"Freedom Is Not Free" was first coined by retired U.S. Air Force Colonel, Walter Hitchcock, of New Mexico Military Institute. Freedom had its cost. Those who say, there are no heroes in the real world now, just does not know where to look. The idiom expresses gratitude for the service of members of the military, implicitly stating that the freedoms enjoyed by many citizens in many democracies are only possible through the voluntary risks taken and sacrifices made by those in military. If there is one thing we should never forget, it’s the sacrifice our military has made over the decades for our freedom. Our freedom is not “free” it comes at a great personal cost to the brave men and women in the armed forces who give so much and ask so little. Everything valuable comes with a price — and freedom is no exception. Whether it is our freedom to choose our place of worship, to travel across borders, or to pursue the career of our choosing, our freedoms are costly. We have untold debt to those who fought and sacrificed for the political and social liberties we enjoy today. Our spiritual liberty was not cheap, either. We owe our spiritual freedom to Jesus Christ, who paid for it on the Cross. Through Jesus we found the freedom from the enslavement to sin. To know Christ is to know true freedom. Jesus Himself said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" God's sacrifice for us was not measured by financial expense or political cost. When Jesus came to earth, He sacrificed His untold glory and splendor in heaven to walk among us. He experienced the pain of being separated from the Father while He hung on the cross. He paid for our sins with His own blood. Is the cost of freedom worth it? Without a doubt. You’re not a slave of your mind, but already free.

Freedom is Not Free

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Page 1: Freedom is Not Free

"Freedom Is Not Free" was first coined by retired U.S. Air Force Colonel, Walter Hitchcock, of New Mexico Military Institute.  Freedom had its cost. Those who say, there are no heroes in the real world now, just does not know where to look.

The idiom expresses gratitude for the service of members of the military, implicitly stating that the freedoms enjoyed by many citizens in many democracies are only possible through the voluntary risks taken and sacrifices made by those in military.

If there is one thing we should never forget, it’s the sacrifice our military has made over the decades for our freedom. Our freedom is not “free” it comes at a great personal cost to the brave men and women in the armed forces who give so much and ask so little.

Everything valuable comes with a price — and freedom is no exception. Whether it is our freedom to choose our place of worship, to travel across borders, or to pursue the career of our choosing, our freedoms are costly. We have untold debt to those who fought and sacrificed for the political and social liberties we enjoy today.

Our spiritual liberty was not cheap, either. We owe our spiritual freedom to Jesus Christ, who paid for it on the Cross. Through Jesus we found the freedom from the enslavement to sin. To know Christ is to know true freedom. Jesus Himself said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" God's sacrifice for us was not measured by financial expense or political cost. When Jesus came to earth, He sacrificed His untold glory and splendor in heaven to walk among us. He experienced the pain of being separated from the Father while He hung on the cross. He paid for our sins with His own blood.

Is the cost of freedom worth it? Without a doubt.

You’re not a slave of your mind, but already free.

The terrible thing about terrorism is that ultimately it destroys those who practice it slowly but surely, as they try to distinguish life in others, the light within themselves dies. Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom?" Because freedom of choice is always chained to certainty of consequence, the freedom to make one's own decisions is never free.

Since the inception of our great nation, brave men and women have been fighting for a principle summed up in a simple word, “freedom.” However, with the battles that have been fought in the name of freedom, we have oftentimes seen the greatest of prices paid—the life of a soldier. With this price being paid, it is easy to see the truthfulness of the title of this article, “Freedom Is not Free!” In fact freedom is probably the most costly of principles. It is one our founding fathers saw fit to fight for and instill!

“Stone walls do not a prison makenor iron bars a cage”

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His freedom is ours for the taking, regardless of our external environment, even if we are in jail or in a country where dissenters are tortured, arrested, or killed. This freedom cannot be taken away by man, because it is implanted in our spirits through His Spirit. Look at what the apostle Paul says concerning freedom, “Now the Lord is the Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [freedom]”. God blesses us with many freedoms: freedom from death, freedom from the fear of death, freedom from slavery to sin, freedom from anxiety, and freedom from timidity.

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Who are free::

When a person has no fear of being different, they are free. When a person can choose to be who they want to be, they are free. When a person can say what they believe and do what they believe, they are free. When a dream can become a reality, freedom is at work in their lives.

All these things, and more, define freedom for me

But this is all true that freedom is not free , it comes at a price

Sometimes people even die for freedom. Sometimes it divides a country. Sometimes it can destroy people lives forever. The cost of freedom can be priceless.

Example 1:

.If you take an example of Indian Army, you will realize that many soldiers have sacrificed themselves and their own freedom to make sure that we Indians are safe in our homes. Our cost is to pay taxes to support our military so that they can fight to defend freedom of our country. Soldiers that serve our country protect us from harm’s way, but too often they have to pay the ultimate price to keep us safe. They sacrifice their lives for us to make our country a better place to live in . To die so young is more than merely dying: it is to lose so large a part of life.” It is to give up the pleasures and pains that make life worth living.We should honor those people and the cause they fight for. This examples strengthen our point “Freedom is not free”

Also, freedom comes with the responsibility to defend it and keep it alive for everyone, forever. If nobody was there to defend freedom, others could take our freedom away. Because I believe that freedom is the most important thing for a county, we should do whatever it takes to keep strong and make it last forever.

It’s hard to grasp that some countries today fight and fight for even a small taste of freedom. Eg Syria , country fighting for freedom and democracy against authoritarian rule since 2011.

Example 2:

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Our parents have sacrifices their lives so that we can choose to live out our dreams. Our cost to them is that they feel proud when they saw their children achieving bigger heights , we have to work pretty hard to achieve that . Another cost that parents pay is that they put all thiet hard earned money on their children to ensure good future for us.

Are we really free in India?

At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance… We end today a period of ill fortune, and India discovers herself again.”i.e 15 th August, 1947 , the day India got independece

But a question came to my mind are we really free in India ? Even though we got independence on 15th August,1947 but still can you consider yourself as free. It is quite true that we are an independent nation , our forefathers made a lot of sacrifices and our current military force is making a lot of sacrifices for us . But a question came to my mind that does freedom is all about getting independence from the rulers ?

Every year on 15th August we see the TV channels, radio stations and even the magazines and the newspapers off loading information about Independence day, freedom and patriotism, they reinforce the fact that each one of us should really take pride in the fact that we are a free country.

How short is the public memory or is it just me who feels in a country where every second day there is a case of honour killing, caste discrimination and words scheduled caste and dalits are still a common parlance, what freedom are really talking about.Who owns the responsibility for all this . Does this does not make a part of our freedom.

If i forget the larger picture, even after 60 yrs of independence I dont feel like stepping out of the house alone after 8,

what freedom are we talking about, when there is a rape happening every 10 minutes somewhere in the country,

Child labour is still common, and not a lot of eyebrows are raised when a ten year old boy serves us a cup of tea.

Corruption rules the country still we say we are free? Hundreds and thousands of people have been, and are being, affected by terrorism, still

we say India is free and independent? A sizeable population does not know where their next meal is going to come from, still

we say India is free and independent?

We are actually not free..

If we want to live in a free country then each one of us have to think what does this freedom really mean. How long will it take before each of the citizen’s life is guaranteed? How long will it take to beat corruption? How long will it take to understand the real meaning of freedom ?

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As nearly 64 % of the Indian population is younger population.Lets take the plunge and resoponsibility to remove the social evils that are prevelant in Indian society so that we can make our country actually a free

country beacuses“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”