VOL. XI. THTETRON ERA The Dover Printing Company, ruisusiiui^ ASH rr.uiilKXol^. OITJce onMcnii Rtroot mar Blickwell. ADVtBTIsVNG BATES. 4 .'.( DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2fi. 1881. PASSAGE TICKETS JIT ORAM, HANCE 4 Co.'s STORE, PORT OKAM. N. J. 1IVI^£'"'A|'«"DI1 I AVTB UB'SllB.VI' I!UI IAIN| «. A. III:.\M:T"I', IU. I> . I-JOMCKOJPA.T13... t Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts., IiOVi;K, N..I., of W'ulm;, flu.lCul.lnt II -«:7 to a A.M., 1 i H. P. SANDERSON," ij>.TF;fl. All kind* t VAHKIHII, Imtii ESTABLISHED IN 1851. Hold bv J.\MKS \. GOODALE, tin- I'i'TH'iT Dni-'tfint ofDoviT. rtI(.rf npi'ii fmSHSD-Vl'iS n.rliieHil.'or .....li.-iii.-i <mlv from U tnlOi. Jir.,M.ilfniii.4tn!il'.M, ' 1 M . ' J UIIM F. STICICCIS, Counsellor at Law AND MANTKK IA C'HAXCUltV, ROOKAWAY. N.J. tVANSION HOCSIi:. Cin-tior uf Jihckivi-t! mid Hiibaoi MM, ixiraii. N. .7. i. 3. JOLLEY, Proprietor. iluimin will Curi-fngcs to Let. L. C. BtERWIRTH, &KALI1ICAL CHEMI5T, uovj:it. N. j. ANALYSES o/ DESCRIPTIONS OF OltEfi Mil) MINERALS. All nf llio rs known Counsellor at Law, A2TD MASTER IN OHANOliBY, Ollicc in UH' Niitimml Union UAIIU BiiildiiiR 3LAor»-,LL S T . , UOV£It, N. J. JOHN DKVMMKIVS SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, NEW MARBLE YARD X3O* DOVJ3XI! 1 tl" fu'i-unr u'? ui J i l clcwEL,i4 l Aii> BEKUEN s««., and Uprepured lo turn, ah (betw n Llio MANBIOK DOVER, N. J. The |'1»CB linn Wn untivi'Vv vcftttort in n w muniHuir. LADI.--H 1 Pud CHILDliEN'H HAIli UUTTINO A HI'EOIALTY. £ SMITH, ATTOUNEYS A- COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Cor. Itluckwcll itnd Sussex S DOVER. N- J. I. B. NEIOHDOUn. A. C. RSI L. W. THURBER, HDl'RPISTKN'DENT OP l'UBLIU SCHOO OP M011KI8 COUNTY. OlHco met ORO, JHCIIATIDS k Co.'* BTOH DOVER, N. J. Bnccial office Innrn onSatimhvB troni H Sl.iililMM. 1" BLANCHARD, tineto UNDMASTEH 1NCHANCEHY, DOVEH, N. J. Ollk'O nvor A. Wijihtni.'sfltovi*m 17-ly lilacKw-i'lt utrcct. B, HOAGLdND, M, D.p FUYSIUIAH AND STJItGEON, OFFICE AT Ult. THOS. WILUAU'9, 4 3w MINE HILL. N. J. L.' PIANOS ANp ORGANS TUNED AND REPAIRED, FOK RENT AN1> F O R SALE ON INSTALLMENTS. >VM. 3. YflUGUT. DOTCT, H. J. igents for Fairbanks' Scales and Ter- TJIK OIJ) STAND. MM HALL BUILDING, Hot Air Furnaces, 01 Ihii inii'Ht .ui<! iiMMt imjiroVLil «tylfH, fin tiiininrif,' imlilii^aiH) |,ni'iit>' imililiiiKJ*. A iarS' (JOOK, PARLOR. HEATING STOVES, RANGES, U1L, L.VHTMItNS AND BKITTANIA WAlifi, TIN & JAPAN WARE, PRCIT CANH, Ac, TIN HOOFING, EAVES, TROUGHS, >Ena, im,1v\\ Idmlfl or Jobbing 1,. my Hue, . JliulieftpWcDB paid for old Iron. ppe gop s. Dccembei-2'ltli.lRtO, prwtcr Inieii in uiobangc FOB THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WILL, PREPARATORY TO QUITTING THE BUSINESS, OFFER THEIR ENTIRE STOCK at astonishing low figUreS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF STYLISH and SUBSTANTIAL GOODS WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COBT. A PILE OF ODDS AND ENDS THATHAS ACCUMULATED THE LAST YEAR OR SO HAVE BEEN LAID ON THE COUNTER AND WILL BE SOLD AT ANY PRICE. WE GIVE YOU ANOPPORTUNITY NOW that YOU WILL NEVER HAVK AGAINOF FITTING OUTYOUR FAMILY AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF THE USUAL COST IN THEIR FEET WEAR. CALL EARLY AND GET YOUR SELECTIONS. HKINL cfe CO., BLACKWELL St.. DOVER. Dover, N. J., Tub. Oth, 1381. FOB TflE BEST TEA M B COFFEE IN SIOUUIS COUNTY CALL AT STINER'S NEW YORK AND CHINA TEA CO., BLACKWELL St., DOVER OUR Q0 CT. TEAS lire belter than mM\ elst'K-Lnre at 70 ds. One trial uill prove tiro fact. Our high grado new crop tuns, season 8E0, retailed nt 70 cts. per lii. COFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE! including Rich Qld Moeba, Government, Java, Mnracnibo, Santos, Rio aro nil eteutn roiifiteJ. Alwajn fresh. SUGARS SOLS ATCOST. ter ana Morris County will do well by piircliasiuR their 40-1* POETIC. [For The Iron Era.] 1H&RGERY. BY FELIX DAOTOM, SlyraBBiJTOiyroeetlymetiiUte Minfortuoei mine, mf Mirgetj; HurrinB my tnlJolghti maoh, my m»te, Muring rajDioniuiff'a mllflrj. M»rg(>rT, maid miguificent, Mutuftl pei rlmont merely meant Mut-liER me mast iniHcliloTonslf; My mild, meudiioiotia Uirgeryl MrmodcBt, mat°U?cie Mtrgeryj Mutable nuldeos may ma to miao Alaittuemorjmoruti 'niid montal al &ei 1Mb vising the United 8t»t«i to charge tbe obausel of ClteeteqotkM creel, 1. It floioled by tbe Sootte and Qenenl AHiabty ol tl>eBute pt Ken J«nei, Tlut the tale or How Jer»ey eunieutv «tid luthirixni bs Unitod HUtBi to ofainRfl (tie cb»nael of )lieeiuqi»ke8 creek, wlierw it einpliot mta trtauQ liar, in the coantr of BiiWlfbBiwi tribalsrj, wcordingto thoplaoi md report rBnvet itijor Ctwrrll John KawtoD, tnm. lilted uj die searettrr of n»r to toe forij- ixth cougrcu or the United Ntotet, a- follows " The proposed imptanaaat of we bar IN vj Mna of Jnttlea uf lews «loaet running out IDthe bsiy iboot a(U*n'-Jttunre'3 leol, uu&i (J right aaelei to tbe present iliore line, and wot Mro uunilred tod Shy r^t ftwrt on » Utform mide or pile timber tecareV r * ( t™l i tbeMJelU«* ire to bo built to tbe lerelor m«niilgli wier it tbe abor* toils tad * lope totb* Jevel of lulf Ud tt tb lrtbfn!, miming Hargery. ft Jamou MacH nllen Ii a intcini itn3«nt In tbe chotnimy ilcptuttnonl of ituteeri Ool[«ge,wlio ix .-ariiine Itli education by. llgbtlafi Ibe straet " pa. Be is or frittb parentage, and h&a. iru a remarkable (logtee or talent a* Jlliw* oil liy the aimeii'd paera, whiob It pub. ......I'd In a recent mini bo r of Ihe f *BOU*. It bus been aot to lunnio by tha Ratgura College (.Ion Olnb and unit a; among thrir college tonga: Oft thru- my ami! there ilnya Wliou oeatb the linden iprtji We niol In tLo Kloiming. TLen bor >l«rk ey«>n la mla« T«Ul all t\w\t Sow dlviae, Wbil.- tlio i>ato oioau did BhJne, Bon-nou tbo diet ant Rhino, JlasliinR and tomsing. CnCBDI. Atinic of Ltcdeaihtl, Gone,guno forever, Forfroiq thi rnlP^Mi \Iuiler the linden* till, By tba bruad nrer. Otl IDtbe crowded treat Faci'illkelhlnel ni™t, BtmngB voices Ion and sweet) Dty t!iouRl.it» lull to druuutng. DrenmlDKoniwrliDiBipeU Oer all my boim fell, BltopliiR in yoader Aellt Dawo wlioro Hiewalurs iiretl, O!offinR Mil (jlcaralng, High o'er tbe riiin'd liall, Demi slund thefladena(Ml, jilting, Ukam«, }a (luk igd feU Jn death's silent idieping Unlli Joinu wliom lite divides, a batt«r at one upon two, on the aoawvd or D&Uide and one upon ana. on tbe oluanol Ida j » channel twu anndreJ feet wida and tire 001 tbe pros*at abaooei to tbo outer endi 0 f s Jetiietj (be prsaaol flan or tlie cieek it to dammta bya dikeft.mine railroid bridge rou tbe preient channel tu tbe sravel bar, toon ai a B«W rimtmul ia completedj at tbe innth af Stick creek U 11 proposed to COD* Iruot s 1*UT about two IHHMKOOtoet loan, to i a proper direction lotk« flow of tbat >V at Itt Juuotlon wllb Olieeseqaalea creek; II Buck creak In New Lsndtug, tbero Ii - channel: ol four lent and over atrouaalo itur; attbu latlar pli.ee it ia proponedto Ibe oreuk hy meant of a "nt fhwoeh Ibe naadow. ihsr.br avoiding a bad bar jni' ITS, and ilin a (harp bead in the cbanuel . bin cat will outer tbe tiroeknaalQ al F( rtaau'i lout, but ID order tu set ritTofauhirp bend tut above Uiti dock, It ia pvitpoiBil to urry be out still further and to drod&s off tbe point r salt meadnw on llio opposite stdfi of (b« reek) in order tamaka tblicutelT(>ci|reLtwo lorlillkco are required, one •tartiug rrom u aborofator near Now Luidinit.sudrun- og en the left of tbo rliBnnol foraTioul uudred toet. sad another: ' ark, " • • - * - Urr WIID bail Doun by thc Biloni oeu m,r bride ooulittldo rides k, lo Ocii, EutlB** 6 rnyac, It II tlitao, But liur eyuit, like tbe t\tj, «r« BO bluo, An' horairepleB to airate, An' her ankles SQ nate, 8be daztil, an' she batherod me, t u b - Till one rnorain 1 woffintfor arido, IVbln, detniire mftbride, by my side, Nan' Upur t li&t 'N cliln Ivor tied. OVEE C'lii'stur." jol iii!°]Irie<f(» I loci ofibrs to buildcra tho bast opportunities ia the purchase of LUMBEE mos. JOUNSON. NEW ELACKSMITH SHOP! Chas. T. Clark & Son aw oiwiicd iv sew «U«p never in auarlHR'a Imililmi:, COIWIMI llL\CliWKLL AND lli;i(Cjl^' Blrf., and invile iliP li.itriin:ise vT\hapttl>\io. Horse Shoeing of every grado and description including LOW PRJCES ftoi the great advantage oi having .Lumber Worked to Order machinery at tha place where it is purchased, greatly lessening tht cost of building by tho great savicg in manual labor. Our stock always iuoludog Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings id LUMBER of every description, and espocial paicB aro token to give satisfaction inevery particular. KOB&EIUCHIBDB, President. it. II. LAMDEBY, Sao'y nnd Troas. E xrm WIPTH MUSLINS, 39, in, 42. a, 4H, Cl to lf)BinchtH <*id.< ill plain lilMched. !M, 10-4, I M in Twilk'd SheetinEB olStiirnlniil W SBVBBHT'K DAIRY BUTTER, ICBHIU trnflu "nij. I bUI'PLV STOHEil GOODS "I V iDKNUUKANCl*. With VOORHEES BROTHERS, MORRISTOWNT, B1EDWS AMIHI MllhW; BUH-DBHS', CATtHIAnE MAIiERS'.BLAC HSIITBH', COSTltACTnilH AND MIN- ING SUI'PLIEH, Asrlcultara ImplemcntB, 8ctils, FtrlilUe. if. Vaii.t», Oils, GldHB, t'tc. WALTES A. WOOD'S CeMratai MOWirtS and EEAPERS. LOWEST MARKET PRICES. GOOD 11UTTKK MAHElli. I handle all Line OfFAitMBUS 1'HODlfCE. OrJcr l.y mnil an (jetyiniiKnoLl'i fit^Lrond gno.lllie panto day, V , ANCl*. With now npiiltaiiceit Tor uiG we art nnir onnliU'tl to supply 'wi^or t^itu t>vov UtrnVR, nn& viR-T .MIUMIHI (iLK-jmint for imrcinecn or large laiiutii H. We n:al'O my I'tlier tttjlfl luieilcd. lc liy me ;ifi! vlriutly Land-nude, uatidl tohis bueilieio HORSE SHOEING I'. O.IiOS, 25. £ IVIcKinnon Bros. mKVFACTtmHIB OF Axes and Edge Tools, ROGKAWAY, N. J. Ilb.vins but., npotloa tint HI. nu-,.t.b llK-bud mil woll-kmmn firm b u ^ o n o onl^ci par SfiS t 5-i"j Notice of Settlement. ,|in> U lipitl)'' Kivru Hiat Hie arfn r J M t*«ttlttncnt tu til Mi OnAvil^ Cwivl tt tl Mijiulii) tln-f.-uftli tlayuf A DalnIJ11.IISIh.U8l. HAIRJ HAIR! The only hair mannfaG turer in Dover is nt HENRY HEIMAN'S Beehive Store, SUSSEX AND CANAL STS., crai?, ?, PUFFS, Notice of settlement. Notice is'hcrcby Rivrn tlinitlioari-omiid c'^'^iri^'nii^uTami'Btt^Uiy tlio tilt •.atf, ai»\ Tfcwwttil I«r BPUlcmeiit to tl plu-of Con.t «r tlit Oonntv cMIorris, ( liiilay llierourtli (byniAprilneit. FRANK D. STEPHENS, .ted January Mtb.lfWi: '3-10 E. SIEBER, House andDecorative Painter, rcipeclfnllj call* atleol.an toNEW STORE, mat On luM.E.Cto»tl>, wLpre tfa baiftUna dliplar of PAPSRS, Till! CELEBJ14TED OGKAWAYAXE! .. .if Leiiif; one of (IK •--. 7 fir F0I1M, HATKBIAL ^ uscitrctl a il piuiiBiilei In Chancery of New Jersey. 0 ALBEItT C. F1CHTEK: Y virtue or tn order of Ibe Court of Chan. -" ' - Ti the day ol -DYWrtueor.nora.roftta > ctry nf Now Jersey, tnml l at:* tipruof i 9EEMER & PALMER COAL, WOOD MASOxVS' BIATEKIAIS, BLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS UAHD AND PALE mtlCK, CURBING, FLAG STONES CELLAR STEPP, COPING, HILL8, UNTEUB AND CI8TBRK NECKS. WHANN'S PHOSPHATE, Bone Dnat, Guano. Poudrette, LAND PLASTER, Ac, WOOD eawod in a STOVE, EGG, Or^rs may ba addreBie4 lhronBhth»Po(l 1'ilefWtiutH, you are reinired to tppeur •ad, demur, or icswer to tho cotnplabant'i I on or Ixirore tho tliirii day of iUrch no«t, tlio eiiUl bill will ba taken »• coofeiatd Tiie as'1,1 bill fa filed Air tho colloction of a pcv or one linpdri-d dollars ffiib Interen in'yuvuiuhor lRt, 1877, p.vtin to said ipphi* no by the lait wilt of O»br)elF!ebler, late '.'I e towraliip 01 Jefletton. In Morrii County, jp Jersey, decdSfd, aod by eald will directed bo paid out of tlia partanal «tatq of tudd sUtnr, tod Inease or 00 pure on 11 eatale, at tlitm tbetimflihonld be pildontofoer- in real entite or latJ lertator. In iiid town- Mp, aeYiaed lo bin ttiOTOtrngort m^aftbriri JobnFicliter and DCDDIB W. Fiob.or, inMne Ibef xbonld not o»j tho nme ; and l»t^ bill alleges that iild, leflaoy hu beoome da*, that ihuro m no [wr»on«l ealatH, tbn laid two lorn II t tbe tfnu. apft tbat yon bars oi may claim to bare an lolemt ID Mid landi tnd thai HM b.ll pr»?« »-«1« of 11U Una il or uid loeaey. NEIGHBOUR k SUTIH, (or tho D.tod Dcoetnbcr Slit, IBM. in EUckwell8t,tneir SOUQX, at it tlie jatd. DLAOSSUITB'S COALwoitatiUjon hind 1B8I, Carpets! 1831. QAllPETB forVleii. 0AHPET8 Tor 40 do. ALT. WOOL CAnrETIorCOcta, AIiL WOOL CABFET for U ou! l BBDB8EL6 OARPBTH, oboloe paUerni, tot 90 oU. perjatd. The brat qnalltlu ol flnw- iH(Kroeli: Ohlna Witting, nT all tluili; FOR SALE! . Tli9 old establish^ Blacksmith and "Wagon Shop now occupied b John Morgan, oppo site U?rioji Fotuidry Machine Sfeops, Roek .J. If not sol before MAROK 1st •will be for rent. raaumE OP AI/EX. NOSqtlB, AD'rajbear!, i m b , (bin hu<r It bilo 1 For my Rate looked to teiDDtla' »a' smte, WiJ cheekfl like tbe roiei, A.u' ill tbe red poylen TbRt groir in her ffarden tp nito, Dut I aatjuotSB ipateao lho<Joad, Til) B\JO »&;&, w.&fttorn, ol her bond, "If I'd known tb.« to-il»7 Yt'd iiiive nothing to sty, . I'd bate gone Mi iny(Qyiln, fnataad." ' Thin I fell rajnolfgnm very bowlJ, or 1 knew sbuM cov scold If I to«tt o loTt-in niyheirt, Thni would nerordopirt, iooRii l lived to be frrinVled md old. .•I Bald: "III dared to do IO, •d lit go ur tUe b*«tfl, s.a' I'd tUrow Botli arini lound her waiit, Au" Iw atiliu' t tails tliamiipsthatniecoiwiii* mom." Thin sbo blaihei a more illej^BAt red •ho snl4, vl'dont ralBin'tierbetd, Ao'ioi-'ejoH loobiB 1 down 'Noath her laihea to brown, ldreUko mstodrlve,lIUtberTudt n . ..... il| a _.._._„ la ahorpaulrodioslve a ot tour taei al mean bw valet lor » icrt diritinob above; tuout one-quarter of u lie abort Furffi»n'» dook tloro U *aolbet irp bond, wltioli it la uropoaacl to oat off, by lirej about tbrMhasilre^tot o ' ^ " " 11 ^ ont«ra l\va oil tilimoal *g*to; (ram IL»« tatto «rill Voqufre Ureilging toB(ve» oliiin- of four fuel at nuti Ion water, nearly ill wty tt WfaltflUeacTa dooli, Ml"? being only n hotelrfmore *ta«n *h»t depth j e*uimp f h, vblcb Jot.i. Cheeieqasfeeii or«ek t>«t<iToea nilraid andcounty ro«d bridge*, it U pro- ud to <*redge a channel throe Test duop ti mlowwuter, and flit? feet wi^ai'tu \bo ISife tn heipaordloB to (be geu'tral plan, trtriftni °' 4r» rout rrotn'out to out or v;t, md'ft^d wUh tobUlc llano, *\\\\ »a«.) lifloitloui AB Hbill be uecen»ry*g ths work trenee, in orat>i> la aocuapll-a tb*s improve il contemplated." 4.ml bp it BD^otoil, Thit tbe bwrd of Met] fieelioldflrsof tli j oounty of Middlesex jatilhcrlied to icmovo tie present brides rosotlie ma«tti af OUeoHeqankoe ereaV 1- d ncrOB* the new clunnel noon the said inal IIIAII tin oomplttwl bj tha Unjtaa Anil be It nixcied, Tnni tUvaet sU«ll take jt lm mediately. Approved February 6,1881. . CHAPTER II. >l>nx>tit to "An act fur the pqndbmcnt triDiea" I BOTH ion], ipprored Mnrcl ily-ieTonui, one tboUsana elgtit boudre irfloitcnacteil by tlie Suniteind Oeuurnl aHmbly Qttba Suite of Now Jer>ey, Ttmt il periuQaBrviUffoiits.BBDtenoeoriniFi'iHoii- it in tie flwte Jriaon, or in iny tpanty rentlary or In an j sounty ja.fl 1E IUIB Wtate, t Bacnpe rrom eaoli prison, poultenttiu-r or nndBbnll be reoupmrt'l, mmb parson pqulred lo merva out tha whole of tlie ffulcb lie WBiorlglnilly lerjteooaJ. deductiog any of tbe timetaeahall baro n at 1III*HD alWr io eicaniQRt and It aball iba duty nf tfa keeper or wantea of Boon luii, penLteatiiry or jiU, to e&ter opoa bit >rd of prJHODen the time of the Bitape of j Bdob prison if, »Dd IUB tins wlian lie shall i returned to ouatody, and tbe ertlrj m made ia)l be prina Taole etideuoe of tip tlnia nueh -Uoner Uai beso abient from cmtody, in imputing Ihe rein lining wrlod far wlnob he to boMofludd in the prison, peaiteutUry or I tn nblct) be *«» original!; tenteuccd. I, And be It enacted, That this act ibill tube sot Iremetiiiilely. ^pproted Fubrawy &, 149V, What an Old Farmer Says. Tbia is tlifi advice of an old t£)aq igho tilled the BOJI ^ forty yeaw'i nip, no pld mnDi ugwatds of t jrejeow, during twoBcora of ha-se been rich and have all I need ] oot ova adollarj liave giveq ildien a good odaoadtDH, and when I i ciilletl 8way aliall leaye themennaglf k6Bp Ihe wolf from the door. My 1 rperlence bBB taught ns tliat 1, One acre of Jiadt veil prepared od well UUedf produce man: ttun two iod reoeiyeJ only tba same amount labor aged on one. < 3. Cloe BOW, lionw, iqqle, aibe ,op well fed u iqote |iroflUble ;wo kept on ttie Bsme amount ueoea- ty to tte»p one well, S. One acra of clovur at Rraes is worth cre titan two of cotton where no ;russ or clover is raised. 4.. Ko farmer ffnobu^Boata, corn or lieat. fodder aud Imj, Cdfl Iff#p t^i iberifffroia %*fy>.o$toibe afft, farnje^ y/\to Ofivcx. reads (Ii e e r s t boak-fsrtftiqR ^c^ .to- , ahvoya hi^a laaky roof, r (took, broken do.wii feoceB, plains of bud "-season*," p. The farperirboiiabare bit bust iess nod eatmsta it to an another l im«ga BOOD has no boriaeis to attend i, Tbe fanner wbos? habitual beverage i old water ia healthier, wealthier and 'iserthan be wbo doe« not refuse to drink. A French newspaper, hav^pg ai> who ever beaid uf an Ainarifoa Ijea, tin CluaaRo ^Auneanstre'rs, "Well, ttor. were teas in Tillage iiouaei in tbi country nowa ttittj years ago. Tb< ijoua lad.v of a olinroU who beard thai tbe tea wlnob woa given on the montt before had demanded thirteen kindi cuke, gave a tea to tbe beat people the tillage sod had fourteen kind* cake. There were also ten to twenh kbfla ol iweetmeAta, qniniMB beiog tbi spoculty.' Bhcrtcnltes were hardl; worth; of menBon, ao^ white and plenti- ful the; were. CPbemtnistei always got hiialiaroof'aliortcRfcea and iweelmeal not beoflnse they - wen forced open bim. but because bts appetite, measured the length of the old <tuhioD«d La can "tea,". Tbe train h;ac|rantp,to. t^sijow-clrif I and ihe ?nffine wa? bating its' bead i tain iffdut ft at?-tent tanli, «^i on the iroa horae appear*, to be beaten," marked afat woman near the centre the oar. "Too ehoaldo't call it an ir liorae," mildly reproved a «Dlemn-iao& n u n aoroM the flinle. «'\phy nol ?" ed th6 fat; womaq in aitrprUo, "BOCQOI H't btuqk tin," itftly macoaared tho eEonfeoedman, at) begusedont of •windQ* and acrow thewirjlry wiste wl mfar away look in bU eye. The fat i while Ibfl eoDd'uotor ^ W ' nton ''a dtgrw jM,«ent ont of the ear without ft TBlDB Cbi'dbor. (BY AUfHOBITY.) OF SEW JERSEY, ot Ibe diraatcra or manager! of railroad cumptulea ;, Ba It u lea, unacted by tbe Senate and ptoy, tnaorporal tail State, be an •i <ir manegera ofaDynlltuail BOD wrated under or bytb* Uwn ' ire horeiiy autbnrijsed ben, nho Hliall bo tod tot u • floe prewdeat or tddltloml vioe preudetttaoratiolicampuy, id whoai»ll h»re suoli powers and p*riorra nab duUei and recsho BUOU einapaniaiioa n* beboMdefdlrootoraor manaiteri, by its by- iw<, rulei,rregoIatbD»or by rewfotloo, any itatJIitb anddirect: prorlded, bovrenr, (hit Dumber of directors or manager* of «IIT b company, ibtll not, ILereby, be loereiawl eyoud twenty. j f, AndbettenaoUd, ThatthlitatikaUttke > ImmtdiatLilr, »cd til iota, or parti of tncoaitstont with tbU aot, are hereby iletl. Appruied Fabrutrj 8,1881. OHArrenx, aot to rednca ths exoeaaes af pabllo toad boards, aod to placo them under tbe control of tU boarda nt eboaan freeholdera of the •eforal countlw ot tnli Stale. 1. B* it euttited bj Uu &m»te and Otnml Atwaibly of tbe Htate of New JerMf, Tl tbe eomtniptionor* oonstiluting tba ujoi mblio rotd boardi, which now eiliU or tt "tareiiit fp any of the ooanllei ol tL under the lawi ttaoreof null OOUIINC or freeholder ,, eappalnte. II the ataodini coramit- i of flhosen freeholders ireor miy bo Kppoiniea for tlio tlmeueini 'ih pei-Boni ao appointed ahull continue L e only dun s tbe time forwlilob tbey ahall JUt aoTeo aid boarda of oboaen freebD'derit,aitdaball swaire only aiich compfaaatiao fortbelrier- ii ai aucb eotninlsiionert aa ibftll be fixed U time to time bv tbesaid boudi ol ehoien 'holdeni; prondedj that no more tliin a n*)or part ot Iba comrofigfonara of any publia •o»d botrd flhtll be oT the some politlctl p»rlyj pruriasil. funber, tbik notUltig Uerelii -.slued shall be oonitrued to efiloct tlie ton- ire uf office or eptapentatlDD of dor oonnnn- touer oO*r In ottoe and in aatu»l aervloc as a lembar nf »nv an eh road board; bat that rorymob peraonwhn duly <m*iifled and an- ired on tlie dlaobarga of bla antiei op or idelgbt buadrei ajdel«htj-oae, tnd ha« * linuo been *oiu»l.y earring ai fuoh mem- ber, wkPtliereleetedbv the woplflor by the UiiS OOITCU ol clionen frteholueri, under any general or speoiitl lavor thii Bttte, ibill be itled to bold bin aaid office dnrlox tbe time which be was an eleaUd i provided t t i t Uu ivlolon of thii act afaali not apply to or jot in my my towniliip mid boira*. I. And be It emtctrd, Tb»l ill ivati and parti 1 oaiUtent with an? of ^ 6 p^ovlaloni it. baarf tba aaw.e are hereby re- f tbls aot. ba and •4jft)eiand,tfeU tbli CHAPTEB XI, , a«t io prarldo for tne reliefer the poor la ,. Be ii enacted by Ilia Sunate »nd General iiembljr of tUe Btata ot Mew, Jeriej, That here tbe appropriation made for tbe aid end .lieforthepoorin cities D one thousand eight lmr been airudy expeadftdit -- tbe ntoemry relief of Lbo BUfferintr »nJ doiti- nto poor, it ahall bo lawful for too board of initnoeoraayancholty.or ID tbe abg.enoe or ' lhebanrdor&td.eroionor».r C3&TTER III, tenc;3 for coupo r BEBKii, ocverftl o h h on or regintcred b u u J . of tbo oition or Lbie Hra i l i bl BEBKii, ocverftl of tbo oition or Lbie Hr have hLretofuro inauel roistered bom wiiloli, Ityreaaonof theaetllcmotit ofeBtn or otlier Icgn) cnuso. rcl it Ilvide or parcel tb« orig gn) u s . rcm ecoy or parcel tb« origitml amount or aiioli aim becauss *f the iirnettn lew Rued n Iiv exctiangn nr sm render oF Hit l Indaia s t p d ilcib cniii r otlier Ic lvide or p ivision Iiv exctiangn nr sm rende Jinal Ixindaia stopped, iliciebj cittii) rauolt ipounveiiieDco andluxn; iliemturu 1. BblteiiftoUd l>v tlje HetinU: imil Qonrri imbly of tha fllttn of New .L'thov, Tin financial authorities of any city of tU ite, where cunpon or lOiHlered I i l i I n btretofore IKUWI here cu en btretofor med, may up np nda In c»aliaiiRO f dbdii iusucli ed Itoi v ID 0 for ucli 1 d nls n or r os may ID their diEcrctiou detenu ii ' ' bonds an excbunscil ».:a]ibemu< l ibe Humtimu »uJ bear tl.o nan inlerost aa tbo lionda mrrcaOorod [or ei- -,w°jicbatirr icelled i provided, ihtit no authority for anr reuse of Indebted HOIS iball bo infei T ' rrcaOorod t r e i il hnuda shall bo h for an _ iha be inferrd Troi nil provided inrtber, tbat anybond iesnBtt or leaned in subitltutlou under this shall be (abject to any dofence, legal |intatlp, vblcb was or^oulfl \iav« be&u avi ble agsinit tbo bond or bonda 01-igiaa iaaed. 2. \nd be it enacted. That the anthoritiei nlng incb resiatered bonds *biil provide ir tlie r«|{lalraiToD tbercot In proper books lo ) kept Tor that purpose, and for (he Iraqefcr said bondi upon mid booki. 3. And belt euaoted, Th,,; tbli tot iball tako ffeot innnGdliielj Apbrored CHAPTER IT. An lot in relation to offleiU bnnda. 1. Be U etttoled by Ihe Ben»l« mil Gftaei .iiemblj of tbe State of New Jeney, That _ lie execution of tbe cffiola] bond of anv officer E-aah or other atmlulpilitr, or of . Ded and nrjTeu Id Ihe nBOner. prorlded by IT :or ubine tbti aoknOffleaKnietit and proa U«ed>, it ftiiallbelawiullbr ibe olerk of the DHI* nbareln eaoh officer mtdei to record noli bond with tie scinonledsmetit and proof (tlie ei^HllMi ol the »*>tp, ID a book Fibeled public o&flen' oondi," Hbich book aball bo tror Oud by him at tbe expeaae or tbeoauntr, ndaball be Indexed In the utntea of the offl- rsnudlbolrsuretioj.andof ihetKjnwretk which ibe bondB are reipectirely Ana: tfeb Hpnice ibe tinl clerk itiall be entft raaohi be aridenoe In tiJfe'oorli'itu .me u U tno oilsinal boo! we "Jl."An*J bb Itfiiucted, Tint If the ftQaoanta ny mob offitrj ibalt bo al aoy tin* BXimlo« >Ihe antburltiet cT tbe corporation to whom a bond 1* ntf an, or br tbe proper board, com* tnUtre or officer of a dob oojporatlott, and abi lie hyuDOb bontd, comtnlttciooi "" fltd bbfl correct, *Dfl luuti oortL..,, 'v loknomleflBPa and proved, ID tlie *ami nupr m I ho Xnai, it aball be Uwfnl fbr tbi -kofUio foantyto llio it!d eenlBoitota hi —CB, and lo note tbe. lubsliuoe tberrofoi ihTaiiieV mtiiin miri[lQ cf tbi pageoon ,*iDio5 tbe recpra of the bond, for utelafot ra |' l ADd ? be It^ned* Tlut thfiaet •b.ll tik Bfreotlnmedutoly. Appto«od Febraiiy S, 1BS1. eliB ilng, , ua] i tho s J Rttppldineat to m net enlitlBil "An oprbio^ eTitlence [lleTliluo^j aiJiJiuTfr Haroh • twentj-MWntn, anno domfni om thoaiand Pight buodred and iBr<<nty-foar..' 1. Be 11 aniated by tbe 'Bannto ind Qenpnl tfli*mblTof tbs Blaio or New Jertey; Tha ipoa any trial bereatter had, of a.oy iodiot meat of *n? panon ctutr^d with (he crime ol maraer or nanslatnthlcr, tha baabind or wlfi of.tba peraoa l"o eliarged.r«baU be admitted 1 teaUry •• a witness upon inch triil, ifboo «be tJfct bi&welf oi faenatfaa a frltnna there on bcbalf of the person to obarsed. - •--•'--^•d.That.llToUBtdp.rl StiDpUinenttota let entitled " i n tot »U- tln to ulei of iknda under * nabllo ititate, or by t irtne p' any jadklal prooeeBlii|r" praTedUanb twaaiy-wruth, one tbqdsa,nd etglil hondnd ana Mttsnty-tonr. T i i b t r i f treaanrer of lbs State is hereby antliorieed and directed to catmts t cellar to be •zcavsted under tbo troni purl oftlw State BDBK, add anew floor to bo laid In the front ball and rotund* thf di rt tibl ia«10t oni aembera ffiM n)/ dun be time iara been elected aa *moh o 'tttbeinbject to removal aid board* of oboaen fr« e frwuta oboiea l at thn b'd ab tbejr thal fraebolden plewnro «xitdaua y tba aawe act sball «e herein ro take eSaoE Im- made for tbe aid end fur tbe year ending d-od andeighty, bat dw«»iBufflo.Bi.tror ichottj, to wake a further appropriationat 11010,10 mobfttnonat nut eioeediog two ai*ucl diCtttitB, *•* >& td bend orfini.cco irmei) may deem re»ion*blj oeceiiaary, f „ purpoie of inch kid nod relief. 3. And be it emoted, Tbst Rhld. board of ice or aldermen ii b,ereby autnorlieu to .. aw tlie amount of monoy wbjcb it may by Ii aet appropriate, for tlie purpoie of aach iproprlallon In antloipallon of ttxei next icre«(tor to be levied, andto lame proper ldoufe or indebtedness tberefar, whlcS auall "signed by the major, acalod with tba teal d *tt««t«a bj tto VWk; »nrt tbe tuA bwd " isDoe or aldermen the C»»B maybe, _.. provide for iho repayment of the ikid orroffBd money in tba u.1 I n y Ui be made oKtthero»IMr,mle»t)heianiolie- '- a. And beit enioted, That tbia aot aball Utu Approved February Ii, 1681. OHAPTER XII. An not autborialnK towoihlps to prcroni cattle runnins »t Urge. 1. Be it enioled by tlie Senate and General Aisctnblv {.r*ho StsteoIHew Jeraoy, 'l"hat tt abill bo Uwrul Tor tbe TOtern of aa# tonmhlp iu tbia Slate, if thoro bo no upecitl law on tbo ibjeci then infor«e In said toiruiblp, at their IDUUII) towii meeting, lovolo by billot, ffltothtr itttle, aheap or Lnrsea thall be permitted to uu nt larjjeln ijtid totroatiipj and If *• taajor-. or tlie voters voting «t eftid election •uatl I :o topi(ivont tho Bamo, suoh detormioatioa ill con tin ne in force and ahall not be altered ir tUc lenn'oftwo jcara. i 1, Ki<A bcitcfindtil, Thai it utall bo Unfu\ ' an.v purion pnv* oi nonvcy to the public ird of tlio toiYMsbipvotiuK as aroreaaid, am tie, uheep or horsue found runninf; it liree tHP nirtoiw or tiigUways, aiici iuipound tno ic ; ami tho keqxr ur Kixpvte ol the publlo ivacli cattlo. slieci) or hottca, QDd«cipun- ,- of (en dollars, tubo recovered In action of it, inany court ot competent authority, by :uting for <Uo saint, forhla ,.,01, for each inrraclion or thia >|M)t Khali bivo Iftenty-fito contn letting iu. and fifteen cents per .lug out of Che pound,»nd Tor feed- part of the building, and the treaauMr la iisre- [fyauttiunzed tou»», upon the warrant of tbe comptroller, tbfl LllTu fur tho aaid work out of —-raia the treunri not u them lie ap- , i; proridod, tbat the entire co»t of __ work shall not exceed tbo •am of three tbaiuatud five Jjuodrnd dollars, •1. And boit enacted, TUt this ut ihtUb effect Immediecely. Approved Fcbrmrj 13,1SS1. 0HAPTBB XVIII. upplenxint to an act entitled " An wit con- '~' -: evidence," approved Uareh tweoty- i, one Iboound eight hundred ano /-four, l.ilBlteiuotdd by tbe Senate and Qeneral 1 ' of tbe SUte Of Keir Jeraer. Tbat iti _jtic« given, orothtrproseedfng taken fortbepurpouorezaminlnirorlakius'- ' puaitionofaaywltncit, within tbli S i ( - . r - uaat io tb« ia«B of tbo Dotted tstawa, \o be oaod in any civil action or proceedings pending tn anycourt of ths Ooilecf Btatei, or ptuiuan? NOI2 *)HB^ilH«Ma«iB Ibe eonnly In wblolt tfae pFodnct* aregrawn or msnuracMred, wtieb vondiew alwll be subject to inch fartber icrctlny ai tbe chief of aaid tore nay hereafter order npon ai f aoj otb D sny civil actin or pr y court of iucb State o or tbe Supreme Court of this W»te may ipnlieation made to him with proof bj _, It that the teatimaoy of 0uebwi»ne» ft natonsl to tha applicant, make aa order awarding procean of aubpovna oat of tie said «oart, tat auob *ituw»» to app«M va& leitify In pursuance o. suofi Lotiee ing, and before minb rorarafiilouer or poison ai snail named In incb order, aaof upon filling aacb order la the offloe of tbealerk of povna at of t i e said to app«M va& leitify tiee ur othor proceed- rarafiilouer or poison b d f fllliog ... . tbe Supreme Court, it ihall be tho duty of tlie laid clerk to lime prooeas of anbpoena, under the teal of thciud court, requiring incb witUQi* tc appear and leitlfy aocorditigly. which aball be nerved In the ume manner, and be of tbbauno torce and effect ~'" iu any other t*$t, and an; peri pursuance of men mbpaenai! [o tbe lane fsea aa witneaBot in mun uanca, •Ld utv wiluoii dtaabeyitiK luch prooeiv fball be subject lo the aamo pensHiei as a » pro- vided for Inout! penaing In tbe Supreme Court of tbti Stite. 8, And ba it wtaua, that tbta tot sbfttt uka effect invntdiatoly. Approved Ffibrhary 16,1B81. AD tot to repB»! notion five of tbe act entitled '• An tot refolvo lo the iiwi of thli Blste. tbo proceeding! of loRlaUture and the dUtri* bntlun thereof, and of tho l%n of tbo Unltud Btatea," approved April ilil«anth, me tho a. (•ad olgbt bUQdred and foity-aix. 1. Be It enacted by the Senito and General -ipemblT of tbe Slate of Sow lenej, That •octioa tfvo of tha aot entitled*'An aot *«!*- Uie to tho Itit a at th.U titnta, tbe prooeedLti)[a of the leirfiltjlure and tbe distribution thereof, and or tbe law* of ttae United HtaUa," approved April aUteentb. one tliotitwnd eight hundred and forty-alx, whkab read! aa followa ; ••fi.And be it emoted, Tbat there abaJl be allowed to tha B«eteury ot Bute formakiug tnd prBpariog marsinil notes tod tn Index u •toraaald, the a a n of tfteeti oauti for sverr hundred words," be and the ume Uhereby re- ^3. Andbft U«sMted,TbaVtbii»&Ul be a public act and take efleof imnedUtely. Approved February 16,1881. CHAPTER XX, & aet to amend aeotlou throe of Ibe aet c_ tltlad •' An aat relative to Ibe puMluatlon of tbe law* of thii Stato la the iiewiMperi," tpproted April twenty-flrat, one tbonund eigut Luudmi tnd wwty-mx. VBvH euaated by tba BuaaMand Qei Aiiemblr or tbe State of N«w Jener, Tbat tbe third mtim of tbe act entitled *• i tlve to the pnbllcfttioq of lite \%v* ol anacted, Thst this aot ihall id fall force and effect br tbe term «f live j m n , sod vhall take etttat immediately. Approved Fobroary 16, JSB1. Faith. Faith Is that ustntilative power by which tbs soul incorporates tbe verities of religion into its own sabstimne, NO that they become an integr J part of tbe man and a supreme governing force of his daily tbougbt and life. It in more that) the intellectual upprebentdos of truth. Tbere is nothing syllogistic io it* procesies ; it requires DO proofs, for it ia of ittelf the erideooe of tbings cot seen. No tnyateriei of mirtele* apal it. OieedJ do cot stagger it. Doubt* do not abate it* conBtunoy. It uks not to know tbat it may believe, bat it believes tbat it miy know. It ia what Oarlyls calls an InBtght into the heart of tbingi. As a faoalty ol tbe soul it Bupplements reason, aud thereby oomplutes the circle of such knowledge aa itfevonobjuifed to man to «in. tVgrand power abides ia him wuo attains to this celestial Miami- natian of tbespirit, B/ it he Ia;s hold upoo the eiMDtial barmony of the crtalion, so uniulelligible to bim who limits nis betiels to tbe reports ol tbe i ot to tbe doubtful sufaemes be buitda upou them. With it he (a armed ill f l f While in tbe He moves ve to the pnblloatl ihenBwipapwi," »tonatttouwnde e law* . _ etl Aptil twonty- dfed(and wveufy __4, be and Ii beraby amended to 11 to be and read aa follows: 8. And be it enacted, That Ibe newtpapei ' ' J in acoordanoe with tbe forogoing " ' 'lamed the legal new _.. be deemed the legal newspapers of U& St»,t6 for thit yitw, and fbaU be wtlwr- l»od to rutillih alt the general ' * acti, and iTucb"ipecUTpubilc aofB only as raiy lw appli cable exolnairely to the reapsotive counties in wbloU tao Mid papers irs publtabed, taA nr pablisher iball be entitled tu receive compea aatfoa for publishing ant act, tinieM euch pub itoiEton ibill be made within ninety days aftei the aaid act. sball b&vo been filed in tha office of tho Secretary o[ State ; the com pens t t ion for publishing (fa* laws published in pnrnniince of tuie tot iball be %i the rale ol BixtT ce>itn per folio of one hundred word!, whioh aball be pjkid from thu 8t*toTrea«iarvupon tho wurrant uf the comptroller, acd it sfiall be tho duty ol tho Secretary of mate to furninh to the aiic wipaperi eopiea of the lnwahurein required bo published ; provided, thai tiotbfDgiu tbia t alitll bb nu com trued u to reader Utcga-l iv public notices or advertiaements whatever, id sball ouly apply lo the publication of tho 3. And be It unacted, Tbkt tbii Bball ht t. nblio act, and take effect imtnsdiitoly. Approved February 16, 1B81. CHAPTER XXI. ft the ills of life. world, bets not of the world. world, bets among bis fellow* noless a manthan they ia all tbat gocm to make, true manli- ot character, cheerfully kddruaiog himself to tbe dDtiea wbiob grow out of hia manifold relationship to others, but, through It all, up-borne by an in- spiring truBUn tbat God in whomwo live and mote and are, Ia faith there is not only the inoorpo- tfive power ty which the) high troths that Ha beyond thegrasp of merely hn- mfl,o petoeptioo KM1»W hold cpoo and wronglit into the very teitnre of the being, bat tbero ia in it a reproductive energy, sotbst the tenets of religionbe- come the vital elements of a nobler spiritual lite, regulating the conduct, governing niike tbe thougliU and deedfl, and makitig tbo man ecmce&ble ia the best flense to others. Charity iasepar- nbly aooompanieB this faitb, aud thence H aminiatry of ceaseless blessing to liiDil. ProgresaiveoeeB in another oharaoteristia of suoh a f&itb. Tb'u is that growth in grace wherehy we go from strength to strength, increasing daily more sncl more until wn come to the everlasting kingdom. Then, finally, is realized that mvatiesl oneness nith God whioh is the veritable eternal life. Then ai length the bridge Iron the finite io the inflQito is pawed-from the QODtUtioned to theabsolute ; from tho seeming tothe real—from the limitations nt sense and the narrow formulas of oar human thinking to communion with tho Divine Oversoul of theuuivuree. head T< ;»d lor lo atult pound,and Tor fee tbe pound, twootr- il for each (lay or p>rt of a itinuo In said pound ; and if rattle eheepOThorses to lay tbuv shsll tie uwiicri uf siid caUle, eiv<tep r 0T hoViet to mpoiiQdcd Hhall aot i»»y tho chargesforira- lundiiift end kuapinp tlio Raid cattle, sheep or iraon, wuhin flvo day» attor the name Biiall ) impounded, and tako tha nme away, it nil be tho duty of the Bald pound Iceptrto II tbo name, giving at least flro dayi' police I BUCII intended ialo, aet up in three or mom inblic places in Btich township: and if tho >vner Bhall nol redoom tbeBamo before the IP ID notified, then ibe pound keeper ebill t tbo tmoiti&«o(»liSs[lj, an* oatot tho moony sitis from MDeh iaie aball pay the chargea conveylnfT tosad letting In the pound, jpiOR and feeding the Bane, and one dollar 'adveitlalnK and letting tbo aame,u]dpay .) iurplim to the owner or owners ofaald cat- tle, afaeep or honei. if they ihall appear and claim tlie utne within six months after iamb. Bile ; and if the owner or owniw thill B0 ' appear wllhiu sixmotithi aa afcrefajd, Uu,eato ie overaeer of the towmh'Pi tw tae me of iiofkata toitSfUp, id be iUauted, Tbat for brinring cat- *por hanei to the pound, iibe party ij the aanie Bball receive twenty aenti from (he pound keeper, to be by hint -' '—the owner, tu aame manner ai edeat lramodlitety. Approved February 14,1831. CHAPTEBini, ,n aot to extend the time of cbartered rallr* coopaniei whose tine for completing tt Tttlrokdi »nwl expire in thsiear onBtbi-_ aand eight hundred and elghti-one: where workhaR been perrormed on taid raUioidi, or meney BIMD " 1. Be tt eaactiL ,, Awcinllyor tha SUUi of New Jersey, That whenever tbe time limited for tbe'eomploUoo of «t>J rmllroad authorised to M ooDatracted Within this Bute under ipeclll Keti ifaall ei- lire in tbe yetr one thocund elgbt hundred * eigbtj one, auch time ibalfbe and. the Vitnsbj ii txl««ded!or ta InrUan'perlMl of twoyeari; provided,' hpnever, that money •ball have been actually expended in mrwva. or location of ronte, or in acquiring right oi wav, or iu conBtrnotloa of aneb railroad. J . Anc\ it enacted, Tb»t tbn ut ahall take 0HAPTEEXV, jt to an aat entitled " Ao tot to —i the apportionment of taien, UHII- „._.• and water rents," approved Apri mmity-flnit, one thousand Tight hundred. .. pe It enacted br the Seiiale Aucmbly of the State of New where anynart ot any plot or pi " is or iball 06 taken tor tbfl on .en upon i whle ng, widening or c^ternloaVs a'foteiali be eqnU»blj and JU.UT apportioned be- tha plot or parcel BO taken for attclt ing, widening or extension, and the bal- ance that dull renuin.af 'be plot or psn from which the lino ba,i or'ihiU bo tatcn aforeaatd., [n %bf) aame manner and form, am by i|te aame authority aa ia provided iq aali \towhiaUhtathlaTtBiur' - " J. And bs it enacted, That •• «fleqt Ithmadlatol; prorided fq m pp'tmant, thii net aball tsl maj KiTB Bftaann In for or against each oth et)|&t , ..... Wains*", TDBproviiiooa boretorere In force relative tothe adwrtiienKnt or uira of lands ba*e not been In all reipecU oomutlai with, whereby the tltlea lo certain, l^naa a\ra no aale of real eaUte heretofora made a)iaU to -nniidaleqfayrciaqq of » D I oniiMlon to ad- ertidu any siljunrament or aali, or any inwg- 4l»rilj mVaa ^averkiaementiiUnr adlnqra- marl nf Hie, tint the nnrdhai«r of an? inch realflotota htUng pud tbe prioe (hereof and receiver! bla or tier deed ah'ill haidMaudta bin as aood and complete tills thsnto, as " locli adidanimanl baif betn fo an -*' ! - dalyadvarttaad. for .or against eaoh other, in oroeeedlngk divorce on account ot adallery. I, Be Inooaotea br ta^e^te,and Q«- Aiaembly of tbe fit*!,* «r New Jeraer, That -. a-- th»lt IDF »r aiainit, nn o(h*C. in , _ ^. in i n i i m » t t (oj-aiTccoo on aoooont of ndnltsr/. anj lav of tbhi .itato to aot, land m ition nine of the tot en- tltlo-l" A.Q aot relative to tlia office or 8ec- ratarjofHUteandRfgiater eftho proroga- tive cuurt" [Bevision], approTou Ajirll MV- iteon, one thousand elgbt hundred and . Be' It enaoted bj tho Btate and General .alterably of the State af New Jersey, That actlua nine or tbe act entitled "An act rela- to the office ol Secretary of State and ttsg- f of tha prerogative oourt" [Kevliionj, ip- v:ed April BOTOnteentb. one tboaBand eight ,undred. and (arty-siL, beand, is UereUv Dudcd toaa to be and read ai fcllowi: i. "And boit enacted. That the Secretary BUtA abaU cause a true copy or each and cry law, sa delWe ed to him, to be made, id within foarweeki from tbo and oJ HiDS ot the Legislature. dollTei ' very tba wmo to Uwa of the S [stVTand ft shall be tbedntyof the Socn> iry or State tq aulat tbe printer who xa\y ba jpolnved as aforusaii, In oonipairniR the Sl l^t ith riil l ( hiefl par ™aESis»Lt. original Uira.ftw wWA . oae the iaid nrtoler u required to attend at he office of tbu Secrotary or State, with ttae rcoiaheetBorallitich Uwiai&e marbeapr- tai imhalt alio be the dutr .laryofBUU ta make mar- „., uu « . to aaid lawi." 8. And bo it enacted., XbJi tbia shall be a abllo aot and ti#« effect tmmediatoljr. Approve febniary Iff, 1B81. OSAFTBESUL anpplenent to the aot «ntitlod"A IIII oi.ntto the aot entitled«Anact feting._ tton of certain nnfaue officer! ol ' March tooth, one _„ land aaventj-nlnB, «nl nlating to the compensation of the Beeretan offitate. ' - •••naeUd-bylheSonate and floneral of tbe State of Neir Jetsay, Thlt . .MUyoSfiUttot iU« 8UW ttaUviA entitled to or take, reoolve or retain, otcept „; tha oae of the State, any compentation, pay, lee or enoloment wbatsoever, other tban jeintraal*aJaryofiixihimiaod dollanlluS and prof tiled for in section tbree at the act to vblcli thin!» a aopplement, for any aot or jer- rteewirtoemed, or thing dona or furniahod by him. in any official capac.tr, or under any law I tW State, i , r f p d i V| a.^p«t»mHa A pleaflaot story ifl told about Ur. Glndatone. In his honsahold at Haw- a was an old woman aermnt who bad a BOD Inclined to go wrong. The mother remonstrated &ad advised ber boy, bat all to DO purpose ; he seemed mined on nheadlong courseIOTQIQ. At last llio mother, in her deaperation, ofiugbt the idea timt if ulie could per- srjude tbe Premier to take bim in hand perhaps the prodigal might bo reclaimed. throwing bcr courage to tbo uticVmg point "—for what will a mother not do lor her cliild ?—slio approaohad ber master and in trembling tonea preferred her request. Mr. Gladstone responded at cnoe, and though Ibeaffaire of the greatest tingiiom ia tbe world pressed heavily upon him, with genuine sim- plicity of character lie bad tbe lad seat to his study, whoa ha spoke tender worda of advice and remonstrance and eventu- al; knelt down end proved a higher power to help him ic the work of re- demption. TbUkindly action was effootanl and tho had became a reformed oharaoter. tretwrer ol the 1 oonptroller, and thoaiand dolian dollan ihall bs paid monthly by the ol the State, on tha warrant of the. and for the allowance of four ldafl rtlth lanproTldsaforln Mrtlotrsa of the aet to Whioh this ii a aopplement, for dark hire, tbe laid BecreUry of State (lull at ill llmei, employ and keep in hit offiee % infl- elect nnmb*r of competent clerioat sailitanta or the efllolent and prompt performance of ill tbebaeineaaahddnttea beloniinaraiid appur- Uintnpr to hli aaid offloe, or required of him in offioUl cit uno ball 1' ' , capacity, who », Anfl be It •aaeteo 1 , That al' note < aeu inconaiaten < ' " r parti lUm with th« providonrt of this j hereby repealed, and tbat thli jail ttv a public act ana take effect lnunedl- tely. Approved February IS, 1881. CHAPTER XXIV. n aot to encourage the mannfaotare of in gar in tba Stat««f Nuw Jara«y. Wbereaa, Tbe e.noonrftgemea.t of new prodno- tiieiramtriMin tka*8Ut» o f , S e w j g is ~.n--.,A to advance tbe vital Interest the State,and the oultlritlon of bwti, nor* KbDm, amber or other WRar cans to bo man- riolnred into anfrar wottld be a ns» *onre# ot toduttsT. u>d *fwM, buvdu. bring ftodet onltiutlon larfte area; of land or UeBtaU now nOproduolive, and be beneficial to ths Stake at large I there fore, 1. Bell enaoiedbythe Bunatfl and Qenaral Afliemblvbf theSUta of Now Jerary, With a dew f fltimnlate tbe onliute of been, ior- Ktamn.Jinibex or otbw Bngar oane »n<t ths BMUjufaoturo thercol Into aoarar, that far cvety ton of twii thoaaand puandi of beetMWlbain, amber, or other in jar oane ruBed bv any Kaklnc Fortnei. "Ton see that man just creasing the street?" remarked a Chicago man to a New Yorker whom be' was towing around to see tbe sights. "Well, tbat man sold pop ooro in thia city for twen- ty-two years, and be is north $150,000." 'Did he make it selling pop com?" "Ob 1 iio. Ha made hiapile buying Uke front lots." Fretty soon tbe guide called hia attention to aman standing in the dooroftt.ba.uk> and added "That man opened the first Bible bouse west 1 of New York city. Thirty yean ago he was rat poor. To-day he runs that bank." ''Did hfi make his money Belling Bible* V "Oh 1 no. He bought prairie hod and held on to it" In Ihe ooane of ten minutes abig building vu pointed ont as belonging to a man who reached Chicago nineteen years ago with only fifty cents in his pocket. Ha open* ed anigut sohool, and POW revelled ID w«a1tb. "Did bo nuke it all teaching school f asked tbe New Yorker. "Ob, no, be vent into the dray business as scon ai be bod money enough to bay a hone." After several more like coses had been referred to, the visitor asked : 'Have you any one single man in Chi- cago who b&a oatute money in the hum- ness he first started into ?" "Have wo ? Let's sea; lets see. Tea, we have. I know a man on State street who went into the whisky business twenty years ago, has stock right to it and ii worth •100,000. If he'd only been sharp enough to luraaroniid.aftet ten jean, and open ao undertaker's shop and bury his onstomen he'd now been a million* atret" lUgarin the State, tbe Mta uKme doilar »haU be paid a* a bountr to the farmer by tbe tr*at- srer ot tba State upon toe proper touchers beln^ pr*««alMl si lSrelnatter ipedfleO. i i WdThMtie. 1003 crone l raerohanUble anfrar 4. AndbeUeD*eled.] faatalnoauiUtcotwUh other idiw cans arowa within ibe #? * traaiurer of the State at«M n»ni»ttafcJ5ritt.Vn BUie i ,^notaofort angar from beet, MrKhom, am or other loitar 1 cans rilied mtb« ata«n ia nothing wwUdin Fnao* certain. Ewry nifiht the stneta of Paris are swept, hat not until they hare first yielded a lmrreat tothe armj of oollecton—whom nothing escapes—bo it leaves from the trees for compost, atray pins to he slack on papers and, •atd to tho poor, cigar staha to te obop- ped np for imokiog toliaooo. bread ardsb to b« dried and groasd lor cook- ing parposa, baiivcomhingi to be as- sorted at the hairdresser's, wbiJo bou% rags, old Wn and iron, paper a»d dndtrs, •11 yield tohook and bag. And then wretohed piokers-npof nnoooiHeredlri- lies, generaly old U.3baht and griulad, manage to deritb n e b praflts from thwr labor th»t not uufreqaeJitly tfae ragptok-

