Cedarwood Preparatory From the Headmistress 4 June 2014 Weekly Newsletter Dear Parents Most of you will be aware that we have the possibility of a road (K56) cutting into our property, should it be approved. We have, over the last three years, been very involved, together with the community, in the fight against the road being built, but it does seem that it will most likely go ahead. I attended a public participation meeting last week and the sense was that it is a much needed route and that it will go through, although nothing is official yet. The EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment Study) has been completed and we await the report of this. The exact alignment of the road is still to be finalised, and therefore the impact it will have on our property is yet to be determined. The good news is that even if the road does get approved, we should not run out of space to continue operating, albeit it with a busy road on our doorstep. For those of you who were at the AGM, you will know that the Board of Governors has approved the purchasing of additional land (yet to be determined and subject to zoning and planning permission) to build a new College. This means that the Prep will take over and expand into the current College premises, hopefully from 2016. This translates into us being able to offer placement to more children, which is wonderful as our waiting list continues to grow on a daily basis! To this end, may we respectfully request that if your child is leaving Cedarwood at the end of the year – even potentially – to please let us know by sending an email to [email protected] (A reminder that a full terms notice, equivalent to three months notice period, is required for the prep school and four months for the College). Thank you in advance, for your co-operation in this regard. But for now, it’s business as usual. The teachers and therapists continue to teach and support; the children continue to learn and be happy and life goes on for us all. “The gates of opportunity and advancement swing on these four hinges; initiative, industry, insight and integrity.” - Dr William Arthur Ward God Bless Jayne Eurelle ASSEMBLY NEWS Thank you to Grade R for their lovely assembly on ‘The Joy of Learning’. Our next assembly, on the 9th June, will be presented by 6J. All parents and visitors are welcome to attend. Assembly begins at 07h30. We look forward to seeing you there.

From the Headmistress - Cedarwood School · 2017. 1. 23. · Grade 6A Nicolaas Loubser Grade 6J Jack Church-Holmes Courtney Fabry Sanyane Sanyane Rhulani Mathe Amy Vorster Lemo Mogodi

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  • C e d a r w o o d P r e p a r a t o r y

    From the Headmistress

    4 J u n e 2 0 1 4

    W e e k l y N e w s l e t t e r

    Dear Parents

    Most of you will be aware that we have the possibility of a road (K56) cutting into our property, should it be approved. We have, over the last three years, been very involved, together with the community, in the fight against the road being built, but it does seem that it will most likely go ahead. I attended a public participation meeting last week and the sense was that it is a much needed route and that it will go through, although nothing is official yet. The EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment Study) has been completed and we await the report of this. The exact alignment of the road is still to be finalised, and therefore the impact it will have on our property is yet to be determined.

    The good news is that even if the road does get approved, we should not run out of space to continue operating, albeit it with a busy road on our doorstep. For those of you who were at the AGM, you will know that the Board of Governors has approved the purchasing of additional land (yet to be determined and subject to zoning and planning permission) to build a new College. This means that the Prep will take over and expand into the current College premises, hopefully from 2016. This translates into us being able to offer placement to more children, which is wonderful as our waiting list continues to grow on a daily basis!

    To this end, may we respectfully request that if your child is leaving Cedarwood at the end of the year – even potentially – to please let us know by sending an email to [email protected] (A reminder that a full terms notice, equivalent to three months notice period, is required for the prep school and four months for the College). Thank you in advance, for your co-operation in this regard.

    But for now, it’s business as usual. The teachers and therapists continue to teach and support; the children continue to learn and be happy and life goes on for us all.

    “The gates of opportunity and advancement swing on these four hinges; initiative, industry, insight and integrity.” - Dr William Arthur Ward

    God Bless Jayne Eurelle

    ASSEMBLY NEWS Thank you to Grade R for their lovely assembly on ‘The Joy of Learning’. Our next assembly, on

    the 9th June, will be presented by 6J. All parents and visitors are welcome to attend.

    Assembly begins at 07h30. We look forward to seeing you there.

