«Fra god til strategisk skoleeier» Intelligente strategier for profesjonsutvikling 22. September 2016

«Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

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Page 1: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the


«Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»

Intelligente strategier for profesjonsutvikling

22. September 2016

Page 2: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

Tidlig slutt

Lærings resultater

Sosio-økonomisk status (SØS) -Utdanningsnivå - Demografi - Sosial velferd -Etnisk gruppe

Kjønn -Jente -Gutt Spørsmål:

Klarer skolen å moderere negative effekter av å

være i en utsatt gruppe?



Det eksistensielle spørsmålet Enhetsskolens ”moralske imperativ”

Page 3: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

”Skoleeiers strategikart”

Page 4: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

Skoleeiers bidragProfesjonell utvikling

av rektorene

Page 5: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

SUMMING: HVA bør den kommunale

skoleadministrasjonen foreta seg – for å utvikle skolelederne


Page 6: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the


Educational Governance Research 2

Lejf MoosElisabet NihlforsJan Merok Paulsen Editors

Nordic Superintendents: Agents in a Broken Chain

�  ”Jakten på skolesjefen” § Skolesjefer i de fleste av de 291

kommunene som deltok i undersøkelsen § ”Resirkulert” skolesjef – mange titler § Sterkere kobling til toppnivået i

kommunen § Rollen i endring i alle nordiske land –

flere mellomnivåer over og under

�  Viktig aktør i for rektorene § Rektorene skårer sin nærmeste sjef høgt

på tillit § Peker på ledermøtene i kommunen § Men påpeker at en-til-en kontakt er

viktig: Sparring-partner, mentor, veileder § Varierende skoleeierkompetanse

Page 7: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

SUMMING: SKIFT perspektiv: HVA bør kommunale skolepolitikere

foreta seg– ut fra samme formål?

Page 8: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

”Skoleeiers strategikart”

Page 9: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

Tillit og støtte

Psykologisk trygghet

Ledergruppene hos skoleeier Første veksling i verdikjeden


Rektorenes kompetanse forsterking

Skoleeiers kompetanse


Page 10: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the


Om å få og gi tillit…… Sir Alex Ferguson: My Autobiography


S E P T E M B E R 2 0 , 2 0 1 2

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Anita Elberse and Tom Dye (MBA 2012) prepared this case. HBS cases are developed solely as the basis for class discussion. Cases are not intended to serve as endorsements, sources of primary data, or illustrations of effective or ineffective management. Copyright © 2012 President and Fellows of Harvard College. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, call 1-800-545-7685, write Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, MA 02163, or go to www.hbsp.harvard.edu/educators. This publication may not be digitized, photocopied, or otherwise reproduced, posted, or transmitted, without the permission of Harvard Business School.



Sir Alex Ferguson: Managing Manchester United

For a player—and for any human being—there is nothing better than hearing ‘well done.’ Those are the two best words ever invented in sports. You don’t need to use superlatives.

— Sir Alex Ferguson

In July 2012, Sir Alex Ferguson, the most successful manager in British football history, stepped out of his office at Manchester United’s Carrington training ground. It was his team’s first day of training for the 2012-2013 season—his record-setting 26th as manager of one of the world’s most decorated professional football clubs (see Exhibit 1) and one of sport’s biggest franchises.

During his time as manager of Manchester United, Ferguson had won almost every honor in the club game. He had taken over at United when the club was at perhaps its lowest point ever, having experienced a startling fall from grace and not won an English league title in nearly twenty years. By prioritizing youth-player development, rebuilding the team, being shrewd on the transfer market, emphasizing attacking football, and bringing the best out of his players, Ferguson turned United’s fortunes around. Now, United was the most successful club in English football with nineteen league titles, and had reclaimed its place among Europe’s elite clubs with two Champions League trophies. Millions of fans around the world idolized former and current United players such as Eric Cantona, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Ryan Giggs. Revenues had soared, too, and by some estimates United had become the world’s most valuable football club in 2012 (see Exhibit 2).

Over the years Ferguson had overcome several major challengers to United: knocking close rival Liverpool FC off its perch as the club holding the most English league titles, successfully battling the fluid style of play which had brought London-based Arsenal FC three titles in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and triumphing over the hundreds of millions of dollars Russian billionaire owner Roman Abramovich had invested in Chelsea FC. The newest challenger could be found closer to home. Ever since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the club had invested unprecedented amounts of money in new players. The 2011-2012 title race had been closer than ever, with City grabbing the title in the season’s last two minutes, beating United on goal difference. “It is just another chapter in the history of Manchester United,” said Ferguson.

As Ferguson arrived at Carrington that morning, renovation and expansion work was going on all around on him. United was improving on and adding to the already top-notch sports science, medical, and other facilities, and even installing a special viewing area for handicapped fans. “They

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”I needed the trust from the players, so I gave it to them first”

Page 11: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the


Page 12: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

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Page 13: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

”Skoleeiers strategikart”

Page 14: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

Å undervise som en proff Karrieresyklus og kompetanse

§  I boka ”Teachers Matter” viser Christopher Day og kolleger at lærernes kompetanse er knyttet til karriereutvikling og livsfase

§  Det tar mange år å gå fra ”entusiastisk amatør” til ”analytisk profesjonell”

§  Erfarne lærere scorere lavere på ”begeistringsfaktoren” – men er dyktigere til å implementere i klasserommet

§  8-16 år er det gunstige intervallet §  Ferske lærere må sosialiseres inn i rollen som proff

Page 15: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

Utvikling av profesjonell kompetanse Profesjonsutvikling i fellesskap

Page 16: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

Nivå Egenskap Beskrivelse 1 Delte normer og

verdier Sterke etikk-baserte og moralsk bindende normer om hvordan vi skal arbeide som lærere

2 Kollektivt fokus på elevenes læring

Kollektiv forståelse av hvordan elever lærer – og dette gir seg uttrykk i felles arbeid for elevvurdering (ut over test resultater)

3 Samarbeid Lærere arbeider sammen for å forbedre egen undervisning

4 Reflekterende dialog

Lærere engasjerer seg sammen med kolleger om undervisningspraksis som er problematisk

5 Av-privatisert praksis

Lærere observerer hverandre i klasserommet, for å lære av observasjonene - sammen

Når lærere arbeider i profesjonelle fellesskap Fra internasjonal forskning…..

Page 17: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

Rektorenes ledelse ”Strongest when MOST


Page 18: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

Sosio-økonomiske omgivelser

Relative prestasjoner

II Turnaround


I Low -

performing school

III Sustainable


IV Crusing school

“I Norge er vi alle like” Fire prestasjonsprofiler

Page 19: «Fra god til strategisk skoleeier»...since Manchester City, the same-town rivals Ferguson once famously referred to as United’s “noisy neighbors,” had switched owners, the

SUMME-SPØRSMÅL:1) Hva ville DU ha gjort som ny rektor

i en Kategori I skole ?2) Og i en Kategori IV skole?