Pamantas ann gLun gs odn gM ay ni l a C ol l ege of E n gi n eer i n g a ndTech n ol ogy D epart men t of C h em i cal E n gi neeri n g Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple (AnanasComosus) Leaf Bracts for the Production of Pyroxylin Lacquer Submitted by: Madriñal !ndrea "oleen #$ Mendo%a Marian &$ 'aguini (asmin Fatima &$ Saya &iana (ane S$ Submitted to: #ngr$ Milagros '$ "abangon &ate of Submission: February )) *+),  Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple Bracts for the pr oduction of Pyroxyli n Lacquer  1

Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple (4)

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple

(AnanasComosus)Leaf Bracts for the

Production of Pyroxylin Lacquer

Submitted by:

Madriñal !ndrea "oleen #$

Mendo%a Marian &$

'aguini (asmin Fatima &$

Saya &iana (ane S$

Submitted to:

#ngr$ Milagros '$ "abangon

&ate of Submission:

February )) *+),

 Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple Bracts for the production of Pyroxylin Lacquer    1

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

-!BL# .F ".N-#N-S

Introduction 3

Statement of the Problem 4

Objectives of the Study 6

Significance of the Study 7

Methods of Research

Revie! of Related "iterature and Study #

$%&erimental Method '6

 Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple Bracts for the production of Pyroxylin Lacquer    2

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

S-!-#M#N- .F -1# P'.BL#M

ccording to the (e&artment of griculture/ Phili&&ines is one of the !orld@s largest

 &roducer of &inea&&le/ &lacing 'nd after ,hailand+ Phili&&ines !as able to generate '+3 M, of 

 &inea&&le !ith an e%isting &roduction area of /47 hectares in '12+ 0ut by the second half of 

the same year the &erformance of &inea&&le and such decreased due to hot !eather conditions

that amounted to '11+4 billion !ith 3+1 &ercent decrease based on the Phili&&ine .ood Security

Information System+ Still/ Phili&&ines is a major e%&orter !ith an annual average gro!th rate of 

22+33 &ercent -.ood and .ertili)er ,echnology 5enter/P "os 0anos+

bout 71 &ercent of the &inea&&le &roduced !orld!ide is consumed as a fresh fruit in the

origin country -"oeillet/ 2##7+ ,he other 31 &ercent is transformed into canned slices/ chun=s

and concentrates+ "eaves/ cro!ns/ cores/ bud ends and non*fruit &arts are often considered

!astes -(evendra/ 2#A <e&ton et al+/ '113ASruamsiri/ '117+ Most of the&inea&&le residues is

dis&osed and either serves as fertili)er/ feedstoc= or is burnt in an o&en field/ ho!ever these

methods are not only ineffective but also contribute to air &ollution -Ban C:ainuddin/ '123+

0urning of the &inea&&le residues that includes the leaves &roduces considerableamounts of dio%ins -5ommission for $nvironmental 5oo&eration/ '124+ ,his substance is

=no!n to be highly to%ic and long e%&osure may lead to re&roductive and develo&mental

 &roblems/ damage the immune system/ interference !ith hormones and also cause cancer 

-Borld <ealth Organi)ation+ <o!ever/ these leaves are also the source of fiber to ma=e

course te%tiles and threads in some Southeast sian countries -:a=aria et+ al+/ '11+ ,hese

leaves contain 66+'9 cellulose -:a!a!i/ (+et. al., 201/ !hich is im&ortant in &roducing

lac;uer that can solve the gro!ing demand for this &roduct+

,he demand for lac;uer increased immensely by 26 &ercent from '123 to '124 and is

e%&ected to increase in the follo!ing years -PPM/ '124+ <o!ever/ local su&&lies cannot match

the gro!ing demand that results to im&ortation of the &roduct+

 Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple Bracts for the production of Pyroxylin Lacquer    4

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

.B(#"-/2#S .F -1# S-0&3


,o &roduce &yro%ilin lac;uer through fragmentary nitration of cellulose from &inea&&le

leaf bracts


• ,o assure o&timum ;ualities of the &roduct by com&aring the &hysical and chemical

 &ro&erties of the standardlac;uer 

Parameter Standard

2iscosity centisto=es

&rying -ime 2 minutes

&ensity 1+6 gEml

,able 3+2 Standard Pro&erties of "ac;uer as &er (,I/ Phili&&ine 8ational Standard

• ,o find out the best &re*conditioning &arameters of the &inea&&le leaf bracts before

undergoing chemical reaction

• ,o determine the best o&erating conditions li=e concentration of reagents and most

effective catalyst !hich !ill &rovide best yield

• ,o identify the e;uivalent unit o&eration and e;ui&ment of every laboratory &rocess and


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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

S/4N/F/"!N"# .F -1# S-0&3

-o the Pineapple Plantation Proprietors of Lagusan &ri5e -agaytay "ity

,he consum&tion of &inea&&le leaf bracts as the main ra! material for varnish &roduction

instead of dis&osing it by burning !ould &rovide the &inea&&le &lantation &ro&rietors an e%tra

income if it !ill be sold to the manufacturers+

-o the "hemical #ngineering 0ndergraduates

,his study can be used as a reference for undergraduate subjectsby chemical engineering

students !ho !ill use &inea&&le leaf bracts or any other useful agricultural by*&roducts as their 

main ra! material to manufacture &roducts related to &yro%ylin lac;uer+

-o the Public

,hrough this study/ the &ublic !ill benefit from&yro%ylin lac;uer !ith good ;uality and

more ine%&ensive &rice+ In addition to that/ local manufacturers !ho !ill initiate the &roduction

of &yro%ylin lac;uer from &inea&&le leaf bracts !ill &rovide more job o&&ortunities for the


-o the #n5ironmentalists

0urning of agricultural !astes such as &inea&&le leaves &roduces 419 of carbon dio%ide

