Latest framework version? Please use this link to see if this is the latest issued version of this framework: afo.sscalliance.org/frameworkslibrary/index.cfm?id=FR02672 Issue date: 27 February 2014 Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing Communications - Level 4 (England) Issued by Creative Skillset

FR02672 - Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing ...creativeskillset.org/assets/0000/0036/Higher_Apprenticeship_in... · Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising ... These are

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Latest framework version?Please use this link to see if this is the latest issued version of this framework:afo.sscalliance.org/frameworkslibrary/index.cfm?id=FR02672

Issue date: 27 February 2014

Higher Apprenticeship inAdvertising & MarketingCommunications - Level 4(England)

Issued byCreative Skillset

... Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing Communications - Level 4 (England)

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Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising & MarketingCommunications - Level 4 (England)

... Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing Communications - Level 4 (England)

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Framework summaryHigher Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing Communications -Level 4

Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing Communications

This framework includes information on Personal Learning and Thinking Skills

Pathways for this framework at level 4 include:

Pathway 1: Advertising & Marketing Communications

Competence qualifications available to this pathway:N/A

Knowledge qualifications available to this pathway:N/A

Combined qualifications available to this pathway:B1 - Level 4 Diploma in Marketing Communications (Advertising) QCF

This pathway also contains information on:

Employee rights and responsibilitiesFunctional skills

... Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing Communications - Level 4 (England)

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Framework information

Information on the Issuing Authority for this framework:

Creative Skillset

The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in creative and digital media, broadcast, journalism,fashion and textiles, advertising and marketing communications, set crafts and photo imaging.

Short description

Creative Industries have customarily relied on graduates to meet their higher skills needs.Employers are currently seeking a supply of new entrants with technical skills. Skills gaps thathave been identified include: multi-platform all–rounders, handling and managing people,business planning skills and creatives who understand traditional and digital advertisingtechniques.

This Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship, has been developed to address these needs, provideprogression routes and enable employers to access and develop talent from a more diverseworkforce.

Job roles covered by this framework include:

Creatives including digital roles;Creative service;Client service;Advertising account executive.

This framework includes:

Level 4

Issue number: 3

Framework ID:FR02672

Date this framework is to be reviewedby: 31/03/2016 This framework is for use in: England

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Contact information

Proposer of this framework

Employers and industry bodies supporting this development include the IPA, MAA, IPM, BIMA,DMA, Livity, Bray Leino, WPP, Digitas, AMVBBDO, School of Communication Arts, Grey London,MBA, DDB London, McCann London, Addiction Worldwide, Lowe Worldwide, Creative Process,Creative Matters, 18 Feet, Get Additive, The Talent Business, JWT London.

Developer of this framework

Name: Nicole SuterOrganisation: Creative Skillset

Organisation type: Sector Skills CouncilJob title: Development Manager

Phone: 0207 713 9828Email: [email protected]

Postal address: Creative Skillset Focus Point21-33 Caledonian Road London N1 9GB

Website: www.creativeskillset.org

Issuing Authority's contact details

Issued by: Creative SkillsetIssuer contact name: John West

Issuer phone: 0207 713 9800Issuer email: [email protected]

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Revising a framework 

Contact details

Who is making this revision: Nicole SuterYour organisation: Creative Skillset

Your email address: [email protected]

Why this framework is being revised

This framework is being revised in response to the SASE 2013 changes.

Summary of changes made to this framework

Inclusion of the revised Combined qualification to meet the 90 credit minimum per SASE2013.Removal of Transferable skills requirements.Inclusion of an optional Additional Employer Requirement for Apprentices employed byIPA or MAA member bodies/employers.

Qualifications removed

Pearson BTEC Level 4 Diploma in Marketing Communications (Advertising) 61 credits600/6846/2AIM Awards Level 4 Diploma in Marketing Communications (Advertising) 61 credits600/6698/2

Qualifications added

AIM Awards Level 4 Diploma in Marketing Communications (Advertising) QCF 90 credits600/6698/2

Qualifications that have been extended


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Purpose of this framework

Summary of the purpose of the framework

National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) - Statement on Apprenticeship Quality Definition

An Apprenticeship is a job with an accompanying skills development programme designed byemployers in the sector. It allows the apprentice to gain technical knowledge and real practicalexperience, along with functional and personal skills, required for their immediate job andfuture career.

