: # .. ;< s r _. , *. _ ,„, , «--f*;tJ*- jfj « r -( — ~ r~ Member of ^fflerti flew Voi* Press Association JtfUtomrtif Weekly for the Common People ^andOtljers. ^Stearns sells gasoline.: |:Uj-The new shoes at Benson's. R^All green garden truck; at' Flan- KlS- _New and_second hand refrigera- lis at Stearns. \ / , . f_-Ghi-Namel demonstration May rind 21. . -bailey Bros. | _^palnders has the largest line of fa and they are the best.in bulk. ^The battle of bull run, 101 i|^n feature in 3 reels, at Wonder- land Wednesday. .---The Missionary Society- of the fcjngregatipnal Church, will hold a Jcked food aale in Holfcrpok's store^ Etortfay, May 23rd. I;-^And also, a nice line of house leises and wrappers, all sizes and liprs. Prices ranging from $1.25 pj|1.75 now 89 cents to $1.19 at ItbbBon Bros.. l-i-There will be services in the lee Methodist Church from now on. Inday, preaching 10 i30 a. m., and f:3bp. m. Prayer meeting Wednes- |y night, 7:30 p. m. H. A. Brayton, Pastor. |—Reduction in .wages are being Irtously considered in. | h e . East and fall the iron arid).jsteel idistrict?. ^eQincinnati ^^$iffeEy say3:''it is clSred that the cbnVpetition has been t;keen on the'patt 'M ,the manufac- turers on the Atlantic "Coast on ac- imt of the reduction ; of -the tariff |at they are 'demanding the reduc- \>n, forcing the Western mianufac- jrers to take a iikp ptahd.'' |>^-Since pur mentioning la'st week |at Maclyp Arbuckle was to produce i play, "The ^untyv{0hairman t " a New York moving picture coin- by, using ^aidingto|J^n<i surround;. ^.country for }a??b^^grourid, Mr, Ibackle write^jfe-^a^^lias? found I impossible $6 'do so.' ;pp 'account of Sufficient «i(c^oin^da^ions in;- Wad- pgton'.fofSniat;. t^ipbejs^qf. people, but 50 or^OL ;l^HeV..play probably |fl be staged in. New, York. -Mrs. Wv.fe-.'Cross of Salem, j;,.has pjroyjepj&ijatnecessity is not |y the "tSqt^cf^ : invention,, but | t i t may be 'theimother of chick- She had a setting of eggs in |cess of ha|phitfj|;^bqt' after twelve jfs the ben des^rl^d'tjie nest, Mrs. put a : Bpt^ater bottle over ! eggs. Thenihjl"conferred with' bphysician Regarding the tempera- lie at which Vthte :; water should be pt. She fpllPWpd instructions, |ti the result that six chickens were bed ftom; the' original setting of -Anew issue of postage stamps iy soon he had at the , local post- Ice. The fl^^amBs will come in denqmitiatiotts '••of "'. ieven, nine; leive, ^ tWep$; rami; ""-^Mrty cents. |e seven cent .staittii- bears the pic- i of /Wash'»ngtons : '7 ; *t$- »s described |black ip colijjft.--but'-'at*.--is- not black. ..^the^^t^pf^eas'vtDe' picture |-|t'enjamih:.-;|j|ajsK'lin>' The nine p t Stan1]pi''^Bih£j;;yi^^*eI*e' cent is ropBj '-the-:/.tw^fei^ , i';'. soerit' is light fie arid thevthitly/^fent is! yermiljorf ^^elye,:c^ttfr;- : ^top;; : ^it{' he '"' es-' |ia1iy;'uB;e^t'^ : -i''^^ftt$e'd letters E^f sjiedi^ ^ti^ry*letters.. Up ftie, : ^re'sjttf ;^eit^'iliaVe "beep no Imps 'of the^is^enptfifaationsi. For' Tie' I ' ^ ^ ^ t o f f i ^ - ^ n ; IthRjUghoTit : cpriptry 1 ^hiyeifeept;account of the pisv-'most vpoMpwfity ireqtiired for the •J^aH^'^rijels.'" post pagesj.an4;|l^a]i!%4^^'t^' ^ IM : $p*moJ3t;$&r$^ ' ^^^t^cftiliatein^rMral schools. vhiej^in^'^;^ "l^te^ ^g|^'?^i§^;fe,i^eE^jliiate\t1fe;tent; p^jilafejuifJil^f^rf-:|t|te,;is;. ''ex:-' pplijfildiii.^^kll^c^ wMte ya^^\^^^ii0 ;^osed :- ; ^es)fl:tv 1<^^5|C^0S^'^is^i*::": ^#^ ; ; _,' iiljriftii|:r-;^{'op^ , ''^#|l^? !i$'ifo^e%>^^ ' ''M#i6n^i*i^ii^ : :^Jif;*ayM N^i^ : -'^^, : ;|ertfe-:^ ; ''t^; ity agent from the various school Witti^%m'jp>tjiig^^ '®fc$t&Ut'$ •to /$&• •^0f f 4tii'':m0'' f^M^ i.^te' W:**»K*> '•••#* -riwliw*'. tit-ti^lfa+y .-/ ; /. v '-.« : /-'..'"••' j^-Dishes at Stearns. —Flanders has fresh berries every day. -r-3 cans of tomatoes at Flanders' for 25 cents. —Little hats for little boys and girls at Benson's. Mr. J. D. Stearns expects, a player piano in this week. -—Regular meeting of Lyra Chap- ter No. 230, 0. E. S., Wednesday evening, May 20th. ' —Learn how to make your - old floors look like hardwood floors. Demonstration May 20 and 21. Dailey Bros. —The Norfolk Drilling Company is drilling a well at the residence of Richard McCormick on Morgan street. —Before you go for your vacation call and see our beautiful line of trunks, suit cases, and traveling bags at very low prices. Jacobson Bros. —Tour straw berries are kept in a v refrigreator and. free from dust. This is the proper way. We Keep all garden truck refrigerated at Flan- ders'. ) —Making a specialty of watch and clock repairing. Give you the _best results possible. This also includes low. prices, guaranteed work and prompt service. Difficult jobs solicit- ed. W. CfTaft, Norfolk. v —Wilfrid Bridge of Ogdensburg this spring landed a thirteen pound salmon trout in the St. Lawrence river a few miles below Mbrrisburgi The catch has created a stir in ang- ling circles, as. the fish is new in that locality. —The London Lancet, the leading, medical journal of the world, says that the best and simplest fly killer is a weak solution of formaldehyde in water (two teaspoonfuls to the pint). Place in plates or saucers throughout the house. Ten cents' worth of this liquid will last an ordinary family all summer. It has no offensive odor, is fatal' to disease organisms and is practically nonpoiaonous except to in- sects. ' - —In March 1914. the New York, Central carried 20,000 fewer loaded; freight cars than it did in March 1913. In March 1914, there were. 15,000 less men employed by this road than in March 19.13, and within the last week there have been an ad- ditional 10,000 men laid off. -In making a statement of the conditions; Vice President Hardin, of the New York Central observed: "The rail- roads constitute, the barometer of the country, and the freight traffic of the railroads is the real idicator of the biisiirss of the country." . '" *—That the-,, baccalaureate address; which Irving Ba'cheH'er, the author, is scheduled to deliver at Clarkson college on the, last day of thjis month, will not be a seirnbn,' is. the state-' ment cohained in a lettter which Mr; Bacheller has jnsit-.