etiAmot hi>uic?de were then defloed, in which helaid dawn tbat 110 pirtiouUr time it ro

Juirtd to furni au iutect to tiike human life.a rtferlnff to HeaRin'a evidence tbe Judge

feit bound to tuy tuat it wai ttocrentted byIT of those wbo ought tu knqi

hliow that an intent tol.-irmed In a niotuenl'i

If Dntm-l uXonncll inteuilod for>tio inHtiint tu lakn tho life of John Smithmd tbcn tlitl tnkc Hint 111,-, be is gnilty oliviuXer in thu ftv*t d««w*. t h e evidenoo.f Mr- O'Tonlu tlmt O'Connell stipped llie

it; from bin Bhmild, r at th* ban suit wentj without it tnwiinl Haiib I* Important in

Ibi* rr»iw>cf. l ie tlien analycud all the tes-!iunmy of Mm OTuole to abow its aocu-fliey, bearinp Mronfily on the fcet Ibat shedlRtlnotly hciird Nmlth bMRliW tor bin life,and then u w (be blov of O'Conaell whichUid Smith ilead nt hia IrtL Tben Mw,;O'Tooln MHW l>.nii,\ O*CanncU m> back to1

wti*re he left hie \ma pat It « • his shoulder;i go (brough th,. corn ftsld. Th« Pros.

. J O T r«ad (tool Mr., O Tools'* Ustlaioii? Ishow tbat she did not say what the ooonwl'-••MteieUM. claimed she d i * »nd that ber

iiuDuy was in no way otmindiotory. Herstory is nlno corroborated by tbst of Mrs.branch in Kferetce to the approach ufTiernan and O'Contiell after the hilling, j

t> in w h l * » e b o < l y waa1

n liy a » « a * f o f wilnessea,rely i u trotfc. Nei t the

• towtaettdHtheatotynf John Tienan. He waa » L - ,

mell'H bnutt hrld befbi« nnd after tlof that day, whim

* questioneda Mride »*d'Htiuira fliee took biu .him bo informed him noalliTely that beknew nntbinnitbout ihe aaaidir, wkloh wHertion he nUo minis to f a . Oiluert and" Droncb. Wlu'i, Tieraan I n l n w (be

-Ui .R bo K.1JB fa« saw O'Connell m s eil< hand to pu»b Smith airi asw Hmilbiwicc hU dinner pail. He •**• ahowed>y Tiernan'ri teittiuonv that •* '»« di lhnntium be M * ilitiu H««l» « • • » « « » J B BInek to»r»rd Slw. llranohs hoMJ. with a" cutrptiil in hiii " "

ill **s faciQK hitdeadly wei

ne, then I;urJer in the BLtbat when MM.

>nJ wlicn Join Tie:ol inni-witi,

. in hi* hand. If this be

Irnt l i ens . fheeVlrtence'iSSi m» Q» Utm.lU^.H»Wow,,8mitbof ofsnee. Tiernau

>, ando of ofenee..oroaS •••««"

dam's Rtory w u taken op, witL_-immediately after the ofcmmlW«-aiilalory

If tha blow was with an intent to lakeo Jury msy t o d a. verdict of murderjry y a dict f m u d r

in the fimt degree t hf it waa only aa iotentto do bodily harm they may find a Terdlct ofmurder iu the atcoiid degree; if either Intmtis absent it may be manalauiihttr. Thecharge to Uin jury Mxtnpicd an hour nod ~half and the juryifttrad at 13:15 ooloek Ideliberate upon their verdict.

Boon after retiring the jury were recalledat tb* instance or Ur. Pitney and the Judgemade clearer a point ia his charge respect-ing the teatitaoay of lira. O'Took*.

At a quar'er past two o'clock tbe juryo*roa into Court upon » lalatali* aoue onehad made in •ending word ta the Cmrt tbatthey needed instruction! ooooming n mau.IVynnUiQedUwMW* no and imn«4i-

HVUDEU IN THE SECOND DEttBBE.H O M Unt after tht Jar* went Mt it was

reported that they steed Ive for a verdictof murder in Uw lint degree, flve for a ver-dict of murder in the aeMBd degra* and twofor a verdict of manslaughter. Vndsr thea»

Mneea It wnk h«U«ed thwj vontd• ise on Uw aseosd degree or elae

woald be unable to agree wpon nAt twenty.flve minubMlo n m t'ekek they

<• into Court, and to the hard <jnesiionaato their flndUig Fottsna Danj teanotuUd:

"We tod theprlaonw guilty of mnrdarinthaaeeonddegrM!"

