March 2016 - 3419 From the Pastor’s Desk… Dear Friends – Gratitude. I had never thought of it as a Lenten discipline before. And yet God has been placing the idea in front of me over and over again this last week. Through our study of the “I am” sayings of Jesus, I have heard Jesus’ invitation to be satisfied. “I am the bread of life,” “I am all that you need to sustain yourself.” It is an invitation to not be constantly expecting and looking for more, but to be grateful for what God has given. Gratitude. After the wind storm the other night that left many homes in our area without power, I came to the realization of how much I depend on our modern day conveniences. I usually don’t even think about the possibility of the electricity not being there. I just take it for granted. But what would happen if we showed up on Sunday and the church didn’t have power? We’d still hold worship. But it wouldn’t be as easy. Gratitude. For the most part, I have escaped the cold and flu this season. Some have been dealing with sickness for weeks. I brushed up against it for a day. It caused me to worry about whether or not I’d be well enough to make through church the next day. But I woke up feeling great. I usually don’t even think about my well-being. I just take it for granted. Gratitude. The discipline is as simple as book ending my day by saying thank you to God. When I wake up and when I go to bed, I simply offer thanks. Or, I could make it more specific. Such as offering thanksgiving for the specific blessings I’ve received during the day, blessings which, at the time of receipt, I may have taken for granted. Gratitude. Saying “thank you,” is a powerful discipline. It offers recognition that things may not be the way that they are. That life could be very different. That we may not have electricity or health or God. Lent is a time to let all of the excess in our lives fall away so that we can focus on that which is truly important. How often do we take for granted what Jesus has done for us? How often do we take for granted our relationship with Jesus? The story of Jesus is such a familiar and well-known story that we forget just how radical the message is: “God loves us so much that he gave us everything even his only begotten Son.” Gratitude. This is not a story to be domesticated but a story to let loose in our lives and the lives of our world. Gratitude may be the first step to unleashing the power of Jesus once again. In Christ, Pastor Adam Communion Dates Mar. 6 Mar. 24 (Maundy Thurs) April 3

From the Pastor’s Desk…lakeshorechurch.com/Soundings/Soundings_Mar16.pdfdonated to the Children's Home of Redford and St. John Hospital Pediatric Ward. Please only take as many

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March 2016 - 3419

From the Pastor’s Desk…

Dear Friends – Gratitude. I had never thought of it as a Lenten discipline before. And yet God has been placing the idea in front of me over and over again this last week. Through our study of the “I am” sayings of Jesus, I have heard Jesus’ invitation to be satisfied. “I am the bread of life,” “I am all that you need to sustain yourself.” It is an invitation to not be constantly expecting and looking for more, but to be grateful for what God has given. Gratitude. After the wind storm the other night that left many homes in our area without power, I came to the realization of how much I depend on our modern day conveniences. I usually don’t even think about the possibility of the electricity not being there. I just take it for granted. But what would happen if we showed up on Sunday and the church didn’t have power? We’d still hold worship. But it wouldn’t be as easy. Gratitude. For the most part, I have escaped the cold and flu this season. Some have been dealing with sickness for weeks. I brushed up against it for a day. It caused me to worry about whether or not I’d be well enough to make through church the next day. But I woke up feeling great. I usually don’t even think about my well-being. I just take it for granted. Gratitude. The discipline is as simple as book ending my day by saying thank you to God. When I wake up and when I go to bed, I simply offer thanks. Or, I could make it more specific. Such as offering thanksgiving for the specific blessings I’ve received during the day, blessings which, at the time of receipt, I may have taken for granted. Gratitude. Saying “thank you,” is a powerful discipline. It offers recognition that things may not be the way that they are. That life could be very different. That we may not have electricity or health or God. Lent is a time to let all of the excess in our lives fall away so that we can focus on that which is truly important. How often do we take for granted what Jesus has done for us? How often do we take for granted our relationship with Jesus? The story of Jesus is such a familiar and well-known story that we forget just how radical the message is: “God loves us so much that he gave us everything even his only begotten Son.” Gratitude. This is not a story to be domesticated but a story to let loose in our lives and the lives of our world. Gratitude may be the first step to unleashing the power of Jesus once again. In Christ, Pastor Adam

