Fremont’s Library Media Center A Vision Project of the FHS Library: Yesterday, Today, and Beyond

Fremont’s Library Media Center

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Fremont’s Library Media Center. A Vision Project of the FHS Library: Yesterday, Today, and Beyond. The Library Media Center. Is not a warehouse for books! Is not just a place to house computers! Is not always Quiet! But it… Is a program that supports student achievement! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fremont’s Library Media Center

A Vision Project of the FHS Library:Yesterday, Today, and Beyond

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The Library Media Center

Is not a warehouse for books! Is not just a place to house

computers! Is not always Quiet!

But it… Is a program that supports

student achievement! Is a center for teaching and

learning where collaboration between students,teachers, and the LMT is the main focus.

Is a hub of resources and learning on campus.

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FHS Library Media Center Vision Statement

The Fremont High School Library Media Center is a teaching library that prepares students for an increasingly complex information society by teaching student to be life long learners, independent thinkers, and creative problem solvers. By playing a central role in the teaching and learning process, the media center empowers the school’s curriculum, cultivating authentic, resource and information based learning.

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How do We Fulfill this Vision?

Through the 4 major program areas that comprise the Library Media Center:

CollaborationReading and Traditional LiteracyTechnologyInformation Literacy

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Teacher / LMC Collaboration

The LMT works with classroom teachers to design effective, authentic, resource based lessons by:Preconferencing with the teacher to map

out learning objectives,Cultivating resources that meet the needs

of the unit of study,Co-teaching with the classroom teacher,And assessing the unit and deciding what

improvement can be made next time.

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Reading, Literacy & the LMC

The LMT is head facilitator of the Literacy Team.

As such, she recruits new teachers to join the literacy team each year.

Works with teachers to incorporate literacy strategies into their lessons.

Leads professional development sessions on literacy.The LMT supports literacy in the classroom

through coordination with classroom teachers and the facilitation of the FVR program implemented in the English, Science, and Social Studies departments.

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Reading, Literacy & the LMC

The LMT promotes a love of reading by giving booktalks to classes,creating enticing displays of the latest

books,responding to student request for titles

within a day or two,and having liberal circulation policies

that facilitate access to as many books as possible at all times.

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Technology & the LMCThe LMT acts as the technology

coordinator and integration specialist by:Training teachers on how to integrate

technology into their classrooms.Facilitating teacher use of technologyFacilitating and teaching students in

the use of technology tools.

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Technology & the LMCThe LMT seeks out, tests, and

assess the usefulness of new technology tools.The LMT utilizes her understanding of

the curriculum to find technology tools that practically and efficiently facilitate learning of content.

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Information Literacy & the LMC

The LMT teaches information literacy to all students by:Working with classroom teachers to integrate

information literacy with content area standards when designing projects,

Teaching students how to use databases and other library resources,

Teaching students how to access, evaluate, and utilize information ethically and responsibly.

Teaching students the elements of the research process and how to effectively use resources and data.

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Celebrate Our Successes:What we have accomplished to

date! Buy lots of new, high interest books and Increase visibility of new books

Ongoing Establish a graphic novel collection Complete

Move graphic novels next to magazines and “comfy” chairs to entice students into reading. Complete

Create displays of books (“Borders” style displays) Ongoing Establish reading lists on the OPAC Complete Extend the school day by maintaining a homework center in the library

for both tutoring and credit recovery options. Ongoing Work with English dept. to develop research units in 9th -12th grades.

Ongoing Create an Environmental Science special collection for outside reading

and collaborate with eScience teachers on two research units during the year. Ongoing

Established a digital library presence on the web, which provides 24/7 access to library resources such as databases, eBooks, and class project information. Complete

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So, What is the Result?Print Media Circulation Since 2001








2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007Year

Number of books

Print Media Circulation

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The Results are…More Students Reading More Books!

Because of the efforts of the LMT, Circulation has increased 72% over the previous year.

The data shows a direct correlation between having a fulltime professional Library Media Teacher and a significant increase in circulation, as can be seen in the jump in circulation in 2003-2004 when LMTs were first hired in the district.

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The Results of a Comprehensive LMC

ProgramBut just having an LMT was not

enough… The largest increases happened when:

the LMT increased collaboration time with classroom teachers AND

was given funding to buy new, interesting books that students wanted to read!

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Where We Need Improvement…

The average age of our non-fiction and reference collection is 1982… horribly out of date!

Teachers do not ask students to use books for research because they don’t believe we have the necessary information.

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LMC 2007-2008 SMART Goals: Reading Program

Goals Inventory Collection Weed outdated materials Create a 5 year plan for updating the resources

available in the library. Work closely with departments to build up non

fiction areas with new books that match curriculum standards and units taught.

Buy more high interest non fiction (such as books on Soccer, cars, space, etc.)

Advertise Non fiction more effectively - create book displays and curriculum tie-ins.

Create teacher “Recommended Reading” Lists Establish a professional development library and


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LMC 2007-2008 SMART Goals:

Collaboration GoalsTrain a new cadre of Literacy Team

membersWork with the English dept. to create

research projects at all grade levelsWork with both Science and Social Studies to

get more teachers doing research projects (rather than just one or two in each dept.)

Work with P.E., Cooking, and Foreign Language to create new interesting projects

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LMC 2007-2008 SMART Goals:

Technology Program GoalsWork with teachers to begin utilizing blogging as a tool for discussion and journaling.

Introduce Wikis as a tool for writing papers collaboratively.

Train more departments on the use of databases (Thomson Gale, UnitedStreaming, etc.).

Get 100% of teachers using online grade books and communication applications, such as School Loop.

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LMC 2007-2008 SMART Goals:

Information Literacy GoalsAll teachers and students will be taught how to use proper MLA formatting for writing papers.

Teachers will be trained on how to avoid assigning papers that lead to plagiarism.

Students will be taught how to properly site sources and how to avoid plagiarism.

All students will be taught how to evaluate websites and how to utilize the subscription databases.

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How do we know when we’re done?

The work is NEVER done! The library needs constant updating and rethinking in order to respond to the changing needs of our students. BUT to monitor progress, the LMT will:Establish Assessments and Gather DataTrack student progress over time by using questionnaires, test

scores, and direct assessments of student workLook for outside sources of funding (grants) to help fill the

need for newer, more relevant materials BUTIn order to accomplish all of these goals, the library

media center must be properly funded.

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The LMC VisionIncreased student achievementDevelopment of a life long love of

readingCreate information literate

studentsWho can utilize different

technologies effectively