Forum Merdeka Barat 9 (FMB 9) Menakar Manfaat IMF-WBG Annual Meetings 2018 Prof. Suahasil Nazara, S.E., M.Sc., PhD. Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal, Kementerian Keuangan 1 Jakarta, 17 September 2018

Forum Merdeka Barat 9 (FMB 9) Menakar Manfaat IMF-WBG ...fmb9.id/document/1537166035_BKF_Kemenkeu.pdf · • IMF dan WB sedang bekerja berdasarkan agenda negara-negara anggotanya

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F o r u m M e r d e k a B a r a t 9 ( F M B 9 )M e n a k a r M a n f a a t

I M F - W B G A n n u a l M e e t i n g s 2 0 1 8Prof. Suahasil Nazara, S.E., M.Sc., PhD.

Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal, Kementerian Keuangan


Jakarta, 17 September 2018

O U T L I N E1. Key Official Events AMs 2018

2. Bali Initiatives

3. Agenda Prioritas Indonesia

4. Peran AMs 2018 dalam Konstelasi Ekonomi Global

5. Peran AMs 2018 terhadap Perekonomian RI


1 . K e y O f f i c i a l E v e n t s A M s 2 0 1 8


Main Events(Organized by MTS)

Annual Meetings Plennary*

Bali Initiative on Capital Package


*Presiden dijadwalkan untuk menyampaikan speech

Development Committee

International Monetary Finance Committee

Side Events(Organized by MTS)

G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

Pathway for Prosperity

High Level Dialogue/Discussion

Parallel Events(Organized by IPT)

ASEAN Leaders Gathering*

High Level Dialogue/Discussion

Seminar/Workshop/Investor Gathering

Media Events

Bilateral/Multilateral Meetings

Host Country Reception*

O u t p u t y a n g d i h a r a p k a n

Flagship Seminar/Workshop/Talkshow Bali FinTech Principles

Bali Initiative on Urbanisation

Bali Initiative on Human Capital Index

2 . B a l i I n i t i a t i v e A M s 2 0 1 8

Bali Initiative merupakan hasil/output nyata dari IMF-WBG AMs 2018 yang akan menjadi referensi global dan acuan bagi seluruh negaraanggota IMF dan WBG.

1. Capital Package

• Bank Dunia sedang menyelesaikan skema kenaikan modal untuk IBRD dan IFC, sebagai tindak lanjut hasil Spring Meetings 2018, yangditargetkan selesai pada bulan Juli 2018.

• Skema kenaikan modal ini diharapkan akan meningkatkan peran WB dalam pengentasan kemiskinan dan kesejahteraan sosial secaraglobal.

2. Study on Urbanisation

• WB bekerja sama dengan beberapa kementerian/lembaga di Indonesia (Kementerian PPN/Bappenas dan Kemenkeu) sedangmelakukan study mengenai urbanisasi di Indonesia.

• Study tersebut akan menghasilkan kebijakan-kebijakan kunci yang dapat menjadi referensi negara-negara di dunia mengenaipengelolaan urbanisasi agar dapat memberikan keuntungan optimal bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi.

3. Human Capital Index (HCI)

• WB akan melakukan launching versi pertama dari Human Capital Index (HCI) yang diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi bagi parapengambil keputusan di negara-negara di dunia dalam menetapkan kebijakan mengenai investasi dalam bidang pendidikan dankesehatan.

• Indonesia merupakan salah satu “early adapter country” dalam pengemabangan pendekatan strategis untuk mempercepatpembangunan SDM.

4. Bali FinTech Principles

• Kemajuan pesat dalam teknologi digital mengubah lanskap ekonomi dan keuangan global.

• IMF dan WB sedang bekerja berdasarkan agenda negara-negara anggotanya pada isu fintech yang memiliki pengaruh padainklusi keuangan, stabilitas dan integritas.


2. High Level Discussion on Urbanisation

1. Flagship Event on Digital Economy

3 . S u b s t a n s i A M 2 0 1 8 y a n g M e n j a d i P r i o r i t a s I n d o n e s i a ( 1 / 3 )


Key Messages:

o Pertumbuhan ekonomi digital diharapkan dapat dinikmatisecara seimbang oleh negara maju dan berkembang.

o Tantangan ekonomi digital salah satunya adalah penerapanpajak, yang akan membantu penerimaan negara.

o Pertumbuhan ekonomi digital juga harus dapat mendorongpertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif.

Kepentingan Indonesia:

Key Messages:

oUrbanisasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi berjalan bersama.

o Tantangan utama urbanisasi adalah membuat prosesnyaefisien, inclusive dan berkesinambungan.

oNegara-negara di dunia perlu merumuskan kebijakanuntuk mendapat keuntungan optimal dari urbansiasi.

Kepentingan Indonesia:

Pemerintah RI sedang giat memperbaikiinfrastruktur untuk mendorong konektivitasantar daerah (antara perkotaan dan pedesaan)sehingga urbanisasi lebih terjaga.

Pemerintah RI memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi untuk membuka peluang-peluang baru dalam mendorong produktifitas dan mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih tinggi, seperti membuka industri dan lapangan kerja baru, memperbaiki lingkungan pekerjaan menjadi lebih baik, mengembangkan keuangan inklusif dan memperkuat hubungan pemerintah dan masyarakat.

4. High Level Dialogue on Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance

3. High Level Dialogue on Human Capital

3 . S u b s t a n s i A M s 2 0 1 8 y a n g M e n j a d i P r i o r i t a s I n d o n e s i a ( 2 / 3 )


Key Messages:

oNegara yang memiliki SDM berkualitas tinggi akantumbuh lebih cepat/tinggi.

oNegara-negara di dunia perlu menempatkan kebijakaninvestasi SDM sebagai agenda prioritas.

oNegara-negara di dunia dapat saling mendukung danbelajar untuk memiliki SDM yang berkualitas.