Communion Dates

Mar. 6

Mar. 24 (Maundy Thurs)

April 3

Church Contact

Information -

Address - 27801 Jefferson

St. Clair Shores, MI 48081

Phone - 586-777-8533

Fax - 586-777-7197

Web - www.lakeshorechurch.com

Staff - Pastor

Adam Grosch

Office Manager

Stacey King

Director of Music: Traditional

Ginny Stieler

Kevin Saunders

Bookkeeper/Comm. Coord.

Jeanette Mazmanian

Facility Manager

Marlon Segura

Evening Custodian

Mo King


Kevin Saunders


Presbytery Support

Our hope is to provide you with easy to read information about Presbytery Support. Presbytery Support is the general undesignated funds we send that support the work and mission of our presbytery (Detroit-metro churches) and the General Assembly (National Denomination). This money is used to support things like youth ministry retreats, pastor development, lay leadership training, church development, hunger minis-try, and international mission co-workers, to just name a few things. We invite every family in our church to offer a per member dollar amount of $39.44. We are obligated to send money on behalf of each member whether you pay or not. The more members who can offer this support means the more money we have to support Lake Shore Church's annual ministry budget.

Just to wrap up - if there are two members in your family, (member=someone who has joined the church, either through New Member class, Communicant class, or Transfer) you would place $39.44 x 2 = $78.88, in your offering envelope (please use the envelope marked per capita included in your numbered box of envelopes). If there are 3 members in your family then it would be $39.44 x 3, etc. You can also use any other means of payment we offer, just note that it is for Presbytery Support. Thank you!

Holy Week at Lake Shore Church

Palm Sunday ~ 9:15 am Traditional Worship

11:15 am Easter Egg Hunt

11:15 am Modern Worship

Maundy Thursday ~ 7 pm Communion Service

Good Friday ~ 7 pm Service

Easter Sunday ~

9:15 am Traditional Worship

11:15 am Modern Worship

LOL The little church in the suburbs suddenly stopped buying from its

regular office supply dealer. So the dealer telephoned Deacon Brown to ask


“I’ll tell you why,” shouted Deacon Brown, “our church ordered some pencils

from you to be used in the pews for visitors to register.”

“Well,” interrupted the dealer, “didn’t you receive them yet?”

“Oh, we received them all right,” replied deacon Brown.

“However, you sent us golf pencils, each stamped with the

words -

’Play Golf Next Sunday’

Page 3

Kids Against Hunger On Saturday, March 5, from 10am-noon, we will be meeting at Grosse Pointe Memorial

Church to help pack rice meal bags for Kids Against Hunger. GPMC is attempting to

pack 75,000 bags that day. Please meet at GPMC at 9:45am.

Please email me - casmark1@wowway or call me at 586-776-3815 to let me know if

you will be coming. GPMC would like a volunteer count beforehand.

Easter Bags Bags to decorate and fill will be available on Sunday, February 28. The bags will be

donated to the Children's Home of Redford and St. John Hospital Pediatric Ward.

Please only take as many bags as you know you can fill and return. Bags will need to

be returned to church on Sunday, March 20.

Thank you for always being so generous to these kids who wouldn't get treats due to

their dire circumstances!

Food Pantry/Clothes Closet. We are looking for some volunteers to help in the clothes closet. Your jobs would be to help sort and hang

clothing, and help our guest families on pantry days. Pantry days are the second and fourth Mondays of the

month from 1pm-2:30pm, and the third Wednesday of the month from 5pm-6:30pm. There is also a need for

volunteers to help set up before pantry on those days. If you would like to volunteer, even one day a month,

please contact Gayle Spiewak at 586-778-9363.

