Fish Body Part Review

Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

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Page 1: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

Fish Body Part Review

Page 2: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This fin is the _________ fin Anal


Page 3: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This fish is a _______________.

female male


Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 4: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This cover is called the ___________________________OPERCULUM


Page 5: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This is the_____________


Image from BIODIDAC

Page 6: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This sense organ is called the_____________ ________

Tell TWO things it can sense

Lateral line system

Vibration & water pressure

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 7: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

The arrow is pointing at the _______________atrium

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 8: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This fin is the _______________________ fin.

Anterior dorsal


Page 9: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This orange structure is the _________________

Its function is to __________________

It is part of the __________________ system.

ovaryMake eggsreproductive

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 10: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal


A = _______________________

B= ________________________

C= ________________________




Page 11: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

These pouches are _______________________

Their function is to ________________________

Pyloric caeca

Contain microorganisms to digest plants

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 12: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This fish is a ___________ female male


Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 13: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This fin is the ___________________ fin.

Posterior dorsal


Page 14: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

#1 = ___________

#2 = ______________





Pectoral fin

Page 15: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This part of the intestine where the pouches are attached is called the


Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 16: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This is the ___________ fin.Pectoral

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 17: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This is the ______________________Intestine

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 18: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

Name the two digestive enzymes that are added here.

Bile and trypsin

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 19: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This organ is the ______________

Give a function.


Gas exchange, excrete nitrogen waste; osmoregulation

Page 20: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This gas filled sac is the ___________________

Its function is to control ___________________Swim bladder


Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 21: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This is the __________________ fin.caudal

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 22: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This is the _______ fin. Pelvic


Page 23: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This colored organ is the ________________

Image from: BIODIDAC


Page 24: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This triangular colored organ is the ________________

Give 2 functions:


Image from: BIODIDAC

Make bile, store vitamins, store glycogen,process toxins for kidneys

Page 25: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This part of the heart is the ___________ventricle

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 26: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This largest section of the brain =__________________Give a function:____________________________

optic tectum

Image modified from: http://www.flushing.k12.mi.us/srhigh/tippettl/biology/perch/index.html

Receives & processes info from visual, auditory, and lateral line systems

Page 27: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This dark area is the _________________

Give a function

Give the body system



Excrete nitrogen waste;

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 28: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This part of the heart is the ____________________


Page 29: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

These nerves that connect the brain to the nostrils are the ___________ nerves.olfactory

Image modified from: http://www.flushing.k12.mi.us/srhigh/tippettl/biology/perch/index.html 

Page 30: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This brain part is the _____________

It controls _____________________cerebellum

Motor coordination and balance

Page 31: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This brain part is the _____________

Its function is _____________________cerebrum

Coordinate info from all other parts“ HIGHER thinking”

Page 32: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

These brain parts are the _____________

They receive info about ______________________________________.

Optic tectum

Vision, hearing (auditory) & lateral line

Page 33: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

Which 2 openings are found here?

Anus & urogenital pore

Image from:http://www.flushing.k12.mi.us/srhigh/tippettl/biology/perch/index.html

Page 34: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

A (C shaped bone) = _____________

B = __________________

Gill arch

Gill filament

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 35: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

Name 3 functions part B aboveExchange gasesExcrete nitrogen waste (ammonia)Osmoregulation (water/ion balance)

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 36: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This triangular colored organ is the ________________

Give 2 functions:


Image from: BIODIDAC

Make bile, store vitamins, store glycogen,process toxins for kidneys

Page 37: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

These light colored structures are the _____________

The function is to _____________________


Make sperm

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 38: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

Name the opening these light colored structures use as an exit.

Urogenital pore

Image by Riedell/Vanderwal©2005

Page 39: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

This dark colored strip next to the intestine is the _________________

Its function is to ____________________


Make, store, process RBC’S

Page 40: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

What’s the part?Controls buoyancy_____________________

Makes bile _________________________

Makes trypsin ________________________

Stores bile _______________________

Makes, stores, processesred blood cells __________________

Swim bladder



Gall bladder


Page 41: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

What’s the part?Exit for sperm & urine

OR eggs & urine _____________________

Exchanges gases ________________________

Osmoregulation ____________ & ___________

Processes toxins for kidneys ______________

Urogenital pore


Kidneys gills


Page 42: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

What’s the part?Exit for feces _____________________

Senses vibration &

water pressure _________________________

Covers & protects gills____________________

Blood vessels where ____________________gas, nutrient, and waste

exchange happens


Lateral line



Page 43: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

What’s the part?Blood vessels that carry

blood away from the heart _____________________

Stores glycogen & vitamins_________________________

Bone that protects the brain ____________________

Blood vessels that carry

blood back to heart from body _______________

Pumping chamber of heart ______________






Page 44: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

What’s the part?Molecule used by animalcells to store glucose _____________________

Removes nitrogen wastefrom blood and makes urine ___________________

Fingerlike extensions thatincreases surface area ____________

INSIDE the intestine

Makes acid and starts digestion ____________





Page 45: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

What’s the part?Make sperm _____________________

Receives and processes info from visual, auditory (hearing) & lateral line systems _________________________

Contain bacteria to digest plants ________________________

Provide protection to skin

& reduce water resistance ___________________


Optic tectum

Pyloric caeca


Page 46: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

What’s the part?Receives and processes info

about smell _____________________

Controls motor function; muscle coordination & balance __________________

Coordinates info from other parts; Higher thinking

(memory; learning; reasoning)__________________

Tubules that carry sperm

from testes to exit ________________________

Olfactory lobes



Vas deferens

Page 47: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

What’s the part?Receives and processes info

about smell _____________________

Controls motor function; muscle coordination & balance __________________

Coordinates info from other parts; Higher thinking

(memory; learning; reasoning)__________________

Tubules that carry sperm

from testes to exit ________________________

Olfactory lobes



Vas deferens

Page 48: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

What’s the part?Relays sensory info from body;

Controls autonomic internal________________organs

Carries nerve signals toand from brain and body __________________

Skeleton INSIDE the body__________________

Medulla oblongata

Spinal cord


Page 49: Fish Body Part Review. This fin is the _________ fin Anal

What’s the part?

Receives blood fromsinus venosus and sendsit to ventricle __________________

Absorbs nutrients &collects digestive waste _________________

Tube that connectspharynx to stomach __________________




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