FOB TflE BEST TEA MB COFFEE - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-02-26.pdf · VOL. XI. THTETRON ERA The Dover Printing Company, ruisusiiui^

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Page 1: FOB TflE BEST TEA MB COFFEE - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-02-26.pdf · VOL. XI. THTETRON ERA The Dover Printing Company, ruisusiiui^



The Dover Printing Company,r u i s u s i i u i ^ ASH rr.uiilKXol^.

OITJce on Mcnii Rtroot mar Blickwell.


4 .'.(







« . A. I I I : . \ M : T " I ' , IU. I> .


Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts.,

IiOVi;K, N..I.,of W'ulm;, f lu . lCul . ln t

II -«:7 to a A.M., 1 i


ij>.TF;fl. All kind*



Hold bv J.\MKS \ . GOODALE, tin- I'i'TH'iTDni-'tfint ofDoviT. rtI(.rf npi'ii fmSHSD-Vl'iSn . r l i i e H i l . ' o r .....li.-iii.-i <mlv from U t n l O i .J i r . , M . i l f n i i i . 4 t n ! i l ' . M , ' 1 M . '


Counsellor at LawAND



Cin-tior uf Jihckivi-t! mid Hiibaoi MM,

ix irai i . N. .7.i. 3. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

iluimin will Curi-fngcs to Let.


&KALI1ICAL CHEMI5T,uovj:it. N. j .


All nf lliors known

Counsellor at Law,A2TD MASTER IN OHANOliBY,

Ollicc in UH' Niitimml Union UAIIU BiiildiiiR

3LAor»-,LL ST . , UOV£It, N. J.





1 t l " fu'i-unr u'? ui J i lclcwEL,i4 lAii>BEKUEN s««., and U prepured lo turn, ah

(betw n Llio MANBIOK

DOVER, N. J .The |'1»CB linn W n untivi'Vv vcftttort in n w



LAW,Cor. Itluckwcll itnd Sussex S





DOVER, N. J.Bnccial office Innrn on SatimhvB troni H

Sl.iililMM. 1"


tin eto


DOVEH, N. J .Ollk'O nvor A. Wijihtni.'s fltovi* m17-ly lilacKw-i'lt utrcct.

B, H O A G L d N D , M, D.p



4 3 w MINE HILL. N. J.

L. '




>VM. 3. YflUGUT. DOTCT, H. J.

igents for Fairbanks' Scales and Ter-


MM HALL BUILDING,Hot Air Furnaces,

01 Ihii inii'Ht .ui<! iiMMt imjiroVLil «tylfH, fintiiininrif,' imlilii aiH) |,ni'iit>' imililiiiKJ*. A iarS'








>Ena, im,1 v\\ Idmlfl or Jobbing 1,. my Hue,

. JliulieftpWcDB paid for old Iron.ppe

gop s.Dccembei-2'ltli.lRtO,

prwtcr Inieii in uiobangc




Dover, N. J., Tub. Oth, 1381.



OUR Q 0 CT. TEASlire be l te r than mM\ elst'K-Lnre at 70 ds. One trial uill prove tiro fact. Our high

grado new crop tuns, season 8E0, retailed nt 70 cts. per lii.

COFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE!including Rich Qld Moeba, Government, Java, Mnracnibo, Santos, Rio aro nil

eteutn roiifiteJ. Alwajn fresh.

S U G A R S SOLS AT COST.ter ana Morris County will do well by piircliasiuR their



[For The Iron Era.]



Sly raBBiJ TOiy roeetly metiiUteMinfortuoei mine, mf Mirgetj;

HurrinB my tnlJolghti maoh, my m»te,Muring rajDioniuiff'a mllflrj.

M»rg(>rT, maid miguificent,Mutuftl pei rlmont merely meantMut-liER me mast iniHcliloTonslf;My mild, meudiioiotia Uirgeryl

MrmodcBt, mat°U?cie MtrgeryjMutable nuldeos may ma to miao

Alaittuemorjmoruti 'niid montal a l

&ei 1Mb vising the United 8t»t«i to chargetbe obausel of ClteeteqotkM creel,

1. B« It floioled by tbe Sootte and QenenlAHiabty ol tl>eBute pt Ken J«nei, Tlut thetale or How Jer»ey eunieutv «tid luthirixnibs Unitod HUtBi to ofainRfl (tie cb»nael of)lieeiuqi»ke8 creek, wlierw it einpliot mtatrtauQ liar, in the coantr of BiiWlfbBiwi

tribalsrj, wcordingto thoplaoi md reportrBnvet itijor Ctwrrll John KawtoD, t n m .lilted uj die searettrr of n»r to toe forij-ixth cougrcu or the United Ntotet, a- follows" The proposed imptanaaat of we bar IN vjMna of Jnttlea uf lews «loaet running outID the bsiy iboot a(U*n'-Jttunre'3 leol, uu&i (Jright aaelei to tbe present iliore line, and

wot Mro uunilred tod Shy r ^ t ftwrt on »Utform mide or pile timber tecareV r*(t™l i

tbeMJelU«* ire to bo built to tbe lerelorm«niilgli w i e r i t tbe abor* toils tad

* lope to tb* Jevel of lulf Ud t t tb

lrtbfn!, miming Hargery. ft

Jamou MacH nllen Ii a intcini itn3«nt In tbechotnimy ilcptuttnonl of ituteeri Ool[«ge,wlioix .-ariiine Itli education by. llgbtlafi Ibe straet" pa. Be is or frittb parentage, and h&a.

iru a remarkable (logtee or talent a* Jlliw*oil liy the aimeii'd paera, whiob It pub.

......I'd In a recent mini bo r of Ihe f *BOU*. I tbus been aot to lunnio by tha Ratgura College(.Ion Olnb and unit a; among thrir college tonga:

Oft thru- my ami! there ilnya

Wliou oeatb the linden iprtjiWe niol In tLo Kloiming.

TLen bor >l«rk ey«>n la mla«T«Ul all t\w\t Sow dlviae,Wbil.- tlio i>ato oioau did BhJne,Bon-nou tbo diet ant Rhino,JlasliinR and tomsing.

CnCBDI.Atinic of Ltcdeaihtl,

Gone,guno forever,Forfroiq thi r n l P ^ M i\Iuiler the linden* till,

By tba bruad nrer.Otl ID tbe crowded • treatFaci'illkelhlnel ni™t,BtmngB voices Ion and sweet)

Dty t!iouRl.it» lull to druuutng.DrenmlDKoniwrliDiBipeUOer all my boim fell,BltopliiR in yoader Aellt

Dawo wlioro Hiewalurs iiretl,O!offinR Mil (jlcaralng,

High o'er tbe riiin'd liall,Demi slund the fladena (Ml,j i l t ing , Uka m«, }a (luk igd feU

Jn death's silent idiepingUnlli Joinu wliom lite divides,

a batt«r at one upon two, on the aoawvd orD&Uide and one upon ana. on tbe oluanolIda j » channel twu anndreJ feet wida and tire

001 tbe pros*at abaooei to tbo outer endi 0f

s Jetiietj (be prsaaol flan or tlie cieek it todammta by a dike ft. m ine railroid bridge

rou tbe preient channel tu tbe sravel bar,toon ai a B«W rimtmul ia completedj at tbe

innth af Stick creek U 11 proposed to COD*Iruot s 1*UT about two IHHMKOOtoet loan, to

i a proper direction lo tk« flow of tbat>V at Itt Juuotlon wllb Olieeseqaalea creek;II Buck creak In New Lsndtug, tbero Ii -channel: ol four lent and over at rouaa lo

itur; attbu latlar pli.ee it ia proponed toIbe oreuk hy meant of a "nt fhwoeh Ibenaadow. ihsr.br avoiding a bad bar jn i '

ITS, and ilin a (harp bead in the cbanuel .bin cat will outer tbe tiroeknaalQ al F( rtaau'ilout, but ID order tu set ritTofauhirp bendtut above Uiti dock, It ia pvitpoiBil to urrybe out still further and to drod&s off tbe pointr salt meadnw on llio opposite stdfi of (b«reek) in order tamaka tblicutelT(>ci|reLtwolorlillkco are required, one •tartiug rromu aboro fat or near Now Luidinit.sudrun-og en the left of tbo rliBnnol foraTioul

uudred toet. sad another: 'ark, " • • - * -

Urr WIID bailDoun by thc


oeu m,r brideooulittldo rides

k, lo

Ocii, EutlB** 6 rnyac, It II tlitao,But liur eyuit, like tbe t\tj, «r« BO bluo,An' horairepleB to airate,An' her ankles SQ nate,8be daztil, an' she batherod me, t u b -Till one rnorain1 wo ffint for arido,IVbln, detniire m ft bride, by my side,

Nan' U purt li&t

'N cliln Ivor tied.

OVEEC'lii'stur." jol

iii!°]Irie<f(» I loci ofibrs to buildcra tho bast opportunities ia the purchase of LUMBEEmos. JOUNSON.


Chas. T. Clark & Sonaw oiwiicd iv sew «U«p i» never in auarlHR'a

Imililmi:, COIWIMI llL\CliWKLL ANDl l i ; i(Cjl^' Blrf., and in vile iliP

li.itriin:ise vT \ha pttl>\io.

Horse Shoeing

of every grado and description including LOW PRJCES ftoi the greatadvantage oi having

.Lumber Worked to Ordermachinery at tha place where it is purchased, greatly lessening tht

cost of building by tho great savicg in manual labor. Ourstock always iuoludog

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsid LUMBER of every description, and espocial paicB aro token

to give satisfaction in every particular.KOB&EIUCHIBDB, President.it. II. LAMDEBY, Sao'y nnd Troas.

Ex r m WIPTH MUSLINS, 39, in, 42. a,4H, Cl to lf)B inchtH <*id.< ill plain lilMched.

!M, 10-4, IM in Twilk'd SheetinEB olStiirnlniilW SBVBBHT'K


ICBHIU trnflu "nij. IbUI'PLV STOHEil






Asrlcultara ImplemcntB, 8ctils, FtrlilUe.if. Vaii.t», Oils, GldHB, t'tc.




GOOD 11UTTKK MAHElli. I handle all LineOfFAitMBUS 1'HODlfCE. OrJcr l.y mnil an(jetyiniiKnoLl'i fit^Lrond gno.lllie panto day,

V ,ANCl*. With now npiiltaiiceit ToruiG we art nnir onnliU'tl to supply

'wi or t^itu t>vov UtrnVR, nn& viR-T.MIUMIHI (iLK-jmint for imrcinecn or large

laiiutii H. We n:al'O my I'tlier tttjlfl luieilcd.lc liy me ;ifi! vlriutly Land-nude,

uatidl to his bueilieio


I'. O.IiOS, 25. £


Axes and Edge Tools,ROGKAWAY, N. J.

