ft sfl'fM Hlbti .A II 4 Hi M Mm ! I rJHi ir--f--" r i - . A i5Vwi if I II 9 f s ill vol XIV. NO. 2H33. HONOLXJLU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. L891. PRICE 5 CENTS. . TT T gnsiness djards. Rlvtrtlstnunts. Slipping. ercial Advertiser L. A. THURSTON. W. F. f REAR. ffonolulu and San Francisco Mail Service IP YOU ABE IN SEARCH OP PCBLI3nED H. LOSE, Commission Agent. 3 EMB li IIS 0 w GOODS in 0.4 Merchant St. At CSSCBIfT10IJ8 THURSTON & FREAR, Ai torneys - at - Law, ; i 'j. ' ; .'. .. - ; . HONOLULU, H. I. Office oyer Bishop's Bank. April 2. 1891. . 2730-- q J. B. CASTLE, Oommissi6ii; Mercliant. Office Cartwright Building, Merchant Street, "t Honolulu, H. 1. ' 2661-yl- .' Gr O TO Patentee of " Lose's Chemical Com- pound" far Clarifying Cane Juice; of which supplies are kept on hand. jt&He will attend to any business en- trusted to him. OFFICE-MERCHA- NT ST., NO. 42. Telephones Mutual 128; Bell 152. P. O. Box 333. 273-3- m large profit on an acre. It takes two years for bananas to mature from the first planting, and then the crop will be coming every year thereafter. Pineapples are another fruit that we ought to raise here. Not the miserable Island pines, but the large improved ones, that are worth in the market from five to eight dollars a dozen, in the Coast markets. An acre of pines con- tains about 3,600 plants, which fruit the second year after plant-in- g, say about two-fifth- s of the plants then, the others running over till the third year. In Hilo the larger share of them will run in weight from five to eight pounds. All above six pounds will easily bring from ten to twelve dollars a dozen, in the Coast . market. It takes no more care to raise 4 the best fruit than it does the poorer kinds, and they always brings good prices. The only difficulty now in the way .litSaat,(S! months'. .V.IJlll 8 00 TIME TABLE or THE Oceanic Steamship Co. (subject to change.) The Australia and Zealandia Leare San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M. lieaTe Honolulu at 12 M. Tuesdays. The Through Steamers Lcare San Fran-clc- o and Honolulu Thursdays. S ACHS one year 6 00 LniziiTi. foreign (In- - N. S. 104 Port Skeet, ii:ce....lOOO Honolulu, H. 1. . i,friably in Advance. mxl ilOSET Order. J. II DAVIDSON, Attorney and . Counsellor-at-La- w. ' , - - - - Office Kaahumanu Street, i.nt AdTertiaementa must ATLAS Assurance Company FOUNDED X808. LONDON. Capital. - - $ 6,000,000 Assets, , - - $ 9,000,000 (In office formerly occupied by Mr. O xooi-x- y itogers). J jiTHIAS GAZETTB CO., H. M. Whixskx, Manager. 46 Merchant at.. ARRIVE HONOLULU. Aug. 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 27 Sept. 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 24 Sept, 29 Oct. 13 Oct. 22 LEAVE STEAMER. SAN FRANCISCO. Zealandia July 28 ... Australia Aug. 11 ... Alameda Aug. 20 Zealandia Aug. 25 ... Australia Sept. 8 ... Mariposa Sept. 17 ... Zealandia Sept. 22 Australia...... Oct. 6 Monowai Oct. 15 .. LEAVE WILLIAM C. PARKE, Honolulu, H. I. WHERE YOU WILL FIND A NEW AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF EMBROIDERED FLOUNCES For Ladies and Children; EMBROIDERY, EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS, in Swiss, Hamburg and Nainsook ; WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; and an immense assmt. of Fancy Striped and Plaid Wash Materials In the Newest Designs; AT REASONABLE PEICES ! oi raising pines is the want of plants. ' There are but few in the country now, and they , propogate slowly,but within a few years there will be plenty for planting. "-I- n the district of Hamakua we hear of Having been appointed Agents of the above Company we are now ready to effect Insurances at the lowest rates of &ECUL NOTICE. ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW - . and Agent to take Acknowledgments. Ornc No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono-69-- y lulu, H.I. premium. ancient advertisements and sub- - H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. 1361 2684-- q riers are not allowed to sell sugar pines weighing from ten to fourteen pounds. m 0 CORRESPONDENCE. s nor to receive payiueuto num 1 'j. mnips of the Daily Adver ARRIVE BAN FRANCISCO. .... Aug. iS . ... Sept. . 1 .... Sept. 3 .... Sept. 15 .... Sept. 29 Oct. 1 Oct. 13 Oct. 27 .. .. Oct. 29 Nov. 10 .... Nov. 24 ... Nov. 26 CHARLES F. PETERSON, Typewriter and Notary Public. STEAMER. HONOLU&U. Zealandia Aug. 11 Australia Aug. 25 Mariposa Aug . ,27 Zealandia Sept. 8 Australia Kept. 22 Monowai Kept. 21 Zealandia Oct. 6 Australia . Oct. 20 Alameda Oct. 22 Zealandia Nov. 3 Australia Nov. 17 Mariposa Nov. 19 2090-3- m ts or Weekly Gazette can al- - be purchased from the News or at the office of publica- - ' ' ifi fowhnnt street. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the statements made, or opinions expressed by oar correspondents. i I', ;S-D- aily Advertiser, $1.50 quarter, or $b.UU a year. " - rw Office with L. A. Thurston. 2781-- q ,Y uAZETTE, $o.uv a year iu HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., subscriber who pays to the un- - Tie Popif Miieiy Hone, 104 Fort Si ' V 2651-- q .zned for eitner paper one year, :t in advance, will receive one Australian Mail Service Steam Engines, :;of the " Tocbists' Guide " as vr.inrn. Boilers, Sugar If 111a, Coolers, Brass Wollars reward will be paid for and Lead Castings, .raation that wiu ieaa to tne Titian of anv one stealine the And machinery of erery description made to or Weeklv left at the office or Pioneer Steam CAM FACTORY and BAKERY. F, HORN Practical Coniectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74. 1356 2651 CATTLE & COOKE, i; IMPORTERS, FOR SAN FRANCISCO,. vxuer. jrarueuxar ubjiuou jimu to imps duos auiitBlng. Job work executed on the aborteBt mtlce. . : . 2728 fc&nceof subscribers. jsiy advertisements should be Lied in during the dav. to insure rha new and fine Al steel steamship MISS D. LAMB, raation the next morning. Short received up to 10 p. M, HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., , M T Wu ttv cv Mono rroi Shipping land Commission Merchants, : Stenographer and Type-write- r, 99 MAEIPOSA : a LOVE'S BAKERY. Ho. 73 Hauam u Street. 8iBS.BOBT.LOYX, - Proprietress. H0PIC1L FRUITS. Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. near the Postoffice. 2753 Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be doe A Sunday Nuisance. Mr. Editor: For the last two or three Sunday mornings immed- iately after the service at the Roman Catholic Church, two or three natives have perched them- selves on an elevated position in that church yard and delivered addresses to the departing congre- gation. The noise they have made has been so great, that it has seri- ously interrupted worship at the Central Union Church. There is a time for all things, and it seems to me that those in charge of the Catholic Church should prevent a repetition of this speech making business on a Sunday. How would the Catholic clergy like their service disturbed by a number of natives shouting in their loudest voice from the opposite side of the street?. Let there be an end to this nuisance. Quiet. fttD Sltoertiseiiunts. FOR SALE. T.-o- the Hilo Record. DBALEBS Hf DR- .- EMERSON, ?3 lalacds are situated, to at iionelaln from Sydney and Auckland on or about Aug. 27, 1891, I. L D:c j. ai ' OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc- - BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, studies are to the Atlantic ,.. alters omce). Offici Hours 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 3 Sitnat ed thfn na wo a to ir p. M. ; Sundays, 9 to 10 A. m. . w " V j f T W UiVj AU Mall fruits nf n. trnninal And wlllleare for the abeve port with malls and passengers on or about that date. Bell Telephone Ho. 51. Kesidence o School street. - ' 2782-3m- q i I v rilUrow here well, and a For freight or passage, haying SUPEBIOB ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to PLANTATION SUPPLIES Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, Every Description of Plain and Fancy Bread and Crackers, 7 BIS H Soda Crackers Saloon Bread Always, on Hand. MILK BEEAD A BPECIALTY. Island Orders) Promptly Attended to, S6Sl-- q ALFRED, S. HART WELL, at is assared as ahead of our Wm. (x. Irwin & Co., AGENTS. ji "ib iruiL &an .Francisco 5 a great amount of fruit to Counsellor -- at - Law HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS For Sydney and Auckland. Office in Cartwright Building, opposite .uvv wuu lUtcilUl. Sound and Victoria too are 10 take supplies of fruit Jfost Omce; Honolulu, H. l. 2789 1379-t- f Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and 1 vvttuocuu ii lo in em. face, the Northern Pacific LEWERS & COOKE, (Successors to Lewers & Dickson) Q-ener- al Merchandise. 1 The new and fine Al steel steamship C. BREWEE & COMPANY, (IJmlted). GENERAL MERCANTILE HALEMAN0 eanch Waialua, Oahu, - uwinouie the same to ? Central Canadian terri- - M thai.., : - - l a 6 Importers and Dealers In Lumber 99 ALAMEDA Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, 'UCi0 a uo iacK oi a mar- - And all Kinds of Building Materials. No. 83 FOBT STREET, Honolulu. 2728 H you say, "how can we get Wilcoi & Gihbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. 2651 1356-- q - Oi the Oceanlo Steamship Company, will be dne at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about Aug. 27, 1891. COMMISSION AGENTS. :''tte bave the fruits to ll TTaf tit! 11 ..... JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In v Y11BPeeauj be found there. Let us first and will have prompt dlspatcn with malls an GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having S CTERIOB AC COMMODATIONS , apply to No. 25-- 31 Queen Street, Honolulu. 2728 H. HACKFELD & CO-- , Wm. GK Irwin & Co., PETER HIQH, Proprietor. Comprising Leasehold Interest in the Lands of Opmla, Halemano and Wahiawa, To expire October 1, A. D. 1899. 200 Acres or More in Fee Simple. 1200 HEAD OF CATTLE, More or less, ranging with Twenty Polled Angus Bulls. 70 Head cf Horses More or less ; Comprising Two Fine Stallions, Brood Mares, Colts, Working Horses . and Mules. ' AGENTS. S65lq ir. i t r r OFFICE AND MILL General Commission Agents Cnntee that there will I W?.eCe(1 10 Set them to the sand bunches of ban- - wthat there would a'have not the fruit to H for Kn the fine8fc Iand, Pineapples, LIST OF OFnOSBSt J. O. Carter President Geo. H. Robertson Treasurer E. F. Bishop Secretary Hon. W. F. Allen Auditor DIBECTOBSi Cod. O. B. Bishop. Ben, H, Watsrboue 2651 Clans Spreckels Wm. G. Irwin. CLAg SPKECKELS & CO., BAJSTKERS. ttONOLULO HAWAIIAN ISLANDS OASTLE & COOKE. HAEDWARE, On Alakea and' Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. Oor. Fort & Queen Bts., Honolulu. 2728 W. E. ROWELL, Snipping' and Commission Merchants MOTILDHSTG-S- , Engineer and Surveyor IXrOSTXKS AKD SlALZBS DT GENERAL MERCHANDISE. K i J i in the cast Room 5, Spreckels' Block. - 82-- y ' Doors, Sash, BMs, Screens, Frames, Etc., Etc. see Plantation Agents,- - ,f6 har. l tu S9mFor terms and particulars enquire of Charles L. Carter. Honolulu, July 28, 1891. . 2827-6t- a 1386-t- f . ; , MACKEREL i 1 I:,... luem in uch a WILLIAM G. AOHI, HI'?"! make it a i TURNED AND SAWED WORK. Life, Fire and Marine lnsura ice Agents. Attorney and counsellor at law, f 'o ;; a 8mall fast Ku,??mtl6 use KiTLhowl, " We Notary Publie and Real Estate Broker f Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the world. Will receive deposits oh open , account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. 1356 HONOLULU. H. I. 2651-- a OF ALL GRADES, IN BARRELS, tPOT Having iust received some NEW MACHINERY with the latest im- - 2728 Offici 36 Merchant Street. nrovements from one of the best firms in the East, we are now prepared to do HALF BARRELS AND KITS OF BEAVER SALOON, good work at shorter notice and lower rates than ever before, and having lately engaged several first-clas- s mechanics, we will make a specialty of OUR OWN IMPORTATION, CON rortBtreat, Opposite' Wilder 4k Co.'s, STANTLY ON HAND, AND wm. 6. irwin k mm, (Limited.) Wm. G.Irwin, - President and Manager Claus Spreckels, - - Vice-Preside- nt Walter M. Gitfard, - - - - - - - - Secretary and Treasurer Theo. C. Porteb, - - - Auditor hotoeT',to market." !Ior our rtehoha,TtJhe w-k- , for N fruit, t0 begin to & ot sop- - H. J. NOLTE, PBOPBIETOB. Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc. rirst-cla-ss Lunches Serred with Tea, Ooflee, FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT, Soda water, uinger aie ox Open From S a. m. till 10 p. m. lysmokers' Beqnlsltes is Specialty. 2728 STrompt attention to all orders. C J", ua3 tbe7 need. tfO H are urn THE ROYAL SALOON, Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. agents of the OCEANIC STEAMSHIP . CO., Of San Francisco, Cal. Cor. Nunanu and nerenant Streets T K L K P H O N E S : CTMUTUAL 55. - - - gO"BELL 498. 2724-- q AT LOWEST MARKET RATES! . S.:FOSTER'&la Importers & Wholesale Grocers, . 26 and 28 California St., San Fbancisco. 2686 1360-- y Deposits bearing Interest received In their Bar Ings Department subject to published rules and regulations. 2Ml-- q ANDERSON & LUND Y, Dentists. f- - V ARTIFICIAL TEETH A from one to an entire set in-Ul- Tf YTYr serted on gold , silver, allum-Inu- m and rubber bases. Crown and bridge work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which are a constant source of irritation to the mouth and throat, we would recommend our Prophylactic Metal PUte. All oper- ations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. Hotel street, Tregloan premises. 2651-- q . V - PAPER HANGING! we can A SUrklf 0f ?u tthese fruits ''U plat 0"r small Wm. G ' Irwin Xr. Cn tTAmit.A V.o assumed the assets and liflhihtiAs nf the late firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and will continue tne general business formerly carried on by that house. 1364-2708- -q H. E. Molntyre & Bro. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Shereld7.foraboat Japanese Employment Ofllce Instruction in Music. T Uke the- - fStLy direct Under the Management of E. J3L F1. "Wolter, stock s Tariety of the best Wines, UinorsTBVers. and loe cold beers on draught at 10 cents per glass. tar call nd Bc 2651 LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Reteil Groces, Ill FORT STREET. ' Upaoa 0. O. Bon 97 (Groceries, Provisions and Feed AS MOVED TO NO. 23 MAUNAKEA H street. Mutual Telepnone no.ot. 2772-l- m - " . h ICfcw feet MISS SUSANNE R. PATCH WILL HI- - resume the teaching of vocal and in- strumental music after Sept. 1st.- - Refers bv termission to her natrons in Hnnninin BAST tfJS3H PORT AND KINO STREETS. i i TfflS " PAPER IS KEPT ON FILE Ul t y.anasto X at E. C. Daxe's AcVEBTisiHa J. L.MEYER,THE PAINTER GIVE and have your paper hanging done promptly and neatly, ISOFertSt. 750 win readilv CSy-Addre- ss Kawaiahao Seminary. Nch New Goods received by every packet from ths Satsrn Siasand arope Fresh California produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully Rtnd'-- d to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. atif&ctlon gaarasted. Postoffice Box No. 174 i t Tipa tT Til mi nT rAeiMonia will ha mwam w imwv w .vwiuvuve TT AAA KtTCU JLl I A . m m l l 6 aera uuu ?an-Francisc- o, Oal., where contracts lor I P.O. Box 387. 2748-l- y Telepnone no. n ania 1 reiurn irom uaiuorma, a7tR-l- m v- - Here is a advertising can be maaeior4

