FM 55-21 - Railway Operating and Safety Rules

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  • 7/31/2019 FM 55-21 - Railway Operating and Safety Rules


    FM 55-21



    JULY 1989

    Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  • 7/31/2019 FM 55-21 - Railway Operating and Safety Rules


    *FM 55-21

    FIELD MANUALNo. 55-21





    The U S Army ma y be called on to opera te ra ilroa dsworldwide. This manual provides a standard code ofoperat ing rules for personnel enga ged in t he opera tionof milita ry ra ilwa ys. The rules given in this publica tionare consistent with those of railroads throughout theUn ited Sta tes a nd ma ny foreign countr ies. Some rulesha ve been modified t o be ada pta ble to operat ing condi-tions peculiar to military railroads.

    DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approve d for publicrelease; distribution is unlimited.

    *This publication supersedes TM 55-200/TO 45-1-5,14 September 1973, and rescinds DA Forms 4094-R, 4095-R, 4096-R and 4097-R,May 1973.


  • 7/31/2019 FM 55-21 - Railway Operating and Safety Rules


    In order to work productively and safely, personnelmust be knowledgeable of and obey the rules andspecial instructions of the military railroad. Com-manders of railway units and installations or activitiesassigned and using railway equipment are responsiblefor selecting, training, and testing railway operatingp e r s o n n e l i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h i s m a n u a l a n dAR 611-201.

    The proponent of this publication is HQ TRADOC.Submit changes for improving this publication on DAForm 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publicationsand B lank Forms) and forward i t to Comman dant , USArm y Tra nsport a tion School, ATTN: ATSP - TDL ,Fort E ust is, VA 23604-5399.

    Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculinegender is used, both men and women are included.


  • 7/31/2019 FM 55-21 - Railway Operating and Safety Rules


    Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    17 July 1989

  • 7/31/2019 FM 55-21 - Railway Operating and Safety Rules


  • 7/31/2019 FM 55-21 - Railway Operating and Safety Rules


  • 7/31/2019 FM 55-21 - Railway Operating and Safety Rules




    Depar tment of the Army ra i lways inc lude a l lrailways constructed, maintained, or operated forArmy use, wheth er by milita ry personnel or by civilianpersonnel under military direction. Department of theArmy rai lways are classif ied as mil i tary and ut i l i tyrailways. Personnel must be knowledgeable of thefollowing terms to understand and comply with therailway operating and safety rules. These rules pertainto the safe operation of the Department of the Armyrailways and contain other general information foroperators and other railway personnel.

    Absolute block A length of track in which no tra inor engine is permitted to enter while it is occupied byanother train or engine.

    Absolute permissive block (APB) A designat ed sec-tion of track or tracks within which the movement oftrains wil l be governed by block signals , whichsupersede the superiority of trains. The block signalsmay be controlled manually or automatically.

    Absolute signal A block or interlocking signaldesignated by an A marker or the absence of anumber plate.

    Automatic block signal system (ABS) A series of con-secutive blocks governed by block signals, cab signals


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    or both, actuated by a train, engine, or by certain con-ditions a ffectin g th e use of a block.

    Automatic cab signal system (ACS) A system whichprovides for th e aut omat ic operat ion of the cab signa lsand cab warning whistle.

    Automatic train stop system (ATS) A systemactuated by wayside inductors so arranged that i tsoperation will automatically result in the application ofthe brakes until the train has been brought to a stop.

    Block occupancy indicator An indicator used to con-vey information regarding block occupancy.

    Block signal A fixed signal at the entrance of ablock to govern trains and engines entering and usingtha t block.

    Block system A block or series of consecutiveblocks within APB, ABS, ACS, CTC, or interlockinglimits.

    Cab Signal A signa l locat ed in th e engineers com-partment or cab indicating a condition affecting the

    movement of a train or engine. Cab and interlockingsignals a re used together a nd a long w ith or in place ofblock signa ls.

    Centralized traffic control (CTC) A remotely con-t ro l l ed b lock s igna l sy s t em unde r wh ich t r a inmovements are authorized by block signals whose in-dications supersede the superiority of trains.

    Controlled siding A siding within CTC or interlock-ing limits. Authorization for use of controlled siding isgoverned by signal indication or control operator.


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    or portion of railroad over which the train is to bemoved.

    Register station A sta t ion a t w hich a t ra in registeris located.

    Regular train A train authorized by a t imetableschedule.

    Restricted speed A speed not exceeding 20 mphthat will permit stopping within one-half the range ofvision short of train, engine, railroad car, stop signal,derail, or switch not properly lined, and will allow look-ing out for broken rail.

    Schedule That part of a timetable which prescribesclass, direction, number, and movement for a regulartrain.

    Siding A track auxiliary to the main track formeeting or passing trains. The timetable will indicatestations at which sidings are located.

    Signal aspect The appearance of a fixed signal con-veying an indicat ion a s viewed from t he direction of an

    approaching train; or the appearance of a cab signalconveying an indication as viewed by an observer inthe cab.

    Signal indication The information conveyed by thesignal aspect.

    Single track A main track upon which trains areoperated in both directions.

    Spring switch A switch equipped with a springmechanism to restore the switch points to originalposition after having been trailed through.


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    Station A place designat ed in the timeta ble sta tioncolumn by name.

    Subdivision A portion of a division designated bytimetable.

    Superior train A train having precedenceanother t rain.

    Switch point indicator A light type indicator


    usedin connection w ith facing point movement over certa in

    swit ches t o indicat e proper fit of swit ch points.Terminating station The last station on each sub-

    division to which a train is authorized to occupy themain track.

    Timetable The authority for the movement ofregular trains subject to the rules. It may containclassified schedules and includes special instructions.

    Track bulletin A notice conta ining informat ion a sto track conditions or other conditions necessary forthe safe operation of trains or engines.

    Track permit A form used to authorize occupancyo f m a i n t r a c k w h e r e des igna t ed by spec i a linstructions.

    Track side warning detector Wayside detectors pro-vided at various locations as shown in the timetablewhich detect such conditions as overheated journals,dra gging equipment, excess dimensions, shifted loads,high water, and slides.

    Track warrant control (TWC) A method of authoriz-ing movements of trains or engines or protecting per-sonnel or machines on a main track within specified


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    limits in t erritory designat ed by special inst ructions orgeneral order.

    Train An engine(s) with or without cars, displayinga marker and authorized to operate on a main track.

    Train register A book or form used at designatedstations to register time of arrival and departure oftra ins, and other informa tion as ma ybe prescribed.

    Variable switch A switch, designa ted by lett er V

    or bowl painted yellow that remains lined in the posi-tion to which it is forced when trailed through theswitch points.

    Yard A system of tracks, other than main tracksand sidings, used for making up trains, storing cars,and for other purposes.

    Yard limits A portion of main tra ck designa ted byyard limit signs and by timetable, train order Form T,or t rack bul le t in , used by t ra ins and engines asprescribed by Rule 93.

    Yard engine An engine assigned to yard service.

    SAFETY RULESSafety is of the first importance in the discharge of

    duty. Obedience to the rules is essential to safety andto remaining in service. The service dema nds thefaithful, intelligent, and courteous discharge of duty.Pe r sonne l mus t u se ca r e t o p r even t i n ju ry t othemselves and to others. They must be alert andattentive at all times when performing their duties andplan their work to avoid injury.


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    Authorized personnel must report any accidents;personal injuries; defects in track, bridges or signals;or any unusual conditions affecting the safe and effi-cient operation of the railroad by the first means ofcommunication. A w r i t t e n r e p o r t m u s t f o l l o w promptly when required.


    Personnel whose duties are prescribed by operatingrules must ha ve a copy a vaila ble for reference wh ile onduty. Personnel whose duties are affected by thetimetable or special instructions must have a currentcopy immediately available for reference while onduty. Personnel must be famil iar with and obey al lrules and instruct ions. If they are in doubt as to themea ning of any rule or instruction, personnel must a sktheir supervisor for an explanation. They must attendrequired classes and pass the required examinations.

    Rules may be issued, cancelled, or modified by

    general order, timeta ble, or special instructions. Whenauthorized by the superintendent or battalion com-mander, general orders or special instructions may becancelled, modified, or issued by train order Form Q ortrack bulletin.

    Personnel must cooperate and assist in carrying outthe rules and instructions, and must promptly reportany violations to the proper officer. They must alsoreport any condition or practice affecting the safety oftra ins, passengers or personnel, an d an y misconduct ornegligence affecting the int erest of the governm ent.


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    Personnel must expect the movement of trains,engines, cars or other m ova ble equipment at an y time,on any tra ck, in either direction. They must not sta ndon the track in front of an approaching engine, car, orother moving equipment. Personnel must know thelocation of and the standard minimum clearance ofstructures a nd obstructions.

