Funding from the European Union for the Tourism Sector: Build your pathway to the 2015-2016 emcra GmbH - www .emcra.eu Build your pathway to the 2015-2016 grants! Pierre-Étienne Métais, emcra GmbH Kirsi Hyvaerinen, ITB Advisory 6th March 2015

Funding from the European Union for the Tourism …...Funding from the European Union for the Tourism Sector: Build your pathway to the 2015-2016 emcra GmbH -www .emcra.eu grants!

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Page 1: Funding from the European Union for the Tourism …...Funding from the European Union for the Tourism Sector: Build your pathway to the 2015-2016 emcra GmbH -www .emcra.eu grants!

Funding from the European Union for the Tourism Sector: Build your pathway to the 2015-2016

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Build your pathway to the 2015-2016grants!

Pierre-Étienne Métais, emcra GmbH

Kirsi Hyvaerinen, ITB Advisory

6th March 2015

Page 2: Funding from the European Union for the Tourism …...Funding from the European Union for the Tourism Sector: Build your pathway to the 2015-2016 emcra GmbH -www .emcra.eu grants!

Your pathway to EU grants

▪ EU Funding Framework understood▪ EU Funding Programme(s) identified▪ Call(s) for Proposals identified▪ Project Idea generated▪ Project Environment browsed

▪ Project Intervention set

▪ Application package downloaded

▪ Application filled






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▪ Application filled

▪Application submitted

▪Grant awarded!





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Step 1 EU Funding Framework

▪ Tourism is a competency of the European Union since 2009

▪ EU Funds are delivered in form of grants, public contracts, prizes, loans, guarantees and equity funding.

▪Recipients of EU Funds are legal persons established in an

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▪Recipients of EU Funds are legal persons established in an EU Member State or a cooperation country.

▪ The Institutions providing EU Funds are:

▪ The European Commission (EC)

▪ The European Investment Bank (EIB)


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Step 1 EU Funding Framework

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http://ec.europa.eu/ http://www.eib.org/

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Step 1 EU Funding Framework

MultiannualFinancial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020

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Total: EUR 960 bn


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Step 1 EU Funding Framework

▪ 2015 & 2016 commitments (in bn EUR)

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Step 1 EU Funding Framework

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Step 1 EU Funding Framework

▪General principles applicable to EU grants:

▪ Co-financing

▪ Non-profit

▪ Non-cumulative award

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▪ Non-retroactivity

▪ Transparency

▪ Equal treatment

▪ Eligibility criteria

▪ Selection criteria

▪ Award criteria


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Step 1 EU Funding Framework

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Step 2 EU Funding Programmes for the Tourism Sector

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Transnational Programmes

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▪ The EU Programme for Research and Innovation▪ “ICT for digital content and for cultural and creative


▪ “Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint”

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▪ “Smart, green and integrated transport”

▪ “Protecting the environment, sustainably managing natural resources, water, biodiversity and ecosystems”

▪ “Cultural heritage”

▪ “Innovative spatial and urban planning”

▪ “Freedom and security of Europe and its citizens”


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▪ The EU Programme for Education, Youth and Sport

▪ “Mobility project for higher education students and staff”

▪ “Mobility project for vocational education &

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▪ “Mobility project for vocational education & training learners and staff”

▪ “Strategic Partnerships”

▪ “Knowledge Alliances”

▪ “Sector Skills Alliances”



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▪ The EU Programme for the Environment & Climate Action

▪ Environment and Resource Efficiency (incl. Water, Waste, Soil, Forests, Green and circular economy, Chemicals, Noise, Air

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circular economy, Chemicals, Noise, Air quality and emission, Urban environment)

▪ Nature and Biodiversity (incl. Conservation of habitats and species)

▪ Climate Change Mitigation

▪ Climate Change Adaptation



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Creative Europe

▪ The EU Programme for support to the European cultural and creative sectors▪ “Skills, competences and know-how for the

cultural and creative players”

▪ “Internationalisation of cultural and creative

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▪ “Internationalisation of cultural and creative players”

▪ “European and international networking”

▪ “International touring, events, exhibitions and festivals”

▪ “Stimulating interest in and improving access to European cultural heritage”

▪ “European Capitals of Culture”


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▪ The EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)…and Tourism!▪ “Increasing tourism demand”

▪ “Diversifying tourism offer”

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▪ “Diversifying tourism offer”

▪ “Enhancing tourism quality sustainability, accessibility, skills, information and innovation”

▪ “Improving socio-economic knowledge of the sector”

▪ “Increasing Europe's visibility as a tourist destination as well as of its diverse destinations”.



