SPECIAL ISSUE Framework for prioritizing head and neck surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic Michael C. Topf MD 1 | Jared A. Shenson MD 1 | F. Christopher Holsinger MD 1 | Samuel H. Wald MD 2,3 | Lisa J. Cianfichi NP 3 | Eben L. Rosenthal MD 1 | John B. Sunwoo MD 1 1 Division of Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California 2 Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California 3 Department of Perioperative Services, Stanford Healthcare, Palo Alto, California Correspondence F. Christopher Holsinger, Division of Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology, Stanford University, 875 Blake Wilbur Drive, CC-2227, Palo Alto, CA 94304. Email: [email protected] Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has placed an extraordinary demand on the United States health care system. Many institutions have canceled elective and non- urgent procedures to conserve resources and limit exposure. While operational definitions of elective and urgent categories exist, there is a degree of surgeon judgment in designation. In the present commentary, we provide a framework for prioritizing head and neck surgery during the pandemic. Unique consider- ations for the head and neck patient are examined including risk to the oncol- ogy patient, outcomes following delay in head and neck cancer therapy, and risk of transmission during otolaryngologic surgery. Our case prioritization criteria consist of four categories: urgentproceed with surgery, less urgentconsider postpone > 30 days, less urgentconsider postpone 30 to 90 days, and case-by-case basis. Finally, we discuss our preoperative clinical pathway for transmission mitigation including defining low-risk and high-risk surgery for transmission and role of preoperative COVID-19 testing. KEYWORDS clinical practice guidelines, COVID-19, head and neck cancer, SARS-CoV-2, surgical oncology 1 | INTRODUCTION Since its initial identification in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, the novel coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) has rapidly spread across the world. In recognition, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially designated the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on March 11, 2020. 1 The rapid rise in COVID-19 cases has caused a demand surge on the United States health care system. Hospitals are already reporting shortages of necessary equipment and resources required to care for COVID-19 patients including personal protective equipment (PPE) for front- line health care workers, ventilators, intensive care unit (ICU) beds, and transfusion capacity. Surgical procedures increase demands on an already taxed system through the consumption of a large amount of PPE, use of inpatient beds postoperatively, and ele- vated risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to other patients and staff. 2,3 The CDC recommended cancellation of all elective and non-urgent procedures for Santa Clara County, California, on March 13, 2020. 2 Subsequent guidelines were released by the American College of Sur- geons (ACS) to curtail the performance of electivesurgical procedures 4 and the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery to provide only time-sensitiveor emergentcare. 5 While the ACS 6 and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 3 have published general guidelines on priority Received: 3 April 2020 Accepted: 4 April 2020 DOI: 10.1002/hed.26184 Head & Neck. 2020;19. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/hed © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

Framework for prioritizing head and neck surgery during the ......F. Christopher Holsinger, Division of Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology, Stanford University, 875

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  • S P E C I A L I S S U E

    Framework for prioritizing head and neck surgery duringthe COVID-19 pandemic

    Michael C. Topf MD1 | Jared A. Shenson MD1 |

    F. Christopher Holsinger MD1 | Samuel H. Wald MD2,3 | Lisa J. Cianfichi NP3 |

    Eben L. Rosenthal MD1 | John B. Sunwoo MD1

    1Division of Head and Neck Surgery,Department of Otolaryngology, StanfordUniversity, Palo Alto, California2Department of Anesthesiology,Perioperative and Pain Medicine, StanfordUniversity, Palo Alto, California3Department of Perioperative Services,Stanford Healthcare, Palo Alto, California

    CorrespondenceF. Christopher Holsinger, Division ofHead and Neck Surgery, Department ofOtolaryngology, Stanford University,875 Blake Wilbur Drive, CC-2227, PaloAlto, CA 94304.Email: [email protected]


