Fly from Ohio to the Moon. anjounetwork.org

From Earth to Moon

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A plan to go to the moon.

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Page 1: From Earth to Moon

Fly from Ohio to the Moon.


Page 2: From Earth to Moon

Step 1.

Develop an Open Source Research Project Dedicated to Space Ship Engineering.

A lot of very bright and educated people are unemployed and are sitting at home playing X Box. They should use their education and their free time to work on open source projects like the Anjou Space Project. This will allow them to gain skills that could help in their career.

Page 3: From Earth to Moon

Here is how it works. Someone sets up a website dedicated to space ship development. Anyone, anywhere in the world can join the project. If you don't think it will work, you must remember that this is the same exact way the Internet was built. Have you ever heard of it? Its pretty popular.

So yeah, we build a website where people get on there and are like “Hey lets build a space ship.” And then everyone has different tasks to take on. Now remember, space ship exploration is complicated. We will need people from tons of different back grounds. So anyone interested in joining the project, can find a role.

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So once you get all these different people with a bunch of different backgrounds, then you can get to work. The experts in each field will be the project leaders.

So the Biologists will be in charge of the “Effects of Space Travel on Humans” project.

The Nurses will be in charge of the “Nursing in Space” project.

And Chuck Norris will be in charge of the “Ass Kicking in Space Project.”

And so on, and so on. You catch my drift?

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Step 2.

ResearchSo everyone starts researching their assigned projects. Because before you can build a space ship, you need to learn about space. Right? So everyone has their individual areas. So one group of people research building materials. Another group of people researches computer technology, and another group figures out what kind of awesome uniforms we should wear. Because face it, if we're going in space we want to make sure we look cool.

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Step 3.


So once we get our research projects under way, we'll get some unemployed designers and aero-space engineers (Because trust me, there are tons of them). They will draw up the designs for the ship.

After we have tens of thousands of people working on the project for a few years, we'll probably be able to design a pretty awesome space ship.

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Step 4.


All the designs of the space ship will be made available under the General Public License for free. So when that happens, anyone who has been working on the project will have the ability to take the designs and build their own space ship.

Individual organizations and businesses will jump all over the chance to build space ships, because the technology, research, and designs (which is the really hard work) will have already been done.

This will save companies and organizations, who want to build space ships, tons and tons of money.

In other words: Space Travel will become cheaper and cheaper.

If all else fails, we'll just lie to our investors and tell them there is gold on the moon.

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Step 5.


So then all these people are like: “I can just go on to this website and download all the space ship information I want for free? Wow, I'm bored, lets build a space ship”

So then people start building space ships out of their garages, just like people do with Hot Rods.

If you don't think it could happen, check out www.local-motors.com Its a company that helps people build cars out of their garage. If you can build a car, sooner or later you can build a space ship. Right?

Plus, all these companies are going to want their own space ships too. And they are going to build them.

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Step 6. Training

Now most kids have already watched an enormous amount of episodes of Star Trek and Star Wars, so that will get everyone pumped up about going into space.


We already have space schools that are ready to train people how to travel in space. Remember Space Camp?

Well we're all going to go to Space Camp and learn how to be Astronauts.

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Step 7.


Now that you have your space ship, we can finally launch and go to the moon.

The whole project could happen in a very short period of time, depending on how motivated people are.

I hope you've been brushing up on your math skills.

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Our entire economy will boom, because then everyone will be like “lets go to the moon!”

So then everyone has jobs and people stop playing x box and yelling at their kids.

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If you don't believe its possible, then you're wrong.

SpaceX and Virgin are both building their own space ships.

The only way we'll get our own space ships, is if we get to work on an open source space project.

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And, the US government is making efforts to privatize space travel in the future.

So space travel is no longer just NASA's job. Its up to you and me to build space ship companies.