Choosing Food Over Powder; How Effective Can It Be? Healthy and natural meals are surely the most effective and safest way of coping up with the daily necessity of nutrients. Many people try to supplement their diets with replacement meal products available over the counter or sold online. These products claim to make up for the missing nutrients in our everyday diets. What is important to learn here the effectiveness of these products entirely depends upon the ingredients and their right proportion while manufacturing. There are many products out their which truly are beneficial for

Food over powder? How effective Is It?

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Choosing Food Over Powder; How Effective Can It Be?

Healthy and natural meals are surely the most effective and safest way of coping up with the daily necessity of nutrients. Many people try to supplement their diets with replacement meal products available over the counter or sold online. These products claim to make up for the missing nutrients in our everyday diets. What is important to learn here the effectiveness of these products entirely depends upon the ingredients and their right proportion while manufacturing. There are many products out their which truly are beneficial for the purpose. Yet you can stumble upon many suspicious ones as well that may pose danger to your health.

In this article you will learn about such few products which you should refrain from. Of course the authority and legitimacy of any product can be judged by its manufacturer, but it is also important to understand that what you consume

Page 2: Food over powder? How effective Is It?

considering healthy for you, should in fact, live up to its claim. Replacing your food by powdered synthetic products such as meal replacement diet shakes should only be adopted if the product is reliable, safe, contains natural ingredients and is medically approved by local and international health and medicinal governing authorities.

5 Replacement Foods to Stay Away From:

Soy Protein: This product contains a lot of artificial flavorings, preservatives and flavor enhancements. The core ingredient is also processed by a harsh process known as genetic modification containing modified proteins.

Soy Lecithin: Made from petroleum leftovers. Can be a great cause of many diseases and should be avoided at all costs.

Corn Barn: Made from genetically altered microorganisms just like soy proteins.

Carrageenan: Made from alkaline solvents and is a highly toxic substance. Can be a major cause of cancer and can even destroy cell growth and cell regeneration.

Artificial flavorings: As the name suggests, artificial flavorings are basically nothing but chemicals which are separately formulated unchecked and uncontrolled environments. These chemicals are mostly outsourced by supplement manufacturing companies who themselves are unaware about the manufacturing process and safety of these artificial flavors.

The best practice is to use products from a verified, registered and authentic health food manufacturer to avoid any health issues.