    The COVID-19 pandemic has placed an extraordinary demand on the United

    States health care system. Many institutions have canceled elective and non-

    urgent procedures to conserve resources and limit exposure. While operational

    definitions of elective and urgent categories exist, there is a degree of surgeon

    judgment in designation. In the present commentary, we provide a framework

    for prioritizing head and neck surgery during the pandemic. Unique consider-

    ations for the head and neck patient are examined including risk to the oncol-

    ogy patient, outcomes following delay in head and neck cancer therapy, and

    risk of transmission during otolaryngologic surgery. Our case prioritization

    criteria consist of four categories: urgent—proceed with surgery, less urgent—consider postpone > 30 days, less urgent—consider postpone 30 to 90 days,and case-by-case basis. Finally, we discuss our preoperative clinical pathway

    for transmission mitigation including defining low-risk and high-risk surgery

    for transmission and role of preoperative COVID-19 testing.


    clinical practice guidelines, COVID-19, head and neck cancer, SARS-CoV-2, surgical oncology


    Since its initial identification in Wuhan, China, in late2019, the novel coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) hasrapidly spread across the world. In recognition, theWorld Health Organization (WHO) officially designatedthe COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on March 11, 2020.1

    The rapid rise in COVID-19 cases has caused a demandsurge on the United States health care system. Hospitalsare already reporting shortages of necessary equipmentand resources required to care for COVID-19 patientsincluding personal protective equipment (PPE) for front-line health care workers, ventilators, intensive care unit(ICU) beds, and transfusion capacity.

    Surgical procedures increase demands on an alreadytaxed system through the consumption of a large amountof PPE, use of inpatient beds postoperatively, and ele-vated risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to otherpatients and staff.2,3 The CDC recommended cancellationof all elective and non-urgent procedures for Santa ClaraCounty, California, on March 13, 2020.2 Subsequentguidelines were released by the American College of Sur-geons (ACS) to curtail the performance of “elective”surgical procedures4 and the American Academy ofOtolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery to provide only“time-sensitive” or “emergent” care.5 While the ACS6

    and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services(CMS)3 have published general guidelines on priority

    Received: 3 April 2020 Accepted: 4 April 2020

    DOI: 10.1002/hed.26184

    Head & Neck. 2020;1–9. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/hed © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

    https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1022-4417https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9594-1414mailto:[email protected]://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/hedhttp://crossmark.crossref.org/dialog/?doi=10.1002%2Fhed.26184&domain=pdf&date_stamp=2020-05-06

  • classification of cases, it is ultimately the responsibility ofthe surgeon to define “elective” and “urgent” surgery.The ACS, working together with specialty societies, hasput forth more specific definitions of procedural classifi-cations for other surgical specialties,4 including cardiac,colorectal, metabolic and bariatric, pediatric, and tho-racic surgery; however, to date, no otolaryngology casepriority designations exist.

    In response to this pandemic, the Division of Headand Neck Surgery in the Department of Otolaryngologyat Stanford University has developed a process for strati-fying head and neck cases by urgency. In the presentcommentary, we discuss considerations for case prioriti-zation during the COVID-19 pandemic, outline ourcriteria and workflow, define estimated risk categories ofSARS-CoV-2 transmission for patients undergoing urgenthead and neck surgery, and discuss the role of preopera-tive COVID-19 screening.


    During the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) pan-demic of 2003 in Guangzhou, China, surgical care was dra-matically impacted around the world.7-9 In Toronto, aglobal hotspot of the pandemic, policies enacted to reduceelective operations and conserve resources were highlyeffective: ambulatory and elective inpatient operationsdeclined 70% and 57% year-over-year, respectively, whilenonelective operations requiring inpatient admission post-operatively declined less than 10%.9 Similar declines were

    seen in Hong Kong, where one academic otolaryngologydepartment had 79% lower surgical volume and 59% loweroutpatient clinic visits.8 Oncologic surgery was not delin-eated in these reports specifically. In less severe viral epi-demics, such as the H1N1 influenza epidemic in 2009,oncologic surgery has rarely been targeted for cancellation.The Japanese experience during the H1N1 epidemic rev-ealed only a 0.4% increase in cancellation rates.10

