FROM THE CHAIRMAN · furnishing something of value to an intermediary (e.g., an employee of a customer) without his or her supervisor’s knowledge, with the intent to improperly

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Page 1: FROM THE CHAIRMAN · furnishing something of value to an intermediary (e.g., an employee of a customer) without his or her supervisor’s knowledge, with the intent to improperly
Page 2: FROM THE CHAIRMAN · furnishing something of value to an intermediary (e.g., an employee of a customer) without his or her supervisor’s knowledge, with the intent to improperly


La-Z-Boy Incorporated has earned and works hard to maintain a reputation as being committed to

the highest standards of business conduct. I’m very proud of this. This commitment extends

beyond compliance with the law to include a firm belief that the best way to deliver value to our

employees, customers, consumers, and communities is to be honest, fair, and ethical in our

business practices and personal behavior at work. It is not just a coincidence that one of our core

values is to act with integrity. Trusting, being trusted, doing the right thing, giving back and being

socially responsible are not new to La-Z-Boy; they are part of

our heritage.

We are all accountable for our business conduct, which

includes acting ethically and following company policy and the

law. To help us understand our responsibilities, we provide

this La-Z-Boy Incorporated Code of Business Conduct.

Please take time to review the information carefully and refer

to it as needed.

Although our Code of Business Conduct outlines the

guidelines for our behavior, acting honestly, fairly, and with

integrity in every situation may not always be easy. There are

several options to assist you in making the right decisions. In

addition to your manager, there are other company resources

listed under the heading “Resources for Guidance and

Reporting” that you can turn to for guidance.

If you are not comfortable going to your manager or the other resources, you may call the

La-Z-Boy Ethics Hotline (see the side bar). This hotline will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a

week, 365 days a year. The toll-free line provides a way for any employee to report suspected

violations of the law or company policy. All calls will be confidential and you may remain

anonymous if you wish.

I believe maintaining our reputation for honesty and integrity is the key to our continued success.

It is up to each of us to ensure that our conduct reflects the standards set forth by our Company.

Together, let’s create a dynamic and successful future for La-Z-Boy Incorporated.

Kurt L. Darrow

Ethics Hotline

Anonymous calls can be made at:

Canada 1-866-480-6136 China 400-998-5003 Hong Kong 800-96-1262 Mexico 001-888-243-8075 Thailand 001-800-11-002-9093 UK 0-800-89-0011 (or 500-89- 0011) and then 866-480- 6136 US 1-866-480-6136 Vietnam 1-228-0288 (or 1-201- 0288) and then 855- 551-3833;

Page 3: FROM THE CHAIRMAN · furnishing something of value to an intermediary (e.g., an employee of a customer) without his or her supervisor’s knowledge, with the intent to improperly



FROM THE CHAIRMAN ............................................................................................. 2

La-Z-Boy’s Vision, Mission and Values ....................................................................... 6

Accountability .............................................................................................................. 6

COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND POLICIES ............................................................. 8

Antitrust & competition laws ..................................................................................... 8

Books, records and accounting principles ................................................................ 9

International business ............................................................................................ 10

PROTECTING OUR ASSETS AND INFORMATION ................................................ 12

Corporate assets .................................................................................................... 12

Corporate opportunities .......................................................................................... 12

Computer systems and information ........................................................................ 12

Confidentiality ........................................................................................................ 12

Intellectual property ................................................................................................ 12

Political spending ................................................................................................... 13

RESPONSIBILITIES TO OTHERS ........................................................................... 14

Community involvement ......................................................................................... 14

Conflict of interest .................................................................................................. 14

Disclosing our information to the public .................................................................. 14

Page 4: FROM THE CHAIRMAN · furnishing something of value to an intermediary (e.g., an employee of a customer) without his or her supervisor’s knowledge, with the intent to improperly


Honest & ethical dealing ........................................................................................ 14

Inside information ................................................................................................... 15

Privacy ................................................................................................................... 15

