STATIC / FROZEN REGISTERS RUKUNEGARA WHEREAS OUR COUNTRY , MALAY SIA nurtures the ambitions o! a"hie#in$ a more %ere"t unit& amon$st the 'ho(e o her so"iet&) %reser#in$ a *emo"rati" 'a& o (ie) "reatin$ a +ust so"iet& 'here the %ros%erit& o the "ountr& "an be en+o&e* to$ether in a air an* euitab(e manner) $uaranteein$ a (ibera( a%%roa"h to'ar*s her ri"h an* #arie* "u(tura( tra*itions) an* bui(*in$ a %ro$ressi#e so"iet& that 'i(( ma-e use o s"ien"e an* mo*ern te"hno(o$&. NOW, THERE/ORE WE, the %eo%(e o Ma(a&sia, %(e*$e to "on"entrate the 'ho(e o our ener$& an* eorts to a"hie#e these ambitions base* on the o((o'in$ %rin"i%(es! 0ELIE/ IN GO1 LOYALTY TO KING AN1 COUNTRY THE SU2REMACY O/ THE CONSTITUTION THE RULE O/ LAW COURTESY AN1 MORALITY


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STATIC / FROZEN REGISTERSRUKUNEGARAWHEREAS OUR COUNTRY, MALAYSIA nurtures the ambitions of: achieving a more perfect unity amongst the whole of her society; preserving a democratic way of life; creating a just society where the prosperity of the country can be enjoyed together in a fair and equitable manner; guaranteeing a liberal approach towards her rich and varied cultural traditions; and building a progressive society that will make use of science and modern technology.NOW, THEREFORE WE, the people of Malaysia, pledge to concentrate the whole of our energy and efforts to achieve these ambitions based on the following principles: BELIEF IN GOD LOYALTY TO KING AND COUNTRY THE SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION THE RULE OF LAW COURTESY AND MORALITY