TERM 1, WEEK 9 29 MARCH 2019 (08) 8521 2400 www.gdc.sa.edu.au [email protected] Barnet Road, EVANSTON SA 5118 “respect, generosity and excellence for self, everyone and the environment” DIARY DATES TERM 1 Tuesday 2 April Immunisation Day 1st Visit - Year 8’s only Year 11 Excursion “RAA Street Smart” Wednesday 3 April SACE Visual Arts Forum SACE Art Show Excursion Monday 8 April Governing Council @ 7pm Wednesday 10 April Youth Opportunity Graduation Friday 12 April Last day of Term 1 Early dismissal 2.15pm TERM 2 Monday 29 April First day of Term 2 Tuesday 7 May Class Photo Day R - 6 Wednesday 8 May -15 May Operation Flinders Thursday 9 May Class Photo Day 7 - 12 Friday 10 May Class Photo Catch Up Day Year 12 Senior Formal Year 11 & SCS Career Expo Wednesday 15 May Immunisation Day 1st Visit - Year 10’s only Tuesday 21 May Immunisation Day 1st Visit - Year 11’s only Monday 27 May Governing Council @ 7pm Monday 27 - 31 May National Reconciliation Week Friday 7 June School Closure Pupil Free Day Monday 10 June Public Holiday Queens Birthday Monday 24 June Governing Council @ 7pm Monday 1 July - 5 July NAIDOC Week FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Dear Friends, Families & Students of Gawler & District College, By the time you read this, schools will be entering their tenth week of schooling. How quickly time passes! But much has happened in those ten weeks. I would like to thank all those who attended our Annual General Meeting on Monday 18 March and congratulate those who were elected to Governing Council. Our parent representatives are (In alphabetical order by surname): Paula Brennand, Amanda Burford, Sharilee Chiarantano, Leanne Conway, Andrina Molnar, Mia Tripodi and Jodie Warner. Leanne Conway is our Chairperson, Amanda Burford our Treasurer and Andrina Molnar our Secretary. If you are interested in playing a more active role in the school your child attends, we still have three parent representative vacancies that need to be filled. How do you apply? Please send in writing a registration of interest to Leanne Conway (Chairperson) care of Gawler & District College. You can drop this off at our front office and we will forward your nomination to Leanne. Our next meetings will be held Monday 8 April and Monday 27 May respectively at which time we can elect new parent representatives. I look forward to working with such a diverse and experienced group of people and thank all for their commitment to our school. Staff have commenced work with architects from Matthews Architects to help us add a multi-purpose hall to our site. It is exciting to share ideas and view concept maps of how our new building will look. The idea at this time is to have a multi-purpose gym that will contain a stage for performances from the arts and will also allow us to hold whole school assemblies to celebrate the successes of our students. Watch this space! Teachers are busy marking students’ work, finalising grades and commencing report writing. I want to thank them for their efforts, and thank the many staff who work alongside them in class, in finance and students services, and in our front office. I wish all students the very best and hope that they achieve success and strive to be the best that they can be. And in closing I want to congratulate the music staff for running our singing competition “Howl the House Down’ over the last few weeks. It was such a success and so entertaining. Students and staff performances have been outstanding and I have great admiration for those who take bravely to the stage and ‘put themselves out there’. Your efforts encourage the rest of us to push ourselves that little harder and to achieve that little bit more. Well done all! Paul Hudson, Acting Principal


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29 MARCH 2019

(08) 8521 2400

www.gdc.sa.edu.au [email protected]

Barnet Road, EVANSTON SA 5118

“respect, generosity and excellence for self, everyone and the environment”


TERM 1 Tuesday 2 April

Immunisation Day

1st Visit - Year 8’s only

Year 11 Excursion

“RAA Street Smart”