^Htten President Brooks on the s.ubjejfttv In fact Mri Bacheller Delieves: that as a-preacher, he is not a rsqecess. and fie basis his ideas on his own experience. Mf„, Bacheller says: '"''Pipage.do not sayl that my proposed .talk'iQ:',the senior 1 class is to be a sermpni I Would not presume to preach .sertriphl to any4. body and shall not until I; haye suc-i ceeded in preaching witji bettei» effect ; . to niyself. I have been '.preaeihing toj mysblf for a nuniber of yeaVa \and Jtj have decided that,I atni, a, f&ilujte^iift that line. Call'it anything JybUlike- .but a sermon." . ' ., "'"';'' 'i.' 'I Li^prof, Edwin B. Wheeler; Mo? jias Occupied the chafe of physics ft* Cla>k1*oii cqll^ge,. FotsdaiWi ^Pi.ithej : pabt.' ijiX.. y^aisf • • 'fiaBj' -t'0ii(3fs^d;:vlii^: ^jg^atjion ; -tp: i ^^.^oard,?,p^ :tfuijtiS|%; ;jjto|/it ; •ft,as : "^%' ; accep(^^^:,.^^! ^e|p|et w > itH^e"'c1^--.io|;'|hi ; -pjrl^^ ; iiio|fege':year^; Prp. ; ^^K!?ii)^fe^^|lni^ v k0<& oi^^^S'^MT^i^K'iiB^ '[^M% : and 'itfwair :^| \% t %&$$0^i$ ; .gie'a^t- rfegre't tWaiW#\'4^s|^i^'' ^(SJEJ<#.',' r-Ws- .•;: i^is^^-:'-, 'X^wf-• ^|^h^«aui^f'::h1nn : -.^'||1^:;'^;'^|; 01^:^ Ifliy^fiyj^^iil^*!-'; i^L- ' Jj^jo;^ .gicadua® ^^Mi^t0iki^: HIff imm? %&••%&%'-^ (^^.: ®&> ^j0iiii"... ^el^l^rl^atW'SSpft*:-: J .i^^^lniO^^ : '*^^^^-*^•'*^• , '^^^^^• ^-la w ajtib«ai y te^rtt^r» :: ^!'»#it' ;^Bir^--oilip fbf'^'''^ft^irftill: '!(*»' Pii*- J. H. Morgan spent Sunday in. New- York city. W. N. Crouch made a trip to*Mur- rayisle, Thursday. * .-• Dr. W. E. Collins of Potsdam was a visitor in town Thursday. Mrs. Minerva Gage, spent several days at Madrid last week. Dan Flynn and wife are .spending- some time with friends in town. "" Miss Ada Strait of Madrid, was a week end visitor at A. L. Yale's, Mrs. Arthur Pierson and two chil^ dren spent Sunday at Noah Pierspn's, Mn and Mrs. C. H. Stowell spetft Sunday at their cottage." at Murray- isle." ... Mrs. C. S. Sumner, of Canton; was a guest at *Dr. CO. Sumner's, Sat- urday. - V Mrs. Ella Pease attended the li- brarian-institute at Ogdensburg yes- terday. Mrs. Eobinson and daughter;. Mary, of Madrid, were guests at The -New Whitney, Sunday.'; Dr.. L. P. Regan and Edward Frenette~attended the dance at Pots-.; dam Thursday night. .'"*'. Mrs. Lewis Hansen is spending a month visiting friends in, "Vermont and New Hampshire. • •- Mr. 1 and Mrs. N, M; Marshall, of Malpnp; spent Sunday at the home of Dril.^W. Kissan». .1 ,' v Miss Lottie Lawrence, of Rosen- hayn, N. J., spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs; J. J. Anable. MrV^and Mrs. Charles Rbckwood, of North Stockholm, madtf a motor trip to Norwood, Friday. Mr. Henry Barnet.t, of Massena, spent Sunday with; his sister; Mrs. C. M, Redmond,and family. .: Mr:;' Rudolf Bardehhauer, of New York spent Sunday with.his family at the home .-of Wv F. EheJiis, ; Mifsi. Ethan Stowell left last Tuesi day.for^anchester, Mass., to visit her sister, Mrs. Anna, Young. Jtfi and Mrs. B, H f Flynn of this village and friends of Potsdam, l«!ft las| week: for a weeks fish at Jo In- dian Lake./ * Mr. Elms Bel!;, who is spending some time at Jo Indian "Lake, last week sent us a fine.mess of the speckled beauties.. . .W.C. Gage.arid wife, Mrs. Cora Frisbie and Miss .Thelma Imrie at- tended the dedication service of St. Philips Church; at Madrid last Fri- day. ' • - . •(• Mrs. Martha^ farmeter, of- Pots- dam, spent iSunday, the guest of Mrs- W. A.. Waite and. family; returning ; in- 1 the evening with her son, Mr, Ernest Martin, 1 'of Pptsdahii Mrs, Jessie. Shields and Miss Ruth Hubbard; of T Syracuse, -after spending 'soitne time .here" .with relatives and; friends, left Saturday, oiif^ evening itjain for Gpuverneur;'wi&ere they will .spend a week with relatives. , ' —rink ; for' stamp,fcaa's;;. at A thfs ;officei 25 cen^s 'aibottle.; ' - - . ; . •;." ^W:e have just received a nice line, 'of.ladle's ^d.n>isses'. gentiine Manama hats, from $1.98 up, at JacobsbhBjTOs/ .'• •..',-" . : s ' . - " ' '• '•'' : -..•'-.': ii."'•'.•'• t'"'" v^J[)o ybu^know, tiie delights' ii\=S*,a leup of Hotel Vernioiit braiid r Gaffee? ; ; it's'; Jragrarice,.; ':'-6£iyfi^j:-.$nd\ <-arbnia jpteasfes evriiyprife; w|i6;/dlrrik8- - It: Ask '^pdr : grb.cer,;aBpU't'M.''"*'•.-;''. •'','•••-,..' \ ? ?: .'i^^he "Eot.s;d^n3--Mprir!ai',-'Wbtt-'sfrpm,' ^Pt^pp;4;-'^'igK-^^ -, y am?' : *Sa^H?^y;^!^6rSpp^y^^ -f^-sjii^ciipwcl^ '^^ajJtijtioKsa; .•;Jn|tri6': ;^3i;f^ ;tli^,;^pj^tt4&';f-'Stpi^": •']gtlte'he'a i |fe)^^e^igfc'.^p|I,J; ^^e^^Qv^ S8!-atid,^ p^; ;%0^p^^aeM^;;'mnltf g; ; - ^MbUlib^t-ipf; - : !loS^6o^; ; ^c'^ :,an^ c^i^^Uy;^ib^^j||fe^p^l|^a|y Sfea^^i;|a|;p^i!^f;^rii(^ic^i »Wi|i^;|^^i^li^i^p^ii^^ ^jftei^Ublicarif ){6j£- %i^i$r ; ^i^' , ^t$' !*xii«|wia^iit?W^ •pi-:it{^^|^;v.';3|^^f^ :t^ji^^^:!s^tfe';tt»^ ^"^w^-tP:^PMii^ '^'^ ! ;'tt| ; jlifeij&^^ June I am going to sell this sweeper ji^lhe -|^Mfrjce) ywWfilM ''''M.yWh .^l^::-';%, ;:'#!;' '!(#$/• fl|.;i^;; ( f$&; 1^0$$ ##& : : ma:^^;-:;:^jiap^itkt: $&&lt ; V V -'^ jr(i*ft;^V|^gi^.;;' ; ::; Get your roofing at Stearns: ; —^For sanitary foods, Flanders has th,fem. . :j-j_0 o n pt forget! that Flanders'gar- den seeds are exceptionally fine.. ..';!