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Free Indeed. Free Indeed. PROGRAM. 1. Define the problem. 2. Look at two causes:. A. Ungodly Soul Ties. -Prayer time. B. Generational Iniquity. -Prayer time. 1. The Problem:. Sin…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1. Define the problem

2. Look at two causes:A. Ungodly Soul Ties.

B. Generational Iniquity.

-Prayer time

-Prayer time


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1. The Problem:


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Mistake 1: We believe that strong willpower, determination and self effort is all that is required to overcome sin, and walk in victory.

Self Effort is not, nor was it ever meant to be, the primary means by which we overcome sin and walk in victory.

Self Effort is not, nor was it ever meant to be, the primary means by which we overcome sin and walk in victory.

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Mistake 3: Those not sinning because they are trying desperately hard, and those not sinning because there is no battle, both look the same to an outsider. This fosters a false understanding of Spiritual and Christian maturity.

Mistake 1: We believe that strong willpower, determination and self effort is all that is required to overcome sin, and walk in victory.

Mistake 2: Because of the on-going battle with sin, we mistakenly call abstinence victory.

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6Maintenance Free Victory Labour Intensive Victory

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7Maintenance Free Victory Labour Intensive Victory

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8Maintenance Free Victory Labour Intensive Victory

Mistake 3: Those not sinning because they are trying desperately hard, and those not sinning because there is no battle, both look the same to an outsider. This fosters a false understanding of Spiritual and Christian maturity.

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•Ungodly “soul ties”;•Generational sin / Iniquity;•Personal sin, particularly unforgiveness;•Curses;•Ungodly vows;•Bitter Root Judgments;•Physical acts carried out on or against yourself, or in your presence (or more correctly, your response to them);

•Abandonment;•Shame;•Rejection;•Cultural bondages•Demons.

2. The Cause:

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The parts of man

Spirit Body





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Note:This does not make us Counselors…

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God’s Intention: That their be ties between…

• Christians and:• God• Jesus• Holy Spirit (John 17)

• one another in the Body of Christ (John 17)

• husband and wife (Matt 19:5-6)

• friends• parents to children.

1. Soul Ties

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Anything God has created, Satan attempts to distort and warp.

Interestingly, “evil” does not exist of itself, but is merely a distortion and warping of good.

1. Soul Ties

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• Obsessive thoughts / preoccupations about another. You may be unable to put a past relationship behind you;

• Inability to commit in a new relationship;

• When a past partner / authority figure still has the power to turn you to jelly (through fear or love/lust), even after a long time;

• You have excessive fear at the mention of someone’s name;

• You have a tendency to be passive and apathetic in a relationship;

Effects of Soul Ties:

1. Soul Ties

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• You were involved in a cult and have trouble feeling free;

• You continually have another person’s voice playing over and over in your mind;

• There are patterns of anger, blame and accusation in a relationship;

• You are STILL desperately attempting to please your parents, even though you are an adult.

Effects of Soul Ties:

1. Soul Ties

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To the Soul Ties Diagram…

1. Soul Ties

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Un-godly Soul Ties to…..2. Things

3. Places

4. Through…

1. Soul Ties 1. People

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12 Cults

13 “Friends” - Intense relationships

14 Leaders: Religious, Sects, bosses

15 Parents

16 Club / Lodge leader

17 Co-dependent relationships

18 The dead

9 Abusive husband / wife

8 Ex husband/wife

1. People

10 Rape Victim

11 Incest Victim

19 Anyone you withhold forgiveness from

1. Soul Ties7 Lover / sexual partner

5. Sexual

6. Non-Sexual

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21 Presents

27 Money

22 Animals

24 Organisation, Club, Sect, Fraternity

23 Handed down jewellery, objects, etc

25 Even some controlling churches

20 Food

26 Sport

2. Things

1. Soul Ties

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29 Where something significant happened

28 House

30 Country / State

31 Ethnic background

3. Places

1. Soul Ties

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32 Blood oaths

35 Psychic ties

36 Occult ties (to demons)

34 Shared Trauma4. Through…

1. Soul Ties

33 Words, vows, commitments, promises

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1. Ask God’s forgiveness for your involvement in the relationship;

2. Pray and forgive the other person (Use the person’s initials if it makes it easier) “Father God, I forgive…. for….;

3. Renounce any vows made before God;

4. Renounce the ties, and pray to cut the ties;

5. Ask God to re-unite all parts of you back to yourself, and to take all parts of the other person away. Ask God to remove the

image of the abuser and replace it with the image of Jesus;

6. Commit to getting rid of gifts that might empower the tie.

So how do we cut these ungodly soul ties?

1. Soul Ties

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• The merri-go-round in your mind stops…

• The other person may attempt to re-establish contact.

• Besides freedom, there may even be a feeling of loneliness…

1. Soul Ties

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…then morning tea

1. Soul Ties

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2. Generational Iniquity

Sin is missing the mark that God has set for us.

