Fourth Grade Time Travelers!. Lets travel back in timeback to the days before video games, back to the days before television, back to the days before

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Native Americans Native Americans were the first people to inhabit the land we now call America. There were thousands of tribes, and each tribe was different. But all of these tribes had something in common: they all depended on the environment to provide for their basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing. Their ways of life were different, depending upon the region in which they lived. Let’s go meet some of these native people.

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Fourth Grade Time Travelers! Lets travel back in timeback to the days before video games, back to the days before television, back to the days before electricityway back to the days before the United States of America even existed! Lets travel back to the days when our country was a vast wilderness, inhabited by thousands of people that we now call Native Americans. Lets find out just how the good ol U.S. of A. came to be the country we know and love today! Cmon! Native Americans Native Americans were the first people to inhabit the land we now call America. There were thousands of tribes, and each tribe was different. But all of these tribes had something in common: they all depended on the environment to provide for their basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing. Their ways of life were different, depending upon the region in which they lived. Lets go meet some of these native people. Inuit The Inuit lived far to the north, in a region called the Arctic. They built igloos out of snow and ice, or they lived in shelters made of earth. They hunted animals such as walrus, seal, and polar bears. They used the animal skins for clothing, and they used all of the other parts of the animal for various purposes, including food and tools. Kwakiutl The Kwakiutl lived along the northwest coast. They built plankhouses made of cedar, and they made their clothing out of cedar bark. Their staple food was salmon. They held large parties called potlatches in which a chief would demonstrate his wealth by giving elaborate gifts to his guests. They built totem poles to represent their family history. Nez Perce The Nez Perce lived in an area known as the Plateau and in the Great Basin. They built longhouses out of wood, and they also lived in tepees during hunting season. They ate deer, elk, and other game, nuts, berries, and other plants. They wore clothing made of deerskin. Much later, the Nez Perce helped Lewis and Clark during their exploration of the Louisiana Purchase. Hopi The Hopi lived in the Southwestern part of what is now the United States. They built multi-family homes out of adobe called pueblos. They wore clothing woven from cotton. They were farmers and their main crops were corn, beans, and squash, which they called the Three Sisters. Pawnee The Pawnee lived in the Great Plains. They were nomadic, which means that they traveled from place to place following the buffalo, which was their main food source. They lived in tepees made from buffalo skin. They also wore clothing made from buffalo hides. They used every part of the buffalo. Seminole The Seminole lived in the southeastern part of the United States, in the area we now call Florida. They wore lightweight clothing made from grasses and leaves. They ate deer, wild turkeys, rabbits, turtles, and alligator! They lived in huts called chickees that were made of grass and were elevated on stilts. Explorers While the Native Americans were going about their daily lives in what we now call America, over in Europe, people were setting their sights on the riches of Asia! Inspired by the amazing stories of Marco Polo, European countries were competing to find a water route to the Indies! Lets learn a little bit about this Polo fellow, and then well find out more about that water route! Marco Polo Marco Polo was an Italian who traveled with his father and uncle to what we now call China. While there, they met a great ruler name Kublai Khan, and they traveled throughout China making many new discoveries. Upon returning to Italy about 20 years later, Marco Polo was imprisoned. While he was in prison, he told about his amazing adventures. A book about his adventures inspired many others to travel to the Indies and to get rich! Christopher Columbus One fellow who was inspired by the story of Marco Polo was another Italian named Cristoforo Columbo, better known as Christopher Columbus. Columbus believed that he could sail west in order to find the Indies. He convinced the King and Queen of Spain to sponsor his voyage. Well, he never made it to the Indies! Instead, he landed in what is now known as the Bahamas, and the rest, as they say, is history! John Cabot After Columbus discovered the New World, other European explorers decided to try to find a western route to the Indies. England hired John Cabot to find a Northwest Passage to the Indies. He landed off of the coast of Canada and claimed it for England. Sadly, on a return voyage, he disappeared and was never heard from again. Vasco Nunez de Balboa Meanwhile, Spain decided that it wanted to claim lots of land in the New World. They sent many conquistadors to conquer the New World for God, gold, and glory! One such Spaniard was Vasco Nunez de Balboa. Balboa snuck aboard a ship headed for Panama, where he crossed the isthmus and became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean! (Balboa stuck his toa in the Pacific Oceanoa!) Juan Ponce