Private & Confidential © 2011 Frenchman, Frenchwoman etc. 2012/2013 Trends illustrated through regional and local press 1

French trends 2012 2013/ Through regional and local newspapers

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Frenchman, Frenchwoman etc. 2012/2013 Trends illustrated through regional and local press


Page 2: French trends 2012 2013/ Through regional and local newspapers

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2011- 2012From “Deal with” to “Do for”


When 2011 was the year of finding new ways to deal with the crisis,

2012 rimes with people reaction of tending to do for themselves and others.

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Refocusing on social and territorial close circles


Driven by a lack of trust, this new trend is carried by :

+ invididual optimism (when we usually talk about French collective pessimism)

+ the will to act for oneself, with, and in the middle of its communities.

Since they can’t trust politics or brands, people live off their own back.

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This new positive move leads to 13 phenomenons


« Live» the crisis

1. The boiling pot2. « Cultivate our garden »3. Us people

Les nouvelles résiliences

1. Gamble on oneself2. Me, myself and I3. Our plurial lives

Earn less, live better

1. Consumer degree2. Collaborative consumption3. Econology4. The simplicity come back

The self quest against outside

1. Sweet, slow life !2. Info-chaos3. Avatars and identities

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Part one : “Live” the crisis


A pessimism record-breaking due to :

• Mass bad news• Mistrust towards powers and institutions

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The Boiling pot


+ Indignations, claimings, lack of trust towards collective action, but not local politics.

+ People feel their vote matters.86% of French People trust regional council , when

76% mistrust politics

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The Boiling pot


+ Before 2012/

Collective meeting and politics to change things

+ 2012/

Waiting for a meaningful change

+ The quote/

“When national democracy weakens , the local one strenghtens.”

+ Symbol/

The Indignados

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“Cultivate our garden”*


+ State and collective actions won’t change the world, we remain to ourselves.

+ Through individual optimism, we promote happiness through simple things.

+ The new French is both hedonist and pragmatic.

*Quote from a referent French novel : Candide, written by Voltaire

8/10 is the average mark given by Frenchpeople to their lives

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“Cultivate our garden”


*Quote from a referent French novel : Candide, written by Voltaire

+ Before 2012/

Incertitude anxiety

+ 2012/

Incertitude as a norm

+ The quote/

“Everything is a mess, let’s be happy”

+ Symbol/

The Lol Project, Free Hugs…

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Us People


+ Shared and simple happiness

+ We reinvest into solidarity, help, fraternity… in our closeness.

69% give their trust to people they know

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Us people


+ Before 2012/

Competitive individualism

+ 2012/

Benevolent egotism

+ The quote/

“Still thinking through themselves, people remain less selfish.”

+ Symbol/

Intouchables. A french movie about a disabled helped by a suburban recidivist.

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Part two : New resiliencies

People self-focus in response to the lack of trust :

• Individual initiative appears as the only way to go through

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Drawing your own path


+ Searching and valorising individual adventure

+ Being selfsufficient and creating your own path : fleeing inaction and waiting for a change coming from outside.

+ They tend to gamble more and more.360 000 companies created in 2010, when 170 000 in 2008.

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Drawing your own way


+ Before 2012/

“Helped job”

+ 2012/

Owner-manager status

+ The quote/

“Gambling, for better or worse, but at least trying.”

+ Symbol/

Statement of skills

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Me, myself and I


+ Self affirmation through statuses and behaviours

+ French people emancipate themselves by exposing our personal identities, far away from classes belonging.

+ Oneself as a brand : origin, job, hobbies, tastes, opinions

More than 7 people over 10 publish their pictures, interests, videos…

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Me, myself and I


+ Before 2012/

Social status

+ 2012/

Personal branding

+ The quote/

“I is another.”

+ Symbol/

The Klout.

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Our plural lives


+ Breaking traditional, life styles.

+ End of the “unic and stable life” : one employee, one partner… We live different lives at the same time.