    P ersonnel wh ose duties require service on m ore tha n

    one division, terminal, or on another railroad, are underth e jurisdiction of the officers of the division, termin a l,or other rai l road on which the service is beingperformed. When performing service on anotherra ilroa d, unless otherwise instru cted, personnel w ill begoverned by the safety rules and the air brake andtra in handling rules of the rai l road by which they a reemployed and by the operating rules and timetable ofthe railroad upon which they are operating.

    Train and engine service personnel must not occupythe roof of a freight car or caboose under any cir-cumstances. Other personnel whose duties require

    them to occupy the roof of a car or caboose may do soonly when equipment is standing.

    SPECIAL RULE SRules with the prefix S apply to single track only.

    Personnel must be familiar with the following terms asthey apply for special orders.

    Car(s) Railroad cars.


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    Conductor (or yard engine foreman) Individual incomplete charge of a train crew.

    Control operator Person assigned to operate acentra lized tr a ffic control (CTC) or interlocking cont rolmachine or authorized to grant track permits.

    Engineman Engineers, firemen, or hostlers.

    Flagman Any soldier providing flag protection.

    Foreman A soldier in charge of work.

    Trainman Conductors, brakemen, yard engineforemen, switchmen, and yard helpers.

    Train(s) Used in connection with speed restrictions,flag protection, the observance of all signals (excepttrain order signals) and signal rules, also applies toengines.

    Special instructions Special instructions containedin the timetable or in pamphlet supplemental to thet imetable.

    When there are multiple rules under the samenumber followed by a suffix letter, each rule is con-sidered a s a sepa ra te ru le. W bile rules ar e subdividedfor convenience, th ey apply equa lly to all, a nd must beobserved wherever they relate in any way to thedischarge of personnel duties.

    The following authorized abbreviations are used int ra in orders , t rack warrants , t rack bul le t ins , o rclearances. Initials are authorized for use in place of

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    the train dispatcher s signature. The usual abbrevia-tions for na mes of the months, except May, J une, andJ uly are also allowed.

    Authorized Abbreviations for Use in Train Orders

    AB R


    A C S

    A M T KAPB

    AT C

    A T S

    C& E



    absolute blockregister

    Automatic BlockSignal System

    Automatic CabSignal System

    Amtrakabsolute permis-sive block

    automatic traincontrol

    automatic trainstop

    conductor andengineer

    completeconductorcentralized traf-

    fic controldispatcherdivision


    msgrreinsM Pmp hnoOKoprorigpsgrsubdivsuptTW C

    Y M


    jun ct ionmaximummaintenance of way

    messengerminutesmile postmiles per hournumbercorrectoperatororiginatingpassengersubdivisionsuperintendenttrack warrant


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    The rules in this cha pter ha ve been a dapt ed for usefor Department of Defense (DOD) railways. They per-tain to the use of time and timetables.


    Rule 1. Standard clocks. Standard clocks will be iden-tified by a sign Standard Clock. Standard clocksshould indicate the correct time. If necessary, assignedpersonnel at each location must set clock to correcttime.

    Rule 2. Time Service Requirements. While on duty,personnel designated by the Army railroad must havea nd use a w at ch which conforms to the requirements ofthat rai l road. Personnel must not have an unautho-rized wa tch on their person. Inst ructions issued by the

    Army railroad will govern inspection of watches andother time service requirements. Continental time isused where authorized.

    Rule 3. Time Comparison. Designated personnel willcompare their watches with a standard clock beforebeginning each days work. Watches that vary morethan 30 seconds from the time on a standard clock,must be set to correct time. When required, personnelwill record the time that watches are compared with astandard clock on the prescribed form. Where a stan-dard clock is not available, designated personnel will


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    obtain the correct time from the train dispatcher orfrom any personnel who made time comparison.

    Conductors must, when practicable, compare timewith their engineer before starting each trip or dayswork. At the first opportunity, other members of thecrew must compare t ime with the conductor orengineer.

    TIMETABLESRule 4. Change of Timetable. From the moment ittakes effect, each timetable supersedes the precedingtimeta ble, an d its schedules ta ke effect on a ny subdivi-sion at time of departure at the initial station on suchsubdivision. When a new timetable takes effect, anytra in a uth orized by th e preceding timeta ble loses bothright and schedule and afterwards can proceed onlywhen authorized as an extra.

    Schedules on each subdivision da te from t heir initialstation on such subdivision and will be assumed onlyfrom their initial station on such subdivision. Not morethan one schedule of the same number and day shall bein effect on any subdivision.

    Rule 4 (A). Notice New Timetable. Notice of new timetable, timetable supplement, or special instruc-tions must be issued by general order and posted atleast 24 hours before effect ive t ime. Train orderForm Q or tra ck bulletin m ust be issued not less th an24 hours before effective time and continue for 6 daysafter effective time to conductors, engineers, andyardmasters .


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    Rule 4 (B). Special Instructions. Special instructionssupersede any rule or regulation with which theyconflict.

    Rule 4 (C). General Orders, Circulars, Bulletins, andNotices. General orders are numbered consecutivelya nd a re issued an d ca ncelled by aut hority a nd over thesignature of the officer in charge or other designatedofficer. General orders contain only information orinstructions relating to the rules or movement of trains

    or engines. They supersede special instructions or anyrule or regulation with which they conflict.

    Circulars, bulletins, notices, and other informationand instructions are issued as required and remain ineffect unti l cancelled. General orders , bullet ins,notices, and circulars are posted in books and onbulletin boards at stations designated in the timetable.Trainmen, enginemen, a n d o t h e r s w h o s e d u t i e srequire, must review them before beginning ea ch day swork or trip. Conductors, engineers, and train dis-patchers record the highest number of general orderson the prescribed form. Conductors and engineers

    operat ing over more tha n one division must review thegeneral orders and bulletins at the initial point on eachsubdivision, except w here th ey ha ve reviewed t hem foreach division at the beginning of their trip or tour ofduty.

    Rule 5. Schedule Time. Where one time is shown intimetable schedule at a station, it is the leaving time.At a termina ting sta tion, it is the a rriving time. Wheretwo t imes are shown, they are arr iving and leavingtimes.


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    Scheduled meet ing or pass ing s ta t ions may beindicat ed by time sh own in full-fa ce ty pe. The num bersof the schedules to be met or pa ssed ma y be shown bysmaller, adjacent figures.

    Rule 5 (A). Where Time Applies. Unless otherwisespecified by train order or special instructions, exceptwhere centralized traffic control (CTC) rules are ineffect, scheduled leaving time and train order timea pplies on single tra ck, at t he cleara nce point of sidingswitch where an opposing train clears the main track.Where there is no siding, a nd on mult iple ma in tr acks,time applies at the station sign.

    Rule 5 (B). Not Leave Before. A train must not leave astation in advance of its schedule leaving time.

    Rule 5 (C). Receive or Discharge Traffic. Trainsscheduled to receive or discharge traffic at a stationmust not leave th e point w here such tra ffic is receivedor discharged before the time shown in the schedule.

    Rule 6. Letters Schedule Column. The letter s placedin schedule column indicates regular stop. The letterf indicat es flag stop to receive or dischar ge tr affic.

    Rule 6 (A). Timetable Characters. Letters or symbolsplaced in t imeta ble stat ion column indica te conditionsor requirements prescribed by special instruct ionapplicable to specific locations. Information concern-ing th e type of operat ion ma ysta tion column of timeta ble.


    be shown by bra ckets in

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    Rule 7. Proper Signal Appliances. Personnel thatdisplay signals or whose duties may require them togive signals, must have the proper appliances. Theymust keep their a ppliances in good order a nd rea dy forimmediate use.

    Rule 7 (A). Vigilance for Signals. Personnel must keepa vigilant lookout for signals and act on them strictly

    according t o the rules. Personnel must use t he utm ostcare to avoid acting on signals th at ar e not underst ood,or tha t m ay be intended for other tra ins or engines. Incase of doubt, personnel must rea ch an un dersta ndingbefore movement is made.

    Rule 7 (B). Giving Signals. P ersonnel giving signalsmust be located in positions where they are plainlyseen. Signals must be given in a way which can beclearly understood. When pra cticable, a ll ha nd signa lsmust be given on the engineers side of track; but theymust be respected when received from either side.

    Rule 7 (C). Signal Disappearance. When backing orshoving a train, engine, or cars in response to handsignals, personnel giving such signals, or the light bywh ich such signals a re given, must not disappear fromview. The disappearance of personnel or lights fromview must be regarded as a stop signal, unless theperson on leading car has control of air brakes.

    When train or engine movements are made inresponse to radio communication, such as in switchingoperations or picking up or setting out cars, specific


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    instructions are given for each movement. When back-ing or shoving t ra in, engine, or cars, t he dista nce of themovement must be specified and movement stoppedwithin one-half the specified distance unless moreinstructions are received. Failure to maintain radioconta ct wit h t he personnel directing t he movement byradio must be regarded as a stop signal.