Ilb.vins but., npotloa tint HI. nu- , . t .bllK-bud mil woll-kmmn firm b u ^ o n o onl^ci

par SfiS t5-i"j

Notice of Settlement.,|in> U lipitl)'' Kivru Hiat Hie arfn

r J M

t*«ttlttncnt tu tilMiOnAvil^ Cwivl t t tl

Mijiulii) tln-f.-uftli tlayuf A


HAIRJ HAIR!The only hair mannfaG

turer in Dover is ntHENRY HEIMAN'S


crai?,?, PUFFS,

Notice of settlement.Notice is'hcrcby Rivrn tlinitlioari-omiid

c '^ '^ i r i^ 'n i i^uTami 'Bt t^Uiy tlio tilt•.atf, ai»\ Tfcwwttil I«r BPUlcmeiit to tlplu-of Con.t «r tlit Oonntv cMIorris, (liiilay llierourtli (byniAprilneit.


.ted January Mtb.lfWi: '3-10

E. SIEBER,House and Decorative Painter,

rcipeclfnllj call* atleol.an to W»

NEW STORE,mat On luM.E.Cto»tl>,

wLpre tfa bai ft Una dliplar of



OGKAWAYAXE!.. .if Leiiif; one of (IK •--.7 fir F0I1M, HATKBIAL

^ uscitrctl ail piuiiBiilei

In Chancery of New Jersey.0 ALBEItT C. F1CHTEK:

Y virtue or tn order of Ibe Court of Chan.- " ' - • Ti the day ol

-DYWrtueor.nora.roftta> ctry nf Now Jersey, tnml

l at:* tipruof i







Bone Dnat, Guano. Poudrette,LAND PLASTER, Ac,

WOOD eawod in a


Or^rs may ba addreBie4 lhronBhth»Po(l

1 'ilefWtiutH, you are reinired to tppeur•ad, demur, or icswer to tho cotnplabant'iI on or Ixirore tho tliirii day of iUrch no«t,tlio eiiUl bill will ba taken »• coofeiatd

Tiie as'1,1 bill fa filed Air tho colloction of apcv or one linpdri-d dollars ffiib Interenin'yuvuiuhor lRt, 1877, p.vtin to said ipphi*no by the lait wilt of O»br)elF!ebler, late '.'Ie towraliip 01 Jefletton. In Morrii County,jp Jersey, decdSfd, aod by eald will directedbo paid out of tlia partanal «tatq of tuddsUtnr, tod In ease or 00 pure on 11 eatale,at tlitm tbetimflihonld be pildontofoer-in real entite or latJ lertator. In iiid town-

Mp, aeYiaed lo bin ttiOTOtrngort m^aftbr ir iJobnFicliter and DCDDIB W. Fiob.or, inMneIbef xbonld not o»j tho nme ; and l»t^ billalleges that iild, leflaoy h u beoome da*, thatihuro m no [wr»on«l ealatH, t b n laid two lorn

II t tbe tfnu. apft tbat yon bars oimay claim to bare an lolemt ID Mid landitnd thai H M b.ll pr»?« »-«1« of 11U Una

il or u id loeaey.NEIGHBOUR k SUTIH,

(or tho

D.tod Dcoetnbcr Slit, IBM.

in EUckwell8t,tneir SOUQX, at i t tlie ja td .

DLAOSSUITB'S COALwoitatiUjon hind

1B8I, Carpets! 1831.QAllPETB forVleii.0AHPET8 Tor 40 do.


lBBDB8EL6 OARPBTH, oboloe paUerni, tot 90oU. perjatd. The brat qnalltlu ol flnw-iH(Kroeli : Ohlna Witting, nT all tluili;

FOR SALE!. Tli9 old establish^Blacksmith and "WagonShop now occupied bJohn Morgan, opposite U?rioji FotuidryMachine Sfeops, Roek

.J. If not solbefore MAROK 1st•will be for rent.

raaumE OP


AD' raj bear!, i m b , (bin hu<r It bilo 1For my Rate looked to teiDDtla' »a' smte,

WiJ cheekfl like tbe roiei,A.u' ill tbe red poylen

TbRt groir in her ffarden tp nito,Dut I aatjuotSB ipateao lho<Joad,Til) B\JO »&;&, w.& ft torn, ol her bond,

"I f I'd known tb.« to-il»7Yt'd iiiive nothing to sty, .

I'd bate gone Mi iny (Qyiln, fnataad." 'Thin I fell rajnolfgnm very bowlJ,

or 1 knew sbuM cov scold If I to«tto loTt-in niyheirt,

Thni would nerordopirt,iooRii l lived to be frrinVled m d old..•I Bald: " I I I dared to do IO,

•d lit go ur tUe b*«tfl, s.a' I'd tUrowBotli arini lound her waiit,Au" Iw atiliu' t tailstliamiipsthatniecoiwiii* mom."

Thin sbo blaihei a more illej BAt red•ho snl4, vl'dont ralBin'tierbetd,Ao'ioi-'ejoH loobiB1 down

'Noath her laihea to brown,ldreUko mstodrlve,lIUtberTudtn

. ..... i l | a_.._._„ la ahorpaulrodioslve a

ot tour taei al mean bw valet lor »icrt diritinob above; tuout one-quarter of ulie abort Furffi»n'» dook tloro U *aolbetirp bond, wltioli it la uropoaacl to oat off, by

lirej about tbrMhasilre^tot o ' ^ " " 1 1 ^ont«ra l\va oil tilimoal *g*to; (ram IL»«

tatto «rill Voqufre Ureilging to B(ve» oliiin-of four fuel at n u t i Ion water, nearly illwty t t WfaltflUeacTa dooli, Ml"? being only

n hotel rf more *ta«n *h»t depth j e*uimpf h, vblcb Jot.i. Cheeieqasfeeii or«ek t>«t<iToeanilraid and county ro«d bridge*, it U pro-ud to <*redge a channel throe Test duop timlowwuter, and flit? feet wi^ai'tu \boIS ife tn heipaordloB to (be geu'tral plan,• trtriftni ° ' 4r» rout rrotn'out to out orv;t, md'ft^d wUh tobUlc llano, *\\\\ »a«.)lifloitloui AB Hbill be uecen»ry*g ths worktrenee, in orat>i> la aocuapll-a tb*s improveil contemplated."4.ml bp it BD^otoil, Thit tbe bwrd of

Met] fieelioldflrsof tli j oounty of Middlesexjatilhcrlied to icmovo t ie present bridesrosotlie ma«tti af OUeoHeqankoe ereaV 1 -

d ncrOB* the new clunnel noon the saidinal IIIAII tin oomplttwl b j tha Unjtaa

Anil be It nixcied, Tnni tUvaet sU«ll takejt lm mediately.

Approved February 6,1881.

. CHAPTER II.>l>nx>tit to "An act fur the pqndbmcnttriDiea" I BOTH ion], ipprored Mnrclily-ieTonui, one tboUsana elgtit boudre

irfloitcnacteil by tlie Suniteind OeuurnlaHmbly Qttba Suite of Now Jer>ey, Ttmt il

periuQaBrviUffoiits.BBDtenoeoriniFi'iHoii-it in tie flwte Jriaon, or in iny tpantyrentlary or In an j sounty ja.fl 1E IUIB Wtate,t Bacnpe rrom eaoli prison, poultenttiu-r ornndBbnll be reoupmrt'l, mmb parsonpqulred lo merva out tha whole of tlieffulcb lie WBiorlglnilly lerjteooaJ.deductiog any of tbe time tae ahall baro

n at 1III*HD alWr io eicaniQRt and It aballiba duty nf tfa keeper or wantea of Boonluii, penLteatiiry or jiU, to e&ter opoa bit>rd of prJHODen the time of the Bitape of

j Bdob prison if, »Dd IUB tins wlian lie shalli returned to ouatody, and tbe ertlrj m madeia)l be prina Taole etideuoe of t ip tlnia nueh-Uoner Uai beso abient from cmtody, inimputing Ihe rein lining wrlod far wlnob heto bo Mofludd in the prison, peaiteutUry orI tn nblct) be *«» original!; tenteuccd.I, And be It enacted, That this act ibill tubesot Iremetiiiilely.^pproted Fubrawy &, 149V,

What an Old Farmer Says.Tbia is tlifi advice of an old t£)aq igho

tilled the BOJI ^ forty yeaw'inip, no pld mnDi ugwatds of t

jre jeow, during two Bcora ofha-se been rich and have all I need ]

oot ova a dollarj liave giveqildien a good odaoadtDH, and when Ii ciilletl 8way aliall leaye themennaglfk6Bp Ihe wolf from the door. My1

rperlence bBB taught n s tliat1, One acre of Jiadt veil prepared

od well UUedf produce man: ttun twoiod reoeiyeJ only tba same amountlabor aged on one. <

3. Cloe BOW, lionw, iqqle, aibe,op well fed u iqote |iroflUble;wo kept on ttie Bsme amount ueoea-

ty to tte»p one well,S. One acra of clovur at Rraes is worthcre titan two of cotton where no

;russ or clover is raised.4.. Ko farmer ffnobu^Boata, corn orlieat. fodder aud Imj, Cdfl Iff#p t i

iberifffroia %* fy>.o$ t o i b e afft,

farnje^ y/\to Ofivcx. reads (Iieerst boak-fsrtftiqR ^c^ .to-

, ahvoya hi^ a laaky roof,r (took, broken do.wii feoceB,plains of bud "-season*,"

p. The farperirboiiabare bit bustiess nod eatmsta it to an another lim«ga BOOD has no boriaeis to attendi,

Tbe fanner wbos? habitual beveragei o l d water ia healthier, wealthier and'iserthan be wbo doe« not refuse to


A French newspaper, hav^pg ai>who ever beaid uf an Ainarifoa Ijea, tinCluaaRo ^Auneanstre'rs, "Well, ttor.were teas in Tillage iiouaei in tbicountry nowa tt i t t j years ago. Tb<

ijoua lad.v of a olinroU who beard thaitbe tea wlnob woa given on the monttbefore had demanded thirteen kindicuke, gave a tea to tbe beat peoplethe tillage sod had fourteen kind*cake. There were also ten to twenhkbfla ol iweetmeAta, qniniMB beiog tbispoculty.' Bhcrtcnltes were hardl;worth; of menBon, ao white and plenti-ful the; were. CPbemtnistei always gothiialiaroof'aliortcRfcea and iweelmealnot beoflnse they - wen forced openbim. but because bts appetite, measuredthe length of the old <tuhioD«d Lacan "tea,".

Tbe train h;ac| ran tp,to. t sijow-clrif Iand ihe ?nffine wa? bat ing its' bead itain i f fdut ft at?-tent tanli, « ^ i onthe iroa horae appear*, to be beaten,"marked a fat woman near the centrethe oar. "Too ehoaldo't call i t an irliorae," mildly reproved a «Dlemn-iao&nun aoroM the flinle. «'\phy nol ?"ed th6 fat; womaq in aitrprUo, "BOCQOIH't btuqk tin," itftly macoaared thoeEonfeoedman, at) begusedont of•windQ* and acrow thewirjlry wiste wlm far away look in bU eye. The fat

i while Ibfl eoDd'uotor^ W ' nton ''a dtgrw

jM,«ent ont of the ear without ftTBlDB Cbi'dbor.



ot Ibe diraatcra or manager! of railroadcumptulea;, Ba It u

lea,unacted by tbe Senate and

ptoy, tnaorporaltail State, be an

•i <ir manegera ofaDynlltuail BODwrated under or by tb* Uwn

' ire horeiiy autbnrijsed

ben, nho Hliall bo tod tot u • floe prewdeator tddltloml vioe preudetttaoratiolicampuy,

id whoai»ll h»re suoli powers and p*riorranab duUei and recsho BUOU einapaniaiioa n*beboMdefdlrootoraor manaiteri, by its by-iw<, rulei,rregoIatbD»or by rewfotloo, anyitatJIitb and direct: prorlded, bovrenr, (hi t

Dumber of directors or manager* of «IITb company, ibtll not, ILereby, be loereiawl

eyoud twenty. jf, And bettenaoUd, ThatthlitatikaUttke

> ImmtdiatLilr, »cd til iota, or parti oftncoaitstont with tbU aot, are hereby

iletl.Appruied Fabrutrj 8,1881.

OHArren x,aot to rednca ths exoeaaes af pabllo toad

boards, aod to placo them under tbe controlof t U boarda nt eboaan freeholdera of the•eforal countlw ot tnli Stale.1. B* it euttited bj Uu &m»te and Otnml

Atwaibly of tbe Htate of New JerMf, Tltbe eomtniptionor* oonstiluting tba ujoimblio rotd boardi, which now eiliU or tt

"tareiiit fp any of the ooanllei ol tLunder the lawi ttaoreof null OOUIINC or

freeholder, , eappalnte.

II the ataodini coramit-i of flhosen freeholders

ireor miy bo Kppoiniea for tlio tlmeueini'ih pei-Boni ao appointed ahull continue Le only dun s tbe time forwlilob tbey ahall

JUt aoTeo

aid boarda of oboaen freebD'derit,aitdaballswaire only aiich compfaaatiao fortbelrier-

ii ai aucb eotninlsiionert aa ibftll be fixedU time to time bv tbe said boudi ol ehoien'holdeni; prondedj that no more tliin a

n*)or part ot Iba comrofigfonara of any publia•o»d botrd flhtll be oT the some politlctl p»rlyj

pruriasil. funber, tbik notUltig Uerelii-.slued shall be oonitrued to efiloct tlie ton-

ire uf office or eptapentatlDD of dor oonnnn-touer oO*r In ottoe and in aatu»l aervloc as alembar nf »nv an eh road board; bat thatrorymob peraonwhn duly <m*iifled and an-ired on tlie dlaobarga of bla antiei op or

idelgbt buadrei ajd el«htj-oae, tnd ha«* linuo been *oiu»l.y earring ai fuoh mem-

ber, wkPtliereleetedbv the woplflor by theUiiS OOITCU ol clionen frteholueri, under anygeneral or speoiitl lav or thii Bttte, ibill be

itled to bold bin aaid office dnrlox tbe timewhich be was an eleaUd i provided t t i t Uuivlolon of thii act afaali not apply to orjot in my my towniliip mid boira*.I. And be It emtctrd, Tb»l ill ivati and parti

1 oaiUtent with an? of 6 p^ovlaloniit. b a a r f tba aaw.e are hereby re-f tbls aot. ba and

•4jft)eiand,tfeU tbli

CHAPTEB XI,, a«t io prarldo for tne reliefer the poor la

,. Be ii enacted by Ilia Sunate »nd Generaliiembljr of tUe Btata ot Mew, Jeriej , Thathere tbe appropriation made for tbe aid end.lieforthepoorin cities

D one thousand eight lmrbeen airudy expeadftdit --tbe ntoemry relief of Lbo BUfferintr »nJ doiti-nto poor, it ahall bo lawful for too board ofinitnoeoraayancholty.or ID tbe abg.enoe or

' lhebanrdor&td.eroionor».r


tenc;3 for couporBEBKii, ocverftl oh h

on or regintcred buuJ .of tbo oition or Lbie Hra

i l i b lBEBKii, ocverftl of tbo oition or Lbie Hrhave hLretofuro inauel roistered bomwiiloli, Ityreaaonof theaetllcmotit ofeBtnor otlier Icgn) cnuso. r c l itIlvide or parcel tb« orig

gn) u s . rcm e c o yor parcel tb« origitml amount or aiioliaim becauss *f the iirnettn lew Ruedn Iiv exctiangn nr sm render oF Hitl I n d a i a s t p d i l c i b cniii

r otlier Iclvide or p

ivision Iiv exctiangn nr sm rendeJinal Ixindaia stopped, iliciebj cittii)

rauolt ipounveiiieDco andluxn; iliemturu1. BblteiiftoUd l>v tlje HetinU: imil Qonrri

imbly of tha fllttn of New .L'thov, Tinfinancial authorities of any city of tU

ite, where cunpon or lOiHlered I i l i In btretofore IKUWI

here cuen btretoformed, may up npnda In c»aliaiiRO f

d b d i i iu sucli

ed Itoiv ID

0 forucli1 d

nlsn or r

os may ID their diEcrctiou detenu ii' ' bonds an excbunscil ».:a]ibemu<

l ibe Hum timu »uJ bear tl.o naninlerost aa tbo lionda mrrcaOorod [or ei-

-,w°jicbatirricelled i provided, ihtit no authority for anrreuse of Indebted HOIS iball bo infei T '

rrcaOorod t r e iil hnuda shall bo

h for an_ iha be inferrd Troi

nil provided inrtber, tbat any bondiesnBtt or leaned in subitltutlou under thisshall be (abject to any dofence, legal

|intatlp, vblcb was or^oulfl \iav« be&u avible agsinit tbo bond or bonda 01-igiaaiaaed.2. \nd be it enacted. That the anthoritieinlng incb resiatered bonds *biil provide

ir tlie r«|{lalraiToD tbercot In proper books lo) kept Tor that purpose, and for (he Iraqefcrsaid bondi upon mid booki.3. And belt euaoted, Th,,; tbli tot iball tako

ffeot innnGdliieljApbrored

CHAPTER IT.An lot in relation to offleiU bnnda.

1. Be U etttoled by Ihe Ben»l« mil Gftaei.iiemblj of tbe State of New Jeney, That _lie execution of tbe cffiola] bond of anv officer

E-aah or other atmlulpilitr, or of .

Ded and nrjTeu Id Ihe nBOner. prorlded byIT :or ubine tbti aoknOffleaKnietit and proaU«ed>, it ftiiallbelawiullbr ibe olerk of the

D H I * nbareln eaoh officer mtdei to recordnoli bond with tie scinonledsmetit and proof(tlie ei^HllMi ol the »*>tp, ID a book Fibeled• public o&flen' oondi," Hbich book aball botror Oud by him at tbe expeaae or tbeoauntr,ndaball be Indexed In the utntea of the offl-

rsnudlbolrsuretioj.andof ihetKjnwretkwhich ibe bondB are reipectirely Ana:tfeb Hpnice ibe tinl clerk itiall be entft


be aridenoe In tiJfe'oorli'itu.me u U tno oilsinal boo! we

"Jl."An*J bb Itfiiucted, Tint If the ftQaoantany mob offitrj ibalt bo al aoy tin* BXimlo«> Ihe antburltiet cT tbe corporation to whoma bond 1* ntf an, or br tbe proper board, com*

tnUtre or officer of a dob oojporatlott, and abilie hy uDOb bontd, comtnlttciooi ""fltd bbfl correct, *Dfl luuti oortL.. , ,

'v loknomleflBPa and proved, ID tlie *aminupr m I ho Xnai, it aball be Uwfnl fbr tbi-kofUio foantyto llio it!d eenlBoitota hi

—CB, and lo note tbe. lubsliuoe tberrofoiihTaiiieV mtiiin miri[lQ cf tbi pageoon,*iDio5 tbe recpra of the bond, for utelafotra|'lADd?be I t ^ n e d * Tlut thfiaet •b.ll tikBfreotlnmedutoly.

Appto«od Febraiiy S, 1BS1.

eliBilng,, ua]

i tho sJ

Rttppldineat to m net enlitlBil "Anoprbio^ eTitlence [lleTliluo^j aiJiJiuTfrHaroh • twentj-MWntn, anno domfni omthoaiand Pight buodred and iBr<<nty-foar..'1. Be 11 aniated by tbe 'Bannto ind Qenpnl

tfli*mblTof tbs Blaio or New Jertey; Thaipoa any trial bereatter had, of a.oy iodiot

meat of *n? panon ctutr^d with (he crime olmaraer or nanslatnthlcr, tha baabind or wlfiof.tba peraoa l"o eliarged.r«baU be admitted 1teaUry •• a witness upon inch triil, ifboo«be tJfct bi&welf oi faenatfaa a frltnna thereon bcbalf of the person to obarsed.

- • - - • ' - - ^ • d . T h a t . l l T o U B t d p . r l

StiDpUinenttota let entitled " i n tot »U-t l n to u le i of iknda under * nabllo ititate,or by t irtne p ' any jadklal prooeeBlii|r"praTedUanb twaaiy-wruth, one tbqdsa,ndetglil hondnd ana Mttsnty-tonr.

T i i b t r i f

treaanrer of lbs State is hereby antliorieed anddirected to catmts t cellar to be •zcavsted undertbo troni purl oftlw State BDBK, add a newfloor to bo laid In the front ball and rotund*t h f di rt t i b l

ia«10t oniaembera

ffiM n)/ dun be timeiara been elected aa *moh o'tttbeinbject to removalaid board* of oboaen fr«

e frwutaoboieal at thn

b ' d

ab tbejr thalfraeboldenplewnro


ytba aaweact sball

« e herein rotake eSaoE Im-

made for tbe aid endfur tbe year endingd-od and eighty, batdw«»iBufflo.Bi.tror

ichottj, to wake a further appropriation at11010,10 mob fttnonat nut eioeediog two

ai*ucl diCtttitB, *•* >&td bend orfini.ccoirmei) may deem re»ion*blj oeceiiaary, f

„ purpoie of inch kid nod relief.3. And be it emoted, Tbst Rhld. board of

ice or aldermen ii b,ereby autnorlieu to.. aw tlie amount of monoy wbjcb it may byIi aet appropriate, for tlie purpoie of aachiproprlallon In antloipallon of ttxei nexticre«(tor to be levied, and to lame properldoufe or indebtedness tberefar, whlcS auall"signed by the major, acalod with tba teald *tt««t«a bj t t o VWk; »nrt tbe tuA b w d" isDoe or aldermen %» the C»»B maybe,_.. provide for iho repayment of the ikid

orroffBd money in tba u.1 Iny Ui be madeoKtthero»IMr,mle»t)heianiolie- ' -

a. And be it enioted, That tbia aot aball Utu

Approved February I i , 1681.

OHAPTER XII.An not autborialnK towoihlps to prcroni cattle

runnins »t Urge.1. Be it enioled by tlie Senate and General

Aisctnblv {.r*ho StsteoIHew Jeraoy, 'l"hat ttabill bo Uwrul Tor tbe TO tern of aa# tonmhlpiu tbia Slate, if thoro bo no upecitl law on tbo

ibjeci then in for«e In said toiruiblp, at theirIDUUII) towii meeting, lovolo by billot, ffltothtritttle, aheap or Lnrsea thall be permitted touu nt larjjeln ijtid totroatiipj and If *• taajor-.

or tlie voters voting «t eftid election •uatl I:o topi(ivont tho Bamo, suoh detormioatioaill con tin ne in force and ahall not be altered

ir tUc lenn'oftwo jcara. i1, Ki<A bcitcfindtil, Thai it utall bo Unfu\ '

an.v purion 1« pnv* oi nonvcy to the publicird of tlio toiYMsbipvotiuK as aroreaaid, amtie, uheep or horsue found runninf; i t lireetHP nirtoiw or tiigUways, aiici iuipound tnoic ; ami tho keqxr ur Kixpvte ol the publlo

ivacli cattlo. slieci) or hottca, QDd«cipun-,- of (en dollars, tu bo recovered In action ofit, in any court ot competent authority, by

:uting for <Uo saint, forhla,.,01, for each inrraclion or thia

>|M)t Khali bivo Iftenty-fito contnletting iu. and fifteen cents per

.lug out of Che pound,»nd Tor feed-

part of the building, and the treaauMr la iisre-[fyauttiunzed to u»», upon the warrant of tbecomptroller, tbfl LllTu fur tho aaid work out of

—-raia the treunri not u them lie ap-, i ; proridod, tbat the entire co»t of

__ work shall not exceed tbo •am of threetbaiuatud five Jjuodrnd dollars,

•1. And bo it enacted, TUt this u t ihtU beffect Immediecely.

Approved Fcbrmrj 13,1SS1.

0HAPTBB XVIII.upplenxint to an act entitled " An wit con-'~' -: evidence," approved Uareh tweoty-

i, one Iboound eight hundred ano/-four,

l.ilBlteiuotdd by tbe Senate and Qeneral1 ' of tbe SUte Of Keir Jeraer. Tbat iti

_jtic« given, orothtrproseedfng takenfortbepurpouorezaminlnirorlakius'- 'puaitionofaaywltncit, within tbli S i ( - . r -u a a t io tb« ia«B of tbo Dotted tstawa, \o beoaod in any civil action or proceedings pendingtn any court of ths Ooilecf Btatei, or ptuiuan?


Ibe eonnly In wblolt tfae pFodnct* aregrawn ormsnuracMred, wtieb vondiew alwll be subjectto inch fartber icrctlny ai tbe chief of aaid

tore nay hereafter order

npon ai

f aoj otbD sny civil actin or pry court of iucb State o

or tbe Supreme Court of this W»te mayipnlieation made to him with proof bj

_, It that the teatimaoy of 0uebwi»ne» ftnatonsl to tha applicant, make aa orderawarding procean of aubpovna oat of t ie said«oart, tat auob *ituw»» to app«M va& leitifyIn pursuance o. suofi Lotieeing, and before minb rorarafiilouer or poisonai snail 1» named In incb order, aaof uponfilling aacb order la the offloe of tbealerk of

povna at of t ie saidto app«M va& leitifytiee ur othor proceed-rarafiilouer or poison

b d ffllliog ... .tbe Supreme Court, it ihall be tho duty oftlie laid clerk to lime prooeas of anbpoena,under the teal of thciud court, requiring incbwitUQi* tc appear and leitlfy aocorditigly.which aball be nerved In the ume manner, andbe of tbbauno torce and effect ~'"iu any other t*$t, and an; peripursuance of men mbpaenai![o tbe lane fsea aa witneaBot in m u n uanca,•Ld utv wiluoii dtaabeyitiK luch prooeiv fballbe subject lo the aamo pensHiei as a » pro-vided for In o u t ! penaing In tbe SupremeCourt of tbti Stite.

8, And ba it w t a u a , t ha t tbta tot sbfttt ukaeffect invntdiatoly.

Approved Ffibrhary 16,1B81.

AD tot to repB»! notion five of tbe act entitled'• An tot refolvo lo the iiwi of thli Blste.tbo proceeding! of loRlaUture and the dUtri*bntlun thereof, and of tho l%n of tbo UnltudBtatea," approved April ilil«anth, me tho a.(•ad olgbt bUQdred and foity-aix.1. Be It enacted by the Senito and General

-ipemblT of tbe Slate of Sow lenej, That•octioa tfvo of tha aot entitled*'An aot *«!*-Uie to tho Itit a at th.U titnta, tbe prooeedLti)[aof the leirfiltjlure and tbe distribution thereof,and or tbe law* of ttae United HtaUa," approvedApril aUteentb. one tliotitwnd eight hundredand forty-alx, whkab read! aa followa ;

•• fi. And be it emoted, Tbat there abaJl beallowed to tha B«eteury ot Bute formakiugtnd prBpariog marsinil notes tod t n Index u•toraaald, the aan of tfteeti oauti for sverrhundred words," be and the ume U hereby re-

^ 3 . Andbft U «sMted,TbaVtbii»&Ul be apublic act and take efleof imnedUtely.

Approved February 16,1881.

CHAPTER XX,& aet to amend aeotlou throe of Ibe aet c_tltlad •' An aat relative to Ibe puMluatlon oftbe law* of thii Stato la the iiewiMperi,"tpproted April twenty-flrat, one tbonundeigut Luudmi tnd wwty-mx.VBvH euaated by tba BuaaMand Qei

Aiiemblr or tbe State of N«w Jener, Tbat tbethird mtim of tbe act entitled *• itlve to the pnbllcfttioq of lite \%v* ol

anacted, Thst this aot ihallid fall force and effect b r tbe term «f

live j m n , sod vhall take etttat immediately.Approved Fobroary 16, JSB1.


Faith Is that ustntilative power bywhich tbs soul incorporates tbe veritiesof religion into its own sabstimne, NOthat they become an integr J part of tbeman and a supreme governing force ofhis daily tbougbt and life. It in morethat) the intellectual upprebentdos oftruth. Tbere is nothing syllogistic ioit* procesies ; it requires DO proofs, forit ia of ittelf the erideooe of tbings cotseen. No tnyateriei of mirtele* apal it.OieedJ do cot stagger it. Doubt* donot abate it* conBtunoy. It uks not toknow tbat it may believe, bat it believestbat it miy know. It ia what Oarlylscalls an InBtght into the heart of tbingi.As a faoalty ol tbe soul it Bupplementsreason, aud thereby oomplutes the circleof such knowledge aa it fe vonobjuifed toman to «in. tV grand power abides iahim wuo attains to this celestial Miami-natian of tbe spirit, B / it he Ia;s holdupoo the eiMDtial barmony of thecrtalion, so uniulelligible to bim wholimits nis betiels to tbe reports ol tbe

i ot to tbe doubtful sufaemes bebuitda upou them. With it he (a armed

ill f l f While in tbeHe moves

ve to the pnblloatlihenBwipapwi,"


e law* . _etl Aptil twonty-dfed(and wveufy

__4, be and Ii beraby amended to 11 to be andread aa follows:

8. And be it enacted, That Ibe newtpapei' ' J in acoordanoe with tbe forogoing

" ' 'lamed the legal new_.. be deemed the legal newspapersof U& St»,t6 for th i t yitw, and fbaU be wtlwr-l»od to rutillih alt the general ' * acti, andiTucb"ipecUTpubilc aofB only as raiy lw applicable exolnairely to the reapsotive counties inwbloU tao Mid papers irs publtabed, taA nrpablisher iball be entitled tu receive compeaaatfoa for publishing ant act, tinieM euch pubitoiEton ibill be made within ninety days afteithe aaid act. sball b&vo been filed in tha officeof tho Secretary o[ State ; the com pens t t ionfor publishing (fa* laws published in pnrnniinceof tuie tot iball be %i the rale ol BixtT ce>itnper folio of one hundred word!, whioh aball bepjkid from thu 8t*toTrea«iarvupon tho wurrantuf the comptroller, acd it sfiall be tho duty oltho Secretary of mate to furninh to the aiic

wipaperi eopiea of the lnwahurein requiredbo published ; provided, thai tiotbfDgiu tbia

t alitll bb nu com trued u to reader Utcga-liv public notices or advertiaements whatever,id sball ouly apply lo the publication of tho

3. And be It unacted, Tbkt tbii Bball ht t.nblio act, and take effect imtnsdiitoly.Approved February 16, 1B81.


ft the ills of life.world, bets not of the world.world, betsamong bis fellow* no less a man thanthey ia all tbat gocm to make, true manli-

ot character, cheerfully kddruaioghimself to tbe dDtiea wbiob grow outof hia manifold relationship to others,but, through It all, up-borne by an in-spiring truBUn tbat God in whom wolive and mote and are,

Ia faith there is not only the inoorpo-tfive power t y which the) high troths

that Ha beyond the grasp of merely hn-mfl,o petoeptioo KM 1»W hold cpoo andwronglit into the very teitnre of thebeing, bat tbero ia in it a reproductiveenergy, so tbst the tenets of religion be-come the vital elements of a noblerspiritual lite, regulating the conduct,governing niike tbe thougliU and deedfl,and makitig tbo man ecmce&ble ia thebest flense to others. Charity iasepar-nbly aooompanieB this faitb, aud thence

H a miniatry of ceaseless blessing toliiDil. ProgresaiveoeeB in another

oharaoteristia of suoh a f&itb. Tb'u isthat growth in grace wherehy we gofrom strength to strength, increasingdaily more sncl more until wn come tothe everlasting kingdom. Then, finally,is realized that mvatiesl oneness nithGod whioh is the veritable eternal life.Then ai length the bridge Iron thefinite io the inflQito is pawed-from theQODtUtioned to the absolute ; from thoseeming to the real—from the limitationsnt sense and the narrow formulas of oarhuman thinking to communion with thoDivine Oversoul of the uuivuree.

head T<;»d lor lo

atultpound,and Tor feetbe pound, twootr-

il for each (lay or p>rt of aitinuo In said pound ; and if

rattle eheep OT horses tolay tbuv shslltie uwiicri uf siid caUle, eiv<tepr0T hoViet tompoiiQdcd Hhall aot i»»y tho charges for ira-lundiiift end kuapinp tlio Raid cattle, sheep oriraon, wuhin flvo day» attor the name Biiall) impounded, and tako tha nme away, itnil be tho duty of the Bald pound IceptrtoII tbo name, giving at least flro dayi' police

I BUCII intended ialo, aet up in three or mominblic places in Btich township: and if tho>vner Bhall nol redoom tbe Bamo before the

IP ID notified, then ibe pound keeper ebillt tbo tmoiti&«o(»liSs[lj, an* oatot tho moonysitis from MDeh iaie aball pay the chargeaconveylnfT to sad letting In the pound,jpiOR and feeding the Bane, and one dollar'adveitlalnK and letting tbo aame,u]dpay

.) iurplim to the owner or owners ofaald cat-tle, afaeep or honei. if they ihall appear andclaim tlie utne within six months after iamb.Bile ; and if the owner or owniw thill B 0 'appear wllhiu six motithi aa afcrefajd, Uu,ea to

ie overaeer of the towmh'Pi tw tae me of

iiofkata toitSfUp,id be iUauted, Tbat for brinring cat-*por hanei to the pound, iibe partyi j the aanie Bball receive twenty aentifrom (he pound keeper, to be by hint

- ' ' — the owner, tu aame manner ai

edeat lramodlitety.Approved February 14,1831.

CHAPTEBini,,n aot to extend the time of cbartered rallr*coopaniei whose tine for completing t tTttlrokdi »nwl expire in thsiear onBtbi-_aand eight hundred and elghti-one: whereworkhaR been perrormed on taid raUioidi,or meney BIMD "1. Be tt eaactiL , ,

Awcinllyor tha SUUi of New Jersey, Thatwhenever tbe time limited for tbe'eomploUooof «t>J rmllroad authorised to M ooDatractedWithin this Bute under ipeclll Keti ifaall ei-lire in tbe yetr one thocund elgbt hundred

* eigbtj one, auch time ibalfbe and. theVitnsbj i i txl««ded!or ta InrUan'perlMl

of two yeari; provided,' hpnever, that money•ball have been actually expended in mrwva.or location of ronte, or in acquiring right oiwav, or iu conBtrnotloa of aneb railroad.