We are always grateful for all donations to the pantry and clothes closet. Our food Pantry served 96 families in

the month of February, which totaled 250 persons. Thank you so much for all your donations - as you can see

they are much needed. We can always use tuna, canned pasta, canned fruit, and jelly.

If you would like to become more involved in Mission or have a project you would like to bring to

our church family for Mission, please contact me.

Thank you for always supporting Mission!

Cheryl Smark


2016 Chili Cook-Off What a great afternoon of food, fun and fellowship! Over 70 people sampled and rated 10 different pots of

chili…...and the winner was….. Gail Hall !! Second place went to Gino Morin! Congrats !!

A huge Thank You to all who came out and made this event such a success - again!! Can’t wait for next year’s Soup Cook-Off…..

Easter Bags

R E M I N D E R !

When the Lake Shore, Lakeview or South Lake School Districts are

closed due to inclement weather, Lake Shore Church is closed also.

Please remember to check your local radio or television school closing

listings, as we would not want you to go out in bad weather to find the

church building closed. Thank you!

A Message from our CLM’s…… As I think back to my childhood, Easter brings back some great memories. Let’s see, there were those delicious chocolate bunnies, Easter baskets filled with all kinds of candy and of course my favorite, jelly beans. (More about that later) Of course there was coloring eggs, and the occasional Easter egg hunt, always a lot of fun. I also remember getting dressed up and heading off to church on Easter morning, but I must admit the candy and the Easter basket are my most vivid memory. As time passed and I had children of my own those Easter traditions remained but the real importance of Resurrection Sunday finally started to sink in and take its rightful place in my heart.

Following are a few verses that truly tell the of the resurrection story:

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall live. John 11:25

The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name. Luke 24: 46-47

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28: 18-20

As I grow older it is apparent to me that every day should be celebrated as Resurrection Sunday for every day we are blessed with the Lord's love and forgiveness and the gift of eternal life, always remembering his words - "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

A little closing note. As I stated earlier one of my favorites at Easter time were those jelly beans, truth be told they still are! Recently, while I was reading on the internet, I came across the following version of what is called the Jellybean prayer. The author and the date of origin may be unclear but the message is one I thought would be worth sharing.

Red is for the blood he gave Green is for the grass he made Yellow is for the sun so bright Orange is for the edge of night Black is for the sins we made White is for the grace he gave Purple is for his hour of sorrow Pink is for our new tomorrow.

A bag full of jellybeans Colorful and sweet Is a prayer, is a promise, Is a special treat May the joy of Christ's resurrection Fill your heart and bless your life.

Your CLMs….. Sandy Appel, Linda Dick, Sis Leadbetter, Tari Martin, Bill Mazmanian, Vivian Parker, Cindy White and Linda Young **This month’s article submitted by Bill Mazmanian**

Page 5

1st Deb Bonello, Maxine Burns, Rachel MacGregor, Louise Teutsch

2nd Greg Droska, May Garlock

4th Debra Talluto

9th Diane Oravec, Micha Thompson, Tammy Weaver

10th Andrew Jenken

13th Corinne Dickinson

14th Mary MacNeil

15th Paul Kraus, Scott Russell, Linda Williams

16th Marguerite Duffy, Ray Harvey

18th Jennifer Hunter

19th Logan Reedy, Pete Sandora, Victoria Schick

20th Al Bednarski, Ed Harvey, Louis Hough

22nd Brittany Arthur, Keith Van Houzen

23th Rhonda Okker

24th Frank Welch

25th Ben Decker

27th Ila Harvey, Jeanette Mazmanian

28th Kris Sipple, Hans Stricker

29th Gwen Crabb

30th Cheryl Hohn, Scott sumner, Marissa Talluto

31st Bob Hovis

March Birthdays

March Anniversaries

2nd Jared & Peggy Dell 11th Walt & Marion Walker Frank & Tari Martin 16th Kurt & Cheryl Hohn 26th Sue & Dan Loughman 28th Ray & Val Harvey

The 2016 Flower Chart is anxiously

awaiting your signature!!

