Illustrated Illustrated Illustrated Illustrated Practical Practical Practical Practical Guides Guides Guides Guides Spring 2017 Spring 2017 Spring 2017 Spring 2017 Cooking I Health I Fitness Body, Mind & Spirit I Gardening

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IllustratedIllustratedIllustratedIllustrated PracticalPracticalPracticalPractical GuidesGuidesGuidesGuidesSpring 2017Spring 2017Spring 2017Spring 2017

Cooking I Health I FitnessBody, Mind & Spirit I Gardening



The most comprehensive recipe

collection for the ThermomixCOOKING

Daniela and Tobias Gronau

The Comprehensive Cookbook for the


192 pages | 19,5 x 24,0 cm | Hardcover

December 2016


Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

A lot of fresh ideas, practical food knowledge, and clear

instructions for the Thermomix with recipes of delicious

hors d’oeuvres, salads and soups, meat, fish and vegetarian

dishes, and spreads, cakes, sweets and desserts.

This all-round cookbook will meet all the wishes of

Thermomix fans. Included as well are many recipe

variations and combinations. In addition, useful tips and

step-by-step photographs make quick, uncomplicated, and

varied cooking with the trend-setting culinary machine


• Delicious creations for the TM31 and TM5

• Over 100 recipes for appetisers, main courses and


Daniela and Tobias Gronau, enthusiastic owners of the TM31 and

TM5, made their hobby into a profession some years ago, and

creating recipes for the Thermomix is now their main occupation.

The bloggers continually impress with their healthy,

contemporary and delicious creations.

For happy culinary moments COOKING

Stefan Wiertz

Smoking Food

128 pages | 19,5 x 23,3 cm|Hardcover

March 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Smoking foodstuffs is not only one of the oldest food-

conservation methods, it also gives meat and fish – and

vegetables, cheese, and shellfish as well – an incomparable

aroma resulting in unique moments of enjoyment.

In this book, the classical methods are thoroughly explained

and also considered anew as a gentle method for

processing food. Here are tips, tricks, and all we need to

know about the tried and true methods of conserving and

aromatising with smoke. So even in a hobby kitchen,

smoking foods and simple recipes will lead to tasting


• The best recipes for conserving food at home

Stefan Wiertz is an “enjoyment nomad” and event chef. He also

works as a food stylist, recipe developer, and cookbook author,

organises and heads the cooking theatre for the food fair “eat'n

Style”, and realises events for such clients as Audi and T-Mobile.

One man, one grill COOKING

Thomas Krause

The Men's Grilling School

176 pages | 21,0 x 27,0 cm | Hardcover

March 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

What is more fun than gathering friends and family for a

grilling party? This refreshing barbecue book guides you

through a wealth of the finest mouthwatering dishes all

made by yourself suitable for all seasons.

The recipes are simple but sophisticated with the best

everyday ingredients – adept grilling. The instructions are

short and concise, and the tips truly helpful.

• Over 80 recipes for purists and real grilling men

Thomas Krause, born in 1969, is a qualified chef. After a position

at an elite French restaurant and experience in Italy and South

Africa, he decided to become independent. In 2003 he opened

one of the first professional cooking schools. He has since become

the owner of the largest German privately run cooking school

network and the founder of the “cooking school for men”.

Baking luxuriously COOKING

Aurélie Bastian

French Baking

176 pages | 21,0 x 26,0 cm | Hardcover

March 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Must you stand eight hours in the kitchen to make typical

French pastries? Not with the new baking book by Aurélie

Bastian! She explains how with little effort and only a few

ingredients you can conjure up authentic and delicious


Here are easy-to-understand baking instructions for

brioches, croissants, and baguettes, as well as for delicious

cakes and biscuits such as madeleines and frangipane

(marzipan cream). Included is a chapter with tips, tricks and

solutions to typical baking problems.

• Simple and step-by-step to perfect French pastries

• Over 60 recipes for every occasion; with gluten-free and

vegan recipes

Aurélie Bastian is a French woman who was brought by love to

Germany but did not want to do without the good French cuisine

in her new homeland. And because her creations were so well

received, she started to post French recipes online. In addition to

her popular blog, this university-trained educator gives cooking

and pastry courses for children and adults.

Fruity and fizzy summer refreshment COOKING

Gerhard Praun

Lemonade Homemade

80 pages | 19,0 x 24,0 cm|Hardcover

April 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

What could be more refreshing and tasty than homemade

summer lemonade – with plenty of fruit and full of flavour?

