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1.0 Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. I do agree with this statement. These is because like the rest of us, children are individuals. Children learn to model their behavior on what goes on around them, be it dress codes, body language, table manners, or language uses, usually first through their caregivers and later through peers in their family, neighborhood or school. That is, children are learning how to function adequately in their environment, and much of this learning takes place through language itself.

We talk to children to tell them about our adult world and they learn about the world from what we tell them. But they also learn about our language, from how we use it to tell them about other things. This means that language learning is going on whenever language is used around children. There are several study or theory that can prove children actually do observing the behavior of adults and copying it. One of the theory that explain how children develop by copying the adults is Social Learning Theory Albert Bandura (1977).

Albert Bandura (1977) states in his theory that behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observational learning. Children observe the people around them behaving in various ways. This illustrated during the famous bobo doll experiment. Individuals that are observed are called models. In society children surrounded by many influential models, such as parents within the family, characters on childrens TV, friends within their peer group and teachers at school. These models provide examples of masculine and feminine behavior to observe and imitate.

Children usually pay attention to some of these models and encode their behavior. At a later time they may imitate the behavior they have observed. They may do this regardless of whether the behavior is gender appropriate or not but there are a number of processes that make it more likely that a child will reproduce the behavior that its society deems appropriate for its sex.

Modeling Behavior is other evidence that proves children actually copy the behavior of adults. Researchers believe children finds that a particular kind of imitation over imitation, in which a child copies everything an adult shows them, not just the steps that lead to some outcome but appears to be a universal human activity. Researchers believe the works sheds light on how human develop and transmit culture.

Mark Nielson, a psychologist from University of Queensland in Australia says, scientists have been finding this odd effect where children will copy everything that they see an adult demonstrate to them, even if there are clear or obvious reasons why those actions would be irrelevant. In addition, its something that we know that other primates dont do. But its not clear that the results found in child psychology research apply to all people. This research is usually done with children who live in Western cultures, whose parents are well-educated and middle- to upper class. And these parents are constantly teaching their children. But parents in indigenous cultures generally dont spend a lot of time teaching.

To conclude, i am positively agree that children really learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. At their early stage of life, they, including me myself actually choose our own parent and people surround us as our good model in order to get through our life.

(592 words)2.0 What do schools need to do to prepare students for the 21st Century? Discuss your opinions.

Schools, especially the teacher need to think an extraordinary steps or way in order to prepare students for the 21st Century. Student success was defined as the acquisition of lifelong learning skills. Traditionally, education focused on the three "Rs" of "reading, `riting and `rithmetic." But these core skill sets must now be matched by an additional 3 Rs of information literacy that is, rigor, relevance and relationships. Rigor refers to the developed skill of discerning the accuracy and validity of information accessed on the Internet, along with meeting the demands of copyright, protection of intellectual property and creative commons requirements. There are some ways for school to do to prepare for the 21st Century.

Firstly, school must provide and advanced technologies such as laptops and LCD in order to replace the traditional ways to teach the students. Nowadays, students work in collaborative groups and use technology to tackle real-world issues in the context of their school, family or local community. For teachers and school, the task is to work with the students to take multidisciplinary standard-based content, connect it to what is happening in the world today, and translate it into an experience in which n which students make a difference in their community. Accomplishing this goal necessitates giving students structure, support, checkpoints, and the right tools to get their work done successfully, while allowing them enough freedom to be self-directed, creative, and inspired.

Education system nowadays requires real-world tools, so the teacher and students will need ubiquitous access to technology that is commonly used in 21st century life and work. This ideally includes computers, rich media creation tools, the Internet, and mobile devices for anytime, anywhere access to information, content, and communication. In addition, because you and your students will work in teams and not all of the work will take place during class, you will need a collaborative workspace that is available to everyone 24/7.

