Samuel, Here is a two generation chart for James Logan. I descend from both Edward and Abraham Logan on my grandfather's and grandmother's side respectively. By the way, I have one of "Feud Books" your grandmother mentioned. I suspect the author your grandmother mentioned in her packet was cousin Fred W. Brown. He descends from Julian Hannah (Logan) Enix. Descendants of James Logan Generation No. 1 1. JAMES1 LOGAN was born 11 September 17671, and died Abt. 1838 in Lewis Co., KY2. He married (1) CAROLINE ELIZABETH HUGHES Abt. 1790. He married (2) MARY UNKNOWN Abt. 1808. She was born Abt. 17803. Notes for JAMES LOGAN: Harrison Co., KY Tax Lists: 1796, 1797, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, and 1805. Lewis Co., KY Tax Lists: 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1833, 1835, 1836, 1837, and 1838. From History of Kentucky and Kentuckians: Biography of Daniel Boone Logan. Daniel Boone Logan. ----- Especially worthy of mention in a work of this character is Daniel Boone Logan, a gifted and well-known legist, now engaged in practice in Pineville, Bell county, Kentucky. He is a native son, his birth having occurred April 23, 1858 in the country near Olive Hill, Carter county. He comes from one of the old American families which in days gone by so securely laid the foundation of national independence. The founder of the family on these shores was James Logan, great-grandfather of Daniel B. He was the son of a Scotchman of the same name who emigrated from the old world about twenty years previous to the outbreak of the Revolutionary war, locating in the colony of Pennsylvania. He found much to do in the new country besides winning a homestead from the wilderness in fighting the Indians for the Redskins at that time had not given up their claim to the state as their own hunting grounds. He participated in the battle of Blue Licks, now in Nicholas county, Kentucky, and was severely wounded in the engagement. Subsequently he located in that part of the state, in 1790, the section with which he was most familiar being now divided into Rowan, Fleming, Carter, Lewis and Boyd counties. He took as his wife Caroline Elizabeth Hughes, a young woman of Keystone State stock. They reared a family of fine sons and daughters, the sons being William, Moses, Abraham, Edward, and Tobias, the latter grandfather of Daniel Boone Logan; and the daughters were Julia, Susan, Sarah, and Elizabeth. William Logan, the eldest son was among the early settlers on Triplett's Creek, as were called the waters of Licking River in that part of Fleming county out of which Rowan county was afterward formed. There he resided all his life, being a well know citizen. Moses, the second son, settled besides the head waters of Kinnickonick Creek, a stream feeding the Ohio, in that part of Fleming county out of which Lewis county was afterward formed and there he continued to reside until his assassination by one Moses Burt about the year 1869. From: "Bruce Logan" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Thanks!! Date: 15 October 2006 02:37:57 GMT+00:00 To: "Samuel Minter" <[email protected]> Reply-To: "Bruce Logan" <[email protected]>

From: Bruce Logan Subject: …wiki.abulsme.com/images/b/b7/[email protected]: "Bruce Logan" He left a

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Here is a two generation chart for James Logan.

I descend from both Edward and Abraham Logan on my grandfather's and grandmother'sside respectively.

By the way, I have one of "Feud Books" your grandmother mentioned. I suspect theauthor your grandmother mentioned in her packet was cousin Fred W. Brown. Hedescends from Julian Hannah (Logan) Enix.

Descendants of James Logan

Generation No. 1

1. JAMES1 LOGAN was born 11 September 17671, and died Abt. 1838 in Lewis Co.,KY2. He married (1) CAROLINE ELIZABETH HUGHES Abt. 1790. He married (2) MARYUNKNOWN Abt. 1808. She was born Abt. 17803.

Notes for JAMES LOGAN:Harrison Co., KY Tax Lists:1796, 1797, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, and 1805.Lewis Co., KY Tax Lists:1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1833, 1835, 1836, 1837, and 1838.

From History of Kentucky and Kentuckians: Biography of Daniel Boone Logan.

Daniel Boone Logan. ----- Especially worthy of mention in a work of thischaracter is Daniel Boone Logan, a gifted and well-known legist, now engaged inpractice in Pineville, Bell county, Kentucky. He is a native son, his birthhaving occurred April 23, 1858 in the country near Olive Hill, Carter county. Hecomes from one of the old American families which in days gone by so securely laidthe foundation of national independence. The founder of the family on theseshores was James Logan, great-grandfather of Daniel B. He was the son of aScotchman of the same name who emigrated from the old world about twenty yearsprevious to the outbreak of the Revolutionary war, locating in the colony ofPennsylvania. He found much to do in the new country besides winning a homesteadfrom the wilderness in fighting the Indians for the Redskins at that time had notgiven up their claim to the state as their own hunting grounds. He participatedin the battle of Blue Licks, now in Nicholas county, Kentucky, and was severelywounded in the engagement. Subsequently he located in that part of the state, in1790, the section with which he was most familiar being now divided into Rowan,Fleming, Carter, Lewis and Boyd counties. He took as his wife Caroline ElizabethHughes, a young woman of Keystone State stock. They reared a family of fine sonsand daughters, the sons being William, Moses, Abraham, Edward, and Tobias, thelatter grandfather of Daniel Boone Logan; and the daughters were Julia, Susan,Sarah, and Elizabeth. William Logan, the eldest son was among the early settlerson Triplett's Creek, as were called the waters of Licking River in that part ofFleming county out of which Rowan county was afterward formed. There he residedall his life, being a well know citizen. Moses, the second son, settled besidesthe head waters of Kinnickonick Creek, a stream feeding the Ohio, in that part ofFleming county out of which Lewis county was afterward formed and there hecontinued to reside until his assassination by one Moses Burt about the year 1869.

From: "Bruce Logan" <[email protected]>Subject: Re: Thanks!!

Date: 15 October 2006 02:37:57 GMT+00:00To: "Samuel Minter" <[email protected]>

Reply-To: "Bruce Logan" <[email protected]>

He left a large family of sons and daughters, nearly all of whom are yet livingwithin a few miles of their father's old home. Abraham, the third son settled onwhat was then, and still is known as "Negro Hill," on the divide betweenMontgomery Creek and White Oak Creek, a tributary of Tygart's Creek in Lewiscounty, Kentucky, and there he lived until his death about the year 1900. Edward,called "Ned" Logan, the fourth son, settled and lived all his life on Big WhiteOak Creek, near the home of his brother, "Abe" in what is now Greenup county,Kentucky. He died about 1880. Both left large families, who occupy thehomesteads and adjacent farms. Tobias, grandfather of the subject, was the fifthand youngest son of James Logan. He was born in 1796 at the mouth of Bull Fork ofTriplett's Creek, in what is now Rowan county and he married Polly A. Taber,daughter of Robert Taber, to their union having been born seven sons and twodaughters. They were as follows: James Fleming, father of the subject of thisbiographical record; Washington; Robert R.; Madison C.; Moses G.; Francis M.;Henry, Diana, who became the wife of Leander Markwell, and Elizabeth, who marriedBenjamin Hargett. James Fleming Logan, father of the gentleman to who this review is dedicated, wasborn September 20, 1818, on Bull Fork of Triplett's Creek of Licking River, inwhat was then Fleming county and is now Rowan county. He was a farmer and traderin live stock. Like the majority of the young men of his day and generation hefound it necessary to content himself with a limited education, his knowledge ofteaching reading, writing and arithmetic to the "rule of 3" being gained behind arule desk in the country school house. In political conviction James FlemingLogan was a Whig in the earlier days and when the Civil War became a tragicreality, he enlisted as a volunteer soldier in the Union army, it being his fromconviction that the integrity of the Union should be preserved at all costs. Helatterly was affiliated with the Democratic party and voted for McClellan forpresident in 1864 and for Seymour and Blair in 1868. This good citizen was shotand wounded on March 17, 1869, by George (old George) and "Alf" Underwood, bothhorsetheives and criminals, and on Nov. 18, 1869, he died from the effect of hiswounds at Rocky Ford, Tygart's Creek, in Greenup county, Kentucky. On May 22,1857, he married Nancy McGlone, daughter of William Owen McGlone and he and hisbride located on a small farm on the Sugar Tree Fork, of Tygart's Creek, near hisfather home in Carter county, where Daniel B. Logan was born on the two hundredand ninety-fourth anniversary of the birth of Shakespeare. The widow of James F.Logan, an admirable lady, now in her seventy-sixth year, resides near Morehead, inRowan county, making her home with her son, Sebastian E. Logan. Her grandfather,Owen McGlone, was a Scotchman, who settled in 1793 on Buffalo Fork of Tygart'sCreek in what was then Fleming county and is now Carter county, Kentucky. Thatpioneer citizen reared a large family of children, many of whose descendantsreside on the McGlone fork of Buffalo Creek, which received its name from thefounder of the McGlone family. Daniel Boone Logan received his preliminary education in the common schools ofCarter and Lewis counties, Kentucky, and later matriculated at Morehead highschool in Rowan county and a Grayson Academy in Carter county. At the latterinstitution he was under the tutorship of H. T. Littleton, principal. His firstadventures as a wage earner were in the capacity of a school teacher, this periodextending from 1876 until 1886, and the fields of his pedagogical endeavors beingBath, Rowan and Fleming counties. He became assistant to his former instructor inboth Morehead and Grayson Academies, this service continuing from 1877 to 1880.Subsequent to this he was principal of the Morehead high school for three years.As has been so frequently the case, his career as an instructor was butpreliminary to his career as a lawyer, for which his natural gifts andproclivities eminently fitted him. He first prosecuted his studies under thedirection of Judge Van B. Young of Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, and was admitted to thepractice of the law at Morehead in August, 1886, forming a partnership in the lawpractice with his former patron, Mr. Young, which association continued to existuntil Judge Young, was elected to the bench of the superior court of the state, anintermediate court of errors, then existing, which had been created by thelegislature under the Kentucky constitution of 1849. He removed to Bell county in1890, and has ever since that time resided at Pinveille, where he is successfullyengaged in the practice of the law.

Mr. Logan is a Democrat in his political convictions and has ever given mostloyal service and support to the party, but he is not an office seeker and hasnever served in public capacity, with the exception of that of Master Commissionerof Rowan Circuit Court for two years. He has various financial interest beingconcerned with the affairs of the Pineville Water Works, the Cumberland HeightsIce Company, the Bell National Bank or Pineville, the Elk Coal Company, thePineville Investment Association, and the Straight Creek Mineral Company. He isprominent in Masonry and exemplifies in his own living those ideals of moral andsocial justice and brotherly love of which the order stands. He is connectedwith Bell Lodge, F. A. M. No. 691; and Middleboro Chapter, No. 135, R. A. M. Heis also affiliated with Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, No. 1041, ofMiddleboro, Kentucky, and with the Knights of the Maccabees of the World,Cumberland Tent No. 2, Pineville. Mr. Logan assumed happy marital relations on January 29, 1884, when atMoorhead, Kentucky, Lizzie Evans, daughter of Benjamin and Zerilda Evans ofMorehead became his bride. Ben Evans was a Confederate Soldier and was killed inan engagement at West Liberty, Morgan county. He was at first a captain inHumphrey Marshall's brigade, and for a time was attached to Morgan's celebratedraiders. He was succeeded in command after his death by Thomas J. F. Hargis ofMorehead, Kentucky, afterward a judge of the court of appeals. Ben Evans, who wasa son of Isaac Evans, of Cater county, Kentucky, was a millwright and trader fromhis boyhood until the beginning of the conflict between the states. In 1856 hemarried Zerilda, daughter of Jackson Richards of Rowan county, and she survivedhim for many years, dying at Pineville, at the home of the subject in 1905. Atthe time of her demise she was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Logan. The union ofMr. and Mrs. Logan has been blessed by the birth of four children. The eldestdaughter, Gertrude Florence, was born April 28, 1885., at Morehead, Rowan county,Kentucky. She was graduated in 1905, from Hamilton College, Lexington, Kentuckyand in 1906 became the wife of John R. Boring, a lawyer of London, Laurel county,Kentucky. The second daughter, Virginia May, born September 10, 1886, wasgraduated with her sister from Hamilton Female College, at Lexington, in June1905, as president of the class and in the following December, married N. R.Patterson, attorney-at-law, at Owingsville, Bath county, Kentucky. Mr. Pattersonis at present residing at Pineville and is mayor of his adopted home city.Benjamin F. Logan, born in Morehead, Kentucky, June 23, 1889, attended LincolnMemorial University, at Cumberland Gap, Tennessee, for two years and was a studentat Culver Military Academy, at Culver Indiana, during 1907 and 1908. On June 23,1911, he married Miss Clare Ewell, of London, Kentucky and they make their home atPineville, Kentucky. Daniel Boone Logan Jr. was born Oct. 6, 1896, and is theyoungest of the four children.

From the Lawyers and Lawmakers of Kentucky - Published by The Lewis PublishingCompany, Chicago, 1897.

Daniel Boone Logan, of Pineville, was born in Carter county, Kentucky, on the23rd day of April, 1858. By his life he has honored the name which he bears andwhich is so inseparably connected with the history of the state. The family name,too, is closely interwoven with the annals of Kentucky, for the great-grandfather,James Logan, came to the wild and undeveloped region known as the "Dark and BloodyGround" long before there was any attempt at government organization. WilliamLogan a native of Scotland and the first of the family to come to America settledin North Carolina, whence he removed to Kentucky, locating near Shelbyville.James Logan was then a child. He afterward participated in the Indian wars andwas shot, scalped and left for dead at the battle of Blue Licks, but life was notextinct and many years afterward he told the tale of the cruelty and treachery ofthe savage.

PS. I have proven, with James Revolutionary war pension application, that Jameswas from Washington Co., PA. Also, I have never proven or disproved the ancestryof James Logan. According to the pension application, James Logan came toHarrison Co., KY, not Shelbyville, KY. The pension was disallowed by the FederalGovernment because his service was in 1792 and the Revolutionary War ended in


Henry Razor, below, was at witness to the pension application of James Logan. Seemy web page for a complete viewing of the pension application.Henry Razor, b. 11 July 1771, d. 7 Feb. 1869, buried in Slaty Point Cemetery,Farmers, Rowan Co., KY. Henry Razor's wife was Elizabeth Gantz. He was born inShepard's Town, PA.

More About JAMES LOGAN:Census: 1800, Harrison Co., KY

More About JAMES LOGAN and CAROLINE HUGHES:Marriage: Abt. 1790

Notes for MARY UNKNOWN:This marriage is questionable. I found the name Mary Logan, mother of Susannah(Logan) Penland in the Carter Co., KY Vital Statistics. It is known that GeorgePenland, husband of Susannah, mother's name was Mary. It may be that someone inthe family that reported the death confused the names.

More About JAMES LOGAN and MARY UNKNOWN:Marriage: Abt. 1808

Children of JAMES LOGAN and CAROLINE HUGHES are:2. i. WILLIAM2 LOGAN, b. 13 October 1791, PA; d. 10 January 1873, Rowan Co., KY.3. ii. JULIAN HANNAH LOGAN, b. 08 March 1793, PA; d. March 1876, Lewis Co., KY.4. iii. MARY LOGAN, b. 22 April 1795, KY; d. 29 June 1861, Logan Twp., PeoriaCo., IL.5. iv. JOHN M. LOGAN, b. 1796, KY; d. Aft. 1860, Marion Co., IA.6. v. TOBIAS LOGAN, b. 1796, KY; d. 1870, Carter Co., KY.7. vi. LYDIA LOGAN, b. Abt. 1800, KY.8. vii. ELIZABETH LOGAN, b. Abt. 1804, KY; d. Aft. 1880, Lewis Co., KY.9. viii. EDWARD LOGAN, b. 05 November 1806, Fleming Co., KY; d. 18 August 1885,Greenup Co., KY.

Children of JAMES LOGAN and MARY UNKNOWN are:10. ix. SUSANNAH2 LOGAN, b. 1809, KY; d. 26 March 1876, Carter Co., KY.11. x. ABRAHAM LOGAN, b. 1813, Fleming Co., KY; d. Abt. 1900, Greenup Co., KY.12. xi. MOSES LOGAN, b. Abt. 1817, KY; d. 02 February 1870, Lewis Co., KY.

Generation No. 2

2. WILLIAM2 LOGAN (JAMES1) was born 13 October 1791 in PA, and died 10 January1873 in Rowan Co., KY. He married ELIZABETH RAY POWERS 24 August 1815 in FlemingCo., KY4, daughter of JACOB POWERS and ANN SHELTON. She was born 07 May 1798 inKY, and died 19 July 1869 in Rowan Co., KY.

Notes for WILLIAM LOGAN:Fleming Co., Ky Census of 1850, District No. 2, HH # 74Logan, William 58 M W PA Farmer Elizabeth 52 W F KY Sarah Amanda 20 W F KY Mary D. 18 W F KY William H. N. 16 W M KY Frances L. 14 W F KY

Howard M. 10 W M KYHill, Susannah 85 W F VA

1860 Census of Rowan Co., KY, HH # 415Logan, William 68 M W PA Farmer $2000 $1445 Betsy R. 62 F W VA Howard M. 20 F W VAHill, Susan 89 F W VA

Rowan Co., KY Vital Statistics.Hill, Susannah, 6 Jan 1861, age 93 Rowan Co, Virginia, not known, Wf, cold

Law Suit Abstracts of Fleiming Co., KY:File 1977; June 1814, Susanna Hill vs. Elisha Hill, divorce suit; Susanna Hill abt1792 in Georgia married Elisha Hill. After marriage came to KY and settled onFoxe's Cr. Elisha Hill then living in Floyd Co., OH. (There is no such county inOhio.)

1870 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Morehead Pct., HH # 92LOGAN, William 78 M W PA Farmer Howard 30 M W KY Farm laborer Elizabeth 25 F W KY [TRUMBO] Laura 7 F W KY Ida 5 F W KY William 3 M W KY

KY Land Patent #: 12904 Grantee: Logan, WilliamGrant Book & Pg: 25 489 Acreage: 320County: Fleming WaterCourse: North Fk. Triplett Cr.Survey Name: Logan, William Survey Date: 04/26/1848Grant Date: 04/18/1849

The Rowan County NewsApril 30, 1936

EARLY HISTORY OF ROWAN COUNTY AS TAKEN FROM THE RECORDS OF THE FIRST ESTABLISHEDWOMENS CLUB HEREGiving a Glimpse of the Organization And Its Community Effect. When Rowan County was a part of Fleming County, in 1791, Jacob Powers and BarnettSimmons came here from Virginia. Both were men of considerable wealth and ownedmany slaves. Jacob Powers was the grandfather of H. M. Logan. At this time Lewis D. Lee owned the farm now known as the Marion Tolliver farmand donated the ground for what is now the Lee Cemetery. Ben Evans lived in thelog house which stood on the property now occupied by Cornelious Caudill. He wasthe father of Mrs. Boone Logan of Pineville, Ky. Uncle Tom Trumbo lived across Triplett Creek in the house burned. Aunt PollyCassity lived on and owned quite a boundary of land in the west end of Morehead,later known as the Judge J. W. Riley farm. Mr. William Nickell, grandfather of George and William Nickell was one of theearly settlers. Mrs. Libby Oxley, grandmother of George and William Nickell, ownedmuch of the land on which Morehead now stands, and lived on the site now occupiedby Will Hogge's store. E. Houston Logan, father of Mrs. Queen Clark, lived on what is known as the FrankNickell farm now owned by Dr. A. L. Blair. Ben Johnson built the house occupied for a time by Can Caudill next to theMasonic building. Elias Bradley, familiarly known as Grandfather Bradley, ownedthe land where Clearfield now stands. Mr. James Black also owned much land here. William Logan was one of the most prosperous men of the county. All of the abovenamed people lived here before the Civil War. In 1854 Colonel Hargis came here andpurchased from Mrs. Oxley, the land and marked out the town of Morehead, afterGovernor Morehead, one of Kentucky's early governors.

The county was then cut off from Fleming and Morgan Counties and named Rowan,after Judge John R. Rowan of Fleming County. The first offices elected were James Black, jailer, Isaac Johnson, sheriff. Thecame the Civil War and but little progress was made for some time. Other early arrivals in Morehead were; 1869, James E. Clark, father of Mrs. J. W.Riley. 1870, Doctor Banfield. 1871, Z. T. Young, 1873, H. M. Logan, 1874,Grandfather Carey, 1875 Harry Burns, 1876 James Moody, 1880 Uncle Cloy Powers,1881 Mr. Hamilton, 1882 Dr. Raine, 1887 Dr. Frank C. Button and mother.

More About WILLIAM LOGAN:Burial: Logan Cemetery, Bratton Branch, Rowan Co., KYCensus: 1850, Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 74Occupation: Farmer

More About ELIZABETH RAY POWERS:Burial: Logan Cemetery, Bratton Branch, Rowan Co., KY

Marriage Notes for WILLIAM LOGAN and ELIZABETH POWERS:Burtis Ringo, bondsman; Jacob Powers, father; Henry S. Powers, witness.

More About WILLIAM LOGAN and ELIZABETH POWERS:Bondsman: Burtis RingoMarriage: 24 August 1815, Fleming Co., KY4

Children of WILLIAM LOGAN and ELIZABETH POWERS are: i. EDWARD HOUSTON3 LOGAN, b. 09 July 1817, Fleming Co., KY5; d. 26 October 1863,Rowan Co., KY; m. FAIRLENA WELLS, 14 June 1845, Fleming Co., KY6; b. 19 October1823, KY7; d. Bef. 1889, Rowan Co., KY8.

Notes for EDWARD HOUSTON LOGAN:1850 Census of Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 19Logan, E. H. 33 Farmer 500.00 KY Fairlena 27 KY Elizabeth 8 KY John M. 3 KY Sarah Amanda 2 KY1860 Census of Rowan Co., KY, HH # 408Logan, E. H. 44 M W KY Farmer $3500 $937 Fairlean 37 F W KY Elizabeth 18 F W KY John M. 13 M W KY Amandy 11 F W KY Queen 6 F W KY Martha A. 4 F W KY Victoria 2 F W KY Laben T. 1/12 M W KY

More About EDWARD HOUSTON LOGAN:Census: 1850, Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 19

Notes for FAIRLENA WELLS:1870 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Morehead Pct. - HH # 111/111Logan, Farlina 47 F W Farmer KY Sarah 20 F W At Home KY Queen 15 F W At Home KY Martha 13 F W At Home KY Victoria 12 F W At Home KY Laban 10 M W At Home KY

1880 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Precinct No. 1, Morehead, HH # 109Logan, Farlina 56 F W Keeping House KY KY KYLogan, Laben 20 M W Son KY KY KY

1880 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Precinct No. 1, Morehead, HH # 110Epperhart, D. D. 47 M W Son-in-law VA PA VA Amandy 30 F W Wife KY KY KY Anna D. 11 F W Daughter KY VA KY

More About FAIRLENA WELLS:Census: 1870, Rowan Co., KY, Morehead Pct. - HH # 111/111

More About EDWARD LOGAN and FAIRLENA WELLS:Marriage: 14 June 1845, Fleming Co., KY9

ii. HENRY SHELTON LOGAN, b. 02 March 1818, Fleming Co., KY; d. Aft. 1900, RowanCo., KY; m. (1) LUCINDA F. GRAY, 14 March 1843, Fleming Co., KY; b. 03 February1825, Fleming Co., KY; d. 21 January 1882, Rowan Co., KY; m. (2) EMILY UNKNOWN,1895; b. April 1830, KY.

Notes for HENRY SHELTON LOGAN:1850 Census of Fleming Co., KY, District No. 1, HH #355Logan, Henry S. 32 Farmer KY Lucinda 25 KY Mary F. 5 KY Eliza Jane 4 KY Frances A. 2 KY Susan Amanda 3/12 KY

1860 Census of Rowan Co., KY, HH # 206Logan, H. S 42 M W KY Farmer $2000 $650 Lucinda F. 36 F W KY Mary F. 15 F W KY Eliza J. 14 F W KY Frances A. 12 F W KY Sampson R. 5 M W KY

1870 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Morehead Pct., HH # 120/120Logan, Henry 52 M W Farmer KY Lucinda 45 F W Keeping House KY Simpson 15 M W At Home KY Addie 9 F W KY William 7 M W KY Leonora 4 F W KY John Huston 1 M W KY

1880 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Precinct No. 1, Morehead, HH # 86Logan, Henry S. 62 Head W M KY PA KY Phy. Lucinda 55 Wife W F KY KY VA Lucinda 19 Dau. W F KY KY KY Wm. H. W 17 Son W M KY KY KY Lenora E. 14 Dau. W F KY KY KY John B. 11 Son W M KY KY KY Willliam F. 10 G/Son W M (Cooper) KY KY KY James L. 8 G/Son W M (Cooper) KY KY KY

It was earlier believed that Henry S. Logan died in 1888, but there is no date onhis tombstone and he is in the 1900 Rowan Co., KY Census.

1900 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Morehead Pct. (Town) - HH # 441

Logan, Henry S. Husband Mar. 1817 83 KY PA VA m 5 years Farmer Emily Wife Apr. 1830 70 KY m 5 years

KY Land Patent #: 26668 Grantee: Logan, H. S.Grant Book & Pg: 47 283 Acreage: 50County: Rowan WaterCourse: Mcintier Br. East Fk. Triplett Cr.Survey Name: Logan, H. S. Survey Date: 06/19/1856Grant Date: 11/21/1856

KY Land Patent #: 26669 Grantee: Logan, H. S.Grant Book & Pg: 47 284 Acreage: 25County: Rowan WaterCourse: Old House Br. N. Fk. Of Triplett Cr.Survey Name: Logan, H. S. Survey Date: 05/28/1856Grant Date: 11/21/1856

KY Land Patent #: 26670 Grantee: Logan, H. S.Grant Book & Pg: 47 285 Acreage: 25County: Rowan WaterCourse: Rocklick Br. N. Fk. Of Triplett Cr.Survey Name: Logan, H. S. Survey Date: 05/28/1856Grant Date: 11/22/1856


Indictment of Several Parties for Conspiring to Murder Judge Cole and the Youngs.

Courier-Journal Morehead Special

The people of this town and county were thrown into a wild state of excitementSaturday evening when they ascertained that the grand jury had reported true billsagainst Henry S. Logan, Morgan McClurg and Lou Rayborn, charging them with thecrime of confederating and banding themselves together for the purpose of killingJudge A. E. Cole, Colonel Z. T. Young and his son, Allie W. Young, now CountyAttorney of Rowan. The scheme to murder these was detected just n time to savetheir lives and in this way: Late Thursday evening a suspicious character was seenlurking around the town and about the depot, whom the Sheriff arrested and placedunder guard. He gave his name as James A. Harris, alias Pendlum, and afterwardtold to his Uncle Hayden Harris of this county the following story.

That he lived in Fleming county and Henry S. Logan had hired him to come here andassist in the killing of these men, promising to furnish four men to help, viz.Morgan McClurg, Lou Rayborn, Mr. Hensley and a Mr. Logan-could not give firstnames of the latter two-and provide them with guns and ammunition, and pay themfor services, $100 each when the job was completed. Henry S. Logan said thatHoward Logan would put up the money and would give them more if they required;that he, Howard Logan, had $1,500 to spend in this way, if necessary. He alsostated that he had been staying at Henry S. Logan's for about two months, and hadconferred with Morgan McClurg and Lou Rayborn, who said that the work could easilybe done, and concluded that the best time to do it would be during court, whenthey would all be here. The plan agreed upon was to shot them from the brush orthrough the windows of the hotel. If both these plans failed they were to fire thehotel and shoot them as they ran out.

This story was sworn to by Harris. James Pelfrey also testified to the aboveconspiracy and other circumstances tended to prove the truth of Harris'sstatement.

Henry S. Logan and Morgan McClurg were arrested last evening and in default of$6,000 bail, were sent to jail. Lou Rayborn has not yet been apprehended. W. H.Logan and brother, sons of Henry S. Logan, were put under bonds to keep the peace.

The five would be assassins were to have met last night at Henry Logan's andcomplete arrangements, but thanks to the clever detective work of the officers,their murderous plans have been frustrated. A strong guard was placed at the jaillast night and instructed by the court to prevent the release of the prisoners byfriends or injury by enemies.

Judge Cole and the officers of the court are fearless in the discharge of theirduties and resolved to enforce the law at all hazards, even at the sacrifice oftheir lives. The only hope and safety for Rowan is for her citizens, irrespectiveof parties, to peaceably submit to the lawful authorities and the executive andthe press should stand by and uphold the sworn officers of the law in theirattempt to preserve the peace. We confidently hope and predict a peaceablesolution of the now unsettled condition of affairs here, but know not what a dayor an hour may bring forth.

Maysville Republican

June 25, 1887


Rumors of His Arrest at Morehead-Further Particulars From The Tragedy

The vigilance committee in Rowan was animated by a feeling of vengeance, which didnot apply alone to Craig Tolliver. There always has been good reason for believingZachary Taylor Young to be at least morally responsible for much of the trouble inRowan and the outraged citizens have felt that it would be a good thing to havehim out of the way. There are various reports concerning the whereabouts of Young,but it is known he has been wanted by the vigilantes. The following is a dispatchwhich was sent yesterday from Lexington.

"A dispatch just received here says that Zachary Young former County Attorney inRowan, who has been accused of being at the bottom of all the Rowan Countytrouble, has been arrested at Morehead this morning, It is believed he will bemobbed, but nothing can (be) learned now. Considering the temper of the people ofRowan, it is not improbable Young will pay for the part he has taken, with hislife.

* * *

"Dr. H. S. Logan, who has just been pardoned by Governor Knott, had a part in thelast Rowan tragedy, according to a report in the Lexington Press. Here is theaccount, written at Morehead Wednesday afternoon.

Dr. Logan, who was recently released from the Lexington jail, arrived in thissection about Monday last and swore out warrant for the arrest of Craig Tolliverat all hazards. The Sheriff summoned a posse of about seventy-five men and armedthem with Winchester rifles. They repaired to the Cottage Hotel, ran by CraigTolliver, and where he was then located. The Sheriff, after stationing his mendemanded of Craig Tolliver that he surrender. Tolliver replied that a thousand mencould not take him and his friends and immediately began a red-hot fusilladeagainst the posse. The first fire came near weakening the posse; for although nonewere killed, they began to make a slight retreat.

Tolliver then cried to his men to come on and they began to advance on theofficers. Then a pitched battle took place right near the depot in which upwardsof 300 shots were fired, and when the smoke had cleared away it was seen thatthree of the Tolliver faction had "bit the dust." Jeff Tolliver, Bud Tolliver andHiram Cooper were found to be the ones who were unfortunate enough to be in frontof the fatal bullets. Craig Tolliver, who had by this time become desperate, keptup his advance and when he had reached the railroad track, the posse fired anotherround, when Craig Tolliver reeled and fell across the railroad track, dead. The

dead were then picked up and carried to the depot where they were viewed by alarge crowd of persons, all anxious to see the last of them.

At 1 o'clock train No. 1 was allowed to pass through and the firing had almostentirely ceased. A number of persons on each side were also badly wounded theworst one being Dr. Brown, who is reported as having received a dangerous wound inthe thigh which may yet result fatally. The remainder of the Tolliver faction, assoon as their chieftain had fallen, lost all control of themselves, and began tomake their escape, nearly all taking to the country. The posse started in hotpursuit and will probably overtake them before night. The principal one of therefugees is Z. T. Young, who is thought to have gone in the direction of Mt.Sterling or Lexington. Officers at Mt. Sterling and Lexington have been notifiedto watch all trains and capture the fugitives." (This story has no support in thetestimony of Boone Logan, Sheriff Hogge or Z. T. Young).

June 11, 1887

Maysville Daily Republican

The Last Tragedy in Rowan

The Flemingsbury Times-Democrat has this version of the killing of the Logan boys."The Marshal of Morehead, John Mannin, went out to the house of Henry Logan with awarrant for the arrest of William Logan on an indictment for carrying a pistol.When he arrived there, he found William Logan up stairs with his brother JackLogan. He started up the stairs to make the arrest, after telling them what hewanted, but before he got half way up he was met by a load of buckshot from one ofthe Logan boys, which lodged in his shoudler, mangling it in a fearful manner. Hefell, but managed to crawl away and raise a posse, composed of his two brothers,three of the Tollivers (including Craig) and two others unknown to us. They wentto the Logan house that evening, two of them going to the front door and theremainder to the rear, and when those at the front knocked, the two Logans ran outat the back door, shooting as they ran. The posse returned the fire, filling eachof them with lead. One of them was shot three times and the other, four times,killing them instantly."

The disgrace of Rowan County

(Lexington Press)

A few days ago this criminal Craig Tolliver was elected Police Judge and hascomplete mastery of the town. There are many indictments against him for variouscrimes and yet this "grand old Commonwealth" that Governor Knott speaks of as "aroyal diadem on the bosom of the Union" disgraces its pure and undefiled name byallowing a criminal under indictment to hold office and exercise the rights ofthat office.

Maysville Daily RepublicanJune 16, 1887BLOODSHED IN ROWAN

Two more attempts at Murder--Dr. Logan Released From Jail

The disgraceful condition of affairs in Rowan County shows no abatement. On thecontrary, the reign of bloodshed seems only about beginning. Closely followingupon the murder of the two Logan boys comes the news of the shooting of ex-DeputySheriff William Ramey and his son Henry, aged twenty-four years. They were shotfrom ambush near the county seat, Morehead. It is not known who did the shooting,but it is believed that they were shot by members of the Craig Tolliver gang forrefusing to join with them in their bloody work. At last account neither, Ramey

nor his son were dead, although their wounds are dangerous.

Yesterday morning Governor Knott ordered the release of Dr. H. S. Logan, father ofthe two boys recently killed by the Tolliver gang, and R. M. McClurg, from thejail at Lexington, where they have been confined for several months past, chargedwith conspiracy against the lives of Zachary Taylor Young, Judge A. E. Cole andothers. The charge is dismissed by this action of the Governor's.

Maysville RepublicanJune 25, 1887ZACHARY TAYLOR YOUNG

Rumors of His Arrest at Morehead-Further Particulars From The Tragedy

The vigilance committee in Rowan was animated by a feeling of vengeance, which didnot apply alone to Craig Tolliver. There always has been good reason for believing Zachary Taylor Young to be at least morally responsible for much of the troublein Rowan and the outraged citizens have felt that it would be a good thing to havehim out of the way. There are various reports concerning the whereabouts of Young,but it is known he has been wanted by the vigilantes. The following is a dispatchwhich was sent yesterday from Lexington.

"A dispatch just received here says that Zachary Young former County Attorney inRowan, who has been accused of being at the bottom of all the Rowan Countytrouble, has been arrested at Morehead this morning, It is believed he will bemobbed, but nothing can (be) learned now. Considering the temper of the people ofRowan, it is not improbable Young will pay for the part he has taken, with hislife.

* * *

"Dr. H. S. Logan, who has just been pardoned by Governor Knott, had a part in thelast Rowan tragedy, according to a report in the Lexington Press. Here is theaccount, written at Morehead Wednesday afternoon.

Dr. Logan, who was recently released from the Lexington jail, arrived in thissection about Monday last and swore out warrant for the arrest of Craig Tolliverat all hazards. The Sheriff summoned a posse of about seventy-five men and armedthem with Winchester rifles. They repaired to the Cottage Hotel, ran by CraigTolliver, and where he was then located. The Sheriff, after stationing his mendemanded of Craig Tolliver that he surrender. Tolliver replied that a thousand mencould not take him and his friends and immediately began a red-hot fusilladeagainst the posse. The first fire came near weakening the posse; for although nonewere killed, they began to make a slight retreat.