de Leon Another Spaniard was Juan Ponce de Leon. While he was governor of Puerto Rico, he heard about a magical spring of water called the Fountain of Youth. During his search for this magical fountain, he discovered present-day Florida, which he claimed for Spain. Sadly, he was killed by natives who apparently werent too happy about his visit! Jacques Cartier Meanwhile, England and France were still looking for a northwest passage to Asia. France hired Jacques Cartier to look for this waterway. Although he didnt find the northwest passage (probably because it didnt exist!), he did sail down the St. Lawrence River and claimed land in the New World for France. Henry Hudson Many years after John Cabots tragic voyage, England decided once again to search for the Northwest Passage. They hired an experienced explorer named Henry Hudson. Hudson sailed around Hudson Bay, looking for an opening that would lead to the northwest passage. His crew became frustrated and discouraged, and they finally mutinied, setting Hudson and his son adrift in a small rowboat. He was never seen again. Colonization By the end of the Age of Exploration, several countries had claimed land in the new world, including Spain, France, the Netherlands, and England. Because the English knew that they were at risk of losing their claims if no settlers lived there, they started establishing colonies in America. Their first colony, Roanoke, completely disappeared! Their next attempt, Jamestown, almost failed, but was saved by the discovery that tobacco could be grown there successfully. Eventually, there were 13 English colonies. New England The New England colonies were Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. The climate in New England was harsh with long, cold winters. It was not a good place for farming because of the rocky soil. The main industries were logging, whaling, shipbuilding, and trading. New England colonists had very strict religious beliefs and lived in towns built around a meeting house and a common. Middle Colonies The Middle Colonies were New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. The Middle Colonies had a mild climate and very fertile soil. They were known as the Bread Colonies because they grew much of the grain used throughout the colonies. The Middle Colonies were very diverse; people from many countries and many religions were welcome there. Southern Colonies The Southern Colonies were Virginia, Maryland, North & South Carolina, and Georgia. In the south, there were large plantations where cash crops such as tobacco, cotton, rice, and indigo were grown. Much of the work on the plantations was done by slaves brought over from Africa. The climate was hot and humid with a long growing season. Colonial People Indentured servants agreed to work for 7 years in exchange for ship passage to America. Slaves were captured in Africa and were forced to work in America. Artisans specialized in a certain trade, such as blacksmiths, tailors, silversmiths, cobblers, etc. Women were responsible for managing the household and raising children. James Oglethorpe & Georgia James Oglethorpe founded the colony of Georgia as a refuge for people who had been in debtors prison in England. It was known as a buffer colony between Spanish-owned Florida and the rest of the colonies. Savannah was one of Georgias first settlements; it later became a major port city. American Revolution! As the colonies grew and became more successful, they began to want more independence. Over a number of years, several events occurred that led to a war with Mother England! Lets travel down the road to revolution! French & Indian War/Proclamation of 1763 In 1754, war broke out in the colonies as a result of disputes over the Ohio River Valley. The British and Americans fought against the French, who were supported by Native American allies. In 1763, the British won the war, and they gained all of the land east of the Mississippi River. However, in the Proclamation of 1763, King George decreed that the new territory was forbidden to colonists and that it was reserved for Native Americans only. This decree didnt make the colonists very happy! New Taxes In addition to the Proclamation of 1763, King George passed several new taxes in order to pay his debts from the French and Indian War. The colonists were furious! They felt that they had paid for the war with their lives! They were also angry that they couldnt move to the new territory that they had won. Boston Massacre Things were heating up in the colonies! The colonists, who were mad about the Proclamation of 1763 and new taxes, began protesting the presence of British soldiers. One night in Boston, a snowball fight turned into a riot. Several colonists were killed, including Crispus Attucks, a former slave. A silversmith named Paul Revere printed an engraving of the riot, calling it a massacre! Boston Tea Party Eventually, King George decided to repeal all of the taxes except for the one on tea. This wasnt enough for the colonists, who declared, No taxation without representation! When 3 British ships full of tea sailed into Boston Harbor, colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded the ships and dumped the tea into the harbor! This event was planned by a secret group of Patriots known as the Sons of Liberty! The Intolerable Acts When King George heard about the Boston Tea Party, he was FURIOUS!!! To punish the colonists, he passed a series of new laws which the colonists referred to as the Intolerable Acts. These laws included: 1.Closing Boston Harbor until the colonists paid for the tea. 2.Soldiers could take over colonists homes (Quartering Act). 