ft sfl'fM Hi rJHi i5Vwi - University of Hawaiift sfl'fMHlbti.A II 4 Hi M Mm! I rJHi ir--f--" r i-.A i5Vwi if I II 9 f s ill vol XIV. NO. 2H33. HONOLXJLU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY,

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Page 1: ft sfl'fM Hi rJHi i5Vwi - University of Hawaiift sfl'fMHlbti.A II 4 Hi M Mm! I rJHi ir--f--" r i-.A i5Vwi if I II 9 f s ill vol XIV. NO. 2H33. HONOLXJLU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY,

ft sfl'fMHlbti .A II4

Hi M Mm ! I rJHi ir--f--" r i - . Ai5Vwiif I II 9 f s


vol XIV. NO. 2H33. HONOLXJLU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. L891. PRICE 5 CENTS.. TT T gnsiness djards. Rlvtrtlstnunts. Slipping.

ercial AdvertiserL. A. THURSTON. W. F. fREAR.

ffonolulu and San Francisco Mail ServiceIP YOU ABE IN SEARCH OPPCBLI3nED


Commission Agent.3

EMB liIIS 0 w GOODSin0.4 Merchant St.




Ai torneys - at - Law,; i 'j. ' ; .'. .. - ;

. HONOLULU, H. I.Office oyer Bishop's Bank.

April 2. 1891. . 2730--q


Oommissi6ii; Mercliant.Office Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street, "t Honolulu, H. 1.' 2661-yl- .'


Patentee of " Lose's Chemical Com-pound" far Clarifying Cane Juice; ofwhich supplies are kept on hand.

jt&He will attend to any business en-trusted to him.


Telephones Mutual 128; Bell 152.P. O. Box 333. 273-3- m

large profit on an acre. It takestwo years for bananas to maturefrom the first planting, and thenthe crop will be coming every yearthereafter.

Pineapples are another fruit thatwe ought to raise here. Not themiserable Island pines, but thelarge improved ones, that areworth in the market from five toeight dollars a dozen, in the Coastmarkets. An acre of pines con-tains about 3,600 plants, whichfruit the second year after plant-in- g,

say about two-fifth- s of theplants then, the others runningover till the third year. In Hilothe larger share of them will run inweight from five to eight pounds. Allabove six pounds will easily bringfrom ten to twelve dollars a dozen,in the Coast . market. It takes nomore care to raise 4 the best fruitthan it does the poorer kinds, andthey always brings good prices.The only difficulty now in the way

.litSaat,(S! months'. .V.IJlll 8 00


Oceanic Steamship Co.(subject to change.)

The Australia and ZealandiaLeare San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M.

lieaTe Honolulu at 12 M. Tuesdays.The Through Steamers Lcare San Fran-clc- o

and Honolulu Thursdays.

S ACHSone year 6 00LniziiTi.foreign (In- - N. S.104 Port Skeet,ii:ce....lOOO Honolulu, H. 1.

. i,friably in Advance.

mxl ilOSET Order.J. II DAVIDSON,

Attorney and . Counsellor-at-La- w.

' ,- - - -

Office Kaahumanu Street,i.nt AdTertiaementa must

ATLASAssurance Company


Capital. - - $ 6,000,000Assets, , - - $ 9,000,000

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. Oxooi-x- y itogers).



H. M. Whixskx, Manager.

46 Merchant at..


Aug. 4Aug. 18Aug. 27Sept. 1Sept. 15Sept. 24Sept, 29Oct. 13Oct. 22


Zealandia July 28 ...Australia Aug. 11 ...Alameda Aug. 20Zealandia Aug. 25 ...Australia Sept. 8 ...Mariposa Sept. 17 ...Zealandia Sept. 22Australia...... Oct. 6Monowai Oct. 15 ..


WILLIAM C. PARKE,Honolulu, H. I.


EMBROIDERED FLOUNCESFor Ladies and Children;

EMBROIDERY, EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS, in Swiss, Hamburg andNainsook ;

WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; and an immense assmt. of

Fancy Striped and Plaid Wash MaterialsIn the Newest Designs;


oi raising pines is the want ofplants. ' There are but few in thecountry now, and they , propogateslowly,but within a few years therewill be plenty for planting. "-I- n thedistrict of Hamakua we hear of

Having been appointed Agents of theabove Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates of&ECUL NOTICE.

ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW- . andAgent to take Acknowledgments.

Ornc No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono-69-- y

lulu, H.I.premium.

ancient advertisements and sub- -H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.

1361 2684--qriers are not allowed to sell

sugar pines weighing from ten tofourteen pounds.


s nor to receive payiueuto num1

'j. mnips of the Daily Adver


.... Aug. iS

. ... Sept. . 1.... Sept. 3.... Sept. 15.... Sept. 29

Oct. 1Oct. 13Oct. 27

. . . . Oct. 29Nov. 10

.... Nov. 24... Nov. 26


Typewriter and Notary Public.


Zealandia Aug. 11Australia Aug. 25Mariposa Aug . ,27Zealandia Sept. 8Australia Kept. 22Monowai Kept. 21Zealandia Oct. 6Australia . Oct. 20Alameda Oct. 22Zealandia Nov. 3Australia Nov. 17Mariposa Nov. 19

2090-3- m

ts or Weekly Gazette can al- -

be purchased from the Newsor at the office of publica- -

'' ifi fowhnnt street.We do not hold ourselves responsible for the

statements made, or opinions expressed by oarcorrespondents.

i I',;S-D- aily Advertiser, $1.50

quarter, or $b.UU a year."- rw Office with L. A. Thurston. 2781--q

,Y uAZETTE, $o.uv a year iu

HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.,subscriber who pays to the un-- Tie Popif Miieiy Hone, 104 Fort Si' V 2651--q

.zned for eitner paper one year,:t in advance, will receive one Australian Mail ServiceSteam Engines,

:;of the " Tocbists' Guide " asvr.inrn. Boilers, Sugar If111a, Coolers, Brass

Wollars reward will be paid for and Lead Castings,.raation that wiu ieaa to tneTitian of anv one stealine the And machinery of erery description made toor

Weeklv left at the office or

Pioneer SteamCAM FACTORY and BAKERY.

F, HORN Practical Coniectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74.1356 2651


FOR SAN FRANCISCO,.vxuer. jrarueuxar ubjiuou jimu to imps duosauiitBlng. Job work executed on the aborteBtmtlce. . : . 2728

fc&nceof subscribers.jsiy advertisements should beLied in during the dav. to insure rha new and fine Al steel steamshipMISS D. LAMB,raation the next morning. Short

received up to 10 p. M,HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., ,

M T W u ttv cv Mono rroiShipping land Commission Merchants,

:Stenographer and Type-write- r, 99MAEIPOSA: a LOVE'S BAKERY.

Ho. 73 Hauam u Street.8iBS.BOBT.LOYX, - Proprietress.

H0PIC1L FRUITS. Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS.near the Postoffice. 2753 Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be doe

A Sunday Nuisance.Mr. Editor: For the last two

or three Sunday mornings immed-iately after the service at theRoman Catholic Church, two orthree natives have perched them-selves on an elevated position inthat church yard and deliveredaddresses to the departing congre-gation. The noise they have madehas been so great, that it has seri-ously interrupted worship at theCentral Union Church. There is atime for all things, and it seems tome that those in charge of theCatholic Church should prevent arepetition of this speech makingbusiness on a Sunday. How wouldthe Catholic clergy like theirservice disturbed by a number ofnatives shouting in their loudestvoice from the opposite side of thestreet?. Let there be an end to thisnuisance. Quiet.

fttD Sltoertiseiiunts.