—rPine apples will be. the cheapest thiB week. Get them for canning npw at.Flanders'. —vWe will make an expert wood grainer of you free of charge. May 26 and 21. Dailey Bros . i—Hon. John A. Smith, of. Law- rence, who has beenill the past four weeks, was in Norwood, Monday, on his way to resume his seat at Albany. —Call and see our beautiful line pf. ladie's and misses.dresses' made up in the latest make and. latest materials at very reasonable prices at. Jacobson •Bros. '. ,T-HEggs imported, into the United 'States during the first three months of. the new Tariff act,' October, November and December last, totaled 1,700,000 dozens. In the entire preceding flscalyear only 1,370,000 dozens were, shipped to this country. ^—The man and woman who try to make their home 1 the riiost interesting. spot on earth for each other, and frir :, their friends and those who are near and dear to them, have but occasional use for the club. It is to them, like the theater, pleasant place to enter now and then but not a spot.to dwell in. —The Business Men's Association of this' village has lately become affiliated with the Northern New York Developriient League, and we are ad- vised by the president of this, com- niercial body that their next meeting Will be-held in Norwood in -the near- future. The date has not been fully decided upon. - r —rThe case of Frederick Barnhart, by guardian, against Dr. J. W. Kis- sane,' of /Norwood, , was decided jn faiyor, of the. defendant at Canton, YRfednesday, The.jury brought.in a ve>dict of no. cause . of .action, after bjeingbut a few minutes.. Barnhajt 'enteied the home of Dr; .Kissane; and was. shot by the latter in-mistake for a fau*glar. TifOugh his guardian and; uncle*,Dr. H, D. .Thatcher, he sued'to recover damages. -^rMr. F, M. Rogers; a successful New York hotel man, will, open and conduct - the Mprray Hill hotel at Mnrrayisle, ••-.. at the,Thousand Islands this summer. Mr. Rogers now has. a force of men at that, place putting the hotel in readiness for the summer trade, which, owing to the burning of three large hotels in that vicinity; expected will receive a large patron- age» The Murray Hill is one of the lagest hotels at the Islands. -T-A. §ood many- thousands of re- spectable suburban people will have to get busy between now and June 1, or they will be subject to punishment by law for the commission of a mis- demeanor. It is now a misdemeanor in this state to leave tent caterpillers or tiieir nests on btie'.s trees or bush- es. And there are few suburban places in this part of the world that are without nests of'these caterpil- ; lers.; The state cfimissipner of agri- culture, Calvin J. Etuson, acting in obedience t o . a law passed for the pujrpPse,. has issued a proclamation which, will be found in full on another page, 1 r^Pap'ers were served Wednesday in aripther action brought by , Father K}auderj pf Maione, against Bishop j)3iseph : H. Conroy of Ogdensburg .for f 56,000 datnages for tlip parjt which hp jbjishpp- 460k fn' prey en ting. Klauder :frpiri minglipg with the cletgy in the sanctuary of the ehurch at;' Mailohe dpririg.the'seryic'es.at.'the -'funetal 01 thefatp; -Fattier '. Mcpermott,. March" S&i../'l^lSi'' lhis r is..thp third! ^suit ipstitttted h^JPather Kl'aPdef oh' adi poupt of'pis; troubles ,ip thp.diocese, of? ^Qgd'epaMr|;i;_''; jTlip;first-wMs'•' agajns't:; J^lip^a'^'^^hjriipglL^'aiid: ^Phrby ^M"; 7p6cfes: :i ;^§ii^. ; Mh$ : JHa^b^id|p' ; ;ilie' ; --.|e^np ;jaga'j'iiat';' ^jshpp' i, Ss(h%i!|{5 p'pr; - ifioliaily^- .a^a^iMW/ythV 'th1r4 ;ig^iiast, irBisfeS^ ; ' ,,:Cpfik&; yj$ '-tTb"e- _ lapfetwp^ i^itede : ^"a^pear8;;a|j'iii»'owii ;: ' .a^rrieiC - '*£^re^if£i^&:^ ^ p j a ^ l^iiy^j^pp.hpid^^^ei .-Mj,,.' 'Ej; ;e'v^ijiigv ; ^Kilarj^^s^in^^pir^^: }z^'(|;ipB-' : ;pi;-,tfa''e4^ twpijt)mithe ^o^nl^^'yplalBiypfcv^'^^ ?St«]P^iiiiS("V ^^ht06i.^"". ; -: ^ti&'^iT^pS^oWfi^; .'*J. ^Jll^ fb|-p^v$!ed:!tp;^ ;l^..4fff(^iefei^' : ;^jj$c^g:M, ^tma 0afm^i\i^»i. ' : ;fhi|W^^ %;#&-! 'f$i»ii$;#$nf' '-ittd ^oW^-'i-oij'.:^.^:- '$hiU th^!^*«nt|bi;^fife•«|h|- i " ; bno"^ ;ft^r^^S(ft'#i^ Piii8^ fc ;ipi6p*||i>' ^jg*i^:;fe;^iJiiSiJ|yi • ' ^ « ^ r . ^ * J f t i ; ^i tyimftr;; •%$& *e*vtce* .»^--*ft J6g8jlp-.teji.' i^.:'-Vp - ».i v ' ';•' ... -'.'.'•.-.'vr.C-.''•.•• ; ; ; —^-Phonogjraphs and organs. "'•'.' . Stearns. c —Cbi-Namel demonstration . to-day and to-morrow. . —Elattders, coffees are the best on- the market- Try a pound and cohvience yourself. . - —Cards lave been issued for an informal dancing party ip McNulty's hall, Friday night of this week. 'lie Rt; Eev. Bishop Nelson, of DioctWof Albany, will Jconduct con- firmatjfc service in St. Philip's chui;cHfchvirsday evening, (Ascension Day). May 21,'at 7:30 o'clock. AU are welcome to attend this service, \—The annual meeting of the Women's Horae and Foreign'Mission- ary societies, of St. Lawrence Dis-i trict, Northern New York conference, will be held an the Methodist Episco- pal .Church; Canton, next Tuesday and Wednesday, May 26 and 27. —W ithout the. support of a united and aggressive public seritiment sani- tary laws will avail but li tie in, the conservation ofvpublic, health-r-a good reason yhy you should become an ac- tive'worker in the. anti-fly crusade. There's foona for everybody in the ranks of the army of disease fighters, and the warcry is."Swat the fly." —I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.: .1 like to see a man live in it so that his place will he proxid of him. Be honest, but hate im one; overturn a man's wrong doing, but do not Pyerturn hini unless it niust be done in overturri'ing the wrong. Stand with anybody that stands -wrigfit. . Stand with him while he is light, and part with him when he goes wrong,—Abraham Lincoln. —The sale or serving of adulterat- ed of. iniabranded food is prohibited under a penalty by the Godfrey bill. Dealers who have such fpod on their shelyps and restaurant or hotel ;men who serve it are deemed to be equally responsible. One. of. the farreach- ing provisions of the new law is that holding that.fpod contained in or ser- ved fronv a. receptacle falsely marked oyer labeled as to the name of the manufacturer shall be deemed mis, branded. r—Mr. Lyman Crane, of Stockholm, thisj spring sent to the editor of Farm and Home a sample of syrup manu- factured by Israel Dodge. In .reply Editor Powell stated that , the syrup was of good color and the flavor more pronpnneeA than that for which he was paying $2.