Tools to Organize & Mobilize FREELANCE ISN’T FREE ToOlkit

FREELANCE ISN’T FREE ToOlkit€¦ · About the Freelance Isn’t Free law This groundbreaking law was a victory for Freelances Union members in New York City and serves as a blueprint

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Page 1: FREELANCE ISN’T FREE ToOlkit€¦ · About the Freelance Isn’t Free law This groundbreaking law was a victory for Freelances Union members in New York City and serves as a blueprint

Tools to Organize & Mobilize



Page 2: FREELANCE ISN’T FREE ToOlkit€¦ · About the Freelance Isn’t Free law This groundbreaking law was a victory for Freelances Union members in New York City and serves as a blueprint

Did you know nearly8 in 10 freelancersstruggle with nonpayment?Freelancers across all industries encounter clients who go radio silent, promise

that “the check is in the mail,” and take over 90 days to pay. But it doesn’t have to

be this way.

On November 16, 2016, the first Freelance Isn’t Free act was signed into law in

New York City. Led by members of Freelancers Union and a coalition of allies,

the #FreelanceIsntFree campaign demonstrated that independent workers are a

powerful constituency capable of organizing for change.

Freelancers signed petitions, shared their stories, attended meetings and rallies,

testified at hearings, and pressured their legislators. Their efforts led to the

unanimous passage of the Freelance Isn’t Free law because it’s actually a really

simple issue: Everybody should get paid for the work they do.

Our goal is to get freelancers everywhere paid on time and in full. This toolkit is

designed to help Freelancers Union members across the United States:

• Understand the issue of nonpayment

• Learn about the Freelance Isn’t Free law

• Start organizing your community for change

Together, we can build a movement to ensure freelancers everywhere are

protected from nonpayment.

Get involved. Take action.

End Nonpayment.

Page 3: FREELANCE ISN’T FREE ToOlkit€¦ · About the Freelance Isn’t Free law This groundbreaking law was a victory for Freelances Union members in New York City and serves as a blueprint

Freelancers Strike Back!Join the fight against nonpayment.

Take action: A community leader’s guide

Passionate about ending nonpayment for freelancers and want to be a part of

the #FreelanceIsntFree movement? This toolkit provides the information and

resources you need to start building a local campaign. Follow the steps below to

help grow the movement and become a leader.

As you begin to organize, Freelancers Union will work with you to build a

winning strategy!

1. Sign the petition

Go to www.FreelanceIsntFree.org and express your support for the movement.

2. Share the campaign with your network

Post about the issue on social media using the #FreelanceIsntFree hashtag and

encourage others to join the movement!

Page 4: FREELANCE ISN’T FREE ToOlkit€¦ · About the Freelance Isn’t Free law This groundbreaking law was a victory for Freelances Union members in New York City and serves as a blueprint

Some examples:

Freelancers Strike Back! Nearly 8 in 10 freelancers have trouble getting paid

what they’re owed. Sign the petition to end nonpayment #FreelanceIsntFree


Nearly 8 in 10 freelancers (like me!) struggle to collect what they’re earned from

clients. #FreelanceIsntFree www.FreelanceIsntFree.org

Have a client that won’t pay? You’re not alone. #FreelanceIsntFree

I support freelancers getting paid www.FreelanceIsntFree.org

Here are some images you can use to post to social media.

3. Tell your story

Have you had issues with nonpayment? You’re not alone—share your story here.

Member stories are a powerful way we can bring attention to the issue by showing

the real and significant impact nonpayment has on freelancer’s lives. They help us

identify where we have the best chance of building a successful local campaign.


Page 5: FREELANCE ISN’T FREE ToOlkit€¦ · About the Freelance Isn’t Free law This groundbreaking law was a victory for Freelances Union members in New York City and serves as a blueprint

4. Organize your community

The best way to kickstart a movement in your area? Build a local network.

Here’s how:

• Check to see if there’s a Freelancers Union SPARK (our monthly member

meetup) in your area. Reach out to the event organizers and attend a meetup.

Offer to volunteer as a Community Leader for the group.