T.-o- the Hilo Record.DBALEBS HfDR-.- EMERSON,?3 lalacds are situated, to

at iionelaln from Sydney and Aucklandon or about

Aug. 27, 1891,I. L D:c j. ai ' OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc--


,.. alters omce).Offici Hours 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 3

Sitnat ed thfn na wo a to ir p. M. ; Sundays, 9 to 10 A. m.. w " V j f T W UiVj AU

Mall fruits nf n. trnninalAnd wlllleare for the abeve port with malls andpassengers on or about that date.Bell Telephone Ho. 51. Kesidence o

School street. - ' 2782-3m- qi I v

rilUrow here well, and aFor freight or passage, haying SUPEBIOB


PLANTATION SUPPLIESCarpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,

Every Description of Plain and Fancy

Bread and Crackers,7 BIS H

Soda Crackers

Saloon BreadAlways, on Hand.


Island Orders) Promptly Attended to,S6Sl-- q

ALFRED, S. HART WELL,at is assared as ahead of our Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

ji "ib iruiL &an .Francisco5 a great amount of fruit to Counsellor -- at - Law HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS For Sydney and Auckland.Office in Cartwright Building, opposite

.uvv wuu lUtcilUl.Sound and Victoria too are10 take supplies of fruit

Jfost Omce; Honolulu, H. l.2789 1379-t- f Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and


vvttuocuu ii lo in em.face, the Northern Pacific


(Successors to Lewers & Dickson)

Q-ener- al Merchandise.1

The new and fine Al steel steamship




HALEMAN0 eanchWaialua, Oahu,

- uwinouie the same to? Central Canadian terri- -M thai.., : - - l

a 6Importers and Dealers In Lumber 99ALAMEDABlake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,'UCi0 a uo iacK oi a mar--And all Kinds of Building Materials.

No. 83 FOBT STREET, Honolulu. 2728H you say, "how can we get Wilcoi & Gihbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.2651 1356--q -

Oi the Oceanlo Steamship Company, will bedne at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

Aug. 27, 1891. COMMISSION AGENTS.:''tte bave the fruits toll TTaf tit! 1 1 ..... JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,

Importer and Dealer Inv Y11BPeeauj be found

there. Let us firstand will have prompt dlspatcn with malls anGENERAL MERCHANDISE. ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL assengers for the above ports.

For freight or passage, having S CTERIOB ACCOMMODATIONS , apply toNo. 25-- 31 Queen Street, Honolulu. 2728

H. HACKFELD & CO-- , Wm. GK Irwin & Co.,PETER HIQH, Proprietor.

Comprising Leasehold Interest in the Lands

of Opmla, Halemano and Wahiawa,

To expire October 1, A. D. 1899.

200 Acres or More in Fee Simple.


More or less, ranging with Twenty PolledAngus Bulls.

70 Head cf HorsesMore or less ;

Comprising Two Fine Stallions, BroodMares, Colts, Working Horses .

and Mules. '







OFFICE AND MILLGeneral Commission Agents

Cnntee that there willI

W?.eCe(1 10 Set them to the

sand bunches of ban- -

wthat there would

a'have not the fruit to

H for Knthe fine8fc Iand,



J. O. Carter PresidentGeo. H. Robertson TreasurerE. F. Bishop SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen Auditor


Cod. O. B. Bishop. Ben, H, Watsrboue2651

Clans Spreckels Wm. G. Irwin.




On Alakea and' Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I.Oor. Fort & Queen Bts., Honolulu. 2728

W. E. ROWELL,Snipping' and Commission Merchants

MOTILDHSTG-S-,Engineer and Surveyor


GENERAL MERCHANDISE.K i J i in the cast Room 5, Spreckels' Block.

- 82-- y ' Doors, Sash, BMs, Screens, Frames, Etc., Etc.see Plantation Agents,- -,f6 har. l tu

S9mFor terms and particulars enquireof Charles L. Carter.

Honolulu, July 28, 1891. .

2827-6t- a 1386-t- f . ; ,

MACKERELi 1I:,... luem in ucha WILLIAM G. AOHI,HI'?"! make it a


TURNED AND SAWED WORK. Life, Fire and Marinelnsura ice Agents.Attorney and counsellor at law,f 'o ;; a 8mall fast

Ku,??mtl6 useKiTLhowl, " We

Notary Publie and Real EstateBrokerf

Draw Exchange en the principal parts o theworld.

Will receive deposits oh open , account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

1356 HONOLULU. H. I. 2651--a

OF ALL GRADES, IN BARRELS, tPOT Having iust received some NEW MACHINERY with the latest im- -2728Offici 36 Merchant Street.nrovements from one of the best firms in the East, we are now prepared to doHALF BARRELS AND KITS OF

BEAVER SALOON, good work at shorter notice and lower rates than ever before, and having latelyengaged several first-clas- s mechanics, we will make a specialty ofOUR OWN IMPORTATION, CON

rortBtreat, Opposite' Wilder 4k Co.'s,STANTLY ON HAND, AND

wm. 6. irwin k mm,(Limited.)

Wm. G.Irwin, - President and ManagerClaus Spreckels, - - Vice-Preside- nt

Walter M. Gitfard, - - - -- - - - Secretary and Treasurer

Theo. C. Porteb, - - - Auditor

hotoeT',to market."

!Ior ourrtehoha,TtJhe w-k-

, forN fruit, t0 begin to

& ot sop- -

H. J. NOLTE, PBOPBIETOB.Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc.

rirst-cla-ss Lunches Serred with Tea, Ooflee,FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT, Soda water, uinger aie ox

Open From S a. m. till 10 p. m.lysmokers' Beqnlsltesis Specialty. 2728 STrompt attention to all orders.

C J", ua3 tbe7 need.tfO H are urn THE ROYAL SALOON,Sugar Factors and Commission Agents.

agents of theOCEANIC STEAMSHIP . CO.,

Of San Francisco, Cal.Cor. Nunanu and nerenant Streets

T K L K P H O N E S :

CTMUTUAL 55. - - - gO"BELL 498.2724--q


S.:FOSTER'&laImporters & Wholesale Grocers, .

26 and 28 California St., San Fbancisco.2686 1360--y

Deposits bearing Interest received In their BarIngs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 2Ml-- q



A from one to an entire set in-Ul- Tf

YTYr serted on gold , silver, allum-Inu- m

and rubber bases.Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal PUte. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

Hotel street, Tregloan premises.2651-- q .V -


we canASUrklf0f ?u

tthese fruits''U plat 0"r small Wm. G ' Irwin Xr. Cn tTAmit.A V.o

assumed the assets and liflhihtiAs nf thelate firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and willcontinue tne general business formerlycarried on by that house. 1364-2708- -q


Shereld7.foraboatJapanese Employment Ofllce

Instruction in Music.T Uke the- -fStLy direct

Under the Management of

E. J3L F1. "Wolter,stock s Tariety of the best Wines,

UinorsTBVers. and loe cold beers on draught at10 cents per glass.

tarcall nd Bc 2651


Wholesale and Reteil Groces,


Upaoa 0. O. Bon 97

(Groceries, Provisions and FeedAS MOVED TO NO. 23 MAUNAKEAH street. Mutual Telepnone no.ot.2772-l- m

- "

.h ICfcw feet MISS SUSANNE R. PATCH WILLHI- - resume the teaching of vocal and in-strumental music after Sept. 1st.- - Refersbv termission to her natrons in Hnnninin


i iTfflS " PAPER IS KEPT ON FILEUl t y.anasto X at E. C. Daxe's AcVEBTisiHaJ. L.MEYER,THE PAINTERGIVE and have your paper hanging

done promptly and neatly, ISOFertSt.750 win readilv CSy-Addre- ss Kawaiahao Seminary. Nch

New Goods received by every packet from ths Satsrn Siasand arope Fresh Californiaproduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully Rtnd'-- d to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. atif&ctlon gaarasted. Postoffice Box No. 174i t Tipa tT Til mi nT rAeiMonia will ha mwamw imwv w .vwiuvuve TT AAA KtTCU JLlI A . m m ll 6 aera uuu ?an-Francisc- o, Oal., where contracts lor I P.O. Box 387. 2748-l- yTelepnone no. n ania 1 reiurn irom uaiuorma, a7tR-l- mv- - Here is a advertising can be maaeior4

Page 2: ft sfl'fM Hi rJHi i5Vwi - University of Hawaiift sfl'fMHlbti.A II 4 Hi M Mm! I rJHi ir--f--" r i-.A i5Vwi if I II 9 f s ill vol XIV. NO. 2H33. HONOLXJLU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY,


2to SUHKrttecmcnts.GONE DOWN IN THE SEAS.with a loss of five men killed. 4'Wi)UH3Wt"M' .

- - - - IM :::: IM Prt si --w-


August, 1891. ni ! n YtrtviTTi h QUJSiii si n nx wii r. i.iii. lui i i 11 i n i i -r--v-r. i

8u. Mo. Tn. W. Th. Fr. 8a.f Aug. ,

1 LNew Moon.

1 3 .4 6 6 7 8 --T Aug. 12.i? First Qu'rfr.

0 10 11 12 13 14 15C2v Aug. 19.

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 V&Fuli Jioon.

"aT 24 25 26 27 28 29 Aug. 26,I ) 1 V& Lastgu'rfr.

30 31 1 I 1 t I

Baylisp, Thomas & Co.'s " Excelsior " Safety, CushTire.

Biiuaynsa, j. nomas uo. s excelsior " Safetv rim m.vim Aires ft 11


Bayiiss, Thomas & Co.'b Eureka Lady's Safet t' Hi

j "umutr oaiety, CushiHumber & Co.'s No. 9 Hmnber Safety, plc Tlreg

y' DOim Tlres,Rudge Cycle Co. Model M Bicyc'ette, Pneumatic p'

1Aure8 Ball JU.:

Rudge Cyice Co. Lady's No. 2 Bicyclette, Cushion T;, eAires. Ball i. .

" J 1BU" cyciette. &aa

1QQ Tire8

Ball tu. .

Sale Che& P.

u esAOQ81 U HaIety' Cu8h5 Tires

CotT CycIe Co Swift Model D Safe. Solid Tires.ti

ggF'Above Expected Daily. For

THEO. H. DATIES & cj2833-2-


Fire-Proo-f, Burglar-Proo-f, Fire and hrroot, Vault Doors, Etc.


2824-- y


Commodore Irving writes: "OnlyA

to-da- y I received a letter fromAdmiral McCann dated July 6thfrom Callao, stating that the Pen-saco- la

was there and was to sailfor San Francisco on the 14th. Ifany such occurrence had takenplace the Admiral would certainlyhave mentioned it.

All news from Chile is contradictory and unreliable except thatthe war continues.

A terrible railway accident is re- -

norted from Pans. A train fromVincennes, running at a high speed,crashed into a stationary excursiontrain at a place called St. Mande.More than forty persons are reported as killed and over iuu injured. The wreck took fire, andwhile manv of the wounded wereburnt, others were actually drown

. . . . . . . th torrents. . . T I

wn . fh A firA- -v I

gines. The driver of the secondtrain was arrested, and asserts tnat

0 I

someone in revenge cut the pipesof the air brakes, which preventedhim from brinerine: the train to astandstill.

An attempt has been made upon. j m mr t a

tne me oi iiaaame v.onsians, wue.i r i-- ir: . i T a. :

OI ine rrenun juinieter oi xutcnur.Fulmenato of mercury, a highlyexplosive compound, was put intowhat appeared to be a religiousritual book, but which had beenhollowed out to hold the explosive.