^)0 per gallon. Mr. Dodge has .been selling his for 80 cents and. $1.00. Not; everyone knows that St. Lawrence county makes some of the best syrup in this country. —-The following Norwood people attended the concerts given by the Potsdam. Normal at Potsdam last week: KT. and Mrs. E. J> Mulhol- larid,:Mrs.. C C. Hall, Reuben Yale, 1,Mr; and Mrs. E. E. Wright, Glendon Fuller, Mrs. P. E.. Walker, Mrs. B. P. Barnard, Miss L Rutherford, Miss Phyllis Fotbes, Miss Geraldine Cor- . riell, M iss Thelma Imrie, Paul Oliver, Mrsi Wi'. J. Fletcher, Miss Louise Fletcher, Miss- Margaret Fletcher, Mis. P. F. Powell and daughter, Esther,. Wm. Fletcher, Miss Edith Rutherford-. —The weather the past week, although most clear, has been cool, the prevailing-winds being' from the north west. A white frost lay-oh the ground Friday morning, - but no > damagei reported from it in this vici-. nity. Ih the vicinity of Fiiie Lakeih ithpAdgiroiidacks it is reported ftat pight;lMch^s-,(!,f snow fell there Wed- Pesday^ . -.Pptir iPChes of. snow, is fe- ipotted; at-. iJia^e" Pleasant, and other s;e<iti(0'n,4(p>t*he:' Adiropdacks; .rfepprt a 'hpayy)sji6w''stPrnTii., Big drjits from. Jasfc iJ.l^teF's heavy snpw.s pfejIt-iiifiJBe'p ..m' 'ih-angr of the! wooded section^.. ; • :'- ; - ;f i'.. '.' " T - • ' "•,.' •' - "- -.: •'' : • ; • •. . —By.h>anp*ipg ^gpther JL,$Qp Go, <^hatn;.gifl^ In/ &V*P$'P "''*$ ^t^B^'ve;' '3'pagq'e^''tp;&a^e;|h^ ] 0ii\^di^:^W<^p^^ '• •:pioypn/eti|:-;eyef. .altPrppteia'tp^'Phpcte yh'ite'''B|ayei|' ; -,:Wa4 lip^i-fiee&^cfli^Wiiedi: ip ; .,^iB;w|^Mirk;, ^n.rpjiigB^|i(|ite^^ '^i^iMiS •fia^^ ;:p.^i?i'.;yo!)'ni|:. MafijesV P,ppprfup»|i^ : . .'fer.; rvrtjj^l^ni|^ci?e|tipri ftte- .peiis^ti^^ ^M<^^;-^i;f wp^tiipv ^iPj'^fei^ |riae'e!;y ^;-|§^ ;ajep; ~j|^|^'^ i lr^xj^^ir^^^^^^'^^£^^ : -' lj:eiMp*fi3': ;i^ig;^r©.|e^|i ; y^-fen^J;gE^ , ipl^l^lie^^ai^^o^^p^peP ypikptii^ !|t.b.^^14' 'itP^'difatr-, 'apiiectiveS'-'apd', •^e^^^!^^0^§&i^^j^ case - i|i!&liiH#i:Vii^^^ ; tacm l^jlj^'^^tp;^^;!^^;' '•.."•'''''. ^-''diil'tfjf!- w.,"; ; ceinfc. 'p|ppi<J;"'^^»i,:^-: ! p«**i'':*[••:•'. [ y; ' ':•• •> '•'''8^^;'"' LlBfiARY NOTICES. Library hours—Tuesday and Saturday 3 ta 5 p. m., Thursday and - Saturday 7 to 9 p. m. Reading room open every evening 7 to 9, except' Wednesday. The trustees of Norwood Library have received a generous check from Mr. H. H. Day, a former well known resident of Norwood, accompanied by the. request to be added to the members of the subscription list as a permanent subscriber. List of new children's books: Church—Story of the Glaid Dubis—League of the Signet ring Martin—Emmy Lou, Her Book Smith—^-Jolly Goodtimes Eyle—Nancy Rutledge. Fowle—Ralegh Maynard—^Elliott Grey, jr. Mason—rTorn Strong Boy-captain Davis^tReading in Ancient His- tory Greece and the East Davis—Reading in Ancient History Rome and the "West Church—Roman Life in the Days of Cicero Dubois—Lass of the Silver Sword Ratt—America's Story for Ameri- can's Children 5 vols. Buckley—-Children- of the Dawn. Seton—Book of Woodcraft Wells—Outdoor Signalling Burgess—Mother West Wind's Ani- trial Friends Dopp—The Tree Dwellers Dropp—The Early Cave Men Dropp—The Later-Cave Men May 21st the library will be open- in the afternoon from 3 to 5, instead of the evening as usual. Notice Notice is hereby given that the as- sessment roll of the village of Nor- wood, N. Y., has been completed and was filed with the village clerk on May, llth, 1914, and that such roll will remain on file with the cierk subject to public inspection for fif- teen days from date of such delivery. Norwood, N. Y. May l l t h , 1914 y fS; J. Benson George O'Leary W. W. Dearth. P. S. Walker Assessors. U r Dissolution of. Partnership G. W. Judson has bought out the interest of W. -J. Rosby in the Nor- folk Drilling Co., and wi)l continue business under the same firm name as heretofore. Norfolk Drilling 'Co. Norfolk, N. Y. Lock Box 275. ' ' Notice. Beginning Thursday, May 21st> the barber shops in this village will be closed at noon on Thursday of each week only. On other days open from 7 a. m. to. 9 p. nn. P. J. Hogan G. T. Currier. For Sale Winter and spring vetches, soy beans, rape, 7 kinds of seed corn, buckwheat. Timothy seed $2.75 to $3.25 per bushel for .cash." Also Guernsie bull calves, and registered bull at your service,. $l.'qash, at the Crane Farm, North Stockholm. N. Y. & For. Sale ' Two houses at' reasonable prices. One house is 26x30 with all modern improvements, bath, etc., has 10 rooms. The other has. 7 rooms, good orchard and barn, and water. In- quire of C. ft. Rinsey, Norwood, N. Y. ,-For Rent. "_ Thjjpfe furnished, cottages for the seaSop. Finest cariip sites along the river,"'in sigh't off- all navigation, s locatpd on (3i;apser Island. Finest fishiiig and boating.-. For further in- formation,. Address, The Crapser IslaridSFariHS; Inc., VFaddington, N*-Y. '--•; i> ; ; ,; ' -. •'. .'POp.Rprtt.: One furnished.hp"Me in Waddington villagp-- ^^fer^drpy place, in-view of all ^SSsbgr Tbb^tBV; Sest location in tow|.•', AddreS^* t'ock box 28, '^Sddi^gfe^.%'^'-' •;';' . •*•;•:".'r •. ; \:;i i ort;said;x " i i Tonia;fo' , i!lalijJfe9,dJi^S8ief. varif/ies, also : 'fprnft -an'd\o1K«r'';#'antSi'. ;; ; ';('• ';H?***;: ?E» Barnes. •/•6n^-Mi*6^yf'Vag^|^.^ftir deliyety .|l!gigh^i.;-p|^^o;rlc:'. ! !b^|(6i"all in good eppditi^ ; .;'.<; . v^p|sp,P Pernfce. ;;','•. _'_" :.- ' -;fp^dti|aieV ; ',." A, g^pdiiBal .^EVa^ipi, phetlpi / '^ . ««;|L''T^i^:io^odd, K Y. ;;.-^^p;1^ii|iir^ian^|i^ hens frpfti ;*hp ; i)pstp»ip§ .^^'scljice Killed is -^pi^V':'^«ttt*s: '^itll-tjt^ l^ipsulator and ;ajfr .:^jfa^ ? ;i^^ri^ipini"-|ite gwaran- -i«^.V';fe''4fe i Wci^i'Mimf. 3838. * i,***.i p « r -t