In this book bartender Gerhard Praun presents a variety of

recipes for sparkling drinks. Making these is truly easy:

sugar and water make up the syrup, to this is added the

freshly squeezed juice, and then everything is infused with

carbonated mineral water. Enjoy the new lemonade taste!

• The best recipes with natural ingredients

• High-class lemonade with Less Sugar, More Pleasure

Gerhard Praun is a bartender and service person as an avocation.

He has made the transition from his own bar to one of the most

exclusive bars in Munich.


Finally, help for the hallux without


Carsten Stark

The Book for the Hallux – Good Feet,

Good Everything

176 pages | 17,0 x 24,0 cm

Quality Paperback

March 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Many people suffer from hallux valgus. Because this

deformity is not only visually unpleasant but will also

eventually be very painful, many sufferers will be forced to

decide whether to have surgery.

Carsten Stark's holistic approach works without special

insoles, injections, or surgery. Through a combination of

various measures such as foot training, movement patterns

and footwear evaluation, his method offers gentle help for

hallux valgus, hallux rigidus, and hallux limitus.

• Holistic help for hallux valgus and hallux rigidus

Carsten Stark is a specialist for feet and their effect on the body.

For many years now in his practice, he has successfully helped

with foot, knee and back conditions as well as other organic

symptoms through the applications and foot rehab measures that

he has developed.

Healthier with every step HEALTH

Markus Roßmann, Bernd Neumann

Walking Properly

192 pages | 17,0 x 24,0 cm

Quality Paperback

March 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Walking is a part of daily life – and yet many people do it

wrong: back badly bent over, head hanging, and muscles

tensed. Fascial walking provides for a conscious walking in

which the connective tissue in particular is trained.

This will help return the back to its proper shape, make the

joints more flexible, and strengthen the foot musculature.

Even while running, one can benefit from the fascial

running style. Here is a quick and easy way to bring healthy

movement into everyday life.

• The first book on the topic of walking

• Step-by-step into a healthy life

Markus Roßmann is a degreed sports instructor with a focus on

rehabilitation and prevention. His focus is the integration of fascial

training in therapy and fitness training. He developed the fascial

walking method.

Bernd Neumann is a freelance author and medical journalist. He

has published numerous advice books on fitness and nutrition as

well as on medical problems such as dementia, tinnitus, depression

and back pain.

Low carb with pleasure – eating better,

feeling healthier, reducing intelligentlyHEALTH

Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz

The Strunz Low-Carb Cookbook

208 pages | 19,0 x 26,0 cm|Paperback

December 2016

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Low-carb and pleasure belong together. With this opulent

cookbook, the bestselling author Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz

shows that it is easy to keep fit and healthy. Eating

according to Strunz means removing excess carbohydrates

and adding high-quality protein and fresh vital substances –

in short, to be genetically correct in your diet. Here is a

modern cuisine with many vegetarian and vegan recipes.

• Over 150 uncomplicated forever-young dishes from

Mediterranean to Asian and urban to rural

• Whether coconut soup, Nice salad, deer medallions, or

peanut-chocolate confections – tempting recipes for every


• Elaborately photographed, seductively designed

Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz is a specialist in molecular medicine, a

practicing internist, a gastro-enterologist, and a prophet in the

area of nutrition research. His books on dieting and fitness are all



Free from dieting forever HEALTH

Patric Heizmann

Trim in One Day

192 pages | 21,0 x 26,0 cm

Quality Paperback

December 2016

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Trim in one day. Is that a joke? Not at all. Patric Heizmann

proves this by presenting his small steps towards great

progress. The gentle beginning of only one day a week is an

assurance of success for a long-term change of diet.

The 'slimming day' means to eat by the 'nutrition clock', eat

more protein and good fat, consciously eat or leave out

carbohydrates, exercise with short muscle-training units,

reduce stress, stick to eating pauses, and enjoy without a

feeling of constantly starving.

Included are instructions on shopping and recipes, and even

some psychological tricks. Readers will be enabled to

create for themselves their own customised program –

following the motto 'Simply eat better and not less.'

• The individual weight-reduction without dieting concept

Patric Heizmann, born in 1974, knows from years of personal

experience as a fitness and nutrition expert what people who

want to keep their weight under control need most. With his

bestseller Then I Am Slim, he made a name for himself as a "travel

guide through the nutrition jungle".