-5O'/ 3'9 of carbon mono%ide -5O/ '19 of &articulate matter -PM/ and 19 of &olycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons -P<s released into the environment around the globe+,his ty&e of 

 burning contributes to climate change/ since among the com&ounds released are greenhouse

gases and short*lived climate*forcing &ollutants li=e blac= carbon+ lso/ visibility in nearby areas

and high!ays is affected+ In addition/ these incom&lete combustion &rocesses &roduce dio%ins/

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

!hich are highly to%ic/ carcinogenic &ollutants+ ,hrough this study/ &inea&&le leaf bracts are

reuse for more beneficial &roducts such as &yro%ylin lac;uer+

M#-1.&S .F '#S#!'"1

,he e%&erimenters conducted e%tensive research in order to have a com&rehensive study and

analysis of the &ro&erties and characteristics of ra! materials and &roduct+ ,he researchers used

different methods of research to obtain vital information and data for the study+ ,he studies are

the follo!ingD

/$ &escripti5e Method

,he researchers collected data from boo=s/ &eriodicals and electronic resources for the

useful information of the ra! material and &rocesses involved+

+ Science (irect

(ata !ere collected through boo=s/ articles and other e%&eriments to aid the

researchers to come u& !ith the idea of &roducing lac;uer from &inea&&le leaves+

0+ $lectronic Resource

"ocal and international articles from different institutional and organi)ational

!ebsites in relation to &roduction and &rocessing of lac;uers from &inea&&le leaves !ere

collected by the researchers+

//$ #xperimental Method

,his method of research scientific underta=ing !as done through laboratory set*u& for 

e%&erimentations+ Farious &arameters !ere considered to come u& the best ;uality of the &roduct+

• Imus/ 5avite G for the e%ecution of e%&erimental method/ further observation and

im&rovement of the &roduct+

 Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple Bracts for the production of Pyroxylin Lacquer    8

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

'#2/#6 .F '#L!-#& L/-#'!-0'#)$ 'a7 Materials

)$) Pineapple,he &inea&&le is the leading edible member 

of the family 0romeliaceae !hich embraces

about '/111 s&ecies/ mostly e&i&hytic and

many stri=ingly ornamental+ 8o! =no!n

 botanically as !nanascomosusMerr+

-syns+ !. sati"us Schult+ f+/ !nanassa

 sati"a "indl+/ Bromeliaananas "+/ B.

comosa "+/ the fruit has ac;uired fe!

vernacular names+ It is !idely called pina by S&anish*s&ea=ing &eo&le/ a#acaxi in

the Portuguese tongue/ ananas by the (utch and .rench and the &eo&le of former 

.rench and (utch coloniesA nanas in southern sia and the $ast Indes+ In 5hina/ it

is po$lo$mah% sometimes in Hamaica/ s!eet &ineA in uatemala often merely

J&ine? -Morton/ H+ 2#7)+

)$)$) "lassifications of Pineapple

a$ 8Smooth "ayenne8 or 8"ayenne8/ K5ayena "isaK in S&anish -often =no!n in

India/ Sri "an=a/ Malaysia and ,hailand as KSara!a=K or KLe!K !as selected

and cultivated by Indians in Fene)uela long ago and introduced from 5ayenne

-.rench uyana in 2'1+ .rom there it reached the Royal 0otanical ardens/

Le!/ $ngland/ !here it !as im&roved and distributed to Hamaica and

ueensland/ ustralia+ 0ecause of the &lants near freedom from s&ines e%ce&t

for the needle at the leafti& and the si)e*4 to 21 lbs -2+ 4+ =g*cylindrical

form/ shallo! eyes/ orange rind/ yello! flesh/ lo! fiber/ juiciness and rich

mildly acid flavor/ it has become of greatest im&ortance !orld!ide even

though it is subject to disease and does not shi& !ell+ Mainly/ it is &ri)ed for 

 Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple Bracts for the production of Pyroxylin Lacquer    9

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

canning/ having sufficient fiber for firm slices and cubes as !ell as e%cellent


It !as the introduction of this cultivar into the Phili&&ines from <a!aii in

2#2' that u&graded the Phili&&ine industry from the casual gro!ing of the

semi*!ild ty&e !hich !as often seedy+ ,here are several clones of KSmooth

5ayenneK in <a!aii !hich have been selected for resistance to mealybug !ilt+

It is the leading cultivar in ,ai!an+

b$ K9ueen8 is the leading cultivar in South frica/ ueensland and thePhili&&ines+ ,he &lant is d!arf/ com&act/ more cold*resistant and more

disease*resistant then KSmooth 5ayenneK+ It matures its fruit early but suc=ers

freely and needs thinning/ and the yield is lo!+ ,he fruit is conical/ dee&*

yello!/ !ith dee& eyesA !eighs 2 to ' 2E' lbs -1+4*2+23 =gA is less fibrous

than KSmooth 5ayenneK/ but more fragrantA it is juicy/ of fine flavor !ith a

small/ tender core+ It is sold fresh and =ee&s !ell+ It is only fair for canning

 because of its sha&e !hich ma=es for much !aste+

c$ 8!bacaxi8 -also called KBhite baca%i of PernambucoK/ KPernambucoK/

K$leutheraK/ and K$nglishK is !ell =no!n in 0ra)il/ the 0ahamas and .lorida+

,he &lant is s&iny and disease*resistant+ "eaves are bluish*green !ith red*

 &ur&le tinge in the bud+ ,he numerous suc=ers need thinning out+ ,he fruit

!eighs '+' to lllbs -2* =g/ is tall and straight*sidedA sunburns even !hen

erect+ It is very fragrant+ ,he flesh is !hite or very &ale yello!ish/ of rich/

s!eet flavor/ succulent and juicy !ith only a narro! vestige of a core+ ,his israted by many as the most delicious &inea&&le+ It is too tender for commercial

handling/ and the yield is lo!+ ,he fruit can be harvested !ithout a =nifeA

 brea=s off easily for mar=eting fresh+

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

d$ 'ed Spanish /the fruit is more or less round/ orange*red e%ternally/ !ith dee&

eyes/ and ranges from 3 to 6 lbs -2+36*'+7 =g+ ,he flesh is &ale*yello!/fibrous/ !ith a large core/ aromatic and flavorful+ ,he fruit is hard !hen

mature/ brea=s off easily and cleanly at the base in harvesting/ and stands

handling and trans&ort !ell+ It is highly resistant to fruit rot though subject to