f*;tJ*- jfj « -( — ~ r~nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075693/1914-05-20/ed-1/seq-1.pdfKlS-_New and_second hand refrigera-lis at Stearns. \ / , . f_-Ghi-Namel demonstration May

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: # .. ;<s

r _ . , *. _ , „ , , «--f*;tJ*- jfj « r -( — ~ r~

Member of

^fflerti flew Voi*



JtfUtomrtif Weekly

for the

Common People


^Stearns sells gasoline.:

|:Uj-The new shoes at Benson's.

R^All green garden truck; a t ' Flan-

KlS-_New and_second hand refrigera-

l i s at Stearns. \ / , . f_-Ghi-Namel demonstration May rind 21. . -bailey Bros.

| _^palnders has the largest line of fa and they are the best.in bulk.

^The battle of bull run, 101 i|^n feature in 3 reels, at Wonder­land Wednesday.

.---The Missionary Society- of the fcjngregatipnal Church, will hold a Jcked food aale in Holfcrpok's store^ Etortfay, May 23rd. I;-^And also, a nice line of house leises and wrappers, all sizes and liprs. Prices ranging from $1.25 pj|1.75 now 89 cents to $1.19 at ItbbBon Bros..

l-i-There will be services in the lee Methodist Church from now on. Inday, preaching 10 i30 a. m., and f:3bp. m. Prayer meeting Wednes-|y night, 7:30 p. m.

H. A. Brayton, Pastor. |—Reduction in .wages are being Irtously considered in. |he. East and fall the iron arid).jsteel idistrict?. ^eQincinnati ^^$iffeEy say3: ' ' i t is

clSred that the cbnVpetition has been t;keen on the'patt'M ,the manufac­turers on the Atlantic "Coast on ac-imt of the reduction ; of -the tariff

|at they are 'demanding the reduc-\>n, forcing the Western mianufac-jrers to take a iikp ptahd.'' |>^-Since pur mentioning la'st week |at Maclyp Arbuckle was to produce

i play, "The ^untyv{0hairman t" • a New York moving picture coin-

by, using aidingto|J^n<i surround;. ^.country for }a??b^^grourid, Mr, Ibackle write^jfe-^a^^lias? found I impossible $6 'do so.' ;pp 'account of Sufficient «i(c^oin^da^ions in;- Wad-pgton'.fofSniat;. t^ipbejs^qf. people, but 50 or^OL ;l^HeV..play probably

|fl be staged in. New, York. -Mrs. Wv.fe-.'Cross of Salem,

j;,.has pjroyjepj&ijatnecessity is not |y the "tSqt^cf^: invention,, but | t i t may be 'theimother of chick-

She had a setting of eggs in |cess of ha|phitfj|;^bqt' after twelve jfs the ben des^rl^d'tjie nest, Mrs.

put a: Bpt^ater bottle over ! eggs. Thenihjl"conferred with' bphysician Regarding the tempera-lie at which Vthte:;water should be pt. She fpllPWpd instructions, |ti the result that six chickens were

bed ftom; the' original setting of

-Anew issue of postage stamps iy soon he had at the , local post-Ice. The fl^^amBs will come in

denqmitiatiotts '••of"'. ieven, nine; leive, ^ tWep$; rami; ""- Mrty cents. |e seven cent .staittii- bears the pic-

i of /Wash'»ngtons:'7;*t$- »s described |black ip colijjft.--but'-'at*.--is- not black.

..^the^^t^pf^eas'vtDe' picture |-|t'enjamih:.-;|j|ajsK'lin>' The nine pt Stan1]pi''^Bih£j;;yi^^*eI*e' cent is ropBj '-the-:/.tw fei ,i';'. soerit' is light

fie arid thevthitly/^fent is! yermiljorf ^^elye,:c^ttfr;-:^top;;:^it{' he'"' es-' |ia1iy;'uB;e^t'^:-i''^^ftt$e'd letters E^f sjiedi^ ^ t i ^ ry* le t t e r s . . Up ftie,:^re'sjttf ;^eit^'iliaVe "beep no

Imps 'of the^is^enptfifaationsi. For' Tie' I ' ^ ^ ^ t o f f i ^ - ^ n ; IthRjUghoTit

: cpriptry1^hiyeifeept;account of the pisv-'most vpoMpwfity ireqtiired for

the •J^aH^'^rijels. '" post

pages j .an4; | l^a] i !%4^^ ' t^ ' ^

IM:$p*moJ3t;$&r$^ ' ^^t^cf t i l ia te in^rMral schools. vhiej^in^'^;^ "l^te^

^g|^'?^i§^;fe,i^eE^jliiate\t1fe;tent; p^jilafejuifJil^f^rf-:|t|te,;is;. ''ex:-' pp l i j f i ld i i i . ^^k l l^c^ wMte ya^^\^^^ii0 ;^osed :-; es)fl:tv

1<^^5|C^0S^'^ is i*::": # ^ ; ;

_,' iiljriftii|:r-;^{'op^,''^#|l^? ! i $ ' i f o ^ e % > ^ ^

' ' 'M#i6n^i*i^ i i^ : :^J i f ;*ayM

N^i^ : - '^^ , : ; | e r t fe - :^ ; ' ' t ^ ; ity agent from the various school Witti %m'jp>tjiig^^ '®fc$t&Ut'$

•to /$&• •^0ff4tii'':m0'' f^M^

i.^te'W:**»K*> '•••#* -riwliw*'.

tit-ti^lfa+y .-/;/.v'-.«:/-'..'"••'

j^-Dishes at Stearns.

—Flanders has fresh berries every day.

-r-3 cans of tomatoes at Flanders' for 25 cents.

—Little hats for little boys and girls at Benson's.

Mr. J. D. Stearns expects, a player piano in this week.

-—Regular meeting of Lyra Chap­ter No. 230, 0. E. S., Wednesday evening, May 20th. '

—Learn how to make your - old floors look like hardwood floors. Demonstration May 20 and 21.

Dailey Bros.

—The Norfolk Drilling Company is drilling a well at the residence of Richard McCormick on Morgan street.

—Before you go for your vacation call and see our beautiful line of trunks, suit cases, and traveling bags at very low prices. Jacobson Bros.

—Tour straw berries are kept in a vrefrigreator and. free from dust. This is the proper way. We Keep all garden truck refrigerated at Flan­ders'.

• ) —Making a specialty of watch and

clock repairing. Give you the _best results possible. This also • includes low. prices, guaranteed work and prompt service. Difficult jobs solicit­ed. W. CfTaft, Norfolk. v

—Wilfrid Bridge of Ogdensburg this spring landed a thirteen pound salmon trout in the St. Lawrence river a few miles below Mbrrisburgi The catch has created a stir in ang­ling circles, as. the fish is new in that locality.

—The London Lancet, the leading, medical journal of the world, says that the best and simplest fly killer is a weak solution of formaldehyde in water (two teaspoonfuls to the pint). Place in plates or saucers throughout the house. Ten cents' worth of this liquid will last an ordinary family all summer. It has no offensive odor, is fatal' to disease organisms and is practically nonpoiaonous except to in­sects. ' -

—In March 1914. the New York, Central carried 20,000 fewer loaded; freight cars than it did in March 1913. In March 1914, there were. 15,000 less men employed by this road than in March 19.13, and within the last week there have been an ad­ditional 10,000 men laid off. -In making a statement of the conditions; Vice President Hardin, of the New York Central observed: "The rail­roads constitute, the barometer of the country, and the freight traffic of the railroads is the real idicator of the biisiirss of the country." . ' "

*—That the-,, baccalaureate address; which Irving Ba'cheH'er, the author, is scheduled to deliver at Clarkson college on the, last day of thjis month, will not be a seirnbn,' is. the state-' ment cohained in a lettter which Mr; Bacheller has jnsit-.^Htten President Brooks on the s.ubjejfttv In fact Mri Bacheller Delieves: that as a-preacher, he is not a rsqecess. and fie basis his ideas on his own experience. Mf„, Bacheller says: '"''Pipage.do not sayl that my proposed .talk'iQ:',the senior1

class is to be a sermpni I Would not presume to preach .sertriphl to any4. body and shall not until I; haye suc-i ceeded in preaching witji bettei» effect;. to niyself. I have been '.preaeihing toj mysblf for a nuniber of yeaVa \and Jtj have decided that,I atni, a, f&ilujte iift that line. Call'it anything JybUlike-.but a sermon." . ' ., "'"';'' 'i.' 'I