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European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)

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European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

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Least developed regions

Regions in transition

Most developed regions

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European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

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Cross-border cooperation

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Transnational cooperation

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European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) - 11 Thematic Objectives

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European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

▪ (2) ICT applications for e-culture

▪ (5) Investment to address specific risks (disasters)

▪ (6) Investment in small-scale cultural and sustainable tourism infrastructure

▪ (6) Conservation/protection/promotion of natural and

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▪ (6) Conservation/protection/promotion of natural and cultural heritage

▪ (6) Urban environment, revitalisation of cities, conversion of sites

▪ (9) Social inclusion through improved access to social, cultural and recreational services



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European Social Fund (ESF)

▪ (8) Self-employment, entrepreneurship and business creation

▪ (9) Training people in difficulty and those from disadvantaged groups to get better skills and jobs

▪ (9) Supporting mutual learning, establishing networks,

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▪ (9) Supporting mutual learning, establishing networks, and disseminating and promoting good practices and methodologies in the domain of social innovation

▪ (10) Training workers to help companies having to cope with restructuring or a lack of qualified workers

▪ (10) Promoting social entrepreneurship and vocational integration in social enterprises and the social and solidarity economy



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European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

▪ Farm and business development:▪ Non-agricultural activities in rural areas (accommodation,

shops, restaurants, guided tours, etc.)

▪ Village renewal in rural areas:▪ Leisure and culture infrastructure

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▪ Recreational infrastructure, tourist information and small scale tourism infrastructure

▪ Maintenance, restoration and upgrading of the cultural and natural heritage of villages, rural landscapes and high nature value sites

▪ Forest:▪ Afforestation and creation of woodland

▪ Prevention and restoration of damage to forests from forest fires and natural disasters


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European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)

▪ Protection and restoration of aquatic biodiversity

▪ Support to employability and labour mobility in coastal and inland communities which depend on fishing and aquaculture

▪ Diversification of activities into other sectors of

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▪ Diversification of activities into other sectors of maritime economy (for example, tourism-related projects, such as eco-tourism, pesca-tourism, accommodation, tourist trails, diving, etc.)



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Global Europe

▪ Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II)▪ Cross-border tourism and cultural and natural heritage

with/between candidate countries

▪ European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)▪ Cross-border economic and social development

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▪ Cross-border economic and social development with/between Neighbourhood countries

▪ Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI)▪ Cooperation with Latin America, South Asia, North and

South East Asia, Central Asia, Middle East, other countries

▪ 11th European Development Fund (EDF)▪ Cooperation with Sub-Saharan Africa, Caribbean, Pacific




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Guide on EU Funding for the Tourism Sector

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Project Example 1: Canoe tourism in Lithuania’s waterways

▪ Objective: To address a growing demand for canoe tour business

▪ Activities: Purchase of 15 new kayaks

▪ Grant amount: < €20 000

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▪ Grant amount: < €20 000

▪ Beneficiary: Vytautas Morkūnas

▪ Location: Svedasai village, Anyksciai district

▪ Project website: www.baidaresnuomai.lt


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Project Example 1: Canoe tourism in Lithuania’s waterways

▪Which EU Programme has funded this project?

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Project Example 2: MUSEUMCULTOUR (The Adriatic's museums enrich cultural tourism)

▪ Objective: To improve the Adriatic’s museum attractiveness through new permanent or temporary exhibitions

▪ Grant amount: €1,922,470

▪ Beneficiary: Province of Ascoli

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▪ Beneficiary: Province of Ascoli Piceno (Italy), partners from Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Italy.

▪ Project website: www.museumcultour-ipa.eu

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Project Example 2: MUSEUMCULTOUR (The Adriatic's museums enrich cultural tourism)

▪Which EU Programme has funded this project?

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Project Example 3: Pescatourisme 83 -FLAG Groupe Varois

▪ Objective: To develop a pesca-tourism offer that is compatible with the type of fishing in the area and guarantees respect for the maritime environment

▪ Activities: Pilot pesca-tourism activities, 12 boats equipped and approved for pesca-tourism activities

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pesca-tourism activities

▪ Grant amount: €86,140

▪ Beneficiary: Marco Polo Echanger Autrement (France), partners from France

▪ Project website: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/cms/farnet/pescatourisme-83-flag-groupe-varois-fr

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Project Example 3: Pescatourisme 83 -FLAG Groupe Varois

▪Which EU Programme has funded this project?

