Fruit of the Spirit 143 Fruit of the Spirit Large Group Openings Large Group Openings, ?????? Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

Fruit of the Spirit - WCSbrookridgekids.weebly.com/uploads/9/6/2/8/9628066/fruit_of_the_spi… · Fruit of the Spirit — 149 Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) Spark Resources

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Page 1: Fruit of the Spirit - WCSbrookridgekids.weebly.com/uploads/9/6/2/8/9628066/fruit_of_the_spi… · Fruit of the Spirit — 149 Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) Spark Resources

Fruit of the Spirit — 143

Fruit of the Spirit

Large Group


Large Group Openings, ?????? Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

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Fruit of the Spirit — 145

Fruit of the Spirit(Galatians 5:16-26)

Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

Large Group



Spark SongsUse one or more of the following Spark Songs during your Large Group Opening. Use them in the order that suits your group’s size, format, and time frame.

Spark My World (Track 1, Songbook page 4): Give each kid an index card with a single letter from the word “SPARK” written on it. Have kids hold up their letter as they sing.

Hallelujah! Praise Ye the Lord! (Track 8, Songbook page 44): Provide rhythm instruments for kids to use as accompaniment whenever they sing the word “Hallelujah.”

I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy (Track 10, Songbook page 55): Play the song through, then stop to have kids think of motions for the words joy, love, peace of God, and so on. Sing the song through once more, letting kids lead the way using the motions they have thought of.

Introduce the StorySet Up: Set the bowl of fruit and the Spark Bible on a table in the center of the meeting space.

Greet kids as they arrive and encourage them to gather around the table.

I’m glad you’re here today. Did you notice what is on the table in front of us? It’s a bowl of fruit and the Bible. Interesting, hmmm? In the Bible, there is a letter that Paul wrote that teaches us about the “fruit of the Spirit.” Can anyone name a fruit of the Spirit? (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) There are many behaviors in the fruit of the Spirit and each of them is just a bit different from the others. How are these pieces of fruit different from one another? (color, shape, size, taste, scent, texture) They are all fruit and they are all different, and when we cut them up and mix them together, we can get a yummy fruit salad!

Welcome to Large Group Openings for the Fruit of the Spirit Rotation. Enjoy your time (about 10 minutes) with kids as you sing, learn, and pray together. Choose a song or two to get things started, move into the object lesson that introduces kids to the story, invite kids to discuss a question with their Shepherds, and finish up your time with a prayer.

Spark ResourcesSpark Song CDSpark SongbookSpark Song Lyrics Sheets or


SuppliesCD playerIndex cardsRhythm instruments

Spark ResourcesSpark Bible

SuppliesA bowl of fresh fruit

Page 4: Fruit of the Spirit - WCSbrookridgekids.weebly.com/uploads/9/6/2/8/9628066/fruit_of_the_spi… · Fruit of the Spirit — 149 Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) Spark Resources

Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

146 — Large Group Openings

Shepherd QuestionsPose one or more of these questions to the large group and invite the Shepherds to discuss them with kids in their small groups. If your group is already small, choose one of the questions and ask the whole group to discuss it together.

Name things that are the same for your whole group and things that are •different.

Why do you think it is good that people are different, rather than all the same?•

Which fruit of the Spirit are you good at?•

Closing PrayerUse the image of the assorted fruit in the fruit bowl as a prayer starter. Ask kids to add to the prayer after you start it and then close the prayer when everyone who wants to share has had the chance to do so.

Dear Lord,Thank you for the fruit bowl of our lives! Just like this bowl in front of us with different kinds of fruit, you give us all kinds of different people and experiences in our lives. Help us to notice and appreciate those differences, rather than expecting everyone to be just like us.

Thank you for . . . Allow time for kids to make their own prayer petitions or requests, then close with the following:

Today and always, we praise and thank you for the good gifts you give us! Amen.

Visit www.sparksundayschool.org for more Spark content. Watch a short Lesson Prep Video that will prepare you and give you confidence to introduce this Bible story to the kids you are leading. You will also

find downloadable Spark Song Lyrics Sheets and Slides for all the Spark Songs!

