First Year Book

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Graphic Product Innovation Year 1

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visual language and grammar

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We began our first workshop by look-ing at the difference between colour, shape and space. We started with the colours black, grey and white to see the difference between the foreground & background and possitive & nega-tive structure. We then looked at how colour can be interpretid into black, grey and white. Using a yellow colour we found out that it is seen clearer and bolderon a black background then a white background. We then looked at the same idea but with the colour blue.

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We then experimented with different types of spacing using rectangles. Especially with a rectangular shape, we all came to the conclusion that no matter how big the spacing was, they all looked like bar codes!

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the line andthe dot

Finally we looked at space and to see if theres a relationship between two different shapes. By using a line and a dot we saw many differ-ent types of relationship to see if the different shapes are affected. Some examples looks like the the dot falling on the line and others look like the dot is falling with the line. The similairty between these three examples are that they all show motion.

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‘Typography is a powerful tool of communication.’

Typescapes was our second work-shop. We all created different types of leaflets and posters. These exer-cises were to show different levels of importance in a text and how we can empashise it.

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Innovation and Design Principles Typescapes/ Type Workshop

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taxonomy of sweets

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Concentrating on the ‘Five Hat Racks’ idea (category, time, location, alphabet and continu-um), we categorised the sweets in as many different ways as possible. For example, shapes, colours, texture, personal taste, looks, resembalence to every day life.

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Girl Sweets Boy Sweets

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taxonomy of words

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Alphabetical Order






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Alphabetical Order






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Taxonomy Mobile Phones

Height order.

I then decided to categorise my own selected item. Looking through a drawer at my parents house, I discovered our collection of mobile phones from the late 90’s. After alot of online research about 10 mobile phones, I was able to categorise them into the following catergories:- Height order- Order of release date- Phones with traditional pick up/ hang up buttons- Flip/ slide phones- Stand-by time- Phones with an aerial- Colours- Change of covers

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The improvement of technology from 1998 to 2008.

Order released.

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Order released v’s standby time

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Traditional ‘hang up’ button.

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design toolbox

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Working in groups, both the first and second years

had weekly projects to lead to one final outcome. The aim of the project(s)

was to cover and un-derstand the different processes of design.

The ‘Designers Block’ is our final outcome for this project. Each part of the block represents a differ-ent process and stage to

design and it also includes techniques to help a in-

spire imagination.

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1 2 3 4 5 61. Measure and cut wood.2. Glue and stick wood.3. Cut the acrylic.4. Melt the acrylic.5. Vacuum form.6. Cut into shape.

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“Finding the problem”The camera will help inspire individuals for ideas.

“Research and analyise”This tray has ideo cards as well as different types of people. The Ideo cards will help you to learn, look, as and try.

“Idea generator”This includes the ‘Six Hats’ which is to help generate ideas. Each hat has informa-tion on it about what to think about.

“Refinement”Simple questions to help you refine your brief which include:- Who- What-Where-When

“Design development”This tray incourages you to develop your idea’s further.

“Presentation”Finally, inside here has cards with others ways of doing a presentation without using power point.

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Evaluating our final piece, I believe that it has ended up being extreme-ly sucessful as it clearly shows the

different stages of design.

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boxing london

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Boxing London was one of our first projects we were given. St. Thomas Street was the road that me and Tom were given. This road was full of old history, modern architecture and upcoming buildings. Walking down the street, we both could feel the differences between one end and the other end of the street. We wanted to portray these feelings in our final piece by showing the shadows verses the light.

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We chose to concentrate on the stucture of the Shard (the new building being made) and Guys hospital for our model. We also wated to incoporate the fences that we saw continuously on St. Thomas’ Street.

The last thing we wanted to incoportate into our design is the sense of light and dark on the street.

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For our final piece, we used simple struc-tures to define the buildings. The reason why we did this was to show the contrast of light and dark. The effects were made by using a side light to cast the shadows from the large buildings onto the back-set. We created the essence of light (the yellow shimmer) by holding a large piece of gold card opposite the light and shining it onto the tower.