Per O. S. S. Zealandia, San Francisco, July 28th.

jGrovernor Pennoyerof Oregon is talkedofas a possible Democratic nominee forthe V ice-- f residency in Vifdz.

It is understood that the directors ofthe Occidental and Oriental SteamshipCompany are considering the advisability of placing two faster vessels on theirline between ban Francisco and theOrient and withdrawing the Oceanic andthe Belgic. The steamers of the company are all chartered from the WhiteStar line, and the vessels spoken of tocome to San Francisco are theGermanic and Britannic of thatline. These two steamers arenearly equal in speed to the Empressof India and the Empress of Japan ofthe Canadian Pacific line. They aresumptuously fitted up. For several yearsthey have plied between New York andLiverpool.

A train of five steel cars have been onexniDition in unicago. mis uniquespecial train is looked upon as the firstsign of a complete revolution in railwaycar construction. It is the first train ofall-ste- el cars ever run in the world.

King Pomare of Tahiti is dead. Hedied on June 12th. and with him diedthe last of his race and the last King ofTahiti. He was born November 3, 1839,and became King in 1877. On June 29,1880, he signed the treaty of annexationwith trance. His death ends the dynasty of the Pomares, which commenced in1793 and gave the country four kings andone queen.

An attempt was made to blow up thecapitol bunding and residences of prominent government officials at Cordova,Argentine Kepublic. It was a revolution on a small scale.

Montreal, July 26. Rumors in circulation here indicate that the fall of thegovernment is considered certain shortly.it is conhdently stated by several well--informed politicians that Chapleau hasapproached Laurier and offered to forma coalition government with him, andthat Laurier has written the conditi nsof the proposition, of which the mainfeature is that Laurier shall make hisown selection, but give Chapleau theportfolio of railways. Laurier has notyet decided what to do.

London, July 24. Advices from Stanley talis, Uongo tree state,

.tell of can- -

11 t mmnmaiism among tne natives, ine na-tives along the Lomani river, who hadblocked the stream with hundreds ofarmed canoes, killed and ate fifty nativesinendly to tne Europeans. An expedition of ten Europeans and fifty Arabssoon after left Stanley Falls to punishthe cannibals, ana alter a day's battlesucceeded in routing them and occupy- -

a ill r V 1 m

ing ineir villages, tiunareas ot rebellious natives were killed and wounded.

a lie omciai census oi r ranee enows atotal population of 38,095,150. This isan increase since the last census of 208,- -Do, ine increase is entirely in urbanpopulation, the rural population havingdecreased.

Vienna, July 24.The Niue Frie Presssays that Urown Prince Ferdinand ofKoumania will shortly visit England.when he will be formally betrothed toa daughter ot the Prince of Wales .

London, July 24. The London Timesannounces that the Imperial Bank ofMelbournf has suspended payment, withliabilities of 150,000. The depositors,it is said, will suffer no loss from thefailure.

Dr. Koch has decided to devote hiwhole time to the supervision of his bacteriological institute.

California is to have a new illustratedmagazine which, its promoters claim.will rank in artistic and literary excel- -ience wun me Dest publications ot theH.ast. lhe first number is in press iathis city and will have among its contributors Ju." H. de Young, ex-May- or

pence oi los Angeles, w. U.Morrow,or Limal A. Sheldon. ex-Se- na

tor Warner Milier, W. A. Spalding, Dr.u aiter umaiey, ineoaore van Dyke.Mrs. J. C. Carr and others. The maga-zine will be illustrated in a mannernever before attempted on the Pacificuoast.

Carrying molasses in bulk hasproved a success. The Britishsteamship Circassian Prince hascompleted a four-mont-hs' timecharter in this particular trade be-tween Havana and Philadelphia.The steamship Standard has alsobeen engaged in the same trade.These are the first steam vesselsthat have ever attempted this trade.Next year an effort will be made tocarry sugar in bulk. Phiia.Record.

BisS Roll of Vessels . That aNever Reached Port.Another large list of steamships

and sailing vessels has been posted,and not one of those reported asmissing has been seen or heardfrom during the year of 1891. Thesteamships Duckenfield, from Sydney for England; Juanita, trading ceon the west coast of South America; San Pedro, from Hull for Vic-toria, and the Ville de Kocheford,from Kocheford for Cape Breton,are missing with all hands.

The barks Alaska, from BuenosAyres for Penarth ; Alexander,from Victoria for Valparaiso; Alirora, from Lagus for Bahia; Bayard, from Bordeaux for Daka;Carla, from Cardiff for Constantinople; Chrissula, from Liverpoolfor Patras; Claymore, trading onthe Coast of Africa; Deacon, trading on the coast of Peru: Emilia,from Buenos Ayres to Falmouth:Emma from Genoa to Montevideo;Ida, Millc Kiver to Jamaica, andI II II III 1 1 I- - 1' X W U 1 I U f II Ul III I IM T I I lrnave never been heard from. Theloss is one of the largest everknown m maritime circles Phil.Eecord.

It is reported that Mrs. Frank Leslieis about to marry a brother of OscarWilde.

Brain workers, and all who have tostand the severe mental strain consequent on intellectual employment, findClements Tonic invaluable. Hol--

listeb & Co. are the Agents for theislands.

"Shuiiijn Sales.


ofThis Day.--A.noti.on Bale of

Fine Wines and Liquors



Imported tor His late Majesty,

Will take place at my Salesroom. QueenStreet,

On Wednesda7, Aug. 5

At lO O'clock A.. 3VT.



To be sold at the same time, will be on ex- -d ibit ion at my Salesroom to-da-

J"as. F. JVTorgan,2832-2-t AUCTIONEER.


An Invoice Lamp Chimneys, Galvanized Tubs and Buckets, Tea Kettles,Sauce Pans, Fry Pans.

Paint Oil, Caster Oil.Blasting and Sporting Powder.Shot and Caps.Some more Refrigerators and Ice

Chests.A fresh invoice of Rubber Hose.Planter's Hoes Extra Strong.An invoice I X L Cutlery.Table Cut'ery.Cordage and Twines.


FORT STREET.1377 2776--q

R. HOWIE,Contractor and Builder


BUI all kinds of Buildings,Store and Office Fitting, and Gen-eral Jobbing a specialty.

Send or leave orders with R. Howie atCentral House, Alakea near Hotel street.

Bell Tel. 522. 2747-lw-tf


office boy by a Japanese, who speaksEnglih. Address at tha office of this pa-pe- r,

" Japanese." 2S31-- 6t



The following drew their Watches onMonday, Aug. 3d :

Club 1 Member No. 33.Club 2 Member No. 4.Club 3 Member No. 50.Club 4 Member No. 9.Club 5 Member No. 49.Club 6 Member No. 9.Club 7 Member No. 33.

We Have a Few More Places Open!

ft3Parties living outside of Honoluludesiring to join one of the Clubs can maketheir payments by mail.

t7These watches are cased in solid 14Karat Gold, with fine full ieweled WalthamMovements, and are warranted to be ac-curate Time Pieces.

2808-1-3t H. P. WICHMAN, Pbop.



The Al steams hip


Will leave HonoUln for the above port on

Tuesday, : Aug. 11th

At 12 o'clock noon,tS'Fot Freight or Passage apply to

WM. (j. IRWIN & CO., LU2833 6t AGENTS.




Habdman Peck Co.,Piano Manufacturers,

Warerooms, 138 Fifth avenue.Office and Factories, 48th and 49th sts.

and lith and 12th avenues.New York. .

Gentlemen Your P. & B Roofing hasbeen on t; e roof of our Pi auo factory,49th et. and North Kiver, during one summer and winter, and we take pleasure instating that it ha given us better satisfac-tion than any rooting material we haveever had With Your Hoofing wehave had no trocble whateverwe have a solid protection against all sorts

weather, and no danger of leakages.There is ' no place on the roof (as yourpaint cements the joints solidly) whereany moisture can tnteroreven nue anil-ine snow find a loicment. As the NewYork Board of Fire Underwriters class itthe same in Fire Kisks as a Tin Roof, wefeel as well nroteeted as regards risks ofi2nition. We eladlv allow you to reter anyone to this factorv or to print this letter ifyou so desire.

White, Gillespie & Thayer,fctamfoid, Conn.

Gentlemen Whatever value an unsolicited, spontaneous indorsement ofyour Roofing may kave (and it ought to bethe best kind of ttstimony), you are enUtled to it. Last fill we covered a largewarehouse with yuir material, laying itaccording to your directions and our owncommon sense, and we are much satisfiedwith how it turned out. Our factories here have gtavel roofs, and pitchroofs, and tin roofs, but none give thesatisfaction or pronise of Youbs, and wewant more of it.

AFTER SIX YEARS.East Oakland, Cala.,

Aug. 8th, 1890.

Gentlemen We bave been using yourheavy Koohne on oir out buildings forover Six Years, and it has proved itself tobe a very durable rcottng,giving no troublethoroughly watertight and even betterthan you represent it to oe: we can confidently recommend it asa first class roofing,

Signed The cala. cotton mills uoPer T. Y. Miller, Sec'y.

N. Clark & Sons,San Francisco

Gentlemen We tate great pleasure inrecommending your Piramne Roofing notonly tor its superior wtter proot qualitiesbut as a roof that U light, requiring inlarge buildings no hetvy truss .system, asis the case with shingie or metal roofs, andas a roof that can le laid with the leastpossible pitch.

On our factory at Alameda Point whichis 110 ft. wide, we gave it a pitch of oneinch to the foot, which is all that is required.

There is on our rods over 4.000 sauareyards of the roofing, md notwithstandingine neavy rams last winter ana the snowstorm, not a drop of vater has entered thbuilding through the roof.

Signed If. Clark & Sons,M'frs. and Deale-- s in Vitrified Iron

stone Sewer pipes, Water & Chimney Pipes and Lops.

New Yoek Board ot Fire UnderwritersBoard of Survey i, Bowel Building,

x iw x orK.The Parafflne Paint Co., 43 Maiden lane:

Dear Sirs At th last meeting of theCommittee, the Kooing Material present-ed by your company was duly consideredand the same will raik at the same rate astin roofs.. SigneJ. Jas. Harrison,


A. A.Griffinq Iron Co.,Jersey City, N. J.

Gentlemen As we manufac-ture only radiators vhich are quite heavy,our works, which cover six acres, arenecessarily but one story high, and requirea large amount of roofing. After tryingnearly everything ve couid find, we havecome to the conclusion that your P. & B.Roofing is the best, and our continued or-ders are perhaps th best recommendationwe can offer you.

Signed. A.'A. Griffinq Iron Co.



Chinese Camp,Tuolumne Co., Cala.,

-! June 24th, 1890.

Parafflne Paint Co.:Dear Sirs The following experience

that 1 have had with your. P. & B. com-pound will speak for itself, as to the meritsof your article, and I take much pleasurein giving you the facts.

On June 15 a fire oroke out in a buildingadjoining mine. The building was totallyconsumed by the flames, and the flyingsparks and cindera were falling in greatnumbers on my rcof covered with your P.& B. The effect was to soften the mate-rial only, the paint came off in flakes butdid not ignite or barn. Please send me abund of your P. & B. Paint. Needless toadd I am highly pleased with it.

Signed. Henry Morris.

Wm.G.lrwin&'Co.,L'cLfAre Sole Agents for the

PARAFFINE PAINT COMPANYfor the Hawaiian Islands, and keep aStock of their Goods on hand, viz.:


ROOF PAINTS In BROWN and RED.- 2829-5- t 1336--2t


Annual Meeting.

mHE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING"7" ot the Honomu Sugar Co., for the elec-tion of officers, will be held at the office ofC. Brewer & Co., on WEDNESDAY. Aug-ust 12th, at 10 o'clock a. m.