  • M i ni - C r ic k e t 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4 C e d a rw oo d Pr ep ar a t o ry We e k ly N ew s l et t e r 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4

    Cedarwood congratulates our MERIT recipients

    Grade R The Whole Class

    Grade 1F Cameron de Vries

    Grade 1W Mufaro Gwirai

    Tebello Ramaisa

    Grade 2A Cassandra Maree

    Jabulani Mutua

    Grade 2B Lesedi Mazibuko

    Connor Hughes

    Grade 3H Vuyo Tango

    Ian Mostert

    Grade 3P Justin Gentz

    Grade 4L Paige Lee

    Shayne Windrum

    Grade 4R Sandi Gwama

    Carla Erasmus

    Grade 5B Ethan Allschwang

    Chloe Allcock

    Grade 5D Maxine van Loggerenberg

    Grade 6A Nicolaas Loubser

    Grade 6J Jack Church-Holmes

    Courtney Fabry

    Sanyane Sanyane

    Rhulani Mathe

    Amy Vorster

    Lemo Mogodi

    Kimberley Turner


    Congratulations to Motheo Matabane on receiving the Principal’s Courtesy Award and Courtney Fabry on receiving

    the Principal’s Appearance Award.

    Leopards 33

    Lions 39

    Tigers 32

    Cedarwood congratulates the

    LIONS on winning this weeks House Cup.

    Role of Honour Focus The focus of our Role of

    Honour has changed, and for the next two weeks, teachers

    will be monitoring school and sporting uniforms—’Wearing

    your uniform with pride’.

    We will continue to monitor correct playground behaviour.

  • M i ni - C r ic k e t 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4 C e d a rw oo d Pr ep ar a t o ry We e k ly N ew s l et t e r 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4

    From the Sports Desk It is always an awesome feeling when I realise that it is another Wednesday and I have to sit and have a little chat with our parent body again. It really does feel like a chat!

    We are really into the swing of things in the sports department and we are not letting up on the excitement. Very soon, you will be seeing the new soccer and netball uniforms and I am sure that our boys and girls will be very excited to be turning out in these. You will notice from the uniforms that there are no socks. These have been deliberately left out as it is more hygienic for the children to have their own pair. To this end, please note that the PTA Uniform Shop has an abundance of the new kits in stock, and at a discounted rate.

    This brings me to another aspect of the sports uniform that makes me smile every time I see it. I am not sure how many of you know that shin pads should be worn under the socks. However, it appears that here at Cedarwood, we wear them ON TOP of the socks. Kindly do not suggest that they be worn properly as you will run the risk of being thought a fool. The next logical question after that silly question is always “How is everyone going to see them?” Trust me, you will feel foolish.

    Here is a report of the sporting activities that occurred last week.

    On Wednesday, Cedarwood School hosted Paddington Learning Centre for both soccer and netball.

    In the true spirit of a friendly at Cedarwood, the junior netball games were mixed teams with half Cedarwood and half Paddington per side. The match was played well and everybody did their best. The senior netball team played on their own and they showed that they are the stars we are proud of. They white washed their opponents by sixteen goals to nil.

    There were three soccer teams matches, and the under 8 team started the day. Most of the Cedarwood children were playing in a soccer match for the first time but they did us proud. They marked well and several times they came close to scoring. The Under 9 team took to the field and tried hard to make up for the junior’s defeat. However, their opponents were not going to give them victory on a silver platter. The match ended in a two all draw. The under 10 team showed that they have matured as a team and they demonstrated that Cedarwood will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future. They walloped their opponents by six goals to nil.

    On Thursday, the Touch rugby team travelled to Orion College where they won their match by 5 tries to one.

    We would like to say congratulations and well done to each and every one who played in the matches last week. We are all very proud of you.

    This week we host two matches. On Wednesday, the soccer teams will be hosting Orion College in three matches for the Under 9, Under 11 and Under 13. The netball teams will also play against Orion College on Friday. We wish everyone who has been selected to play all the best of luck and would like to urge them to do their best and represent the school with pride.

    Oliver Ngwenya

  • M i ni - C r ic k e t 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4 C e d a rw oo d Pr ep ar a t o ry We e k ly N ew s l et t e r 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4

    Please help...

    Our maintenance department is on the ‘beg’ again and looking for assistance with the following items to improve our school for your children:

    A crash helmet

    A small couch or lounge suite

    A small dining room table with 4—6 chairs

    The use of an industrial sewing machine and moms who can assist with sewing of mats for the Foundation Phase play area.

    Should you be able to assist, please contact Margaret Wood at the school office.