These are acquired through a mix of learning in the workplace, formal off the job training andthe opportunity to practice and embed new skills in a real work context. This broader mixdifferentiates the Apprenticeship experience from training delivered to meet narrowly focusedjob needs. All apprentices commencing their Apprenticeship on or after 6th April 2012 musthave an Apprenticeship Agreement between the employer and the apprentice. This can be usedto reinforce the understanding of the requirements of the Apprenticeship.

On completion of the Apprenticeship, the apprentice must be able to undertake the full rangeof duties, in the range of circumstances appropriate to the job, confidently and competently tothe standard set by industry.

Overview of the Advertising & Marketing Communications sector

Advertising & Marketing Communications is a large and diverse sector, ranging from smallcreative agencies to sales departments, but at the heart of the 13,000 companies and almost250,000 individuals working in advertising is the drive to satisfy the client. Advertising is aform of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) totake some action, usually to purchase or consume a product or service. It is totally driven andfocussed on the client and the client's marketing or advertising need for a brand or product. Itcrosses multiple platforms from broadcast, print, billboard and online. It is a sector which leadsthe way with cross-platform innovation as campaigns cross boundaries between TV, radio,print, billboard and interactive media. The advertising industry generates £6.2 billion annuallyfor the UK economy. Job roles within advertising are varied and include creatives who may beinvolved with writing copy, visual design and digital campaigns, client service including mediaplanning and buying, client account management and project management, production andclient service.

This Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing Communications has been developed inresponse to the industry's current and future skills needs; including the move to integrateddigital functions within agencies. It provides an alternative route to degree level provision andentry into what has historically been a graduate industry. One of the aims of thisApprenticeship is to increase the diversity of the workforce to greater reflect the audience the

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Apprenticeship is to increase the diversity of the workforce to greater reflect the audience theindustry serves.

Creative Skillset's consultation with industry led to closer work with employers to define theirskills needs and shape the Higher Apprenticeship planning and development stages in 2012.

Roles and skills gaps that were identified included:

Multi-platform all–rounders (including IT support staff working between platforms);Management and leadership;Commercial/Business skills;Sales skills;Digital Strategy/Planning;Creative Technology;Creatives that understand digital.

Throughout the Apprenticeship development process, Creative Skillset worked with employersand providers across England. The qualification components of the framework were developedwith awarding organisations and industry experts, to ensure they meet the needs of thechanging world of Advertising & Marketing Communications.

As part of the 2013 framework review, the Advertising Council and in particular, the IPAmembers and the MAA members, requested the inclusion of their professional trainingprogrammes the IPA Foundation Certificate for IPA members and the MAA Diploma in DigitalMarketing for MAA members, as additional learning for apprentices working for IPA or MAAmember agencies. As these are not a compulsory component across the entire industry forframework completion, it has been included in the Additional Employer Requirements section ofthe framework, and is an optional component of the framework for those employers who wouldlike their apprentices to undertake this additional learning.

Aims and objectives of this framework (England)

The aims for this Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing Communications are to attract anddevelop creative and digitally aware work-ready apprentices, who are multi-skilled and canwork across the industry. The Apprenticeship also contains job specific content for those whomay be working in larger agencies and specialising in certain roles.

Objectives for this Apprenticeship:

to provide a non-traditional route into the industry, which has historically beendominated by graduates;to provide an entry route for underrepresented groups;to allow employers to add value to their organisations by bringing in newexpertise,techniques and technologies;to provide the Advertising & Marketing Communications Industry with a stream of

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to provide the Advertising & Marketing Communications Industry with a stream ofmotivated employees equipped with the digital, creative and business skills required forthe future;to equip new entrants with the transferable soft and technical skills to undertake morevaried and converging job roles;to provide flexible routes into a variety of job roles in the industries and into higher leveltraining and education.

Employers will work with Creative Skillset to carry out ongoing monitoring and evaluation toassess the extent to which this Apprenticeship meets the above objectives. Industry will work,as and when required, with Creative Skillset to update the content of the framework inresponse to the fast-moving changes within the Advertising & Marketing CommunicationsIndustry.

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Entry conditions for this frameworkNational Apprenticeship Service Statement on Apprenticeships Quality Definition

The minimum hours of employment for an apprentice should be at least 30 hours per week. Byexception, where the individual's circumstances or the particular nature of employment in agiven sector makes this impossible, then an absolute minimum of 16 hours must be met. Insuch cases the duration of the Apprenticeship should be extended.