Wednesday 3 April

SACE Visual Arts Forum

SACE Art Show Excursion

Monday 8 April

Governing Council @ 7pm

Wednesday 10 April

Y o u t h O p p o r t u n i t y


Friday 12 April

Last day of Term 1

Early dismissal 2.15pm

TERM 2 Monday 29 April

First day of Term 2

Tuesday 7 May

Class Photo Day R - 6

Wednesday 8 May -15 May

Operation Flinders

Thursday 9 May

Class Photo Day 7 - 12

Friday 10 May

Class Photo Catch Up Day

Year 12 Senior Formal

Year 11 & SCS Career Expo

Wednesday 15 May

Immunisation Day

1st Visit - Year 10’s only

Tuesday 21 May

Immunisation Day

1st Visit - Year 11’s only

Monday 27 May

Governing Council @ 7pm

Monday 27 - 31 May

National Reconciliation


Friday 7 June

School Closure

Pupil Free Day

Monday 10 June

Public Holiday

Queens Birthday

Monday 24 June

Governing Council @ 7pm

Monday 1 July - 5 July



Dear Friends, Families & Students of Gawler & District College,

By the time you read this, schools will be entering their tenth week of schooling. How

quickly time passes! But much has happened in those ten weeks.

I would like to thank all those who attended our Annual General Meeting on Monday 18

March and congratulate those who were elected to Governing Council. Our parent

representatives are (In alphabetical order by surname): Paula Brennand, Amanda Burford,

Sharilee Chiarantano, Leanne Conway, Andrina Molnar, Mia Tripodi and Jodie Warner.

Leanne Conway is our Chairperson, Amanda Burford our Treasurer and Andrina Molnar our


If you are interested in playing a more active role in the school your child attends, we still

have three parent representative vacancies that need to be filled. How do you apply?

Please send in writing a registration of interest to Leanne Conway (Chairperson) care of

Gawler & District College. You can drop this off at our front office and we will forward your

nomination to Leanne. Our next meetings will be held Monday 8 April and Monday 27 May

respectively at which time we can elect new parent representatives. I look forward to

working with such a diverse and experienced group of people and thank all for their

commitment to our school.

Staff have commenced work with architects from Matthews Architects to help us add a

multi-purpose hall to our site. It is exciting to share ideas and view concept maps of how

our new building will look. The idea at this time is to have a multi-purpose gym that will

contain a stage for performances from the arts and will also allow us to hold whole school

assemblies to celebrate the successes of our students. Watch this space!

Teachers are busy marking students’ work, finalising grades and commencing report

writing. I want to thank them for their efforts, and thank the many staff who work alongside

them in class, in finance and students services, and in our front office. I wish all students the

very best and hope that they achieve success and strive to be the best that they can be.

And in closing I want to congratulate the music staff for running our singing competition

“Howl the House Down’ over the last few weeks. It was such a success and so entertaining.

Students and staff performances have been outstanding and I have great admiration for

those who take bravely to the stage and ‘put themselves out there’. Your efforts

encourage the rest of us to push ourselves that little harder and to achieve that little bit


Well done all!

Paul Hudson, Acting Principal


JUNIOR SCHOOL Thank you to all the families who participated in our Term 1 Parent-Teacher

interviews during Week 8. Valuable information was shared by parents,

students and teachers to support improvements in planning for individual

learning. Staff believe that their conversations at this time of the year are very

valuable to ensure that students are supported and involved in their learning.

It was a great opportunity to connect and share information, concerns,

highlights and particular strengths. Strong communication between home and

school has a significant impact on children’s success and levels of happiness

at school. If you were unable to book an interview time during the sessions

available, please contact your child’s teacher to make a time later this term

or early in Term 2.

On Tuesday 26 March we held our first incursion for the year. Living Safely

with Pets Program (R - Year 3) is a free program funded by the Dog and Cat

Management Board of SA, incorporating trained dogs. The session

connected strongly within Biological Sciences: Living Animals in our

Australian Curriculum. The activities assisted students to build an

understanding of how to care for animals/pets, what it means to be a

responsible pet owner, how to behave safely around dogs, and the positive

role responsibly owned pets play in the community.