WH thn remanded to his cellfor sentence, but the date when it will beimposed waa not anuowotd. lie v u greatlydisappointed at Iho verdict, fat be had eon-jBdently belltnd tbat tbe jury wtnld acquitbin nod al)gw U p to return to hu home a

MDU,Tb* leading feature of the pass waa the

ingenuity and ability displayed in Q'Oon-Mil', defenos by his oonnaal, Ueasra. H. C.Pitney, of Uocrlaton and Mahloa Pltaej,of Dever. They Lad little foundation tabaild opoa, and space will not permit us totPfi BOW adroitly they builoVd with thescanty material a| their command, bnt theopinion Is quivenal anuwgaU wha tfsar4tbfitrial that QConnell wai defended with erenmore oompletenea* thaa the circomitanpean| the sad sue seemed to fxrmit. Prove-outor Gutter alio Uboted iBUUgantly andably in the work of prosecution ia the in-1terest»orthe Htate. 1

tV TIIP (fi'tniliie 1ms aliovc trnfle mr.rV mictn^uj ri-il ]IIII.'»tin »MH«r. Ttiku ii'iclliiBU. « l , \, SBOWI lUUUU. tft, HtlTUOU- M



li»« a'wtja on liauJ a inrifo sto:k of

HOT-:- AIR-:- Kl'B\A< 1>.Uf tho latest a-ii uiiat iwyEovad *tyl»i, f

irnlcfr pobl'c tud prlvite builalngs. Alarai-araortinfiit or


STOVE 3, RANGES,An. Al.«ra varluly of








natw. Ttmm. SKAIM. BDTTUI,



Ail all l i r a * . , rnrhloia irnd Tabl,Bupplle* at low«nt prlcoK.


Insurance Agents.irnoa-MTioiu tmioii U N I iCiLO.

r. j .Reprti»i'»t the lead lug lire insurants cnin-

,>an)RH nf Amuricu MUI! Europr, nud oner tlmoul a<tvuntaKMiuit pnlicies, Tbey mo uli

*EAL ESTATE A6ENTS,proper! v, lotslmllr>f tonno mid toUc.


TtHK VUtlttlSatrNTV SAV1S0!

*Mhft*Ml.\NBNBl OIVMfH


lend.n njctllnE A( tb» Huanl pf MnuupH iok lietil IOHIUV, interi'dt WIIH orit*;ii(i ti» d<;t>it")lt>r» oiitllleil tlt.-roltx tuimtho fTidttii; lli-t'cmlicr ni.it, Dim,llo'T-. viz; At tlio into of T u r n

'1'l.oUBiiU.l D.ilturB orOnf.hair l»n tVnii

iVAOLK—On midJannuiy iHth, IttS7. Inter

, nud at TM-I

d Di.ltai-Hr TUESDAY,

H. T. Ill 1MorrUtc

HEVitYW. MILLER. It., Spcrt-lnry anil Treiimrcr.rn, N..I., »cc.a2J, Vm.


a StiMwiafnV start •• SSSS

Most popnlar school in this con Wry. CaairseofattidyooiiihiBeaTbeorywllh Pnu)tie«,byasrslrai of Bisinets Trinutilons taacd <*real va DM H f t b B t e s low. OraJ-

OuUtn low-ulled on an>

CMRty CollMtor't Ntliet.The C«HBty Collector will b#> at tin, flurro-atc> o ^ c e M r r i t a f o r thetrausanthia

L i ' J•unlntlou fw

MOXRY TO LOAN.irtioi de»lritt« money on flwl honil nniligH^, muy be uri'oaiiuodaUidon applica-