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Fruit of the Spirit — 147

Fruit of the Spirit(Galatians 5:16-26)

Spark ResourcesSpark Bible

SuppliesCopy paper, 9 sheetsMarkersPlace to post papers (wall,

easel, bulletin board)Dictionaries

Spark ResourcesSpark Song CDSpark SongbookSpark Song Lyrics Sheets or


SuppliesCD playerBells or triangles

Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

Large Group



Spark SongsUse one or more of the following Spark Songs during your Large Group Opening. Use them in the order that suits your group’s size, format, and time frame.

Spark My World (Track 1, Songbook page 4): What are some other words that could be substituted for the word spark? What about light, fire up, or ignite? Brainstorm words together and then sing the song with those alternatives.

Hallelujah! Praise Ye the Lord! (Track 8, Songbook page 44): Give kids a set of jingle bells or metal triangles to play every time they sing the word “Lord.” March around the meeting space and sing the song once more.

I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy (Track 10, Songbook page 55): Sing this song and then have kids lie on the floor and try to spell words –love, joy, peace, and so on—with their bodies.

Introduce the StorySet Up: Write one fruit of the Spirit on each sheet of copy paper. Put the dictionaries on the table where kids can access them easily. As kids arrive, enlist a volunteer to read Galatians 5:22-23.

Ask the volunteer to read Galatians 5:22-23 aloud to the group. These are the words Paul used. Let’s see what words you can think of that mean the same thing. You can use single words or a group of words. For “patience,” you might write “Slow down.” Divide kids into nine groups. Give each group a sheet of paper that lists one fruit of the Spirit. Give kids time to suggest single words or phrases that have the same meaning. Invite Shepherds or other adults to help each group as needed. When I [name the signal], we’ll all come together again. Be sure someone in your group is ready to read your list.

Let’s hear what you came up with. Move around the room to read the words on the sheets. Wow—this is quite a list! Living with these words as part of our daily lives would make the world a much better place. Collect the papers to post for the rest of the Fruit of the Spirit rotation.

Welcome to Large Group Openings for the Fruit of the Spirit Rotation. Enjoy your time (about 10 minutes) with kids as you sing, learn, and pray together. Choose a song or two to get things started, move into the object lesson that introduces kids to the story, invite kids to discuss a question with their Shepherds, and finish up your time with a prayer.

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Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

148 — Large Group Openings

Shepherd QuestionsPose one or more of these questions to the large group and invite the Shepherds to discuss them with kids in their small groups. If your group is already small, choose one of the questions and ask the whole group to discuss it together.

Choose one fruit of the Spirit and tell what is easy about following that way of •life.

Choose one fruit of the Spirit and tell what is hard about following that way of •life.

Why does it seem easier on some days to live as Jesus wants us to?•

Closing Prayer Invite kids to think of a word written on one of the fruit of the Spirit lists they created and add it to the closing prayer.

Dear Lord,Thank you for all of the gifts you lovingly give us, and help us make them all a part of the way we live each day. We especially thank you for your help in living lives that reflect: (Kids add words here.) In your name we pray, thanking you always for your love. Amen.

Visit www.sparksundayschool.org for more Spark content. Watch a short Lesson Prep Video that will prepare you and give you confidence to introduce this Bible story to the kids you are leading. You will also

find downloadable Spark Song Lyrics Sheets and Slides for all the Spark Songs!

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Fruit of the Spirit — 149

Fruit of the Spirit(Galatians 5:16-26)

Spark ResourcesNone

SuppliesPaper, varying colors, enough

to have one letter per sheet to spell out one or more fruit of the Spirit


Spark ResourcesSpark Song CDSpark SongbookSpark Song Lyrics Sheets or


SuppliesCD playerCardstock paper, 9 sheets, 1

letter per sheetMarkers

Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

Large Group



Spark SongsUse one or more of the following Spark Songs during your Large Group Opening. Use them in the order that suits your group’s size, format, and time frame.

Spark My World (chorus) (Track 17, Songbook page 96): Sing this shortened version of “Spark My World” with enthusiasm, encouraging kids to get up and dance to the lively music.

I Am a C (H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N) (Track 9, Songbook page 50): Give kids cardstock paper and markers to write and “speed decorate” the nine letters that spell the word “Christian.” As you sing the song, ask for volunteers to come to the front of the class and spell the word with the cardstock letters as you sing.

