November 2, 2001 Columbia University, New York City Expanding a New Scientific View Of the Functional Properties of Water Bruce L. Erickson and Richard A. Wullaert, Ph.D. The Functional Water Society of North America If we truly honor the sacredness in all life from the humble village to the largest city on Earth. Then we need to honor water for without it life would not exist. We need to fully understand the nature of water and how best to work with it in supporting all life. This will take the synergy of nature, technology, wisdom and ethics toward all mankind! From the philosophy of Rudolph Steiner Future Vision In a village in the future, a WaterLife project could be seen as providing a clean central water source, monitored for safety via satellite communications and laser spectral analysis. The pumps are powered utilizing solar arrays, methane gas, wind or pedals. They are equipped with easy to clean filters and the ability to apply magnetic fields and modulated UV light in the water treatment process. Water can be effectively used as a disinfectant for cleaning or as an environmentally safe pesticide when the appropriate electrolyzing tools are applied. Where appropriate, natural methods of water restoration could also be used such as those proposed by John Todd at Wood’s Hole, creating a synergy between nature and technology. All of this exists now; it just needs the bold step of “vision” to view water as a whole system to best serve the needs of mankind. The Nature of Water Water is a molecule of wonder and a resource that is taken for granted. The bonding and structure of water give it unique biological and ecological properties. We need a better understanding of water, its uses, and what we’re doing to it. We need to merge advanced water research with current water polices and treatment, and use water as an ecological tool in renewing our environment. We need to provide water as the means to better the health of the villagers and their animals, and to enhance their crops. To do this, we need to step aside from our historical view of water science and consider the possibilities presented by recent research, some of it “outside the box”. We need a wholistic vision and policy to ensure that we have clean air, water and proper soil conditions to maintain a healthy planet for its people and all life. We need to approach water from a whole systems perspective, using the new scientific advancements in our understanding of the nature of water and the water of nature!

Functional Water

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Columbia University, 2002 Expanding a New Scientific View Of the Functional Properties of Water Bruce L. Erickson and Richard A. Wullaert, Ph.D.

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November 2, 2001

Columbia University, New York City

Expanding a New Scientific View Of the Functional Properties of WaterBruce L. Erickson and Richard A. Wullaert, Ph.D.

The Functional Water Society of North AmericaIf we truly honor the sacredness in all life from the humble village to the largest city on Earth. Then we need to honor water for without it life would not exist. We need to fully understand the nature of water and how best to work with it in supporting all life. This will take the synergy of nature, technology, wisdom and ethics toward all mankind! From the philosophy of Rudolph Steiner

Future VisionIn a village in the future, a WaterLife project could be seen as providing a clean central water source, monitored for safety via satellite communications and laser spectral analysis. The pumps are powered utilizing solar arrays, methane gas, wind or pedals. They are equipped with easy to clean filters and the ability to apply magnetic fields and modulated UV light in the water treatment process. Water can be effectively used as a disinfectant for cleaning or as an environmentally safe pesticide when the appropriate electrolyzing tools are applied.

Where appropriate, natural methods of water restoration could also be used such as those proposed by John Todd at Wood’s Hole, creating a synergy between nature and technology. All of this exists now; it just needs the bold step of “vision” to view water as a whole system to best serve the needs of mankind.

The Nature of Water Water is a molecule of wonder and a resource that is taken for granted. The bonding and structure of water give it unique biological and ecological properties. We need a better understanding of water, its uses, and what we’re doing to it. We need to merge advanced water research with current water polices and treatment, and use water as an ecological tool in renewing our environment. We need to provide water as the means to better the health of the villagers and their animals, and to enhance their crops. To do this, we need to step aside from our historical view of water science and consider the possibilities presented by recent research, some of it “outside the box”. We need a wholistic vision and policy to ensure that we have clean air, water and proper soil conditions to maintain a healthy planet for its people and all life. We need to approach water from a whole systems perspective, using the new scientific advancements in our understanding of the nature of water and the water of nature!

Wholistic Approach to WaterThe current focus on water treatment is on what shouldn’t be in the water. This assumes that the removal of “bad’ things in water will make the water good (i.e., have a positive health benefit). From an historical point of view, this may be true, except some of the techniques/chemicals used to remove the “bad” things may add new components that reduce the health benefits of the water. Thus, the current concern for the toxic byproducts of chlorine disinfection. The wholistic approach would be to consider what negative functions we are adding to water in our effort to remove or reduce existing components (microbes, toxins, chemicals, etc.) that produce negative functions. The next thing is to consider what we can do to water to produce positive functions. Another way to use the wholistic approach to water is to

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be concerned with what role the solvent (water) plays in the effectiveness of what’s in it (solutes).

