Flow of Energy Project This is a 3 part project due on September 24 th

Flow of Energy Project This is a 3 part project due on September 24 th

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Flow of Energy Project

This is a 3 part project due on September 24th

Select a land biome or an aquatic ecosystem

Land Biomes• Desert

• Grassland

• Tropical Rain Forest

• Temperate Rain Forest

• Temperate Deciduous Forest

• Taiga

• Tundra

Aquatic Ecosystem• Freshwater: Streams and Rivers

• Freshwater: Ponds and Lakes

• Wetlands

• Estuaries

• Open Oceans

• Coastal Oceans

• Coral Reefs

Research your biome or aquatic ecosystem

For land biomes: What type of weather/climate affects the biome?

For both: Where is it located?

For both: Provide 5 facts about the location you have selected.

Select an animal from the location you have picked.

• Pick 1 animal

• Research its habitat

• Provide 5 facts about the animal

Part 1: Food Chain• Using the animal you selected create a food chain.

• The more creative the food chain, the more points.

• Ex:

This will not get you more points

Part 2: Food Web

• Using your animal, create a food web.

• Ex:

Part 3: Energy Pyramid• On a poster board or on butcher paper (ask me if you would like butcher

paper) you will create an energy pyramid for your selected animal.

• You need to correctly show the following: Primary producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, and tertiary consumer. Outside the pyramid you need to have two different decomposers that might be found in this ecosystem you have chosen.

• You can either draw the animals (neatly), cut out of a magazine or print them off a computer. Attached to the poster board needs to be a paragraph describing the ecosystem you chose, describing each producer/consumer (why they are on the level they are, such as diet, characteristics, etc.) and describing why your pyramid is set up the way it is.

Example of Energy Pyramid