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3D Type

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My typeface was based on the movie ‘Big Fish’. It is about flamboyant biog-raphy about Edwards life. My favourtie scene from the film is in a daffodil field. This is where I decided to use the colour yellow to represent the love in the film. The phrase ‘This isn’t how I go’ comes from the movie sound track. For my final photo (the double spread previous), I decided to place the let-tering on the grass instead of handing them to represent the scene in the film.

‘I could tell you the wildest of tales, my friend the giant and travelling sales’

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Photography final piece

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Alter Ego

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After process of elimination from my initial ideas,, I decided that my Alter-Ego will be based on cigarettes. The 1940 - 1960’s campaigns about smoking has always fascinated me (especially the example I have above) so I decided to think of a way I can adapt this to the twenty-first century.

Instead of basing it on smoking, I de-cided that I wanted to help the smokers quit. Nicorette is the UK’s most popular brand to help smokers quit but I don’t think there packaging is eye-catching for smokers. Therefore, I will design a new packaging idea for Nicorette to help the smokers that want to quit, to quit.

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A sketch to show the Nicorette inhalator.

The idea of what the packaging will look like.

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My Alter-ego was to re-design the packaging for the Nicorette Inhala-tor. When seeing the normal box on the shelf, I thought to myself that it doesn’t relate to smokers. By making the box into a cigarette-shaped box, it has its alter-ego.

If someone carries this box in their bag, an on-looker will automatically think that it has cigarettes in the box, but actually it has the inhalator that is helping smokers health.

Alter-Ego Nicorette.

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end users affordances redesigning affordances

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‘Affordance in design are what give the design an understandable meaning’

By creating a photo essay of affor-dances that we come across every day, we were all about to understand what it meant by the word ‘affor-dance’. Affordances are anything from, plugs, bins, doors, handles, stapler, letterbox, taps, telephones, shoes, shaver etc.

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Analysing my research, I de-cided to concentrate on house locks and to try and develop a way to re-design this affordance.

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These are a hand-full of idea’s that I designed to change a locks af-fordance. Unfortunatly, I got extremely stuck, so i went back to my research photos and chose to re-design the affordance of a fridge.

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A fridge is a storage place for food.

What happens if you open your fridge one day and see something else being stored in there apart from food?

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The following are seven out of the twenty examples I came up with to re-design a fridges affordance

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The photos on these spreads are from my final piece. It shows a fridge as a book shelf.

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wayfinding around Elephant and Castle

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Everyday, we all have to go through the underpasses at Elephant and Castle. We all have the same feelings towards these un-derpasses; they are dark, gloomy, scary at night and most of us do not feel safe walking through them. To add to these feelings, the underpasses are extremely confusing to first users and the signs are extremely unclear. Our aim was to come up with an alternative solu-tion.

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Idea One clearer directions Idea Two path lines to follow

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Idea Three travelator

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Idea Four lights to follow

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These are our prototypes for the Way finding project. The top 5 photographs were from

our idea to follow the different lights. These are vacuum formed semi-spheres that would be placed at shoulder height on the walls in

the underpasses.

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Our second prototype is for the travelator idea. These are the handles that would go with it. These handles would appear from the seeing and you would pull it down to a comfortable height, place your hand on the grip and step on the travelator. Like the first prototype, each handle will be colour coordi-nated for a specific location.

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Pictograms of my day

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Pictograms can be seen in day to day life. The majority of pictograms are to instruct the user to do something or to tell them something. For example, on aeroplanes you get the emergancy instruction books and whilst driving the majority of roadsigns are in pictograms.

Jamie set us the challenge of drawing a day of our life in pictograms.

I found this alot harder than I thought it would be. There-fore, the majority of my sketchbook work were different examples I could use for diferent words, phrases, places, people, food, actions etc.

Adjacent are examples of the sketches I did in my sketch-book. Starting from the top, I was trying to think of different ways of showing breakfast. Next was an experiment of trying to draw out ‘Oxford Street’. The third was trying to describe my work place (a spa in Soho, London) and the forth was to explain different types of technology.