In correlation with National day of Action Against Bullying (Week 7) and

Harmony Day (Week 8), Junior School students attended a special Fringe

performance, WISH. It was an informative, interactive, high energy

performance full of magic and wonder. The performance was inspired by the ‘Bullying No

Way’ campaign and Carol McCloud’s book ‘Have you filled a bucket today’. WISH

focused on the effects of bullying, the importance of being an active bystander and

relative coping mechanisms to deal with situations that may arise

in a school environment.

The Junior School celebrated Harmony Day on Thursday 21 March.

The children wore orange and rotated around to different

classrooms to participate in a wide range of activities. Each class

was allocated a different colour of the rainbow. We created a

Junior School ‘Rainbow of Hands’ representing togetherness and

inclusivity. We all had a great day! We are now looking forward to

our FIRST Junior School Disco for the year on Friday 5 April.

Julie Stockdale, Head of Junior School

Gawler & District College B-12 Term 1, Week 9 2019 Page 2

Now Available

Junior School Fleecy Jumper

$45.00 Sizes 2 to 16

On Tuesday 19 March (Week 8), a total of 6 Gawler Schools (Two Wells Primary,

Gawler East Primary, Gawler Primary, Hewett Primary, St Brigid’s Catholic Primary

School and Gawler & District College B-12) attended the online safety session

delivered by the Carly Ryan Foundation. Students were so engaged and felt

empowered to make wise choices, to look after their digital reputation and keep

themselves and others safe while navigating the internet, apps and forming their

own relationships both online and offline.. Students even brought their parents along

to the parent seminar that evening where Sonya Ryan, Founder and CEO of the

Carly Ryan Foundation delivered a very insightful seminar that has been driven by

the loss of her own daughter to create awareness and educate children and parents using the internet. She will work to

expose the thousands of multiple identities paedophiles use to lure young children. Thank you to all who attended and one

parent’s comment was… “As a parent I came away feeling more empowered about positive experiences on the internet

than I could have imagined. I found it to be extremely informative, eye opening and easy to understand. I feel as though I

now have some knowledge on how to protect my children while they are on the internet”

For more details on how you can help your child, click the link https://www.carlyryanfoundation.com/

Dick Glacken, Student Counsellor Coordinator

Sonya Ryan, SAMMAT Theatre


MIDDLE SCHOOL It has been a very busy few weeks in the Middle School. Most importantly,

we were introduced to our Middle School Representatives on the Student

Voice Committee. These students are:

Brenna C – 7HCA, Joash C - 7HCB, Nateesha H – 8F, Lillian T – 8D,

Samuel H – 9HCD and Ashlee F – 9HCA.

These students went through a rigorous nomination and application process and we are very proud of their selection. They

will play a vital role in developing a positive school culture and acting as a voice for all students in our Middle School. We

are also thankful to Ms. Croll (PE Teacher) and Josh Saunders (Senior Pastoral Care Worker) for their support.

Our Year 7’s entered into their own version of ‘Mad March’ this month.

Over the last two weeks, they have been:

to the Adelaide Museum as part of their HASS studies,

on a day trip to West Lakes to participate in Aquatic Adventures including sailing, surfing, rowing and swimming,

to an event organised by the Carly Ryan foundation to learn about online safety,

had an exciting day with the visiting Air Force team who introduced them to a flight simulator, virtual reality goggles

and taught them all about what it takes to become a pilot,

to a presentation on bullying and harassment by ‘Brainstorm’ productions.

After an eventful few weeks, the Year 7 classes will return to their normal routine this week with teachers focusing on finalising

reading assessments and setting learning goals for Term 2.

Year 8 and 9 students have been working hard on ensuring that they are completing all tasks ready for assessment. We are

about to enter the report writing period and it is important that students have submitted their work for marking.