The Flower Chart is located on the bulletin

board across from the office. There are

many slots still available. If you wish to

purchase flowers in memory of, honor of,

celebration of, etc., all you need to do is place your name

on the available date, fill out a form real quick and place

it in the mail slot of Stacey King, with your payment.

One bouquet is $15, two are $30. Checks payable to

Lake Shore Church please.

The flowers are yours to take, after the 11:15am service

please, or they can be taken by our CLMs to those in the

hospital, shut ins, etc. where they are greatly appreciated!

Pick up a Kroger flyer from the Atrium shelf to get started earning rewards for the church. This program does not cost any-thing nor affect your fuel points. It’s a win-win!!

You have to register online for this pro-gram so if you need help just fill out the fly-er and drop it off in the church office and we will take care of it for you! Let’s make this quarter’s check bigger than the last….

...Last quarter’s check….$374.13 !!

That is with 59 households participating!

Let’s continue to sign people up and go Krogering!!

March 13th





Youth Group Sc p

We took 26 youth and 6 adults to SpringHill in February. What a

great weekend!! From the wonderful speaker and awesome band to

all of the outside fun, it was a blast! Such great team work and

sportsmanship displayed by our youth, we are proud of them all.

There are many, many pictures posted to the Lake Shore Church

Velocity FB page as well as the Lake Shore Church FB page. “Like”

either (or both) pages so you can see all the fun we had!!

Greetings from the Dea-

cons of Lake Shore Church! This is my fifth year as a

Deacon, and they have been five incred-ibly blessed years. I am honored and grateful to be part of such an incredible

group of God’s great people. One of our ministries has been assisting the Funeral Team. When

needed, we provide a cookie and punch reception. We work together to provide this

service when a family is experiencing such a sad and painful time.

Being god’s hands and feet is truly what

the Deacon’s ministry is all about. May God continue to bless and protect you throughout this year!

In Christ, Kate Haselhuhn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On a side note - Thank you to our outgoing

Deacons for all they have done! Janet Gingrich, Nick Hunter, Darlene (Dee)

Swoveland and Judy Wilson And Welcome to the new Deacons joining our board this month!

Lin Graber, Rich Kindlinger, Joan LaFountain and Susan Huhn

Jill LePage is now the Moderator of Deacons.



Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, March 20 11:15 am

Our annual Easter Egg Hunt is going to be held on Sunday, March 20th at 11:15 am for all children ages 4 through 5th grade.

Should be fun…..thank you Fellowship Team for sponsoring this great event!

Sock it to ‘Em One Sunday in January, we

took up a spur of the moment collection for the purchase of

socks to be distributed to different homeless

missions. We received a wonderful thank

you note and an update on just how far that

money stretched from Phil Cavaretta, HOM

member, leader of the Sock it to ‘Em initiative. A total of 2,450 pairs of socks were

purchased and distributed!!

The Thank You note, in it’s entirety, is up

on the bulletin board across from the office.

A huge Thanks to all who donated!!

Mon Tue Wed Fri Sat


2 8:30am AARP 6 pm Lenten Dinner 7 pm Lenten Study



5 8:30am Presbyterian Women’s Conference 11am Robert Sayer Memorial

6 Communion

6pm Youth Groups 6pm Sunday Night Saints (SNS)

7 8:30am AARP 6:30pm Personnel

8 11am Staff Meeting

9 8:30am AARP 10:15am Bayview Bunch 4:30 Finance Team 6pm Lenten Dinner 7pm Lenten Study


Presbyterian Pilgrimage begins



10am Breakfast Bunch

13 Daylights Savings Time Begins—Spring Forward

12:30pm Trustees 6pm Youth Groups (calendar change)