Kepentingan Indonesia:

• Pemerintah RI giat mendorong peningkatan kualitasSDM melalui program pendidikan, kesehatan danjaminan sosial yang didukung kebijakan anggaran(fiskal).

• Indonesia terpilih sebagai salah satu “early adaptercountry” dalam pengemabangan pendekatan strategisuntuk mempercepat pembangunan SDM.

Key Messages:

o Lebih dari 1,4 milyar penduduk dunia mengalamikerugian karena bencana alam, termasuk wanita dananak-anak.

o Perlu skema penanganan yang konkret dan global untukmengatasi bencana alam tersebut.

o Perlu penguatan peran lembaga multilateral dan regional.

Kepentingan Indonesia:

Pemerintah RI sedang mengembangkan skemanasional pengelolaan bencana.

6. High Level Discussion on Infrastructure Financing

5. High Level Dialogue on Climate Change

3 . S u b s t a n s i A M s 2 0 1 8 y a n g M e n j a d i P r i o r i t a s I n d o n e s i a ( 3 / 3 )


Key Messages:

oNegara-negara pengekspor kelapa sawit berpotensi mengalamipukulan (kerugian) dengan rencana beberapa negara Eropauntuk menghentikan konsumsi bio fuel dari kelapa sawit untuksektor transportasi pada tahun 2021.

oOrganisasi internasional dan negara-negara di dunia perlumemandang isu bio fuel kelapa sawit secara seimbang.

o Perlu pemahaman bersama untuk menyepakati skema globalpenggunaan bio fuel kelapa sawit.

Kepentingan Indonesia:

Pemerintah RI mendorongpengembangan bio fuel danmenjaga keberlangsungan usahapetani sawit.

Key Messages:

o Pembangunan infrastruktur ditujukan untuk mendorongpertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif, berkualitas danberkelanjutan.

oDiperlukan skema pembiayaan infrastruktur yang innovativedengan melibatkan berbagai pihak (stakeholders).

Kepentingan Indonesia:

Pemerintah RI berupaya untukmembangun infrastruktur gunamenciptakan konektivitas, membukaketerisoliran, serta mendorongpertumbuhan dan pemerataan ekonomiantar-wilayah.

4 . P e r a n A M s 2 0 1 8 d a l a m K o n s t e l a s i E k o n o m i G l o b a l


Ekonomi Global

Negara maju menerapkan kebijakan tanpa memperhitungkan dampak negatif kepada negara-negara emerging dan berkembang

Kebijakan tarif secara sepihak AS memicu terjadinya perang dagang

Perubahan fundamental kebijakan moneter AS (normalisasi) dan ekspansi fiskal AS membuat likuiditas global mengetat dan mendorong tren penguatan dollar AS

Pasar Global Anarkis

Ketidakstabilan global dan krisis di negara berkem-




• Mendorong kerjasama moneter internasional

• Memfasilitasi perdagangan internasional yang seimbang

• Mendorong stabilitas nilai tukar

• Menyediakan sumber bantuan yang disertai dengan sistem safeguard

• Surveillance mechanism

• Menjaga stabilitas ekonomi global

• Mewujudkan pertumbuhan berkelanjutan dan inklusif

• Mendorong investasi sumber daya manusia

• Memperkuat ketahanan ekonomi

• Mendukung agenda pembangunan 2030

• Koordinasi dan kerjasama kebijakan negara maju dan emerging

• Diskusi on trade tensions dan normalisasi kebijakan moneter

• Stabilitas sistem keuangan

AMs 2018

5 . P e r a n A M s 2 0 1 8 t e r h a d a p P e r e k o n o m i a n I n d o n e s i a

AMs 2018

Pertemuan (Private Sector)

Transport & Akomodasi

Makanan & Minuman

Belanja & Hiburan

Wisata (Alam & Budaya)

•Knowladge TransferPembelajaran mengenai penyelenggaraan International Event• Investasi & PerdaganganMakin dikenalnya produk dan peluang investasi serta transaksi perdagangan•PariwisataPeningkatan kunjungan wisatawan ke 5 destinasi utama Indonesia, termasuk prime venue untuk MICEdestination• LeadershipKepemimpinan Indonesia untuk penyelenggaraan International Event dan pembahasan isu-isu global

Manfaat Jangka Pendek Manfaat Jangka PanjangReformed and resilient economy

Inclusive and sustainable growth

Towards digitalised economy

Growing middle income class

Towards a Modern and Inclusive Sharia Economy and Finance

Conducive investment climate

Qualified human capital


Attachment . Tentat ive Program_Consol idated



Time Agenda Issues for DiscussionRemarks

Sunday, 7 October 2018

08:00am –selesai

IMF Event:IMF Coral Plantation

Reduce marine ocean pollution of all kinds • Venue: Sofitel Beach• Invitees: LBP, MD IMF

Pre Event of Marine De Bries Seminar on 26 October Showcasing Marine Potency through video in Indonesia Pavillion during AMs 2018

PIC: Refi Kemenkomaritim([email protected]/+62 8131818 0727)


Time Agenda Issues for Discussion Remarks

Monday, 8 October 2018

8 – 9 Oct Parlimentary event:High Level Parlimentary MeetingClose event

1. Creating sufficient jobs for its young and growing population2. Closing gaps in all aspects between men and women

globally will lead to stronger impact in tackling poverty and boost inclusive and sustainable economic growth

• Venue: 2nd floor, Westin, BICC• Invitees: LBP, JYK, MD IMF• PIC: Anang MoF ([email protected]/+62 8581733 3398)

8 – 10 Oct CSO ForumOpen event

1. Human right2. Natural resources3. Variety topics: job, education, gender4. Tax policy reform (proposed by Prakarsa, CSO Indonesia)