Year 8 students will change their elective subjects at the beginning of Week 10. This means they will receive a new

timetable from their home care teacher. Year 9 students will remain in their elective classes until Week 9 of Term 2.

At this time of year when the weather starts to cool, we ask that parents and carers support us by ensuring that their students

are in correct uniform. We ask that students do not wear hooded jumpers to school at all, they present a safety issue in

practical subjects and make identification of students difficult in the yard. School jumpers can be purchased from the

uniform shop or ordered online through our school website. If students do not have a school jumper, they may wear a plain

black or white long sleeved shirt under their polo shirt. Students who are wearing hooded jumpers will be asked to take it off.

Liz Rankin, Head of Middle School

Home Economics

In Year 7 Home Economics, students have been

focusing on cooking techniques and practice. For

their summative practical, students had the

opportunity to plan and create their own plaited

pastry. Students had three options for their filling and

five options for their shape, completing a food order

as part of their planning process. After their practical

they completed an evaluation, detailing their

success and areas for future improvement. The

pictures show the amazing results of their hard work!

Caitlin Hilliard, Home Economics Teacher

Gawler & District College B-12 Term 1, Week 9 2019 Page 3




Hambours are our nominated supplier and a representative is at the

college three days a week during school term to assist with fittings and

ordering. Alternatively, you can purchase all items from Hambours Uniform

Shop, Monday to Friday: 9am to 4.30pm, 2 Wilson Street, Royal Park, Phone:

8447 2077 and online at www.hambours.com.au and click on the Gawler &

District College logo. School Uniform Shop is open:

Tuesday 8:15am - 9:15am Wednesday 8:15am - 10:15am Thursday 1:30pm - 3.00pm



Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

All schools are required to collect information about the numbers of students that they provide adjustments to under the

Disability Discrimination Act (1992) and Disability Standards of Education (2005). From 2018, this data will be used as the basis

for national funding.

The NCCD involves the collection of:

the number of students receiving adjustments to enable them to participate in education on the same basis as other


the level of adjustment provided to students,

student’s type of disability if known.

Under the model the definition of disability is broad and includes learning difficulties, health and mental health conditions.

If your child is identified for inclusion in the Collection, the required information will be included in this year’s data co llection.

If you have any questions about the data collection, please contact Ms. Conboy or Ms. Stephenson on 8521 2400. Further

information can be found at: http://www.education.gov.au/nationally-consistent-collection-data-school-students-disability

Tryphena represents Australia at the Special Olympics

Congratulations to 2014 Gawler & District College B-12 graduate,

Tryphena Nicolai, who has just returned from the Special Olympics

World Summer Games. Tryphena was one of the 105 person Australian

team and one of only 24 Australian swimmers who participated in Abu

Dhabi, UAE. Tryphena competed in 4 swimming events over the 10 days

and came home to Australia this week with 3 bronze medals.

Her results were:

100m Butterfly

200m Freestyle - Bronze

400m Freestyle - Bronze

4 x 100m Freestyle - Bronze

Well done Tryphena, we are very proud of your amazing

achievements and the positive manner in which you

have represented your family, school, state and country.

Ros Conboy, Learning Support Leader

T20 Blast Cricket Carnival

On Thursday 14 March we participated in the School

Sport SA T20 Blast Cricket Carnival at Karen Rolton Oval

in the city. The oval was green and luscious. The ground

was divided into 5 small ovals and we competed in a

round robin event against six other schools.

Our school entered 2 teams of 6. I was in a team with

Dylan, Josh, Benito, Zac and Bryson. We played 3

games against other schools. Our team won the first

game by 100 runs. Benito made 56 runs. In the second

game the other team forfeited. In the third game we

made 71 runs. The other team made 36 runs. We won

all our games. Our second team won their first game

and then had close losses in their other 2.

I had fun time playing cricket with my mates and we

are all looking forward to playing in an even larger

carnival that is being planned for Term 4.

