For Rent. I|\)R RENT, a desirable BIUCK DWEU- I LINO-HOUSE situated on theeor- ner of First and Marshall street*. contain- #H| inn ten rooms with ga#, find water In thcj^l^ vard. Possession Riven r-t. . W. 11. TIMBER LAKE, mh JA-1 . No. S Broad street. 1 >0 R RENT, a neat DWELLING- HOUSE, with four or ^v0 rooms, ¦.1» on Eighth street adjoining the < Spring Possession riven 1-t of Apfll. 1 1A M ES M T A YI,OK AsON, xnh 2A--St' Auctioneers. IX1R KENT, TWO SHOPS on the r corner of Fourth and Cary streets. Mj| Thev are suitable for small factories, EtfH carpenter, blacksmith, or machine shops There is a large lot attached. To good tenants thev will be rented low. Apply at 625 Main street. mh 2ft.fit L" 7M) R REN T 7 PART OF A HOUSE, furnished or not, in a plea¬ sant neighborhood.No. 110 Grace street, between Adams and Jefferson. mh 2.r>.2t Railroads. CPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGE. O MKNT, lstS..GREAT SHOUT ROUTE TO THE NORTH, EAST, AND WEST, VIa THE RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG ANI) <*()T(IMAC RAILR()AD,CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIE TWICE DAI LY.ELEGANT CARS, WITH NEW PATENT SLEEPING CHAIRS ON ALL TRAINS..The THROUGH TRAINS on this road are now run from the southern ter¬ minus of the Connection railroad, corner Hthi) A?fn Kioiith streets, a* follows: The DAY THROUGH MAIL TRAIN leaves Richmond daily (Sundays excepted) at 10 A. M., arriiing tufWashiugtou atiP.M., connecting w.th the early afternoon express trains for the North, East,'find West. The NIGHT THROUGH MAIL TRAIN, with elegant cars supplied with the new pa¬ tent sleeping chairs attached,.leaves Rich¬ mond daily at S:." 1*. M. arriving in Washing ton at 8:1.1 A. hi., connecting with the early morning trains for the North, Last, and West. No kxtka crtAKUE for sleeping cliairs. THROUGH TICKETS and THROUGH BAGGAGE CHECKS to Alexandria, Wash¬ ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and all the principal cities of the West. For further information and through tickets apply at the office ol the company, corner Broad and Eighth streets, Siioekoe Hill, unu at the ticket office, corner llyrd and Eighth streets. .1. 11. GENTRY, General Ticket Agent. Samtki. Rr-rn, Superintendent. mh 21 Richmond an" I'm kkskcku Kaii.koad Co., I KiohmonI', Va., March 21, 1S6S. > ON AND AFTER the 23d instant the TKMNS ON THIS ROAD will leave :u* fUKXl'KKSS TRAIN daily at ¦> A. M. THROUGH MAfl' daily at 2:4.1 P. M. Tin* 3 A. M. train connects closely v. i h trains as I ir south as Augusta, Ga., and at Petersburg with trains of the Southsidr rail¬ way. , , The 2:15 P. M. train makes close and sure connections with trains for all points soutl ?is far as New t M'lcan-4. The 2:43 P. M. train connects at Petersburg with trains for Norfolk. Trains leave Petersburg for Kichmond antl all points north and west. EXPRESS TRAIN daily at 8:30 A. 31. THROUGH MAIL daily at 7:2.". P. M. Fare to Norfolk, *4. Baggage checked through. U. II. GILL, rah 23 Engineer and Superintendent. j IMPORTANT CHANCE OF SC11E- D l' L E.RICHMOND, FREDERICKS- BURG A N It POTOMAC KAJLROA D. SPRING AN1 > SI'MMKR ARRANGE- "MENT ISO's.TO GO INTO EFFECT ON MONDAY, MARCH 23n, INSTANT.-On and after the morning of March 23d, instant, the trains of this company will be run from the depot corner of Byrd tind Eighth streets as ^TIlE DAY" THROUGH MAIL TRAIN, . toppin" at regular wav-stations, will leave (Sunday A. M. excepted, at in A. 31. instead WlTHK NIGHT THRoFG 11 MAIL TRAIN, stopping at regular way-stations, will leave daily at 8.3o P. 31. . . Uutiirniiisr, th<* triiiu? will urrivo 4. l.» A Id and 2.33 P.M. For further information and through tick¬ ets, applv at the company's olliee, corner ol J1 road and Eighth streets, or at the ticket of¬ fice, corner of Ryrd and Eighth streels SAMUEL ltOTH, Super in ten dent. Transport at ion. .1. II. Gf.mkv, General Ticket Agent, mh 21."t OICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAIL- f\, ROAD-CHANGE OF SCHEDULE.- On and after Friday the loth day ol January, lso's, the passenger trains on tliis road will ran as follows: (Mwj Mail Train..Leave Richmond daily at 8:16 A. 31.; leave Danville daily at f> '23 P. 31.; arrive at Greensboro' daily at p". 31.; connecting at Burkeville with t rains on the Sou tlxside railroad for h arm\ die, Lynchburg, Dristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Memphis, Grand JuncLioii, New Orleans, Ate., and at Greensboro' with trains on the North Carolina, railroad for Charlotte, Columbia, Charleston, Augusta, Savannah, Macon, At- lanta, Montgomery, 3Iobile, New Orleans, Ate. Coiiiy mat..Mail and Passenger Train.. Leave Greensboro' daily at 1 A. 31.; leave] Danville daily at 0:43 A. 31. ; arrive at Rich¬ mond at 3:13 P. 31. Accommodation Train from Lynchburg. Leave Kurkeville daily (Sundays excepted) at 3'3o P. 31.; arrive at Richmond at 7:->> 1 . 31. T1103LAS DODA31EAD, j;l Superintendent. Office Richmond and Yokk Rivek 1 Raii.koad COMt'ANY, > Richmond, March 11, ISoS. J ¥ INK TO PHILADELPHIA AND ROSTON RK-Ol'ENKI).This company is now prepared again to receive and forward freight to and from Koston and Philadelphia. Freight for these points leaves Richmond every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and at the same time for Kallimore, Cincinnati, Louis¬ ville, Chicago, and all points between Wheel¬ ing and Parkersburg and Kallimore on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, and all .places reached by the Northern Central railroad. Passengers will tind this a delightful spring and summer route to Kallimore, where they arrive always in time for the early trains North and West, with ample time lor break¬ fast in Baltimore, if desired. 1 are to Kalli¬ more only four dollars (*fr4). Freights lor Baltimore and points beyond received at all times. Shippers, observe the following directions: From Huston to Richmond..Mark your poods 44 Keystone and Union Line," cave of 44 Richmond and York River Railroad Line," Kaltimore, and ship by Boston and Provi¬ dence railroad. From Phii.adki.ritiATo Richmond..Ship by the 44 Philadelphia aud Baltimore Union Line," No. 18 North wharves, Philadelphia, care of 41 Richmond and York River Railroad Line," Baltimore. Baltimore olliee, No. 8 Light-stivet \\harf Trains leave the Richmond depot daily at 7 A. 31. St** it: Link iok Tai'I'-viiannock..tvety TUESDAY and FRIDAY 31URN1NG,on the urrivaj ol the cars at fish Haul station, in King William county, stages leave tor lappa- hatiuock, passing King \N illiam I ourthouse, Walkerlon, lSruingloti, and 3liller's Tavern, and reaching Tappahannock at 3 o'clock same day. Returning, stages leave Tappahannock on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and pas¬ sengers reach Kichmond by the cars at 3:3o. Fare to Tappahnnnock, $4.00, and to other points in proportion. WILLIAM K. ENDS, Freight and Ticket Agent. Captain John 11. Freeman, Passenger and Freight Agent. mh 11 IRGINIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE..On and after WEDNESDAY, March 11th, the fol¬ lowing trtiins will be run on this road: The morning passenger train DAILY (except on Sundays) between Kichmond and Staunton, and tri-weekly west of Staunton, going west, ou MONDAVS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRI¬ DAYS, and returning alternate days. This train leaves Richmond at 7:13 A. 31. and ar¬ rives at 6:20 P. M., and makes close connec¬ tion with the Orange and Alexandria Railroad trains for Lynchburg aud the Southwest, and connects with trains to and from the North, tout with a delay at Gordonsville of one hour and thirty minutes.the connections with Baltimore aud Ohio Railroad trains for New York belug re-established. No trains on Sunday. The evening passenger train leaves Rich¬ mond DAILY (except Sundays) for Gordous- ulul lor Charlottesville on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. Return¬ ing, leaves Charlottos vtlle at 4 A M on THURSDAY and MONDAY, and Gordons- Yllle DAILY (except on Sunday) at 6 A. M. . urriving in Richmond at fe.so A. M. The morning train connects with HARMAN k CO.'S and TROTTER it CO.'S LINE OF STAGE COACHES for Lexington, White Sulphur, and Winchester. Passengers for Lexington go through from Richmoud or Kaltimore the same day. THROUGH TICKETS sold to all prominent U. j>. WIHTCOMR, m"9 General Superintendent. T TOES.. Fivy Caaks "ElwellV Weodin ."*¦ , ' UiUlng lloES, tny own importation just received per stuaiushlp City of London and lor sine by CHARLES J. SIN TON. No. 1436 Main street. Y LATHER of all kinds for xtile low b' jij mh 21 O 11. CiIAi.Kl.EY t o.' Jtor Rent. I?()R RENT, n large and comfoitablo HOUSE on the corner of I)aval and ML St. Stephens street*. It contains six rooms; kitchen with three rooms; coal--*-*. house, stable, and necessary out-houses on the lot. The Whole premises are in good or- dor. The rent will be moderate to a good tenant. Apply to DANIEL. MURPHY, mil 2.'»-:n« 747 Second street. I^OR RENT, a very desirable FRAMI » DWELLING on the north side of Leigh street between First and Second, containing seven rooms, gas, water, &c., with a kitchen, now in the occupancy of Mr*. ! Mary E. Stratton. Immediate possession may bo had. j Also, a desirable HRICK DWELLING 011 the north side of Leigh street between First and Second, with seven roomr, gas, watec, &c., with brick kitchen. Possession at once. Also, a neat HRICK TENEMENT on Adams street between Leigh and Jackson, with four rooms, gas, &c. Also, a neat HRICK TENEMENT on! Cherry street, in Sidney, south of Main, with three rooms, kitchen, and water convenient. FRANCIS T ISHELL, Real Estate Agent, j mh 2.'j.it opposite Spots wood Hotel. Dwelling for rent..a dosira.i hie RESIDENCE, 011 Fifth be- tween Clay and Leigh streets, contain-Fjrjs ing twelve rooms besides ample aecoin- « modations for servants; gas and water through the house. To a good tenant the rent will he moderate. Apply at this olfice or to JOHN T SURLETT -v BROTHER, 4<"j Hroad street. mh 24.lot POK RENT, a LARGE BRICK DWELL-1 JL ING 011 Sixth street, in rear of the Second Baptist church, containing about eight rooms, with all the necessary im-^* provements. JAMES M. TAYLOR & SON, 111I1 2-1.3t Auctioneers. I70R RENT, a BRICK STORE and 1 DWELLING on Second between Jackson and Duval streets, suitable for a bakery. JAMES M. TAYLOR SON,- mh 24.3t Auctioneers. CM ALL FARM FOR RENT. Situated 0 011 the Osborne turnpike two miles below Richmond. Has 011 it a large DWELLING-HOUSE of ten rooms, with stable and oilier necessary out-houses. This farm will be rented low toa good tenant. Apply to F. STEARNS, mh '24.3t 1-1J* Fifteenth street. j?OKRENT..Fine BRICK DWELLING 1 011 Franklin street, just beyond Old " * Fair Grounds, with eigbi rooms, stable, carriage-house, and large grounds. Large HRICK DWELLING, 011 Main be¬ tween Si\tb and Seventh streets, opposite Ar¬ lington House, with ten rooms. FRAMED DWELLING, corner Marshall aim Thirtieth streets, with six rooms, .-table, carriage-house, and large grounds. HKD'K DWELLING, corner Thirty-first and Clav streets, with six rooms ami large garden. FRAMED DWELLING, with four rooms, on Twenty-ihird between .Main and Franklin streets. HRICK DWELLING. Franklin between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, Willi six rooms. FRAMED DWELLING, on Second be¬ tween Leigh and Jackson streets, with live rooms. STOKE and DWELLING, on Hroad be¬ tween Second and Third streets, next to cor¬ ner of Third -1reet STORE and DWELLING, on Franklin be- ovv Fifteenth street, next lu Lambeth «x Fran¬ cis's carriage factory. Apply to ({ROBES >v WILLIAMS, 111I1 g.'-i.'it Real Estate Agents. 170 R- RENT, a TlIELE-STOkY IHyICk I"1 l>\VKLLl NO, on norlli sub* UracHsiwi between Admits and Jcller- |;;;jg ., .. |>ti«.<e^>ioil Lriveu ill il f**vv il.iv>. Fo^e misapply to EDWARD Y. (!ANN«>N. A i tor.toy nt Law. Franklin Mf-i, lour don.s below corner of rl liiricctiih. in'1 .* 1 1 iv RENT, desirable BRICK DW ELL- _!? 1NG oil the south sice of Franklin between Twenty-first and '1 wonty-»*'. Effig .old streets, containing seven rooms. "¦i< and water on the premises, kitchen, and The necessary out -house." : /llsU.'1;l.S^I0 f./p'Jel with small garden attached. 1 v ho hp>ri inisesare in complete repair. 1? o »t! CLOPTON & HARMOtH), Heal Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Tenth between Main and Bank streets. i^OK KENT, neat framed DWELLING ^ on Venable between Twenly-tounh toL an.I Twenty-fifth streets, LlJI four rooms; kitchen; also, agoodfc.u deu. Tito House 1J A1CYV0CH*. Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Tenth between Alain and Bank streets. ¥70iTrENT, the STORE on (lie north I; side of Main between Seventeenth pjl and Eighteenth streets recently ocr». frig pied by A. McAuley. This is one of the-b**- best stands for a retail grocery in that put t ot ihucitv. To be had at once. CLOl'TON .v HARWpOD, Ileal Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Tenth street between Main and Bank. mh 23.3i j 170K KENT, THREE-STORY BRICK iJ DWELLING on the north side ol Broad between Twenty-fourth and fct|| Tweiity-lilth streets, containing rooms ; kitchen and the nccessaij hack build -s To be had at once. (JLOl'TON & 1IARWOOI), Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Tenth between Main and Bank streets, mh 2:(.at - 17011 RENT, thts STORE No. 512 Broad JP street, between Fifth and Sixth, now JL MI * « * , in » - occupied by W. Lineman, watehmakct .^ Annlv to H. lv1 lUT.ijLi, !,!h 2:l-20 No- aln Broad street. i?OR RENT\ tlio largo and desirable 8 TH REE -STORY ST t M' C O E 1> DWELLING on the south side of wrscce Jjjji between Twenty-first and Twenty-se-Jo¬ cund streets, containing ten rooms.iu hteie- pair, with gas and water on the lot. lo be h:idalOUCt''CLOl'TON & HARWOOD, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Tenth between Main and Bank slieets. lull 23.31 1r*0R RENT, a neat FRAME DWELL- ! 