WM. W. HALL,Secretary H. S. Co.

2827-4tw- 1336--2t

That in, If You Use

Monday, August 3.

Now good digestion waits onAnsetite: and health on both.

We've been waiting for

weeks for a big shipment of

Fischer s wrought steel ranges

and have had to lose sales be

cause they were delyaed in

reachinus. We're all rightnow a

'warehouse full of them

nrvrxT cizft vou ask for.aiiu j jThese ranges merit more

tVian n nnssinfr notice, ana we: - vnn enme- - Iare um j i

tWncr about them VOU never

Ww before. Housewives

don't like to get new stovesbecause there's a somethingabout them that's unpleasantA sort of dread that the dam

pers won't work, or the stovewill not draw, crops out, and

ine goou wiic pcicia" the ills that are rather thanfly to those they know not of."

The term "range suggestsbricks and mortar, ana aweeks' fuss and dirt in placingin position. Not so with theFischer there's no brickingup to do. All there is to it isto place it where you want andconnect the pipe. Y our rangeis ready to receive the meatsand in less than the time itusually takes to cook things,your food is on the table, "morepalatable than it has ever beenbefore.

You wonder why the Fischerrange should be better thanany other stove! Well tell

item ol expense. is youhave turned over a new leafand intend economizing whereyou never thought of before,you may begin on your coaland wood. It is a positive factthat the Fischer range usesonly about one-hal- f the quantity of fuel any other stovedoes. That's one point.

Every one who uses the or-dinary stoves knows that oncein so often the fire bricks burnout or break. The fire bricksin the Fischer range are madeof steel, and you could'nt breakthem if you'd let the wheels ofa loaded dray run over them.That s another good point.

The ovens, as with everyother part, are constructed ofwrought steel, and it is anacknowledged fact that thismaterial will absorb the heatquicker, more evenly, more intensely and retain it muchlonger than one made of castiron, i ne neat is more moist.r i icuiibcqueiuiy ine iooa, wnenprepared, is not so dry andvoid of nutrition, besides be- -mg more palatable. Two orthree good points in one.

lhe walls ot the Fischerrange are double with asbestosbetween the two sheets ofsteel, thus making them moredurable, and prevents the radiation of too much heat intothe kitchen, as does the caststove or range. It also pro-tects the lininp- - from beino- -

torn out when cleaning theflues. The joints of the ovenare riveted closely, thus, pre-venting ashes, dust, soot orcoal gas coming in contactwith the food and making itworthless. Now then ! Theseare a few of the good pointsin the Fischer Wrought SteelRange. Dp you want one ?

They burn wood or coal,and each has the hot waterpipes in position ready to at-tach to the boiler. The largerranges have the broilers at-tached and .the smaller oneshave everything ready if youwish to add the broiler. If yousimply want to broil a steak ora fish, just light a charcoal firein tne broiler and in a fewminutes you have a deliciousmorsel for a meal.

We can't tell vou all about--them, the best thing to do isto come ana look at them.

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., L'D.,(Opp. Spreckels' Block),



Be Just and fear not;Let all the ends thou aim'at at be

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth'.



We have been requested by Mr.Hastings, Secretary of the Depart- -

ment of Foreign Affairs, to contra- -

diet the report published yesterdayof a defalcation in the funds of thedepartment, as having no foundation whatever. The report cameto this office from what was considered a reliable source, and weare glad to learn that it is un--


An interesting novelty is report- -

T.nnAnn ofH ih 9lafJuly, on which day the new Amer- -

ican steel-bui- lt steamer Charles W.Wetmore arrived at Liverpool fromDuluth. Minn., with a cargo of95,000 bushels of grain direct fromthe lakes without being re-handl- ed.

The route taken was down thelakes from Duluth, through theWelland canal, down the St. Lawrence and across the Atlantic. Thesuccess of the voyage is evidencethat the proposition to establishdirect communication between European and other ports andChicago is entirely feasible.


We have received the prospectusof a new text book and handy guideon civil engineering, by Mr. Theo.Graham Gribble, well known herein connection with the street railway system of this city, and otherengineering and surveying work onHawaii.

The book is entitled "PreliminarySurvey and Estimates," which doesnot half describe its objects or itscontents, which constitute a longsub-titl- e.

It is divided into nine chapters,each devoted to some special branchof a surveyor's work, as financial,estimates for construction and cal-

culation of earnings, decription anduses of all sorts of instruments,astronomic, geodetic or metric,tables of ready-calculate- d compara-tive weights and measures, in fact,it is described by the "BuildingNews" of London as a "truly valu-able vade mecum," by the "Eng-lish Mechanic" as "a library in it-

self for the young surveyor," andby Prof. A. J. Du Bois. C. S., of YaleUniversity as a "book which everyyoung engineer would do well toget and read with care."

Our own surveyor-genera- l, Prof.Alexander, thinks highly of theplan and objects of the work, andwill probably introduce its use intohis department. H is a work ofover 400 pages, and illustrated withfull-pag-e plates and figures in thetext, and we hope to see it soon inour booksellers' windows, and inour surveyors' hands. The bookis published by Longman, Greencc Co., London and New York.Price $2.25.


A French fleet visiting Cronstadtha3 been exchanging courtesieswith the Russian naval and military authorities. On July 24th ajrana oanquet was given by the.trench embassy in honor of theoflfoers of the fleet. The GrandDuke Alexis. Admiral Gervais(French), the Ministers of Marine,Interior, Finance and Commercewere present. On the 26th Ad-miral Gervais gave a return ban-quet on board his flagship theMaringo. Two hundred Frenchsailors were entertained at St.Petersburg. The French havepromised to restore the Russianflags taken in the Crimea. TheFrench Ambassador toasted theCzar of Russia and the GrandDuke responded by proposing thehealth of President Carnot and" the gallant.French squadron."

An apparently circumstantialstory was published by the NewYork World dated Callao, June24th, to the effect that the steamlaunch of the U. S S. Pensacolawas blown up by mistake by theBalmaccdist torpedo bout Condell,


66 Fort St., Eonoll



109 Fort S



I f

. 'J



: it


- t r


' ;




T"RTflT A "RTflT) BY

HOLLISTER & CO.,2651-- q


Fort Street,



. rl f n a

Jp. 11

3 lr fill I,lh ;! -

- if



After an imPuyears, STMhuvinK the" pftiH

bly a fibredon,ny of the rflgft:frigerator, :'(m

.someuuug. n l(fP

ana yu :than anything Jlthis market

era canlice.


j '' ' ''r



! '"III

which W6 .rru rvrvrvw t i A To f!hpstfl. of

ways given satisfaction. They are PymrEEZERS,The WHITE MOUNTAIN ICiS OB ffeb'j

sold hnmlrprla. ar fronprallv known and appreciate" Tbe8e n

hand from a large invoice just received from the iac w jpUterns . - -

9 3. TPflRonftble PfS

ISt vvejteprenaDieoTO

TTia WaaItIv ri5i.7.AttA and Daily F



Page 3: ft sfl'fM Hi rJHi i5Vwi - University of Hawaiift sfl'fMHlbti.A II 4 Hi M Mm! I rJHi ir--f--" r i-.A i5Vwi if I II 9 f s ill vol XIV. NO. 2H33. HONOLXJLU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY,



i'LOCAL AND GENERAL.2Cro SUratrtisements.




Supreme Court of the HawaiianIslands.


Young MenBefore popping the question.give dear Maria a piece of

V Adams' Tulli Feulli ChewixgGum and she will name the day. For saleonly at The Elite Ice Cream Paklors.



Positive PreventativeCALLED


tTFor Sale by



' 1. :


5 :

i f.




The Queen Arrives at WaJm.,nal Entertained by Hon. J.A. Cummins.

Her Majesty and party left Hono--Jum at 5:15 Tuesday morning onuuara tne steamer J. A. Cumminsfor Waimanalo, Oahu, Hon. John A.Cummins' plantation, to be his guest

uays xne steamer reached"s destination in about three and auau nours.Excellent preparations had been

maoe ior receiving the Royal guests.Arches were erected, one of whichwas lighted, through which the partyrode. A luau was held at 11 a. m.

In the evening bonfires ;were litalong the mountains and rocketswere sent flying skywards, givingquite a pretty effect. Later a dancewas held in the hall, preceded bytableaux.

Fine Cane at Kahuku.We have just seen samples of

sugar cane sent by Mr. Jas. Cowan.Manager of the Kahuku Plantation,to Mr. Wm. W. Hall, Secretary.Some of the sticks were taken froma field planted last September, andothers planted in Novemhfir. Thlonger samples measure from root toine tips 01 the leaves eighteen ornineteen feet, and eleven fpot. nfstripped cane.

lhe whole field of over fhran hnn- -dred acres, planted at that time, willprobably average about eight feetstripped. This for a growth of alittle over ten months is somethingwonderful; the cane when it is fullyripe, next January, will equal any-thing ever seen here. Manv of thejoints measure from five to seven anda half inches in length, and manv nfthe sticks measure six inches round.Such cane as this ought certainly togive a very heavy yield to the acre.

Arrival of O. S. S. Zealandia.The O. S. S. Zealandia, K. Von

Oterendorp, Commander, sailed fromSan Francisco July 28, at 2 p. m.,with 24 cabin and 10 steerage passengers and 1,369 tons of cargo. Arrived at Honolulu August 4, at 1:30p. M.

July 30.-1-0:30 a. m., passed British ship, flying signal L. W. F. H.;irom Mexico for Astoria.

Weather. July 28 and 29. moderate N. W. wind; July 30, northerlywind; July 31, light N. E. to E.wind. Fine weather during entirepassage.

3JetD SUtotrtisenunte.



take charge of his patients. 2833-3-t


a furnished house in Nuu-anu Valley. Address P. O. Box 43.

2833-6t-- tf

SEA.TJ MXDTJ,No. 20 Beretania Street,

MERCHANT TAILOR,jECTCuttin and Fitting by the most

approved method. Clothing Cleaned andRepaired on short notice. 2833-l- m

Furnished Cottage To Let

ON NUUANU AVENUE ABOVESchool street, at low rental for threemonths or longer. Apply to

2831-l- w W. FOSTER.



Cottage not far from EmmaSquare. Apply to " H," Gazette

office. 2831-2-t

For Sale or Lease.

COTTAGE AT KAPIOLANIPark, on the seaside, at present oc-cuDi- ed

bv G. D. Freeth, E?q.Apply to J. T. Waterhouse. 2823-l- w


THAT NEW BUILDING AT NO.ML1 11 Union street. Shop 35 ft. wide

by 72 ft. long, and 12 ft. high. Suitable for any kind of mechanical worKshop. Inquire of J. N. Wright or R. JayGreene. 2810-t- f

FOR SALE.A CHOICE LOT SITUATE ONPnnphhnwl Hill, commanding acrra nrt view of the harbor and Dia

mond Head. Apply toJ. ALFRED MAGOON.

2823-t- f Merchant street.

For Lease or Sale.

RESIDENCE ON LUNALILOstreet, at present occupied by Mr.i a K"pnnedv. containing doubleparlors, 4 bedrooms, dressing aim

1 4.u -.-s-ta HininiT mora. TjauLi vuf. t rjr,T,H 300x105 feet, welf laid

. rnnmo. stable and chickenof main builuing. v acani

nn Anpust 14th. R. 1. LILLIE,2822-t- f with Theo H. Davies & Co.

FOR LEASE!THnsTS PREMISES SITUATEon Young St. near Piikoi St., con-

tainingMl parlor, two bed rooms,dining room, pantry, kitchen and

bath room: servants' couage auu o11 nUnfoH with flowers, imil ireeo

etc. The Souse is nearly new and in first

d"3CTnto,j.nAD MAGOON,'

2323-t- f Merchant Street.

