Fujiki vs. Marinay Digest

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  • 7/25/2019 Fujiki vs. Marinay Digest


    University of the Philippines College of Law

    Persons and Family Relations | Professor Legarda

    Case Digest

    TOPIC: Bigamous Marriages

    CAS !um"er : GR No. 169049CAS !ame: #u$i%i vs& Marinay

    Ponente: 'usti(e Carpio


    Fujiki (petitioner Japanese) married Marinay (respondent Filipino) in te

    Pilippines in !""#$ %is parents did not like er so e &as not a'le to 'ring

    er &it im to Japan and tey eentually lost ontat$ Marinay married anoter Japanese Maekara in !""* in te Pilipines+ and e

    later 'rougt er &it im to Japan$ %e turned out to 'e a'usie so Marinay

    left im and ontated Fujiki$ ,ey reesta'lised teir relationsip$ Fujiki elped Marinay o'tain a judgment in a Family Court in Japan delaring

    er marriage &it Maekara oid+ due to 'igamy$ %e ten -led a petition &it

    te R,C in te Pilippines to reogni.e te foreign judgment and orret

    related douments registered in te Ciil Registrar$R,C dismissed petition stating tat it did not omply &it Rule /$M$ 0o "!1221

    2"13C &ere only te us'and or te &ife ould -le for a'solute nullity of

    oid marriage$ 4t also dismissed petitioner5s motion for reonsideration

    stating tat+ in a speial proeeding for orretion of entry under Rule 2"6+

    te trial ourt as no jurisdition to nullify marriages (ollateral attak)$


    7eter or not /M 0o$ "!12212"13C is applia'le$o 0o$o Does not apply in a petition to reogni.e foreign judgment$ Petitioner

    need only present 89ial pu'liation and erti-ation:opy attested 'y

    o9er &o as opy of te judgement$o Does not apply sine it means ourt &ill litigate te ase ane&o Does not apply in 'igamous marriages

    7eter or not us'and or &ife of a prior marriage an -le a petition to

    reogni.e foreign judgment nullifying te su'se;uent marriage 'et&een isor er spouse and a foreign iti.en on te ground of 'igamy$o

  • 7/25/2019 Fujiki vs. Marinay Digest


    o Petition for orretion annot nullify marriage 'ut tis does not apply in

    a reognition of foreign judgment &ere one party is a foreignero ,is is to aoid ine;uita'le situation &ere foreigner may re1marry

    &ile Filipino annot$

    )ULI!*:Petition ?ranted