    Head and neck oncologic surgery will often be classi-fied as “urgent” surgery with limited decrease in volumeexpected under the current policy restrictions. However,pandemic preparedness plans from the United States'Institute of Medicine and the Canadian National Advi-sory Committee on SARS and Public Health emphasizeadherence to the three-stage pandemic triage plan withsurgical care de-escalation dictated by the current pan-demic stage.9,11 Cancer surgical care typically would beimpacted upon reaching triage level 3 (Table 1). Thepandemic plans also recommend use of centralized com-mittees within healthcare institutions to continuallyreview and make decisions on de-escalation of services,taking into consideration (a) consequences to patients,(b) resource requirements, and (c) ability to provide thenecessary resources given altered standards of care.11 Pro-fessional societies are recognized as critical to guide rec-ommendations within individual surgical specialties.11

    As some head and neck surgical cases are inevitably can-celed, it will also be important to monitor for growingsurgical backlogs, which posed significant financial andresource hardships on the Canadian system during theirrecovery from the SARS pandemic.9

    TABLE 1 Pandemic triage levels and impact on cancer surgical care

    Triage level 1 Triage level 2 Triage level 3Early in the pandemic Worsening pandemic Worst-case scenario

    Key signs of thisstage

    • Emergency departmentvolumes are up

    • Hospitals have surged tomaximum bed capacity

    • EDs are overwhelmed• Insufficient ventilators• Hospital staff

    absenteeism >20%

    • Hospitals have alteredstandards of care toaccommodate expandedcapacity

    • Hospital staffabsenteeism >30%

    Modifications tohospital care

    • Preserve bed capacity bycanceling elective surgeriesrequiring hospitalization

    • Increase patient care capacity• Implement enhanced

    infection control

    • Preserve bed capacity bycanceling all elective surgeries

    • Further increase patient carecapacity

    • Preserve oxygen capacity

    • Free bed capacity byfacilitating early discharge

    • Preserve bed capacity bylimiting urgent cases

    Impact on cancersurgical care

    • Only urgent cases (


    Patients with cancer may be at higher risk for COVID-19disease. Oncology patients are often recalled to thehospital and health care facilities for both treatment andmonitoring. They are also more susceptible to infectionbecause of systemic immunosuppression caused by themalignancy and anticancer therapies, such as surgery,radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. Aretrospective review of oncology patients admitted to ahospital in Wuhan, China from December 30, 2019 toFebruary 17, 2020 found that patients with cancer har-bored a significantly higher risk of COVID-19 (OR, 2.31;95% CI 1.89-3.02) compared with the community.12

    Although current case numbers within our head andneck oncology patients remain low, ongoing communitytransmission and the vulnerability of our patient popula-tion suggests that this may not remain static. Not onlyare cancer patients more likely to become infected, butthey are also more likely to have severe complicationsfrom COVID-19. Early published reports from China onoutcomes of oncology patients with the disease indicateda 3.5 times higher risk of requiring mechanical ventila-tion, ICU admission, or death compared to patients with-out cancer.13 A review of over 72 000 COVID-19 cases inWuhan showed a case fatality rate of 5.6% for cancerpatients compared to 2.3% for the overall population.14


    The postponement of head and neck oncologic surgicalcases must be weighed against potential morbidity associ-ated with delay. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma(HNSCC) can progress and upstage during a prolongedtime to treatment initiation (TTI).15 This may lead to anincrease in mortality and likelihood of recurrencewhether treated with a surgical or nonsurgicalapproach.15-22 In addition, delayed TTI can evoke patientanxiety as the patient may feel that not enough is beingdone to address their cancer.23 To establish a benchmarkfor quality of care and for determining what constitutes atolerable amount of delay, prior studies have used21 days from clinic evaluation to definitive surgery as aquality metric cutoff,24,25 though reported threshold fordelayed TTI has ranged from 20 to 120 days usingdifferent selection methods.17