A. 11, HEAHIKO.srA. g. BERitr,



Irish setter imp* for sale. Addreis Do j 111,

HOTEL FOIl SALE.The hotel at Stanhope nnw occupied by

ohnjl^jofgL For parflcnlars apply aj

UUBQiH ASD KBbfcX U1V1S1Cinn SLW 1'oik.foot ol iixi<iUi

foulolCliti.topltuiat.VVJSItit AllitASOKMESIB

Al Hi*uA. M, i

ii Uuuuloii; thc

•iusujluniti1, Uortlauit,ayr»iju6i', U»wtfI niiintH ou tht; libck&nuuiid fiuJ iijooiax- mil) LJukvvBti- and Uutlauu UtiilionULL>atl'billinibarK wilh LUIIIKII ViUuj BillJiiudLuliigtj iUd ButujDL'haLUH 1 11 IroniltithlL-Loiu , Mnucli (JUauls. i:<-idi!:i; an

ri'1Jiliit'A. H.. UiuKlinmtinUiiil(UnwiDju (lart iilauhid JI rum Mow L'urkrb.l'aion indiiwiiUli.rviUt tuiougU lu Watt11, tftromlsburK, rfur»utoD, Uieal frontiiituBh.^mtou.vouuL'Otiu)-: ui Uuvtii with•Btur littilroid, ft'. Wnterlot with diiliottd for AnUover, Now ' -'

!aw&rb witL H U i t i t uli jluomiilturK Division i

\ V i L k b t c D w v i l l


imUoriantl, i c . tiBuougcrk l*twt thraiufruui Mow kork.X'&tursouanJiluoatc->. nniinect i t tfBuuluituu with traiu II,

u.Uutblebfcm.UluutnwnI U U U tlie U i nil Valley

tiuuqucliiuna llailrcadu j ai"=- ouofl'a.B.

_ uiladelpaia.At U.OOX. B.iJuffaioanilOairdBo i - -

Dttkmua Uuom Hare) Water aap.t-1 . -utH.SoiaMlow, LiaglminttMJ.Owefib.Macfcf a i r l y , Elinira, Muiiut Morris am1 " 'Jn'> Hyraousi) and Onu^-go, cnuuliiih'liamtyu tor Uliua uml IticLflnidAt o.io A. M. Uover Aociiiumotiatl.Al IM«A. II. JJovcr Ai-comniiKlal

t H . t B i i i tit I'M I. H. tliulr* L

i tinmen.LiproH, Urawlii( Uvu.

uDL to Wstur Utp, flliondi-

PHtitot.,WronilU(j,Kliic*tuii«ndWlUe«.Arre. fasson^Brfi tat 111 if Ibis train froiii NettD(k,P*teMoji»DdUooutoD can connect at Wash'itoDvltli train No. 6.lofHtNow YorKftia.30 1'. M (Unaton E

Gi-tonaud iintnahviUceiKl al PliiilijiiibiiKlanit Ltliigb ti

l P. JI., Dcrer JSipi'OBs for BniuiiirdavilJc, JiatiniutTidf." Aud nil point

' • .• Ballrctad,) CliatuavilJc,JiatiKi

i*d HolswtM i t

ihrouph to Oe

. M. Puvci- A^cd U


CiicR, So. 1t-i;n Iinlliilo

ut It*ilroatl)'7:M, 10:(020P. II.


Trains arrive and depart from tblssUtli%n follow a:

EAST BOD.S'n A. M. WEST 1ODKD i.Duffilo EiprosB* 5;3S Bicgli'lou Mail* 3:Jaiveeo Etjircsh* f';55 Kant on Mail 9;Dover F,»proBn ftafi UulVitloElp.* lf>:BuhGttstowuKxp.7:ltl Dover Accom. 11:PIIDJIO Kx|)re«(.s H:20 I.

F.uioa ICiproHs 6:i5 Dover Aeoom, U:Dover Aooom. 11:20 ' Eattnc i'.xpresH 1\

P.H. [•Ic.ira K.II-.I.B.'JUiiigliamlunCx.' 12:17 Eauton Express 6O«v«r Awoiu. 1'iAB • DOTOT Eipvess E:Euatou Mail a:«;H'hett3to»rnLip.7Eliuiu Eiurcsa* 4:00. DniLilo Bip. ' S;Dover Aoonm. 6;fij , nnver Acnoni. inBuffalo Etproas* 7:10 Burtulo B I . * 10BastoBAaoiim. 8:40

*¥is, Buontoo Branch.