Jesus Loves Me (Track 14, Songbook page 76): Sing this alternative verse to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me”:

Jesus loves me, yes it’s true. He loves me and he loves you. Worktime, playtime, bedtime, too, Jesus loves me, yes it’s true.

Introduce the StorySet Up: Write each of the letters of one or more fruit of the Spirit on a separate piece of paper. Make the letters large and bold so that they are visible from a distance. If you are using more than one word, use different color paper for each word (such as the letters of “love” on yellow paper, the letters of “joy” on green paper, and so on).

As kids arrive, give them at least one piece of paper with a letter on it. Once everyone has arrived and all the letters have been distributed, ask everyone holding a particular color of paper to come forward. All of these letters spell one “fruit of the Spirit.” Have kids in the first color group hold their paper so the letters are facing everyone else. Ask a volunteer to come up and move one person at a time to spell the word correctly. Continue until you’ve spelled all the words kids are holding.

Welcome to Large Group Openings for the Fruit of the Spirit Rotation. Enjoy your time (about 10 minutes) with kids as you sing, learn, and pray together. Choose a song or two to get things started, move into the object lesson that introduces kids to the story, invite kids to discuss a question with their Shepherds, and finish up your time with a prayer.

Page 8: Fruit of the Spirit - WCSbrookridgekids.weebly.com/uploads/9/6/2/8/9628066/fruit_of_the_spi… · Fruit of the Spirit — 149 Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) Spark Resources

Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

150 — Large Group Openings

Shepherd QuestionsPose one or more of these questions to the large group and invite the Shepherds to discuss them with kids in their small groups. If your group is already small, choose one of the questions and ask the whole group to discuss it together.

Which fruit of the Spirit is something you think you need to work on?•

How can we help other people live with these gifts in their lives?•

Talk about a time when you had to show self-control, one of the hardest gifts.•

Closing Prayer Gather the kids in a circle and sit cross-legged on the floor together. Have kids place a hand on the knees next to them as they pray together. If kids aren’t comfortable touching knees, ask them to touch elbow to elbow.

Lord, Today we thank you for all our friends sitting together. Invite kids to say the names of the people sitting next to them. Thank you especially for the many ways you teach us about you, including through our friends, our teachers, our pastors, and our parents. Help us to live our lives full of the fruit of the Spirit. Amen.

Visit www.sparksundayschool.org for more Spark content. Watch a short Lesson Prep Video that will prepare you and give you confidence to introduce this Bible story to the kids you are leading. You will also

find downloadable Spark Song Lyrics Sheets and Slides for all the Spark Songs!

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Fruit of the Spirit — 151

Fruit of the Spirit(Galatians 5:16-26)

Spark ResourcesNone

SuppliesItems that represent different

types of communication: cell phones, telephones, computers, writing paper, pencils, whiteboard or chart paper, marker

Spark ResourcesSpark Song CDSpark SongbookSpark Song Lyrics Sheets or


SuppliesCD playerWhiteboard or chart paperMarker

Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

Large Group



Spark SongsUse one or more of the following Spark Songs during your Large Group Opening. Use them in the order that suits your group’s size, format, and time frame.

Spark My World (chorus) (Track 17, Songbook page 96): Talk about the world and all of the people in it and then talk about how our own little world (where we live, primarily) is so much smaller. Sing this song twice, first thinking about how we can show God’s love to people we see face to face and then thinking about how we can show God’s love to all people in the world.

I Am a C (H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N) (Track 9, Songbook page 50): On a whiteboard or chart paper, write the words that are spelled out in this song (CHRISTIAN, CHRIST, HEART, LIVE, ETERNALLY). As you sing eliminate the first letter of each word, clapping where you would sing. Erase or cross out each letter as kids sing. Sing again, eliminating the first two letters. Continue until all letters are clapped rather than sung. This could get crazy as kids sing through the song and try to remember the letter they are on!

Jesus Loves Me (Track 14, Songbook page 76): Talk about all the people Jesus loves and about how we can share Jesus’ love with others. Sing this song, first softly in a prayerful way, then at the top of your lungs as a celebration of Jesus’ love.

Introduce the StorySet Up: Set out your collected items on a table in the meeting space.

When kids arrive, invite them to take a look at all of the things you have brought to class.