    Some argue that biasing toward a nonsurgicalapproach for the treatment of HNSCC is indicated toconserve hospital resources, especially PPE, particularlyfor oropharyngeal, laryngeal, and hypopharyngeal

    cancers. While this certainly warrants discussion, thepotential to acquire SARS-CoV-2 while immunocom-promised, undergoing daily radiation treatments andfrequent infusions would appear to present additionalpatient risks and increase total use of PPE. We haveelected to continue a primary surgical approach whenrecommended at our multidisciplinary head and necktumor board. We feel that a nonsurgical approach mayactually result in increased cumulative exposure for thepatient and health care system. Furthermore, at ourinstitution, radiation oncology has been equallyaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic and has experi-enced difficulty with resources and staffing, resultingin a delay in radiation therapy for less urgent patients.The American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)has released guidelines for the treatment of patientsduring the COVID-19 pandemic which does includestriving for the shortest possible course of radiotherapyincluding hypofractionation when appropriate.26


    SARS-CoV-2 is characterized by rapid human-to-human transmission from droplet contamination aris-ing from the upper aerodigestive tract.27 Early reportsalso suggest the possibility of aerosol transmission inthe setting of aerosol-generating procedures, such asany instrumentation of the upper aerodigestive tract.28

    Otolaryngologists, with frequent contact with the upperaerodigestive tract, are at particularly high risk fornosocomial transmission, as seen during the Wuhanoutbreak.29 Any transmucosal head and neck proce-dure, including flexible fiberoptic nasolaryngoscopy,should be considered high-risk and appropriate PPEmust be worn by all team members in the clinic examroom or operative suite. A thorough discussion of whatconstitutes appropriate PPE for these procedures is outof the scope of this commentary; however, in theauthors' opinion, PPE should include N95 respirator,face shield, surgical gown, and gloves. Additional safetyrecommendations for the otolaryngologist have recentlybeen made available.30 There is debate regarding theviral load in the nasal cavity, pharynx and lower respi-ratory tract. A report with 17 patients suggested higherloads in the nasal cavity compared to the throat.31

    However, in a series with 82 patients, a close correla-tion was seen between viral load in throat swabs andsputum.32 Further research will be required to deter-mine variable transmission-risk of SARS-CoV-2 acrossthe head and neck surgical procedures.33

    TOPF ET AL. 3


    Our division's case priority estimation criteria for head andneck surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic is shown inTable 2. Cases have been classified into four major catego-ries: urgent—proceed with surgery, less urgent—considerpostpone >30 days, less urgent—consider postpone 30 to90 days, and case-by-case basis.

    6.1 | Urgent—Proceed with surgery

    The majority of the cases that fall into this category aremucosal HNSCC. As previously mentioned, there is evi-dence to suggest that delayed time to treatment initiationin HNSCC patients may result in poorer oncologic out-comes.15-22 In our opinion, during triage levels 1 and 2 ofthe pandemic, it is reasonable to proceed with these onco-logic cases to avoid delay in treatment. There is some evi-dence to suggest that time from diagnosis to surgery maybe more significant in HPV-negative than HPV-positivedisease.21 Therefore, if necessary, HPV-negative patientsshould be prioritized.

    Additionally, we identified high-risk thyroid cancersincluding anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, medullary thyroidcarcinoma, metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC),locally aggressive PTC, revision PTC with active progres-sion of disease, and greater than 4 cm follicular lesions asurgent cases. Skull base cancers should proceed with sur-gery with additional precautions and PPE consideration asmentioned previously. We consider melanoma greaterthan 1 mm thick, Merkel cell carcinoma, advanced-stagehigh-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, as well asbasal cell carcinoma in close proximity to critical areas asurgent. High-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinomasinclude those greater than 4 cm, having deep invasionbeyond subcutaneous structures, perineural invasion, orpoor differentiation.34 Additional urgent cases include sur-gery for high-grade salivary tumors and parathyroidec-tomy in patients with nephrologist or endocrinologistdocumentation of declining renal function.