Donavan D (Year 12)

Gawler & District College B-12 Term 1, Week 9 2019 Page 4




Did you know lunch orders with Rory’s School Lunches can be made daily via their QKR app?

For more information please see their website https://rorys.com.au/online-canteen/ or

via our website at https://www.gdc.sa.edu.au/our-community/canteen/.

SA T20 Blast Cricket, Karen Rolton Oval, Adelaide



15 FEBRUARY 2019

Gawler & District College B-12 Term 1, Week 9 2019 Page 5


Senior Formal

Friday 10 May, 6.30pm - 10.30pm

Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace


Menu Options: Survey closes 5 April,

Cost: $95.00 per person (This includes photo cost),

Deposit: Due 29 March, ***There is no refund on Formal tickets ***

Payment: Can be made at Finance, before school and at recess, any day,

Due Date: Full payment must be made by 12 April,

Instalments: You may pay by instalments. Please see Finance before 29 March,

Partner Consent Form: Must be completed if partner is not GDC Year 12 Senior,

No payment = No ticket,

Tickets will be available Week 1, Term 2,

If there is a problem with payment please see Finance.

Important Note:

This is a “LOCK IN” event. Doors will re-open at 10.00pm.

NO ALCOHOL is to be consumed at the event. If there are any signs of alcohol

consumption the individual involved will not be permitted to attend and no

refund will be given. Soft drink will be provided on the night.

National School's Constitutional Convention

On the 19 to 21 March one of our Year 12 students, Piper L had the opportunity to attend the

National School’s Constitutional Convention in Canberra. During this visit she had the opportunity

to meet with students from around Australia, interact with Politicians and international

ambassadors. Piper had the opportunity to visit Parliament house, the museum and other

historical locations. Piper has reflected on the

experience saying, “The opportunity to interact with

such a variety of people and discuss/present our ideas

on changing the preamble in our constitution was a

valuable experience. Also being away from home

and making new friends from around Australia was

amazing.” Thank you to Ms. Clarke for making this a

possibility for Piper.

Sarah Hallworth, Year 12 Coorinator

University Open Days

Please find the 2019 University Open Days for Flinders University (Friday 16 & Saturday 17 August), The University of Adelaide

(Sunday 18 August) and University of South Australia (Sunday 18 August).

We are hoping to organise a visit and tour of Flinders on Friday 16 August. Please see Ms. Hallworth if you are interested.

Please Welcome

Jane Barnett

Head of Senior School

Piper L (Year 12)



15 FEBRUARY 2019

Gawler & District College B-12 Term 1, Week 9 2019 Page 6


Open Boys Indoor Cricket

On Monday 25 February our Open Boys Indoor Cricket team travelled to Action Indoor Sports

Centre, Salisbury to compete against other schools from the Northern Zone. We entered the

competition as defending champions from the previous year but were unfortunately not able to

defend our crown. We did however play well through our games and had some Middle School

students step up and fill the team which was excellent to see. We will return with a stronger team

again next year and hopefully return with the trophy.

Ten Pin Bowling Competition

WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!! Gawler & District College won the Northern Zone

Ten Pin Bowling competition held at Salisbury Bowland on Friday 15 March.

We entered a mixed team of varying skill levels across two lanes (8

competitors in total). All of our students bowled well and represented our

school with pride as we competed against other schools from the Northern

Zone. Our team won convincingly the overall best award for the best

average score over two games per team while Brooklyn B (Year 10) also

experienced individual success in winning the Best Female Bowler of the

competition. Her score was actually the highest score of the day beating

that of the best individual male performer also. Well Done Team!!

Ashley Dearlove, PE Coordinator

Open Boys Knock Out Cricket 2019

Our journey in the Open Boys Knock Out Cricket has come to an end for 2019. We played Gleeson College in the Semi Final

and the final score was GDC 62 vs Gleeson College 6/64. Congratulations to everyone involved, it was a stellar effort to

reach the Semi Finals for the first time in 30 years.