)$* Pineapple LeafPinea&&le leaves are !a%y/ stra&*

sha&ed leaves ' to 6 feet in length+ ,heyusually have a shar& &oint on the ti& of the

leaf and s&ines along the margins of the

leaves+ ,he leaves may be green or variegated

in color+

)$*$) Structure

Figure ,$): Pineapple Parts and Fibre

)$*$* "ellulose "ontent

".NS-/-0#N-S".MP.S/-/.N P/N#!PPL# ".'N N!P/#'  

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

;77 <= L#!F S-!L> 4'!SS!sh "ontent ?$@+ *?$A )?$,

"ellulose "ontent ,,$* A$+ )*$?1olocellulose "ontent C@$D C*$) C+$?1emicellulose "ontent )A$@ ?*$+ ,C$*)< N!.1 Solubility A$C ,A$A @*$+

Lignin "ontent ?$*C D$+ )+$CMoisture content C)$, D$* ))$D

,able 6+2 -:a!a!i/ (+et. al., 201

)$ Sodium 1ydroxideSodium hydro%ide is !idely usedin the manufacture of soa&s/ &a&er/

rayon/ cello&hane/ merceri)ed cotton/

aluminum/ and many chemicals+ It is also

used in &etroleum refining/ degreasing/

etching/)inc e%traction/ tin &lating/ o%ide

coating/ and food &rocessing -for &eeling

fruits and vegetables+ In concentrated

form/ it is used as a drain cleaner+ Sodium

hydro%ide has been used in the management of &leural effusions+

)$? Sodium Sulfide

 Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple Bracts for the production of Pyroxylin Lacquer    12

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

Sodium sulfide is a yello!/ solid fla=e !ith a

sulfurous -rotten egg smell+ It is used in the &ul& and &a&er industry and in leather 

 &rocessing to remove hair from hides+

Sodium sulfide may be used in the ma=ing of 

colors and dyes+ It can also be used in the

manufacture of other chemicals/ metals or in

mining -ore &rocessing and in !aste !ater/ soil and &rocess sludge treatment

)$@ Sulfuric !cidSulfuric acid -alternative s&elling sul&huric acid is a highly corrosive strong

mineral acid !ith the molecular formula

<'SO4 and molecular !eight #+17# gEmol+

It is a &ungent*ethereal/ colorless to slightly

yello! viscous li;uid !hich is soluble in

!ater at all concentrations+ Sometimes/ it is

dyed dar= bro!n during &roduction to alert

 &eo&le to its ha)ards+ ,he historical name of 

this acid is oil of vitriol+

Sulfuric acid is a di&rotic acid and sho!s

different &ro&erties de&ending u&on its

concentration+ Its corrosiveness on other 

materials/ li=e metals/ living tissues or even stones/ can be mainly ascribed to its

strong acidic nature and/ if concentrated/ strong dehydrating and o%idi)ing

 &ro&erties+ Sulfuric acid at a high concentration can cause very serious damage

u&on contact/ since not only does it cause chemical burns via hydrolysis/ but also

secondary thermal burns through dehydration+ It can lead to &ermanent blindness

if s&lashed onto eyes and irreversible damage if s!allo!ed+ ccordingly/ safety

 &recautions should be strictly observed !hen handling it+ Moreover/ it is

hygrosco&ic/ readily absorbing !ater va&our from the air+

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

)$D Nitric acid 8itric acid -<8O3/ also =no!n as a;ua fortis and s&irit of niter/ is a highly

corrosive mineral acid+

,he &ure com&ound is colorless/ but older sam&les

tend to ac;uire a yello! cast due to decom&osition into

o%ides of nitrogen and !ater+ Most commercially

available nitric acid has a concentration of 69 in

!ater+ Bhen the solution contains more than 69

<8O3/ it is referred to as fuming nitric acid+ (e&ending

on the amount of nitrogen dio%ide &resent/ fuming nitric

acid is further characteri)ed as !hite fuming nitric acid or red fuming nitric acid/ at

concentrations above #9+

 8itric acid is the &rimary reagent used for nitration G the addition of a nitro grou&/

ty&ically to an organic molecule+ Bhile some resulting nitro com&ounds are shoc=*

and thermally*sensitive e%&losives/ a fe! are stable enough to be used in munitions

and demolition/ !hile others are still more stable and used as &igments in in=s and

dyes+ 8itric acid is also commonly used as a strong o%idi)ing agent+

-:umdahl/ Steven S+ -'11#+ 5hemical Princi&les 6th $d+ <oughton Mifflin 5om&any+ &+ ''+

)$C #thanol$thanol is miscible !ith !ater and is a good general &ur&ose solvent+ It is found

in &aints/ tinctures/ mar=ers/ and &ersonal care &roducts such as mouth!ashes/

 &erfumes and deodorants+ <o!ever/ &olysaccharides &reci&itate from a;ueous

solution in the &resence of alcohol/ and ethanol &reci&itation is used for this reason in

the &urification of (8 and R8+

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

-"ide/ (avid R+/ ed+ -'11+ 5R5 <andboo= of 5hemistry

and Physics -# ed++ 0oca RatonD 5R5 Press+ &&+ #G+

)$A Petroleum etherPetroleum ether is the &etroleum fraction consisting of 5₅ and

5₆  hydrocarbons and boiling in the range 3 61 ‒    ℃A

commonly used as a laboratory solvent+ ,he term ether is

used only figuratively/ signifying e%treme lightness and


-(avid R+ "ide/ ed+ -'121/ 5R5 <andboo= of 5hemistryand Physics -#1th ed+/ 5R5 Press