J . Anc\ b« it enacted, Tb»t tbn u t ahall take

0HAPTEEXV,j t to an aat entitled " Ao tot to

—i the apportionment of taien, U H I I -„ ._ . • and water rents," approved Aprimmity-flnit, one thousand Tight hundred.

.. pe It enacted br the SeiialeAucmbly of the State of Newwhere any nart ot any plot or pi" is or iball 06 taken tor tbfl on

.en uponi whle

ng, widening or c^ternloaVs a'foteialibe eqnU»blj and JU.UT apportioned be-• tha plot or parcel BO taken for attclting, widening or extension, and the bal-

ance that dull renuin.af 'be plot or psnfrom which the l ino ba,i or'ihiU bo tatcnaforeaatd., [n %bf) aame manner and form, amby i|te aame authority aa ia provided iq aali

\ towhiaUhtathlaTtBiur ' - "J. And bs it enacted, That ••

«fleqt Ithmadlatol;

prorided fq mpp'tmant,thii net aball tsl

maj KiTB Bftaann Infor or against each oth

et)|&t , . . . . .Wains*", TDBproviiiooa boretorere In force

relative to the adwrtiienKnt or uira oflands ba*e not been In all reipecU oomutlaiwith, whereby the tltlea lo certain, l^naa a\ra

no aale of real eaUte heretofora made a)iaU to-nniidaleq fay rciaqq of »DI oniiMlon to ad-

ertidu any siljunrament or aali, or any inwg-4l»rilj m Vaa averkiaementiiUnr adlnqra-marl nf Hie, tint the nnrdhai«r of an? inchrealflotota htUng pud tbe prioe (hereof andreceiver! bla or tier deed ah'ill haidMaudtab i n as aood and complete tills thsnto, as "locli adidanimanl baif betn fo an - * ' ! -dalyadvarttaad.

for .or against eaoh other, in oroeeedlngkdivorce on account ot adallery.I, Be Inooaotea br ta^e^ te ,and Q«-

Aiaembly of tbe fit*!,* «r New Jeraer, That-. a-- th»lt

IDF »r aiainit, n n o(h*C. in, _ . in iniim»tt (oj-aiTccoo on

aoooont of ndnltsr/. anj lav of tbhi .itato to


land m ition nine of the tot en-tltlo-l" A.Q aot relative to tlia office or 8ec-ratarjofHUteandRfgiater eftho proroga-tive cuurt" [Bevision], approTou Ajirll MV-

iteon, one thousand elgbt hundred and

. Be' It enaoted b j tho Btate and General.alterably of the State af New Jersey, Thatactlua nine or tbe act entitled " An act rela-

to the office ol Secretary of State and ttsg-f of tha prerogative oourt" [Kevliionj, ip-

v:ed April BOTOnteentb. one tboaBand eight,undred. and (arty-siL, be and, is UereUv

Dudcd to aa to be and read ai fcllowi:i. "And bo it enacted. That the SecretaryBUtA abaU cause a true copy or each and

cry law, sa delWe ed to him, to be made,id within foarweeki from tbo and oJHiDS ot the Legislature. dollTei '

verytba wmo toUwa of the

S[stVTand ft shall be tbedntyof the Socn>iry or State tq aulat tbe printer who xa\y bajpolnved as aforusaii, In oonipairniR theS l l ^ t ith riil l ( hiefl par™aESis»Lt. original Uira.ftw wWA .oae the iaid nrtoler u required to attend athe office of tbu Secrotary or State, with ttaercoiaheetBorallitich Uwiai&e marbeapr-

tai imhalt alio be the dutr.laryofBUU ta make mar-

„., u u « . to aaid lawi."8. And bo it enacted., XbJi tbia shall be aabllo aot and ti#« effect tmmediatoljr.Approve febniary Iff, 1B81.

OSAFTBESULanpplenent to the aot «ntitlod"A IIIIoi.ntto the aot entitled«Anact feting ._

tton of certain nnfaue officer! ol' March tooth, one

_„ land aaventj-nlnB,«nl nlating to the compensation of theBeeretan offitate.' - •••naeUd-bylheSonate and floneral

of tbe State of Neir Jetsay, Thlt. .MUyoSfiUttot iU« 8UW ttaUviAentitled to or take, reoolve or retain, otcept

„; tha oae of the State, any compentation,pay, lee or enoloment wbatsoever, other tban

jeintraal*aJaryofiixihimiaod dollanlluSand prof tiled for in section tbree at the act tovblcli thin!» a aopplement, for any aot or jer-rteewirtoemed, or thing dona or furniahod byhim. in any official capac.tr, or under any lawI tW State, i , r f p d i V | a . ^ p « t » m H a

A pleaflaot story ifl told about Ur.Glndatone. In his honsahold at Haw-

a was an old woman aermnt whobad a BOD Inclined to go wrong. Themother remonstrated &ad advised berboy, bat all to DO purpose ; he seemed

mined on nheadlong courseIOTQIQ.At last llio mother, in her deaperation,ofiugbt the idea timt if ulie could per-srjude tbe Premier to take bim in handperhaps the prodigal might bo reclaimed.

throwing bcr courage to tbo uticVmgpoint "—for what will a mother not dolor her cliild ?—slio approaohad bermaster and in trembling tonea preferredher request. Mr. Gladstone respondedat cnoe, and though Ibe affaire of thegreatest tingiiom ia tbe world pressedheavily upon him, with genuine sim-plicity of character lie bad tbe lad seatto his study, whoa ha spoke tender wordaof advice and remonstrance and eventu-a l ; knelt down end proved a higherpower to help him ic the work of re-demption. TbU kindly action waseffootanl and tho had became a reformedoharaoter.

tretwrer ol the 1oonptroller, andthoaiand dolian

dollan ihall bs paid monthly by theol the State, on tha warrant of the.

and for the allowance of fourl d a f l rtlth„ lanproTldsaforln M r t l o t r s a

of the aet to Whioh this ii a aopplement, fordark hire, tbe laid BecreUry of State (lull atill llmei, employ and keep in hit offiee % infl-elect nnmb*r of competent clerioat sailitantaor the efllolent and prompt performance of ill

tbebaeineaaahddnttea beloniinaraiid appur-Uintnpr to hli aaid offloe, or required of him in

offioUl cit uno ball 1 ' ', capacity, who

», Anfl be It •aaeteo1, That al' note <aeu inconaiaten < ' "

r partilUm with th« providonrt of this

j hereby repealed, and tbat thlijail ttv a public act ana take effect lnunedl-tely.Approved February IS, 1881.

CHAPTER XXIV.n aot to encourage the mannfaotare of in gar

in tba Stat««f Nuw Jara«y.Wbereaa, Tbe e.noonrftgemea.t of new prodno-

tiieiramtriMin tka*8Ut» o f , S e w j g is~.n--.,A to advance tbe vital Interest „the State,and the oultlritlon of bwti, nor*KbDm, amber or other WRar cans to bo man-riolnred into anfrar wottld be a ns» *onre#ot toduttsT. u>d *fwM, buvdu. bring ftodetonltiutlon larfte area; of land or UeBtaUnow nOproduolive, and be beneficial to thsStake at large I there fore,1. Bell enaoiedbythe Bunatfl and Qenaral

Afliemblvbf theSUta of Now Jerary, With adew f fltimnlate tbe onliute of been, ior-Ktamn.Jinibex or otbw Bngar oane »n<t thsBMUjufaoturo thercol Into aoarar, that far cvetyton of twii thoaaand puandi of beetMWlbain,amber, or other in jar oane ruBed bv any

Kaklnc Fortnei.

"Ton see that man just creasing thestreet?" remarked a Chicago man to aNew Yorker whom be ' was towingaround to see tbe sights. "Well, tbatman sold pop ooro in thia city for twen-ty-two years, and be is north $150,000."'Did he make it selling pop com?""Ob 1 iio. Ha made hia pile buyingUke front lots." Fretty soon tbe guidecalled hia attention to a man standing inthe dooroftt.ba.uk> and added • "Thatman opened the first Bible bouse west1

of New York city. Thirty yean ago hewas rat poor. To-day he runs that bank."''Did hfi make his money BellingBible* V "Oh 1 no. He boughtprairie hod and held on to i t " In Iheooane of ten minutes a big building v upointed ont as belonging to a man whoreached Chicago nineteen years ago withonly fifty cents in his pocket. Ha open*ed a nigut sohool, and POW revelled IDw«a1tb. "Did bo nuke it all teachingschool f asked tbe New Yorker. "Ob,no, be vent into the dray business asscon ai be bod money enough to bay ahone." After several more like coseshad been referred to, the visitor asked :'Have you any one single man in Chi-

cago who b&a oatute money in the hum-ness he first started into ?" "Have wo ?Let's sea; lets see. Tea, we have. Iknow a man on State street who wentinto the whisky business twenty yearsago, has stock right to it and ii worth•100,000. If he'd only been sharpenough to luraaroniid.aftet ten jean,and open ao undertaker's shop and buryhis onstomen he'd now been a million*atret"

lUgarin the State, tbe Mta uKme doilar »haUbe paid a* a bountr to the farmer by tbe tr*at-srer ot tba State upon toe proper touchersbeln^ pr*««alMl si lSrelnatter ipedfleO.

i i WdThMtie. 1003 cronel raerohanUble anfrar

4. AndbeUeD*eled.]faatalnoauiUtcotwUh

other id iw cans arowa within ibe# ? * traaiurer of the State

at«M n»ni»ttafcJ5ritt.Vn U» BUie i,^notaofort angar from beet, MrKhom, amor other loitar1 cans rilied m tb« a ta«n

ia nothing wwUdin Fnao*certain. Ewry nifiht the stneta of

Paris are swept, hat not until they harefirst yielded a lmrreat to the armj ofoollecton—whom nothing escapes—boit leaves from the trees for compost,a tray pins to he slack on papers and,•atd to tho poor, cigar staha to t e obop-ped np for imokiog toliaooo. breadardsb to b« dried and groasd lor cook-ing parposa, baiivcomhingi to be as-sorted at the hairdresser's, wbiJo bou%rags, old Wn and iron, paper a»d dndtrs,•11 yield to hook and bag. And thenwretohed piokers-npof nnoooiHeredlri-lies, generaly old U.3 baht and griulad,manage to deritb n e b praflts from thwrlabor th»t not uufreqaeJitly tfae ragptok-

Page 2: FOB TflE BEST TEA MB COFFEE - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-02-26.pdf · VOL. XI. THTETRON ERA The Dover Printing Company, ruisusiiui^

THE IRON ERAThe Dover Printing Company,


S.mirday.Feb, 26th, 1881.RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP FINANCES,


O«r nttcmpt ln»t wt-tk to get at the nwlfi'imimii) umiditifw uf the township of Kan'<MpU resulted Just afl we expected, iu euiuba of evahiGBR aud a RpeciauB pleading oftLu Lfttiy act. I t purports (o be an "openIcltw," Kigttcti by ihe Township Committeiand its U'gai verboMty shows tbo marks ofiiB uiil!if>r.iliiiJ. W t propose to strip it orits vorliago nt>d notice its poiutu.

In the t in t place they state that theirtOH-ustiip fitattttttunt is succinct und clear.PiwsiW)' it icuybe to them, but we haveheard miinlitrfc of tbe best business uieuollbs toWDi&Ir- *»y 1U«* they liftFti studied itC'.CKG);- nud are unable to llntl ftn.vthiug

'Jlii'ii they lire good enough to wiy tbutwe nrs not to blania for not be-ing sblo to understand how much of the du-idifiituis collected, ior Hwyndmit tbnt theytiu not underhand it ibmifielvtH, In factthis Township Cuiuiukluo that undo It uu-ct-ssary lo ine«t fortnightly on tlio avenujeluakta Ibu humiliating confi'Bfiiou that itdues not know that proportion of the uiiuol-leckd lasus tlmt arts cuusiiiero'l yo^d.

rtud then follows thin further confessionof ineotuiMiteucy;

The m*t thing you do nnl stem to un-ctaManH i», how umt-li thn oubtuiidliig oh-lisintionsof tliPtouusliip ari;~yon are notlo Maine for tliut, for wo, your Kemuts, ilonot know positively enough lo report them.

Aiullhin piu'd of mnnurncuial ignorancetli.yflninil hi Ilio faces of tlm people. TillsCoimniltt o nblcli m a t e s debts, onlum theirjiaymtitll mid makes a minute of thesame, has tha effrontery to ttll thepeople they know nothing about it. "Vetthty \reru <l«ii<'td to conduct the finances oftiif t"\nisliijit nud are by law expected tokeep ft strict account of the unuc. Howore they to know thnt liny will bo able tok d p within tkciruppropriutlotiB if they nl-Jiiw oblif'tious lo bo incurred against thotOH'nxliin williout k Dawning anything aboutthem? To what kind of men have w« vu-trotted our iiunudnl uffiira and Hie moneysnf tlio people? JTut tbey do know therenrsmo™ UMII tbfy or* willing to tell.Tlwy know tbflt bills bave been orderedpnid tint ftre not reported piht in their fl-nmicial report. They know tbo AsBtHsor,Colltwtnr, Clerk, aud ono member of tlie'IWniiliip ConiniilUo- hava not yet beenpnid. Thty know thut counsel fees iu therontl indictment case have not been paid ;tbat they bave uot pnitl for the use of theengine lir.iiso for «l«.'1ion purposes for acouple, of y«.rs} that tho J>ovur PrintingCuinpnny o-id IlunmiHl i T i l l j e r havo notbeen paid. How ninuy more there are wedo not know, but t b e ; liuow, and couldU-IIthepnblla If U117 wanted to. Wo furtlirr huow that bill a which they linve ordor-cd rwiiil hive biwn refused pny meat by tboTowiuJiip t'cllcotor on the ground that bolift! no funds to pny with. A bill of Assess-or UcDimt, ordered pnid year before ]flfit,lion not yet been liquidated. Aud yet thinCiuitnlttto haH Ibe nuditclty lo tull an intel-ligent public thut they kuuw iiDthiu^ aboutthe iudibtsdnc-'BS cf tho township of whichthey arc the nuooimtntits.

But tbi-ru'd rkhnosa In the following

• • • Hut to liavo eipeudedtime in hunting up theso three bills—evenbail wt< beeu ablu to fit* tlieui—aud thiMWi'lliiiK the report by doUlllUBtbBin, wonhavebeen in ixot<iw of tlio requirementsilia lnw, ami would have ontiilcd iipun tlfotrn>Mp additional cxpeusti, both of whichyou streuunuslj object lo.

The Idea of tbis Commit too not wantingto go lo the expense of fiuding out the town-ship uidebtedaefiH Is decidedly ludicrous. Ifthis fit of economy had seized thema your earlier tbey would not bure found Itnecessary to have mot twice as often usdoes tba Uoard of Freeholders to transactbusiness for tlio whole oounty. And yetthey met nt l««at tweutysix times withotbeing tblfl to find tbe timo to discover ho-their accounts wore. And tUey alRO foar toentail ndditiounl oxpenBo upon tho tnwiship by p>ibH«ling tho items. If tl«y brbeeunsstrongly iruiirenuatcd with tbio fenrin tliQ rlRlit direction tlioy would notcreated debts boyond ihoir ability to pay,But wo will relieve thnin of all coropuuctioua of consoiKDCo on tbat BCOTO by rsit«mliug our offer to puUish froe of cost such istatement. Produce tbo items, gentlemennnd wo will put them before tbe paoplwithont any olwrjio whatever. Twenty-niwtcfeB of d.libcration ai.d about $100 .lol-lure worth of legal KJVICO nnd not ablo totell the peoplu how tbey stimd nmI t is ftu insult to iutelligeuoe and A sillytmvowty thiit has not a Blngla claim to bust-ness lika mauBRemonr.

AD eiouae tbvy nffcr for their violfttioilnw in cipending morfi thuu they haveceived, is tbat thu yearly eipendi lures of tbetownship mnst exceed iho naiouut opproprl-nUil or.filso tlie businow of the towntthipm w t i t o p . Well then, let it stop. Tbnt isDODO of your biwiuesB, The Inw wij'B yoimust not expend more (ban ia npproprinteiwithout incurrine the penalty of payiutr thiex«M joursdvM. The ticket on which youmu for offlco flied tho approprlntionn, BUIyoa accfptDd tliom when you allowt.d youinames to be placed on (hat ticket. Yonmust unt KUppoue tbat 70a enn oousent toiiujtlilne for tliotmke of gelling iuto officinu<l then override the laws of the Stat* ofStew Jersey at your own Bwoet will.

JJat (hey RO further nnd say that theythought last Sprius thut the Bum voted !<should be luni^n BufHdent to meet all tbetownship expenditwre^. Why iu tlof ComBion sense didn't you volo it thenimtendof vioUtin- theluw to d o i t ? Yoninnde ll» pcopln lelie'vo yoo" were goiog fauoadnct a vary cheap government for them

ot boon. Ma to (111 thi

• liable under th* law to fios £sd iin e a t for famishing supplies i « tbe towa-idilp tbey wy ; '

We repl? t l a t this in a queston wliich ad-dressee itself to tbe individuoJ alluded to,ind with which we have nothing to do as aCowwittee. What we vcro ooncerned with!n that connection w w (0 linow Uut sU billiorderad paid by ui w a n juM bills, u d thatIbe towvMhlp had had value for the amountclaimed, nod Lbat w u truo Iu relation to thebilk which appear in MT. Piwsou's name.

Tbe reader will observe luftt they do notattempt nither to deny tbe allegation, or tojustify thu matbir. Iu their astute Judg-ment it in simply a persona] matter withwhich tho ctnumittoo luu nothing to do.

•w then can they justify theioBelvt-sfor paying & bill which the law Raysis illigid aud a criminal offence? Underthis brilliant reasoning each member of the

t o l l

may mor.ey left fa thflij Treasury.. Sd. Tbat th* ta»xtship h u b « n piIn debt contrary to la<* and Uwt it* treMorr

that lieo hasg thing of it for tbe abort ti

served tlie in, judging from the amount offew. How much then lias the township

paid for legal foen during tha pout year?This new liuk shews that their very ex-Ijliuil stattroent, on they colt it, does not give.tie exact amount. Vie asked tho Treasurer,Mr. Win, A. Dickerson, about it tbe otherday, but ho had no recollection of it beyond

10 opinion that it was tin old bill, until weilli-d bifi attention to tha foot that tbo town-lili wan indicted tho present year, and then

he knew nothing definite about it. ThUCommittee, through their attorney, 1B teryglib iu boasting of the full uses of thetr B nan-

ial report, but whea you confine thorn toparticulars they have the wont memories of

ny people in the world.Ni-xt, in order to div rt n( tuition from

B they «tnrt a littlo «ido isBue, andiropound certain quontious, which are very•isily answered.

In Ibo first place they want UB to staleclearly tlio points In their flnHnoinl etate-

ct Ihnt are impenetrable. We think wehava fully sho

idrablo hn Ilmt the whole of It is iin-

o It does not show the fi-nandal condilion of t i e township. This

or will do for question number twowhich is simply a reiteration of tbo above.

Iu question number three they want teknow what oilier townships have noticedoutstanding bills and Ihe means at command

meet them. We have not takou the painsuud out, hut the nuppositiou is that all

other Township Committees bare called intheir outstanding obligations before makingn, final report, as the Town of Dover does

•y year, and mi Ihia Committee wouldbuve done bad It beeu lioueet with tbepeople We notice in these repotts thatmoNt of tho towushipB have s cash balanceIn Imtid to meet »ny nuoh oontlngonoleg ; butthoRftuiJalphComniUteedoeso'tseemtol

uytbtUK but dubtu.Next, tbey desire to know if wo conatdcr

tbe appropriation of last Spring sufQclent

trnotThey try to otoia the respnnnibilily of tbe

Collector'* and Ansewicirt fees by mying tUaftha Inw fixes them and not the TownshipCommittee They knew these officers bad toboiwid why didn't they innio B way forlhfBe pnyrueiits? The law also fixes the fseiiof Ihe Township Committee, but wa noticethat at least two of tlicin (tbo active oneswere »hurp enough to make n way for theiipajojeut. J t is mainly the outsiders whuhave trusted the township through thiOoaimlitee who now find themselves abort oftheir piy." We l«"t week charged that Mi. D. A.Derry mndo 0 tUMrepreiientallott when he re-ported to tbe State Comptroller Ibat thorewiindnethe ff7wnnhip from Collector Dkk-trsoa over $0,000 for tixes from 18721876. he nad hU bouilsmen having beeu re.leAsed from liability for the sAme by thiproper Township Committee*. Thty denytbe troth of tlifn in one place aud then tornricht around and otiruit it. After notingi l r . Diukersou's report cf nncolleetable taxestheywiy:

All tlie Tawnthlp Committees to whomthe flbore-nani'1cJ reports were made wereRepublican, imd all of them rtHoUed in sub-sttace that tbe collector and his bondsmanbe releancd from liability to the townshipfor the above-cawed mium, but imtraotedbim to continue tbo cotlealfon of tbo nametui fur iu poBiiiblo by aUu warrants or other-wlee.

What kind of logic s, denial in one plaefltuid an tKlmi«&iOB in another ? The truth oftbe whole matter ia that this Township Com-jnlltee bave t°**& themselves bopeleaaljfibort in making Uieir euda meet, mid wantt o Ret even by holding Bpmebttdy responsUble for taxes Uiat were proiiomica^ uncol-iselaUa by the proper autkoriUeB yean ago.They area g o s o fur as lo quest Ion ike right

t to release a Collector fromkiei, when they tbemBolvej

' have released their Collector tils year fromoneoileetablo taxes '

in reply to tbe olurga we undo Hut •• " " i M t a U U i i r i f

CoDBidaration haa g.tjtUbg to do with it, The law BBownHblp OomniHleu mutt not expend

thtm it receive*, and this Cotnmitlee hased tbat law and burdened the tax-'s with debt, unless the latter reKolve to

make tha Commit toe live up to ths Uw andpay it tbeuieelve

Tbey a*k in the oext question whatother faultd they have been guilty of beaideitbe one named. The lawyer who makothis plea U in about the entaa position anthe bacfewoofo pettifogger who callod theattention of a jury lo the fact tbat hlB client

boro a pureana unimpeachnblB oharaoter—barring two oonvlctlona for petit laroeayand one for bone stealing."

Sixthly, tbey want to know if we appiof tliB suit brought against ex-CollectorDiekerson. We, In oommnn with hii "men, and tbe whole people, court the full-est iuventfeatian Into tho offioial conduct ofMr. Diekersou. If JIbnliefe tbat he ban not collected the taxesas fully as he should, fled out about it, with-out nny more silly bomliast or bravado. Bidon't talk about it a year or two and «iae itto cover up your own official mlsoonduot.It cannot in any way mitigate your offenceof spending more than waa appropriated foryou to spend.

But here oomea Ihe stunneiSetentb. Can you give us any Informa-

tion AS to where tbe old towmblp recordsare ? . . .

Tbero were large aama of money raieed Intbe township for bountlen, etc., In late yearnand all of wbioh for a long series of y a mwere disbureed byyourparty, ftndths booksappear to haro been loBt In your hands—the people are en titled to an explanationfrom you.

No, we ore at M mtiob. loss to tell wbtretbey are as you are, "We learn upon Inquirythat there are many townibip papers whii"never nm« into the hands oftba Republi-can*. When Mr. Thompson, the flret Re-publican Assessor, was elected, the Demo-cratic authorities absolutely refused to givehim the neoeBsarj books and papers heneeded for hla work, and neter turned themever. Prom what Inquiry we have beanflbls to make In tbe brief time fiince thabove question was asked, the last trace wcan get of the box is when it was in thhands of Mr. E- B. Lewis, a Democrat!)Township Clerk. Tho last known of thbonds they were In the bands of Mr. JohnTrowhridge, Chairman of a DemocraticTownship Committee, who transacted allthat bneinesB. The fault of tbe budmbeing improperly conducted, If there benny, rests with him and the DemocraticOojnmitleo of ttiat lima. Bat here, again,rises thli question, how U the poseenBlonthis box going to help the present TownshipCommittee out of the quagmire In whlohthey are now flouodering f

Finally, they aslc, how have they forcedhe lasue of tho financial itatua of Bfindolph

township? Simply In thU way 1 Br boastIng of tho reforms yoa would accomplish,by casting all sorts of unauthenUeatedimputations upon former township cffioisls,and by sending to the Comptroller of tbeBute a mlsrepreseotaUon of the township'sflnanoM, you have forced a careful examin-ation of ths «anje, and it shows that vonhave culpably mismanaged them. You saythe suit you have broDghttgalnst CollectorDiokcreon will force a final settlement withhim. WeagTeewithyou that the appear-

jg Indicate it, for wo obwrra thnl he 1commenoed Milling with jon by advertis-ing for n)e tbe ehittel* of one of theben of jour CommittM for tho payment of

HE COULDN'T EXPLAIN'Mr, Wm. A. Dichenon, a member of tbsJWU Cuiumitlt-e, nud the Tre&sitrar of theime, colled at this office on Thursday to

see if the EBI would publish a long windedarticle which bad already been made publicHe was promptly informed tbat tha Em

,ot publish second-hand conimunica-Ha seemed surprised and said the

Eiu promised to Inner! a reply for tbeTownship Committee. He was shown ex-actly what the EJU did say, in tho following


Iu this connection It IN only fair to a*klem, BB the servant* of tbo pntilio, to presentuucdiiot Biatcmaut of all the bills against

meet them. To assist in the matter theZm offers ita columns frea fur this purpose.\n elcctlou is approaching, nnd before It labeld the jwople should have at lenst au iotel-lifilblo statement of tbe condition of thetownship.

When it enmo right down to this npeolflapaint air Dickersou's intereat in the muttervanished in a very sudden manner. Thepoint uas pressed hams to him tbat the EB*

AS still ready to All the contract, but he tadutlung to say, except that ho could not tellie Amounts of some bills whioh were called

;o his attention. The Em offered to Tenderclerical services and oolleot the items ofamouut it Mr. Dickerson would only tell thedifferent parties to whom the township wasindebted. Then be was not certain who allthese parties were. His attention wu calledj a number of ths townshlp'B creditors, but1 one innlanoe he thought a bill whloh theresent Township Committee bad authorizedvas an old account. Every facility wa*

offered him to give an explanation of thebills njwiiiBt the township, but he either didnot know or would not tell a finglo figure,uud left the office without furnishing a singleclue by which the financial condition of tbeownabip might be obtained,

of mockery is this—a mem-ber of a Township Committee, and theTreasurer of the township, professing not toknow what bills there are BgainBt the town-hblp aud the means at command to meet

nl What was he elected for, but toknow the township's buslnoBs? A enable*who could not tell tho outstanding obliga-tions against hla bank would be ousted atonce; a meruhunt who did not know what

1 owed would soon ruin himself. Tfl»»<people are tho custodians of tho publltmoiieyi cf Randolph townnhtp and If theydo not k IOW what they owe or what meansthey have for meeting their indebtedntBD,it IH about time they gavo way to won wheare leadoing.

Ituttheidiwhat they owe is the veriest clup-lrjp, forthey authomud the employment of lawyers,

ublic printing itud otber uutstntidijiic Vthat we kuow of. Oclr one of two things Isleft them— Ihoy aro either tbe most iguo-rant and iitcanipottint people thatever tiima-acted pnfallo business or else they have got

hla back taxes.We do not admit that o a n on Wai InWe do not admi

U1I1 matter bat t t t qaMtions prOFoand«dbv the Oammlttea are BO (Buy to meet thatwe do net mind obliging then . But th»v

conceal the fast that DMt cover up orlCommlUM U guilty of all we charged.

And thus ecdeth this remarkable " o p e nletter," with a big scare betdlng forover two columns of legal boah, prB-pared by a lawyer lo lh« employ of Ut*commltue. Y » . wo should s»y U w udecidedly "open"—open enough t o be'ooniemnedby every one who wads It, bo-

a of IU ^BJlnn to most the foHowIcn;

1st TVtUirfr »»ort AoH not abow lied f i i H '

a perxomil matter to each individual, °tliout being respousiblo as a whole. Theiriwion wan " to know that all bills orderedjd by tbeiu were just bllU, aud that tintWLKhiji had hud vulue for the amount

claimed.' Let us effl about i t : In tbe firstplace, how can they declare a bill be a just

1 tbe law Bays it iu illegal f Thegreat difficulty with this Committee iwemj. to

thu fact that they ooasidor their opin-ion pftraraount to tha laws of New Jersey,[u tbe second pkee a responsible gcntlemnniufcrma us that he would have been glad tofuruibh for $(1 or $7 ell tbo lumber whichair. Pieriou iurni«hed for tha DlckoruonImago, and for wblcb ho charged S'J '.So.And yut tliie Committee chums to have ascer-tained tlmt tho township had "value re-

They claim ll nt they did not hlr« a town-ship attorney until afur the indictmentaud conviction of tlie township for the bad

which they had supervision. Ift uhowu that l i e attorney I111* biul

4tb. Tliat tboy b a r e all v!oUt«d the lawby expanding more mouey than they have

Oth. Thai * member of the Coromittoahas furnished tUegal auppliea to tha town-ship, and tbat the committee ordered binbill paid as a Just ona.

6th. That ths Chairmthe fiuancifd Standing cf tbo township tothe State authorities.

7th. That another member of thituittee, by not paying bis taxes, is responsi-ble in part for Ibe non-collection of all the

1 t l l 'B l8B

town election with no


Ma. Emnia s—la Ibe hut Uauo of the Ea*had the RttiitlkDliaa uf reudiug a long

articla rolatiug to the umnngumant of onrtownship fiuanoei and other local affairs.Atta citizao of this township for many yearn

feel interested Iu its government, itud thoauli witf ia wblch the people win bo clightened as to tne honesty er dlttbeuetof tbelr eervanU is by publishing the faaln

the press. The article noticed abovemakes mention of only two parliei

luralio and Bepnblican. I wish to saymst hero that I do not vote with either of

parlies mentioned. Nevertheless Iwould have every pablie servant give a cor-rect account of his stewardship. As arfntioaal-Greenbaok-Labor-Refornier, I feelglad that the uamo of my parly was uotmentioned in the article referred to, and for

s reohan : lout Spriug there was a fseioibetween (be Democratic party and Ihe Green-iMokera. which resnlted In tha election of thefusion tfeket, Bio00 thai time the Green-back party b u had no mure recognition

n tbe Democrats than from Iho Bepubli-eans. Whatever glory may be attached toIbat victory they hogged it all to themselves.Now when they are called npon In open dis-ooasion I want to sae them eland op and de-fend their position like hones* and capable

ifeD.Now, Sir, Ibe Spring election is drawing

Tory near, and whether there ia two or threenarties in the field eaob party should go i

iiopeteutto know what tbey are

1 of these people not knowing

lathing to < up. Their failure 1mats a proper showing when they havo bBenoffered, ever; facility for HO doing, showsthat . the Township of Randolph hns beenrun I'rtto dubt, coatmrj te la.r, nnd that theyare responsible for it. A » w TonmhipCommittee will get at the faotfl vhichthepecplo havo a right to know, and whioh thisCorn tuittee re fusts l odMoHe to Ihe publicwhou called u]>uu Iu Jo •>(>,

W- A. D I G K I R S O N ' S TAXES-, Wm. A DitlnTBun, member olmhip Ciininitt^c, vlin U engaged Ing tlifl boiijamun of c^-Cullcotor SyUr Diulteruiu, becauaa Mr. Wi

Dlckersoa find no me others hn,ve not paidtheir tnxen. deuits tbo allegation that ho hasnot paid his township luxes fur 18771873. Coiiiuiiiteeman Diokenou's suppose*exoneration 6ayn:

'•Mr. Win. A. Dickenon him shttbat he has n»id to Collector Dinfcencheck anil euh on Miirch 2'2d. 1877, ftoutside party, iu full for the tiutan of 1H77.

Now, in Ibl* v«ry remnrkikble statementMr. yfUi. A. pioktrson convicts himself,and how any ponton of «cuse canld havepublished a stateuient like tbat aud expect

I h e Republican volets of BundoipbTownsliip will meat in Moller's OperaHouse on Tlinrsday evening, Mflrob Sdit 8 o'olook, to nominHte candidates to

be supported at tbe Township ekctioo.B j order of tbe


No Compfomit*.With tbe pUin prospect of lodng the

township eleotton before them the £ e » o -ent io lnaders are beoomhig m U e d .Many Ufe-l'«g DomocraH say they wm notrapport a mixed ticket again aud the G m n -baek-Labor party ?eel that they have just

le to bo oflended s t tbe xh»bby mannerthev have been treated by the Democratssince t h e ; boosted them iuto offloe lostSpring. Just how they feel may be seen in

letter from H r Benjamin FlarUjr, s proinl-aent leader iu thut party, which is publiehed

ver bis signature in another ooiumo. Theirlatest dodge in to run a citizen's ticket, and

iey have been approaching Bnpublicansand offering them ponitlons of promineion the ticket if they will allow Ibo am of

e>r names. Iu their ineauuewi they aready to sacrifice iboir Collector, Asseasorid other officers who have helped to give

In the past But those who

e fanlon. Fort Orom, wbereI lire, Is Btrongly Greenback, u was dem-onstrated laat Fall, when more than two-

lirds of Iho straight Greenback votes camefrom (hii place. Besides, tbe firefcter num.

11 at tbone voters are from tbe BcpubUooDntnks, and in ooDvuraition with some of themost prominent of them they have declared

1 mo, that rather than vote a fusion ticketley would prefer voting with the BepnblUtea. If tho principles of tbe National

party are nut worth the endorsement of tbepeople, then I Bay vote tbe Republicanticket. They aw the next in progress, a td

the Democrats can stand defeat we can.


