From: [email protected] To: Megan Wood Subject: [EXTERNAL] Proposed Homeless shelter in Rocklin - Objection Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021 6:01:13 PM Hello, I cannot attend the Board of Supervisors meeting on 11/30, but I want to voice my objection to the proposed homeless shelter in Rocklin. This is not the right neighborhood for a homeless shelter, with many young families and children! A homeless shelter needs to be built in a more remote location which does not affect an established neighborhood. Regards, Barbara Buescher 5647 Gibson Pl Granite Bay

From: [email protected] To: Megan Wood Subject

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I cannot attend the Board of Supervisors meeting on 11/30, but I want to voice my objection to the proposed homeless shelter in Rocklin. This is not the right neighborhood for a homeless shelter, with many young families and children! A homeless shelter needs to be built in a more remote location which does not affect an established neighborhood.
Regards, Barbara Buescher 5647 Gibson Pl Granite Bay
Please vote no on the homeless shelter. It will draw a larger homeless population from Sacramento and SF here. Sacramento and SF should build this in their county to serve their sanctuary cities. We do not have the homeless population to support this expense as a county and this would be fiscally irresponsible.
If you wanted to help the homeless then donate more money to places who offer this already to make their programs more robust. We voted for the board to represent our community of families and children so please do that and put our safety first.
Again thank you for hearing me and others who are strongly against this and do not want it in our county. Please feel free to respond if you would like to discuss it further. Thank you.
Warmly, Dani Baker
I am writing in support of the Gathering Inn Campus of Hope located at 4242 Cincinnati Ave in the unincorporated Sunset Industrial Park area. I live in downtown Roseville, and I am reminded every day of the unhoused neighbors and their struggles in our community. There is a dire need for permanent supportive housing within our community to allow the homeless to heal, grow, and re-integrate with society. The proposed combination of emergency shelter beds, housing, and community resources strongly impresses me, and makes me believe that the Campus of Hope project is our current best hope for addressing homelessness within our county.
I ask you to support The Gathering Inn and the Campus of Hope and immediately invest in this long-term and cost-savings solution for the residents of our local community that are experiencing homelessness.
Thank you,
Derek Pell 175 Park Dr Roseville, CA 95678 -- [email protected] (530) 863-0662
From: Ethan Rubin To: Megan Wood Subject: [EXTERNAL] In favor of Campus of Hope project Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021 9:20:58 PM
My name is Ethan Rubin and I am a resident of Rocklin. I am briefly writing in strong support of the Campus of Hope project at 4242 Cincinnati Ave. In addition to simply being the right thing to do, this facility would be a valuable stepping stone toward reintegrating unsheltered individuals, families, and veterans back into society. Offering shelter, employment programs, medical care, counseling, and overall stability will ease the burden on law enforcement, prisons, and hospitals as well as injecting a new source of labor into the community while keeping panhandlers off the streets. This is a great program and would be a valuable addition to our region.
Sincerely, Ethan Rubin
Too close to residential neighborhoods. Better suited for an industrial only area. -- -John Sent from my mobile device
From: Kate Guzik To: Megan Wood Subject: [EXTERNAL] Homeless shelter Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021 9:48:22 PM
Please do NOT build the homeless shelter anywhere near Rocklin/Roseville. I know we need to address homelessness, but I can’t even begin to image the waterfall of other issues a huge compound would bring. Frankly, considering that California has never done something on this scale before, I highly doubt they can predict the outcome, pitfalls, changes to property values and crime, etc, either. It’s not just about being homeless — it’s the meth addiction too. Meth production has recently changed and we’re seeing a lot more psychosis with the new composition. This brings an entirely different dynamic to the whole picture too. Please don’t use our community to test run a huge center like this. It’s not right.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
On Friday, November 19, 2021, 6:38 AM, Kathi Sakach <[email protected]> wrote:
I think the homeless shelter is a good idea. Those who don’t want it are selfish and don’t give a damn about their fellow human beings. Ignore them.