Entry Conditions

New entrants to the Creative Industries must have an understanding and appreciation ofdifferent technologies, along with general knowledge and soft skills; including the capacity towork efficiently and in teams. Employers are looking for work-ready individuals who have theright attitude, strong communication and IT skills and a strong passion for the subject area.Employers are encouraged to get involved in the recruitment and selection stages, to ensurethey get to know the apprentices before their employment.

For Advertising & Marketing Communications apprentices, the ability to network, communicateconfidently and market their own skills and achievements provide a useful base to build on forthis Apprenticeship.

The minimum qualification entry requirements for entry into this Higher Apprenticeship inAdvertising and Marketing Communications are the achievement of:

GCSE qualification in English (with enhanced functional content) at grade C or above; orFunctional Skills qualification in English at level 2.


GCSE qualification in Mathematics (with enhanced functional content) at grade C orabove; orFunctional Skills qualification in Mathematics at level 2.

Apart from those specified above, there are no other specific qualification requirements forentry onto this Apprenticeship; examples of achievements that may provide a usefulintroduction may include:

Qualification achievements

QCF Awards, Certificates or Diplomas at Level 3 in Media related subjects; OR GCSE or A Levels; OR an Advanced Apprenticeship in Marketing, Creative and Digital Media or other relatedsubjects; OR a (14-19) Foundation or Higher Diploma, especially those which incorporate creative and

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digital skills development.

Please note - This list is not exhaustive and other qualifications may also provide a usefulgrounding in the sector.

There are some direct progression and credit transfer opportunities from particular vocationalqualifications, such as the Level 3 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Creative Media.

Other non-qualification achievements that may be useful include:

a portfolio of evidence from work experience;non-accredited courses;volunteering;having previously worked, or are, working in the sector.

Please note that processes exist to ensure that candidates with prior knowledge, qualificationsand experience are not disadvantaged by having to repeat their learning. Training providersand Awarding Organisations will be able to advise on the current rules for accrediting priorlearning and recognising prior experience.

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Title for this framework at level 4

Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising &Marketing Communications


Pathways for this framework at level 4

Pathway 1:  Advertising & Marketing Communications

Level 4

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Description of this pathway

Advertising & Marketing Communications

Total minimum credit value for this pathway is 90 credits

90 credits for the Combined Qualification - Level 4 Diploma in Marketing Communications(Advertising) QCF

Knowledge 22 credits in the mandatory units

Competence 10 credits in the mandatory units

The remaining 58 credits will be shared between knowledge and competence - and this willvary depending on the optional units taken.

Entry requirements for this pathway in addition to the framework entryrequirements

There are no additional requirements other than the general entry conditions.

Level 4, Pathway 1: Advertising & MarketingCommunications

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Job title(s) Job role(s)


Creatives within the Advertising & Marketing Communications industry areresponsible for the creative ideas and communications solutions developed forclients.They may produce concepts, write copy for varied media, developvisual designs or develop and maintain interactive content.

Creative ServiceCreative Service involves tasks found in Client Service roles, but there is alsothe need for involvement in some elements of the Creatives role includingvisual design.

Client Service

Client Service scope,organise and secure the platforms and channels neededto present the Advertising & Marketing Communications solutions developedby the Creatives. This may involve them quality assuring content, planningchannel and platform usage and buying this.

AdvertisingAccount Executive

Advertising Account Executives act as the link between one or more clientsand the rest of the agency. The executive is responsible for the dailymanagement of one or more clients' advertising campaigns. They work withina project and create marketing communications solutions meeting client briefs.

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Competence qualifications available to this pathway


Knowledge qualifications available to this pathway


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Combined qualifications available to this pathway

B1 - Level 4 Diploma in Marketing Communications (Advertising) QCF

No. Ref no. Awarding organisationCreditvalue




B1a 600/6698/2 AIM Awards 90 476-547 N/A

Relationship between competence and knowledge qualifications

The combined qualification includes both competence and knowledge units. The split betweenknowledge and competence credits achieved will vary from learner to learner, depending onthe optional units chosen. A minimum of 22 knowledge credits and minimum of 10 competencecredits will be achieved from undertaking the mandatory units; the remaining knowledge andcompetence will be achieved through optional units.