The success story continues … HEALTH

Alexander Grimme

More Eating without Carbohydrates

160 pages | 19,5 x 24,0 cm|Paperback

March 2017

Volume 2

Over 65,000 copies of the author's books


Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Yourrcontact: [email protected]

Long awaited by over half a million fans, and now finally

here: the second volume of the bestseller Eating without

Carbohydrates. Here are even more delicious low-carb

recipes with which weight reduction becomes playfully

easy, and without any unpleasant renunciations of eating


• 60 new recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks

• Including vegan and vegetarian low carb recipes

Alexander Grimme, born in 1986, founded the Facebook site

“Eating without Carbohydrates” in 2015, after he had lost 16 kilos

through a low-carb diet. His recipe site quickly had many

followers, now numbering over half a million. He works as a

media designer in Stuttgart.

Healing and strengthening with the

power of natureHEALTH

Liesel Malm

The Natural Pharmacy

304 pages | 21,0 x 26,0 cm|Hardcover

March 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Healing, prevention, and vitalising with plants: Liesel Malm

wants to share her valuable knowledge with all people who

already know or want to learn more about the power of

nature. The author's grandmother knew how to use the

gifts of nature for natural healing. For the author, this was

to be the foundation of her life vocation, and over the years

she has expanded her knowledge and experience.

Here is her first large nature apothecary focussed on the

family. It shows which herb can be used for which condition

and the form in which it is to be applied. A book to help you

feel and be healthy again.

• 500 remedies for the whole family

• Herbal medicine, for preparing and applying yourself

Liesel Malm first learned about herbs as a child from her

grandmother. Following a serious bout of cancer, she dedicated

herself to herbs and a healthy lifestyle, attending seminars and

delving into books. She cultivates everything in her garden that is

good for health. Now she has gathered all of her knowledge in a

marvellous book.


Running towards a healthy body –

without performance pressureFITNESS

Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz

The Compact Running Coach

160 pages | 10,0 x 15,5 cm | Paperback

May 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Running is the harmonisation of meditation and sport. Flow

is the harmonisation of humans and activity. Both together

create an euphoric being, a relaxed high performance, and

an ecstatic sense of self-forgetting. For the first time, Dr.

med. Ulrich Strunz brings together scientific findings,

helpful nutrition tips, and personal stories from his decades

of experience as a physician and runner, illuminating the

healthy effects of running and explaining how we can finally

vitalise and activate our deeply rooted need to run.

• Slow, relaxed, and with a smile – the path to true health

• Why we should heed our archetypal need for running,

and how we will profit

Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz is a specialist in molecular medicine, a

practicing internist, a gastro-enterologist, and a prophet in the

area of nutrition research. His books on dieting and fitness are all



Training intelligently FITNESS

Oliver Bertram

The Men's Health Functional Training

192 pages | 17,0 x 23,2 cm|Hardcover

May 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Functional Training is more than just strength training or

isolated muscle building on machines, methods finally going

out of fashion. Now, there is a more complex and functional

training, in which through free motion sequences, several

muscle groups in parallel are exercised.

The result is more power, stability, and agility for everyday

demands, as well as a better balance, coordination, and

responsiveness. Your best form is here guaranteed!

• Functional Training – strengthening the body for everyday


• Over 170 exercises and training plans for all areas of the


Oliver Bertram, born in 1969, studied journalism and Romance

languages and literature. For ten years he was the fitness director

responsible for all fitness and sports themes in the men’s lifestyle

magazine Men’s Health, and then became its managing editor.

This professional fitness trainer and journalist has written various

books and hundreds of articles on health, sports, and fitness over

the past 20 years.


Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

The Sixpack BookFat-Away Formula

Weight Loss without


Workout without



The most effective way to a dream body FITNESS

Mark Maslow

Looking Good Naked

192 pages | 19,5 x 24,0 cm

Quality Paperback

December 2016

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Though it is often promised that without equipment is

easiest way to get to a dream figure, the naked truth is this:

with a few weights you can achieve more than with any

other form of training. Weight workouts are the most

effective method for a flat stomach, sexy behind, and

beautiful arms.

You can model your body like a sculptor – without fear of

building too much muscle mass. The secret of fitness and

motivational coach Mark Maslow: plenty of exercises

combined with a state-of-the-art nutrition concept and a

good portion of motivation – so quick and effective that you

can see the fat melting off during workouts.