Kathi Sakach
Dear Placer County Board of Supervisors,
I have called and written several times to no avail. I would like to know where you stand on the proposal to build the largest homeless shelter in Ca. According to the Campus of Hope website, this proposal is a done deal. It will happen. As I stated in my first email dated yesterday, I noted that thousands of residents in Rocklin, Roseville and Lincoln are highly concerned about the location you have chosen to build the shelter. Most of us believe it should be located in a more rural area. I believe we have a right to have an opinion considering how this is going to affect our communities, businesses, children and the likelihood for an increase in crimes. It will be a magnet for more homelessness like SF and LA. What say you?
We have paid hefty prices for our homes. We pay high property and county taxes. Why doesn’t the board resolve this matter by searching for a more suitable location that will suit all individuals? Why do you want to place this near our backyards?
If you move forward with this and do not oppose it, you will be voted out of your positions. Enough is enough! Furthermore, who will you turn to when you create an exodus of residents who will flee the cities of Rocklin, Roseville and Lincoln? Who will you depend upon to fill the coffers of the county payrolls? If this proposal is approved, you will no longer have the taxes you currently rely upon.
Please respond to my email. I deserve responses to my questions. I hope this can be resolved effectively and efficiently with minimal impact to our communities.
Thanking you in advance for your assistance.
Kathy Butler
From: [email protected] To: Megan Wood Subject: [EXTERNAL] Homeless Shelter Proposal in Rocklin Question: How many people will it house? Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 9:27:33 AM
  This idea sounds like a solution for people who seriously need help.  There are some fears for people  in the area since at this time we don’t have a homeless problem that impacts us.    Other Questions:
1.  Are the people that will be sheltered there free to go and do as they like?    
2.  How will the shelter manage the behaviors?  I assume they will be provided food. Will there be expectations that they can’t panhandle or go in to nearby neighborhoods?  No allowed  to set up ,during the day around shopping areas?     
From: Laurie Osborne To: Megan Wood Subject: [EXTERNAL] Homeless facility proposed in Rocklin Date: Friday, November 19, 2021 7:01:08 AM
Hello, I'd like to add my name in support of the new homeless facility that's proposed in Rocklin. If there's anywhere else I can sign or show support, please let me know. Thanks, Laurie Osborne Roseville
From: Naz Lazar To: Megan Wood Subject: [EXTERNAL] Homeless Shelter Date: Friday, November 19, 2021 4:39:32 AM
I am opposed to the proposed homeless shelter near the City of Rocklin border. This is in walking distance of our schools and neighborhoods. Just to be clear, I am not opposed to helping the homeless, however we have a rather large drug problem, which is what is causing a homeless problem. Fix that first.
Sincerely, Naz Lazar Sage Dr. Rocklin, Ca. 95765
Sent from my iPad
From: Nell Pike To: Megan Wood Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comment regarding homeless shelter Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021 8:44:09 PM
I am writing to inform the board that I am strongly opposed to a homeless shelter in Rocklin.
Thank you,
From: Nicole Stokes To: Megan Wood Subject: [EXTERNAL] Homeless Shelter in Rocklin / Placer County Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021 1:09:12 PM
Hello. I am emailing you today about this proposed homeless shelter for Rocklin off Cincinnati. I am HIGHLY opposed to this. Building this facility will endanger our way of life. It is our tax dollars that have to pay for it. You will be putting homeless people within reach of our families. It is said drugs and alcohol will not be allowed but how can that really be enforced? They won't be allowed into the shelter...so where do they go then? To our neighborhoods. That is unacceptable. I expect more from this county. We are middle and upper middle class. We need to keep it that way. Take the homeless to a shelter in Sacramento or build one away from here. This topic is upsetting to a lot of Placer County residents. I am floored that our government would even consider this area for something like this. It just shows you do not know your people. Placer county is NOT the area to be considered. We pay good money for our homes and a homeless shelter will bring down our property values, endanger our children and increase crime. Stop this madness. It is NOT ok.
From: R Brown To: Megan Wood Subject: [EXTERNAL] Vote no for homeless building Date: Friday, November 19, 2021 7:16:48 AM
Please do not approve of building a homeless encampment in rocklin or anywhere around here. A lot of us moved out of Bay Area to get away from this kind of institutions.