    Rule 7 (D). Prescribed Signals. Fla gs or lights of aprescribed color must be used by day, and lights orreflecting flags of a prescribed color a nd t ype by night .Flags may be cloth, metal, or other suitable material.Day signals are displayed from sunrise to sunset.Night signa ls are display ed from sunset to sunrise andat any time when day signals cannot be plainly seen.

    Rule 7 (E). Flagmans Signals. The flagman must useday signals which consist of a red flag, minimum ofeight torpedoes, and six red fusses; and night signalswhich consist of a white light, minimum of eighttorpedoes, and six red fusees.

    Rule 8. The hand and flag signals are given in the samemanner as lantern signals (see Figure 1).

    Rule 9. Hand and Other Signals. Any object wavedviolently by any person on or near t he tra ck is a signa lto stop. Other hand signals may be used for otherpurposes, if they a re understood by all crew member:When not involved in giving hand signals, personnelmust avoid making motions which may be construedas a hand signal. Radio and other means of voicecommun ica tion may be used instead of hand signa ls to


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    Figure 1. Hand and Flag Signals and their Indications Rule 8


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    convey informa tion when the use of hand signals is notpossible. Crew members must understand exactlywh ich moves will be made w hile radio is being used tocontrol the movement of a tr ain or engine. During tha ttime, hand signals will not be given to the engineer noracted upon with the exception of stop signals givenwh en necessary t o stop the movement.

    Rule 10. Temporary Restrictions. When practicable, ayellow flag will be displayed not less than 2 miles in

    advance of each location where train movement isrestricted by train order, track bulletin, or generalorder due to track conditions, structures, men, orequipment. Restriction specified by train order, trackbulletin, or general order must be complied with untilrear of train has passed the green flag or until the trainhas cleared the limits of the restriction when a greenflag is not displayed.

    When a yellow flag cannot be placed 2 miles inadvance of restriction due to close proximity to aterminal, a junction, or for other reasons, the traindispatcher must be informed of actual location ofyellow flag. Such information must be included in trainorder, track bulletin, or general order.

    When a y ellow fla g is displa yed a nd rest riction is notspecified by train order, track bulletin, or generalorder, speed must be reduced. The train must beprepar ed to stop short of flagma n, red flag, or men an dequipment fouling track 2 miles beyond yellow flagand speed must not exceed 10 mph. After rear of trainha s passed a green flag or has rea ched a point 4 miles


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    from the yellow flag, speed may be resumed whereRule 10 (D) is in effect. Where Rule 10(D) is NOT ineffect, speed must not be increased until the traindispatcher ensures the crew that there is no train orderor t rack bul le t in res t r ic t ing movements a t tha tlocation.

    A green flag displayed will indicate the end of therestr ict ion. When a ser ies of locat ions requir ingreduced speeds are so closely spaced that the greenflags w ill overlap the yellow flags, a yellow flag w ill beplaced in advance of each location. Only one green flagwill be placed at the leaving end of the last location.

    On tra cks where there is a current of tra ffic, when ayellow flag is to be placed in advance of a temporaryspeed restriction or track condition, a yellow flag and agreen flag will be placed only for trains moving withthe current of t raff ic . When protect ion is to beprovided for men and equipment, this will not applyand flags must be placed in both directions on eachtra ck affected.

    Rule 10 (A). Display of Red Flag. A red flag will bed isp layed a t loca t ions where t ra ins mus t s top asrequired by Form Y t ra in order, tra ck bulletin, or otherconditions. Train must stop short of the red flag andnot proceed unless a uthorized by foreman . If a uthorityto proceed is received before stop is made, train maypass red flag with out stopping.

    After authority to proceed is received, if Form Ytra in order or tra ck bulletin is not in effect, t ra in mustnot exceed 10 mph until rear has passed green flag or


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    ha s reached a point 2 miles from the red flag. Foremanmay au tho r i ze a d i f f e r en t speed o r d i s t ance i fnecessary.

    Rule 10 (B). Between Rails. When a red flag isdisplay ed betw een the rails of any tr ack other tha n themain track, the train must stop and not proceed untilthe flag has been removed by a unit of the class thatplaced it.

    Rule 10 (C). Flag Location. Flags as prescribed byRules 10 and 10(A) w ill be display ed only on the t ra ckaffected, except w hen yellow an d red fla gs a re used forprotection w ithout flagma n, tra in order, tra ck bulletin,or general order. Yellow flags and red flags, whererequired, must be placed to protect all possible accessto the restricted area.

    These flags, except as prescribed by Rule 10(B),must be displayed t o the right of tra ck as viewed froman approaching train when practicable. Flags will notapply to the track on which a train is moving whendisplayed beyond the first rail of an adjacent track.

    Rule 10 (D). Protection by Yellow Flag. On subdivi-sions where maximum speed does not exceed 35 mph,and where authorized by special instructions, speedmay be restricted to 10 mph for a distance of up to2 miles without train orders, track bulletins, or generalorders. P rotection for m en or equipment on ma in tr ackmust be provided by displaying yel low flags asprescribed by Ru le 10. This protection w ill extend fr oma point 2 miles from the yellow flag until the rear of the

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    t ra in has pa ssed a green f lag or ha s reached a point4miles from the yellow flag.

    Rule 10 (E). Permanent Speed Signs. Permanent speedrestriction signs, a s prescribed in specia l instr uctions,will be placed in advance of the point where speedrestrictions become effective. Figures on the face ofthese signs denote the highest speed permitted overthe limits of the restriction. When two sets of figuresare shown, the higher figure governs trains consisting

    entirely of passenger equipment and the lower figuregoverns all other trains.

    A perma nent resume speed or a speed sign prescrib-ing higher speed will be at placed at the end of eachrestriction. The speed shown on ea ch perman ent speedrestriction sign must be observed until the rear of thetra in ha s passed a perma nent resume speed sign or aspeed sign authorizing a higher speed.

    Rule 11. Unattended Fusee. A train f inding anunattended fusee burning on or near its track muststop until fusee burns out. The train must then proceedat restricted speed for a distance of one mile from pointwh ere fusee wa s displa yed. Car e must be used to a voidplacing fusees whre they may cause fires.

    Rule 12. Torpedoes. The explosion of one or moretorpedoes requires a train to immediately reduce torestricted speed for a distance of 2 miles from theexplosion point. When placing torpedoes, be sure thatth ey are placed on th e rail not less th a n 150 feet a part .They must no t be p laced near s ta t ion bui ld ings ,crossings, or on anything other than main tracks or


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    sidings. When there is a possibility that they may becovered by snow, a duplica te set will be placed on t heopposite rail to explode simultaneously.

    Rule 14. Engine Bell. Except where the momentar ystop and start is a continuous switching movement,the engine bell must be rung w hen th e engine is a boutto be moved, while passing through tunnels, and,except w hen shoving cars, w hile approaching crossingsat gra de. Ringing must begin sufficiently in a dvan ce ofenter ing cross ing to provide warning . I f d i s tancepermits, warning must be given not less than one-fourth mile before rea ching crossing a nd continue unt ilcrossing is occupied. Ring be l l e l sewhere whennecessary as a warning signal.

    Rule 15. Required Whistle Signals. Sound whist lefrequently when visibility is impaired by weather con-ditions. In the event of whistle failure, ring the bellcontinuously while moving.

    Figure 2 shows the required wh istle signa ls for shortand long sounds. Short sounds are indicated as "o"and long sounds as " ."

    Rule 16. Communicating Signals. Each car of apassenger tr ain m ust be connected with t he engine bya c o m m u n i c a t i n g s i g n a l a p p l i a n c e u n l e s s r a d i ocommunication between conductor and engineer isp r o v i d e d . T h e r a d i o m a y b e u s e d i n p l a c e o fcommunicat ing signa ls to convey informat ion.


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    Figure 2. Required Whistle Signals Rule 15


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    Figure 2. Required Whistle Signals Rule 15 (cont)

    Should both systems become inoperat ive, hands ignals must be used. The signals prescribed inFigure 3 are illustrated by "o" for short sounds, and"" for long sounds.

    Rule 17. Headlight Display. Except as provided inRule 16(B), the headlight must be displayed bright tothe front of every tra in by day an d by night. It must beextinguished when a train has stopped clear of themain track to meet a t rain or is s tanding to meet atrain at the end of mult iple main tracks or at ajunction.

    Rule 17(A). Headlight Failure. At night, if theheadlight on a t ra in fails, a w hite light must be used inits place. If train is moving, the bell must be rung


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    Figure 3. Sound Signals and their Indications Rule 16

    continuously, the whistle sounded frequently, and thetra in dispat cher notified at the first opportunity.

    Rule 17(B). Dimming Headlight. Headlights must bedimmed under the following conditions, except whenapproaching and passing over public crossings atgrade:

    At stations and yards where switching isdone.

    When sta nding close behind a nother tr ain.


    While standing on main track awaiting arrival ofan approaching train that is to take siding.