    Art Auction

    Our Art Auction is fast approaching and promises to be a fantastic evening on Thursday, 10th July. Mrs Pops is working very hard with each class to prepare

    items for this years Auction following the wonderful theme of ‘upcycling’ - using all those ‘useless’ old goodies to make amazing works of art. Pictured is

    beautiful table cloth that you could enjoy in your home. Pupil’s artwork will also be on display and can be purchased, via donation, on the evening.

    So, book the date and don’t be late—you don’t want to miss out on the final auction ‘shout’!

    Thank You! Thank you to Belinda Hughes (Paige—Gr 5) and Claire Mew

    (Sloane—Grade 4) for their assistance with the TLC required to our old brown chair that needed an upcycle. Once again, proof

    of what a wonderful Cedarwood Family we are!

  • M i ni - C r ic k e t 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4 C e d a rw oo d Pr ep ar a t o ry We e k ly N ew s l et t e r 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4

    Wednesday, 4 June Grade 5 Study Skills

    Soccer vs Orion @ Cedarwood

    Thursday, 5 June Grade 5 Study Skills

    Friday, 5 June Netball vs Orion @ Cedarwood

    Monday, 9 June Assembly: 6J

    Cross Country Meet @ Northsands

    Wednesday, 11 June Study Skills - Grade 6

    Soccer vs Northsands @ Cedarwood Grade 6 Cedarwood College Information

    Evening @ 18h00

    The Art department is looking for various sized bottle tops and empty plastic colddrink bottles.

    Should you be able to assist, please drop off at reception for the attention of Mrs Pops.

    Cedarwood Blankets

    A reminder that Cedarwood Blankets are available from reception at only R90 each.

    Tired of the clutter in your house—those things that may be worth something to someone else and you could use the extra cash? Looking for

    something, but can’t find it? Perhaps a short piece about your small (or larger) business might get you that extra clientele. Why not advertise in the Cedarwood Classifieds! It’s cheap, easy and well distributed on a monthly basis. Simply contact Mrs Schmitz on [email protected] for more information. Our next issue will be

    distributed on Tuesday, 1 July, so don’t delay, get your info through today!

    Special Person’s Day

    On the 27th June, at 9am, the Foundation Phase will be hosting a fun day for the special person in your child’s life. Please could we ask you to forward the names of two special people that your child would like to invite to this very special day. Names need to be forwarded to your child’s class

    teacher, for invitations to be issued.

  • Is there life a er Cedarwood Prep?

    All parents and their children reach turning points in their schooling careers, and our Grade 6’s are now reaching a point where they need to start planning for high school. 

    Please join us for an informa ve talk on our College, explaining the choices you, as a parent, have for the future of your child ‘Moving on up’. 

    Cedarwood College Life and other op ons will be discussed in an open forum while we enjoy finger snacks together. 

    When: Wednesday, 11 June 2014 

    Where: School Hall 

    Time: 18h00 

    Kindly RSVP to Bev Dalhuijsen, via e‐mail, on [email protected] by Monday,  9 June. 

    We look forward to sharing a wonderful evening with you! 

    M i ni - C r ic k e t 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4 C e d a rw oo d Pr ep ar a t o ry We e k ly N ew s l et t e r 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4

    Congratulations to Inge Muller who competed in a horse show.  She 

    received a clear round in 60cm and a third place in the 70cm Team 

    Challenge—Well Done! 

    Congratulations to Akhila Chetty who performed a piece on the piano at the Phoenix Benedict Music Academy, 

    receiving a certificate for her efforts—Well Done! 

  • M i ni - C r ic k e t 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4 C e d a rw oo d Pr ep ar a t o ry We e k ly N ew s l et t e r 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4

    The PTA Corner Uniform Shop

    Cedarwood offers a service to us all ‐ we have a uniform ‘Swop’ Shop for our convenience. 

    The purpose of this li le shop is to help parents reduce costs for uniforms as we know how expensive uniforms are. In order to do this we need YOUR help!! 

    We accept all your uniforms that are too small for your child for dona on or to “swop” for bigger sizes – it all helps the pocket at the end of the day. 

    We are open near the hall every Thursday morning from 07h20 – 08h00 or by appointment. Please clear out your cupboards of old and small uniforms so that your 

    dona on can help another child. 