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Project Example 4: Sustainable Energy in Tourism-dominated Communities (SETCOM)

▪ Objective: To foster the use of sustainable energies in tourism in the partner communities.

▪ Activities: Energy audits in 10 touristic facilities, behaviour campaigns for tourists and employees, energy action plans for the regions

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action plans for the regions

▪ Grant amount: €1,050,000

▪ Beneficiary: Chamber of Commerce and Industrie of Potsdam (Germany), partners from Austria, Finland, France, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain Greece and Germany.

▪ Project website: www.setcom-project.eu

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Project Example 4: Sustainable Energy in Tourism-dominated Communities (SETCOM)

▪Which EU Programme has funded this project?

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Step 3 Calls for Proposal

▪ Examples of open and forecast Calls for Proposals in 2015:▪ Horizon 2020 “The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe”: 28 May 2015

▪ Horizon 2020 “Transport societal drivers”: 23 April 2015

▪ Erasmus+ “Strategic Partnerships”: 31 March 2015

▪ Erasmus+ “Collaborative partnerships in the sport”: 14 May 2015

▪ Erasmus+ “Not-for-profit European sport events“: 14 May 2015

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▪ Erasmus+ “Not-for-profit European sport events“: 14 May 2015

▪ LIFE all types of project: 01 June 2015

▪ COSME „Promoting transnational thematic tourism products”

▪ COSME “Awareness raising of the EDEN initiative and promotion of the EDEN destination and network”

▪ COSME “Improving facilities and services for tourists with special access needs”

▪ IPA “Mitigating natural disaster effects in Montenegro”: 30 March 2015

▪ DCI “Sustainable Development in Rural Areas in Uzbekistan”: 28 April 2015

▪ DCI “Apoyo al desarollo económico local a través del sector turístico: ruta colonial y de los volcanes Resultado (Nicaragua)”: 21 March 2015···


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Your pathway to EU grants

▪ EU Funding Framework understood▪ EU Funding Programme(s) identified▪ Call(s) for Proposals identified▪ Project Idea generated▪ Project Environment browsed

▪ Project Intervention set

▪ Application package downloaded

▪ Application filled






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▪ Application filled

▪Application submitted

▪Grant awarded!





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emcra Consultancy▪ Personalised Assistance for Successful EU-Grant Application

emcra Academy▪ Workshops, In-house Seminars, Webinars, Trainings (e.g. EU-


emcra assists you

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emcra Project Management▪ Professional Know-How for Solid EU-Project Implementation

(e.g. Contract Management, Finance Management, Monitoring and Evaluation)

emcra Conference▪ Innovative Facilitation for your Events


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▪ 1: Tourism Business Portal

▪ 2: Enterprise Europe Network

▪ 3: European Tourism Indicators System

▪ 4: Virtual Tourism Observatory

Non-financing instruments initiatedby the EU for the Tourism sector

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1: Tourism Business Portal

▪ Tools & Tutorials

▪ Case studies

▪ Recommended readings

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▪ Job offers

▪ Useful links


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2: Enterprise Europe Network

▪ Contact Points

▪ Sector Group on "Tourism and Cultural Heritage"

▪ Partnering

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▪ PartneringOpportunities

▪ etc.


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3: European Tourism Indicator System (ETIS)

▪ Step-by-step guide

▪ Set of indicators

▪ Dataset sheet

▪ etc.

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▪ etc.


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4: Virtual Tourism Observatory

▪ Country Profiles

▪ Eurostat Statistics

▪ Eurobarometer

▪ Studies and Reports

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▪ Studies and Reports

▪ Useful links


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▪ MISSIONITB Advisory connects governments, tourist boards, destinations and travel trade professionals with experts, who are able to solve travel and tourism related issues.

▪ VISIONITB Advisory strives to deliver the most trustworthy and effective advice through its certified network of consultants.

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advice through its certified network of consultants.

▪ OBJECTIVES We form a network of experts in the fields of destination development, management and marketing. ITB Advisory professionals have proven know-how and track record in their specific field of expertise.

▪ ITB Advisory acts as the matchmaker between its advisors and the client. With an established diagnostic methodology, ITB Advisory provides clients with the most effective and customized solutions.


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