Franklin County Community COVID - 19 Dashboard Scott S. LaVigne, MSW, MBA Franklin County Health Director, Franklin County COVID-19 EOC Public Information Officer

Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

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Page 1: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin County

Community COVID-19 Dashboard

Scott S. LaVigne, MSW, MBA

Franklin County Health Director, Franklin County COVID-19 EOC Public Information Officer

Page 2: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

School-Specific Metrics Updated: 1-11-2021

School Child/Youth Workforce-AgeClusters Positivity % Positivity %

_______________ ____________________ ____________________# of FCSD/Charter School Clusters % of positive cases age 0-17 % of positive cases age 18-49

Page 3: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

School-Specific Metric Definitions

School Clusters: No more than 1 school/building with 5 or more individuals (staff and/or students) who test positive for COVID-19.

RED = 3 or more schools/buildings in the county with clusters.YELLOW = 2 schools/buildings in the county with clusters.GREEN = 0-1 schools/buildings in the county with clusters.

Child/Youth % Positivity: Children/Youth ages 0-17’s Percent of total Positive Cases remains at or below 14% baseline.

RED = Ages 0-17 represent 20% or higher of total of positives tests.YELLOW = Ages 0-17 represent 15%-19% of total positive tests.GREEN = Ages 0-17 represent 14% or less of total positive tests.

Workforce Age % Positive: Schools’ most common workforce age-group, 18-49, remains at or below baseline of 56% of total positive cases.

RED = Ages 18-49 represent 64% or higher of total of positives tests.YELLOW = Ages 18-49 represent 57-63% of total positive tests.GREEN = Ages 18-49 represent 56% or less of total positive tests.

Page 4: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:School-Specific Metric Data

Updated: 1-13-2021

School Clusters:

No Clusters Reported at ANY Franklin County Schoolshttps://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard/outbreaks-and-clusters

Franklin County Schools (referenced above) include:1. All County School District Schools;2. All in-county Charter Schools3. All in-county Private Schools

Page 5: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:School-Specific Metric Data

Updated: 1-11-2021

Child/Youth & Workforce Age as Percent of total Positive Cases:For Child/Youth (Ages 0-17), and Workforce (18-24 plus 25-49).


NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System & NCCOVID

Largest Percentage of Cases: Ages 25-49 (36%); and Ages 50+ (30%).Ages 0-17: After a post-thanksgiving spike (19%) & drop-off (14%), this group has risen to (21%) .

Page 6: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics Updated: 1-13-2021

County Trend Community CommunityPast 14 days Positivity % Testing Trend

_____________________ ______________________ ________________________

Community Trend Direction % of Community Tests that are + Avg. 5% of Total Pop. Tested Monthly

Knowing you’re Positive & isolating, Slows Community Spread & Keeps our kids in School!Knowing you’re Negative keeps our numbers accurate and our kids in School!

If you’re a “contact” to someone with COVID-19 & Want our Kids in School: GET TESTED

Page 7: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – Definitions

Community Trend: Trend history line for county shows sharp downward trend or line is flat at no more than 5 new cases per day.

RED = Trend line shows steep increases.YELLOW = Trend line is flat and/or flat at higher levels.GREEN = Trend line shows downward direction or flat at low levels.

Community Positivity Rate: County’s Positive tests as a percent of total county tests is 5% or lower.

RED = 6% or higher.YELLOW = 5.1% - 5.9%GREEN = 5.0% or lower

Testing: 5% of the total Franklin County population is Tested for COVID-19 each Month (averages to 116 tests per day).

RED = Testing below 100 tests per day.YELLOW = Averaging between 100-115 tests per day.GREEN = Averaging 116 tests per day or more

Page 8: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 1-13-2021

Community Trend Line: https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard/cases

Largest Single-day of New Cases: 114 & 110

Page 9: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 1-13-2021

Community Positivity Rate:https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard/testing

Page 10: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 1-4-2021

Community Testing Goal:

Page 11: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 1-6-2021

NCDHHS COVID-19 County Alert System:Updates Every other Week. Last Updated 1-6-2021


Page 12: Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard...2021/01/13  · All in-county Charter Schools 3. All in-county Private Schools Franklin County Community COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Specific

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 1-11-2021

Vaccination Information: For the latest information, go to: https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/vaccines

To access a copy of the Graphic below, go to: https://files.nc.gov/covid/documents/vaccines/NCDHHS-Vaccine-Infographic.pdf