Vocabulary Cards Write word and draw a picture on 1 side, write the def. in your own words on the other. • Free State- a state in which slavery was illegal. Northern states were free states. • Slave State- a state in which slavery was legal. The Southern and Border states were slave states.

Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal. Northern states were free states

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Vocabulary Cards Write word and draw a picture on 1 side, write the def. in your own words on the other. Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal. Northern states were free states. Slave State - a state in which slavery was legal. The Southern and Border states were slave states. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

Vocabulary CardsWrite word and draw a picture on 1 side, write the def. in your

own words on the other.

• Free State- a state in which slavery was illegal. Northern states were free states.

• Slave State- a state in which slavery was legal. The Southern and Border states were slave states.

Page 2: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

Missouri Compromise

• Issue: Missouri wants to be added as a state, the North doesn’t want slavery to spread, the South doesn’t want the North to have more power.

Page 3: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

• Compromise: Missouri added as slave state, Maine added as free state. Slavery illegal above Missouri’s bottom border.

Page 4: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

Missouri Compromise

• Result: North and South have same # of votes in Congress

Page 5: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

Compromise of 1850

• Issue: California wants to be added as a free state. South upset b/c North will have more power in Congress

Page 6: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

• Compromise: California is a free state, UT & NM will decide for themselves if slavery is allowed, Fugitive Slave Law is created (north must return runaway slaves to south).

Page 7: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

• Result: USA is held together by compromise, each side is temporarily satisfied.

Page 8: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

Kansas-Nebraska Act

• Issue: KS and NE apply to become states. Missouri Compromise says no slavery, but Gov. must decide if slavery is allowed or not.

Page 9: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

• Compromise: KS and NE added and will decide by vote of the settlers to be free or slave states.

Page 10: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

• Result: “Bleeding Kansas” South sends pro-slavery people to live in KS & NE to vote for slavery, North sends anti-slavery people to vote NO. Leads to violence between 2 sides.

Page 11: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

Do Now

• Write 5 review questions for the first part of the Causes of the Civil War notes in Sponge Notebook.

Page 12: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states


Sectionalism- placing the wants and needs of one region above those of the whole country

Secede- To withdraw formally from membership in an organization, association, or alliance. (Southern states seceded from the USA to form the Confederate States of America).

Civil War- a war between political groups or regions within the same country.

Confederacy- a league or alliance of states

Page 13: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

Dred Scott Decision

• Issue: Slaves Dred & Harriet Scott sue for freedom b/c under their dead master, they lived in free territories.

Page 14: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

Dred Scott

• Decision of the US Supreme Court:Slaves are not citizens & cannot sue Slave are property & can be taken anywhere,

therefore no territory is truly a “free state”

Page 15: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

Decision of Supreme Court

• Result: Victory for the South- no limits to slavery, Missouri Compromise unconstitutional

Page 16: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

Election of 1860

• Abraham Lincoln wins presidency. South feels states should decide if they want slavery or not, Lincoln says national gov should decide and wants rights for blacks. This leads the South to secede and form the Confederate States of America.

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Firing at Fort Sumter

• Argument over whether the fort belonged to the US gov or the new Confederacy. CSA soldiers fire at US troops at Fort Sumter, SC to prevent the US troops from getting more supplies. This is the 1st battle of the Civil War, 1861.

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Page 19: Free State - a state in which slavery was illegal.  Northern states were free states

Partner Work

• In pairs, 1 person will be the “South” and 1 will be the “North.”

• For each compromise/decision, discuss how your side felt about the decision.

• Write 1-2 sentences explaining why they felt that way.

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• EQ- Did the compromises made settle the power struggle between North and South? Why or why not?