Social Media and External Communications .......................................................... 16

WORK ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................... 18

Environmental ........................................................................................................ 18

Equal employment opportunity and harassment free workplace ............................. 18

Human Rights ........................................................................................................ 18

Sustainability .......................................................................................................... 19

REPORTING AND GUIDANCE ................................................................................ 20

Administration ........................................................................................................ 20

Reporting violations ............................................................................................... 20

Resources for Guidance and Reporting ................................................................. 21

Retaliation .............................................................................................................. 22

Waivers .................................................................................................................. 22

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Our Code

The board of directors has adopted La-Z-Boy’s Code of Business Conduct to ensure a

consistent and uniform approach to the way La-Z-Boy Incorporated conducts its business

across all divisions and business units. This Code is a statement of goals and expectations

for individual and business conduct, and is not intended to address all the applicable laws or

encompass all the various La-Z-Boy policies. It is the responsibility of each employee, officer

and director of La-Z-Boy and all of its subsidiaries to be familiar with all applicable rules and

policies and to act in the best interests of La-Z-Boy and our shareholders. This Code applies

to all employees, officers and directors of La-Z-Boy Incorporated and its subsidiaries and we

use the term “La-Z-Boy personnel” to refer to all such covered individuals. In this Code,

unless the context clearly requires otherwise, “La-Z-Boy” and the words “we,” “us” and “our”

all refer to La-Z-Boy Incorporated and our subsidiaries collectively.

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La-Z-Boy’s Vision, Mission and Values

La-Z-Boy’s Code of Business Conduct provides guidance on how we should behave with

our customers, vendors, and fellow employees. Most questions regarding the proper

action to take in challenging situations can be answered by applying our core values:

Think Customer

Be Committed

Drive Change

Stay Connected

Act with Integrity


All La-Z-Boy personnel will be held accountable for adhering to this Code. Violations of

the La-Z-Boy Code will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary actions up to and

including termination, and may even result in criminal liability. Individuals who willfully

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fail to report others who violate the Code may also be subject to disciplinary action. Any

employee who knowingly makes false reports with the intent of harming another

individual will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

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Antitrust & competition laws

Antitrust and competition laws protect free enterprise. While these laws are

complex and difficult to summarize, at a minimum they prohibit agreement between

La-Z-Boy and our competitors that affect prices, terms or conditions of sale, or fair

competition. In order to avoid creating even the appearance of improper agreements,

we should not:

1) Discuss or contact our competitors regarding price fixing, stabilization or


2) Contact our suppliers and customers to discuss illegally restricting trade or

excluding competitors from the marketplace;

3) Agree with competitors to allocate territories, markets, or customers where we

compete; or

4) Agree with others to boycott customers or suppliers.

U.S. antitrust laws may reach beyond our borders and apply to activities in other

countries where the activities have an impact on U.S. commerce. The violation of any

U.S. or foreign laws or regulations could

result in serious criminal and civil

sanctions for both La-Z-Boy and the

individuals involved.

If you are responsible for areas of

the business where these laws apply, you

must be aware of them and their

implications and in particular how they

apply in any specific country. Many

countries have antitrust or competition laws (though they vary significantly from one

country to another). The competition laws of other countries are sometimes more

stringent than U.S. antitrust laws and regulate, among other things, distribution

agreements; patent, copyright and trademark licenses; territorial restrictions on resellers

and licensees; rebates and discounts to customers; and pricing policies generally.

These laws are complex. You are expected to understand the applicable laws or ask for

advice before you act.

Whom should I contact if I have

questions about

antitrust rules?

The legal department will advise you to

ensure compliance. See page 20 for

contact information.