• Venue: Main campus (TBC)• PIC: Anang MoF ([email protected]/+62 8581733 3398)• Invitees: Indonesia Government Representative

8 – 10 Oct Indonesia CSO SummitOpening 8 Oct : 08:00am – 09:30amOpen event

1. Digital economy2. Human Right3. Public infrastructure4. Tourism industry5. Gender justice6. World Bank and IMF partnership

• Venue: TBC• PIC: Anang MoF ([email protected]/+62 8581733 3398),

Monica Tanuhandari ([email protected]/+62 815 1902 7839

• SMI invited to give opening remark

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

08:00am -09:00am

Pathways for Prosperity Event: Inclusive growth & international governance in the digital age breakfast roundtableClose event

The impact of technological advances on developing countries, and the poorest and most marginalised populations within them

Venue: BNDCC PIC: Meena Bhandari ([email protected])

09:00am –04:30pm

BI Event:Indonesia SOE & Infrastructure Investment ForumClose event

Theme: New Paradigm in Infrastructure Financing1.Investment options that are available to private investors2.Which instruments and incentives are available to attract

private sector investment in infrastructure3.How the government strengthen and develop the institutional

framework of the financial sector to facilitate financing of commercially viable infrastructure projects, and thereby increase provision of private infrastructure in Indonesia.

Venue: Conrad Hotel Invitees: Pres RI*,Gov BI, SMI, Minister SoE, Chief KPPIP, OJK Collaboration event Signing several projects PIC: Mario BI (+62 811 1046983, [email protected])

09:00am –10:30am

MoF (BKF) event:High Level Dialogue on Disaster Risk -Financing Insurance

1. A concrete global scheme to deal with the negative impact of disaster, particularly related with fiscal need.

2. The role of multilateral and regional cooperation in disaster risk management

• Venue: Mulia Hotel• High level attendees: SMI, • PIC: Vincentius Krisna MoF ([email protected]/+62

8788809 5814)

08:00am –01:00pm

MoF (DJPPR) event:Seminar and Primary Session (talkshow) on Green Finance for Sustainable Development - Learning from the field: The case of Green Sukuk/Bond from Global Sovereign and Corporate Issuers(included networking lunch)

1. Sharing experience and strategies in scaling up the sustainable and responsible investing through green bond, green sukuk, and/or climate bond markets

2. Identify the relevant enabling policy, legal, regulatory frameworks and institutional interventions

3. Representatives from sovereign and non-sovereign issuers will be invited to share their views and practices

4. Lessons from Indonesia’s sovereign and corporate green bonds/sukuk will be showcased

Venue: Main Campus (proposed) Proposes by UNDP, WB, Ministry of Finance (DJPPR) High-Level Talkshow on A Sustainable Partnership in Maximizing Finance

for Development: Minister SMI, President WB, and UNDP Administrator will be invited as a panellist on 11:00am – 12:00pm (talk show)

Proposed to be included as side event PIC: Dwi Irianti MoF ([email protected]/+62 81380616338), Neni

Lestari WB ([email protected] / +628164218414), Tiara Azarine UNDP ([email protected] / +62811914949)


Time Agenda Issues for Discussion Remarks

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

09:00am –01:00pm

Indonesia Eximbank (LPEI) event:Panel discussion on the growing importance of south-south cooperation amid trade tensions and global financial market volatility

the growing importance of south-south cooperation amid trade tensions and global financial market volatility

• Venue: Kecak Ballroom Hotel Sofitel, Nusa Dua, Bali

02:00pm –03:00pm

IMF event:Seminar on Women in the WorkplaceOpen event

• What policy designs are most successful at increasing women’s empowerment

• What policies can help women to cope with technologies

• Venue: Main Campus• Invitees: MD IMF, SMI, Minister of Finance Saudi Arabia• Moderator: Rossi• PIC: Era Dabla ([email protected])

06:30pm –08:25pm

BI Event:BI- Fed NY Working Dinner

Open event

Keynote Speaker by Martin Wolf, Financial Times“Power and Populism: The Transformation of The World


• Venue: Conrad Hotel, Tj.Benoa• Invitees: Central Bank Governors• PIC: Susanti BI (+62 877 38858099, [email protected])

TBC Oxfam International Event:High level panelBuilding momentum towards SDG 10 and reducing economic inequality worldwide

What countries are doing to choose policies on tax, spending, gender equality, and labour which can reduce the gap.

Venue: TBC High level attendees: SMI, MD IMF, President RI (proposed by Oxfam) PIC: Winnie ([email protected])


Time Agenda Issues for Discussion Remarks

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

08:30am –


BI Event:

BI-NY Fed Central Banking


Open Event

1. The effect of recent changes to US monetary and economic policy

on emerging economies and policy responses

2. How the current technological changes are likely to affect the

practice of central banking

• Venue: Conrad Hotel

• Invitees: Central Bank Governors

• PIC: Susanti BI (+62 877 38858099, [email protected])

09:00am –


OECD Event:

OECD Series of Events

Closed event

1. Launching of 2018 Economic Survey for Indonesia,

2. Launching of SME Policy Review for Indonesia

3. Signing Joint Work Programme 2019 – 2021 between OECD and the

Government of Indonesia

• Venue: Sofitel Hotel

• Invitees: SMI, Minister of SMEs, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs,

Secretary General OECD

• PIC: Wesly MoF ([email protected])

09:15am –


Bappenas Event:

High level panel on Inclusive

Economic Growth: Reducing

Poverty and Inequality

(Including Gala dinner)

Sharpen the knowledge and share the experiences in fostering

inclusive growth to reducing poverty and inequality

• Venue: Anvaya Hotel and Resort, Kuta, Bali

• High level attendees: Minister of Digital Economy and Society, Thailand; Minister

of Economic Affairs, Malaysia; Former Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy

of Indonesia; Former Finance Minister of Indonesia, Governor of Bali, Governor of

