Format of Khutba by Md Naim Khan

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  • 7/31/2019 Format of Khutba by Md Naim Khan


    FormatofKhutbaFormat of the Friday Sermon By Md. Naim Khan at the Chalmers Islamiska Forening (CIF)

    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

    Assalam Alekum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu meaning may Peace, Mercy and Blessings

    of Almighty God be on all of you








    wamin saiyiaati aamalina mayahdiillahu falaamudhillallah, wamai yudlil falaa

    hadiyallah AshhaduanlaIlahaIllallahuWahdahu Lasharikalahu WaashhaduAnna


    Meaning with some edition All Praise is for Allah (Al Quran 1:2). We too praise Him and seek His help

    and forgiveness. We have Faith, and Trust in Him (Quran 1). We seek Allahs refuge against evil

    tendencies of our Selves and our bad deeds. He whom Allah guides no one can lead him astray. And he

    whom Allah lets go astray there is none to guide him (Quran 17:97, 18:17). We bear witness that there is

    no deity except Allah, the One and without any Partner; and we also bear witness that Muhammad (peace

    be upon him) is His servant and Messenger.(Quran 33:56)(Bukhari 4:654), Allah had sent him with Truth,

    to give good tidings and to warn before the Doomsday(Quran 34:28, 5:3). Whosoever obeys Allah and His

    Messenger will be successful and well guided(Quran 33:71). And whosoever disobeys either of them has

    gone astray(Quran 33:36). Such a person harms none save himself, he does no harm to Allah.(Quran 2:57)

    (Globally accepted format)


    0!$#uq9$#m9$#In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

    *s)s9 u$ox._t/t y#u (AlQuran17:70)Allah (swt) has honored the children of Adam(pbuh)


  • 7/31/2019 Format of Khutba by Md Naim Khan


    (The best of the Guidance) (Are the Guidance of Muhammad (sallahu alaihi wasallam))

    Ashsarul Umuri Muhaddasutuha

    (And the most evil affairs are the new innovations)

    Wakulla Mukdasatim Bidaa, Wakulla Bidati Dalala

    (Every innovation is Bida) (And every Bida is a misguidance)

    Wakulla Dalalatim Fi-Nnar

    (And every misleading leads to Hellfire)

    ( Sahih Muslim, TheBook


    Prayers, Vol. 4, Hadith No. 1885)

    CHOOSEANYTOPICDiscuss about the topic : any topic (preferably current issues of the society, linked to increase the

    Faith and Practices etc)

    Duration (depends on place and Khatib)


    IDULLAHAYAGFIRLAKUMZUNUBAKUMMeaning: Make a supplication to Allah, so that He(swt) will accept your prayers & forgive your

    sins. (Quran 11:90)

    SECONDPARTOFTHEKHUTBAHAfter the break, Dear brothers Assalam Alekum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

    Alhamdulillaahi nastainuhu wanash-taghfiruhu wana'udzubillaahiminshurruri anfusina

    wamin saiyiaati aamalina mayahdiillahu falaamudhillallah, wamai yudlil falaa

    hadiyallah AshhaduanlaIlahaIllallahuWahdahu Lasharikalahu WaashhaduAnna


    Meaning with some edition All Praise is for Allah (Al Quran 1:2). We too praise Him and seek His help

    and forgiveness. We have Faith, and Trust in Him (Quran 1). We seek Allahs refuge against evil

    tendencies of our Selves and our bad deeds. He whom Allah guides no one can lead him astray. And hewhom Allah lets go astray there is none to guide him (Quran 17:97, 18:17). We bear witness that there is

    no deity except Allah, the One and without any Partner; and we also bear witness that Muhammad (peace

    be upon him) is His servant and Messenger.(Bukhari 4:654), Allah had sent him with Truth, to give good

  • 7/31/2019 Format of Khutba by Md Naim Khan


    tidings and to warn before the Doomsday(Quran 34:28, 5:3). Whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger

    will be successful and well guided(Quran 33:71). And whosoever disobeys either of them has gone

    astray(Quran 33:36). Such a person harms none save himself, he does no harm to Allah.(Quran 2:57)

    (Globally accepted format)


    End the Khutba with Duaa Supplication:Again, for the sake of global standardization using the global "Islamic Language", one uses a

    standard and brief duaa:

    "" Allahuma Eghfir Lil Muslimeena wal Muslimat. Stop for the congregation to say AAMEEN"

    "" Wal Moumineena wal MouminaatStop for aameen"

    "" Al-Ahyaee minhum wal amwatstop for aameen"

    "Innaka sameeun mujibul dawat stop for aameen"


    "Almighty God, forgive the Muslim men and women,Forgive the believing men and women,

    Those who are alive and those who died,

    You are indeed the One who listens and accepts all supplications"

    Then you can make any duaa (supplication) in English that is of your liking and is appropriatefor current events.

    Global Conclusion

    Ibada Allah: Inna Allah Yaamuru Bil Aadli wal Ihsan,

    wa Itaee Zil Qurbaa, Wa Yanhaa Anil Fahshaaee wal munkaree, wal baghyi

    YaIzukum Laallakum tazakkaroon"

    Meaning:""Servants of Allah: Indeed Allah orders us to be just and to excel in what we do

    (Quran 25:63, 37:40, 74, 128, 160, 169, 5:8),

    Be generous and to take care of our kin and relatives(Quran 8:4, 22:50, 33:31,2:177, 4:135 ), Never

    do what is forbidden of all sins and Not to transgress,(Quran 3:110, 11:112) He almighty advises

    you so you can remember(Quran 2:152, 8:12)""


    Saying to the muazzin: Aqimi Salah Addressing the muazzin (the person that calls for the

    prayers) to call for establishing (iqamah) prayers.

  • 7/31/2019 Format of Khutba by Md Naim Khan


    Additional references:

    WEBSITE1. [email protected],


    9. ByDr.YahiaAbdulRahman,Tel:6262552181,Email:[email protected],June199910.