Tolliver then cried to his men to come on and they began to advance on theofficers. Then a pitched battle took place right near the depot in which upwardsof 300 shots were fired, and when the smoke had cleared away it was seen thatthree of the Tolliver faction had "bit the dust." Jeff Tolliver, Bud Tolliver andHiram Cooper were found to be the ones who were unfortunate enough to be in frontof the fatal bullets. Craig Tolliver, who had by this time become desperate, keptup his advance and when he had reached the railroad track, the posse fired anotherround, when Craig Tolliver reeled and fell across the railroad track, dead. Thedead were then picked up and carried to the depot where they were viewed by alarge crowd of persons, all anxious to see the last of them.

At 1 o'clock train No. 1 was allowed to pass through and the firing had almostentirely ceased. A number of persons on each side were also badly wounded theworst one being Dr. Brown, who is reported as having received a dangerous wound inthe thigh which may yet result fatally. The remainder of the Tolliver faction, assoon as their chieftain had fallen, lost all control of themselves, and began tomake their escape, nearly all taking to the country. The posse started in hot

pursuit and will probably overtake them before night. The principal one of therefugees is Z. T. Young, who is thought to have gone in the direction of Mt.Sterling or Lexington. Officers at Mt. Sterling and Lexington have been notifiedto watch all trains and capture the fugitives." (This story has no support in thetestimony of Boone Logan, Sheriff Hogge or Z. T. Young).

More About HENRY SHELTON LOGAN:Burial: Logan Cemetery, Bratton Branch, Rowan Co., KYCensus: 1850, Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 355Occupation: Doctor

More About LUCINDA F. GRAY:Burial: Logan Cemetery, Bratton Branch, Rowan Co., KY

More About HENRY LOGAN and LUCINDA GRAY:Marriage: 14 March 1843, Fleming Co., KY

More About HENRY LOGAN and EMILY UNKNOWN:Marriage: 1895

iii. TOBIAS SIMPSON LOGAN, b. 07 December 1819, Fleming Co., KY10; d. 24 July1898, Browning, Linn Co., MO; m. ELIZA JANE CHRISTY, 13 April 1843, Fleming Co.,KY; b. 24 September 1820, Fleming Co., KY10; d. 25 December 1894, Browning, LinnCo., MO.

Notes for TOBIAS SIMPSON LOGAN:1850 Census of Carter Co., KY - District No. 2 - HH # 319Logan, Tobias 30 M Farmer 500.00 KY Eliza 29 F KY Elizabeth 6 F KY Lucy 4 F KY Delila 2 F KYGray, Sarah F. 18 F KY

1860 Census of Rowan Co., KY, HH # 53Logan, Tobias 40 M W KY Farmer $800 $820 Eliza I. 39 F W KY Frances 15 F W KY Lucy F. 14 F W KY William B. 7 M W KY Martha A. 6 F W KY Marcus M. 3 M W KY

1870 Census of Linn Co., MO, Enterprise Twp., Northcut Mo P.O., HH #30/45LOGAN, Tobias 50 M W Farmer 1000 500 KY Eliza J. 49 F W Housekeeper Same William B. 19 M W Same Marta A. 16 F W Same Marcus M. 12 M W SameFAVORS, Susan 75 F W VA

1880 Census of Linn Co., MO, Enterprise Twp., ED 183, Sheet 1A, Page 454AName Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father'sBirthplace Mother's BirthplaceLOGAN, Tobias Self M Male W 60 KY Farmer KY VALOGAN, Eliza Wife M Female W 59 KY Keeping House KY VALOGAN, Marcus Son S Male W 22 KY Laborer KY KYSEALES, Hannah Servant S Female W 22 CANADA Servant IREIREBROWNING, Melissa Servant S Female W 24 MO Servant

VA VA (Crossed through)

More About TOBIAS SIMPSON LOGAN:Burial: Enterprise Cemetery, Linn Co., MOCensus: 1850, Carter Co., KY - District No. 2 - HH # 319Residence: 1870, Linn Co., MO, Northcutt, Enterprise Twp.

More About ELIZA JANE CHRISTY:Burial: Enterprise Cemetery, Linn Co., MOCensus: 1870, Linn Co., MOResidence: 1870, Linn Co., MO, Northcutt, Enterprise Twp.

More About TOBIAS LOGAN and ELIZA CHRISTY:Marriage: 13 April 1843, Fleming Co., KY

iv. LYDIA ANN LOGAN, b. 13 July 1821, Fleming Co., KY11; d. 26 October 1888, LinnCo., MO; m. (1) MATHEW J. LEE, 27 December 1837, Fleming Co., KY12; b. 18 August1811; d. 29 September 1851, Fleming Co., KY; m. (2) CHARLES B. PURDIN, 10 December1857, Linn Co., MO13; b. 22 July 1796, Kent Co., DE14; d. 11 February 1887, Linn Co., MO15.

More About LYDIA ANN LOGAN:Burial: Purdin Cemetery, Linn Co., MO

Notes for MATHEW J. LEE:1850 Census of Morgan Co., KY, HH # 148Matthew Lee 32 M KYLydia " 29 F KYLucy " 10 F KYJames " 7 M KYWilliam " 5 M KY

More About MATHEW J. LEE:Burial: Siloam Cemetery, Bull Fork Rd., Rowan Co., KYCensus: 1850, Morgan Co., KY - HH # 148

Marriage Notes for LYDIA LOGAN and MATHEW LEE:Marriage bond, 18 Dec. 1837, Fleming Co., KY; signed by Joseph Lee.

More About MATHEW LEE and LYDIA LOGAN:Bondsman: Joseph LeeMarriage: 27 December 1837, Fleming Co., KY16

Notes for CHARLES B. PURDIN:1860 Census of Linn Co., MO, Linneus PO, HH # 1244/1244Charles Purdin 63 M Farmer DELydia 39 F KYSarah E. 19 F MOLouann 1 F MOJames Lee 17 M Laborer KYWilliam 14 M KY

1870 Census of Linn Co; Linneus, MO; Locust Creek Twp, HH #42Charles B. PURDIN M 72 DELydia A. " F 47 KY

Lois H. " M 12 MOIsabel " F 9 MOBetty R. " F 8 MONettie " F 6 MONettie GOOCH F 35 MO

1880 Census of Linn Co., MO Linneus, Missouri Page Number 498AC. B. PURDIN Self M Male W 82 DE Boarding House DE DELida PURDIN Wife M Female W 58 KY Keeping House KY KYLuan PURDIN Dau S Female W 20 MO Teacher DEKYBettie PURDIN Dau S Female W 18 MO Works At Home DE KYNettie PURDIN Dau S Female W 16 MO Works At Home DE KYC. G. BIGGER Other S Male W 32 MO LawyerKY KYFrank FULLER Other S Male W 20 MO Teacher Of PenmanshipKY KY

More About CHARLES B. PURDIN:Burial: 12 February 1887, Purdin Cemetery, Linn Co., MOCensus: 1870, Linn Co., Linneus, Locust Creek Twp.

More About CHARLES PURDIN and LYDIA LOGAN:Marriage: 10 December 1857, Linn Co., MO17

v. ELIZA JANE LOGAN, b. 02 December 1824, Fleming Co., KY; d. 28 April 1900,Warrensburg, Johnson Co., MO; m. AMBROSE BARNETT CHRISTY, 09 March 1847, FlemingCo., KY18; b. 14 April 1823, KY; d. 02 May 1877, Warrensburg, Johnson Co., MO.

Notes for ELIZA JANE LOGAN:1850 Fleming Co., KY Census - District No. 1, HH # 415Ambrose B. Christy 25 farmer KyEliza Jane Christy 25 KyElizabeth Christy 2 KyWilliam A. Christy 11/12 Ky

1860 Census of Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, Flemingsburg P.O., HH # 507/474Ambrose B. Christy 35 M Farmer 3000 1400 KYEliza J. " 35 F KYElizabeth F. " 12 F KYWilliam A. " 11 M KYJohn M. " 9 M KYLou Ellen " 8 F KY

1870 Census of Johnson, Co., MO, Hazel Hill Twp., P.O. Warrensburg, HH # 129/126Christie, Ambrose 45 M W None KY Eliza Jane 45 F W Keeping House KY John 19 M W At Home KY Luellen 17 M W None KY

1880 Census of Johnson Co., MO, Hazel Hill, Johnson, Missouri, ED 102, Page 359D,HH # 235/238CHRISTY, E. J. W F Wd 54 Keeps House KY KY KYMAW, Robert P. W M M 25 Farmer WI ENG. ENG.MAW, Sadie J. W F M 20 WI ENG. ENG.

More About ELIZA JANE LOGAN:Burial: Liberty Cemetery, Johnson Co., MOCensus: 1880, Johnson Co., MO - Hazel Hill

Notes for AMBROSE BARNETT CHRISTY:Liberty CemeteryLocated about 6 miles North of Warrensburg on Highway 13 in Hazel Hill Township.CHRISTY:Ambrose B., 14 Apr. 1823-2 May 1877, husband of E. B.Effie May , 2 May 1884-11 Aug. 1957Eliza B., 2 Dec. 1824-23 Apr. 1900, wife of A. B.L. Walter, 2 Sept. 1880-14 Nov. 1956

More About AMBROSE BARNETT CHRISTY:Burial: Liberty Cemetery, Johnson Co., MO

More About AMBROSE CHRISTY and ELIZA LOGAN:Marriage: 09 March 1847, Fleming Co., KY18

vi. LUCY A. LOGAN, b. 28 November 1826, Fleming Co., KY; d. 30 March 1885,Peabody, Marion Co., KS; m. WILLIAM H. NORRIS, 20 February 1845, Fleming Co., KY;b. 04 April 1822, Bath Co., KY19; d. 12 March 1909, Peabody, Marion Co., KS.

More About LUCY A. LOGAN:Burial: Prarie Lawn Cemetery, Peabody, Marion Co., KS

Notes for WILLIAM H. NORRIS:1850 Census of Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 67Norris, William H. 27 Farmer KY Lucy Ann 22 KY John H. 4 KY Margaret Ann 2 KY William F. 8m KYNorris, Norah 22 Laborer KY

1860 Census of Rowan Co., KY, HH # 138Norris, W. H. 38 M W KY Farmer Lucy A. 34 F W KY John H. 14 M W KY Margaret A. 12 F W KY William F. 10 M W KY James H. 8 M W KY H. S. 5 M W KY Manerva J. 1 F W KY

1870 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Christy Creek Pct., HH # 112/112Norris, William 48 M W Farmer KY Lucy 44 F W Keeping House KY James 16 M W Farm Laborer KY Harvey 14 M W At Home KY Jane 12 F W At Home KY Harrison 8 M W KY Luther 5 M W KY Granville 3 M W KY

1880 Census of Catlin Twp, Marion Co., KS - Page 127BNorris, W. H. Self M m W 58 KY MD KY Lucy A. Wife F m W 54 KY PA KY Jas H. Son M s W 26 KY KY KY Harry S. Son M s W 24 KY KY KY M. J. Daughter F s W 21 KY KY KY H. H. Son M s W 18 KY KY KY G. R. Son M s W 14 KY KY KY B. A. Daughter F s W 8 KS KY KY

Duncan, J. R. Other M W 18 IL OH IL

1905 Census of State of Kansas, Marion County, Peabody Twp.HH # 228/228W. H. Norris 83 M W KY MO Farmer H. 73 F W KY IL

Obituary of William H. Norris, from Earl Calvin Padgett Jr. [email protected] H. Norris was born in Bath Co., KY April 4, 1822, died in Peabody, KS,March 12, 1909, age 86 yrs. 11 months, 8 days. February 20, 1845 he was united inmarriage to Lucy Ann Logan, and to their home came twelve children, nine sons andthree daughters, but five sons and two daughters have gone to the home beyond.When the civil war broke out Mr. Norris bade wife and children good-bye andhastened to answer his country's call enlisting as 1st Lieut., Co. F. 24th KYVols. In Oct 1861 and among other engagements he was in the bloddy battle ofShiloh the following spring.

His health failed, however and he was compelled to resign his commission and wasmustered out of service within a year afer his enlistment.

In 1871 Mr. Norris came to Kansas, and settled near Peabody where his wife diedMarch 30, 1885. Twenty-two years ago he removed to Peabody and has made this hishome ever since. Nov. 14, 1892 he was married to Mrs. Hilda Kelsheimer who hasproven a faithful companion to the end. In his boyhood days he became aChristian. For more than a quarter of a century he has been an elder in thechurch. About three years ago he passed through a severe illness from which henever fully recovered, and when on last Monday, he was stricken with paralysis,the family knew the messenger had come, but not until Friday -- here the copy isnot readable, then picks up with more -- Dr. Granville R., Burlington, KS and Mrs.Betty A. Cunningham of Harper, there remain thirty grandchildren, many greatgrand-children and one great great grand child, Eldon Earl Bailey, to cherish hismemory.

Funeral services were held at the Christian Church Saturday at 4 PM conducted byElder Spencer and the ramains were laid to rest with the G.A.R honers. A generalthank you from the family followed, and was signed as follows: G. R. Norris, H. H.Norris, H. S. Norris, Mrs. B. A. Cunningham & J. H. Norris.

Tombstone inscripton:Inscription: Lieut. Co. F 24 Ky Inf. (Civil War stone, no dates).Note: Beside Lucy (wife), Luther (son), and Manervia (daughter), Norris and MaggiePadgett (daughter).

More About WILLIAM H. NORRIS:Burial: Prairie Lawn Cemetery, Marion Co., KSCensus: 1850, Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 67Residence: 1900, Peabody City, Peabody Twp., Marion Co., KS

Marriage Notes for LUCY LOGAN and WILLIAM NORRIS:Marriage Bond of William N. Norris and Lucy Ann Logan dated 17 February 1845, BookA, Page 411, Fleming Co., KY. Signed by William M. Norris and E. M. Logan.

More About WILLIAM NORRIS and LUCY LOGAN:Marriage: 20 February 1845, Fleming Co., KY

vii. ELIZABETH J. LOGAN, b. 22 September 1828, Fleming Co., KY; d. 15 October1910, Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO; m. HIRAM LEE, 07 October 1849, Fleming Co.,KY; b. 04 December 1824, KY; d. 08 May 1895, Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO.

Notes for ELIZABETH J. LOGAN:Kansas City Times, Oct 17, 1910LEE

Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of Hiram Lee, died at her home in Dallas, Mo., Saturday,October 15. She lived near Dallas fifty-two years. Four daughters and two sonssurvive. Mrs. Lee was born near Moorehead, Ky., September 26, 1828. She visitedher home after anabsence of fifty-three years. Funeral from her home Tuesday, October 18, at 10:30 a.m. Burial at Forest HillCemetery.

1910 Census of Jackson Co., MO, Washington Twp., ED 218, Sheet 2A, HH # 25/25Lee, Lizzie Head F W 51 S MO KY KY English None Elizabeth Mother F W 81 Wd KY KY KY English None

More About ELIZABETH J. LOGAN:Burial: Forest Hill Cemetery, Kansas City, MO

Notes for HIRAM LEE:From the History of Jackson County Missouri. - 1881

Westport Twp.HIRAM LEEFarmer and stock raiser, section 21, post-office Westport, was born in Kentucky,December 4, 1824, where he was reared and educated. Then commenced farming andcontinued the same until March 1857, and the fall of 1859 went to Kansas, where heremained until 1864. He soon came to Jackson County, Missouri, where he has afine farm. He was married in Kentucky, September 7 1849, to Miss Elizabeth Logan.they had eight children, of who there are six living: Amanda, Casander, Lucy,Elizabeth, Edgar, and General R. E.. Two are deceased; William and an infant.

1850 Census of Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2HH # 71Lee, Hiram 25 Farmer KY Elizabeth 21 KY

1860 Census of Johnson County, Kansas, Shawnee Township, HH # 593Lee, H. 35 M KY E. 32 F KY M. 10 F KY C. A. 7 F KY E. 3 F KY L. 3 F KYNoble, W. 4mo M KSStewart, A. 46 M VA

1870 Census of Jackson County Missouri, Township 4A, Range 35, Lee's Summit, HH #257/258Lee, Hiram 47 M Farmer KY Elizabeth 43 F Keping House KY Cassy 18 F At Home KY Lucy 13 F At School MO Lizzie 13 F At School MO Edgar 9 M At School KS Robt. 3 M MO

1880 United States Federal Census - Missouri - Jackson Co. - Washington, Twp. - ED#39Roll: T9-694 - Page 247B - Image 6 of 17 - 10 & 12 JUN 1880Lee, Hiram 55 M KY KY KY Elizabeth 51 F KY PA KY Lucy 21 F MO KY KY Lizzie 21 F MO KY KY Edgar 18 M KS KY KY Robert 12 M MO KY KY Parker, Mary M. 29 F KY KY KY Daughter

Severette 10 F MO KY MO Granddaughter Wm. Arthur - - M MO KY MO GrandsonWilliam HARRIS Other S M W 14 Works On Farm - Hired Hand KY KYMO

More About HIRAM LEE:Burial: Forest Hill Cemetery, Jackson Co., MOCensus: 1850, Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 71Occupation: Farmer

More About HIRAM LEE and ELIZABETH LOGAN:Marriage: 07 October 1849, Fleming Co., KY

viii. SARAH AMANDA LOGAN, b. Abt. 1830, Fleming Co., KY. ix. MARY D. LOGAN, b. Abt. 1832, Fleming Co., KY. x. WILLIAM HENRY NEVILLE LOGAN, b. Abt. 1834, Fleming Co., KY; m. ELIZA JANEJOHNSON, 05 October 1856, Rowan Co., KY; b. 05 April 1835, Fleming Co., KY; d.1876, Gentry Co., MO.

Notes for WILLIAM HENRY NEVILLE LOGAN:1870 Census of Tama Co., IA - Richland Twp., Helena P.O., Page 9 HH # 66/63Logan, William 36 M Farmer $240 $225 KY Eliza J. 29 F KY James W. 10 M KY Denver 8 M IA Harvey A. 3 M IA Arda A. 2 F IA John A. 3/12 M IA

More About WILLIAM HENRY NEVILLE LOGAN:Census: 1870, Tama Co., IAOccupation: Farmer

More About WILLIAM LOGAN and ELIZA JOHNSON:Marriage: 05 October 1856, Rowan Co., KY

xi. FRANCES LUCRETIA LOGAN, b. 1836, Fleming Co., KY; d. 04 August 1903, Linn Co., MO; m. ZACHARIAH PHELPS JOHNSON, 23 July 1853, Fleming Co., KY20; b. 1830; d. 14February 1896, Linn Co., MO.

More About FRANCES LUCRETIA LOGAN:Burial: Enterprise Cemetery, Linn Co., MO

Notes for ZACHARIAH PHELPS JOHNSON:1860 Census of Rowan Co., KY, HH # 255Johnson, Z. P. 33 M W KY Farmer $800 $415 Frances L. 23 F W KY Ben F. 6 M W KY James S. 2 M W KY

1870 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Morehead Pct., HH # 70JOHNSON, Phelps 39 M W Farmer Ky Frances 35 F W Keeping House Ky Frank 16 M W At Home Ky James 12 M W At Home Ky Harvey 9 M W Ky Ida May 5 F W Ky

1880 Census of Pearces Pct. No. 3, Rowan, Kentucky, HH # 275

Phelps JOHNSON Self M Male W 46 KY Farmer KY KYLucretia JOHNSON Wife M Female W 44 KY Keeping House PA KYHarvey JOHNSON Son S Male W 19 KY On Farm KY KYIda JOHNSON Dau S Female W 15 KY KY KY

More About ZACHARIAH PHELPS JOHNSON:Burial: Enterprise Cemetery, Linn Co., MOCensus: 1860, Rowan Co., KY, HH # 255

More About ZACHARIAH JOHNSON and FRANCES LOGAN:Marriage: 23 July 1853, Fleming Co., KY20

xii. HOWARD MONROE LOGAN, b. 02 December 1839, Fleming Co., KY; d. 12 February1924, Morehead, Rowan Co., KY21; m. ELIZABETH A. TRUMBO; b. 20 November 1845; d.08 March 1915, Rowan Co., KY22.

Notes for HOWARD MONROE LOGAN:1870 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Morehead Pct., HH # 92LOGAN, William 78 M W PA Farmer Howard 30 M W KY Farm laborer Elizabeth 25 F W KY [TRUMBO] Laura 7 F W KY Ida 5 F W KY William 3 M W KY

1880 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Village of Morehead Pct., Page Number 442D - HH # 27H. M. LOGAN Merchant M Male W 40 KY Dry Goods MerchantPA VAElizabeth A. LOGAN Wife M Female W 35 KY Keeping House KY KYLaura A. LOGAN Dau S Female W 16 KY At Home KYKYIda F. LOGAN Dau S Female W 15 KY At Home KY KYWilliam O. LOGAN Son S Male W 13 KY At Home KYKYHenry B. LOGAN Son S Male W 9M KY KY KYGeorge W. DAVIS Blacksmith M Male W 30 KY Blacksmith KY KYLucy Davis Wife M Female W 24 KY KY KYUlyssus G. Davis Son S Male W 7 KY KY KY

1900 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Morehead Pct. - HH # 1/1Logan, Howard M. Head W M Dec. 1839 60 m38 years KY PA KY Grocer Elizabeth Wife W F Nov. 1845 54 KY KY KY

1910 Census of Rowan Co., KY - HH # 28H M Logan Enumeration District: 0153 Color: W Age: 70 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0030 County: Rowan, Morehead Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Elizabeth A 64, Kentucky

Pg. 4B~ED 228~Morehead TWP~Rowan Co., KY~1920 Census - HH 58/62Logan, Howard, head, owns property, property free, male, white, 80, widowed, canread and write, born KY, father born PA, mother born VAHudgins Cilia, house keeper, female, white, 43, widow, born KY, father born KY,mother born Texas, house work----------- Harry, son of house keeper, male, white, 13, single, born KY, fatherborn KY, mother born KY

----------- Elizabeth, daughter of house keeper, female, white, 12, single, bornKY, father born KY, mother born KY----------- Howard, 10, son of house keeper, male, white, 10, single, born KY,father born KY, mother born KY

Will of Howard Monroe Logan:10 Sept. 1915To Mary Parthenia McGowan, $1000.00 (Sister of dead wife) living in Maysville, KY,cash out of estate; Bertha A. Hunt/Hurt (sister of dead wife) living in Missouri,$500.00 out of estate; nephew Harvey Norris, living in Florence, KS, $200.00 outof estate; nephew James Howard Norris, $100.00 out of estate, niece Arda Roduquez,daughter of Nevill Logan, living in Kansas City, MO, $100.00; nephew WilliamAugustus Christy and his sister Lou Ellen, my niece, $100.00 each out of estate,think they live in Johnson, Co., MO, Mrs Dee Sims of Morehead $50.00, out ofestate, J. M. Carey of Morehead $50.00, out of estate, any left over moneydivided equally between Mary Parthena McGowan, Bertha A. Hunt, Harvey Norris andJames H. Norris.J. M. Carey executor should he die or be unable, my cousin, S. E. Logan.Witness: 1 Jan. 1916 Harlan Blair, Mrs. A. G. Simms.Codicil: 19 May 1916, Witness Mr. A. G. Simms & Harlan Blair.Deduct from Shares of McGowan & Hunt value of Jacob Cohen property previously deedto wife Elizabeth A. Logan, now deceased.Codicil: 10 Apr. 1917 Witness as above:Cancel money to Arda Rodriquez, William Augustus Chrisy, Lou Ellen Christy. Giveto nephew, Jasper L. Wilson of Lexington, $200.00, $50.00 to J. M. Carey to carefor graves of himself and family.Codicil: 26 June 1920; Witness James Clay, E. Hogge, Disallow gift to McGowanBecause her only daughter Minnie Hayse sueing Logan for this part of money beforehis death.Probated 3 March 1924

Maysville RepublicanJanuary 8, 1887Bloody Rowan Craig Tolliver Violates the Truce and Morehead is Again Terrorized.

A telegram from Owingsville says: The peace relations between the warring factionsof Rowan county are just now in a very strained condition. Craig Tolliver fromwhom one of the factions takes its name, and the chief instigator of the devilmentdone by his party, and on whose voluntary exile from the county rests the treatyof peace arrange by Prosecuting Attorney Caruth, has openly violated his promiseto remain away, having been seen in Morehead for several days past. By many of thecitizens this is regarded as a sure signal for renewed hostilities and by some asa just cause for such proceedings. It is well known that these factions would nothesitate to shed each other's blood upon the slightest pretext. Since the shootingof Howard Logan by an assassin, the people of Morehead, each feeling that it wouldbe his time to shoot next, have acted with the greatest caution. No one is everseen on the streets after dark.

Logan, who was wounded from ambush some time ago, intends to leave the county assoon as he recovers sufficiently. The people of Morehead, regardless of pastdifferences , with one accord condemned this cowardly attempt to assassinateLogan, and the party who was strongly suspected of it has since left the place andis said to have located in Covington.

There was a dance at Judge Menix's in Morehead Monday night, with the usualconcomitants of pistols, whisky and death. Mason Keeton, a young man of dissipatedhabits, was killed, and John Rogers, another young man of similar proclivities,narrowly avoided the same fate. It seems to have been some outcropping of thatfactional strife, which has made Rowan County a synonym for bloodshed. The youngmen belonged to the rival factions and were both showing attentions to a daughterof the murdered John Martin. Keeeton fired the first shot, aiming it at Rogers,but it was followed by a fusillade from the bystanders. It is not known who fired

the fatal shot. Rogers is a nephew of Zachary Taylor Young.

Maysville RepublicanSociety in Rowan County

A correspondent of the Louisville Commercial writes from Morehead: This is thepresent condition of society in this delectable community: So many of the leadershave either left or been killed, and so many of the rank have also fallen out ofthe factions, that is not likely that there will ever be another outbreak herethat will assume the open demeanor the characterized the first demonstration. Thefactious warfare will continue, but it will be confined to bushwhacking, which iseasier, safer, and not so liable to attract the attention of the state militia. Infact, the ambuscade always in favor here, has become the fashion. Since thesoldiers were here last year, Dr. Raine, a prominent Tolliverite, died and wasburied in Louisville; Mace Keeton, a renegade from the Tollivers, has beenmurdered; John Day, a friend of Tolliver, was slain by his cousin, Tom Day; WileyTolliver, a cousin of Craig, has been cut to death; John Rogers, anotherTolliverite, has been seriously wounded, and Howard Logan is yet lying seriouslyill with gunshot wounds. This is the list of casualties since Cook Humphrey andCraig Tolliver agreed to quit at Mr. Caruth's suggestion.

Z. T. Young, ex-County Attorney, has moved to Mt. Sterling with his family; hisson, Allie Young, has moved to Farmer's Station, seven miles below here; theRamey's, who were shot in the discharge of their duty as Sheriffs, have beendeposed. As the population is decreasing, time promises to effect a lastingcompromise, though the coming generation, which is very promising, may knock oldtime out in the next round.

More About HOWARD MONROE LOGAN:Burial: Lee Cemetery, Morehead, Rowan Co., KYCensus: 1870, Rowan Co., KYOccupation: Merchant

More About ELIZABETH A. TRUMBO:Burial: Lee Cemetery, Morehead, Rowan Co., KY

3. JULIAN HANNAH2 LOGAN (JAMES1) was born 08 March 1793 in PA, and died March1876 in Lewis Co., KY23. She married ABRAHAM ENIX 23 August 1810 in Fleming Co.,KY. He was born Abt. 1784 in PA, and died March 1847 in Lewis Co., KY23.

Notes for JULIAN HANNAH LOGAN:1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY1340 ENIX, Julia A. 63 F KY (Abraham Enix m.Julian Logan, 23 Aug. 1810, Fleming Co., KY)1340 Selicia 25 F KY (d/o Abraham Enix& Julian Hannah Logan) Sylvester C. 40 M Farmer KY (m. Jane Holland) Watt 3 M KY (m. 1st JanePlank, d/o Thornton & Malinda Plank)[Abraham Enix, b. ca. 1784, d. Mar. 1847] [Julian Hannah (Logan) Enix, b. 8 Mar.1793, d. Mar. 1876, was d/o James Logan & Caroline Elizabeth Hughes] [BothAbraham and Julian Hannah (Logan) Enix are buried in the Bald Point Cem. onLaurel, Lewis Co.,KY] [Watson "Watt" Anderson Enix, b. 24 July 1857, d. 20 Nov.1918, m. 2nd Nancy Jane Hamilton, 16 July 1884, Lewis Co., KY] [Watson "Watt"Anderson Enix was s/o Selicia Enix] [Jane (Plank) Enix, b. 12 May 1860, d. 4 July1884][Nancy Jane Hamilton, b. Jan. 1866, was d/o Wesley E. Hamilton & Nancy Conley andgd/o David K. Hamilton & Drusilla Hill] [Both Abraham Enix and James Logan were

from Washington Co., PA]

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Kinniconick Pct., Sept. 1HH # 62/62Enix, Julian W F 76 Keeping House PA Matilda W F 35 House Work KY Watson W M 13 Laborer KY

More About JULIAN HANNAH LOGAN:Burial: Bald Point Cemetery, Laurel, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1860, Lewis Co., KYOccupation: Housewife

More About ABRAHAM ENIX:Burial: Bald Point Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1810, Fleming Co., KYOccupation: Farmer

More About ABRAHAM ENIX and JULIAN LOGAN:Marriage: 23 August 1810, Fleming Co., KY

Children of JULIAN LOGAN and ABRAHAM ENIX are: i. ALFRED3 ENIX, b. 05 February 1811, Fleming Co., KY; d. 1888; m. MARY ANNMILLER, 18 November 1838, Carter Co., KY; b. 06 March 1820, KY; d. 25 October1906, Carter Co., KY.

Notes for ALFRED ENIX:1850 Census of Carter Co., KY - District No. 2HH # 354Enoch, Alfred 39 M Blacksmith KY Mary 20 F KY George 10 M KY Elizabeth 7 F KY William 4 M KY Lafayette 3m M KY

1860 Census of Carter Co., KY, Olive Hill Pct. - HH # 123/110Alfred Enox 49 M B.Smith 250 140 KYMary Ann " 32 F Glovemaker KYGeo. Washington " 20 M B. Smith KYElizabeth F. " 17 F Weaver KYWm. T. " 13 M KYLayf. " 9 M KYJulian " 7 F KYSusan T. G. " 4 F KYJames M. " 1/12 M KY

1870 Census of Carter Co., KY, Pct. No. 5HH # 46/41Enix, Alford 49 M W Farmer 300 350 KY Mary 50 F W Keeping House KY George 30 M W Blacksmith KY William 24 M W Farmer KY Lafayette 20 M W Farmer KY Julia 16 F W At Home KY Susan 13 F W At Home KY Juan 10 M W At Home KY Edward 3 M W KYMcClesen, Duncan 36 M W Miller 400 CAN. Elizabeth 27 F W Keeping House KY Mary 4 F W KY

William 2 M W KY Joanna 6/12 F W KY

1880 Carter Co., KY Census - Olive Hill Pct.HH #75Enix, Alfred W F 69 Blacksmith K PaK Mary A W F 60 Wife K K K Wm T. W M 33 Son/Carpent K K K Layfayette J. W M 29 Son/Farmer K K K Julia Ann W F 26 Dau K K K Susan W F 22 Dau K K K Juan P. W M 20 Son K K KScott, Easther W F 87 Gr Mother KPaPaEnix, Cecil V. W M 3 GR Son K K KEnix, George W. W M 40 Son/Blksmith K K K Edward S. W M 13 Gr Son K K K

More About ALFRED ENIX:Census: 1850, Carter Co., KY - District No. 2 - HH # 354Occupation: Farmer

More About ALFRED ENIX and MARY MILLER:Marriage: 18 November 1838, Carter Co., KY

ii. HENRY F. ENIX, b. Abt. 1813, KY; m. SUSAN LINDLEY, 14 March 1857, Carter Co.,KY24; b. Abt. 1822, KY.

Notes for HENRY F. ENIX:1870 Census of Bates Co., MO, Pleasant Gap, Sheet 18, HH # 118/124Enix, Henry 53 M W Blacksmith KY Susan 48 F W H. K. KY Oscar 7 M W KY John 5 M W KY Emma 3 F W KY

More About HENRY ENIX and SUSAN LINDLEY:Marriage: 14 March 1857, Carter Co., KY24

iii. ELIZABETH ENIX, b. Abt. 1814, Fleming Co., KY; m. RICHARD CHOATE, 15November 1831, Lewis Co., KY, Vol. A, p. 107; b. 09 February 1763, SC25; d. 25January 1864, Fleming Co., KY25.

Notes for RICHARD CHOATE:1850 Census of Carter Co., KY- District No. 1 - HH # 139Richard Shoat 68 M Farmer VA PauperElizabeth 37 F KYTilla 17 F KYTerissa 14 F KYMary 11 F KYZachariah 10 M KYEmaly 8 F KYNamon 6 M KYMalvina A. 5 F KYEliza E. 3 F KYAbraham 1 M KY

1860 Census of Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, Flemingsburg P.O., HH # 845/924Shoat, Richard 79 M W Gentleman VA Elizabeth 47 F W KY Nayman 17 M W Laborer KY Liza 13 F W KY

Abraham 11 M W KY James A. 9 M W KY Henry C. 7 M W KY

Edward Choate, born Abt. 05 Apr 1821; died 12 Apr 1851.Notes for Edward Choate:Edward's tombstone, Evans-Seever or Hurst graveyard, between Mt. Vernon andHillsboro, Fleming Co, KY reads: "In memory of Edward Choat died Apr 12, 1851 age30 yrs and 7 days"This stone is next to Richard Choate's tombstone.Edward is quite possibly the son of Richard Choate.

More About RICHARD CHOATE:Burial: Hurst Cemetery, a.k.a. Penland Cemetery, Fleming Co., KYCensus: 1830, Fleming Co., KYDeed Book: 05 July 1832, Lewis Co., KY - Richard and wife Elizabeth sold half ofland grant to George LittletonLand Grant: 08 June 1829, Book Y, p. 42, Frankfort, KY Land Office. For 50 Acres,bounded by Alex Penland's tract and Edward Choate's land.Occupation: Gentleman, FarmerTax List: 1800, Fleming Co., KY

More About RICHARD CHOATE and ELIZABETH ENIX:Marriage: 15 November 1831, Lewis Co., KY, Vol. A, p. 107

iv. AMARIAH WATSON ENIX, b. 04 February 1817, Fleming Co., KY26; d. 11 January1904, Carter Co., KY26; m. MATILDA HAMM, 22 June 1840, Carter Co., KY27; b. 09November 1819, Fleming Co., KY28; d. 23 March 1894, Carter Co., KY28.