Can anyone guess what all these things have in common? What do we use them for? If you guessed that we use all of these things to communicate, you’re right! We communicate in our world in lots of different ways, and those ways are growing and changing every day.

Knowing how God wants us to live and knowing how we can love one another are important parts of the lives of Christians. When we share the fruit of the Spirit in the things we say and do—and especially in the ways we treat others—we are communicating our faith to the world and all the people who live in it.

Welcome to Large Group Openings for the Fruit of the Spirit Rotation. Enjoy your time (about 10 minutes) with kids as you sing, learn, and pray together. Choose a song or two to get things started, move into the object lesson that introduces kids to the story, invite kids to discuss a question with their Shepherds, and finish up your time with a prayer.

Page 10: Fruit of the Spirit - WCSbrookridgekids.weebly.com/uploads/9/6/2/8/9628066/fruit_of_the_spi… · Fruit of the Spirit — 149 Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) Spark Resources

Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

152 — Large Group Openings

Shepherd QuestionsPose one or more of these questions to the large group and invite the Shepherds to discuss them with kids in their small groups. If your group is already small, choose one of the questions and ask the whole group to discuss it together.

What is your favorite way to communicate with other people?•

Can you think of some other ways that people communicate? (• body language, facial expressions, sign language)

What do you like to receive in the mail? Why?•

Closing PrayerBuild a prayer with text requests today. Ask kids to get in groups around Shepherds or other leaders who have cell phones. Invite each group to text prayer requests or concerns to your phone. As you read the messages, ask one or more volunteers to write the texted petitions on a whiteboard or chart paper. Add the opening greeting to God and the closing; then read the prayer together.

Visit www.sparksundayschool.org for more Spark content. Watch a short Lesson Prep Video that will prepare you and give you confidence to introduce this Bible story to the kids you are leading. You will also

find downloadable Spark Song Lyrics Sheets and Slides for all the Spark Songs!

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Fruit of the Spirit — 153

Fruit of the Spirit(Galatians 5:16-26)

Spark ResourcesSpark Bibles

SuppliesWhiteboard or chart paper Markers

Spark ResourcesSpark BiblesSpark Song CDSpark SongbookSpark Song Lyrics Sheets or


SuppliesCD playerPaper tube, one per kidYellow tissue paper, one

sheet per kidOil lampMatches

Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

Large Group



Spark SongsUse one or more of the following Spark Songs during your Large Group Opening. Use them in the order that suits your group’s size, format, and time frame.

Books of the New Testament (Track 3, Songbook page 18): As you listen to this song, have kids find the list in the front of their Bibles naming the New Testament books in the order they appear (page xi in the Spark Bible). Sing it through slowly the first time as kids follow the list, being sure to take time to teach kids any pronunciation that may be difficult.

This Little Light of Mine (Track 16, Songbook page 90): After singing the song once, give kids a paper tube and piece of yellow tissue paper to push through one of the open ends. That can be their “light” as they sing the song again.

Give Me Oil in My Lamp (Track 4, Songbook page 22): If your church’s policy permits an open flame, bring in an oil lamp or two and light them as you sing this song. Show kids how the oil and wick—combined with the flame—keep a gentle light burning without using electricity. Before lighting oil lamps, check your local fire codes and your congregation’s fire policies regarding the use of open flames.

Introduce the StorySet Up: Make a list on the whiteboard or chart paper of the books of the Bible that Paul wrote: Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon. Make sure you have enough Spark Bibles for several kids to share as they look at these books.

Open your Spark Bibles to page xi for the list of books in the New Testament. How many books are there in the New Testament? Right, twenty-seven. We know the Bible is divided into different kinds of writing. Refer to the whiteboard or chart paper. This is a list of the books Paul wrote. They are in the New Testament and are in the form of letters sent to the people in the cities or towns he visited. Paul’s letters helped people in Bible times. Today they still help people have a better understanding of how Jesus wants us to live our lives as God’s children.

Welcome to Large Group Openings for the Fruit of the Spirit Rotation. Enjoy your time (about 10 minutes) with kids as you sing, learn, and pray together. Choose a song or two to get things started, move into the object lesson that introduces kids to the story, invite kids to discuss a question with their Shepherds, and finish up your time with a prayer.