CHESTER BRANCH :*SSTWABtl.t . M. V,M.tesa 7.0aI0.H3 CGItO.l« ••*!)10.03 1.41'J.S2 (MOtt.lt) (liltVMS 0 27


6 M N T MONUMENT FUNO.tUofimr Dmlm nnl Uako Ifoiej

Wei> Women, Children, Everybody.

11 toltiut ITiinil by ortdtt


- . „„„..,.„ ..-iiU fjuni i j ,by ttftn«i»*iua KoA iwing leUcrpiirtioiiej.iimg tur tho thenn Ili" Wlio will 1>B our next Prcpide&t'/injr Cit,h prison to f l

i rl irlom i

J oetitiO

n f liUm m ; rcteirtil «|]i bu

Twuuiv-ilve ceatB is ut oOraut FnnJ,

l'lio ii'iunioiiiK tin'nty-llvo cen!*, after tl(tluctiuK tlickRitiniato nct inr* ol u l m t iuiimt-g wuh Uwit tc*|wclivi5 answer*, etc., «t(will l>u pUmt la a common mail to be cnonll•tlviitcd Binous; the six *aiwsfal cum w tit or1. K., Hiu sis pcrwpi seiiillii^ In Iho lal W U f E l t wonli (proper nanm mcl

SOiitence -Wlio irlll t?'

WUofEBfiiude fromextPretitlThu m

h int or mtl

?k-or thom o n j noeirud, or in othoitunLcr ol coiiiitLtiliirn. Gunion until February 15th, 1(87,mn&fuatioi:

U o'clock.Tliil Is uot » new tUiuS. In Bo»;laiiil tor

•nnisof mnney liave been rai«ed foiObailby 11-.H netlioil, a D d lho8o vhn I , .re psrlitfwfcd an« InEirtuntatyliriiieitn worth? objihare woo a prlej ns IIIRII at «0 ,«?0 s« a 1ward for nieuUl activity.

The names or compel Horn will IM {lablitbfrtm weak t» week iu J I ' W I E B S l U i j n i i v cotlu. TIHswllla(>tOD!yM'rv« as an a .knn.cdcmcDt of HID rewfpt or tlie mouoy, otf., IJwill auto s « t « ta*liow tbe nurt lv pro grewtjio tnud. aotcraitiK rules Ui tliig woe I

IK. Address"(1BAXT FCKl),"

T H E Jvmr. rrsLKHiNfi Co.,Potter Bail4io?, Mew York 0!t<

PRIME uquoss- n o n -

Family and Medicinal


1 now ofe lng Bj#, ina otlier Wbiillei ftom40cti. lo^l.M per iiaitt,

«in fron.jfl ut». to fl.no.UrnniioN from & cts. lo (n DO.Wiaei or»ll kindf frum III I'IM. ID i l 50

1*011*""''"™ *** * ' M " '""" *''a5 '" '" •"All urnillei trooi n . n to 111 l»t mllon.Hjshttl n u t e l pilco paid for biilci o i \ |


wnnu BI., wm, 1.1.

WItkMtnlMUlia I aaM^» 8UTE BOOF8 A ~ F . l t .

DIM Ostotar IMt. lip).



tab* ud aatoitek tantatai tatSOTUHNBS, BBIDUE8.







THURSDAY, February 10th,






$&.?.„ i i>


tin-Hit- rfiwiinSl. All i w l o n • M l v e ml.tlv Civ.) im a cull nnd V<nl Mill 111ini-SA IIH n» ™ « U anil iirln-ii.'

.1. .!. LAMilHIX,







FROM $10 UP!

FROM $10 UP!

- A T -


Cor. Blackvdl «nd Horrii Sti.,

l i i I I O H H n f l l i i M

lf-l ul Nol HC.milv, N. .1..'nr liv.-'f.niiiilier,

d HI. (HifP. Morriiitxti-ru Hilda's LatflD SiniDB*. on vh ic l i

nluiuiiiK «l* rooMa, a fmuorinih, voru crib, two wells iifut>nr Hui<l il welling, also mtnico fruit. On dny i>f *uln



EsUto of Tli«nmN Brlgkl,deeeised.