Notes for AMARIAH WATSON ENIX:Census of 1850 Carter Co., KY - District No. 2 - HH # 322Enoch, Amariah 32 M Farmer 150.00 KY Matilda 31 F KY Lucinda 9 F KY Eliza 7 F KY John 6 M KY James 4 M KY Nancy 7m F KY

1860 Census of Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart Pct. - HH # 14 - 11 June 1860Amariah Enox 40 M Farmer 500 100 KYMatilda " 38 F KYLucinda " 18 F KYEliza J. " 16 F KYJohn A. " 14 M KYJames A. " 12 M KYNancy J. " 10 F KYIsaac M. " 8 M KYMelvina " 6 F KYJoseph D. " 4 M KYJuliana " 2 F KY

1870 Census of Carter Co., KY, Pct. No. 5HH # 45/40Enix, Amarice 53 M W Carpenter 400 200 KY Malinda 52 F W Keeping House KY Eliza 28 F W At Home KY Mason 18 M W Farmer KY Melvina 16 F W At Home KY Joseph 13 M W Farmer KY

Henry 9 M W KY Thomas 6 M W KY

1880 Census of Carter Co., KY, Pct. 4HH # 59 Enix, Amariah W M 63 Farmer KY PA KY Matilda W F 62 Wife KY VA KY Henry W M 19 Son KY VA KY Thomas W M 16 Son KY VA KY

More About AMARIAH WATSON ENIX:Burial: Enix - Sloan Cemetery, Flat Fork, Carter Co., KYCensus: 1850, Carter Co., KY - District No. 2 - HH # 322Occupation: 1870, Carpenter

More About MATILDA HAMM:Burial: Enix - Sloan Cemetery, Flat Fork, Carter Co., KY

Marriage Notes for AMARIAH ENIX and MATILDA HAMM:Witnesses: Fred Pitts and M. A. Waltz.

More About AMARIAH ENIX and MATILDA HAMM:Marriage: 22 June 1840, Carter Co., KY29Married By: H. T. Adams

v. DAVID A. ENIX, b. 1818, Fleming Co., KY; d. 26 September 1859, Rowan Co.,KY30; m. MARY THACKER, 22 July 1858, Lewis Co., KY; b. Abt. 1829, VA.

Notes for DAVID A. ENIX:Lewis Co., KY Vital Statistics (marriage) note he was born in Morgan Co., KY.Rowan Co., KY Mortality Schedule 1860 notes: D. A. Enix, age 39, M, KY, d. Sept.

Rowan Co., KY Census of 1860, HH # 155Enix, Mary 31 F W VA Farmer $25 Amandy 15 F W KY A. B. 4 F W KY David S. 1 M W KY

More About DAVID A. ENIX:Census: 1860, Rowan Co., KY - HH # 155

Notes for MARY THACKER:1860 Census of Rowan Co., KY, HH # 155Enix, Mary 31 F W VA Farmer $25 Amanda 15 F W KY A. B. 4 F W KY David S. 1 M W KY

1870 Census of Nemaha Co., KS, DIVISION: Home TWP REEL NO: M593 440 PAGE NO:33AREFERENCE: Enumerated on 16 August 1870, by L. Hensel. Seneca P.O., HH # 130130Harper Leonard D. 52 M W Carpenter 300 200VirginiaHarper Mary 42 F W Keeping House . .Virginia

Harper George 11 M W At Home . .KentuckyHarper Sarah 6 F W . . .KentuckyHarper Allice 5 F W . . .OhioHarper Laura 3 F W . . .KentuckyThacks Isabella 14 F W Domestic . .KentuckyEnocks David S. 11 M W Laborer . .Kentucky

1880 Census of Lorance, Bollinger, Missouri, Family History Library Film1254674, NA Film Number T9-0674, Page Number 482BLeonard D. HARPER Self M Male W 56 VA Carpenter VA VAMary HARPER Wife M Female W 51 VA Keeping House VA VAGeorge W. HARPER Son S Male W 20 KY VA VASarah HARPER Dau S Female W 16 KY VA VAAlice HARPER Dau S Female W 14 OH VA VALaura HARPER Dau S Female W 13 KY VA VA

More About MARY THACKER:Census: 1860, Rowan Co., KY, HH # 155

More About DAVID ENIX and MARY THACKER:Marriage: 22 July 1858, Lewis Co., KY

vi. DIANA ENIX, b. 03 March 1815, Morgan Co., KY31; m. MICHAEL MOORE, 19 January1837, Lewis Co., KY; b. 31 May 1815, Floyd Co., KY32; d. 31 March 1891, Lewis Co.,KY.

Notes for MICHAEL MOORE:1860 Lewis Co., KY census - Annotated by Bruce Logan.1347 MOORE, Michael 45 M Farmer KY (m. Diena Enix,19 Jan. 1837L, Lewis Co., KY) Dianna 45 F KY (d/oAbraham Enix & Julian Hannah Logan) William W. 18 M KY (m. Sophia J.?????) John F. 17 M KY Marion D. 15 M KY (MarionDallas Moore) Lucinda J. 12 F KY Harriet E. 9 F KY Eliza E. 7 F KY(Elizabeth H. Moore, b. 20 May 1853, Lewis Co., KY) [Michael Moore, b. 31 May1815, d. 31 Mar. 1891, s/o Christopher Moore & Mary Auxier; buried in the StamperCem. Lewis Co., KY] [Dianna (Enix) Moore was gd/o James Logan & CarolineElizabeth Hughes]

1870 Lewis Co., KY Census - Laurel Pct.HH 95/95Moore, Michael W M 55 Farmer KY Dianah W M 55 Keeping House KY Harriet W F 19 At Home KY Eliza W F 17 At Home KY George T. W M 8 At Home KY Sylvester W M 1 At Home KYClark, William H. W M 8 At Home KY

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., June 3HH # 43/45Moore, Michael W M 65 Farmer KY VA VA Diana W F 65 Wife KY PA KY Elizabeth W F 29 Daughter KY KY VA George M W M 19 Son KY KY VA Sylvester W M 12 Boarder KY KY VA

More About MICHAEL MOORE:Burial: Stamper Cemetery, Head of Grassy, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1860, Lewis Co., KYOccupation: Minister

More About MICHAEL MOORE and DIANA ENIX:Marriage: 19 January 1837, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: 19 January 1837Security: Nicholas Moore

vii. SYLVESTER C. ENIX, b. 1820; d. Bef. 1900; m. JANE HOLLAND; b. April 1843.

Notes for SYLVESTER C. ENIX:1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 1, HH # 63/63Enix, Sylvester W M 50 Farmer KY

1880 School Census - Taken by Moses R. D. Smith, 21 Apr. 1879 - Tar Fork SchoolSylvester Enix - Guardian ofSuda Belle Nolen age 7

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., June 8, HH # 95/97Enochs, Sylvester W M 60 Farming KY KY KY Jane W F 40 Wife KY KY KY

KY Land Patent #: 35821 Grantee: Enex, Sylvester C.,Grant Book & Pg: 65 36 Acreage: 117County: Lewis WaterCourse: Laurel Fk. Kinneconnick Cr.Survey Name: Enex, Sylvester C. Survey Date: 06/30/1864Grant Date: 01/02/1865

KY Land Patent #: 57081 Grantee: Enex, Sylvester C.Grant Book & Pg: 103 411 Acreage: 200County: Lewis WaterCourse: Laurel Cr. Kinniconick Cr.Survey Name: Harrison, Alfred Survey Date: 04/14/1882Grant Date: 12/23/1882

More About SYLVESTER C. ENIX:Census: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 63/63, Sept. 1

Notes for JANE HOLLAND:1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Grassy Pct, ED 85, Sheet 4, HH # 64/67Enix, Jane Head W F Apr. 1843 57 M KY KY KY Mary Daughter W F July 1889 20 S KY KY KY

More About JANE HOLLAND:Census: 1900, Lewis Co., KY

viii. REBECCA ENIX, b. 15 September 1826, Lewis Co., KY; d. 08 April 1888,Fleming Co., KY; m. PETER AKIN HAMM, 28 July 1849, Lewis Co., KY; b. 22 December1824, Fleming Co., KY; d. 04 October 1893, Fleming Co., KY.

Notes for PETER AKIN HAMM:1850 Census of Carter Co., KY - District No. 2HH # 321Ham, Peter A. 25 M Farmer 150.00 KY Rebecca 23 F KY John 1m M KY

1870 Census of Fleming Co., KY, Mt. Carmel Pct. - HH # 186/172Ham, Peter 45 M Farmer KY Rebecca 43 F KY John 19 M KY Julia 15 F KY Martha 13 F KY Jeremiah 12 M KY Isaah 10 M KY Eliza 8 F KY Jospeh E. 6 M KY Manfred 4 M KY Harriett 2 F KY

1880 Census of Mt. Carmel, Fleming Co., KY - HH # 176Peter A. HAM Self M Male W 55 KY Farmer VA KYRebecca HAM Wife M Female W 52 KY Keeping House PA KYJeramiah HAM Son S Male W 21 KY Farm Laborer KY KYJoseph E. HAM Son S Male W 16 KY Works On Farm KY KYMantford W. HAM Son S Male W 14 KY At Home KY KYHarriet HAM Dau S Female W 12 KY At Home KY KY

More About PETER AKIN HAMM:Census: 1850, Carter Co., KY - District No. 2 - HH # 321

More About PETER HAMM and REBECCA ENIX:Age proven by: David A. EnixMarriage: 28 July 1849, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: 28 July 1849Security: David A. Enix

ix. JOHN ENIX, b. Abt. 1828, Floyd Co., KY; m. MARY SIBLEY, 1853, Fleming Co.,KY; b. Abt. 1828, VA.

Notes for JOHN ENIX:1850 Census of Fleming Co., KY, District No. 1, HH # 1019Sillery, John M 28 Shoemaker OH Amanda F 22 KYEnox, John M 27 KYJones, Robert M 37 KY

More About JOHN ENIX:Census: 1850, Fleming Co., KY, District No. 1 - HH # 1019Occupation: 1850, Shoemaker

More About JOHN ENIX and MARY SIBLEY:Marriage: 1853, Fleming Co., KY

x. JULIA ANN ENIX, b. 31 July 1828, Lewis Co., KY; d. 06 August 1898, Lewis Co.,KY; m. JOSEPH W. WEBSTER, 14 June 1846, Lewis Co., KY; b. 18 April 1825, DelawareCo., NY; d. 05 September 1869, Lewis Co., KY.

Notes for JULIA ANN ENIX:1880 Census of Orangeburg, Mason, Kentucky, Family History Library Film 1254433,

NA Film Number T9-0433, Page Number 482BJulia Ann WEBSTER Self W Female W 52 KY Farmer PA KYJohn WEBSTER Son S Male W 29 KY Farm Laborer NY KYSylvesta WEBSTER Dau S Female W 29 KY At Home NY KYDollie WEBSTER Dau S Female W 24 KY At Home NY KYDaniel WEBSTER Son S Male W 21 KY At Home NY KYEliza F. WEBSTER Dau S Female W 18 KY At Home NY KY

More About JULIA ANN ENIX:Burial: Bethany Cemetery, Mason Co., KYCensus: 1870, Mason Co., KY, Orangeburg Pct.

Notes for JOSEPH W. WEBSTER:Much of the information on these families came from Dorothy (Bean) Corns and theMason Co., KY census.

E-mail dated 1 July 2004, from Marilyn Robinson<[email protected]>Wow Bruce, You are fast.I will go through it one name at atime.We may have allthe same ones.I did notice we have a Rebecca b.1849 for one of Joseph and Julia'skids.Can't remember where I got that. Also I had Lela Belle for the daughter of Daniel Lewis Webster and EmmaKate Garrett For Robert Hook and Fannie Webster,I had Sylvester Daniel Hookb.8/31/1881-2/10/1953 married Lily Ott and had a son Charles. For Fannie Parker Webster married to Fred Childrey with childrenCatherine,Harold,Raymond1915 and Frances 10/1/1918-5/24/2004 She married HaroldChinn who died 1/4/1958 They are buried at Black Oak Cmtry. I will keep going and get back to you. Marilyn

Hi Bruce, Thanks again for the information you sent. I've updated my data. Justone note I want to mention, Joseph W. Webster, m. Julia Enix, s/o JohnWebster was born in Delaware Co., NY, he moved to Lewis Co, KY from NYabout 1845 with 2 brothers and 2 sisters.Larry

More About JOSEPH W. WEBSTER:Burial: Bethany Cemetery, Mason Co., KYMilitary service: Co. C, 10th KY Cavalry

More About JOSEPH WEBSTER and JULIA ENIX:Marriage: 14 June 1846, Lewis Co., KY

xi. HARRIETT ENIX, b. Abt. 1830, KY; m. RICHARD HYRNE, 10 October 1849, BrownCo., OH33; b. Abt. 1808, SC.

Notes for RICHARD HYRNE:1850 Census of Lewis Co., KY, District No. 1 - HH # 197Hyrne, Richard P. 42 M SC Tailor Heneietta 19 F KY Clonzo 12 M OH Robert F. 7 M KY

1870 Carter Co., KY Census - Precinct No. 1 - HH # 83/80Hyine/Hysne, Richard 62 M W Farmer 600 300 SC Harriet 38 F W Keeping House KY George 19 M W Farmer KY

John 17 M W Farmer KY Mark 15 M W Farmer KY Nancy 2 F W KY

More About RICHARD HYRNE:Census: 1850, Lewis Co., KY, District No. 1 - HH # 197

More About RICHARD HYRNE and HARRIETT ENIX:Marriage: 10 October 1849, Brown Co., OH33Married By: 10 October 1849, Thomas Shelton


Notes for SILICIA MATILDA ENIX:1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY1340 ENIX, Julia A. 63 F KY (Abraham Enix m.Julian Logan, 23 Aug. 1810, Fleming Co., KY)1340 Selicia 25 F KY (d/o Abraham Enix& Julian Hannah Logan) Sylvester C. 40 M Farmer KY (m. Jane Holland) Watt 3 M KY (m. 1st JanePlank, d/o Thornton & Malinda Plank)[Abraham Enix, b. ca. 1784, d. Mar. 1847] [Julian Hannah (Logan) Enix, b. 8 Mar.1793, d. Mar. 1876, was d/o James Logan & Caroline Elizabeth Hughes] [BothAbraham and Julian Hannah (Logan) Enix are buried in the Bald Point Cem. onLaurel, Lewis Co.,KY] [Watson "Watt" Anderson Enix, b. 24 July 1857, d. 20 Nov.1918, m. 2nd Nancy Jane Hamilton, 16 July 1884, Lewis Co., KY] [Watson "Watt"Anderson Enix was s/o Selicia Enix] [Jane (Plank) Enix, b. 12 May 1860, d. 4 July1884][Nancy Jane Hamilton, b. Jan. 1866, was d/o Wesley E. Hamilton & Nancy Conley andgd/o David K. Hamilton & Drusilla Hill] [Both Abraham Enix and James Logan werefrom Washington Co., PA]

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Kinniconick Pct., Sept. 1HH # 62/62Enix, Julian W F 76 Keeping House PA Matilda W F 35 House Work KY Watson W M 13 Laborer KY

More About SILICIA MATILDA ENIX:Census: 1860, Lewis Co., KY

xiii. HANNAH ENIX, b. Abt. 1834, Lewis Co., KY; d. Aft. 1900; m. JOSIAH MCCLURG,05 September 1850, Lewis Co., KY; b. Abt. 1806, KY; d. Bef. 1900.

Notes for HANNAH ENIX:There are no dates on the tombstone and only the name Hannah McClurg.

More About HANNAH ENIX:Burial: Clark Cemetery, Cranston Road, Rowan Co., KY

Notes for JOSIAH MCCLURG:There are no dates on the stone and only the name Jose McClurg.

1850 Census of Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 314McClurg, Sarah 78 PA $900 Josiah 40 Farmer KY $200 Jabes 38 Farmer KY Jane 31 KY

Thomas, Emily 16 KYMcLurg, Eliza Ann 8 KY

1860 Census of Rowan Co., KY, HH # 58McClerg, Josiah 54 M W KY Farmer $400 $160 Hannah 26 F W KY Amandy 7 F W KY Absalome 4 M W KY Alabina 3 F W KY

1870 Rowan Co., KY Census - Pine Grove Pct. - HH # 21/21McCLURG, Joss 60 M W Farmer Ky Hannah 35 F W Ky Amanda 16 F W Ky Absalom 14 M W Ky Elihu 7 M W Ky Samuel 5 M W Ky Mary 3 M W Ky Joanna 1 M W Ky

1880 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Precinct No. 1, Morehead, HH # 121McClerg, Joseph 76 M Farmer KY PA PA Hannah 40 F Wife KY VA VA Ellihue 16 M Son KY KY KY Lemuel 14 M Son KY KY KY Mary 12 F Daughter KY KY KY Ida 6 F Daughter KY KY KY

More About JOSIAH MCCLURG:Burial: Clark Cemetery, Cranston Road, Rowan Co., KYCensus: 1850, Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 314

More About JOSIAH MCCLURG and HANNAH ENIX:Marriage: 05 September 1850, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: 05 September 1850, Consent of Juliann Enix (Her mother)Security: Peter Hamm

xiv. SUSANNAH ENIX, b. Abt. 1836, Lewis Co., KY; m. HARRISON BARNES, 30 July1854, Carter Co., KY; b. Abt. November 1834, KY.

Notes for HARRISON BARNES:Barnes Descendants Author: jhempel Date: 26 Oct 2002 5:25 PM GMT Classification: QueryPost Reply | Mark Unread Report Abuse Print MessageHarrison Barnes b. 4 Nov 1834 Fleming Co., Ky. d. 28 Apr 1932 Cascade Co.,Montana, md.1 Aug, 1854 Susannah Enochs/Enix b.1836 Ky. d. ca 1890's ??.. They hadseveral children: Lorinda, Samuel, Christina, Mary, Willie, Ross,Agnes, Susan,Sallie, Fanny, and Hattie. He married Mary V. Sloan 26 June 1895 Chandler, LincolnCo., Oklahoma. They had a son Harrison Banres, Jr. b. 24 Mar 1898 d. 1 May 1899Lincoln Co., Oklahoma. Would appreciate any information on this family, espaciallyabout his second wife, Mary "Mollie" V. Sloan.

1860 Census of Pendleton Co., KY, Falmouth P. O., Page 108, HH # 731/730Barnes, Harrison 24 M Farm Work 300 KY Susanna 23 F KY Margaret J. 4 F KY Harriett E. 2 F KY Isolina 4/12 F KY

1870 Census of Harrison Co., IA, Clay Twp., Yazoo P. O., Page 2, HH # 13/13

Barnes, Harrison 34 M W 400 800 Farmer KY Susannah 33 F W Keeping House KY Margaret 15 F W At Home KY Harriett 13 F W Attending School KY Mary 10 F W " " KY Sally 7 F W " " KY Lorinda 5 F W " " IA Linn/Tina 3 F W IA Saml. 6/12 M W IA

1880 Census of Taylor, Harrison, Iowa, Family History Library Film 1254343, NAFilm Number T9-0343, Page Number 110BHarrison BARNES Self M Male W 46 KY Farming KY KYSusan BARNES Wife M Female W 41 KY Keeping House KY KY\Mary BARNES Dau S Female W 21 KY Dom. Servant KY KY\Sallie BARNES Dau S Female W 17 OH Dom. Servant KY KYLorinda BARNES Dau S Female W 14 IA At School KY KYChristina BARNES Dau S Female W 12 IA At School KY KYSamuel BARNES Son S Male W 10 IA At School KY KYWillie BARNES Son S Male W 8 IA At School KY KYRiss BARNES Son S Male W 6 IA At School KY KYAggie BARNES Dau S Female W 4 IA KY KYSusan BARNES Dau S Female W 2 IA KY KY

1900 Census of Douglas Co., NE, Florence Pct. Florence, ED 103, Page 263A, HH #239/245Garrison, Eli Head W M Mar. 1862 38 M 14y OH OH OH Travling Impl. Sales Julia Wife W F May 1864 36 M 14y 3/3 OH NY NY Leoa Daughter W F Apr. 1888 12 S NE OH OH At School Maude Daughter W F July 1890 10 S NE OH OH At School Loyd Son W M Jan. 1892 8 S NE OH OHBarnes, Harrison Servant W M Nov. 1834 65 S KY MD KY Day Laborer

1920 Census of Cascade Co., MT, City of Great Falls, Precinct 6 & 7, ED 19, Sheet8B, HH # 86/148,Carter, John W. Head W M 50 M IN IN IN Sumer Working out Agnes Wife W F 44 M IA KY KY None Robert F. Son W M 21 S IA IN IA Truck Driver Not employedBarnes, Harrison Father W M 86 Wd KY KY KY NoneElison, Margaret Boarder W F ?? S NO NO CA Norweigan None

More About HARRISON BARNES and SUSANNAH ENIX:Marriage: 30 July 1854, Carter Co., KYMarriage date: 30 July 1854, Date of License

xv. JEREMIAH ENIX, b. 1839, Lewis Co., KY; d. 13 August 1861, Lewis Co., KY34.

More About JEREMIAH ENIX:Cause of Death: Stabbed

4. MARY2 LOGAN (JAMES1) was born 22 April 1795 in KY35, and died 29 June 1861 inLogan Twp., Peoria Co., IL. She married (1) WILLIAM J. SIMPSON 27 October 1817in Lewis Co., KY. He was born 1790 in KY, and died 17 September 1826 in LewisCo., KY. She married (2) JOSEPH TAYLOR 24 September 1829 in Lewis Co., KY36. Hewas born Abt. 1787 in PA.

More About MARY LOGAN:Burial: Smithville Cemetery, Logan Twp, Peoria Co, ILOccupation: Housewife


Lewis Co., KY Deed Book I, p. 422, 1846.Heirs of Mary Logan Simpson:Thomas Alexander SimpsonMay Jane SimpsonWilliam Franklin SimpsonLand sold to Joseph Robb.

Lewis Co., KY Deed Book K. p. 163, 1849.Heirs named sold to Leroy Preston Parker of, possibly, Bath Co., KY.

More About WILLIAM J. SIMPSON:Burial: Springfield Church Cemetery, Bath Co., KY

More About WILLIAM SIMPSON and MARY LOGAN:Marriage: 27 October 1817, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: 29 October 1817Security: Thomas Mitchel

Notes for JOSEPH TAYLOR:1850 Census of IL COUNTY: Peoria REEL NO: 432-133 PAGE NO: 328a, REFERENCE:Enumerated on 21 November 1850 by William M. Dodge2917 3005 Taylor Joseph 63 M . Farming 1,500Pa Taylor Mary 55 F . . . Ky Taylor Mathew 14 M . . . Ia Taylor Axie 15 F . . . Ky Taylor Margaret 11 F . . . Ia Taylor Elizabeth 27 F . . . Ky2917 3006 Simpson Wm. F. 34 M . Farming .Ky Simpson Mary J. 27 F . . . Ky

1860 census page #647 - Logan Twp, Peoria Co, IL, Smithville P.O., HH # 2053/2032TAYLOR, Joseph 73 PA farmer 2,500 375 Mary 66 KY Mathew 24 IA on farm 200IRWINE, Alex 28 KY farmer 295 Margaret 22 IA

More About JOSEPH TAYLOR:Census: 1840, Putnam Co., INOccupation: Farmer

More About JOSEPH TAYLOR and MARY LOGAN:Bondsman: Nesbitt TaylorMarriage: 24 September 1829, Lewis Co., KY36Security: Nesbitt Taylor

Children of MARY LOGAN and WILLIAM SIMPSON are: i. ELIZABETH J.3 SIMPSON, b. 1818; d. 15 July 1822, Lewis Co., KY37.

More About ELIZABETH J. SIMPSON:Burial: Springfield Church Cemetery, Bath Co., KY

ii. THOMAS ALEXANDER SIMPSON, b. 1822, KY; d. 04 January 1904, Independence,Jackson Co., MO; m. FRANCIS J. SIMPSON; b. Abt. 1825, KY; d. 1872, Cass Co., MO.

Notes for THOMAS ALEXANDER SIMPSON:1860 Census of Cass Co., MO, Pleasant Hill Pct., Pleasant Hill P.O., HH #

1647/1697Thom. A. Simpson 36 M Liver Keeper 1000 1200 KYFrances F. " 35 F KY

1870 Census of Bath Co., KY, Sharpsburg Pct. Sharpsburg P.O., HH # 34/34Gudgle, Charles 23 M W Farmer 21000 6775 KY James 20 M W At School KY Francis J. 49 F W ? KYLogan, Jane 35 F W ? KYSimpson, T. A. 48 M W Laborer KYJohnson, Silin 25 M B ? KYCaldwell, Menafee 23 M W ? KYCollins, Wm. 28 M B ? KYJones, Amie 39 F W ? KY Fannie 17 F W ? KY Sallie 6 F W ? KY

1880 Census of Pleasant Hill, Cass Co., Missouri, Family History Library Film1254679 NA Film Number T9-0679 Page Number 152DMary MC KESSON Self W Female W 59 KY Kpng Hse KY KYJames E. MC KESSON Son S Male W 17 MO Printer NY KYJas. R. GUDGELL Other S Male W 29 KY Stock Raiser KY KYThos. A. SIMPSON Other W Male W 55 KY Stock Raiser KY KY

1900 Census of Jackson Co., MO, Blue Township, Independence, ED 7, Sheet 6A, HH #111/119, 700 S. Main St.Gudgell, Charles Head W M Feb. 1847 53 M 29y KY KY KY Cattle Breeder Bell Wife W F May 1851 49 M 29y 4/3 KY VA KY Frank O. Son W M Sept. 1873 26 S MO KY KY Charles A. Son W M Aug. 1888 11 S MO KY KY At SchoolSimpson, Thomas A. Boader W M May 1828 72 S KY KY KYFranklin, Tuck Servant B M May 1850 50 M 15 MO KY KY ServantWoodard, Pearl Servant B F May 1880 20 S MO KY KY Servant Maggie Servant B F Jan. 1883 17 S MO KY KY At School

1850 Cenus of Bath Co., KY, HH # 750 750Joseph Gudgel Sr 48 M W Farming 25130 KyLouisa Gudgel 35 F W KyAndrew Gudgel 10 M W KyEphraim Gudgel 8 M W KyCharles Gudgel 4 M W KyJames Gudgel 9/12 M W KyJane Logan 26 F W KyMary Gudgel 16 F W KyElizabeth Gudgel 14 F W Ky

1860 Census of Bath Co., KYGUDGELLRecord #570: Joseph GUDGELL, 58, KYLouisa, 45 KYAndrew, 19 KYEphraim, 17 KYCharles, 12 KYJames, 10 KYJane LOGAN, 35 KYDinah JONES KYHenry EWING, 24 KY

1880 Census of Pleasant Hill, Cass, Co., Missouri, Family History Library Film1254679, NA Film Number T9-0679, Page Number 146C

Charles GUDGELL Self M Male W 33 KY Farmer KY KYLaura B. GUDGELL Wife M Female W 29 KY Kpng Hse KY KYLulu B. GUDGELL Dau S Female W 9 MO KY KYFrank O. GUDGELL Son S Male W 6 MO KY KY

The will was written thusly in longhand: "I, Thomas A. Simpson of Independence,Jackson County, Missouri, do make and declare this to be my last will andtestament. As a token of my appreciation of his kindness and friendship through along business associate, and through all the years I have lived as a member of hisfamily, I give to Charles Gudgell of Independence, Missouri all my property bothreal and personal absolutely, and hereby appoint him as the Executor of this willto act without giving any bond. Witness my hand this 12th day of September 1896.Thomas A. Simpson We subscribe our names as witnesses to the foregoing will ofThomas A. Simpson, at his request and in his presence, he having signed said willin our presence, this 12th day of September 1896. John R. Cogswell, William S.Flournoy"

The will was recorded in the Jackson Co., courthouse on Jan. 23, 1904, a coupleweeks after Thomas died. Clerk of the court was O. W. Cogswell. It was probatedon Jan. 23, 1904, also, and I have a copy of the document.

The funeral bill from Parker and Hon was submitted on Jan. 12, 1904 to Mr. Chas.Gudgell, and paid on Jan. 16 in full. It cost $3 to dig the grave--a separatebill.

Many,many thanks for your message. Yes, indeed I do see a connection. WilliamJamieson Simpson has been in my crosshairs for quite a while and now you've toldme his wife's last name and other facts which I am so glad to get. I live justeast of Kansas City and have visited the impressive gravesite of Thomas Alexander,the son, who is buried here at Pleasant Hill, Mo. just south of KC, along with hiswife Frances Alexander Simpson (they are first cousins). Thomas is still talkedabout among the big cattle breeders though he died a century ago. If you willtype in "Gudgell and Simpson" you will find some interesting details about thisvery famous and wealthy pair of pioneer breeders. Read items 1 and 2,particularly. I have called the American Hereford Journal's office here in KC andthey knew instantly whom I was asking about. In fact, the horns of Anxiety IV arestill on the wall in their building.

You may also be interested in this quote from my great uncle, Quintus IrwinSimpson (whom I knew before he died), written in a letter to my mother in March1930. "In about 1890 I spent several days with Tom of Independence, who said hiswife was his first cousin; they had no heirs. He had brother Robert, Unionsoldier, of near Peoria, who had son Walther, and another son. Tom and Roberttook difference in the war, and were estranged. Tom was quite rich, and ofGudgell and Simpson, the world's greatest Hereford breeders, 1870-1904. Tom wasakin to the Pickrells--Old Abe, father of Jesse and William; as was our line. Hetold me many tales of Abe, and Jesse, where he had lived with them in the forties,before married. (Around Mechanicsburg)." He is writing of Mechanicsburg,Sangamon County, Illinois.

And Quint's brother, Eugene E. Simpson, wrote in 1929: "Thomas Simpson's(Independence) father was William Jamieson Simpson who was injured in the shoulderat the Battle of River Raisin, 1812. Died September 17, 1826. Played violin verywell, in those days (the old Meisel 1806). When William J. Simpson died, hisviolin was given to grandfather Thomas Simpson." (Incidentally, our family stillhad the old violin until 1989 when an uncle sold it. Had I known then of itsfamily history, I would have begged to buy it myself.)

My own ggggrandmother, Jane Miller Simpson, spent the last four years of her life

in the home of Thomas Alexander and Frances (her daughter) in Sharpsburg and diedthere in 1854. So there is a mixing of the two Simpson lines, and I believe thatprior to William Jamieson S. the two lines descended from perhaps brothers, backin Virginia. But you know what a tough nut Virginia is to crack, at least from adistance.

By sheer coincidence, I am headed for the big KC library today to the genealogydept. hoping to get a picture of Thomas in the 1922 August issue of the AmericanHereford Journal.

Many thanks again for your most welcome additions to my Simpson data. If there isanything I can provide for you, please do ask.

Sincerely,Janet Allen----- Original Message -----From: Bruce Logan <[email protected]>To: [email protected]: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 8:58 PMSubject: William J. Simpson


I see at Ancestry that you are researching William J. Simpson.

I have William J. Simpson, b. before 1800, m. Mary Logan, 27 October 1817, LewisCo., KY. He died 17 September 1826 in Lewis Co., KY and is supposed to beburied in Springfield Church Cemetery, Bath Co., KY.

He and Mary had the following children: (1) Elizabeth J. Simpson, b. ca. 1818,d. 15 July 1822, buried Springfield Church Cemetery, Bath Co., KY (2) ThomasAlexander Simpson, (3) Mary Jane Simpson (4) William Franklin Simpson, b. 11July 1826, m. Ophelia Jane Spencer in Fulton Co., IL.

Lewis Co., KY Deed Book I, p. 422, 1846.Heirs of Mary Logan Simpson:Thomas Alexander SimpsonMay Jane SimpsonWilliam Franklin SimpsonLand sold to Joseph Robb.

Lewis Co., KY Deed Book K. p. 163, 1849.Heirs named sold to Leroy Preston Parker of, possibly, Bath Co., KY.

Mary (Logan) Simpson m. (2) Joseph Taylor and moved to Peoria Co., IL.

Do you see a connection?


Bruce E. Logan Jr.2234 Concord Dr.Wheelersburg, OH [email protected] Family and Van Bibber Web Pagehttp://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~bloganMS Instant Messenger - [email protected] - BruceAOL Instant Messenger - eastsciotoBlogger - http://logangen.blogspot.com

____________________________________________________________This message sent using iMail from I-Land Internet Services.


Pleasant Hill Times Jan. 8, 1904:Gov. T. A. Simpson, aged 82, died at Independence Sunday, and was buried hereTuesday. He was a former resident of Pleasant Hill.

Pleasant HillTimes after 1905. They did not provide a date for the article. Here is anexcerpt.


At the world's record Hereford cattle sale held last Friday at Grandview, "FondMemory," one of the leading heifers of the Gudgell & Simpson Anxiety IV herd, wassold to Harry Rodgers, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, for $5,000. The auctioning of "FondMemory" was the feature of the sale, for the money which she brought was announcedto go to the erection of a monument to T. A. Simpson, now at rest in Pleasant HillCemetery, who brought the first cattle of the Anxiety IV line to this country fromEurope. He made a number of trips from Pleasant Hill, where he and Gudgell had theirenormous stock barns--in the southeast bottoms--and facilities for raising thebest of purebred cattle, across the Atlantic to bring back variety in thiscountry, during the latter part of the 19th century.................. Many of the older citizens of Pleasant Hill remember Mr. Simpson (Tom, as he wascalled) when he lived here. According to J. A. Henley, who knew him before theCivil War, he first ran, with Samuel Lapsley, later a Confederate captain, for hispartner, a livery barn in Old Town, then the main part of the city. This businessbroke up with the coming of the war and Simpson went to Kentucky, where he stayeduntil the end of the conflict. After the war he returned to Pleasant Hill andagain went into the livery business, building the large brick stable on LocustStreet, which burned on Thanksgiving Day 1905, then owned by R. G. Guyton. Laterhe became foreman for Gudgell, in the cattle business in the Bottoms, and it wasthus he got started in the Hereford business. Sometime later, however, thepartners moved their business to Independence.

The article written by Guy W. Greeen for the Aug. 1, 1922 issue of The AmericanHereford Journal says this: "Governor" Simpson died on the morning of Jan. 4,1904, in Independence at the home of Charles Gudgell, with whom he had lived for27 years. His death came after an illness of more than a year, during which timehe was unable to leave his room and for the greater part of which time he wasconfined to his bed. His death was due to kidney trouble. He had also sufferedseverely from rheumatism. On the streets of Independence and in his partner'shome there was much mourning when the "Governor" passed. He was laid to rest inPleasant Hill among the scenes ofhis early trials and triumphs."

The same article says: "In 1851, Mr. Simpson married Frances Jane Simpson, adistant relative. Mrs. Simpson died in 1872. No children were born to this unionand Mr. Simpson, having lost his first love, never married again."

More About THOMAS ALEXANDER SIMPSON:Burial: Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Cass Co., MOCensus: 1860, Cass Co., MO, Pleasant Hill Pct., Pleasant Hill P.O., HH # 1647/1697

More About FRANCIS J. SIMPSON:Burial: Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill Cass Co., MO

iii. MARY JANE SIMPSON, b. Abt. 1823.

Notes for MARY JANE SIMPSON:Court record in Lewis Co., KY lists Mary Jane Simpson, Thomas Alexander Simpsonand William J. Simpson in Peoria, ILL in 1848.

1850 Peoria Co., IL Census - Peoria CityHH # 3006William F. Simpson W M 24 KYMary J. Simpson W F 27 KY

They resided next door to Joseph and Mary (Logan) Simpson Taylor at Hh # 3005.