Microbiologist has long recognized the import role that biological water plays in the formation of cell membranes, enzymes, and even DNA. Water restructures itself to accommodate biological processes [1]. Thus, nature shows us that altering the structure and properties of the water can have significant effects on what can be accomplished by what is in the water.

Functional WaterThere is Functional Medicine and Functional Food, so why not Functional Water. Functional water can be defined as water that produces a positive health benefit. If we look at the basic functions of water in the body, such as solvent, lubricant, nutrient delivery, waste removal, and most of all, enabling almost all key biological processes (i.e., life), it is clear that water produces a positive health benefit. One example of an historical version of functional water is the mineral water used at spas for internal and external health benefits. Another example is the addition of fluorides to drinking water, which is supposed to produce a positive dental benefit (when calcium fluoride is used, not sodium fluoride, which is the chemical used mostly by local water companies). Not everyone agrees that fluoride in any form is beneficial.

If we want to see the health benefits of water, just look at what the lack of sufficient water in the body (dehydration) can cause [2]:

Increased risk of kidney stones. Increased risk of urinary tract cancers. Increased risk of colon cancer. Increased risk of breast cancer

Some people feel that many of our health problems are due to chronic dehydration, and that proper hydration alone would cure many of our common diseases [3].

It is clear that water has medicinal and functional value. The key issue is what state should the water be in to provide the optimal medicinal and functional value. Unaltered source water from deep wells or protected springs would be a good start, but there are very few sources of water that are not treated by chemicals such as chlorine, ozone, and other chemicals. Thus, we should consider new treatment concepts that may restore or improve the medicinal/functional properties of conventionally treated water.

The historical way that functional water is produced is for nature or man to add minerals. Recently, man has decided to make aquaceuticals. That is, water with nutraceuticals (vitamins, herbs, minerals, etc.) that presumably produce a health benefit. Note that in all these cases, water is just the carrier (solvent) and the health benefits are assumed to come from the additives (solutes). Now what if the properties of the solvent (water) could be altered so that it contributed synergistically or catalytically to improve the health benefits of the solutes. This approach to making functional water has been actively pursued in recent years, particularly in Japan and Russia.

The Japanese Functional Water Foundation defines functional water as water that has been exposed to external energy fields. This includes electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic (infrared, microwave, nuclear), ultrasound, and vortex implosion. The most widely used energy sources to make functional water are electrolysis and magnetic fields. The most scientifically studied functional water process is

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electrolysis .

The Japanese and Russians have used electrolysis in combination with ion separation to produce functional waters with a wide range of beneficial properties for over 200 applications [4, 5]. For example, since 1966 the Japanese have been drinking electrolyzed alkaline water to increase and enhance calcium absorption. Approximat$ely 15 million Japanese now drink this water. (Approx 10% of the population!)

The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare has certified that alkaline electrolyzed water (a reducing water)assists in the alleviation of gastrointestinal disorders, acidosis, chronic diarrhea, and poor digestion. This same water is used in agriculture for enhancing plant growth. The acid electrolyzed water (an oxidizing water) that is produced by the same process [6] (and at the same time) is used as a disinfectant and pesticide.

Recent research in Japan has shown that electrolyzed alkaline drinking water has a synergistic effect on antioxidants. For example, the antioxidant strength of vitamin C in electrolyzed alkaline water is several times greater than vitamin C in tap water. The synergistic effect is due to the higher dissociation/ionization constant of the functional (electrolyzed) water [7]. Other studies have shown that electrolyzed water produces antioxidant behavior and protects DNA from free radical damage [8]. Clinical studies have shown that mice fed electrolyzed alkaline water lived 30% longer. This functional water enhanced the immune system and inhibited autoimmune disease [9].

Future ApplicationsThere are many applications for functional water. Most of them have been subjected to limited testing and verification. A few of them have been extensively tested and are widely used outside the U.S. (human and animal drinking water, plant growth, food processing, disinfectant, pesticide). Based on this database, here are some possible future uses of functional water (used in the generic sense) in areas of interest to WaterLife.

1. Use functional water for drinking to enhance the health benefits of nutrients in the water or taken with the water (humans and animals). 2. Use functional water in cooking to improve the flavor and the nutritional value of foods. 3. Use functional water for plant growth so that nutrients are more absorbable and less water is required. 4. Use functional water for disinfection (water, food processing, medical, and mouth wash). 5. Use functional water for skin problems (dermatitis, bruises, burns, bed sores). 6. Use functional water to reduce gastrointestinal problems (diarrhea, constipation).


The Functional Water Society of North America (FWSNA) is a recently formed non-profit corporation that promotes the science and technology of functional water. It is associated with the Japanese Functional Water Foundation and participates in their annual Functional Water Symposium. The society maintains an extensive database of technical publications, articles and vendor information pertinent to the production and uses of functional water. This information, along with technical support, is provided to manufactures, users, and researchers of functional water.