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Adjacent is my final piece showing 24 hours of an average day of my life.

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end users find and improve

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These are our four objects that we chose for this project - a kife and fork, mascara, stapler and a pyrex jug.

We decided to go with a pyrex jug and to see if we could make a device for blind users to be able to pour hot liquids without spilling any of it and without having to use there finger to see how high the liquid is.

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On the adjacent page, I have scanned in work from my sketch-book. We came up with the de-sign pretty easily. We wanted to have something to hook onto the side of a mug, dish or bowl so it can be taken off after use.

Because our user are the blind, we can ot have anything too small so we have gone with the idea of having quite a chunky outer shelll with braille on the top. The sensor will be found in the shorter side of the arch and once the water level rises, a noice will be made to alert the user.

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Above is the programme we used for the sensor. The soft wear is called Arduino.

Once we had successfully complet-ed the softwear, we had to connect the wires and breadboard together.

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These photos are of our final prototype being connected together and hooked up to the computer programme.

To hide the wires, we build a stand to out the cup on (to make the photos neater)

When you poor water into the glass, the sensor will activate when it is roughly 70% full.

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final outcome find and improve

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the way we eat

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I started this project by looking at table manors and diets people have. I then researched more into dramatic weight-lose diets and the way body shapes are portrayed in the media. I then read a book called ‘A post-secret book: my secret’ by Frank Warren which influenced me into doing my own book of secrets and getting vol-unteers to anonymously write down an eating habit. The next few pages are examples of the book and types of secrets that are included

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My second idea for this project was to look at countries differ-ent diets and the way we can steriotype a country with food. I therefore did two surveys - One was a random survey that I did on surveymonkey.com and 34 people replied and then I asked a friend/ work colleuge / family member from each country to fill in the same questionnaire to steriotype their country and to steriotype the others.

The results were interesting. For example, 92% of people sterio-typed America with burgers and 86% steriotyped France with snails.

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I then decided to attempt to make an animation of the results from my survey. However, this was unsuccessful as I have never done an animation before and it kept on going wrong. I therefore developed my ideas in a different direction.

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My final idea was to create a pack for students to make sure they have a balanced meal. Be-ing a student myself, my diet can be extremely bad.

I therefore came up with the idea to have 3 magnetic dice (one with carbs, one with protein, one with vegetables) and a magnetic meal book which can be at-tached onto the fridge for easy use.

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packaging broad oak farm

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We did a bit of research and found out that the most sought after sausage packing was one that had two separate contain-ers, which could be both frozen and refrigerated.

Surprisingly this kind of packag-ing is not around and split con-tainers are only limited to sepa-rating fruit from yogurts or cereal from milk. I know from experi-ence that trying to chisel off two sausages from a frozen packet of twelve is a pretty difficult job, but why should it be?

The container we’re prototyp-ing would be a breakable plastic tray. This would mean

house hold of two or maybe just a very hungry individual could eat the first pack and freeze the second quite easily with no chis-eling accidents. The sausages would also be available in two sets of six for larger families.

The photos on these pages are of our prototype.

Research and Initial Ideas

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Our second idea was to concentrate on the idea that Broad Oak Farm is a family run and local business. We decided to incorporate the brown paper bag idea into our next idea. We also wanted to in-clude the awards that the farm has also achieved so using illustrator we developed the logos into stamps.

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We’re a small company. We don’t have a fancy advertising cam-paign; you wont find a big song and dance here. We don’t even

have a talking dog!Just tasting sausages

98 PercentEasy Peasy

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prototyping handover gift

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My main influence was the mascots. Whilst doing this project, they were revealed in the 3rd week. I was lucky enough that my work could combined the mascots idea.

At first I was looking de-signing an abstract way of representing London, but I have ended up showing London using its 3 most popular area’s -1) Londons views2) The Arts3) Londons History

To incorporate the 26 sport-ing events, I photocopied the logos onto accertate and stuck them on to the buildings.

For the projection, I left the area of the board at the front so a projection can be shone onto it.

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top - the base. bottom - london eye

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top - tower bridge. bottom - tate modern

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