1NG 011 Twenty-ninth between U audi* streets, containing three rooms ; kitchen, and the necessary out-houses , also, a good garden attached. To be had at once (,'LOFTON & HARM 001 >, Real Estate*Agents and Auctioneers, Tenth between Main and Bank streets, mh 23.3t I70R RENT, a desirable TWO-STORY r> BRICK DWELLING on Venable street between Twenty-third and 1 wen- ty-l'uiirth streets, couiaiuing six rooms . kitchen, stable, and the necessary out houses. Also, a large garden attached, lobe had at once. CLOPTON & IIARWuuD, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Tenth between Alain and Bank streets, mil 23.St T70R RENT, desirable TWO-STORY JU BRICK DWELLING on the corner of Thirtieth and Leigh streets, contain¬ ing six rooms ; kitchen and the necessary _____ outhouses. Also a good Garden attached. The whole premises have been put in good order. Rent low to a good tenant. To be had at once. CLOPTON .x llARWOOB, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Tenth between Alain and Bank streets. mh 23.31 . }70R RENT, a conveniently-arranged i and pleasant HOUSE, on Clay street MgA between Fourth and I .fib, containing FrH nine rooms. To a good tenant l*7Nl i ¦,1 rented low. Apply to R. 11 ¦ DlliKELL, mh 23.tApl 1312 Cary street. I~70R RENT, the RESIDENCE over our store. The rooms are large, light, ami airy, and suitable lor some light bu- sine.->, or lor a family. Possession given ¦ the 1st of April. HUNDLEY TATUAI, mh 21 628 Broad street. Y70R RENT, the SPLENDID STORE J? No. 1211 Alain street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, used at jjmj present for the hat business of John Boo- * ley, deceased. Apply on the premises, or to JAMES H. DOOLEY, mil 21.lw Franklin street. IT^OR RENT, a most desirable STORE, . on Alain street two doors above the Spotswood Hotel. Extends back seven¬ ty-two feet, taking in back building." Was occupied over two years as a hardware store. H;cs gas, water, vaults, aud all con¬ veniences for a millinery, shoe, or any kind of business. Also, aSMALL STORE on Eighth street, and several houses, suitable for fami¬ lies or business purposes, on Main street. Ap¬ ply to Mrs. PHILLIPS, mh 2o.sw* So7 Grace street. F)R kentTand possession given immediately, a HOUSE eon- tain in g two or three chambers, parlor, dining room ; kitchen, garden, and pnmp of water. Terms moderate to a good tentuit; uone other need apply. For further information apply on the premises, on Twenty-fifth street. Union Hill, between O and P streets, three doors above Air. Burgess's store. fe 29 lm 170R SALE, A CASE OF SECOND- 1 HAND SURGICAL INSTRUA1ENTS, in good order. Apply to juhw AltAllSTEAD & CARY. Lost, Strayed, and Found, j I OST, TUESDAY MORNING, ON! the south side of Broad i tween Thirrl and Fifth streets, or j lit the Trade Palace, a pair of plain GOLD j SPECTACLES wrapped in a piece of news¬ paper. A liberal reward will be paid for their j delivery at 33.1 13road street, nth 25.21* T. II. UK AM LETTE. CTRAYED (»K STOLEN from Head- O quarters First Military District, 2f.rO corner of Eleventh and Clay streets, ^5^.| about 11M o'clock A. M. on Tuesday, a smut I BLACK and TAN TERRIER SLIT; had on J a reil leather collar with silver-plated plate for i jiaine : small white spot oil breast; answers to ! name of "Gipsy." A liberal reward will be { paid for her return to me at the corner of Eleventh and (.'lay streets, ur *.27 Fourth street, between Clay and Leigh. :nh 2.3-.31* EDWIN \V. HEWITT. 171 FTY DOLLARS REWARD..Stolen frotn Tunstall'3 station, on the . " * j York River railroad, on Saturday . large sorrel. ¦*I night, March 21st, out Id ARE, about six years old, sixteen hands high, weight about l.loo pounds, mane and | tail of Jlaxen color.a little white in face.in- j terferes a little with hind feet, and had on a , new halter with large rope. The above re- i ward will be paid for the recovery of the mare ; and detection u 1 the thief. Address II. A. PIERCE, ]o]2 Main street, Richmond, Va.. or j Captain II. B. NICHOLS, mil 21.31* Norfolk, Va. J l^OTICE..Strayed frcm the Tredegar t Works, on the night of the l-thy%. in-tan t, a large dun IJ ol.'SE M CLE, in low order. A suitable reward will j be p.iid for t he dcii\ « ry ol the mule to £?...£*** j ml) 2::-::t TREDEGAII Cf>MPANY. Wants. WANTED, a WHITE GIRL for gone- ral housework. F. KOETH, Twenty-seven11| street between <i and It streets, mh 2.*---lt* l nion Hill. "I \ r ANTED, for two ladies, ONE ROOM \ ? in the house with another family, with use of parlor and kitchen-room. Locality preferred west of Tenth street .and smith of Leigh. References ex< hanged. Address mh 2o.2t " ROOM," care of this ollice. \rANTED, a WET NURSE, white or colored ; one with a full, healthy, fresh breast. Apply immediately to H. II Tv., mli 2.*.If Room .is Hallard House. |> A RE ROOKS WANTED. RAN- I i. DOLP1I ,v ENGLISH will pay good prices for VIRGINIA HISTORICAL RE¬ GISTER. STATE HISTORIES, RARE WORKS, and CONFEDERATE PCRLK A- TIONS. All kinds of Hooks and Pamphlets bought. At 132') Main street will be found a large eolli-¦.tion of LAW and MISCELLA- N K< 'IS HOOKS, HAN KIM PT and other BLANKS, STATIONERY, Xe. B< u 'KHIND- IN< J in any style, and BLANK I!< >OKS made to order. " mh 2! ^FECIAL NOTICE..An experienced O ACPOI'NTANT oilers his services to make oil nccoiiuis, write up, adjust, or close books. Best city references furnished. Terms moderate. Business men would consult their interests by addressing AO't'I'NTANT, care JHsjuifcK ollice. All communications strictly c lilitlentiul. mh 21.lw* \ GEN1_ _/jL_.I«'irt'i>0» Uavi«." By Frank II. Alfriend, ot Jin hmond, formerly editor of iln* S^nt.'itrv I,it>r nn M-ss<i»i> r. Tr > i- a full anil autheit- lir history of the I<f». atnl ]»uJ«1 if services ol tlie great sou tliern leader. Mr. Alfriend has eu- joyi'd unusual advantages in the preparation of this work, as will be apparent to all on ex¬ amination. S 'till for specimen paces and cir¬ cular.-wit h terms. Address NATIONAL. PUBLISHING CO., itl7 Main street, Richmond, Va. inh 3.d&?\vliu RANTED, T1IE PUBLIC TO KNOW that I have reeei ved another supply of that splendid SEASONED PINE WOOD. Price the same as you are charged elsewhere for sobby old-lield pine. Also, cords OAK, to be sold to persons not able to buy at mar¬ ket prices, also t<> those that are. Persons allowed to buy half a cord, or liftv cords it they like. "W. .1. MrDbWEI.L. Yard next to corner of First and Broad, mh 13.tlteoiD A YOU N G M A N 0 F STEADY J .V habits desires a SITUATION ON A FARM. lias some experience. Can come well recommended. Address "15.," box ..-"¦0, Kiebtnond nosi-olliee. inh -4.'-!* WANTED, by a gcutluman ami wife, y\ TWO ROOMS, witlt the n.-e ot kitchen, or IIOAlil) in a pri\ate family. ReP-renc. given. Address J., box 7:>3. giving location, tnh 21.H ANTED, a capable FEMALE SKR- V V YAN'T to do chamber work and attend in the dining-room. Must come well recom¬ mended. Call at 7e;» Leigh street, between Seventh and Eighth streets. mli tU.tit PANTED, TO KENT THREE OK ^ FOUR ROOMS (unfurnished), with use of parlor and kitchen, in a genteel neigh¬ borhood 011 Shockoe Hill, or the whole of a small house. Possession wanted by 1st April. Address post-o/lice box son. mil -I. "Jt * WANTED. A SPECIAL OK GENE- V V RAL PARTNER, with A.y.uon 10 tie,.KK», in a well-organized, established, and paying M E R C A NT IL1: RI SIN ESS, a 11 d w h i c h, w 11 h additional capital, could be prolitabl.v ex¬ tended. Address, with real name, MER¬ CHANT, at. ollice of Einjuirt-r <iu<t lCratiliiur. mh _-l.tit* / 1 ARPENEK WANTED, to take charge of a vegetable garden in Orange county. For a suitable man, without incumbrance, liberal wages will be paid. Apply at llaxall's mills. LEWIS I). CRENSHAW, lull «3.el* WANTED, 11 I D E S-Prv, Green, or Salted. ill'LST i KING, Fourteenth street near Exclittnge Hotel, no ? ANTED, all tlic SIGNS to PAINT Y> IN RICHMOND. Prices to suit the times. WILLIAM C. BARNES, No. 13 Twelfth street, between mh II.lm Franklin and Main streets. Bakeries. STREET. Having recently put in a new cracker ma¬ chine nl' tin' mosi approved style, 1 am now prepared to furnish u> families or mere hauls A 1.1. THE VARIETIES OF CRACKERS, made in the HEST 3LANNE11 and ol the very BE>T 31 ATEKIAL. Also, HUEAD and CAKES sit the lowest rates. Look at my list of price-: Soda Crackers, lie. Hotter Crsu kers, lie. Oyster Crackers, 10c. Water Crsickers, inc. Spice Nuts, lOo. Cream Crackers. 13c. Sugar Crackers, l.'c. Cracker Dust, ]2e. Arrowroot Crackers, 13c. PLAIN, OlINAMENTAL, and FANCY CAKES 1 urnL-lied at reasonable rates. .1. C. HAGNAI.L, ._"2es Alain stre-t, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third, mh lit.".in* np E. GILL'S BREAD, CAKE, AND CRACKER BAKERY*, No. 530 Broad street, between Fifth andSixth. The largest variety of rLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL CAKES in the city, wholesale and retail, on the most reasonable terms.. nili 23 I D. B R I G G S , THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BAKER NOW L'OIN<f BUSINESS IN THE CITY. ESTABLISHED 1S54. STORES: 707 31A IN BTUKKX AND 51li BKOAD STKKET. LOOK AT THE WHOLESALE LIST OF PRICES : Soda Crackers, lie. Butter Crackers, 11c. Oyster Crackers, 10c. Water Crackers, l»c. Spice Nuts, ISc. Cream Crackers, 15c. Sugar Crackers, 15c. Cracker Dust, 12c. Sugar Cakes, 5"c. hlolasses Cakes, 50c. Arrowroot Crackers, 15c. And all kinds of PLAIN, FANCY, and OR- NA3IENTAL CAKES, CRACKERS, and PIES, wholesale and retail. N. B..Liberal discount given to merchants. de 31 Merchants of Richmond..The merchants of Richmond who desire the trade of the rich and populous Valley of ViRHiNiA, as well as the counties w«*st ot the Valley, should advertise in the "STAUN¬ TON SPECTATOR,' as that journal has a muck larger circulation in that part of thp Slate than any journal in Virginia. It is one of the oldest, best esLablu-hod, and most Widely-circulated journals of the State, and is the BEST ADVERTISING 3IEDIU31 outside of the large cities. Its terms for ad¬ vertising are moderate. The Richmond mer¬ chants should avail themselves of the beuellt of its columns. Address IS. 3IAUZY tt CO., mh 20.lw* Staunton, Va. Auction Sales. THIS DAY. By E. Gathright, Auctioneer, 1433 Main street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth. Household furniture, bed- DING, CROCKERY, Ac., AT AUC¬ TION.. I^v ill sell at my store THIS (Wednes¬ day) MORNING at lo o'clock BEDSTEADS, CABINETS, WARDROBES, TABLES. LUUNGES. . . . CANE and WOOD-SEAT CHAIRS, ROCKERS, MATI BESSES, BEDS, CROCKERY, Sir., belonging iu parties leaving the city ALSO, CIA >THS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, fir. nih 2.1 E. GATI!RIGHT, Auctioneer^ By Omohutidro A Co., Auctioneers, No. 2<>7 Broad street, between Second and Third streets. \\TE WILL SELL at our store THIS \ V (Wednesday) MORNING, March 2.*»tli, commencing at lo o'clock, a line assortment of CHAIRS.all descriptions.and many otlnT useful articles, such as WARDROBES, SAFES and TABLES, BEDSTEADS. MATTRESSES and CRAI>LKS, LOUNGES and WAS11STANDS, ROCKING-CHAIRS, large and small; CHAIRS, Wood and Cane Seat. ALSO, A fine lot of PLANES, SHOVELS, SPADES, PICTURES, xc. We respectfully invite all to the above sale, as (lie articles .-ire to be sold without limit or reserve. OMOHUNDKO .V CO., mil '.';j-1P Auctioneers. By Sampson Jones, Jr., & Co., Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, Fifteenth street between Main and Cary. A LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK OF j!l first-class FAMILY GROCE- KIES AT AUCTION..Being desirous of consolidating lii< business altogether in Ra¬ leigh, N. C., we will, at the request of W 11. Andrews, sell at his store, No. 1712 Main street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, on WEDNESDAY, tWlh instant, com¬ mencing at Io'clock A. M.. his entire stock of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting in part of the linest selections of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, i BAiMiX, SYR CPS, LltiUUllS, etc., together with such a variety of other goods as i- usually kept in a first-class retail grocery. SAMPSON JONES, Jr., iCU., Auctioneers. NOTICE. All persons having claims against the house are requested to present them for immediate settlement, and those indebted will come for¬ ward and settle at once. I inh 24 W.R.ANDREWS. By .limit's 31. Taylor & Son, Auctioneers, Ollit-eSSl Main street, three doors below Spots wood Iiotel. 17OUR HOUSES AND LOTS, ON 1 CilLivCH STREET, OUKtiDN HILL, Ft 'R SALE AT AUCTION..Will be sold oil WF.DNESDAY the 2.1th of 31 arch. 1SUS, oil the premises, at 1o'clock 1*. 31., the above-de¬ scribed property, consisting of one BRICK and three FRAME TENE31ENTS with four rooms each. Terms: One-fourth ensh : balance at six, twelve, and eighteen months. JAMES 31. TAYLOR \ SON, mil 21 Auctioneers. 15y James 31. Taylor & Son, Auctioneers, Office S21 Main street, three doors below Spotswood Hotel. VJTX MULES, T1IREE COAL CARTS, O AND THREE SETS DOUBLE HAR¬ NESS, FOR SALE AT AUCTION..Will be sold on WEDNESDAY the 2.1th instant, at 12 .'clock 31., at Hix's stable, on Eleventh street between 3Iain and Gary streets, SIX FINK 31ULES, well broken and in good order.to be .