Daily Advertiser 50c pe? m

A furnished house to let in Nuuaim valley.

Very few passeDgers came by theZeaianaia xuesaay.

R. Howie, contractor and builder.cans aueunou 10 ms Dcsiness.

Seau Mow, merchant tailor, hashis place at zU .beret ama street.

The O. S. S. Zealandia sails forSan Francisco on Tuesday, Augustlltn.

A masquerade ball will be given byCray's .uancing uiass sometime dur-ing August.

Dr. Trousseau will take charge ofDr. Lutz's patients during the lat-ter- 's


The Frind, for August, has madeits appearance. It is replete withinteresting matter.

A large lot of ales, wines and lia- -uors will be sold at. Morgan's, thismorning, to close consignments.

Messrs. Theo. H. Davies & Co.present our readers with a notice ofvarious kinds of bicycles for sale.

Purser Geo. McLane, of the Zealandia, has furnished us with theusual news favors; many thanks.

With the dust and heat yesterdaywas one of the most unpleasant daysHonolulu has seen for a long time.

A lot of machinery was receivedDy a lateiy-amvin- g vessel for tnenew electric plant put up on Kingstreet near Alakea.

The San Francisco Examiner's"Parnell of Hawaii" (!) has returnedhome, accompanied by bis brother- -in law, Baron Sobrero.

Mr. J. W. Preston, collector forthe P. C. Advertiser and Gazette.who has been absent to the Coast onbusiness, has returned to his post ofduty.

It is expected that all connossieursof fine rich wines will be at Morgan'ssale this morning. A splendid lotof extra fine Havana cigars will alsobe sold.

Justice R. F. Bickerton and several members of the bar left by theMikahala yesterday to hold a termof the Fourth Judicial Circuit Courtat Nawiliwili, to-da- y.

On the outside will be found several articles of fresh reading, includ-ing liet of new books in the Library,meteorological record for J uly, anarticle on bananas, etc.

Mr. John Camacho, chief cook ofthe Hawaiian Hotel, gave a luau anda dance to some of his friends onMonday evening. They assembledat his new residence on Punchbowlstreet.

Look in at Morgan's Auction Roomthis morniiig, at 10 o'clock, and seethe choice wines, imported for thePalace banquets by His late Majes-ty's order, which will be sold withoutreserve.

Mr. Henry Smith, Chief Clerk ofthe Supreme Court, left Tuesday bythe steamer Claudine to spend awell-earne- d two weeks' vacation, atMakawao, Maui. He will join hisfamily there.

A splendid chance for a boat clubor any lover of rowing is affordedthis morning, at Morgan's AuctionRoom, to buy the beautiful regattaboat, imported for His late Majesty.It will be sold without reserve.

The members of Mrs. Gray's dancing school and opera company gavean informal dance at the residence ofMrs. H. J. Hart, on Nuuanu Avenue,on Tuesday evening. The dancingwas followfld bv refreshments. Theyoung members had a most enjoyable time. '

Mr. Jos. Tinker, agent for the Regan vapor engines, received by theZoalandia a new vapor launch. Itwas tried in the harbor yesterdayand proved to be a little beauty inall respects. To-da- y Mr. Tinker willtake a few friends out in it to further show its good qualities.

Fire Alarms.The fire-alar- m bell kept ringing

for some time yesterday morning,rousing late sleepers. The causewas a small blaze in a coal pile aboveWilder & Co's. warehouse.

Another alarm was sounded aboutnoon from Mrs. Haalelea's residence.The fire was beyond a doubt in-

cendiary, for, after the flames hadbean pxtinfmished. some of the fire--mpn disftnvArarl where the fire hadoriginated quite a large piece of anold tablecloth that was perfectly saturated with kerosene. It was foundnndor a nntiae. back of the mainresidence. It was at first thoughtto have been the work of some smallchildren, but the presence of the oil- -

saturated cloth is pretty conclusiveevidence that it must have been setafir hv nrfittv nld children. It wasa verv narrow escape, for had tfc

flames not been extinguished at once,the whole lot of buildings near bywould have gone up in smoke.

Hotel Arrivals.The following named arrivals by

the Zealandia are registered at theHawaiian Hnf ftl T. Ruben8, IRubens, Belgium; R. C. Stackable,Detroit; E. R. Miles, G. W. Maxon,ban Francisco.

To those who need a pleasant Tonicfor any kind of debility, we can recom-mend Clements' as the best. For saleby Hollisteb & Co.


"Port Street.2G51 -q

Tkt Honolulu Soap works

The undersigned have just completedtheir NEW STEAM SOAP WORKS,and are prepared to supply the trade a

Pure Laundry Soapl

Put up in Boxes of 100 Lbs.,

of 42 and 56 Bars each .

We guarantee our Soap to be pure,and much better than the imported.

XT"Each box is stamped " Honolu-lu Soap Co.," and is

For Sale by all Retailers.



2778-3- m AGENTS.

New Store! New Goods!







Millinery, Flowers,Feathers k Novelties

Ever Seen in Honolulu.

Prices Reasonable !

CNew Goods Every Steamer.


GOO D'sMclntyre Block, Fort Street.

2709-3m- q

TXJ&W GOODSa Fine Assortment.

We have just received per S. 8. Australia,a nne selection ot New Goods,

comprising, oneelegant

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed


Assorted colors and patterns of Crepebilk Bnawis. .Elegant Tete-- a te cups

and Saucers. A fine lot of

Manila Cigars and Cheroots100 in a Box.

Scarf Pins in great variety,Lily Bulbs.

A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chairsand Tables i

Also, a small selection of JAPANESECOSTUMES.

CSTCall early and examine this finassortment of New Goods.

WIN(J WO CHAN & CO.No. 22 NxxTxanu Street.

2S51-- q


TINSMITH & PLUMBERCorner of Kins and Alakea St.t -

Honolulu, H. I.

TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261residence, Mutual, 236.

ESP Estimates furnished on all classesof Plumbing and Tlnsmithing work. Firstclass workmanship and material guaran-teed in all the above branches of my busi ;

ness at reasonable rates, 79q .

FN THE MATTER OF M. R. DE SA.Hilo, Hawaii, an involuntary bank- -

rupt.Creditors of the said bankrnnt ar. hpr- -

by notified to come in and prove theirdebts before such Justice of the SupremeCourt as shall be sitting at Chambers atAliiolani Hale, Honolulu, on WEDNES-DAY, the 5th day of August. 1891, betweenthe hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoonand noon of the said day, and elect one ormore assignees 01 the said Bankrupt'sestate.

By the Court.HENRY SMITH, Clerk.

Honolulu, July 27. 1891. 2820-8- t

Mikado .Restaurant!No 62 Hotel Street,

OPP. horn's bakery.

lrNewlv fitted nd rofnrnieritnl inJapanese handiwork.

SCrEvervthiria? clean, ami rnnl-r-i infirst-clas- s style.

X3Give us a trial. 2303-l- m



issued out of the Police Court,on the 16th day of July, A. D. 1891,against Jas. I. Dowsett, Jr., defendant,

favor of J. W. McDonald, nlaintiff.for the sum of $319.87, I have leviedupon and shall exoose for sale at thefront entrance of Aliiolani Hale, in theDistrict ot Honolulu, Island of Oahu,at 12 o'clock m. of MONDAY, the 31st dayAug., A. D. 1891, to the highest bidder, allthe right, title and interest of the saidJas. I. Dowsett, Jr., defendant, in and tothe following property, unless said judg-ment, interest, costs and my expenses bepreviously paid.

last ot property for sale :1 Cream Separator,1 Gasoline Engine,1 Case of Gasoline,1 Hay Cutter (new),1 Box of Battery,1 Box of Trinkets.

(Sig.) J. A. MEHRTEN,Deputy Marshal.

Honolulu, Jnly 31, 1891.2829-3- 0t 1386--3t

E. B. THOMAS,Contractor and Builder.

ESTIMATES GIVEN ONall kinds of Brick, Iron,Stone and Wooden Build-ings. All kinds of Jobbingin the building trade at

tended to. Keeps for sale: Brick, Lime,Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, oldand new Corrugated Iron, Minton Tiles,Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes and colors;California and Monterey Sand. GraniteCurbing and Blocks, Etc., Etc.

umce and Yard Cor. King and SmithSts. Office Hours 8 to 12 a.m . 1 to 4 p.m.

Telephones Bell 351 : Mutual 417. Residence, Mutual 410. P. O. Box 117.

2832-- q

Tenders Wanted

Tj,OR THE PURCHASE AND REMOV-a- lof the Wooden Frame Building at

present occupied as a photograph galleryby j . j . Williams on tne Urewer premises,notei street, lhe work building to beremoved as soon as vacated by the presenttenants.

Bids will be received up to 12 o'clocknoon on the 8th proximo. The under-signed do not bind themselves to acceptany bid. For further particulars apply to

C. BKEWEK & CO.,Queen Street.

Honolulu. July 30, 1891. 2829-l- w

NOTICE.FROM AND AFTERthis date we will not beresponsible for anyfreight after same has

been landed. Parties to whom freight isconsigned must be at the landing to receivetheir freight

WILDER b BTJfiAUBmr CO.Honolulu . Sent. 5. 1890. 11 2-- q

ALLIGATOR PEAKS!Sy-Se- nd orders to


2773 1376-t- f HUo, Hawaii.

Election of Officers.

THE ANNUAL MEETING- OrATthe Hanalei Sugar Mill Company, heldthis day, the following officers were electedfor the ensuing year:

President Chas. KoellingVice-Preside- nt J. N. S. WilliamsSecretary J. O. CarterTreasurer Geo. H. RobertsonAuditor J. O. Carter

J. O. CARTER,Secretary Hanalei Sugar Mill Co.

Honolulu, July 20, 1891. 2821-l- m

Election of Officers.

A SPECIAL MEETING OF C.ATBrewer & Company, L'd., held thisday, the following persons were elected asofficers for the remainder of the currentyear:

Joseph O. Carter... Pres. and ManagerGeorge H. Robertson TreasurerE. Faxon Bishop Secretary

E. F. BISHOP,Sec'y C. Brewer fc Company.

Honolulu. June 30, 1891. 2804-l- m

Pianos For Rent.


COMPANY. 79-- q

Tax Notice.

DEPDTY TAX ASSESSOR ANDTHE for the District of Ewa andWaianae will be at the Ewa Court Housefrom July 1 to 24, 1891, and at the CourtHouse at Waianae from July 27 to August1, 1891, for the purpose of assessing andcollection of taxes.

All those who own property in the Dis-trict and are at present living out of thesaid District will please return their blanksnot later than July 31st, or no appeal willbe allowed. 8. HOOKANO,Deputy Tax Assessor and Coliectorfor Dis-

trict of Ewa and Waianae. 2801-l- m

Per S. S. Zealandia.The California Fruit Market

will receive per Zealandia theusual Refrigerator. Fresh

Peaches, Plums, Pears, Grapes, Oranges.Celery, Fish, Oysters in shell and tins, etc.

2332-- 3t

Ice House Goods.Per Zealandia, for John Lycur-gu- s,

$3-- King street: Oysters inshell and tins: Vegetables

Fruits: Pears, Apples, Plums, Oranges,Lemons, Grapes, Peaches, Celery, etc.


Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen System.IT IS NOT A " FAD ! " BUT

3-- a system of adapting the cov-

ering to the body, instead of,as hereto, the body to the covering.

It is not ' Coddling! " because the con-

tinuous draining of Water from the TissuesHardens them, and Strengthens the WholeBody.

It is not Irritating to the Skin! In ashort time any feeling of the kind van-ishes and the skin is maintained in ahealthy glow.