    When approaching and passing head end and rearend of train on adjacent track.

    When the safety of employees so requires or topermit passing of signals.


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    Rule 17 (C). Headlight Front and Rear. When moving,engines must display a headlight t o the front and rearby day and night. It may be dimmed or extinguishedon the end coupled to cars. The headlight must bedimmed on the end facing an approaching train orengine on an adj scent track.

    Rule 18. Oscillating White Light. When leading end isequipped with oscillating white light on engines, itmust be operated both day and night when moving. It

    may be extinguished when meeting trains, passingtra ins, or during sw itching operat ions providing m ove-ment does not involve public crossings at grade. Thesame requirements apply when leading end of engineor top of lead unit is equipped wit h a n a mber or whitelight that either revolves or flashes.

    Rule 18 (A). Oscillating or Flashing Red Light. Onengines equipped w ith a red oscilla ting or flash ing redlight, such light must be displayed by day or nightwhen train is stopped suddenly under circumstances inwhich adj scent tracks may be fouled, when head endprotection is required, or w hen a condition is known t o

    exist which endangers movement. Such red light is asignal for an approaching train on the same or adjacentt r a c k t o s t o p a t o n c e a n d p r o c e e d o n l y a f t e rascertaining that track is safe for passage of trains.

    D i sp l ay o f t he se l i gh t s does no t mod i fy t herequirements of Rule 99 or Rule 102. The red lightmust be extinguished when no longer required.

    Rule 19. Markers. A prescribed marker wil l bedisplay ed at t he rear of every tra in to indicate the rearof the train. From one hour before sunset to one hour

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    a f t e r s u nr i se , w h e n w e a t h e r c on d it i on s r e s t r ictvisibility to less than one half-mile and at timesprescribed by special instructions, the marker must beilluminated either steady or flashing. Markers will bew hite or in th e red-oran ge-a mber color ran ge. When a nengine is operat ing as a t rain without cars , or at therear of a train, the trailing headlight illuminated ondim may be used as a marker. Flags may be usedduring daylight one hour after sunrise to one hourbefore sunset.

    A train may proceed without a marker to the nextforward location where the marking device can berepaired or replaced if

    The marker becomes inoperative en route.A defective car is placed at the rear for movement

    to a car repair point.The rear portion of the train is disabled and the

    prescribed marker cannot be displayed on rear car ofportion to be moved.

    The marker must be inspected at each crew changepoint to ensure that it is properly displayed. When acrew leaves a portion of their train, they must notha ndle a caboose as t he rear of the head portion w hichwould indicate that the train is complete.

    Rule 24. Engine Identifying Number. On trains, theengine number must be i l luminated on enginesequipped with number lights. When a n engine consistsof more tha n one unit or when t wo or more engines arecoup led , t he number o f one un i t on ly w i l l beillumina ted a nd w ill be the identifying number. Whenpossible, the number of the leading unit must be used.


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    Rule 25. Signs Protecting Equipment. When a signread ing STOP TANK CAR CONNECTED, S TO P M E N W O R K I N G , P E R S O N N E LWORKING, S E RV I C E C O N N E C T I O N S , o rsimilar warning signs are displayed on a track or car,the car must not be coupled to or moved. Otherequipment must not be placed on the same track whichwould block or reduce the view of the sign.

    Rule 26. Blue Signal Protection of Workmen. The

    following terms and definitions apply when used inRule 26:

    Blue signal A clearly distinguishable blue flag orblue light by day and a blue light at night. The bluelight ma y be displayed either steady or flashing. Whenat ta ched t o the operating controls of an engine, it n eednot be lighted if the inside of th e ca b ar ea of the engineis sufficiently lighted so that the blue signal is clearlydist inguishable.

    Car shop repair track area One or more tracks,within an area in which the testing, servicing, repair,inspection, or rebuilding of railroad rolling equipmentis u n d e r t h e e x c l u s i v e c o n t r o l o f m e c h a n i c a ldepartment personnel.

    Effective locking device A lock that can be lockedor unlocked only by the craft or group of workmenapplying the lock when used in relation to a ma nua llyoperated switch or a derail.

    Engine servicing track area One or more tracks,within an area in which testing, servicing, repair,inspection, or rebuilding of engines is under theexclusive control of mechanical department personnel.


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    Group of workmen Two or more workmen of thesam e or different cra fts a ssigned to work together as auni t under a common author i ty and who are incommunication w ith ea ch other while the w ork is beingdone.

    Rolling equipment Engines, railroad cars, an d oneor more engines coupled to one or more cars.

    Switch providing direct access A switch which, if

    traversed by rolling equipment, could permit thatrolling equipment to couple to the equipment beingprotected.

    Workmen Railroad personnel assigned to inspect,test, repair, or service railroad rolling equipment, ortheir components, including brake systems. Train andyard crews are excluded, except when assigned toperform such work on railroad rolling equipment thatis not part of the train or yard movement they handle.

    NOTE: S ervicing does not include supplying

    cabooses, engines, or passenger cars with itemssuch as ice , dr inking water, tools , sani ta rysupplies, stationery, or f lagging equipment.Testing does not include visual observationsmade by personnel positioned inside or alongsidea caboose, engine, or passenger car.

    (1) A blue signal signifies that workmen are on,under, or between rolling equipment and that theequipment must not be coupled to or moved, except asprovided in Items (5) and (6) of this rule.


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    Rolling equipment must not pass a blue signal on at r a c k p r o t e c t e d b y t h a t s i g n a l . O t h e r r o l l i n gequipment must not be placed on the same track insuch a way to block or reduce the view of the bluesignal, except on designated engine servicing areatra cks, car shop repair a rea tr acks, or w hen a dera il isused to divide a track into separate working areas.When a blue signal is displayed at the entrance to atra ck, rolling equipment m ust not enter tha t t ra ck.

    Blue signals must be displayed by or for each craft orgroup of workmen who are to work on, under, orbetween rolling equipment. Signals may be removed ordiscontinued only at the request of the same craft orgroup who placed them or requested their use. Whenblue signal protection has been removed from oneentra nce of a double- ended tr a ck or from either end ofrolling equipment on a main track, that track is nolonger under blue signal protection.

    (2) When w orkmen a re on, under, or betw een rollingequipment, a nd such w ork subjects them to the da ngerof personal injury posed by any movement of suchequipment, protection must be provided. On a maintrack a blue signal must be displayed at each end of therolling equipment. On any track other than main track,one of the following methods of protection or acombina tion th ereof must be provided:

    Each manua l ly ope ra t ed swi t ch , i nc lud ingtrailing point crossover switch, providing direct accessmust be lined against movement to tha t t ra ck, securedby an effective locking device, and a blue signal mustbe placed at or near each switch. The facing point


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    crossover switch must be Iined against a crossovermovement a nd secured by a n effective locking device.

    A de ra i l wh ich can r e s t r i c t a cces s t o t ha tportion of tra ck where work w ill be performed must belocked in derailing position with an effective lockingdevice. It must be positioned 150 feet from the rollingequipment to be protected, or positioned 50 feet fromthe end of rolling equipment on a designated engineservicing tr a ck or car shop repair t ra ck where speed is

    limited to 5 mph.A blue signal must be displayed a t ea ch derail or

    where remote control switches provide direct access.The person in charge of the workmen must notify theperson in charge of the sw itches of th e work t o be per-formed. The person in charge of such switches will theninform the workmen that the switches involved havebeen lined aga inst movement to tha t t ra ck a nd devicescontrolling the switches have been secured. The in-dividua l in cha rge of remote contr ol switches must notremove the locking devices unless he has been in-formed by the person in charge of workmen that it issafe to do so.

    The i nd iv idua l i n cha rge o f r emo te con t ro lswitches must keep a written record of each notifica-tion for 15 days. This record must contain the-

    N a m e a n d c r a f t o f t h e p e r s o n i n c h a r g erequesting the protection.

    Number or other designation of the trackinvolved.

    Date and time person in charge of workmennotified t ha t protection ha s been provided.


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    Date, time, name, and craft of the person incha rge o f workmen au tho r i z ing r emova l o f t heprotection.

    (3) Also, when workmen are on, under, or between anengine or rolling equipment coupled to an engine, ablue signal must be attached to the controlling enginea t a location wh ere it is readily visible to the engineeror person at the controls of that engine.

    (4) When emergency repair work is to be done on,under, or between an engine or rolling equipmentcoupled to an engine, and a blue signal is not available,the engineer or person at the controls of the enginemust be notified and appropriate measures must betaken to protect the person performing such work.

    (5) An engine must not enter a designated engineservicing area track under the exclusive control ofmechan ica l f o r ce s un l e s s b lue s i gna l p ro t ec t i ongoverning entry is removed. The engine must stopshort of coupling to another engine. An engine mustnot leave designated engine servicing area track unlessblue signa l protection is removed from th at engine andfrom the track in the direction of movement. Bluesignal protect ion r e m o v e d f r o m t r a c k f o r t h em o v e m e n t o f s u c h e n g i n e s m u s t b e r e s t o r e dimmediately after the engine has entered or has clearedthe area.