-old for no fault. Also, THREE COAL CARTS, with THREE SETS DOUBLE HARNESS: all in good order. Terms: Cash. .1A3IES 31. TAYLOR \ SON, mil 23.St Auctioneers. By Leo & Goddin Auctioneers No. 13 Thirteenth street. I MUSTEK'S SALE OF ONE SQUARE T \V 1:EN ST. f A 31KS AND ST. STF.I'D ENS, WITH SEVEN DWELLING - HOUSES THEREON ; ALSO, VACANT LOTS; AT AUCTION. .By virtue of the provisions of a deed of trust executed by Thomas C. Epps, bearing date on the tub day of January, InIs, and of record in the ollieeof the clerk of Rich¬ mond Hustings Court, being requested by de- parties interested, I will proceed to sell at public auction, on WEDNESDAY the 2.1th day of March, 1 StiS, at .1 o'clock P. 31., on the premises, the real estate conveyed by the said trust deed, viz.: One LOT OF LAND fronting on Baker street, embracing the whole square between St. James and St. Stephens streets, on which are seven dwelling-hoiises. These tenement- have several rooms each, and are occupied by prompt tenants at fair rents. ONE LOT at tbe northeast corner of St. Stephens and Baker streets, fronting about thirty feet on St. Stephens street. ONE LOT on St. Paul's street between Baker ami Duval, with TWO FRA3IETEN- 31KNTS thereon, containing three rooms e:u h Tkkms on Sai.i; : One-third of the purchase money will be required in cash; the residue on a credit of six and twelve months for nego¬ tiable notes, interest added, and secured by trust deeds. The taxes for lstis to be paid by the purchaser or purchasers. THOMAS P. AUGUST, Surviving Trustee. Sale conducted by Lek & Goodi.v, Auc¬ tioneers. mli 13 Uy Lee & Goddiu, Auctioneers, No. lo Thirteenth street. rpRUSTEE'S SALE OF HANDSOME i BRICK DWELLING, ON THE COR¬ NER < )F KAKEK AND ST. STEPHENS STREETS, AT AUCTION..By virtue of tht provisions of a deed of trust executed by Thomas O. Epps, bearing date on the :h>tli day of December, P">7, and of record in theoliice of the clerk of Richmond Hustings Court, to secure a certain sum of money therein men¬ tioned, in execution of the said trust, being requested so to do by the party secured, I will proceed to sell at public auction on WEDNESDAY, 25th day of March, D-at 4 o'clock P. M., on the premises, the REAL ESTATE conveyed by said trust deed, as fol¬ lows : A FOUR-STORY PRICK DWELLING, situated on the corner of linker and St. Ste¬ phens streets, containing thirteen rooms, he- sides closets and bath-room; brick kitchen with four rooms; stable and carriage-house. All built oi the best material and workman¬ ship, and now in good repair, and occupied bv the said Epps. "The lot has a front of 12!) feet, extending back 140 feet, and is well enclosed. Terms ok Saj.e : The deed requires a suffi¬ cient sum in cash to defray the expenses of sale and to discharge a bond for y3,6co, with interest from 3uth. December, 1S67; residue upon such time :is the said Thomas C. Epps may direct; but it is probable that an ar¬ rangement may be effected by which a credit will be given "on a large portion of the pur¬ chase money. THOMAS P. AUGUST, Surviving Trustee. Sale conducted by Lee & Gouni.v, Auction¬ eers. inh 13.td Ileal Estate for Sale. T?0R SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR r SUITABLE PROPERTY, 12o ACRES UP WOOD LAND, one aiul a half miles from Manchester. Some good pine timber on it. Apply to H J- NUNNALLY, Holland Eighth streets, rah 20--l\v* Manchester. Horses and Males for tale, MULES FOR SALE..One pair of large well-broke MULES for sale. Apply ^ blaCKBURN, corner Smith and Broad streets. rah 24.61* poR SALE, TWELVE FINE YOUNG MULES, well broke. Apply at thel Tredegar Works, mh 19.lw TREDEGAR COMPANY. rpiIE COLORED MAN WHO PICKED L up a bunch of small KEYS on Eighth street between Franklin and Grace on last WEDNESDAY MORNING will reeeiv,- a suitable reward by leaving them at the po'.t- ollice. Hilt 21. 21+ ..BMM.H.. Auction Sales. I FUTURE HAY. Py Wellington Goddin, Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF BRICK TKNE- L ME NT ON THE NORTH SIDE OF DU¬ VAL STREET NEAR TO HROOK A\ L- NUE. As trustee in a certain deed of trust executed by John Clash and wile, bearing date 26th March, lfilJl, duly recorded in Rich¬ mond Hustings Court, I shall, at the request of the creditor named therein, sell at public auction, on the premises "'t SATU RDATt the 4th of April, ISSS, at fl o'clock P. 31., if fair, if not, the first fair day thereafter, the LOT and R RICK TENEMENT thereon, now in the occupancy of 3Irs. Elizabeth Franklin, front¬ ing -OK' feet on the north side of Duval street near to 11 rook avenue, running back the depth of the lot to an alley. Although the deed re¬ quires that the property shall be sob! for cash, yet the creditor is willing to accept one-third cash; balance at six and twelve months, bearing interest, secured by a trust deed. The taxes and insurance lor PtiS to be paid by the purchaser, j mh 23 31. 31. YOUNG, Trustee. Ry Grubbs & Williams, Auctioneers, Northwest corner 3Iain and Eleventh streets. "17 LB A PARK FOR LEASE AT AUC- 1 J TION..On TUESDAY, 3laMi M, at half-past I o'clock P. 31., we will lease at auc¬ tion, upon the premises, the well-known place of public resort known as ELPA PARK, situated in the western part of the city, and extending back from IJroad to Clay street. The grounds contain about five acres, em¬ bracing a lawn handsomely set out in shade and ornamental trees, shrubbery, ami llov,wrs, and a line garden. The improvements are a large and hand¬ some PRICK DWELLING with nine rooms, besides basement and closets; also, a brick stable and carriage-house, j Elba Park is the favorite resort for celebra¬ tion and pic-nic parties, and is well known as the most attractive pleasure garden in the city. A rare opportunity is here o lie red to those disposed to go into that line of busi¬ ness. The terms will be made known at the time of renting. GR UP OS i WILLI A3IS, j mil "J."> Auctioneers. Py Lee ..v Goddin, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, No. 1117 3Iain street, west of Twelfth. THREE TWO.STORY FRAME TEXE- 1 JIK.N'TS, NEARLY NEW, ON COM- PROMISE STREET, M A I'In 'X HILL. AN ONE TWO STUKY FRAME TENEMENT ON POPLAR STREET NEAR FIF¬ TEENTH. FOR SALE AT AUCTION . J.y reqiiestof the owner, we will sell on MON¬ DAY, 2:M instant, on ill" premises, at 1 o'clock 1*. M., commencing in the order named above, THREE TWO-STORY FRAME TENE- IMENTS, situated on Compromise street.con¬ taining three rooms each, wit!: lot having an aggregate front ol 'in feet by 1 Inteet toti street :tn feet wide. Terms: One-fourth cash: residue in equal instalments at four, eigii t, and t wrlve months, for negotiable notes, interest added, and se- cured by trust deed. Taxes for Istis to be paid by the purchaser. Immediately at ter which we will sell a neat ! FRAME TENEMENT of two stories, eon- taming tour rooms, on Poplar street, having a front of 22 L feet by lee feet deep. Terms: As above. I.EE ai GORDIN, mil 2.1 Auctioneers. 15y Thomas Phillips, Auctioneer and Cuinmi i m Merchant. INTENDING TO CHANGE MY KUSl- 1. NESS, I will idler for sale at public anc I Mon. on TCESDAY the .'Hst instant, at 10 ! o'clock A. M., inv ENTIRE ST< d,'K, con¬ sisting of (liioils, Shelving, Showcase, Scales (both platform and counter), (Yninters, i-e. : and at II o'clock tin* KEY and GUUD-WILL of the house will be ottered. Any person desiring one of the best busi- 1 ness stands can purchase the same privately bv applying before the dav of sale. TH< i.MAS PHILLIPS, corner Seventh and llroad streets, mil 2.1.WFM\Tu4t* 1 ly Grtibbs .x Williams, Auctioneers, Northwest corner Main and Eleventh streets. O ALE OF THE VALUABLE PRO O PERT A" KNOWN AS "SPRING II 1 L L," OPPOSITE TO THE CITY OF K 1(' I i MON 1 '..Pursuant to a deiree of tin Circuit Court of Chesterfield county rendered at the May term thereof A, D. lsU7. the un¬ dersigned, commissioners under said decn will proceed to >> !I, at publicauetiou, upon the premises, at 12 o'clock 31., on TCESIJAY tin Clili of Man h, ilits property known :ij "SPRING HILL,"' lying in Cliester/iebl county near the town of Manchester. This propert v consists of about ONE HCNDRED AND THIRTY A i'I: I .S (i F .MAINLAND and an equal or greater number ol* acres ol rocks, islands, and shoals, in .lame- river, to gether with a well known and most valuable WATER P< iWEIL This property is the irnst eligible for manu¬ facturing purposes that can be found any¬ where near Richmond. The faII of water at the lower end amounts to twenty-six feet and the quantity of water is never diminished by any drought, nor is the laud overflowed by the highest freshes. A line spring, furnish¬ ing ail abundance of pure water, offers an op. port unity for the manufacture of paper, wlnb there is every ad van tage that can tie desired for any other mechanical manufacture. The Danville railroad runs through the pro¬ perty in a line parallel to the river, and thus atfords every facility for the receipt of fuel and raw material, and the shipment ot manu¬ factured articles made there. There is a fine DWELLING and out-houses on the most elevated portions of the grounds. The soil is very fertile ; location remarkable for its salubrity. t A mapot tin* property and its surroundings, made from careful and accurate surveys, can be seen at the office of the auctioneers. The Tkk.ms ok S.w.k are: One-fourth in cash, and the residue in three equal payments at »>, 12, and IS months, with interest; the taxes for ISO'S to be paid by the purchaser. The title will be retained until the purclia e money is fully paid. For further information as to the property, application maybe made to Messrs. Grubbs » Williams, auctioneers. HENRY A. WISE, L. R. I'AGE, C. C. MeKAE, ('oniinissiuiiers. Garni:- -v Wim.iasi-, Auclioiieeio. POSTPONEMENT..In consequence of the absence of one ot the commissioners from the city, the above >nle is postponed to TliUKS- DAY, 26th March, at 12 o'clock M. A special train for the accommodation of bidders Vi lli leave tin* Danville Railroad depot at 11 o'clock A. M. GiU'DDS x WILLLAMS, in li . 1 Auctioneer .. Dy Clopton & Garwood, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Tenth street between Main and Dank streets. 'TRUSTEE'S SALK OF IMPROVED I READ ESTATE. ON THE EAST SIDE of UNION Oh' CONCURRENCE STREET, ON UNION III EL. IN THE CITY OF RICHMOND, AT AUCTION. In pursuance ot adeedot trust executed to ine by Mrs. Ca¬ roline S. Carter, dated the2£th day of August, l-' T, ami duly recorded in Richmond Hustings Court, I shall proceed to sell at public auc¬ tion, on the premises, ou SATURDAY the 1th day of April, 1mj>, at 5 o'clock P. M., one cer¬ tain LOT OF LAND, fronting 40 feet on tin- east side of Union or Concurrence street, run¬ ning hack within parallel lines 1 do feet to a street -V)feet wide, with a FRAME DWELL¬ ING thereon, built oi the best materials, con¬ taining four rooms. Terms: Cash as to the expenses of sale and the payment of the sum of $235 with inte¬ rest thereon from the gstli day of December, 1>»;7, until paid; and the further sum of t2m> due the 2sill of April, Eds, and the further siun oi »2U3 due the 2Sth day of August, 1S6S, for negotiable notes with interest added for the deferred payments. For the remainder of the purchase money the terms will be made known at the time of sale. The taxes for ISts to b'1 paid by the purchaser. E. A. J. CLOl'TON, mil 21 Trustee. By James M. Taylor & Son, Auctioneers, Ollioe No. s2i Main street, three doors below Spots wood Hotel. 'TWO LARGE FOUR-STORY BRICK 1 WAREHOUSES, ON CARY AND TWENTIETH STREETS, AND KNOWN AS " LI DRY PRISON," FOR SALE AT AUCTION..Will be sold on THURSDAY the 2kth day of 3Lircli, lsbs, on tlie premises, at .l o'clock P. M., the above-described pro¬ perty, fronting on Cary street 44 feet each, and running back loo feet to Do«-k street. From the location of this property, being near the York River Railroad depot and immedi¬ ately on the dock, it may justly he considered as valuable as any of the kind In the city. Tkkms Liberal, and made known on the day of sale. Taxes for 1S6S to be paid by tlie purchaser. JA3IF.S M. TAYLOR & SON, nih l.'i.7t Auctioneers. O SUTHERLAND, 1406 kj* MAIN AND 60!> 11 ROAD STREET, RICHMOND, YA., IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS,' FINE CUTLERY, AND SPORTING ARTI¬ CLES..Our recent importation of GUNS embraces the linest goods for tire prices ever in our stores. Just received, 1,000,000 ELY'S CAPS, in quarter and one-tenth boxes. Agent for Re- niiugton's celebrated lire-arms. oc 24 Auction Hales* FUTURE DAY. By Regnault k Co., Auctioneers, Main street between Eighth and Ninth. T ARGE SALE OF FURNITURE, 1J WHITE GRANITE, GLASSWARE, KITCHEN WARE, &< ..At our store, on THURSDAY MORNING the 2«th instant, commencing at 1" o'clock, we will sell without reserve, by auction, MAHOGANY, WALNUT, and IMITATION WARDRORES; WALNUT and MAHOGANY' CABINETS and BUREAUS, J E N N Y* I, I N D an d COTT A G E 11E D STEADS, MAHOGANY SOFAS, M A K H LE-Tf )P W AST 1ST A NI >S, MAHOGANY' DINING andSiDE TABLES, M AJIOi 1AX Y SIDEIK > ARI>S, CANE SEAT and WINDSOR CHAIRS, ROCKING-CHAIRS, LOUNGES, OFFICE DESKS, SAFES, .* Kiftv CHAMBERS, BASINS and EWERS. SOAR and BRUSH STANDS, GLASSWARE, KITCHEN and DINING-ROOM WARE ui' everv description. IIEGNAULT St CO., mil 2.1 Auctioneers. By Wellington Goddiu, Auctioneer. VEAT FRAMED TENEMENT IN l\ SIDNEY'. ON ELM WOOD BETWEEN BAR VIE AND SHORT STREETS, FOR SALE AT AUCTION .Will be sold at auc¬ tion, on the premises, on SATURDAY' tbe2*?h of March, 1 SOS, at o'clock P. M . the neat FRAMED TENEMENT located as above, recently occupied by Mr. William Bennett, containing three rooms ; besides kitchen, well of good water, »vc. The LOT has a front of forty-one feet, running back one hundred and eighty feet to an alley. j Terms: One-third cash; balance at six and twelve months for negotiable notes, interest added, secured by a trust deed, nib 2.1 W. GODDIX, Auctioneer. By Harrison, Goddiu k Apperson, Auctioneers ami Real Estate Agents. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A SMALL 1 HOUSE AND LOT IN SIDNEY', ON ALBEMARLE STREET.