+ Life is about recompositions and reinventions : hedonist individualism also means plural lives.11% of reconstituted families in 2010,

when 8% in 2008

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Our plural lives


+ Before 2012/

One life, one way to built it.

+ 2012/

Multiple lives, different ways to live it.

+ The quote/

“By taking more personal choices, people redefine conjugal life and multiply experiences.”

+ Symbol/


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Part three : Earn less, live better


To face crisis, people :

• rationalize their budget, • try to consume strategically, according to their• value

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Consumer Degree


+ End of mass consumption, sum up to owning a product.

+ French people are expert, they want to make the right choice, according to what they are and expect.

+ They criticize, they zap brands, and discuss into communities.

+ Good deals overhold brand affect.78% of French people worry about how they will monitary end the


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Consumer degree


+ Before 2012/

Brand talking, consumer listening

+ 2012/

Good deal, consumer communities, consumer becoming a seller.

+ The quote/

“We live in a C to C area.”

+ Symbol/

Online comparators

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Cooperative consumption


+ Catch-as-catch-can system

+ Mutual help, getting by together, and cooperative use

+ Renting, exchanging, sharing your flat, your car, your stuff among communities. We entered the “co” era.59% have a car, when 76% 30 years ago.

27% already lived in a flatsharing

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Cooperative consumption


+ Before 2012/


+ 2012/


+ The quote/

“I don’t need a drill, I need a hole in my wall.”

+ Symbol/

Barter party

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+ Greater part of French People become “locavorous” : they consume seasonal and local fuits and vegetables, to take part in sustainable development.

+ Collaborative, smart and economical, the new consumption is also ethical.

70% think that the mention « local producer » encourage the purchase

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+ Before 2012/

New products

+ 2012/

Local products

+ The quote/

“I stop eating peaches in March, and starwberries in october.”

+ Symbol/

AMAP : Baskets delivered, in order helping farming agriculture.

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The “simplicity” come back


+ Less to be better, less to be happier.

+ Overconsumption doesn’t match anymore with individual happiness.

+ Glamour and bling-bling : out ! Let’s stick to basics

73% choose home made by pleasure

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The “simplicity” come back


+ Before 2012/


+ 2012/


+ The quote/

“Unknown during the XXth century, the breadmaker is the new trendy XXIth device.”

+ Symbol/

Picnic and barbecue.

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Part four :The self quest, against outside


Speed cult is over : French now tend to detox and finding themselves and others, again.

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Sweet slow life


+ End of Commuting – Working –Sleeping*, we entered the slow delight era.

+ French want to control time, and not be urge by it anymore.

+ Time became the new claim for happiness.


46% of French people use their mobiles during holidays

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Sweet slow life


*Quote from a referent French novel : Candide, written by Voltaire

+ Before 2012/

Save time

+ 2012/

Take your time

+ The quote/

“Should I explain here, the biggest, the mainest, the most useful of education rules ? It’s not about saving time, but wasting it.” Rousseau

+ Symbol/

The nap bars

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+ Now information is personnal, fragmented. We don’t seek for it, it comes to us… it’s everywhere.

+ In spite of this and the new sharing facilities, we are very likely to forget.

+ We, thus, tend to rationalize and give back meaning to information.


Today, French people have 42 contacts with a medium, when 34 in 2005

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*Quote from a referent French novel : Candide, written by Voltaire

+ Before 2012/

The TV News (everyone was watching the same thing)

+ 2012/


+ The quote/

“When cames the “info-obesity”, seeking for meaning and understandibng is an urge.”

+ Symbol/


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Avatars and identities


+ Identity demand is rising, facing with speed, lack of meaning, globalisation…

+ Strong communities, created through internet, but also paradoxically localy.

+ We show our attachment to national identity.


21% of French people quote Magret de Canard as their favorite meal

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Avatars and identities


*Quote from a referent French novel : Candide, written by Voltaire

+ Before 2012/

Family Tree

+ 2012/


+ The quote/

“Local places are now, besides social networks, the new source of identity.”

+ Symbol/

Registration plate

(when department numbers have been removed from it, people reacted very strongly and demanded keeping it.)

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