Democratic Free Trade.The Democratic leaders of this Iran pro ,

during section try lo bamboozle tbe working-men, and gain their votes by asserting thatIhe Darnooralio party is not 00 mm it ted tofree trade, Aud yet only lntttTnesfay even-

F a dinner was given ot Wormlev'a Hotel,Washington, by Representative Hard, of

110, to a number of Deinooratio membersof Congress of well.known free I rude prn-olivltiaB. About tMrty membera were pres-ent, and the Initial steps were tflken toward

irmlng a OougresBioDa} organization In theluterest of Irso trade, and to oammenoa anaggressive free trade oampaign throughoutIbe eonntry.

The following gentlemen, all of whom aremembers-elect of (he next Congress, were

ileated as offioers of the association: Hon.8. S. Cox, of New York, President i W. It.Morrisou, of Illinois , John O. CarliuU, ofKentucky ; R. Q. Mills, of Texas, aud J ,Handoiph Tucker, of Virginia, Vice Presi-dents. Representatives Hammond, ofGeorgia; Drtgg, of Wiioctuin ; Lefevre, olOhio; Blackburn, of Kentucky, and Town-send, of Illinois, wereBeteoted u direotora.

Speeohes were made by Represe'.iatWesHurd, Cm, Springer, Lafevra, Kuott, Mor-rison, Townnend nnd othtra, nearly M ofwhom dflolarsd themselves iu favor of rank-ing free trade a prominent feature of Demoijratic policy from this time forth, with aview to making Ua leading national iasae inIBM.

Evert voter iu the Iron producing town-ships of this county should show by his votia week from uext TneBdav that he h u notympathy with a parly tbat would throw himout of employment or ruin his business byfree trade—which meana the Introduction ofEnglish cheap iron in this country free of

bavn been approach ad ia this way havemanfully refused all their ovnrtures, and thediscomfited tricksters h&ve oome to the coiBlusioD thattbn Republican party means busi-ness At the coming election. They'are dis-satisfied at the loose manner in whioh Ihe

b i n of tbo towofthip have been conducted,and tbey propose to elect the whole Itepub-lioaa ticket from Town Clerk to PoundKeeper, Meanwhile tha intriguers, with-

iny parly, or any fixed principle*, aredriftiug arouud loose, wilUng to consent toany bargain or Irick to get another boost

ito office. But it won't work, gentlemen.VII Eee you a week from next Tuesday atie polls.

WEEKLY IRCN REPORTS.The Engineering and Mining Journal of

at Saturday says:But very little business ii reported In

ron. Some articles are strong, while othersire a shade weak. The severe weather ofihU witter has curtailed produutiou tiotiie-wbat, while there is still great difficulty Iumoving iron, although not nearly so great asseveral weeks past. I h e trade will unqnes-

ionsbly Bee au improvement later In tbebut the indications do not favor SD

irly au appcaratoe as we expected.AUEHioiN P10—We note sales of 100 tonsNo. 2 Foundry, and 1000 tons of Na. 1

mndry, both Thomas Iron, at 122 and $25respectively t alno 1200 tons of Forge, goodbrands, at $20.60 at furnace. A large num->er of consumers have contracted for theirre&r'a supply, and those who are unappl ied

show an eagerness t e purchase.Miikors, however, do not show any woat-

although tbtiir winter's production waslarge nud the consumption not w great ae

iringthB fall. We quote No. 1 Foundry12B@52S [ No. 2 Foundry, *2S@f23[

and Forge, $£0<«!$Bt,SCOTCH FJO,—-TUIH article la quiet andiding to Wftaknesii. The arrivals are

ninnl], And moally absorbed, We quoteEglintou at

:£; OUngarnook, *E8j; and jaartsherrie,•Z3J@|i24, Mont of the arrival* uf foreign

are henmtlta brands fur making Uesae-uer sUel. I t in stated that several thoufiundDUB of this Iron hava been ordered frombe other aide tlife week.

Rinfl.—We hear of a sate of EOOO tons oflei ralU at £1 6s. o. f. ] . , equal to about

iD8.(W) a t the prewntrate of ttcouanga. Wenote a sale of 2000 tons at $ft& at an Easternmill, Jail delivery. There has been somebusiness In Iron rails, which are higher.iVe quote English here at $47, and Ameri-

tn at Eastern mills *48@|Cfl.O L D RAIW.—These have hoen quiet and

uak. Vie quote Tti. ot *2S, and D. Ha W.WBCUOHT ScBiF.—We quote at $30@|31.

people to swallow t t , ' innot for the lifeof us 1 Look at It for a raiment! lie•ays hi paid on tbe 22,1 day of March, 1877," I D full for tbe taxes of 1877." How couldhe when the bues of 1877 wen not levieduntil Atigaat of that year, and were not doetill Decamber following! How cnnM hepay them when Lbc Assessor bad not evenvet begun bis work f Any person In tbepossession ot a minimum of common sensecan see the foollshneiw and ttntruthfoineiflofatiah an AN&ertion as that.

It nppears that on or about tbnt dateGommltteeman Diokonwn did make suoh anarrangement with Collector Diakenon fortue payment of his taxes of 1878, and asmall balance of 1875. GommittnamanDifikeraou'a statement convicts himself andshows thst Colleger Diekerson's statementIs correct.

From that time until the delinquent! fortownship taxes for 1878 were about to bepublished Oonmltteeman DIckersou didnot pay snvthing. Then, just on the eveof publication he went to Collector Dieker-aon and gave him a note of a third partywhiah be wanted him to reserve In f »ymentfor his township taxes. Collector Dloker-BOO looked into tbe matter, and findingthere was some question shout the collec-tion of the DOto retarned it to blm. . ThenCommttUeman< DIokenon gsve theColleotor tSO ana asked lo have It appliedto his corporatioa (axes, the delintjaent* oftbe same briny about to ba published. Ool-leatorDioktrson did this, and Ithftftbal-anoa of 9.3.0S, which was applied te his

and left a balance of

duty. ___ _

Randolpfi Township Election*The Republican primary for the selection

of candidates (o be voted for at the comingtownship election, will be held on Thursdayevening of nojt week, The fine Republicanmajor!'? given bv this township last f t 'shows tbat tbe sentiment of the people Iunquestionably Republican, and tbat theRepublican of the township have only tmake an effort to carry i t on any occasion.

a cannot afford to throw oar strength awaby any local dtsseastions, for II counts muchin keeping up an effloientputy organization.Its Influence upon the oounty is a|u> gfor there can be no doubt that if the Bepnb-

d J p d their whole dnty alour coming ileotyon tbe nextholders will be Republican, therefore wenrge all Bepublioana le attend tbe cuneanominite good snd responsible men for thioffloM to be filled, s ad then support thwhole ticket. Tbe Demoonts know tbattheir only hope for t UCCBSS lies in adividon othe Bepnbliean forces. Let them be disap-pointed tula year. Let every Republicanstand by and wutk for the whole ticket anit will be elected from top to bottom,

Misappropriating Monty*.Another offence of whioh the Democratic

Township Committee of Randolph Is guiLty Is the Uking of the sohoot moneys cf thtown of Uovertonwet the ei$enpM of theTownship of Bandolpta. They went to Col-lector Dickerson and obtained from him thSchool money of the town, saying thschool aonJ4 wait a i welt »s the township,and they took this mono/ nnd approprintedIt for another purpose tfa&n tha t for wb|oU w u voted, notwithstanding ths objeotioniof the Oolteotor made at the time. 80 theyhave not only spent all the township moneys,but have also encroached upon tbat 1sacred of all fnnds—the acbool fund—anhiving •pra t that also In indirect violationof law, they am yet in debt, A law of thBtste of Hew Jersey holds these men per-sonally responsible far the indebtedcthey hare created above their appropria-tioni, and any ta i -pa j r r has only to brina suit against them t o make thenj pay ,th<excess they bare thus created.

properly was astee*.

•nt l l h s w s i appointed t^perr isor a t Hsok,ettatowD, »nd a lew y e a n later ha was orderedto PbUUpibarR, vbere ba held lha pwUlenof SvperriKor up to April 1, 16J5, s i whjebUrns ho resigned. ' Be WU tendetttd ( Uposition of Superintendent pt t i e e»nsl bythe lats FrtaUeBt, W. II. Talooit, U t d*.dfiwd, and Ookml L P. Bothcm dreeeifsd

^ T T ^ S " 1 ' " • •

We Thought So.We expected soma ignonnms would go

for the Morris Oonnty Usehtne sod IronOompnny, Tbs Dover Lumber Company,The Dovar Printing Company and otherooncsrns for fnrnlanlng n p p l i N to tbe oor-rjorftHon. And we have not been dissppoint-«d. Well t ies* eonoeros have a legal rightto furnish snob supplies. The law speaksIn reference to individuals and membersfirms, aod eiampta c • Inoorpo

towwWp . .$83 02 remaining on bis township taxes of187T and 1878, whioh h u never been p*id-Two weeks ago bat Tuesday OomnlttetmaaDickion asked for a week in which to Mt.llo the matter, promising to oome to •*• tlCollector. But be did nether, and Ool-leetor Ulflkenon has levied on bis goods,and now haa them advertised at pnbUosale for the eolleotion of fate taxes.

It looks very much as if Hr Ww, A.Diokersoa ooDduota bis private business Inabout ths H I M loose manner that be hashelped conduct the public bosinsM of Ban*dolph township. If he paid bis t u e i for1077 M>d 1678 wbj doesn't h* produce a re-ceipt or oflrr some tangible evidence, In*•tewl of toakiaattlO s"*" -'-* 4 " - ' *"paid tbotn W M 1 U 1 ' . . . . Ted or ths tem levied f

An Old Morris. Canal Official.Thomu J. Titus, wbodisdktPblllipsbDrg

a few days do**, ww In tne employ of tbaMorrla Canal Company far tbirtj-ntne yoan.H« moved from Hackettstown tff Wsiirlooaboat forty yean u p , There he flllr4 jttl*poaitioD M plane tender, and t u n b u -^nently appointed ts gn**l sotw boM at tfaonsands to tlie Us* srfie oofflCBt*nhope( when ba rwaalsed swrend yean «nd sny the ]>!ght-lt&nnlng pomealfc gar.

paases all otlujr sewiDg mutainu io tbaworld. These a n ttabbora (uts that have

All *ho wish te 1amnmtpktnd, boy noBewiug Utoblne. Order BDUUI from tbeomvf antfaorlfaJl agecls, tfo gahnnl«s reo/ofluutfd by U s Msnpauj QbtdSB puvhAui&ddirect froia S. B. * I. A. LVON. sol* igeiiti

under the bws of ths State of Hew Jersey, asnil the above eompnnlw are. But no mem-ber of the Common Council, nor any armwithwtiicli any member i i connected haiever faralahad Uw town of Dover with anplies, nar wonld the eompanles referredif tbe Uw enjoined them from so doing.Tbej do not can to getlnto such tight boxesM Ib* pandolpo townih p Committee findtbrasdres. to fchdar. Csllycrarnextl

• • . »The U(ht'Runnln(OonnBtl«MuitMltf-Whe& we lay there ia no better Sawiog

y&obiu In tbe world (ban the Gnrcmrmt n?e*n it, and every year a


inocoss ov THI t v r f l u tu ammaat.

One of the Important i^ufMtnring insliutiont in tub aeotfan is th» Cn'on Faandry and! Hnohuis gbops at Hooka* » j . MrH<wfljaadj the proprietor, bns nudo 4m bisestablishment the greatest reputation in ticountry for tbe manufacture of ohilit-d rolls.Bolls for various purposes art tnnde h«raand shipped to.all parts of Europe, Auls andother poiUons Of thflglobo. Axpeolnltylstbiraaking of mils for calendering pnper.nud thipreoiston exacted in their luaiiufaotura I<something wouderfnL.•"Although of enor-mous &Ixs Ihe casting has to reach absoliitiperfection. If one contained a flaw euffl-ulontly Urga to allow ttio insortion of tbepoiut of a nnedle it would lie rui nod. Twonf these rolls placed together will shotlight, which will show through au apertureot one four-thousandth part of an inch.oommon teat is to ceo Ibat when plattedtogether they will bold water, which 1B dom

y nettling ilieni at (be ends. One of tLirolls cost here Bonie time ago sod shipped loScotland, weighed near!; BIX tons. Many 0onr readers have doubtless noticed the finelybHmiahed nppearaBoe of tlie page* of Har-per's Ungnzlue, wblob is done by (he ail ofrolls aftfr the pages are printed. The orig-

itor of the process searched a long time invain for the perfection in rolls that boneeded for tba work, until be was direeiedto this foundry, where he found just wbut

1 required.

Msny other carting* of Immenii size areilso made at this foundry. Lost Tuesday

sotning out of the foundry a oylinderin one piece, whioh was six feet

high, six feet ia diameter aod one foot fromutside to inside. It was about to be shipped

with a quantity of machinery lo Charlotte,. 0 .

The Universal Crushers and Itoek Break-rs, tba inventions of Mr. O. Gordon Bu-tbanan, which have been before described lit

is columns, and which are ooustruotode, ara meoting with all tbe success tbat•• prcdlotcd for tuem. One was turned

)ut only a few days aluce, and four morere now building to 811 ordure. To demon-

strate the dffferent branches In wliich thevb i l i d b I inay tbat Inquiries

flam glnns works,

Coltness, $24©

bo uUllzed, we•D coming in for I lie 1eclrio light eMablhjlinu•ad builders, etc The Weston Electrioigbt Companj, needed a ciusher to crashlelr carbon, one of the bar dee t substancesjown. The Univernd OriiRher was giventrial aud It Is not? doing tba work in a

itlsfaotory winner—reducing tbe carbonj a powder three times an flue IM flour)ne crusher and set of eruRbing rolls nowuildingnie for working the hard gold quarts

the far West. One of the crushers Inmrse of eopslntotlon will orunh pieces of

sixteen inohes In dtamotur to two Inch ringgauge, nt the rate of ten tons an hour, and

believed lo be tbe largest crusher ever••lilt.

A Land League a t Mount Hope-A large and enthusiastic meeting 1 held

in tbeMt, Hope Temperance nud UuuevolentBooielj'a ball on Sunday, 20th inst., for thepurpose of organizing a branch of tbe IrishNatlonol Ismd League.

Rev. P . A. UcChban presided and 0e-sorlbed the objects of the League, nod theterrible suffering of tns Irish people underthe grasping tyranny of the landlords* As

braueh of the Lengne has beenind tbe I olio wing offi<

mltfarmedRev. F . A. MoGahan, President; JohnMurphy, Vloe-president; John Mofbiltips,Treasurer; P . F, Cabtll and John Pinnegnn,Jr., Seoretarien.

AB tbe people of S i Bernard's parieb, U tHope, bnve never bees deaf to the onus of

rolttud iu dietreBs, and a« they w e n alwaysready and eager to assist her in her deter-mined bnt futile attempts at independence,It Is not likely that they will stand calraljby and allow tha wheel of progress to be 1

I without their giving It a helpingshove.

They are determined, therefore, to have(strong branoh of the League in Mt. Hope toaiil their countrymen In obtaining thair juslrights, and to add to tbe general nuoutexecration with whioh the ears of the BritishgQTernmtmt ranat be hourly tinkling for Ibase and Unuaturul laws aud cruel treatmentof tbe Iii«h people.

Treating onr Loiigno rosy find a corner IiyonreolutnuB froin time to time, I remaliyoats, ' RECJUTABT.

-_ « - 4 h ^ "The Rusling Family-

Oenbom Bulling, n h o died at Treuton,recently, belonged to a family whioh nam-bend eleven ohildran, five of whom havedied within the last five years. Within thattime tbfllateJodge Robert Basting, of Hack-ptUtown, dlad at the age of seventy-fl<y e a n ; Sedgwlok Eusllng, a well-knoiMelhDdiBtuIuUler, died In NewBruiuwickat scventy-saven 1 William atBesides these flvo named were Joseph llaa-ling, a minister, who died about forty yeanago at the age of ilxty years, and Jami

who died about thirty-eight yearsago, also at Ihe age of sixty sears. T h mare living of the family Hannah John mm,who is ninety-three j ra re old, now a resi-dent of Illinois, JohtTKn-ung, of Beividere,sixty-seven, aud Mercy Encke, of Michigan,

Four of tbs oldest childrenwere born fn England, and Oershom waabom in New York when the family was onits way to Morr!* Oounty, N. J., where tbaparents settled. Tbe Rgtrregate ages of ths

lembars who have died within the lastfive years ia SBB yean , and tb« avenge ageof tho flvo Is seventy-seven j e a n , sevenmonths and six days, Tbs aggregate agesof the three membarsof tbe family now Hiing Is 225yesn, and the average aga ia Be'enty-uve years. How much these ages maybe lengthened is hard to telL The record,*B it now stands, •h.owa remarkable tenacityof life, • •

In Memoriim.At « special meeting of the Y. SC O. A.

held on Saturday evening, Feb. 10th, thefollowing preamble u d resolution! wereunanimously adopted 1

Wansis , The Almighty atel all wise rule*of eventi on earth and in heaven, hassailed our beloved brother, William Tay-lor, to Himself, depriving na tharebyofbis cheering preseooeand nsainlnflsa here jand wmoved him from Ihlituaodatloa tothat more perfect Christian association»bore when he aw|]|{j par aomlna,.Ewofcvw), That wW* we feel de«pry .„

loss we snutalu, yet we bow la humble sub?mission to the will of Him that doeth allthings well—who i» loo W]M to srr—tooRood to be unkind; looking forward to thetime when ths golden link now severedstall be rutontd to more than its formerperfection in that mansion wbioh Jeans haaprepared for aa.

BssoLvm. That wa tender tha sympathyof tha Association to tha bsreaved familyof OUT deouusd brother, with tha asrantomthat it is onr wUl), uarprayar. that Oodwill nnnttfy even tbis grieToni affliction to

' " ^ J rf our loving Qavloor *oriwliitioii wbidi hgtaan sympathj

nnotglvs. ' '! ••AXSOXVBD. That M a nurk of reipeet the

roof* «f lha Association be dmped for thirtydajx and twit» meipotUI sar*]» be held atjnv room on Sunday. Veb. 9 Ttb,

B M V S B , Tbt*>©opy or "

ainguello particles «dh«re aud are cur ledorouud t o the opposite eldo, where they arebruslied off by n semper nnd form a heap ofpure magnetic oxidea. Thin IUUB tnuchiueSathors about rive tons of these particles ID aday, aud no (horouglily is tho work done thaionly one porveiit, ufHilioutelH carried withths iron, and only one per cent of Iron fsloct iu Ibe silicate. The machine of course

tpulle of enlargement, nod from ten tofifiy tons per day oeu b« gathered withtbe aid of a vary Bmall power.

This sand is found iu Urge qtuntilies onJJoog Inland, and i t Is tbe intention to pluoethese mnablues In tbe pits tad separate i twbere (I is obtained. Tbe sand bears not aruoe of sulphur or phoephoruua,atidl it la be-ieved will mitks au excellent quality of Ees-

ftemer Iron. The proportion of ths magneticoxides In the Band is thirty per cent, andtbey contain Hixty~nine ner oeul. of iruo,Tlie Wilson prnceao of ranking iron will bestarted Iu this mill as BOOB aa enough of theseparated material 1B procured to begin with,whioh it i s thonght will be tome time nextweek. ,

Auotber inter oat ing experiment is soon tobe I n d in tbU mill. Au Albany party who

wn a large mineral tract oa L ike Obamplaln,were In ttocknway on Tuesday malting ar-rangements with Mr. Wilson for the nreotion

f his deoxidlEOrs and a forge nt their minesnext Summer. It i s their lutention to Usepetroleum an QBobatKutofor bUnminouf, coalfor balling ths ore. and the experiment i ssoon lobe tried in a lull ing formee at theEoukawny mills.

OU'AM* Anniversary-Dover Council, No. 0, cf the Order of

Jnited American Meahanloa, held theiralevBUth, anniversary on Wednesday even-Ing, and upon their imitation nuny peoplefrom about io«n wero present. The wallswere appropriately decorated with moltos,flags nnd the regalia of the order, andhandsome picture of Washington, extend-ing from tbe ceiling to the floor. The e r

!B were opened with A well renderedvocal selection by Mr. and Mrs. J. B.Qeorge, Mr. aud Mw. H. P. Bandnson,

id Mr. D. S. Allen, wbo ware aooompaniodapou tbe organ by Mrs. Winter. PrayerWM then offered by Kev. J, X. Morrow,Then Mr. W. S. WHgbt played a wry pret-ty nmruh followed ngniu by singing.

After theso prelimlunries ex-State Oouo-oellar Geo. Vf. White, of Hobokeu, was in-iroduoed na tbe speaker of the evening- Headd the organization was instituted thirty.five y&n ago, in the dead of winter. Threehundred American maohanlea at the doseof Ihe week were informed that their ser-vices were not needed and the next lion-&iv morning 800 others took their placeswbo hsd been imported to work at half thewages. The discharged man formod a co-operative socitty to enable them to live tillSpring and from it grew a permanent organ!lion. He explained the objects of tinder, Bhowing It to ba a benevolent organi-zation for tbe purpose of obtaining employ-

tent for those la need of It, to waist thesick nnd those In distress, to bury tha dend,to sympathize with the distressed and bereaved, and to lend a helping hand to thewidow and orphan, A new Insurance fea-ture h u alao been added wblch pays to thefamily of a deceased member $1,000.showed that among the objects of (he order,was the perpetuation of American holidays,to piotect Ihe American Sabbath from thedeacoration of foreign customs soon as freebeer on Bunchy, and to promote the pnblioscbool system with the Bible in i t HB da-Died that Ifhad any antipathy la foreignersor any religion, aod asserted that It was Innoway connected with politic)), Tbe Amer-ican Ueohanio owes his first duty to Ood,LexttobfBOonnlry.andtbento his family.

Another appropriate vocal selection wasfollowed, aadwhatbad proved a verytertafning evening was closed by ex-StateCouncillor Wm. S. Wrigbt (who presidedover thi exercises) thanking the audiencefur thalr presence snd attention.


Somsfonrm-ntbBatoMamr* Henry B.Iiiynwi, urwuw fork City, end IKUUJ W.

JdSUiTe. of Uetuoben, K. J . , purobwioda large quantity of blucfc ««nd iron ore, a

, _ .s . t . Wfta a e n [ tb lbe Buuka-

in Ibe sand. It beooine uecewury to dis-oover arme means of »ciMirutioD, and led Mr.Hsynus tolheiuvcii i ionofi i process whichw u first put in nperuliuu iu the millMoodiiy night, aud whioh we witnessed onTutmaW.

A small dyao mnohliio, whloli could becovered by n ohecae box, generates the elec-trioity, and sends Iho current tonevlinderwbich is revolvlag & few feet dMint, which

u it a perfect mngaot. This cylinder istwo feet lung nud eight inches ia diiiiuular.Over il ia a bojiper in whica ibe sand isthrown, and from wliieb i t fulls upon thecylinder. Theforclgu Bubntaneo falls away

l b t th

Preiemtation t o Foreman Lambert.•The members of Vigilant Hose Company

Inveigled tbeir foreman, Hr . Wm. H. I*»m-l>ert iuto tha engine booM last TaesdayBr«uiag. wbere he found all the memberswsamuliMl, s ad learned t h e objeut of tbemeetiuR when Mr. John V. Cain sl*i-pedforward, nnd in behalf wfibB company pre-

sauted him with a taaAums ring, u a

impriuto i n p ggood time followed, vt which fireworksformed a foil ure.

as soon as ft strikes the but the

The Sale of Uke Ho pate Dig.By ths terms of lha resent sale uf Lflfee

Hapatooug la Hon. Nothautel Mia* thaiBenllemiD IAVB claim to the owuemblp of nilpropertj within one hundred yards of thewuter'a edge. ThU luoludeH the frontageulmany fine prapvrtieu about the Luke, audmnny who thought the sale was a ineuaingless one are nomewhat alurmed since Mr.Ni3"H made u viait to the Lake last week andmaiio mi arrtingcmenl for a norvej to begin

tin week. Thi» olulm takei i n I he waternront of tho Ojiden Mine Builroad, mnnyootlsges about KuUu's Folat, tbe d a b houseof the Iron Grown Olnb end many otherplaces.

Reception « Mt. Olive-Atthereaidenaeof M r ' a n d Mrs. George

>f last wflek, a very enjoyable reception wasjiven tlwlr son, Mr. A. Bortley Halmon andhis wife, npon their return from the wed-ding trip. A large number of guests were

endanee, and nothing was bak ing tomake the affair one of tbe most pleasantthat has transpired for n longt ime in that

Ity. M«j the auspioiona beginningprove prophetic of a long lease of hnppi-ness to tha parties moat Interested.

Commlt t lonen of Deeds.The following are the Commiwiionera of

DeedB far MonU Coanty, ohoBen In joiutmeeting last week ^-Morris Townnbip—Theodora Ayers ; Chatham—A. O. Ih thban ,R, M. Hancock; Chester—P. W. VnoDcr-voer, Qwrgo W, Howell; Mt. Ollve—E. (1.Sudd, J, B. Willx, 11 II, Stephens; P u m i c—J. S. TnniB ; lUndolph—D.ivid Jenkins ;Boonton—O. P . Hopkins; Jefferson—C. D .Bimpaon; Pefiuimnoc—E. Y. Q. VnuSunn,

The Mania Among the Dogs-A mad dog pawed tbronguRookaway one

day last week nnd bit a dog belonging toJamea Lail. three owned by Davia 'Wiggins,ana one tbe properly of 0. A. McOurly.Obase waa given b a t b« escaped in the di-rection of Dover,

Tbe dog of Jacob Ayers. of Saccoannoa,on Friday of lost week, white in the housewa» seiwd with flta and showed other flymp-tomn ol hydrophobia, He ran out doors tadstarted off, and was shot

A bog belonging to Alfred Dell, wbo livenon the mountain nenr Flinders, went madona day lost week and was killed.

On his farm near Dover, lust Manaay, Mr.Stephen C. Berry killed a dog that mini,feeted all tbe aymptowB of hydrophobia.

The many dogs wearing mutzles abouttown. Bjnee Monday hist shown that tbeMayori proclamation has been pretty fully"huerved.

The Sleighing Period.The present wlutei will long be remembe

ed because of the fievnn weeks of umnteuptedsleighing that i t nfforded to thu l<m

of that exhilarating pkiiBure. SUVLH cotin tious weeka of Blei^liiug ia uriiiicthiven for the oldest rci-ideiit [0 pouder ove

had a longerof to-dny may tnlk, iu ywold-style winter we are u

A Veteran Trco.A while ook tree uum tbe Quaker church

In Warren oounty, over 1O0 yoara old, vuout down ft Hhoit timo ago, It wns five feein diameter, aud oontaiued B,000 feet of lum

it quantity of BIOYO woodto keep n family nine mouths. It took tviraeo two and one-balf days to out it dowiI n the top of tha trunk a awaim of bees hadmade their home, and the owner 1thiee polls of combe.

New Assembly DUtricti.Under tbe new rediBtrlstlng aot the As-

A Warning t o t h e Public-Do not be humbugged by tho statement

that anv person Is alone authnrined to sellths Domestio or nny other lewiog machine.Any peraou can go to Wew T[oik and buy anyHewing machine and sell IU Whether he

fl a profit or not npon it j a according tohis own plewmre. I can sell now and per-fect Drtnestlo maohinta without any ob-literation of numbers or nny impoifeoilonwhuterer. The only olijeot a ooinpncy hasin numberiog machines is to Un-p a stockncconnt with their agents, aud tbe fact thnta company which makes a. machine and willuot warrant i t because it does not eoutnlu Bnnmber shown the wenkceaa of the ngeutVrepresentation. M.v object is to Bell theSinger mfiohine, but I cnu supply any maaMue wanted, tbe Demeetio included, and

stnlement lo the contrary ie a nilnrcprcaeniatloa. p . R BUBKKI«L,

Agent of the Singer Setting Uuahins.

Wedding: t t Drakeiviile-. _ „ aBirth-day

Mr. Osooi Sobeer wu united in morringe toTAi*i Debnert, of Brooklyn, N. T , at theresidence of the groom's father in Drake-vllle. About one hundred (raesU wera prea-eat, inclnding many from New "Vork, Brook-lyn, and other places, and all enjoyed them-selves merrily until the small hours of tbemorning. The ceremony took place at 7o'clock ID tbe evening, and was performedby Bev. Dr. Stoddard, of Saocafmnnn, Thepreseuta were many, degant and costly.Pirtlonlarly ndtlcenble wast a seoretary madeby the father of tbe bride ost of solid blackwalnut, veneered with French wnlnnt androsewood. We extend oar congmtDlationsto the happy couple and hope their weddedlife may always oontlona as happy as it be

Entertainment at Mine Hill-I t was onr pleasure to be present last Sat-

urday eve'g a t an entertainment of the All:Hill pqblio school Riven in tbe ohurefa, un-der the direction of the ' principal, Mr. 'W.J, Oallen. Tbs programme, was a long andvaried one and the participants too manyto enable 04 to make Individual mention ofthem til, although their names htvo bo*nkindly sent uaby a friend. Asa whole tbsparts were all wall taken, and the pro.floiency ahowa in tha rendition of the dia-logues, vocal musio Rnd reoitatlons, showeda good degree of adaptability on tbe pnrt ofthe pupils, and tbe greatest painstaking onthe part of Mr, Oallan and his assistant,Miss Champion. Tbe house was crowdedwith people, who gave frequent evidenceof the fact that tbey were being very agree,ally entertained. By our Mine Hill corres-pondence it will be seen tbi t a handsomesum waa netted for the laudable obJeoU forwhioh ths entertainment waa devised—thipurchase of sit organ, snd the starting of aschool library, lie. Oallm Is entitled tothe thanks of the community for Us unsel-fish efforts In thlB direction, and otherschools would be vlss to follow the goodexample thus given by this school.

, The D , L . A W ' R . R. ,At the general tneetiog of the Delaware

Lackawanna and Western Railroad OompRnyon Wednesday, J A ? CtoulO, Sidnsy Dillonand Xtussell Sage were obesea directors inplace of Alfred L. Dennises . B, Crlttendenand "William Byte, Ho other changes* weremade In the Board and tha former officerswera ra-elacua. ^.sUlement of the flnanoiiloondftlonof theoompany-wns rood at themeeting. Ho steps toward tha rumored con?Bolidaiionof the company with tba OeiitrnlBsilroad of Hew Jersey wsra.takeu on V/ed.nesdny. Tho board nnw ecnflstg of WilliamE Podge, Moaes T^lor , J.y Oonld, OeargeBulkley, John L Blair, George BUts, PercyE. P jne , Sidney Dillon, "William WalterPhelpt, Wilson G. Hant, Bunell SsKe. Ben-jamin Q. Olarke. E. Vt. Holbnok and R. A.

A Card.M B . £D>TOBI D m f -OOBBBQ, NO. 6, 0 .

V. A. M., d e t l r a to express through thomedium of your psp«r their slneen thinks

to Ur. aud Mr.. ^ r . andMrs. Jerry B . George, aad, Gsvpl. &.411 b i d d th l b l i411ftRt wbot ii

em valvablo aeryinei4 t bo r i d r yt^y singing aaferal Donqilfnl pleoes a t tbe l r

l U l On Ihe 034 |net,, a dAnnli^Urs .K.17 ,nrgin, Also to Mf J « . V, Kelly for deoor-

t l r l h ^D o m , Ftb M, 1881.

T h e T w o Mill Tax-When the two mill sobwil tax was first

levied In I&71 it prodaaed over four dollarsfor ttuh obild but the deoreasa in rateableHh u caused it to M l to neu ly (3.00. Thenew law provides prlmarly that ioar dollarsshall be raised for eaoh child, ami thnt nine,ty per cent, of the amount raised shall bereturned to Ibe cotrtty. 1'ha reiaaininR tenper cent, is to be placed in the bands of thiState Board of Edncation, to be used at thidiscretion of tbe Board In. aiding stragglingfloboola in the poorer counties. This pro-vlaion will secure to every seotioa enoughfor tbe education of its children, and a t the

same time counties will not be tempted t<undervalna thelrpropetty in order to tuoidpaying the two mill tax.

The Time to Advertise.Now tbat (lie spriog Is approothius trade

of all kinds b reviving and a hri-k bnsiueaaseason is oonfid«i>tly expected. Thosedealers who wish to make the host of thoilopportonltles tnust tring their wares to Ihiiotioe of tbe public. To do tbls effectivelythey must oaYertise in some paper that enm-bines a large oironlalton with m> aatohlifahedoharftoter thut gives respeolabUify to it»oolamns. Baoh a paper \i T B I IBON EBA.All peraonB who havs anvthlug to sell, vhwsnttabnvorhlretnylbisaor who intendta enter into any hndn-sd relntions that ic-

dve the MqnWlion of anything or the df»-posing of anything should ' • promptlymike knovn their wants, their goods audtheir purposes by intelligent advertising inthem oolnmoa.

Who They Belonged Tc-Tbe Boonton Bulletin reneutl; published

an item about a sportsman in tbat seollonperforming the renuikable teat of snootingtwo wild turkeys. Tha mystery is aolfedthnaljiMr. Jerry falnar has. been nl(qngand domesticating wlhl turkeys on bis planenear tU* torn. Oooaaionidly tbey fokeflights nboutths neighborhood. On the dayin question two went off toward Bnontonand never retarned. Prtrtiw in the fatarawill plense be cftnfal about abooUng bisdamestknted wild turkeys.

Mining Bay.OhsrlM Edward Willis, son of Mr. SamaqlilUs, of Hurdtown, wbo lived with Us

uncle, Mr. Aaron Wills, at Mount Hope,M|t t i l bom* pa tb« 14th of February, sincewbloh time he ha« not beea seen or beardfrom, r fevudcened lndsrV'do|besfudwore 1 mond e*p He I l ^ j f

ho presided at ths mge, haj t>}v afrln, M)oiDwaat freckled, thicklips and dirk nod j hair. Any laformatioooooaTDlDR him will bs thankfuDy rsodrsdbyhii father arunsls.


id In e< graved au dp-. Of course a right!