West Java, CEO Go-Jek, CEO Ant Financial

• PIC: Ayu Citra Bappenas ([email protected])



Tri Hita Karana Event:

Forum on Sustainable

Development: Blended Finance

and Innovation for Better

Business World

Blended Finance for Better Business World on the SDGs Issues

10 outcomes group, etc: inovation, resilient city, water sanitation

Showcasing project

• Venue: Sofitel Hotel

• Presiden RI invited to open the event (opening at 9.am)

• High level invitees: SMI, PM Malaysia

• MoF and IPT need to discuss with Bappenas in terms of avoiding duplication

• 11 October: Working Luncheon dan Declaration Indonesia/ASEAN as champion

for Sustainable Development Finance

• PIC: Indira Baheramsyah/[email protected]

10:30am –


IMF Event:

Seminar on Asia at the Forefront

What can policymakers do to ensure that Asia remains at the

forefront of the world economy over the coming fifty years?

• Venue: TBC

• Invitees: Indonesia Governor, former Prime Minister India

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:



IMF event:

Trade Conference: How Global

Trade Can Promote Growth for


The benefits of, and the political and practical challenges to,

reforms in key areas in trade reform which make strong contribution

to productivity growth and economic inclusion

• Venue: Laguna Hotel

• Invitees: SMI (invited as a chair)

• PIC: Brad McDonald ([email protected])



World Bank event:

Advisory Finance Group

(AFG) Semi-Annual Workshop

and Network of Greening the

Financial System (NGFS)

Stakeholder Outreach

Analyze and explain key macro-financial challenges in facilitating

systemic transitions in the energy, transportation, and agricultural

sectors, which are critical to fostering sustained economic growth,

social inclusion, and environmental protection.

• Venue: BNDCC

• SMI invited as a participant

• PIC: Andy Jobst ([email protected])


05.00 pm

World Bank Event:

Human Capital Early

Adopters Technical Workshop

1. Ministerial workshop

2. Technical (non-ministerial)


Close Event

Early Adopter countries will present lessons learned while

developing their strategic approaches for accelerating progress on

human capital development. Groups of Early Adopter countries will

present on key themes, including: stocktaking and benchmarking

on human capital related activities; leveraging resources and

increasing spending efficiency; aligning policies with results-focused

investments; and addressing measurement and analytical gaps

• Venue: TBC

• SMI invited and could attend in ministerial workshop at 01:30pm – 03:00pm

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC: [email protected]


Time Agenda Issues for Discussion Remarks

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

11.30pm -


World Bank Event:

Towards a More Inclusive

Development Model IEG

Open event

Event will draw on recent evaluations and bring together multiple stakeholders to

explore how best countries and development institutions can include the poor in

the process of creating growth and in sharing the outcomes of growth through

relevant policies, use of disruptive technologies and other measures

• Venue: Westin, BICC

• Proposed invitees: Suahasil Nazara

• PIC: Daniel Stephen ([email protected])

01:00pm –


WHO event:

Health Taxes to help attain


- Showcased the experience of selected countries highliting how taxation of

harmful and unhealthy products has been used to curb unhealthy consumption,

promote health

- Fiscal Policy for Helath

- Indonesia: Excise tobacco taxation: Indonesia radmap to a simplified structure

Venue: TBC

Expected number of partiicipants: 80

Invititess speaker (representative of Philippines, Thailand, Mexico,

Indonesia, and The Task Force on Fiscal Policy for Health)

PIC: Anne-marie ([email protected])

01:00pm -

03.30 pm

World Bank – IsDB Event:

Islamic Finance


Close Event

Given the potential of Islamic finance to support infrastructure development in

EMDEs, the event will focus on how to attract investors to Islamic project finance in

existing delivery frameworks and identify the relevant policy, legal, regulatory and

institutional interventions necessary to successfully attract and expand Islamic

financing for infrastructure development.

• Venue: BICC

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC: Andy Jobst ([email protected])

02:00pm –


World Bank Event:

Fair and Transparent

Taxation in the Digital


Open Event

This panel discussion will bring together diverse perspectives to examine the

challenges and opportunities that technology brings to equitable taxation.

Technological advances have complicated the already-difficult task for

developing countries of raising revenues in a fair and efficient manner. Income

associated with digitalized production processes is harder to tax than more

• Venue: TBC

• Proposed invitees: Darmin Nasution; Robert Pakpahan (DG Tax)

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

03:30pm -

05.00 pm

World Bank Event:

Resurgent East Asia:

Adapting its

Development Model to

a Changing World

(regional seminar)

Open Event

• the ongoing changes in the world, including in technology and trade, as well as

in East Asia’s middle-income countries themselves as they have become more


• how these ongoing changes might affect the efficacy of the East Asian

development model in supporting the transition of the region’s middle-income

countries into high-income status

• Venue: TBC

• SMI proposed to be invited for giving opening remarks or as a


• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• Other invites: Vice Minister of Finance China, Former Governor

Bank Negara Malaysia, Minister of Economy and Finance

Cambodia, George Washington University and Growth

Dialogue, Senior policy maker or academic from Vietnam

• PIC:

05:00pm –


Gala Dinner “Indonesia:

The Journey Forward”

Gala Dinner: 7.00-9.00 PM

Business Roundtable: 5.30 -

7.00 PM

Close event

Business Roundtable:

1. Fiscal policy and regulatory issues

2. Potential Investment

Gala Dinner

1. Featured Remarks by US Treasury Secretary, H.E. Mr. Steven Mnuchin

2. Keynote Address: President of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Joko Widodo

• Venue: Ayodya Hotel

• Invitees: Presiden RI, LBP, SMI, Governor BI

PIC: Hazel Margaretha ([email protected])

