Formation of Nation States in Europe: Italy, The German Empire, Austria-Hungary, & Russia

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MazziniCavour Garibaldi Victor Emmanuel

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Formation of Nation States in Europe: Italy, The German Empire, Austria-Hungary, & Russia Stage 1 Stage 2 MazziniCavour Garibaldi Victor Emmanuel Manet MonetDegas Criticize individualism Pass lightly over individual liberty Glorification of group loyalties (Nation & State) What one wanted, in the present or future, could be described as historically necessary and bound to come. Army size Liberal Industrialists vs. Junkers Refusal of necessary $$$ to build the army Appointment of Bismarck (Junker) Bismarck realpolitik Strengthen Prussia 1 st goal Unify Germany 2 nd goal Constitutional Struggle: Refusal to raise taxes Taxes collected anyway Not by speeches and majority votes but by blood and iron. Denmarks attempt to annex Schleswig All German war against Denmark Prussia occupies Schleswig and Austria gets Holstein Austria denied passage to Holstein Austro-Prussian War (Seven Weeks War) Creation of the N. German Confederation King of Prussia became the hereditary head Renoir Goal A war between France and Prussia would bring the S. Germanic states to Prussia Spanish revolution invite the King of Prussias cousin to be their king Hohenzollern family refused France demanded what? What happened? French demanded what? The King politely refused ems dispatch Bismarcks rewording leads to what? Short war Napoleon III taken prisoner Third Republic declared in France At Versailles the German Empire is proclaimed King Wilhelm of Prussia becomes the German Emperor Bismarck and all the Prussian Officers and Representatives from all the German states in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles Election of a French Constituent Assembly by universal male suffrage. France must pay reparations (5 billion gold francs) Germany got the border region of Alsace and most of Lorraine Berte Morisot Compromise of 1867 Between the Germans of Austria-Bohemia and the Magyars of Hungary Dual Monarchy Alexander I Alexander II Alexander III AbsolutismSerfdomIntelligentsia Serdom Mir Land Allocation Zemstvos Duma??? Political Reforms pushed by the LiberalsJudicial Reforms Bakunin Radical Societies Alexander II Reforms Assassination Alexander III Repression