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Books, records and accounting principles

You are responsible for the integrity and accuracy of business documents,

communications and financial records you generate. La-Z-Boy’s books and records

must be kept in accordance with the pertinent laws, rules, and regulations, and must

fully, fairly, and accurately reflect the Company’s operations, including all transactions,

assets, liabilities, and La-Z-Boy’s financial condition. No one should conceal any

mistake in La-Z-Boy’s financial reporting. Mistakes, unless clearly immaterial, must be

promptly reported to management and appropriately resolved. You should not alter or

falsify information on any record or document or intentionally make a false or

exaggerated or misleading entry on any record or document.

La-Z-Boy maintains a system of internal controls to ensure the reliability and

completeness of its books and records, which includes procedures, appropriate

authorizations, and documentation. You should provide full access and all relevant

information properly requested by internal auditors, independent accountants or legal


La-Z-Boy’s record retention policies and procedures ensure that company

records are retained in compliance with applicable legal requirements. You are

expected to be familiar and comply with the relevant requirements for your operations.

Document destruction must stop immediately if you become aware of a legal request for

such documents or when directed by the legal department to stop. You should not

tamper with documents or remove or destroy them prior to the dates specified in the

record retention policies or legal hold.

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Bribery and corruption

Most countries in which we do business have laws that forbid the making,

offering or promising of any payment or anything of value (directly or indirectly) to a

government official (and in the

U.S., to foreign political parties

and candidates), particularly

when the payment is intended to

influence an official act or

decision to award or retain

business. No payments, gifts or

services intended to influence or

even appearing to influence a

government official’s action

should ever be given.

La-Z-Boy also prohibits “commercial bribery.” Commercial bribery refers to

furnishing something of value to an intermediary (e.g., an employee of a customer)

without his or her supervisor’s knowledge, with the intent to improperly influence the

supervisor’s commercial conduct. In addition, you should not use a consultant,

middleman or other agent acting on your behalf, or on behalf of La-Z-Boy, to indirectly

engage in any inappropriate conduct.

Compliance with laws, rules and regulations

La-Z-Boy personnel must comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations

including, but not limited to, the subjects contained within this Code. When the

applicable laws, rules or regulations are ambiguous, you should obtain clarification or

legal advice from the office of the General Counsel.

International business

La-Z-Boy does business in many foreign countries that have different laws and

customs. La-Z-Boy personnel who engage in international business are responsible for

knowing and complying with both the laws and regulations of the countries in which they

conduct business and the U.S. laws and regulations that apply outside the U.S. borders.







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International trade controls are used to protect our national security and domestic

economy, and to promote foreign policy. These controls are embodied in various laws

and regulations that affect international transactions, including: exports of products,

technology and software; imports; and foreign boycotts the U.S. does not sanction.

La-Z-Boy personnel must comply with the international trade controls and are prohibited

from engaging in any international transaction proscribed by any such controls. We will

not engage in unauthorized transactions with (i) embargoed countries and individuals or

entities listed on the U.S. government debarred parties lists; (ii) arms proliferation-related

end users or parties named on the Department of Commerce’s Entity List; (iii) any party

known or believed to be acting in violation of U.S. or foreign laws and regulations; or (iv)

parties known to support an unsanctioned foreign boycott.

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Corporate assets

La-Z-Boy provides valuable resources (e.g., materials, PCs, supplies,

telephones, electronic mail, etc.) to its personnel to aid in fulfilling La-Z-Boy’s business

needs and goals. Each employee should diligently protect any La-Z-Boy assets and

resources under the employee’s control and ensure their efficient and proper use. Theft,

carelessness and waste have a direct impact on our profitability. All La-Z-Boy assets

should be used only for legitimate business purposes.

Corporate opportunities

Each employee has a duty to advance La-Z-Boy’s legitimate interests when the

opportunity arises. La-Z-Boy personnel should not take for themselves opportunities

discovered while performing their duties as La-Z-Boy personnel or through the use of

La-Z-Boy property, information or position. You should not use La-Z-Boy property,

information or position for personal gain nor compete, directly or indirectly, with


Computer systems and information

La-Z-Boy considers the use of its computer networks and information technology

both a necessity and a privilege that should only be used for legitimate business

purposes. When you access La-Z-Boy’s computer networks, you are responsible for

using the highest standards of corporate and social behavior in all of your use and



La-Z-Boy owns, values and protects many intangible assets including our trade

names, trademarks and trade secrets. All non-public information entrusted to La-Z-Boy

personnel by La-Z-Boy or our customers, vendors or other business partners that might

be of use to competitors, or in some cases harmful if disclosed, should be considered

“Confidential Information” and must not be disclosed to others unless the disclosure is

authorized by La-Z-Boy or legally mandated.