More About MARY JANE SIMPSON:Census: 1850, Peoria, Peoria Co., IL

iv. WILLIAM FRANKLIN SIMPSON, b. 11 July 1826, Lewis Co., KY38; d. 21 February1890, Fulton Co., IL38; m. OPHELIA JANE SPENCER, 23 November 1854, Utica, FultonCo., IL39; b. 06 June 1835, Coles Co., IL40; d. 19 March 1916, Abingdon, Knox Co.,IL40.

Notes for WILLIAM FRANKLIN SIMPSON:The obituary of William F. Simpson notes that he was born in Sharpsburg, LewisCo., KY. I believe it might have been Clarksburg, Lewis Co., KY since there is noSharpsburg, Lewis Co., KY. Sharpsburg is in Bath Co., KY. Clarksburg was thecounty seat before Vanceburg.

1880 Census of Fulton Co., IL, Young Hickory - Page 447BSimpson, William Self M W 57 KY Ophelia Wife F W 45 IL Thomas A. Son M W 24 IL Mary J. Dau. F W 23 IL Edgar L. Son M W 21 IL Ida S. Daughter F W 17 IL Millie L. Daughter F W 14 IL Dillard R. Son M W 9 IL Jessie Daughter F W 4 IL

More About WILLIAM FRANKLIN SIMPSON:Burial: West Midway Cemetery, Fulton Co., ILCensus: 1850, Peoria Co., ILMilitary service: 09 August 1862, Civil War - Co. I, 86th IL Inf.40

Notes for OPHELIA JANE SPENCER:1900 Census of Fulton Co., IL, Young Hickory Twp., London Mills Village, HH #10/10Simpson, Ophelia Head W F June 1835 64 Wd 8/6 IL IN OH Jessie Daughter W F Jan. 1876 26 S IL KY IL Comp??????

More About OPHELIA JANE SPENCER:Census: 1900, Fulton Co., IL, Young Hickory Twp., London Mills Village, HH #10/10

More About WILLIAM SIMPSON and OPHELIA SPENCER:Marriage: 23 November 1854, Utica, Fulton Co., IL41

Children of MARY LOGAN and JOSEPH TAYLOR are: v. AXIE3 TAYLOR, b. Abt. 1835, KY. vi. MATHEW N. TAYLOR, b. 28 December 1835, IA; d. 30 May 1861, Peoria Co., IL42.


Burial: Smithville Cemetery, Logan Twp., Peoria Co, IL

vii. MARGARET TAYLOR, b. Abt. 1839, IA; m. ALEX IRVIN, 27 October 1859, PeoriaCo., IL43; b. Abt. 1832, KY.

More About ALEX IRVIN:Census: 1860, Logan Twp., Peoria Co., IL

More About ALEX IRVIN and MARGARET TAYLOR:Marriage: 27 October 1859, Peoria Co., IL43

5. JOHN M.2 LOGAN (JAMES1)44 was born 1796 in KY44, and died Aft. 1860 in MarionCo., IA. He married ELENORE WINSLOW PARKER44 26 December 1821 in Lewis Co., KY,daughter of THOMAS PARKER and NANCY BOTTS. She was born 14 January 1805 in KY,and died in Putnam Co., IN44.

Notes for JOHN M. LOGAN:[Clogan.FTW]John M. Logan came to Indiana about 1836 and to Fountain Co.about that same time.I found John M. Logan in the 1840 Census of Fountain Co. Indiana, Richland Twp.Also found an Alexander Logan in the same census in Richland Twp. Do Not Know ifhe is one of ours will do some checking to find out for sure!!!

There possibly was another child of John M. and Eleanore (Parker) Logan: WilliamC. Logan, b. abt 1827. Various records of William and John M. appear in LewisCo., KY, but there is nothing to link him directly to John and Eleanore. (BEL)

1850 Census of Putnman Co., Ind. Census, Jackson Twp., taken 7 Sep 1850, p 409[Ancestry.com, Jackson Twp., Image 9-10], Dwelling #715 - Family #715John M. Logan 56. Ky.Ellen " 45 Ky.George " 18 Ky. FarmerMahala " 16 Ky.Nancy " 14 Ind.Thomas " 12 Ind.Simpson " 10 Ind.Robert " 8 Ind.Susan " 5 Ind.Martha " 7/12 Ind.

1860 Census of Marion Co., Iowa, Pleasant Grove Twp., Page 60, HH # 482/452Thomas Logan 32 M Farmer 850 500 KYLysander 1 M IAJohn 65 M KY (birth year then abt 1795)Mahala 23 F KY

More About JOHN M. LOGAN:Census: 1850, Putnam Co., INOccupation: Farmer

More About JOHN LOGAN and ELENORE PARKER:Marriage: 26 December 1821, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: Consent of Thomas Parker (Her father)Married By: William J. SimpsonSecurity: John Johnson and William J. Simpson

Children of JOHN LOGAN and ELENORE PARKER are: i. CLAY3 LOGAN44. ii. WILLIAM C. LOGAN, b. Abt. 1827, KY.

Notes for WILLIAM C. LOGAN:1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY1463 PARKER, Seth Sr. 52 M Farmer KY (m. Mary Ann Carr, 4Jan. 1847L, Lewis Co., KY)1463 Mary 42 F KY (d/oAbraham Carr & Susannah Kelly) John 19 M Clerk MO Seth 15 M KY Abram H. 11 M KY James M. 9 M KY Martha A. 5 F KY (b. 4July 1854, Lewis Co., KY) Simeon K. 1 M KY LOGAN, H. C. 33 M Farm Laborer KY (William C.Logan was s/o John M. Logan & Eleanor Winslow Parker) RUGLESS, Alexander 21 M Farm Laborer KY[Seth (Washington) Parker, b. 26 Aug. 1807, was s/o Thomas Parker & Nancy Botts][Eleanor Winslow (Parker) Logan, b. 14 Jan. 1805, was d/o Thomas Parker & NancyBotts][William C. Logan was gs/o James Logan & Caroline Elizabeth Hughes][The family of John M. Logan and Eleanor Parker were residents of Putnam Co., INin 1850 and 1860]

More About WILLIAM C. LOGAN:Census: 1860, Lewis Co., KY

iii. JAMES PARKER LOGAN44, b. 18 June 1830, Sharpsburg, Bath Co., KY44; d. 08January 1916, Thorntown, Boone Co., IN44; m. (1) EMILY J. MORRIS44, 17 September1849, Fountain Co., IN44; b. 07 January 1830, Putnam Co., IN44; d. 08 July 1886,Thorntown, Boone Co., IN44; m. (2) ELIZABETH S. CROTHERS (ALDRIDGE)44, 10 August1892, Coldwater, KS44; b. 05 February 1844, Kirklin, IN44; d. 10 October 1916,Thorntown, Boone Co., IN44.

Notes for JAMES PARKER LOGAN:1850 Census of Putnam Co., IN, Franklin Twp., HH # 257/257James P. Logan 18 M Farmer KYEmily " 20 F INNot Named 2/12 F IN

1860 Census of Putnam Co., IN, Greencastle Twp., Greencastle P. O., page 9, HH61/61James P. Logan 30 M Carpenter 150 KYEmily J. " 31 F KYSophrna J. " 11 F INFide E. " 8 F INMartha A. " 6 F INJospeh B. " 4 M INPermela A. " 3 F INElizabeth L. " 8/12 F IN

1880 Census of Walnut, Montgomery Co., Indiana, Family History Library Film1254300, NA Film Number T9-0300, Page Number 395CJames P. LOGAN Self M Male W 55 KY Carpenter KY KYEley LOGAN Wife M Female W 50 KY Keeps House KY KYJoseph B. LOGAN Son S Male W 23 IN Carpenter KY KYAmelia A. LOGAN Dau S Female W 21 IN At Home KY KYElizbett LOGAN Dau S Female W 20 IN At Home KY KYNacy E. LOGAN Dau S Female W 18 IN At Home KY KYMary E. LOGAN Dau S Female W 14 IN At Home KY KYMarget LOGAN Dau S Female W 13 IN At Home KY KY

Milisie LOGAN Dau S Female W 11 IN At Home KY KYBelle LOGAN Dau S Female W 9 IN At Home KY KYHatie M. LOGAN Dau S Female W 7 IN At Home KY KYEma J. FORTNER GDau S Female W 7 IN IN INMary E. FORTNER GDau S Female W 6 IN IN INEllem FORTNER Dau W Female W 28 IN At Home IN INGeorge C. LOGAN Brother S Male W 49 IN Farmer KY KY

1900 Census of Grant Co., IN, Marim Branch National Military House, ED 132, Sheet2A or 20Logan, James P. W M 70 M KY New Ross, Ind.

1910 Census of Boone Co., IN, Sugar Creek Township, Thorntown Town, ED 21, Sheet10B, HH # 264/275, PearlLogan, James P. Head M W 79 M2 18y KY VA KY English Retired Carpenter Elizabeth S. Wife F W 65 M2 18y IN OH OH English None

More About JAMES PARKER LOGAN:Burial: Maple Lawn Cemetery, Thorntown, INCensus: 1850, Franklin Twp., Putnam Co., INMilitary service: Co. F. 54th IN Inf. - Union - Civil War

More About EMILY J. MORRIS:Burial: Maple Lawn Cemetery, Thorntown, IN

More About JAMES LOGAN and EMILY MORRIS:Marriage: 17 September 1849, Fountain Co., IN44

More About JAMES LOGAN and ELIZABETH (ALDRIDGE):Marriage: 10 August 1892, Coldwater, KS44

iv. GEORGE C. LOGAN44, b. 1832, KY44. v. NANCY LOGAN44, b. Abt. 1836. vi. MAHALA A. LOGAN44, b. 05 March 1836, KY; d. 18 November 1921, Marion Co.,IA45; m. JAMES F. GALVIN; b. Abt. February 1828, KY.

Notes for JAMES F. GALVIN:1880 Census of Pleasant Grove, Marion Co., IA, Page Number 566DJames GALVIN Self M Male W 52 KY Farmer KY MDMahala GALVIN Wife M Female W 44 KY Keeping House KY KYAllen GALVIN Son S Male W 14 IA Farms KY KYElizabeth GALVIN Dau S Female W 12 IA KY KYJohn D. GALVIN Son S Male W 10 IA KY KYJames GALVIN Son S Male W 2 IA KY KY

More About JAMES F. GALVIN:Census: 1880, Pleasant Grove, Marion Co., IA

vii. THOMAS J. LOGAN46, b. Abt. 1838, KY; m. UNKNOWN UNKNOWN.

Notes for THOMAS J. LOGAN:1870 Census of Wasco Co., OR, The Dalles P. O., East of Deschutes River, Page #12, HH # 106/102Logan, Thomas J. 42 M W Stock Raising $2350 KY Lysander L. 11 M W At School IA

Prineville, Wasco, Oregon, Family History Library Film 1255084, NA Film NumberT9-1084, Page Number 307AT.J. LOGAN Self W Male W 52 KY Raise Horses VA KYSanders LOGAN Son S Male W 21 IA Raise Horses KY OH

Michael HUEY Other S Male W 40 CA Laborer IRE IREF.F. MACALLISTER Other S Male W 23 OR Sheep Raiser IL VAFrancis FORREST Other S Male W 23 OR Sheep Raiser --- --- Frank HUMMERWAY Other S Male W 25 OR Laborer PA IAC.L. SOLOMAN Other S Male W 35 PRUS House Carpenter PRUS PRUS

viii. ROLAND SIMPSON LOGAN46, b. 21 May 1843, IN; d. 23 May 1911, Pleasentsville,Marion Co., IA46; m. MERCY HORSMAN, 26 September 1871; b. 23 April 1854, MarionCo., IA; d. 16 April 1877, Marion Co., IA.

Notes for ROLAND SIMPSON LOGAN:1880 Census of Union, Marion Co., IA, Page Number 489DSidney HORSMAN Self W Female W 69 VA Keeping House VA VAJoseph HORSMAN Son S Male W 28 IL Farming OH VARoland S. LOGAN SonL W Male W 38 IA Farming KY KYOrodell LOGAN GDau S Female W 6 IA Attending School IAILLevi O. LOGAN GSon S Male W 4 IA At Home IA ILGrace ELDER Dau W Female W 36 IL Helps Keep House OHVAValdesso ELDER GSon S Male W 9 IA Attending School IAIL

More About ROLAND SIMPSON LOGAN:Burial: Reins Cemetery, Marion Co., IACensus: 1880, Union, Marion Co., IAFact 2: REINS CEM N-E. OF PLEASENTSVILLE, IOWA46

More About MERCY HORSMAN:Burial: Reins Cemetery, Marion Co., IA

More About ROLAND LOGAN and MERCY HORSMAN:Marriage: 26 September 1871

ix. ROBERT LOGAN46, b. Abt. 1844, IN. x. SUSAN LOGAN, b. Abt. 1845. xi. MARTHA LOGAN46, b. 1850.

6. TOBIAS2 LOGAN (JAMES1) was born 1796 in KY, and died 1870 in Carter Co., KY.He married MARY ANN TABOR 21 February 1821 in Fleming Co., KY, daughter of ROBERTTABOR and QUEEN UNKNOWN. She was born 1794 in VA, and died 1871 in Carter Co.,KY.

Notes for TOBIAS LOGAN:Fleming Co., KY Census of 1850 - District No. 2, HH # 580Logan, Tobias 52 W M KY Farmer $1000 Mary 49 W F VA James F. 28 W M KY Laborer Francis M. 19 W M KY Laborer Madison C. 17 W M KY Laborer Moses G. 14 W M KY Laborer Henry 9 W M KYTaber, Queen R. 68 W F VAChoate, Mary Ann 11 W F KY

1860 Census of Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart P.O., HH # 34/32

Tobias Logan 63 M Farmer 2000 1500 KYPolly " 60 F Wife (crossed out) KYHenry L. " 19 M Hand KY

Carter Co., KY Circuit Court File # 3561 - L. W. Andres Vs. L. B. Tabor, Et al.Filed 15 Feb. 1872Mentions children of Tobias and _______ :Moses Grant Logan, Francis M. Logan, William Henry Logan, James Fleming Logan,Madison Logan, Washington Logan, live in IL or KS, Elizabeth Hargett, DianaMarkwell, Robert Riley Logan of IL.

More About TOBIAS LOGAN:Burial: Logan Cemetery, Reeves Branch, Carter Co., KYCensus: 1850, Fleming Co., KYOccupation: Farmer

More About MARY ANN TABOR:Burial: Logan Cemetery, Reaves Branch, Carter Co., KY

More About TOBIAS LOGAN and MARY TABOR:Marriage: 21 February 1821, Fleming Co., KY

Children of TOBIAS LOGAN and MARY TABOR are: i. JAMES FLEMING3 LOGAN, b. 20 September 1817, Fleming Co., KY; d. 18 November1869, Carter Co., KY; m. NANCY MCGLONE, 28 May 1857, Carter Co., KY47; b. March1836, Carter Co., KY; d. 05 November 1914, Rowan Co., KY.

Notes for JAMES FLEMING LOGAN:1860 Census of Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart Pct. - HH # 40/36Jas. F. Logan 38 M Farmer 200 KYNancy " 24 F Housewife KYBoon " 2 M KYMaratty " 9/12 F KY

Ky Land Patent #: 15123 Grantee: Logan, James F.Grant Book & Pg: 30 27 Acreage: 344County: Fleming WaterCourse: Bull Fk. Triplett Cr.Survey Name: Logan, James F. Survey Date: 05/04/1849Grant Date: 07/02/1850

More About JAMES FLEMING LOGAN:Burial: Logan Cemetery, Reeves Branch, Carter Co., KYCensus: 1860, Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart Pct. - HH # 40/36

Notes for NANCY MCGLONE:1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Kinniconick Pct., Aug. 23HH # 178/178Logan, Nancy W F 33 Keeps House KY Daniel R W M 12 Farm Work KY Marietta W F 10 Home KY Sabastor E. W M 9 Home KY Alfred W M 8 Home KY

More About NANCY MCGLONE:Burial: Pine Hills Cemetery, Morehead, Rowan Co., KYCensus: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Kinniconick Pct. - HH # 178/178, Aug. 23

More About JAMES LOGAN and NANCY MCGLONE:Marriage: 28 May 1857, Carter Co., KY47

Married By: J. B. Lansdown

ii. WILLIAM WASHINGTON LOGAN, b. Abt. 1823, Fleming Co., KY; d. Bef. 1860; m.ELIZABETH GOODING, 28 December 1844, Fleming Co., KY; b. Abt. 1817, KY.

Notes for WILLIAM WASHINGTON LOGAN:1850 Census of Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 60Logan, William W. M W 27 Elizabeth W F 33 Queen Mary W F 4 Belford W M 1

1860 Census of Rowan Co., KY, HH # 139Logan, Elizabeth 46 F W KY Farmer $900 $200 Queen M. 14 F W KY Belvard 11M W KY Sarah 9 F W KY Harper 7 M W KY

More About WILLIAM WASHINGTON LOGAN:Census: 1850, Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 60

Notes for ELIZABETH GOODING:Rowan Co., KY Minute Book - 14 Aug. 1882Tylor and Hazelrigg v. Elizabeth LoganOn motion of plantiff, warning order against Elizabeth Logan, Sarah Logan,Margaret Logan, Harper P. Logan and Queen May? Logan - H. G. Burns appointedattorney to defend them.

1860 Census of Rowan Co., KY, HH # 139Logan, Elizabeth 46 F W KY Farmer $900 $ 200 Queen M. 14 F W KY Belvard 11 M W KY Sarah 9 F W KY Harper 7 M W KY

1880 Census of Riley Co., Jackson Pct., Kansas Page Number 387AHarper LOGAN Self S Male W 26 KY Farmer KY KYJohn HUNT Nephew Male W 16 KY Laborer KY KYElizbeth LOGAN Mother Female W 66 KY Keeping House KY KY

More About ELIZABETH GOODING:Census: 1860, Rowan Co., KY, HH # 139

More About WILLIAM LOGAN and ELIZABETH GOODING:Marriage: 28 December 1844, Fleming Co., KY

iii. DIANA A. LOGAN, b. 10 March 1825, Fleming Co., KY; d. 02 August 1886, RowanCo., KY; m. LANDY MARKWELL, 08 October 1840, Fleming Co., KY; b. Abt. 1822,Fleming Co., KY; d. Bef. 1860.

Notes for DIANA A. LOGAN:1860 Census of Rowan Co., KY, HH # 317Markwell, D. A. 35 F W KY Elizabeth 17 F W KY James M. 16 M W KY William O. 13 M W KY Surrilda 9 F W KY America C. 6 F W KY

L. N. 5 M W KY

In the 1870 census of Rowan Co., KY, America Markwell, age 16 is residing with thefamily of B. T. and Emily Hayden. She was a domestic servant. B. T. Hayden wasthe Sheriff of Rowan Co., KY.

1870 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Cross Roads Pct., HH # 26/26Markwell, Diana 47 F W Farmer KY Elizabeth 27 F W At Home KY William 23 M W Farm Laborer KY Sarilda 17 F W At Home KY Leander 15 M W At Home KY

1880 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Licking City Pct., HH # 103Marquill, Diana 56 F Farmer Wd KY KY KY Zerialda 24 F Daughter KY KY KY Landy 22 M Daughter KY KY KY

More About DIANA A. LOGAN:Burial: Markwell Cemetery, Bullfork, Rowan Co., KYCensus: 1860, Rowan Co., KY, HH # 317

Notes for LANDY MARKWELL:1850 Census of Carter Co., KY - District No. 2, HH # 334Markwell, Landy 28 M Farmer KY Diana 25 F KY Elizabeth 9 F KY James 7 M KY William 3 M KY

More About LANDY MARKWELL:Census: 1850, Carter Co., KY - District No. 2 - HH # 334

More About LANDY MARKWELL and DIANA LOGAN:Marriage: 08 October 1840, Fleming Co., KY

iv. J. MADISON LOGAN, b. Abt. 1829, Carter Co., KY; m. CHARLOTTA LOGAN, 11February 1856, Greenup Co., KY48; b. Abt. 1840, Lewis Co., KY; d. Bef. 1880, LewisCo., KY.

Notes for J. MADISON LOGAN:1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY - HH # 1299LOGAN, Madison 26 M Farmer KY (J. M. Logan m. Charlotte Logan,11 Feb. 1856, Greenup Co., KY) Charlotte 23 F KY (d/o AbrahamLogan & Julia Ann Choate) America (A.) 5 F KY (d. before the1870 Census) Julia A. 2 F KY (m. FrancisMarion Dyer, 18 June 1874, Lewis Co., KY)RAY, Elizabeth 7 F KY[Madison Logan a.k.a Madison C. and Matt Logan, was s/o Tobias Logan & Mary AnnTabor] [Francis Marion Dyer was s/o Joseph Dyer & Malinda Zornes] [Charlotte(Logan) Logan was gd/o James Logan & Caroline Elizabeth Hughes and Richard Choate]

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Kinniconick Pct., Aug. 24HH # 200/200Logan, Madison W M 35 Farmer KY Charlotte W F 32 Keeps House KY

Mary A. W F 13 Home KY Julian W F 11 " KY Mirvena W F 9 " KY Wm. W M 7 " KY Harry V. W M 4 " KY Frances F W F 2 " KY

1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 143/146Logan, Madison M 44 Farmer KY KY KY Widower Wm. M 15 Son KY KY KY Harrison M 13 Son KY KY KY Matilda F 10 Daughter KY KY KY Rose F 6 Daughter KY KY KY Ella F 2 Daughter KY KY KY

1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY, District No. 3, ED 84, Sheet 11A, HH # 207/209Hamilton, James Head W M Mar. 1872 28 M 5y KY KY KY Teamster Rose Wife W F May 1875 25 M 5y 2/2 KY KY KY Ezra Son W M Aug. 1896 3 S KY KY KY Louisa Daughter W F Oct. 1899 ?/12 S KY KY KYLogan, Mathew F-I-L W M Nov. 1829 70 KY KY KY Teamster

More About J. MADISON LOGAN:Census: 1860, Lewis Co., KYOccupation: Farmer

More About CHARLOTTA LOGAN:Occupation: Housewife

More About J. LOGAN and CHARLOTTA LOGAN:Marriage: 11 February 1856, Greenup Co., KY48

v. ROBERT RILEY LOGAN, b. 25 December 1829, Carter Co., KY; d. 09 July 1913, ClayCo., IL; m. (1) MARY A. MAYFIELD, 17 August 1857, Lewis Co., KY49; b. 02 October1838, KY; d. 02 January 1874, Xenia, IL; m. (2) MATILDA F. BAITY, 13 March 1874,Clay Co., IL; b. 17 May 1852; d. 24 August 1900, Clay Co., IL.

Notes for ROBERT RILEY LOGAN:Marriage License also from Fleming Co., KY - Aug. 17, Logan, Riley 30, Mayfield,Mary 20

1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY, HH # 1269/1269LOGAN, Riley R. 29 M Farmer KY (m. 1st Mary A. Mayfield, 17 Aug.1857, Lewis Co., KY) Mary A. 21 F VA Luella 2 F KY (m. William S.Blankenship) ENIX, Jerry 22 M KY (22y, b. Lewis Co., KY,d. 13 Aug. 1861, Stabbed, Lewis Co., KY) SANDERS, Winston P. 34 M KY (m. Melissa Crawford)[Robert Riley Logan, b. 25 Dec. 1830, d. 9 July 1913, Clay Co., IL, was s/o TobiasLogan & Mary Ann Tabor, m. 2nd Matilda F. Baity, 13 Mar. 1874, Clay Co., IL; hewas in the Civil War and joined in IL][Jerry/Jeremiah Enix, was s/o Abraham Enix & Julian Hannah (Logan) Enix and gs/oJames Logan & Caroline Elizabeth Hughes]

1880 Census of Wayne Co., IL, Indian Prarie - Page 43DLogan, Riley R. Self M m W 30 KY Matilda Wife F m W 28 IL Elvira Daughter F s W 3 IL Nevel Son M s W 1 IL

More About ROBERT RILEY LOGAN:Burial: Onstatt (Salem) Cemetery, Clay Co., ILCensus: 1860, Lewis Co., KYMilitary service: Co., G, 22nd KY Inf. - Civil War

More About ROBERT LOGAN and MARY MAYFIELD:Marriage 1: 17 August 1857, Lewis Co., KY49Marriage 2: 17 August 1857, Fleming Co., KY

More About MATILDA F. BAITY:Burial: Onstatt (Salem) Cemetery, Clay Co., IL

More About ROBERT LOGAN and MATILDA BAITY:Marriage: 13 March 1874, Clay Co., IL

vi. FRANCIS MARION LOGAN, b. 1831, Fleming Co., KY; d. 07 November 1887, LewisCo., KY50; m. CAROLINE PLUMMER, 06 April 1854, Carter Co., KY51; b. 06 April 1836,Fleming Co., KY; d. 10 August 1884, Lewis Co., KY.

Notes for FRANCIS MARION LOGAN:1860 Census of Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart P.O., HH # 33/31F. M. Logan 25 M Farmer 300 KYCaroline " 26 F KYElizabeth A. " 5 F KYMary L. " 3 F KYAmanda L. " 1/12 F KYElizabeth Plummer 63 F Deaf & Dumb KY

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Vanceburg Pct., July 8 - HH # 42/42Logan, Francis W M 42 Laborer KY Caroline W F 38 Keeping House KY Elizabeth W F 16 Home KY Mary W F 12 " KY Amanda W F 10 " KY Sherman W M 4 " KYPlummer, Elizabeth W F 76 Home KY Deaf and Dumb

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Quincy Pct. No. 4, June 23 - HH # 269/272Logan, Francis W M 48 Farmer KY KY KY Caroline W F 49 Wife KY KY KY Amanda W F 18 Daughter KY KY KY Sherman W M 14 Son KY KY KY

1910 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Mag. Dist., No. 4, Grassy Voting Pct., ED 116, Sheet9A, HH # 151/154Logan, Francis M. Head M W 76 Wd KY KY KY English Farmer Gen. FarmingPierce, Malinda Servant F W 40 S KY KY KY English Farm Labor Home Farm William Thomas Lodger M W 28 S KY KY KY English None

More About FRANCIS MARION LOGAN:Census: 1860, Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart Pct. - HH # 33/31

Notes for CAROLINE PLUMMER:Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 283Plummer, Elizabeth 55 KY John 22 Farmer KY

Caroline 17 KY

More About CAROLINE PLUMMER:Burial: Sullivan Cem. Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1850, Fleming Co., KY, District No. 2, HH # 283

More About FRANCIS LOGAN and CAROLINE PLUMMER:Marriage: 06 April 1854, Carter Co., KY51Married By: B. F. Kinder

vii. ELIZABETH LOGAN, b. Abt. 1833, Fleming Co., KY; m. BENJAMIN HARGETT, 05April 1846, Fleming Co., KY52; b. Abt. 1822, Greenup Co., KY53.

Notes for BENJAMIN HARGETT:1850 Census of Carter Co., KY - District No. 2HH # 334Harget, Benjamin 26 M Farmer 200.00 KY Elizabeth 23 F KY James 3 M KY Israel 1 M KY

More About BENJAMIN HARGETT:Census: 1850, Carter Co., KY - District No. 2 - HH # 334

More About BENJAMIN HARGETT and ELIZABETH LOGAN:Marriage: 05 April 1846, Fleming Co., KY54

viii. MOSES GRANT LOGAN, b. 05 September 1833, Fleming Co., KY; d. 18 August1899, Carter Co., KY; m. (1) MELINDA ELIZABETH LANSDOWN, 24 January 1857, CarterCo., KY; b. 14 May 1835, Lawrence Co., KY; d. 18 September 1886, Carter Co., KY;m. (2) MELINDA LEWIS, 1889, Lewis Co., KY; b. December 1861, KY; d. 26 February1921, Lewis Co., KY55.

Notes for MOSES GRANT LOGAN:1860 Census of Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart P.O., HH # 35/33M. G. Logan 22 M Farmer 100 200 KYElizabeth " 23 F KYWm. W. " 1 M KYJames W. " 9/12 M KY

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 2 - HH # 79/79Logan, Moses G. W M 34 Farmer KY Elizabeth W F 34 Keeping House KY William W M 12 Home KY James H. W M 10 " KY Robert R. W M 9 " KY Mary Jane W F 5 " KY Sarah W F 2 " KY Hiram W M 5/12 " KY

1880 Carter Co., KY Census - Pct. No. 4 - HH # 8Logan, Moses G. W M 45 Farming K K K Elizabeth M W 42 Wife K K K William M W 22 Son K K K James H W M 20 Son K K K Robert R W M 19 Son K K K Mary Jane W F 15 Dau K K K Sarah T. W F 13 Dau K K K Hiram Grant W M 10 Son K K K

More About MOSES GRANT LOGAN:Burial: Walnut Grove Cemetery, Carter Co., KYCensus: 1860, Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart Pct. - HH # 35/33

Notes for MELINDA ELIZABETH LANSDOWN:Pg. 95A~Sheet 20A~ED 30~Pct 4~Carter Co., KY~1900 Census

HH 370/379Logan Malinda, head, white, female, born Dec 1862, age 38, widowed, mother of 4children, 3 children living, born KY, father born KY, mother born KY--------- Liza, daughter, white, female, born June 1890, age 9, single, born KY,father born KY, mother born KY--------- Jane B., daughter, white, female, born March 1892, age 7, single, bornKY, father born KY, mother born KY---------- McKinley, son, white, male, born Feb 1896, age 4, single, born KY,father born KY, mother born KY

More About MELINDA ELIZABETH LANSDOWN:Burial: Walnut Grove Cemetery, Carter Co., KYCensus: 1900, Carter Co., KY, Pct. 4

More About MOSES LOGAN and MELINDA LANSDOWN:Marriage: 24 January 1857, Carter Co., KYMarriage date: 24 January 1857, License Date

Notes for MELINDA LEWIS:1900 Census of Carter Co., KYLogan, Malinda Head F W Dec. 1861 KY KY KY Lisa Daughter F W June 1890 KY KY KY Jane B. Daughter F W Mar. 1892 KY KY KY McKinley Son M W Feb. 1896 KY KY KY

More About MELINDA LEWIS:Census: 1900, Carter Co., KY

More About MOSES LOGAN and MELINDA LEWIS:Marriage: 1889, Lewis Co., KY

ix. WILLIAM HENRY LOGAN, b. April 1842, Fleming Co., KY; d. 1925, Carter Co., KY;m. (1) LAVINA PENLAND, 28 March 1863, Carter Co., KY; b. Abt. 1847, Lewis Co., KY;d. 1874, Carter Co., KY; m. (2) MALAHA ROSE, 04 January 1875, Lewis Co., KY56; b.March 1860, KY.

Notes for WILLIAM HENRY LOGAN:1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 1, HH # 74/74Logan, William H. W M 28 Farmer KY Vienna Jane W F 25 Keeping House KY Nevada W F 6 Home KY

1880 Census of Carter Co., KY, Pct. No. 4, HH # 7Logan, Wm. Henry W M 34 Farmer K K K Mahala B W F 21 2d Wife K K K Navada W F 16 Dau K K K Tobias W M 11 Son K K K George S W M 7 Son K K K John R M W M 4 Son K K K Ben Franklin W M 4/12 Son K K K

1900 Census of Carter Co., KY, Mag. Dist. No. 4, ED 30, Sheet 17B, HH # 323/332Logan, Henry Head W M Apr. 1842 KY KY KY Farmer

Mahala Wife W F Mar. 1860 KY KY KY Frank Son W M Mar. 1880 KY KY KY Farm Laborer Mirtie Dau. W F 1886 KY KY KY Robert R. Son W M Feb. 1889 KY KY KY Bertha Dau. W F Sept. 1890 KY KY KY

More About WILLIAM HENRY LOGAN:Census: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 74/74, Sept. 1

More About LAVINA PENLAND:Burial: Walnut Grove Cemetery, Carter Co., KYOccupation: Midwife

More About WILLIAM LOGAN and LAVINA PENLAND:Marriage: 28 March 1863, Carter Co., KYMarried By: Michael Moore

More About WILLIAM LOGAN and MALAHA ROSE:Marriage: 04 January 1875, Lewis Co., KY56

7. LYDIA2 LOGAN (JAMES1) was born Abt. 1800 in KY. She married HIRAM DAY57 01October 1821 in Floyd Co., KY. He was born Abt. 1800 in KY.

More About LYDIA LOGAN:Occupation: Housewife

Notes for HIRAM DAY:1850 Census of Lewis County Kentucky, District 2, HH # 289/293Day Hiram 50 M KY Farmer Lydia 50 F " Ann D. 25 F " Polly A. 16 F " Elizabeth 15 F " Julia A. 11 F " Daniel 10 M " Lydia A. 1*** F "***The film says she was 1 but further evidence indicates that she was 9.##The first born was Archibald B. Day, b 1822 Morgan Co. Archibald removed toWisconsin, where he married, and later to MN where he died. Another son, TravisBenjamin was born in 1827. Travis married in Indiana and died in Illinois.Daniel Dillon, born 1840, married Harriet Elizabeth Setters, d/o Perlitha Setters,and both died in Illinois. Polly is actually Mary Ann and she married in 1854 toJoseph D. Ford, had a daughter, Lydia Margaret Ford in November 1854. Sheapparently died before 1857 as Joseph remarried in 1857 to Mary Mann. There mayhave been another son named William L. or S. Day, who married in 1854 to SarahPatton.

File #4241- Hiram Day (of Carter Co.) vs. Abraham Plummer, Sept 1850, Suitmentions James Day and others; land on Kinniconick.File # 4255-Commonwealth vs. William Day, Dec 1854, Lewis Co., KY, Summons to;Joseph Ford, Polly Ann Ford, Elizabeth Day, Hiram Day, Ann D. Day, Daniel Eades,Samuel McEldowney, Elijah Thomas, Alex. Pollitt, Upton Collins, Saml Pollitt,Jesse Hamrick, Nathaniel Kirk, Robert Pergram, Geo. W. Thompson, Elijah S. Hamrickand Jesse Fortner both of Bath Co., Wm Irwin, John Kincade, Daniel Day Sr.,,Daniel Day Jr., James Underwood, Joseph Spence, Milton Evans, Henry Morrison, JohnC. Jones, John Rankin, Robert R. Williams, Moses Logan, Joshua Harry, A.D.Chapman, Jeremiah Spurgin, Jesse Hamrick.

Bail for William Day posted by; Hiram B. Day and Sylvester C. Enix

File #4264; Deposition by Hiram B. Day, May 19, 1854, says he married the aunt ofSylvester C. Enix.File #3806; Commonwealth vs. Aley Jones (of Carter Co.,) May 1852; witnesses;Hiram B. Day, Wm. Day, Benj. Raburn and Edward Roe

Deed: Andrew Locker to Hiram Day, dated March 10, 1839; Recorded May 13, 1839.Hiram purchased a parcel of land on the Flat Fork of Tygart Creek. The Deed isrecorded in Deed Book "A" at page 41 of the Carter Co Court Clerk's Kentucky deedrecords. Land located; N38° 18.725-W83° 17.877 Flat Fork.

More About HIRAM DAY:Census: 1850, Lewis County Kentucky, District 2, HH # 289/293Occupation: Farmer

More About HIRAM DAY and LYDIA LOGAN:Marriage: 01 October 1821, Floyd Co., KYSingle: 01 October 1821, Floyd Co., Ky57

Children of LYDIA LOGAN and HIRAM DAY are: i. ARCHIBALD B.3 DAY, b. 30 June 1822, Morgan Co., KY; d. 12 April 1914,Minneapolis, MN58; m. (1) MARTHA ONSLEY; d. 30 October 1854, Reedstown, VernonCo., WI; m. (2) REBECCA JANE LOWERY, 30 January 1856, Bad Ax Co., WI; b. Abt.1825, OH.

