fndira Securiti es Private Limite d Office "Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road, Mumbai 400007 'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6 Fax: 022 6622 4201 PMS SEBI Reg. No: INP0O0fi)5018 DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT FORPORTFOLI OMANAGEMENT The Disclosure document has been filed with the Board along with the gertiqcates in the prescribed format in terms of regulation 14 of the SEBI (Portfolio Marmgers) regulations I 993 The purpose of the document is to provide essential information about the portfolio management services of Iadira Securities private Limited, in a mamer to assist and enable the investors in making informed decision for argaging lndira Securities Private Limited for managing their portfolio. The necessary information about the pordolio manager required by an investor before investing are given herein, and the investor is advised to retain ihis document for future reference. t iv. Details of Compliance Oflicer: Name and Address Phone Ernail Phone E-mail : Mr. Indrendu K Joshi : 2O4-205 Amardarshan Building, 28/2 Old Palasiya, Saket Nagar Square, Indore (MP) 452018 : 0731 - 4797175, [email protected] I : Mr. Anurag N. Choudhary : 204-205 Amardarshan Building,2812 O1d Palasiy4 Saket Nagar Square, lndore (MP) 452018 : 073 1 -4791 L5 1, [email protected] Details ofthe Principal Officer: Name and Address

fndira Securities Private Limited · fndira Securities Private Limited Office "Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road, Mumbai 400007 'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6 Fax: 022

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Page 1: fndira Securities Private Limited · fndira Securities Private Limited Office "Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road, Mumbai 400007 'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6 Fax: 022

fndira Securities Private LimitedOffice

"Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road,Mumbai 400007

'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6Fax: 022 6622 4201

PMS SEBI Reg. No: INP0O0fi)5018


The Disclosure document has been filed with the Board along with thegertiqcates in the prescribed format in terms of regulation 14 of the SEBI(Portfolio Marmgers) regulations I 993

The purpose of the document is to provide essential information about theportfolio management services of Iadira Securities private Limited, in a mamer toassist and enable the investors in making informed decision for argaging lndiraSecurities Private Limited for managing their portfolio.

The necessary information about the pordolio manager required by an investorbefore investing are given herein, and the investor is advised to retain ihis documentfor future reference.


iv. Details of Compliance Oflicer:

Name and Address

Phone Ernail

Phone E-mail

: Mr. Indrendu K Joshi: 2O4-205 Amardarshan Building, 28/2 Old

Palasiya, Saket Nagar Square, Indore (MP)452018

: 0731 - 4797175, [email protected]


: Mr. Anurag N. Choudhary: 204-205 Amardarshan Building,2812 O1dPalasiy4 Saket Nagar Square,lndore (MP) 452018

: 073 1 -4791 L5 1, [email protected]

Details ofthe Principal Officer:

Name and Address

Page 2: fndira Securities Private Limited · fndira Securities Private Limited Office "Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road, Mumbai 400007 'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6 Fax: 022


Itenr No. Pase No




Disclaimer Clause



(i) History, Present business & background ofthe portfolio manager

(ii) Promoters of the Forfolio Manager, Directors & their background

(iii) Profile of Key Person for PMS

(iv) Details of Group Company

(v) Details ofthe services being offered

Penalties, litigations, proceedings etc.

Services Offered

Portfolio Risks

Client Representation

Related Party Transaction

Portfolio Management performance

Financial lnfornoation

Nature of Expenses


Accounting Policies

Investors Services
































Page 3: fndira Securities Private Limited · fndira Securities Private Limited Office "Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road, Mumbai 400007 'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6 Fax: 022

The particulars of the services have been prepared in accordance with the Securities andlxchange Board of India (Portfolio N{anagers) Regulations 1993, as amended till dde andfiled with Securities and Exchange Board of Indi; (SEBI). The disclosure documents hasneither been

_approved nor disapproved by SEBI nor has. SEBI certified the accuracy oradequacy ofthe contents ofthe Document.