-As trustee in a certain deed of trust, dated 21st July, iv>;, ".xecuted by Mr. Samuel McRliersou, duly re¬ corded in Henrico County Court, I shall pro- iced to sell at public auction, on the premi¬ ses, on THURSDAY' the 2t>th March, In-*, at ¦I'e o'clock 1*. M., if fair, if not, the tirst fair day thereafter, the REAL ESTATE con¬ veyed by the said deed, consisting of a lot fronting 21 feet on the south side of Albe¬ marle street and running back 17.1 feet to an alley, having thereon a small framed tene¬ ment, now in the occupancy of said McRher- son. Terms; Enough in cash to defray expenses of sale and to discharge the balance of princi¬ pal and interest due on the bond secured by *nid deed, amounting to about s-J.'h) ; and as to tlit* surplus of s t|(., upon sucii terms as may be announced at the hour of - -11»». tub 17 W. GOD DIN, Trustee, By Harrison, (iutUlin «x Apperson, Auctioneers and Ileal Estate Aleuts. ^ JEK V BEAUTIFI'L AND II AN D - V SOMKIAM.tX'ATK!) LOT <>N THE NORTH SI DE OK MAKSUALI.. IU'.TWLEN FIRST AMI A D AMS STREETS. FoRSALE AT AUCTION . Will t>c sold at auction, 011 tli- premises, on THURSDAY ilieSith March, sit 4! o'clock I'. M., that truly bean tit 111 EOT located as above, adjoining the resi¬ dence of Air. Isaac Hollander, fronting J »\ feet on Marshall street, running back l'»7 feet to an alley 1<: feet wide. This lot is well en¬ closed; is handsomely set in trait trees, \c., and is a most henntii'11! one. Tintms One-third cash : balance at four and eiit 111 months for negotiable notes, interest added, secured bva trust deed. HARRISON, t rUDDIN \ A1TERS0N, mh 2:< Auctioneers. \ SSIUNEE'S SALE OF REAL ES- TATE..Uy order of the United States iMstrict (,'ourt, 1 will sell, as assignee of 1 'hrist 1.111, Lea & t 'o., bankrupts, in he city of Richmond, State of Virginia,011 WEDNES¬ DAY Hie l'tth ilay of April, l.-es, tit i> o'clock 1'. M , on the premises, a valuable BRIUK I > W EE L1N< l-JIOl SH AN LOT. on Kran k- I i ti between N i lie teen th ami T vveii tieth -1 reels, in which A. 1>. Wells now resides. The lot front- twenty-eight feet and runs back !">¦'> feet. This property is very valuable, and is eligibly located. Tkkvs ; One-third c:t li : balance in equal instalments of three and six mouths, secured by a devil of irn-t. Title retained until all the purchase money is paid. ROBERT OITLl>, mh 21 As-ignee of t'iiristiau, Lea x Co. J.y James M. Taylor & Son, Auctioneers. Ollice No. s-I Alain street. rr hustles' sale of a valuable JL BUILDING LOT ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF OAKY BETWEEN TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH STREETS AT AUC¬ TION'..Uy virtue of a deed of trust exccu ted to the undersigned as trustees by Marsnadukc S. Cooper, dated the kith day of J une, l-A't, and duly recorded in the Hustings Court of the city of Richmond, to secure the payment of certain homls therein described, payable to Joseph C. Hex ley, commissioner appointed by the Hustings (.,'ourt of the city of Richmond, and default having been made in the payment of the 1 i-l bond mentioned ill said deed, aud a' the request of the holder of said bond, we hall proceed to sell 011 the premises at 12 o'clock M. WEDNESDAY the 1st day of April, jf fajr> if nol( the next fair day thereafter, tin* property conveyed in said deed, describ. d as lot 2A'i in plan of city of Riclitnoiid, and bounded a- follows.lo wit: Commencing on the south side of D or Cary street tliedis- tn ee ot 12- feet six inches from tln» west line of Twelfth street, ami fronting on D or Cary -treet t\veiity-tive feet more or less, and run¬ ning back at right angles ninety-three feet to an alley twelve feet wide. This is a very valu¬ able building lot, being central ami 111 the bii»iin*-- portion of the city. Tkkms: Enough in cash to pay the expenses "1 the sale. The deed requires all cash, but by the consent ot the holder of tin* note the sale will be made on the following terms: Uiie-fiiurth cash ; balance at four, eight, and twelve mouths, negotiable notes, interest added, and secured bv deed of tniat, Taxes for Do- to be paid bv the purchaser. .1 A AILS M. 1 AY LUR, ALEXANDER li. SANDS, Trustees, S:ili' to be conducted by Jamks M. 1ayi.uk .v Son. Auctioneers. mil 21.lot ]{y Harrison, Goddin & Appersoti, Auctioneers ami Real Estate Agent; TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A LARGE 1 HKlClv DWELLING AND SEVERAL FRAMED TENEMENTS, <)N UNION I! 1 LL..]>y viriue of a deed of trust executed to the subscriber by ibe late AH>ert < i . Stubbs, dated 3d of March," IhC'i, duly recorded in Hen¬ rico County Court, 1 shall, in execution thereof, proceed to sell at public auction, on the premises, on MONDA\ the 3oth day ot March, IMN, at it o'clock 1'. M., it fair, U not, on the lir-t fairtlay thereafter, the real estate conveyed by the said deed, consisting of a L()T fronting eighty feel on }'|ea»autg street, opposite the residence of Dr. (> A. Strecker, and adjoining the resilience of Mr. Daniel Von (ironing, running back two hundred and twelve feet to an alley fifteen feet wide, oil which stands a large double HR1CIC TENE¬ MENT and other buildings, now occupied by Mr. Johnson and others, its location is a beautiful one (commanding a full view of Richmond), ami is only distant about one- fourth of a mile from the business portion of the city. The deed requires a cash sale as to the ex¬ penses of sale and the payment of a bond for ?3,.Vm, with live per cent, per annum interest from the 3d day of March, lt>63 ; yet 1 am au¬ thorized by the creditor to say that lie will accept one-fourth in cash, and "the balance at six, twelve, and eighteen months, for nego¬ tiable notes with interest added, properly se¬ cured. As to the surplus of the sale, if any, on such terms as shall be announced at the hour of sale. mh 10 T E. 11. W A LEO Rl), Trustee. Hy A. (J. i'ulllam Auctioneer. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF ONE SIXTY- 1 HORSE ROWER STEAM ENGINE, WITH THREE IiOlLERS.-Hy virtue of a deed of trust executed on the loth day of August, 1867, by the National Coal Mining Company to me as trustee, I shall proceed to sell at public auction, at the coal mines of the National Coal Mining Company, in the vicini¬ ty of Rellona Arsenal, Chesterlleld county, Ya.,oti FRIDAY the 27tli day of March, IMis, at 12 o'clock M., if fair, if not, the next fair day thereafter, the lollowiiig property.to wit. On.- SIXTY-HOUSE ROWER STEAM ENGINE, with THREE liUlLERS, and all policies of insurance on the same, it being the same engine sold by Charles M. Wallace to the National Coal Mining Company. Tkkms : For cash as to so much of the pro¬ ceeds as may be necessary to defray the expenses of executing this trust and to dis¬ charge the amount of money then payable by virtue of said deed.to wit, 1,14c.AO, and inte¬ rest since the 13th day of February, 1m>s, amount of note due and unpaid, and negotia¬ ble note, with approved endorser, for *1,IP#, payable on the loth of August, anil the residue (if any) payable at such time, and se¬ cured tn such manner, as the said National Coal Mining Company, their successors, representatives, or assigns, shall prescribe and direct; or, In case of their failure to giN e such directions, at such time tend in such manner as 1 shall think til. WILLIAM 1. CLOPTON, Trustee. Sale conducted by A. C. Rclliam, Auc¬ tioneer. .mj L' 1 Auction. Rale*. ' futtTkk day. I5y James M. Taylor it Son, A netlone»r> Office 821 Main street, m three doors below Spofswood Hotel rpRUSTEE'S SALE* OF A HOI*^ 1. AM) LUTON FIFTEENTH STkH-'r AT AU<;TION..-By virtue of a <j^,| from James Uarter tome as trusts ,j ,L,i 29th of April, 18»;i, and duly r*cord*d'in ihl clerk's office of Richmond Ilnstingft Court secure the payment of a certain no*.® >h».r'. described, and at the request of the in,, j,., said note, I will sell at auction, on the t,- mises,6n TUESDAY th" :'.lstdayof AT - 1803, at half-past 4 o'clock I*. M . a portion r>* the property therein conveyed, consisting tyyo-story it RIOK JIOPSE and LOT on K teenth between Olay and Leigh sire..-, Tkrm-»: Two hnndred dollars incut, lame on a credit of four and eight month* JAMES SI. TAYLOR, Trustee Sale to be conducted by t. K .. Son, Auctioneer*. By Lyn»' & Brother, Real Estate Agent* and Air .. ,.,.r« No. 1439 Main street, between r-,...... Fifteenth. rp RUST K E ' S SALE OF TTII'I " 1 BUILDING lots IN >ut Ai<|.; OF ADAMS'S J'LAN, ON 1 i|p; v, | n .. SIDE OF TWENTY FIFTH STftEn I i TWEEN K AND S, AT AT. >> pursuance of a deed of trnst .»>,. by Oscar 1'eables, bearing date the ipjj ^ vember, 1867, and duly recorded in theowk * office of Henrico County Court. bein^ ,r..., requested by 'lie beneficiary in said *; [ shall proceed to sell at, public auction u TUESDAY the :,i-r March, ls»j\ at b t o'clock P. M., it fair: if nor, rh" . day thereafter, '1m* real es<ta-e <os.vsy. Said tieed, COn-' lillg of a certain LOT t LAND Ironti. g ninety fee* or. v. of Twenty-ill ii street between j; -»r ,j < running baelc between parallel lit,.-- an alley fourteen teet wide, beii / »!>. ints No*. ¦>, '¦>, and I", in Squat Adams's plan. Tr.KM- Enough in ca-.i to defray exp*. of sale and to pay oil* a certaiu note ol ri bearing date the 11th November, payable-fourmonths afterdate; therein.! der on such terms as will beinru.* » .\r the hour of sale. ....... , ROBERT B. L\ N I., J:; ,Tn Sale conducted by Ly>n. ^ Bio ;. tioneers Bv Harrison, Goddiit »v Apperson, Auctioneers and Real Estate A a corner Bank and Tenth street TRUSTEES'SALK OF THAT VAJ.r I MILE EST ITE. IN KINO Wll COUNTY, CALLED " JIYJJLA, U TA1NING 1,0.» ACRES..By deed of 11"iisr e.M'i iitml to the >u 1. -ri rIi.. 1:111. William A Braxton and Ii: his wife, bearing dateon tbeSId Novei II, duly recorded in King William u. Court, to secure to Mr. Franklin Swanif payment of ¦?!(.»,« >*> due l»y bond, with i rest from the l-iol January, I'*;:?, we sh: tin1 r»'(|nest of t he sa id Stearns, |>r<.< at public auction, ou the premises, on I'Jjj DAY the27tli March, i-,s, al l- o'c! k M lair, it not, tint lirst fair dayiheiv ; real estate conveyed by '!.>. ;i described as " all that i an it J. i) occupied by -aid parties ot tli. Ivini; in the county o? King \\ !. I'opador ami Jack creeks coir an..r._, mation, l,o"hi acres, composed ; smaller tracts," and which v.!. I - 1 ,n"hi acres is hounded by tin* land . coke estate, 1 >r. Williatn 1'. I': v I.acey, <H-orge Trimmer, lb'. ."Mrs John I'emberton, Reuben Hr: dall Gregory, Sr., Willi un W »i... I'. Ilogan, Sr. Tin* deed requires that the I . sold according to the t 'o ie (.[ Vir-ir.;t we are authorized by tin- i r*e,11*. he will accept one-fourth i-ii torv endorsed note, interest ad d days); balance at one, two, and bonds bearing interest (the inter* halt yearly), secured bv a mis* ... '| taxes for l-o's to be paid bv the purchaser W. G t > D DIN. / ,. mh lo' EATON NANi'K.S 1' Sh ippimj. r?0R NEW YOJJK-OLD DOM i1 STEAMSHIP C'UMPAN\ Tiic new ami elegant steamship IIATTEIiAS, Co will leave her wharf at i; .: WEDNESDAY, March 2*.tli, M. Freight received upto'J-' I Kouiul tickets, Si.-.a 'i bills signed to Huston, ami in- at lowest rales. Applv to SAMUfcL AY1IES at" tali'J.*.It Eleventh ami Man: .- "VfOTICE TO SHIPPERS. XI Of the JAMES KIVFt.'V^ jtrm-.S AND KA N A\VIIA <! A N A I COMPANY will leave promptly at 12 o'clock M. on TUESDAYS THURSDAYS, and SATDKD »Y> Freight and tolls on g-> »ds : r I. and beyond eolle. ted on . I- ii\ at the option of the shipper, i and delivered at my otlire, or. !... Way Freight vvlll no: be d-dr. charges are paid. Boats locked and insured, de II EDWARD DILLON, A . Steamers Owii u NoUrwI.K .1*1) J i I . .: \ |. S Kl'lIMuM), 31.1 I t. li 'J 1 » / 1HANGK OF TI.MK.-On ami \J MONDAY rli.'i".! <»i vi.-,n h , Hi»» steamer ANTELoPE (ten; . . '. porarily hi plaoeof steamer John Sylvester, now undergoing thonm;'!. Norfolk), will leave rumpiiv's v. Hot MONO \ VS. V. I.D.N KS1- \ FRIDAYS, it lin1 |( rk A M Freigh'. eivi'd ft im< rro-.v ¦' daily (except Sunday*) her u*er mil 21.'it Ii. I>. TAT' M. / UMR N K\\r YORK <>U) DOM .. I STEAMSHIP COMPANY Ttie splendid new side-win-el s steamships A LBKM A KLE, SA-jSt KATOrA, HATTER AS, N I. AG A K A, and \1RG1NIA, leave N'-v Y for Richmond direct every W'KliM and SATURDAY. Leave Richmond o TUESDAY and SATURDAY Theseshlps are entirely new, and wi.- expressly for this route. They have -pi. saloons and staterooms, and the tare, modations, and attention, are ii:i>urpa-- Goods shipped by this line are land re. larlyat New York on the Comj any pier 37 North river, within for-.V-eigh .. Insurance elfected at lowest .a-.. dered. Freghts for points beyond New Y * warded with dispatch, and no charge except for actual expenses nieuriv. The steamers tor Charleston, S \ New Orleans, and other southern p<»r from the adjoining pier. All goods £<>r tl points are promptly ir.ui.-ierivd \m i. posuro. A ousts..N. E. McCretulv, | .. m. Greenwich street, New York, Sairuiei A S Co., Richmond, Va. John W 1'oint and Petersburg; T. 11. \« ^bh, Ya. For freight or passage aoplv o SAMUEL AYKES .-.Co , Am tie 1 corner Main ami Eh vi-i :. I) i! IL A D ELPLII A, KICHM X AND NORFOLK ST FA SIUP LI N 1. S an.. -. - 3 FOLK and A L E X A N D K I A composing this line, will leave®*^ Philadelphia every SATURDAY, ... . *. moud every FRIDAY, :tlterua X t , Freight taken ior NUKF«»LK. n'-; CIIAKLEST<'N. SAVANNAH. ORLEANS, and bills of ladings:. Passage to Philadelphia, iiu i stateroom, ?id. W. P. 1'oRTHR. oc31 Odice No. 2421 J 17*0K N 0 R F O L K , FOKTSM' 'H ! AND ALL LANDINGS ON**'*]It." THE JAMES RIVER -The : and elegant steamer A N T H L O I* E Captain Z. C. G yv wharf at Rocketts for above i. » MONDAY, WEDNESDAY a:..! El\-' 1 t> o'clock A. M., and returns en 1 Thursday, and Saturday. ,. , -- PASSENGERS arrive at v V < yl.T . time t<» counect with steam* * !l . MOKE and POINTS NORTH TRAIN leaves CITY* POINT M * ir" lUllUr on arrival of STE AMt-U Fare to Norfolk, P2 W. FREIGHT ' y received up to 6 P. M daily for ¦' ^ s HALT I.MORE, principal LAM1 v N CHESAPEAKE KAY AND A 1.1 .; INGS ON JAMES RIVER at r*1^1 rate.-. Freight for way landings must Letters entrusted to purser of .*u'-'":r. be enclosed in a Government stand 1-1 Apply to L. U. TAT'.V. A. mbil Ottice, Sunnier » v. - V Saw Mills for Sale. 7>NGINE AND SAW MlU JJ SALE.-A TWENTY Ht'lS-l ' .NO INK on a twenty horse-petv ive Hue boiler, With a SAW tolled, all in good order, to. 1.200. They may be seen no.. hall. Chesterfield county. \ a. AiU" TAPPEY, LUMSDE.N " ml) b-2w PeU-rsbuCs.