Marriage Notes for ARCHIBALD DAY and REBECCA LOWERY:Marriage Notes for Archibald Day and Rebecca Lowry:Married by; Justice of the Peace, Vern Viggie. Martin Haner and Daniel Lowreywere witnesses.

More About ARCHIBALD DAY and REBECCA LOWERY:Marriage: 30 January 1856, Bad Ax Co., WI

ii. ANN D. DAY59, b. Abt. 182559. iii. TRAVIS BENJAMIN DAY59, b. 28 September 1827, Morgan Co., Ky59; d. 25 October1901, Tolono, Champaign Co., IL59; m. SARAH GUSS59, 07 February 1854, Terre Haute,Vigo Co., IN59; b. 08 August 1831, Pa59; d. 22 May 1911, Tolono, Champaign Co.,IL59.

Notes for TRAVIS BENJAMIN DAY:1880 Census of Tolono, Champaign, Illinois Page Number 390BTravis B. DAY Self M Male W 54 KY Plasterer KY KYSarah G. DAY Wife M Female W 50 PA Keeping House PA PAThomas DAY Son M Male W 23 IN Plasterer KY PALewis DAY Son S Male W 22 IN Plasterer KY PAHiram DAY Son S Male W 22 IN Plasterer KY PATravis M. DAY Son S Male W 12 IL At Home KY PASally DAY Dau S Female W 8 IL KY PALaura DAY Dau S Female W 7 IL KY PARebecca DAY DauL M Female W 21 IN Helps Keep House OH OHWilliam DAY GSon S Male W 2 IL IN IN

More About TRAVIS BENJAMIN DAY:Census: 1880, Tolono, Champaign Co., ILOccupation: 1880, Plasterer

More About TRAVIS DAY and SARAH GUSS:Marriage: 07 February 1854, Terre Haute, Vigo Co., IN59

iv. MARY ANN DAY59, b. Abt. 1834, KY59; m. JOSEPH D. FORD59, 24 January 1854,Lewis Co., Ky59; b. Abt. 1830, KY; d. 13 January 1885, Robertson Co., KY60.

Notes for JOSEPH D. FORD:Marriage Bond - between - 14 March 1857.Joseph D. Ford, as principal, and Mary F.J. Mann and Isaac W. Setters as surety.Signed by - Joseph D. Ford and Isaac W. SettersMarried by C. Moon, Baptist Minister on 14th of March 1857, in the presence ofS.B. Setters, Philip Zornes and Isaac W. Setters.

1870 Census of Robertson Co., KY, Mt. Olivet Voting Pct. No. 1, Mt. Olivet P.O.,HH # 111Ford, Joseph 45 Farmer KY Mary 26 Keeping House KY Margaret 16 At Home KY David 10 Works on Farm KY Elizabeth 9 KY Adaline 7 KY John 4 KY Permelia 2 KY

1880 Census of Mount Olivet, Robertson, Co., Kentucky, Family History Library Film1254440, NA Film Number T9-0440, Page Number 261CJoseph D. FORD Self M Male W 50 KY Works On Farm KY KYMary F. FORD Wife M Female W 39 KY Keeping House PA KYHarriet E. FORD Dau S Female W 19 KY Assists In HousekeepingKY KYJohn W. FORD Son S Male W 15 KY Works On Farm KY KYPermelia A. FORD Dau S Female W 12 KY Assists In Housekeeping KYKYMollie F. FORD Dau S Female W 8 KY KY KYRosa K. FORD Dau S Female W 5 KY KY KYNancy Belle FORD Dau S Female W 3 KY KY KYJames FORD GSon S Male W 1 KY KY KY

Census Place: Mount Olivet, Robertson, KentuckySource: FHL Film 1254440 National Archives Film T9-0440 Page 268BRelation Sex Marr Race Age BirthplaceWalter M. CHANDLER Self M M W 43 KYNancy C. CHANDLER Wife F M W 37 KYWalter S. CHANDLER Son M S W 16 KYWilliam R. CHANDLER Son M S W 16 KYBenjamin B. CHANDLER Son M S W 14 KYThomas L. CHANDLER Son M S W 11 KYRachel G. CHANDLER Dau F S W 8 KYMilton CHANDLER HBro M S W 14 KYMollie E. NADEN Other F S W 21 KYMargaret FORD Other F S W 24 KY

Marriage Notes for MARY DAY and JOSEPH FORD:[Hiram.FTW]

Marriage BondThe Commonwealth of Kentucky

Be it known, That we, Joseph D. Ford, as principal, and Hiram Day, as surety, arejointly and severally bound to the commonwealth of Kentucky, in the sum of OneHundred Dollars.

The condition of this bond is as follows:That, Whereas, marriage is intended to be solemnized between the above bound,Joseph D. ford and Mary Ann Day.

Now, if there is no lawful cause to obstruct said marriage, this bond shall bevoid, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect.

Dated at clarksburg, Lewis County, Kentucky, this 23rd day of January 1854.

Joseph D. Ford Hiram Day------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1854January 23 Joseph D. Ford to Mary Ann Day

Joseph D. Ford as of age as found by oath of Hiram Day and personal consent ofHiram Day, the father of Mary Ann, gives this date. Att: D. Phiesy Robb DC

Certificate of Marriage.

This is to certify, that on the 24th day of January 1854, the rites of Marriagewere legally solemonized by me between Joseph D. Ford and Mary Ann Day at HiramDays-in the county of Lewis in the presence of Hiram Day and John Setters--

Signed--J. S. Claryton MG

More About JOSEPH FORD and MARY DAY:Single: 24 January 1854, Lewis Co., Ky61

v. ELIZABETH DAY61, b. Abt. 183561. vi. JULIA A. DAY61, b. Abt. 183961. vii. DANIEL DILLON DAY61, b. 12 December 1840, Carter Co., Ky61; d. 23 October1912, Arthur, Moultrie Co., IL61; m. HARRIETT ELIZABETH JORDAN61, 16 August 1860,Lewis Co., Ky61; b. 13 April 1844, Carter Co., Ky61; d. 09 March 1926, Arthur,Moultrie Co., IL61.

Notes for DANIEL DILLON DAY:1870 Census of Robertson Co., KY, Olivet Pct., Mt. Olivet PO, HH # 108/110Day, Daniel 28 M W Farm Hand KY Elizabeth 25 F W Keeping House KY Theresa A. 8 F W KY Eliza J. 4 F W KY Lydia A. 3 F W KY James 1 M W KY

1880 Census of Tolono, Champaign, Illinois age Number 390BDan'l D. DAY Self M Male W 39 KY Laborer VA KYElizabeth DAY Wife M Female W 36 KY Keeping House KY KYTheressa A. DAY Dau S Female W 18 KY At Home KY KYEliza J. DAY Dau S Female W 15 KY At Home KY KY

Lydia A. DAY Dau S Female W 13 KY At Home KY KYJames M. DAY Son S Male W 11 KY At Home KY KYJanet DAY Dau S Female W 8 KY KY KYJoseph DAY Son S Male W 6 KY KY KYAchsah M. DAY Dau S Female W 4 KY KY KYRachael A. DAY Dau S Female W 1 KY KY KY


Death of Daniel Day

Daniel Day, aged 73, the venerable father of Albert Day, the C. & E.I. sectionforeman, died at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon of chronic liver trouble. Mr. Daywas formerly a resident of Tuscola, but for the past several months had made hishome here with his son.

The funeral services will be conducted from the residence, Friday afternoon at 2o'clock, interment to follow at the Arthur cemetery."

(Above is copy of newspaper article)

Death certificate; states that he was male, white, married, born in Ky, on Dec 9,1840, age 72 years 10 months 15 days old. Died 24 day of October 1912 at 4 pm.Last occupation-gardener - for 10 years. Previous occupation; railroader. Livedin Illinos since 1879; father- Hiram Day, b. Ky; Mother-Logan, b Ky;Informant-Charles Day. Cause of death-Ciriohosis of liver.

More About DANIEL DILLON DAY:Burial: Arthur Cemetery, Arthur, Moultrie Co., ILCensus: 1870, Robertson Co., KY, Olivet Pct., Mt. Olivet PO, HH # 108/110


Copy below appeared in the Graphic-Clarion in the 19th issue of 1926.

Arthur Woman had 53 grandchildren

Harriett Elizabeth Jordan, daughter of Washington and Perlitha Jordan was born inCarter County, Kentucky, April 13, 1844. She parted this life on March 9, 1926 atthe home of her son, Albert Day in Arthur, Illinois at the age of 81 years, 10months and 26 days. She was one of a family of six children, two of whom survive her, Mr. LelanderSetters of Jolton, Tenn. and Mrs. Sue Carrington of Marshall, Tenn. Her parentsand three sisters and one brother preceded her in death a number of years ago. At the tender age of twelve years she was united with the Christian Church andremained a devout Christian until her death. At the age of 16 she was united inmarriage to Daniel Day of Kentucky, and to this union were born twelve children,Joseph, Net, Tresa, and John preceded her in death. The remaining children tomourn her departure are: Allen of Findlay, Illinois, Mrs. Eliza Williams of EastSt. Louis, Illinois, Mrs. Lydia Wylie of Ville Grove, Illinois, Albert, Charles,Mrs. Ollie Keeney, Mrs. Alice Moore, of Arthur, Illinois and James of Champaign,Illinois; 53 grand children also survive her and many friends. Farewell to our own dear mother whose voice is hushed in death When Jesus called our mother home,Death stopped her mortal breath Angels bore her spirit beyond this world of woe,She's gone to live with Jesus in rest for evermore.


--------------------------------------------- Death Certificate

Age of death; 81 years, 10 months, 26 daysBorn; KyFather; George Jordan, b. KyMother; Palatha Setters, b. KyCause of death; Augmapeclris (sic)Doctor; Albert L. Vollburn, M.D.Informant; Eliza Williams

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marriage Bond

Be it known, that we, Daniel D. Day as principal, and Nicholas Moore, as surety,are jointly and severally bound to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, in the sum of OneHundred Dollars.

The Condition fo this Bond is as follows;

That, whereas Marriage is intended to be solemnized between the above bound DanielD. Day and Harriett E. Setters, Now, if there is no lawful cause to obstruct saidmarriage, this bond shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force andeffect.Dated at Clarksaburg, Lewis Co., this 16th day of August 1860. by Daniel D. Day-----his mark N. Moore.Married 16 August 1860 in the presence of Martin Zornes and Jesse Fitzpatrick.________________________________________________________________

(Letter from Anna Susan Zornes Carrington, half sister of Harriett)

Nashville, Tenn RFD #3 Box 8 Sept. 24, 1920

Mrs. Elizabeth Day. My Dear Sister:Why have you not ans my letter. I don't know what is the matter. I have beenlooking for a letter from you for two weeks. Leander was hear Tuersday. Expectingto see you or hear something from you but was like my self very much dissapointedindeed. If you are coming come to the Union Depo & we will meet you, but let usknow when & what time you are coming & what time you will get hear so I cannotifie Bro. Leander for he wants to meet you if you come. Ans on return mail ifyou please.Hoping there is nothing a matter & I can hear from you real soon. ____?__why you have not wrote to me ans soon.I remain Your Loving Sister as ever.

A.S. Carrington White St Pike RFD #4 Nashville, Tenn

Good Bye________________________________________________________________

More About DANIEL DAY and HARRIETT JORDAN:Marriage: 16 August 1860, Lewis Co., Ky61

viii. LYDIA ANN DAY61, b. Abt. 184261; m. UNKNOWN CHANDLER.

Notes for LYDIA ANN DAY:1860 Census of Fleming Co., KY, Dist. No. 3, Flemingsburg, PO, HH # 757/830William Setters 30 M Laborer INDElizabeth " 24 F KYSarah " 11 F KYLydia A. Day 18 F KY

1870 Census of Robertson Co., KY, Olivet Pct., Mt. Olivet PO, HH # 109/111Chandler, Lydia A. 24 F W Keeping House KY Catherine H. 4 F W KY Anna D. 3 F W KY

More About LYDIA ANN DAY:Census: 1870, Robertson Co., KY, Olivet Pct., Mt. Olivet PO, HH # 109/111

8. ELIZABETH2 LOGAN (JAMES1) was born Abt. 1804 in KY, and died Aft. 1880 inLewis Co., KY. She married FRANCIS MARION DYER62 24 May 1821 in Floyd Co., KY,son of WILLIAM DYER and HANNAH HOPKINS. He was born 23 February 1803 in MorganCo. KY63, and died 02 August 1899 in Lewis Co. KY63.

More About ELIZABETH LOGAN:Burial: Stamper Cemetery, Lewis Co., KY UnmarkedOccupation: Housewife

Notes for FRANCIS MARION DYER:1850 Census of Lewis Co., KY, District No. 1HH # 464Dyer, Francis 47 M KY Farmer Elizabeth 46 F KY Hiram C. 20 M KY Joel 18 M KY John 16 M KY Minerva 13 F KY Francis M. 10 M KY Tobias 9 M KY William 69 M KY

1860 Lewis Co., KY, HH #1359/1359DYER, Francis 58 M Farmer KY (m. Elizabeth Logan, 24 May1821, Floyd Co., KY) Elizabeth 56 F KY (d/o James Logan &Caroline Elizabeth Hughes) Marion F. 21 M KY (m. Mary Jane Delong,10 Dec. 1861, Lewis Co., KY) Bias 19 M KY (m. SarahElizabeth Smith)[Francis Marion Dyer, b. 23 Feb. 1803, was s/o William Dyer & Hannah Hopkins][Francis Marion (Marion F.) Dyer, b. 1838, d. 2 Aug. 1899] [Mary Jane Delong wasd/o Elijah Delong & Jane Stephens] [Bias Dyer a.k.a. Tobias Dyer, b. 26 Feb.1830, d. 12 Jan 1913] [Sarah Elizabeth (Smith) Dyer, b. 26 July 1838, d. 26 Oct.1909] [Both Tobias and Sarah Dyer are buried in the Locker Cem., Carter Co., KY]

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 6HH # 109/109Dyer, Frances M. W M 69 Farmer KY Elizabeth W F 67 Keeping House KYZornes, Hannah W F 35 House Work KY

Lafayette W M 9 Home KY Anderson Rose W M 8 " KYZornes, Elizabeth W F 5 " KY Harriet W F 3 " KYEulett, Frances W M 18 Laborer KY John C. M. W M 17 " KY

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., June 2HH # 31/33Dyer, Francis W M 80 Farmer KY KY KY Elizabeth W F 75 Wife KY KY KY

More About FRANCIS MARION DYER:Burial: August 1899, Stamper Cemetery, Lewis Co., KY UnmarkedCensus: 1850, Lewis Co., KY, District No. 1, HH # 464Occupation: Farmer63

More About FRANCIS DYER and ELIZABETH LOGAN:Marriage: 24 May 1821, Floyd Co., KY

Children of ELIZABETH LOGAN and FRANCIS DYER are: i. WILLIAM3 DYER, b. 29 October 1825; d. 1901, Lewis Co., KY; m. (1) NANCYGULLEY, 20 January 1848, Lewis Co., KY; b. 1830, KY; d. Abt. 1863, Lewis Co., KY;m. (2) DELILA STONE, 24 November 1864, Carter Co., KY; b. November 1839, KY.

Notes for WILLIAM DYER:1850 Census of Lewis Co., KY, District No. 1, HH # 462HH#462DYER, William 24 M KY Farmer Nancy 19 F KY

1860 Lewis Co., KY census, HH #1358DYER, William 35 M Farmer KY (m. 1st Nancy Gulley, 22Jan. 1848L, Lewis Co., KY) Nancy 30 F KY (d/o William Gulleyand Polly Jane James) Elizabeth 9 F KY (m. William Stone,b. 9 Apr. 1846, d. 26 May 1935) Rosaline 6 F KY (m. James RileyZornes, 28 July 1871, Greenup Co., KY) Malinda J(ane) 5 F KY (m. 1st Robert Rose, 27July 1871, Lewis Co., KY) Leander C(ox) 3 M KY (m. Laura Rayburn, 25 Feb.1880, Lewis Co., KY) Minerva A. 6m F KY (m. H. Jack Sexton)[William Dyer, b. 1825, d. 1901, m. 2nd Delila "Libby" Stone, 24 Nov. 1864, CarterCo., KY, was s/o Francis Marion Dyer & Elizabeth Logan and gs/o William Dyer &Hannah Hopkins and James Logan & Caroline Elizabeth Hughes] [Sarah Rosaline(Dyer) Zornes, b. 11 Oct. 1853, d. 18 Nov. 1899] [James Riley Zornes, b. 22 Aug.1848, d. 9 Mar. 1843, was s/o Eason Zornes & Elizabeth Hannah] [Malinda J. (Dyer)Rose, b. 6 Nov. 1857, d. 2 Aug. 1923, m. 2nd. John W. Rose, 8 Nov. 1906, LewisCo., KY] [Leander Cox Dyer, b. 18 Dec. 1858 ?, d. 1 Apr. 1938] [Laura Rayburn,b. 30 Jan. 1862, d. 27 Mar. 1943, was d/o Enoch R. Rayburn & Mary Penland]

1870 Lewis Co., KY Census, Laurel Pct. HH # 105/105Dyer, William W M 44 Farmer KY KY KY Delila W F 38 Keeps House KY KY KY Malinda W F 15 Home KY KY KY Leander C. W M 12 Laborer KY KY KY Mervina W F 11 Home KY KY KY

William L. W M 8 Home KY KY KY Boston H. W M 4 Home KY KY KY Frances M. W M 2 Home KY KY KY Addison W M 4/12 Home KY KY KY

1880 Lewis Co., KY Census, Laurel Pct. HH # 35/37Dyer, William W M 55 Farming KY KY KY Liley W F 40 Wife KY KY KY Larkin W M 18 Son KY KY KY Boston W M 13 Son KY KY KY Francis W M 10 Son KY KY KY Addison W M 9 Son KY KY KY Jackson W M 6 Son KY KY KY Ida B. W F 3 Daughter KY KY KY Robuck W M 1 Son KY KY KY

1880 School census in Dist. # 52 - Dyer (Rose), taken by Robert RoseWilliam Dyer as household Head of Household and had the follingchildren of school age; Minerva 18, Larkin 16, Sabastine 13, Francis 11,George A. 10, Jackson Dyer 6

More About WILLIAM DYER:Census: 1850, Lewis Co., KY, District No. 1 - HH # 462

More About WILLIAM DYER and NANCY GULLEY:Marriage: 20 January 1848, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: 22 January 1848, Consent of William Gully (Her father)Security: John Gully

Notes for DELILA STONE:1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Grassy Pct., ED 85, Sheet 3, HH # 46/48Dyer, Dellia Head F W Nov. 1839 61 M KY KY KY Farmer Frank Son M W ???? 1868 32 S KY KY KY Farm Laborer Jackson Son M W May 1872 28 S KY KY KY Farm Laborer Roe Son M W Mar. 1879 21 S KY KY KY Farm Laborer Roy G-Son M W Nov. 1894 6 S KY KY KY

More About DELILA STONE:Census: 1880, Lewis Co., KY

More About WILLIAM DYER and DELILA STONE:Marriage: 24 November 1864, Carter Co., KY

ii. JULIA ANN DYER, b. Abt. 1827, KY; m. (1) JOSIAH W. STAGGS, 31 December 1839,Lewis Co., KY; m. (2) ELIJAH THOMAS, 03 January 1840, Greenup Co., KY; b. Abt.1819, KY.

More About JOSIAH STAGGS and JULIA DYER:Marriage: 31 December 1839, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: 31 December 1839, Consent of Francis Dyer (Her father)Security: Joseph Jordan

Notes for ELIJAH THOMAS:1850 census of Lewis Co., KY, District No. 1, HH # 465Thomas, Elijah 36 M KY Farmer Julian 27 F KY Francis M. 10 M KY John 7 M KY William 5 M KY

James 2 M KY

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Elk Fork Pct., HH # 95Thomas, Elijah 51 M KY Julia Ann 47 F KY James 22 M KY John 20 M KY Reason 18 M KY Elizabeth 15 F KY Rowland 11 M KY Abraham L. 9 M KY

1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 47/47Thomas, Elijah M 64 Farmer KY KY KY Julia F 58 Wife/Keeps House KY KY KY John M 35 Son/Teamster KY KY KY Jas. M 29 Son/Ore Digger KY KY KY Abe M 18 Son/Ore Digger KY KY KY Elizabeth F 24 Dau./House Keeper KY KY KY

More About ELIJAH THOMAS:Census: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Elk Fork Pct. - HH # 95

More About ELIJAH THOMAS and JULIA DYER:Marriage: 03 January 1840, Greenup Co., KY

iii. CATHARINE DYER, b. 19 January 1827, Morgan Co., KY; d. 08 September 1895,Lewis Co., KY; m. GEORGE WASHINGTON STAMPER, 24 October 1849, Carter Co., KY; b.04 June 1821, Swain Co., NC; d. 06 December 1908, Lewis Co., KY.

More About CATHARINE DYER:Burial: Stamper Cemetery, Head of Grassy, Lewis Co., KY

Notes for GEORGE WASHINGTON STAMPER:1850 Census of Lewis Co., KY, District No. 1, HH#466STAMPER, George 27 M KY Farmer Catharine 22 F KY Elizabeth 3 F KY William S. 1 F KY

1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY, HH # 1349/1349STAMPER, George 39 M Farmer KY (m. Catharine Dyer, 24 Oct.1844, Carter Co., KY) Kate 33 F KY (d/o FrancisMarion Dyer & Elizabeth Logan) Sarah E. 12 F KY (m. Thomas C.Stafford) William T. 11 F KY (WilliamTaylor Stamper m. Assenith V. Orcutt, 1870 Geo. W. 9 M KY LewisCo., KY) (m. Sophia Weaver Stafford) James M. 7 M KY (m. 1stMary E. Large) Andrew J. 5 M KY (m.Julia Enix, 22 Aug. 1878, Carter Co., KY) Philena 4 F KY(Fairlena Stamper, m. Josiah L. Kidwell, 6 May 1873 Sylvania 2 F KY LewisCo., KY) (m. George H. Rayburn, 4 May 1874 Joshua 4m M KY (m.Louisa Belle Thompson, 31 June 1880, Lewis Co., KY)

[George Washington Stamper Sr., b. 4 June 1821, Swain Co. NC, d. 6 Dec. 1909, wass/o John Stamper & Sarah Stamper and gs/William Stamper & Agnes Emily Polly][Catharine (Dyer) Stamper, b. 19 Jan. 1827, d. 8 Sept. 1895, was gd/o William Dyer& Hannah Hopkins and James Logan & Caroline Elizabeth Hughes] [Sarah (Stamper)Stafford, b. 12 Aug. 1847, d. 29 Aug. 1928] [Thomas C. Stafford, b. 2 Sept. 1847,d. Jan. 1909] [William Taylor Stamper, b. 1849, d. 1899] [Assenith V. Orcutt, b.1850, d. 1926] [George W. Stamper Jr. b. 26 Dec. 1850, d. 1938] [James Marion"Cathead" Stamper, b. 21 Dec. 1852, d. 3 Nov. 1933] [Mary E. Large, b. 12 Mar.1855, d. 10 Oct. 1891] [James M. Stamper m. 2nd Sophia (Norris) Montieth, 27Sept. 1892, Lewis Co., KY; m. 3rd Rosa Eulett] [Andrew J. Stamper, b. 31 Aug.1854, Lewis Co., KY, d. 20 July 1940] [Julia Enix, b. 1858, d. 17 Apr. 1940,was d/o Amariah W. Enix & Matilda Ham and gd/o Abraham Enix & Julian Hannah Loganand Joseph Ham & Nancy McClurg] [Fairlena S. (Stamper) Kidwell, b. 18 May 1856,Lewis Co., KY, d. 19 July 1934] [Josiah Leander Kidwell, b. 14 Jan. 1851, MeigsCo., OH, d. 26 Apr. 1943, was s/o Edmund D. Kidwell & Mary Jane Adams and gs/oJosiah Kidwell and Elizabeth Latimer] [Sylvania (Stamper) Rayburn, b. 4 Apr.1858, Lewis Co., KY, d. 12 Aug. 1924] [George H. Rayburn, b. 18 Oct. 1853, d. 8Nov. 1940, was s/o Enoch R. Rayburn & Mary Penland and gs/o George Penland &Susannah Logan and Henry Willis Rayburn & Priscilla Johnson] [Joshua Stamper, b.2 Feb. 1860, d. 28 Feb. 1910] [Louisa Belle Thompson, b. 12 Aug. 1859, d. 6 Sept.1927]

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., HH # 94/94, Sept. 2Stamper, George W. W M 48 Farmer KY Catherine W F 43 Keeping House KY George W. W M 19 Laborer KY James M. W M 17 " KY Andrew W M 15 " KY Farleny W F 14 " KY Sylvany W F 12 " KY Joshua W M 10 " KY Martha J. W F 5 " KY Hilery B. W F 2 " KY

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., June 3, HH # 44/46Stamper, George W M 59 Farmer KY NC NC Catherine W F 53 Wife KY TN KY Joshua W M 20 Son KY KY KY Lousia W F 21 Daughter KY KY KY Mary W F 16 Daughter KY KY KY Parthinia W F 14 Daughter KY KY KY N. B. W F 13 Daughter KY KY KYStamper, J. M. W M 25 Farming KY KY KY Mary E. W F 25 Wife KY KY KY Willard J. W M 3 Son KY KY KY John W M 4/12 Son KY KY KY

More About GEORGE WASHINGTON STAMPER:Burial: Stamper Cemetery, Head of Grassy, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1850, Lewis Co., KY, District No. 1 - HH # 466

More About GEORGE STAMPER and CATHARINE DYER:Marriage: 24 October 1849, Carter Co., KY

iv. NANCY DYER, b. 1828, Morgan Co., KY; d. 29 June 1858, Carter Co., KY64; m.GEORGE WASHINGTON JORDAN, 07 May 1846, Lewis Co., KY; b. Abt. 1822, Virginia.

Notes for GEORGE WASHINGTON JORDAN:1850 Census of Carter Co., KY, District No. 2 - HH # 246Jordon, George W. 28 M Farmer VA Nancy 23 F KY

John 1 M KY

More About GEORGE WASHINGTON JORDAN:Census: 1850, Carter Co., KY, District No. 2 - HH # 246

More About GEORGE JORDAN and NANCY DYER:Marriage: 07 May 1846, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: Consent of Francis Dyer (Her father)Married By: Lewis M. JonesSecurity: William Dyer

v. HIRAM CHARLES DYER, b. 16 January 1830, Morgan Co., KY65; d. 11 May 1906,Lewis Co., KY65; m. MARY M. LEARY; b. 02 May 1832, NY66; d. 07 November 1919,Lewis Co., KY66.

Notes for HIRAM CHARLES DYER:1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 1HH # 56/56Dyer, Hiram C. W M 40 Farmer KY Mary M. W F 38 Keeps House NY Emma W F 6 Home KY Mary J. W F 4 " KY Chester S. W F 2 " KY Rosa Lee W F 1/12 " KY

1880 School Census - Taken by Moses R. D. Smith, 21 Apr. 1879 - Tar Fork SchoolHiram DyerEmma Dyer age 15Mary J. Dyer age 13Chester S. Dyer age 11Rosa S. Dyer age 9

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., June 8HH # 91/93Dyer, Hiram C. W M 50 Farming KY KY KY Mary W F 48 Wife KY KY KY Emma W F 16 Daughter KY KY KY Mary Jane W F 14 Daughter KY KY KY Chester W M 12 Son KY KY KY Rosa W F 11 Daughter KY KY KY Vandalia W F 6 Daughter KY KY KY Headley W M 2 Son KY KY KY

1900 Census of Lewis Co., KYDyer, Charles Head Jan. 1829 71 M KY KY KY Mary Wife Sept. 1832 69 M KY KY KY Jane Daughter Dec. 1866 34 S KY KY KY Chester S. Son Feb. 1868 32 S KY KY KY Headly H. Son Oct. 1877 23 S KY KY KY Vandalia Daughter Dec. 1875 25 S KY KY KY

District # 51 Tar Fork, Lewis Co. Schools was taken by Moses R.D. Smithon April 21, 1879Hiram Dyer; children were; Emma 15, Mary J. 13, Chester S. 11. Rosa S. Dyer age9.

KY Land Patent #: 40541 Grantee: Dyer, Hiram C.Grant Book & Pg: 72 52 Acreage: 50County: Lewis WaterCourse: Tar Fk. Laurel Fk. Kinniconick Cr.Survey Name: Dyer, Hiram C. Survey Date: 07/30/1867

Grant Date: 11/16/1867

KY Land Patent #: 53312 Grantee: Dyer, Hiram C.Grant Book & Pg: 96 557 Acreage: 50County: Lewis WaterCourse: Kinniconick Cr.Survey Name: Dyer, Hiram C. Survey Date: 01/27/1877Grant Date: 06/04/1877

More About HIRAM CHARLES DYER:Burial: McEldowney Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 56/56, Sept. 1

Notes for MARY M. LEARY:1910 Census of Lewis Co., KY, District No. 5 - HH #136/138Dyer, Mary M. Head 78 wd NY NY NY Mary Daughter 44 S KY KY NY C. S. Son 42 S KY KY NY Delia Daughter 36 S KY KY NY

More About MARY M. LEARY:Burial: McEldowney Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1910, Lewis Co., KY, District No. 5 - HH #136/138

vi. JOSEPH DYER, b. 1828, Lewis Co., KY; d. 09 March 1918, Lewis Co., KY67; m.(1) SARAH J. UNKNOWN68; b. Abt. 1831, Ireland; m. (2) MALINDA ZORNES, 19 September1850, Brown Co., OH; b. 1832, KY; d. Bef. 1910.

Notes for JOSEPH DYER:1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY1361 DYER, Joseph 26 M Farmer KY (m. Malinda Zornes, 19Sept. 1850, Brown Co., OH)1361 Malinda 26 F KY (d/o EasonZornes & Elizabeth Hannah) Francis M. 9 M KY (m.Julia Logan, 18 June 1874, Lewis Co., KY) Hima C. (Hiram) 5 F KY (m.Malinda Messer, 2 Feb. 1885, Lewis Co., KY) Lewis H. 3 M KY (m.Mary L. Logan, d/o Rev. James Logan & Martha J. Densmore) Ethan G.(Esom) 1m M KY (m.Charlotta Zornes, 27 Aug. 1879, Lewis Co., KY)[Joseph Dyer was s/o Francis M. Dyer & Elizabeth Logan and gs/o William Dyer &Hannah Hopkins and James Logan & Carolin E. Hughes] [Julia A. Logan, b. Mar.1859, was d/o Madison Logan & Charlotte Logan and gd/o Tobias Logan & Mary AnneTabor and Abraham Logan & Julia Ann Choate] [Mary L. Logan was d/o Rev. JamesLogan & Martha J. Densmore and gd/o Abraham Logan and Julia Ann Choate & WilliamFletcher Densmore and Martha J. (Brammer) Logan (second wife of Abraham Logan)]

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Kinniconick Pct., Aug. 22HH # 152152Dyer, Jos. W M 39 Farmer KY Malinda W F 39 Keeps House KY Frances W M 18 Home KY Hiram W M 14 Laborer KY Lewis H. W M 12 " KY Esam G. W M 11 Home KY Malinda W M 7 " KY Tobias W M 4 " KY Rosey C. W F 2 " KY Catherine W F 1 " KY

Sarah W F 16 House Work KY

1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Old Town Pct. Page Number 104D - HH # 286/307Joseph DYAR Self M Male W 50 KY Farmer KY KYMalinda DYAR Wife M Female W 48 KY Keeping House KY INLewis H. DYAR Son S Male W 21 KY Laborer KY KYMalinda E. DYAR Dau S Female W 17 KY At Home KY KYJames B. DYAR Son S Male W 13 KY Working On Farm KY KYRosa C. DYAR Dau S Female W 12 KY At Home KY KYCatharine DYAR Dau S Female W 11 KY At Home KY KYSarah A. DYAR Dau S Female W 7 KY KY KYFoster DYAR Son S Male W 5 KY KY KY

Residing with this family in Lewis Co., KY census of 1900 was:Joseph Dyer, b. Dec. 1831, KYTheressa Dyer, b. May 1846, KYKatie Dyer, b. Feb. 1873, KYGrace Dyer, b. Nov. 1891, KYPeter Dyer, b. Oct. 1893, KYJoseph Dyer, b. Oct. 1895, KYJohn Dyer, b. Jan. 1834, KY, Brother

Residing with this family in Lewis Co., KY census of 1910 was:Joseph Dyer Head M W m 67 KY TN KYSarah J. Dyer, age, 64, b. KYPeter Manier, age 16, b. KY, grandsonJospeh Manier, age 14, b. KY, grandsonMalinda J. Zornes, age 18, b. KY, granddaughterGracie Zornes, age 6/12, b. KY, granddaughter

(The last two census years could be a different wife or is this the wrong family.The census indicates that Joseph's father was born in TN.)

More About JOSEPH DYER:Census: 1860, Lewis Co., KY

Marriage Notes for JOSEPH DYER and MALINDA ZORNES:Marriage record say Joseph Dyar to Malinda Jones, 19 Sept. 1850. However, therehas been a misinterpertation of the name Zornes to Jones in many proven cases.

More About JOSEPH DYER and MALINDA ZORNES:Marriage: 19 September 1850, Brown Co., OHMarried By: 19 September 1850, Thomas Shelton

vii. JOHN DYER, b. 1834, KY; d. 1909, Lewis Co., KY; m. MARY ELIZABETH HAMILTON;b. 1835; d. 1877, Lewis Co., KY.

Notes for JOHN DYER:1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY - HH # 1379DYER, John 27 M Farm Laborer KY Elizabeth 26 F KY (nee: Hamilton,b. 1835, d. 1877) Nancy J. 2 F KY (m. JamesGoodwin, 2 May 1874, Lewis Co., KY) James H. 8m M KY (m. 1st Mary Shope,28 Aug. 1880, Lewis Co., KY)

[John Dyer, b. 1834, d. 1909. was s/o Francis Marion Dyer & Elizabeth Logan andgs/o William Dyer & Hannah Hopkins and James Logan & Caroline Elizabeth Hughes][John Dyer is buried in the Warring Cem., Garrison, KY] [James H. Dyer, b. Dec.1860, m. 2nd Mary F. Hannibal, 25 Sept. 1890][One child, John A. Dyer, 5w, b. Lewis Co., KY, d. 31 Dec. 1852, Lewis Co., KY]

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY Census - Elk Fork Pct.HH 4/4Dwyer, John W M 44 Farmer KY KY KY Elizabeth W F 45 Wife KY KY KY James W M 21 Son KY KY KY Ben Franklin W M 15 Son KY KY KY Cornelius W M 13 Son KY KY KY Mary Ann W F 11 Dau. KY KY KY Ezra W M 6 Son KY KY KYChapman, D. W M 34 Farmer/Wagoneer VA VA VA Julia W F 8 Dau. KY VA VA Chas. W M 6 Son KY VA VA John W M 4 Son KY VA VA

More About JOHN DYER:Burial: Waring Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1860, Lewis Co., KY

More About MARY ELIZABETH HAMILTON:Burial: Waring Cemetery, Lewis Co., KY

viii. HANNAH DYER69, b. Abt. 1835, KY69; d. Aft. 191069; m. (1) JOHN HENRYHOWARD, 26 February 1850, Lewis Co., KY; b. Abt. 1828, KY; m. (2) PHILLIP R.ZORNES69, 12 December 1859, Greenup Co. KY69; b. Abt. 1835, KY69; d. Unknown69; m.(3) GARDNER H. FANNIN, Aft. 1879; b. Abt. 1832, KY.