1) Disclaimer Clause

2l Definitions




(iv) AbbreviationsUsed

Reserve Bank of India

Portfolio Management Service

Portfoho Manager: Indira Securities private l_imited is hereafter referred to as thePorfolio Manager.hvestors: Individuals, Companies, HUF, and NRls who desire to join the pMSoflndira Securities Private Limited wll be referred to as Investors.Discretionary Portfolio nranagement: The portfolio manager has the absolutediscretion to make all the inv€stment, reinvestn.lent and othir decisions relating tothe management ofthe porfotio.

SEBIThe Board established under the Securities and Exchange Boardof IadiaAa, i992



NAVNet Asset Value meals the sum total of tie current value of thesecurities plus bank balance and receivables less payables and pMSfees.

NRI Non-Resident Indian

HUP Hindu Undivided Family


Page 4: fndira Securities Private Limited · fndira Securities Private Limited Office "Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road, Mumbai 400007 'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6 Fax: 022

3) Description


Indira Securities primte Limited is incorporated as a private Limited company promotedwith the obje*ive of rerdering Fi^ancial S.rvice, s,,J ", b;kd;ri ;;;rf"];;management. Presently the company has no intention ofdoing any other actirities.


Mr. Naly Vijay Ramava! Managing Director

m: N"ly is the Managing Director at Indira Securities since 2009. An adept and professionaltrader for 6 vears now, he has given the organization o,.,.t*dirg out oi the to, ia"u. ontrading in any market cycle (whether bultistr or Uearish;

f1 lgT:".""q eruduate by qualification, Mr. Nary has always followed the 3T principle :-TIME- Value itTEAM- Together we can achieve moreTECHNOLOGY- make life simple

He and his team have deveroped several successful Mechanical rrading Systems that cater todiYerse investor,r trader categories across multipl,a market s^81""ri..

His keen desire to keep researching a1d enhancing his sk rs as a trader has been the keyreason behind his rewarding career and helped him expand his organization. Mr N"; h;',always been a firm believer that "Knowledge is powerr Knowledge ,r"r"a i. po*".Multiplied"one can't grow in isolation and that's where he started enriching others. Mr. Naly has been agreat nentor & motlvator to mmerous stude.nts, traders, brokers and investneniprofessionals who are now managing their ovm portfolios.

Mr. Sanjay C. Baxi, Director

Mr. sanjay c. Baxi is the Director and cEo of Indira Group. He is a post Graduate infolme-rce. fiom Universiry of Mumbai. A leader by nature, he has invested hi.

"rdr; t;rrtilin developing the company's future. He is extremely industrious by nature ano a uitraotpersonaliq,. He has been associated with the group for more than a decade and hassuccessfully managed to take the company to its pies.nt stature. He has traveled extensiverywithin India and abroad to gather experience about the domestic and Intemational l,rarkets,He maintains a high repute in the society may it be the Exchanges, Ba:rks or the BrokerCorninimity, *ith his diversifiod professiohal acfivities aiid bonevoleirt oohtribntiohs with-tuand outside the comm,nity. He believes in catering to the human aspect, tending him to servethe clients as members of the Indira Group.


Page 5: fndira Securities Private Limited · fndira Securities Private Limited Office "Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road, Mumbai 400007 'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6 Fax: 022

(iii) Profile of Key Person for PMS

Mr. Vijit Vijay Ramavar, Fu-nd Manager

Mr. Vijit Vijay Ramavat is Co-Promoter and Dtector of a major constituents of Indira Groupi.e. Indira Commodities @) Ltd and was director in Indira Securities (P) Ltd. (from18.03.2010 to 26.03.2015). He also heads a wealti management business, and iscontinuously involved in exploring new ways to adapt technologies for businessenhancement. A gnduate in commerce from DAVV lndore. he has been associated withIndira Group since I 995 and a member of the Board of Directors since 2010.