*$ Process*$) Pulping Method

*$)$) >raft Pulping Process,he =raft &rocess/ !hich uses sodium hydro%ide -8aO< and sodium

sulfide -8a'S to &ul& !ood/ is the dominant &ul&ing &rocess in the &ul& and

 &a&er industry+ bout 231 million tonsEyear of =raft &ul& are &roduced globally/

accounting for t!o*thirds of the !orld@s virgin &ul& &roduction and for over #19of chemical &ul&+ ,he high strength of =raft &ul&/ the ability of the &rocess to

handle almost all s&ecies of soft!ood and hard!ood/ and the favorable economics

due to high chemical recovery efficiency -about #79 give the =raft &rocess an

advantage over other &ul&ing &rocesses+

In the =raft &rocess/ about half of the !ood is dissolved and together !ith

the s&ent &ul&ing chemicals/ forms a li;uid stream called !ea= blac= li;uor 

-.igure+ ,he !ea= blac= li;uor is se&arated from the &ul& !ashing by !ashing/

and is sent to the =raft recovery system/ !here the inorganic &ul&ing chemicals

are recovered for reuse/ !hile dissolved organics are used as a fuel to ma=e steam

and &o!er+

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

Figure ,$*: >raft Pulping Process

*$* Nitration Process 8itration is a general class of chemical &rocess for the introduction of a nitro

grou& into an organic chemical com&ound+ More loosely the term also is a&&lied

incorrectly to the different &rocess of forming nitrate esters bet!een alcohols and

nitric acid/ as occurs in the synthesis of nitroglycerin+ ,he difference bet!een the

resulting structure of nitro com&ounds and nitrates is that the nitrogen atom in nitro

com&ounds is directly bonded to a non*o%ygen atom/ ty&ically carbon or another 

nitrogen atom/ !hereas in nitrate esters/ also called organic nitrates/ the nitrogen is

 bonded to an o%ygen atom that in turn usually is bonded to a carbon atom-erald 0ooth J8itro 5om&ounds/ romaticJ llmannKs $ncyclo&edia of Industrial

5hemistry/ '11/ Biley*F5</ Beinheim+

,y&ical nitration syntheses a&&ly so*called Jmi%ed acidJ/ a mi%ture of 

concentrated nitric acid and sulfuric acids+N' ,his mi%ture &roduces the nitronium

ion -8O'/ !hich is the active s&ecies in aromatic nitration+ ,his active ingredient/!hich can be isolated in the case of nitroniumtetrafluoroborate/N3 also affects

nitration !ithout the need for the mi%ed acid+ In mi%ed*acid syntheses sulfuric acid is

not consumed and hence acts as a catalyst as !ell as an absorbent for !ater+

-Hohn McMurry Organic 5hemistry 'nd $d+

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

'#2/#6 .F '#L!-#& S-0&/#S

!B!N&.N#& B/.M!SS '#S.0'"# S-!-/S-/"S /N -1# P1/L/PP/N#S

byS!N-/!4. '$ B!".N40/S

,he Phili&&ines is largely an agricultural country !ith the agricultural sector contributingabout one*third of 8P+ ,he total area is about 31 million hectares and about half is

a&&ro%imately C ( lands !hich is devoted to agricultural &roduction and urban develo&ment+

,he remaining areas are forests/ shrublands and !etlands+ Rice/ corn and coconut are the most

abundant cro&s &lanted !ith a total area of about # million hectares+ ,he major abandoned

 biomassE!astes resources &resented in this &a&er areD rice hullEhus=/ rice stra!/ sugarcane

 bagasse/ coconut !astes/ forestry residues and urban !aste+ <o!ever/ in some &arts of the

country/ there are some minorly abandoned fruit residues due to the lac= of =no!ledge of the

 &rocessors regarding its &ossible usesD &omelo/ !atermelon/ &inea&&le/ and mango+


B0'N/N4 !4'/"0L-0'!L 6!S-#: ! S.0'"# .F &/.E/NS

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

by".MM/SS/.N F.' #N2/'.NM#N-!L "..P#'!-/.N

It is estimated that burning biomass/ such as !ood/ leaves/ trees and grassesQincluding

agricultural !asteQ&roduces 419 of carbon dio%ide -5O'/ 3'9 of carbon mono%ide -5O/

'19 of &articulate matter -PM/ and 19 of &olycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons -P<s released

into the environment around the globe+ lthough agricultural !aste burning is not an

environmentally acce&table form of agricultural management/ it is a fre;uent &ractice and is

!orrisome from a &ublic health vie!&oint for a number of reasonsD



Smo=e from agricultural burning is released at or near ground level in areas that are

generally &o&ulated/ &roducing direct/ intense e%&osure to &ollutants for the nearby


,his ty&e of burning is generally carried out in stages/ during s&ecific times of the year/

and may lead to very high concentrations of &ollutants+

0urning agricultural !aste creates non*s&ecific sources of &ollutants for the atmos&here

and ta=es &lace over very large areas+ It is therefore difficult to measure and to regulate

the resulting emissions+

5ombustibles and combustion conditions vary/ and &esticides may be &resent+

,his ty&e of burning contributes to climate change/ since among the com&ounds

released are greenhouse gases and short*lived climate*forcing &ollutants li=e blac= 


Fisibility in nearby areas and high!ays is affected+

In addition/ these incom&lete combustion &rocesses &roduce dio%ins/ !hich are highly

to%ic/ carcinogenic &ollutants+

/N&0S-'3 P'.F/L#

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

by&#P!'-M#N- .F -'!&# !N& /N&0S-'3

"ac;uer is defined as a coating that dries &rimarily by eva&oration rather than by

o%idation or &olymeri)ation+ 0ecause the solvents or !ater used in lac;uers are relatively volatile

and no chemical change is re;uired for formation of the film/ lac;uers dry very ra&idly+