Knowledge and competence will be assessed separately within the qualification. Examples ofknowledge assessment could be in the form of group classroom technical activity, specifictechnical workshop sessions and on-line platform study. Competence assessment could be inthe form of a portfolio of products under development, 1-1 on-site delivery and plannedassessment visits in the work place. All activity will be supported by an Individual Learner Plan.

Candidates are required to achieve a minimum of 90 credits (476 GLH) from the units listedbelow:

Mandatory units - 32 Credits (187 GLH):

Awareness of employment in the creative media sector L/600/9037;Awareness of health & safety in the creative media sector D/600/8510;Theories, practice and standards in Marketing Communications - Advertising J/504/3077;Understanding own marketing communications - advertising employer and its marketL/504/3078;Identifying clients’ operating contexts, portfolios and current marketing communications -advertising J/504/3080;Understanding clients’ needs and priorities for marketing communications - advertisingL/504/3081;Collaborative working within marketing communications - advertising R/504/3082.

Optional units - minimum 58 credits (289) GLH. Candidates will take a selection of unitsdepending on their job role:

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depending on their job role:

Identifying and understanding target audiences for marketing communications -advertising D/504/3084;Producing creative marketing communications - advertising concepts and solutions forclients H/504/3085;Producing copy for use in marketing communications - advertising M/504/3087;Producing visual design for use in marketing communications - advertising H/504/3099;Quality assuring marketing communications - advertising content T/504/3088;Using digital channels, platforms and social networks to deliver marketingcommunications -advertising A/504/3089;Planning platform or channel use F/504/3093;Buying channel or platform space or time L/504/3095;Presenting marketing communications - advertising solutions D/504/3098;Communicating using digital marketing/sales channels T/502/8624;Designing & developing a website L/601/3315;Website software R/502/4631;Imaging software R/502/4614;Database software T/502/4556;Designing and developing procedural computer programs T/601/3311;Designing and developing object-oriented computer programs T/601/3308;Develop & extend critical and creative thinking skills D/601/6464;Design Development, Creativity and Business Development R/501/8389;Leadership and People Management in the Design and Creative Industries J/501/8390;Intellectual Property Management in the Design and Creative Industries L/501/8391;Design Project Management for Creative Practitioners R/501/8392;Doing Business Globally Y/501/8393;Optimise web pages for search engines D/504/6244;Manage on-line engagement R/504/6094.

When apprentices have achieved the required number and combination of credits, they willreceive their Diploma, and claim their Higher Apprenticeship completion certificate from thecertifying body Creative Skillset. From 1st March 2014, providers should upload Version 3 ofthe ACE Apprentice Declaration and Authorisation form as part of the certification process. Thiscan be downloaded directly from ACE: http://acecerts.co.uk/

Although ERR and PLTS are no longer mandatory elements within Higher Apprenticeships, andare not completion conditions of this framework, they have been mapped to the mandatoryunits.

Links to National Occupational Standards (NOS)

The Mandatory units are based on National Occupational Standards Marketing Communications- Advertising 2012

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Within the optional units:

Advertising orientated units are based on National Occupational Standards for MarketingCommunications - Advertising 2012;Digital/IT User units are based on National Occupational Standards IT User 2009 andInteractive Media and Computer Games 2012;the unit, Develop & Extend Critical and Creative Thinking Skills is based on NationalOccupational Standards Design 2009;and the unit, Communicating using digital marketing/sales channels is based on the SalesNOS 2010.

Where contextualised optional qualifications for the Creative Industries have been based on acombination of other National Occupational Standards, Creative Skillset has contacted therelevant Sector Skills Councils/Bodies to inform them of the use of the units within theframework.

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Transferable skills (England)

Functional Skills / GCSE (with enhanced functional content) and Key Skills(England)

Apprentices must complete or have completed one of the English transferable skillsqualifications and one of the Mathematical transferable skills qualifications listed below in orderto successfully complete their Apprenticeship and this will carry the QCF five credit values. Ifthey do not have these qualifications as part of their evidence an Apprenticeship certificatecannot be awarded.


levelor grade


Functional Skills qualification in English N/A N/A

GCSE qualification in English (with enhanced functional content) N/A N/A

* achieved before September 2012 and within the 5 years immediately prior to starting an Apprenticeship.