It is not oppressively warm in Summer,but Cool ! Oppressive heat is felt when theskin cannot exhale freely through linen orlined outer clothing. The most signal instance of this is the discomfort caused bya Mackintosh. Clothing of Porous AnimalWool throughout allow the skin to freelythrow off the Superfluous Heat of thebody, hence the use of flannels for Cricket-ing, Rowing, etc.

Look for Diamond Trade Markenclosing Portrait of Dr. Gustav Jaeger.

M. MclNERNY,2829-l- w Fort Street.


I had been troubled five monthswith Dyspepsia. The doctors toldme it was chronic. I had a fullnessafter eating and a heavy load in thepit of my stomach. I suffered fre-quently from a Water Brash ofclearmatter. Sometimes a deathly Sick-ness at the Stomach would overtakeme. Then again I would have theterrible pains of Wind Colic. Atsuch times I would try to belch andcould not. I was working then forThomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor.Irwin fnd Western Ave., AlleghenyCity, Pa., in whose employ I hadbeen for seven years. Finally I usedAugust Flower, and after using justone bottle for two weeks, was en-tirely relieved of all the trouble. Ican now eat things I dared not touchbefore. I would like to refer you toMr. McHenry, for whom I worked,who knows all about my condition,and from whom I bought the medi-cine. I live with my wife and familyat 39 James St., Allegheny City.Pa.Signed, John D. Cox.

G. G. GREEN Sole Manufacturer,Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.

DRS. BR0DIE & F00TE,Residence 81 Beretania Street.

Telephones Mutual 231 ; Bell 242.

Office Hours 10 to 11:30 a.m., 3 to 5:30and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays 9 to 11 a. m.and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

2831 1336-2- W


Office 33 Beretania Street.

Hours of Consultation8 to 10 A. M.2 to 3 p. m.6 to 8 p. M.

Sundays 8 to 9 a. m. 2331-lm- tf

Co-Partners- hip Notice.HYMAN BROTHERS.


quirements of Chapter 23 of the Lawsrf issft TPlatmP' to the resistration of co

--partnership. . . firms, notice is hereby given

r 1 - J..tL II ITT .tnai Dy reason 01 ma ucaiu, ujujouHy man, late of San Francisco, deceased,is no longer a member of the firm ofHyman Brothers from and after the 1stday of August, 1891.

Honolulu. August 3, 1891. 2832-2- t


AT of Kahuku Plantation Co. heldAugust 3, 1891, Mr. C. Bolte was electedTreasurer, in place of Jas. B. Castle,

Wm. F. Allen was electedAuditor, in place of C. Bolte, resigned.

Mr. C. Bolte the Treasurer, will attendto all business connected with the Planta-tion until further notice.

WM. W. HALL,2S32-2- w I387-- 2t Secretary.

NOTICE,T HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT IJL will not be responsible for any debtscontracted by my wife Louise without mywritten order. A. A. TODD.

Honolulu, Aug. 1, 1891. 283Mw

NOTICE.mHE UNDERSIGNED HAVINGX started a Tannery at lwilei close to theSlaughter house, informs the public thathe will purchase hides and do all businessconcerning the line of Tannery, and hason hand all kinds of Leather for sale atreasonable prices.


.LOST.GOLD SHOE-CLAS- P. RETURN TOthis office and receive reward. 2804-t- f

t, . P.M.

lis 4:30t

o.i9 5:35t

10:51 3 si 5:4M


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Jjl.lUlI 5.36! 6.3410. 0


KkKTSSSS toe. or

i'ri Honolulu Observatory

of the Ilonolalul?fdo5 above the Custom

1b sounded cor--

I ' Noon, ObservatoryPffiS JS 26- - Greenwich



Tuesday. August 4.

Otcrendorp, 7 days

Le Claire, fromI isanop,

j Fitzgerald, from ILimakua.


Tuesday, August 4.

iCimrams, fceane, iur Mai- -

Hall. Freeman, for Hawaii

-i- nalo for Waianae ana

f f.k. Lpnnal

Hawaii tor Jvooiau.

1 viviVO TO-DA- Y.

IHaglund, for Waianae andLin.1 iie. Chanev. for Kilauea

sipm.1 Glade, Hercksen, for San

'tin, Yanela, for Humboldt

in, Calhoun, for San Fran-zaHo- u,

Aaruundsen, for Oo- -zm at 4 p m.iBrilulokai.


TChere from. Due.p2 . Liverpool Ane 20

sou.. Liverpool Aug 18f fcaa r rancisco..Oct 15

pine.. ..Glasgow Aug 31.Bremen bept 10

jiiaiokai.. Midway lid.. .Aug 25"fon 5fan Fran . . . .Aug

I feon..New York... Nov 4I'ii Davis. Boston Oct 25

?tbig....6. F Aug 18--e SF(Hilo...Au2 5p Port Towns'd. Aug 10

tan Diego (ililoi .Julv26jS'd....San t'ranr-ispo- . A no-1- 8

filler.. Sia Francis. An '21ifeond San Fran. Aug 16

irt&.fcan F(MahVAiif 7.iiueio.. .S in F( Kah V . A ntr fi

-- SanF(Iiah)...Aog 16...PortTownspnH Ana SI

'oster.Laysan I'd. ..Aug 20

l.M tula I? "."r " r raneisco.Aug 20'4 .....Sun Franni.nn ., 1Q

fJJiWa...San Francisco. Aug 27rColonies Aug 27


;;2cbcoperOSSZealandia,i ,.r ', uss Samara, M ad-l1- ',

child and nurs. T W

If. . . . J W Bere- -Max- -

e. Capt Mclntyre, GH F Kiolo.. 1 u


r0.I,f.rvt..T .10 A cummins,

J&hl?e5Ses Winces Ka

k ff Cummins,T"81 130 others.

lowhWryAfPran Pllrk?

: 'aes Beersfca?iirb1?. H Reuter, V

B Roth, H Uws1 ,r uawai . stmr WG

Rich ardson.Hon'ohi. .Jill an

1 : Hewitt I. ' JI3 Ala- -SorAc ! a.nd Mrs Har- -

( and about 43 on

5 Mahal a. Aucr4Justice

KjW , cox, DrandI'le. iv?ler Atkinson.wilder f .,es' W Eie4. J Pp 1 ereira 1 I lav'

rWolte'rs,05 on deck.

v--. .

"iES.Jl-- e hi3morningfr!11 tart 1

'Mian . uSUi 1 Sfu

11 I 1111"S Railway

andjc Glad 1


ip--d Iwa! anisS I I) PrtS



i , owirf'S lne S. G.also for

arrived at

113 and 1151381



Have on Hand and For Sale


New 1 Improved Machinery


--Liberal Terms!(1) 13x24in. Cummer Engine.(1) 10x20in. Cummer Engine.(1) Putnam Screw Cutting Lathe, 18in.

swing, 12ft. bed; most improvedtype.

(1) 20-T- on Vacuum Pan, (H. I. W. Co.make), built in sections; completewith iron stage and Blake's DirectVacuum Pump, 18x24x24in.

t4) 30in. Weston's Centrifugals.(1) Complete Diffusion Plant for a ca-

pacity of 400 long tons cane perdeim. Manufactured by the San-gerhaus- en

Co., and to arrive in Sept.The two Cane Slicing Machines forthis Diffusion Plant are the latestand most improved type, (self-feedin- g

with Cane Carrier) and havebeen successfully used on Sugar caneat factory and given the highestsatisfaction.

(1) 8ft. Cell to Multiple Effect (H.I.W. Co. make). Can be. easily con-nected to any of the H. I. W. Co.'bMultiple Effects.

(75) Wheeled Coolers, 30x30x30in.

(1) Duplex Water Pump, 16xl4xl2in.Capacity, 2 million gals, it 24 hoursto a height of 120 feet with a boilerpressure of 1201bs per square inch.

X?"A11 the above Machinery is new,in perfect order and right from the man-ufacturing establishments where it wasmade.

IQCrHavine a very large stock of materials on hand, purchased at the lowestpossible prices by our Manager whenrecently in Europe and the UnitedStates, we are prepared to lurnish anykind of Sugar Machinery on short noticeand at prices to suit the times.


1384 2821-t- f


A.rch.itect5Office Room 5, Spreckel's Block.

(Mutual Tel. 208).

New Designs Modern Buildings.

Complete Plans and Specifications forEvery Description of Building.

Contracts drawn and careful superin-tendence of construction given when required.

Call and examine plans.2753--3 mtf

Jnst HeceivedPer Bark "CHARLOTTE," a number of

Pianos ! BFFfl Pianos

From the Celebrated Factory of


0Now ready for inspection, for saleby


Sole Agents foi the Hawaiian Islands.2712--q


86 Queen Street cor. of Alakea street.Fresh Fruits and Potatoes by every Stmr.

from ban Francisco ; the best inthe market.

A fine Stock of Havana Cigars, Tobacco.Orders for Groceries promptly filled.

CF-Ca- sh sales small profits. 2677-3m- q

PAINTER!YOU WANT A FIRST-CLAS- S JOBIFof Painting of any description done,

call on the practical Painter, .J L.MEYER only. 130 Fort St. P. OBox 37- - 274-1- v

rpDE ADVERTISER U the Paper fom. an ciaiset , ouo. per moain.

Page 4: ft sfl'fM Hi rJHi i5Vwi - University of Hawaiift sfl'fMHlbti.A II 4 Hi M Mm! I rJHi ir--f--" r i-.A i5Vwi if I II 9 f s ill vol XIV. NO. 2H33. HONOLXJLU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY,

; 1



choice reading. wmiazmtuia. wTrsJ

No Steam! No Fire! No Boiler! No Danger! FiaiiQs; i fS Pianos Ha- T?, TTAPnTTT. A R f!AREGAIN YAPOR ENGINE !


The Public Library of this cityhas recently been enriched with somethirty volumes, comprising the bestof the recent issues from the Ameri-

can and English press.' The first sixbooks named were presented byAlex. Cartwright, Esq.; the otherscame by mail:

The Captain of the Janizaries, byJames M. Ludlow.

The Green Gate, by Ernst Wichert.A Matter of Millions, by Anna Katn-erin- e

Green.Marius the Epicurean, by Walter


J-H U; VVftj


Offer For Sale,. . - v'

ONE WESTERMAYER SEMI-GRA- ND with mute attachment.

WESTERMAYER'S CABINET PIANOS in Ebony and Old Oak; all withlatest improvements and made expressly for this climate.

Coast of n.i;f .

l rsruPaterPower throuch Eeixse, by Annie Pay- -

all. " ' J' I

Coast 3 SLNV '!! '. . - , . i .' t ' " ' ... k f ! j'- - and.

Western Pnnf.WestCo 7Z"S.

San : "l Ataerir. J

- -


Love is Enough, by William Morris.RECEIVED BY MAIL .

Essays, Reviews and Addresses, byJames Martineau.

The New Astronomy, by Samuel Pier--

pont Langlev. 'Drinking Water and Ice Supplies, by

J. Mitchell Prudden, M. D. ;

Lux Mundi, by Charles Gore.Ancient Egypt, by George Rawlinson.Chaldea, by Zenaide A. Ragozin.Phoenicia, by George Rawlinson.

arts of HwW

Iorid.bn es!Styl' Cttri ttiver.

tone's and TW.WesinPr

- . Of Ein8 Suitings and ; Trouserings.