Intellectual property

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La-Z-Boy personnel must vigorously protect our intellectual property rights by

documenting all product development research and using appropriate trademark and

copyright notices on all correspondence, articles, manuals and other papers or

documentation. La-Z-Boy personnel must respect and avoid infringing on the intellectual

property rights of others.

Political spending

La-Z-Boy encourages employees to participate in their communities, and that

participation may include political activities. However, in participating, you may not use

company funds or resources, or receive company reimbursement, for personal political

activities, including contributions to political candidates or parties. You should avoid even

the appearance of doing so.

On occasion, we may communicate information and our corporate position on

issues of public concern that directly affect our company. These announcements are

intended to be educational and not intended to pressure you to adopt certain ideas or

support certain causes. Your decisions to contribute your own time or money to any

political or community activity are entirely personal and voluntary.

La-Z-Boy obeys all laws in promoting our company’s position relative to government

authorities and in making political contributions. Our political contributions are strictly

regulated and must always be approved by our CEO and CFO.

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Community involvement

La-Z-Boy believes every company has an obligation to conduct business

responsibly and ethically, and to contribute positively to the life of the community. The

Company directly, and through the La-Z-Boy Foundation, supports local charities that

directly impact our employees and their communities. We encourage our employees to

give back to their communities to the extent and in the manner that works best for all


Conflict of interest

La-Z-Boy personnel have a duty of loyalty to La-Z-Boy and should avoid any

actual or apparent conflicts of interest. Your actions at work should not be influenced by

the possibility of any personal gains or benefit, directly or indirectly, and should avoid

even the appearance of any improper personal benefits from your actions. You should

perform your duties objectively and effectively and should avoid situations where you

may be influenced by any potential improper personal gains, including benefits that may

be received by your family members. Generally, if a relationship or situation could

appear to influence your objectivity or effectiveness, you should avoid the situation. If a

conflict is unavoidable, you must disclose it to management as set forth in our Conflicts

of Interest policy.

Disclosing our information to the public

All La-Z-Boy personnel involved in any aspect of preparing reports and other

documents that La-Z-Boy files with the Securities and Exchange Commission or our

other public communications must take all appropriate actions to ensure that we provide

full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in those reports, documents and


Honest & ethical dealing

La-Z-Boy personnel should act honestly, responsibly, and ethically in all dealings

with our suppliers, customers and colleagues. La-Z-Boy personnel should not take

unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged

information, misrepresentation of material facts or any other unethical practice.

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However, nothing in this Code is intended or should be construed to alter the

legal rights or obligations of La-Z-Boy to our employees, to suppliers or customers or to

alter the nature of any “at will” employment relationships.

Inside information

In your work for La-Z-Boy, you may have access to non-public or “inside”

information about La-Z-Boy or other companies that is not available to the public and

might be material to investors. You should not disclose such inside information to

anyone (including others within La-Z-Boy) until it has been released publicly, unless the

other person has a clear business need to know. Even then, you should only disclose

what is reasonably

necessary under the

circumstances. Do not

disclose material inside

information to family or

friends to influence

anyone’s investment

decisions. Be careful to avoid passing inside information to anyone, including family and

friends, even unintentionally, as these restrictions apply to your spouse, relatives, and

friends who receive inside information.

