Pursuing Excellence Fostering Leadership Empowering Communities 2008 Charitable Giving Report

Foundation Report 2008

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Southern Connecticut State University - 2008 Charitable Giving Report

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Page 1: Foundation Report 2008

Pursuing ExcellenceFostering LeadershipEmpowering Communities

2008 Charitable Giving Report

Page 2: Foundation Report 2008

there is an exciting, new sense of

community and a pride that extends

beyond university borders. Alumni,

community leaders and friends have

come together with faculty, staff

and students to develop a strategic

plan that will guide the university

through 2012. The enthusiasm

generated by this process has led

those on and off campus to embrace

the mission of “Pursuing Excellence,

Fostering Leadership, Empowering


The plan, developed with input

from hundreds of people, sets a

bold vision for Southern’s future,

one that requires initiatives for

such things as expanded academic

programs; professional development

for faculty, staff and administrators;

state-of-the art technology and new

infrastructure; increases in funds

for financial aid, scholarships and

faculty research. All of which have

at their heart, the goal of supporting

students to be successful.

With your help, the Southern

Connecticut State University

Foundation is doing all it can to

support those objectives. The

Foundation’s mission is to raise funds

and distribute them in ways that

promote the educational, scientific,

literary and cultural objectives

of the university. In doing so, it

supports the university’s pursuit of

excellence in teaching, research, and

public service. Through last year’s

fundraising efforts, the Foundation

At Southern Connecticut State University,

Page 3: Foundation Report 2008


has been able to fund an exciting new

music program; establish several new

scholarships for future math, science

and art/special education teachers; and

bring the arts to thousands of youngsters

who may never have had the chance to

see live theater – to name just a few of

the initiatives receiving support from

generous donors.

Every gift is as much appreciated as it is

critical to pursuing excellence, fostering

leadership, empowering communities.

Thank you for your support, your enthusiasm, and for being part of our growing community.

Page 4: Foundation Report 2008


Dr. Cheryl J. Norton

PresidentSouthern Connecticut State University

Dear Friends,

“Change” was the buzzword in the build-

up to our country’s recent presidential

elections. And it also reflects what is

happening here at Southern. Not only

has the physical nature of the campus

been transformed, but the academic

quality and community involvement of

the university have grown and evolved

to the point where we have become a

distinctive institution.

In Connecticut, Southern has become a

front-runner with respect to academic

programs and educational experiences

that prepare students to take an active

leadership role in the state’s economy.

Indeed, state Department of Labor

statistics show that through 2012, more

than half of the new jobs statewide

will require significant post-secondary

education or a higher education degree.

Our dual commitment to lifelong learning

and access to education is reflected in

the fact that we now offer more than

60 online education courses and our

graduate school is one of the largest

in the region, with more than 50 areas

of study. Our standing as a graduate

institution was recently enhanced with

the approval of the Master of Fine Arts

Degree in creative writing, our second

terminal degree program.

During the next five years, our progress

will be driven by our new University

Strategic Plan. It provides us with a

roadmap to ensure the continued success

of our students through a series of

initiatives in areas from academics and

technology to campus development and

community outreach. Many of these

initiatives are already underway.

We cannot, however, achieve our

vision of the future without assistance.

Highlighted in this annual report of the

Southern Connecticut State University

Foundation is a sampling of the people

supporting our efforts. Through their

stories, one has a sense of what can be

accomplished when we work together.

During these challenging economic times,

the financial assistance so generously

provided by alumni and friends becomes

even more vital to ensure that our

students have the monetary support they

need to complete their education.

As Southern continues to move forward,

I thank you for your personal role in

making this university a place where our

students truly have the opportunity to

excel. And I thank you, too, for helping

to make our university a distinctive

institution, one that has demonstrated an

ability to adapt to changing times while

preparing Connecticut’s leaders

of tomorrow.

Page 5: Foundation Report 2008


The Southern Connecticut State

University Foundation is proud to

present this annual report. From its

origins as a teachers’ college founded

in 1893, Southern has evolved into a

comprehensive university that features a

richly talented academic community

and a broad range of intellectual and

cultural experiences. The next decade

will see a continuation of that evolution

as we meet new challenges and seize

fresh opportunities to ensure our

students’ success.

The pages of this year’s report highlight

how the philanthropy of our constituents

and supporters is helping Southern

continue its leadership role in this

new century. Last year, the University

adopted a wide-ranging Strategic Plan

whose overarching themes are pursuing

excellence, fostering leadership and

empowering communities. This report

illuminates how contributions from

alumni and friends have already allowed

us to make progress toward those worthy

goals and to ensure that the Plan serves

as a guidepost for that progress. The

people you will meet in these pages,

donors and students alike, personify

excellence, leadership and empowerment.

Today, Southern students are being

educated in first-class facilities, allowing

them to excel in their chosen fields of

study. They are assuming leadership

roles on campus, as well as learning from

the example set by those leading the way

in philanthropy. And, of significance

for Connecticut and its future, they are

experiencing first-hand the positive

impact of outreach and partnerships

through their own work on community

initiatives. Your gifts to the Foundation

make this possible.

We hope the stories and images found in

this report will inspire you to continue

your support of our mission.

In these turbulent economic times, your

partnership with the Foundation is more

crucial than ever to securing Southern

students’ future success. As we go to

press, the Foundation’s endowment

balance reflects what all investments

have experienced in the last few months.

With an eye to future as well as current

needs, the Foundation Board is assessing

the impact of this economic environment

and utilizing the expertise of its members

to develop a forward-thinking plan.

Despite the challenging days ahead, we

remain steadfast in our commitment to

support Southern students’ dreams of

completing their education and making

important contributions to society that

will benefit our state and our nation.

We ask for your continued support in

this important mission, and thank you

for the opportunities your generosity has

already made possible.

Megan A. Rock

Executive Director, SCSU FoundationVice President, Institutional Advancement

Robin Sauerteig

Chairperson,SCSU Foundation

Supporting Southern’s Success

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Pursuing Excellence

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Walter Stutzman has made music all his

life. Now, this 58-year-old Yale-educated

linguist, former international computer

software consultant and soon-to-be

graduate of Southern’s music program is

making sure others – many others – will

have the same opportunity.

Shortly, he’ll be encouraging teenagers

to “hear music with new ears” as a high

school music teacher. At the same time,

he’ll be helping future SCSU music

students improve their musicianship and

perhaps learn a new instrument before

they go on to perform or teach.

In 2008, Stutzman, through the

Stutzman Family Foundation, funded a

new music practice room large enough

for ensembles, and pledged monies to

start up the Applied Music Program

that will provide all eligible SCSU

music majors the opportunity to excel

at their music by taking weekly voice or

instrument lessons of their choice.

“After having such a positive experience

myself at SCSU, I wanted to find a way

to support the music program going

forward,” says Stutzman, who calls

the department an undiscovered gem.

He points to its welcoming, inclusive

environment, dedicated world-class

faculty, talented students – including a

world-renowned instrumentalist – and

the many opportunities to perform and

work with visiting master musicians.

“Our hope with these gifts is to give

students another aspect of music

education and help them to build on

their musicianship.”

Stutzman, who plays piano, oboe,

timpani and mallet percussion – which

he learned while at Southern –

understands the value of practice and

weekly lessons to improve skills. “Part

of learning music is playing – through

lessons, practice, rehearsals and

performance, and using what you’ve

learned in class,” he says, adding that

music majors are delighted with the new

program. “Southern has a great music

program. I want students to be eager

to come here because they know they’ll

receive a well-rounded music education

and the opportunity to excel.”

The gift is given in memory of

Stutzman’s parents, Geraldine and

Jacob Stutzman who, before they

passed away, encouraged him,

along with his wife and two grown

children, in his teaching dream. It was

a dream born following the events of

September 11, 2001.