Notes for HANNAH DYER:1850 Census of Lewis Co., KY, District No. One, HH # 490Henry John 22 M KY Hannah 15 F KY1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 6, HH # 109/109Dyer, Frances M. W M 69 Farmer KY Elizabeth W F 67 Keeping House KYZornes, Hannah W F 35 House Work KY Lafayette W M 9 Home KY Anderson Rose W M 8 " KYZornes, Elizabeth W F 5 " KY Harriet W F 3 " KYEulett, Frances W M 18 Laborer KY John C. M. W M 17 " KY

1880 School census in Dist. # 52 - , taken by DyerHannah Zornes H of House; children were : Lafayette 18, Roze A. 15,Elizebeth E. 13, Hattie 11 and James Zornes age 9.

1900 Census of Lewis Co., KYZornes, La Fayette Head Oct. 1862 38 M KY KY KY Alice G. Wife June 1876 24 M KY KY KY Mirtie J. Daughter May 1888 12 S KY KY KY Roy L. Son May 1890 10 S KY KY KY Asa D. Son May 1898 2 S KY KY KY Arlie B. Daughter Dec. 1899 1 S KY KY KYJones, John Step-Son Apr. 1895 5 S KY KY KYFannin, Hannah Mother Jan. 1834 66 wd KY KY KY

1910 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 78, ED 116

Zornes, Lafayette Head W M 50 M KY KY KY Alice Wife W F 35 M KY KY KY Asa D. Son W M 12 S KY KY KY Arlie Belle Daughter W F 10 S KY KY KY Cecil Son W M 8 S KY KY KY Ivory Son W M 6 S KY KY KY Russell Son W M 3 S KY KY KYHarris, John Step-son W M 15 S KY KY KYFannin, Hanah Mother W F 77 WD KY KY KY

More About HANNAH DYER:Census: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 109/109, Sept. 6

More About JOHN HOWARD and HANNAH DYER:Marriage: 26 February 1850, Lewis Co., KYMarried By: 26 February 1850, Consent of Francis Dyer (Her father)Security: Joseph Dyer

Notes for PHILLIP R. ZORNES:1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY, HH # 1255ZORNES, Phillip 25 M Teamster KY (m. Hannah Howell (Howard),12 Dec. 1859, Greenup Co., KY) Hannah 25 F KY (d/o Francis MarionDyer & Elizabeth Logan) Marion 9 M KY ((Francis) Marion(Howard) m. 1st Lydia Richmond) John M. 7 M KY (John M(ason)(Howard) m. Elizabeth Large) STAGGS, Francis 18 M KY (m. Virginia F. Bruce, 18Sept. 1876, Lewis Co., KY)[Phillip (R.) Zornes was s/o Easom Zornes & Elizabeth Hannah] [Hannah Dyer m. 1stJohn Henry Howard, 26 Feb. 1850, Lewis Co., KY; m. 3rd Gardner H. Fannin; was gd/oJames Logan & Caroline Elizabeth Hughes and William Dyer & Hannah Hopkins][Gardner H. Fannin was s/o Bryant Fannin & Hannah Dyer and gs/o William Dyer &Hannah Hopkins] [Gardner H. Fannin m. 1st Minerva Dyer, sister of Hannah (Dyer)Howard Zornes] [Francis Marion Howard m. 2nd Mary M. Henderson, b. 14 Apr. 1864,d. 11 May 1926, was d/o James S. Henderson & Anna Eliza Anderson] [LydiaRichmond, b. 4 Aug. 1854, was d/o John Richmond & Eliza Rose] [Virginia F. Brucewas d/o Thomas H. C. Bruce & Susan P. Crawford] [The family of Easom Zornesresided in Greenup Co., KY in the 1850 Census]

More About PHILLIP R. ZORNES:Census: 1860, Lewis Co., KY

More About PHILLIP ZORNES and HANNAH DYER:Marriage: 12 December 1859, Greenup Co. KY69Marriage date: 12 December 1859, Listed as Hannah Howell.

Notes for GARDNER H. FANNIN:1860 Census of Morgan Co., KYHH # 28Gardner H. Fannin 28 M KY FarmerManerva " 22 F KYWilliam Dyer 81 M TN

1880 Census of School District # 67, Doyle's, Taken Apr. 21 1879 by G. H. FanninG. H. FanninFrancis D. age 18Tobias age 16John C. age 14

Henry age 12Hannah age 10Sherman Fannin age 8

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Vanceburg Pct., No. 3, June 7HH 17/17Fannin, Gardner W M 48 Farmer KY KY KY Francis W M 19 Son KY KY KY Labin W M 17 Son KY KY KY John F. W M 15 Son KY KY KY Henry L. W M 13 Son KY KY KY Hannar W F 11 Daughter KY KY KY Sherman W M 8 Son KY KY KY Mary W F 6 Daughter KY KY KY Hannah W F 44 Wife KY KY KY James W M 17 S-Son KY KY KY Allie W F 15 S-Dau. KY KY KY Hattie W F 13 S-Dau. OH KY KY James W M 11 S-Son IN KY KY

KY Land Patent #: 51967 Grantee: Fanning, Gardner H.Grant Book & Pg: 94 389 Acreage: 85County: Lewis WaterCourse: Grassy Fk. Kinniconick Cr.Survey Name: Fanning, Gardner H. Survey Date: 11/22/1873Grant Date: 04/10/1876Note: Grant date above taken from Survey - Grant gives year as 1856.

More About GARDNER H. FANNIN:Census: 1860, Morgan Co., KY - HH # 28

More About GARDNER FANNIN and HANNAH DYER:Marriage: Aft. 1879

ix. MINERVA DYER, b. Abt. 1837, KY; d. Aft. 1875, Morgan Co., KY; m. GARDNER H.FANNIN; b. Abt. 1832, KY.

Notes for GARDNER H. FANNIN:1860 Census of Morgan Co., KYHH # 28Gardner H. Fannin 28 M KY FarmerManerva " 22 F KYWilliam Dyer 81 M TN

1880 Census of School District # 67, Doyle's, Taken Apr. 21 1879 by G. H. FanninG. H. FanninFrancis D. age 18Tobias age 16John C. age 14Henry age 12Hannah age 10Sherman Fannin age 8

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Vanceburg Pct., No. 3, June 7HH 17/17Fannin, Gardner W M 48 Farmer KY KY KY Francis W M 19 Son KY KY KY Labin W M 17 Son KY KY KY John F. W M 15 Son KY KY KY Henry L. W M 13 Son KY KY KY Hannar W F 11 Daughter KY KY KY

Sherman W M 8 Son KY KY KY Mary W F 6 Daughter KY KY KY Hannah W F 44 Wife KY KY KY James W M 17 S-Son KY KY KY Allie W F 15 S-Dau. KY KY KY Hattie W F 13 S-Dau. OH KY KY James W M 11 S-Son IN KY KY

KY Land Patent #: 51967 Grantee: Fanning, Gardner H.Grant Book & Pg: 94 389 Acreage: 85County: Lewis WaterCourse: Grassy Fk. Kinniconick Cr.Survey Name: Fanning, Gardner H. Survey Date: 11/22/1873Grant Date: 04/10/1876Note: Grant date above taken from Survey - Grant gives year as 1856.

More About GARDNER H. FANNIN:Census: 1860, Morgan Co., KY - HH # 28

x. FRANCIS MARION JR. DYER, b. 1838, Lewis Co., KY; d. 02 August 1899, Lewis Co.,KY; m. MARY JANE DELONG, 10 December 1861, Lewis Co., KY; b. August 1834, LawrenceCo., OH.

Notes for FRANCIS MARION JR. DYER:1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 5HH # 96/96Dyer, Frances M. W M 32 Farmer KY Mary Jane W F 35 Keeping House KY Chas. E. W M 10 Home KY Willliam F. W M 9 " KY James R. W M 6 " KY Nathan W M 1 " KY

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., June 2HH # 37/39Dyer, F. M. W M 43 Farming KY KY KY Mary W F 44 Wife KY KY KY Wm. W M 19 Son KY KY KY Riley W M 17 Son KY KY KY Thos. W M 12 Son KY KY KY Victoria W F 10 Daughter KY KY KY G. W M 8 Son KY KY KY John D. S. W M 6 Son KY KY KY

1880 School census in Dist. # 52 - , taken by DyerF.M. Dyer as H.of House; and children were ; Charles E. 19, William 17,James R. 15, Thomas 10, Victory 8, and Gardner age 6.

More About FRANCIS MARION JR. DYER:Census: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 96/96, Sept. 5

Notes for MARY JANE DELONG:1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Grassy Pct., ED 85, Sheet 7B, HH # 125/128Dyer, Mary J. Head Aug. 1834 66 Wd 10/7 OH PA VA Farmer Anna Daughter Nov. 1879 21 S 1/1 KY KY OH Cora D. G-Dau. Aug. 1892 8 S KY KY KY Daniel P. G-Son Sept. 1895 5 S KY KY KY Nila B. G-Dau. Apr. 1899 1 S KY KY KY William F. Son Apr. 1862 38 Wd KY KY OH

More About MARY JANE DELONG:Census: 1900, Lewis Co., KY, Grassy Pct., ED 85, Sheet 7B, HH # 125/128

More About FRANCIS DYER and MARY DELONG:Marriage: 10 December 1861, Lewis Co., KY

xi. TOBIAS DYER, b. 26 February 1840, Lewis Co., KY; d. 12 January 1913, LewisCo., KY; m. SARAH ELIZABETH LOCKER; b. 26 July 1838, KY; d. 26 October 1907, LewisCo., KY.

Notes for TOBIAS DYER:1870 Census of Shelby Co., IN, Hanover Twp., Homstown P. O., HH # 28/29Dyer, Tobias 29 M W Woodchopper 200 KY Elizabeth 31 F W KYThomas, Wellington 35 M W Cooper IN Mary J. 37 F W OH J. T. 13 M W IN E. E. 8 F W IN Dora B. 4 F W IN Edward H. 1 M W INMarsh, Sarah A. 13 F W INHH # 27/27Locker, A. J. 26 M W Woodchopper 450 KY Amanda 29 F W KY

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., June 4, HH # 53/55Dyer, Tobias W M 39 Farmer KY KY KY Sarah W F 39 Wife KY KY KYRaborn, Thos. W M 29 Boarder wd KY KY KY James W M 7 Son KY KY KY

1900 Census of Lewis Co., KYDyer, Tobias Head W M Jan. 1840 60 M KY KY KY Sarah Wife W F July 1841 59 M KY KY KY

1910 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Mag. Dist. No. 4, Grassy Pct., ED 116, Sheet 6B, HH# 100/103Dyer, Tobias Head W M 70 Wd KY KY KY

KY Land Patent #: 52961 Grantee: Dyer, TobiasGrant Book & Pg: 96 205 Acreage: 58County: Lewis WaterCourse: Laurel Fk. Kinneconnick Cr.Survey Name: Dyer, Tobias Survey Date: 02/23/1875Grant Date: 01/05/1877

More About TOBIAS DYER:Burial: Locker Cemetery, Carter Co., KyCensus: 1870, Shelby Co., IN, Hanover Twp., Homstown P. O., HH # 27/27


More About SARAH ELIZABETH LOCKER:Burial: Locker Cemetery, Carter Co., Ky

9. EDWARD2 LOGAN (JAMES1) was born 05 November 1806 in Fleming Co., KY, and died18 August 1885 in Greenup Co., KY. He married MINERVA THOMAS 10 February 1827 inLewis Co., KY, daughter of JAMES THOMAS and SABINA PENLAND. She was born 28 May1810 in Fleming Co., KY, and died 28 June 1894 in Greenup Co., KY.

Notes for EDWARD LOGAN:1850 Census of Greenup Co., KY, District No. 1 - HH # 161James Thomas 65 M NJ FarmerSabina " 58 F KYBenjamin Butler 33 M KY LaborerEdward Logan 45 M KY "Minerva " 39 F KYJane " 15 F KYElizabeth " 9 F KYNancy " 8 F KYMarshal " 4 M KYSabrina " 3 F KY

1870 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Lynn Pct. - HH # 227/222Logan, Edward 52 M W Ky Minerva 50 F W Keeping house Ky Isaac 20 M W Iron ore miner Ky Julia Ann 17 F W Works at home Ky

1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 179/184Logan, Edward M 73 Farmer KY PA PA Minerva F 70 Wife/Keeps House KY KY KY Julia A. F 26 Daughter KY KY KYMusic, Henry M 29 S-I-L/Farm Hand VA VA VA Rose F 5 Granddaughter KY VA KY James E. M 2m b. Apr. KY VA KY

More About EDWARD LOGAN:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1840, Lewis Co., KYOccupation: Farmer

More About MINERVA THOMAS:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYOccupation: Housewife

More About EDWARD LOGAN and MINERVA THOMAS:Marriage: 10 February 1827, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: 10 February 1827, Consent of their fathers.Security: George Penland

Children of EDWARD LOGAN and MINERVA THOMAS are: i. JAMES A.3 LOGAN, b. 24 March 1828, Lewis Co., KY70; d. 31 March 1912, GreenupCo., KY71; m. NANCY SMITH, 26 November 1849, Greenup Co., KY; b. 02 November 1832,Greenup Co., KY; d. 21 February 1909, Greenup Co., KY.

Notes for JAMES A. LOGAN:Also residing with the family in 1900 Greenup Co., KY census was: Florence Smith,b. Feb. 1888, KY, neice.

1850 Census of Greenup Co., KY, District No. 1HH # 207

James Logan 22 M KY FarmerNancey " 17 F KY

1870 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Pct., No. 3, Lynn P.O, HH #163/158Logan, James 47 M W Teamster Ky Nancy 43 F W Keeping house Ky William 16 M W Works on farm Ky John 09 M W Ky Minerva 05 F W Ky Serilda 02 F W Ky

1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 142/145Logan, Jas. A. M 52 Farmer KY KY KY Nancy F 47 Wife/Keeps House KY KY KY John M. M 17 Son/Teamster KY KY KY Minerva F 15 Daughter KY KY KY Syrilda F 12 Daughter KY KY KY Nancy F 9 Daughter KY KY KY Saml. M 6 Son KY KY KYGullie, Nancy F 5 Granddaughter KY KY KY Maggie F 3 Granddaughter KY KY KY

1900 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace Dist. No. 3HH # 212LOGAN, James, age 72 b: MAR 1828 -married 50 years -farmer Nancy-wife, 67 b: NOV 1832 - mother of 7 living of 12SMITH, Florence-niece, 12 b: FEB 1888

1910 Census of Greenup Co., KYSamuel A Logan Enumeration District: 0070 Color: W - HH # 38/39 Age: 38 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0039 County: Greenup Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Nancy J 41, Ohio - 6 children, 5 aliveSon James E 18, KentuckySon Frederic 14, KentuckyDaughter Nancy M 11, KentuckySon Clarence A 09, KentuckySon Leo 06, KentuckyFather James, Sr 82, Kentucky WD

More About JAMES A. LOGAN:Burial: Logan - Smith Cemetery, Zion Hill, Greenup Co., KYCensus: 1850, Greenup Co., KY, District No. 1 - HH # 207Occupation: Teamster

More About NANCY SMITH:Burial: Logan - Smith Cemetery, Zion Hill, Greenup Co., KYOccupation: Housewife

More About JAMES LOGAN and NANCY SMITH:Marriage: 26 November 1849, Greenup Co., KY

ii. MATILDA JANE LOGAN, b. Abt. 1835, Lewis Co., KY; m. THOMAS GEORGE CLARK, 28August 1851, Greenup Co., KY; b. Abt. 1831, KY.

Notes for THOMAS GEORGE CLARK:1880 Census of Wyandotte, KS, Wyandotte Twp. 4th Ward - Page 390DClark, Thomas Self M m W 53 Dealer In Rags KY VA KY

Matilda Wife F m W 48 Keeps House KY KY KY George Son M s W 24 Picks Rags KY KY KY Sarah Daughter F s W 22 Picks Rags KY KY KY Menerva Daughter F s W 20 Picks Rags KY KY KY Matilda Daughter F s W 19 Picks Rags IL KY KY Thomas Son M s W 14 Picks Rags IL KY KY Clinton Son M s W 13 Picks Rags KS KY KY Hanora Daughter F s W 11 Picks Rags KS KY KY John Son M s W 9 Picks Rags KS KY KY

More About THOMAS GEORGE CLARK:Census: 1880, Wyandotte, KS, Wyandotte Twp. 4th Ward - Page 390D

More About THOMAS CLARK and MATILDA LOGAN:Marriage: 28 August 1851, Greenup Co., KY

iii. ELIZABETH LOGAN, b. 05 November 1839, Lewis Co., KY; d. Aft. 190072; m. (1)HENRY THOMAS JAMES73, 24 September 1857, Greenup Co., KY74; b. 1822, Kentucky75;d. 11 August 186075; m. (2) ARCHIBALD HORNER, 02 March 1865, Greenup Co., KY76; b.11 July 1833, Lawrence Co., OH; d. 23 April 1909, Greenup Co., KY.

More About ELIZABETH LOGAN:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KY

More About HENRY JAMES and ELIZABETH LOGAN:Marriage: 24 September 1857, Greenup Co., KY76

Notes for ARCHIBALD HORNER:1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Vanceburg Pct. , July 7HH # 8/8Horner, Arch. W M 30 Teamster OH Elizabeth W F 30 Keeping House KY Isaac W M 14 Teamster OH Phebe W F 11 Home KY Matilda W F 8 " KY Cynthia W F 2 " KY

1900 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace District No. 3, ED 48, Sheet 26A,HH # 477/498Horner, Archibald Head W M July 1833 66 M 35y KY KY KY Farmer Elizabeth Wife W F Nov. 1849 50 M 35y 10/7 KY KY KY

The Daily Times, Saturday, Nov. 7, 1896THE HARRIS MURDERArch Horner and Several of His Sons Under Arrest on Suspicion of Being Implicatedin It. Arch Horner and two of three of his sons are now in jail at Greenup charged withthe murder of old Jordan Harris at "Nigger Hill," near the Lewis county line lastMonday. This murder was particularly brutal one. Harris was an old man 86 yearsof age. At one time he was one of the wealthiest men in his section, being worthin the neighborhood of $30,000 to $40,000. Land speculations and law suits almost broke him up, but he nearly always had aconsiderable sum of money on his person. Last Monday night he was found lying inthe road near the Horner residence with his head crushed in, while his horse wastied to the fence near by. The case was reported to the Greenup authorities, andCoroner Brady made a thorough investigation. He announced as his verdict thatHarris had come to his death by being beaten over the head with a blunt instrumentof some kind. The Horners were suspected of knowing something about the murder,and one of them was immediately placed under arrest. Yesterday a strong possewent to "Nigger Hill," and this morning about four o'clock arrived at Greenup witha whole wagon load of prisoners, including Arch Horner and several of his boys.

They are all now safely in jail.

Old Man Robbed and Murdered There is a dividing ridge that roughly defines part of the boundaries of Lewis,Greenup, and Carter. It is generally known as White Oak Ridge and for Lewis Countyserves as the headwater of Scaffold Lick, Briery, Montgomery, and McDowell Creeks.On this ridge there are two hilly locations known as Negro Hill. The first one isat the head of Briery Creek and the other is the head of Montgomery Creek. TheBriery Hill is the location of our next story, which took place in 1896. The editor of the Maysville Bulletin. on Nov. 12, 1896. in recording this storystated that this hill and the surrounding area was known as the toughest place inNortheastern Kentucky. " Following is the story of the murder of an elderly mannamed Jordan Harris: Jordan Harris, over 85, had spent Sunday with friends back ofQuincy and was to be home early in the evening. When he failed to arrive, his sonCharles Harris started in search of him. The old man lived near Brushart and ingoing home had to pass what is known as "Negro Hill." And which known as thetoughest place in Northeastern Kentucky, being the home of Arch Homer an oldfellow who did an illicit business in liquor and always had a crowd at theestablishment. Many hard characters live near the hill. When young Harris was within a half mile of Arch Homer's house he saw a horsestanding by the side of the road. and near it lay a dark object. He was horrifiedto find the body of his father, apparently dead. Help was summoned and the bodywas carried to Horner's house. A doctor was sent for. and he found one wound onHarris' forehead. just above the eyes. The blow had fractured his skull. The bodywas then taken to the house of his son. Harris always carried quite a sum of money with him. but nothing was found onhim.. His pockets had been rifled; he was killed no doubt for his money. Harris was one of the best known men in Greenup County. having been a residentthere all his life. He leaves a large family of sons and daughters. all grown.

The Times Portsmouth, Ohio - Thursday, March 3, 1898

ARCH HORNEROf Nigger Hill, Ky, in the CityLooking for Boone Harris

The Fugitive from Justice was Hastily Released from Custody Here Last Week - $2500Will be Offered and Every Effort Possible Made to Capture Him.

A great deal has been heard lately about the Horners and Harrises of Lewiscounty, Kentucky. Old man Arch Horner was in the city today, looking for BooneHarris, who was released from jail here last week. Harris is a wanted in Kentuckyfor shooting Mrs. Arch Horner a years or more ago. Old man Horner was tried andfound guilty of shooting Jordan Harris, father of Boone Harris. Horner carried thecase to the court of appeals and was granted an new trial. The case is still inthe courts. Horner says the man Harris was found some distance below his house onemorning dead, where his horse had fallen on him causing death. The marks of thehorse's foot and some hair from the horse were found on Harris. "I was home in bedall night," says Horner, " and never saw or touched Harris, but fake swearing wasagainst me. The Harris family thinks I had something to do with his death, andwhen drinking have threatened to kill me. Boone left Vanceburg that night sayinghe was going to kill me before morning". Mr. Horner is a typical backwoodsKentuckian. Until a few years back he has been selling whisky over near what isknow as Nigger Hill. He owns about six hundred acres of land in that vicinity. Hesays they have been trying to run him out of there. A few years ago they burned alarge barn for him. He claims to be peaceable and would harm no man. He proposesto keep after Boone Harris until he is captured. A reward of $25 will be offered for his capture. The officials of Lewis countyand of Greenup County, have warrants for him.

More About ARCHIBALD HORNER:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Vanceburg Pct. - HH # 8/8, July 7

More About ARCHIBALD HORNER and ELIZABETH LOGAN:Marriage: 02 March 1865, Greenup Co., KY76

iv. NANCY LOGAN, b. 1842, Lewis Co., KY; d. 1917; m. HENRY G. SHEETS, 18 July1861, Greenup Co., KY77; b. 15 September 1840, VA; d. 27 July 1898.

More About NANCY LOGAN:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KY

Notes for HENRY G. SHEETS:Marriage record indicates Henry's parents were born in PA.

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Kinniconick Pct., Aug. 13HH # 46/46Sheets, Henry W M 29 Blacksmith VA Nancy W F 28 Keeps House KY Sarah W F 8 Home KY Edward W M 5 Home KY Elizabeth W F 2 Home VAWatts, Hezeakiel W M 25 Laborer VA

1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 177/182Sheets, Henry M 39 Farmer VA VA VA Nancy F 38 Wife/Keeps House KY KY KY Sarah E. F 18 Daughter KY KY KY Edward M, M 15 Son KY KY KY Minerva E. F 12 Daughter KY KY KY Ida B. F 9 Daughter KY KY KY Jesse F. M 8 Son KY KY KY Henry F. M 4 Son KY KY KY

More About HENRY G. SHEETS:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Kinniconick Pct. - HH # 46/46, Aug. 13

More About HENRY SHEETS and NANCY LOGAN:Marriage: 18 July 1861, Greenup Co., KY77

v. MARSHALL FRANKLIN LOGAN, b. 09 March 1845, Greenup Co., KY; d. 01 November1929, Greenup Co., KY78; m. (1) SARAH MARGARET CREMEANS, 28 March 1867, GreenupCo., KY79; b. 1849, Mason Co., VA; d. 1890, Greenup Co., KY; m. (2) AMY F. JESSE,24 July 1890, Greenup Co., KY79; b. 07 January 1870, Carter Co., KY; d. 29 April1955, Greenup Co., KY.

Notes for MARSHALL FRANKLIN LOGAN:1870 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Lynn Pct. - HH # 224/219, 29th day of June, 1870Logan, Marshall 24 M W Farming Ky Sarah M. 22 F W Keeping house W Va Sarah A. 01 F W Ky

1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 270/276Logan, Marshall M 34 Farmer KY KY KY Margaret F 32 Wife/Keeps House VA VA VA Sarah F 13 Daughter KY KY KY Sallie F 11 Daughter KY KY KY

Wm. M 9 Son KY KY VA Isaac M 3 Son KY KY VA Pearl F 1 Daughter KY KY VACremeans, Jos. M 19 Boarder/Farm Hand KY KY VA

1900 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace Dist. No. 3, ED 48, Sheet 30A, HH #546/566LOGAN, Marshal, Head W M MAR 1846 54 M 9y KY KY KY Farmer Annie Wife W F JAN 1871 29 M 9y 5/3 VA VA VA Dellie Daughter W F OCT 1883 16 S KY KY VA At School Blaine Son, W M AUG 1886 13 S KY KY VA At School Edward Son W M NOV 1888 11 S KY KY VA At School George Son W M JAN 1892 8 S KY KY VA At School Bessie Daughter W F APR 1893 7 S KY KY VA At School Nellie Daugher W F APR 1899 1 S KY KY VA

1910 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Magistral District No. 5, ED 71, Sheet 22B, HH #358/359Marshal Logan Age: 63 Birth Place: Kentucky Relatives: Wife Ama F 39, KentuckySon Edward H 21, KentuckySon George W 18, KentuckyDaughter Nellie D 11, KentuckyDaughter Adia M 08, KentuckySon Marshal F 06, KentuckyDaughter Madge A 03, Kentucky

Portsmouth Daily Times, Saturday, Nov. 2, 1929Marshall Logan Death at 9:15 a.m. Friday claimed Marshall Logan, 84, at his home in TygartValley. He had been ill with pneumonia. Mr. Logan was a large land owner, was inthe general store business for years and had lumber cutting and hauling contracts. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Amy Logan and the following children: Edward Logangrocer, Mabert Road, Portsmouth, Blaine, George, Marshall Jr., Elwood, Mrs. BessKotcamp and Mrs. Addie [unreadable], Eldean, Greenup high school student, Mrs.Sarah Sizemore, Raceland and Mrs. Pearl Harr, Macelonia, Mich. Funeral services will be from the home at ten a.m. Sunday with burial in Logancemetery on Little White Oak.[Addie Logan was married to John Cooper Frazee]

More About MARSHALL FRANKLIN LOGAN:Burial: Logan Cemetery, Big White Oak Rd, Greenup Co., KYCensus: 1870, Greenup Co., KY, Lynn Pct. - HH # 224/219Military service: Bet. 18 March - 19 April 1865, Pvt. Co. B, 55nd, KY Inf - CivilWar, UnionOccupation: Farmer

More About SARAH MARGARET CREMEANS:Burial: Logan Cemetery, Big White Oak Rd, Greenup Co., KY

More About MARSHALL LOGAN and SARAH CREMEANS:Marriage: 28 March 1867, Greenup Co., KY79

More About AMY F. JESSE:Burial: Kehoe Cemetery, Kehoe, Greenup Co., KY


Marriage: 24 July 1890, Greenup Co., KY79

vi. SABINA LOGAN, b. 02 June 1849, Greenup Co., KY; d. 24 August 1934,Portsmouth, Scioto Co., OH; m. JOHN G. CREMEANS, 12 September 1867, Greenup Co.,KY79; b. 29 May 1844, Mason Co., VA; d. 16 August 1898, Greenup Co., KY.

Notes for SABINA LOGAN:Portsmouth Daily Times - Aug. 25, 1934MRS. SABINA CREMEANSResident of Third Street Passes Away at Age of 85 Mrs. Sabina Cremeans, 85, passed away at 8:05 p.m. Friday at her home 619 Thirdstreet. The husband and a daughter have died. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. MinniePrice of Bellaire, Mich., Mrs. Martha Alexander of South Webster, Mrs. MinervaGregory of Sciotoville, Mrs. Julia Bussey of Lyra and Mrs. Faitha Hoover ofPortsmouth.Funeral and burial services will be held at Granny cemetery at York, Ky, Sunday at2 p.m. with Revs. Logan and Smith in charge. Burial will be under the directionof Morton and Son.

1900 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace Dist. No. 3, ED 48, Sheet 15A, HH #282/287LOGAN, Sabina Head W F JUN 1848 51 wd 10/8 KY KY KY Farmer Julie Daughter W F APR 1883 17 S KY KY KYLOGAN, Minerva Daughter W F FEB 1885 15 S KY KY KY At School Bertha Daughter W F APR 1886 13 S KY KY KY At School Faithy Daughter W F DEC 1891 8 S KY K Y KY At SchoolGully, Daniel Nephew W M Dec. 1883 16 S KY KY KY At School(The surname for Sabina, Julia, Minerva, and Faithy Logan should be Cremeans.)

More About SABINA LOGAN:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1900, Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace Dist. No. 3 - HH # 287

Notes for JOHN G. CREMEANS:1870 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Pct. No. 3, Lynn PO. HH # 228/223Cremeans John 28 M W Farming W Va Sevina 22 F W Keeping house Ky Martha 02 F W Ky John E. 4/12 M W Ky

1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 178/183Cremeans, Jn. G M 40 Farmer VA VA VA Sabrinia F 30 Wife/Keeps House KY KY KY Martha A. F 12 Daughter KY VA KY John E. M 10 Son KY VA KY Minnie F. F 6 Daughter KY VA KY Matilda E. F 1 Daughter KY VA KY

More About JOHN G. CREMEANS:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1870, Greenup Co., KY, Pct. No. 3, Lynn P. O. HH # 228/223Military service: Co. F, 27th Ohio Inf. - Union, Civil War

More About JOHN CREMEANS and SABINA LOGAN:Marriage: 12 September 1867, Greenup Co., KY79

vii. ISAAC LOGAN, b. Abt. 1850, Greenup Co., KY. viii. JULIA ANN LOGAN, b. 05 May 1855, Greenup Co., KY; d. 07 September 1906,Greenup Co., KY; m. (1) JOHN WESLEY PORTER, 02 September 1872, Scioto Co., OH; b.Abt. 1850; m. (2) HENRY PERRY MUSICK80, 16 March 1874, Greenup Co., KY81; b. 03

March 1852, Morgan Co., KY; d. 22 January 1939, Greenup Co., KY.

More About JULIA ANN LOGAN:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYOccupation: Housewife

More About JOHN PORTER and JULIA LOGAN:Marriage: 02 September 1872, Scioto Co., OH

Notes for HENRY PERRY MUSICK:1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 179/184Logan, Edward M 73 Farmer KY PA PA Minerva F 70 Wife/Keeps House KY KY KY Julia A. F 26 Daughter KY KY KYMusic, Henry M 29 S-I-L/Farm Hand VA VA VA Rose F 5 Granddaughter KY VA KY James E. M 2m b. Apr. KY VA KY

1910 Census of Greenup Co., KY, District No. 5, ED 70, Sheet 3B, HH # 50/52Musick, Henry Head W M 59 m KY NJ VA Mary R. Wife W F 48 m KY VA VARoberts, Maggie Step-Dau. W F 14 s KY IA KY John Step-Son W M 12 s KY IA KY Ray Step-Son W M 9 s KY IA KY

1920 Census of Greenup Co., KY, District No. 5, Kenton Furnace (Part of), HH # 103Musick, Henry P. Head M W 69 WD KY NJ VA Farmer

Portsmouth Times, 18 Jan. 1939Henry Musick Henry Musick, 87, native of Morgan Co., Ky, passed away at 7.20 p. m. Tuesday atthe home of a son, James Musick, of near Richmondale. He had been ill the lasttwo weeks of influenza. Mr. Musick was born March 3, 1851, a son of Mrs. And Mrs. James Musick. He was afarmer and was a member of the Christian Church of Greenup county, Ky. His wife,Mrs. Julia Musick died 33 years ago. Besides his son at whose home he died, Mr. Musick is survived by these otherchildren. Mrs. Nerva Cochenour of Iowa, Mrs. Verna Kegley of Tygart Valley, Mrs.Laurabelle Felty, Mrs. Nancy Markham of Portsmouth, Mrs. Rosie Roush ofChillicothe route 6, Charles Musick, address unknown, John Musick of Brushart, Kyand Jubal Musick of Harold, Ky. Funeral services will be held at 9:30 Thursday at Emrick's funeral home with Rev.W. C. Burris of Central Christian church in charge. Burial will be in ThomasCemetery at Rexton, Ky. The body is at the funeral home.

More About HENRY PERRY MUSICK:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1880, Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 179/184

More About HENRY MUSICK and JULIA LOGAN:Marriage: 16 March 1874, Greenup Co., KY81

10. SUSANNAH2 LOGAN (JAMES1) was born 1809 in KY82, and died 26 March 1876 inCarter Co., KY83. She married GEORGE PENLAND 02 March 1827 in Lewis Co., KY, sonof ALEXANDER PENLAND and MARY UNKNOWN. He was born 25 December 1795 in Clark Co.,KY, and died June 1877 in Carter Co., KY.

Notes for SUSANNAH LOGAN:Date of birth and death from Carter Co., KY Vital Statistics.

The record names her parents as James and Mary Logan.

More About SUSANNAH LOGAN:Occupation: Housewife

Notes for GEORGE PENLAND:1850 Census of Carter Co., KY - District No. 2, HH # 316Penland, George 53 M Farmer 500.00 KY Susana 38 F KY Elizabeth 20 F KY James 16 M Farmer KY Mary 15 F KY Alexander 12 M KY John 10 M KY Sibian 9 F KY Lovina 3 F KY Nancy 2 F KY

1860 Census of Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart P.O., HH # 32/30Geo. Pendlum 63 M Farmer 1000 500 KYSusanah " 49 F Housekeeper KYElizabeth " 29 F House Girl KYJames W. " 27 M Farm Hand KYAlaxander " 22 M Farm Hand 250 KYViny J. " 14 F KYNancy " 17 F KYKenos " 8 M KY

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 1 - HH # 73/73Penland, George W M 75 Farmer KY Susannah W F 61 Keeing House KY

More About GEORGE PENLAND:Burial: Walnut Grove Cemetery, Carter Co., KYCensus: 1830, Fleming Co., KYOccupation: Farmer

More About GEORGE PENLAND and SUSANNAH LOGAN:Marriage: 02 March 1827, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: 02 March 1827, Consent of James Logan (Her father)Security: Abraham Enex

Children of SUSANNAH LOGAN and GEORGE PENLAND are: i. ELIZABETH3 PENLAND, b. Abt. 1830, Lewis Co., KY; m. UNKNOWN BROWN. ii. JAMES W. PENLAND, b. 10 October 1833, Lewis Co., KY84; d. 13 April 1878,Carter Co., KY85; m. JANE KINDER, 10 March 1861, Carter Co., KY86; b. 16 January1841, Carter Co., KY; d. 01 January 1926, Knightstown, Henry Co., IN.