• Trim, defined, and sexy

• With a 90-day program, weight training and quick recipes

Mark Maslow has made his hobby into a profession. With

marathonfitness.de this passionate performance athlete and

marathon runner founded a fitness blog that has become one of

the most successful in Germany. In addition to his blog, the

certified coach and fitness trainer also offers online and personal

coaching and is co-founder of the 'Looking-good-naked' podcast,

which is often in the German Top10 iTunes Charts.

The perfect workout FITNESS

Arlow Pieniak, Martina Steinbach

Training According to Type

192 pages | 17,0 x 24,0 cm

Quality Paperback

December 2016

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Whether for reducing pain, having a bikini figure, or doing a

performance sport – anatomically correct motion

sequences are the prerequisite for an efficient and

successful training.

Through his 3-step program of mobilising, stabilising, and

training, motion therapist and personal coach Arlow Pieniak

can make anyone fit – because whoever trains using the

ideal movement patterns will experience fewer everyday

complaints and an improved athletic performance.

• The perfect method

• With a self-test: which body type am I?

Arlow Pieniak is a physiotherapist and personal trainer. He is

known for his scanner-type perception, with which he is able to

immediately recognise false movement patterns.

Martina Steinbach is a freelance journalist specialising in fitness.

As a passionate workout expert, she regularly writes for the

magazines Women’s Health and Men’s Health.

Body, Body, Body, Body, MindMindMindMind & Spirit& Spirit& Spirit& Spirit

Experiencing the spiritual dimension of

breathingBODY, MIND & SPIRIT

Kalashatra Govinda

Basics of Breath Yoga

224 pages | 17,0 x 24,0 cm

Quality Paperback

May 2017

Book with 70-minute Audio CD

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

This foundational work on the topic of breathing and

spirituality offers not only all the classic pranayama poses.

Lesser known energetic breathing techniques for cleansing

the chakras and activating healing processes are also

presented here. Five of the breathing programs for

beginners and advanced are on the included Audio CD.

• All the classical pranayama poses, with added energetic

breathing techniques

• Programs for beginners and non-beginners for activating

self-healing abilities

Kalashatra Govinda is a master of ancient Indian yoga philosophy

and a successful author. He has made a name for himself as an

author through his well-received books Tantra: Secrets of Eastern

Erotic Arts and Chakras: Spiritual Exercises for Health, Harmony,

and Inner Energy.

For strength, flexibility and beauty BODY, MIND & SPIRIT

Benita Cantieni

Power Training with Tigerfeeling

176 pages | 19,5 x 25,5 cm

Quality Paperback

March 2017

Book with Audio CD

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

A good posture, strength, flexibility and, of course, beauty –

all are in the new CANTIENICA® program. This is a real full

body workout, with stretching and strengthening exercises

for all muscle groups. Though there is certainly outer

strength, true strength comes from deep within. A specific

focus in this program is thus to train the deep muscles as


• The effective workout for the whole body

• Extra: a live lesson with Benita Cantieni on MP3-CD

Benita Cantieni developed the CANTIENICA® method for body

forming and posture, the world's first therapeutic fitness method.

In the CANTIENICA AG in Zurich, she trains physiotherapists,

midwives, and fitness instructors. She is the author of the

successful books Tigerfeeling, Face Forming and CANTIENICA® –

The Back Program.


Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]



Rebuilding and Returning to


The Perfect Pelvic Training

Family pleasure instead of everyday

stress – through yogaBODY, MIND & SPIRIT

Ellen Aßmann

Greetings to the Sun

160 pages | 11,8 x 18,7 cm


March 2017

With ca. 60 s/w illustrations

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Every mother and father knows that daily life with their

loving children is sometimes a real challenge. In her

entertaining and reality-oriented way, the children’s yoga

teacher Ellen Aßmann shows how we can master typical

situations in the turbulent everyday family life while

remaining calm and composed.

This compact yoga SOS book shows many simple, child-

appropriate yoga poses for during the day that will bring joy

back into life and have a relaxing effect on both young and


• Typical situations and ways to overcome child-raising

obstacles and impasses – to the point and with humour

• With simple yoga poses for parents and their children 3

years and up

Ellen Aßmann, mother of three daughters aged 7, 11 and 14,

teaches hatha yoga for adults and kundalini yoga for children. She

also offers courses for children in kindergarten and pre-school

and for children with impairments. Once a month she gives

sessions for parents with their children.