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · For Rent. I|\)RRENT,adesirableBIUCKDWEU-I LINO-HOUSEsituatedon theeor-nerofFirstandMarshallstreet*.contain- #H| inn ten roomswithga#, find waterIn thcj^l^

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · For Rent. I|\)RRENT,adesirableBIUCKDWEU-I LINO-HOUSEsituatedon theeor-nerofFirstandMarshallstreet*.contain- #H| inn ten roomswithga#, find waterIn thcj^l^

For Rent.

I|\)R RENT, a desirable BIUCK DWEU-I LINO-HOUSE situated on theeor-

ner of First and Marshall street*. contain- #H|inn ten rooms with ga#, find water In thcj^l^vard. Possession Riven r-t.. W. 11. TIMBERLAKE,mh JA-1 . No. S Broad street.

1>0 R RENT, a neat DWELLING-HOUSE, with four or ^v0 rooms, ¦.1»

on Eighth street adjoining the <

Spring Possession riven 1-t of Apfll.1 1AM ES M TAYI,OK AsON,xnh 2A--St' Auctioneers.

IX1R KENT, TWO SHOPS on ther corner of Fourth and Cary streets. Mj|Thev are suitable for small factories, EtfHcarpenter, blacksmith, or machine shopsThere is a large lot attached. To good tenantsthev will be rented low. Apply at 625 Main

street. mh 2ft.fit

L"7M) R REN T 7 PART OF AHOUSE, furnished or not, in a plea¬

sant neighborhood.No. 110 Grace street,between Adams and Jefferson. mh 2.r>.2t



leaves Richmond daily (Sundays excepted) at10 A. M., arriiing tufWashiugtou atiP.M.,connecting w.th the early afternoon expresstrains for the North, East,'find West.The NIGHT THROUGH MAIL TRAIN,

with elegant cars supplied with the new pa¬tent sleeping chairs attached,.leaves Rich¬mond daily at S:." 1*. M. arriving in Washington at 8:1.1 A. hi., connecting with the earlymorning trains for the North, Last, and West.No kxtka crtAKUE for sleeping cliairs.THROUGH TICKETS and THROUGH

BAGGAGE CHECKS to Alexandria, Wash¬ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York,Boston, and all the principal cities of theWest.For further information and through tickets

apply at the office ol the company, cornerBroad and Eighth streets, Siioekoe Hill, unuat the ticket office, corner llyrd and Eighthstreets. .1. 11. GENTRY,

General Ticket Agent.Samtki. Rr-rn, Superintendent. mh 21

Richmond an" I'm kkskcku Kaii.koad Co., IKiohmonI', Va., March 21, 1S6S. >

ON AND AFTER the 23d instant theTKMNS ON THIS ROAD will leave :u*

fUKXl'KKSS TRAIN daily at ¦> A. M.THROUGH MAfl' daily at 2:4.1 P. M.Tin* 3 A. M. train connects closely v. i h

trains as I ir south as Augusta, Ga., and atPetersburg with trains of the Southsidr rail¬way.

, ,The 2:15 P. M. train makes close and sureconnections with trains for all points soutl?is far as New t M'lcan-4.The 2:43 P. M. train connects at Petersburg

with trains for Norfolk.Trains leave Petersburg for Kichmond antl

all points north and west.EXPRESS TRAIN daily at 8:30 A. 31.THROUGH MAIL daily at 7:2.". P. M.Fare to Norfolk, *4. Baggage checked

through. U. II. GILL,rah 23 Engineer and Superintendent.


BURG A N It POTOMAC KAJLROA D.SPRING AN1 > SI'MMKR ARRANGE-"MENT ISO's.TO GO INTO EFFECT ONMONDAY, MARCH 23n, INSTANT.-On andafter the morning of March 23d, instant, thetrains of this company will be run from thedepot corner of Byrd tind Eighth streets as

^TIlE DAY" THROUGH MAIL TRAIN,. toppin" at regular wav-stations, will leave(Sunday A. M. excepted, at in A. 31. instead

WlTHK NIGHT THRoFG 11 MAIL TRAIN,stopping at regular way-stations, will leavedaily at 8.3o P. 31.

. .

Uutiirniiisr, th<* triiiu? will urrivo 4. l.» AId and 2.33 P.M.

For further information and through tick¬ets, applv at the company's olliee, corner olJ1 road and Eighth streets, or at the ticket of¬fice, corner of Ryrd and Eighth streels

SAMUEL ltOTH,Superin ten dent. Transportation.

.1. II. Gf.mkv, General Ticket Agent,mh 21."t

OICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAIL-f\, ROAD-CHANGE OF SCHEDULE.-On and after Friday the loth day ol January,lso's, the passenger trains on tliis road willran as follows:(Mwj Mail Train..Leave Richmond

daily at 8:16 A. 31.; leave Danville daily atf> '23 P. 31.; arrive at Greensboro' daily at

p". 31.; connecting at Burkeville witht rains on the Sou tlxside railroad for h arm\ die,Lynchburg, Dristol, Knoxville, Nashville,Memphis, Grand JuncLioii, New Orleans, Ate.,and at Greensboro' with trains on the NorthCarolina, railroad for Charlotte, Columbia,Charleston, Augusta, Savannah, Macon, At-lanta, Montgomery, 3Iobile, New Orleans, Ate.

Coiiiy mat..Mail and Passenger Train..Leave Greensboro' daily at 1 A. 31.; leave]Danville daily at 0:43 A. 31. ; arrive at Rich¬mond at 3:13 P. 31.Accommodation Train from Lynchburg.

Leave Kurkeville daily (Sundays excepted) at3'3o P. 31.; arrive at Richmond at 7:->> 1 . 31.

T1103LAS DODA31EAD,j;l Superintendent.

Office Richmond and Yokk Rivek 1Raii.koad COMt'ANY, >

Richmond, March 11, ISoS. J¥ INK TO PHILADELPHIA AND

ROSTON RK-Ol'ENKI).This companyis now prepared again to receive and forwardfreight to and from Koston and Philadelphia.Freight for these points leaves Richmond

every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and at thesame time for Kallimore, Cincinnati, Louis¬ville, Chicago, and all points between Wheel¬ing and Parkersburg and Kallimore on theBaltimore and Ohio railroad, and all .placesreached by the Northern Central railroad.Passengers will tind this a delightful spring

and summer route to Kallimore, where theyarrive always in time for the early trainsNorth and West, with ample time lor break¬fast in Baltimore, if desired. 1 are to Kalli¬more only four dollars (*fr4).Freights lor Baltimore and points beyond

received at all times.Shippers, observe the following directions:From Huston to Richmond..Mark your

poods 44 Keystone and Union Line," cave of44 Richmond and York River Railroad Line,"Kaltimore, and ship by Boston and Provi¬dence railroad.From Phii.adki.ritiATo Richmond..Ship by

the 44 Philadelphia aud Baltimore UnionLine," No. 18 North wharves, Philadelphia,care of 41 Richmond and York River RailroadLine," Baltimore.Baltimore olliee, No. 8 Light-stivet \\harfTrains leave the Richmond depot daily at 7

A. 31.St** it: Link iok Tai'I'-viiannock..tvety

TUESDAY and FRIDAY 31URN1NG,on theurrivaj ol the cars at fish Haul station, inKing William county, stages leave tor lappa-hatiuock, passing King \N illiam I ourthouse,Walkerlon, lSruingloti, and 3liller's Tavern,and reaching Tappahannock at 3 o'clock sameday.

Returning, stages leave Tappahannock onWEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and pas¬sengers reach Kichmond by the cars at 3:3o.Fare to Tappahnnnock, $4.00, and to other

points in proportion.WILLIAM K. ENDS,Freight and Ticket Agent.

Captain John 11. Freeman, Passenger andFreight Agent. mh 11


after WEDNESDAY, March 11th, the fol¬lowing trtiins will be run on this road: Themorning passenger train DAILY (except onSundays) between Kichmond and Staunton,and tri-weekly west of Staunton, going west,ou MONDAVS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRI¬DAYS, and returning alternate days. Thistrain leaves Richmond at 7:13 A. 31. and ar¬rives at 6:20 P. M., and makes close connec¬tion with the Orange and Alexandria Railroadtrains for Lynchburg aud the Southwest, andconnects with trains to and from the North,tout with a delay at Gordonsville of one hourand thirty minutes.the connections withBaltimore aud Ohio Railroad trains for NewYork belug re-established. No trains onSunday.The evening passenger train leaves Rich¬mond DAILY (except Sundays) for Gordous-

ulul lor Charlottesville onWEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. Return¬ing, leaves Charlottosvtlle at 4 A M onTHURSDAY and MONDAY, and Gordons-Yllle DAILY (except on Sunday) at 6 A. M. .

urriving in Richmond at fe.so A. M.The morning train connects with HARMANk CO.'S and TROTTER it CO.'S LINE OFSTAGE COACHES for Lexington, WhiteSulphur, and Winchester.Passengers for Lexington go through fromRichmoud or Kaltimore the same day.THROUGH TICKETS sold to all prominent

U. j>. WIHTCOMR,m"9 General Superintendent.T TOES.. Fivy Caaks "ElwellV Weodin."*¦

,' UiUlng lloES, tny own importationjust received per stuaiushlp City of Londonand lor sine by CHARLES J. SINTON.No. 1436 Main street.

Y LATHER of all kinds for xtile low b'jij mh 21 O 11. CiIAi.Kl.EY t o.'

Jtor Rent.

I?()R RENT, n large and comfoitabloHOUSE on the corner of I)aval and ML

St. Stephens street*. It contains six e«

rooms; kitchen with three rooms; coal--*-*.house, stable, and necessary out-houses on

the lot. The Whole premises are in good or-dor. The rent will be moderate to a goodtenant. Apply to DANIEL. MURPHY,mil 2.'»-:n« 747 Second street.

I^OR RENT, a very desirable FRAMI» DWELLING on the north side of

Leigh street between First and Second,containing seven rooms, gas, water, &c.,with a kitchen, now in the occupancy of Mr*. !Mary E. Stratton. Immediate possession maybo had. jAlso, a desirable HRICK DWELLING 011

the north side of Leigh street between Firstand Second, with seven roomr, gas, watec,&c., with brick kitchen. Possession at once.

Also, a neat HRICK TENEMENT on

Adams street between Leigh and Jackson,with four rooms, gas, &c.Also, a neat HRICK TENEMENT on!

Cherry street, in Sidney, south of Main, withthree rooms, kitchen, and water convenient.

FRANCIS T ISHELL,Real Estate Agent, j

mh 2.'j.it opposite Spots wood Hotel.

Dwelling for rent..a dosira.ihie RESIDENCE, 011 Fifth be-

tween Clay and Leigh streets, contain-Fjrjsing twelve rooms besides ample aecoin- « "¦

modations for servants; gas and water

through the house. To a good tenant therent will he moderate. Apply at this olfice or


Hroad street. mh 24.lot

POK RENT, a LARGE BRICK DWELL-1JL ING 011 Sixth street, in rear of theSecond Baptist church, containing abouteight rooms, with all the necessary im-^*provements.JAMES M. TAYLOR & SON,

111I1 2-1.3t Auctioneers.

I70R RENT, a BRICK STORE and1 DWELLING on Second betweenJackson and Duval streets, suitable for abakery. JAMES M. TAYLOR SON,-mh 24.3t Auctioneers.

CM ALL FARM FOR RENT. Situated0 011 the Osborne turnpike two milesbelow Richmond. Has 011 it a largeDWELLING-HOUSE of ten rooms,with stable and oilier necessary out-houses.This farm will be rented low toa good tenant.Apply to F. STEARNS,mh '24.3t 1-1J* Fifteenth street.

j?OKRENT..Fine BRICK DWELLING1 011 Franklin street, just beyond Old " *

Fair Grounds, with eigbi rooms, stable,carriage-house, and large grounds.Large HRICK DWELLING, 011 Main be¬

tween Si\tb and Seventh streets, opposite Ar¬lington House, with ten rooms.FRAMED DWELLING, corner Marshall

aim Thirtieth streets, with six rooms, .-table,carriage-house, and large grounds.HKD'K DWELLING, corner Thirty-first

and Clav streets, with six rooms ami largegarden.FRAMED DWELLING, with four rooms,

on Twenty-ihird between .Main and Franklinstreets.HRICK DWELLING. Franklin between

Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, Willi sixrooms.FRAMED DWELLING, on Second be¬

tween Leigh and Jackson streets, with liverooms.STOKE and DWELLING, on Hroad be¬

tween Second and Third streets, next to cor¬

ner of Third -1reetSTORE and DWELLING, on Franklin be-

ovv Fifteenth street, next lu Lambeth «x Fran¬cis's carriage factory.Apply to ({ROBES >v WILLIAMS,111I1 g.'-i.'it Real Estate Agents.

170 R- RENT, a TlIELE-STOkY IHyICkI"1 l>\VKLLl NO, on norlli sub*UracHsiwi between Admits and Jcller- |;;;jg., .. |>ti«.<e^>ioil Lriveu ill il f**vv il.iv>.Fo^e misapply to EDWARD Y. (!ANN«>N.A i tor.toy nt Law. Franklin Mf-i, lour don.sbelow corner of rl liiricctiih. in'1 .* 1

1 iv RENT, desirable BRICK DW ELL-_!? 1NG oil the south sice of Franklinbetween Twenty-first and '1 wonty-»*'. Effig.old streets, containing seven rooms."¦i< and water on the premises, kitchen, andThe necessary out -house." : /llsU.'1;l.S^I0f./p'Jelwith small garden attached. 1 h» v hohp>riinisesare in complete repair. 1? o »t!CLOPTON & HARMOtH),

Heal Estate Agents and Auctioneers,Tenth between Main and Bank streets.

i^OK KENT, neat framed DWELLING^

on Venable between Twenly-tounh toLan.I Twenty-fifth streets, LlJIfour rooms; kitchen; also, agoodfc.u deu.Tito House

1J A1CYV0CH*.Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers,

Tenth between Alain and Bank streets.