Notes for JAMES W. PENLAND:James W. Penland's date of death from the Carter Co., KY Vital Statistics.

1870 Census of Carter Co., KY, Pct. No. 4, Grayson P.O., Page 6, HH # 38/33Kinder, Barnibus 71 M W 800 615 KY Elvander 61 F W Keeping House KYPendland, James 36 M W Farmer 400 KY Jane 29 F W Keeping House KY Samuel 6 M W KY John 5 M W KY Samantha 3 F W KY

1880 Carter Co., KY Census - Pct. No. 4, HH # 40Hale, George W W M 16 Nephew K K K Kinder, Elender W F 71 Keeping house K V K

More About JAMES W. PENLAND:Census: 1870, Carter Co., KY

Notes for JANE KINDER:1880 Census of Carter Co., KY, Pct. No. 4, HH # 41Penland, Jane W F 39 Keeping house KY KY KY Samuel W. W M 17 Son KY KY KY John W. K. W M 15 Farm lab KY KY KY Samenith An W F 13 Dau KY KY KY Barnabus W M 10 Son KY KY KY Geo Timothy W M 8 Son KY KY KY James Titus W M 6 Son KY KY KY Chas. L. W M 3 Son KY KY KY

1910 Census of Carter Co., KY, Mag. Dist. No. 4, Tygart - HH # 3/3Jacobs, Hiram Head W M 78 KY KY KY Jane Wife W F 68 KY KY KYPendland, Charles L. S-Son W M 32 KY KY KY Lucina S-Dau. W F 15 KY KY KY

More About JANE KINDER:Burial: Knightstown Cemetery, Knightstown, Henry Co., INCensus: 1880, Carter Co., KY, Pct. No. 4 - HH # 41

More About JAMES PENLAND and JANE KINDER:Marriage: 10 March 1861, Carter Co., KY86Marriage license: 10 March 1861, Carter Co., KY

iii. MARY PENLAND, b. Abt. 1835, Lewis Co., KY; d. 24 June 1887, Lewis Co., KY;m. ENOCH R. RAYBURN, 21 December 1852, Carter Co., KY; b. 19 August 1826,Montgomery Co., KY; d. 01 March 1906, Lewis Co., KY.

More About MARY PENLAND:Burial: Walnut Grove Cemetery, Carter Co., KYCause of Death: Consumption

Notes for ENOCH R. RAYBURN:The Vital Statistics of Lewis Co., KY note the following on Mary M. Rayborn, 42y,F W, Mar., Housekeeper; b. Lewis Co., KY; res. Lewis Co., KY, d. 4 Jan. 1877,Consumption, in Lewis Co., KY; parents - George and Susann Pendleton; father bornKY, mother b. KY.

1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY, HH # 1357/1357RAYBORNE, Enoch (R.) 31 M Farmer KY (m. 1st. Mary Penland, 21 Dec.1852, Carter Co., KY) Mary 24 F KY (d/o George Penland & SusannahLogan) George H. 6 M KY (m. SylvaniaStamper, 4 May 1874) John M(ilton) 3 M KY (m. ElizabethLiles, b. 27 Feb. 1868, d. 28 Nov. 1926)[Enoch R. Rayburn, b. 19 Aug. 1826, d. 1 Mar. 1906, was s/o Henry Willis Rayburn &Priscilla Johnson]

[Mary (Penland) Rayburn, b. 1835, d. 24 June 1877, was gd/o Alexander & MaryPenland and James Logan & Caroline E. Hughes] [George H. Rayburn, b. 18 Oct.1853, d. 8 Nov. 1940] [Sylvania (Stamper) Rayburn was d/o George W. Stamper &Catharine Dyer] [Enoch R. Rayburn m. 2nd Narcissa (McCally) Gulley, d/o J.William McCally & Ada Hoyt, 20 Apr. 1881, Lewis Co., KY] [One child, ArtemaraRayburn, b. 25 Nov. 1855, d. 27 Sept. 1856, between census]

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., June 2, HH # 34/36Raborn, Enoc W M 52 Farming (W) KY KY KY Mary W F ?? Wife KY KY KY John M. W M 22 Son KY KY KY Preston W M 20 Son KY KY KY Wm. W M 15 Son KY KY KY Susan W F 10 Daughter KY KY KY Timothy W M 4 Son KY KY KY

1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Grassy Pct, ED 85, Sheet 2, HH # 35/38Rayburn, Enoch Head M W Aug. 1826 74 M KY KY KY Farmer Narcissus Wife F W Dec. 1846 54 M KY KY KYKurl, Lettie S-Dau. F W Jan. 1877 23 S KY KY KY Dress MakingRayburn, Jennie B. Daughter F W Feb. 1884 16 S KY KY KY James Zula (?) Son M W May 1887 13 S KY KY KYGilliam, John Boarder M W June 1875 24 S KY VA VA Farm LaborerIt is by no means for certain that Jennie B. Rayburn and James Lilbun Rayburn arethe children of Enoch and Narcissus (Gulley) Rayburn. They were probably to oldto have children at that time.

More About ENOCH R. RAYBURN:Burial: Walnut Grove Cemetery, Carter Co., KYCensus: 1860, Lewis Co., KY

More About ENOCH RAYBURN and MARY PENLAND:Marriage: 21 December 1852, Carter Co., KY

iv. ALEXANDER PENLAND, b. Abt. 1838, Lewis Co., KY; d. 25 June 1877, Carter Co.,KY; m. PERCILLA JANE RAYBURN, 12 March 1863, Carter Co., KY; b. 1839, Carter Co.,KY87; d. 06 March 1917, Carter Co., KY88.

Notes for ALEXANDER PENLAND:Date of death from Carter Co., KY Vital Statistics. (Shot). Killed in theStamper, Underwood Feud of Lewis and Carter counties. He was affiliated with theUnderwoods against his cousins the Stampers.

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 1HH # 70/70Penland, Alex W M 30 Farmer KY Priscilla J. W F 29 Keeping House KY Amanda M. W F 7 Home KY William G. W M 5 " KY Aneliza W F 6 " KY George W M 4 " KY Samuel McKee W M 1 " KY

More About ALEXANDER PENLAND:Burial: Walnut Grove Cemetery, Carter Co., KY (unmarked)89Census: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 70/70, Sept. 1


1880 Carter Co., KY Census - Pct. No. 4HH # 43Penland, Jane P. W F 39 Keeping house K K K William W M 14 Son K K K Ann Eliza W F 12 Dau K K K Geo Morgan W M 10 Son K K K Sam McKee W M 9 Son K K K Sherman W M 7 Son K K K John Steele W M 6 Son K K K James W M 5 Son K K K Sousan W F 5 Dau K K K

More About PERCILLA JANE RAYBURN:Caste: 1910, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1880, Carter Co., KY, Pct. No. 4 - HH # 43

Marriage Notes for ALEXANDER PENLAND and PERCILLA RAYBURN:This marriage record is from the Carter Co., KY Marriage Bonds; no marriage recordfound in the Carter Co., KY marriage books.12 Mar. 1873 - Alexander Penelon marr. Jane Rabern, d/o Henry Rabern.

More About ALEXANDER PENLAND and PERCILLA RAYBURN:Marriage: 12 March 1863, Carter Co., KY

v. JOHN PENLAND, b. Abt. 1840, Lewis Co., KY. vi. SABINA PENLAND, b. Abt. 1841, Carter Co., KY; d. Aft. 1928; m. SAMUEL A.EVANS, 26 February 1859, Carter Co., KY; b. 01 January 1836, Fleming Co., KY; d.1918.

Notes for SAMUEL A. EVANS:1880 Census of Plummers Mill, Fleming Co., KY, Page Number 572ASaml. A. EVANS Self M Male W 43 KY Millright KY KYSiby A. EVANS Wife M Female W 41 KY Keeping House KY KYIsaac M. EVANS Son S Male W 20 KY Farm Laborer KY KYGeorge W. EVANS Son S Male W 16 KY Farm Laborer KY KYJohn R. EVANS Son S Male W 10 OH At Home KY KYLiza EVANS Dau S Female W 7 OH KY KYBetty EVANS Dau S Female W 5 KY KY KY

More About SAMUEL A. EVANS:Census: 1880, Plummers Mill, Fleming Co., KY

More About SAMUEL EVANS and SABINA PENLAND:Marriage: 26 February 1859, Carter Co., KY

vii. LAVINA PENLAND, b. Abt. 1847, Lewis Co., KY; d. 1874, Carter Co., KY; m.WILLIAM HENRY LOGAN, 28 March 1863, Carter Co., KY; b. April 1842, Fleming Co.,KY; d. 1925, Carter Co., KY.

More About LAVINA PENLAND:Burial: Walnut Grove Cemetery, Carter Co., KYOccupation: Midwife

Notes for WILLIAM HENRY LOGAN:1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 1, HH # 74/74Logan, William H. W M 28 Farmer KY Vienna Jane W F 25 Keeping House KY Nevada W F 6 Home KY

1880 Census of Carter Co., KY, Pct. No. 4, HH # 7

Logan, Wm. Henry W M 34 Farmer K K K Mahala B W F 21 2d Wife K K K Navada W F 16 Dau K K K Tobias W M 11 Son K K K George S W M 7 Son K K K John R M W M 4 Son K K K Ben Franklin W M 4/12 Son K K K

1900 Census of Carter Co., KY, Mag. Dist. No. 4, ED 30, Sheet 17B, HH # 323/332Logan, Henry Head W M Apr. 1842 KY KY KY Farmer Mahala Wife W F Mar. 1860 KY KY KY Frank Son W M Mar. 1880 KY KY KY Farm Laborer Mirtie Dau. W F 1886 KY KY KY Robert R. Son W M Feb. 1889 KY KY KY Bertha Dau. W F Sept. 1890 KY KY KY

More About WILLIAM HENRY LOGAN:Census: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 74/74, Sept. 1

More About WILLIAM LOGAN and LAVINA PENLAND:Marriage: 28 March 1863, Carter Co., KYMarried By: Michael Moore

viii. NANCY PENLAND, b. 10 July 1848, Lewis Co., KY90; d. 19 March 1877, CarterCo., KY90; m. WILLIAM STAMPER, Record not found; b. 11 September 1839, Carter Co.,KY; d. 15 September 1906, Carter Co., KY91.

More About NANCY PENLAND:Burial: Bethel Church Cemetery, Carter Co., KY

Notes for WILLIAM STAMPER:1870 Census of Carter Co., KY, Pct. No. 3HH # 13/12Stamper, William 30 M W Farmer 400 1100 KY Nancy 20 F W Keeping House KY Lorena 4 F W KY Susan 1 F W KY John 71 M W At Home VA Sarah 70 F W At Home VAJohn and Sarah (Stamper) Stamper were William's parents.

1880 Carter Co., KY Census - Olive Hill Pct. No. 3HH # 125Stamper, Wm. W M 40 Farming KY NC NC Sarah W F 28 Wife KY KY KY Lodena W F 13 Dau KY KY KY Susannah W F 11 Dau KY KY KY Wat Andrew W M 9 Son KY KY KY Mary W F 7 Dau KY KY KYReeves, John W M 19 Bro-in-law KY KY KY

Will Book 2 at Page 122Carter County, Kentucky

Last Will and Testament Of William StamperIn the name of God, Amen. I William Stamper being of sound mind and disposingmemory but being in feble health do hereby make and publish my Last Will andTestament that is to say

FirstI will and bequeath to my wife Cynthia Stamper one half of my home farm where I

now live and to my son, Lincoln Stamper 1/4 said farm and when my son, LincolnStamper shall become hereto all years of age then he is to have all of the 3/4 ofsaid farm except her life dower in said land and the remaining one fourth of saidfarm I will and bequeath jointly to my son Watt Stamper and Bell Kiser her and himheirs and if they so wish is shall be divided equally between them taking intoconsideration quality quantity and value

SecondI will and bequeath to my daughter Mary Erwin one dollar and no more

ThirdI will and bequeath to my son William Stamper one dollar and no more

FourthI will and bequeath to my son, Roscoe Stamper, one dollar and no more

FifthI will and bequeath to my son Steve Stamper one dollar and no more

I hereby appoint my wife Cynthia Stamper Executrix of this my Last Will andrequest she be allowed to serve without bond and I hereby revoke all former willsby me made Witness my hand this September 3rd 1906

I will and bequeath all my personal property to my wife Cynthia Stamper

/s/ William Stamper

WitnessWitnessElwood KefleirJ. M. Scott

State of Kentucky Sct.County of Carter

I, James Fults, Clerk of the Carter County Court do certify that the foregoinginstrument of writing was produced to me in open Court on the 8th day of October,1906 and proven by the oath of J. M. Scott and Elwood Keflier to be the Last Willand Testament of William Stamper deceased whereupon it is ordered that thetestament of William Stamper deceased and the same is now duly recorded in myoffice

Given under my hand this October 8th 1906

/s/ James Fults, ClerkCarter County Clerk

Submitter's Notes: The above will has been typed exactly as handwritten into therecord, by the Clerk, including misspellings. William Stamper was born 1839 anddied 1906 in Carter Co., Kentucky, the son of John "Pewter John" Stamper and Sarah"Sallie" Stamper. {John and Sallie were cousins}. According to their marriagelicense, Cynthia Miller Harris who had been previously married twice, was thefourth wife of William. They were married on 24 Feb 190l. It is rumored thatWilliam may have had as many as seven wives.

More About WILLIAM STAMPER:Burial: Bethel Church Cemetery, Carter Co., KYCensus: 1870, Carter Co., KY, Pct. No. 3 - HH # 13/12

More About WILLIAM STAMPER and NANCY PENLAND:Marriage: Record not found

ix. KENAN FARRO PENLAND92, b. 16 August 1852, Carter Co., KY93; m. (1) HARRIETTPHELPS, 29 July 1874, Carter Co., KY94; b. 22 May 1848, KY; d. 13 June 1886; m.(2) LINA JOHNSON, 15 October 1887, Rowan Co., KY; b. Abt. 1874, KY; d. October1947, Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO95.

Notes for KENAN FARRO PENLAND:The 1880 Rowan Co., KY cenus notation shows that K. Penland was working on theRailroad with a gang of Laborers. His wife and child were not listed.

1800 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Pct. No. 2 Cross Roads, HH # 130Pendlum, Remus 26 M Farmer KY KY Y Harriet 33 F Wife KY KY KY Harrison 5 M Son KY KY KY Jno. W. 3 M Son KY KY KY Samuel 1 M Son KY KY KYDavis, George W. 45 M Laborer KY KY KY Clara 6 F Erased KY KY KY Irvine 5 M Erased KY KY KY Charles 2 M Son KY KY KY

More About KENAN FARRO PENLAND:Census: 1880, Rowan Co., KY, Licking City Pct. - HH # 124

More About HARRIETT PHELPS:Burial: Siloam Cemetery, Bull Fork Rd., Rowan Co., KY

More About KENAN PENLAND and HARRIETT PHELPS:Marriage: 29 July 1874, Carter Co., KY96

Marriage Notes for KENAN PENLAND and LINA JOHNSON:su: Wm Moore

More About KENAN PENLAND and LINA JOHNSON:Marriage: 15 October 1887, Rowan Co., KY

x. GEORGE W. PENLAND, b. 07 July 1854, Carter Co., KY97.

Notes for GEORGE W. PENLAND:Date of birth from Carter Co., KY Vital Statistics.

11. ABRAHAM2 LOGAN (JAMES1) was born 1813 in Fleming Co., KY98, and died Abt.1900 in Greenup Co., KY99. He married (1) JULIA ANN CHOATE 26 October 1837 inLewis Co., KY, daughter of RICHARD CHOATE and UNKNOWN UNKNOWN. She was born 27June 1817 in KY100, and died 01 February 1857 in Greenup Co., KY101. He married(2) MARTHA JUNE BRAMMER 07 June 1861 in Carter Co., KY, daughter of SAMUEL BRAMMERand MARY SCAGGS. She was born 10 March 1828 in KY102, and died 01 April 1891 inGreenup Co., KY102. He married (3) ANNIE BOSTON 01 January 1892 in Greenup Co.,KY103. She was born July 1827 in VA.

Notes for ABRAHAM LOGAN:1850 Census of Greenup Co., KY, District No. 1 - HH # 160/155Abraham Logan 36 M Farmer KYJulian 32 F KYMinerva 15 F KYCharlotta 14 F KYWm. 12 M KY

Jas. 10 M KYTobias 8 M KYAbner 2 M KYAlfred Davis 9 M KYJas. Davis 5/12 M KY

1860 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Springville P.O., HH # 743/764, Page 101Abram Logan 46 M Farmer KYJames 17 M KYTobias 14 M KYAbner 12 M KYFrancis M. 8 M KYMary E. Ray 5 F KY Adopted

1870 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Lynn Pct., No. 3 - HH # 153/148Logan, Abram 47 M W Farming KY Patsey 35 F W Keeping house KY David 13 M W Works on farm KY Samuel 08 M W KY Julia 05 F W KY

1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 140/143Logan, Abe M 66 Farmer KY PA PA Martha J. F 51 Wife/Keeps House KY VA KY Geo. W. M 24 Son/Farm Hand KY KY KY Disabled Samuel M 18 Son/Farm Hand KY KY KY Julia A. F 13 Daughter KY KY KY Elizabeth F 6 Daughter KY KY KYDyer, Lewis M 22 Boarder/Farm Hand KY KY KY(I believe the above Geo. W. Logan must be George W. Brammer, son of WilliamFletcher and Martha J. (Brammer) Dinsmore.) He does not appear in the 1870 censuswith Abraham and Martha as you can see above.) I do know know where he was in1870.

More About ABRAHAM LOGAN:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1840, Lewis Co., KYOccupation: Farmer

More About JULIA ANN CHOATE:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCause of Death: ConsumptionOccupation: Housewife

More About ABRAHAM LOGAN and JULIA CHOATE:Marriage: 26 October 1837, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: Consent of James Logan (His father) Consent of Richard Choat(Her father)Married By: John Johnson, J. P. L. C.Security: James Logan

Notes for MARTHA JUNE BRAMMER:1860 Census of Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart Pct. - HH # 178/156Samuel Bramer 60 M VA Farmer $3000 $2000Juley " 46 F KY House WorkRobert " 17 M KY Farm HandElizabeth " 19 F KY House HandDawson " 14 M KYRichard " 12 M KYJohn " 10 M KYPatsy Dinsmore 30 F KY House Hand $100George " 5 M KY

Martha " 9 F KY

More About MARTHA JUNE BRAMMER:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1860, Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart Pct. - HH # 178/156Occupation: Housewife

More About ABRAHAM LOGAN and MARTHA BRAMMER:Marriage: 07 June 1861, Carter Co., KY

Notes for ANNIE BOSTON:1900 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace Dist. No. 3, ED 48, Sheet 12B, HH #218LOGAN, Annie W F JUL 1827 72 Wd 13/7 VA VA VA Farmer

More About ANNIE BOSTON:Census: 1900, Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace Dist. No. 3 - HH # 218

Marriage Notes for ABRAHAM LOGAN and ANNIE BOSTON:Portsmouth Times, Saturday, Jan. 23, 1892SLASH BRANCH, KY, We have but one wedding to announce this week, but when age and experience aretaken into consideration, this one is a good as a half dozen ordinary marriages.It claps the climax. The contracting parties were Abraham Logan, of Leatherwoodand Mrs. Anna Boster, of near Greenup, groom being 77 years old, the bride 64. Wehope that their latter days may be their best.

More About ABRAHAM LOGAN and ANNIE BOSTON:Marriage: 01 January 1892, Greenup Co., KY103

Children of ABRAHAM LOGAN and JULIA CHOATE are: i. MINERVA3 LOGAN104, b. Abt. 1839, Lewis Co., KY; d. Bef. 1870, Greenup Co., KY;m. WILLIAM H. MILLER104, 04 February 1856, Greenup Co., KY105; b. Abt. 1828,KY106.

More About MINERVA LOGAN:Occupation: Housewife

Notes for WILLIAM H. MILLER:1870 Census of Greenup Co., KY - HH # 162/157Miller William 35 M W Farming KY Mary F. 13 F W Keeping house KY Matilda 10 F W KY James 05 M W KY Manley E. 02 M W KY

1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 141/144Miller, Wm. M 52 Farmer KY IA KY Disabled Mary F 22 Dau./Keeps House KY KY KY Matilda F 20 Dau./Keeps House KY KY KY James M 15 Son/Farm Hand KY KY KY Elwood M 12 Son/Farm Hand KY KY KY Wm. M 10 Son KY KY KY

More About WILLIAM H. MILLER:Census: 1870, Greenup Co., KY, Lynn Pct. - HH # 162/157

More About WILLIAM MILLER and MINERVA LOGAN:Marriage: 04 February 1856, Greenup Co., KY107

ii. CHARLOTTA LOGAN, b. Abt. 1840, Lewis Co., KY; d. Bef. 1880, Lewis Co., KY; m.J. MADISON LOGAN, 11 February 1856, Greenup Co., KY108; b. Abt. 1829, Carter Co.,KY.

More About CHARLOTTA LOGAN:Occupation: Housewife

Notes for J. MADISON LOGAN:1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY - HH # 1299LOGAN, Madison 26 M Farmer KY (J. M. Logan m. Charlotte Logan,11 Feb. 1856, Greenup Co., KY) Charlotte 23 F KY (d/o AbrahamLogan & Julia Ann Choate) America (A.) 5 F KY (d. before the1870 Census) Julia A. 2 F KY (m. FrancisMarion Dyer, 18 June 1874, Lewis Co., KY)RAY, Elizabeth 7 F KY[Madison Logan a.k.a Madison C. and Matt Logan, was s/o Tobias Logan & Mary AnnTabor] [Francis Marion Dyer was s/o Joseph Dyer & Malinda Zornes] [Charlotte(Logan) Logan was gd/o James Logan & Caroline Elizabeth Hughes and Richard Choate]

1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Kinniconick Pct., Aug. 24HH # 200/200Logan, Madison W M 35 Farmer KY Charlotte W F 32 Keeps House KY Mary A. W F 13 Home KY Julian W F 11 " KY Mirvena W F 9 " KY Wm. W M 7 " KY Harry V. W M 4 " KY Frances F W F 2 " KY

1880 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Liberty Pct. - HH # 143/146Logan, Madison M 44 Farmer KY KY KY Widower Wm. M 15 Son KY KY KY Harrison M 13 Son KY KY KY Matilda F 10 Daughter KY KY KY Rose F 6 Daughter KY KY KY Ella F 2 Daughter KY KY KY

1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY, District No. 3, ED 84, Sheet 11A, HH # 207/209Hamilton, James Head W M Mar. 1872 28 M 5y KY KY KY Teamster Rose Wife W F May 1875 25 M 5y 2/2 KY KY KY Ezra Son W M Aug. 1896 3 S KY KY KY Louisa Daughter W F Oct. 1899 ?/12 S KY KY KYLogan, Mathew F-I-L W M Nov. 1829 70 KY KY KY Teamster

More About J. MADISON LOGAN:Census: 1860, Lewis Co., KYOccupation: Farmer

More About J. LOGAN and CHARLOTTA LOGAN:Marriage: 11 February 1856, Greenup Co., KY108

iii. WILLIAM LOGAN, b. Abt. 1842, Greenup Co., KY. iv. REV. JAMES LOGAN, b. 18 March 1843, Greenup Co., KY109; d. 03 September 1912,Greenup Co., KY110; m. MARTHA JUNE DENSMORE, 20 June 1867, Greenup Co., KY; b. 24March 1847, KY111; d. 1907, Greenup Co., KY112.


1870 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Lynn Pct., No. 3 - HH # 154/149Logan, James 27 M W Farming Ky Martha 24 F W Keeping house Ky Mary 03 F W Ky Charles 3/12 M W Ky

1900 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace Dist. No. 3, ED 48, Sheet 47, HH #378LOGAN, James, Head W M MAR 1843 57 M 33y KY KY KY Farmer Martha Wife W F MAR 1848 52 M 33 10/9 KY KY KY Charles Son W M MAR 1870 30 S KY KY KY Ad??? Annie Dau. W F DEC? 1886 13 S KY KY KY Luella Dau. W F FEB 1890 10 S KY KY KY Ruebanne?Dau. W F OCT 1891 8 S KY KY KY

1910 Census of Greenup Co., KYJames Logan WD Enumeration District: 0071 Color: W Age: 66 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0068 County: Greenup Relation: Husband Relatives: Son Charles M 38, KentuckyDaughter-in-law Naura 25, KentuckyGrandson Willie 08, KentuckyGranddaughter Nellie M 06, KentuckyGrandson Elva 04, OhioGrandson Hubert 02, MichiganGrandson Harlin NR, MichiganGrandson Ernest 08, Kentucky

Portsmouth Times, Thursday, Sept. 5, 1912James Logan The remains of James Logan, the Civil war veteran who passed away at his home atFullerton Tuesday night, were shipped to Garrison, Ky., Thursday morning.Services over the body will be conducted at the Thomas cemetery at Montgomery,Friday with interment in the Logan lot. The pioneer Kentuckian was 72 years of age when tuberculosis claimed his life.He was a native of Greenup county, and resided in Fullerton for the past twomonths. Five years ago his wife preceded him to the Great Beyond, but three sonsand one daughter survive. They are Charles, Donald (sic.) and Abraham and Mrs.Ella Kelley, wife of John Kelley, all of Fullerton.(The Thomas Cemetery is actually Granny Thomas Cemetery and Donald must be JohnHenry Logan, son of James and Margaret June (Densmore) Logan)

More About REV. JAMES LOGAN:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCause of Death: Tuberculosis112Census: 1870, Greenup Co., KY, Lynn Pct., No. 3 - HH # 154/149Military service: Co E. 22nd KY Reg. Vol. Inf. Civil WarOccupation: Minister

More About MARTHA JUNE DENSMORE:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KY

More About JAMES LOGAN and MARTHA DENSMORE:Marriage: 20 June 1867, Greenup Co., KY

v. TOBIAS LOGAN, b. Abt. 1844, Greenup Co., KY; d. February 1865, Paris, BurbonCo., KY113.

More About TOBIAS LOGAN:Military service: Civil War, Co. D. 40th Vol., Mtd. Inf., Union.Occupation: Soldier

vi. ABNER LOGAN, b. Abt. 1845, Greenup Co., KY; d. 26 November 1863, Grayson,Carter Co., KY113.

More About ABNER LOGAN:Military service: Civil War, Co. D. 40th Vol., Mtd. Inf., Union.Occupation: Soldier

vii. FRANCIS MARION LOGAN, b. 28 November 1851, Greenup Co., KY; d. 08 August1940, Scioto Co., Portsmouth, OH; m. (1) ELIZABETH MESSER, 12 September 1875,Greenup Co., KY114; b. 22 September 1854, Carter Co., KY115; d. Abt. 1885, GreenupCo., KY; m. (2) SARAH G. MARTIN, 16 December 1886, Greenup Co., KY116; b. 19February 1860, Greenup Co., KY; d. 07 October 1896, Greenup Co., KY.

Notes for FRANCIS MARION LOGAN:1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Kinniconick Pct, Quincy PO, HH # 48Residing in the household of Peter J. SparksLogan, Francis M. 19 M W Laborer KY

1900 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace Dist. No. 3HH 371/380Martin, James Head M W Jan. 1826 73 m 46y OH VA OH Farmer Margaret Wife F W Nov. 1836 63 m 66y 9/6 KY KY KY ???? Laborer William Son M W May 1879 21 s KY OH KYLogan, F. M. Head M W Nov. 1851 48 wd KY KY KY Minister George Son M W Aug. 1880 19 s KY KY KY At School Emma Daughter F W Oct. 1887 12 s KY KY KY At School Charolette Daughter F W Oct. 1889 10 s KY KY KY At School Mary Daughter F W Dec. 1891 8 s KY KY KY At School Marion Son M W Feb. 1894 6 s KY KY KY

1920 Census of Scioto Co., OH, Wayne Twp., Portsmouth City, 2236 Gallia St.HH # 511/634Kitchen, John M. Head M W 33 m KY KY KY Charlottie Wife F W 29 m KY KY KY Ethel Daughter F W 6 s KY KY KYLogan, Francis M. F-I-L M W 69 wd KY KY KYKitchen, Myrtle S-Dau. F W 15 s KY KY KYLogan, Francis M. Jr. B-I-L M W 25 m KY KY KY Hattie Neice F W 3 s KY KY KY

Portsmouth Daily Times, Aug. 8, 1940Francis M. Logan Francis Marion Logan a retired Norfolk & Western employee passed away at 5:40 am.today at the home of a daughter, Mrs John Kitchen, 3154 Walnut street with whom helived. He had been ill a week and death was attributed to infirmities. Mr. Logan was born and reared in Greenup county, Ky, where he lived until 1917,when he came to Portsmouth. He worked for the N & W untill 1922 when he retired.Mr. Logan had been for 35 years a minister of the Christian church of Greenupcounty and was a member of First Christian church Greenup. On Nov. 23 1889, hemarried Sarah Martin, who died in 1895. Besides the daughter at whose home he died, Mr. Logan is survived by a son,Francis M. Jr. 3154 Walnut street and two other daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Logan 3115Walnut street, and Mrs. Emma Cyrus of Rarden route 1. He also leaves 30grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 10 a. m. Saturday at Emrick's funeral home withRev. Hollie Conley officiating. Burial will be in Rushtown cemetery. The bodywill be at the Kitchen residence until Saturday morning, when it will be taken tothe funeral home for rites.

More About FRANCIS MARION LOGAN:Burial: Rushtown Cemetery, Scioto Co., OHCensus: 1900, Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace Dist. No. 3, HH # 381Occupation: Minister and N & W Railroad WorkerReligion: Christian Church

More About ELIZABETH MESSER:Burial: William Messer Cemetery, Greenup Co., KYOccupation: Housewife

More About FRANCIS LOGAN and ELIZABETH MESSER:Marriage: 12 September 1875, Greenup Co., KY117Married By: F. Hardin, MinisterWitnesses: William and Andrew Messer

More About SARAH G. MARTIN:Burial: Logan Cemetery, Zion Hill, Greenup Co., KYOccupation: Housewife

More About FRANCIS LOGAN and SARAH MARTIN:Marriage: 16 December 1886, Greenup Co., KY118Married By: Robert J. Stephenson, J. G. C.

viii. ROBERT LOGAN, b. May 1852, Greenup Co., KY; d. 16 August 1854, Greenup Co.,KY119. ix. DAVID LOGAN, b. Abt. 1857, Greenup Co., KY.

Children of ABRAHAM LOGAN and MARTHA BRAMMER are: x. SAMUEL B.3 LOGAN, b. 29 August 1862, Greenup Co., KY; d. 03 August 1924, LewisCo., KY; m. (1) LUCY FELTY, 26 October 1886, Greenup Co., KY120; b. 16 February1871, Greenup Co., KY; d. 11 November 1906, Greenup Co., KY; m. (2) REBECCACALLIHAN, 21 November 1907, Greenup Co., KY120; b. 1889, Greenup Co., KY; d. 1948.

Notes for SAMUEL B. LOGAN:1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Magristral District No. 3, ED 84, Sheet 13B, HH #282/287Logan, Samuel Head M W Aug. 1861 38 M 13y KY KY KY Farmer Lucy Wife F W Feb. 1871 29 M 13y 7/6 KY KY KY Julia Daughter F W Oct. 1887 12 S KY KY KY At School Frank Son M W Feb. 1890 10 S KY KY KY At School Ernest Son M W Nov. 1891 8 S KY KY KY Virgil Son M W Feb. 1895 5 S KY KY KY Samuel V. Son M W Feb. 1897 3 S KY KY KY George Son M W June 1899 11/23 S KY KY KY

1920 Census of Lewis Co., KY - Quincy Pct.HH # 16/16Logan, Samuel Head M W 56 m KY KY KY Farmer Rebecca Wife F W 32 m KY KY KY Albert Son M W 15 s KY KY KY Henry R. Son M W 11 s KY KY KY Hurtaline Daughter F W 10 s KY KY KY

Bible of Samuel B. LoganBirths:Lucy Logan was born feb. 16. 1871Samuel Logan was born aug. 29. 1862Julian Logan was born nov. 15. 1887frank Logan was born feb. 7. 1890

Ernest Logan was born Nov. 18.1891Ethel D. Logan was born Dec. 10. 1893Vergle Logan was born Feb. 26. 1895Samuel V. Logan was born Feb. 3. 1897George Logan was born June 21. 1899Dora Logan was born Jan. 22. 1902Albert R. Logan was born May 12. 1904

In PencilHenry Logan was born Sept. 26. 1908Hurtline Logan was born Oct. 21. 1909Grant Logan was born Apr. 6. 1912Hant Logan was born July 7, 1918

Rite of Holy MatrimonySaumel Logan of Greenup Co., Ky and Lucy Felty of Greenup Co., KyOn Oct. 21, 1886 at Brushart, KyBy F. M. Logan

MarriagesSamuel Logan was married Oct. 21, 1886Julian Logan was married Dec. 25. 1904Samuel Logan was married Nov. 21. 1907

NamesHenry Logan born Sept. 26, 1908Hurtaline Logan born Oct. 21, 1909Infant Logan born Apr. 6. 1912Infant Logan born July 7. 1918Infants Logan born May 14. 1922

DeathsMary A. Callihan Departed this life at Apr. 26. 1920Elie Callihan Departed this life at July 4. 1909

More About SAMUEL B. LOGAN:Burial: Logan - Smith Cemetery, Zion Hill, Greenup Co., KYCensus: 1900, Lewis Co., KY, Quincy Pct.Occupation: Farmer

More About LUCY FELTY:Burial: Logan - Smith Cemetery, Zion Hill, Greenup Co., KY

More About SAMUEL LOGAN and LUCY FELTY:Marriage: 26 October 1886, Greenup Co., KY120

More About REBECCA CALLIHAN:Burial: Logan Cemetery, Zion Hill, Greenup Co., KY

Marriage Notes for SAMUEL LOGAN and REBECCA CALLIHAN:Greenup Co., KY marriage records list Samuel as a widower.

More About SAMUEL LOGAN and REBECCA CALLIHAN:Marriage: 21 November 1907, Greenup Co., KY120

xi. ELIZABETH LOGAN, b. 27 April 1874, Greenup Co., KY; d. 16 April 1899, GreenupCo., KY; m. ANDREW JACKSON ROYAL, 24 May 1891, Greenup Co., KY120; b. Abt. August1867, Carter Co., KY.


Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYOccupation: Housewife

Notes for ANDREW JACKSON ROYAL:1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Quincy Pct., 3rd Mag. Dist, ED 84, Sheet 3, HH #46/49Royal, Andrew J. Boarder W M Aug. 1867 32 W KY VA KY Brickyard Laborer

More About ANDREW JACKSON ROYAL:Census: 1900, 1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Quincy Pct., 3rd Mag. Dist, ED 84,Sheet 3, HH # 46/49

More About ANDREW ROYAL and ELIZABETH LOGAN:Marriage: 24 May 1891, Greenup Co., KY120Marriage date: By Francis Marion Logan

xii. JULIA ANN LOGAN121, b. November 1866, Greenup Co., KY122; d. 1901, GreenupCo., KY123; m. GEORGE W. RUSSELL124, 08 October 1885, Greenup Co., KY124; b. May1865, KY; d. 1947, South Shore, Greenup Co., KY125.