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Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

154 — Large Group Openings

Shepherd QuestionsPose one or more of these questions to the large group and invite the Shepherds to discuss them with kids in their small groups. If your group is already small, choose one of the questions and ask the whole group to discuss it together.

Work as a group to see how many books of the New Testament you can name •from memory.

If Paul were alive today, how might he communicate with people to share the •good news?

Why do you think it’s hard to live as God wants us to?•

Closing PrayerHave kids join you in a closing prayer.

Dear God,Thank you for all of the ways we can communicate with others, but most importantly, for this special way you gave us to communicate with you. Help us remember that when two people are communicating, it is important to talk and to listen. Teach us to be good listeners. Amen.

Visit www.sparksundayschool.org for more Spark content. Watch a short Lesson Prep Video that will prepare you and give you confidence to introduce this Bible story to the kids you are leading. You will also

find downloadable Spark Song Lyrics Sheets and Slides for all the Spark Songs!

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Fruit of the Spirit — 155

Fruit of the Spirit(Galatians 5:16-26)

Spark ResourcesNone

SuppliesArtificial apple or other piece

of fruitWhiteboard or chart paperMarkers

Spark ResourcesSpark Song CDSpark SongbookSpark Song Lyrics Sheets or


SuppliesCD playerFlashlightsWhiteboard or chart paperMarker

Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

Large Group



Spark SongsUse one or more of the following Spark Songs during your Large Group Opening. Use them in the order that suits your group’s size, format, and time frame.

Books of the New Testament (Track 3, Songbook page 18): Post a list of the books and ask a volunteer to come up and point to the books as you sing them. To help kids remember that there are 27 books in the New Testament, tell them the word “New” has 3 letters, “Testament” has 9 letters, and when we multiply 3 and 9 the answer is 27—exactly the number of books in the New Testament!

This Little Light of Mine (Track 16, Songbook page 90): Sing this song through once; then, if no children are afraid of the dark, dim the lights and let them use flashlights to light the room as you sing it once again.

Give Me Oil in My Lamp (Track 4, Songbook page 22): Tell kids that an oil lamp needs oil to keep a bright light burning. What do people need to keep their light shining? Make a list of things that keep us healthy, like food, water, exercise, sleep, and God’s Word, and insert those words in a verse something like this:

Give me food for my body, keep me growing, growing, growing . . . Give me God’s Word to read, keep me learning, learning, learning . . .

Introduce the StorySet Up: Print “Fruit of the Spirit” in large letters on the whiteboard or chart paper.

When kids arrive, have them stand in a circle in the center of the meeting space. Play a game by tossing the apple to someone. Have him or her name one fruit of the Spirit before tossing the apple to another person, and so on. Once each fruit of the Spirit has been named, kids can use alternative words that mean something similar, such as “like” for “love.” Record their alternatives on the board as you play.

Wow! Look at our great list of words. I don’t know about you, but I want to try to make those words a part of my life every day!

Welcome to Large Group Openings for the Fruit of the Spirit Rotation. Enjoy your time (about 10 minutes) with kids as you sing, learn, and pray together. Choose a song or two to get things started, move into the object lesson that introduces kids to the story, invite kids to discuss a question with their Shepherds, and finish up your time with a prayer.

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Large Group Openings, Fruit of the Spirit Rotation Leader Guide. Spark™ Sunday School © 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use only.

156 — Large Group Openings

Shepherd QuestionsPose one or more of these questions to the large group and invite the Shepherds to discuss them with kids in their small groups. If your group is already small, choose one of the questions and ask the whole group to discuss it together.

Do you think any part of the fruit of the Spirit is more important than the •others? Why or why not?

Who or what can help us remember to live in ways that show God’s love?•

Paul used some pretty big words. What words would you use to tell someone •how to live well with others?

Closing Prayer Invite kids to echo each line of your prayer today.

Dear God,Thank you for all that you give us.Help us to learn from you and also from the people you place in our lives.Let us rejoice as we live in your love!Amen.

Visit www.sparksundayschool.org for more Spark content. Watch a short Lesson Prep Video that will prepare you and give you confidence to introduce this Bible story to the kids you are leading. You will also

find downloadable Spark Song Lyrics Sheets and Slides for all the Spark Songs!