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Comfort foods to addiction

By: Camille Sy

Eating is maybe, one of the most favorite past times of many Filipinos. Proofs to this are the various food kiosks, fast food chains, street foods, and many other food related businesses that are scattered around the country. That is why food business in the Philippines is very successful despite the existing global crisis. Aside from that, Filipinos are always on the search for new and innovative things that will satisfy our cravings for food. Needless to say, it has been part of our culture.

Food for us is more than just a basic necessity or a source of energy that our body needs. It is more likely on a personal level. For example, when one is depress, instead of crying or spoil ourselves in self-pity, we turn on to foods because it gives us temporary comfort and pleasure. When one is in a cheerful mood or there is a celebration, we eat because food is part of our blissful moment. When we want to relax, we look for food because it calms us. In other words, food is not just an ordinary thing for us humans but it is a personal attachment. That is why theres such a thing called comfort food. Comfort foods are food that has a nostalgic or sentimental appeal. But what if the foods that supposed to give us comfort goes beyond the ideal limit that our body can only take? What will be the effect on us?

We ask some people about their comfort foods and the bad effects on them when they had too much of it.

Sweet Tooth

I love chocolates. Every time I eat chocolates, I feel relaxed. It relieves my stress and Im really happy when I eat one especially the dark chocolates but I noticed when I eat too much of it, it gives me sore throat or tooth ache the next day thats why I try to minimize my cravings with chocolates even though its very hard. Maricar Paquit, Data Analyst, Accenture Philippines

Chocolates are one of the most popular and favorite comfort foods around the globe. It is said that chocolates serve as the comforter of girls every time they mend a broken heart. But kidding aside, chocolates are actually good for our heart. According to Regina Bailey of About.com, it is found out that chocolate, especially the dark ones, acts as an antioxidant and has a positive effect on platelets. Researchers found out that after consumption of chocolate, the platelets were less likely to aggregate and cause a blood clot. But we should also remember that too much intake of everything will lead to distraction. In case of chocolates, it has high calories and high in sugar that leads to some health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure.

Popular street food

I always am craving for isaw (chicken intestine) especially with vinegar. It is really irresistible but I know it is bad for my health so I try to minimize my intake. Anonymous

One of the most famous street foods in the Philippines is the isaw or the chicken intestine. It can be grilled or fried. Isaw vendors can be seen outside in every streets of Metro Manila thats why it became a household name for Filipinos. But frequent eating of isaw is dangerous to our health. The bitter taste in isaw is actually the remaining waste of the chicken that is not removed. Aside from that, isaw is high in cholesterol and calories. It can lead to heart problems and even cancer. So again, we should limit the intake of isaw (ideally, one stick per day) as well as other street foods.

Pizza Frenzy!

I always crave for pizza. That is my most favorite. Any type of pizza, thin crust, thick crust, sausage packed, cheese top, everything! I can consume 1 box of it in just one eating. But I noticed I get bigger and bigger and it is really alarming. Rosilyn Tayamora, Data Analyst, Accenture Philippines

Pizza came from Italy and became popular in many parts of the world. It is usually round in shape and topped with tomato sauce, cheese and other toppings. Through the years, it has been reinvented. The standard round shape, now it can be seen in square form. Also, various flavors were made in the country like pinakbet and laing pizza. This reinvention adds up the cravings of Filipinos to pizza. But, again, repeated eating of pizza is also bad to our health. Pizza is a refined carbohydrate because of extensive process and transformation. According to Ashley Jacob of Livestrong.com, foods made from white flour and sugar is refined which are the major ingredients of pizza. It can cause obesity because of empty calories that lead to more carb cravings and overeating which exposed us at risk of developing chronic diseases. It can also be cause of diabetes and heart problems.

It is tolerable to give in to our cravings as long as we know our limit. There is nothing wrong to indulge ourselves to all the good things that life has to offer. But as what they say, too much of everything can kill us. What we thought that will satisfy us, it will only put us in danger at the end.