Co-Organizers: AmCham Indonesia; US Chamber of Commerce, US

ASEAN Business Council, US-Indonesia Society, dan American

Indonesian Chamber of Commerce

07:30pm - endMeeting between MD IMF

with Ministers and Central

bank Governors ASEAN

Close event

Briefing from IMF about several issues related to ASEAN and also discuss about the

concern from ASEAN authority

• Venue: TBC

• Proposed by BI

• Invitees: SMI, Governor BI

PCI: Evie Sylviani ([email protected])


Time Agenda Issues for Discussion Remarks

Thursday, 11 October 2018

07:30am –12:30pm

MoFA event:Indonesia-Singapore Leaders’RetreatClose event

Leader discussion on strategic bilateral issues07:30am - 08:30am Outing09:30am - 10:15am Tete-a-tete10:30am - 11:15am Blateral11:15am - 11:30am SigningMoU dan Press statement11:30am - 12:30pm Lunch

• Venue: Laguna• Bilateral meeting between President RI and PM Singapore. • Invitees: LBP, SMI• Kemenlu propose SMI to attend in bilateral meeting, signing

MoU and lunch• PIC: Banga Kemenlu (+62 822 1960 4833)

08:00am –12:30pm

INDEF Event: Asia Pcific Tax Forum (APTF) 2018 on Fiscal Challenges for Middle Income Countries

1. The challenges faced and solutions implemented by ASEAN countries which have achieved, and in some cases are on the verge of being graduated beyond, middle income status.

2. The fiscal challenges that may come from achievement of economic goals.

• Venue: Nikko Hotel, Benoa Beach, Bali• Invitees: Vice Minsister of Finance, Head of FPA, DG Tax• Contact: [email protected]/ +621 7901001

08:30am –05:00pm

BI Event:BI - Reinventing Bretton Wood Committee (RBWC) Event on International Monetary SystemClose event

The shadow of trade wars and the return of the great moderation1. Asia in the shadow of a trade war? 2. Entering the new era of monetary policy normalisation3. Entering the old era of capital flows and exchange rate volatility 4. The return of the great moderation?5. The economics of money

Venue: St RegisHigh level attendees: GBI, MoF, Governor of other CBs, Mari Pangestu(open seminar)PIC: Hans BI (+62 817 6970999, [email protected])

08:30am –02:00pm

BKPM event:BKPM - HSBC Infrastructure Forum

Investing in Indonesia’s growth ambition • Venue: Ayana Resort• High Level attendes: Head of BKPM, Deputy 6 BI• PIC: Yudha(+62 813 17181998)

09:00am –11:30am

Joint Governors’ Meeting of The IMF-WBG Southeast Asia ConstituencyClose event

• Exchange views on recent global economic, financial stability and development issues, with a particular focus on policy challenges pertaining to SEA region

• The Latest development and policies at the IMF and the WBG including capital increase and share holding review

• Venue: Laguna Resort and spa• Invitees: SMI, Gov BI• PIC: Dian Lestari WB ([email protected])

09:00am –12:00pm

JBIC Event:Seminar to commemorate 60 years bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Japan

How to Mobilize Private Investment for Green Infrastructure Promoting Intraregional ConnectivitySession 1: Facilitating green infrastructures to Promote Intraregional ConnectivitySession 2:Mobilizing Private Investment to support green infrastructure demand

• Venue: Ayodya Hotel• Invitees: SMI, Gov BI, Japan Ambassador, President & CEO

JBIC • PIC: Eko Nugroho M MoF ([email protected])

09:00am –02:45pm

Bappenas event:High level panel on Low Carbon Development & Green Economy

• Exchange experiences on challenges, opportunities, and innovative approach of countries and business entities in prioritizing strategy and action towards low-carbon development and green economy;

• Improve the understanding on the low-carbon development policies and strategies as well as actions that Indonesia has been undertaken

• Venue: Inaya Putri Bali, Nusa Dua• High Level Attendees: Former Vice President of the Republic

of Indonesia; Minister of Environment & Forestry, Indonesia; Former Indonesia Minister of Trade; Former Minister of Finance, Nigeria; Head of Capital Investment Coordinating Board, Indonesia; Minister for Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Ethiopia

• PIC: Anna Bappenas (+62 82112871879)


Time Agenda Issues for Discussion Remarks

Thursday, 11 October 2018

09:30am –

06:00pm (11-13


J.P. Morgan’s Global Research Group Event:

flagship investor seminar

The outlook for Indonesia or broader development


Venue: the Hilton Resort Bali


[email protected]/[email protected]

09:30am –


Joint Seminar Ministry of Finance with UN Environment,

Tropical Landscape Finance Facility (TLFF), International

Fund for Agricultural Development on Sustainable

Financing for Smallholders

1. SDG compliance of vegetable oil

2. To promote palm oil to become more sustainable

and bring more benefit to smallholders.

Venue: Grand Bali Hotel

PIC: Felly APROBI (+6281291791702)

Invitees: SMI, DN, LBP

09.00am -


Pathways to Prosperity

Closed Event

Internal Commissioners ‘ Meeting • Venue: TBC

• Invitees: SMI

• PIC: Rafat ([email protected])

10:30am –


World Bank Event:

Sharing Economy: Inclusive Partnerships for Growth

Open Event

Event will bring together strategic players in tourism

and technology with the goal of discussing how

disruptive technologies can impact on tourism for

development and how we can harness the tools of

the sharing economy to promote women’s


• Venue: TBC

• Invitees: JYK, Joe Gebbia, Susi Pudjiastuti (Minister of Marine

Affairs and Fisheries in Indonesia and a We-Fi champion)

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

11.30am -


Pathways Prosperity Event:

High Level Panel on Pathways to Prosperity

Policies for Harnessing Technology for Growth

The panel will bring together high-level

representatives of key stakeholders

(business/philanthropy; multilateral organizations;

country governments) to examine how emerging

technologies are affecting inclusive development,

and what steps can be taken to mitigate the risks and

foster the opportunities

• Venue: BICC

• Invitees: SMI, Melinda Gates, Kristalina Georgieva; David

Lipton, Ory Okolloh, Strive Masiyiwa

• Popossed invitees: President of the Argentine Republic

(President G20)

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC: Rafat ([email protected])

01.00 pm –


Bali FinTech Agenda (IMF, GOI, WBG)

Close event

• Joint event with the IMF, WBG and Government of

Indonesia and would respond to GoI request for

“legacy” to the AMs in Bali, as it will tackle the

twelve key elements arising from the experience of

member countries in Fintech which have a bearing

on financial inclusion, stability and integrity.