References[1] Westhof, E.; Water and Biological Macromolecules, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1993. [2] Kleiner, S.; Water: An Essential but Overlooked Nutrient, J. Amer. Dietetic Assoc. 99 (1999) 200. [3] Batmanghelidj, F.; Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, Global Health Solutions, Falls Church, VA, 1992. [4] Proceedings of the Functional Water Symposiums, (1994 – 2000), Tokyo, Japan. [5] Bakhir, V.; Electrochemical Activation, 2 vol., All-Russian Institute for Medical Engineering, Moscow, 1992. [6] Kumon, K.; What is Functional Water, Artif. Organs 21 (1997) 2. [7] Hanaoka, K.; Antioxidant Effects of Reduced Water Produced by Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride Solutions, (to be published in J Applied Electrochemistry, 2001). [8] Shirahata, S., et al: Electrolyzed-Reduced Water Scavenges Active Oxygen Species and Protect DNA from Oxidative Damage, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 234 (1997) 269. [9] Fernandes, G.; Effect of Electrolyzed Water Intake on Lifespan of Autoimmune Disease Prone Mice, (see below) FASEB Journal 12 (1998) A794.

Fibrosis: the Enemy of Life.By: Dr. William Wong, ND, PhD.

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Heavy title!   

What is fibrosis?  Fibrosis can be found in many forms.  In women it can manifest as the estrogen driven diseases of Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Uterine Fibroids, Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts.  It can also be found post operatively in the Lymphedema had after mastectomy as the fibrin clogs the lymphatic drainage channels and thickens the lymphatic fluid.   In both sexes fibrosis forms the post operative scar tissue that binds the intestines, or restricts the range of motion of a limb and joint or forms thickened scars and keloids marring cosmetic surgery. Fibrosis can develop in the arteries and forms the framework around which arterial sclerotic plaque builds.    In COPD, Emphysema, Asthmatic and Chronic Bronchitis patients fibrosis creates scar tissue as a spider web inside the lungs restricting their expansion and clogging alveolar sacs to prevent O2 transfer to the blood.  In men fibrosis grows inside the micro blood supply and spongy tissues of the penis restricting blood flow and full expansion during erection.  This is the main reason why erection size diminishes with age.

In another estrogen driven disease, Fibromyalgia, fibrosis grows on and in-between muscle bundles choking off their blood supply just as putting rubber bands around your wrist cuts off the blood supply to the hand.  Along with this the microcirculation gets clogged with fibrin plugs, which further decreases blood supply.  After a while without an adequate oxygen or blood sugar supply the effected tissue develop the intractable pain of ischemia.  Pain meds, even opiates cannot take away ischemic pain.  We know that holds true with heart attack patients and it also holds true for FMS patients.   

In all of us as we age (i.e. after 27). Fibrosis grows inside of all of our internal organs diminishing their size and with that shrinkage comes a diminution of function.  Med school anatomy teaches that this lowering of function is what ultimately leads to us dieing as the organs fail due to weakness.

All of this leads to a question: Why does all this seem to start after 27?  Good thing to ask.  At or around 27 our own production of proteolytic enzymes drops.  We make a finite amount of enzymes in a lifetime and use about half of that by 25.  (That's the reason why young folks, though they make cancer cells from the first day of life don't usually develop that or most any of the other conditions mentioned, they have an adequate supply of proteolytic enzymes to fight off fibrosis and the fibrin that coats cancer cells to protect them).  It is after our supply of proteolytic enzymes drops to be spread through the rest of our lifetime that we begin to develop the fibrosis conditions. (For you docs out there it's my contention that we can measure a pre morbid state from taking measures of proteolytic enzymes just as we can predict death within 3 days by measuring the levels of Dopamine.  Useful diagnostic tool maybe.  Nifty research tool certainly).

So if we can deal with the laying down of fibrosis as efficiently as we did as youngsters,

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then we would avoid or reduce much of what is trying to shorten our lives or at least make us sick or less able. (Remember how well wounds healed then with thin, strong, pliable "un bumpy" scars when you were a kid)?

Those who have read my article "The Essentials of Life and Wellness" on my totalityofbeing.com website know where I'm going to from here: The most important thing to put back into an aging body are not vitamins and minerals, not herbs, not the growth hormones but enzymes, the proteolytic enzymes.  Vitamins and minerals are more properly named co enzymes and co factors in other words they are things that help enzymes to work.  If the enzymes aren't there to begin with, then the vitamins and minerals have little to work on and little action.  That's the reason why vitamin / mineral supplementation works so well for some and does not do squat for others, they have little of the enzymes they need to work on.

If we put in some of the primary protein eating enzymes then the body will cause the "enzyme cascade" creating thousands of new enzymes from the original 4 or 5. Everything else we do in regards to nutrition and exercise works better once we put the enzymes back into our bodies in significant amounts.