On that day, Stutzman was in an office

building across from the World Trade

Center. He saw the windows buckle as

the first plane hit and felt the impact of

the second plane while at his computer

keyboard. He immediately left the

building and began walking toward

his son’s place of business in uptown

Manhattan. He turned and saw the first

tower collapse. It was a turning point for

him, he says, and planted the seed for a

life change.

“Surviving something like that makes

you reexamine your life, determine

what’s relevant and contemplate what

kind of legacy you want to leave,” says

Stutzman, who believes that as a member

of Southern’s music community he has

a responsibility to make things better,

and advocate for arts education. “Music

brings meaning to life.”

Walter Stutzman

Music advocate provides students with opportunities to excel

Page 8: Foundation Report 2008


As an undergraduate art major, Dr.

Beverly Levett Gerber, Ed.D, began

to blaze a trail in 1962 that she is still

on today. She asked her advisors at

Southern Connecticut State University

to allow her to do her student teaching at

the former Southbury Training School.

Never before had an art education

student taught there, a school for special

needs children.

But Southern allowed it. And so, Gerber,

who had a personal interest because

her now adult son was born with Down

syndrome, taught art to special needs

children. She fell in love with the school,

its students, and, with special education.

It was a love that has grown through the

years as she has married her devotion

to art with that of special education, a

unique pairing.

Now she is passing that love on to the

next generation. Gerber, who taught at

Southern for 33 years before retiring

from full-time work in 2003, has

established the Dr. Beverly Levett

Gerber Fellowship. It’s an endowed

scholarship that will be awarded

annually to a graduate student who

combines special education with art in

their studies.

“With this fellowship I hope to bring

more training and attention to the art

and special education combination,” says

Gerber, who received her doctorate from

Teachers College at Columbia University

and was one of only a handful of

doctoral students who combined special

education and art education. “I want

people to understand and to share the

positive effects art education can have.”

According to Gerber, art gives special

needs children who haven’t had a lot of

success in other areas of school a chance

to shine. It can be used to help them to

express themselves emotionally and learn

other subjects in new ways. Says Gerber:

“Special education and art education are

fields where teachers must go beyond the

traditional and use creative, innovative

ways to reach children.”

Gerber, now professor emeritus at

Southern, continues to blaze trails.

She teaches a course each semester on

art and special education. She has also

co-edited a textbook “Reaching and

Teaching Students with Special Needs

through Art,” that is so popular it’s in its

second printing. And she is working on

a second book focusing on children

with autism.

Her groundbreaking work in combining

the seemingly divergent fields of art

education and special education has

been recognized by the National Art

Education Association. Its members

recently established The Beverly Levett

Gerber Lifetime Achievement Award

that will be given each year to an

outstanding art educator who works

with special needs children. Maybe, just

maybe, one day it will be awarded to a

graduate student from Southern who got

their start in the field thanks to Gerber

and the fellowship she established.

Dr. Beverly Levett Gerber

‘62, SYC ‘71

Trailblazer reaches children by combining art and special education

Page 9: Foundation Report 2008


Of all the things that they could do

with their free time, Dawn Stanton-

Holmes and Bill Faraclas chose this:

to work together to raise funds among

their colleagues to benefit students at

Southern Connecticut State University.

For two years, Stanton-Holmes, the

assistant director of the Michael J.

Adanti Student Center, and Faraclas, a

34-year teaching veteran and chairman

of the university’s Public Health

Department, have co-chaired the Faculty

and Staff Campaign for the SCSU

Foundation. This past year, their efforts

resulted in an all time campaign high in

funds raised and participation.

“I wanted to get out there and talk to

folks about how important it was to

support this campaign,” says Stanton-

Holmes, explaining why she agreed to be

co-chairman. “It aids our students to be

successful, and it shows that we faculty

and staff support the university.”

And Stanton-Holmes – who earned

both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees

at SCSU in the early 1990s – is a big

supporter of the university. “I have a

genuine love of Southern,” she says.

“It’s where I was educated, grew up

and developed professionally. I think

it’s really important to give back. I

was happy to be able to promote the

campaign and its benefits on a personal


For his part, Faraclas says he stepped

into the co-chairman position eager

to help bring the entire university

professional community together on

a common campaign. “It’s a symbolic

way to say that ‘we are one university’

and we can come together on this issue,

just as we do every day in our work,”

says Faraclas, who asked people to

participate in some way, even if they

could only give a small amount. “The

idea was to work together,” he says.

“And, if everyone contributed even a

little, all combined, it would have an

important impact.”

And not just on the amount collected – or

what it could do in terms of scholarships

or funding programs. According to

Faraclas, the energy and enthusiasm

among faculty and staff that the

campaign generates is contagious and

far-reaching. “When people in the

community see that the university is

energized from inside, and supporting its

students and addressing their needs, they

will be more interested in supporting

us, too.”

Colleagues come together to support

Southern and student success

Dawn Stanton-Holmes ‘90, MS ‘97

Dr. William Faraclas

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Fostering Leadership

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Couple leads the way for

future math and science teachers

Southern alum Richard Tripodi, ‘67,

and his wife Jane McKinney hope to

create a ripple effect that will touch

hundreds, likely thousands, of people.

The dynamic couple from Little Rock,

Arkansas has established an annual

scholarship to support Southern

Connecticut State University

students who are planning to become

mathematics or science teachers.

“The United States has always led the

world in math, science and technology

development,” says Tripodi, a successful

businessman who has worked in

marketing and executive positions for

Fortune 500 companies. He, along with

other investors, launched the Roanoke

Companies Group, Inc. that they sold

in 2006, and currently runs his own

business planning and development

consulting firm. “We once were leaders,

but now we’re slipping behind and

losing our competitive advantage. We

need good teachers, especially during

the foundation-building elementary and

secondary school years.”

That in mind, Tripodi and McKinney

set up the Richard F. Tripodi Teaching

Scholarship fund with the SCSU

Foundation that will award scholarships

annually to at least one junior and one

senior majoring in math or science. “If

we can help to identify and motivate a

handful of teachers who will in turn

motivate and educate hundreds more,

we will have had a great impact,” says

Tripodi, who knows first hand the

impact a teacher can have.

He credits his enrolling in college to a

Greenwich High School chorus/music

teacher who encouraged him in his

senior year to apply. That was after a

guidance counselor that same year had

told the young man with the blue-collar

background to become a plumber.

“A teacher motivated me, and I in turn

became successful,” says Tripodi, who

took that teacher and her husband

to dinner when he obtained his first

executive position as the general

manager/chief operating officer (COO)

of the Darworth Company, a subsidiary

of Ensign-Bickford Industries, Inc. “I

wasn’t a great student in high school,”

says Tripodi. “If it hadn’t been for her

kicking me in the butt, I never would

have applied to Southern.” Which he did.

And made dean’s list every year while

working part time to support himself.

“I was lucky to have had teachers in high

school and at Southern who believed in

me and pointed me in the right direction,”

says the high-powered Tripodi. He

and McKinney believe so strongly in

supporting tomorrow’s teachers that

upon his death, a portion of his estate

will be used to establish the Richard F.

Tripodi Endowed Teaching Scholarship

through the SCSU Foundation.

“We can’t reach thousands of people

ourselves,” says Tripodi, “but we can if

we help a person become a teacher.”

Richard Tripodi, ‘67

Jane McKinney

Page 12: Foundation Report 2008


If Kay Barrett had her way, all children –

no matter their economic circumstances

or academic abilities – would have

common educational experiences that

would enable them to blend and have

a shared understanding. At 87, this

career educator believes that can happen

through the arts.

With that in mind, Barrett – through the

SCSU Foundation – funded a children’s

theater series at Southern, her alma mater.