Li prof, Edwin B. Wheeler; Mo? jias Occupied the chafe of physics ft* Cla>k1*oii cqll^ge,. FotsdaiWi ^Pi.ithej :pabt.' ijiX.. y^aisf •• • 'fiaBj' -t'0ii(3fs d;:vlii : ^jg^atjion;-tp:i^^.^oard,?,p^ :tfuijtiS|%; ;jjto|/it; •ft ,as :"^%' ;accep(^^^:, .^^! ^e|p|et w>itH^e"'c1^--.io|;'|hi ;-pjrl^^ ;

iiio|fege':year^; Prp.;^^K!?ii)^fe^^|lni^ vk0<& o i ^^^S ' ^MT^ i^K ' i iB^ '[^M% :and 'itfwair :^| \%t%&$$0^i$; .gie'a^t- rfegre't tWaiW#\ '4^s |^i^ ' ' (SJEJ<#.',' r-Ws- .•;: i^is^^-:'-, 'X^wf-•

^|^h^«aui^f'::h1nn: - . ^ ' | | 1 ^ : ; ' ^ ; ' ^ | ;

01^:^ Ifliy^fiyj^^iil^*!-'; i^L-' Jj^jo;^ .gicadua® ^^Mi^t0iki^: HIff imm? %&••%&%'-^ (^^.: ®&> ^j0iiii"... ^e l^ l^ r l^a tW'SSpf t* : - : J.i^^^lniO^^ : '*^^^^-*^•'*^• , '^^^^^• ^ - la w a j t ib«a i y t e^ r t t^ r» : : ^ ! ' »# i t ' ; Bir --oilip fbf'^'''^ft^irftill: • '!(*»' Pii*-

J. H. Morgan spent Sunday in. New-York city.

W. N. Crouch made a trip to*Mur-rayisle, Thursday. • * .-•

Dr. W. E. Collins of Potsdam was a visitor in town Thursday.

Mrs. Minerva Gage, spent several days at Madrid last week.

Dan Flynn and wife are .spending-some time with friends in town. ""

Miss Ada Strait of Madrid, was a week end visitor at A. L. Yale's,

Mrs. Arthur Pierson and two chil^ dren spent Sunday at Noah Pierspn's,

Mn and Mrs. C. H. Stowell spetft Sunday at their cottage." at Murray-isle." • . . .

Mrs. C. S. Sumner, of Canton; was a guest at *Dr. C O . Sumner's, Sat­urday. - V

Mrs. Ella Pease attended the li­brarian-institute at Ogdensburg yes­terday.

Mrs. Eobinson and daughter;. Mary, of Madrid, were guests at The -New Whitney, Sunday.';

Dr.. L. P. Regan and Edward Frenette~attended the dance at Pots-.; dam Thursday night. . ' "* ' .

Mrs. Lewis Hansen is spending a month visiting friends in, "Vermont and New Hampshire. • •-

Mr.1 and Mrs. N, M; Marshall, of Malpnp; spent Sunday at the home of Dril.^W. Kissan». . 1

,'vMiss Lottie Lawrence, of Rosen-hayn, N. J., spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs; J. J. Anable.

MrV and Mrs. Charles Rbckwood, of North Stockholm, madtf a motor trip to Norwood, Friday.

Mr. Henry • Barnet.t, of Massena, spent Sunday with; his sister; Mrs. C. M, Redmond,and family. .:

Mr:;' Rudolf Bardehhauer, of New York spent Sunday with.his family at the home .-of Wv F. EheJiis, ;

Mifsi. Ethan Stowell left last Tuesi day.for^anchester, Mass., to visit her sister, Mrs. Anna, Young.

Jtfi and Mrs. B, Hf Flynn of this village and friends of Potsdam, l«!ft las| week: for a weeks fish at Jo In-dian Lake./ *

Mr. Elms Bel!;, who is spending some time at Jo Indian "Lake, last week sent us a fine.mess of the speckled beauties.. .

.W.C. Gage.arid wife, Mrs. Cora Frisbie and Miss .Thelma Imrie at­tended the dedication service of St. Philips Church; at Madrid last Fri­day. ' • - . •(•

Mrs. Martha^ farmeter, of- Pots­dam, spent iSunday, the guest of Mrs-W. A.. Waite and. family; returning ; in-1 the evening with her son, Mr, Ernest Martin,1'of Pptsdahii

Mrs, Jessie. Shields and Miss Ruth Hubbard; ofTSyracuse, -after spending 'soitne time .here" .with relatives and; friends, left Saturday, o i i f ^ evening itjain for Gpuverneur;'wi&ere they will .spend a week with relatives. ,

' —rink ; for' stamp, fcaa's;; . at Athfs ;officei 25 cen^s 'aibottle.; ' - - . ; .

•;." ^W:e have just received a nice line, 'of.ladle's ^d.n>isses'. gentiine Manama hats, from $1.98 up, at JacobsbhBjTOs/

• .'• •..',-" . : s ' . - " ' '• '•'' : - . . • ' - . ' : ii."'•'.•'• • t ' " ' "

v^J[)o ybu^know, tiie delights' ii\=S*,a leup of Hotel Vernioiit braiidr Gaffee? ;;it's'; Jragrarice,.; ':'-6£iyfi j:-.$nd\ <-arbnia jpteasfes evriiyprife; w|i6;/dlrrik8- - I t : Ask ' pdr:grb.cer,;aBpU't'M.''"*'•.-;''. •'','•••-,..' \ ? ?: . 'i^^he "Eot.s;d^n3--Mprir!ai',-'Wbtt-'sfrpm,' ^Pt^pp;4;-'^'igK-^^ -, y am?':*Sa^H?^y;^!^6rSpp^y^^ -f^-sjii^ciipwcl^ ' ^ajJtijtioKsa; .•;Jn|tri6': ;^3i;f^ ;tli^,;^pj^tt4&';f-'Stpi^": •']gtlte'he'ai• |fe)^^e^igfc'.^p|I,J; ^ ^ e ^ ^ Q v ^ S8!-atid, p^; ;%0^p^^aeM^;;'mnltf g;;-^MbUlib t-ipf; -:!loS^6o^;;^c'^

:,an^ c^ i^^Uy;^ ib^^ j | | f e^p^ l | ^a |y S fea^^ i ; | a | ; p^ i !^ f ; ^ r i i ( ^ i c^ i » W i | i ^ ; | ^ ^ i ^ l i ^ i ^ p ^ i i ^ ^ jftei Ublicarif ){6j£- %i^i$r;^i^',^t$'

!*xii«|wia^iit?W^ •p i - : i t{^^ |^ ;v . ' ;3 |^^f^ :t^ji^^^:!s^tfe';tt»^

• " ^ w ^ - t P : ^ P M i i ^

' ' !;'tt|;jlifeij&^^

June I am going to sell this sweeper ji^lhe - | ^ M f r j c e ) ywWfilM ''''M.yWh . ^ l ^ : : - ' ;% , ;:'#!;' '!(#$/• fl|.;i^;;(f$&; 1^0$$ # # & ::ma:^^;-:;:^jiap^itkt:

$&&lt ;VV-'^ jr(i*ft;^V|^gi^.;;';::;

Get your roofing at Stearns: ;—^For sanitary foods, Flanders has

th,fem. . :j-j_0o npt forget! that Flanders'gar­den seeds are exceptionally fine.. ..';!—rPine apples will be. the cheapest thiB week. Get them for canning npw at.Flanders'.