Now as regards fibrin, all proteolytic enzymes eat away at fibrin (fibrinolysis) to some degree but some are considerably stronger at that than others.  If the proteolytic enzymes you put back are also very highly fibrinolytic then the scar tissue your body has been creating WILL be taken away.  (This is a secret that plastic surgeons, internists and pulmonologists i.e. lung doctors, are learning about systemic enzymes). The fibrin that is supposed to be there is marked by the body as an endogenous protein, in other words something that is supposed to be part of your structure, but excesses in fibrin, though deposited by the body, are marked as exogenous proteins - or as something not belonging in the body. Remember excesses in fibrin equal: weak structure, (by not leaving enough space for epithelial tissue to grow through the fibrin matrix), restriction of range of motion (as regards joints and muscles) and diminution of size and function (as regards to internal organs).

That is the secret behind the enzymes ability to go after that which is extra and leave behind what is needed for structure, just as it did in wound healing when you were a kid!

A major step towards a better quality of life, higher levels of health and the attainment of wellness is the removal of excesses of fibrin from our bodies.   Let's get back to the enzyme levels we had at 18!  We'll live longer, happier, healthier and more functional lives for it! 

Effect of electrolytic water intake on lifespan of autoimmune disease prone mice.Research from Texas University

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1. Life long intake of both reduced (pH 9.0) and hyper-reduced (pH 10.0) water caused no harm to mice compared to tap water. 2. Survival is increased significantly by hyper-reduced water in one strain (MRL/lpr). 3. Slight increased life span in the other strain (NZBxNZW F1) 4. Reduced and hyper-reduced water appears to increase T cell numbers, and decrease B cells. 5. Both reduced and hyper-reduced water appears to increase antioxidant mRNA levels. 6. New clinical and animal studies are needed to confirm above results


Multimedia is available with this article online athttp://www.buffalo.edu/news/4839

Release date: Wednesday, August 16, 2000Contact: Lois Baker,[email protected]: 716-645-4606Fax: 716-645-3765BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Sugary foods, notoriously bad for your teeth, also maybe bad for your blood vessels and many other areas of the body,University at Buffalo endocrinologists have found.

Their study, published in the August issue of The Journal of ClinicalEndocrinology and Metabolism, shows that excess sugar in thebloodstream stimulates the generation of free radicals, the oxygenmolecules known to damage cells lining blood vessels and many otherorgans.

In blood vessels, free-radical injury causes inflammation and initiatesthe accumulation of plaque that can lead to blocked arteries andcardiovascular disease.

"We've known for some time that eating certain foods, particularlythose containing the antioxidant vitamins A, E and C, can help protectagainst damage from free radicals," said Paresh Dandona, M.D., UBprofessor of medicine, director of the Division of Endocrinology,Diabetes and Metabolism for UB and Kaleida Health, and senior author onthe study.  "This is the first time anyone has shown that nutrition hasa role in generating free radicals."

Type II diabetes, a major research interest of Dandona and colleagues,is associated with an increase in free-radical generation, resulting in

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damage to fats, proteins and DNA.  In earlier preliminary research,they had shown that when obese subjects lost weight, there was acommensurate drop in free radicals.  This finding raised thepossibility that certain types of food may be involved in producingfree radicals.

To test his hypothesis, Dandona and colleagues selected glucose, thenutrient with the most direct impact on diabetics.  They gave 14healthy men and women who had fasted for 12 hours a drink composed of75 grams of glucose -- the simplest form of sugar -- dissolved in 300milliliters of water  -- a little more than one cup.  This amount ofglucose is roughly equivalent to

the sugar content in two cans of a cola drink, Dandona said.  Anothersix participants, who served as controls, drank a water-saccharinsolution.

Researchers took blood samples from all participants before the glucosechallenge and at one, two and three hours after.

Results showed there was no change in free-radical generation insamples taken from controls.  However, in samples from subjects whodrank the sugar water, free-radical generation increased significantlyat one hour and more than doubled at two hours.  The analysis alsoshowed an increase in the key protein component of an enzyme thatpromotes free-radical generation.

At the same time, levels of a-tocopherol, the active form of vitamin Eand a powerful antioxidant, fell about 4 percent by hour two andremained depressed at hour three.

"The link between nutrition and oxidative damage is important becauseoxidative damage of lipids -- low-density lipoproteins in particular --may contribute to atherosclerosis," Dandona said. "Our work opens theway for an investigation of the effect of other macronutrients onfree-radical generation and oxidative damage."

Also contributing to the study were Priya Mohanty, Wael Hamouda, RajeshGarg and Husam Ghanim, all doctoral students working with Dandona, andAhmed Aljada, Ph.D., UB research assistant professor of medicine.

The William G. McGowan Charitable Fund supported this research.