“I have always loved the arts – music,

art, drama…but growing up in

the depression, I didn’t have many

opportunities to experience the arts

except by reading books or, if I was

really lucky, going to a museum or local

show,” says Barrett, a former assistant

superintendent of schools in Milford

where she spent 42 of her 49 years in

education. “I love children and hoped

that this children’s series would bring the

love and knowledge of the arts to many

youngsters so they can reach a new level

of awareness and success.”

This past year, the Katherine M. Barrett

Children’s Series – Access to Arts

Enrichment, brought together thousands

of primary grade children from

throughout Connecticut for two summer

performances of “How the Elephant

got His Trunk and other Animal Tales”

and a fall production of the Shangri-

La Chinese Acrobats that was geared

toward older students.

Gregg Crerar, Institutional Advance-

ment’s director of resource development,

praised Barrett for her gift and patron-

age of the arts. “Some of the most vital

aspects of learning take place through

these non-traditional venues,” says

Crerar. “Miss Barrett has provided

a unique opportunity for children to

enrich their minds with a whole new

dimension of the world they may never

have known otherwise.”

And it won’t be the first time. Since she

graduated in 1941 from Southern, then

known as New Haven State Teachers

College, Barrett has always been alert

to new opportunities and innovative

programs for all children including those

with special needs

“It was exciting to watch our very

talented teachers unlock the imagination

and talents of our youngsters as they

explored their creativity aptitudes and

discovered new elements of expression

which they never imagined,” says Barrett,

explaining why she decided to support

a theater series at Southern. She also

wanted to support the university that

provided her the opportunity to set out

on a 49-year career that was so inspiring

to her. “I wanted to pursue a profession

in which I could help people. The

New Haven State Teachers College—

Southern—enabled me to meet that goal,”

she says. “It was the best decision I

ever made. It feels good to give back to

my alma mater, and at the same time

help children.”

Patroness promotes love of the arts to community children

Katherine Barrett, ‘41

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Empowering Communities

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Year in Review

During fiscal year 2008, the Southern

Connecticut State University

Foundation continued a process of self-

assessment to ensure it is effectively

and efficiently meeting its fiscal

responsibilities, as well as addressing

the expectations of its constituents. In

regard to administrative functions, an

internal review of Foundation policies,

procedures, and bylaws was completed.

With the increasing complexity of

today’s financial environment and the

standards established by the Sarbanes

Oxley Act, the Board undertook a

search for a new audit firm. Kostin,

Ruffkess & Company, LLC was selected

and commenced its association with the

Foundation in time to complete the FY

08 audit.

Looking to further strengthen the

composition of the Foundation Board

of Governors, six new members were

elected to its ranks. Selected for the

expertise and experience they will bring

to the Board were: Krista Brunson,

’93, Senior Editor, NBC News;

Mary O’Connell Kozik, ’74, Technical

Specialist, ENSR Corporation;

Joseph Natarelli, Managing Partner,

UHY Advisors N.E., LLC;

William Pratt, ’76, Partner, Finnegan,

Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner,

L.L.P.; Carol Stiff, ’83, MS ’89,

Senior Director for Programming

and Acquisitions, ESPN; and Richard

Tripodi, ’67, President, RFTS, Inc.

In addition to its fiscal responsibilities,

the Board is also committed to the stew-

ardship of its donors. In one example

of that commitment, the Foundation’s

Business Manager and the Advancement

Services Officer collaborated on the

creation of a new endowment report

for donors. The report provides a more

thorough statement of each endowment’s

status, as well as timely information

related to the management of all funds.

At the same time it was addressing

a wide range of management topics,

the Board continued to focus on its

mission of fundraising for the university.

Fundraising results for the 2007-2008

fiscal year totaled close to $1.9 million in

new gifts and commitments. With 71%

of these funds directed to programmatic

support, the academic opportunities for

students and faculty are enriched. The

Foundation now manages 218 endowed

funds and 17% of gifts and commitments

were designated to those funds. The

majority of these endowments provide

scholarships for our students, an

increasingly critical component of

support. The remaining 12% funds the

university’s highest priorities, including

enhanced technology and resources,

as well as research and experiential

opportunities for students.

The market value of Southern’s

endowment stood at $9.4 million

at fiscal year end – a 6.2% increase

over the preceding year – and the

SCSU Foundation’s total assets

exceeded $13.5 million. However, at

the close of the fiscal year in June,

the markets were already beginning

to see a downturn, as evidenced by

the Foundation’s investment loss of

$675,000. With continuing declines, our

ability to provide the funds so critical

to the university is impacted. In the

challenging days to come, the Board

will act thoughtfully and prudently to

ensure its ability to fulfill its mission

and commitment to the university and

Southern’s students.

Page 15: Foundation Report 2008


Assets June 30, 2008 June 30, 2007

Cash and cash equivalents $439,054 $173,040

Investment securities 12,562,873 12,662,398

Donations receivable 425,812 80,129

Land 21,000 21,000

Property & Equipment, net accumulated depreciation 8,708 26,122

Beneficial interest in trusts 170,461 194,380

Deposits - 1,345

Total Assets 13,627,908 13,158,414


Accounts payable 19,588 22,507

Custodial obligation payable 51,075 124,205

Gift Annuities Payable 55,288 -

Total Liabilities 125,951 146,712

Net Assets:

Unrestricted 803,438 719,965

Temporarily restricted 3,298,827 3,438,272

Permanently restricted 9,399,692 8,853,465

Total Net Assets $13,501,957 $13,011,702

Statements of Financial Position






Sources of Support for New Gifts and Commitments

Fiscal Year 2008$1,876,051






Alumni $555,59130%





2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Total Net Assets as of Year-End (June 30)in Millions

Distribution of New Gifts and Commitments

Fiscal Year 2008$1,876,051


Programmatic Support$1,339,42871%

Endowment Support$316,20617%

General UniversitySupport$220,41712%

Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets

Operating Revenues: June 30, 2008 June 30, 2007

Contributions $1,718,732 $1,323,222

State of Connecticut matching contributions 89,308 231,389

University donated services 615,021 486,075

Contribution - beneficial trusts - 194,380

Change in value of split interest agreements (3,145) -

Change in value of perpetual trusts (23,919) -

Endowment and Investment income 483,622 570,494

Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investment securities (675,214) 841,340

Total operating revenues 2,204,405 3,646,900

Operating Expenses:

Program services 870,981 1,103,729

General and administrative services 461,856 393,241

Fundraising services 381,313 395,365

Total operating expenses 1,714,150 1,892,335

Operating Income: 490,255 1,754,565

Net assets, beginning of year 13,011,702 11,257,137

Net assets, end of year $13,501,957 $13,011,702

NOTE: The financial statements of the Southern Connecticut State University Foundation are audited by Kostin, Ruffkess & Company, LLC. Complete copies of the audited financial statements are available from the Foundation upon request.