Mr. Vtjrt commenced his career as a Technofunda Analyst and through his analyticalexpertise he predicts mmket trends for multi bagger investments opporhrnities. Being the keystrength behind the company's research t*im, he has led many successful initiatives for thegroup. Having ethical nature and exceptional leadership skills Mr. Vijit has created andtrained many successf,rl traders in capital markets. He has also been associated with ReliableSoftwars, Accord Firrlech arrd eSignal, fow ofthe leading trading software partnem.

(iv) Indira Commodities Private Limited TM of MCX and NCDEX is Group Company ofPortfolio Manager. lndira Securities Pvt. Ltd.

(v) DetailsofServicesOffered Under PMS:

The Porfotio Manager offers Discretionary Portfoho Management currendy

4) Penalties, pending litigation or proceedings, findings of inspeetioninvestigations for which action mry have been taken or initiated by



(i) Parding Cases ofpenalties imposed by SEBI or the directionsissued by SEBI under the SEBI Act or Rules or Reguidionsmade ftere tmder.


(ii) The nature ofthe penalty/direction Not applicable

(iii) Penalties imposed for any economic offence and./ o None

crviolaicn ofary seo.rities la,rs

(iv) Any pending material litigdion /legal proceedings againstthe portfolio manager/key personnel with separae disclosureregarding pending criminal cases, if any.


(v) Any deficiency in the systerns and operations oftheporfolio manager observed by the Board or any regulatoryagency.

None(vi) Any enquiry/ adjudication proceedings initiated by theBoard against the portfolio manager or its directors, principalofficer or employee or any person directly or indirectlyconnected with the portfolio manager or its directors,principal offrcer or employee, under the Act o Rules orRegulations made there under.



Page 6: fndira Securities Private Limited · fndira Securities Private Limited Office "Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road, Mumbai 400007 'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6 Fax: 022

5) Services O{fered

Dissretionarv Portfolio Manaqement

This service provides discretionary por$olio management for c4ital growth by blendrngmarket intelligarce with fundamentals. Any individual, NRI and corporate can join pMS.with a minimum initial investment of Rripees Twen8 Five lakhs.

PMS Obieclive Policv

o Portf,olio may comprise of sh.419q bonds, cash 4n! any other filancial in.strumort inaccordance with ari agreed strategy berw-een the portroiio manager a.rd client

a A dedicated, qualified iioitfolio inanagar is assighed who takes full charge ofinvestnent decisions

o The portfolio manager has absolute discretion to make investment decisions on thechent's behaltl

o Potential of long-terrn capital growth

o Ensures efficient management and swifl reaction as circumstances diclate

o Regular reports are provided

The investments will be made in the name of the investors subject to such conditions asstipulaled by the portfolio manager.

6) Portfolio Rirks

1. The portfolio management service will be rendered stnctly in accordance ,,th securitiesand Exchange Board of krdia (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 1993 and amendments thereto. Investors should familiarize themselves with these regulations.

2. securities investments are subject to market risks and the NAV of the portfolio may goup and go down depending upon the factors affecting the securities market. There can be noassulanqe or guarantqg that tle objectives of tle investments will be achieved.

3. The past performarce of the Portfolio Manager is not indicative of and does notguarantee future performance of the porfolio Manager. The portfolio Manager does not giveany assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the service will be achieved as investmerit inequity marka is subject to market risks.

4. The achievement of the otrjective of the service is subject to the macro and microeconomic faaors affecting the c4itat markets and the rules ald regulalions that may beenacted to govem tie various sectors and industries.

5. The normal risk of voldility and loss of capital applicable to concentration of invesanertin one cdegory of security in one sector or industry is appricable to the investmants madeunder PMS.


Page 7: fndira Securities Private Limited · fndira Securities Private Limited Office "Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road, Mumbai 400007 'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6 Fax: 022

6, The portfolio manager has started the PMS activities from date: March 4,2016

7. The portfolio manager does not in any way assure the protection of capital of the clientand loss of capital is always a possibility.

7) (i)Clierr3$lr$eEletios

Category of ClientsNo. ofClients Funds Maiaged (Rs.)