T h | 13th N. J. R»gim:,rit History.Tbe following eirookr ban been lfieaed

by CLayjiin Hafocsi v

BiMJtvaa, U.S., Feb. U, I881.DE;Tha ljkh H i '

, I881.O ; — T h a ljkh HegimeDt sur'

vives so long as any of ber mohb il f

vives so l n g as any of ber momIredtbe soil of ocrooromou hud*tbfl number of odrnnksa imiDisbes f r^yoarto year. Tbat ibe racord of h SuBbievemenls way b e j p n t ia form f

preservflt-oit f tl

waytlie p


f ht ia form f

tion of a bin!b kStorj of tlie regiment IIOB been

upon. Sou ate requested to8D0I1 QMLteriul ea yon poaeeas.oulleot-, tbat will nidi in tbe compil ,1^:of tbe wtfk. InoideniB ol nenon.)

raverj, diariea kopt during flie w""with o.jgmal documents desimble finaeriio!), list of deceased members On,i:!io ndJrosa and prBwnt oceupatior, „#jurviTOW ero requeateJ. Valuallo[>ers will be relurned. '

Very rcspectfuHy yonra,

m A. A. UAIKB-,

• - • - • « . 'Choice brands of eigara alwoyB trnxud at

n ofliiiBiiitJifn ibut do n'nt hsnme or iLc- disipfiRB for wljrc-li Ki

ipeoino. Wbrn the bowels hatstive, litadaebc lormpnts, kidn*ys „•„ .„ ( l i

piles (lUti'Cfe, take a pachagi'. 1 mt iu «-,, 1'lorfu! tfinie aud rrntivnlii'K jxiwur ni|j J"'"ron and give new lifo.—w*TrKM*H. " "

FOB SALE B r V n u o n i i K i n r L . -

Bdermi BUcacsHej like thoa* of 8tonflnroodorhlltB, or the Asdr* are ci^.med by Inek or acetdtnL i t \a t\,c. T" l t

nethinff wituin thai eonjWllndEi nwM •nri It iK nnly linio that jirowi tlu-m BH BHcli'

Wliilo now diBcovoriua am ilaiiy bruuuht for'

•Ih. It ia tlie nicnl thiil la«tH-AKTHL!ir«IUJt f "ELIXII1 OF aULMIUJt fo

o telling bow long ago It vThe youth"

come, of theTing.

Heiqbly District* in this tfollows;

inty will bo as

VillB.T—Morris, Obitham, Hanover. Uont-

SXCOHD—Boonton, Peqnannoc, JeffdrsnRnxhnrj, Booknwny, Mt. Olive.

TnmD—Randolph, -WMhiugton, ChesleMcudhmn, Ruunlc.

Tbls smingement will mnkn the popula-tion iu each of the districts about the same.

Caring for the Quail.Mr, James B. Drtlryinp'e, of thin to rnsliip,

hnanil tUis winter tAken care of a flick 1quail that came to his place, feeding themuntil tliey hvva become quite tune. TliHook ooatuiuo'lfoarbeunad all nrd vet Ii'

except two thai went curried awiiy byhK. If all farmers would luko eijiH U P V would havo n muoh larger aur.plyeue flue binU uliaiil Ihev

New ImprcMilitate Ihe vHurdtown.tlie BIOJM anbo eroded.about six bu

The Hurd Minjvemeatfi nre tobo iw Ie to I.rotkof this celebratRil mine, nAaotlier track

d two now hntHTlio nimo i s

mdred touM of 0it UtbcnghlthB new imnroi

will be kid iting onginen winow prod ucit.

re per week, anromentswill ii

oreaBa Ihe proilnet about fifty per eeut.

"Sarknstickle."The ebtid old Newark, AdvertiHDr is getiii

utirical. It says : Of the enormous quatlty of cider produced iu WorriH Oomrabout one-half is turned into apple wbiskeand most of the remainder is munufuctuninto vinegar, part ot which is sent to mnrketwhile the superfluous product id used toaoidulute the Morris Jersoyraan.

Rock away.Invitations KOTO given a week ago foi

ft flup|)er nt Hie U. E. PursonnRo ODMondnv eTening, in aid of t i e ChurchDebt Fund, As tlio time approached itbecame evident thnt Ibe ruimonngowould be loo small nud Mr. J . J. Peeropened bis boueo where n Inrgn

led and enjovsil no excellenIclitiPttod SlOSandsiill "rocrrela"1 and it is eipeoted that $160 n


n«w Pni* cf tlm G. A.. It. bas boen

ganlacdat PLil lips burg.

Coosiiernble damage resulted to hrid* , nt B elvldcre bv tha late Crest ot.

Since the prompt confirmation cf It,Price as Count? Superintendent of Bcboof Warren County, there IB a tendencymake trouble fur him on the score of binbeing a tencber,

TheBunsoi Kai l iWl Co., which requiperHoas wishing to tiike passage on the Huo-

milk trains, to procure their ticketsSaturda7, is now compelled to run freighltrains all day Sunday iu order to keep thfnnacos at Franklin supplied with cool aud

As was eipeotsd, on Monday moral rGovernor Ludlow vetoed tbe bill rraU'riiJOB. B. Cornish, cf Washington, to citizen-ttliip. Aside from the fact that the Court ofPardoni trot tlie power to restore oltisen-ship, the Ooveroor said1 there was so mili-gklina; olronmelauoei In hia oase.

' A strong argument for tbs abolition of thioffice of Law Judge In Warren county, Utbat as the Oalflf Justice h u now woepted autlsry, it would oott no mow to call him toBelviden in all oaaas when points or k i

OOftMrqad, and bsytrod that another la;Jadgt would grt «Joag as well M a LawJudge. Ths L I T Jodge woold cost 9foo or31 tbe )>w JqdgB |l,i}00.

A wedding m i anooonood >o Uke place atths Oathollo Oburah In Baokottatown, sU 10

. H. on the 18th hu t AlaTge<irowds«bled, bat Fstfasr Oram filled to appearalthough m eonveyanee had been sent toSuinhopa for biro, i t hut t dlspateh WHSlecelvod that ths sleigh could get no fartherthan the Mtwccietccng bridge, anda handcoir waa taut down lbs nllroid traok. whlohtotarnod at 6 *, n.,whep the suapeiiso oftha hnppy ooupla and tha waiting oonirrB-

was (^aiclfJy relieved.

-„!> wp of t-etdv mixed paint? i r e dlrnl-i-fsblng. ' 3<0i>le 4&o oin afferd to p . i n t ui

Tln-rSuffering Wom

b Bll p

Ifyou like1 alliutf onIOU0H 8Yli

r advice yn


s, EryB |pelaf l Mcrcnrml «!«.n.l feiwral aebltlty cured bv "Blood «earvscr." Hold by dru

umpiion, etc. unit 1lucly |>y 1

lisl) Mistake.uiiHtnko of c

at I'urkcr'M (linger Tonic in

c tor IthfumatiRin nnd nln.iirk. 8*>u adv.—T1ur.11.(II-HBIO by VmtKlit & KilJ{;»r

Wltll III! h»il|-|-

WANTED!A customer for ft fine

'ulr heavy draft honiethorso, two cheap work heipring wngon ; buli:Ltrwbluigh. Inquire of

COW nud l!AI,l\, a young (irivinRrue-*; new j'lulfotm

A. J U U S O N COK,Borneo St, Duvi-r.

Sleighs! Sleighs!A flue lot of well finished

SLEIGHS, both swell body

and Portland cutters, for

sale at (Jco. McCruckcu'a

Carriage Factory.

W. S.

Carriage Trimmer and Furni-ture Upholsterer,


ml prumpitv?!!all it> brauclKi Pricc-a 11


,1th, 1881.Hughes,


T. P. Brundin,P. J. IIodLcrg,O. IJa.ig,S. lluxeQtbal,

ughJohn Keveliu,ZlicbmH Topo,lira. Bullivao,



r c n i n i n i i i g 1111c lit l inediu tlie Post Office at Dover. N.J.

DDVKH, K. J., X'eb. 2r>th, 1881.John Allen, Surali J . Banin,Nftnc/ Caitenioro, Anna H. BudJ,Edwnrd Furrell, John Giibrifilxon,Annie Humoa, Mm. G. W. Kctiody,Slory Landrignn. Mnry SrorriKOuBlnggle Nestor(2) John Nolen,OunrleB Skinner, H. Sammelson,Johu W. Albertsun, J . ti. Cftso,Biilney Cole, JIDHUS Doty,J. Frei.l, Aiiidiu aik-»Frank Jones,JoBcph Mnrotio,

Aug. Scttowoll,

Toobtbluinf of tho


George Pylen,Jownph II- Uilos,

V J h i r

f tlii* lint.G. C. IIINCIIMAX, P . II.

FUNERALS!MY m«t era of Small 1'rofltn sniirpciated.

Qunlliy mill workmanship uT tlie bcsl.Bly tbinbx fur I i beta I patroiia^D in Ibu lim't,Onlorii Ity U'lcgrapli moHaeiigL-r or lolcnuuue

.tteniied to.JOHN JONEB. Unfitrltker,

i-lj llockiin-iiy, N. J.

BATSOS-MOSIEB-F* ;l.rn»rv 17th, t.v Bflm-^C.n3Hlify,l.:Ba.,Ju-t)ei.1"Horiieiiil.Dit-n ami Miis Lueiudii R. ModiGr. all or Mt.

ClrlNE-WTiinilT-At Stnnhope Fehni»r»1911., Lv Uw. Oi-n. MilhT. William ClinouuaBachi-I Aim Wriglit, Ixilli o! WaeliiiiRtou.

ycCONNEI.L—STINK—At tlin RneknwayM. E. Pivrsotmeo, Ftbrunry «:td, by Re*.T. C. Mnjliani, Knmnol McConnell andll..ry E. Stitie, both of Stanhope.

EDDLE3TON—WILLIAMS—At anccaRcn-nft, Feb. lStb, by Rev. E. W. atoddard,.InracB Kdrtlecton, of Dover aud ElizaWilliams, of Mine Hill.


POLLAUD-At TarBippftny, Fwbniary 19th,

Abignil Pollnrd, ug-^d 75 yeara.

S r i C E B - A t Riclmrd Mine, Fehruary 20th,JlAKr, wife of Lewis L. Spicer, ngedSO

yearn, 1 month and 211 days.

FI0HT0R—At Teabo Hine, February EOlb,JOHN, infant son of Dun!el and MurthaFiohtor, aged 2 years and 0 mualha.8 P A B N 0 M - A t Hiber

is, infant nan,T. Spu

n, February 21st,f Ht;nry and El i*

cA fi nth".


Two flne lots on Morris street, Dover,idjoiuiug tha premises of the epbscribsr,JiO front by 1ED feet dcpp. Henlthy local in»" - J mient lo linoineiw. TermB easy-Apply to the a

II. P. SANDERSON,Opposite tho Depot.

RESIDENCE FOR SALE.A rei-j desirable residenoeon Morrii 6 t ,

A fl l i U l t ltble residenoeon Morri

A floe location, Urge lot,t and well and i t watergood fruit and well and cistern water. Tin

Loose hw seven rooms, well arranged, nndthe wholo prouertr IB a Terv eligible one torrrnidcDce, l l is oulv sold on account of tbo111 health of the proprietor, Apply nt




bar pure AtlaUla1Q1T ThsbMt

< a n m , glu tadbrt»li» ura7<n|M 1 Klllgcr.'. Oorur D n | Bton-

Tini p,rf ' 1 lUII ipsr. no I-J^"(rt« satlilAGUtm la UiOM *ko » » " »•

. . *- ~ i i r

Page 3: FOB TflE BEST TEA MB COFFEE - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-02-26.pdf · VOL. XI. THTETRON ERA The Dover Printing Company, ruisusiiui^


dATllllDAY. FKB. 86lh, 1881.


Lout—& pair of boy'a d ipper* Pleaaa ra-

lum to tbis office.

The failure is announced of Theo. Ayres,

Tuntakip elections ona waek fifOm Tue*-

K«rt Wednesday h Alb. WedntwUj, tinbe£inalag of Lent.

A awttwdoa Count; man diad (ram by-dropboblft tat week.

A Bti-OBB branch of Ibe Irish I*o i Leagi

Mr. Frank O n iart a Rood |ioree wbUegoing hti meat mats on FricUyerf hut week.

Major Hopklm, of Boonton, bai orderedH , of Morrirtown.The Fort Ore

rapaiw on Saturday last.

| the killing of iramwcled doga in that idaae.e wublovn out fa/J Owing to the pablioation of the Ism thi

Young Peoples' Oolmno ia omitted this week.

Alfred Millp, E»«{., of KorrUtown, in auf-foiiag from H epraimd ankle.

Mr. L. C Babbitt JB about to DJ ea a uewclothing house In Morrintown.

Twenty persoui Lnvu proftaeed coiivorfiioDiu tLo Part Oroia M. E. Church.

Murrintown in tjfitting i»ro«d o^r the /actthat it is to buve n now trick depot.

Seven tliounnud persous -visited tlia Mor-riht-jwu Y. M. C. A. rooms lut j « r .

Indepeutteato HORO Co., of MerriHtowii, j•will Luit-nftur carry two lire eitingur-bn-u.

A till Lftn been inlmdiLCt-d in llio LegUft-tura to dmfrattt-biue nil who do not pny theirpoll tai.

Tho KM:(!i[)ts of tlio Hmkawny eiiviion forrrefpftatA furwnrded am units to nijout fnnoper day,

Mrc. Abigail Head Pollard, nn old resi-dent of Parsippatiy, died OH. Sinturdnj luul atage of 79 yearn.

We thiK veefc begis tbe publicition < I (I -UWB. Tl«»y will ht! found to coiitnm at nhof public iutur*:bt.

The mipprr at Mr. Geo. I'UTMID'H Millbrook, for tlio luntflt of Huv. Thu Unwlings, noitod ffil!.

Win. KiDg, of Succiisnrnia, will runov.to Newark. Ho has toll his p i p rtj tiDr. II. C. WiRgiufi.

FIOIXI tl o olintfrvAntu 111 l^ov^r nn tl ( JJno one would huve supposed [but tb»« u» mtry tvtrliRdaFntbcv.

At«. Ick, of Stanliope, wtnl to Howloitbs other day, jwimnrk d ft dtizui witlioiiicaucc, and is now in jail..

MiBB Nolan, of Hlfluhqm. ia to start 1millinery entablement in tlin nloru roomEClt to Ponies & Clarke.

Oco 0/ Mr. Rum Cohs'e Lorsns Rlijipyd nntlfull iu Ibo cellar af tlio Iftw Iricli Monk 011Tueiwlay, but WHK lioistoil out uiiiujnr.-d.

The nnuual Btatcment JH iijnib. and upon"reliabloRuthortty," 11s usual, Hint tliu Morriii

Tae mer n fallsa below Kara


A child, e

nity, who \\WK \

in (be yard lb«

of Sir. Jamnu Mny, of Jtouln

day ami died 0110 Any rocoutiy ou bin (jrnuil-

futher'e fcirthdoy.

Tim Dovnr IKON Eni LBS FUCII ft funny

Port MotriH corre8]wuduut thnt it is dung.

OUR for bcarty laughers to read bis letters.—

Mr. JnmeB Odin, of Mino Hill, lind n

cancer cut from bis lip about re. year ayir

It IIBK nnw attacked him interanlly aud has

eaten nwny a windpipe,

A bill lias been introduced in tha Legiuln-

turti to iiistimto nn inquiry into tho right of

tLo Eiisl Jersey Proprietors tn soil I^ka IIo-

pfttcong and other prui'urtles,

A now Inw juRt Bigncd by tha Governor,

prohibits (he iala of liquors iu quantities

kaa tliaa four gallons within tho limits of

any borough, without n license,

In tho year li»00 Fcbrunry wilt have bu t

twenty-eight dfiys, although a lenp year.

Tbio phenomenon occurs but once in 290

years, and always iu tba odd hundred.

Tho Delaware, Lnckawanna nud We stem

rnilroid is ready to pay off nuwttao $r>73.0fHI

por cent. Morris And Efl'iex coiinlruclian

bonds, though they are not finally due til]


A bill Ins been offered in tbe Legislature

compelling iuaurflnc© ngenta to report to tho

treasurer of Fimmea'n Beiiovolent ABSOOJII-

tlonn tlio nmonut of premiums ou riaku taken

each Bis months.

Mr. Dnuiel Mo.ler is mitting preparation*

to ongAgci largely ia tbo boMling bumnoEH.

IIo will erect a complrte establishment for

that purpose, and i shav iuga liandKcmo de-

livery wn(;on rnndo.

Tho large ice liouae t t Greenwood Luke,

which will lioldaoino 40,000 tons 1B filled.

The ice cut now is Tl inches thick. Large

quantities of ico has boon Btucked on the

shore near tho ico house.

Can't fool us any longer—wo oro bound tn

bo first. Hera it iB: " T h e bluo birds Imvo

<JOIHP." Tha idiot who oopiua it this ynnr

without giving us proper credit will huvo a

brick house firtd at him.

A young lady of thi

drtad of trantpd, wont out in Ibo

other d iy to pructico with ft pihtol, find lie-

foucd witliiii ninge soon af tor.

Mr. Gco. I . Hooey, cf Ucruordfivillo, hu.s

nvido Another munificent gift—a donntjou of

tSOO.OOO iu money and |40,00() in renl

esiato for tho foundinu of a Methodist Gen-

eral Hoppitul iu New York city.

Four young men walking tbo Ktreata of

Newark wero fired iato by nn unknown por-

BOQ last Saturday night. Two were hit.

One of thi>tn, n Ron of Mr. Mteliiwl Dunn, of

Hill, wnu aoTtirdy wounded iu tho wdu.

We regret to lour a of tbo BOY«O illness of

Miss Annio Elliott. Her unremitting labors

to assist others in times of i l i u m make very

many in tho community nolicltout* for lier

recovf-ry, which wo hope may bo (speedy.

Sportsmen ero long may vxpect to have

month 180,000 California ealmon were dis-

t r i b u t e in tlio head waters of tlio Dnlawurp,

ttuil 120,000 more ore lo bo added ia i\ short

time.Judge Alexander W'nrtfl, one of tbo mom

prominent men of Hunterdon County, iidead. He was a w at ITS of Flaiidew, in thiicounty, and vru tbo son of John Wtirta, awe 11 in own iron man of ttis eoction eightyyean ngo.

A neck-tie party under tbe auKpicei of thoPort Oram 41. E. Cbnnh will be held al tlior.siilenco of Mrs. Jna. Gill on WcdnMdnjetening, Marcb 2d, iho proceeds of whichwill bo devoted to tbo payment of thupastor's salary. An invitation ia given toall.

Mr. Veucor predicts very stormy wealher,with henry KEOW falls from Montreal to

tbo Southern States for tbe first partMarch. Ho frnlhsr ttnten tbat bo will makeno alteration In bis probabilities for thatmouth, eroa iu his

On Friday evening of but week a party ofover fifty in number gathfired at Mr. AndyWrtght'a to epend tho OTPaing. Tho samem i Rpent vita nmoh enjoyment. Ewhcoaplo it&a drosed in wdico suits repre-senting tha different nfttooR They con.tin«e4 the sport until »n early hour on Sat-urday morning when they dispersed muchplaued.

Xthu I»fln tho ooeton or Utt SUU Super-intendent of Public School* to «harga theBUta on« hundred doll»r» tor wuhand ererjTmuhm' IniUtBtehB attends. Some Uaoh-tratbiak thai tbii ( i a "fni take "for theSqperintoQilent, andablb>ttin, introdneedby amemb«rwlioi«a]fl0atoaclier, proposes to band thia ClW to thiCounty Superintendent far expenditure, b«to render an itamiae4noeonntat tho mi ofeach inititoU.

On Thnnday of lwt venk, a aambv ofn U t l t u and friends assembled at tbe red-df a of Un. Mary A. Atno, at BUwhope,tii oelebiaU tfae eighty-fifst anniTsnaij ofher birthday. Mra. Atno T Hanrpfiud by thi niddeo appearanw of aoVanj ot her relatWea »t bar home, and it| r u wtn* tlma httm ib* nooTered roffl-fdauUj to joli) ia OM pbunz t t o f t h s dayBtfon UM party brokt "P they prtMnlad

[riiduntPK of the H'boal, aud tliey roliim of bin money.

Mr. Tlion. Kolitho had n. hearing ou Tday for Belling without Hoonse. Judge Woodclt'ciilcdthatho was guilty find flotd bii

10 nnd KOHIH. IMr. Hotithn cilnims thatd did violutu tbi: Itiw ht) did it uikknowitkgtjHydrophubio dogi lire creating aounidara-

bla excitement ia ueighboriug countiesult as in Motrie. Frota Sussax eeveralmen ore reported and at Lebnunou, in Hirilnn, ft man bas juat died from liydro-


Fifty tbouBand dotlnra road money wnivoted by tbe townships of Morris County

lost Spring, nnd we will gua ran ty tbat not

is thousand of it waa expended in Ihe

nilding of pprmanent roads. Ara we aoiiiR

i epend $£0,01)0 in tbhi fooliab manner

te coming year?

P0RTM ORRIS.Jnlm Dngin WiiB f-iviiifi nitnials to tbe en-

nptir u'li't WJIS drilling out tlia ciiboows

r EK)H S.tlnriiuj innrniu<{, ami drill nnm-

. nnitlher, nt the H.IIUI- tiim-. Dug.m w.»«

• much iiit.restod in bi.f work bo did HOI

-iir thu (Mm coming on the tr.mk wharf- lie

um1 until one nt tlimn Hiruck liltn, knotk-

,d him iiown, und It.) l.iy tli^ra unl,l two

ud two bi« curs mu uvcr liiin, wheu

io picked himself up intd wilkeil off out

ilhout « dcmtcli. Tlio brnkc

of tlio C M c.uifibt him ami

nlrmg n HUU way; Lo -lid

i L H truin Dint dny, hecnusa 't

—It being four below on ThuredBy morning.

A donation visit wilt be given Her. W. I.

Gill, at the pantoii&ge on Wednesday sven-

log Marub !!tb.

Tim Kiuidolpli TownsJiip Committee

urdtr td tlio ££iu££lluijc or Ailbnff ot all dous

ruiiuiiig loose.

JoHbua Squires, of Fine Brook, cut nil

foot HO bndly (but ho will be uuuble to use it

Tlieburo of Mr. Hylvofiler Diotcraon

uiitertd on Tucbdny night, ami a blanket

wnrth 47 was stoku.

I-^-^i'crifF l)*niiil Ai*ord, of Hacketti

lowij, oynf »'i, dial on Tbur-duy. Ho MI

(Ito futliur-in-law of Rev. R. Vou Horue,

Wo want a TuwiiBliip Comiiiillue tb

Spring tlmt won't get iudieted likf! the ki

one i.lid fur kcrjiiny tlio rouds ia bud coad

I L L funiriil of the lute C rucliuu S DWk-

UT.UH will bo h Id »t Im r iMlmiP

Orak.nvlllc, this—^iti nluy-uflLruouu, at 'J

< , to h

Mr Tdin \ \ Mtlitk luih )u t iinmhcd r«:

,tlv nnproviti tho up

•j ntrriainini

ftrmt if roon

umi l j of Hit!

hl rn t WIIILII |

.ran <, of h» ]>tu

L Rl t i r f n t i l i i m o l n

If ' 11 J thlH Attk 1H

dif ir 1 till Jiu u t i t 1 HI

A u t i l l i ^ lur l j in

nil t i l s in Lk (lul not LDIIIL >l! lur » v i r j

lihdiitiilr.fiMin Thi bml LIIIILIIIIUHI ulut

juliliil i>ul n i m i u ^ p mum,

liy our SicLiisuniia iorrcMiiondi in it will

Gteu Unit two of tho LcBt hnovrii rti-i-


L. King aad Uorneliuti 9. Diutt-rhiin-aro


Tbf Bulletin th inis the pilk factory a fu-

liii-c iu Hooutou. And yt t w* lu'iird n pmlti.

iubut ciiiZiiii of Ihfit pint-*! witliin tbiuu ilnj»


iprortutt r.>ftr that it wmisil Im rein


H(JY. R Clomeiil, of Iloontoii, co

tbu Dullutiu iluU il bun cost him

IOB in Uooitlon, RIKI jut by reaeo:

iiiovfllaBO Motltodiistpreiicbi'iLoif


lltirliti J. I'oolo, of Blrioniinudiile, left tho

rtlatu Hdorm Kcliool tho other day with $30

BODNT0H.: ,^btte an *Utj-one Inuiiiflw places


Beviral niMttsga are ovet aA the U . E.


Tfae boy* a n eujojlng t h e m a c l m

pbyltiK marblwu

The o b m a h u In Oik plaoe w e n well

atloD'l.d on Bnodajr b*t-

OotuUblu Lyou is so fetble that ha Ii

UBablik tc ajtleod to h l i dntlea.

Tbe public sofaooU were do ted oo W u b -

ingtoa'a Birthday.

We we afraid ih»t a fow or our oitiiea*

will g o onuy over the silk (aototy.

Booth Bros, manufacture a very fine

pocket knife, whluh command a ready aaJ

There ware eight tntmpe stationed at th<

Iook-np on Sundn; night kst.

If the Boolutway r i ie r was alwaya ae fall

as it has been for the past week i ts water

over would be almost unlimited.

It is thought tliat the iiev. Air. Fockmui

ill accept the call tendered him by the

Itelormed Church.

A photographic company came to town

IU Tuesday aud took [ihoU>Kntplis vt some

t'Bidencus hero.

The bridge ovur I bo poud at Went Boon-

on has been greatly tlamageii by tbe ioe

oud in iu au unottfe couditiou for vagou

The En* wiut a little mtstakun about

Jlk factory. I t employs about one hundred

loya and girls, iuntend of I M men.

Kumor BIIJS tlmt a mud dog passed

t rough Montvillo otic day last week an

lit B over ell doga.

Thu Kupjiur at tho Preebylerian Ohurch

in W(;Jtieiidny evening i<wt for tbo benefit

if tin) hutiduy Scliaul, uetled about $100.

Tilt diitk at tho lloontoa Paper Works,

WHS broken open DU Friday night of last

it withstanding tho fact thnt there

wnu ilirurj w»U:h[iiL'Li uu tUo jrrttui£bu*l| bul

notbing of uuy viiluc waa in the desk.

A narl j o( liooittou ftnd Wbipp.wy folk

jiriit u ))]fnsHiit evening at tlio rwiduuee <

Mr. ClurliB liL-n^buw, at M.jntvilltf. Amon(

:he party WUH ono young man from Whip-

jy, win', it IN Hiiiil, wua HO hungry that ho

ild oat it halt; of liny. Ni

Mino Hill'

not formally, but p

I8.J?" "YUM, I am."

ii|Mithy hy aiding i

tu'.tiually, by o f<

licitinjj aid fur the

"g rand mlly," m

no " uptftker," in

mpitthy with tin

Tho ii Hbaw yum

" T h a t in right

rial wwn

0 Now York to

ih'iiigbt thnt li.> iyht i

idly, whe

tlln Him in

l (U.I u

id fuel tlio tficits of it

but I10 WI»B nil

i* tli.it ho wan 1.

WHH f iliuiiilL' for

if br.ik

u ' i hciti-1 tin

liilillO of (tl.

,t«he.l it.

U'IIH [HiMiiiijg William Hrow

r nijjlit, when I m\\ u biy him! ntutnl-

lurn nnd in it, on l,is lim^s, v,illi liin

resting on tho body of tho hied, win

mug mi,H. "Tliero'a A fallow drnul ,"

Bomubixly oil tlio wrcot, nud an I ^ot

IT tii him tliny lipfjui lo (.hunt "Hoy'

•lullo ! W.iko up etc.!" IIo never movui.

[lo w,w (lend druuk. Dune Muntlevillu

inio out •,! the hotyl nud hiiilcd mo

Toll" eui,"h(j euid, "ho is u Horrin Co. mini,

•bn hua h«un over to Sussex nud dhiuk

m much r,i!iiil watur. Tlnit'd ali'd tlio

tic nintler with him."

Going ovor to Stmhojte I saw Biiverul

ther yuung nitn who must huve boon iii-

tilgiu^ in tin* taino Ifinil of drink, only

; nffected them iliff.reiitly. They were

itii|j»( tint*. <surniiig, HW'fiiring cirnuk. Throi'

if lh(;m sltioil up toyttltor, nail Kta^gcit'il

iround iiwbilo. One of thotu ltt gu and

.r two felt sprawling in (lie niiicl. A

iiu told mo tbe other diiy llmt he

JO little boys, about thirteen ymr* of

igp, cotuci by bin houuo umobiug cigors,

tttiy too wide for

them—they, too, were drunk. Ytt we si


SlAulinpo IKIS three churches, o Cutholi

nn l two Froltibtiintu, two fl rut-class lioteli

mill tlirpo beur wiloona, best-its the can.

tiler wlm-li makes the Ultla boyti and

• miB mun ilriluk, 1 hope Air Nil.

ilu tboilruuk out of tliu water, cow that

QOwuaLmko IJopalcoiiR. It is

ft it run iixoiitid lo'mo in thitt

could nui find any fault while ihe canal com-.uy, or tho Lflhigh Valloy Ruilroad Com.,uy owutj it, bucjiusa ''curpinnlions bnvcI finuk ;" but Mr. Nilce la a Christ innntlcimn, who baa a soul, and I am surej will soo to it I but in future the

And now it ia ramorod that Stanhope iaiiug to have a billinrd and pool table, ii

Mr. LaaiH A. Young's new boilding. Tbawonder i« they got dang without thoBO ne-esfuiry ailjancls to oMHiatioD so long. Allitil program I Who say«Staubops ia behint

thu tttni-H ? There are old faaliioced pooplithere who i n worriiiK becaoaa tLay areafraid thoir boyi will be temptod to harn toplay pool or billiards. How queer Mine pso.pis are?

Mr. Pientra 1B going to start anothertag atore in OUrk'* build leg, irhor. VIolaa U now, and MiM Kolan tnoMlm her

looW mUlinery and faniihins goods to" r, whan Walt. Bkelleuger I M loottacl.I bmpeak for HIMHDUH A ahare ot tha pal,

muga of tbe ladica of Dover.Tho cplnmtla wgelh among tba people

(ten. Pint DapKoher Campbell got it,(ten operator Ilelai, then Ool. H*ioM *•<

; Rillgan'fl XX enngh nyrnp.foreman UcQInnb, nxti Qeorga

Bortt, latkBd «itb tb»i hcwiM TOIM of i>bol)fng fora while, aadaune n n r nwUag

earner in pMket buidk.erchitf*. Tbsdiaeua don't Mam tfl be dangerous, bat it

aivgreaiUe.ought to fern IMD l i t Valentin* Geo.Rot.

lheuiraoiUDevarrivil i In fjtanbopi,butH Umt wooU be 1 tenilik Ihitia la nuk*

i k b t | il more ltiirfutH Umt wooU be 1 tenrniettk. aboat, | a n i l m

npr.l t lm

Bvcry dny

irtiolo Himiliir to this : "An iniiiiiihe U n d

League meeting touk place b«ruou Biiturdi.y

nearly l.dtJO peoplo being prewimt. Tl.

A, \- lintz wind mn do ft moist ontliui^

iduruKH tUut mis received with chcuri

.as followed by tbo vpnorablo O. B.

Puffy WIIOBO rfiisouing o

uply profound." Yo-i it is ell profound,

isideilly no, but it is uKimlly Oeruiau pro-

fluidity th

WheL Qct biiu

linroughly utiiutdligiblo, then he ia pro

JUIXIJ for instance if he any a " think

link of I ha wall ; think whi t the wal

lifted ; " 111 en bo is profound. Bo with ou:

;unip orator* wLcn they haTu mixed up

luts, air tdstles and flatttrj, thuir com

;DB,a miiHt give place to faith. I n fire

is>'S <iut of tt>n the article winds up by

tying $50,00 was oolite ted Iu aid of the

and League. A.wuy v l tb BUUL non

joae; lot us have MtiictLlog taugibli

to prove the sinceri'y of tbese people and

then we trill believe. There ara too many

of this clans going; they are all agitat

all sprea -«Bgle, all wind. I t [a enel) a ulasa

tbat nlwnvB disturbs every Well regulatod

inland calls down upon itthocenauro

of nil sensible poople. Thoir actlonx plainly

lioHtfi innincerily ani thult thmifihta are

KIIallow thiit they lire easily pierced and

f-interat in Been lyiug oc the bottom.

The Ijiod LfHpuoinii powerful niovcment

id before i t cndK will no ttoubl imrfia Ire-

ndof itj miiny evily.

Mr. W, Ptaree, who wns irijured nt tbo

i^k.-rmn Mino k«t wo ok, is nbout tho

me, uuitht-r heller nor woree. Hopoa are

itcrluined of bis recoTery,

Our rchnol eDteitniuinunt WBH B, auccct ;

totd ruueipts, 5(117.25; net gains, S89.00.

TIID toaiihcr requests uia to return bin most

tnd grateful thnnka to iho people for

their kind attendance YoniCE.


A chattel mortgage wna recently futecloaed

ud the goods Hot up nt auction, but only

bout ou.>fotirth tho amoimt required wan

mlized, TbcBalois regnrded a poor spec-

Littou for thn purtios who prowed it.

A. iFLWK'jit bL'twoen Mi'MhrH. Dmisti-d mid

IVtric for dumagcH, elitmed by tbo formtr

us: tbo gronnil of tho reinoviil of wiudows

and iloors by tbo lntUr, ono very cold day

thi» winter from liia houuo, iu which tbo

plaintiff reildtd, wan tri td buforo Justice

aiOt Idfit "votk, nnd rceulleJ iu a judgment

fifty dollars nuninst defcnilant. The

...junction nconrrflil in HomH County hut

tbo trial took pUcu ia Susuui. This inny

ive riso lo nn appeal.