Page 16: Foundation Report 2008

Honor Roll of Donors

President’s Club Patrons $10,000+Katherine BarrettMaureen BornsteinDavid BuleyCompass Group USA, Inc.Connecticut Health FoundationPamela D’AgostinoRoberta & Robert DeFonceFusco CorporationLynn FuscoH. W. Wilson Foundation, Inc.David McHaleNewAlliance FoundationNew Haven RegisterPaul L. Jones FundPitney BowesSage Family TrustSCSU Alumni AssociationSpace-Craft Manufacturing, Inc.Gladys and John SotoStutzman Family FoundationThe Coca Cola Bottling Company of

New EnglandThe New York Academy of MedicineThe Oaklawn FoundationThe Thomas and Elsie Deeley FoundationArchie TracyRichard F. Tripodi TrustJane McKinney & Richard F. TripodiUnilever Ice CreamAnthony VerlezzaWerth Family FoundationWSHU Public Radio Group

President’s Club $5,000 - $9,999Lucille AldermanAT&T/BridgeportBarnes & Noble College Bookstores, Inc.BL CompaniesMichael ChambrelloMaureen CollinsComcast Cable of New Haven, Inc.Robert DevineBeverly Levett GerberAnne GundersenIKEAKect Construction CorporationJames MazurAnnMarie NarcisoNewman’s Own FoundationNortheast Utilities Service CompanySCSU Inter-Residence CouncilDiane Smith DruggeJournal of the Experimental Analysis

Of BehaviorPatricia & J. LeRoy WardWhitney CenterValerie Williamson

Blue & White Club $1,000 - $4,999Abbey Tent & Party Rentals, Inc.Amodio Moving, Inc.Francis AntinGeorge ApplebyAqua Turf Irrigation, LLC

Paula ArmbrusterRegina BarbaresiRalph BarbieriMackey BarronBillings Sports, Inc.BKM Total Office, LTDJames BlakeJohn M. BrownCarol & George BuchWilliam BurnsBarbara & Peter CairneyJoseph CiaburriClarion Hotel & SuitesClear Channel Communications, Inc.Community Foundation for Greater

New HavenConnecticut MagazineRobert ConnorsRobin CoombsStephen CourtneyGary CrakesRose CretellaJim CrozierDarter SpecialtiesDattco, Inc.Diverse Transportation, Inc.Diversified Project ManagementDrexler FoundationEast Coast SportsNicholas EdgingtonMarjy EhmerEmerging Globe Group, LLCExcel Fitness, LLCFidelity Charitable Gift FundFirst Investors CorporationGeraldine FrankelDonnaJean FredeenRobert S. FrewPhilip GaboriaultCarlene GaudetteArthur GeigerGene Casey-New Haven County ChapterMartin GlassnerJo-Anne GrahamRush HardingHB Communications, Inc.Lesley & Robert HerbstRonald HerronIllumina, Inc.Kevin JinksBarry JosephsReena JuddMichael KatzRobert KirschDorothy KobusJulia KobusL. Suzio Concrete Co., Inc.Life FitnessLimpiex Cleaning Service, LLCJean & Edward MackDorothy MartinoMcBride Wayside Carpet & Furniture

Co., Inc.Joan & James McGuireLawrence McHughEsther McKoyMidState Medical CenterMary Ann & Donald MitchellEileen Moriarty

Cheryl NortonMary O’Connell KozikLouise O’NealGail O’NeillBarbara OrtolevaSarah & Richard PaigePauline Schwartz Trust FundGregory PavezaEdward PirnerSusan PoguePointer/Crosse Digitial Imaging, LLCPatricia & John PriestKierstin PrySophie RappMegan RockJanine & Michael RoshkaRyan Business Systems, Inc.Anita SabatinoRobin SauerteigScarco, Inc.Scott SchafferSCSU Program CouncilSCSU Student GovernmentSERVPRO, Inc.Vincent ShaheenSidney SkolnickIrving SmirnoffClifford SmithSouthern Connecticut Gas CompanySouthern Soccer, LLCSports Construction & Supplies, Inc.Sondra SwarbrickThe Daughters of 1853The Emily and John Brown Family FundThe Lexington Group, Inc.Thomson CorporationTri-State Brick of ConnecticutTSB Baseball, LLCUnited Way of the Capital Area, Inc.Pieter Van VredenburchVisiting Nurse Association of South

Central ConnecticutWEBE 108 FMWebster BankYale New Haven HospitalKenneth Yanagisawa

Associates Club $250 - $999Antonio AcetoFrederick AfragolaJudson AleyCatherine AllenAmenta/Emma ArchitectsAngela AmiconeCally & Joseph AngelettiMaria ArenasSusan ArmstrongEdward AstonAT&T United Way Employee Giving

CampaignCaitlin AugustaKathleen BagleyGeorge BakesBlanche BaldwinWilliam BallDoris & James BarberGeorge BarileWilliam BarkerChristine BarrettSusan Beauregard

Michael Ben-AvieBetsy BergenRaymond BernacchiaLois & Thomas BernardiPeter BoppertViolet BornemannPeter BreihofVirginia BrennanChristine BroadbridgeSara BrownPamela BruckerSteven BuecheleEdward BurkeTerrell BynumC.N.C. Software, Inc.Cabrera ServicesCain ServicesCalabash ShoppeConrad CalandraJudith & Walter CampAnthony CarboneMichael CarbrayGloria CardilloPaul ChaltasSurinder ChasePatricia & Clifford ChieffoAnn ChristmannCatherine ChristyClinton Nurseries, Inc.Philip CocchiolaSpencer CohenMarylou ConleyConnecticut Sports MediaPamela Cooper ChaseKathy CorwinDouglas CosterCourtney HondaBrad CrerarWilliam CroneKaren CummingsJosephine & Martin CurrySusan D’AgostinoArthur D’AlmeidaPamela DayJohn DeCrostaJoan & Raymond DeFrancescoElizabeth deLuciaAmanda & Robert DeMezzoDavid DeninoRobert DesjardinsGerald DevineConcetta Di LeoDichello Distributors, Inc.Wanda DickDimeo Construction CompanyPamela DixonJoseph DooleyRobert DrobishDupont Systems, Inc.Laura ElsenbossJeanie EnglandTracy EterginoMarguerite FaddenFCE Consultants, Inc.Alyson FedakJ. FergusonMichael FettererDavid FeyrerAlfred Fiore


Giving Back

Page 17: Foundation Report 2008

Arthur ForcierRosemary ForniDiane ForniJack FosterGillian FoxJoan FoxEdna FranzAnne FrauloJudith FreedmanFriedberg, Smith & Co., P.C.G & G BeverageVincent GagliardiArthur GallantCarole GaugerLillian GerhardtMark GermainCharles GibbsMargaret GlodeIsabel Gonzalez-EchevarriaKrystyna Gorniak-KocikowskaNancy GotwaltSusan GrayRosanne & Robert GriffinWilliam GriffinIrene HallerLars HelgesonRose HelwigHenry Production, Inc.Jaye & William HenselMarie HerbstBarbara HigginsHitchcock Printing & DistributionJodi HossHumphrey’s East, LLCChris HutchinsonCatherine IngleseNancy & Vincent IngleseKurt JagielowMarilyn & Warren JaquaElizabeth JockinsenMichelle JohnstonJeffrey KellyRobin KenefickMarianne KennedyLeland KimballThomas KingGeorgianna KleimanSarah KnaufNancy KohlLynn KohrnPhilanthi KoslowskiAndrew KovachikSandra Krivosky HagueLillie KumarDaniela & Frank LaDoreVictoria LafortuneLake of IslesRita LandinoJeanette LanniganRichard LarsonDonna LasherAnne & Eugene LeoneSaul LernerSarah LerzHarold LewisCatherine LoweRichard LucibellaBarbara & J. Edward LynchRomaine MacombPatricia & James MadiganAnthony MalteseDebrah MankeDoris MarinoDavid MarquisDavid Martens

Robert McGannonVideen McGaugheyKevin McNamaraJohannes MeertsSharon MisasiGiacomo MordenteDeborah & Edward MorganGloria MorrisseyLindsay MortonTimothy MurphyCynthia & Frank NappiLetitia NastriVara NeverowPatricia NicolEleanor & Anthero NicolauMarc NivetNortheast Lamp Recycling, Inc.Linda OlsonNorma OverhiserOxford IndustriesJason PaigeDonna PalmieriGerald PanagrossiPatricia PanichasTimothy ParrishRhea PaulBelinda PearmanPhilip PessinaPetrillo’s Property, Inc.Pilot Pen TennisConstance PinoJohn PintoChristopher PiscitelliWilliam PrattMarilyn PriceTimothy QuillSean RaffileJody RajculaGail ReenPamela RendeiroSalvatore RizzaRobbins Tesar, Inc.Patricia RooneyWiltraud RozeSalatto Real EstateRichard SalernoCheryl SandersonFrank SantinoRegina SatterthwaitePaula SaundersIrene SchraggerSchwab Charitable FundSCSU Women’s AssociationSCSU Zeta Delta EpsilonScungilli InternationalStanley SeligaRobert SheeleyShelton Winair Co.Barbara ShortellEric SimmsTeresa SiricoJoan SpecterMarian SpiroPamela StantonDawn Stanton-HolmesDavid SteinBridget Stepeck-HoltSterling Forms & Computer SuppliesTerry StevensBrigitte StilesDale StorzSuburban Worldwide Travel

