Friends of Life Extension Official Formula marketing sheet

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  • 8/12/2019 Friends of Life Extension Official Formula marketing sheet


    N=OFFICIAL FORMULA__Vitamin AS iuBeta Carotene15mgVitamin 81 = = = ~ = = =13 mgVitamin . B21 rngNiacin15 mg =======

    -Niacinam ide250mgVitamin 85S mgVi tamin B6300mgVitamin 8121 mcgFo l.ic Acid8 mcgPABAS mgBiotin200mcgCholine chloride)250mgInositol500mgVitamin C2000m gAscorbyl Palmitate350mgRutin200mg

    Official ormula

    A daily nutritional supplementt; Ct>ntaining vitamins mineralsantioxidants and amino acids.

    Hesperidin Complex200mgVitamin E400i uCa lc ium5 mgChromium500mcgIodine = =====1 mcgMagnesium40 mg ======Manganese5m gMolybdenum15 mcgPotassium 50mg ======Se len ium15 mcgVanadium25mcgZincSOmgL-Cysteine400mgDMAE30mgl -Glutamine1 0mg

    _____ HE ALL IN ONE___ ... DOCTOR APPROVED f R O G R M =

  • 8/12/2019 Friends of Life Extension Official Formula marketing sheet


    LI FEEXTENSIONN on-Acidi c Vitamin CNo Added Colors, Sweetener s, Preservat ivesOnly Scient ifically Valid Ingredien tsOnly the Purest Possible Ingred ientsNo Rancid Oils Convenien t and Mod erately PricedDoctor ApJ>roved N o Binders or FillersNo Yeast, Wheat, Milk or Egg Easily Digested CapsulesMay e Used y Vegetarians Eve ry Cap sul e IdenticalFormulated by One of America's Leading Life Ex tension AcExcellent Shelf LifeOFFICI L FORMULA

    Suppose you could throw awa y all those bottlesand bags that clutter your shelves and get everything you need in one nutrit ional supplement.Imagine further that this single supp lement contained only the very finest quality nutrients in ablend that was truly ahead of its time . W ouldn ' t itbe wonderful if simplicity and ease could be combined with advanced knowledge- of sc ience andlongevity? Guess what, it hasFriends of Life Extension, a pioneer in developmental research, has recently unvei led an excitingnew formula which breaks new ground in purity,safety and completeness. Designed by one of" Amer ica 's leading l ife extension activists ," thisOFFICIAL F.ORMULA promises to revolutionize theway in which supplements are included in a complete program for health and youthOFFICIAL FORMU LA is the most comprehensivenutritional fo rmul a ( vailable with thi rty-threescientifi cally validated ingredients . Furthermore , itis remarkably simplified so that the total programis contained in one bottle. No more co unters littered with pill ma nia . No more confusion overshel f-l ife and storage. No more co mplications .But that 's not all. OFFICIAL 'FORMULA is designedin every way to be state-of-the-art and invaluable toyou . Friends of Lffe Extension believes a qualitysupplement must be exactly the same every time .you use it. You should not have t worry thatbinders and fillers will contribute to an allergicreaction . You should rest assured that yournutrients are supplied in dependable, easy-to-digestcapsules rather than hard , indigestable tablets . Andyou should feel confident that every capsule contains precisely the same ingredients, not vitamin Ain one capsule, vitamin E in another and B vitaminsin a third . That ' s riot how quality products aremade .OFFICIAL FORMULA contains exactly the sameproportions of nutrients in every capsule . Additionally we stake our reputation that all ingredientsmeet the most rigorous tests for poten cy, purityand shelf-life . While it is indeed possible to purchase ' 'bargain" ingredients for manufacturing, weinstead use only those whi ch are made by primequality manufacturers such as Ro che for vitaminsand Ajinomoto for amino acids . To do less is foshortchange you who are the point of ourex istence.1f you look ca reful ly at a bott le of OFFICIALFORMULA you w ill notice a pattern of excel lence .You will see that our vitamin C is non-acidic to protect against stomach upset. Our cho li ne is in themi lde r chl oride form . We use m inerals which aremore highl y absorbed, like magnes ium aspartateWe avoid co mmon allergens suc h as yeast, wheat ,milk and egg. We list all mi nerals as elemental. Andwe spurn ingredients of unproven benefit or slipshod manufact ure such as SOD and " chelated "min eral s. This is a product yo u can tr ust.W e know t h is supplem ent is not for eve ryb ody . Noteveryone has the same commitment to good hea lthand a lo ng li fe. Not everyone cherishes exce ll ence .There will always be a pla ce for the sup plementthat is merely acceptable . But with the introduction of the Friends of Life Extension OFFICIALFORM ULA we make the case that the re is also aplace for unco mpromising exce ll ence. And wethink you will agree.

    All You Will ver NeedThe Perfect Lifetime

    Formula nOFFICIAL FORMULA is a high quality,

    sophisticated formula. I recommend it to manyof my Custome rs.

    June Embury , owner,San Rafael Hea l th Foods .OFFICIAL FORMULA is a premium,

    state-of-the-art supplement suitable for even themost demanding individual.

    Theodore Aarons, M .A .Protein Research Associates

    One BottlFor the nutrition-minded person who wathe ver y est OFFICIAL FORMULA isI take it myself every day .

    Richard Stevenson

    I don't think I could make it through thewithout a good aerobic workout and

    bottle of OFFICIAL FORMULA.Susie Murphy, Susie Murphy 's Right MFitness Center, Mission Vie

    OFFICI L FORMULA Nutrients That \t\'ork For You

    TwelveCapsules DailyProvide:

    The Friends of Life Extension OFFICIAL FORMULA is available only at selected health food outlets . Fo r further informationcontact Friends of Life Extension, 1870 Jefferson St ., Suite 202, San Francisco, CA 94123 .. 415) 563-7003 Telex : 6501754850