    6.2 | Less urgent—Consider postpone> 30 days

    We identified low-risk PTC without metastasis and low-grade salivary cancers as less urgent with considerationof postponement for greater than 30 days. There is strongevidence to support the surveillance of small, low-riskPTC with low risk for tumor growth and metastasis.35,36

    Furthermore, patients with delay in diagnosis37 and delayin surgery38,39 of well-differentiated thyroid carcinomasmay still have excellent outcomes. Finally, the delay of

    TABLE 2 Stratification of common head and neck surgerycases by urgency

    Urgent—Proceed with surgery

    HPV-negative HNSCC (especially those with airway concerns)HPV-positive HNSCC with significant disease burden or delayin diagnosis

    HNSCC patients with complications of cancer treatmentRecurrent HNSCCThyroid- Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma- Medullary thyroid carcinoma- Large (>4 cm) follicular lesions, neoplasms, or even

    indeterminate nodules- PTC with suspicion or identified metastatic disease- Locally aggressive PTC- Revision PTC with active progression of disease

    Parathyroidectomy with renal function decliningSkull base malignancySalivary cancer- Salivary duct carcinoma- High-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma- Adenoid cystic carcinoma- Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma- Acinic cell carcinoma- Adenocarcinoma- Other aggressive, high-grade salivary histology

    Skin cancer- Melanoma > 1 mm thickness- Merkel cell carcinoma- Advanced-stage, high risk squamous cell carcinoma- Basal cell carcinoma in critical area (ie, orbit)

    Less urgent—Consider postpone > 30 days

    Low-risk PTC without metastasisLow-grade salivary carcinoma

    Less urgent—Consider postpone 30 to 90 days; reassess afterpandemic appears to be resolving

    Thyroid- Goiter without airway/respiratory compromise- Routine benign thyroid nodules and thyroiditis- Revision PTC with stable or slow rate of progression

    Parathyroidectomy with stable renal functionBenign salivary lesionsSkin cancer- Melanoma ≤ 1 mm thickness- Basal cell carcinoma where cosmetic impact/morbidity is

    likely low with further growth- Low-risk squamous cell carcinoma

    Case-by-case basis

    Rare histology with uncertain rate of progressionDiagnostic procedures, such as direct laryngoscopy with biopsy

    Abbreviations: HPV, human papillomavirus; HNSCC, head andneck squamous cell carcinoma; PTC, papillary thyroid carcinoma.

    4 TOPF ET AL.

  • thyroid surgery is often safely delayed until after deliveryin pregnant patients without compromising oncologicoutcomes.40 Among salivary cancer (all histologies andgrades), a national retrospective review found that TTIhad no impact on 5-year overall survival.41

    6.3 | Less urgent—Consider postpone30 to 90 days

    We identified benign thyroid surgery, including goiter with-out airway/respiratory symptoms, benign thyroid nodules,and thyroiditis as less urgent with consideration to postponefor 30 to 90 days. Additionally, revision PTC surgery withdocumented stable or slow rate of progression is reasonableto postpone. Parathyroidectomy with stable renal function,benign salivary lesions, and low-risk non-melanoma skincancers where cosmetic impact and morbidity is likely lowwith further growth should also be postponed. Recentlypublished National Comprehensive Cancer Network(NCCN) guidelines on the management of cutaneous mela-noma during the COVID-19 pandemic recommend delayingwide local excision of melanoma up to 1 mm thickness forup to 3 months as long as the biopsy removed a majority ofthe lesion.42 These cases should be reassessed andrescheduled once the pandemic appears to be resolving.

    6.4 | Case-by-case basis

    In the short timeframe that case prioritization has beenin place at our institution, there have already been

    multiple patients that do not fit any of the above designa-tions. We recommend that these cases be discussed ateither a multidisciplinary head and neck tumor boardand/or divisional surgical case planning meetings so thata consensus can be reached. In addition, diagnostic pro-cedures, such as direct laryngoscopy with biopsy, shouldalso be discussed as many of these cases can be avoidedor delayed to the day of ablative surgery.


    The surgical case prioritization process during theCOVID-19 pandemic for the entire otolaryngology depart-ment is shown in Figure 1. All divisions, including headand neck oncology, facial plastics and reconstructive sur-gery, laryngology, otology and neurotology, pediatric oto-laryngology, rhinology and skull base surgery, and sleepsurgery follow a similar process. Each division hascreated case prioritization criteria for their specific sub-specialty.