Agency, LLCBrian SummersDaniel Swartz

TCT ConstructionLawrence TomascakJulie TorreM. TredinnickJacqueline Treschuk BahnTrout Asphalt Paving, Inc.Daniel TubaUp In SmokeJean & Clifford VerronDeborah VincentVoiture Locale 328 40/8Volvo Aero Connecticut, LLCDenise Walker Ronald WalkerElizabeth WalshRebecca WardCharles WargoRichard WatsonMichael WattsPamela & Ted WeissRichard WellnerPatricia WhelanAnne & Edward WhitmanMark WilfordCynthia WillauerBobby WilliamsLori WilliamsMarvin WilsonYale Golf CourseJames YanosySteve YoungJohn YoungWilliam Zenko

Century Club $100 - $249Cheryl & David AbrahamAlbert AcabboAcademy of Excellence, Inc.Mary AcquaruloHanna AgonisMichael AgrifolioDeborah AhernEileen AinsworthJoseph AlboCharleen AlderferNorma AllegriCarol AllenRichard AllisonEllen AlpertMeryl AlpertMichael AmbrosecchioFrances AmicoAmity Chiropractic & Rehabilitation

Center, LLCGenevieve AmlongJohn AmoreJean & John AnastasioDavid AndersenCarol AndersonDavid AndersonLauren AndersonDimitri AndonovLouis AndreAnonymous AthleticsMarianne AntezzoTheodore AntonellisJoseph AnzaloneAndrea ArellanoVincent AsaroRobert AsherPatricia BaasAlfred BadgerDavid BakCarrie BakerMaxine Balaban

Elizabeth BalancaJoanne BaldaufKaren BallardRobert BalonJo-Ann BandomerScott BannonLisa BarbaroLynn BarlowGertrude & Stanley BarnesBruce BarnettCharlotte BartizekPatricia BaskindDavid BassickRalph BattistaEllen BauerChristina BaumJeanette BeachBetsy BeacomEllen BeattyVincent BellCathiann BellardCatherine BemisJanice BendaMichael BensonJudith Benson DinkinFrank BentDenise Bentley-DrobishMark BergamoDorothy BergerBerkshire FoodsBetsy BernMolly BernardCarol BerubeChristine BessmerBarbara BestEdward BethkeAmarpal BhararaFred BialkaMarcia BiaseDouglas BiggsJoseph BinkoskiMarcelle Biondi-ColonnaMarcia BlakeGayle BogelMary & Anthony BonadiesDennis BonnKathleen & Leonard BonnDavid BorzellinoCarrie Borzillo-VrennaJosephine BoschLaurie BoskeJudith BothwellKeith BoucherRomeo BoucherPamela BrackettSharon BradfordPatricia BrandtJean BrassilSam BraunsteinShirley BrinkleyMary BrosnanElliot BrownE. Sue BrownJoseph BrownMyrna BrownWilliam BruckerCatherine BrunnockElizabeth BrysonMary BuckleyMichelle BudwitzSandra BulmerJoseph BurkeJack BurriesciKeith ButlerAnne Butts


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Mary CabreraFay & Hugh CaffertyFrank CalamaroSusan & Paul CalamitaDenise & John CalkinsAugust CambriaDoreen Cammarata-GilhulyWilliam CampbellCarol CangianoMary CanniciMichael CapozziLisa Cappiali MaglioccoBarbara CarbeeMaureen CareyVictoria CareyRichard CarneyChristopher CarolloDonna & Andrew CarranoWilliam CarranoJames CarrieroFlorence & Peter CarrollLauren CasalveriCarla CasanovaJames CasanovaMarie & Frank CasanovaJames CashavellyMichael CastellucciCatherine CavanaughMaryJane CelentanoRose CeloneSanti ChanElsie ChapmanChaoqun ChenYuanqiang ChenJudith ChernoffRonald ChernovetzDavid ChevanAlbert ChiappettaLaurie ChurchillLinda & Dino CiaburriJane CiarloneLawrence CiottiAnn Marie CirkotRosemary & Thomas ClarieClarion Hotel & SuitesRichard ClarkeArlene CliffordBarbara CliffordMarc CloutierPaul CochraneMary CofrancescoJohn CogginsWilliam CohaneDale CohenDona CohenGeorge ColafatiJoel ColbertSequella ColemanCollegiate Soccer SystemRosemarie ConfortiKate ConnellyMary ConnellyFrances ConteWilliam ConwayLinda CoppolaJames CorbiereBonnie & David CornaSuzanne CornwellPietro CorteseFlorence CorwinBarbara CostelloMaureen CoudertLizanne CoxClaudia CraftsKathleen Cranton

Susannah Crego ViolinoGregg CrerarVanessa CrewsMarguerite CriscuoloJohn CritzerMary CroninPamela CroninIvan CropperJanice CrosslandCharles CrumpJames CulhanePatricia & Thomas CummingsElizabeth CurtisD & D Services, LLCRobert D’AgostinoGregg DanchoDonna D’AngioAmy & Louis DanielsSandra D’AprileMaura DavidDavid A. Beckerman Foundation, Inc.Robert DavidsonCynthia DavisGail DavisMichael DavisPaul DavisRuth Ann DavisMichael DeansAndrea DeBoerCynthia DeCarloMichael DeCarloChristopher DeckerPaul DeCosterJoseph DedinskyJohn DeeleyTimothy DeffleyCynthia DeGennaroHeidi DegreeSarah & John DekutowskiJune DelanoRaymond DelehantDavid DeLiseThomas DeloughreyPasquale DeluciaGeorge DeMaioNancy DempseyDiana DeNegreFrank DePonteJoseph Des JardinsChristopher DeSentiLisa DesjardinsKevin DeVauxMichael DeVitoWilliam DiffleyArmand DikranianPatrick DilgerElaine DillonMelinda DivicinoJulia DohertySusan DonahueNatalie DonaisAnn DonohueMildred DoodyThomas DorrShawn DoughertyDiane DowJacqueline DowningJohn DoyleVirginia DoyleMary DriscollRichard DrostEdward DrummondLuba DubnoPauline DudaDuffy’s Tavern, LLC

Trudy DujardinDiane DumiganMara DunleavyMark DunnSheila DuranteLori DurocherWilliam D’UrsoKathleen DutneyRichard DwyerJudith EarlyMary Beth EckertAlan EckstrandDana EfawLinda EhrenfelsNancy EldredgePasquale EliaRobert Elia

Lenore EllisMichael EllisJoseph ElmoLucinda EmbersitsEmeritus Assembly of the

Connecticut AAUPLeon EriksonMarty ErnstoffEvelyn ErwinAgatha EspositoElaine EspositoEllery EspositoMary EstabrookStephen EuleKenneth EwaskieRobert EyAnna-Margaret FabisiakCatherine FalaroWilliam FaraclasTed FarberJohn FarleyPatricia FarleyElaine FarrellRoberta FaustRaymond FaustichJoseph FazzinoRoberta FeiertagMary FeigeRichard FeldmanSusan FelsenfeldMichael FennessyLisa FerraraFidelity Mortgage Services, Inc.Denise FiedlerMe FinkenbergGeraldine FinlayLouise FinnucanJune FiorelliCatherine FiserNorbert FlammiaStephen FlanaganFlanagan Associates, LLCBrandis FlashEdward FletcherGustave FlinkLouis FlorioMargaret FogartyJames FoleyJean FoleyElizabeth FordMiriam & Robert FordJeffrey FournierCatheryn FrancoKelley FrassinelliMichael FredaJoanne FrenkelBrian FriaryJoseph Friello