    An engine protected by blue signals may be movedon a tra ck wit hin the designat ed engine servicing ar eaunder the exclusive control of mechanical forces whenoperated by an authorized person under the directionof the person in charge of workmen. This may be done


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    after the blue signal has been removed from the con-trolling engine to be repositioned and the workmenhave been warned of the movement.

    (6) Rolling equipment protected by blue signals oncar shop repair tracks under the exclusive control ofcar department forces may be repositioned with a carmover. Workmen must be warned of the movement.The car mover must be operated by a n a uthorized per-son under t he direction of the person in charge of th e

    workmen.Rule 27. Improperly Displayed. A signal improperlydispla yed, the absence of a fixed signal w here a signa lis usually shown, or the a bsence of a fla g or sign whererequired is regarded as the most restrictive signalindica t ion g iven , except wh en semaphore a r m isdisplayed. When semaphore is displayed, i t wil lgovern. Improperly displayed signals or absence offixed s ig na l s, f l a g s , or s i g n s m u s t b e pr o m pt l yreported to train dispatcher.

    Rule 28. White Flag. A white flag or a w hite light mustbe used to stop a t ra in to receive tra ffic only at the flagstat ions indicated on i ts schedule or in specialinstruct ions.

    Rule 29. Acknowledge Stop Signal. When a signal,except fixed signal, is given to stop a train it must beacknowledged. When f lagged, the engineer mustobta in a t horough expla na tion from the flagm an beforeproceeding.

    Rule 34. Observe and Call Signals. Crew members inthe control compartment of the engine must be alertfor, and communicate to each other in a clear and


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    audible manner, the name or aspect of each signalaffecting the movement of their train as soon as itbecomes visible or audible. They must continue toobserve signa ls and call any change of indication untilpassed.

    If prompt action is not taken to respect the signal,other crew members must remind the engineer orconductor of the rule requirement. If there is noresponse, or th e engineer is incapacita ted, other crew members must ta ke immediat e action to ensure safety.Crew members may use emergency brake valve to stopthe train if necessary.

    SUPERIORITY OF TRAINSRule 70. Right, Class, Direction. A regular train issuperior to another regular train on single track byright, class, or direction. On multiple main tracks aregular train is superior by right or class. An extratrain is made superior to another train only by trainorder. Extra trains have no superiority by class ordirection. Right is conferred by train order; class anddirection by timetable. Right is superior to class anddirection.

    Rule S-71. Class and Direction. First class trains aresuperior to second class trains and extras. Second classtrains are superior to opposing extras. Regular trainsin t he direction specified in the timeta ble are superiorto trains of the same class in the opposite direction.

    Rule 71(A). Multiple Main Tracks. On multiple maintracks, first class trains are superior to second classtrains and extras in the same direction.


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    Rule 80. Communication Identification. When person-nel initiat e communicat ion by telephone or r a dio, th eymust give name, location and, when applicable, train orengine number.

    Rule 80 (A). Repeat Instructions. Instructions orinformat ion rece ived verba l ly re la t ing to t ra in or

    engine movements must be repeated by the personreceiving such instructions or information.

    Rule 81. Initiating Movement. A crew w hich ha s notreceived a clearance or track warrant must be ensuredby the train dispatcher that there are no train orders ortrack bulletins that they must obtain before initiatingmovement on a main track.

    Rule 81 (A). Main Track Authorization. Main tracksmust not be occupied unless authorized by one of thefollowing:

    Timetable schedule.Rule 93.Rule 94.Rule 97.Rule 97(A).Rule 97(B).

    Rule S-227.Rule S-250.Rule 252.


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    Verbal au thor i ty f rom t ra in d ispa tcher wi th inabsolute permissive block (APB) l imits , or fromcontrol operator within CTC or interlocking limits.

    A proceed indication of a controlled block orinterlocking signal within CTC or interlocking limits.

    Rules 400 through 413.

    An exception to Rule 81(A) is that when i t isnecessary to foul or occupy a main track withoutau tho r i t y, p ro t ec t i on mus t be p rov ided i n bo thdirections as prescribed by Rule 99.

    Rule 82. Schedules in Effect. Timetable schedules arein effect for 12 hours after their time at each stationunless they are fulfilled, annulled by train order, orabolished by general order for the life of the timetable.

    Regular trains more than 12 hours behind eithertheir schedule arriving or leaving time at any stationlose both schedule and train order authority. Afterlosing both schedule and train order, regular trains canproceed only when authorized as an extra.

    Rule 82 (A). Clearance Initial Station. Except withintrack warrant control (TWC) territory, a train mustnot leave its initial station on any subdivision withouta clearance, unless authorized by train order, verbali n s t ruc t i ons f rom t r a in d i spa t che r, o r spec i a linstructions or general order.

    Rule 83. Train Register Requirements. Sta t ions a twhich train registers are located will be designated inthe t imetable . At such s ta t ions , un less o therwisespecified by special instructions or train order, theconductor or engineer of a ll tra ins except w ork extra s,


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    will enter all required information in the train register.When authorized by special instructions or train order,tra ins ma y register by ticket when opera tor is on duty ,unless it is necessary to check the register.

    The conductor may verbally authorize the operatorto enter only the time of departure on the trainregister. When registering by ticket the operator willenter all information in the train register and reportthe train to the train dispatcher from the train register.

    Rule 83 (A). Check on Superior Trains. Except wheresuperiority of tra ins is superseded by signal indicat ionor a train has authority to proceed ahead of or againstoverdue superior tr ains, a tra in must not proceed untilit has been assured in one of the following ways that allsuperior trains due have arrived or left:

    Checking timetable and train register.

    Use of timetable and train order Form V.

    Use of timetable and register check on prescribed

    form, filled out by the conductor or engineer, whichmust be shown to other crew members.

    Proper identification, either visual or by directcommunicat ion betw een the tw o crews involved. Iden-tification of a work extra by a restricted train mustinclude confirmation by the work extras conductorthat all of their train has arrived. When a work extra isidentified, it must n ot occupy th e main t ra ck ahead ofthe train to which identification was given unless afurther understanding has been reached between thetwo crews involved.


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    Verbal information from train dispatcher. Thisinformation may be relayed, using the words Traindispatcher a dvises (train) (has arrived)

    (has passed) (station) .

    Rule 83(B). Check on Extras. The train register mustnot be used by a restricted train as evidence of thearrival or departure of an extra train unless authorizedby tr a in order Form W.

    Rule 83(C). Delayed Departure. When a train cannotdepart at the time registered, the conductor or theengineer must provide protect ion to ensure thataffected tra ins in the sam e direction are not a llowed todepart without being informed of the delay.

    Rule 85. Leaving Main Track. Except w here superi-ority of trains is superseded by signal indicat ion, wh ena train is superior to another train in the same direc-tion and leaves the main track it must not permit theinferior train to pass without train order authority.

    Rule 86. Clearing Same Direction. In automatic blocksignal system (ABS) territory, an inferior train must

    be clear of a superior train in the same directionsufficiently in advance to avoid giving a restrictivesignal indication to the following superior train. Thelocation of the superior train may be determined byradio or other means of communication. Outside ofblock system limits, an inferior t ra in must be clear of asuperior train at the time the superior train is due toleave the next st at ion in the rear wh ere time is shown.

    Rule 86 (A). Instructed to Clear. Within block systemlimits, a train instructed by the train dispatcher toclear a following t ra in must clear such tra in enough in


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    advance to avoid giving a restrictive signal indicationto the following train. The location of the followingtrain may be determined by radio or other means ofcommunication.

    Rule 86 (B). Work Extra Against Current of Traffic.O n t r a c k s w h e r e c u r r e n t o f t r a f f i c h a s b e e nestablished, a work extra must not move against thecurrent of traffic against extras unless protected bytrain order or a flagman. A work extra moving againstthe current of traffic must clear t he ma in tra ck not lessthan 5 minutes before the timetable schedule leavingtime or tra in order wa iting time of regula r tra ins mov-ing with the current of traffic on the same track.

    Rule S-87. Clearing Opposing Trains. An inferior trainmust clear the main track not less than 5 minutesbefore the timetable schedule leaving time or trainorder waiting time of an opposing superior train.

    Rule 87 (A). Protection When Failed to Clear. A trainfailing to clear the main track by the time requiredmust be protected as prescribed by Rule 99 at that

    time.Rule S-88. Take Siding Meeting Point. At meetingpoints established by Form S-A train order, the trainorder must specify which train will take siding, exceptwhere movements at each end of siding are governedby controlled signals.

    Rule 88 (A). Movement Extra Trains. Except in CTC,APB and TWC territory, or within interlocking limits,extra trains will be governed by train orders withrespect to opposing extra tra ins.