• Coordinating with G20 Presidency Argentina to

accommodate fintech principle

• Venue: BNDCC (Tanjung Benoa Room)

• Invitees: MD IMF, JYK, SMI, Gov BI, Kganyago, Carstens,


• President will be invited to deliver opening remarks on digital

economy. Showcasing the legacy of fintech agenda of


• PIC: Iss Savitri BI ([email protected])

01:00pm –


BKPM Event:

BKPM - Bloomberg Modern Markets

1. Global Trade War: Peace in Our Time, or Deep in

the Mire?

2. Global Trade War: Peace in Our Time, or Deep in

the Mire?

3. Markets for All

• Venue: Conrad Bali Hotel

• SMI invited to be interviewed in Spotlight session: Developing

Indonesia's Financial Market

• PIC: malika kapur ([email protected]


Time Agenda Issues for Discussion Remarks

Thursday, 11 October 2018

03.00pm -


World Bank Event:

Human Capital Summit

Close event

This Summit will continue to build on the strong narrative that countries need human capital to

sustain economic growth, prepare workforces for the more highly-skilled jobs of the future, and

compete effectively in the global economy.

• Venue: TBC

• Invitees: SMI, JYK, PM Lee (to open)

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

02:00pm -


Toronto Centre for Global Leadership

in Financial Supervision (Toronto

Center) Event

Improving Financial and Digital Inclusion for Gender Equality

1. What actions have been most effective in increasing access and usage of financial services

by women and how can they be incorporated into strategies designed for inclusive

financial sectors?

2. How to improve the quality, availability, and use of gender-disaggregated data? What are

international institutions doing in this regard? What should national authorities be doing?

3. What are the most constraining legal, regulatory and other barriers? What has recently been

done to overcome these barriers?

4. What else needs to be done to improve digital financial inclusion for gender equality?

• Venue: BNDCC

• High level attendees: Minister of Finance

• PIC:

03:00pm –


High-Level Policy Dialogue on

Regional Cooperation to Support

Innovation, Inclusion and Stability in

Asia (BI - AMRO – ADB)

Close Event

Asia's Future: Harnessing Technology to Promote a Stronger and More Inclusive Asia - new

opportunities and challenges associated with rapid technology-driven transformation in the

region’s financial systems and markets

• Venue: Grand Bali Nusa Dua

• High level attendees: GBI, CB Governor

(BSP,BoT,BNM), President ADB

• PIC: Susanti BI (+62 877 38858099,

[email protected])

04:00pm –


ASEAN Leaders Gathering

(Dinner: 7:00-8:30pm)

Close event

Achieving SDGs and Overcoming Development Gap through Regional and Global Collaborative


• Venue: Sofitel Hotel

• Participants: 10 ASEAN leaders, SMI, JYK, IMF


• PIC: Rizki Kemenlu (+62 81399199936)

04:30pm –


World Bank Event:

Scaling up Green Finance – the new

role of regulators and central banks

This event will feature Banque de France and Bank of England, among others, and focus on how

legal and regulatory infrastructure can help create a financial system that fully integrates

sustainability considerations into its operations.

• Venue: TBC

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

06:00pm –


World Bank Event:

Global Financing Facility

Close event

Critical convening of the Global Financing Facility stakeholders in the lead up to the November

2018 pledging conference in Norway, providing an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the

countries and partners that have been leading the drive for the replenishment and expansion of

the GFF’s life saving work, and bringing in other stakeholders and country leaders to increase their

engagement on the issues and with the facility.

• Venue: TBC

• Invitees: SMI, JYK, Melinda Gates, KG

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

07:00pm –


G-20 Finance Minister and Central

Bank Governors' Working Dinner

TBC • Venue: BNDCC

• High level attendees: SMI, Governor of BI

(close and restricted meeting)

TBC Menkominfo Event:“Maximizing Digitalization asMeans to Improve Wealth andIncome Distribution in the World(Reducing Gini Ratio)”

1. Sharing economy business models2. Workforce digitalization3. Financial inclusion business models

• Venue: TBC• Format will be same with the event in the

SMs 2018 (Ted Talk)• PIC: Ides Kominfo

([email protected])

TBC GFC event:

Bonds, loan & Sukuk Emerging

Markets Issuer and Investor Forum

Capital markets strategy • Venue: the Stone-Legian – Marriott Autograph

Collection Hotel

• Proposed: Deputies level

• PIC: Jack Hodges (Jack.Hodges@gfcmedia-



Time Agenda Issues for Discussion & Possible RI Position Remarks

Friday, 12 October 2018

08:00am - end Citi event:Citi Sustainable Finance Roundtable

The future of green and theme bonds • Venue: Conrad Hotel• PIC: Zia (+62 8159116881)

09:00am – 10:30am Annual Meetings Plenary(Business meeting)

TBC • Venue: Nusa Dua Hall, BNDCC

10:30am-12:00pm President RI visits Indonesia Pavillion • President Indonesia is suggested to having bilateral meeting after “Sholat Jumat”

10:45am – 12:15pm G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting

TBC • Venue: Main campus• High level attendees: Minister of Finance,

Governor of BI

11:00am – 12:30pm World Bank Event:IFC Impact Investing

Event will focus impact management best practices, and how Impact management principles could shape the next generation of impact funds under preparation