    The process begins with the surgeon identifying apatient with an urgent clinical need requiring surgicalintervention. The surgeon will then refer to the prioritycriteria for head and neck surgery during the COVID-19pandemic (Table 2) and classify the case accordingly. Allpatients are discussed at the weekly head and neck oncol-ogy division case review conference, which is remotelyattended by all head and neck faculty. If there is lack ofagreement within the division on whether the case isurgent, the patient will be discussed at our head and neck

    FIGURE 1 Surgical caseprioritization process during

    COVID-19 pandemic [Color

    figure can be viewed at


    TOPF ET AL. 5


  • tumor board, where a multidisciplinary recommendationis rendered. For urgent cases that are recommended toproceed, the surgeon will provide documentation ofurgency in the patient's electronic medical record, to beshared with anesthesia or any provider taking care of thepatient to access. A summary paragraph documentingurgency is also sent to the division chief and the depart-ment chair, who reviews the request and submits allcases to the preoperative anesthesia team for screening.


    Screening for and testing of SARS-CoV-2 may beimplemented at multiple points in the patient's cancerjourney. Already many outpatient clinics and preopera-tive anesthesia care settings are screening patients viasymptom questionnaires and checking for activefever.33,43,44 It must be recognized that confoundingsymptom overlap can exist between respiratory viralpathogens and cancer, which may create additional hur-dles in the screening process.45 Patients who screen posi-tive in the outpatient setting are immediately referred fortesting as capacity exists. In recognition of the increasedrisk of nosocomial transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to healthcare providers during aerosol generating procedures,multiple organizations including the American Head andNeck Society, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, and the American Colleges ofSurgeons are advocating for preoperative testing for allpatients undergoing these high-risk procedures.4,12,46,47

    Testing availability, timing of testing relative to the dateof surgery, whether one or multiple negative tests are

    needed, and how to triage patients when found to testpositive all remain important, and as yet unanswered,questions. Many local factors will thus impact decisionmaking around preoperative testing.

    Our preoperative clinical screening for COVID-19pathway is shown in Figure 2. Within the past week, pre-operative clinical testing for selected, high-risk proce-dures, has become available at our institution. If a patientis confirmed to require urgent head and neck surgerythey are sent to preoperative anesthesia clinic, just asthey were prior to the pandemic. Patients are thendichotomized based on surgical risk of SARS-CoV-2transmission (Table 3). If no mucosa is involved duringsurgery, the procedure is deemed low-risk and the patientwill only be tested for SARS-CoV-2 (using standard poly-merase chain reaction [PCR] testing) if their COVID-19clinical screening is positive (Table 4). If SARS-CoV-2PCR testing is negative, then the surgeon may proceedwith low-risk surgery.

    Any trans-mucosal surgery is considered high-risk.For these patients, PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2 will beperformed regardless of clinical screening status. If thepatient's clinical screening is positive but SARS-CoV-2PCR testing is negative, then the case may proceed at thediscretion of the surgeon, given the possibility of a falsenegative test result. Any patient that tests positive forSARS-CoV-2 will have their surgery delayed, unless thereis imminent threat to life (eg, impending airway compro-mise). We recommend retesting prior to proceeding withsurgery. The patient can be considered for retesting7 days after symptoms have receded, or 14 days after thedate of the initial test, whichever is longer. The timing ofoncologic surgery after positive PCR testing should becarefully considered by the patient, surgeon, and critical

    FIGURE 2 Preoperative clinical screening pathway for COVID-19 [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

    6 TOPF ET AL.


  • care team managing this potentially life-threateninginfection. PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2 may be associatedwith false negative results (without publicly availabledata at the time of article submission), therefore univer-sal PPE precautions are still recommended during high-risk procedures.