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    Rule 89. Stopping Clear. A train stopping where it maybe met or passed must stop and remain not less than400 feet from t he clea ra nce point of fa cing point s wit chover which a train may pass, if length of train permits.

    Rule 89 (A). Precautions Meeting or Passing. A trainrequired to ta ke siding must st op clear of the swit ch tobe used unless switch is properly lined to leave themain track and must pull in when practicable. Ifnecessary to back in or back out, the movement mustbe pro tec ted by a f lagman unless au thor i ty foroccupancy and protection on main track is otherwiseprovided. At meeting points, the train holding maintrack must stop as required by Rule 89, unless thetra in to be met is clear of the main t ra ck a nd swit ch isproperly lined. An extinguished headlight is not anindicat ion that a t rain is clear of the main track. Atra in standing on main t rack to meet a n opposing trainmust , if practicable, line the sw itch for opposing t ra into leave main track. Within ABS, the switch must notbe lined unt il the opposing t ra in ha s entered t he blockin advance.

    Rule 90. Calling Attention to Restriction. When a t ra inapproaches a point where it is to wait, meet, or bepassed by another t ra in or is restr icted in a ny ma nnerby train order, t rack warrant or t rack bullet in, theconductor must call th e at tent ion of the engineer t o therestriction when practicable, after passing the laststa tion, but not less tha n 2 miles from point of restric-tion. On passenger trains, if radio communication isnot a vaila ble, conductor must sound signal 16(h) afterpassing th e la st sta tion, but not less tha n 2 miles frompoint of restriction, and engineer must answer by


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    whistle signal 15(o). Should engineer fail to complywith restriction, the conductor must st op tra in.

    Rule 91. Spacing Trains Same Direction. Outside blocksystem l imits , a t rain must not fol low another t rainwhich has pa ssed or a t ra in which has been overtakenu n t i l 1 0 m i n u t e s a f t e r t h e p r e c e d i n g t r a i n h a sdeparted.

    Rule 93. Yard Limit Rule. Within ya rd limits, the ma in

    track may be used by trains or engines, not protectingaga inst other t ra ins or engines. Engines must give wa yto trains as soon as practicable upon their approach.Inferior t rains a nd engines must clear the ma in tra ckat the time a first class train is due to leave the neareststation in the direction of its approach where time isshown. Tra ins must c lear o ther t ra ins which aresuperior as prescribed by Rules 86 and S-87.

    In ABS territory, information issued by the traindispatcher, either verbally or by message, ma ybe usedto determine when delayed first class tr a ins are due toleave the nearest station where time is shown.

    Movements within yard l imits must be made atrestricted speed, unless th e ma in tr ack is known t o beclear by a clear, a pproach limited, adva nce a pproach ordiverging clear signal. Movements against the currentof tra ffic must n ot be ma de unless auth orized an d pro-tected by train order, t rack warrant , yardmaster, orother authorized personnel.

    Rule 94. No Superiority of Trains. Between designatedpoints specified in the timetable, trains and enginesmay use main tracks in either direction not protectingagainst other trains or engines. All movements must


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    be made at restricted speed. Within these limits, trainsand engines are not required to clear superior trains,but must give wa y to them a s soon as pra ctica ble upontheir approach.

    Rule 97. Authorizing Extras. Extra s will be authorizedin one of the following ways:

    Train order.

    Numbered clearance as prescribed by Rule 97(A).Block signals or verbal authority from control

    operator where CTC or interlocking rules are in effect.Verbal authori ty from the train dispatcher within

    APB l imits to run with the current of t raff ic whereRule 251 is in effect.

    Special inst ructions or general order.

    Rule S-227, where absolute block register is ineffect.

    As prescribed by Rules 400 through 413, whereTWC is in effect.

    Rule 97 (A). Numbered Clearance. The train dispatchermay authorize an extra to move in one direction by anumbered clearance which must show, following theaddress, the stat ion to wh ich the extra is authorized torun, indicating route if necessary. Such authority maybe annulled by train order. The numbered clearancedoes not authorize the extra to occupy the main trackat the originating or terminating station.

    Rule 97 (B). Authorizing Work Extra. Work extrasmust be authorized by train order.


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    R u l e 98. Railroad Crossings, Drawbr idges , End o f M u l t i p l e M a i n Tr a c k . Unless protected by block orin te r locking s igna ls , t ra ins and engines must beprepared to stop a s they a pproa ch railroad crossings atgrade, drawbridges, and end of multiple main track.Where protected by stop signs, they must stop beforeany part of the tra in or engine passes the stop sign a ndthey will not proceed until route is known to be clear ordra wbridge is in position to permit movement.

    Where protected by gate, if gate is lined against theroute to be used, t rains and engines must s top andremain 50 feet from fouling track on conflicting routeuntil the gate is changed to stop position on suchroute. Where required, gates must be restored tonormal position after movement has been completed.

    Where required to stop before crossing a railroadcrossing at grade and the view on the conflicting routeis obscured, a crew member must precede the move-ment and give signal from the crossing if it is safe toproceed.

    Rule 98 (A). Switches at J unctions. The normal posi-tion for a junction switch will be for through move-ment on the subdivision upon w hich the junction is a nintermediate station. Unless protected by block orinterlocking signals, a train approaching a junctionswitch in a trailing point direction, which is normallylined for its movement, m ust move at restricted speeduntil leading wheels have passed the switch. Trainsmust not foul the other main track until it is knowntha t t here is no conflicting m ovement.


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    Rule 98(B). Stopping Clear of Crossings and J unctions. At a railroad crossing or junction, whenpracticable, a train or engine must not be stopped at apoint where it will interfere with the movement oftrains on the other track.

    Rule 99. Flagging Rule. When a tra in is moving on amain t rack a t l ess than one-ha l f the maximumau tho r i zed t ime tab l e speed fo r any t r a in a t t ha tlocation, flag protection aga inst following t ra ins on thesame track must be provided by a flagman droppingoff single lighted fusees at intervals that will ensurefull protection but which do not exceed the burningtime of the fusee.

    When a t rain is moving on a main track at themaximum authorized timetable speed or more thanone-half the maximum authorized timetable speed forany train at that locat ion, under circumstances inwhich it may be overtaken by a following train, thef lagman must dec ide i f l igh ted fusees should bedropped. The grade , curva ture of t rack , weatherconditions, sight distance, and relative speed of theirtrain to a following train must be considered whendeciding if lighted fusees must be dropped. These con-ditions will govern th e use of fusees by th e flagma n toprotect their train.

    When a train stops on a main track, and flag protec-tion against following trains on the same track isrequired, the f lagman must immediately go back atleast the distance prescribed by timetable or otherinstructions for that territory, place torpedoes, andleave one lighted fusee. He ma y t hen retu rn one-ha lf of


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    the distance to his train, where he must remain until hehas stopped a following train, or is recalled.

    When recalled, and safety to the train will permit, hemay return, leaving a lighted fusee. If recalled beforereaching prescribed distance, he must place torpedoesand leave a lighted fusee. While returning, he musta lso place single light ed fusees at interva ls tha t do notexceed the burning time of the fusee. When the train

    departs, a crew member must leave one lighted fuseea nd, until the tr ain resumes a speed not less tha n one-half the maximum authorized timetable speed for anytrain at that location, he must drop off single lightedfusees at interva ls tha t do not exceed the burning timeon the fusee.

    When required by rules, a flagman must protect thefront of the tra in in the same ma nner. When a t ra in isseen or heard approaching before the flagman hasreached the prescribed dista nce, he must immediatelyplace torpedoes and continue toward the approachingtrain, giving stop signals. A flagman must not permitother duties to interfere with the protection of thetrain. The conductor and engineer must ensure thatf lag protect ion is provided for their t rain, whenrequired. When a train requires protection the engineermust immediately sound whistle signal 15(h) or 15(i)shown in Figure 2. Ina bility t o hea r th ese signals doesnot relieve crew members from protecting the train.

    (1) E xcepti ons to P r otecti on to R ear . Flag Protectionagainst following trains on the same track is notrequired in the following circumstances:


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    When the rear of train is protected by at least twoblock signa ls or one block signa l an d one dista nt signalwithin block system limits.

    When the rear of train is protected by an absoluteblock.

    When the rear of train is within interlockinglimits.

    When train order or special instructions provide

    that flag protection is not required.When prescribed by Rule 93 or Rule 94.

    (2) Protection Entering Main Track.Protectionagainst a following train must be provided whennecessary outside block system limits, unless other-wise relieved of flag protection, before a train fouls amain track in moving out of a siding or other track.

    (3) P r otection on Tr ack E qui pment. Rail detectorsand on-track equipment other than engines or cars,must not be depended upon to actuate block signals,interlocking signals, or highway crossing signals and

    must not be considered under the protection of suchsignals. Flag protection must be provided whenrequired.