¥70iTrENT, the STORE on (lie northI; side of Main between Seventeenth pjland Eighteenth streets recently ocr». frigpied by A. McAuley. This is one of the-b**-best stands for a retail grocery in that put t otihucitv. To be had at once.

CLOl'TON .v HARWpOD,Ileal Estate Agents and Auctioneers,Tenth street between Main and Bank.

mh 23.3i j170K KENT, THREE-STORY BRICKiJ DWELLING on the north side olBroad between Twenty-fourth and fct||Tweiity-lilth streets, containingrooms ; kitchen and the nccessaij hack build

-s To be had at once.(JLOl'TON & 1IARWOOI),

Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers,Tenth between Main and Bank streets,

mh 2:(.at-

17011 RENT, thts STORE No. 512 BroadJP street, between Fifth and Sixth, nowJL MI * « * , in » -

occupied by W. Lineman, watehmakct .^Annlv to H. lv1 lUT.ijLi,!,!h 2:l-20 No- aln Broad street.

i?OR RENT\ tlio largo and desirable8 TH REE-STORY ST t M' C O E 1>DWELLING on the south side of wrscce Jjjjibetween Twenty-first and Twenty-se-Jo¬cund streets, containing ten rooms.iu hteie-

pair, with gas and water on the lot. lo be

h:idalOUCt''CLOl'TON & HARWOOD,Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers,Tenth between Main and Bank slieets.

lull 23.31

1r*0R RENT, a neat FRAME DWELL-! 1NG 011 Twenty-ninth between U

audi* streets, containing three rooms ;kitchen, and the necessary out-houses ,

also, a good garden attached. To be had atonce (,'LOFTON & HARM 001 >,

Real Estate*Agents and Auctioneers,Tenth between Main and Bank streets,

mh 23.3t

I70R RENT, a desirable TWO-STORYr> BRICK DWELLING on Venablestreet between Twenty-third and 1 wen-ty-l'uiirth streets, couiaiuing six rooms .

kitchen, stable, and the necessary out houses.Also, a large garden attached, lobe had atonce. CLOPTON & IIARWuuD,

Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers,Tenth between Alain and Bank streets,

mil 23.St

T70R RENT, desirable TWO-STORYJU BRICK DWELLING on the cornerof Thirtieth and Leigh streets, contain¬ing six rooms ; kitchen and the necessary _____outhouses. Also a good Garden attached.The whole premises have been put in goodorder. Rent low to a good tenant. To be hadat once. CLOPTON .x llARWOOB,

Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers,Tenth between Alain and Bank streets.

mh 23.31.

}70R RENT, a conveniently-arrangedi and pleasant HOUSE, on Clay street MgAbetween Fourth and I .fib, containing FrHnine rooms. To a good tenant l*7Nl i ¦,1rented low. Apply to R. 11 ¦ DlliKELL,mh 23.tApl 1312 Cary street.

I~70R RENT, the RESIDENCE over ourstore. The rooms are large, light,

ami airy, and suitable lor some light bu-sine.->, or lor a family. Possession given ¦

the 1st of April. HUNDLEY TATUAI,mh 21 628 Broad street.

Y70R RENT, the SPLENDID STOREJ? No. 1211 Alain street, betweenTwelfth and Thirteenth streets, used at jjmjpresent for the hat business of John Boo- *

ley, deceased. Apply on the premises, or toJAMES H. DOOLEY,mil21.lw Franklin street.

IT^OR RENT, a most desirable STORE,. on Alain street two doors above the

Spotswood Hotel. Extends back seven¬ty-two feet, taking in back building."Was occupied over two years as a hardwarestore. H;cs gas, water, vaults, aud all con¬veniences for a millinery, shoe, or any kind ofbusiness. Also, aSMALL STORE on Eighthstreet, and several houses, suitable for fami¬lies or business purposes, on Main street. Ap¬plyto Mrs. PHILLIPS,mh 2o.sw* So7 Grace street.

F)R kentTand possessiongiven immediately, a HOUSE eon-tain ing two or three chambers, parlor,dining room ; kitchen, garden, and pnmp ofwater. Terms moderate to a good tentuit; uoneother need apply. For further informationapply on the premises, on Twenty-fifth street.Union Hill, between O and P streets, threedoors above Air. Burgess's store. fe 29 lm


Lost, Strayed, and Found, jI OST, TUESDAY MORNING, ON!

the south side of Broad itween Thirrl and Fifth streets, or jlit the Trade Palace, a pair of plain GOLD jSPECTACLES wrapped in a piece of news¬

paper. A liberal reward will be paid for their jdelivery at 33.1 13road street,nth 25.21* T. II. UKAM LETTE.

CTRAYED (»K STOLEN from Head-O quarters First Military District, 2f.rOcorner of Eleventh and Clay streets, ^5^.|about 11M o'clock A. M. on Tuesday, a smut I

BLACK and TAN TERRIER SLIT; had on Ja reil leather collar with silver-plated plate for ijiaine : small white spot oil breast; answers to !

name of "Gipsy." A liberal reward will be {paid for her return to me at the corner of

Eleventh and (.'lay streets, ur *.27 Fourth street,between Clay and Leigh.:nh 2.3-.31* EDWIN \V. HEWITT.

171FTY DOLLARS REWARD..Stolenfrotn Tunstall'3 station, on the

. " * jYork River railroad, on Saturday

. large sorrel.¦*Inight, March 21st, outId ARE, about six years old, sixteen handshigh, weight about l.loo pounds, mane and |tail of Jlaxen color.a little white in face.in- jterferes a little with hind feet, and had on a ,

new halter with large rope. The above re- i

ward will be paid for the recovery of the mare ;

and detection u 1 the thief. AddressII. A. PIERCE,

]o]2 Main street, Richmond, Va.. or jCaptain II. B. NICHOLS,

mil 21.31* Norfolk, Va. J

l^OTICE..Strayed frcm the Tredegar t

Works, on the night of the l-thy%.in-tan t, a large dun IJ ol.'SE M CLE,in low order. A suitable reward will jbe p.iid for t he dcii\ « ry ol the mule to £?...£*** j

ml) 2::-::t TREDEGAII Cf>MPANY.


WANTED, a WHITE GIRL for gone-ral housework. F. KOETH,

Twenty-seven11| streetbetween <i and It streets,

mh 2.*---lt* l nion Hill.

"I \ r ANTED, for two ladies, ONE ROOM\ ? in the house with another family, with

use of parlor and kitchen-room. Localitypreferred west of Tenth street .and smith ofLeigh. References ex< hanged. Addressmh 2o.2t " ROOM," care of this ollice.

\rANTED, a WET NURSE, white or

colored ; one with a full, healthy, freshbreast. Apply immediately to H. II Tv.,mli 2.*.If Room .is Hallard House.

|> A R E ROOKS WANTED.RAN-I i. DOLP1I ,v ENGLISH will pay goodprices for VIRGINIA HISTORICAL RE¬GISTER. STATE HISTORIES, RAREWORKS, and CONFEDERATE PCRLK A-TIONS. All kinds of Hooks and Pamphletsbought. At 132') Main street will be found alarge eolli-¦.tion of LAW and MISCELLA-N K< 'IS HOOKS, HAN KIM PT and otherBLANKS, STATIONERY, Xe. B< u 'KHIND-IN< J in any style, and BLANK I!< >OKS madeto order.

"mh 2!

^FECIAL NOTICE..An experiencedO ACPOI'NTANT oilers his services tomake oil nccoiiuis, write up, adjust, or closebooks. Best city references furnished. Termsmoderate. Business men would consult theirinterests by addressing AO't'I'NTANT, care

JHsjuifcK ollice. All communications strictlyc lilitlentiul. mh 21.lw*

\ GEN1__/jL_.I«'irt'i>0» Uavi«." By Frank II. Alfriend,ot Jin hmond, formerly editor of iln* S^nt.'itrvI,it>r nn M-ss<i»i> r. Tr > i- a full anil autheit-lir history of the I<f». atnl ]»uJ«1 if services ol tliegreat sou tliern leader. Mr. Alfriend has eu-

joyi'd unusual advantages in the preparationof this work, as will be apparent to all on ex¬

amination. S 'till for specimen paces and cir¬cular.-wit h terms. Address

NATIONAL. PUBLISHING CO.,itl7 Main street, Richmond, Va.

inh 3.d&?\vliu

RANTED, T1IE PUBLIC TO KNOWthat I have reeei ved another supply of

that splendid SEASONED PINE WOOD.Price the same as you are charged elsewherefor sobby old-lield pine. Also, cords OAK,to be sold to persons not able to buy at mar¬

ket prices, also t<> those that are. Personsallowed to buy half a cord, or liftv cords itthey like. "W. .1. MrDbWEI.L.

Yard next to corner of First and Broad,mh 13.tlteoiD

A YOU N G M A N 0 F STEADYJ .V habits desires a SITUATION ON AFARM. lias some experience. Can comewell recommended. Address "15.," box ..-"¦0,Kiebtnond nosi-olliee. inh -4.'-!*

WANTED, by a gcutluman ami wife,y\ TWO ROOMS, witlt the n.-e ot kitchen,

or IIOAlil) in a pri\ate family. ReP-renc.given. Address J., box 7:>3. giving location,tnh 21.H

ANTED, a capable FEMALE SKR-V V YAN'T to do chamber work and attend

in the dining-room. Must come well recom¬mended. Call at 7e;» Leigh street, betweenSeventh and Eighth streets. mli tU.tit

PANTED, TO KENT THREE OK^ FOUR ROOMS (unfurnished), with

use of parlor and kitchen, in a genteel neigh¬borhood 011 Shockoe Hill, or the whole of a

small house. Possession wanted by 1st April.Address post-o/lice box son. mil -I. "Jt *


in a well-organized, established, and payingMERCANTIL1: RI SINESS, a 11d w h i ch, w 11hadditional capital, could be prolitabl.v ex¬

tended. Address, with real name, MER¬CHANT, at. ollice of Einjuirt-r <iu<t lCratiliiur.mh _-l.tit*

/ 1 ARPENEK WANTED, to take chargeof a vegetable garden in Orange county.

For a suitable man, without incumbrance,liberal wages will be paid. Apply at llaxall'smills. LEWIS I). CRENSHAW,

lull «3.el*

WANTED, 11 I D E S-Prv, Green, orSalted. ill'LST i KING,

Fourteenth street near Exclittnge Hotel,no ?


Prices to suit the times.WILLIAM C. BARNES,

No. 13 Twelfth street, betweenmh II.lm Franklin and Main streets.


Having recently put in a new cracker ma¬chine nl' tin' mosi approved style, 1 am nowprepared to furnish u> families or mere haulsA 1.1. THE VARIETIES OF CRACKERS,made in the HEST 3LANNE11 and ol the veryBE>T 31ATEKIAL. Also, HUEAD andCAKES sit the lowest rates.

Look at my list of price-:Soda Crackers, lie. Hotter Crsu kers, lie.Oyster Crackers, 10c. Water Crsickers, inc.Spice Nuts, lOo. Cream Crackers. 13c.Sugar Crackers, l.'c. Cracker Dust, ]2e.

Arrowroot Crackers, 13c.PLAIN, OlINAMENTAL, and FANCY

CAKES 1 urnL-lied at reasonable rates..1. C. HAGNAI.L,

._"2es Alain stre-t,between Twenty-second and Twenty-third,mh lit.".in*


No. 530 Broad street, between Fifth andSixth.The largest variety of

rLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL CAKESin the city, wholesale and retail, on the most

reasonable terms.. nili 23






Soda Crackers, lie. Butter Crackers, 11c.Oyster Crackers, 10c. Water Crackers, l»c.Spice Nuts, ISc. Cream Crackers, 15c.Sugar Crackers, 15c. Cracker Dust, 12c.Sugar Cakes, 5"c. hlolasses Cakes, 50c.

Arrowroot Crackers, 15c.And all kinds of PLAIN, FANCY, and OR-NA3IENTAL CAKES, CRACKERS, andPIES, wholesale and retail.N. B..Liberal discount given to merchants.de 31

Merchants of Richmond..Themerchants of Richmond who desire the

trade of the rich and populous Valley of

ViRHiNiA, as well as the counties w«*st ot theValley, should advertise in the "STAUN¬TON SPECTATOR,' as that journal has amuck larger circulation in that part of thpSlate than any journal in Virginia. It is oneof the oldest, best esLablu-hod, and mostWidely-circulated journals of the State, andis the BEST ADVERTISING 3IEDIU31outside of the large cities. Its terms for ad¬vertising are moderate. The Richmond mer¬chants should avail themselves of the beuelltof its columns. Address

IS. 3IAUZY tt CO.,mh 20.lw* Staunton, Va.

Auction Sales.THIS DAY.

By E. Gathright, Auctioneer,1433 Main street,

between Fourteenth and Fifteenth.

Household furniture, bed-DING, CROCKERY, Ac., AT AUC¬

TION.. I^v ill sell at my store THIS (Wednes¬day) MORNING at lo o'clock



belonging iu parties leaving the cityALSO,


nih 2.1 E. GATI!RIGHT, Auctioneer^By Omohutidro A Co., Auctioneers,

No. 2<>7 Broad street,between Second and Third streets.

\\TE WILL SELL at our store THIS\ V (Wednesday) MORNING, March 2.*»tli,commencing at lo o'clock, a line assortment of

CHAIRS.all descriptions.and many otlnTuseful articles, such as


ALSO,A fine lot of


We respectfully invite all to the above sale,as (lie articles .-ire to be sold without limit or

reserve. OMOHUNDKO .V CO.,mil '.';j-1P Auctioneers.

By Sampson Jones, Jr., & Co.,Auctioneers and Commission Merchants,

Fifteenth street between Main and Cary.

A LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK OFj!l first-class FAMILY GROCE-KIES AT AUCTION..Being desirous ofconsolidating lii< business altogether in Ra¬leigh, N. C., we will, at the request of W 11.Andrews, sell at his store, No. 1712 Mainstreet, between Seventeenth and Eighteenthstreets, on WEDNESDAY, tWlh instant, com¬mencing at Io'clock A. M.. his entire stockof choice FAMILY GROCERIES, consistingin part of the linest selections of


i BAiMiX,SYR CPS,LltiUUllS, etc.,

together with such a variety of other goods as

i- usually kept in a first-class retail grocery.SAMPSON JONES, Jr., iCU.,


NOTICE.All persons having claims against the house

are requested to present them for immediatesettlement, and those indebted will come for¬ward and settle at once.

I inh 24 W.R.ANDREWS.By .limit's 31. Taylor & Son, Auctioneers,

Ollit-eSSl Main street,three doors below Spotswood Iiotel.


WF.DNESDAY the 2.1th of 31 arch. 1SUS, oil thepremises, at 1o'clock 1*. 31., the above-de¬scribed property, consisting of one BRICKand three FRAME TENE31ENTS with fourrooms each.Terms: One-fourth ensh : balance at six,

twelve, and eighteen months.JAMES 31. TAYLOR \ SON,

mil 21Auctioneers.

15y James 31. Taylor & Son, Auctioneers,Office S21 Main street,

three doors below Spotswood Hotel.

VJTX MULES, T1IREE COAL CARTS,O AND THREE SETS DOUBLE HAR¬NESS, FOR SALE AT AUCTION..Will besold on WEDNESDAY the 2.1th instant, at 12.'clock 31., at Hix's stable, on Eleventh streetbetween 3Iain and Gary streets, SIX FINK31ULES, well broken and in good order.tobe .-old for no fault. Also, THREE COALCARTS, with THREE SETS DOUBLEHARNESS: all in good order.Terms: Cash.