Discretionary / NonDiscretionaiy

Corporate Client 2 125 lakh Discretionary

lndividual Client l3 438 lakh Discrctionary


8) (ii) Related Pa rtv Transaction

lndira Securities Private Limited is also Trading Member of NSE, BSE andDepository Participant ofCDSL. We use our own broking channel for trading andDP accounts Purpos€.

Only Mr. Navy Vliay Ramavat (Dfuector) and Mr. Sanjay C Baxi draws

remrmeration among other directors.

9) Portfolio Manasement Performance



Particulars U04n6t/09fi6

Ur0t20t6t to3t20t7





IO) FINANCIAL INFORMATIONCa tal Structure in lakhs

16.34o/o 8.56yofromRetumPMS

3.58o/o I | 32vo

5.96Yo 3.32Yoll.64Yo

Year orior to thepreceding ofcurrent vear(zots-zfi6)




733.32 I J5.3 Z 733.32(al Paid Uo Share' ' Capital

1936.07 2290.83

(b) Free Reserves

l5 88.02

2669.39 3024.t5Total (a+b) 2321.34




Page 8: fndira Securities Private Limited · fndira Securities Private Limited Office "Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road, Mumbai 400007 'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6 Fax: 022

1't) Nature of exnenses


Fee structures are as follows

A) Annual maintenance charges: 2oui per Annum ofthe porffiolio Amount

B) Sharing ofProfit: 15%

C) Hurdle Rate: 15%

D) Exi{ I-oad: 196

Other Exoenses

Mr. Aman Jain,Customer Care OfficerIndira Securities Private Limited,204-205 Amardarshan Bullding 2E/2 Old palasiy4 Saket Square, Indore (Mp) 452018Ph: O73 1 - 47 97 17 O-7 1 [email protected]

3*::*:..:l ,,!llrgrr:ll,n*: deposrtory. charges. bank charges. tegat and saturorycnarges. ( uslodtal and other transactton related expenses would be chaiged at u"tra ,,6would be debited from the portfolio management account.

11) Taxation

Income Tax: _Under the portfolio- man€ement service, responsibility of the income tax

pa)T nent on the income eamed from pMS activities i" on th" investors. Ho*err. trr"por$olio manager wrll proude adequate siatements required for fie accounting purpose.

121 AccountinsPoticies

a) Value of shares brought in, if any, for p_M! acti!1ty or taken out of the activity, if any,ar^e.takq aJ the rate quoted at Bombay Stock ExcharglA{ational Sto"k E ch;;e;; tL;yof the relative transaction.

b) Profit or loss on sale of securities is calculated on the 'first in first out, method.

f3) investor Services

(i) Name,address and telephone number ofthe investor relation officer


Page 9: fndira Securities Private Limited · fndira Securities Private Limited Office "Indira House" 5 Topiwala Lang Lamington Road, Mumbai 400007 'f el. : 022 62242O2 -20 4 -20 6 Fax: 022

(ll) Grievances Redressel and dispute setttement mechrnfum

All gnevances and disputes wrl_l \ received at the cotporde ofrce of the por$oliomanager (as mentioned in clause 13 (i) above) and the portforio manager wi ensure timelyand prompt R edressal of the gnevances and disputes. The cliits can emarl theircomplatntr to Mr. Anurag N. Choudhary, Compliance Office i,[email protected]. If the client is not salisfied'with the .esponse provrded throughthis channel the client can escalate the issue to the Managing Director of Indira SecuritiesPnvate Limited at the following address:

Mr. Nary Vijay Ramavat, Director

Indira Securities Privde L[nited,"Ramavat House" E-15 Saket Nagar, Indore Mp (452018)Ph:0731 [email protected]

Escalation to the regulator: In case the crient is not satisfied with the response fromthe. Portfolio N1*uger, the client can approach The Securities and Exchante Soar; oiIndia at the following address:

PIot No.C4-AeG' Block, Bandra Kurla Complex,Bandra (Ea*), Mumbai 400051

For and on behalfof

Indira Securities

Anurag N. ChoCompliance OfficerApril 25, 2018