Secondly, teachers are advice to learn more and use their experience in order to deal with the students in this new generation. Classrooms nowadays are exemplified by student diversity. Students may differ in, for example, motivation, learning style, aptitude, cultural background, social economic states, and past learning experience. As students learning needs are becoming increasingly diverse, a new challenge is to look for ways that address their needs. Assessment is one useful way to help teachers deal with classroom diversity. Teachers can use assessment strategies to identify different learning needs and to improve teaching and learning.

This subsequently leads to a consideration of two critical issues with the first one being how teachers can plausibly identify classroom diversity and the second being how useful are the assessment strategies they use to cater for the identified diversity. They can read a research paper or project paper based on what subject they taught at school. Besides, teacher are also required to gain more knowledge by updating themselves with the new information because students nowadays are usually exposed with new information from the internet. It is advised that teacher have to upgrade their skills and knowledge in the subject that they taught.

To conclude, it is important for the school to prepare to deal with the 21st Century students. From this, our country can produce the real reliable generation that can lead our country soon. In fact, they might bring our country to the same stage with other developing country.

(580 words)

3.0 Technology is making communication easier in todays world, but at the expense of personal contact as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen. What dangers are there for a society which depends on computer screens rather than face-to-face contact for its main means of communication?

The communications revolution has occurred since 1955 through communications technology. This revolution has sparked a new phenomenon in the transformation of communication technologies . Various new technologies arising from this revolution. Through technologies enjoyed by us today to show that we have a wide array of all things that we want to implement a more simple , agile and fast. The world is getting easier we feel in the presence of technologies that are modern and sophisticated . Did you know that negative impacts as a result of technological progress today? One of the most obvious negative impact we see is going to result in street protests or riots in the society. Recently, we see more and more demonstrations or riots around the world . This situation not only disrupt the lives of the local community but it is also disturbing jolt peace to the country. The closest example is the riots that took place in Egypt earlier this year. Rise of the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak's regime that has ruled for 30 years showed that new media technology plays a big role in the riots that took place in Egypt . New media technologies used by people of Egypt in demanding Hosni Mubarak to resign and organize riots is through social sites , especially facebook and twitter . We also know that the use of Facebook in particular is becoming very popular nowadays .Moreover, the disadvantages of technology can also be seen through the widespread dissemination of defamation occurs . What is meant by the allegation here is some news that has not been ascertained yet the truth spread widely without any restrictions. The most disturbing thing is that we cannot afford to sue or prosecute who slander because such websites does not display the actual identity of the patient lies . Through this situation , spreading slander will continue to be done by individuals or groups who are not responsible with no fear. Hence , no wonder so many lies perpetuated in your website or social site today.In addition, the technology can also cause unemployment in the country. The use of technology shows that the field work will be taken over by machines of robots and computers. Human labor from reduced use because the use of machine technology is seen to be faster and more efficient . Labor will also be more costly compared to the use of technology as well as of generating better productivity than labor.

Disadvantages of technology is no longer a new phenomenon that exists in society. Although the benefits can we enjoy today, the disadvantages still need to be a topic of discussion for us to perceive. Schiller also been noted that most of the technology is only used by certain groups to their interests only and not for the community. He also argues that communication technology is also oppressive society besides creating a gap between the rich and the poor .

(544 words)4.0 Why is community service important in todays world?

The Community Service Program will implement the spirit of leadership among school leavers . This is because, before the start of a program , an organization must be established to ensure the program run smoothly. Thus , a chief or leader should be appointed along with other committee members . The spirit of leadership is very important because a good leader will affect the stability of a country. Good leadership will ensure the country's desire to become a developed country , while maintaining the values and culture of the diverse communities in the country. Young people need to be exposed to the concept of leadership that will ensure the survival of a nation's independence . The youth are the generation that will inherit someday administration . Hence , they need to have a sense of leadership to meet the country's future leadership.