    (4) P r otection by Speci al I nstr uctions. Effective onlyon subdivisions where authorized by special instruc-tions, trains will not protect against following extrasunless instructed to do so by train order Form Fexample (4). Protection must be provided to the rear.when required, within the limits of a work extra.

    A train dispatcher must not authorize a follow-ing extra until trains affected have been instructed by


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    train order Form F, example (4) to protect rear asprescribed by rule. A tra in must not permit a followingtra in to pass w ithout t rain order authori ty. Tra ins maypass or be passed by work ex t ras wi thout suchaut hority. When work extras are a uthorized, al l t ra ins

    operat ing wit hin th e limits mu st be furnished a copy ofthe work orders.

    (5) S peci fi c F lag g i ng I nst r ucti ons.When conditionsrequire that a f lagman be sent with specif ic instruc-

    t i o n s a f f e c t i n g t h e m o v e m e n t o f a t r a i n , s u c hinstructions must be in writing. When sent on a train,he must ride the engine and sh ow flagging instr uctionsto the engineer, who must let him off at the locationfrom which protection is to be provided.

    (6) A ck nowl edg e Wh en F lag g ed. When flagged, theengineer must acknowledge stop signals promptly.Flagman must continue giving stop signals until suchs ignals a re acknowledged and ac ted upon. Af te rstopping, t he engineer must be informed of the rea sonfor being fla gged a nd be governed a ccordingly.

    (7) Cr ossin g Over or F ouli ng. When a train crosses

    over to, or obstructs another main track signaled formovement in one direction, flag protection againstmovements aga inst t he current of tra ffic, as prescribedby rule, must be provided unless advice is receivedfrom the train dispatcher that no movements againstthe current of traffic have been, or will be authorized.When the crew has received this advice they mustnotify the train dispatcher when their movement isclear of the other ma in tra ck.

    (8) Pr otection in A BS by Li ning Swi tch.When a trainor engine is within ABS limits and flag protection is


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    required, such protection may be provided by liningand locking a main track switch against movement onthe ma in tra ck at or beyond the point w here the tra inor engine being protected is going to st op movement orclear the main track. If the switch is located within ablock other than the one occupied, movement underthis protection must n ot be made unt il 5 minutes a fterthe switch has been lined. It must be determined thatthere is no train or engine between the switch and thetrain or engine being protected or within, or closely

    approaching, the block where the switch is located. Aflagman must position himself beyond the switch asufficient distance to enable him to stop a movementapproaching at restricted speed short of the train orengine being protected. He m ust remain in position toprevent the switch from being returned to normalposition while the movement is being protected.

    (9) P r otection of E qui pment L eft on Mai n T r ack. Crew leaving equipment on the ma in tr ack w ill be relieved ofproviding flag protection for such equipment uponverbal authority of the train dispatcher. The traindispatcher must know t ha t protection is provided. All

    crews which may use the main track at that point mustbe notified of the location of the equipment and mustmove at restricted speed approaching that location.Unless protection is provided by controlled signals, thelocation of the equipment must be given to crewswhich may use the main track at that point by trainorder or track bulletin.

    Rule 100. Leaving Portion of Train. When an engineleaves part of its train on the main track, a sufficientnumber of hand brakes must be se t to keep thedetached portion from moving. Torpedoes must be


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    placed one fourth mile in advance of the detachedpor t ion to serve as a warning to re turn ing crew members . Unless re turn movement i s o therwiseauthorized, a crew member must remain to provideprotection against movements which may enter maintrack between detached portion and returning frontportion. A detached portion of a train must not bemoved or passed until front portion returns, exceptunder full protection.

    Rule 101. Precautions Due to Unusual Conditions.Trains and engines must be protected against anyknown condition which may interfere with their safety.When conditions exist which may impair visibility oraffect condition of track or structure, speed must beregula ted to ensure safe passage and to ensureobservance a nd compliance with signal indica tions.

    In case of unusually heavy rain, storm, or highwater, trains and engines must be prepared to stopwhen approaching bridges, culverts, and other pointslikely to be affected. If unable to proceed safely, move-ment mu st be stopped and not resumed unt il safe to doso. The tr a in dispa tcher m ust be a dvised of such condi-

    tions by the first a vaila ble mea ns of communicat ion.Rule 101(A). Protection Against Defects. If any defector cond i t i on wh ich migh t cause an acc iden t i sdiscovered in track, bridges, or culverts, or if anymember of a tra in or engine crew h a s reason t o believetha t t he i r t r a in o r eng ine has pa s sed over a n ydan gerous defect, st op must be ma de at once, flag pro-tection provided, and train dispatcher notified.

    Rule 101(B). Water Above Rail. Tra ins a nd enginesmust not be operated over track submerged in water


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    until track has been inspected and known to be safe.Engines must not be operated in excess of 5 mphthrough water above top of rail or through water whichexceeds a depth of 3 inches above top of rail unlessauthorized by mechanical supervisor.

    Rule 101(C). Handled Safely. Crew members must beaware of speed of train or engine, grade conditions, andindication of air gauge to determine that train orengine is being handled safely and under control. If

    necessary they must take immediate action to bringthe train or engine under control.

    Rule 102. Emergency Stop or Severe Slack Action.When a train or engine is stopped by an emergencyapplication of the brakes, or has had severe slackaction incidental to stopping, the following actionmust be taken:

    I f t h e r e i s a n a d j a c e n t t r a c k w h i c h m a y b eobstructed an immediate warning must be given byradio, stating the exact location and status of train orengine. At ea ch end of the t ra in or cars, a lighted fuseemust be immediately displayed on the adjacent track,including tracks of other railroads, and flag protectionprovided in both directions on that track as prescribedby Rule 99, going a t lea st 2 miles if flagging dist a nce isnot known. The flagman may be recalled under thefollowing circumstances:

    When it is known that adjacent tracks are notobstructed.

    When cont rol opera tor ha s provided protectionin CTC or interlocking limits.


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    Where there is a current of t raff ic , f lagmanprotecting adjacent track for movements against thecurrent of tra ffic ma y be recalled upon advice from t hetra in dispatcher that no movement a gainst t he currentof traffic has been, or will be, authorized.

    Inspection must be made on each side of all carsand units and i t must be known that equipment andtrack are in safe condit ion and that al l wheels areproperly positioned on the rail before proceeding. Atrain on an adjacent track receiving radio notificationmust proceed at restricted speed a nd stop short of anyobstruction or flagma n unless advised that the tr ack isclear and it is safe to proceed.

    Rule 103. Shoved, Kicked, or Dropped. When cars areshoved, kicked, or dropped over road crossings atgrade, a crew member must be in position at crossingto wa rn t ra ffic until it is occupied, and ea ch movementover the crossing must be made only on his signal.

    Such warning is not required when a warning isprovided by a watchman or gates known to be func-tioning; or shoving cars and the forward end of theleading car are equipped with brake valve or backuphose and air whistle handled by a crew member.

    Rule 103 (A). Automatic Crossing Devices. When amovement has been delayed or has stopped within3,000 feet of a road crossing equipped with a utoma ticcrossing warning device, the crossing must not beoccupied by either a forward or a reverse movementunless a crossing warning device has been operatingfor 20 seconds to provide warning. If it is not knownthat such a device has been operating for 20 seconds, acrew m ember must be on the ground at the crossing to


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    warn traff ic unti l the crossing is occupied. Crew members must observe all automatic crossing warningdevices and report any that are not working properlyto t ra in d ispa tcher or proper au thor i ty by f i r s tavailable means of communication and give warning toother movements, unless other means of warningtraffic has been provided.

    Rule 103 (B). Protecting Adjacent Tracks. When atrain or cut of cars is parted to clear a road crossing notprotected by a watchman, or is s tanding near suchcrossing, a crew member must be in position to warnt ra ff ic aga ins t t ra ins or engines approaching onadjacent tracks, when practicable.

    Rule 103 (C). Clear of Crossing and Circuit. Cars orengines must be le f t c lear of road cross ings andcrossing signal circuits. When it can be avoided, carsor engines must not be left standing nearer than 250feet to road crossing.

    Rule 103 (D). Actuating Signals Unnecessarily.Automat ic c ross ing s igna ls must no t be ac tua tedunnecessarily by open switch or by permitting equip-ment to stand within controlling circuit. When thiscannot be avoided, if the signals are equipped formanual operat ion, a crew member must manuallyoperate the signal for movement of traffic. A crew member must restore signals to automatic operationbefore crossing is occupied by a train or engine, orbefore leaving the crossing.

    Rule 103 (E). Handling Ahead of Engine. Exceptswitching movements or when otherwise necessary,cars must not be shoved. When shoving cars, move-m e n t m u s t b e m a d e a t r e s t r i c t e d s p e e d u n l e s s


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    movement is contr olled by a brake va lve on t he leadingcar. When so controlled, a nd t ra in movement ha s beenauthorized in that direction, movement may be madenot exceeding 40 mph.