Light maintenance and more resistant

against diseasesGARDENING

Benjamin Busche

Gardening with Straw Balls

96 pages | 16,2 x 21,2 cm|Hardcover

March 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Gardening with straw balls or bales is a method with many

advantages. It can be done anywhere, even on a balcony.

There is no soil preparation, and gardening tools are

unnecessary as almost all work can be done with the hands.

Straw balls are excellent at holding water: they don’t dry

out quickly and they don’t create puddles. There will be

very few weeds or insect problems, and plant diseases will

be minimised. Become an inspired straw gardener. This

book has everything you will need to know about this way

of gardening.

• Simply set them up, fill with substrate and some soil, and

plant the seedlings.

Benjamin Busche was as a child fascinated by his father’s

carpentry shop. Later he oriented himself towards artistry and

craftsmanship, and trained as a typesetter. Yet to this day he is

still captivated by carpentry, and in his spare time builds and

restores furniture. His desire to eat naturally from his garden has

long been a strong interest, and his curiosity about everything

new and beautiful has led him to become an authority on the

nature preserves of Central Europe.

Discover how to make animal homes

from natural materialsGARDENING

Benjamin Busche

Hedgehog House and Bumblebee Cabin

96 pages | 16,2 x 21,2 cm|Hardcover

March 2016

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Squirrels, a variety of birds, insects such as butterflies and

bees, and many other living things live in our gardens and

visit us on the balcony, terrace, and patio. Many help

control pests, and since we enjoy having these faunal

neighbours in our gardens, we should do something to

enhance their living conditions.

This book provides inspirations and practical instructions for

constructing food stations, bird baths, insect nooks,

hedgehog houses, and other beneficial structures, all with

natural and inexpensive materials.

• Every object is clearly explained, step by step – easy to

create by adept hobbyists or even complete beginners.

Benjamin Busche was as a child fascinated by his father’s

carpentry shop. Later he oriented himself towards artistry and

craftsmanship, and trained as a typesetter. Yet to this day he is

still captivated by carpentry, and in his spare time builds and

restores furniture. His desire to eat naturally from his garden has

long been a strong interest, and his curiosity about everything

new and beautiful has led him to become an authority on the

nature preserves of Central Europe.

Create a wonderful balcony in an instant GARDENING

Ursula Kopp

Balconies for the Indolent

128 pages | 16,2 x 21,5 cm|Hardcover

March 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

Many placid balcony gardeners, shying from all but a

minimal level of maintenance, naturally yearn for a long-

term garden that will practically take care of itself for years

and yet will be a pleasing sight from early spring to winter.

This is just the book for them, providing many ideas for

planning such a “year-round balcony,” including choices of

plants, containers, and soil, and many tips on planting, care,

and design.

• The first and only book on winter-hardy plants and all-

season balconies.

Ursula Kopp has been for many years active in the area of nature

and gardening advice books. He is also a non-fiction children’s

book author.

Green will make us happy GARDENING INDOORS

Sabrina Rothe

Green Joy

192 pages | 21,0 x 26,0 cm|Hardcover

March 2017

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]

With great attention to detail, Green Joy illustrates the new

trend towards more plants and flowers in the home.

Simple, creative arrangements inspire us not only to make

our homes decorative but also to truly beautify them

florally. This book presents numerous arrangement ideas,

from simple blossoming branches to elaborate flower

combinations and long-lived house plants. Innovative

styling ideas with aesthetic vases, design objects, flea

market treasures, and natural materials and the simple do-

it-yourself and practical care tips make this book just as

enticing as it is informative.

• The trending theme ‘living with plants’

• Plant portraits, arrangement inspirations, and do-it-

yourself ideas: informative, with atmosphere

Sabrina Rothe studied photography and editorial design at the

Folkwang School in Essen. Through her signature creativity, she

has made a name for herself as a freelance photographer for

gardens, plant portraits, lifestyle, travel, and interior design.

Along with working for renowned magazines, she conceptualises

books and does photography for advertising clients throughout

Europe. She lives with her family in a most charming city house in


Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, Foreign Rights

Your contact: [email protected]


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e-mail: [email protected]


Ms. Meike Marx

Literary Agent

2-6-5 Otoe-cho , Fukagawa


Phone: ++81 64 251466

Fax: ++81 64 263833

e-mail: [email protected]