3.Colonists could no longer meet together in groups. 4.British soldiers accused of a crime would go on trial in England. The Intolerable Acts When King George heard about the Boston Tea Party, he was FURIOUS!!! To punish the colonists, he passed a series of new laws which the colonists referred to as the Intolerable Acts. These laws included: 1.Closing Boston Harbor until the colonists paid for the tea. 2.Soldiers could take over colonists homes (Quartering Act). 3.Colonists could no longer meet together in groups. 4.British soldiers accused of a crime would go on trial in England. Lexington & Concord The British knew that the colonists were storing up weapons in Concord, Massachusetts. They planned a march to Concord to seize the supplies. Paul Revere (with help from William Dawes and Samuel Prescott) made a midnight ride to warn the colonists that the Regulars were coming! The following morning, when the British and colonists met in Lexington, the shot heard round the world was fired. This was the first shot of the American Revolution! War had begun! Battle of Bunker Hill Colonial leaders met in Philadelphia to decide what to do about the problems with Britain. They decided to write a letter to King George to ask for some changes. Before their letter was answered, another battle broke out at Bunker Hill (it really took place on Breeds Hill!). The colonists were low on ammunition, so their leader told them to Hold your fire until you see the whites of their eyes! The colonists drove the British back twice, but then ran out of ammunition and had to retreat. Declaration of Independence When King George refused to make any changes, colonial leaders decided that it was time to officially declare their independence from Britain. Thomas Jefferson was selected to draft this document. He stated that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration was adopted on July 4, Happy birthday, America! Crossing the Delaware/ Battle of Trenton The next few months were difficult for the Patriot army. They were untrained and had few supplies. General George Washington knew his troops needed a victory. He planned a secret attack for Christmas night, December 25, The Patriot army crossed the Delaware River and surprised the Hessian soldiers stationed at Trenton, New Jersey. It was a much-needed victory for the Patriots! Battle of Saratoga The war continued for several years. Once again, the Patriot army was discouraged. The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war. Through the brave efforts of General Benedict Arnold, the Americans were able to defeat the British. This victory convinced France to give their support to the American troops. They agreed to send over ships, soldiers, and supplies to help the Patriots in their cause. Merci beaucoup! Winter at Valley Forge After the Battle of Saratoga, the Patriots settled in for the winter in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, just outside Philadelphia. It was a harsh, cold winter, and many of the soldiers died of starvation and disease. However, during this time, the Patriot army also received training from Baron von Steuben. They left Valley Forge as a stronger, more disciplined army, ready to take on the British! Battle of Kettle Creek The Battle of Kettle Creek took place in Washington, GA on the morning of February 14, After a 3-hour battle between Georgia Patriots and Loyalists, the Loyalists fled. It was a much-needed victory for Patriots in the South. Battle of Yorktown British commander Lord Cornwallis and the British troops headed to Yorktown to plan their next move. George Washington heard about their plans and came up with a pretty brilliant plan of his own! The Patriot army surrounded the British by land, while the French fleet (who arrived at the perfect time!) surrounded the British by sea. Cornwallis had no choice but to surrender! This marked the end of the American Revolution. Treaty of Paris The Americans and the British met in Paris to sign a treaty that would serve as the official end of the American Revolution. The British gave up all of their lands east of the Mississippi, and they agreed to recognize America as an official, independent nation. However, they refused to pose for the official portait! George Washington George Washington was the leader of the Continental Army during the American Revolution. He later presided over the Constitutional Convention, and was then elected as our first president. He is known as the Father of Our Country. Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson was selected to write the Declaration of Independence along with 4 other men. However, he really did most of the writing. He later became our 3 rd president, and was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase. Benedict Arnold Benedict Arnold was a brilliant general who served during the American Revolution. However, he became angry because he was overlooked for a promotion, so he started giving secret information to the British. He later joined the British Army. He is mostly remembered as a traitor. Patrick Henry Patrick Henry was a colonial leader from Virginia. He gave a speech in which he said, Give me liberty, or give me death! He later refused to attend the Constitutional Convention because he thought that the new Constitution would give too much power to the federal government and not enough to the states. John Adams John Adams was a lawyer from Boston and a member of the Sons of Liberty. He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. After the American Revolution, he became an ambassador to England. He