La-Z-Boy requires that any disclosure of material financial or operating

information relating to La-Z-Boy be made only by our officers and employees specifically

authorized to do so as part of their job responsibilities, and that any such disclosure be

broadly disseminated to the public in compliance with the securities rules and



If you access personal information as part of your job, keep it secure and use it

only as authorized. Personal information broadly refers to any information that identifies

or relates to an identifiable person. If you access this type of information or the systems

that maintain it, you must comply with all applicable policies and laws regarding the

processing of such information. You must:





Page 16: FROM THE CHAIRMAN · furnishing something of value to an intermediary (e.g., an employee of a customer) without his or her supervisor’s knowledge, with the intent to improperly


• Only access, collect and use personal information that you are authorized to

see for legitimate business reasons;

• Only disclose personal information to authorized persons who have a legitimate

business reason to know the information and who are obligated to protect it;

• Securely store, transmit and destroy personal information in accordance with

our applicable policies and

laws; and

• Promptly report any actual or

suspected violations of our

policies or other risks to

personal information.

La-Z-Boy is committed to

complying with applicable privacy laws

in the countries where we conduct

business, including laws regarding the

cross-border transfer of certain

personal information. Consult with the

legal department if you have any

questions or if you are required to

transfer personal information outside of the country in which it was collected.

Social Media and External Communications

In order to ensure a consistent and accurate message from the Company, only

specific individuals are authorized as spokespeople for La-Z-Boy. If you are contacted to

discuss company business by any members of the press, investors, or market analysts,

do not provide any information. Instead, politely advise the outside party that you are not

authorized to discuss the subject, and refer the party to the investor relations


Similarly, when using social media you should be clear that you do not speak on

behalf of the company. You should always:

• State that the materials and opinions you are posting are yours and not the


What personal information must be


We need to protect contact information,

such as residential addresses, phone

numbers, and personal e-mail addresses;

government assigned identification

numbers; financial information such as

banking details, salary and other

compensation information; and

employment data such as performance

records, benefits, and leaves of absence.

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• Take every possible precaution to ensure that you are not disclosing any

confidential information about La-Z-Boy; and

• Refrain from using La-Z-Boy’s logos or trademarks without written permission.

See our Disclosure and Social Media Policies for further guidance.

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If you suspect human

rights abuse in our

operations or our

supply chain, report it.

Tell your supervisor or

call the ethics hot line.




La-Z-Boy is committed to the responsible stewardship of the environment by

integrating environmentally sound and sustainable business practices into our daily

business decisions within our upholstery, casegoods, retail and import furniture

operations. We seek to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing the


Equal employment opportunity and harassment

free workplace

The Company is committed to ensuring equal

employment opportunity and will not engage in or tolerate

unlawful discrimination (including any form of unlawful

harassment) on account of a person’s race, religion, color,

sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or

expression, national origin, age, disability, genetic

information, veteran status, or any other characteristic

protected by law.

Human Rights

We are fully committed to protecting and advancing human rights in all of our

operations. We expect to be treated with respect and dignity, and we will treat others

with respect and dignity. We encourage diversity and diverse opinions, provide safe

working conditions, and promote equal opportunity for all. We will not tolerate

harassment, bullying, or discrimination, use of child, compulsory or forced labor, or

trafficking in persons for any purpose. We expect our suppliers to uphold these

important principles, as well.

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La-Z-Boy is strongly committed to responsible stewardship of the environment,

including integrating environmentally sound and sustainable business practices into our

daily operations. Not only do reducing waste, increasing recycling, maximizing our

energy efficiency, and consuming fewer resources make good business sense, but we

owe it to our current and future generations to respect and protect our planet Earth.

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As a La-Z-Boy employee, you are responsible for understanding and complying

with this Code. If you supervise other employees, you should ensure that they

understand this Code and their obligations under it. In addition to following the

provisions of this Code, all La-Z-Boy personnel are obligated to report violations of this

Code to management or to the La-Z-Boy Ethics hotline (see “Reporting Violations”


La-Z-Boy's General Counsel is responsible for overall administration of this Code

and for assisting employees in conducting their business activities in a legal and ethical

manner. This responsibility includes applying the Code to specific situations in which

questions may arise and interpreting the Code in a particular situation. For matters

related to this Code, the General Counsel reports directly to the Audit Committee of the

Board of Directors. The Code is endorsed by and has the full support of La-Z-Boy's

Board of Directors, who are responsible for overseeing compliance with the Code.