    Rule 103 (F). Blocking Public Crossings. A Publiccrossing must not be blocked longer than 15 minuteswhen it can be avoided.

    Rule 103 (G). Switching Safely and Efficiently.Personnel performing switching must do so efficientlyand in a manner which will avoid personal injury,damage to contents of cars, equipment, structures, orother property.

    Rule 103 (H). Understanding Between CrewsSwitching. Where engines may be working at bothends of a track or tracks, there must be anunderstanding of movements to be made to avoid in-jury or da ma ge.

    Rule 103 (I). Precautions Coupling or Moving. Beforecoupling to or moving cars or engines, it must beknown that they are properly secured and can becoupled a nd m oved sa fely. Couplings must be ma de ata speed of not more than 4 mph. Slack must bestretched to be sure that all couplings are made.

    Rule 103 (J ). Shoving or Fouling. When cars or enginesare shoved and conditions require, a crew membermust be in a position where he is clearly seen on theleading car or in advance of the movement to provideprotection. Cars must not be shoved to foul leads oradjacent t racks unt i l i t is safe to do so. Unlessprotection is provided, cars or engines must not be leftstanding where they will foul equipment on adjacent


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    tra cks or cau se injury to personnel riding on side of ca ror engine.

    Rule 103 (K). Test Hand Brakes. Personnel must know how to operate the type of brakes they are to use.When necessary to control or prevent movement ofcars by hand brakes, tests must be performed toensure that han d brakes ar e opera t ive before they a reused.

    Rule 103 (L). Securing Cars or Engines. The air brakesmust not be depended upon to hold a train, engine, orcars in place when left unattended. When train, engine,or cars are lef t s tan ding, enough ha nd brakes must bea pplied to prevent m ovement w ith a ir brakes released.If hand brakes are not adequate, wheels must beblocked.

    Before an engine is detached from a train or cut offfrom cars left standing on a grade, slack must bebunched and enough hand brakes must be set on thedescending end of the train or cars to secure thedetached portion. When the engine is recoupled to thetrain or cars , the hand brakes must not be released

    until the air brake system is fully recharged. Whencar s ar e moved from any tra ck an d other cars are lef ts tanding, enough hand brakes must be applied toprevent rema ining cars from moving.

    Rule 103 (M). Kicking or Dropping. Kicking or dropping of cars will be permitted only when such move-ment can be made without danger to personnel, equipment, or contents of cars. Before dropping cars, crew members involved must have a full understanding ofthe movement to be made. The track must be suffi-ciently clear and switches and hand brakes must be in


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    working order. The engine must run on stra ight t ra ckwhen practicable. Cars must not be dropped overspring switches or dual control switches.

    Rule 103 (N). Hazardous Materials and High ValueLoads. Cars conta in ing hazardous mater ia l s , asdesignated in instructions for handling hazardousmaterials, and cars designated as high value loadsmust not be cut off while in motion; str uck by a ny carmoving under its own momentum; or coupled to with

    any more force than necessary to make coupling.Rule 103 (O). Cars Being Loaded or Unloaded. Beforecoupling to or moving cars on tracks where cars arebeing loaded or unloaded, platforms, boards, tank carcouplings and connections, conveyors, loading orunloa ding spout s a n d s im ila r a pplia n ces orconnections, vehicles, and other obstructions must beremoved and clear; plug-type and swinging doors oncars must be closed and secured. Persons in, on, orabout cars must vacate cars before they are switched.Exercise care to avoid damage to lading of partiallyloaded cars.

    If cars are known to be improperly or unevenlyloaded to the extent that there is danger of the loads h if t in g or f a l li n g fr om c a r , ca r d er a i l in g , oroverturning they must not be handled. In loading orunloading cars, employees must take precautions toprevent the load from becoming unevenly distributedto the extent that there is danger of the caroverturning or derailing. Any car t ha t ha s been placedfor loading or unloading, w hich has not been relea sedfor movement, must be returned to original locationunless otherwise directed.


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    Rule 103 (P). Switching Passenger or Occupied Cars.Before switching passenger equipment or occupiedoutfit cars, air must be coupled and brake systemcharged. Automatic brake valve must be used in suchswitching. When coupling is made, couplers must befully compressed and stretched to know that knucklesare locked before making air, steam, and electricalconnections.

    U t m o s t c a u t i o n m u s t b e u s e d t o a v o i d r o u g h

    handling. Passenger cars or similar equipment oroccupied outfit cars must not be cut off while in motionand no car moving under its own momentum shall bea l l o w e d t o s t r i k e t h e m . W h e n a s i g n r e a d i n gOCCUPIED OUTFIT CARS is at tached to switch,or to cars, car s must not be coupled to nor moved unt iloccupant s ha ve been notified an d permission given bythe foreman or his representative.

    Rule 103 (Q). Additional Switching Precaution. Thefol lowing equipment must no t be unnecessar i lyswitched with nor couplings made in a manner thatmay cause damage to equipment or load:

    Passenger or outfit cars.Intermodal or TOFC cars.Cabooses . Multi- level loads.Cars containing livestock.Open top loads subject to shifting.

    Rule 103 (R). Movement Through Gates or Doorways.Before engines or cars are moved through gates,doorways, or similar openings, they must stop. Gates,doorways, or openings must be completely open and


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    secured before engines or cars pass through them.There must be enough overhead or side clearances toallow safe passage.

    Rule 103 (S). Necessary Brakes Charged. Ca rs must notbe handled without air brake system charged unlessthey can be handled safely and stopped within requireddistance. If necessary, sufficient number of cars musthave air hoses coupled and brake systems charged topermit controlling movement.

    Rule 103 (T). Movements into Spur Tracks.Movements int o spur tra cks must be controlled to pre-vent damage at end of the spur. When shoving carsinto a spur t ra ck, movement must be stopped 150 feetfrom the end of the spur and further movement mustbe preceded by a crew member when it can be donesafely. Movement must be made only on his signal.

    Rule 104. Hand Operation of Switches. When spring ordual control switches are operated by hand, they arecons ide red hand ope ra t ed swi t ches . The ru l e sgoverning hand operated switches apply to them,except tha t car s must not be dropped over them.

    Rule 104 (A). Position of Switches. The person han-dling the switch or derail is responsible for the positionof switches or derails being used. When practicable,crew members on the engine ensure that switches andderails near the engine are properly lined. Personnelhandling switches and derai ls ensure that they areproperly lined for the route to be used. The points must

    t properly and the indication of target or lamp, if soequipped, must correspond with the position of theswitch. When the operating lever is equipped with alatch, personnel must not step on latch to release the


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    operating lever except when throwing the switch.After locking a switch or derail, the lock must betested to know it is secured.

    Rule 104 (B). Main Track Switches. The normal posi-tion of a main track switch is for main track movement-

    and it must be left lined and locked in that position.Exceptions in which it may be left open are-

    In CTC territory to hold tra ck and t ime limits.

    When attended by a crew member or switcht ender.

    During sw itching operat ions wh en it is positivelyknown tha t no other tra in or engine will pass over th eswitch.

    For another train or engine when at tended by amember of that crew.

    Within ABS limits, at meeting or passing points,trains operating without a caboose may leave sidingswitch, lined and locked for siding. Train using maintra ck must stop and crew members must line and lockthe switch in normal position.On main track switches so equipped, the target willshow red when lined in other than its normal position.

    Rule 104 (C). Crossover Switches and Switches inSidings. The normal position of switches connectingany track, except main track, to a siding is lined andlocked or secured for movement on the siding. Thenorma l position of crossover sw itches is lined for otherthan crossover movement. They must be lined in thenormal position except when changed for immediatemovement t hrough them.


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    Rule 104(D). Approaching Movements. Other tracksmust not be fouled nor switches operated whenconflicting movement is closely approaching switch.Except at spring switches, tra ins must not foul a ma intra ck or signa lled tr ack or pass beyond insulated jointsat clearance point until switches connected with themovement are properly lined. Crossover switches mustnot be un locked or lined for crossover m ovement w henthere is another movement approaching or passingover either switch.

    Rule 104 (E). Equipped With Locks, Hooks. When notin use, switches equipped with locks must be locked,and switches equipped with hooks or latches must behooked or latched. For movement in either directionover such switches, switch must be latched or securedby placing lock or hook in has p. For tra in movement infacing point direction, switches equipped with a lockmust be locked. If a sw itch lock is missing or defective,it must be replaced. If this cann ot be done, the sw itchmust be spiked and reported at once to the traindispatcher or, when in the yard, to the yardmaster or

    supervisor in charge.Rule 104 (F). Clearing Main Track. A train or engineleaving a main track must clear the main track beforestopping for the tra inma n wh o is att ending the switch.The switch must not be restored to normal positionuntil the train is entirely clear of the main track.

    Rule 104 (G). Restoring to Normal Position. Personnelalighting from moving equipment