P/G! ".0-0'#: P/N#!PPL# F/B#' M!>#S F!B'/" /N -1# P1/L/PP/N#S

byB#N(!M/N F/-H4#'!L&

s couture bites into fruit as a source of natural fiber/ the amount of &ia used in te%tiles

is steadily gro!ing across 8orth merica+ Pia im&orter $cossar/ is just one te%tile firm !or=ing

directly !ith local artisans in ,he Phili&&ines/ to s&read &iaKs reach+ More designers need to

e%&erience the lu%ury of this fruit*based thread/ com&letely derived from &inea&&le leaves+



P'.&0"-/.N .F P/N#!PPL#S /N -1# P1/L/PP/N#S

0y .ood and griculture Organi)ation of the nited 8ations Statistics (ivision

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

Figure D$) Production of the Pineapples in the Philippines

P3'.E3L/N0M B$P$ P3'.E3L/N

from1#N'/#--#IS B..> J *

Pyro%ylin/ cellulose tetranitrate/ or dinitro*cellulose/ is &re&ared by immersing to of 

cotton in a mi%ture of 1 of sul&huric acid and 1 of nitric acid/ stirring it constantly for three

minutes/ then removing the &roduct/ !ashing !ith !ater until free from acid/ draining on filter 

 &a&er/ and drying on a !ater*bath+ ,he &roduct is a !hite fibrous substance/ resembling cotton in

a&&earance+ Pyro%ylin is also official in the +S+P+ Bhen ignited it burns !ith great ra&idityA it

should be carefully stored in a dry &lace/ or immersed in methylated s&irit+ Bhen &yro%ylin is

made by immersing the cotton in the mi%ture of acids at a high tem&erature the &roduct yields

!ith ether*alcohol a collodion =no!n as Jhigh*tem&erature collodion/J !hich/ on eva&oration/

leaves a film of a friable character/ and the collodion is unsuitable for many &ur&oses+ Made at a

lo! tem&erature/ ho!ever/ the resulting &yro%ylin yields a collodion/ the film of !hich is tough

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

and !ell ada&ted in every !ay for surgical use+ ,he solubility of both varieties is the same+

Pyro%ylin consists of cellulose tetranitrate/ 52'<26-O8O'4O6/ or dinitro*cellulose/56<-8O''O+ and is distinguished from guncotton by its solubility in a mi%ture of e;ual

volumes of ether and alcohol+ nless it has been &ro&erly nitrated/ collodions &re&ared !ith it

may be thic=er than is desirable+ uncotton is cellulose he%anitrate/ 52'<24-O8O'6O4/ or 

trinitro*cellulose/ 56<7-8O'3O+ it is insoluble in a mi%ture of alcohol and ether+ 5elloidin

consists of &yro%ylin !hich has been &urified by solution in alcohol and ether+

P3'.E3L/N /-S M!N0F!"-0'# !N& !PPL/"!-/.NS

by6!L-#' &$ F/#L&

0y the term &yro%ylin is understood the soluble nitric ethers of cellulose/ namely the di/

tri/ tetra/ and &enta*nitrates+ .rom the date of the use of &yro%ylin in &hotogra&hy by Scott

rcher in 22/ the number of its uses has increased until/ at &resent time/ tons of the lo!er 

nitrates of cellulose are &roduced yearly+

In the form of celluloid it is before us constantly+ s a varnish it is used on &enholders/

 &encils/ silver and brass !are+ rticles are bron)ed !ith it as a medium+ n artificial leather has

 been &roduced !ith it+ ,hese a&&lications are all made/ !ith the e%ce&tion of celluloid/ by the

use of a solution of &yro%ylin+

#EPL.'/N4 -1# !4'. 6!S-# ;P/N#!PPL# L#!F ".'N S-!L> !N&

N!P/#' 4'!SS= B3 "1#M/"!L ".MP.S/-/.N !N& M.'P1.L.4/"!L S-0&3

byH!6!6/ &$ M.1& H$M$1$ !N4HH!S S$M$>$ 1!L/H!1 !$!S102/L! M$!

Pinea&&le leaf fibers !ere found to have a lo!er ash content -4+9 than corn stal= 

-'4+#9 and na&ier grass -24+69+ ,he function of the ash content is to sho! the absence or 

 &resence of other materials such as various organice and inorganic matter+ ,he lo! ash content

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

#EP#'/M#N-!L M#-1.&

,he e%&erimentation !as done in a laboratory scale+ In order to &roduce the desired &roduct/

variation of &arameters/ li=e concentration/ ratio of li;uor to ra! material/ and time !ere


!$ "ollection and Preparation of 'a7 Material

,his &rocess involves the collecting/ &re&aring and conditioning by !ashing/ si)e

reducing and drying of ra! material !hich is the &inea&&le leaf bracts+

  ,he &inea&&le leaf bracts that are collected from 0rgy+ .rancisco/ "agusan (rive/

,agaytay 5ity contain dirt such as soil !hich may hinder and interfere the com&letion of the

entire &rocess/ hence !ashing using ta& !ater is em&loyed+

!$) &etermination of the .ptimum !mount of 6ater for 6ashing

a$ !pparatus and Materials

-ap 7ater BasinPineapple leaf 



!nalytical balance

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

b$ .becti5e,o determine the o&timum amount of !ater used for !ashing the

 &inea&&le leaves

c$ Procedure

2+ Pre&are 2 =g of &inea&&le leaves+

'+ Bash the &inea&&le leaf !ith 2 =g ta& !ater using a s&rayer+

3+ Re&eat ste&s 2*' using ' =g/ and 3 =g ta& !ater+

4+ Beight and record the !ater after !ashing+

d$ &ata and 'esults

6eight of 6ater 'atio of 6ater

to Pineapple


6eight of 

6ater 7ith


6eight of &irt Percent of  

'emo5ed &irt

)+++ g ):) )+@+ g @+ g ?$D,)A <

*+++ g ):* *)@+ g )@+ g ,$AD,D <+++ g ): **C g **C g D$+,* <


weight of water withdirt −weight of water

weight of water with dirt   x 100= Percent of Removed Dirt 

):) 'atio


1050 x 100=4.7619

):* 'atio

 Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple Bracts for the production of Pyroxylin Lacquer    26

