Fulbright - Passing the Torch - Information Package

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  • 7/31/2019 Fulbright - Passing the Torch - Information Package





    The FulbrightPassing the Torch (Fulbright-PT) Scholarship and Internship Program (i.e. Fulbright-

    PT Program) is designed to help high-achieving, disadvantaged university students gain valuable

    professional experience and build strong relationships with high-achieving professionals and other like-

    minded, aspiring future leaders. The Internship offers unique opportunities to

    1. Grow personally and professionally2. Get hands-on experience in an Internship project at a professional organization, and3. Join a network of VietSeed, Fulbright, and U.S. Embassy professionals who strive to make an


    Fulbright - PT Internship Program

    The Fulbright-PT Program offers third and fourth-year university students with demonstrated academic

    achievement and financial need the opportunity to lead an 8- to 10-week-long project working in a non-

    profit, government, or private-sector organization.

    All Interns will receive:

    $250 for their Internship project

    A two-month living stipend: $100 per month A dedicated mentor with similarly aligned career interests to support students throughout their


  • 7/31/2019 Fulbright - Passing the Torch - Information Package


    Interns will also take part in:

    A kick-off team-building day trip with fellow Interns and Mentors Career and personal development seminars and other events hosted by VietSeed and the U.S.


    Interns will be expected to:

    Dedicate 20-40 hours per week for 8-10 weeks from March through April for their Internship Complete a final project as formulated at the start of their Internship Be present at all required events, including but not limited to the: 1) kick-off team-building trip,

    2) mid-Internship reflection, 3) career development workshops, and 4) closing ceremony

    Deliver a final presentation at the closing ceremony Engage in community service Write blog entries about their Internship experience

    Fulbright-PT Mentoring Program

    The purpose of the Fulbright-PT Mentorship Program is to bring students, mentors, and mentors

    organizations together in a mutually-beneficial partnership. The program serves as an opportunity for

    students to be connected to a dedicated mentor who will provide continuing support to and collaboration

    with Interns throughout their projects.

    Each Intern will be paired with a mentor from our Fulbright-PT Mentor Network based on career and

    personal interests, as well as geographic preference.

    Our mentors include dedicated professionals who have successfully navigated through their

    postgraduate and/or college studies, and have accomplished significant achievements in their careers.

    VietSeed and the U.S. Embassy will also provide group mentoring through various workshops and

    seminars. These activities will be designed to provide our Scholars with essential skill training and

    useful knowledge needed to succeed professionally and beyond.

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    The Fulbright Passing the Torch (Fulbright-PT) Scholarship and Internship Program (i.e. Fulbright-PT Program) is targeted at third- and fourth-year university students who have shown outstandingacademic ability and professional promise despite facing economic challenges. Most Internshiprecipients come from rural areas and from households earning less than $2,500 annually (for a typicalfamily of four) and are considered to be economically disadvantaged.


    VietSeed Foundation and the U.S. Embassy will jointly evaluate candidates and choose recipients for theFulbright-PT Program. To be eligible for the Fulbright-PT Program, the applicant must:

    Be a Vietnamese citizen, as well as a rising third- or fourth-year undergraduate university student Demonstrate significant financial need Document professional preparedness and maturity, as well as leadership and collaborative

    qualities necessary for succeeding in his/her Internship

    Finalists have to submit appropriate documentation verifying their financial situation in order to qualifyfor a Fulbright-PT Internship.

    Selection Criteria

    We seek deserving students with well-developed academic skills needed for them to thrive both duringthe internship and beyond. Some factors used in evaluating academic achievement include:

    Grades: Grade Point Average (GPA) from the first two or three years of university and highschool GPA, academic prizes and achievements.

    Essays: In reviewing each students application essay, we look for evidence of logical thinking,intellectual spark, self-determination, and altruistic ambitions. In particular, we will be looking

    for a) a high level of maturity and professionalism and b) thoughtfulness regarding future career

    goals, all of which will serve as the foundation for a successful and rewarding Internship

    experience Recommendations: Professor Recommendations may reveal more about the student from

    different points of view. These may deal with student performance, how students interact in the

    classroom and school community, how they compare to their peers, etc.

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    We do not have absolute standards for any of the criteria listed. Instead, when selecting recipients for theInternship, we try to answer the following questions:

    Does this student demonstrate significant economic hardship that will hinder him/her frompursuing his/her education plan? Has this student overcome socio-economic obstacles to achieve academic excellence? Does this student have enough motivation and ability to excel in a professional setting and take

    a lead role in a substantial project?

    Other Criteria

    VietSeed and the U.S. Embassy will also take additional criteria into consideration, such as commitmentto fulfill VietSeeds and the U.S. Embassys requirements, if accepted, including participation in a full -

    day kick-off team-building event, four group training seminars, a closing ceremony, and other plannedactivities.

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    Make sure you review our Selection Criteria to determine your eligibility before you apply for theFulbright Scholarship and Internship Program.


    1. Submit your application documentation before the deadline by email or by post.

    Deadline for the 2012-2013 Fulbright-PT Program: July 4th, 2012

    The documentation includes:

    Fulbright-PT program application form Copy of High School transcript, University transcript Copy of financial background information, i.e. Certificate of Low-income Household or any

    other certificate of family financial background issued by local authorities (recommended but notrequired)

    Two (02) Recommendation Letters2. Invitations to interview will be sent to selected candidates within four weeks after the deadline date.

    3. The final decision on scholarship awards will be sent to all interviewees during the first week ofSeptember 2012


    June 1st, 2012: Applications open

    July 4th,2012: Application deadline

    July 5thJuly 30th, 2012: Screening process

    August 1stAugust 24th, 2012: Interview short-listed candidates

    September 4th, 2012Announcement of Internship recipients

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    To download the Fulbright Scholarship application form, visit our website at www.vietseed.org.

    Should you have any questions, visit our website or send us an email [email protected]/or callMr. Pham Ngoc DuyHanoi Program Manager at 097 369 4274.

    http://www.vietseed.org/http://www.vietseed.org/http://www.vietseed.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.vietseed.org/