** achieved before September 2012, otherwise at any time prior to starting the Apprenticeship.


levelor grade


Functional Skills qualification in Mathematics N/A N/A

GCSE qualification (with enhanced functional content) in Mathematics N/A N/A

* achieved before September 2012 and within the 5 years immediately prior to starting an Apprenticeship.

** achieved before September 2012, otherwise at any time prior to starting the Apprenticeship.

Inclusion of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

IMPORTANT: Please note that the achievement of Transferable Skills is no longer a mandatoryrequirement for Higher Apprenticeships.

ICT skills to an appropriate level for this Higher Apprenticeship are implicit in the developmentof any entry requirements specified for this pathway, and their further development isintegrated into the programme as necessary for the successful achievement of theApprenticeship and performance of the job role.

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Progression routes into and from thispathwayProgression into the Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing Communications

The minimum qualification requirements for entry into the Higher Apprenticeship in Advertisingand Marketing Communications are the achievement of:

GCSE qualification in English (with enhanced functional content) at grade C or above; or Functional Skills qualifications in English at level 2.


GCSE qualification in Mathematics (with enhanced functional content) at grade C orabove; or Functional Skills qualification in Mathematics at level 2.

Apart from those specified above, there are no other specific qualification requirements forentry onto this Apprenticeship; examples of achievements that may provide a usefulintroduction may include:

Qualification achievements

Advanced Apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media or other related subjects;Advanced Apprenticeship in Marketing;QCF Awards, Certificates or Diplomas at Level 3 in Media or ICT related subjects;GCSE or A Levels in Media or ICT related subjects;Functional Skills or their equivalent, in ICT at Level 2;a (14-19) Foundation or Higher Diploma, especially those which incorporate creative anddigital skills development.

Please note - This list is not exhaustive, and other qualifications may also provide a usefulgrounding in the industry. There are some direct progression and credit transfer opportunitiesfrom particular vocational qualifications, such as the Level 3 Certificate in Preparing to Work inCreative Media.

Other non-qualification achievements that may be useful include:

a portfolio of evidence from work experience;non-accredited courses;volunteering;having previously worked or are working in the sector.

Progression routes from the Higher Level Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing

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The apprentice will be able to progress to employment, self-employment, or to further study.

Employment progression

With further experience, apprentices could move into roles such as:

Art Buyer;Digital Producer;Digital Project Manager;Advertising Account Manager.

Further work-based learning

Relevant Trade Bodies and Professional Bodies sector specific training such as the IPAFoundation Certificate or the MAA Diploma in Integrated Marketing (if either of these isnot taken as additional learning within the Apprenticeship);Continuous Professional Development (CPD) within the job role attained.

Higher Education progression

Progression from the Higher Apprenticeship in Advertising & Marketing Communicationsshould be articulated to the relevant Higher level programmes of learning. Apprentices canprogress to higher or professional levels such as Foundation Degrees, Higher NationalDiplomas/Certificates, BA Honours Degrees and related professional courses in subjects suchas:

Advertising;Public Relations and Media;Media and Communication Studies; Design;ICT.

Progression arrangements into Higher Education, both formal and informal, should be exploredand supported, as this will help to strengthen local partnerships and support progressionopportunities through the range of vocational and academic provision. For details on HigherEducation courses in marketing communications - advertising related subjects, please see theUCAS website www.ucas.ac.uk. For further information on career progression within theAdvertising & Marketing Communications industry, please go to http://www.creativeskillset.org/a dvertising/

UCAS points for this pathway: N/A

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Employee rights and responsibilitiesN/A

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The remaining sections apply to all levels and pathways within this framework.

How equality and diversity will be metThe Labour Force Survey (2010) stated that women represent 42% of the workforce inadvertising, with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups (BAME) making up 9% of theworkforce. 39% of the current workforce are aged from 35 to 49 years old.

Historically, Advertising & Marketing Communications employers have expected new entrantsto be educated to at least degree level (57% of the workforce) and, as a result, there is a largepool of untapped talent. There also continues to be an oversupply of aspiring entrants and over40% of the Creative Media workforce have reported that they undertook unpaid workplacements in order to gain employment; this presents a barrier to those individuals whocannot afford to work for free in order to gain employment. Creative Industries employers faceskills shortages and cannot recruit the talent they need, yet take up of apprenticeships bythese employers is low: only 9% of Creative Media businesses have ever offered anapprenticeship.