    The recent surge in COVID-19 cases in the United Stateshas caused an extraordinary demand on its health caresystem. Many institutions have canceled all elective andnon-urgent procedures to conserve PPE, free up inpatientbeds, and limit exposure of patients and staff. While opera-tional definitions of elective and urgent categories of sur-gery exist, there is a degree of surgeon judgment in thesedesignations. To ensure that our identification of a surgicalpatient as “urgent” is both consistent and evidence-based,we have established a framework to prioritize patients forthe operating room, risk categories for transmission, andclinical pathways for preoperative evaluation and trans-mission mitigation. We employ sequential reviews by divi-sion faculty (±multidisciplinary head and neck tumor

    board), division chief, and department chair. The classifi-cations and pathways put forth in the current paper aremeant to be a general guideline for others to use. Everyinstitution will have its own unique considerations.

    As surgeons, we bear the heavy responsibility that ourdecisions put the entire operating room team at risk.When a surgeon schedules an urgent case, the justificationfor adding it on has to be genuine. Justifications shouldnot be hypothetical, but rather clearly documented in thepatient's electronic medical record as a substantial healththreat to the patient over the next 30 days. The surgeonmust always consider each patient's oncologic situation,comorbid conditions, social circumstances, and needs.Given the high risk of SARS-CoV-2 nosocomial transmis-sion in a majority of head and neck procedures, as headand neck surgeons we have a unique obligation to employa conservative operational definition of “urgent.”

    At times it is difficult to determine where we are onthe “curve” of the pandemic. During the current expo-nential growth phase, we need to be relatively stringent,but we hope that these criteria will gradually liberalizeover time. In the meantime, it is our responsibility to bethoughtful with our case selection and promote steward-ship of health care resources.

    CONFLICT OF INTERESTThe authors have no funding, financial relationships, orconflicts of interest to disclose. The content containedwithin the manuscript has not been presented or publi-shed in any other venue.

    ORCIDMichael C. Topf https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1022-4417F. Christopher Holsinger https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9594-1414

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    2. CDC's Recommendations for 30 day Mitigation Strategies forSanta Clara County, California, based on Current Situation withCOVID-19 Transmission and Affected Health Care Facilities.https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/california-santa-clara-county.html.

    3. CMS Adult Elective Surgery and Procedures Recommenda-tions: Limit All Non-essential Planned Surgeries and Proce-dures, Including Dental, Until Further Notice. https://www.cms.gov/files/document/31820-cms-adult-elective-surgery-and-procedures-recommendations.pdf. Accessed March 29, 2020.

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    TABLE 4 Preoperative COVID-19 clinical screening

    In the past 2 weeks, have you:1. Traveled outside the United States?2. Had direct contact with a COVID-19 positive patient?3. Had influenza-like symptoms?4. Fever (subjective or temp ≥ 100)?5. Sore throat?6. Cough?7. Shortness of breath?

    TABLE 3 Estimated transmission risk categories for patientsundergoing urgent head and neck surgery

    Low-risk: no mucosainvolved in surgery

    High-risk: transmucosalsurgery

    ThyroidectomyParathyroidectomyNeck dissectionWide local excision ofskin cancers (that does notinvolve eye, nose,mouth, sinus)

    ParotidectomyBranchial cleft excision

    Any transoral procedureGlossectomy, buccal resection,floor of mouth, etc.

    Lateral oropharyngectomyComposite resectionof the mandible

    PalatectomyMaxillectomyRhinectomyLaryngeal surgeryVocal cord proceduresPartial/total laryngectomyTransoral robotic surgeryDirect laryngoscopy

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    How to cite this article: Topf MC, Shenson JA,Holsinger FC, et al. Framework for prioritizinghead and neck surgery during the COVID-19pandemic. Head & Neck. 2020;1–9. https://doi.org/10.1002/hed.26184

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    Framework for prioritizing head and neck surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic1 INTRODUCTION2 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE3 COVID-19 IN THE CANCER PATIENT4 DELAY IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER THERAPY5 THE RISK OF TRANSMISSION DURING OTOLARYNGOLOGIC SURGERY6 CRITERIA FOR PRIORITIZING PATIENTS REQUIRING HEAD AND NECK SURGERY6.1 Urgent-Proceed with surgery6.2 Less urgent-Consider postpone >30days6.3 Less urgent-Consider postpone 30 to 90days6.4 Case-by-case basis