• Venue: TBC• Waiting for concept note/detail info from


11:00am – 01:00pm World Bank Event:IDA Forum

• Venue: Laguna, Balairaya A/B/C• PIC:

12:15pm – 02:15pm Ministerial Lunch for Development Committee Members (followed by Family Photo)

World Development Report (WDR) - The Changing Nature of Work • Venue: Main campus• Minister of Finance as a Chair• Restricted and invited governor only

12:00pm – 03:00pm Joint Seminar Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Finance and S&P on infrastructure and sustainable financing and asiasovereign ratings outlook

1. ESG/Climate Financing Outlook 2. Belt & Road Initiative Panel - A Financing/Credit perspective and

implications on Infrastructure & Energy

• Venue: Conrad• Keynote by Coordinating Minister of

Maritime Affairs• PIC: Xenthe [email protected]

02:00pm – 03:30pm Bappenas event:Roundtable discussion on ASEAN forum for Minister Responsible for Development Planning onImplementatin SDGs

1. ASEAN Community Vision 2025 2. Synergy between the mutually-reinforcing ASEAN 2025 Blueprints

• Venue: Hotel Inaya Putri Bali, Nusa Dua• High level attendees: Director of the

Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University

• PIC: Nur Rahayu (uke) (+628179855116/[email protected])

02:30pm – 04:00pm World Bank Event:Disrupting Development

The flagship event will bring together global leaders to discuss how digital platforms are disrupting traditional economic paths, and how governments and the private sector can work together to leverage platforms to boost economies and create opportunities in the developing world

• Venue: TBC• Waiting for concept note/detail info from


02:30pm – 04:00pm IMFC Introductory Session Global updated issueRecent economic development (TBC)

• Venue: main campus• Restricted and invited governor only


Time Agenda Issues for Discussion & Possible RI Position Remarks

Friday, 12 October 201803.30pm -

05.00 pm

World Bank Event:

Reaching the SDGs

The event seeks to discuss key local implementation challenges; outline the WBG’s and other partners’ best practices in inclusive local implementation, particularly related to gender; and describe current progress on SDG targets and indicators

• Venue: TBC

• Invitees: Minister of Bappenas

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC: Arunima Dhar ([email protected])

04.00pm -


World Bank Event:

High Level HC Champions and EA


Close event

High level event with President Kim to convene the HC Champions with leaders/ministers of the HCP early adopter countries to engage in direct dialogue with country leaders working to advance the HCP agenda

• Venue: TBC

• Inviteess: SMI, Minister of Education (staying on a hour)

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

04:00pm –05:30pm

World Bank Event:Climate Risk Adaptation

This event will show how innovative partnerships can help countries accelerate climate action and increase focus on adaptation and resilience

• Venue: TBC

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

04:00pm –06:00pm

Bappenas event:Talkshow on Localizing the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals: Act Locally on A Global Scale

1. To share stakeholders’ roles and experiences in implementing and localizing the SDGs

2. To create opportunity to exchange innovation and knowledge on sustainable development

• Venue: Hotel Inaya Putri Bali, Nusa Dua• High Level Attendees: Vice President of Republic of

Indonesia; Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas; Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia

• PIC: Nur Rahayu (+628179855116 / [email protected])

04:30pm -06:00pm

IMFC Early Warning Exercise Global updated issueRecent economic development (TBC)

• Venue: Main campus• Restricted and invited governor only

07:00pm –08:30pm

Host Country Reception Note:the MDB heads will be meeting 5-7 pm on Friday October 12

• Venue: Garuda Wisnu Kencana• Governor + Spouse + 4• PIC: Herfan MoF ([email protected])

TBC Institute of International Finance (IIF) Event:Invitation to Speak at the 2018 IIF Annual Membership Meeting

1. Regional issues, Emerging markets, Sustainable finance2. The changing landscape of the industry in the face of an

evolving regulatory environment and global economic and political risk

• Venue: Grand Hyatt (SMI could join either on 12 or 13 October depend on her availability)Contact: [email protected]


Time Agenda Issues for Discussion & Possible RI Position Remarks

Saturday, 13 October 2018

08:00am -


IMF Event: Asia&Pacific Deaprtment

(APD), IMF high level breakfast


recent developments and key economics issues in the Asia and Pacific region. • Venue: Singaraja 1, BNDCC

• PIC: Socorro Santayana ([email protected]

08:00am –


IMFC Restricted Breakfast (followed by

IMF Governor’s Photograph)

Close event

Global updated issue

Recent economic development (TBC)

• Venue: Main campus

• Restricted and invited governor only

09:00am –


Asian Development Bank Global

Infrastructure Forum

1. Sustainable infrastructure through Technology

2. The MDBs: Catalyzing private finance

• Venue: Laguna Hotel

• Presiden is expected to deliver his speech/opening,

SMI closing remarks

• Invitees: SMI, LBP (Tbc), Minister PPN/Bappenas,

Coordinating Minister for Economy Affairs

• PIC: Herfan MoF ([email protected])

09:30am –


World Bank Event:

State of Africa Region

Role of human capital investment in Africa • Venue: TBC

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

09:30 am-


World Bank Event:

High Level Discussion on Inclusive


• How policies can make cities and urbanization more inclusive engines of

economic growth in an era of global economic and technological change

• Proposed: there will be soft launch for early finding in urbanization report which

conducted by Bappenas and World Bank

• Venue: TBC

• Propossed: LBP will give opening remarks, Bambang

Brodjonegoro will be a panellist

• PIC: Mia bappenas ([email protected] /

[email protected])

09:30am –


World Bank Event:

Economics of the Belt and Road


Follow up event on the Belt and Road, focusing on new research from WBG • Venue: TBC

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

10:00am –


IMFC Plenary

Close event

Global updated issue

Recent economic development (TBC)