14 1pm Food Pantry 7pm Deacons

15 NCAA March Madness begins

16 8:30am AARP 9:30am Circle 6pm Lenten Dinner 7pm Lenten Study

17 6pm Modern Worship Meeting St. Patrick’s Day



20 Palm Sunday 11:15 am Easter Egg Hunt 6pm SNS 6pm Youth Groups

21 8:30am AARP 11am CLM 6:30pm Bible 101 7pm Session

22 23 8:30am AARP 10:15am Bayview Bunch 5pm Food Pantry

24 7pm Maundy Thursday Communion Service

25 7pm Good Friday Service

26 10am Breakfast Bunch

27 Easter Sunday

NO Youth, Ditz or Confirmation Classes


8:30am AARP 1pm Food Pantry

29 30 8:30am AARP


MARCH 2016

7 pm Men’s AA


Closed 7:30 pm NA


10:15 am GFC Small Grp 1 pm Pinochle 6 pm Bells 7 pm Band Practice 7:30 pm Choir 7:30 pm AA 7:30 Al Anon

9 am Confirmation 9:15 & 11:15 am Services of Worship 10:25 am Wired Word 10:25 am SS 6th-12th 11:15 am SS pre-5th 12:30 pm Little Treble Makers 6 pm Youth Groups 6:30 pm FPU

Presbyterian Women’s

Annual Retreat

Saturday, March 5, 2016

8:30am - 3:30 pm

First Presbyterian Church Birmingham

This retreat is an opportunity to explore the current season of

your own life, physically and spiritually; to notice the wisdom

of each season and that God is present in all seasons. All are

welcome! Please invite your friends, neighbors and

co-workers. More information is available in the flyer on the

Atrium shelf.

. . . .

. . . .

Ladies in Faith Together Women’s Conference

Saturday, April 16, 2016

8am - 3pm @ Sterling Inn and Banquet Center

A Journey of the Heart “We walk by faith not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7

Registration forms and more information are available on the

Atrium shelf. Questions?? Ask Gail Hall or Sandy Appel

1st Day of Spring

Lake Shore Church now offers

WiFi throughout the entire

facility, available to you while

you are here worshipping with

us! To access this free WiFi,

simply connect to the wireless

hotspot “LSC-Public” and use

the password “Welcome2Lakeshore”.

The Communications Team is

trying to expand our FB page. We

want to make sure our page is a


page for all who visit.

“Like” us (256 so far!), post a comment, tag a

picture, share a post someone else made….just get

the word out that Lake Shore Church has a lot

going on!


AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, in conjunction with the IRS,

offers free tax help to low- and moderate-income taxpayers.

The St. Clair Shores site is located at the Lake Shore Church,

27801 Jefferson Ave., St. Clair Shores, MI 48081. Tax

preparation services are offered on Mondays and Wednes-

days from 8:30AM until 11:15AM through April 13, 2016.

A taxpayer or representative may make an appointment in

person at the tax site during tax hours. For other locations or

more information please call 1-888-227-7669 or visit the

AARP website at: www.aarp.org/taxaide

So Many Ways to Give……. ...We now have all kinds of new, easy, convenient ways to donate. Check them out….

1. PayPal - If you have a PayPal account you can give to the church. You can find a link

on the church website - www.lakeshorechurch.com

2. FaithStreet - FaithStreet Giving is a giving option we brought to the church just a few months ago.

With this option, you can give online, by text, or by scanning our QR code. A link to this is also on

the church website. (more details at the bottom of this article)

3. Direct Donation - here, the church can directly debit your checking or savings account on a set day

or days each month. (the same way, perhaps, your utilities get paid). There are forms on the Atrium

shelf or you can call Jeanette in the office for more details.

Our QR code to scan

with your smartphone -

takes you directly to the

FaithStreet giving page

for Lake Shore Church.

For text giving - text the amount you’d like to give to 646-832-4848

Click on the link sent back to you. Our activation code is - lakeshore

Fill out the one time only set up page and save the number in your

contacts. Done. Now you are ready to give by text anytime, anywhere!

Go on...you know you want to try it...it’s so easy!

Lake Shore Church thanks you for your generosity - however you give!

Upcoming April Events

April 1 - Piston’s Game

April 10 - Youth Road Rally

April 23 - Murder Mystery

April 24 - Lake Shore Church Concert series

~ Classical Bells Concert ~