later became the first vice president, and then the second president. Marquis de Lafayette The Marquis de Lafayette was a French nobleman who was a strong supporter of the American cause for liberty. He donated his own money to help the Patriots to buy supplies. He became good friends with George Washington, and helped to convince the French to give their support to the Americans. Paul Revere Paul Revere was a silversmith from Boston who was also a member of the Sons of Liberty. He made a famous engraving of the Boston Massacre, participated in the Boston Tea Party, and made a midnight ride to Lexington to warn the colonists that the Regulars were coming. Thomas Paine Thomas Paine was a British writer who wrote many essays in support of the American cause for liberty. One of his most famous essays was Common Sense, in which he said that it did not make sense for someone to be the leader of a country just because they had been born into that position. Thomas Paines writings were very inspiring to the Patriots. Lord Cornwallis Lord Cornwallis was one of the main commanders of the British troops in America. He was present at the Battle of Yorktown, where he surrendered to George Washington. (Actually, he said that he was sick and couldnt come out to personally surrender. He sent his second- in-command. So, George Washington also sent his second-in-command to receive the surrender! You go, George!) Samuel Adams Samuel Adams was one of the main leaders of the Sons of Liberty. He gave the signal to start the Boston Tea Party. He also signed the Declaration of Independence, as did his cousin, John Adams. John Hancock John Hancock was one of the richest men in Boston. He was also the president of the Continental Congress. When the Declaration of Independence was finished, he signed it first. He said that he signed it in large handwriting so that King George could read it without his spectacles! John Hancock is now a synonym for the word signature. Articles of Confederation Now that America was a free country, they had some things to take care of! First, they needed to come up with a better government plan! They had been using the Articles of Confederation as their plan, but it was WEAK! It gave the Congress no power at all, which was causing major problems between the states! Something needed to be fixed or our new country was going to fall apart! Constitutional Convention Once again, representatives from all 13 states (no longer colonies!) were invited to meet in Philadelphia. Every state sent representatives except for Rhode Island. This was known as the Constitutional Convention. The delegates soon realized that the Articles of Confederation couldnt be fixed, and that they would have to start from scratch. After several long, hot months, we had a brand new Constitution! James Madison James Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution. He attended almost every meeting during the Constitutional Convention and took notes the whole time. He was then selected to turn his notes into a first draft of the new Constitution. He later became our 4 th president, and was the president during the War of He was also our shortest president! Preamble The introduction to the Constitution is known as the Preamble. It explains the purpose of the Constitution. It says, We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty, to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Whew! Three Branches of Government The Constitution set up three branches of government so that no one person would have too much power. The Executive Branch includes the President and has the power to approve laws. The Legislative Branch includes the Congress and has the power to make laws. The Judicial Branch includes the Supreme Court and decides whether or not laws are constitutional. Power is controlled through a system of checks and balances. Great Compromise One of the hardest decisions at the Constitutional Convention was how each state should be represented in Congress. It was decided that there would be 2 houses of Congress. In the Senate, every state would have 2 representatives. In the House of Representatives, representation would be based on population. This was known as the Great Compromise! Three-Fifths Compromise Another disagreement occurred over how slaves should be represented in a states population. The northern states (who had fewer slaves) didnt want the southern states to be able to count their slaves as part of their population, because that would give them more votes in Congress. It was decided that every slave would count as three-fifths of a person. What do you think about that? Bill of Rights After the Constitution was finished, there were a lot of people who didnt want to approve it because it didnt include anything about the peoples rights; it was just a list of what the government could do. So, a Bill of Rights was added. It was a set of ten amendments (additions) listing specific rights of the people, such as the right to bear arms and the right to a fair trial. First Amendment The First Amendment is all about freedom of expression and includes five freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of petition, and freedom of assembly. With these freedoms, however, comes responsibility! For example, you cant spread lies about someone or yell FIRE! in a crowded place if theres no fire! You have to make good choices about what you say! Federalism The United States government is a federalist system, which means that the federal (national) government and state governments share power. There are some powers given to just the federal government (like