Florid Fa

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  • 8/10/2019 Florid Fa


    A peninsula (Latin: paeninsula from paene "almost" and insula "island"; also called a byland orbiland) is a piece of land that is bordered by water on three sides but connected to mainland.[1]he surroundin! water is usually understood to belon! to a sin!le conti!uous body[#][$] but isnot always e%plicitly defined as such.[&] A peninsula can also be a headland (head) cape islandpromontory bill point or spit.['] ote that a point is !enerally considered a taperin! piece of landproectin! into a body of water that is less prominent than a cape.[*] +n ,n!lish the plural ofpeninsula is peninsulas or less commonly peninsulae.

    -lorida Listeni fl r d/ is a state in the southeastern re!ion of the 0nited tates bordered to the west by the 2ulf of 3e%ico to the north by Alabama and 2eor!ia to the east by the Atlantic4cean and to the south by the traits of -lorida. -lorida is the ##nd most e%tensi5e the &th mostpopulous and the 6th most densely populated of the '7 0nited tates. he state capital isallahassee the lar!est city is 8ac9son5ille and the lar!est metropolitan area is the 3iamimetropolitan area.

    3uch of -lorida is a peninsula between the 2ulf of 3e%ico the Atlantic 4cean and the traits of-lorida. +ts !eo!raphy is notable for a coastline omnipresent water and the threat of hurricanes.-lorida has the lon!est coastline in the conti!uous 0nited tates encompassin! appro%imately1$'7 miles (#17 9m) and is the only state that borders both the 2ulf of 3e%ico and the Atlantic

    4cean. 3uch of the state is at or near sea le5el and is characteried by sedimentary soil. heclimate 5aries from subtropical in the north to tropical in the south.[6] ome of its most iconicanimals such as the American alli!ator crocodile -lorida panther and the manatee can befound in the ,5er!lades ational

  • 8/10/2019 Florid Fa


    -rom 1'1$ onward the land became 9nown as La -lorida. After 1*$7 and throu!hout the 16thcentury e!esta (after the eFuesta tribe) was an alternate name of choice for the -loridapeninsula followin! publication of a map by the Gutch carto!rapher Cessel 2errits in 8oannes deLaetHs Cistory of the ew orld.[1'][1*][1]

    he horse which the nati5es had eaten into e%tinction 17777 years a!o[16] was reintroducedinto orth America with the ,uropean e%plorers and into -lorida in 1'$6.[1@] As the animals werelost or stolen they be!an to become feral.

    45er the followin! century both the panish and -rench established settlements in -lorida with5aryin! de!rees of success. +n 1''@ Gon ristIn de Luna y Arellano established a colony atpresentJday

  • 8/10/2019 Florid Fa


    -ebruary #7 16*& and the battle of atural Mrid!e ust south of allahassee on 3arch * 16*'.Moth were Bonfederate 5ictories.[#*] he war ended in 16*'. 4n 8une #' 16*6 -loridaHscon!ressional representation was restored.

    After Eeconstruction white Gemocrats succeeded in re!ainin! power in the state le!islature inthe 167s. +n 166' they created a new constitution followed by statutes throu!h 166@ thateffecti5ely disfranchised most blac9s and many poor whites o5er the ne%t se5eral years.

  • 8/10/2019 Florid Fa


    endemic) and others. 4ne subspecies of wild tur9ey 3elea!ris !allopa5o namely subspeciesosceola is found only in -lorida.['&] he state is a winterin! location for many species of easternorth American birds.

    As a result of climate chan!e there ha5e been small numbers of se5eral new species normallynati5e to cooler areas to the north: snowy owls snow buntin!s harleFuin duc9s and raorbills.hese ha5e been seen in the northern part of the state.['']+n5ertebrates: carpenter ants termites American coc9roach Africanied bees the 3iami bluebutterfly and the !riled mantis.he only 9nown cal5in! area for the northern ri!ht whale is off the coasts of -lorida and 2eor!ia.['*]

    he nati5e bear population has risen from a historic low of $77 in the 1@7s to $777 in #711.[']

    ince their accidental importation from outh America into orth America in the 1@$7s the redimported fire ant population has increased its territorial ran!e to include most of the outhern0nited tates includin! -lorida. hey are more a!!ressi5e than most nati5e ant species andha5e a painful stin!.['6]

    A number of nonJnati5e sna9es and liards ha5e been released in the wild. +n #717 the statecreated a huntin! season for Murmese and +ndian pythons African roc9 pythons !reen

    anacondas and ile monitor liards.['@] 2reen i!uanas ha5e also established a firm populationin the southern part of the state.

    here are about '77777 feral pi!s in -lorida.[*7]