• No SPARK in your area? Start your own! It’s a great way to build your network,

meet other like-minded freelancers, and organize your community for


• Remember, don’t go it alone! As you begin to connect with your community,

find other volunteers who can help, build a contact list of local freelancers,

and forge connections with other community leaders and organizations who

support the cause.

• Print and share the handouts from this guide for events and meetings:

Freelancers Strike Back and Freelancers Who Get Paid. Use these to help raise

awareness and for recruitment.

5. Identify yourself as a leader to Freelancers Union

Email [email protected] to let us know you’re interested in

being involved in a campaign. We’ll help you get connected to our member

community to organize locally and shine a national spotlight on the need to

protect freelance work.

Together we can build a powerful constituency capable of creating change!

Page 6: FREELANCE ISN’T FREE ToOlkit€¦ · About the Freelance Isn’t Free law This groundbreaking law was a victory for Freelances Union members in New York City and serves as a blueprint

Freelancers Strike Back!Join the fight against nonpayment.

Freelancers are over a third of the workforce

• 57.3 million Americans freelance—including nearly half (47%) of millennials

• At the current growth rate, the majority of the US workforce will freelance within a decade

• Freelancers Union represents over 375,000 freelancers in all industries and occupations

The impact of nonpayment is real and alarming

Freelancers struggle to get by when they are cheated out of payment. In the face of nonpayment, freelancers reported they took the following actions:

• 44% relied on credit cards

• 25% borrowed money from family and friends

• 17% took a job outside of their field

• 7% received government assistance

• 7% sold a car or other item

Nonpayment affects freelancers across all industries and types of work

Learn more about the issue and how to support the #FreelanceIsntFree campaign at


Take Action Handout!

Nonpayment is an epidemic in the freelance community

• Despite the tremendous growth of this workforce...

• 71% of freelancers face nonpayment or late payment

• Freelancers who are stiffed lose an average of $5,968 each year

• Most freelance engagements aren’t protected by clear, written contracts. Only about a quarter (28%) of freelancers say they always use a contract


*% of freelancers reporting issues getting paid on time


10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%







FILM & TV 79%The majority of workers will freelance by 2027

2017 2027




83.4MProjected workforce size



Page 7: FREELANCE ISN’T FREE ToOlkit€¦ · About the Freelance Isn’t Free law This groundbreaking law was a victory for Freelances Union members in New York City and serves as a blueprint

Freelancers Who Get PaidSounds pretty basic to us.

About the Freelance Isn’t Free law

This groundbreaking law was a victory for

Freelances Union members in New York

City and serves as a blueprint for other

cities and states. Enacted in 2017, the law

provides new protections for freelance

work, including:

• Mandatory contracts: Clients must use

a contract when hiring a freelancer for

over $800 of work and they can face

fines if they refuse to provide one.

• 30-day payment terms: Unless

otherwise specified in a contract,

clients must pay freelancers within 30

days of work completion.

• Payment agreement protections:

Clients cannot require that freelancers

accept less than they’re owed in

exchange for timely payment.

• Anti-retaliation: Clients cannot

retaliate against a freelancer for

pursuing payment.

• Legal assistance: A city agency will

investigate, may try to collect on the

freelancer’s behalf, and will provide

court navigation services if needed.

• Double damages: Freelancers can

collect double damages and attorney’s

fees in court, and repeat offenders can

face penalties of up to $25,000.

Join the #FreelanceIsntFree movement

Let’s work together to bring Freelance Isn’t

Free protections to all freelancers. Here are

a few actions you can take:

1. Sign the petition: Go to

www.FreelanceIsntFree.org to

express your support—and share the

campaign on social media using the

#FreelanceIsntFree hashtag!

2. Share your story: Have you had an

issue with nonpayment? Share your

experience on our blog and help

us bring attention to the challenges

freelancers face.

3. Organize your community: Join a

Freelancers Union SPARK meetup or

organize your own to start building

a local network of freelancers to

advocate for the law.

Learn more about the issue and how to support the #FreelanceIsntFree campaign at


Take Action Handout!