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering


2150 x100=6.9767

): 'atio


3228 x 100=7.0632

e$ !nalysis

,o find out the most efficient ratio of &inea&&le leaf to !ater that !ill remove dirtA

three sets of 2111 g of &inea&&le !ere !ashed !ith different ratio of !ater+ ,he

researchers used 2D2/ 2D' and 2D3 ratio of leaf to !ater and the dirt removed resulted

to 1g/ 21g and ''g res&ectively+ 2D3 ratio yield the highest &ercentage of dirt

removed !hich is 7+163'9 !hile 2D' ratio have 6+#7679+ ,he least dirt removed !as

the 2D2 ratio !ith 4+762#9+ ,he yielded removed dirt from ratios 2D3 and 2D' have

small increment+ 2D' ratios !ould be the most efficient ratio of !ater to &inea&&le leaf 

that !ill remove dirt+

f$ "onclusion,herefore/ the o&timum ratio of leaf to !ater that !ould remove dirt most

efficient is 2D'/ using 2111g of leaf to'111 g of !ater/ yielding to 6+#7679 dirt

removed !ith a little difference !ith the highest dirt removed+

!$* Si%e 'eduction of Pineapple Lea5es

Si)e reduction of the &inea&&le leaves is done in &re&aration for the ne%t &rocess !hich is

the drying+ ,he ra! material is si)e reduced into different lengthsD '+ cm/ cm/ and 7+ cm+

,his variation of si)es is to determine the highest moisture content removed from drying+

a$ !pparatus and Materials

Scissors Basin

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

Pineapple lea5es 'uler

b$ .becti5e

,o determine the o&timum si)e of the !ashed &inea&&le leaves that !ill yield the

highest moisture content removed &rior for drying &rocess

c$ Procedure

2+ Beigh 2111g of &inea&&le leaves

'+ Measure and cut the !ashed &inea&&le leaves into '+ cm length using the

ruler and scissors+

3+ 5ollect and gather the cut &inea&&le leaves in a basin+

4+ Re&eat ste&s 2*' using cm/ and 7+ cm length+

d$ &ata and 'esults

Parameter -rial ) -rial * -rial Si)e -cm '+ 7+

(rying time -hours 4 4 4Mass of (ried Pinea&&le

"eaves -g

11 #1

Percent yield -9 1 + #1+

Percent Moisture 5ontent

Removed -9

'1 24+ #+

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering


 Initial mass−

dried massinitial mass

  x 100= Percent of Moisture Content Removed

*$@ cm leaf 


1000 x 100=20

@ cm leaf 1000−855

1000 x 100=14.5

D$@ cm leaf 


1000 x 100=9.5

e$ !nalysis

,he researchers cut '+ cm/ cm and 7+ each of 2111 g of &inea&&le to

determine the most efficient si)e of the leaf to be dried+ ,he time !as =e&t constant+ ,he

'+ cm of leaf yielded 19 after drying having '19 moisture content removed+ .or the

cm/ it yielded + 9 after drying having 24+9 moisture removed+ On the other hand the

7+ cm of leaf yielded #1+9 after drying having #+9 moisture content removed+ ,he

researchers consider the '+ cm of leaf because it has the most &ercent moisture content


f$ "onclusion,hus/ the o&timum si)e that !ould remove highest moisture content is '+ cm/

yielding to '19 moisture content removed+ ,his &arameter !ould be use in the

ne%t &rocess+

 Fragmentary Nitration of Pineapple Bracts for the production of Pyroxylin Lacquer    29

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

!$ &etermination of the Length of -ime for &rying

a$ !pparatus and Materials

"ut Pineapple Lea5es Basin

b$ .becti5e

,o determine the o&timum time used for the drying &rocess that !ill yield the

highest moisture content removed

c$ Procedure

2+ Beigh 2111 g of '+ cm &inea&&le leaves and flatten it on a basin for the

drying &rocess+

'+ Put the basin in direct sunlight+

3+ "et the &inea&&le leaves be sundried for # hours/ 2' hours/ and 2 hours+

4+ Beigh the &inea&&le leaves and record the observation+

d$ &ata and 'esults

Parameter -rial ) -rial * -rial Si)e -cm '+ '+ '+

(rying time -hours # 2' 2

Mass of (ried Pinea&&le

"eaves -g

617 43 '3

Percent yield -9 61+7 4+3 '3+

Percent Moisture 5ontentRemoved -9

3#+3 4+7 76+


 Initial mass−dried mass

init ial mass  x 100= Percent of Moisture Content Removed

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

A hours1000−607

1000 x 100=39.3

)* hours


1000 x100=54.7

)@ hours


1000 x 100=76.5

e$ !nalysis

,he o&timum si)e for the &inea&&le leaves is determine from the highest moisture

content that is removed+ ,he data sho!s that 2 hours of sun drying yield to 76+9

moisture content removed+ 8ine hours and t!elve hours of sun drying yield to 3#+39 and

4+79/ res&ectively !hich are lesser than the former+ ,he longer time it too= for the

 &inea&&le leaves to be dried/ the highest moisture content removed because of the

e%tended e%&osure of the &inea&&le leaves to sunlight+

f$ "onclusion

,he o&timum time for drying of the &inea&&le leaves is 2 hours since it yield the

highest &ercentage of 76+9 close to the value found in a related study that &inea&&le leaf 

has 2+

g$ #qui5alent equipment

Laboratory scale /ndustrial scaleBasin tap 7ater sprayer 6ashing tanKs spray no%%les