Janina FusaroMichael GagnePatrick GallagherKaren & Mark GalleyFrancis GalloCharlotte GallucciKaren GalluzzoSharon GalvinBeverly GanleyRafael GarciaMary-Eliese Garey MerrillWendy GarlandNancy GattaPatricia GaudreauCharlotte GemmelNadine GenesiusCarol GennetteMark GentryKelli GerlachSonja GibbsCharle GillNancy GillBeverly GinterMichele GiordanoPatricia GiuliettiE. Elaine GlassHoward GleichenhausBetty GobeilleAdam GoldbergJerry GolebiewskiLois GomesCharles GormanPatrick GormanMary GouldBernard GracyKrista GrandeSusan GrandeBarbara GrantMatthew GrantLinda GrayMary GraziosoSuzanne GreenbackerElizabeth GreenleafMichael GreenwoodFrances GrindellPatricia GrinnellMuriel GrossfeldRoberta GrossmanMarcia GruceHope GruntLisa GuertinDorothea GuevinJanet GuilmetteRobert GulasJean HaaseValerie HaberlJohn HajusWendy HallSally HallidayThomas HallinanCarolyn HammondSusan HamptonJames HanceAudrey HancockMichael HanlonLinda HannansDavid HansenNancy HardingHarvey HarknessBrian HarrisJoan HarveyRichard HaukCeleste HawthorneJocelyn HayesMartha Haynes

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Phyllis HedbergBarbara HeffernanEvelyn HeffernanMarianne HeffernanRichard HegelHenry HeinRobert HeinsKaren HellandDaniel HellerRaymond HellerMargaret HennessyBarry HermanFloresita HernandezPatricia HeslinColleen & Matthew HessDirk HettrichChristine HigginsRoxanne HillDenise HindingerMartha HirschCharles HofackerEddis HoffmanVeronica HolcombCharles HolderCatherine HoldridgeSoncerria HollandWilliam HolleyShirin HollisJames HonoreHarriett HookJoyce HornblowerRita HornleinHoward HorowitzMaria HouserClaudette HovasseClaudia HudsonDonald HughesRita HughesStephen HummelMaureen HunterAngela HuntleyThomas HylinskiInternational Soccer & Rugby ImportsEric InzeroSondi JacksonClarence JacksonAnnie JacksonRonald JakubowskiAlicja JedrzejewskiCharles JeffreyKendra JemmottSandra & Richard JohnsonSusan JohnstonJordan JonesJoseph Cohn & Son, Inc.Stephen JoynerJust Bagels, Inc.David KalafaEileen KallaRichard KaminskiJoann KapitanSteven KarjanisMichael KasinskasKathleen KeatingCindy KeeganDorinda KeenanMary KeenanAlice Keenan-TerenzioAlisa KelleyRaymond KelloggMichael Kells-MurphyHenry KellyJames KellyJaneth KellyKathryn Kelly

James KeltosEdward KennedyVictoria KennedyRoberta KieronskiChristine KilroyYvonne KimballPauline KingPhyllis KingsburyAnn & Richard KinseyJoan KirchnerMiles KirschnerBarbara KlipperKurt KnoernschildTracy KnoflaPaul KobasaKenneth KochVeronica KoenigDonna KorzickCarolyn KosackJoann KraemerCeleste KrahlHarriet KralDorothy KramerMaryAnn KraskaPaul KrasnavageFrancis KruglikPauline KrukMary KrusinskiJohn KryzanowskiLeo KuczynskiJames KusackThomas LacariaJoseph LaDorePhilip LagattutaLisa LallyRae LambertLaureen LamboEdward LangSusan LanghansJosephine LanghoffPhyllis LangsnerRaymond LapinskiCarole LarochelleMichael LasorsoAnne LattanzioSettima LauferNicholas LaverisMichelle LawlerRalph LawsonPatrick LeahyDaniel LeavittRobert LedderPhyllis LeemanPatric LegatoLegends of the GameJudith LegezaSandra LeibowitzKathleen LemboTricia LendaPatricia LenihanRoberta LeonardElizabeth LeonardoVictor LeoneJanine LeslieJames LettsPaul LevatinoBernice LevinB. LewisFrederick LewisCatherine LigiFrances LincolnDarleen LindgrenPaul LoethenSusie LongYolanda Loughran

Christine LouthMary Rose LovelloMaureen LucasCarmel & Andrew LucibelloCarla LukasGina LuraschiKenneth LyonDawn LyonsGlenn MacknoRaymond MackowskiStanley MacLachlanMonica MaiaKenneth MaioranoAlison MajeauAnn MakiRobert MalchiodiLouise & Robert ManfredaLorna ManglesDorothy & Patrick ManleySharon ManleyAnne MapolskiRichard MaranoSusan MarchMarianne MarpleAlthea MarshallE. Marie MasMichael MassaBarbara MassoudiCarmella MastrogiovanniKerry MaxwellJean-Luc MayoussierValerie McAleerSusan McAlisterErnestine McCauley-BrowningJohn McEachenBarbara & George McGuiganStephen McGuireGeorge McGurlCharles McKellarHollis MckennaPaul MckenzieAngela McKirryherKathleen McLeodJoanne McLoughlinBonnie McNairKenneth MeadKelley MeadowsMary & Michael MegargeeJohn MendesTara & Kenneth MichaelsLaurie MihalcikNorma MilesDorothy MilfordElaine MillerLawrence MillerPatricia MillerTimothy MillicanHarriett MilnesFrank MiloneMichael MinchoffRobert MitchellGertrude MolloyMary MonahanJanice & Robert MonteiroCatherina MordecaiSara MorgattoDebra MoriartyJohn MoronitiJoseph MorrisKirk MorrisStephen MorrisWayne MorseyGerald MossMt. Carmel Congregational ChurchMark Mullarkey

Marena MulrainJohn MurphyRichard MurphyTimothy MurphyRonald NappiMary NavinJean NeilJoann NeroDavid NetinhoPamela NetinhoBarbara NeufeldClaire-Bette NewmanMargaret NewtonCharla NichWilliam NicholsRobert NillSusan NoblemanJane Nolan Thomas NolanDonald NorcrossEleanor O’BrienEric O’BrienCliff O’CallahanJohn O’DeaAlozie OkwuDaniel O’NeilMaureen OnofrioS. Michael & Betty OpperBarbara OraziettiKevin O’ReillyRocco OrlandoDonna & Thomas OrmondJoEllen OskinJoseph OslanderGeorge OstrowskiEric OttHenry OwensSadiann OzmentKarl PaechtSuzy & Douglas PageLiza PaglialungaStephen PaineBeverly PajerJeannette PalluzziChristopher PalmerJudith PalmerPhilip PalmaSusan PalmerMarco PalmieriJiong Dong PangGloria PanzaJudit & George PaoliniDorothy PappasVermelle ParisRobert ParkerGary ParkmanJill ParkosewichSteve ParksWalda PassaroSusan PastoreMarcia PatrickJean PatriePaul PawlakDonald PawloskiJon PedersenLynda PedersenRobert PedersenAlbert PedroliniGloria PerrinArthur PerschinoAnthony PerusoKathleen PetersMaria PetersMary PetersDavid Peterson