Peter Cameron, PE Teacher


The Magic Flute (Mozart) Opera Excursion

Some of our music students attended the Magic Flute on Sunday 3 March at the

Festival Theatre and were blown away by the weird and wonderful staging and

absolutely flawless music. It was a voluntary sign up for this show so we had a big

range of ages from Year 7 all the way to Year 12. Mrs. Walker and Ms. Koehler both

attended with the students and felt proud to be able to give this opportunity to see

something completely different to anything they would have seen before. The

“Silent Movie” style staging was described by Alice P (Year 12) as “Gothic pop art

and costumes were in a 1940s kind of style”. As with most operas the story takes a

fairly dark turn after the interval and there were all kinds of gasps and exclamations

heard from the students! Some of the memorable quotes from the students were

“That is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen in my life!” Alison S (Year 8) and “I wish I

could have gone again today, it was so good” Renee C (Year 10).

“Howl the House Down” Staff Performances

In response to the students’ “Howl the House Down” singing competition

held during Week 2 this year, the staff have been putting on their

performance shoes and hopping on the stage to belt out their favourite

tunes during Weeks 5 and 6.

Our fantastic finalists from the student competition of joint first place: Esme

M (Year 10), Angelene E (Year 10), and Ruby H (Year 11), second place:

Grace M (Year 10) and third place: Macey B (Year 8) sat as judges.

Finals were held during Week 6 and I am proud to announce the winner of

the 20019 “Howl the House Down, Staff Performances is: Ms. Bec Bolton!

Honorable mentions go to: second place: Teechuzz, third place: Josh

Sanders and fourth place: Ms. Jess Genua.

A big “Thank you” to everyone involved and to those brave enough to get

up on stage and have a go!

Rebecca Walker, Music Teacher



15 FEBRUARY 2019


The Gawler International Women’s Day Breakfast was held Friday 8 March

with past student Franke Egberg attending as a guest speaker. Franke

was introduced as an inspiring local woman and the recipient of many

awards including the University of Adelaide STEM award.

Ms. Karatassa (Year 10 Coordinator) and Ms. Peters (Drama Teacher)

attended to support our GDC recipient, Abbey G (Year 11).

Ms. Karatassa explained “Abbey is a very deserving student and the

proceeds of this award will help her further her studies, continuing on

her journey to become a Vet or Theatre Makeup Artist.”

Please help us congratulate Abbey for receiving this award!

Gawler & District College B-12 Term 1, Week 9 2019 Page 7


During this term I have been busy communicating to the student body about the importance of establishing a Student Voice

Committee. Implementing a SVC allows opportunities for students to be heard, to make decisions about their learning and

to build a positive culture across the school community which they feel they own. Representatives were announced during

Week 6 and 7 at year level assemblies. We had our first meeting lunchtime Tuesday 19 March and all of us felt a strong

connection from ideas raised and the way we all respected each other during our discussion. I am looking forward to

spending time with the SVC members to support the student body. This will allow us to build a stronger connection between

students, staff and the school community and to develop a positive vision for the future.

Cheryl Croll, PE Teacher

Neisha R (Year 12)

Lillian T (Year 8)

Abbie W (Year 12)

Ellie B (Year 10)

Brenna C (Year 7) Joash C (Year 7)

Jacob C (Year 12)

Ashlee F (Year 9)

Rachael E (Year 12)

Sarah G (Year 11) Jake H (Year 11)

Samuel H (Year 9) Nateesha H (Year 8)

Joel H (Year 11) Michael M (Year 10)

Riley M (Year 11)

Tianna R (Year 11)

Cheryl Croll

Congratulations Abbey! Well Done Franke!


Gawler & District College B-12 Term 1, Week 9 2019 Page 8


Next edition:


17 May 2019











Reception to Year 6

Tuesday 7 May

Year 7 to Year 12

Thursday 9 May

Catch Up Day

Friday 10 May