Basin /ndustrial o5en

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

scissors 'otary Knife cutters

S0MM!'3 .F P!'!M#-#'S

S0MM!'3 F.' ".LL#"-/N4 !N& P'#P!'/N4 -1# '!6 M!-#'/!LS!mount of 6ater for 6ashing *+++g of 7ater per )+++g pineapple lea5es

Si%e of Pineapple Lea5es *$@ cmLength of -ime for &rying )@ hours

!mount of /nitial Mass )+++

B$ >raft Process of Pineapple Leaf Bracts

(elignification refers to the chemical &rocess of removing the &ul& from !ood by

eliminating the lignin+ ,he removal of lignin from the !ood has traditionally ta=en &lace

 by a method called the Lraft &rocess+

Reaction for Lraft ProcessD

Bood 8aO< 8a'S 56<21O -5ellulose 8a'SO4 8a'5O3

In this e%&eriment/ the researchers varied the &arameters to determine the best

 &ossible condition G concentration of solvents/ ratio of solvents/ drying time and


In the variation of concentration of solvents in !hite li;uor in a solution of 

sodium hydro%ide -8aO< is varied to 79/ #9 and 229 and for sodium sulfide -8a'S/

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

the concentration is varied to 39 and 9+ ,he amount of solvents is varied to 2D' and 'D2

ratio+ .or the variation of drying time/ it is varied to #/ 2' and 2 hours+,he cellulose is recovered through filtration/ in &re&aration for the nitration


B$) &etermination of the "oncentration of Sodium 1ydroxide ;Na.1=

a$ !pparatus and Materials

"ut Pineapple Lea5es Sodium 1ydroxideSodium sulfide BeaKers

-hermometer 2ialsStirring 'od !nalytical BalancePipette !spirator

#lectric Sto5e

b$ .becti5e

,o determine the o&timum concentration of sodium hydro%ide that !ill yield the

highest &ercentage of lignin removed

c$ Procedure

2+ Pre&are 211 g of 9 sodium sulfide by !eight of solution+

'+ Pre&are 211 g of 79 sodium hydro%ide by !eight of solution+

3+ Mi% the t!o solutions in a 411m" bea=er and stir+ ,his !ill serve as the !hite


4+ Beigh '1 g of &inea&&le leaves and transfer it into the !hite li;uor+

+ <eat the bea=er until it reaches 211   ℃ + 5oo= the &inea&&le leaves for 1

minutes after boiling+

6+ .ilter the &ul& after coo=ing and !ash it in 311 g ta& !ater+

7+ Place the !ashed &ul& in a foil and sundry until no traces of !etness can be


+ Beigh the dried &ul& and record the observation+

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

#+ Re&eat the ste&s 2* using different concentration of sodium hydro%ideD #9/

229 -!E!+d$ &ata and 'esults

Parameter -rial ) -rial * -rial Mass of Pinea&&le "eaves -g '1 '1 '1

Si)e -cm '+ '+ '+

5oncentration of 8aO< -9 !E! 7 # 22

5oncentration of 8a%S -9 !E!

mount of Bhite "i;uor -g '11 '11 '11

,em&erature -   ℃ 211 211 211

,ime -min 1 1 1Mass of (ried Pul& -g 22 #

Percent Tield -9 41 4

Percent "ignin Removed -9 4 61


P#'"#N- 3/#L&:

recovered massinitialmass

  x 100= Percent Yield

D< Na.1


20 x100=55

A< Na.18

20 x100=40

))< Na.1

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering


20 x100=45

P#'"#N- L/4N/N '#M.2#&:

initial mass−recovered mass

initialmass  x 100= percent ligninremoved

D< Na.1


20.00 x 100=45

A< Na.1


20.00 x100=60

))< Na.1


20.00 x100=55

e$ !nalysis

,he o&timum concentration of the sodium hydro%ide is determined to be

#9 sodium hydro%ide by !eight of solution+ ,he data sho!s that #9 sodium

hydro%ide by !eight of solution yield to 619 lignin content removed/ 79 !E!

yield to 49 and although the 229 !E! yield to 9 lignin content removed+ ,he

researcher consider #9 sodium hydro%ide because of the highest lignin removed+

f$ "onclusion

,he ma%imum &ercentage lignin content removed is accom&lished through

#9 concentration of sodium hydro%ide+

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

B$* &etermination of the "oncentration of Sodium Sulfide ;Na*S=

a$ !pparatus and Materials

"ut Pineapple Lea5es Sodium 1ydroxideSodium sulfide BeaKers-hermometer 2ialsStirring 'od !nalytical Balance

Pipette !spirator#lectric Sto5e

b$ .becti5e

,o determine the o&timum concentration of sodium sulfide that !ill yield the

highest &ercentage of lignin removed

c$ Procedure

2+ Pre&are 211 g of #9 sodium hydro%ide by !eight of solution+'+ Pre&are 211 g of 39 sodium sulfide by !eight of solution+

3+ Mi% the t!o solutions in a 411m" bea=er and stir+ ,his !ill serve as the !hite


4+ Beigh '1 g of &inea&&le leaves and transfer it into the !hite li;uor+

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

+ <eat the bea=er until it reaches 211   ℃ + 5oo= the &inea&&le leaves for 1

minutes after boiling+

6+ .ilter the &ul& after coo=ing and !ash it in 311 g ta& !ater+

7+ Place the !ashed &ul& in a foil and sundry until no traces of !etness can be


+ Beigh the dried &ul& and record the observation+

#+ Re&eat the ste&s 2* using different concentration of sodium sulfideD 9/ 79


d$ &ata and 'esultsParameter -rial ) -rial * -rial

Mass of Pinea&&le "eaves -g '1 '1 '1

Si)e -cm '+ '+ '+

5oncentration of 8aO< -9 !E! # # #

5oncentration of 8a'S -9 !E! 3 7

mount of Bhite "i;uor -g '11 '11 '11

,em&erature -  ℃

211 211 211

,ime -min 1 1 1

Mass of (ried Pul& -g 2' ,he !hite

li;uor eva&orated

that burned

the &inea&&leleaves

Percent Tield -9 61 41 *

Percent "ignin Removed -9 41 61 *


P#'"#N- 3/#L&:

recovered mass

initialmass  x 100= Percent Yield

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

< Na*S


20.00 x100=60

@< Na*S


20.00 x100=40

P#'"#N- L/4N/N '#M.2#&:

initial mass−recovered mass

initialmass  x 100= percent ligninremoved

< Na*S



 x 100=40

@< Na*S


20.00 x 100=60

e$ !nalysis

,he o&timum concentration of the sodium sulfide is determined to be 9 by

!eight of solution+ ,he data sho!s that 9 sodium sulfide by !eight of solution

yield to 619 lignin content removed/ 39 concentration only yields 419 lignin

removed and since the !hite li;uor in trial 3 having 79 sodium sulfide concentration

eva&orated ;uic=ly/ the researchers considered 9 concentration of 8a'S+

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

f$ "onclusion,he ma%imum &ercentage lignin content removed is attained through 9

concentration of sodium sulfide+

B$ &etermination of the 'atio of Na.1 and Na*S

a$ !pparatus and Materials

"ut Pineapple Lea5es Sodium 1ydroxideSodium sulfide BeaKers

-hermometer 2ialsStirring 'od !nalytical Balance

Pipette !spirator#lectric Sto5e

b$ .becti5e

,o determine the o&timum ration of 8aO< and 8a 'S that !ill yield to the highest

 &ercentage of lignin removed+

c$ Procedure

2+ Pre&are 233 g of 9 sodium sulfide by !eight of solution+

'+ Pre&are 67g of #9 sodium hydro%ide by !eight of solution+

3+ Mi% the t!o solutions in a 411m" bea=er and stir+ ,his !ill serve as the !hite


4+ Beigh '1 g of &inea&&le leaves and transfer it into the !hite li;uor+

+ <eat the bea=er until it reaches 211  ℃

+ 5oo= the &inea&&le leaves for 1

minutes after boiling+

6+ .ilter the &ul& after coo=ing and !ash it in 311 g ta& !ater+

7+ Place the !ashed &ul& in a foil and sundry until no traces of !etness can be


+ Beigh the dried &ul& and record the observation+

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

#+ Re&eat the ste&s 2* using different 'D2 ratio of sodium hydro%ide and sodium

sulfided$ &ata and 'esults

'atio of Na.1 to Na*SParameter ):) ):* *:)

Mass of Pinea&&le "eaves -g '1 '1 '1

Si)e -cm '+ '+ '+

5oncentration of 8aO< -9 !E! # # #

5oncentration of 8a'S -9 !E!

mount of Bhite "i;uor -g '11 '11 '11

,em&erature -   ℃ 211 211 211

,ime -min 1 1 1

Mass of (ried Pul& -g 7 21

Percent Tield -9 41 3 1

Percent "ignin Removed -9 61 6 1


P#'"#N- 3/#L&:recovered mass

initialmass  x 100= Percent Yield

):) 'atio


20.00 x100=40

):* 'atio


20.00 x100=35

):* 'atio

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering


20.00 x100=50

P#'"#N- L/4N/N '#M.2#&:

initial mass−recovered mass

initialmass  x 100= percent ligninremoved

):) 'atio


20.00 x 100=60

):* 'atio


20.00 x 100=65

):* 'atio


20.00 x 100=50

e$ !nalysis

,he ratio of sodium hydro%ide to sodium sulfide is determined by the highest

 &ercentage of lignin content removed+ 0ased on the data &resented/ trial 2/ !hich is in

e;ual ratio of 8aO< to 8a'S/ gives 419 yield and trials ' and 3/ &rovide 69 and 19

lignin removed/ res&ectively+ ,he higher the amount of 8aO</ the higher the &ercent

yield but lesser &ercentage of lignin removed+ ,he researchers determined 2D' to be the

most efficient ratio+

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering

f$ "onclusion

<ence/2 &art sodium hydro%ide and ' &arts sodium sulfide !hich yields to 69 isthe chosen &arameter that !ill yield the highest lignin content removed+

B$? &etermination of the !mount of 6hite Liquor to 'a7 Material

a$ !pparatus and Materials

"ut Pineapple Lea5es Sodium 1ydroxideSodium sulfide BeaKers-hermometer 2ials

Stirring 'od !nalytical BalancePipette !spirator#lectric Sto5e

b$ .becti5e

,o determine the o&timum amount of !hite li;uor to ra! material that !ill yield

to the highest &ercentage of lignin removed+

c$ Procedure

2+ Pre&are 211 g of 9 sodium sulfide by !eight of solution+

'+ Pre&are 1g of #9 sodium hydro%ide by !eight of solution+

3+ Mi% the t!o solutions in a 411m" bea=er and stir+ ,his !ill serve as the !hite


4+ Beigh '1 g of &inea&&le leaves and transfer it into the !hite li;uor+

+ <eat the bea=er until it reaches 211   ℃ + 5oo= the &inea&&le leaves for 1

minutes after boiling+

6+ .ilter the &ul& after coo=ing and !ash it in 311 g ta& !ater+

7+ Place the !ashed &ul& in a foil and sundry until no traces of !etness can be


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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering


20.00 x100=35



20.00 x100=40

P#'"#N- L/4N/N '#M.2#&:

initial mass−recovered mass

initialmass  x 100= percent ligninremoved



20.00 x100=55



20.00 x 100=65



20.00 x 100=40

e$ !nalysis

,he efficient amount of !hite li;uor is determined to be '11g to remove high

lignin amount from '1g &inea&&le leaf+ ,he data sho!s that 21 g of !hite li;uor 

only removes 9 of lignin !hile the '1 g removes 419 lignin+ On the other hand/

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