.1A3IES 31. TAYLOR \ SON,mil 23.St Auctioneers.

By Leo & Goddin AuctioneersNo. 13 Thirteenth street.


deed of trust executed by Thomas C. Epps,bearing date on the tub day of January, InIs,and of record in the ollieeof the clerk of Rich¬mond Hustings Court, being requested by de-parties interested, I will proceed to sell at

public auction, on WEDNESDAY the 2.1thday of March, 1 StiS, at .1 o'clock P. 31., on thepremises, the real estate conveyed by the saidtrust deed, viz.:One LOT OF LAND fronting on Baker

street, embracing the whole square betweenSt. James and St. Stephens streets, on whichare seven dwelling-hoiises. These tenement-have several rooms each, and are occupied byprompt tenants at fair rents.ONE LOT at tbe northeast corner of St.

Stephens and Baker streets, fronting aboutthirty feet on St. Stephens street.ONE LOT on St. Paul's street between

Baker ami Duval, with TWO FRA3IETEN-31KNTS thereon, containing three rooms e:u hTkkms on Sai.i; : One-third of the purchase

money will be required in cash; the residueon a credit of six and twelve months for nego¬tiable notes, interest added, and secured bytrust deeds. The taxes for lstis to be paid bythe purchaser or purchasers.

THOMAS P. AUGUST,Surviving Trustee.

Sale conducted by Lek & Goodi.v, Auc¬tioneers. mli 13

Uy Lee & Goddiu, Auctioneers,No. lo Thirteenth street.

rpRUSTEE'S SALE OF HANDSOMEi BRICK DWELLING, ON THE COR¬NER < )F KAKEK AND ST. STEPHENSSTREETS, AT AUCTION..By virtue of thtprovisions of a deed of trust executed byThomas O. Epps, bearing date on the :h>tli dayof December, P">7, and of record in theoliiceof the clerk of Richmond Hustings Court, tosecure a certain sum of money therein men¬tioned, in execution of the said trust, beingrequested so to do by the party secured, Iwill proceed to sell at public auction onWEDNESDAY, 25th day of March, D-at 4o'clock P. M., on the premises, the REALESTATE conveyed by said trust deed, as fol¬lows :A FOUR-STORY PRICK DWELLING,

situated on the corner of linker and St. Ste¬phens streets, containing thirteen rooms, he-sides closets and bath-room; brick kitchenwith four rooms; stable and carriage-house.All built oi the best material and workman¬ship, and now in good repair, and occupiedbv the said Epps."The lot has a front of 12!) feet, extending

back 140 feet, and is well enclosed.Terms ok Saj.e : The deed requires a suffi¬

cient sum in cash to defray the expenses ofsale and to discharge a bond for y3,6co, withinterest from 3uth. December, 1S67; residueupon such time :is the said Thomas C. Eppsmay direct; but it is probable that an ar¬rangement may be effected by which a creditwill be given "on a large portion of the pur¬chase money. THOMAS P. AUGUST,

Surviving Trustee.Sale conducted by Lee & Gouni.v, Auction¬

eers. inh 13.td

Ileal Estate for Sale.T?0R SALE, OR EXCHANGE FORr SUITABLE PROPERTY, 12o ACRESUP WOOD LAND, one aiul a half miles fromManchester. Some good pine timber on it.Apply to H J- NUNNALLY,

Holland Eighth streets,rah 20--l\v* Manchester.

Horses and Males for tale,

MULES FOR SALE..One pair of largewell-broke MULES for sale.

Apply^ blaCKBURN,

corner Smith and Broad streets.rah 24.61*

poR SALE, TWELVE FINE YOUNGMULES, well broke. Apply at thel

Tredegar Works,


rpiIE COLORED MAN WHO PICKEDL up a bunch of small KEYS on Eighth

street between Franklin and Grace on lastWEDNESDAY MORNING will reeeiv,- asuitable reward by leaving them at the po'.t-

ollice. Hilt 21.21+

..BMM.H..Auction Sales.


Py Wellington Goddin,Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent.


NUE. As trustee in a certain deed of trust

executed by John Clash and wile, bearingdate 26th March, lfilJl, duly recorded in Rich¬

mond Hustings Court, I shall, at the requestof the creditor named therein, sell at publicauction, on the premises "'t SATU RDATt the

4th of April, ISSS, at fl o'clock P. 31., if fair,if not, the first fair day thereafter, the LOTand RRICKTENEMENT thereon, now in the

occupancy of 3Irs. Elizabeth Franklin, front¬

ing -OK' feet on the north side of Duval street

near to 11 rook avenue, running back the depthof the lot to an alley. Although the deed re¬

quires that the property shall be sob! for cash,yet the creditor is willing to accept one-thirdcash; balance at six and twelve months,bearing interest, secured by a trust deed. Thetaxes and insurance lor PtiS to be paid by the

purchaser,j mh 23 31. 31. YOUNG, Trustee.

Ry Grubbs & Williams, Auctioneers,Northwest corner 3Iain and Eleventh streets.


half-past I o'clock P. 31., we will lease at auc¬

tion, upon the premises, the well-known placeof public resort known as ELPA PARK,situated in the western part of the city, andextending back from IJroad to Clay street.The grounds contain about five acres, em¬

bracing a lawn handsomely set out in shadeand ornamental trees, shrubbery, ami llov,wrs,and a line garden.The improvements are a large and hand¬

some PRICK DWELLING with nine rooms,besides basement and closets; also, a brickstable and carriage-house,

j Elba Park is the favorite resort for celebra¬tion and pic-nic parties, and is well known as

the most attractive pleasure garden in thecity. A rare opportunity is here o liered to

those disposed to go into that line of busi¬ness.The terms will be made known at the time

of renting. GRUPOS i WILLI A3IS,

j mil"J."> Auctioneers.

Py Lee ..v Goddin,Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers,No. 1117 3Iain street, west of Twelfth.

THREE TWO.STORY FRAME TEXE-1 JIK.N'TS, NEARLY NEW, ON COM-PROMISE STREET, M A I'In 'X HILL. AN 1»ONE TWO STUKY FRAME TENEMENTON POPLAR STREET NEAR FIF¬TEENTH. FOR SALE AT AUCTION . J.yreqiiestof the owner, we will sell on MON¬DAY, 2:M instant, on ill" premises, at 1 o'clock1*. M., commencing in the order named above,THREE TWO-STORY FRAME TENE-IMENTS, situated on Compromise street.con¬taining three rooms each, wit!: lot having an

aggregate front ol 'in feet by 1 Inteet toti street:tn feet wide.Terms: One-fourth cash: residue in equal

instalments at four, eigii t, and t wrlve months,for negotiable notes, interest added, and se-

cured by trust deed. Taxes for Istis to be paidby the purchaser.Immediately at ter which we will sell a neat

! FRAME TENEMENT of two stories, eon-

taming tour rooms, on Poplar street, havinga front of 22 L feet by lee feet deep.Terms: As above. I.EE ai GORDIN,

mil 2.1Auctioneers.

15y Thomas Phillips,Auctioneer and Cuinmi i m Merchant.

INTENDING TO CHANGE MY KUSl-1. NESS, I will idler for sale at public anc

I Mon. on TCESDAY the .'Hst instant, at 10! o'clock A. M., inv ENTIRE ST< d,'K, con¬

sisting of (liioils, Shelving, Showcase, Scales(both platform and counter), (Yninters, i-e. :

and at II o'clock tin* KEY and GUUD-WILLof the house will be ottered.Any person desiring one of the best busi-

1 ness stands can purchase the same privatelybv applying before the dav of sale.

TH< i.MAS PHILLIPS,corner Seventh and llroad streets,

mil 2.1.WFM\Tu4t*1 ly Grtibbs .x Williams, Auctioneers,

Northwest corner Main and Eleventh streets.

O ALE OF THE VALUABLE PROO PERTA" KNOWN AS "SPRINGII 1 L L," OPPOSITE TO THE CITY OFK 1(' I i MON 1 '..Pursuant to a deiree of tinCircuit Court of Chesterfield county renderedat the May term thereof A, D. lsU7. the un¬

dersigned, commissioners under said decnwill proceed to >> !I, at publicauetiou, upon thepremises, at 12 o'clock 31., on TCESIJAY tinClili of Man h, ilits property known :ij

"SPRING HILL,"' lying in Cliester/ieblcounty near the town of Manchester. Thispropert v consists of about ONE HCNDREDAND THIRTY A i'I: I .S (i F .MAINLANDand an equal or greater number ol* acres olrocks, islands, and shoals, in .lame- river, to

gether with a well known and most valuableWATER P< iWEILThis property is the irnst eligible for manu¬

facturing purposes that can be found any¬where near Richmond. The faII of water atthe lower end amounts to twenty-six feetand the quantity of water is never diminishedby any drought, nor is the laud overflowed bythe highest freshes. A line spring, furnish¬ing ail abundance of pure water, offers an op.port unity for the manufacture of paper, wlnbthere is every ad van tage that can tie desiredfor any other mechanical manufacture.The Danville railroad runs through the pro¬

perty in a line parallel to the river, and thusatfords every facility for the receipt of fueland raw material, and the shipment ot manu¬factured articles made there.There is a fine DWELLING and out-houses

on the most elevated portions of the grounds.The soil is very fertile ; location remarkablefor its salubrity.tA mapot tin* property and its surroundings,

made from careful and accurate surveys, canbe seen at the office of the auctioneers.The Tkk.ms ok S.w.k are: One-fourth in cash,

and the residue in three equal payments at »>,12, and IS months, with interest; the taxesfor ISO'S to be paid by the purchaser. The titlewill be retained until the purclia e money isfully paid.For further information as to the property,

application maybe made to Messrs. Grubbs» Williams, auctioneers.


('oniinissiuiiers.Garni:- -v Wim.iasi-, Auclioiieeio.

POSTPONEMENT..In consequence of theabsence of one ot the commissioners from thecity, the above >nle is postponed to TliUKS-DAY, 26th March, at 12 o'clock M.A special train for the accommodation of

bidders Vi lli leave tin* Danville Railroad depotat 11 o'clock A. M.

GiU'DDS x WILLLAMS,in li . 1Auctioneer ..

Dy Clopton & Garwood,Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers,

Tenth street between Main and Dank streets.

'TRUSTEE'S SALK OF IMPROVEDI READ ESTATE. ON THE EAST SIDEof UNION Oh' CONCURRENCE STREET,ON UNION III EL. IN THE CITY OFRICHMOND, AT AUCTION. In pursuanceot adeedot trust executed to ine by Mrs. Ca¬roline S. Carter, dated the2£th day of August,l-' T, ami duly recorded in Richmond HustingsCourt, I shall proceed to sell at public auc¬tion, on the premises, ou SATURDAY the 1thday of April, 1mj>, at 5 o'clock P. M., one cer¬tain LOT OF LAND, fronting 40 feet on tin-east side of Union or Concurrence street, run¬ning hack within parallel lines 1 do feet to astreet -V)feet wide, with a FRAME DWELL¬ING thereon, built oi the best materials, con¬taining four rooms.Terms: Cash as to the expenses of sale and

the payment of the sum of $235 with inte¬rest thereon from the gstli day of December,1>»;7, until paid; and the further sum of t2m>due the 2sill of April, Eds, and the furthersiun oi »2U3 due the 2Sth day of August, 1S6S,for negotiable notes with interest added forthe deferred payments. For the remainderof the purchase money the terms will be madeknown at the time of sale. The taxes forISts to b'1 paid by the purchaser.

E. A. J. CLOl'TON,mil 21 Trustee.

By James M. Taylor & Son, Auctioneers,Ollioe No. s2i Main street, three doors below

Spotswood Hotel.

'TWO LARGE FOUR-STORY BRICK1 WAREHOUSES, ON CARY ANDTWENTIETH STREETS, AND KNOWNAS " LI DRY PRISON," FOR SALE ATAUCTION..Will be sold on THURSDAYthe 2kth day of 3Lircli, lsbs, on tlie premises,at .l o'clock P. M., the above-described pro¬perty, fronting on Cary street 44 feet each,and running back loo feet to Do«-k street.From the location of this property, being nearthe York River Railroad depot and immedi¬ately on the dock, it may justly he consideredas valuable as any of the kind In the city.Tkkms Liberal, and made known on the

day of sale. Taxes for 1S6S to be paid by tliepurchaser.

JA3IF.S M. TAYLOR & SON,nih l.'i.7t Auctioneers.

O SUTHERLAND, 1406kj* MAIN AND 60!> 11ROADSTREET, RICHMOND, YA.,IMPORTER AND DEALER INGUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS,'FINE CUTLERY, AND SPORTING ARTI¬CLES..Our recent importation of GUNSembraces the linest goods for tire prices ever inour stores.Just received, 1,000,000 ELY'S CAPS, in

quarter and one-tenth boxes. Agent for Re-niiugton's celebrated lire-arms. oc 24

Auction Hales*FUTURE DAY.

By Regnault k Co., Auctioneers,Main street between Eighth and Ninth.


THURSDAY MORNING the 2«th instant,commencing at 1" o'clock, we will sell withoutreserve, by auction,MAHOGANY, WALNUT, and IMITATION





everv description.IIEGNAULT St CO.,mil 2.1Auctioneers.

By Wellington Goddiu, Auctioneer.


tion, on the premises, on SATURDAY' tbe2*?hof March, 1SOS, at *» o'clock P. M . the neat

FRAMED TENEMENT located as above,recently occupied by Mr. William Bennett,containing three rooms ; besides kitchen, well

of good water, »vc. The LOT has a front offorty-one feet, running back one hundred and

eighty feet to an alley. jTerms: One-third cash; balance at six and

twelve months for negotiable notes, interestadded, secured by a trust deed,nib 2.1 W. GODDIX, Auctioneer.

By Harrison, Goddiu k Apperson,Auctioneers ami Real Estate Agents.


certain deed of trust, dated 21st July, iv>;,".xecuted by Mr. Samuel McRliersou, duly re¬

corded in Henrico County Court, I shall pro-iced to sell at public auction, on the premi¬ses, on THURSDAY' the 2t>th March, In-*, at

¦I'e o'clock 1*. M., if fair, if not, the tirst fairday thereafter, the REAL ESTATE con¬

veyed by the said deed, consisting of a lot

fronting 21 feet on the south side of Albe¬marle street and running back 17.1 feet to an

alley, having thereon a small framed tene¬

ment, now in the occupancy of said McRher-son.Terms; Enough in cash to defray expenses

of sale and to discharge the balance of princi¬pal and interest due on the bond secured by*nid deed, amounting to about s-J.'h) ; and as to

tlit* surplus of s t|(., upon sucii terms as maybe announced at the hour of - -11»».tub 17 W. GOD DIN, Trustee,

By Harrison, (iutUlin «x Apperson,Auctioneers and Ileal Estate Aleuts.



tli- premises, on THURSDAY ilieSith March,sit 4! o'clock I'. M., that truly bean tit 111

EOT located as above, adjoining the resi¬

dence of Air. Isaac Hollander, fronting J »\feet on Marshall street, running back l'»7 feetto an alley 1<: feet wide. This lot is well en¬

closed; is handsomely set in trait trees, \c.,and is a most henntii'11! one.Tintms One-third cash : balance at four and

eiit 111 months for negotiable notes, interestadded, secured bva trust deed.HARRISON, t rUDDIN \ A1TERS0N,

mh 2:< Auctioneers.