This should stay in SF, Oakland, or Sacramento - places that actually voted for this kind of crap.
Sent from my iPhone
From: Stephanie Langley To: Megan Wood Subject: [EXTERNAL] Proposed new homeless shelter community in Rocklin Date: Friday, November 19, 2021 12:32:25 AM
I am writing to support the proposal to have a new homeless complex built in Rocklin. This is just the kind of project this county needs to meet the many needs of homeless families and individuals. Due to the fires, high cost of living in placer co. and lack of shelters and adequate programs for those with mental health disorders , this is a much needed and humane way to address the needs of our fellow citizens . The Gathering Inn, and other Charities have done the best they can, but a permanent community like the one discussed , would meet so many needs! It is comprehensive, would create jobs, and help people who need to get back on their feet! Everyone is entitled “to life, Liberty , and the pursuit of happiness”. Sometimes, they just need a helping hand! I fully support this proposal! Stephanie Langley South Placer County
Sent from my iPhone
From: Vikki To: Megan Wood Subject: [EXTERNAL] Proposed Homeless shelter Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021 6:55:41 PM
Hello I am not able to attend county meeting where this will be discussed so I am taking this opportunity to express my Support for this Much Needed shelter. Thank you Vikki Blondin-smith Resident 51 Hancock Drive Roseville
From: Eric Eisenhammer To: Board Clerk Subject: [EXTERNAL] Placer County Republican Assembly Campus of Hope opposition letter Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 7:08:07 AM Attachments: PCRA Campus of Hope Opposition 112821 (1).docx
Good morning, Attached please find a letter from the Placer County Republican Assembly which we'd like to submit for public comment at today's meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much. Eric Eisenhammer Vice President, Placer County Republican Assembly 916 833 9276 (cell) [email protected]
Auburn, CA 95603
Dear Members of the Board:
The Placer County Republican Assembly is opposed to the “Campus of Hope” proposal for building a vast homeless facility in Rocklin. This facility’s massive size is inappropriate for South Placer County.
Homeless housing in our community has already been significantly expanded in the last several years between construction of new housing units for homeless individuals and “Project Roomkey.” However, homelessness has gotten worse in spite of the additional funds that have been spent.
If Campus of Hope is approved, this facility will become a magnet for additional homeless from Sacramento and the Bay Area and our local public safety will be impacted negatively.
While we understand the Campus of Hope proposal relies on state and Federal funding, we must also point out that when these funds run out, local taxpayers are likely to be expected to make up the difference. Meanwhile, even if the cost to build and operate the facility itself is covered, the costs of increased crime and the increased burden on local law enforcement are not included.
For these reasons, the PCRA urges the Placer County Board of Supervisors to reject the Campus of Hope proposal.
Placer County Republican Assembly
11/28/21 Placer County Board of Supervisors 175 Fulweiler Avenue Auburn, CA 95603 RE: OPPOSITION TO “CAMPUS OF HOPE” PROPOSAL Dear Members of the Board: The Placer County Republican Assembly is opposed to the “Campus of Hope” proposal for building a vast homeless facility in Rocklin. This facility’s massive size is inappropriate for South Placer County. Homeless housing in our community has already been significantly expanded in the last several years between construction of new housing units for homeless individuals and “Project Roomkey.” However, homelessness has gotten worse in spite of the additional funds that have been spent. If Campus of Hope is approved, this facility will become a magnet for additional homeless from Sacramento and the Bay Area and our local public safety will be impacted negatively. While we understand the Campus of Hope proposal relies on state and Federal funding, we must also point out that when these funds run out, local taxpayers are likely to be expected to make up the difference. Meanwhile, even if the cost to build and operate the facility itself is covered, the costs of increased crime and the increased burden on local law enforcement are not included. For these reasons, the PCRA urges the Placer County Board of Supervisors to reject the Campus of Hope proposal. Sincerely,
Tom Hudson President Placer County Republican Assembly