Page 20: Foundation Report 2008


Fred PetrellaPaul PetrieWendi PettitChristine PettoHelen PfeiferLillian PfeifferJudith PhilippiCynthia PiccirilloPieces That Fit, LLCWalter PiechotaMarilyn & Donald PierceTemma PistrangPatrick PizzoferratoDeborah PlattJohn PloskiChristopher PolakowskiFrances PoloshianTheresa PortoElizabeth PowerDennis PowersPaul PowersAnn PratsonGeraldine PrinceBarbara PrintyEdith PrisloeJanice PuglieseRaymond PuglieseJon PurmontMonica RaffoneEric RamrasJohn RanalliDiane RaschMiriam RaubvogelAngelo RausLisa RebeschiJohn ReboliLillian ReederCharlene RiccardiStacey & Richard RiccardiTheresa RiccioRobert RiceElizabeth RichardsonScott RichnavskyMarguerite RinaldiAnna Rivera-AlfaroJoan RizzoLinda RobinsonJohn RochetteMichael RogersLinda RogoffPeter RohlfNancy RonneRobert RonshagenDavid RosenfieldDiane RosnerRobert RossValerie RoweDonald RozanskiSilvia RufranoLinda RynkowskaEleanor SacksThomas SacramoneElizabeth SahlinJoyce SaltmanMichael SalvinMichael Adam SalvoFrank SamuelsonMatthew SandulliSusan SantoraMarilyn SantucciRobert SarinJames SavidgeLamphoun SayaphonCarol & Leonard SbaboDorothy Schildgen

Janice SchuckWilliam SchultzCharles SchwabWayne SchwartzMichael ScicchitanoMarjorie ScoreyBessie ScottRobert ScottDorothy ScrobkoSCSU Public Health StudentsLinda & Martin ScullyRobert ScullyShirley SearsDina SecchiaroliEdward SecskasRichard SegallDeborah SeibertMarie SelvaggioCatherine SerinoLaura ShailBernard SheaMichael SheaLisa Shea-HudsonCynthia Shea-LuzikHelen ShecoraJohn SheehyCraig SheppardAnnmarie ShiraziMary Shorvanek SorrentinoElbert SiegelPeter SieviecSigns For Success, LLCRuth SilverJoel SilvermanRaymond SilvernaleCindy SimoneauMartha & John SimpsonKiran SinghMichael SjovallRobert SlieDavid SmithForrest SmithSterling SmithEdna SoltisMarcia SondergaardSy SoobitskyCatherine SpinelliLaura SpiteriAnn SpragueNancy SpringerStaff of TECT NewingtonBarbara StaleyKathleen & Richard StannardJoanne StarrMarcia SteeleHillary SteinKenneth SteinerNancy & Francis StellaccioAnn StetserHarlan StevensonSusan StewartPatricia StichSuzanne StisserMartin StokesSusan StoneJean StrainDonald StuhlmanJune SturtzMing SuenConstance SullivanMartha SullivanSandra SummersJean SutherlandCynthia SwainbankDonald Sweitzer

Elaine SwirskyJohn SwitchenkoFrances Symmes BourneufLisa TaggartJill & James TallbergTaste RestaurantFrank TavaresClelia TenerowiczJudith TerrillJoseph TestaTeva PharmaceuticalsThe Frame Shop and Gallery of

WaterburyTracey ThomasEdward TiernanAngela TodaroLenora TomporowskiRobert ToothakerBarbara TorcelliniTorello Tire Company, Inc.Joyce TorresDorothy TottonTower FarmsMary Ann & Gary TownleyLaurie TracyRudolph TrankovichAnn TremmlSuzanne TuckerRaymond TurnerAmy TurskyCarolyn VanacoreTheresa VanacoreMichele VancourLisa VaranoWilliam VazquezKeith VeliaLouis VescoviVigliotti Construction CompanyLaurie VigneaultBecky VirgallaCharles ViscardiValerie VitaliRobert VittiRita VozzoJanet WagnerRaymond WagnerSusan WainioRosemary WaldronJeff WalkowskiPatricia WalshJan WangChristopher WardLeslie Warner-MaloneyEleanor & Norman WarrenderMark WatersLouise WaughSuzanne WeberE. Suzanne WeissePamela WelchThomas WellingtonMelvin WellsJames WelshAnn WengloskiMary & Edward WeselcouchAndrea WeyhingTodd WheelerMary Ellen WhiteMaureen WielgusNancy WilcockVicki WillardShirley WillcoxAlison WilliamsJames WilliamsMarguerite WilliamsSelase Williams

Carole WilsonJill WilsonWilliam WilsonWinning WayFrank WolakPatricia WolfWolf Electric, Inc.Maureen WoodMarilyn WoodhallHeather WoodworthBetsey WrightJohn WrightKathy YalofArthur YostRalph YuloRoselyn ZackinCharles ZaremskasAndrew ZbikowskiBarbara ZimmerRobin ZimmermanJanet Zukowski

Page 21: Foundation Report 2008

Faculty and Staff Honor RollAntonio AcetoNancy AlexanderArlene BalkauskasLisa BarbaroJames BarberChristine BarrettJill BassettChristina BaumBetsy BeacomEllen BeattyJudith BehlerTimothy BelcherMichael Ben-AvieLinda BenichakTherese BennettDenise Bentley-DrobishJohn BergevinMichael BiagioliNancy BihlmeyerVirlinda BillupsJames BlakeAimee BonnPeter BoppertDiane BoutaughMarie BoyceVincent BreslinChristine BroadbridgePamela BruckerAnthony BrunettiSandra BulmerWilliam BurtonTerrell BynumConrad CalandraRichard CallahanDoreen Cammarata-GilhulyMary CanniciChristopher CarolloRobert CarpentierSuzanne CarrollCarla CasanovaShirley CavanaghThomas CelentanoMark CenevivaXiao ChengDavid ChevanAjay ChhabraCatherine ChristyJane CiarloneWilliam CohaneNicholas ColavolpeRosemarie ConfortiMarylou ConleyNicholas ConstantinopleDelinda ConteGary CrakesBrad CrerarGregg CrerarRose CretellaJohn CritzerMarcie CroninKaren CummingsThomas CummingsGiovanni D’OnofrioJohn DaPonteMargaret DasLinda DavisonPamela DayPatricia DeBarbieriRobert DeMezzoDavid DeninoEmmett Dennis

William DiffleyPatrick DilgerGaetano DimiccoJulia DohertyJoseph DooleyRobert DrobishSuzanne DukeNicholas EdgingtonScott EllisWilliam ElwoodMarguerite FaddenWilliam FaraclasAlyson FedakMarybeth FedeVincent FerrieJanelle FinchJoan FinnCarol FlamentKelley FrassinelliDonnaJean FredeenBetsy GalianFloyd GollnickJanet GooleyKrystyna Gorniak-KocikowskaCerella GriffinClaudia GuyEdward HarrisMartin HartogHenry HeinRonald HerronLynn HidekJane HindenlangWilliam HochmanSandra HolleyShirin HollisMaria HouserPercy Huggins, Jr.Kurt JagielowRobert JirsaMary Lou JohnsonMichelle JohnstonJordan JonesStephen JoynerRaymond KelloggRobin KenefickMarianne KennedyPaula KennedyHak Joon KimMichael KobylanskiLynn KohrnPhilanthi KoslowskiJames KusackFrank LaDoreSusan LarsonMichelle LawlerSusan LawrenceTricia LendaElizabeth LeonardoSamuel LopesCatherine LoweBarbara LynchJ. Edward LynchCathryn MagnoAnthony MalteseKelly MannMichelle MannDoris MarinoDavid MarquisAlthea MarshallDavid MartensAnthony MauroKathleen MauroJames MazurHollis MckennaPaul Mckenzie