In the bible we have five definitions of sin:  1) Transgression (overstepping God’s boundaries. ) 2) Trespass (entry into any area that is forbidden) 3) Disobedience (knowing the difference between right and wrong, and choosing wrong) 4) Rebellion (denying accountability to God or denying any authority rule in the church or the home) 5) Iniquity …

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2. Generational Iniquity


In the bible we have five definitions of sin:  1) Transgression (overstepping God’s boundaries. ) 2) Trespass (entry into any area that is forbidden) 3) Disobedience (knowing the difference between right and wrong, and choosing wrong) 4) Rebellion (denying accountability to God or denying any authority rule in the church or the home) 5) Iniquity …

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Sin… is the umbrella under which all wrong resides. When spoken of specifically, it means accidentally

missing the mark. “I did not know and I am sorry. Forgive me.” – an unintentional wrong.

2. Generational Iniquity

Lev 4:2 "Say to the Israelites: 'When anyone sins unintentionally…

Lev 5:15 "When a person commits a violation and sins unintentionally…

Num 15:27 "But if just one person sins unintentionally, he must bring a year-old female goat

Sacrifice was almost always for the sins (unintentional wrongs) of the Israelites.

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Iniquity: It is a grievous and intentional sin carried out (usually

repeatedly) by someone, that has an on-going effect through

the generations. It causes us to inherit a bias towards a

particular sin.

It is deliberately doing what God sees as grossly evil. eg.

murder, theft, adultery, idolatry, witchcraft. But there is more. It

will distort or twist a person’s core being. And it will pass down

to following generations.

It is the desire to do wrong. “full of …iniquity.” Matt 23:28

2. Generational Iniquity

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“Iniquity is the innate power in you that drives you to sin. It

is the hidden sin of your ancestors, which… causes you to

seek out the sin that gave birth to it.”


2. Generational Iniquity

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“Iniquity is a force that compels our will to sin. Iniquity is the twisted nature that lasts long after the transgression has been committed. This iniquity can be passed down through future generations, unless the iniquity itself is removed. Iniquity affects the will and personality in such a way that each generation has an inbred tendency to act in the same way as their ancestors did.”(This definition from “Victory in the Battle”  By John Kowalczyk)

2. Generational Iniquity

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“…often, if not usually, [iniquity] is the reason why the other [sins] are committed. Correspondingly, if the iniquity is removed, then the major reason why sins and transgressions are committed is removed, too. This alone explains why Christians continue to struggle with committing the same sins and transgressions for years and years - because the iniquity is still pending and is an open and viable force compelling the person to sin and transgress.”


2. Generational Iniquity

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“We do not inherit the sins of our ancestors, we inherit the consequences.”http://www.thepoolministries.org/deliverance.htm

2. Generational Iniquity

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So iniquity is:• A grievous and deliberate sin before God.• AND it is an inner impulsive force, or “driver” that pushes

us towards an area of sin.

2. Generational Iniquity

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But be very aware – We are totally responsible for our own actions. Iniquity, or no iniquity!

Be very aware also – We are not responsible for, nor will we be judged and punished for, the sins of our parents.(Ez 18, Jer 31)

…but we do inherit consequences of their sin.

2. Generational Iniquity

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So what does the Bible say?

2. Generational Iniquity

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Exodus 20:4-5 “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. [5] Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

2. Generational Iniquity: In the Old Testament

Exodus 20:4-5 & Deut 5:8-9

While this is stated within the Ten Commandments, this is not the “Law” but is a characteristic of God’s ways. It is as valid today as it was then.

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…Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.

Exodus 34:7

2. Generational Iniquity: In the Old Testament

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…maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation."

Exodus 34:7 NIV

2. Generational Iniquity: In the Old Testament

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2. Generational Iniquity

In the Old Testament:

Even though you’re not guilty of the iniquity of your parents (see Ezekiel 18:1-32, for example), you are impacted by it.

You are not judged for their sin, but you are affected by it.

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• Eze 3:20 And when the righteous turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity…

Iniquity is a sinful act:

• 2Sam 22:24 I was also upright before Him, and have kept myself from my iniquity.

Iniquity is a bias toward sin, a driver within us:

• Job 15:5 For your iniquity teaches your mouth, and you choose the tongue of the crafty.

It affects our nature.

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2. Generational Iniquity

The iniquities of the nation were dealt with differently from their sins.

Lev 16:21 And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness: [22] And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited: and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness.

Lev 16:15 Then he shall kill the goat of the sin offering that is for the people, and bring its blood inside…

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2. Generational Iniquity: In the Old Testament

Adam: “For as in Adam all died…” (1Cor 15:22)

David: Had a problem with women (9 wives, 10 concubines)

Solomon: Had a bigger problem with women

Abraham, Isaac Jacob: Lying and deception

Noah’s son, Ham: His children would serve their brothers


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Judas: (Ps 119:9-16) Like his father!