More About JULIA ANN LOGAN:Burial: Granny Thomas Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1900, Greenup Co., KYOccupation: Housewife

Notes for GEORGE W. RUSSELL:1900 Census of Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace Dist. No. 3, ED 48, Sheet 20B, HH #377Russell, George Head May 1865 35 M KY KY KY Farmer Julie Wife Nov. 1866 34 M KY KY KY Robert Son July 1886 14 S KY KY KY At School Verna Daughter Apr. 1890 10 S KY KY KY At School Lucy Daughter May 1893 7 S KY KY KY George Son Feb. 1900 ?/12 KY KY KY

1910 Census of Lewis Co., KYMillie Russell Enumeration District: 0115 Color: W Age: 43 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0186 County: Lewis Relation: Husband Relatives: Daughter Violet 03, KentuckySon Lester NR, KentuckySon Robert Miller 2-, NRSon James 10, Kentucky

More About GEORGE W. RUSSELL:Burial: Firebrick Cemetery, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1900, Greenup Co., KY, Kenton Furnace Dist. No. 3 - HH # 377

Marriage Notes for JULIA LOGAN and GEORGE RUSSELL:Witnessed by James and Lewis Dyer.

More About GEORGE RUSSELL and JULIA LOGAN:Marriage 1: 08 October 1885, Greenup Co., KY126Marriage 2: 08 October 1885, Greenup Co., KY127

12. MOSES2 LOGAN (JAMES1) was born Abt. 1817 in KY, and died 02 February 1870 inLewis Co., KY. He married ESTHER GORMAN 22 May 1834 in Lewis Co., KY, daughter ofWILLIAM GORMAN and JANE HENDERSON. She was born Abt. 1816 in KY, and died inLewis Co., KY.

Notes for MOSES LOGAN:Deed Book 18, p. 408, Lewis Co., KY, Sept. 1901. These names were listed:Louisa J. Locker, Sarah Sparks, A. J. Logan, Obanion Logan, Bruce Logan, WilsonLogan, Otto Logan, Mary Logan, Jesse Logan, Metty Logan, Mollie Logan, Silar J.Logan, D. B Morgan, Hary Morgan, T. W. Morgan, Barry Morgan, James Morgan, LauraMorgan, Cora Morgan, Edward Morgan, Anna Morgan, Boone Morgan and Robert Morgan.

KENTUCKY,LEWIS COUNTY, KY. An old citizen of Lewis county, named Moses Logan, was waylaid, andshot, and mortally wounded, on Monday of last week, near his home on Laurel. A mannamed Burt, and his son, have been arrested as the guilty parties, and are nowconfined in the jail at Vanceburg. - Portsmouth Times.Ironton Register, Feb. 10, 1870

1850 Census of Lewis Co., KY, District No. 1 - HH # 481Moses Logan 33 M Farmer KYHetty " 34 F KYWilliam L. " 12 M KYAndrew J. " 9 M KYSarah A. " 7 F KYLouisa J. " 5 F KYAleami L. " 2 M KYThomas J. " 4m M KY

1860 Census of Lewis Co., KY - HH # 1339/1339LOGAN, Moses 43 M Farmer KY (m. Esther Gorman, 22 May 1834L, LewisCo., KY) Creen 43 F KY (d/o William Gorman &Jane Henderson) William L. 22 M Farmer KY (m. Nancy Jane McClurg) Andrew J. 20 M Farmer KY (m. Mary Large, 29 Feb. 1872,Lewis Co., KY) Sarah A. 18 F KY (m. Jesse Sparks, 4 Oct1861, Lewis Co., KY) Louisa J. 15 F KY (m. ????? Locker) Alcannan J. 13 M KY (O'Banion Logan m. SarahMargaret McClurg) Thomas J. 12 M KY (m. Priscilla J. "Siler"Thacker, 29 Jan. 1875, Lewis Co., KY) Lucinda A. 7 F KY (m. Daniel BooneMorgan, 22 Nov. 1871, Lewis Co., KY)[Moses Logan, b. 1817, d. 24 Jan. 1870, was s/o James Logan & possibly a secondwife named Mary][Esther Logan, b. 1816, d. ca. 1911] [Both Moses and Esther (Gorman) Logan areburied in the Bald Point Cem. on Laurel, Lewis Co., KY] [William L(ewis) Logan,b. Apr. 1838, d. 6 May 1911] [Nancy Jane (McClurg) Logan, b. May 1848] [AndrewJ(ackson) Logan, b. 6 June 1840, d. 1 Mar. 1905] [Mary Large, b. 14 Aug. 1849, d.19 Feb. 1920] [O'Banion Logan, b. 1 Sept. 1848, d. 20 June 1909; Tombstone nameshim as D. B. Logan; buried in the Masters Cem. Carter Co., KY] [Sarah Margaret(McClurg) Logan, b. Jan. 1850, d. 1934; buried in the Masters Cem.] [ThomasJ(efferson) Logan, b. 7 Jan. 1849, d. 2 Aug. 1896; buried in Bald Point Cem. Lewis

Co., KY] [Priscilla J. (Thacker) Logan m. 2nd William Butler, 31 Mar. 1897][Lucinda (Logan) Morgan, b. 20 Sept. 1853, d. 1893] [Daniel Boone Morgan, b.1849, d. 1935, was s/o A. J. Morgan & Matilda Eulet]

KY Land Patent #: 36432 Grantee: Logan, MosesGrant Book & Pg: 66 96 Acreage: 430County: Lewis WaterCourse: Laurel Fk. Kinneconnick Cr.Survey Name: Logan, Moses Survey Date: 04/15/1865Grant Date: 10/06/1865

More About MOSES LOGAN:Burial: Bald Point Cemetery, Laurel, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1850, Lewis Co., KY, District No. 1 - HH # 481Occupation: Farmer

Notes for ESTHER GORMAN:1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 1, HH # 61/61Logan, Esther W F 54 Keeping House KY Andrew J. W M 29 Farming KY Louisa W F 25 House Work KY Thomas J. W M 19 Laborer KY Lucinda W F 16 Home KY

More About ESTHER GORMAN:Burial: Bald Point Cemetery, Laurel, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 61/61, Sept. 1

More About MOSES LOGAN and ESTHER GORMAN:Marriage: 22 May 1834, Lewis Co., KYMarriage license: 22 May 1834Security: James Logan and William B. Parker

Children of MOSES LOGAN and ESTHER GORMAN are: i. WILLIAM LEWIS3 LOGAN, b. 04 April 1834, Lewis Co., KY; d. 16 May 1911, DeathCertificate128; m. NANCY JANE MCCLURG; b. 07 May 1848, Rowan Co., KY; d. 28September 1912, Lewis Co., KY.

Notes for WILLIAM LEWIS LOGAN:1870 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 108/108, Sept. 5HH # 108/108Logan, William L. W M 31 Farmer KY Nancy J. W F 21 Keeping House KY Wm. M. W M 6/12 KY

1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 47/49, June 3HH # 47/49Logan, Wm. L. W M 42 Farming KY KY KY Nancy W M 29 Wife KY KY KY Menfield W M 11 Son KY KY KY

1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY,HH # 138Logan, Louis Head 68 KY m1 Nancy Wife 62 KY m1 Sarah Daugther 25 KY Catherine 1 6/12 KYFox, George Servant 42 KY Single

1910 Census of of Lewis Co., KY - Laurel Pct. - HH # 61/61Logan, William L. Head M W 72 M1 42y KY KY KY

Nancy Wife F W 61 M1- 7 Children, 4 Alive. KY KY KY Sarah Daughter F W 23 Div.- 1 Child KY KY KY Susanna C. G-Dau. F W 1 3/12 KY KY KYFox, George Hired Man M W 42 S KY KY KYThis family is listed twice.1910 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 138Logan, Louis Head M W 68 m1 40y KY KY KY Nancy Wife F W 62 m1 40y - 7 Children, 4 Alive. KY KY KY Sarah Daughter F W 25 Div. - 1 Child KY KY KY Catherine G-Dau. F W 1 6/12 KY KY KY

Reprint in the Lewis Co., Herald, Unknown DateThe following items are taken from old issues of THE SUN, published at Vanceburg,KY and datelined Thursdays:May 11, 1911 issue: Lewis Logan died on the 6th inst.; age 73, leaving two sons, 2 daughters, a wifeand one sister.[Editor's note: This is William Lewis Logan, son of Moses and Esther (Gorman)Logan; his death certificate notes that he died on the 16th of May 1911.]

More About WILLIAM LEWIS LOGAN:Burial: Walnut Grove Cemetery, Carter Co., KY UnmarkedCensus: 1870, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 108/108, Sept. 5

More About NANCY JANE MCCLURG:Burial: Walnut Grove Cemetery, Carter Co., KY

ii. ANDREW JACKSON LOGAN, b. 06 June 1840, Lewis Co., KY; d. 01 March 1905, LewisCo., KY; m. MARY JANE LARGE, 29 February 1872, Carter Co., KY129; b. 14 August1849, Carter Co., KY; d. 19 February 1920, Lewis Co., KY.

Notes for ANDREW JACKSON LOGAN:1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., June 8, HH # 93/95Rice, John W M 46 Farming KY KY KY Jane W F 59 Wife KY VA VALogan, Jackson W M 40 Farming KY KY KY Mary W F 28 Wife KY KY KY Perry W M 7 Son KY KY KY Dennis W M 5 Son KY KY KY Ida B. W F 3 Daughter KY KY KY Charley W M 1 Son KY KY KY

1896 School Census of Lewis Co., KYA. J. Logan Chas. 9 Lodena 5 Florence 9 Nannie 6 James 5

1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Grassy Pct.Logan, Andrew Head M W June 1840 KY KY KY Mary Wife F W Aug. 1848 KY KY KY Charles H. Son M W Sept. 1878 KY KY KY Laura A. Daughter F W May 1882 KY KY KY Nannie L. Daughter F W July 1887 KY KY KY James Son M W May 1890 KY KY KY

KY Land Patent #: 54300 Grantee: Logan, A. J.Grant Book & Pg: 98 434 Acreage: 100County: Lewis WaterCourse: Sorrel Fk. Kinniconick Cr.

Survey Name: Logan, A. J. Survey Date: 11/14/1878Grant Date: 11/20/1879

KY Land Patent #: 57082 Grantee: Logan, A. J.Grant Book & Pg: 103 412 Acreage: 150County: Lewis WaterCourse: Laurel Cr. Kinniconick Cr.Survey Name: Dyer, H. C. Survey Date: 04/16/1881Grant Date: 12/23/1882

More About ANDREW JACKSON LOGAN:Burial: Bald Point Cemetery, Laurel, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1880, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 93/95, June 8

Notes for MARY JANE LARGE:Sheet 1A~ED 153~Grassy, Lewis Co., KY~1920 Census

HH 7/7

Armstrong John L, head, owns free property, male, white, 67, married, can read andwrite, born KY, father born KY, mother born KY, farmer, general farm-------------- Mary, wife, female, white, 69, married, can not read and write,born KY, father born KY, mother born KYLogan Ezekiel R., grandson, male, white, 12, single, can read and write, born KY,father born KY, mother born KY

More About MARY JANE LARGE:Burial: Bald Point Cemetery, Laurel, Lewis Co., KY

More About ANDREW LOGAN and MARY LARGE:Marriage: 29 February 1872, Carter Co., KY129

iii. SARAH A. LOGAN, b. Abt. 1843, Lewis Co., KY; m. JESSE SPARKS, 08 October1861, Lewis Co., KY130; b. Abt. 1825, Nicholas Co., KY.

Notes for SARAH A. LOGAN:1880 Census of Johnson, Scotland, Missouri, Family History Library Film 1254736,NA Film Number T9-0736, Page Number 138AJesse SPARKS Self M Male W 55 KY Farmer --- --- Sarah A. SPARKS Wife M Female W 37 KY Keep House KY KYHester J. SPARKS Dau S Female W 16 MO KY KYMary A. SPARKS Dau S Female W 13 MO KY KYLucy M. SPARKS Dau S Female W 10 MO KY KYJessie I. SPARKS Dau S Female W 8 MO KY KYAnna L. SPARKS Dau S Female W 5 MO KY KYSamuel J. SPARKS Son S Male W 3 MO KY KY

More About JESSE SPARKS:Residence: Scotlane Co., MO

Marriage Notes for SARAH LOGAN and JESSE SPARKS:Jesse Sparks was a widow and resident of Scotland Co., MO.

More About JESSE SPARKS and SARAH LOGAN:Marriage: 08 October 1861, Lewis Co., KY130

iv. LOUISA J. LOGAN, b. Abt. 1845, Lewis Co., KY; m. LEWIS LOCKER; b. Abt.October 1834, KY.

Notes for LOUISA J. LOGAN:

Notes for LEWIS LOCKER:1860 Census of Carter Co., KY, Upper Tygart P.O., HH # 17/17Andrew Locker 66 M Farmer VASARAH " 59 F VAALEXANDER " 30 M KYNELSON " 26 M KYLEWIS " 24 M KYELIZABETH " 20 F KYELIZA ANN " 18 F KYANDREW J. " 15 M KY

1880 Census of Rush Co., IN, Union Twp., P. 109Locker, Louis W M 35 Farmer KY VA VA Louisa W F 35 Keeping House KY KY KY Minnie A. W F 9 KY KY KY John S. W M 4 KY KY KY Jessie M. W F 3 KY KY KY

1900 Census of Jay Co,. IN, Richland Twp., ED 67, Sheet 5 B, HH # 108/109Locker, Lewis Head W M Oct. 1834 65 M 26y KY VA VA Farmer John S. Son W M Feb. 1877 23 S IN KY KY Laborer

1910 Census of Jay Co., IN, Richland Twp., Redkey Town, ED 76, Sheet 5A, MooneySt., HH # 112/114Locker, Lewis M W 75 Wd KY VA VA English Farmer Home Farm John S. M W 23 S IN KY KY Englsh Labrer In Woods

1920 Census of Blackford Co., IN, Licking Twp., Hartford City, ED 10, Sheet 10A,432 West Grant St., HH # 251/253Harness, Jesse M. Head F W 48 Wd IN KY KY Servant Restaurant Frent W. Daughter F W 14 S IN OH IN None Edna M Daughter F W 11 S IN OH IN None Freda L. Daughter F W 9 S IN OH IN NoneLocker, Lewis Father M W 84 wd KY KY KY None John S. Brothr M W 42 S IN KY KY Laborer Working Out

v. O'BANION LOGAN, b. 01 September 1848, Lewis Co., KY; d. 29 July 1909, RowanCo., KY; m. SARAH MARGARET MCCLURG, 29 July 1867, Rowan Co., KY; b. January 1850;d. 1934, Rowan Co., KY.

Notes for O'BANION LOGAN:Tombstone marked D. B. Logan and there is a question about his date of birth. Heis only four months older than Thomas J. Logan.

1870 Rowan Co., KY Census - Pine Grove Pct. - HH # 79LOGAN, Obanion 22 M W Farmer KY Sarah 20 F W Keeping House KY William 1 M W KY

1880 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Pine Grove Pct., Page Number 456D, HH # 252Obanion LOGAN Self M Male W 32 KY Farmer KY KYSarah M. LOGAN Wife M Female W 30 KY Keeping House KY KYWilliam LOGAN Son S Male W 12 KY At Home KY KYMary E. LOGAN Dau S Female W 9 KY KY KY

Lucinda LOGAN Dau S Female W 7 KY KY KYMinnie LOGAN Dau S Female W 5 KY KY KY

1910 Census of Rowan Co., KY, Pine Grove Pct. - HH # 292Logan, Margaret Head W F 60 Wd KY KY KY Zettie Daughter W F 45 Wd KY KY KY George G -Son W M 20 S KY KY KY Althia G-Dau. W F 19 S KY KY KY Watson T. G-Son W M 16 S KY KY KY Lydia F. G-Dau. W F 14 S KY KY KY Henry A. G-Son W M 11 S KY KY KY Charles W. G-Son W M 9 S KY KY KY Laura G-Dau. W F 6 S KY KY KY

More About O'BANION LOGAN:Burial: Masters Cemetery, Rowan Co., KYCensus: 1870, Rowan Co., KY, Pine Grove Pct. - HH # 79

More About SARAH MARGARET MCCLURG:Burial: Masters Cemetery, Rowan Co., KYCensus: 1910, Rowan Co., KY

More About O'BANION LOGAN and SARAH MCCLURG:Marriage: 29 July 1867, Rowan Co., KY

vi. THOMAS JEFFERSON LOGAN, b. 07 January 1849, Lewis Co., KY; d. 02 August 1896,Lewis Co., KY; m. PRISCILLA J. THACKER, 29 January 1875, Lewis Co., KY; b. Abt.1858, KY.

Notes for THOMAS JEFFERSON LOGAN:1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., June 8, HH # 94/96Logan, Thomas W M 31 Farming KY KY KY Percilla W F 24 Wife KY KY KY Queen W F 68 Mother KY KY KY Bruce W M 4 Son KY KY KY Wilson W M 2 Son KY KY KYThomas J. Logan was murdered in Lewis Co., KY.

More About THOMAS JEFFERSON LOGAN:Burial: Bald Point Cemetery, Laurel, Lewis Co., KYCensus: 1880, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 94/96, June 8

Notes for PRISCILLA J. THACKER:1900 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Grassy Pct., ED 85, Sheet 12B, HH # 213/216Butler, William Head W M May 1860 40 M 3y KY KY KY Farmer Sillar Wife W F July 1856 43 M 3y 7/7 KY KY KYLogan, Henry B. S-Son W M Mar. 1876 24 S KY KY KY Isaac S-Son W M Feb. 1878 22 S KY KY KY Daniel O. S-Son W M July 1880 19 S KY KY KY Mary A. S-Daughter W F Oct. 1882 17 S KY KY KY Jesse S-Son W M Nov. 1885 14 S KY KY KY Mettie M. S-Daughter W F Mar. 1888 12 S KY KY KY Niley J. S-Daugher W F Jan. 1896 4 S KY KY KY

1910 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 106Butler, William H. Head W M 47 M KY KY KY Siller Wife W F 53 M KY KY KYLogan, Wilson S-Son W M 30 S KY KY KYCollingsworth, Mary S-Dau. W F 25 M KY KY KYLogan, Jesse S-son W M 23 S KY KY KY Nila S-Dau. W F 14 S KY KY KY

Pg. 4A~ED 153~Grassy~Lewis Co., KY~1920 CensusHH # 58/59Butler William, head, owns free property, male, white, 58, married, can read andwrite, born KY, father born KY, mother born KY, farm labor, general farm-------- Siller J., wife, female, white, 63, married, can read and write, born KY,father born Virginia, mother born West VirginiaLogan Jesse, step son, male, white, 33, single, can read and write, born KY,father born KY, mother born KY, farm labor, home farm

1930 Rowan Co., KY, Magristral District No. 4, Pine Grove Pct., ED 103-9, Sheet16B, HH # 46/46Butler, Siller Head F W 73 Wd. 20 KY VA WV Farmer General FarmLogan, Jesse Son M W 45 S KY KY KY Laborer General Farm

More About PRISCILLA J. THACKER:Burial: Goddard Cemetery, Goddard, Fleming Co., KYCensus: 1900, Lewis Co., KY, Grassy Pct.

More About THOMAS LOGAN and PRISCILLA THACKER:Marriage: 29 January 1875, Lewis Co., KY

vii. LUCINDA LOGAN, b. 20 September 1853, Lewis Co., KY131; d. 1893, Lewis Co.,KY132; m. DANIEL BOONE MORGAN, 22 November 1871, Lewis Co., KY; b. Abt. 1849,Lewis Co., KY; d. 1935, Nicholas Co., KY.

Notes for LUCINDA LOGAN:Date of birth from Lewis Co., KY Vital Statistics.

More About LUCINDA LOGAN:Burial: Laurel Point Cemetery, Lewis Co., KY

Notes for DANIEL BOONE MORGAN:1880 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct., Sept. 8, HH # 85/87Morgan, Daniel W M 57 Farmer KY KY KY Lucinda W F 27 Wife KY KY KY Harry W. W M 5 Son KY KY KY Theodore W. W M 4 Son KY KY KY Haney G. W M 3 Son KY KY KY James W. W M 1 Son KY KY KY

1910 Census of Lewis Co., KY, Kinney Pct. - HH # 238Morgan, Daniel B. Head 61 m2 16y KY KY KY Sara A. Wife 49 m2 KY KY KY Warder Son 34 S KY KY KY Libbie A. Daughter 22 S KY KY KY Oscar B. Son 20 S KY KY KY Robert S. Son 18 S KY KY KY

More About DANIEL BOONE MORGAN:Census: 1880, Lewis Co., KY, Laurel Pct. - HH # 85/87, Sept. 8

More About DANIEL MORGAN and LUCINDA LOGAN:Marriage: 22 November 1871, Lewis Co., KY


1. Revolutionary War Pension Application of James Logan,, Lewis Co., KY, 1835Court Records. .2. Lewis Co., Ky, Tax Records, James Logan was last mentioned as a tax payer in1838 in Lewis Co., KY and he does not appear in the 1840 Census of Lewis Co., KY.3. Pure Guess..4. Fleming Co., KY Marriage records.5. Case - Clark Family Bible.6. Fleming Co., KY Marriage records.7. Case - Clark Family Bible.8. Rowan Co., KY Deed, C. P. Martin, and Victoria, his wife, H. S. Logan and H.M. Logan to William Cooper - Victoria Martin's part of the estate of E. H. andFairlena Logan, both deceased. .9. Fleming Co., KY Marriage records.10. http://www.rootsweb.com/~molinn/enterprise.html.11. http://www.rootsweb.com/~molinn/purdin.html.12. Fleming Co., KY Marriage records.13. Linn Co., MO Marriage records..14. http://www.rootsweb.com/~molinn/purdin.html.15. Missouri Death Records, Missouri Birth & Death Records Database PermanentRecord of Deaths County Roll Number Page Number Linn C 28530 Date ofReport (Month/Day/Year) Name Sex and Color Age (Year/Month/Day) Occupation03/01/1887 Purdin, Chas B. Sex - Male Color - White 87 yr 6 mo 20 daysFarmer Date of Death (Month/Day/Year AM or PM) Single, Married, Widoweror Widow Nationality Where Born 02/11/1887 1:00 PM Married American DELHow long Resident in the state. 1. Place of Death 2. Cause of Death 1.Complication 2. Duration of Complication 3. Duration of Disease 53 LinneusPneumonia 10 days Place of Burial Date of Burial Name ofUndertaker Place of Business Name and Residence of Physician ReturningCertificate Purdin cemetery 2/12/1887 Thos Kille, Linneus J.W. Lane,Linneus, MO .16. Fleming Co., KY Marriage records.17. Linn Co., MO Marriage records..18. Fleming Co., KY Marriage records.19. Rowan Co., KY Vital Statistics.20. Fleming Co., KY Marriage records (Vital Statistics), July 23, 1853, Johnson,Zacharia 22, Logan, Henrietta 17, Triplett.21. Obituary of Howard Monroe Logan.22. Rowan Co., KY Deaths.23. Tombstone.24. Carter Co., KY Marriage records..25. Tombstone.26. Tombstone, Enex - Sloan Cemetery, Flatfork, Carter Co., KY..27. Carter Co., KY Marriage records..28. Tombstone, Enex - Sloan Cemetery, Flatfork, Carter Co., KY..29. Carter Co., KY Marriage records..30. Rowan Co., KY Vital Statistics (Death).31. 1889 Cedar Co., MO History.32. 1889 Cedar Co., MO History, Page 48.33. Marriage records of Thomas Shelton, Brown Co., OH.34. Lewis Co., KY Vital Statistics (Deaths), Enix, Jeremiah, 22y, M W, single,Farmer; b. Lewis Co., KY; res. Lewis Co., KY; d 13 Aug. 1861, Stabbed, in LewisCo., KY; parents - Abraham and Julian Enix; fb. PA, mb. PA. .35. Tombstone, Mary Taylor d. 29 June 1861 age 66 yrs. 2mo, 7days.36. Lewis Co., KY Marriage records..37. Tombstone, "Died in the 7th year of her age."38. Fulton Co., IL marriage records..39. Fulton Co., IL marriage records., SIMPSON, WILLIAM FSPENCER, OPHELIA 11/23/1854 00B/0261 00000214 FULTON.40. Fulton Co., IL marriage records..41. Fulton Co., IL marriage records., SIMPSON, WILLIAM FSPENCER, OPHELIA 11/23/1854 00B/0261 00000214 FULTON

.42. Tombstone, Mathew N. Taylor d. May 30, 1861, age 25y 6m 2d. .43. IL State Marriage Records, IRWIN, ALEXANDER TAYLOR,MARGARET 10/27/1859 III/ 10 5057 PEORIA.44. Clogan.FTW, Date of Import: 4 Aug, 1998.45. Cemetery Records of Marion Co., IA.46. Clogan.FTW, Date of Import: 4 Aug, 1998.47. Carter Co., KY Marriage records.48. Greenup Co. KY Marriage records.49. Lewis Co., KY Marriage records..50. Lewis Co., KY Census of 1910, There is no evidence of this date of death andthe census shows Francis Marion Logan age 76. .51. Carter Co., KY Marriage records.52. Fleming Co., KY Marriage records.53. Rowan Co., KY Vital Statistics.54. Fleming Co., KY Marriage records.55. Lewis Co., KY Death Records (State of KY).56. Carter Co., KY Marriage records..57. Hiram.FTW, Date of Import: 28 Jul, 1998.58. Minnesota Death Certificate, State of Minnesota - Death Certificate #18083(1297). .59. Hiram.FTW, Date of Import: 28 Jul, 1998.60. Obituary of Josepth D. Ford, Jan. 15, 1885 Rob. Co. Tribune-Democrat DiedOn Tuesday 13th inst., Joseph Ford died at his home on the W. M. Chandler farm,three miles east of Olivet. He leaves a wife and several children. Burial at theChristian Church in Olivet. .61. Hiram.FTW, Date of Import: 28 Jul, 1998.62. by Edmond Wells J. P.63. Carol.FTW, Date of Import: 28 Nov 1998.64. Carter Co., KY Vital Statistics, Nancy Jordan, age 30, d. 29 June 1858, b.Morgan Co., KY, d. Carter Co., KY, Parents: Francis and Elizabeth Dyer. .65. Tombstone Hiram Charles Dyer..66. Tombstone Mary M. (Leary) Dyer.67. Lewis Co., KY Vital Statistics (Deaths).68. 1910 Census of Lewis Co., KY.69. zornes.FTW, Date of Import: 15 Aug, 1998.70. Tombstone, Logan Cem., Zion Hill, Greenup Co., KY.71. Tombstone, Logan Cem., Zion Hill, Greenup Co., KY and Greenup Co., KY Deathrecords.72. 1900 Census of Greenup Co., KY.73. Miller.FTW, Date of Import: 3 Aug, 1998.74. Greenup Co. KY Marriage records.75. Miller.FTW, Date of Import: 3 Aug, 1998.76. Greenup Co. KY Marriage records.77. Greenup Co., KY Marriage Records.78. Tombstone.79. Greenup Co., KY Marriage Records.80. Death Certificate of Henry Perry Musick, Death Certificate lists his middlename as Perry: Jefferson Twp., Ross Co., Chillicothe, Rt. 2, OH.81. Greenup Co. KY Marriage records.82. Carter Co., KY Vital Statistics, Susanna Penland, W, F, 67, b. Fleming Co.,Ky., parents: James and Mary Logan.83. Carter Co., KY Vital Statistics, The record names her parents as James andMary Logan.84. Penland Family Bible.85. Carter Co., KY Vital Statistics.86. Penland - Kinder Family Bible.87. Carter Co., KY Death Records (State of KY).88. Carter Co., KY Death Records (State of KY), Jane Pendlum, d. 170306, age 78,Carter Co., KY. .89. Obituary of William G. Pendlum.90. Tombstone.

91. Gladys Stamper, Cynthia Katheryn (Stamper) Jacobs Shaffer's Bible record andWilliam's last will and testament of 3 Sept. 1906, entered into the Carter Co.,Court files on 8 Oct. 1906.92. Carter Co. KY Vital Statistics, Kinaz Farro Penland, 16 Aug. 1852, s/o Gerogeand Susannah Penland. .93. Carter Co. KY Vital Statistics, Elizabeth Seller, mid-wife. .94. Carter Co., KY Marriage records..95. Death Certificate, Lina Pendland October _, 1947 Jackson Kansas CityCertificate No. 34629.96. Carter Co., KY Marriage records..97. Carter Co., KY Vital Statistics (Birth), p. 2, PENLAND , George W. m 7 July.1854 George PENLAND Susannah LOGAN 2 Carter Co. Ky.98. Tombstone.99. Lewis Co., KY Deed, Tombstone notes that Abraham Logan died in 1898. He andwife Annie sold land in Lewis Co., KY in 1900. .100. Tombstone.101. Tombstone and Vital Statistics of Greenup Co., KY (Death):, Julia A. Logan,W., 40, female, married, d. Feb. 25, 1859, Consumption, b. Fleming Co., Ky.,daughter of Richard Shabe. Re. married to Abram Logan.102. Tombstone.103. Greenup Co., KY Marriage Records.104. Miller.FTW, Date of Import: 3 Aug, 1998.105. Greenup Co. KY Marriage records, Date of Import: 3 Aug, 1998.106. Miller.FTW, Date of Import: 3 Aug, 1998.107. Greenup Co. KY Marriage records, Date of Import: 3 Aug, 1998.108. Greenup Co. KY Marriage records.109. Records of Elsie (Logan) Humble.110. Greenup Co., KY Death Records (State of KY).111. Alice Elsie (Logan) Humble, The date of birth does not match the informationthat I have on the family of William F. and Nancy A. (Brammer) Densmore. Morelikely the date of birth is 1857. .112. Obituary of James Logan.113. Roster of Co. D. 40th Vol., Mtd. Inf., Union..114. Greenup Co. KY Marriage records.115. Carter Co. KY Vital Statistics (Birth), MESSER , Elisabeth f 22 Sept. 1854William MESSER Letty MORRIS 5 Carter Co. Ky.116. Greenup Co., KY Marriage Records.117. Greenup Co. KY Marriage records.118. Greenup Co., KY Marriage Records.119. Greenup Co., KY Vital Statistics (Death)., Robert Logan, 15 m., male,farmer's son, son of Abram Logan, d. 16 Aug. 1855, flux.120. Greenup Co., KY Marriage Records.121. Lowder.FTW, Date of Import: 23 Dec 1998.122. Greenup Co., KY Census of 1900, Census notes the month of November for herbirth. Tombstone notes 1866. .123. Tombstone.124. Lowder.FTW, Date of Import: 23 Dec 1998.125. Tombstone126. Lowder.FTW, Date of Import: 23 Dec 1998.127. Greenup Co., KY Marriage Records.128. Death Records of the State of Kentucky, Lewis Co., KY, File No. 13028, Male,White, Married, DOB. 4 Apr. 1834, Farmer, b. Lewis Co., KY; father, Moses Logan,b. KY; mother Esther Gorman, b. KY, Informant, D. P. Logan, Vanceburg, KY; filedMay 17, 1911, DOD May 16, 1911; Cause Cancer of Stomach, 4 months, C. H. Fultz,May 17, 1911, Vanceburg, KY; POB A farrm in Carter Co., KY, DOB, May 18, 1911,Plummer Brothers, Vanceburg. .129. Carter Co., KY Marriage records..130. Lewis Co., KY Vital Statistics (Marriages).131. Lewis Co., KY Vital Statistics (Births).132. Tombstone.


Bruce E. Logan Jr.2234 Concord Dr.Wheelersburg, OH [email protected] Family and Van Bibber Web Pagehttp://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~bloganMS Instant Messenger - [email protected] - BruceAOL Instant Messenger - eastsciotoBlogger - http://logangen.blogspot.com----- Original Message ----- From: "Samuel Minter" <[email protected]>To: "Bruce Logan" <[email protected]>Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 9:43 PMSubject: Re: Thanks!!

I am mainly interested in direct ancestors and have not startedbranching to get descendants of any particular ancestor. I dohowever like to have the basic info about the children of any of mydirect ancestors, so if you have anything to add on those that wouldbe great.

So I guess starting with the Dyer in my ancestry that would be:


I think I am fairly complete on those, at least in terms of havingthe basic info about each of their children, if not spreading outinto more recent generations other than in my own line. But if youhave any corrections or additional info on any of those that would begreat. Or more information about any of the other ancestors of anyof the above. There is apparently some controversy on the Stamperline for instance on Mary Alice's Stamper grandfather's parentage andif you had any insight I'd love to hear it. Or just more going backbeyond Catherine's parents.

If you have it on your website, I'm sure I'll get to it eventuallythough, but if you have stuff to send me, I'll take a look sooner. :-)

Oh, and if you had Ruth S. (Antonio) Minter, then you had me even ifyou didn't know it. My mother was Ruth Marilyn Brandon (Minter) butthe S. Antonio is me. :-)

On Oct 14, 2006, at 22:39, Bruce Logan wrote:


Thanks for the quick come back.

Yes, I saw you have a link to my web page and I appreciate that.However, don'tworry about using the photo of George and Catherine. I know peopleare going touse information from my web page. That is why I put it there.

If you would like I can send you a file on the Logan and Dyerlines. I can put itinto as many generations as you want. I know most people are "mainliners" andonly want the earlier generations or their main line. I try tofind all thedescendants of my Logan ancestors and have accumulated lots ofinformation onlater generations including lines that are not my own. I even haveWilliam M. andRuth S. (Antonio) Minter, but not you in my data base

I even have a lot on the Rayburns since they married into my Loganand Penlandlines.


Bruce E. Logan Jr.2234 Concord Dr.Wheelersburg, OH [email protected] Family and Van Bibber Web Pagehttp://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~bloganMS Instant Messenger - [email protected] - BruceAOL Instant Messenger - eastsciotoBlogger - http://logangen.blogspot.com----- Original Message -----From: "Samuel Minter" <[email protected]>To: "Bruce Logan" <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 5:55 PMSubject: Thanks!!

Thanks for the email... and apologies for not making the factthat thepictures originated with your site more explicit. I had you in myreferences section, but should probably give the credit directly.Gladyou didn't mind me using the pics. I'm definately interested in anyinfo you have on my direct line. I hadn't had Elizabeth Logan'sparentsyet, so that was new to me. I've been a bit swamped so it may bea bituntil I update my pages with yout info, but I will! (And I'll letyouknow when I do.)

I've basically been building out my pages in a breadth firstmanner...me, then my father, then my mother, then my father's father, then myfather's mother... etc. Except when I've gotten info sent to mefromrelatives or from other external sources, then I try to build outthatbranch sooner rather than waiting to get to it in order as itwere. SoI'll add in Elazabeth's parents as soon as I get a chance. :-)

If you have any more info, let me know (or point me at it) andI'll tryto add the info to my stuff as I can. (Alternately, it is a Wiki...

feel free to add anything yourself if you get the urge. :-)

And of COURSE feel free to take any info I have on the latergenerationsin my line that you might be interested in. A link back or a creditwould be cool, but that's up to you. As you said, it is all aboutsharing the info.

-- Samuel [email protected]://www.abulsme.com/

--Samuel [email protected]://www.abulsme.com/