—vWe will make an expert wood grainer of you free of charge. May 26 and 21. Dailey Bros . i—Hon. John A. Smith, of. Law­

rence, who has beenill the past four weeks, was in Norwood, Monday, on his way to resume his seat at Albany.

—Call and see our beautiful line pf. ladie's and misses.dresses' made up in the latest make and. latest materials at very reasonable prices at. Jacobson •Bros. '. •

,T-HEggs imported, into the United 'States during the first three months of. the new Tariff act,' October, November and December last, totaled 1,700,000 dozens. In the entire preceding flscalyear only 1,370,000 dozens were, shipped to this country.

^—The man and woman who try to make their home1 the riiost interesting.

• spot on earth for each other, and frir :, their friends and those who are near and dear to them, have but occasional use for the club. It is to them, like the theater, pleasant place to enter now and then but not a spot.to dwell in. •

—The Business Men's Association of this' village has lately become affiliated with the Northern New York Developriient League, and we are ad­vised by the president of this, com-niercial body that their next meeting Will be-held in Norwood in -the near-future. The date has not been fully decided upon. -

r—rThe case of Frederick Barnhart, by guardian, against Dr. J. W. Kis-sane,' of /Norwood, , was decided jn

• faiyor, of the. defendant at Canton, YRfednesday, The.jury brought.in a ve>dict of no. cause . of .action, after bjeingbut a few minutes.. Barnhajt 'enteied the home of Dr; .Kissane; and was. shot by the latter in-mistake for a fau*glar. TifOugh his guardian and; uncle*,Dr. H, D. .Thatcher, he sued'to recover damages.

-^rMr. F, M. Rogers; a successful New York hotel man, will, open and conduct - the Mprray Hill hotel at Mnrrayisle,••-.. at the,Thousand Islands this summer. Mr. Rogers now has. a force of men at that, place putting the hotel in readiness for the summer trade, which, owing to the burning of three large hotels in that vicinity; i§ expected will receive a large patron-age» The Murray Hill is one of the lagest hotels at the Islands.

-T-A. §ood many- thousands of re­spectable suburban people will have to get busy between now and June 1, or they will be subject to punishment by law for the commission of a mis-demeanor. It is now a misdemeanor in this state to leave tent caterpillers or tiieir nests on btie'.s trees or bush­es. And there are few suburban places in this part of the world that are without nests of'these caterpil-;

lers.; The state cfimissipner of agri­culture, Calvin J. Etuson, acting in obedience to. a law passed for the pujrpPse,. has issued a proclamation which, will be found in full on another page, 1

r^Pap'ers were served Wednesday in aripther action brought by , Father K}auderj pf Maione, against Bishop j)3iseph: H. Conroy of Ogdensburg .for f 56,000 datnages for tlip parjt which hp jbjishpp- 460k fn' prey en ting. Klauder :frpiri minglipg with the cletgy in the sanctuary of the ehurch at;' Mailohe dpririg.the'seryic'es.at.'the -'funetal 01 thefatp; -Fattier '. Mcpermott,. March" S&i../'l^lSi'' lhis r is . . thp third! ^suit ipstitttted h^JPather Kl'aPdef oh' adi poupt of'pis; troubles ,ip thp.diocese, of? ^Qgd'epaMr|;i;_''; jTlip; first-wMs '•' agajns't:; J^lip^a'^'^^hjriipglL^'aiid: ^Phrby ^M"; 7p6cfes::i;^§ii^.;Mh$ :JHa^b^id|p';;ilie';

--.|e^np ;jaga'j'iiat';' jshpp' i, Ss(h%i!|{5 p'pr; -ifioliaily - .a^a^iMW/ythV 'th1r4 ;ig^iiast, irBisfeS ;' ,,:Cpfik&; yj$ '-tTb"e- _ lapfetwp^ i^itede:^"a^pear8;;a|j'iii»'owii;:' .a^rrieiC

- '*£^re^if£i^&:^ ^ p j a ^ l^iiy^j^pp.hpid^^^ei .-Mj,,.' 'Ej; ;e'v^ijiigv; ^ K i l a r j ^ ^ s ^ i n ^ ^ p i r ^ ^ : }z^'(|;ipB-':;pi;-,tfa''e4^ twpijt)mithe ^o^nl^^'yplalBiypfcv^'^^ ?St«]P iiiiS("V ^ht06i.^"".;-: ti&'^iT^pS^oWfi^; .'*J. J l l ^ fb|-p^v$!ed:!tp;^ ;l ..4fff( iefei ' :;^jj$c^g:M, ^tma

0afm^i\i^»i. ':;fhi|W^^ %;#&-! 'f$i»ii$;#$nf' '-ittd ^oW^-'i-oij ' . :^.^:-'$hiU t h^ !^*«n t | b i ; ^ fife •«|h|-i";bno"^ ; f t ^ r ^ ^ S ( f t ' # i ^ Piii8^fc;ipi6p*||i>' ^jg*i^:;fe;^iJiiSiJ|yi • ' ^«^r .^*J f t i ; ^ i tyimftr;; •%$& *e*vtce* .»^--*ft J6g8jlp-.teji.'

i^ . : ' -Vp - » . i v ' ';•' ... -'.'.'•.-.'vr.C-.''•.•• ; ; ;

— -Phonogjraphs and organs. " ' • ' . ' . Stearns.

c —Cbi-Namel demonstration . to-day and to-morrow.

. —Elattders, coffees are the best on-the market- Try a pound and cohvience yourself. . -

—Cards lave been issued for an informal dancing party ip McNulty's hall, Friday night of this week.

'lie Rt; Eev. Bishop Nelson, of DioctWof Albany, will Jconduct con-firmatjfc service in St. Philip's chui;cHfchvirsday evening, (Ascension Day). May 21,'at 7:30 o'clock. AU are welcome to attend this service,

\—The annual meeting of the Women's Horae and Foreign'Mission­ary societies, of St. Lawrence Dis-i trict, Northern New York conference, will be held an the Methodist Episco­pal .Church; Canton, next Tuesday and Wednesday, May 26 and 27.

—W ithout the. support of a united and aggressive public seritiment sani­tary laws will avail but li tie in, the conservation ofvpublic, health-r-a good reason yhy you should become an ac­tive'worker in the. anti-fly crusade. There's foona for everybody in the ranks of the army of disease fighters, and the warcry is."Swat the fly."

—I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.: .1 like to see a man live in it so that his place will he proxid of him. Be honest, but hate im one; overturn a man's wrong doing, but do not Pyerturn hini unless it niust be done in overturri'ing the wrong. Stand with anybody that stands -wrigfit. . Stand with him while he is light, and part with him when he goes wrong,—Abraham Lincoln.

—The sale or serving of adulterat­ed of. iniabranded food is prohibited under a penalty by the Godfrey bill. Dealers who have such fpod on their shelyps and restaurant or hotel ;men who serve i t are deemed to be equally responsible. One. of. the farreach-ing provisions of the new law is that holding that.fpod contained in or ser­ved fronv a. receptacle falsely marked oyer labeled as to the name of the manufacturer shall be deemed mis, branded. •

r—Mr. Lyman Crane, of Stockholm, thisj spring sent to the editor of Farm and Home a sample of syrup manu­factured by Israel Dodge. In .reply Editor Powell stated that , the syrup was of good color and the flavor more pronpnneeA than that for which he was paying $2.^)0 per gallon. Mr. Dodge has .been selling his for 80 cents and. $1.00. Not; everyone knows that St. Lawrence county makes some of the best syrup in this country.

