Fs 2 Atcs Manual

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  • Installation of AEROSOFTs FS2ATCS Before you can use FS2ATCS, you must install some associated programs that produce voice that matches that of ATCsimulator2 (ATCS2) so you can hear the audible transmissions. Run each of the programs listed below.

    1. TV_ENUA.EXE This install the Lernout & Hauspie TruVoice American English voices. 2. SPCHAPI.EXE This installs necessary components for creating Text-To-Speech. 3. SETUP.EXE This is the installation program for FS2ATCS

    Moving Files to the FS Modules Folder Once you have successfully installed FS2ATCS, you must move 2 files from the FS2ATCS folder to the Modules folder of Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS). These files allow for communication between FS2ATCS and ATCS2 using Peter Dowsons FSUIPC application library. The 2 files are name: FSUIPC.DLL FSUIPC.KEY Move these files to the FS Modules folder, this is typically, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Modules You can now ready to connect to ATCsimulator2

    Connecting to ATCsimulator2 You first ask the hosting controller what the IP address of his/her computer is. You may need to disable any firewall or other security software to allow the connection to take place.

    Find out the area of Control Ask the controller what area he/she will control, and then create a flight plan in Flight Simulator placing you in that area. If you are outside of the range of the ATCS2 radarscope, you will not be seen by the ATCS2 controller.

    What Radio Frequency Be sure and ask the controller what frequency to tune your communication radio to before making the connection. This will save time, and will also make sure that a datatag is visible on the controllers radarscope once a connection is made.

    Step 1. Run Flight Simulator BEFORE FS2ATCS After FS has opened, you should notice that a new menu item titled, MODULES. This is an indication that you have successfully moved the required FSUIPC files as shown in the following screen shot.

  • To determine if the modules are installed correctly, click on MODULES > FSUIPC. The following form should appear:

    You can close this dialog box by clicking on [OK]. You will return to FS.

  • Start FS2ATCS You can now run FS2ATCS using START > Programs > FS2ATCS > FS2ATCS The following dialog box will appear:

    Enter your desired callsign in the textbox provided, and select DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider then click on [ OK ]. The following dialog box will appear:

    You should now complete the text boxes providing information that will be passed to the ATCS2 controller. If you will not be following any particular route, simply use the departure and destination airports as your route of flight. You will first need to search for active ATCS2 sessions. Click on [ Start Search ] to look for the host controllers computer. The following form will appear:

  • Type in the IP address provided to you by the ATCS2 controller, then click on [ OK ]. When a session is located at this IP address, the following will appear in the previous form:

    In this example, a session at the OKC TRACON is located. The controller frequency has been provided in the title to assist the pilot. To join this session, highlight the listing and click on [Join]. *TIP: It is sometimes not possible to select the entry, and then click on [Join]. It is easier to highlight the entry, and then type [ALT]+[J] to join the session.

  • Once a connection is established, the following dialog box will appear:

    If you are running FS fullscreen, this dialog box will be hidden in the background. To switch to this dialog box, use [ALT] + [TAB]. This dialog chat box will stay active during your session with ATCS2. As the controller communicates with you and/or other aircraft, you will see a transcript of these transmissions. You will also hear the communications from within FS. An example of communications is shown below:

    If a clearance is issued to you, and you do not hear it, or are uncertain, the last heading, speed or altitude assignment will be shown across the bottom of this dialog box. Clearances issued by the controller will scroll across the top of your FS window as shown in the following figure:

  • Keystrokes When a clearance is issued to you, you will need to respond to the controller and acknowledge his transmission. We have devised a set of keystrokes, as to not conflict with FS keystrokes to allow you to communicate with the ATCS2 controller. RESPONSE KEYSTROKE Cleared Visual Approach [LEFT SHIFT] + [F5] Cleared ILS Approach [RIGHT SHIFT] + [F5] Passing the outer marker [LEFT SHIFT] + [F6] Indicating [RIGHT SHIFT] + [F6] I have the airport in sight [LEFT SHIFT] + [F9] I cant see the airport yet [RIGHT SHIFT] + [F9] Switching to center frequency, thanks good day [LEFT SHIFT] + [F11] Contacting the Tower, thanks good day [RIGHT SHIFT] + [F11] Roger [LEFT SHIFT] + [F12] Cannot comply [RIGHT SHIFT] + [F12] Say Again [LEFT CONTROL] + ]F5] Will descend and maintain [LEFT CONTROL] + [F9] Will climb and maintain [RIGHT CONTROL] + [F9] Roger left to heading [LEFT CONTROL] + [LEFT SHIFT] Roger right to heading [RIGHT CONTROL] + [RIGHT SHIFT] Slowing to [LEFT CONTROL] + [F12] Speeding up to [RIGHT CONTROL] + [F12] If you wish to say something to the ATCS2 controller that is not covered by these keystrokes, simply switch to the FS2ATCS dialog box, and type your message in the textbox at the bottom of the form.

  • Conclusion This is just the beginning of capabilities in FS2ATCS. As the program develops, this list will be expanded.

    ROGER WILCO For the ultimate experience for both the controller and the FS pilot, visit http://rogerwilco.gamespy.com/ and download a copy of Roger Wilco. We have tested this application and the performance is excellent. Using Roger Wilco for all of your voice communications, you could run a session and never have to type anything to the controller. You can actually speak as if using a real communication radio. DISCLAIMER FS2ATCS is provided as is, no warranty is expressed or implied. It is provided as freeware and can be freely distributed as long as all associated files are included with its distribution. No support for the use of this application will be provided. Please report any problems to [email protected] We will continue to develop this application, and we will depend upon feedback from users like you.