Simon the Sorcerer: (Acts 8:9-24) “…you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity.”

Pharisees: (Mat 17:24) “…his blood be on us and on our children”

John 9:2 “And his disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’”

2. Generational Iniquity: In the New Testament

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Heb 7:9 "And, so to speak, through Abraham even Levi, who received tithes, paid tithes, for he was still in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him.”

Levi participated in paying tithes while in the loins of Abraham who was not his father but his great-grandfather.

It is not unfair then, to say that Levi also participated in the sins of his fore-fathers.

2. Generational Iniquity: In the New Testament

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Mat 5:21 You have heard that it was said to the ancients, "You shall not kill" --and, "Whoever shall kill shall be liable to the judgment." [22] But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be liable to the judgment. And whoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be liable to the sanhedrin; but whoever shall say, Fool! shall be liable to be thrown into the fire of hell.

2. Generational Iniquity: In the New Testament

Mat 5:27 You have heard that it was said to the ancients, "You shall not commit adultery." [28] But I say to you that whoever looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

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2. Generational Iniquity

Outworking of Iniquity:

1. A bias

2. A (legitimate) curse "...judgments that are passed on to individuals because of sins perpetuated in a family in a number of generations...They bring judgment or bondage during an individual's life, until that individual addresses the sin issues that put the curses into place."

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• Lust, and related sexual sinsPaedophilia, incest, bestiality, prostitution, adultery and illegitimacy

• Greed• Desire for occult knowledge• Control• Bitterness• Obsessions• Shame• Addictions: drugs, alcohol…• Self pity• Envy• Withhold affection / acceptance

2. Generational Iniquity

The following biases may be the outworking of Iniquity:

• Abandonment• Fear• Rejection• Hopelessness• Powerlessness• Violence / Hate• Domestic Violence• Stealing• Jealousy• Pride and Arrogance• Criticism / Judging• On-going grief• Depression• Nervousness

• Lying• Hatred of men /

women• Abuse / Abusing• Gluttony• Desire for Power• Inability to forgive• Rebellion• Covetousness• Anger• Idolatry• Phobias• Illegitimate children• Racism

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• Poverty• Sickness• Childless• Early or untimely death• Inability to retain a job• Inability to marry• Can’t stay married• Always the follower. Never the leader• Injury prone• Insanity• Depression• God is always distant

2. Generational Iniquity

The following curses may be the outworking of Iniquity:Deut 28:15f

• Marry losers / abusers• Born with a label: “I’m available”,

“Abuse me”, etc

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2. Generational Iniquity

This is NOT Ralph’s theology. It is taught by:

• Chuck Pierce• C Peter Wagner• Rebecca Wagner Sytsema• Bill Johnson• Che Ahn• Peter Horrobin (Ellel)• Charles Kraft• Derek Prince• Noel and Phyl Gibson• Neil Anderson• John Calvin• Cindy Trimm

• Elijah House – John and Paula Sandford• Anazao – Peter and Heather Toth• Ed Smith• Matt Sorger• Mark Mubeck• Harold Dewberry• Ana Mendez Ferrell• Stewart Pieper • John Eckhardt• Cindy Jacobs

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2. Generational Iniquity

“Satan uses generational sin more than almost anything else, to afflict individuals, families, groups, churches, cities, regions and nations.” (John Sandford)

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Lev 18:24,25 Do not defile yourself with all these, for with all these the nations have been defiled, which I am casting out before you; and the land is defiled, and I will visit its iniquity on it; and the land is vomiting out those living in it.

2. Generational Iniquity

The land is affected by sin:

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A: Identificational Repentance!

2. Generational Iniquity

Lev 26:40f If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, … if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, … then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.

Jer 14:20 We acknowledge, O LORD, our wickedness, and the iniquity of our fathers: for we have sinned against thee.

Q: How do we deal with Iniquity?

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Note particularly that Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Daniel did not commit the sins they confessed, but as representatives identified with and confessed the corporate sins of others:

• Isaiah repented on behalf of all the Israelites (Isa. 6:5)

• Jeremiah confessed the sins of his generation and his forefathers (Jer. 3:25; 14:7, 20)

• Daniel’s identificational repentance delivered God’s people from the demonic principalities of Persia and Greece (Dan. 9:8, 20-22; 10:2ff.)

• Ezra’s identificational repentance (Ezra 9:6-15) led to corporate repentance (10:1-4)

• Nehemiah’s identificational repentance (Neh. 1:6-9) also paved the way for corporate repentance (8:9-11; 9:1-2)

2. Generational Iniquity

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“Identificational repentance,”simply means we:

1. Recognise the presence of the twistedness, the iniquity;2. Own the sin. “Father, we have sinned…”;3. Ask God to apply the full and complete work of the cross to

the sin and its consequences (bias towards sin, a curse);4. Ask God to lift it off our children, also.

2. Generational Iniquity

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2. Generational Iniquity