printing money) or the state governments (like laws about marriage and divorce), but some powers are shared like the power to collect taxes! Boo! (Just kidding kind of!) Growth and Expansion Now that we had a working government in place, our country was ready to grow and boy, did it ever grow! Did you ever wonder how we went from being 13 states to the 50 states that we have today? Well, lets hit the trail and find out about some of the events that helped the U.S.A. to grow and expand! Louisiana Purchase By 1803 (time flies when youre having fun), Thomas Jefferson was president. He was offered one of the best land deals of all time the Louisiana Purchase! Napoleon, the leader of France, was ready to sell the French-owned Louisiana Territory land for next to nothing! In fact, the land cost about 3 cents per acre!!! This purchase doubled the size of our country overnight! What a bargain! Lewis and Clark Expedition Thomas Jefferson selected Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the new territory. They began their journey near St. Louis, Missouri, on May 14, During their journey, they met a Native American woman named Sacagawea. She became their guide for the rest of the journey. They reached the Pacific Ocean in November After the winter, they returned to St. Louis on Sept. 3, They had traveled a total of 9,000 miles! War of 1812 The British did not take the loss of the American colonies very well. They did not want the new country to be successful. In the early 1800s, they began capturing American ships and kidnapping American sailors. This led to another war between America and Great Britain called the War of During this war, the British invaded Washington D.C. and burned the White House. The Star-Spangled Banner was also written during this war. The Americans won the war in 1814, and the British never challenged us again! The Alamo During the 1820s, many Americans began moving to Texas so that they could have more land. At that time, Texas was owned by Mexico. The leader of Mexico, General Santa Ana, did not want any Americans to move to Texas. He sent soldiers into Texas and a war began. A small group of Americans held out against the Mexican army for almost 2 weeks at an old mission called the Alamo. However, at the end of the attack, almost all of the Americans had been killed, including a famous frontiersman, Davy Crockett. Later, the Texas army, led by Sam Houston, defeated Santa Ana, crying Remember the Alamo! Texas became an independent republic, and it later became one of the United States. California Gold Rush California became part of the United States in That year, James Marshall discovered gold in California while working at Sutters Mill. Word of this discovery spread, and this led to a gold rush! During the next year, about 90,000 people came to California in search of gold! Because they arrived in 1849, they were known as forty-niners. People who did not find gold stayed and became farmers or ranchers or started other businesses. By the end of 1849, Californias population had grown to more than 100,000. California became the 31 st state in 1850. Oregon Trail In the 1840s, many Americans began to move west for more land and new opportunities. Many of these pioneers traveled along the Oregon Trail to Oregon Country. The Oregon Trail began in Independence, Missouri. Most pioneers traveled in covered wagons. They often traveled in groups called wagon trains. The trip to Oregon was very long and difficult. Many people died of starvation or disease along the trail. The trip was about 2,000 miles long and took about six months. When pioneers reached Oregon, they often lived in their wagons until their homes were completed. New Inventions During the 1800s, many new inventions made transportation and communication easier and more effective. Canals, or man-made waterways, made it easier to ship goods by boat. One such canal was the Erie Canal in New York. The invention of the steamboat also made transportation easier because steamboats made it possible to travel upstream for the first time. The steam locomotive led to huge growth of the railroads, and trains became the main form of shipping goods and traveling long distances. The telegraph improved communication by making it possible to send messages over electric wires using a system of dots and dashes called the Morse Code. These improvements helped the U.S. to grow and expand. Abolition and Slavery As the United States continued to grow and develop, women and African Americans became more and more frustrated because they were not treated equally. Women began to organize conventions to speak out for womens suffrage, or womens right to vote. Elizabeth Cady Stanton spoke at the Seneca Falls Convention in New York. Sojourner Truth, a former slave, gave her famous Aint I a Woman? speech at a convention in Ohio. Others spoke out in favor of abolition, or the end of slavery. Many slaves escaped by way of the Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes leading to freedom. Harriet Tubman, a former slave, traveled along the Underground Railroad about 19 times and helped about 300 slaves to escape. Eventually, slavery was abolished, and African- Americans and women were given the right to vote! Proud to be an American!! Its been a long and sometimes a hard process, but the United States has grown into a strong and successful country! I wonder if the Jamestown settlers would have ever dreamed of the America we know today! Lets all do our best to keep our country strong by using our freedoms wisely and by being good citizens! Remember our countrys future depends on We the People!