Another good thing about this program is the fostering of unity among youths from all races . As is well known , unity is an important asset to our country. Unity will determine the political climate , economic, social , and so are at a comfortable level . Without unity , the country would be a mess and will create chaos. The exterior is certainly taking advantage of the instability of the country as united we stand divided we fall . The issue of unity is very important in a country with a plural society like the country. Young people should be made aware of the various respective roles in keeping the spirit of unity that the country remains peaceful . Therefore, the program that allows youths from all races mix with each other in order to be unity continues to blossom and become part of their way of life.Community Service Program will establish discipline among the youth participants . Rather strict discipline will make more responsible and accountable for the trust given to them, the saying goes that's how mold forms. People who have good discipline , would reduce the government's problems in dealing with social problems such as drug addiction , gangsterism , bullying , intimidation , and so on . Young people need to be applied with good discipline because they are often exposed to the elements or influences that are not healthy , so the program was able to form a youth with a strong discipline.Community Service Program will also reduce social problems among school leavers . Social problems occur when teenagers spend time by hanging out with friends in public places . Therefore, they need activities that allow time filled with beneficial before they fall into a deep social problems that are more severe. Furthermore this program exposes young people to work in the nature of welfare . Young people today often live in luxury and are only concerned with free lifestyle . They rarely asked to return kindness by doing charity work . In this model of community service programs involving welfare work was introduced to participants in contributing towards creating a caring society . They were sent to work at housing , welfare homes , orphanages , and so on . In this way young people will make welfare work as something that can be done over time and not at certain times only.In conclusion , the Community Service Program bring various benefits to youth. Therefore, all parties not to dispute the reasonableness of the implementation of the program. As Malaysians , we do not want young people today continue to be stuck in the symptoms that are not healthy. Teens today are the leaders of the future . With the implementation of this program , we hope that the youth of today will be an important milestone in meeting the needs of human capital excellence, glory and distinction.

(643 words)5.0 Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue for many countries but its disadvantages should not be overlooked what are some of disadvantages of tourism?

The tourism industry is one of the economic activity is growing exponentially in our country. According to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism, Datuk Dr. Ong Hong Peng, in the first quarter of 2010 the number of tourists coming into the country has increased to 5.75 million people, compared to 5.46 million in the same period in 2009. Thu , in 2010, Malaysia is expected to record revenues of up to RM57 billion in tourism revenue due to the strengthening of the domestic and global economy. However, the rapid development of tourism in our country also cause a variety of effects on the local culture. So, the positive and negative effects of tourism on the culture of our country will be covered by a common interest.

The negative impact of tourism is tourist arrivals could erode the moral values in the local community . This scenario will occur due to foreign tourists have different thoughts and attitudes of the local community . Usually , foreign tourists have been very open. However, local people usually be closed and traditional thinking . With the arrival of foreign tourists, some magnanimity available to local communities strengthened. This is so because the local community was easily influenced by their culture. Finally, tourism can erode the values of local communities.Further, criminal cases will increase as a result of the arrival of foreign tourists. This is because the main entertainment and shopping center will open with a lot to advance the tourism sector. With entertainment such as karaoke , discos and pubs will contribute criminal cases . So, the criminal cases in our country will increase. In addition, foreign tourists will likely do crimes like vandalism and fighting in entertainment centers or anywhere else in the event of disagreement with the locals. Criminal cases will increase as a result of the development of the tourism sector.

Furthermore, materialistic attitude will also grow as a result of the rapidly growing tourism . Materialistic attitude has absorbed the soul of the local population because of the tourism sector in the country. When there is a materialistic attitude , then the depth of mutual locals have disappeared. This is so because the locals are more likely to profit from the foreign tourists to ignore moral values . Local residents will be more concerned with profit than creating close relationships with foreign tourists . It is clear that the tourism industry could develop materialistic attitude among the local population.

In conclusion , the tourism sector can lead our country to grow by leaps and bounds , but the sector also leave a big impact on the local culture. So, all parties must work together to prevent the negative effects brought by foreign tourists . The tourism sector is expected to be developed and only leave a positive impact on the local community.

(503 words)REFERENCE

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