Esther McKoyKevin McNamaraDorothy MewbornFay MillerSharon MisasiJoyce MooreGiacomo MordenteBennie MurphyJoseph MusanteJames MuttsErvin NelsonVara NeverowDianne NewmanPatricia NicolRyan NobregaCheryl NortonPatricia OlneyLinda OlsonScott OuelletteWanda OutingTracey OwersJiong Dong PangPatricia PanichasTimothy ParrishRhea PaulGregory PavezaBelinda PearmanJennifer PepeMichael PerilloPhilip PessinaKlaus PetersPaul PetrieCarolynn PettitChristine PettoChristopher PiscitelliCarole PrescottGeraldine PrinceJon PurmontSusan QuagliaroliTimothy QuillMonica RaffoneLisa RebeschiRichard RiccardiStacey RiccardiLystra RichardsonAnna Rivera-AlfaroSalvatore RizzaLinda RobinsonMary RobinsonJohn RochetteMegan RockMichael RogersNancy RonneMichael RoshkaDiane RosnerHeather RoweLee RyanLinda RynkowskaJoyce SaltmanTheresa SandiferLeonard SantarsieroScott SchafferCindy Schofield-BodtNancy SchreiberJessica ScibekStanley SeligaMarie SelvaggioAntoni SerranoMichael SheaRobert SheeleyBarbara ShillerElbert SiegelEric SimmsCindy SimoneauJudith Sizensky-Searles

Sterling SmithDaniel SonesonSandra SoucieDawn Stanton-HolmesBridget Stepeck-HoltBrigitte StilesVillia StruykDiana SweetFrank TavaresEdward ThompsonAngela TodaroLawrence TomascakSuzanne TuckerMichele VancourMerryalis VazquezMary VernerKathleen WalshJan WangMark WatersDeborah WeissPatricia WhelanJames WilliamsMarguerite WilliamsSelase WilliamsMarvin WilsonKathy YalofPhyllis Young

Matching Gift Companies3M Foundation, Inc.AT&T Higher Education Matching Gift

ProgramAetna Foundation, Inc.Allianz Of America, Inc.Allstate FoundationAutomatic Data Processing Inc.Biogen, Inc.Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.Business & Legal Reports Inc.CIGNA FoundationChase Manhattan FoundationConoco Inc.Constellation Energy GroupDominion FoundationEmerson Electric CompanyExxon Mobil FoundationFidelity FoundationFleet National BankGeneral Electric FoundationGeneral Re CorporationGlobal ImpactHartford InsuranceHarvey Hubbell FoundationIBM International FoundationJosiah Macy, Jr. FoundationMass. Mutual Life Insurance Co.Merck Company FoundationMerrill Lynch FoundationMetLife FoundationNationwide Insurance EnterpriseNorthwestern Mutual FoundationPeople’s BankPfizer FoundationPrudential FoundationSteelcase FoundationSun Life FinancialThe Baxter International FoundationUnilever United States Foundation, Inc.United Technologies CorporationWachoviaWellpoint Foundation


Page 22: Foundation Report 2008


The Heritage Society

Membership in this recognition society acknowledges the foresight and generosity of alumni and friends who have included Southern in their estate plans through a bequest, trust, life insurance or life income gift. The Foundation expresses its sincere appreciation to its members.

Judith Beard Violet BornemannIda CaccesePeter and Barbara CairneyClifford and Patricia ChieffoAnn ChristmannDaniel Cosgrove, Sr.Marilyn CronanGeraldine FrankelAnne FrauloDonald and Nancy FrayDorothy GoodwinBarry HermanPatricia HeslinRichard and Janice IllingworthKaren JastermskyRita LandinoAnne W. LattanzioMichael MalafronteEarl MaxfieldDora MetrelisGilbert L. NobleDavid C. RosenfieldJoseph and Anita SabatinoWilliam SaltJoan ScrantonTeresa SiricoIrving SmirnoffJohn SotoRichard F. Tripodi and Jane McKinneyRebecca WardKevin and Patricia Zibluk

BequestsEstate of Robert E.W. EiseleEstate of Sylvia K. Brand

Have you considered making a gift to Southern through your will or trust?

Bequests are one of the simplest ways to give to Southern. You can make a bequest to the SCSU Foundation with a specific cash amount, a percentage of your estate, or specific assets such as securities or real estate. Bequests are an extremely flexible planned giving option because they can be changed any time a will’s provisions are changed.

While it is important to consult a qualified attorney for help, the following is language that should be used when making a bequest to Southern:

“I give and bequeath to the Southern Connecticut State University Foundation Inc., a not-for-profit, tax exempt organization incorporated in the state of Connecticut, having its principal address at 501 Crescent Street, New Haven, CT 06515 [written amount, percentage of estate or description of property]

Charitable Giving Report Credits:

Writer: Deb Susca, Susca CommunicationsPhotographer: Hunter Neal Photography, LLC.Photography contributions: Isabel Chenoweth, SCSU, page 2Darrick Wilson Photography, page 9Designer: JoAnn Kibbe, Kibbe DesignPrinter: GHP MediaProject Manager: Nancy Ronne, SCSUProject Associate: Anne Whitman


Our Honor Rolls recognize gifts made between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, however, errors and omissions may have occurred. Please accept our apologies for any inaccuracies. If you find an error, please contact us at 203-392-5598.

Securing our Future

Page 23: Foundation Report 2008


Southern Connecticut State University Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors


Robin SauerteigChairpersonSouthern Connecticut State University FoundationVice PresidentBLS Strategic Capital/DAR, Inc.

John BrownVice ChairmanSouthern Connecticut State University FoundationPartnerAquiline Capital Management

David R. McHaleTreasurerSouthern Connecticut State University FoundationSenior Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerNortheast Utilities System

Robert E. DevineSecretary Southern Connecticut State University FoundationPresident (retired)BMW Financial Services

Megan A. RockExecutive DirectorSouthern Connecticut State University FoundationVice President, Institutional AdvancementSouthern Connecticut State University

Board Members

Frederick R. AfragolaChairmanFrame Advisors

Lucille W. AldermanCommunity Activist

Frank D. Antin Senior Vice President (retired)The Bank of New York Mellon

Paula ArmbrusterAssociate Clinical ProfessorYale University

Mackey BarronPresidentHB Communications, Inc.

Krista BrunsonSenior EditorNBC News

Robert S. Frew, Ph.D.Professor Emeritus of Computer ScienceSouthern Connecticut State University

Lynn Fusco HughesPresidentFusco Corporation

Mary O’Connell KozikTechnical SpecialistENSR Corporation

Joseph NatarelliManaging PartnerUHY Advisors N.E., LLC

William H. Pratt, Esq. PartnerFinnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, L.L.P.

John SotoPresidentSpace-Craft Manufacturing, Inc.

Carol J. StiffSenior Director for Programming and AcquisitionsESPN

Richard TripodiPresidentRFTS, Inc.

J. LeRoy WardExecutive Vice PresidentESI International

Diane L. WishnafskiExecutive Vice PresidentNewAlliance Bank

Ex-Officio Members

Cheryl J. Norton, Ed.D.PresidentSouthern Connecticut State University

James E. BlakeExecutive Vice President for Finance and AdministrationSouthern Connecticut State University

Patricia DeBarbieri, Ed.D. Associate Professor, Department of Counseling and

School PsychologySouthern Connecticut State University

James ElmoAlumni Association Representative

Vincent GagliardiAlumni Association Representative

William A. Holley, Jr. Alumni Association Representative

Andrew J. MarulloStudent RepresentativeSouthern Connecticut State University

Contact Us

For additional information, please contact:Southern Connecticut State University Foundation, Inc. Megan A. Rock, Executive DirectorTelephone: 203-392-6192Email: [email protected]

To make a gift, you are welcome to do so online at:http://www.SouthernCT.edu/supportsouthern/onlinegivingor you may contact the Development OfficeTelephone: 203-392-8752

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