This framework aims to:

Provide an alternative non-graduate entry route into the industry;Increase the diversity of the workforce to greater reflect the diversity of the customerbase;Increase the apprenticeship opportunities with the Creative Industries footprint.

Entry conditions to this Apprenticeship do not discriminate against any individuals, with theApprenticeship being open and accessible to all potential apprentices. Training providers andemployers must also comply with the Equality Act 2010 http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/advice-and-guidance/new-equality-act-guidance/ toensure that applicants are not discriminated against in terms of entry to and promotion withinthe industry, using the protected characteristics of:

age;disability;gender;gender re-assignment;marriage and civil partnership;pregnancy and maternity;race;religion or belief;or sexual orientation.

Creative Skillset is passionate about promoting diversity and is seeking and sharing good

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Creative Skillset is passionate about promoting diversity and is seeking and sharing goodpractice across delivery partners, in order to highlight positive examples of marketing andcommunication materials, and other strategies and activities used to break down barriers toentry and to ensure a more diverse talent base. Creative Skillset is also marketing andcommunicating this framework to ensure consistency of message and is involved in a numberof activities such as:

Targeted training initiatives to get new talent from under-represented groups into theindustry;Use of National Occupational Standards and Labour Market Intelligence to informaccurate careers information, advice and guidance;Providing links to training providers working with under represented groups;Providing links to organisations that provide media training, support and information topeople with disabilities;Raising awareness of the under representation of people with disabilities in the industry’sworkforce by monitoring employment trends, identifying barriers to training anddevelopment and sharing that information with partners.

For more details on research into the make-up of the sector, Creative Skillset’s Diversity Policyand strategy and links to other diversity activities see the Creative Skillset website www.creativeskillset.org/diversity  

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On and off the job guided learning(England)

Total GLH for each pathway

GLH does not apply to Higher Apprenticeship frameworks.

Minimum off-the-job guided learning hours


How this requirement will be met


Minimum on-the-job guided learning hours


How this requirement will be met


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Personal learning and thinking skillsassessment and recognition (England)

Summary of Personal Learning and Thinking Skills


Creative thinking


Independent enquiry


Reflective learning


Team working


Self management


Effective participation


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Additional employer requirementsThere are two optional additional employer requirements that may apply within the Advertisingand Marketing Communications Apprenticeship Framework.

Apprentices working for IPA member bodies                                                                                                               

For apprentices working for IPA member bodies there is the optional element of achievementof the IPA Foundation Certificate. This is not a requirement for certification purposes, and theIPA Foundation Certificate will also be available to apprentices of non-member organisations iftheir employer requires them to undertake this. This requirement has to be completed once. Itis anticipated that candidates wishing to take the Foundation Certificate will take this towardsthe latter stages of the apprenticeship when knowledge and competence will be furtherdeveloped. The provider will liaise with the IPA to register the apprentice onto the IPAFoundation Certificate during the apprenticeship and for the examination process, andfollowing successful completion of the Foundation Certificate, the apprentice will receive an AIMAwards Quality Mark Certificate for this course. Proof of this additional achievement is notrequired for framework certification purposes. For details of the IPA Foundation Certificate, goto http://www.ipa.co.uk/Pag e/Professional-Qualifications

Apprentices working for MAA employers

For apprentices working for MAA member companies: the achievement of the MAA Diploma inIntegrated Marketing. This is not a requirement for Apprentice certification purposes, and theMAA Diploma in Integrated Marketing will also be available to apprentices of non-member MAAcompanies if their employer requires them to undertake this. This requirement would need tobe completed once. It is anticipated that candidates wishing to take the MAA Diploma inIntegrated Marketing will take this towards the latter stages of the apprenticeship whenknowledge and competence will be further developed.The provider will liaise with the MAA toregister the apprentice onto the MAA Diploma in Integrated Marketing during theapprenticeship, and following successful completion of the MAA Diploma in IntegratedMarketing, the apprentice will receive an AIM Awards Quality Mark Certificate for this course.Proof of this additional achievement is not required for Apprenticeship framework certificationpurposes. For details of the MAA Diploma in Integrated Marketing, go to http://www.marketingagencies.org.uk/our-training#diploma-in-integrated-marketing

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