La-Z-Boy and its operating units have adopted specific policies and procedures

to address various issues and concerns. Compliance with this Code and the specific

policies and procedures is a requirement of employment. If there is conflict or

inconsistency between this Code and any specific policy, this Code controls. If after

reviewing this Code and any other relevant policies you are unable to determine the

proper course of action using your own good judgment, you should seek advice from

your supervisors, and if that is not practical or you are still uncertain about your

obligations, confer with the General Counsel or other members of senior management.

Reporting violations

As an employee of La-Z-Boy, you have a duty to strictly adhere to this Code and

all other existing La-Z-Boy policies and to be alert to any situations that could violate

such standards and policies. Each of us has a vested interest in ensuring that everyone

follows our Code. You should not hesitate to report all suspected violations of this Code.

If you become aware of something you feel you should report, go first to your immediate

supervisor. If the conduct involves your supervisor, or if the circumstances warrant it,

you should progressively escalate your concerns to your department head, the human

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resources department, the General Counsel, the President, or the Chairman of the Audit

Committee of the Board of Directors.

If you prefer to report your concerns anonymously, you may call the La-Z-Boy

Ethics hotline, which is a dedicated, toll-free phone line that is available to you 24 hours

a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It is operated by an external third-party vendor

that has trained professionals to take your calls, in confidence, and report your concerns

to the legal department for review with the Audit Committee of the Board. Your phone

calls to the La-Z-Boy Ethics hotline may be made anonymously to:

Canada 1-866-480-6136

China 400-998-5003

Hong Kong 800-96-1262

Mexico 001-888-243-8075

Thailand 001-800-11-002-9093

UK 0-800-89-0011 (or 500-89-0011) and then 866-480-6136

US 1-866-480-6136

Vietnam 1-228-0288 (or 1-201-0288) and then 855-551-3833;

Alternatively, you may file a report on-line at: https://la-z-boy.alertline.com.

You may also communicate any concerns regarding a questionable accounting, auditing

matter, or other ethical issue directly with the General Counsel as follows:

send a letter to the office of the General Counsel, One La-Z-Boy Drive,

Monroe, MI 48162;

send a confidential fax to 1-734-240-2422; or

send an e-mail to [email protected].

We will handle such inquiries discreetly and make every effort to maintain, within

the limits allowed by the law, the confidentiality of anyone requesting guidance or

reporting a possible violation.

Resources for Guidance and Reporting

It is your right and your responsibility to obtain guidance about a business

practice or compliance issue when you are uncertain about what action you should take

and to report possible violations of the Code. If you need details on a specific policy,

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you may e-mail the General Counsel at [email protected]. If you need guidance

regarding a business practice or compliance issue or wish to report a possible violation,

talk to your immediate supervisor, another member of senior management, or contact

the General Counsel. Also see the discussion under “Reporting Violations.”


La-Z-Boy will not tolerate retaliation against La-Z-Boy personnel who in good

faith report violations (or suspected violations) of this Code or supply information to aid

an investigation. However, La-Z-Boy personnel who deliberately submit a false

accusation with the purpose of harming or retaliating against another employee or who

engage in other retaliatory actions will be subject to disciplinary action up to and

including termination.


Any waivers of this Code for executive officers or directors may be made only by

the Audit Committee, and must be promptly disclosed to shareholders. Any other

waivers of this Code may be made only by the President of La-Z-Boy Incorporated and

must be disclosed to the General Counsel and the Audit Committee.

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This Code of Business Conduct was amended by the board of directors on June 20,

2017 and shall be posted and maintained on the official La-Z-Boy website.