r»UB8DAKr to tlio order nt the Surrogater ot Uo Cunnty of Morris, nude un tbeftcf nlh dav of Ji.ivmiber, A. D. onn Ilioniauditht tnnJred and dglity-iii, mollva it['rcbr ttivm to all iicmiiLi bsving otiinn

, » t m t the putaib uf Thomas tttiitbt, Into otUiy Comity nr Morns, deceased, to presuBt Hieu mo miik'ruain uramimatiou.lo tbu aabstrlb-r, nn or before Ilic llflutiutli ilay of Ane.m\li-xt, lieiutf uiuo iiiuutlis fruiu llie date ufan] (ir-Itr; and any creditor negl«ct]n« to

.ningIn and ohibit IIIK or Jier oUim, nuO«ruatli iir ttlUni^fiuu, witlsm tlie tiuw aoUnited,will IJO furovor Irnrrea of bis ur her actionlirrtrur »c»iiitit llicExicnltir.DatfJ the lifinnlli (lay of Fnvfinlier, A. P.

S&C THOM4B ElllOllT. Jr.,

il-lOw Wood(iort. H.'j.

Kotico of Settlement.Notice 1* hiw-by t,'ivcu tbat tin »f«opnlii

f h b i l t l o r or Jrneplil t d l

ihomtlu daled l>y


iw-by t,'ivcu tbat tiniTiliir, t i u i i l o r or JrneplinBcd, will bo uihlittd mul

lio SurruKuti-, and leportc-ilt lo UioUrpiiHiB' Cdiirtol (ho

l MOKDAY, tlie wivc-nlliToi' Hctllemout loDunnty cr MnrriB,Jay of February ncit.

Dated Dec. Ut, 1RH«.JOSr.i'lI W. HOTJQH,

1-9* OflkltldRB.N.J,

Notice of Settlement.iftua lit-ipbyshfii tlat Uin seconnts ti1

^.itmrH^.r. Adninihtl^iir Of «lh!h.-.ill Im nnrirlprt ami tt^tr'

tteil tot scttknenl_B County ofHmriHl»j of March n*!it.

i. UTimOK COE,

Notice of SettlementNoti(-oitt Iicrtibf Riven tbat t h e ac t .mots cl

im pubpiriber, Guanfian of ( Icorpul ) . Frittc ,, minor, V,!l 1>L> auditca and s ta led )>T tbuiiirroRatc, nnd rnportid for fctt l fmt-rt (otic Orphan*' Court of tlio Cnonty of H'lrrin,it iri.ii.l'iv ilioFisvettlli ilay of March tiext.Dnlcd lli-o. 27th. lt-M.

i-Uw WILLIAW T l t B D W A T ^ i B .




b the best Misting sow-der la the market.

IH 25 per cent stronteithan any known explmlre,

In not as dangdroM tohandle or transport

Is plastic and producesmuch lets tames.

h waterproof and

Is soldo* low as any athihigh explosive.

M M : 55 Liberty SL, N. V.

Wsrks: Drakmlll*, N. j .



., „„,,.P M p



« h l " " " " I f I' " » » .


The EqnlpiDent of IronNines a specialty.

.HE BEIT HOLIDAY GIFTTnltloa for Hi, conlag ,,„, | n





Dim, n. j .

Flaa CUIblai .1 SruomM.



I» A. IW T E H.Jnil.li Hfti-tin, amcewot io llie nrro of Har-

tin fc Baek, cio voH U fuuml kt tho old ,tftndw Xllleon'. Drag Store tor Ho«e, 8i8a

! O'"»«l«l fiinUDg, Onlulw, OlldlHil MMbljiilDg. In



»oglve sitlsfkcilon A m w I *;o. tUaf mj wurk DID be MCO tt my time.

StfSSft Si 3tt£&m,.dl .noloaploT Ibe bed ornaebSiu!..1 .' °! " ' .•b" l l r •"• • " " •tlo ror tilniai to plme my ciklMill«IUncei*e p»m|t



S of A. li.*MFn)"o*n! VPi!iMKitTS when .rournlfe . . k . «oH to[n l,o.v tn A. H. Simnu for •

Mmon'1 lull On<1 ttintpr o tv l . . BAKQV Hi four liracit oceuMllou that s o nbo 5b)e to I n v c t a libnral .L.ro ™







B0»M 3 . J.