    We look forward to seeing lots of uniforms for us to stock!! 

    Have a super week, Lara (PTA) 

    [email protected] or 072‐122‐6049 

    2014 School Year Book

    We trust that you enjoyed reading your copy of the 2013 Cedarwood Year Book over the holidays. Should you wish to purchase an additional copy of this year book, there are still copies available from the school office.

    Work has started on the 2014 Year Book, and we are looking for advertising for this fantastic ‘work of art’. Advertising costs are as follows:

    Quarter Page: R950, Half Page: R1800, Full Page: R2900, Inside Front: R3000, Inside Back: R3400, Back Page: R3600

    This publication is printed in full colour, and is a wonderful place for you to ‘spread news’ about your company. Should you be interested in placing an advert in our 2014 Year Book, kindly contact Mrs Schmitz at [email protected]

  • M i ni - C r ic k e t 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4 C e d a rw oo d Pr ep ar a t o ry We e k ly N ew s l et t e r 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4

    Dear parents,

    The Intermediate Phase will be performing a Pantomime in the 3rd term (29th, 30th and 31st October).

    During the months of June and July, all Intermediate Phase pupils are to remain after school every Friday until 14h00 (2pm) for rehearsals. As every child will be involved in the rehearsals, all children will be expected to remain after school.

    Please ensure that your child is picked up by 14h00 promptly. If your child is not collected on time, they will be sent through to aftercare and you will be billed accordingly.

    Kind regards

    Intermediate Phase Staff

    Thank you - Thank you - Thank you

    Thank you to Mr Trapani (Daniel - 1W)

    for the fantastic donation of a double


    Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

  • M i ni - C r ic k e t 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4 C e d a rw oo d Pr ep ar a t o ry We e k ly N ew s l et t e r 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4

    Cedarwood Blanket Drive

    Dear Parents

    This term, as part of our charity initiatives. we are doing a blanket drive. This initiative allows you and your child to give to someone in need in a meaningful way to help keep them warm over this cold winter period. With this initiative there are many options which you can subscribe to:

    Intermediate phase children will be making them in class:

    We are going to be making fleece blankets (without a needle and cotton) in class over a period of time.

    This involves buying 2 metres of fleece material which costs R50 and creating a needle and stitch-free blanket during class time.

    Please send your R50 to your class teacher before the 20th June if your child will be participating in this drive.

    If you would like to make a blanket at home:

    Please buy 2 metres of fleece material at Shamdoor or any other fabric shop and get started with your child. Please use the video tutorial on the Cedarwood website to teach you how, or ask any of the teachers for help.

    Donate a blanket:

    If you are short on time please feel free to buy a blanket that you can donate to this worthy cause.

    Please send all finished or bought blankets to Miss. Kim Bristow’s grade two classroom before Thursday the 10th July.

    We are still collecting knit-a-square squares, so if you are knitting squares already please send these to school by Monday the 4th August.

    We hope you enjoy this project.

    Many thanks

    Kim Bristow

  • M i ni - C r ic k e t 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4 C e d a rw oo d Pr ep ar a t o ry We e k ly N ew s l et t e r 4 Jun e 2 0 1 4

    Sumbandila non-profit organisation

    It is nearing that time of year when Matric Farewells happen. As I am sure many of you know, matric dance dresses come at quite a cost.

    You wear this dress once and then it takes up space in your cupboard.

    Why not donate it to a worthy cause?

    Sumbandila is a non-profit organisation which awards academic bursaries to underprivileged Grade eight students in the Limpopo Province. The students then attend Ridgeway College, a private school in the area. This non-profit organisation is successfully run by Leigh Bristow, please see their website www.sumbandila.org for more information.

    They are trying to set up a collection of matric dance dresses or smart bridesmaid dresses and are looking for donations of dresses and evening shoes for the girl’s matric farewells.

    If you have an old matric dance dress, bridesmaid dress or evening shoes that are in good condition please bring them to Miss Kim Bristow in the Grade two classroom.

    Please help Our College is looking to borrow a generator on the 19th and 20th October. The generator would need to be in place for the Matric GDE CAT (Computer Applied Technology) finals, and would need to run the College IT Centre should the power fail. This is a requirement from the GDE. Should anyone be able to assist, please contact Mr Billman on [email protected] or the front office.

  • Grade 2A Projects