—-The following Norwood people attended the concerts given by the Potsdam. Normal at Potsdam last week: KT. and Mrs. E. J> Mulhol-larid,:Mrs.. C C. Hall, Reuben Yale,

1,Mr; and Mrs. E. E. Wright, Glendon Fuller, Mrs. P. E. . Walker, Mrs. B. P. Barnard, Miss L Rutherford, Miss Phyllis Fotbes, Miss Geraldine Cor-

. riell, M iss Thelma Imrie, Paul Oliver, Mrsi Wi'. J. Fletcher, Miss Louise Fletcher, Miss- Margaret Fletcher, Mis. P. F. Powell and daughter, Esther,. Wm. Fletcher, Miss Edith Rutherford-.

—The weather the past week, although most clear, has been cool, the prevailing-winds being' from the north west. A white frost lay-oh the ground Friday morning, - but no > damagei reported from it in this vici-. nity. Ih the vicinity of Fiiie Lakeih ithpAdgiroiidacks it is reported ftat pight;lMch s-,(!,f snow fell there Wed-Pesday^ . -.Pptir iPChes of. snow, is fe-ipotted; at-. iJia^e" Pleasant, and other s;e<iti(0'n,4(p>t*he:' Adiropdacks; .rfepprt a 'hpayy)sji6w''stPrnTii., Big drjits from. Jasfc iJ.l^teF's heavy snpw.s pfejIt-iiifiJBe'p ..m' 'ih-angr of the! wooded section^.. ; •

: ' - ; - ; f i ' . . '.' " T - • ' " • , . ' • ' - "- - . : • ' ' : • ; • • .

. —By.h>anp*ipg ^gpther JL,$Qp Go, <^hatn;.gifl^ In/ &V*P$'P "''*$ ^t^B^'ve;' '3'pagq'e^''tp;&a^e;|h^ ]0ii\^di^:^W<^p^^ '• •:pioypn/eti|:-;eyef. .altPrppteia'tp 'Phpcte yh'ite'''B|ayei|'; -,:Wa4 lip i-fiee& cfli Wiiedi: ip;., iB;w| Mirk;, ^n.rpjiigB^|i(|ite^^ '^i^iMiS •fia^^ ;:p. i?i'.;yo!)'ni|:. MafijesV P,ppprfup»|i^:. .'fer.; rvrtjj^l^ni|^ci?e|tipri ftte- .pe i is^ t i^^ ^ M < ^ ^ ; - ^ i ; f wp^t i ipv ^ iP j ' ^ fe i^

|riae'e!;y ; - | § ^ ;ajep; ~j|^|^'^ilr^xj^^ir^^^^^^'^^£^^:-' • lj:eiMp*fi3': ;i ig; r©.|e |i;y -fen J;gE^ , ipl^l^lie^^ai^^o^^p^peP ypikptii^ ! | t . b . ^ ^ 1 4 ' 'itP 'difatr-, 'apiiectiveS'-'apd', •^e^^^!^^0^§&i^^j^ case -i|i!&liiH#i:Vii^^^ ;tacm l ^ j l j ^ ' ^ ^ t p ; ^ ^ ; ! ^ ^ ; ' '•.."•'''''.

-''diil'tfjf!- w.,";;ceinfc. 'p|ppi<J;"' ^»i,: -: !p«**i'':*[••:•'.[y; ' ':•• ••> ' • ' ' ' 8 ^ ^ ; ' " '


Library hours—Tuesday and Saturday 3 ta 5 p. m., Thursday and - Saturday 7 to 9 p. m.

Reading room open every evening 7 to 9, except' Wednesday.

The trustees of Norwood Library have received a generous check from Mr. H. H. Day, a former well known resident • of Norwood, accompanied by the. request to be added to the members of the subscription list as a permanent subscriber. List of new children's books:

Church—Story of the Glaid Dubis—League of the Signet ring Martin—Emmy Lou, Her Book Smith— -Jolly Goodtimes Eyle—Nancy Rutledge. Fowle—Ralegh Maynard—^Elliott Grey, jr. Mason—rTorn Strong Boy-captain Davis^tReading in Ancient His­

tory Greece and the East Davis—Reading in Ancient History

Rome and the "West Church—Roman Life in the Days

of Cicero Dubois—Lass of the Silver Sword Ratt—America's Story for Ameri­

can's Children 5 vols. Buckley—-Children- of the Dawn. Seton—Book of Woodcraft Wells—Outdoor Signalling Burgess—Mother West Wind's Ani-

trial Friends Dopp—The Tree Dwellers Dropp—The Early Cave Men Dropp—The Later-Cave Men May 21st the library will be open-

in the afternoon from 3 to 5, instead of the evening as usual.

Notice Notice is hereby given that the as­

sessment roll of the village of Nor­wood, N. Y., has been completed and was filed with the village clerk on May, l l th, 1914, and that such roll will remain on file with the cierk subject to public inspection for fif­teen days from date of such delivery.

Norwood, N. Y. May l l th , 1914 y fS; J. Benson

George O'Leary W. W. Dearth. P. S. Walker




Dissolution of. Partnership G. W. Judson has bought out the

interest of W. -J. Rosby in the Nor­folk Drilling Co., and wi)l continue business under the same firm name as heretofore. Norfolk Drilling 'Co.

Norfolk, N. Y. Lock Box 275.

' ' Notice. Beginning Thursday, May 21st>

the barber shops in this village will be closed at noon on Thursday of each week only. On other days open from 7 a. m. to. 9 p. nn. P. J. Hogan

G. T. Currier.

For Sale Winter and spring vetches, soy

beans, rape, 7 kinds of seed corn, buckwheat. Timothy seed $2.75 to $3.25 per bushel for .cash." Also Guernsie bull calves, and registered bull at your service,. $l.'qash, at the Crane Farm, North Stockholm. N. Y. &

For. Sale ' Two houses at' reasonable prices.

One house is 26x30 with all modern improvements, bath, etc., has 10 rooms. The other has. 7 rooms, good orchard and barn, and water. In­quire of C. ft. Rinsey, Norwood, N. Y.

,-For Rent. "_ Thjjpfe furnished, cottages for the seaSop. Finest cariip sites along the river,"'in sigh't off- all navigation, s

locatpd on (3i;apser Island. Finest fishiiig and boating.-. For further in­formation,. Address, The Crapser

• IslaridSFariHS; Inc., VFaddington, N*-Y.

'--•; i>;; ,; ' -. •'. .'POp.Rprtt.: One furnished.hp"Me in Waddington

villagp-- ^^fer^drpy place, in-view of all ^SSsbgr Tbb tBV; Sest location in tow|.•', AddreS^* t'ock box 28, ' ^Sddi^gfe^ .%'^ ' - ' •;';'

. •*•;•:".'r •.;\:;iiort;said;x "i,»iTonia;fo',i!lalijJfe9,dJi S8ief. varif/ies, also :'fprnft -an'd\o1K«r'';#'antSi'.;;; ';('•

' ;H?* * * ; : ?E» Barnes.

•/•6n^-Mi*6^yf'Vag^|^.^ftir deliyety .|l!gigh^i.;-p|^^o;rlc:'.!!b^|(6i"all in good eppditi^;.;'.<; . v^p|sp,P Pernfce.

;;','•. _'_" :.- ' -;fp^dti|aieV;',." A, g^pdiiBal . EVa ipi, phetlpi /

' ^ . «« ; |L ' 'T^ i^ : io^odd , K Y.

; ; . -^^p;1^i i | i i r^ ian^ | i^ hens frpfti ;*hp;i)pstp»ip§ . ^ ^ ' s c l j i c e Killed is -^pi^V':'^«ttt*s: '^itll-tjt^ l^ipsulator and ;ajfr .:^jfa^?;i^^ri^ipini"-|ite gwaran--i«^.V';fe''4fe iWci^i'Mimf. 3838.



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