H. S. TREGLOAN &:S0N; ; MERCHANT TAILORSUarthage, by Allrtd J. unurcn.Pericles, by Evelyn Abbott.The Hansa Towns, by Helen Zim- - Log Books.


mern. American NaatidAjJ' rli ;i.... 2741-3m- qrw

e aDove cut is an excellent illastration of our Horizontal Engines which we manufacture in sizes from to 20 The Vikings in Western Christendom,riorse .rower, ana are adapted for rumping, Electric Lighting, Running Elevators, Harvesting and Thrashing Machines, h n F . rrPrintincr ProoDoo T?rf nnA tKA m: 1 . t i i t: o t f a ii.--n i it.'.! nri.;nn.n nnffflo jvedrv. .w .uiw y ireuiar, oauu anu uig oawe, noisung, ium auu niimug iuatuiuwj, vuCOvi:iT"rBj V 1' . . i The Tsar and his Peonle. bv Euffeneiiioauu ivoasiers, roasning and uanmng Machines, Ventilating Apparatus, Emery Wheels, etc.: m fact everywhere power ATa1h.Hi. Vrtmio... TAHITI LEMONADE WOEKS Co.is needed. ?Souvenirs of Madame Vigie Le Brun,

mi . . .. .. . Morris F. Tvler.ine itEOAN vapoe lngines Having more than realized the anticipations of purchasers, we have now tne The Life of an Artist an autobio- -CHANDLERY I11

For Sale i

iWMU"' w ouuum, icai ieierences. ranhv. hv.Tnla Rmtnn.MANUFACTURERS OFKEEREN-OE- :

0n f Conquerers, by GeorgeMb. Josiph Tinkkk: Honolulu, June 1. 1891. Meredith.fEAB oik I purchased from you one of your 2 Horse-Pow- er Horizontal Regui Vapor Engines, and after four months' stnri-pu'n-f OKI TSTow hvtrial it has worked m every way most satisfactorily. The Engine making 230 Revolutions and running a Rotary fump with a belt mu, !8 OIT opam.

E- - 0. HALL (making im tie volutions without any effort. It is delivering the water with great force 45 feet aiuiuute, ur i,ow gaiions per nour. it is run Dy tne yard man, and he rinds no trouble whateyer in running it. It is dothing thatwas claimed for it, and I should consid er it a very Handy , Safe and Simple Engine for anyone to run whoengineer, and therefore recommend these engines to anyone. I remain, yours respectfully. She Loved a Sailor, Amelia E. Barr.

MARK. P. ROBINSON. A liarland for Girls, by .Louise M. Ai- -cott.EGF Illustrated Catalogues can be had and the Engine can be seen running in full operation at the City Meat

Market. Nuuanu street. Lulu's Librarv. 3 vols., bv Louise M.Alcott.

JOS. TUSTKER, Sole Agent

Lemonade, Soda, Cream Soda,




From Observations Made at Oaliu ColTTT n T n m I lege by Prof. A. 15. Lyons.



Of high teat constantly

lor Bale for

9B3.00 per

And under,

WE li. JTWin fi.tOBipany Largest Stock, Largest Store, Lowest Prices, Hours ofObserva- - Maximum. Minimum. Aver,


6 a. m.. . 77. July 26 73. July 12 75.4312.30 p.m. 85. July 30 78. July 12 82.219.30 p. m. 7d. July 9 75. July 12 76.29Av'r'ge of

month . 79 8 July 31 76. July 12 78.14


THE I X L Absolutely Pnre ! licfresliiiig ! Delicious !Temperature of earth 76.6 F.Dew point, (average for month) 66.1.Indicating moisture 7.06 grains per cubic foot. E. 0. HALL




Compounds and Hoofing

reed's patekt

neiauve numiaity at miaday 61.5 per cent.Auction and Commission House rveiaiive uumiany at mgnt 75 per cent.Dew point highest 70.0. on the 20th.Dew point lowest 61.7 on the 2d.xotai rainfall 1.37 inches.Rain exceeding .02 in. fell on 9 days. Cor. FORT & KING i

(fibe-pro- of building)

West Cor. Nuuanu and King Streets, BAROMETER (CORRECTED READINGS.)1366 WWHours ofP. O. Box 480. Mutual Tel. 90. Observa- - Maximum. Minimum.

Aver-age.,in.tion. THERISHonolulu H. I..

Prompt Returns Made on Goods Sold on Commission, -- a 9.30 a. m. 30.14 July 1130.09 July 10

30.00 July 1329.975 July 20

30.07630.026Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes. 3.30 p. m.

Av'r'ge of

TELEPHONES:aSCTMutTial 36Q. 2749-- q

' ; jgBell 37!



' '-

-: : "V ' 'ij :in

Iron and LocoEoti-- !month. 30.107 July 10 ?0.008 July 21 30.050

GoznexofBiiliDdBnJCloudiness, 41. per cent (in the day time).


San Vranolioo


itm 5titortisemcnt&

Steamer and Veranda Chairs for saleSingle and Double Bedroom Sets for saleSingle and Double Sets Harness, Surcingles, Whips, Bridles and

Saddles for sale ..Books, by standard authors, only 50 cents, for saleExtra quality Safety Matches, 75 cents a gross, for saleAll makes of second-han- d Sewing Machines for sale

W.H.TATL0Bn. B. MOOBEIs 'prepared to furnish Plans and Specifications for, and Construct all

ndj of Buildings, either Brick, Stone, Iron or Wood, in a satisfactoryBaldwin Locomotives!


' ' 1 H

v : i


- 1


'TIM1 s

I rj j

; I i


1J '



Wool Dust,Bone 3VXeal,

Irish. Guano.ALSO


High Grade Chemical Cane Manure.

BuildersMeat Safes. Ice Boxes, Stoves Rugs, Sideboards. Whatnots' HamSr5;in? a ?rJctical Architect myself, I am prepared to make all PlansMosquito Nets, Tables, Chairs, Baby Cribs and Carriages, Yard BroomsMirrors. Haneiner Lamrs. fJhandpliprs nrnb-or- anA m0,.ju m i '

lbankful to all who have entrusted to rue heretofdrft ; T KnnA fn I 1 " c Imerit a continuance of their natrona. hv JJlZ iL Steamboat, Bfam.hlp.UlJFeathei 'Pillows Bed Lounges, Sofas, Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads,Spring & Hair Mattresses, Wardrobes, Brown and Blue Mottle Snn- w - AJUVl, HVMrj

Sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES at the I X L Auction and Commission Te undersigned having been appointedioand employing competent assistants,

TOTTATT. TTTNma m? tsmttx . .. rW.v,'" ' - : I- - .with hulteot wood, ton cr

"uuuu, vuiuci ui iiuuauu auu JYing OireeiS. I Bsu tug uanauau i.oiauuoj?urnisnea tiouses bought in their entirety.- T ' ". M .. .

- I 9PT1M T.lTTICnnFfl.BMMIindFOB THE CELEBRATEDS. W. LEDEEEK, G. W. LINCOLN: ". I. BtraotedwithwfertDMtotl!- - - Proprietor.GRASS SEEDS x

Cocksfoot, Rye Grass and Clovers.

- ' i- I theyarotoDeempwyw.Bell Telephone 275. izt5i-q- j - 75 and 77 Kwd Street. ""'TTr..Baldwin Locomotives SUUaS UIUjO uu du- j-Stqbe Open Saturday Evenings Till 9 O'clock. 2823-- y

nuai M -r-r-- . 1.

Bollor Iron, Work oonnecW W

miimB nTi tf Ttnlltf 01 1From the Works of B. R EMers & Co: .ief.ma4t IJ.Wjtogether, ox bneeu wwina. .tif nnmnt. ridT W M

Burnkm, Parry, Williams 4 Co., aw w.- - 1

x ground.n i rr in onrvrrnn. Boiler



The attention of Ladies.is respectfuliy invited to our 'complete and elegant lineof, NEW GOODS, JUST KECEIVED 1

Philadelphia, Ieiin.., PlpMrnadebythUeiuH; hydruUorlTeUg

work being farmperiortoWoil. fltHSAre now prepared to eiva estiTnatea and


Falrbank Canning Oo.'s CornedBeef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.



Life, Fire nd Marine

Wincbei, air endreceive orders for theao ncinB. nf anrj x i ' J after tne moei ippivTw r

BOLE AgenU end MJ5JiOoaitof the Heine

New Silks, New Sateens, New Gloves,NEW LACES, NEW TEIMMIKGS, NEW PARASOL ;


The Baldwin LoroMo-rnri- e VJnwa qm PUMDirect Acting fp;now manufacturing a style of Locomo-tive particularly adopted D.TJ Taltt tton, iPW


JOHN DTEBFor Plantation Purposes,EoomSo.8.iiPWr,Brr,fricefcnoYhl!H?t0ck BUrpa88es variety all" formef Uisons, aid;lowInsurance Agents !

A number of which h RVP TAATlfltr Kaon mmLmmmmmmmmmmmmLmmmmmmmmmmmmmm' O51

Calilorflreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with Particulars of J. L. MEYER;same.


AGExrs for:'New England Mutual Life Ins. Co


--Etna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford.


The suDerioritv of thftHft TvnmnfiinVVW4AiVU f JOover all other makes is not only knownPracrr

18 actnowledged throughout the tical House and Decorative to Ell,KING 4 WInsurance Company Steel and Iron Eanges, Stoves and Fixtures, WM. G. IBWIN & CO.,



Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

Have oa BU1

: Fresh every month i

the reii ha I1



Housraspraa goods and kitchen utensiis,

AGATE WARE IN GEEAT VARIETY,White, Gray and Silver-plated- .' .

No. 130 Eort St., and (j: : Honolulu, Hayt "11 TP II

p Is acknowledgedthe leading remedy forOonorrhcea & Gleet.The only sate remedy for

orWhites.1 Drescribe it .Tir? fp;

Boston Line of Packets.5 DAYS.

Ml Of d kinl'!8IIt' vn only by safe ia recommending ifTheEvan8ChemiciCo. to all suflTerers. iLJVlJS AJSTD FIXTURES! Deuvereu-- i,.UNION IRON WORKS CO.. CINCINHTl,0.Lr3 A. J. STONEB, M. D- -

Decatxts. Tt,,Sold by DraETKlstfl.

PBJTC 91,00.

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fine





Plumbers1 Stock, Water and Soil Pipes.

Holustxb & Co., Wholesale Agents.BDfsoir,8MiTH fc Co., Wholesale Agents

1365 2711-- q

Capt. Johnson.Will be laid nn ha Havh t A i . mjBeUTeM

rwna with v. ...jrff n,- - " ."V Mviiuju jjiiawm iu leavewi uua nnrr. nn Kon- ik ihii it


and Iron. . ..


Founders,' 8um'cientmduWntoffera. phones; JWftaEngineersOlce and .Work

a n Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, &-F- or further particulars apply to511356-- q C. BREWER A HO. -


vEsplanide, Honolulu,tislng 0r.S5


tLASTIC J)1356-2651- -qTRUSS, Dealer in Clothing, Furnishing Goods

given that we are fJoffaririfr t.ha RaTrnii in ihirnridThis OfildbriLtAri AnnIL

8Ugar "iDg ' ' 1En1ery, Steam r:

Cane Cara, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace ttin.v,, wt and Cast Iron Work for' House Builders,

;Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc.

TllUUITOTmr w i mwmm -'


General Merchandise. iwi tunuj j coio ouu lias VSM HJapaneseThe Weekly Gazette and Daily P. C. Advertiser Of every description, entirely new,

atTiiaand ofeases of Rapture! This is anfElectrle Tnu (the only successful oeivLrer invented); has no Iron Hoops or SteelvS New Store, 55 and 57 Nuuanu St.,


oi ings auum iv, sou ueiiig;iac, veui wwursmth ease and comfort Night and Day. It's a perfeet retainer 1 Otirlor farther particulars oI'm, send 4c. in stamps for Fampblet Ao.I anDCflCPtnCD that Dr.Pierce's Genuine Electri.II L li I LI 1 ID L II Trusses contain onr Private S1Btfatore exactly like that shown at ton or lbiiadTertlaemena. Beware of inferior imitationsaddress;



Peltonto call and inspect the choice selection ofNew Goods. 2767-3-m


and at SHORT NOTtpp , PPLyM