It*v. J . F . Bbaw, recently of Audover,

»w of tbo Fifth Presbyterian Church of

3rj u.itinf no lory mnnncr. He wriioa that

mi (-•ongrfgation has alroody doublud. l i e

also Btatts that ho ia pro mi sod & t Lou Baud


The Fturuurj thow ban MpoiUd thu ifloijih-

ig and much of the sport of the jmvnileij.

bclicvo weli*ve bad no seriona coasting

.•cidonts iu thin locality this winter.

The npplication of tbo Presbyterian

Cliimh for suttuutation Did was laid over by

tbo Frehbytery nf Nfiwton nt itH late meeting

i tbii uhtirwh hud not coo form ed lo

is rcciuirfid. in thocaso of tuAL&nt&tion

It ii to be hoped that the notr Board ofruBtseo will see thobr vrty clear to raiae the

ealarj of the newly ins I ailed paator to lochfigures as will enable him to obtain the im-

itation aid, in which eaae hii salary willSflWL "The laborer Is worthy at bi«

hire." G.

SUCCASUNNA.I made s. mistake lost week. It was not

Bev. I , U. iAUdoa who married that couplea week ajjo lust Sunday. The; sailed upon

Im and urged him to pert orm tbe oero-lony, but be positively refused. Tuny theniUud on another person who married them.

I would like to apologize to Air. Landoo andauiura him that the mis take *as uninton-ional.Tickets UM for m!o now at the Dndtea-

cillu statioD of the High pridga It. E.Two ol the oldoat men in thia vicinity

paused ftwny this weok. Ei<Sheriff Thoa. L.Ktsg, of UiBkCBVillo, died Taeatky norning.aind JUHL, aged 71, Mr. Coraeliaii S. TJick-ereon, ot McOalnstille. died Tanrsday after-

I dou't know his euot age, bat kn iipast eighty, Both men were bora in thisvicinity, and were well.kr.cwn and had •

inflnanoe, Itr. King poundtb« molt of his life in liU native plaoe ; waaa btronff pemocrot and did tnaob far hi*part;. Ha waa B ihcewd »nd inooenfol boa-iosH man and Rmaaaed a eonaidmbla prop^

', He had been jo a decline for aome

Mr. Diekcnoa apent a considerable perlof bfi Ille awaj from Ui oatiri place, Heretnrned with the intention of ip*naing theif nwlnder of hi* Ille here, a few jtin sincebe hod beea hen bat a abort time when hefell and broke hi . bipjilnoo then ho UMbflflu eemfloed tohia bed. Seaidea hUbrhip ho flttffend with Other dtouw. TheaeTiih voiiniu troublej thnt did not arise from

m d t bii life* nnb-ppy. A* he•bqwed i t | w of a obuigi of heart, death

uat ham bean a. nlief,Tbotnu Xudon, aoii ef ller. T. H. I«o*

doa, t- aSck at Iba qacketblowo Beminarv.'A dog, bitten bj tb* mad rtog «I1M ia

T w t t i . t n w M k t a » M 8«dar, b it-

6»rkikirs Vtllej,•fan more doga in this miter have goa<

nj»d during tbs l*rt week hat M»/killed befora *ny daasge ww doneanother m allot tnd mortally woundedby Gnasie nobter [• rawkwoan of thilteyean;, while) it V H p*w!ng through Iplace. Straaga &og*, either mad or ia-!OOd btunor, o»u Lngh ti Beikahlce Vall«;ittbey neoead inpa i inu thronfth with iwhole bide *od no botue broken.

Owing to th* »eww weather ofVid*y night hurt, tba dotwOon at "

not prove to bo such a incoeuutidpated.

Doc EodgkiM, o«r grabl hu»Uord fortha post two veare, hut leaaed a Urge hot«lproperty »t Atwnd>le, H. J., of which bewill take pOBMadon on And aibjr April laLDoc. U* many Erieoda to leave behind vbowiU aend their beat wishes witl him.


Chealer-riiAwoTknniba ROW M E. Obnrah

GheaUr in agaiu rwnraed. If th* veatherahonld prove (avorabla for bnildiog purpoa-u , tbe edifice will be ready for dedicationabaot Lbe middla of April The pantontethe Bev. 1 Tbouiaa expirer this Bpring, tregreta are oxpreaeed that he oannot remainto complete the ealarpiise wbiob has ooat

im 8u much lubor and icilet;Tho sacrament of the Xaid'a Supper will

beRdmiDieleredin ihaAnademy at OiuaterDeit Satardny al SW o'oltni,P, M.

Sparta.The mail train on the Midland B. B. got

•fl tbe track at OBdeniborR, on Tbursdiyloon. Cauao, broken rail. Heuult, mail

onr buroad, aome of tbe nail Baved. '£wothrown down an embankment. A

Yorh gontleraan broke hie leg, a lady botud-returning to P-wrta with her bead cu

HUII all tUu paweogerB [iiatty well ihakiup—no ona killed. THETA,

Milltown.Tho htuderohfuf enterluinmcut uhid

nob pUoeon tbo ovoniug of tlia 17th inut.1 the noiiBo tif Mr. Isjiac Qucat, In Milovu, wriH woll alt^mletl, niifl prov^il to hiin iutLTt-hliiig ouwuiiuu. The coinp»iij Iiliiind them the NHUI (jf S'27 fur tinET. lame TbomiiH, fur wliiuh tho DoniiLi.

Port Oram.At Purt Onim during the past live

ho IMU\ has Iwuu jinu-inusl^ utid

»ve proftBsud i;imvtnsioti and tliu work ii

IN AND ABOUT DOVER.Consult Cowdrcj'a lre« iidvertiwcuictit.I'kpcBtomtivo Syrnii cures Coughs andjkls.UKB Orange Glyccrino for chapped heuds

.nd lipu.Lubbilfs toilot noap in nolil at Youghb &,

lillgore'B.lietul S. H. Berrrj'a cow advertiBesment

Buy (lie bust and oheapest at the N. Y. kIhlnn Ten Co.Iodine Liniment cures Btaeumatium, N<ileia, Frosted Feet, a to.A ainfllo tritil will makeyon a ouatoaer of

he N. Y. A China Tea Oo.Lam pa—elegant etylea at low prices—J.

.. Ooodttio's lied Frout Drug Store.Wnnted-600 poundi or Bees Wax at 3.. Qoodale'i Red Front Drag Store.Obamoin Bkiua and Carriage SpongeB atA, Goodolo'a Bed Front Drug Store.Beware ot Bogus Donif Bttq Sewing Mi

nijua. 0 . W. Bowlby, with S, S. 3. A.

Tbe Oerman White Mountain Cologne Ialasting and fmgrant. Bold at Vought kKillgore's.

TrefouHse'a Olove Olenner—a superior ar-:1P for cleaning l id gioTes. Bold byjught &. Eillgore.lluildlrg Rflnd dellvrr^ in Dover at

•ula per tun or $1 per loud of 3,000idK by J. A. Goodale.lain repaired, ciinedand resented withjt-aterl chair seals nt Cfillard's, Morris

.rctt, ntur IBCN Eat office,A yfaiidurd reu«dy for Cougbn nnd GoldsXX Congh Syrup, always a sure oure,mglit k Klllgcre, Proprietors, Dovor, N. JThe practical work RccomplJBbeii by tba

;n nt Mra, Winter1* School is highlyiDiiiag the Kiti dor gar ten Byatom to the

i rents.Bo cot deceived by falso fitstamenta from

igents iu tegnrd to furnishing a Do-eatic Sewing Madiino. Itomember so

itco is gord unices told through 8. 8.J. A. Lyou.Frcftli Oitiden Beeih from tho rclinble find

rell know grow ere. Job neon ItobbinR k Co.-juitL received at J. A. Goodale't) Bed'ront Drug 9t^ro.

Thn prenoription buBiofsu has largeIj In-:nsed nt tho lied Front Drug Store sinesJ publjo bun boon asEiureJ that no com-Bui on ia allowed on prtscriptions eitherreetly or indirectly.Wo clnim to sell tlio genuine DomentloJfiriR UnfliiiiftB with a guaratitcn har.kodby Lhi> DomoHtio Sawiog llaohlno Oom-

uy, and no other mao run do that. 0.. Bowlby with H. B. & J. A. Lyon.ji™uu i<4 A now mute rial for floor cover*; intcuded tomiperscdo Lioolaum. Llg-m, R8 well »H Linuluuni, EnjiliHh andlericau Oil Clotlin cftii be found in thepet roGmH of W. 8. Babbitt, Hometown

Mr. Jflbn Greek, of Sucoasunna, was in-in his knoe in ft collinion on the rail-

ind BO that ho oould Dai walk. XX Cam-ior Crtam cured him, and Baved him froming a cripple all his life. It ia the mostmutrating liniment knows; 25 and M cts.bottle. The double strength baa VonghiKillgore'a name on each bottle.

TEIIEE ELIZABETB (N. J.)08WH. Ely Brof., DrnBKi»t», OWORO, M. Y,,nr Creiua Balm differs from ill otbor prtp>itloni, K8 It doei all you oltlm for It. Iro been car*A of Catarrh of lerertl jetn

Undingby It* OK, and my seoie of imdlai beeo reiiored. For cold In the held itrorkj Ilka migio. E. H. BMBWOOU, Natiunal

it« Bank.MT ozperlnicfl 1> almliar to tbe ibove, and

roolil recommend tbe remedy to all inffarenOsttrrh. Gio. S. DA»|B, Flrit Hailotwl

Eh> Cream Balm gire me Immrtllite relief,ntnond It. 7 B 1 » C. OanxF, 17 Sroad

; t . - 9 u ADV'T.Tortile by Tongbt tt '•

Worth Remembering.Now tbat flood timeiare aff»in upon nn, be-iro Intlnlffinff in eitt»T«)i»nt show, it Ii worlhmeinlxjrinfi thtt no out can enjoy the ji!

intent BnrToaadinga if in bad health. Thereire bnndradi of miserable poople golDe ibuot

with disordered stonaeh, li?or or kid*cri, or v dry, htcktng cough, and one foot IDle s ra» . wbcm a 60c. bottle ot Pnrker'j Oilir Tanio would do them more Rood thin illo MpcQiiTe dootora and qu*ak ncdlolnei

ley Lais ever tried. It alviyg maket thiload para and rich,and will bniiil yon nj> in j

you pooa health at little coit. Bead of Itnotber eolmnn,

7or »le by Tougbtt HiUgore.

NEUKALGU CUHED.JUT Dr, Borr'a Nearalgla sod Slot Held-J . aclis nils, Theie pilla are m, iprcui

^rfparatlon .oldv for tbe cure ot .pedsi dt"IR, and for tbcia dtacuea tbey ara wortbr

^ trial b j all iatelllgeni lofforen. The.'- ~pruoared expreailT Tor tb* core of Near*:Stok Heidaebe, Ner»onii Tieadtofae, D j t ^ ^•la, Vkmittng o( Ppod, rpoitung fliokncBi,Panlysli, PilmUlloa of tlio Hiart, attd Hcid.ich« arlllng ftt-m orer itlmnhtlng;, either b?ipinm or aleoliallo ilimnlnnli, phaiaat ti

be (thrr diudie in the month), b.nnle.ji ellnaluaUy tare ft]l ai**tem aHiinir Troideranged NDrrona Bj«t*>m, I<ois of Mortontaerjcy »od Pr«BMtore Dao»r. Tbty oontaiuDO pi am orothor narcotlcn. PranaredbyA,. Btwa, « , O , Beranton, pa. Sent b* n»||arooeiptarprliut—SOota. MoKe.wn A B*,b-Ininnd 0 . N. OritUmlen, New York, Aqnnti.Di. KHA» »•»•: r Uave -old Dlt. DUKtt'a

Ifenmlgia and 8iek Haadaeba Pills ror yean•nd I o*a moma»R,d them. Tbejnave madi— wsnderralejrealatfaiaafc^n.

A.KVA1T, U, P . nttetoc. Pa:Da. LOT aajrat I have tola DR. PTJnB'Jeorulgu aad 91ek Hearfaoha IS1U ever iiuti

,„. , ^ . n t i j i | f f ^


a good nighf. mt . it i> ibe. bmt woiolnt In (b« w ta t . Pd» S8 rta.

IfyuowaoV Uig«lridciJ ptoplei. U/&,t*jr,to,uae"lJnd«yr«BU»<KlB«i«lier.1' iby *!l draggutti.


Hekln, JoliuMilltr, JoliuMcOutre, PttrlukHtioljell, Peici

The Central ExpressDelheri KOWJI Iu Dutei a t (he luwnt r»tei

via. Ute Ctotril Btilruid of K. J. ana Higi

TQtE TABLE.n p r e u ainveIL each dav,es Dover a t a

and haggage earried -to an<to eunnrot ith ill t r i

fordliam, IKiebaliaii.LauKuwlind-Klcholf,


PJlilllipa, William 8.'aimer, Obarlat'raid.kkhaalEat.af

Puteuun.Jubu 1stP J h A

nn,N«lif['raid. FrankPraia-, ThiimaiPilmor, Wll.<iim H.P I i E d d

! ; • ; :

. tooloo100


DelinquentTax payers

IKtuCiOII, J-lllU F .. i tnimjl . M.

llTMIIl, JllllllC.lier, Cliarlea

C h lmlfiiv, Andruwhurt, K,l»nnlliert, Jteol)KILTNOH, Jucnb


uiinoll, Renry 0.nuniltiff, Wm. U.imzo. Ftutb

irch, Williaminnaon, JohnJLTB, Guorgo J r .

uadwcll, GeorgeUnL-cock. ffilliimBall, Albert H,[llnko, QuorgeA.

»ndwel],3.J.Uaker, J i m e i F,Blaok»TDll, Jnlin

loio, William-nit, Patrickloke, Johnltdlot, L. 8,

lirowD.JohnUiirtoo. William H.

lird, Isaac'her, Arthurii»Dan, Jabn

ltt. Willi»ui S

)cbnuaii,aearceiicbull, Samuel

inoiiman, Wfillamlatr, Jubnlorn, NoahDnaan, Andrevncart, Jolin W.arte, Cbartosxbcock, A. W.nrtiion, Agnslaoobon, ApusttUDRlun, Guailea-Icrrj, David

irjutal, Georgehinherlnlti U. 0.uas, Snmuol

p, E III.HnnJiKl

wd, E.iri»iwi>lior--i)n, Alfredlulle. John-terline, William

mlimoro./aiuon,rr. Frankinnoll. Patrick

Jrimus, P«triokIrnmcr, WilliamTrmin, BIcliirdirter, Kuhort

S S &, Honry

I tier. William;an, Dinielryaiplfi, Prankfcj. Thorn*•""—•"', Jacob

, Chirlnai. 8te|>'MHn't, Jotlnh

ilwsrJt, WillUndwanli, John S*i ofrn-t. Lewi!

y, John fir.f, J»lin Jr.

enpnrt, Ja(vrnon, Ch•nan. 8ie

t J

i>, Cliatlei-klHid, Nells

' n.John

mna.ip, Jobi

MoiuP,1 - •.G.

like, Bichanlrinin, Bnrnitt

-ill, AbrahamBin!, Andrew[ Hand, JohDlohneu, Edwardirt.JobbH.

neiey, PatrickdriuCi, Willlmq-faeuH.Witllam

WiUiaD , Win.

Mkeoo, Riobardroboion, Oeorgeohnioa, Oliai,ena«D, OllfDbmuu, AUBOI|1 - — I , W n ii D )

bmoOtobni, Wi

anl i

bmoOtJchnfobni, William I I .

•tier, Proa.ff.Wni.Bit.ofI-, Sarld

Inncy, W o ,itofacn, WUoo "lent, J , Itiud

Xneg, Alfred.pKNatbaniel .

ilur, Qtorg* 'i, Ooorftaio, ThouiM

Letyar, Lcoq.rq

tiller, JuhnMorphj, Qtorsa

uuker . JohnnKila, Wn.




IS11)03501U01001DU1001 W100] 00100


IS 47


• 100


use11939510O3 MSfiO100101)too100



9iaa isSCISS7it asBClIBO100I M100l.W

-] OP100ICO1001C0

11 101122201 1310010010O400100100; o o

HandK^obDBurametville, Jamesshlt'eckar, Eenediot

ipfitir, A. O P , .lliWjJDiinr, - -

Titian, AAron

Tajilor, Qeorpfl W'rniQ ti.Tlinmsifoi tun, lid wardr/iliiB-PranhUD


rand<trliBof,Q*rretr «i . Stephen Eat, of'oKl. B. H.ranflorbewr Ohartea

WrlBht,>n__ .Vilklan,Bialiard•"britmip, John\

iia100a co1Wlt .01001001001 001001 001103 60100100


B7S312100100a DO260100100100100100100100100897

80080 8611101123

l o o3M>850100100

112a 6oiootoo1001*1I OX)


P™id,EawardProsoott, George A.»ctenon, H.'iurnfin, Peter'iiiroe.Ohirlei'•B*, Honrf'•Re, Joseph'«tGrii>u, indcew

r,ChM.Uy.Iiaaoan, Patrick

Rllib%|U«t.L,Holf. Willim S .litiscaila, AlfredRddin.JohnII AltIIOUHHi], o

.Jn, Altl r E .


feOtU 1'ort Orani to ctmneot with »irtra'iu."'owureyed to any of the adjoining villarui OJtuiras. i t riaoamblB rsttin.

Office OD HuasbX fitraet, in Baiilwo Row.OlUffc btoro. D. A. HE HUNG, igew

FOB THE SPEIffG TRADE.Iaaac N. Doty & Co,, Newark,

ara now opening large invoioesof new and elegrant DKE8SFABEI03, speoially manufac-tured for theseason.

; SpringTies ant

Huwe, Itcutou

Itopcr, Mn,llllcy, NulwnIkove, J. Kelaey


lUlim.PetorHiolianlM. 5am,ltoir, Willitm

iSirkloa) W. W.• - >tiom, ClaOi

i D^er, Walterimn,John

Htcnnnko, boreo


_ ..j-y, WarrenUmith, AlfredBoira, Danielfiearinu, W, W.Sniton, AUre4 ;

aultnn, XliomaiBtilea,Bob«rtStiJC, OhilwnSmith, Frank ;Smim.HufthSltnni, VViiUim :' •. •Sweeney. GeorgeSwiyie, MelionBtem, KtxStem, Vkvld" iry.Miobael "

miH, Obirleip , JaaaiT

HmitaD.r*nkDlaroom, Willit

—Blamom. Htu tyranderbonr, James M

ralib.Tl i t e , Daniellirttnor. William'allisan/joieparalilroin, Afftut

ronmani, AlonsoonDBTB, Boorgo'onn)*ni, Alfred

• i m101)

: ioo


1001 0 9

1 0 310 8311 10

1(1]1091001001 0 0

i n



< ( )

Fobilohed by order of t he MAYOB andCOMMON 0OCNUIL.

CHA8. H. MU1VS0N,OoLLTOTun or TB« Town or DOVER.

most faBhlonable colors aredisplayed in Bilk and Wool,and ail wool materials. InPLAIlf FABRICS we show newshades of Cream, Beige, Navy,Hjrrtla, Brown and Bronze,and furnish Brocades in samecolors and shades for combina-tion or trimmings. We havethe . ohoioest assortment ofPLAIDS ever opened in ouroity, the oomlinations are en-tirely new and decidedlyonline. From present indica-tions plaids will this Beason>e more popular than ever be-

fore. They are certainly hand-somer and merit special atten-tion. Onr stock of DEESSGINGHAMS iB the finest invariety, novelty and designyet sho wn. We have a superbassortment of French, Scotchand American product, whichin patterns and colors are farin advance of any producedlast season. We hove rare at-tractions in C0L0KED DRESSSILKS. We aie daily addingnew shades and are quotinglower prices than ever.

ISAAC N. DOTY & Co.,159 &1G1 Market St.,

Newark, N. J,










DOVER, »T. J.an. 13th, 1881.

NOTICE.The Eookflway TOVDBIIID Committee will

meet at Bfggott'a Hot«l onMONDAY, FEBBTMBT 28TH,

i t 10 A. it. to settle op the business of theEDWAllD P B E O H

Soniwi r ,

settle op the businessEDWAllD P. BEAOH,

. Tovnsliip gierk.: J., Fob. 10,18SI, *, 10 Sw


Proolitloner In all Courts of Row Jewry,ctntmlcdifpnicnt* or Dooili aud H<nigtccnml iffi.luvitB tilien.

lUwla^af mortKi"«Bl*ifon l ° U * f " r f l C l < "" l r ( " t " i

i tliotrt"] nfoiuiES in'Mntris'iUd •lijuiu'luu mU,]-u . OIBoe In DentannW BuUdlnB, OiDiiUr, N. J.




cent Inquire of

W. T. LEPORT.:D9rer,F<li.l8tli,18SI. IM




or bll klnili of baildlnge, ena tUe conslrugtlou


equal tn engraving, at one-lonrlh tha price, st the IKON ERA. office.







Sewing" Machine.Three-quarters of all tho sewing machines

sold throughout the world are Singers. Thisworld renowned machine is sold on monthlypayments of $3 at the company's office,near the Railroad. We charge no fimcyprice for fancy wood covers. A solid wal-nut eover with each machine. Every gen-uine Singer linn a gilt trade mark in thestand leg of eiioli machine. All others aremere imitations. WE MILL REMOVEAP1HL 1st TO THE MAIN STREET, HEXTTO W.H. H. BAKER'S STORE. Needles,oils and everything pertaining to the trade.Bopilring a specialty. Buy direct tluonslithe compnny'x office nnd huve « rcsjionsiblewarrantee. We furnish any machine inthe market ut lowest ttgiiren.

P, II. 11U11HELL. Solo Agent,. ,M x.u,. m. AT iBBSffiKife

Household!Tho LATEST im-

proved, moat dur-

iLl»]d, and coureu


M A C H I N E for

family nm and ma u

ufacturing purpose

of any invented. A

trail will convince

•W3VC. XX.Ootobflr26tb,1880. (41-ly)

Agent,DOYER, "N. J.


iriginfll and only legitimate Expanding Loader in the market.


SOLE AGENTS FOR THE STATE OP NEW JERSEY. Architects specifyit; builders recommend it; all practical plumbers, tinsmiths ana roof-era nse it. This CONDUCTOR extensively used throughout tho UnitedStates has coined an unprecedented and iacreasing popularity, made ofsheet metal and eo formed that it will yield to the oxpanBivo farce ofwater that becomes therein; it is thus prevented from bursting ia win-ter, thereby saving to property owners the expense of replastoring andrepapering damp walls occasioned by tho buxstiDg and leaking of theirdinary round conductors.

Testimonials have bojpn received from the fallowing residents ofNewark, N. J., -where it ia in general use:

D0ME8TI0 BEWINO MACHINE OOUPAHY, PAUL O. BOTTI0HEB ABCHITXCTHON. P. H. HOiTELL, DAVID OAMPBELDrind otberir43* Bo BDie and aik four tinner Tor AUSTIN'S PATENT Expunging GtlvMlix«l Leader.

[Extract from 2fnoark Morning Register,]WATER LuDXBa,~Aa intei t i t tcg exiiDrlm n t It being tried during the, present ootd

reather by tbe Hunt!ford Brotburn, iilnuitiem, No, US Broad rtroet, to tait tbe luneHorit? ofatin'a Pitcnt EipRndlDsatlni i iRd X«der D\ot tbe oW-raihlooea tin and other leadersv in me. Plceon ef leaiicr BOTCH leet in length, closed a t one cad, worevplacod ID I D

four Inohfi In fllanieter ma toiilcted at tbo geama and joints, bari t smr t bv the prossur^8

liluthoffalFaDisoaexpiiiiiliDBlekaor Blood 1 bo test without » crack or break. They caa. seen In front of 8m tt fora Bros', itore. Architect! rooomrnond tbe cimndiBir lender iulelr •peolficationi. Buildore infl the public ibould call tnd eiammo them. SANDFORD

19* All orders for the B.boTo loador will recoye prompt attention m d iblrnod to i o r part>I the St i te . Information promptly tarnlibed. Llberafilliecunt to (he tr.da


I again nppenr in tlio cmnpaign field—not a can-didate for tlio White House—but for the purpose ofshowing who will sell you a suit of clothes the bestand cheapest. 1 have takes great pains in selectingmy stock, adapted for this iall nnd winter, in the lineof READY-MADE CLOTHING for Men, Youths', Boys'and Children's wear. A yery desii able line of PIECEGOODS of all grades and materials, and I am alwaysready to serve my patrons to my utmost ability inmaking a good llttinB garment for a very moderateprice. A mil lino of HATH CAPS and GENTS' FUR-NISHING GOODS of all descriptions always on hand.I sincerely request the people of Morris County to paypartlonlar attention to this, that competition cannottouch mo this fall. All I ask of you is to call on


The Reliable. Clothier and Merchant Tailor,

NeitEoor to tbe Post Offioe, Dover, N. J



About uue thoDHatnl u f tSeee^olebr»ted macbinc.haTtmireii[].vbcwi *nia In llurriB Oenntt . tknune.strany, verj dntitbla «ud e i iv rooutiKi. t v m -niaubiiie warranted. Do uol Iju put off with m yOtlioi buroru setliig anil tr»lt»s the "WUITE."

Gill fur i cli cul&r* Van. 3 - in BV

was. s.

ij ^^^^ 1 -

, K)VB2. H

Page 4: FOB TflE BEST TEA MB COFFEE - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-02-26.pdf · VOL. XI. THTETRON ERA The Dover Printing Company, ruisusiiui^

Heath «f tbe Old Veteran.The old man wus dying. He had been

a tusa of might io bl* .Totiug day. whmhe fougUt Indians sod Mexicans, but tbepresent generation lisd gone b j &D3 lefthim rtjandad OD thB shore* of timo,poor and (orgntteo. Aioaod his bedwere gut tiered it few old friends. Bistwo BOIIB, oca with gray benrdfl, wellon ia years, were tbere nt tliiwhile his aged eoDpauion throughIOUR years of tiurdahip wrung his cold

uf t:iefiugei lea

ill m 11 tod

Oneiiil asked iu

"Father, don't j<m know me ?"Alas ! tbe old veteran bud taken tii;

tost farewell of liis luved cue. Histhoughts, ii any lielml, were Ibu doud,

I nut witli tha living. A startlingclmu over liis wriukled features.His fort'lieaii became knotted as willsuppressed rago ; tbe dim eyca Hgbtedup with ft tiger-like lury ; tlm linesabout t li were iis if chiselled iugrauiie, and lbrougli tlieeleiichcd teethcame tljo hoarse whisper.

"Reniewbor the Alamo I"Several of those ubout tbe bedside

nodded, and tbe whisper went around••He i« ctmrgiog tlie Mexicans nt Sun

But it was only a moment, BDCI thefieifcei|jressioD gave way to one of UD*uthimble tendoraejis. Like a sudden

ruin, a smile played over tbe weatber-bcutcn features, the Iip3 parted, andttioeeonty nearest him heatii ltia wliis-per;

"Coino, little May ; pomptoyour ownpi pa."

Tlio snns exchanged ijniefe glnnara,but suid nothing. For more thitu fort;y..-rn Unit nume hud IIPTIU1 pamuJ bis!'I*s. tilte was (he ati\f daughter, andliia |>ride. He mver foi'Ruve licr, andwlieu slie sa i l bita .vorrt abe wus d>iuand wuutc'd to see biro oi>ce m<>re bt-fi'rBliecrosstil the tlurk river he set hief oe as 11 flint trad never went near fier;but lie ceilninly sees her now. Forlojii I tlio tiaie l>i>» more—ones murethut smile oE unutterable temlemess, tishe wiij.-|)or«;

••C.inii', liittegirl, gel ymn- nut, am)wf will f>n nut nnd see the pretly fluors OIK, (tie birdf."

Xlie gici!i;iof tvtiioliet's bend IIVDCoil] IDjti) to catch any ntlirr int-'-aiipcmi^lil liDve ri-oiu ibeKifirit luini. A liofgrejit wcii-iticsa cumc.1 uvcr till- hilot his H10113I1L The olil ninu's II10U3LUkcnrth.-isieii tackvanj. UP islonger in liis tecoud oljitdtinivJ, butbisfiisirliiMlii.cnl, fur bit Hireldie*his nrins like a Sired ehilil, mtrl miyn;

"Motlicr, I tint an tired. Piense 1me Io sleep in voar unos;" nnilivntcliurs smv for tlninjelvep tliutkind old innthtr, tlio njutlier of usbud taken u|> her tired child and he •fust HE 1 cop ia hot* arms.

CMUIB; 8*r*b.latiee Allay bad hardly been opened

to legal bitsiaejja yesterday moroiBgwhen t elfligb containing seven or eightpersona from beyond the city limitidrore up to thB door ot ft popular Jaa-tioe itid piled oat with *n air of business.JJio Honor was [yoking tip the firs 1an old mm. beckoned bito into a cornerand whispered;

' Qot a job of aplidag here for jMy darter Suf.li hole is going to bjtchto t t i t abap there with the blue com-totUsi, awl theu we're going out to 1

•All right—all right,' was the reply,and in trtO minutes tbe official was all

Tue man with tbe blue cotnfortar peal-ed his ororcoaf, Jutd aside his but andextcn led lm hand to Sarah.

< 1 won't do it - I'll die Ural I' 1said, DB sue shrank away.

'She's a leet.e timid,* explained tlieold inun, while the mother rebufciaglyobserved :

' Samh. doa'tyou make a tool ofyonr-se\f here. William will makeyoa a goodUusliaud. *

'And don't you forget i t ! 1 addedWillidm. ' Come Samb.'

' I won't, un.esa vre can qo to 'SexYork on a bridle tower!' aba snapped

' Yoa'iJ look nice bridle toweringaround Nfw York with no belter dudsthat) you've got t ' said the mother.'Now, Surah, you stand up and getmarried ! '

'Be fcfler/uf, mother—don't taoke'ermod!' warned the old mat). 'Now,Siiriih, if j e buck out everybody will luffat us.'

' I dou't koer ! I wont to travel.1

' You slinll.'nnswei1 Wheru?'' Wt'/I all go »p Io 'be House of Cur-

ectmii.'' T.iin't. fttf 'u«ff.Tlioold muii becltooeJ Willium aud

S.uub, William jiul dolea 00

Larking in tlie hiddw aornornoiit-df tlie-way plueej of utmost nil miumay bu found the oddest supcrstiliiand (be qucrn-fit little kuglo of unprable bolk'fa possible to ba iioogin

Scarcely nny one ia Iren frrnn miMadufpot anpecslilian; and t'Qvt'heoumi, good, «otid senso in nil vise nif tbi'.vnre put Io it, uva Io funcieastrau^e tu science uml as falso to re:iias if they hold ta lue fair; originmueliryora ringn, or to horses' bonbicii giow into water worms if llong enough in soak, "Whist phyeiand nil Rfimblera ore notoriously eupeintitious; aud a man who, oatsiciilong suit and hit! four by honors, ie iipervious to till but muthemntieal demeBt nit ion. is little better (ban a childreasoaiuft vtheo it comes to tbe wiuo!cards end the winning Bents, Its luclBuitn and his uuiucky number of tlturn-up card, bis runs of ill luck orgood fortune as it tuny cbtince, andbo can give ebuptor and verse for dutiiback for many fears. Some woald,they dared, and some do so dare, cofess to a food belief iu dreams, and bthier future fort anna are ureBguredtbier Bleeping visions. Others ailim tlforcaliadowing of pre«entmentn, wbihowever, Bo!ilom or never ore attendedto, and (bus du no oao aaj gooij.

Others nre afl eonviuced of comiideath by the wurningfl couve.reil in tlhooting of owli nod tlietiok DRB Df tldenlli-watcb, ns by tbe vmlici of tldootorHtiniJ tiia raiagivinga of (lie inirt

Sumo would think it u fl?«Dg in tlaou of PimHcnce mid n wilful iHnbeltn evitleoee if tber denied the trutliopdarltiono botb befurn und after deal

Bonn oberisti a profounl ilist.ru atcerUin Jnjs, and would uasnmi nuw tliem|i for thiur nun Imltetn as marry onFriday, travel en a Friduy or begiu aimportant work nbatsoever ou tbet dietinfausta, uccuraed by all Christendom,To this day, indeed, Italiaua add TLday as unlucky for either marriagetravel.

Ki Veoerdi ni Marledi,NOQ B! aposa e non si part!.

Of Course Sbe Failed."So she's all broken up, eh ?" repllec

a Detroit lundlud^, vrh&o sbe beardthe fnilure of anotber woronn in thisame' butinesa iu Toledo. "Well,knew it was only a question of time,was In her bouse for n week, and siplainly that abe brtd BO economy abouther. X tell you n landlady must tbiiand plan." ' *Yes." Not only in grea1

things, bat ia email. There's pblloao-phy in running B boardiug house.'••How ?" "Well, I cau't step to tell joomore thnn one instance. I hare buck-vlieiit poooates er«ry maraiag tarbreakfaBt for fourteen boarders. Theyose batter on their cakeB. I keep thelat ter on ies until it is as bard as & rook.Tbe cakes nre ill placed on the table,not smoking hot, but mildly wa:joat want enough to soften the outatdoof a lump of baiter. Ia this way I makem snriag of two pounds of batter perweek over the usual way. of rushing 01hot nantnfaes. It's only one dodge oatof a hundred, bat the landlady whodoesn't piny more or less of them mustultimately come to grief.

He Liked I tA parry went op to Moosehokd Lake

to camp ont Tbe agreement WRI thatone man should do the cooking tillsome one complained, and then t iewho crumbled Bhould try bis band at i t

Tha eooiiDg WOJ frightful, bat "notone of tbe party-witb the penalty hanging in Ujrroretn over thier bands—daredaay a word. Finaly things came to aaoha paaa that each nan tried to Jnveiglobfs neighbor in freeing his mind. Oneday ont> of the party saw his friendwrithing in silent agony oyer 1 peloe ofalleged pie.

'Wlut do you think of tUat pie, any-how ? ' he asked.