Venue: Main campus

restricted and invited governor only

11:30am –


World Bank Event:

Mitigating Famine Risk

Event focused on new global platform aimed at better predicting famine,

mobilizing financing for early action and enhancing coordination on the ground to

ensure a well-aligned response

• Venue: TBC

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

12:30pm –


World Bank Event:

The Debt Challenge: Managing Risks

and Rising Debt

Challenges developing countries face to finance their development needs in the

context of heightened debt vulnerabilities and tightening global financial


• Venue: TBC

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

12:30 pm-


World Bank Event:

Climate Ministerial Dialogue

Closed Event

The Bali Annual Meetings is a final opportunity before COP24 in Poland (Dec 2018)

to reach Finance Ministers with a message about their role in reaching higher-level

ambition on meeting global climate goals. The closed-door dialogue will be co-

hosted by JYK, Ms Lagarde and UNSG Guterres (tbc). It will be an interactive

discussion (using tools like live polling) to engage Ministers and present innovative

ways that some countries are raising new revenues for climate action.

• Venue: TBC

• SMI to be invited

• Waiting for concept note/detail info from MTS

• PIC:

02:15pm –


Development Committee Plenary

Close event

(i) Human Capital: A Project for the World; (ii) Disruptive Technologies and the World

Bank Group – Creating Opportunities – Mitigating Risks, (iii) The Bali Fintech Agenda;

and (iv) Addressing Debt Vulnerabilities in Emerging and Low-Income Economies.

• Venue: Nusa Dua Hall, BNDCC 1

• SMI as a Chair

• Restricted and invited governor only


Time Agenda Issues for Discussion & Possible RI Position Remarks

Saturday, 13 October 2018

04:00pm –05:00pm

IMF Event:PerJacobsson Panel

Is there a new orthodoxy for monetary policy • Venue: BICC (Nusantara Room)• Governor of Bank Indonesia; Governor of ASEAN regions’

bank sentral• PIC:


IIF- Principles for Stable Capital Flows and Fair Debt Restructuring

• Principles for Debt Tranparency• Future Meetings: 2019 International Capital Markets

• Venue: Grand Hyatt Nusa Dua• SMI invited as participant

06:00pm –06:30pm

Media Briefing/Interview(proposed)

Proposed: Annual meetings summary; Indonesia potential and priority issues; follow up

• Venue: TBC• High level attendees: Coordinating Minister for Maritime

Affairs; SMI, Governor BI

07:00pm -09:00pm

IFC Annual Meeting Client Reception Minister Sri Mulyani insight as a policy maker and experience as a driver country's reform agenda

• Venue: Conrad Hotel• 'PIC: Nia ([email protected])

TBCEither 13 or 14 Oct

Working Luncheon on Indonesia Financing Scheme

• the Government of Indonesia's plan for economic penetration in prospective markets

• Launching the Government Regulation of National Export Financing Policy

• Signing MoU

• Venue: TBC• High level attendees: SMI, Minister of Foreign Affairs,

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs

Sunday, 14 October 2018

08:30am –12:30pm

BI Event:2018 International Banking Seminar (G30 & BI)

- The Global Outlook: Economic and Monetary Policy Reactions- Finance for Inclusive Growth- Prospects of Multilaterism and Globalization

• Venue: BNDCC• CB Governors,Chairmen and CEOs of major financial

institutions,MOFs,top academics in the field of finance and economics

• PIC: Hans BI (+62 817 6970999, [email protected])

09:00am –12:00pm

BI Event:International Islamic Finance Seminar: “Mainstreaming Islamic Finance into Global Initiatives: Another Formidable Pillar in Promoting SDGs”Invitation only (restricted)

The seminar discusses various issues related to Islamic social finance elaborated by prominent Islamic scholars, practioners, regulators and experts in the field. Despite addressing on Islamic social finance, the main agenda of the seminar is the launching of the International WaqfCore Principle (WCP) by IDB, Bank Indonesia and IDB member countries taken part in the Working Group of the WCP.

• Venue: TBC• High level attendees: SMI, Gov BI, Bambang

Brodjonegoro, Chairman OJK• PIC: Dadang ([email protected])

01:45pm –04:30pm

High Level Meeting with Rating Agency, S&P;Fitch;Moody’s

Recent Economic Development • Venue: TBC• High level attendees: Coordinating Minister for Maritime

Affairs; SMI, Governor BI

TBC Closing Ceremony (include Joint Press Conference)

AMs results and follow up • Venue: TBC• SMI, Governor Bank of Indonesia, President WB, MD IMF

TBC World Bank Event:IDA Deputies’ Event

Venue: BNDCC2, pecatu 3/5

TBC MoFA Event:Working Luncheon on Indonesia Financing Scheme for South SouthCooperation MoF and MoFA

1. Launching of Indonesian financing scheme for Africa • Venue: TBC• Invitees: Coordinating Minister for Economy Affairs;

Minister of Foreign Affair


Time Agenda Issues for Discussion & Possible RI Position Remarks

Monday, 15 October 2018

09:00am –05:00pm(15 – 17 Oct)

Bappenas event:The 4th High-Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Sharing (HLM4)

1. Exchange experiences and facilitate learning on challenges, opportunities and innovative approaches of institutionalized and systematic knowledge capturing and sharing for national and international scale-up

2. Deepen the momentum for MICs and LICs as valuable sources of development solutions, meeting the demand for development solutions from cross the world in the form of South-South cooperation, towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

• Venue: Hotel Inaya Putri Bali, Nusa Dua&Lombok• High level attendees: Minister of National

Development Planning/Bappenas, Indonesia; Minister of Rural, Disadvantaged Region and Transmigration; Minister of Devolution & Planning of Kenya; Minister of Planning of Cote d’Ivoire, Representative of Indonesian MoHA

Main Events Side Events Pararrel Events Other Events