\ SSIUNEE'S SALE OF REAL ES-TATE..Uy order of the United States

iMstrict (,'ourt, 1 will sell, as assignee of1 'hrist 1.111, Lea & t 'o., bankrupts, in he city ofRichmond, State of Virginia,011 WEDNES¬DAY Hie l'tth ilay of April, l.-es, tit i> o'clock1'. M , on the premises, a valuable BRIUKI >W EEL1N< l-JIOl SH AN I» LOT. on Kran k-I i ti between N i lie teen th ami T vveii tieth -1 reels,in which A. 1>. Wells now resides. The lotfront- twenty-eight feet and runs back !">¦'>feet. This property is very valuable, and iseligibly located.Tkkvs ; One-third c:t li : balance in equal

instalments of three and six mouths, securedby a devil of irn-t. Title retained until allthe purchase money is paid.

ROBERT OITLl>,mh 21 As-ignee of t'iiristiau, Lea x Co.

J.y James M. Taylor & Son, Auctioneers.Ollice No. s-I Alain street.

rrhustles' sale of a valuableJL BUILDING LOT ON THE SOUTHSIDE OF OAKY BETWEEN TWELFTHAND THIRTEENTH STREETS AT AUC¬TION'..Uy virtue of a deed of trust exccu tedto the undersigned as trustees by MarsnadukcS. Cooper, dated the kith day of J une, l-A't,and duly recorded in the Hustings Court ofthe city of Richmond, to secure the paymentof certain homls therein described, payable toJoseph C. Hex ley, commissioner appointed bythe Hustings (.,'ourt of the city of Richmond,and default having been made in the paymentof the 1 i-l bond mentioned ill said deed, auda' the request of the holder of said bond, wehall proceed to sell 011 the premises at 12

o'clock M. WEDNESDAY the 1st day ofApril, jf fajr> if nol( the next fair daythereafter, tin* property conveyed in said deed,describ. d as lot 2A'i in plan of city of Riclitnoiid,and bounded a- follows.lo wit: Commencingon the south side of D or Cary street tliedis-tn ee ot 12- feet six inches from tln» west lineof Twelfth street, ami fronting on D or Cary-treet t\veiity-tive feet more or less, and run¬ning back at right angles ninety-three feet toan alley twelve feet wide. This is a very valu¬able building lot, being central ami 111 thebii»iin*-- portion of the city.Tkkms: Enough in cash to pay the expenses

"1 the sale. The deed requires all cash, butby the consent ot the holder of tin* note thesale will be made on the following terms:Uiie-fiiurth cash ; balance at four, eight, andtwelve mouths, negotiable notes, interestadded, and secured bv deed of tniat, Taxesfor Do- to be paid bv the purchaser.


Trustees,S:ili' to be conducted by Jamks M. 1ayi.uk .v

Son. Auctioneers. mil 21.lot

]{y Harrison, Goddin & Appersoti,Auctioneers ami Real Estate Agent;

TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A LARGE1 HKlClv DWELLING AND SEVERALFRAMED TENEMENTS, <)N UNIONI! 1 LL..]>y viriue of a deed of trust executedto the subscriber by ibe late AH>ert < i . Stubbs,dated 3d of March," IhC'i, duly recorded in Hen¬rico County Court, 1 shall, in executionthereof, proceed to sell at public auction, onthe premises, on MONDA\ the 3oth day otMarch, IMN, at it o'clock 1'. M., it fair, U not,on the lir-t fairtlay thereafter, the real estateconveyed by the said deed, consisting of aL()T fronting eighty feel on }'|ea»autg street,opposite the residence of Dr. (> A. Strecker,and adjoining the resilience of Mr. Daniel Von(ironing, running back two hundred andtwelve feet to an alley fifteen feet wide, oilwhich stands a large double HR1CIC TENE¬MENT and other buildings, now occupied byMr. Johnson and others, its location is abeautiful one (commanding a full view ofRichmond), ami is only distant about one-fourth of a mile from the business portion ofthe city.The deed requires a cash sale as to the ex¬

penses of sale and the payment of a bond for?3,.Vm, with live per cent, per annum interestfrom the 3d day of March, lt>63 ; yet 1 am au¬thorized by the creditor to say that lie willaccept one-fourth in cash, and "the balance atsix, twelve, and eighteen months, for nego¬tiable notes with interest added, properly se¬cured. As to the surplus of the sale, if any,on such terms as shall be announced at thehour of sale.mh 10 T E. 11. W A LEO Rl), Trustee.

Hy A. (J. i'ulllam Auctioneer.

TRUSTEE'S SALE OF ONE SIXTY-1 HORSE ROWER STEAM ENGINE,WITH THREE IiOlLERS.-Hy virtue of adeed of trust executed on the loth day ofAugust, 1867, by the National Coal MiningCompany to me as trustee, I shall proceed tosell at public auction, at the coal mines of theNational Coal Mining Company, in the vicini¬ty of Rellona Arsenal, Chesterlleld county,Ya.,oti FRIDAY the 27tli day of March, IMis,at 12 o'clock M., if fair, if not, the next fairday thereafter, the lollowiiig property.towit. On.- SIXTY-HOUSE ROWER STEAMENGINE, with THREE liUlLERS, and allpolicies of insurance on the same, it being thesame engine sold by Charles M. Wallace tothe National Coal Mining Company.Tkkms : For cash as to so much of the pro¬ceeds as may be necessary to defray theexpenses of executing this trust and to dis¬charge the amount of money then payable byvirtue of said deed.to wit, 1,14c.AO, and inte¬rest since the 13th day of February, 1m>s,amount of note due and unpaid, and negotia¬ble note, with approved endorser, for *1,IP#,payable on the loth of August, anil theresidue (if any) payable at such time, and se¬cured tn such manner, as the said NationalCoal Mining Company, their successors,representatives, or assigns, shall prescribeand direct; or, In case of their failure to giN esuch directions, at such time tend in suchmanner as 1 shall think til.

WILLIAM 1. CLOPTON, Trustee.Sale conducted by A. C. Rclliam, Auc¬

tioneer. .mj L' 1

Auction. Rale*.' futtTkk day.

I5y James M. Taylor it Son, A netlone»r>Office 821 Main street, m

three doors below Spofswood Hotel

rpRUSTEE'S SALE* OF A HOI*^1. AM) LUTON FIFTEENTH STkH-'rAT AU<;TION..-By virtue of a <j^,|from James Uarter tome as trusts ,j ,L,i29th of April, 18»;i, and duly r*cord*d'in ihlclerk's office of Richmond Ilnstingft Courtsecure the payment of a certain no*.® >h».r'.described, and at the request of the in,, j,.,said note, I will sell at auction, on the t,-mises,6n TUESDAY th" :'.lstdayof AT -

1803, at half-past 4 o'clock I*. M . a portion r>*the property therein conveyed, consistingtyyo-story itRIOK JIOPSE and LOT on Kteenth between Olay and Leigh sire..-,Tkrm-»: Two hnndred dollars incut,

lame on a credit of four and eight month*JAMES SI. TAYLOR, Trustee

Sale to be conducted by t. K ..

Son, Auctioneer*.

By Lyn»' & Brother,Real Estate Agent* and Air .. ,.,.r«

No. 1439 Main street, between r-,......Fifteenth.


1 BUILDING lots IN >ut Ai<|.;OF ADAMS'S J'LAN, ON 1 i|p; v, | n ..


pursuance of a deed of trnst .»>,.

by Oscar 1'eables, bearing date the ipjj ^vember, 1867, and duly recorded in theowk *office of Henrico County Court. bein^ ,r...,requested by 'lie beneficiary in said *; [shall proceed to sell at, public auction uTUESDAY the :,i-r March, ls»j\ at bt o'clock P. M., it fair: if nor, rh" .

day thereafter, '1m* real es<ta-e <os.vsy.Said tieed, COn-' lillg of a certain LOT t

LAND Ironti. g ninety fee* or. v.

of Twenty-ill ii street between j; -»r ,j <

running baelc between parallel lit,.--an alley fourteen teet wide, beii / »!>.n« ints No*. ¦>, '¦>, and I", in SquatAdams's plan.Tr.KM- Enough in ca-.i to defray exp*.

of sale and to pay oil* a certaiu note ol ri

bearing date the 11th November,payable-fourmonths afterdate; therein.!der on such terms as will beinru.* » .\r

the hour of sale........ ,ROBERT B. L\ N I., J:; ,Tn

Sale conducted by Ly>n. ^ Bio ;.

tioneersBv Harrison, Goddiit »v Apperson,

Auctioneers and Real Estate A a

corner Bank and Tenth street

TRUSTEES'SALK OF THAT VAJ.rI MILE EST ITE. IN KINO WllCOUNTY, CALLED " JIYJJLA, UTA1NING 1,0.» ACRES..Bydeed of 11"iisr e.M'i iitml to the >u 1. -rirIi.. 1:111. William A Braxton and Ii:his wife, bearing dateon tbeSId NoveiII, duly recorded in King William u.

Court, to secure to Mr. Franklin Swanifpayment of ¦?!(.»,« >*> due l»y bond, with i

rest from the l-iol January, I'*;:?, we sh:tin1 r»'(|nest of t he sa id Stearns, |>r<.<at public auction, ou the premises, on I'JjjDAY the27tli March, i-,s, al l- o'c! k Mlair, it not, tint lirst fair dayiheiv ;

real estate conveyed by '!.>. ;idescribed as " all that i an it J. i)occupied by -aid parties ot tli.Ivini; in the county o? King \\ !.

I'opador ami Jack creeks coir an..r._,mation, l,o"hi acres, composed ;

smaller tracts," and which v.!. I -

1 ,n"hi acres is hounded by tin* land .

coke estate, 1 >r. Williatn 1'. I': v

I.acey, <H-orge Trimmer, lb'.."Mrs John I'emberton, Reuben Hr:dall Gregory, Sr., Willi un W »i...I'. Ilogan, Sr.Tin* deed requires that the I


sold according to the t 'o ie (.[ Vir-ir.;twe are authorized by tin- i r*e,11*.he will accept one-fourth i-iitorv endorsed note, interest ad d

days); balance at one, two, andbonds bearing interest (the inter*halt yearly), secured bv a mis* ... '|taxes for l-o's to be paid bv the purchaser

W. G t >DDIN. / ,.

mh lo' EATON NANi'K.S 1'

Sh ippimj.r?0R NEW YOJJK-OLD DOMi1 STEAMSHIP C'UMPAN\Tiic new ami elegantsteamship IIATTEIiAS, Cowill leave her wharf at i; .:WEDNESDAY, March 2*.tli,M. Freight received upto'J-' IKouiul tickets, Si.-.a -¦ 'ibills signed to Huston, ami in-at lowest rales. Applv to

SAMUfcL AY1IES at"tali'J.*.It Eleventh ami Man: .-

"VfOTICE TO SHIPPERS.XI Of the JAMES KIVFt.'V^ jtrm-.SAND KA NA\VIIA <! A N A ICOMPANY will leavepromptly at 12 o'clock M. on TUESDAYSTHURSDAYS, and SATDKD »Y>Freight and tolls on g-> »ds : r I.

and beyond eolle. ted on . I- ii\at the option of the shipper, iand delivered at my otlire, or. !...Way Freight vvlll no: be d-dr.

charges are paid.Boats locked and insured,de II EDWARD DILLON, A .

SteamersOwii u NoUrwI.K .1*1) J i I . .: \ |. S

Kl'lIMuM), 31.1 I t. li 'J 1 »

/ 1HANGK OF TI.MK.-On ami\J MONDAY rli.'i".! <»i vi.-,n h ,

Hi»» steamer ANTELoPE (ten; . . '.

porarily hi plaoeof steamer JohnSylvester, now undergoing thonm;'!.Norfolk), will leave rumpiiv's v.

Hot MONO \ VS. V. I.D.N KS1- \FRIDAYS, it lin1 |( rk A M

Freigh'. eivi'd ft im< rro-.v ¦'

daily (except Sunday*) her u*er

mil 21.'it Ii. I>. TAT' M. /

UMR N K\\r YORK <>U) DOM ..

I STEAMSHIP COMPANYTtie splendid new side-win-el ssteamships A LBKM A KLE, SA-jStKATOrA, HATTERAS, N I.AG A K A, and \1RG1NIA, leave N'-v Yfor Richmond direct every W'KliMand SATURDAY. Leave Richmond o

TUESDAY and SATURDAYTheseshlps are entirely new, and wi.-

expressly for this route. They have -pi.saloons and staterooms, and the tare,modations, and attention, are ii:i>urpa--Goods shipped by this line are land re.

larlyat New York on the Comj anypier 37 North river, within for-.V-eigh ..

Insurance elfected at lowest .a-.. .¦

dered.Freghts for points beyond New Y * '¦

warded with dispatch, and no chargeexcept for actual expenses nieuriv.The steamers tor Charleston, S \

New Orleans, and other southern p<»rfrom the adjoining pier. All goods £<>r tl

points are promptly ir.ui.-ierivd \m i.

posuro.A ousts..N. E. McCretulv, | .. m.

Greenwich street, New York, Sairuiei AS Co., Richmond, Va. John W1'oint and Petersburg; T. 11. \« ^bh,Ya.For freight or passage aoplv o

SAMUEL AYKES .-.Co , Amtie 1 corner Main ami Eh vi-i :.

I) i! IL A D ELPLII A, KICHMX AND NORFOLK ST FASIUP LI N 1. S an.. -. - 3FOLK and A L E X A N D K I Acomposing this line, will leave®*^Philadelphia every SATURDAY, ... . *.

moud every FRIDAY, :tlterua Xt ,

Freight taken ior NUKF«»LK. n'-;CIIAKLEST<'N. SAVANNAH.ORLEANS, and bills of ladings:.Passage to Philadelphia, iiu i

stateroom, ?id. W. P. 1'oRTHR.oc31 Odice No. 2421 J

17*0K N 0 R F O L K , FOKTSM' 'H !

AND ALL LANDINGS ON**'*]It."THE JAMES RIVER -The :and elegant steamer A N T HL O I* E Captain Z. C. G yvwharf at Rocketts for above i. »


t> o'clock A. M., and returns en 1

Thursday, and Saturday. ,. , --

PASSENGERS arrive at vV < yl.T .

time t<» counect with steam* * !l .


lUllUr on arrival of STE AMt-UFare to Norfolk, P2 W.

FREIGHT ' yreceived up to 6 P. M daily for ¦'


HALT I.MORE, principal LAM1 vN

CHESAPEAKE KAY AND A 1.1 .;INGS ON JAMES RIVER at r*1^1rate.-.Freight for way landings mustLetters entrusted to purser of .*u'-'":r.

be enclosed in a Government stand 1-1

Apply to L. U. TAT'.V. A.

mbil Ottice, Sunnier » v. -

VSaw Mills for Sale.


.NOINK on a twenty horse-petvive Hue boiler, With a SAWtolled, all in good order, to.1.200. They may be seen no..

hall. Chesterfield county. \ a. AiU"


ml) b-2w PeU-rsbuCs.