1 Its the most internal pis I evorwrestled with in my lite,but,—antabivgthe gleam in the oth«r fellows eye, — ' Tlikeit—O.yei.Ililceit.1

* Bad Hoftdi III TeniiMMe*Tna ro»di are nnt piuable,Not even ftokuscble;And ail who waold ttavsl *«mJCaaimmoal «od gavel *«m.


"But I ffflnta bridlu roser,"*Y,t. but you cau't buvo one. Theilnmila ure ull Hiionoil under, unducrdbiivf gone out of fuybiuu nuyhoiv.'1 1'urn I want a diutnuud ring.''Sow dou'l Bay tliut, Suttili, fur I

wcut tu every store lust Butuviluy andthey WHS nil out of diiiimind ring a.'

' Then I waul it set of miuk furs,'•Niukfuntl Willium, I kno»v you'd

n second, but ibey've'em fill

e out of stylo uad uuu't be bad.Rrmli, I'm y<->r lather. Uuiut I ? •

Yfs, dud.'.Anil Iv« allus bin tender of ye ? 'Yes.'Tlieu be tender ot me. I want to

soeyitu Qiurried to Wiitintn. 7ou oau'thave u tower, nor u dimnoud iiug, Bact o( fata, bot I'll buy ye a pair of newgaiters, WilUutn will pay fur theoysters, and I'll bee that mother dltidiu|i tlie dlebea and bedding »ilb j

ill, do you wuut to seo my frruy iiaibuwed down?'

' Tljea don't flunk out ''Will they he two dollar gaiters?1


* And nil tbe oysters we enn cat 1''Yea, «U yuuhfn stuff."' A tut a tuwur Dext Pal), if wheat does

well I *

'TlienlgneBsI will. Come, Bill, Idon't keei two cents for you, but I'wantto oblige father. '—Leiroit Ffes Press,

FaMilonutjlfi CuIIl.(Cii)lei3 eeoted in tbe parlors or nil up

town mansion).'I've heard abe gave 6300 for that

group, I'd jiut aft soon htivB a chrumo,uldn'tyou?"Hu-a-u 1'And jusl look ut Hint oeutre-table—

looks like a fauoy. fair lor all the world,one would think—'

' EXhU*0°h, flbe*fi couting.'(Enter Indy of tbe houie.)' Ob. }on deer, darling orealurea I

Whajtan itgesiaofi I've seen you. Wjiarelave you been ? Ettjoyiug the holidays,

no doubt. I'm so glad to am you both!1

(Together.) 'And we are BO glad tosec you t How perfectly sweet you dolook I WSmt have ;uu been doing tovourself? Oil, it's thut lovely new drtsa!BO hmtwiuft i but than vuu look well in

•6b I (ib I Wlm'Hgotanew ueutikislouk? Dc'iirlUra. bmilh. I juston; it'subcuutlfal tiling I'Airs. Smith : 'Woll'ft otiglit to

Fiiiues gavuS425 for it.'•Yea; but tlmt'8 notulng.br Onion

Smith, you know. Eon is ho ? Iadmire tbo Colonel so much 1 But tin10 never louha at any one but yi

"Ob, yes! mike me believe tha:He's a tygnlai* old flirt ; bat I forginhim* for everything since lie's got nntbia cloak. Well, we really must g<evnr go mans more calls to tnak<Jfow return tbia soon; there's a daling. B;e>bye, aweetnesa."

Lady of the bouse tbe next caller;"Yes, that Mns. OQIOQOI Smith a

ier BiBtcr—what a dowdy her sister itlid call here and do joa believe, tbad the impudence to tell me—DKthai ber liuiband gavo 0425 for thatBtmbby old nenlskiD, as if I didn't knowexnctly what it-was woclh ? He'd mibetter pay his debts," 4o.r to., to.tinfinituDi.



Q U A L I T Y O F T O N E ,

Beautiful Musical Effects.


BEAUTY OF DESIGNTin j Rill ouilaat nil oomnton, cheap argini,liilotbfir mniical &Dd tneclinuie*! qualuK

ndo idHtratoout.




Cambrldgeport, Mass,


Depoti la Mew York, toot of Buouvy Bt. audrootofUUriitopherrtt,


s HONDAl', JDNE Itb, 1880.


At *iU0 A. M. (Tlirougb M*iJ T*»fe>, cou-aoiing witli tba ttoonlvii Unuvb *1 KiQ'Jleur itountuu ; Uiu OUtntei ilr»aoh at Dover furiiccaBuuii* aud Cheater; the t>u*»bx Mniiro*il1 Waterloo, for iuJovor, New u-it Una nil mt-otn; iUeD.,t,. A W. 11. n. »t Wwhiii tuo

U t t J U k W t O S v J l u



W.S. BABBITT,8Uu forGOcls. p

Tliebogi BLACK CA'3HEUE for ttrtid color.Tlio beel MOUIG Cuma in colors ami bUoTlio best Honrletia Cloth and Mourningie*B Ooodn uf »ll LIDOH,Thft choipoit ALL W0OL8HTJDDA8, dog

*Dd double width, colon ana bluk.H l o r line uf MOHIBB, ia cnliira

S Dxrw Ditmniot M]I binds 1



IIACKKTl'STOWK, N. JBQiifuctiirer of top and tin top buRftlei, tmt em fm<;(.'n. two rent PlmtutiN, Hrenateido n)>riiia bngKlen. Minute «?*t l'luoliuuntly tin liaiKf, nml mncle to order3B1 ii'mtorii-1 (tnj li.v tlie best mealmniciLit ll<e bmt woi-lamii employed. Eve,v v&^i'ntilft) i s rfpr^flcutL'tL It EPA.:m<! in nllitibi-sncUei at tht nwiat rIID .HIGH, eiuiri) natwfnntion given. On

j-ul-ulriMij work willbolnraoJ out. All orrti|>r<>inpt.;AtlDD(IiiItu, H'tler In pertou or

nil.t- la 1

rnnnoy by ootniOH to my fnotni'y bo fore pur-' ' JJI (slsowliert, tni nee m> alouk ami tuft-





a peerless remedr for Bcrofab, yftiLUSneUlBes, Caucer, Emluelas, eoat,

jludCH, kali Klmim,_ -loni Complaints, nod alltndlmtlnj an Iiipnro lk,ndlU«n ofU10 IMKKI. This Urand tltnoij Is •comuound of vegetable exlractH. tbaclili'f ur which ire H.ll«iriR(LUand STILMKUIA. Tim corti crr«e«<l

IVIIL'S BLOOD 1ND IJf r~ore absolute, ana th

record 1« nujMenred bT b l k n ,

MOTTSLIVER PILLS,They notlAr torpidity of th*3h*V (UP* ton« to tAe StomacThfff prevent yrtptnff of theXt nmow bifo from tbo HUtod

purify and invigorate ttu 3t cure all biilcut l i t



—"Whiiky in Moine," says Xeal Do'"is carried in snmJl bottles in tbe pock-ets of the linaor seller* and dealt ontupon the sly; it is pot into teapote,

& upon tbe kit oh an shelf; itluiltinto waJU of hoases, ia tin cam,

with » small rabber pipe by wbiah todraw it off; it ia oone»1e4 in amallbottles in tb« bed j it ia oonpeftl?d inbottles under (he floor, pat tb«nthrongh a trap Mint can be only reachediy removing tbe bad; It is oonoealed in

.all flnt botilea in the aab pit under theoven ol cooking stores; It is bl&den iwella attached to string* fastened comaInches below the snrfau of tha watjsr ;it is buried in manure heaps; it if con<eealed under the 0oor of the pigsty; itia hidden away upon tbe flat roof of thehonse, access to it talng had only byladder tbrougb 1 Mottle f it is bldjjeii

Bttiei, under Ihe floor in oellara binled in the earth."

Tbe Hindoo thtefi manner of aeolingwalls is rery (ogeaiotie. II U by m«iiol » hagfl UBitd wbipb he carriej withhim in bUnoctnrnil nnnble«. Tbepxooeds is u follow* • The liEard, whioh isperhapi a yard In leDgtb,^ritb. grotokm tnd tUttenea feet had auctionpowers like^lboBcot a i j # IB! made fast

the decoit by a lovgh «ml tied totail. When tbo await is panned

9 oomei 10 hi* buty dlgU to a wall,, qcicklj iLiom bil litaid over it

fast "to ibe olnei end ot tlieU lta^saetion power


p gyU'« mids

for MdJV and- BEAST.Far Extern*! nod Intero&I CTM.

Tho Greatest Tain IMieicr of tbo Age.


CMB t« nwd eiUnuU/ w • FluUr,

JOHN V. HEKRV, CtTSSAX *H u rncpniKToaa,

£4 CoIIega JUoo, HewToA.




Sussex St. DOVER, N. J.,*» iliorougbly ftirnUhoJ and eSoien

jped witli ihteo of QBIFFnn'6 CELE-


Ebrot'a, Fllsoer, Milwiijiec. Toledo, dnotn-niti. St. lanla, Petar DMlgmi-'i t»d LionBr«w«ry L»RO». Ttia bait WIKES, L14UOMana CIgfcri kt ths tar.

ISTOTIOEJNotim is hmby giten tUt all awonnta

for Btsbwrlptiofi to and tdTcrtiMmetrfa iitte IKOM E u dn« Boajamln H. Vort wenaodsned SepUmber 36th, I860, to Qaaa B,Jollej, »o9 W hin Ut Ths DOTW PrintingComptoy, w vbqm the nine mast be p*i*fNo onT«xdeptab »p1^e« t tMi>Mi0*h t h r i t j t i BJf

•criptiom fonaerlj belonglDg to B, H. Vogt,T D p c

TEACHERS WANTEDIits i i » u o i r M i j . o i b . : ^

•prlnguidiBmiaer. For p/ . O. Us

AGENTS WANTEDtbo IVilionil Hind Book of AUkkii ...

Lj..aw Tork.




ono-fo.nin« adllioo ol tlio Uif-'1 inq axploniloni of atanler, U»lEg»iooe,Um3,CUD««i Mdol t t r t , "A loll rwordor

mi»burg*uaD«U**"J »*; «luu tt Patllipoborg w

l«y Ktilru&daail LWIIIQU mil liuatB. fur JlutliUtium, UauobOtiank.fluribms


uilou,jalo AUutliot

te and Oatrega;ester B B »1

CrmwiDgXuif Yor* via. P»l-tbrouuh ta Wunt

ilou, Ure>t Bcud,U t l C r t U d

Do««c with Chester B. B., »1 Wadnuex B. B. fur Andovar, Newton hud RUtioui • at I*«lawtru with lilalratowu Itj . , attformUin, with ^lnaiuBborB DIVUIOD for PilU-ton, Kinnston, WUkoabwre, Danrilltt.North•amMrlaud, &.O., at Binfihunion with UtloaDineioa lot O«*DS, luwirteh. Ptfoa, »mi

Paateugurii UKing tlilnt , ?ateraou and Bouillonk l t o o with train Tor

iniobem. Itientaro,tbe Let.'4b VUtcy,

and Lehiglt aud Bttsqoehanu* Ba. w l a ; atPbiUin.lmrg with Botviaore Divuluu of Pa. B.B. forUuibwtfille, Tr»p too »D J Pbilndelptiia

" ' " ~ - A d i t i o i i

lot O «Hpriofii.Now Vo

Woau CDimeui at W uPhillip*buTu, .Etttod,Barriiliarfc soil pointand Lehiglt aud BttsqP b i U i l ith Botv

At 10.10 A- M. Dover AooumtuodAtUilK) U.Etatan Exprem.Ml-00P. 11. B'«b»ntto»BipMU",O wliw Koom

p.Strouda-Cariattacbad..burg, 8cnmU>n. ^oanoootlnB at Scrutou wilb BB & for HlUtoo, WjomlDfi Klwritou and WUSM-Bana, raaaeoNtn taking tbia train from Ms*Sort, pfttBruu ami Booutvn oka oonn*et at W«ib-l t i itb trtln No. S,

New York *l 3.30 I>. M (B»itoc Ei-proas) wnnootlng kt Waterloo for Atxlovnr,Sowtoo *ud Branohvllle, and at PbUIl^abnrfwilb tohlgU V»Uay Ballroad and Lcblgb andrfo«queJj»DD« B. it. fo Bthkhr- * ' — * —Beading and Burlab^ilrosdfarOolridor*.

At <i«a P. M, (HtckettitowD £spro») "top-plug at Ullburu, Summit, Cbftlbtm, SMKROD,Morri.towo and Ml tlatluDB neat to Baahetlbtowti, coiinoctfuu s t Waterloo witu train foiAmiovermnii Hew-on,

*i)*0 r . M., Dover Eiprean for Summit.Bonurdsvilie. UaabinRridse and all poin In on'aiiaio aud Det*«*ro Ballro.tl.) Chat 1mm,

JlaJiBou, iforrfitowa, MorriB liaius, Dtuvilk;Hookavuv nud Do*ur, Comietting ut DoiivHlcwith train for Boon ton, *t Dovor witli CbcuturItallroad for Obeitct and tinccaiuuun, ami also

i b KxpreiB tr.lo Uiv Wttorloo, IlnokutlutonnliiuKiou, SEnniiuka Obitnk. Wator Osp,ndsUarK, Hcrautgn, EionliftBitoo, Utlca,Hulti tiprtngs, tij-rtcaao and Onwego, «Hhm; cam tualied.

At 7:00 p. M. Oswego EipreeiIfurk (fieepln.if earn attaulita) via

- Otp, t

tramI, ...„ _ . lornon*

Uuunlan tdrouuti to Water OBD, Bir.iuikbnrf,derail ton, Dingliaiuluu, LJelo.KarntHun^urt-iund, Homer, Wyiaci.se mid OBWCKO, cnnncolit Waterloo with Sussex Itiiiroatl fur hndover.ind NentoBj »t DeU ware with Blalri>i(i\vtilty.\ t Jllncbiiulou with trnin luiOroeue,Uxtmil,Nomlcli, Utica, 4o. This tr«iu rnnu thrcmyti

\tTi%°P.*ulrpfilVt)»l'nr([SpGeIat for(;lmt-

mj/loii, Kftsmn, Bi'llilflifai, Allo,ilowiif lieail-If and Harrldimrgi willioutohinto.Fur BGrunrdavlllu, Bankincrid^R, Lynni,.tllianU»i..8tir]ing, Oilktto.&rkok.j-Htifililid •!) staliooK oa l'«ns»io 104 0uI»wuri> If.

I U K J. VW*t Line Hailrond) 6:43 A. M. dud

' A. 1

DOVER TIME TABLE.Train* »rrhe and dspirt from tb 1M

03E9TBB BEANOB:gTWAan. nanoni. uarwiBD.M, t'.a, A. 11. P. a

10.57 7.00 Chatter S.M B.8B10.17 6.63 Barton 8.07 i-U10.37 B.47 Iranla 9. A 4.8010.27 6.43 SttMMunna 8.IT 4.4010.17 6hB UoOalnnlllt' B.M l . »[0.05 6.3(1 Port Oram 8.38 G.10

6.25 Dover 8.85 fi.95


A. H. T. M,7.S0 4.808.S0 3,109.48 " "




new rorc,FhiUdolpliii,

sau~-HhltlleTtller,Qermaa Tatfey,S»niihrlBhl,flartler,FUndt'n,Ctry >,Krnill,Pnrt Onm,

A. • . p. • .0.19 i.M

10.10 7.917.18 1.10

J.U . . . .1.B1 S.1Ie.38 S.M6.B8 2.676.G1 3.530.1B 3.106.80 3.35



MRS. S, TREWARTHA'S,w li tile silo ami rotnll ticalorin



Clmrch Fairii. FtBtmlti mil Ph'-nlt B, r

jiiTft willi Rood ffontln AIHO the "RASbV!^1ffJ8" ffoi'Jii-r^noivnifil OIIK11 UropH.

VQAIID AND LODGING! by tbo DAY cWEEK, ft! ri!«>ioniiblu raten. -if-IT

In the renewal of MoKIBGAN & Co.'s ad-vertisement in this paper we feel that thisold reliable firm deserve more than a meremention. This firm has essentially "StruokOil." Commencing business with the firstintroduction of Petroleum, by steady indus cryand strict attention to business and the wantsof their customers, they are to-day the greatoil kings of the State, McKIRO-AN & Co.'OILS are noted for their PURITY, SAFETY,BBILLIANOY and ECONOMY. All thevarious brands of Oils handled by this firmare perfectly pure and are up to the markedstandard as rated. They handle no impureoils. This being the case dealers ia MorrisCounty and vicinity, if there are any who donot deal with this firm, we advise them toopen business relations with them.) as weknow whereof we speak when we advise themto that effect. Their Machinery Oil is usedall over this busy region. There is no opposi-tion to it inthe market. Their BRILLIANTSAFETY and PARLOR WATER "WHITEbrands tor illuminators are superior to gasand rank next to the electric light for illu-minating purposes.

McKIRGAM Si CO., Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE,eth.isTo. idem IO-mxxr.a.nK. SO*, a*

BEATTTS ORGANS 14. STOPS ONLY $65.• ™ ^ H ? C ^ " - • -Hn-Ucpth^Hn. La!i]0tl>4'jlii.\Vi-iKhiihut(liu)liui. 1L -»-

sini (4 fiiui-iiit 0(1110 wlcbraUMl Uoldun ToniilrdH, (i1*! raurtcra f>i«tu( (i) Hub UKWJI, j « u « i

GEO. MANN'SNew Billiard Parlor

riALOUN, Blackwell St., Cover, j-iBllitted up with tew ami elegant appoiutmeuta.

ra to tbe ]>

*,il imAnrtnmcntbnxitlsnildi'lH


, one of tii« qui-)Ht olumuint placet) of enjoyment

town. THE BILL1AHD PAR1OK cou-iiiH two fine onroia tables and is fitted upth uverjtltlug neceasary for tbe enjoymcut

of the gftuie. HCFFEL'8 LAGER, tlio Bu-rnt Ixjvcrnge drank, alwaya kept in frtsbupplieti, nnd & full Htouk of German cheeses,rtiivral watorw, Pino Apple Cidor, PretzolH,Si.rdiucs, etc. GoorfjB will bo olwajB on

.nil to plti.M) liia fri^uds, and will mafrucry stranger feel at bouie. D2-3iu

Freeman Wood,

37-1 y



DOV13E, N. J.






UNDERWEAR,fur J>diei, Oeut* And Cliildren &l


A. TAYLOR & SON,; Iliclr UBIT placD tif bumnciH orrr OcurKCRkbnrils & Oo.'ii Htote, BLACK WELL HT

DOTJJB, Blill cDnllnnc Ibo ICM) IO thisluaunfacturo or nil kinds of

HARNESSid hone equipments, and ilt-alro la OS 11 it-utfoa ID tliclr BluokoCHiraegg, ciinBlitlng ol



Sneofa! it.entfaa RiTea to tbo mtklnff of

Profitable Reading for Everybodyt BUIIIMU n m and women, ttach«n,m«tianlc>,

ml by Che couuuii toil and' -worry of yout' ' 'ion't dcusk inloxkitins Hum, tin me

•JM:w:iM*aiJM<:**>Kia.Ate y « . luHetug from I>v.pep*i», Hheun,.-'Alt you luIeHogitowiDyipepii*, Rheum

lam, NeursJgii or wilb Btnrd, KiWy, UverUriimy rompiiinu, you can be turtd by uting

II you u« (nfteblnlby . . . . . ...honk ana your fjnirT* ivcetU iDv^onllnR, orHI baye ^Impta inJ bloithti, utd vour bloo^

„ uxl Dther TcSirt, u ii nvtvr'lrteNiutM,uxl torabinti t i t best cuntlvt proptrtlc* 01 nil.It HM Xtori nvadrrti ol Ur«*j li Bar

Hue Toan.Duy • fuCh boltla uf your dnuS4tj u d tn Kvnd

tmstvtf eiU t« aura our fticnftlurfl a nn the tHit*K)e wrapper. Hucov * Co., O.tai,l%, N, Y.


MRS. M. FARR' Fort Oran, would rcspectfallj call tbe *1

mutton or tlie I edits or tint iilioe nt<l rioitiitto her new HIVICH in PALL MtLUNERlHlie lUo koepi all tlio liteat not el tie* In

Ladies' Fancv Goods.flho in nle<i SOLE AOEKT in TORT ORAM

ior threu Uifftri'ut Utmn, v n :

'llDukCrvtialUpHoal_ ... ror Minn, liomnrust's

rATTEJlNS. Uieeiiuri.calLPutt Or»in, Ma.v ad, 1680.

IKA C C00PEK,MASON AND BUILDER!Cintraols taken ami miteiUla furniabca Tor


and all iindi of work, wliolber of SRI0K o:

Offise ODilor TUB IHOM Em building, Slurrie•ttept, Dover, N. J. 44-tf



laneaiidSpcctBcatloiiBfurbmidingi^oiitraolitaken and matoritliftirnlBUoil.

Slate KooflugWitli hotter facilities X am enabled tu puSLATE HOOFS cheaper than o*er unlu

oua bat tbe bestquality ot sUtenndemoyinn flrrtt oluKH uiHolmiiics. I cun gu«r.ittn mcteriftl and work in overy parlicu

Ur. T'<r Khciatbiiifi Felt alwaya OD hi ~Dated October 13tb, 1880.

THE BEST PLAGEiff atgkioa for os^omeotlu tlilSBectloa i»


JJRI rrer:.'cd ind ph<-e<1 In jio^Ilion THIXE


Pool Tablesi tbe ct-Ieljratcd matinfiC.017 uf J . U.


OECHESTEIONlino iait 'been suppliod wilh new :(vllld(.llghl tii* pitroneof theliouteevf. lui-nialiiuB muaio equal to »


LAGER BEERilKa.o on draogbt and the best of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS«IIMJ» prnTJdtd for tJjs patrons nf


auil elegaai


DOVER,IV. .J.tally AUilmnzcfl ageiil of the lollcwlngHi

HuaBODiiifinHiCH—the l ,c , t iD t he wor ld :


GLOBE, Capital $20,000,000.


Capital 810,000,000.


Capital 810,000,000.


oapiiol S6,oco,ooa

HUDSON OODNTY, Jomor Ci t j ,

Capital tnO0,U00.

r E O F l J J ' S . Newark. •' 31)0,000.


of Phitadalpbia, Ajseta fuoo.WK).11x6 London Aammoce Oarporstloit

London, capital 9£,£0O,€OO.SpAugOeli Fire IcKunmee Oo , ilaasuih

aetis, capital {l.mo.DOO.Westchnster Tire litmirance Comrnav ol

N«» York, capital $500,000.

MMiH AMERWiN $l,0m,00fl

Fire Association ofPfaABHTTS *3,G0O,00U

» " • 500.WH)

WHOLESALE PRICESamry pimi!i»«f-r of 25HOIXS »r m


inj-jja Aawrtroeut or^ tb juf Cooking Biovrs, BauKo«, 1'nrlor

ImpuHtid Ftcncli WalCtlllnj,' I'apiTH, Oorner J'


4,000 BOLLSAUo,ft choice Btoclt of

Hardirare, Cutlery,

Oil Clotlia. ('uri'OtB, Lamps, Pilots al>lrdOai{bi, Fuatlieru, Pntt'tt Aitral u

' i ) AU{ ,e.) AUo.O K A L E R IN COA I



APPAHATOB.Bunles ut Alauufal

Hirer's pri

Constipation and Piles.I)R. II. It. CI.AHK, South liera.Vi I I I M : T 'JI:OI ;.I.-.:

ncled Ilkcacbnrn. I lhn.nm-<li s n

tMnlcoMton'lLLU, uuil l imtuvirfBtl efflcknllj."

£Kt7£N * BOMNKIJ/..nufacturerH of BUKNKLI.'S SEM-'.



Standard Apple, Pear,

Cherry and Quince TreeOr:ip« VIIIC.K ind Smnll FruliB, AHHhrulia.IliKPB nnd Evti-Brt-uns («r I

can wiirrunt tlio vamu iirnl-eliniM uu-1 t i ttu incnnc lc l i cap t r Iban Hit) L'litupcnt.

Something Kew in StrawborriI li*ve a mm variclj of Straw

Presidenl Lintulti, nno uftlio verImrricg bnovn for azu uml qu

Oruoraaent by mail will receive prnmt>tbtion. 0. W.COWDREY AWD BEY EOLD DT

VELLS,ItrcraKDSOSA<.0., Pro

Freeman "Wood,O of tlie P«»oe aoJ Pollco Mightrati

THE best BLEACHED SIUflLIN fur iuror yard N at V. S. IlADIUTTS. Stu,,,.

arcl Blenched Muslim, N, Y. aiiJIg, Utica, Pmleof tli* Wont, Wamgutu, Fruit uf tbo Loom IDFruit of the Loom, Hill, Ilolmosvllle, Uarkfi

Also HotmBsi'fllo ligtit-gowu cotton, extrno Drill, otc, at


Parker's Hair Balsam, XTh« D*ii * Matt Ecc*>mle*J Btlt Vr


ARNDTSUSSEX St. GROCER,ltd!M»UnBM tokeenafnttaad fraabqiuui.


'and Prorlgipns,


!onlgs ind damMio, tha brit nulaa ot'•-'——- n d aU nppliu «t tbe


I E V5B5E? OF TEE 1 .513 ,

D0TEE, N. J.

OFFICE adloiptnv'flmlll.

linlDR tha DoTer Lanber Cam-lll. Oonlmcu uken, andplinf,

SLATE ROOFINP,Slate furnlihtid front the baxt qnarriei by

bo •mall qotntitj or ft* loafl, tnd laid. If dr.red, by etperiegsei workmsatt Jovmttw,



DO7&U «. J.Carp«>t Weaving, In ail width*, done in

first-oUsa Btyle ot lowest mtas. The boathind of warp only luted. Hew curpeta onhrud for saie. Ttio bigtaent price paid forrags, or taken in eichanKefor carpetC L O T H E S D Y E D a u d Clea

i n good s ty le .'r.Uu<3Sih. IBM.


For nut , tin* place oa 'Waibinfcton Btrtet,HorriilonD, occupied Tor tboct 30 veari byL. Sobnreinmi, ai a mirblo yard. loe»tlon•D nMlUnl one for bnifnen. Apply to

JA8. M. SOHSAIiL,pitx Toorbeii Blo«. Birdware Bton

M » P • Uotruttwn 1

- n - toporttillnni of Usutfien N»ti. . .part* and »R6* of the world. Tbe only

lam* a*ee tuaod eaferiag tlila great nub-,' OOBIHIIH a tbouMiiil'on—the W.W 1nwj.ti»L , . . _ „, .strum* belt* ami Hplrib, >M D M tiny ofi, with all tbe «t™oja fcalteii, • - - - •omi, forma of Wor*hip,

IrillbaA IrakoLiiet

<a,«nnMUd *nd bound In atrfsl wxik, certain

iimpla ptgei, tetroa,qUB

W TO OfcMloai fit.,


Warent, iait rail.. Qtar 1(0 apld br «• UalTear, sand for clrraiar.


AIM nuixu if *!?. mw

Agricultural Impfemeni3,8eetfsf

Fertilizers, etc.


Htowtw* PhnvO, Acgoli TUaael, Eonai P i o -DOI, a*D«e null Ttrltlcd Flan no , (Jmtop Finnel from 10 to 25 m bleacled »ori uobl




• »lw*yB on band a fall rod freak ttoaVit ID da rd £ooda at


VIOLA BRAND,jod Uke no other. It ia ahTV»,r.ood_«n btrelied upon evftry time. Kundfirson b » It,and on th.o one brand h*i lucre*ted bin dontrade 500 per cent. 11-tf


tnlOR perfert HaUaKeKon.:r~ * • 'where.er uhibiiad. F»e •with each piano. EaCffmt IDfV)h and powerlal in tone. 1—•-' QataiogDurrM. J,A

, W. tttli fit. b«U 9thr lark. PW/.nM.i.on t ie paper whoraW« thil athflitlMmsnt. M3W



Jbsepli YorknuuMim.'a.



alw*j« o»ri7 a complete stock *>(

Dry Goods



u , uhiELVB CI.KAM PALM lu

roe. Scud for circular, witli full ii.r-.n

ELY'S C!lBiM EALM CO., Owtfio, N. Y,


Ontitiiiiniiy Catarrh nti;l liny F e m n i idieHivs li(r|> hi Hidtk UICIO is jumti of wit

Jrf.-ani Culm tliaeovcrv. Wu hilvf uuvcr hill

truction, C. >. CUITTRTiTON,115 Fultun ttt., Ni>w \n


,nd by Whtilcoalo BrugcJBti genorally. M-fi

M A E T I N & B U C K ,

tai Sign u . OmstalalIRA1NERS, GITJ)EIia nrni PAPEIl HANiIIS. CoB[raots(a!f('nfli;.fw^«n,il^mw.'.kooiflB dcoornlod in rri:tciii> Mvh'S. [JiiviiiRliorcQch knnwledEB or limim? itu<l ••ivii I'^'i]R, wo feel competent to mcei tlic; iliuinn

of all. Paint fchop in tfis OLD Pit£sBITEMAN CHOUGH. P. O. Uni 183,

MAIITIN. '19-ly A. PUCK,

HARDWARE ^CUTLERY,• i tL xnrow or

Mining Materials,

fias Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,

H. RENSTROM,The Tailor,

still la basiuoxH, opposite Iho depot, awill pay strict attention to the making of

rmsT-pjjAss cosroM WORKat low rfttoa. Clotbitig cleaned and neaCrepaired. fi-iy


REAL ESTATE!The nubBLTilicr, Eii-culor r.f T.z<-U\,\ Avr^«

ivt-iiiiBt-tl, nill evil at t'UliUG HALE, on (Ii


Drafts and Passage Tickets

o u d froinZttnpd.


FOR SALE!A property eonprlrisK IWrty-fi,* p g ^ortJjr Improved, u i ] located UOnselowo.

Uei from Do?«r on the S l d jCbeaur.


. p p j•MSB." JA3TB H. WIM31V9,

INO WATEIl litC limber of 1be above furt

The ibovapromiBOS lio HIOHR the public rfrnmHai'krltiti.wn to Waterloo and t*\miimill' Iron tbo Watorlou depot of the D., L. A,VI. 71. n . f!o. -Ftilti to take p ! a P 0 n t 1 0"clo 'H. TEHMS WAKE E A BY '

C. H. VALENTINE, ElectPehranryUt.lSHl. '

ORGANS 000 j 2 to 32

ELY'S CREAM BALM.ELY'S CHEAH DUJta t r i a lunafcrins from Oamrrli j . u |«VHiiK I bciicve it to bo Ihn

M wi!J rare thi* lorribfc «liB.

* ^oon * i E f i ' m r rPr B °i onflcn for '

lid b

SHERIFF'S SALE!cnit Court—EMU Pool, piniutift, vs.irtiok, Oefcudani. Alias li. in. doter. In citd. Huti.rimdfe to JJuy

. E. I860.miCE & COOK, Atfya.

if of tlio aiipvt stjiiPii writ of fieri.. . „ . iv bamlx, It>lin)l cipony lor Haiti atPublic Vctiilno, at tlio Oouri HOUHU. in Morris-towu, N.J.,un

MOSDAY, the SBth aayorillHROARVnext,A. I). ]8Slt betwean tlm liour- uf 12 SI. and 5

" -!«cl! P. M., that is to ttav »t 2 oWaeh In tbeiernnnn of tmlii «taj, ni. tlmt eei-UIti tract

iu I i r i i n 7 i n | i u i ir II h III 11FE l u l l . Ill UIO V"O1IHI V Ol

umMaiitlriiatBnr New JITKCJ, boupUiid and

ilrpiimihKiitalicnViirsloHenn.Jfirni.llcar-l1* JHIP. BIU « wi-iicr Io naid Jlil.'ur'j. iv-nod

inj! Ill-,fgjntiiiiff,lnm.ln.ciil

lhe of

in »'<W(.(l'frimi HHir.v^nMc^nnel•oli Itwirick, ifntnl iprilSOtii, 1974,•i Hnok \T 0,lingo 412, Ao.WIILI-VM II. MuDAVIT, ShorttT.

DnleslDecISth, 1S60, (7.J0





VTO mtdttinnul chiirsc tor mtmotinu where.1 ut'ir tuolh »ro t.uortfd. IVeare nowmkk-

lieonttfill Belt or tenth fur


J ILirtiPRutD.-ubie

n, D i M o Pamafk, Table Lin D, Hap-


J b b t Sh»I.| Dress Sfiawls!AT


Morris Couatj.-.-Surrogate'e S i t ,

• t J, l*y lotUnir up & n u m m tbi* on) O P .' en ts IIHVB liurcnl (cr, (c flvn »( t In , mmtt

•p| tiillitiitliDEiico l<oinK

hall be (

:inn,onHis,piihi|iffiif], Hiifh credit(11''f.iiiorliorno: , , i l t l u

OHAHI.ES A. QILLBN,o copy from the iniiiuU-u.

.il period


WM. V0RTMAN, Prnp'r.well kopt hotol with Gvflry anporamDda-Tor man and hnrue. Tho best liouoriHt-fi&rH at tha bar. and comfort aimed

] evi'ry d p t t, ThoBaltn l»doinp wo

ave n«d cMrytbing aslvcnrfiianilfli eattiL Oaiuix

for mbut


TOBLBACHED MUSUKSall th. iUUa in ii.ia.rt n i b . > t


k«pt onbatd auil sold in largs 01 im.ll

INFORMATION WANTED!fcny Inforreiitlon perluinlae to tbP whore-«fitn of Jobn Dona, Jr., will bo tbankrally:niv-a by bin lather, ThD boy.Joft lioino

ibonl t*o yeAn ago at tfco aRB Qtie;l*aa*IB ytani, •mall in ttatnw and tfcifc eves.

A'ddrus, *JOHN rJjJHK, ft-.

» P Mine Hill, N. J.

STORE TO LET!orihabaii piacm for tn£e In Demi

'or builaen; Uo°(lMri [ran ifc°putMCIcu, Applj to -


• iS i . -.( ."."- «t